View Full Version : [3.5] Against the Orcs

2017-09-24, 03:45 PM
Its midmorning in the town of Tompson’s Mill, one of the few towns in the region large enough to merit the name. You have all been gathered in the town hall for a meeting with the mayor. “I suppose you all guessed why you’ve been asked here” the mayor begins “not that you were all given that much of a chose.” His gaze lingers on Norrie and Umberto for a moment “The situation has been getting worse over the last few weeks, we just got word that the village of suttersfield has been destroyed. Just like all the others everything portable was taken and everything else was torched. We’re thinking its orcs, but we don’t know for sure. We’ve had almost seventeen years of piece from them and this level of… efficiency isn’t like them. That’s where you come in, I need you to go out there and investigate. Find out what’s going on, who’s doing this, and where they come from. Do we have any questions?”

2017-09-24, 04:17 PM
Norrie raises her hand up as high as she can, "I have a question! Um... What kind of links are we looking at? Like, um... What are the parameters of the job?"

2017-09-25, 08:35 AM
"Cathands" Larry listens patiently and expressionlessly until all the rest assembled have said their piece. If no one else brings up the question, he raises a hand in the air and, when acknowledged, asks, "What's the pay?" There may be some here with no choices, but Cathands Larry always has a choice. There may not be any good options to choose from, but he always has a choice. He instinctively begins sizing up the assembled men, looking for escape routes. Seeing more than one, he relaxes, and considers what is being offered to him: the chance to kill orcs. In this case, he had a specific choice: to kill orcs for free, or to kill orcs for money. Both were appealing, though one obviously more so.

2017-09-25, 12:10 PM
Umberto the Bold

"I'm a bit light on orc-slaying gear, m'lord," Umberto says, wringing his cloth cap in his hands.

"Do we have any, er, whatchacallem, provisions?"

I bluff, playing at not having any gear.
Gotta be a Black Market around here looking to reap some military surplus.

2017-09-26, 04:27 AM

Natali strides forward to the gathering and glares intently at the mayor as he relays his request. Her frown increases at the mention of the destruction of the village. Blinking once, she responds "No survivors? Suttersfield, which direction is that?" She thinks through her recent travels and the name doesn't sound familiar. It must be ahead. "How many days travel from here?"

I'll need to pick up food, bedroll etc but nothing special

Natali Kulenov (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=948361)
Female LG Human Knight, Level 2, Init 1, HP 25/25, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-footed 18, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 2
MW Longsword +5 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d6, x3)
Banded mail armour, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 15
Condition None

2017-09-28, 11:00 PM
Aelryn stands up and declares, "The unfortunate residents of Suttersfield must be avenged, and I will gladly join any party whose goal it is to achieve this, as well as the goal of protecting other civilized peoples. If indeed orcs are to blame, my specialized training against them will help."


Aelryn Thaeri, CG high elf Rgr2

2017-10-01, 02:57 PM
Natali: "How many days travel from here?"

Aelryn will make a Knowledge (geography) check and survival check to answer Natali's question.

Knowledge (geography) check: (1d20+2)[15]
Survival check: (1d20+8)[21]

2017-10-03, 03:03 PM
The mayor answers some of the easier questions first. “We would be able to pay 300 gold, and before you get excited that’s total, not each.” He says to Larry. “As for equipment I’m afraid we don’t have much either. We’ll certainly be able to provide you with food, bedrolls, and the like but that’s about it.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Suttersfield is, was, about a day or so northwest of here. The road isn’t the best but it shouldn’t be too hard. As for what to do when you get there” He continues to Norrie “that’s not something I know that much about I’m afraid. Finding any sort of tracks would be fantastic, that might be too much to hope for, but any clues would be helpful. If you were wondering if you should report back or continue on your own that’s something I’ll leave up to your discretion.”

Sense motive[roll0]

Aelryn, your checks confirm the mayor's story.

