View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other [PEACH] Dvati Race Rework/Conversion to PF

2017-09-25, 10:30 AM
Update: I have begun working on Dvati Racial Class Archetypes, it is still a work in progress but here's the link if you want to check it out!
Racial Class Archetypes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543963-PEACH-Dvati-Racial-Class-Archetypes&p=22635994)
Update #2: I've got a new thread up exploring the homeland of the Dvati and their culture here:
Endless Sands Oasis (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?622278-Expanded-Dvati-Culture-and-the-Endless-Sands-Oasis)

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim any ownership of the Dvati or anything published by the original author, Dragon Magazine, or Wizards of the Coast. This work, simply put, is to convert a D&D 3.5 race to a Pathfinder one while clarifying (in my own way) some frequently asked questions about how the race behaves under certain circumstances. This revised race can still be used in a 3.5 game.

I have loved the idea of the Dvati but I find it infuriatingly difficult to find a game that will accept this strange, yet awesome, race. This has been due to a multitude of concerns: unclear rules about how they act under certain circumstances, action economy concerns, and so forth.
For those of you who do not know what a Dvati is, it is a race of twins. One soul sharing two bodies.
This race is found in the Dragon Compendium and also in Dragon Magazine issue #271.
I will not touch any lore about them in this rework. I am mainly concerned with the mechanics involved and will attempt to explain my reasons for what I did. I will also ask for help in critiquing this work but I will still remind any reader to remember that this is not official and should they disagree with the final product, make changes to this for your own games as needed should this actually make it into a game.
Art by Quinton Hoover
Teamwork is paramount for this particular version of this race and the Dvati feats are highly recommended since they generally provide BOTH twins/players with the benefits.
Dvati, Single
-Ability Scores: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence. While not as physically capable individually, their physical and mental coordination between the twins gives them an edge that more than makes up for this deficiency.
I had considered giving them a penalty to Constitution but their individual health will be penalized as is and doubling the problem didn't sit right with me. The big issue about melee attacks getting cheesed also seemed to be a widely voiced concern so Strength was chosen to keep melee damage in line and to keep with their lore emphasizing activities that required coordination and finesse rather than brute strength. Plus, they would have gained near to double extra carrying capacity without the debuff.
-Medium: As Medium creatures, dvati have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
-Dvati base land speed is 30 feet per twin.
-Two Bodies, Single Entity: Dvati twins always have a 'soulmate' that they come into the world with. As such, another player MUST play as a Dvati, Single. If you are going without a twin refer to the Dvati, Survivor.
-Initiative: Both players roll to determine the initiative count of both twins. Take the lower of the two rolls. They act on the same initiative count. Should one or both twins' initiative count change, such as a held action being triggered, the initiative count of both twins takes the worst of the two. For each Teamwork Feat BOTH twins have, increase the lower initiative roll by 1 for each Teamwork Feat, up to a maximum of the higher initiative count.
Wanted to make sure that initiative wasn't going to be a problem so I've spelled it out.
-Ability Score Change: Should Dvati twins be in possession of a magic item or subject to a spell that increases their mental ability score permanently (as per normal after 24 hours), they receive the benefits ONLY if both twins would receive the ability score increase. This applies to similar effects or abilities reliant on ability modifiers.
However, any effects that would decrease their mental ability scores affects them both since they share one mind.
-Saves: A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them at the same time, regardless of distance between the two. If a single such ability targets both twins at the same time, they make only one save between them and one player rolls for both twins (ex.: A single Sleep spell that covers an area both twins occupy won't cause them to roll twice). Dvati twins share one mind.
If an area of effect spell catches both twins, they save separately and take damage as normal unless it is a mind-affecting ability or spell as detailed previously.
This one just needed a little bit of rewording to clear things up. Otherwise, no changes.
-Status Effects: In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin fails to have an effect on the other. If a medusa turns one twin to stone, the other remains healthy. Negative levels are an exception to this rule. If one Dvati twin suffers a negative level, both of them incur its effects. The Dvati makes one save to remove the negative level.
This little paragraph seemed to get overlooked quite a bit so I put it in here. However, I am certain there are still some situations I haven't accounted for and I'd like to clean up those loose ends.
