View Full Version : Would you be interested in a Miko Miyazaki backstory book?

2007-08-14, 01:57 AM
I was thinking tonight about the various "all new" books that Rich could make that would flesh out the world of the OotS. We know from comments in No Cure for the Paladin Blues that he is planning another "all new" book after Start of Darkness. For the longest time people have been speculating on what that book might be, with the two leading contenders being a look at the adventuring days of The Order of the Rift and the backstory to The Linear Guild.

However, I was thinking that another interesting book might be a look at Azure City. How did the Noble Families react to the changes in the city post-Soon? How did the Nobles get so powerful in the first place? And I thought this might be an excellent opportunity to flesh out the history of Lord Shojo, Lord Hinjo and Miko. And then the thought struck me. Instead of a look at Azure City in general, why not a look at the life and times of Miko Miyazaki?

She is, by far, the most controversial character in the history of the comic. No other character even comes close. But she is also, judging by all of the chatter about her, one of the most compelling. So the question I have to all of you is this: Would you be interested in a look at what shaped Miko into what she is today?

Before you answer too quickly, I will point out that there were a lot of surprises in the Xykon/Redcloak backstory. And quite a few scenes that changed the way I look at the characters involved. And since Miko is dead (and probably not coming back as a flesh and blood character), this leaves Rich with the excellent opportunity to show just how she got so warped in the first place, without it tainting our look at her future development.

Might she earn some sympathy from some of the readers if we know what events changed her worldview? Or would we look at her even more harshly if we realize that she didn't have to turn out the way she did? Either way, I think that Start of Darkness proves that it would be a fascinating read.

PS : Even if we got a Miko focused backstory, I would still like a general look at Azure City. Especially if the OotS leaves Azure City with it's future still up in the air. We could get a Before and After the War type saga.

C'mon Rich, you know you want to write these! :smallbiggrin: I guarantee you I would be one of the first in line to buy them. :smallwink:

2007-08-14, 02:14 AM
I have too thought this would be a good idea. Then I remembered Thog is in the linear guild :smalltongue:

2007-08-14, 02:17 AM
No thank you.

I for one have had more than my share of paladins, Azure City, and Miko Mayazaki. I want to know more about the world beyond the Southern Lands, I want to meet new interesting characters, with a focus on different themes than honour and Good/Evil alignment concerns.
If alignment were to come in to focus again, I would be far more interested in conflicts along the Lawful/Chaotic axis - something which seems to suffer general negligence in 3.x Edition D&D.

2007-08-14, 02:19 AM
Depending on how it relate to everything else, I think that would be an interesting and hopefully funny book. Since the City seems to be falling apart with nearly every character dead that would have a long backstory, the book would probably not help setup anything for the future comics, though there is always a chance that Miko or the Sapphire Guard's travels will bring us clues (or insight) into places we will see later in the comic. We already have some insight on them from earlier in Shojo's reign from Start of Darkness (or at least how the Guard effect Redcloak). However this was limited and doesn't flesh out the blue people's place in the world aside from their Gate.

On the other hand they might not be so powerful that they do much outside their borders aside from the actions of the Guard. That said, Miko's rise would be interesting to watch since we have seen her fall. If the humor can be maintained in a Miko story that doesn't involve the Order in any way it might work. Otherwise the story will (like with Start of Darkness) follow several people around over time. Focus on the City (perhaps Soon even) early on, then Shojo (of even his father) and his Guard, post Soon, then Miko and the present generation of Guards (Lien, Hinjo, and O-Chul) and Mr. Scruffy. Of course the Paladins are not by themselves funny. They'll need something to make them funny (well Hinjo can be funny) without throwing the characters too far from how they are in the comic. It will be tough, at least from a humor point of view. The story might be grand, but it still requires humor.

Ponder this we shall.