2017-10-03, 05:59 PM
Larry nods his agreement. The price seems fair, and on a dangerous mission like this... well, he would not consider it outside the realm that one or more of his allies of circumstance might not return.

2017-10-03, 08:34 PM
Aelryn responds, "Thank you, Mayor [whatever the mayor's name is], we would appreciate whatever trail rations and other basic supplies you can spare for our mission."

Using the Knowledge (Geography) and Survival checks from before, what does Aelryn know about the road and lands between Tompson's Mill and Suttersfield, and around where Suttersfield was, that would be relevant to a small party traveling there on foot?

2017-10-03, 08:35 PM

"Yes, of course." Natalie waves aside the offer of basic supplies as a given and entirely inconsequential to her. The payment doesn't even register. "If we make haste we can get there by nightfall. Anyone need to pick up anything else to flush out a few orcs? Let's meet back here in half an hour ready to go."

"Entirely inconsequential to her" but not to me - supplies are most welcome!

Natali in general will be in favour of a 'strike hard and fast' approach but feel free to suggest smarter solutions she will readily acquiesce to folk with more cunning.

Let's kit up and then go bash some orcs! I'm ready to go.

2017-10-04, 06:23 PM
Noree Morse gets up, curtsies and leaves the room. Over her shoulder she calls out, "I'll be at the edge of town when you're all ready!"

2017-10-11, 02:06 PM
The promised rations turn out to be a week’s worth of food for each of you as well as five bedrolls. Half an hour later at the edge of Tompson’s mill everyone assembles to embark on a trip through the forest to the remains of Suttersfield. Natali’s assessment of getting their by dark may be a bit optimistic but you shouldn’t arrive much after sundown. The road is a reasonably well maintained wagon track, any wagon ride would be quite bumpy but only people hauling goods would usually use a wagon anyway.

2017-10-11, 06:44 PM
Assuming no one has an objection, Aelryn will take point 30 feet in front of the rest of the party, and has his bow ready should an ambush occur. He keeps his eyes open and ears listening for anything in the forest near the road, periodically looking back at the rest of the party to check on them.

Is Natali riding her horse or walking?

2017-10-11, 07:09 PM
Before leaving town, Cathands Larry purchases a light warhorse and a military saddle. Cathands rides the horse, named "Sandy" by its breeder, behind the rest of the party, some 15' back, frequently looking behind them to notice anyone approaching from the rear. He's not a gifted rider, but he can control his weight enough to sit on a horse as it walks.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2017-10-13, 05:01 AM
Natali rides to the rendezvous, dressed functionally with her oiled mail armour gleaming in the morning light. Her shield is slung on her back for the ride, but both her bow and her fine sword are arranged within easy reach. Her long auburn hair is tied back in a tight bun. She doesn't have much to say as she waits for everyone to arrive.


When the party sets off on the track through the forest Natali guides her warhorse forward, taking position 30ft behind Aelryn. She keeps her gaze locked forward, scanning the surrounding trees but mostly watching the elf ahead for any sign of trouble.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Yep Natali will stay mounted for the time being. Might as well take the option while she can.

2017-10-13, 05:50 PM
Using a knowledge (nature) check related to monstrous humanoids, would Aelryn know anything in particular about the orcs in this area, e.g., what kind of weapons and tactics they might use?

Knowledge (nature): (1d20+8)[27]

If needed:
Spot: (1d20+8)[20] (or 23 against orcs)
Listen: (1d20+8)[27] (or 30 against orcs)

2017-10-15, 03:38 PM

Trying not to draw any attention to himself, Umberto sullenly takes his share of the promised gold and gear.

2017-10-17, 04:39 PM
The trek is fairly uneventful and as predicted the party arrives at the ruins of Suttersfield just after dusk. The town has been burned and possibly looted beforehand. It has clearly been a few days as none of the rubble is still smoldering but the air still smells strongly of wood smoke. Even a cursory look around reveals what appears to be a crudely dug barbecue pit with discarded bones nearby. As far as any of you can tell there aren’t any orcs in the area.

