View Full Version : Wild Shape + Rage. What Form should you take

Sorlock Master
2017-09-25, 01:01 AM
Starting a new campagin soon. Havent played a Druid or a Barbarian yet so I figured why not both.

So given that Druids can Rage in Wildshape form and The bear totem is beyond amazing. What do you think the best shape to take is when being one of 2 melee charcters?

Group Comp:
Sorc/Cleric (starting Cleric b/c heavy armor)
Eldrich Knight (Archery)

Leaning Elk or Giant Scorpion. Any Suggestions

2017-09-25, 01:03 AM
I'd wager a lot of that has to do with what level you're at, and how much of that is druid.

2017-09-25, 01:21 AM
Indicatively, beasts with more attacks work better because of the damage bonus from rage, a level 10 moon druid for example is not that much better while raging in elemental form. I've only seen a barbarian 2/moon druid 2 (raging in bear form is amazing at that level) bulid that kicks ass at level 4, but never looked into it beyond that.

Sorlock Master
2017-09-25, 01:28 AM
I'd wager a lot of that has to do with what level you're at, and how much of that is druid.

Supposed to go to 20 but we will see what happens.

2017-09-25, 04:28 AM
I think you need 3 barb to get bear. And that's nice, but you're going to be 3 levels behind in the CR of beasts you can take. Because I'm pretty sure that formula is druid level/3 round down (at lvl 2 dru you get cr1 though). Not your multi or total level.

So at lvl 6 total, you'll be 3 barb and 3 druid - but stuck at CR 1 beasts for 3 more dru lvls. Now, the difference between cr1 and 2 is not that bad, but iirc it gets worse higher up. A lvl 9 dru gets cr 3 creatures, but a 3barb/6dru is stuck at cr2. You won't be able to do elemental form until total lvl 13. Taking half damage on all hits (except what, psychic?) might be worth it, but if you have a lot of short rests you can use two beast transformations in tough fights and cast until you get a short rest. At least you get 3 rages at lvl 3 per long rest. But still you're going to have to pace them out - some fights you won't be raging.

You also can't concentrate in rage, iirc. So you lose the tactic of casting conjure animals or call lightning and then attacking in beast form maintaining concentration on that spell. Your gain in 2 damage per hit is nothing compared to the loss of damage if you can't call lighting or have conjured creatures fight for you. Just some stuff to think about.

If I were to multi as a moon druid I might do a 2 dip into pal after lvl 6 (so I can hit magic-only creatures) - and then divine smite. Moon druids don't cast as heavily as Land druids and probably can afford to use some spell slots as extra damage. You also sacrifice with this choice - you're 2 lvls behind for starters. But being able to add several extra d8 damage per hit is nice. Maybe worth it.

2017-09-25, 07:34 AM
You don't lose casting and wildshaping you can still do that. You don't have to rage every combat you have options. A druid 15/Barbarian 5 loses Mammoth form as far a Beastforms go which isn't a huge deal. Honestly neither is Timeless Body, Beast Spells, and Archdruid. They are pretty awesome but I've played full 20 Moon and MC'ed Pal & Barb with Moon, it all works. This ain't 3.X.

2017-09-25, 07:53 AM
Giant Octopus. Once you get it, it's seriously the most OP tank beast form you can have until about 8th level. 15 foot reach, auto-grapple, and you can hold your breath as long as Wild Shape lasts. Drag your foes to wherever you need them, or drop them in a pit.

Giant Octopus. It's the shiznite.

Joe the Rat
2017-09-25, 08:03 AM
Well, at Druid 4 for Octopus.

Bear is pretty hard to beat at early levels particularly with the multiattack - and you can scale up for a bit. The rage helps a lot here, as you don't have the greatest AC.