2007-08-14, 02:19 AM
So basically the linear guild :smallconfused: Response to the guy before the guy before me :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-14, 04:06 AM
Don't like the idea. Miko's backstory--monastery until she was taken away to train as a paladin by Lord Shojo--just doesn't strike me as that interesting. OK, sure, she's often given the missions where she's away from Azure City for long periods at a time, but that then turns the whole thing into a sort of travelogue...you know the deal, travel to new places, meet new interesting beings, Smite them... :smallsmile:

2007-08-14, 04:09 AM
I wouldn't be interested to be honest, I never cared for Miko, and don't really consider her an important enough part of the strip to deserve a backstory book.

2007-08-14, 05:16 AM
One might imagine that each of the major plot parties (Xykon & Co., OotS, the Azurites, and the LG) will get their own backstory eventually. Just don't hold your breath.
Rich has gone to some trouble to explain that demands on his health have essentially forced him to cut back drastically on his creative efforts, so I would not have any tremendous confidence of a new side-project emerging in the near future.

OK, sure, she's often given the missions where she's away from Azure City for long periods at a time, but that then turns the whole thing into a sort of travelogue...you know the deal, travel to new places, meet new interesting beings, Smite them...
How, in it's broad outline, does this differ tremendously from the OotS' wacky escapades?

2007-08-14, 05:17 AM
Nope. Miko is just one NPC, and her backstory doesn't seem to be all that interesting. She was like she was because she was fanatical, self-righteous brat, adding backstory to justify it would be as bad as justifying Belkar's murderous tendencies. Hinjo, Shojo and Azure City and so on don't deserve book for their own either. I doubt we'll se Azure City again in online strip, personally, and I'm glad of it.

2007-08-14, 05:24 AM
Nope. Miko is just one NPC, and her backstory doesn't seem to be all that interesting.
You know this, one presumes, because you warped the fabric of space and time, travelled to the future, and purchased the compilation when it was published in the year 2013?
Forget it. Forget it. Forget I said anything. It doesn't matter a damn.

What I find mystifying are the people who seem to think that Miko/Hinjo/Shojo don't represent an important plot element. Remove their involvement, and the plot-as-we-know-it would essentially disappear. If that's not an important role in unfolding events, I don't know what is.

2007-08-14, 05:30 AM
I assume this because:
A) There were nothing about Miko's backstory in the online strip besides "she was orphaned in young age, raised in monastery, then by Shojo". No sinister, dark secrets about her past.
B) Not everyone is entitled to have his/her own developed backstory. Reddie and Xykon are main archvillains, but Miko, Shojo and Hinjo are just secondary characters. They may have crucial role in the plot, but when they perform it, they fade away.

2007-08-14, 05:41 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the Giant does one eventually, if and when he comes up with an interesting angle. I expect it's probably fairly far down the queue of projects (and that's after his health improves enough to start any more new projects in the first place).

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-08-14, 05:42 AM
In an attempt to head off the naysayers, I say, "Yes!" I'd love to see more backstories, maybe a 2 for 1 special, Miko Miyazaki, and the Linear Guild.

Was there ever a time when Miko was "normal?" What happened to her to convince her she was the "Chosen One?" Could something in her past lead to her return in the future?

And then there's the Linear Guild. Is Nale's father the Tyrant of Tyrannia? How did Nale and Sabine hook up? Where did Nale meet Thog, and why pick Thog as a sidekick?

Lots of story potential.

2007-08-14, 05:43 AM
I'm guessing we won't get any new books for a while because Rich said he was scrapping all new projects for the moment so he could have a rest.

Rare Pink Leech
2007-08-14, 05:48 AM
If Rich makes it, I'd buy it. If Rich makes a poll asking whether we'd want a Miko backstory book or another one (preferably the Order of the Rift), I'd choose the other one.

While I never liked Miko after she brought the main characters to Azure City in chains, I can appreciate her as a character and what she meant to the story. However, I don't care to see a backstory for her.

More importantly, a whole book where she is the central character would grate on my nerves. Very, very quickly.

Of course, I'm not a fan of creating additional material that detail backstories or what happens to characters after the main story has finished (I'm looking at you, J.K. Rowling). If the author wants something included (especially backstories), I feel it should be included in the main work. I'm also more than satisfied with only getting the main story, even if it ends ambiguously and I'm dying to find out what happens next.