Search and survival checks to investigate the area. @ Narylinn Unfortunately orcs are humanoids not monstrous humanoids so it would actually be Knowledge local to know things about them and the highest you could get on that would be a ten because you don’t have ranks in it.

2017-10-17, 06:35 PM

Unwilling to let his guard down, the sorcerous vagabond keeps an eye out for trouble.


"Thank goodness. We're perfectly safe."

2017-10-18, 05:12 AM

Natali remains mounted, riding around the area and scanning for anything of use but not even bothering to dismount. as she passes the fire pit she mutters absent-mindedly to no-one in particular "Guess that's what became of the townsfolk". After a bit more investigating she calls out "Anyone find anything useful? Any idea which way the curs went?"

search [roll0]
survival [roll1]

Natali Kulenov (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=948361)
Female LG Human Knight, Level 2, Init 1, HP 25/25, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-footed 18, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 2
MW Longsword +5 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d6, x3)
Banded mail armour, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 15
Condition None

2017-10-18, 07:08 AM
Cathands Larry looks around the remains of the settlement, reserving judgment.

Survival: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2017-10-18, 07:14 PM
Aelryn, disturbed at the level of destruction and the apparently grisly fate of the townsfolk, looks around for clues, especially for any tracks indicating where the attackers might have come from or gone. He examines the pit to confirm the assumption that the bones are those of the (human?) residents of the town.

Search (1d20+8)[17]
Survival (1d20+8)[17], or 20 against orcs

And oh yeah, I should have remembered orcs are not monstrous humanoids but humanoids...

2017-10-20, 09:38 PM
Norrie sits herself down on the edge of the fire pit and kicks her feet in the bones. She concentrates for a moment before casting her gaze over the detritus and ashes.

Detect Magic!

2017-10-22, 01:37 PM
Some of the remains in the pit are in fact human but there are also a lot of animal bones in the pit as well, likely from the town’s livestock. Norrie checks the area for magic but if any was used in the battle it has faded by now. Aelryn is the only one to notice that the majority of the humanoid bones in the pit belong to older people, and although it’s hard to be sure the ones that don’t all seem to be from men. Aelryn is also the only the only one to successfully pick up the trail. The group that left this trail was clearly quite large and judging by the presence of drag marks not all of the people went willingly.

2017-10-22, 01:43 PM

The signs all showed someone was going to end up in a slave pit or a cook pot.

Better them than me, he thought happily.

"Well looks like we're too late. Shall we head back to town?"

He knew some misguided hero would demand following the monsters. He just wanted to be on record as saying it was a bad idea.

2017-10-22, 05:38 PM
Umberto "Well looks like we're too late. Shall we head back to town?"

Aelryn responds, "Certainly not! We were too late to save many, but I see the trail the assailants left, and they took some of the townsfolk with them as captives - you can see by these marks that they were dragging some of them and that they struggled. From the look of the bones in the pit, they were mostly from older people, so it stands to reason that they captured the younger, able-bodied townsfolk to use as slaves or for some other vile purpose. While we could not save any whose bones lie here now, we can yet save those who were captured, as well as ensure their captors do not survive to do anything else like this again. They went this way. Come, we must pursue them as swiftly as we can, for the survivors depend on our haste and determination. Follow me!"

After making sure no more clues can be cleaned from further investigation of the remains of the village and that no items in the village that might remain intact would be of use, Aelryn proceeds to follow the tracks of the attackers, coaxing the others to follow if need be.

Can Aelryn tell from the tracks about how many attackers there were (at least at a minimum), and how many captives were taken?

2017-10-23, 02:23 AM

The knight's ears prick up as Aelryn describes the slaughter of the infirm and the capture of the remaining villagers. Natali yanks on the bridle and trots over, eager now something obvious can be done. "Yes, point the way Aelryn. We should follow with haste, lest we are too late. Let the foul orcs taste cold steel!" She is eager to get moving, waiting for Aelryn to lead onward.