2007-08-14, 05:49 AM
They may have crucial role in the plot, but when they perform it, they fade away.
Shojo? Yes, unless he does a Eugene. Hinjo? Maybe, maybe not. Miko? No. Paladin Blues states clearly that she is going to be a recurring character. So, unless she simply drops in for tea and biscuits, I presume this will have an impact on the plot.

No sinister, dark secrets about her past.
"It all made sense, for the first time in years?"

Rare Pink Leech
2007-08-14, 05:50 AM
I'm guessing we won't get any new books for a while because Rich said he was scrapping all new projects for the moment so he could have a rest.

He also said that he has 4-5 projects that are mostly done. It's possible he was working on multiple prequel books at the same time.

2007-08-14, 05:53 AM
Shojo? Yes, unless he does a Eugene. Hinjo? Maybe, maybe not. Miko? No. Paladin Blues states clearly that she is going to be a recurring character. So, unless she simply drops in for tea and biscuits, I presume this will have an impact on the plot.

I didn't read No Cure, and I sincerely hope Giant just changed his mind. But if he didn't, that's just Miko. As for Shojo and Hinjo; they may appear or not appear. But either way, they're just secondary characters, and I presume they'll fade into background to make room for new characters. That's just assumption, though.

"It all made sense, for the first time in years?"

She was unstable and a tad delusional, but a lot of people are. It's not that uncommon. Many people think in similiar way.

Green Bean
2007-08-14, 06:51 AM
What I think would be cool is if the next side book dealt with both the Sapphire Guard and the Linear Guild. Think about it. SoD had both Eugene's story and Redcloak/Xykon/MitD's story, even though their paths intersected once in the whole book. Let's be frank; both the LG and Miko were side-antagonists. They aren't the big bads or the PCs. They probably wouldn't each take up their own book. But "The Book of NPCs" would work.

2007-08-14, 07:19 AM
I wouldn't buy it unless it involves a backstory that JUSTIFIES all the screwed up character she is.

And besides that, the OOTS is the main PC's, team evil are the main arch villains. I don't think a simple, single NPC needs a whole book for herself.

Were it an informative book on the "History and culture of Azure city and the Saphire Guard" I think it would be more enjoyable

2007-08-14, 08:26 AM
I assume this because:
A) There were nothing about Miko's backstory in the online strip besides "she was orphaned in young age, raised in monastery, then by Shojo". No sinister, dark secrets about her past.
You could have said the same if the topic had been "Would you be interested in a Redcloak backstory book?" before SoD came out. You give Rich's imagination far too little credit.

Yes, I'd certainly be interested, because I'm sure there are enough ideas in Rich's fertile mind to surprise me and surprise me again, and his skills as a writer, storyteller and characteriser just keep getting better. And because it would have Miko.

2007-08-14, 08:30 AM
There won`t be a book only about Miko. However I do hope Rich will make the Linear Guild book and I think he will. Just like the Oots, Redcloak and Xykon there are so many questions about how this evil band met and why they work together. He may be sick, but it`s not like he is bedridden for the rest of his life. He may have to postpone the book though. It is however possible that Miko gets a few chapters in the book, but her backstory is more or less straightforward.

2007-08-14, 08:34 AM
You could have said the same if the topic had been "Would you be interested in a Redcloak backstory book?" before SoD came out. You give Rich's imagination far too little credit.

SoD isn't solely Redcloak's backstory, though--it's also Xykon's, and I'm willing to bet 99% of the people on the forums would have said "Heck, YES!" if asked "Would you be interested in a Xykon backstory book?". In fact, neither of the prequel books so far has focused on a single character to the exclusion of all others, which is another reason why I'm not so sure a Miko book would work.

Now, the chap above who said something about a backstory book covering the whole Sapphire Guard and their trials and tribulations--I would agree with that one.

2007-08-14, 08:36 AM
You could have said the same if the topic had been "Would you be interested in a Redcloak backstory book?" before SoD came out. You give Rich's imagination far too little credit.

Not before SoD came out, but before this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0369.html) strip. Plus, Redcloak is one of the main villains, and it deserved explanation why is he hanging around with Xykon. Miko isn't main villain, and her backstory is preety clear by now.
And anyway, I didn't mean that Giant couldn't make a book with Miko's backstory, it's that in my opinion such book would be pointless.
As for book about Sapphire Guard- why not any other nation/organization that appeared or will appear in the comic?

2007-08-14, 08:42 AM
Yes, I would be interested.

Of course, I will probably buy any OotS book that Rich publishes.

It would be mostly unrelated to the main story, but I would love a book of the Adventures of Julio Scoundrel. :smallwink:

Yoritomo Himeko
2007-08-14, 08:57 AM
PS : Even if we got a Miko focused backstory, I would still like a general look at Azure City. Especially if the OotS leaves Azure City with it's future still up in the air. We could get a Before and After the War type saga.

C'mon Rich, you know you want to write these! :smallbiggrin: I guarantee you I would be one of the first in line to buy them. :smallwink:

I would definitely buy this kind of book. Even though I complain about the paladins, I still think they should have their very own book. Xykon and Redcloak got theirs, so why not one for the other characters?

And I would definitely buy one for the Linear Guild too.

2007-08-14, 10:00 AM
There should be a book that collects all the MIKO THREADS!


*backs out*

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-08-14, 10:10 AM
It would be mostly unrelated to the main story, but I would love a book of the Adventures of Julio Scoundrel. :smallwink:

That would be a GREAT Spin-Off strip!

We need to find a way to clone Rich!

The original Rich to do the strip when he feels well.
Clone One to do the strip when the primary Rich is sick.
Clone Two to write the back story books.
Clone Three to do the spin-off strips.
Clone Four to create games and do freelance work for WotC/Paizo


2007-08-14, 10:26 AM
We need to find a way to clone Rich!
There are potential drawbacks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=48892&postcount=53) to this scenario.

She was unstable and a tad delusional, but a lot of people are. It's not that uncommon. Many people think in similiar way.
I guess that explains... nothing? Quite apart from the fact that has nothing to do with her comment, "Because she just is!" lacks a certain explanatory finality. If you want another minor mystery, why would someone born to noble parents have no servants, relatives or retainers to raise her following their deaths? Why the monastery rather than an orphanage? Why the incessant anger and near-suicidal recklessness? I wouldn't mind some lucid exposition on those points at all.

I wouldn't buy it unless it involves a backstory that JUSTIFIES all the screwed up character she is.
By definition, you can't justify something that's legitimately your fault. Explain it, maybe.

2007-08-14, 10:42 AM
Were it an informative book on the "History and culture of Azure city and the Saphire Guard" I think it would be more enjoyable

Agreed. Being a fan of Miko, I'd love to see a book that gives more detail to her background. On the other hand, however, I can't imagine her being the only focus of the book and, in all honesty, would like to see more information on the city itself, such as the history of the Sapphire Guard after being created by Soon Kim, the loyalties and schemes of the noble houses, information of Shojo's rule, ect. Hell, thinking about it, I'd think Shojo could make a better in that kind of story, with Miko being a major factor in it.

However, before we get to any book like that, the backstory book I'd most like to see is an in-depth look at the Order of the Scribble. To hell with getting any information about the Linear Guild, as I don't really care enough about them, but I would like to see more of what happened with the Order of the Scribble.

2007-08-14, 11:04 AM
"Can I say "yes" any more strongly?"


There's so much you could do with that character, it's not even funny. Miko is awesome.

2007-08-14, 11:08 AM
I'm rather certain the Giant wants to shift focus off of Miko. Much as I would love to know more about her, I don't see teh G writing an entire book on Miko, especially considering his current health problems.

2007-08-14, 11:31 AM
I'm not sure. While I found her a fascinating character, having her backstory spelled out could do more harm than good.

Despite being painfully straightforward, part of her appeal lies in the ambiguity of the character: ruthless killer (evil alignment != deserving death), selfless hero or both?
Was she content with the isolated existence that's been hinted at? If not, did she try to do anything about it?