She's keen to get moving, but will pause and listen if anyone has a better plan

2017-10-23, 05:47 AM
"Yeah," Norrie says as she stands up, "I'm with Aelryn. I'm sure we can help. Lead on when you're ready!"

2017-10-23, 07:25 AM
Cathands shrugs and joins the group heading after the villagers.

2017-10-23, 11:13 PM
Making the assumption that Umberto will join everyone else rather than return to town alone, Aelryn leads the party at the swiftest pace he can while still being able to track the attackers.

2017-10-24, 10:34 AM

Umberto groaned inward. He was well aware what they did to deserters, so with much reluctance he tagged along.

2017-10-24, 01:14 PM
The group was apparently quite large, somewhere between forty and fifty people, though no more than twenty of them were orcs. One set of tracks stand out in particular as they were made by someone going barefoot and despite being fairly orcish they are too large and misshapen.

Although Aelryn’s superior lowlight vision and need for only a few hours of meditation allow him to keep going almost all through the night it becomes too dark for the human party members about an hour outside the ruins of Suttersfield. It’s not impossible to keep going but it would be a good idea to camp for the night.

2017-10-24, 09:08 PM
It’s not impossible to keep going but it would be a good idea to camp for the night.

Sensing the fatigue of the rest of the party and his own need for rest, Aelryn finds a good, defensible place for the group to set up camp for the night.

"Who will take first watch after me? I will keep vigil tonight while any light remains, and early in the morning when dawn's rays arrive. We should remain quiet and avoid using fire so as to reduce our chances of drawing unwanted attention from any creatures in this area. While the orcs who attacked the village are unlikely to send a scouting party to check this area, orcs can see in the dark, whereas we cannot, so we should limit our chances of encountering them at night."

Aelryn contemplates the possibilities of the nature of the curious pair of footprints that are orc-ish but not orcish. He also ponders ways in which the party of five might overcome an enemy group consisting of at least 20 orcs.

Survival check to find a good camping spot: (1d20+8)[17]

Is this area forest, or some other kind of terrain?

2017-10-24, 09:59 PM

"I'm no dwarf who can see in the dark. I'll take first watch."

Gnawing on a hardtack biscuit and generally wishing he was elsewhere, Umberto stands watch with his crossbow loaded.

[roll0] search to see if we've camped in a dangerous place
[roll1] chewin' ma biscuit, lookin' like I care.

2017-10-25, 06:57 AM
"I'll take the pre-dawn watch," Cathands says. His internal clock usually has him up a few hours before the sun, especially after a good day's work like today's. Once a suitable campsite is found, he eats his serving of rations and then sets himself up in as comfortable a position as he can manage, rolling up his four remaining trail rations and other items into his darkweave cloak and stuffing his backpack with the bundle to use as a pillow. Then he carefully clears a space on the ground, finding a soft patch of earth and spending the waning light hours removing rocks, twigs, and the like. He is hardly a still sleeper, moving inside his bedroll throughout the night as he unconsciously shifts his body on the hard ground.

2017-10-25, 09:57 PM
"I... I can take the dark shift... I mean,
I'll do my best..."

Norrie looks at her shiny boots almost shyly, "l don't mind being alone."

2017-10-26, 04:31 AM

"And I'll take the remaining shift". Natali tethers her horse at the edge of the campsite and after seeing to its feed she proceeds to arrange her weaponry near her bedroll. After a quick cold meal she removes and checks her armour and then settles down to rest.

"Wake me if they come for us"

checks for watch duty:
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Horsey has scent (but may well be asleep)

2017-10-31, 01:36 PM
The group manages to bed down in a spot that is both safe and comfortable. The night passes peacefully. In the morning the tracks are easy enough to pick up again.

2017-10-31, 10:55 PM
The group manages to bed down in a spot that is both safe and comfortable. The night passes peacefully. In the morning the tracks are easy enough to pick up again.

Aelryn eats some breakfast rations and prepares to take the lead again when the rest of the party is ready.