In a way, she'd be somewhat less intrigueing if her history was spelled out in detail. As for a book about the Sapphire Guard... why not, but it wouldn't be a high priority for me.

2007-08-14, 12:51 PM
I guess that explains... nothing? Quite apart from the fact that has nothing to do with her comment, "Because she just is!" lacks a certain explanatory finality. If you want another minor mystery, why would someone born to noble parents have no servants, relatives or retainers to raise her following their deaths? Why the monastery rather than an orphanage? Why the incessant anger and near-suicidal recklessness? I wouldn't mind some lucid exposition on those points at all.

Sure, Miko has got a potential backstory, but many characters do. I don't think her backstory would be important enough to be more than addition to whatever prequel book that may come up, especially since nothing from it had came up in main strip. As for her behavior- that's just her character. She's self-righteous, stubborn, simple-minded and arrogant, which in combination with being high-ranked paladin and Shojo's words of "twelve gods having a plan for her" created the "I'm special" attitude.

2007-08-14, 01:31 PM
I've no interest in her back story... Now an Epic Redemption Story! That would be awesome...

We could even revisit the Oracle, and she could find herself forced to work with a whole new crew of whacky adventurers... She could grow as a person and learn the humanity and compassion she lacked to make her a truly Good person...

David Argall
2007-08-14, 04:50 PM
A Miko backstory? I'm not going to say no, but I would say it's not a high priority.

Miko's backstory as given is adequate. There is a lot that can be fleshed out, but what we have hangs together and leaves no questions begging for answers. She lacks the ability to make friends and is thrust into an environment where it is hard to make any. Lonely, she takes out her anger in the socially approved way of killing monsters. There is much we could write, but little we have to.
Red and the Lich beg for an answer to why they stay together. Obviously Redcloak does not like working for the vicious idiot, but he clearly is going to be doing that for a long time to come. We quickly ask why?

Miko is a dominating character, but she is in essence only a support character/straight woman. She is a foil for Belkar to frustrate, for Roy to make advances on/reject, for V to get mad at... That makes it hard for her to have the sort of backstory we want. We would need some new characters for the interactions needed. Shojo and Hinjo can do part of the work, but there is a whole lot of slack to pick up.

Now we might be able to overcome this by making the book a slightly connected set of short stories, and give a chapter to each of the main AC NPC, to the LG types, and to a few others. That could fly, but it would not be a Miko book.

An epic redemption Miko? Miko has been pretty finally killed in story terms. So bringing her back without violence to the story is not easy. I suppose we could..

Party is in tough battle when Miko suddenly comes to the rescue. Somebody asks where she came from, given that she is dead. Mike stops and thinks about this and offers "Uh...evil twin sister?" Another party member points out she doesn't have any sisters. 3rd party member suggests only stunned in the explosion, but Miko points out she was torn in half. Monster suggests another soap opera excuse, which is shot down, as are several more.
Finally somebody objects that they are supposed to be fighting here and shouldn't they get back to that? Everybody looks at the speaker as clearly crazy.
Finally they come up with an excuse that sounds reasonable, and only then does the battle resume.

But a reformed Miko is just not Miko. It's really just a more pleasant way of writing her out of the story.

2007-08-14, 06:04 PM
No, I don't think I would.

I don't care about Miko that much. She has been a good plot device, but I can't see her as that important.

2007-08-14, 06:07 PM
I think the biggest problem is that there are too many people who hate Miko's guts for it to sell well. :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-14, 06:21 PM
That would depend on how it ties into to the storyline around when it is published. I'm sure we'll be well into the next storyline before such a book makes an appearance. This would suggest that the related material would be based on some characters we have not seen yet as well as the connection between them and AC/Miko/SG storyline. Everything is connected in some way in this story (even if only in a minor fashion). We still have two Order of the Scribble members completely unaccounted for with no clues (aside from the halfling's book being in Xykon's hands). Both should be dead or really really old for their races now (Dorukun was supposedly the youngest). If things from the next story and the Scribble story can be weaved into the Miko backstory...or more likely Miko's story being weaved into someone else's story, it might work and sell fairly well.

2007-08-14, 07:31 PM
A backstory just about Miko? No way. I love to hate her and thats good for an antagonist but you gotta balance her with characters you love or it will never work. A backstory for the entire city of AC with Shojo and Hinjo? Sure why not but I'm still much more looking forward for the Linear Guild backstory, I cant wait for that one. And the Order of the Scribble adventures would also be much more interesting then the story of AC and the SG

Yoritomo Himeko
2007-08-14, 11:45 PM
Well, there's always that plot point about the other members of the Sapphire Guard. If Rich isn't going to bring that story into the comic, I'd love to see a book about them coming together and helping the OOTS.

2007-08-15, 12:31 AM
I fail to see even the slightest humorous potential to a book focusing solely on Miko. Which is what the OotS is all about - wacky and zany humor. Sad depressed emo girl in a monastery - no thanks, I think watching the grass grow is more fun than reading about someone like her.

Miko is hardly important enough to merit a book of her own. She was just an annoying plot device who played her not-that-very-big part (plaguing the comic for far too long already) and now that she has done her part, she can hopefully be forgotten about, like the unimportant character that she was.

I'm da Rogue!
2007-08-15, 11:50 AM
NO. 10 characters nianiania... :smallmad:

2007-08-15, 12:03 PM
hell yes, that would be cool

2007-08-15, 12:33 PM
I don't think a Miko-only story would work. Maybe a life-and-times of the lesser antagonists of OotS, but not Miko only.

2007-08-15, 01:21 PM
Definitly not. Let Miko rest in peace. And please lets forget she once existed.

2007-08-15, 08:43 PM
no, shes dead and that is the way I like her best. :smallamused:

2007-08-15, 09:19 PM
I like Miko as a character, unlike the unwashed rabble, but she is too one-dimensional to get a book IMO. The most interesting part of her life (I presume) is the change/demise to tan, and that we saw already. Her backstory seems pretty obvious.

Sure, it could be funny, but I fear too many of the exact same joke. By the end it would not be funny. Not really a great choice for a book.

Sly Reference
2007-08-16, 06:37 AM
I'm with the majority in thinking a Miko book would be pretty bad. I respect what could be done with the character, but I think there would be much better ways of introducing the history of Azure City (because you'd have to flesh that out in order to flesh out Miko, since she is so intimately tied to the city).

Now, if she was a character in someone else's story, perhaps Hinjo's or O-Chul's, then you might be getting somewhere. Hinjo in particular. Hinjo would be in a position to deal with Miko, Shojo, the Sapphire Guard and the Nobles of Azure City, in the roles of both wanting something from them and being able to tell them what to do. That would be a healthy enough combination to make for some interesting storytelling. Also, since he's alive, active and involved in the strip, telling his story would have more of an impact on current and future stories than Miko or even Shojo.

The Wanderer
2007-08-16, 02:03 PM
Shojo? Yes, unless he does a Eugene. Hinjo? Maybe, maybe not. Miko? No. Paladin Blues states clearly that she is going to be a recurring character. So, unless she simply drops in for tea and biscuits, I presume this will have an impact on the plot.

"It all made sense, for the first time in years?"

She's been recurring for, what, two hundred strips, and she had a plot impact, unless you don't think bringing the Order to Azure City, a place they would have never gone otherwise, where they learned of the gates, the Snarl, and which made them learn of Xykon's continued existence isn't an impact on the plot. (And of course, the fact that she murdered the ruler of a large city-state in cold blood, damaged the very fabric of the world, and allowed the Dark Lord and his lieutenant to escape certain death and return to their plans. I think that counts as an impact too).

Miko's story already has a start, middle, and end. (And to my mind, a happy ending :smallbiggrin: ). Unless it's actually going to affect the course of the plot, I see no reason to have her continue to play a part in the comic, (and no really believable way for her to do so), and little to no compelling reason to see a backstory book devoted to her. She's dead and done with, and for good reason. Lets move on.

2007-08-16, 02:08 PM
I would love (and I am guessing many others) that maybe a compilation of different major NPC in the game and history.