2017-11-01, 07:16 AM
Cathands Larry completes his morning rituals and routines, then signals his readiness to continue. "They have the numbers, we will need to be clever in our approach."

2017-11-01, 10:25 AM

"Well if we're committed to this suicidal folly, let us at least have a plan."

Umberto loads his crossbow and mentally prepares himself.

"I'm no fancy knight, but if pressed I can make this bah sing."

2017-11-02, 11:15 PM

"Well if we're committed to this suicidal folly, let us at least have a plan."

Aelryn responds, "Umberto is right in that we should have a plan for defeating a group of orcs that will surely outnumber us; we should assess each of our abilities and plan accordingly. As you have likely gathered, I am trained in combat with bow and blade, but am more skilled with a bow. I know the ways of the forest and have some skill in stealth as well."

2017-11-03, 03:06 AM

"With sword and shield is how I prefer to fight. Give me a good horse," she pats her stallion "and I'll ride them down, or with stalwart warriors at my side I'll fight them toe-to-toe. Some covering fire to soften them up is a good idea."

No fancy tactics yet from ms stabby choppy. Natali should be their main target once we get into melee. I'll draw their attacks best I can

2017-11-03, 07:05 AM
"I'm a ranged fighter as well," Cathands says, nodding to Aelryn. "If we can create a position where we can ambush them, that would be good."

2017-11-03, 08:09 AM
Norrie looks around at everyone, "i like to play with the dead... I have spells at my fingertips to that effect. Just tell me where you want my corpses to assist!"

2017-11-03, 08:03 PM
Norrie looks around at everyone, "i like to play with the dead... I have spells at my fingertips to that effect. Just tell me where you want my corpses to assist!"

Aelryn is revolted at the thought of fighting alongside, instead of against, the undead, but attempts to hide his disgust, knowing he must work with everyone in the party to defeat the orc menace. "We will have to see what tactics the terrain allows us where we might engage them. Keep in mind that many captive humans seem to be with them, so we must be careful where we fire our arrows and bolts. Of course, we should get high ground and attack from there if possible. As Larry, Umberto, and I all are best with our crossbows and bow, we should attack from afar, while Natali and Norrie remain close to us to intercept and flank any who charge at us, which some inevitably will; they probably won't all have crossbows or bows themselves. Does anyone have other suggestions?"

Is it possible to tell from the tracks how far behind them we are?

2017-11-03, 08:31 PM

Natali stares at Norrie with a look on her face as if she's just stepped in something foul. After a few moments she blinks and carries on as if nothing happened, ignoring the implications of what was just said.

2017-11-03, 09:01 PM

Umberto rolls his eyes.

Dead, not-dead, as long as they eat orc axes and not me.

2017-11-07, 11:25 PM
Seeing that there seems to be no other feedback about battle tactics from the group, Aelryn presses on with tracking the orc band.

2017-11-10, 03:01 PM
After their morning discussion the party begins moving along. After a little over two hours of walking they are traveling along a fairly wide path through the trees.

I’m going to need everyone to make spot and listen checks and pick a place on this map.
Feel free to give you coordinates instead of editing the map yourself, I think that’ll streamline things. The first combat is about to begin.

2017-11-10, 04:02 PM

Umberto will take B8.

Now for my 8 WIS checks...

[roll0] Listen

[roll1] Spot

Umberto pricks an ear. Did he hear something?

2017-11-10, 04:33 PM
Aelryn is deep in thought and is not as alert as he should be.

Spot (1d20+8)[16] (19 against orcs)
Listen (1d20+8)[13] (16 against orcs)

Is the party moving left to right or right to left on this grid? Wherever Natali is, Aelryn will be a couple of squares in front of her.

2017-11-10, 04:52 PM

"Any sign of them?" Natali calls out to Aelryn, her timing poor as she distracts everyone from their alert wariness.

So not actually shouting, just fluff reflective of everyone's poor rolls (well hers anyway).