It would be nice, maybe a reference book comic/stories. I don't think a whole book dedicated to Miko, but maybe have at least 4-5 major NPCs and their history.

We got a GREAT story about Xykon and Redcloak in SoD. It would be nice to have some history of Azure city (that way include Hinjo, Miko, Shojo, and other characters)

2007-08-17, 05:43 AM
I'd love to see a story about miko, but since you can't realy have one just about miko maybe one about azure city? with story on Hinjo Shojo, O-chul, Miko, and all the gang.

I can say Id rather see a book on those guys than a book on Nale and Co.

2007-08-17, 07:12 AM
I'd like a backstory for the gods, most of them were fully formed before the world was,

where did they come from?,

did they acsend to Godhood?,

how did shojo know exactly how long it took the snarl to destroy the world, when the gods agreed not to tell anyone?,

How did durkon get the idea that Thor was a good sensible duitiful god?, what happened in that gnomes circle?,

If the gods made the archdevils (or demons) how are they capable of hearing, understaning/exploiting the gates? (if i was making people for my followers to kill, i'd make sure they couldn't kill me)

Who is Marduck?

what happened to make Miko think she had been chosen?

why am I asking so many questions?,

and so forth.

2007-08-17, 07:58 AM
Maybe, or maybe not.

Miko is one of my favourite character, but I think She hasn't that much area in comic. I say its Linear guild, a story about OotS archnemesis. I want know Thogs or sabines history.

I have spoken.

2007-08-17, 08:00 AM
Mko Miyazaki story book?

HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!

But wouldn't it be better if it was like a Saphire Guard backstory book?

2007-08-17, 01:44 PM
Hello, Miko enthusiasts...

I wouldn't be interested in such a book. Simply because I hate Miko with all my heart and soul. Firstly, she embodies the tendency of putting samurai-type warriors into a setting based on late medieval Europe, a tendency that I wish to fight and kill in a horrible way... Secondly, she is oppressive about other cultures' habits and traditions (viz. halfling lead sheets)... Thirdly, she has a hard metal rod implanted up her rectum. And, last but not least... Come on, how can anyone like a character which is so full of herself, to the point of believing she is the tool of the gods?

Simply, I wouldn't be able to sit through 100 or more pages about Miko only. And I know that, should such book indeed come out, I actually WILL buy it and read it, because I'm white and nerdy...

So no! No! Please, no!

Green Bean
2007-08-17, 01:57 PM
Hello, Miko enthusiasts...

I wouldn't be interested in such a book. Simply because I hate Miko with all my heart and soul. Firstly, she embodies the tendency of putting samurai-type warriors into a setting based on late medieval Europe, a tendency that I wish to fight and kill in a horrible way... Secondly, she is oppressive about other cultures' habits and traditions (viz. halfling lead sheets)... Thirdly, she has a hard metal rod implanted up her rectum. And, last but not least... Come on, how can anyone like a character which is so full of herself, to the point of believing she is the tool of the gods?

Isn't that kind of the point of being a paladin? Just sayin'

2007-08-17, 02:06 PM
I'm going to join the people saying "Not just about Miko, but a book about Azure City/ the Sapphire Guard would be neat".
I'd still put it in my list after the Linear Guild, the Order of the Rift or that books about the Gods (great idea, not sure if that would work well though).

and in the end, no matter what the next book(s) is(are), I'll buy it(them).

Alex Warlorn
2007-08-17, 02:22 PM
Contrary to popular culture, nobody is born with a stick up their rear.
It would be interesting to see how Miko became the way she was.

2007-08-17, 02:38 PM
I would point out that even during the actual late medieval European time frame the Asians were still there to the east doing medieval Oriental things in China and Japan (I might note that their cultures actually survived intact where as Western cultures had crumbled and decayed by this time). So while the setting seems off, they are just far away just as in the real world. It would not be too off to have an Asian adventurer in Europe, but with only a few, they would seem out of place, much as the Order seems out of place in Azure City. Marco Polo was just as out of place. The only truly abnormal item in this theme seems to be goblin ninja class.