2017-11-10, 08:08 PM
Jolted back to attention, Aelryn, annoyed about Natali's question possibly giving their presence and location away, peers around to see if anyone else nearby heard it and reacted. While a mounted knight is not someone he'd expected subtlety or stealth from, he will have to remind the group of the importance of avoiding unnecessary noise when the time is right. He's also concerned about Umberto being so far off the trail and away from him and Natali.

As Natali is in H6/I7, assuming the party is moving left to right on the map, Aelryn will be in the light brush just off the trail in G9 where he should be able to hide quickly if needed.

2017-11-10, 08:10 PM
Norrie looks up from her careful examination of her fingernails. Noticing absolutely nothing, she returns to her inspection.

Little Miss Morse will be at H4.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2017-11-11, 09:26 AM
Larry is as silent as his moniker implies, prowling like a cat through the underbrush with his crossbow drawn.

Position: G2

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2017-11-18, 04:22 PM
Umberto didn’t hear anything out of the ordinary but both he and Larry manage to spot an orc hiding in the undergrowth at E9. Aelryn’s keen senses and special preparations against orcs allow him to spot not only that orc but the other one lurking at J10 as well. They manage to shoot out a warning.

(I’m going to need initiatives from everyone because please)

2017-11-18, 05:11 PM

Umberto was smug and terrified at once. Glad he had prepared his bow, dismayed because the beasts were now going to kill him.

[roll0]. Yay!

2017-11-18, 06:17 PM
Cathands Larry, finding himself in a familiar situation, steels himself for battle.

Init: [roll0]

2017-11-18, 07:10 PM
Aelryn is quick to respond upon noticing the hiding orcs, taking aim at the closer one.

Initiative: (1d20+3)[22]

2017-11-18, 07:41 PM

At the warning shout Natali grabs for her sword and glances about, pulling back on the reins.


2017-11-21, 11:52 PM
Norrie takes out her mace and glances around at her coworkers.


2017-11-22, 04:16 PM
Aelryn, confident that the hated orcs have unfriendly intentions, fires an arrow at the closer one.

He uses rapid shot, firing first at the orc in E9. If that shot hits and takes him down, he fires his second shot at the one in J10; if the first shot doesn't take down the orc in E9, he fires his second shot at him too.
attack #1: (1d20+5+1-2)[13]
damage #1: (1d8+3+1)[12]

attack #2: (1d20+5+1-2)[8]
damage #2: (1d8+3+1)[11]

2017-11-22, 04:46 PM
Larry, unencumbered such questions of morality as "Do Orcs have souls?," and guided by his fierce racism toward them, acts similarly once battle is joined. He aims at the orc pointed out to him, who he can fire at with relative ease, rather than the one covered by forest. He moves forward before shooting, keeping close to the treeline so that he would have the opportunity for similar coverage, should the need arise. The move also has the added advantage of bringing the orc closer into range, giving him a better opportunity to strike. Crouching down in the light brush, he drops to one knee and fires his crossbow.

This action takes place after Natali's, but I'm posting it now because I'm online and don't want to delay the game.

Move to J5, Firing at J10. Point blank and I believe Sneak Attack as well. [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]SA.

2017-11-22, 04:50 PM

As Aelryn shoots left Natali focuses on the opponent to the right. Excited at the thrill of battle she smiles as she wheels her horse about, spurring her mount forward. As she bears down on her orcish foe she chops downward with glee.

Free: [roll0] DC10 Ride check for mount to attack as well
Move: Close 10ft next to Orc2 (guessing I can't charge due to light undergrowth? If so add +2 to hit). Switch target to Orc1 if Orc2 is down.
Power attack+1! Longsword [roll1] (-1 PA, +1 mounted); damage [roll2]
crit? (1d20+5)[18] damage (1d8+3)[6]
Horse: Hoof [roll3]; damage [roll4]

Natali Kulenov (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=948361)
Female LG Human Knight, Level 2, Init 1, HP 25/25, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-footed 18, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 2
MW Longsword +5 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d6, x3)
Banded mail armour, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 15
Power attack +1
Shield block vs orc1 (+1 AC)

2017-11-22, 04:58 PM

As the orcs bear down, Umberto makes the arcane motions to summon a magical shield to protect himself.

Cast shield, cower.

Umberto the Bold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1330158)
Male CG Human Sorcerer, Level 2, Init 2, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 14, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (20) +3 (1d8, 19-20/×2)
Spear +2 (1d8+1, x3)
(+2 Dex)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 17
Condition +1 bonus on saving throws against sleep and paralysis, and fire-type spells and abilities

+4 to AC (shield spell) 1 minute, negates magic missile

2017-11-26, 04:15 PM
The first orc goes down beneath Natali’s sword and the hooves of her horse. The other orc fares better though with neither of Aelryn’s shots managing to pierce though its studded leather armor. The orc shouts an obscenity in orcsish and attacks the elven archer.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-04, 03:55 AM

With one orc down and her blood up Natali wheels about and comes alongside Aelryn. Confident in the party's superiority she launches straight in with blade and hood to defend the archer.

As appropriate w/r/t initiative:

Free: [roll0] DC10 Ride check for mount to attack as well
Move: Close 15ft to G10 next to Orc
Standard: Power attack+1! Longsword [roll1] (-1 PA, +1 mounted); damage [roll2]
Horse: Hoof [roll3]; damage [roll4]

Natali Kulenov (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=948361)
Female LG Human Knight, Level 2, Init 1, HP 25/25, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 11, Flat-footed 18, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 2
MW Longsword +5 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 (1d6, x3)
Banded mail armour, Heavy wooden shield (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 15
Power attack +1
Shield block vs orc (+1 AC)

2017-12-04, 11:35 PM
If the orc somehow survives to the second round, Aelryn drops his bow, draws his longsword, and attacks the hated foe.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-12-05, 09:02 AM
Larry continues his ranged assault as well, if the orc is still standing.

Attack: [roll0], [roll1]

2017-12-06, 04:20 PM
Aelryn’s arrow goes wide of the mark but the orc has little time to celebrate before being trampled by Natali’s horse. Although still breathing the orc is bleeding out and no longer in any shape to fight back.

2017-12-06, 04:26 PM

Umberto breathes a sigh of relief. Wiping his hands as if he somehow contributed, he unstrings his crossbow.

"Well. Lucky I spotted them. We should cut this one's throat 'afore he gets up and alerts more of the buggers."

2017-12-06, 10:55 PM
Aelryn’s arrow goes wide of the mark...

(He was using his longsword in the second round due to the fact that the orc was in melee range.)

"Well. Lucky I spotted them. We should cut this one's throat 'afore he gets up and alerts more of the buggers."

Aelryn responds, "Not yet... we should glean what we can from this foul orc."

He then turns to the dying orc and asks harshly, in Orcish, "What is your band doing with the humans you took from the town, and who leads you?"

2017-12-16, 07:40 PM

With the fight over Natali looks down to where Aelryn crouches by the dying orc. "Anything worth knowing? Or is it as dim-witted as the rest of it's kin?"

Is the orc even conscious? It might be beyond interrogating.

2018-01-08, 10:33 PM
Aelryn, realizing the orc is unconscious, attempts to revive him. He's disgusted at the thought of helping such a hated enemy, but knows it could be for the greater good if any information could be gleaned from the foul creature.

2018-01-10, 09:42 AM
"Leave it to die," Larry says callously. "Or better, stick a knife in its gut, make sure it's dead. We'll find more where it came from."

2018-01-10, 03:37 PM
Aelryn’s attempt at first aid doesn’t go as well as he hoped. Fortunately though the orc seems to stabilize on its own after a few seconds. He is unlikely to wake on his own any time soon however and will probably die if you just leave him.

2018-01-10, 03:53 PM

"Look, if we're gonna become Orc farmers, can we at least tie him up? Any of you have a rope?"