Well aside from the more modern items used or seen...or things from other types of fantasies. (coffee maker, airships, modern buildings, and restrooms)

So I'd like to see what Rich comes up with. I'll read it.

2007-08-17, 02:43 PM
I was thinking of something......... you know what would be cool to get?

A compilation book of the original adventurer like Durokon and company.... that would be cool (more back story - how did they start?, what did they do?, how they meet? etc etc etc) that would have been cool....

2007-08-17, 02:48 PM
I don't think we'll get a Order of the Scribble book until we've met the rest of its members (or at least know something of their fates). So that means later in the overall story as their exploits are what result in the Gates and the current plot. Either we will find out what happened to the remaining two members at the next gate, or the last gate, at which time their adventures can be told without too many spoilers for the rest of the comic.

2007-08-22, 09:08 AM
I think the people who claim they'd never buy a Miko book are fooling themselves. Number 1, you're posting on an OotS board, which means you're so addicted you'd buy anything the Giant printed with the logo on it. Number 2, given the intense and completely irrational hatred most people exhibit towards Miko, I can't believe they'd pass up an opportunity to get more material to attack her with. :smallamused:

2007-08-22, 09:15 AM
Number 2, given the intense and completely irrational hatred most people exhibit towards Miko, I can't believe they'd pass up an opportunity to get more material to attack her with. :smallamused:

/Troll ignore mode on

And seriously, if we start having prequel books about everyone, it's going to be too much. Main protagonists and main villians are enough. If we have a prequel about Miko and AC, why not Durkon's former party? Or Order of The Scribble? Or Linear Guild? Or other characters that'll inevitably appear?

2007-08-22, 09:19 AM
Number 1, you're posting on an OotS board, which means you're so addicted you'd buy anything the Giant printed with the logo on it.
Wow. If that was true, Rich would be so filthy rich that he could buy himself a giant golden tankard filled with beer (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0170.html) (Carlsberg, naturally) :smalltongue:

2007-08-22, 12:12 PM
A Miko-centered backstory?


What I'd like to see, however, is several panels detailing the slow-motion effects of her bisection during the explosion which eventually caused her demise. That, I'd pay $$$ for!


2007-08-22, 03:04 PM
Miko's backstory would be good, but it might not be good enough to be a standalone book.

However. A Shojo backstory, now we're talking. Shojo's connected to Soon and the Sapphire Guard (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0277.html), faked senility and Azure City (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0289.html), Eugene (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0292.html), Hinjo, Hinjo's mother and Miko (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0406.html). There's a ton of other stories to be woven into Shojo's, including the factors of Miko's that appear to be in demand here. Shojo's primary contribution to the story was his connections afterall; his backstory's a prime candidate for connecting such divergent arcs.

And of course, it would present many opportunities for Mr. Scruffy humor.

2007-08-22, 04:51 PM
Order of the Scribble, or Linear Guild. But OotSc would be better.

2007-08-22, 11:07 PM
A Miko-centered backstory?


What I'd like to see, however, is several panels detailing the slow-motion effects of her bisection during the explosion which eventually caused her demise. That, I'd pay $$$ for!


this post is pretty much everything i would of said and this whole sentence is merely to get around character minimum limits

2007-08-22, 11:21 PM
Dear OP

Rich has said in the past he will never use any of our ideas.

I love it... I'd read it... but much like many good ideas in d and d sturborness will block it down.

2007-08-22, 11:25 PM
I think a book full of Short Stories would be Awesome...
Nothing really plot central, but Character Exposition stuff.
Maybe A Story about one of Miko's Previous Missions, How the Linear Guild got Started...Maybe a little Adventure for Julia...That type of stuff.

2007-08-23, 01:35 AM
Dear OP

Rich has said in the past he will never use any of our ideas.

I love it... I'd read it... but much like many good ideas in d and d sturborness will block it down.Unless I'm very much mistaken, that was in reference to suggestions about the impending storyline. I don't think he's adverse to hearing what existing side-story fans would like to see.

2007-08-23, 03:09 PM
Answering the question posed in the thread title: Nope. No interest whatsoever.