-Dvati Casting (Ex): Dvati twins share the same mind and power used for any type of casting, manifesting, or spell-like abilities. As such, they both must concentrate at the same time on any spell, power, or SLA they cast and spend the same actions required to cast or manifest, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal, although only one must supply material components. If spell failure is incurred, the twin with the worst penalty is applied to the casting attempt. Should one twin attempt to take any actions while one or the other is currently casting a spell, SLA, or manifesting a power; the attempt automatically fails and the resources are expended. (ex.: one casting a spell that takes a standard action or longer while the other tries to swing a sword at a nearby hobgoblin would ruin the spell.) Only one spell is cast but it may originate from either twin. Alternatively, one twin may cast the spell alone while the other takes no actions (including free actions). In this case, only the casting twin's Spell Failure chance is taken into account. However, the spell MUST originate from the casting twin in this case and they both still provoke attacks of opportunity.
-Linked Life Force (Ex): If one Dvati twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a Dvati twin dies, the surviving twin takes 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soulmate returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Level loss caused by returning to life via a raise dead or similar spell affects both Dvati twins as normal. Most Dvati prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a Dvati to the brink of madness.
No changes to what was originally written except taking out the shared hp pool. Also consolidated the dying rules for Dvati into this one for an easier reference rather than having to search around for it.
-Coordinated Resolve (Ex): For each Teamwork feat BOTH twins have, increase both twins' maximum hp by 2. The Teamwork feats do NOT need to be the same, though a duplicate teamwork feat will still count towards this ability.
Since Linked Lifeforce is so integral with how the race feels, I decided to support Teamwork feats while lessening the penalty imposed to the player who decided to act as tank for his more magically inclined twin. (Though that will bring up issues too)
-Instinctive Teamwork (Ex): Dvati are so coordinated that complicated maneuvers requiring delicate timing or complete trust are second-nature to the twins. You may treat your twin as having a Teamwork Feat you know and you may grant its benefits to your twin. Ex.: If you have Paired Opportunists, you could grant your twin and yourself a +4 to AoO's as if they also had the feat. However, they could not gain the benefit from someone else who has the feat since your twin doesn't actually have the feat.
After ripping out quite a bit of the power in the race, I had to figure out a reason for people to actually WANT to play a character with his/her life and actions tied directly to another's well-being.
-Innate Mindlink (Su): The Dvati twins may communicate with each other as if under a constant Mindlink effect with the following changes: This power works across planes and, as a full-round action, a Dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state (i.e. asleep, awake, unconscious, stressed). If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.
Twins are in near constant communication with each other and feel ill at ease if they are unable to confirm the well-being of their other half since their link does not innately allow them to perceive what his/her other sees, hears, or otherwise perceives. Should one of them be slain, the other immediately knows of their demise and begins taking penalties as detailed under Linked Life Force.
This ability counts as the Bonded Mind feat for the purposes of taking feats with Bonded Mind as a prerequisite.
It wasn't clear whether or not this could be suppressed since this was within the wall of text. Since there was a power out there that already did most of what the racial ability did, it was easier to do it that way rather than type it all out. I also thought it appropriate to make it a stand-in for Bonded Mind since it is in almost all ways superior but still gives the same mechanical benefit.
-Spell Conductor: Personal spells (those with a target of "you") affect both twins simultaneously as long as they are on the same plane. Otherwise, they affect only the caster. Other spells function as normal.
A Dvati twin can choose to shift a spell that affects him to his twin so long as both of them are on the same plane. The shifted spell must have a range of touch and it must also be harmless. Using this ability requires a move action from the twin who is shifting the spell to focus and channel the spell's power and provokes an attack of opportunity. Aside from the change in target, the spell's duration and effects continue as normal. A Dvati can transfer a spell he casts from one twin to the other as part of the act of casting without using a move action. He cannot transfer spells used by others.
No changes except for consolidation.
-Pair Link: The close relationship between Dvati twins grants them appreciable benefits when they work together in combat. If a twin uses the aid another action to help his twin, he grants an additional +2 bonus (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to Armor Class.
Took out the flanking bonus since the Teamwork feat is better and already having a constant flanking buddy is powerful enough to start with.
-Automatic Languages: Common and Dvati.
-Bonus Languages: Any.
Dvati requires two creatures speaking simultaneously. One twin provides a description of actions, while the other supplies words and descriptions of things. The two weave together to communicate in a uniquely Dvati manner. Other creatures can speak this tongue, but two Dvati-speaking creatures must work together. Otherwise, communication via this language is impossible. In most cases, Dvati use Common to speak with other races.
No changes to languages.
I took out the Echo Attack since it didn't make much sense for them to have a sonic-based ability. Darkvision seemed like it was tacked on so I removed that ability.
If it matters for anyone using this for a 3.5 game, Bard will still be Favored Class and the LA should still be +1. (Subject to change)
Race Points: Two Bodies Single Entity 0 RP, Dvati Casting -2 RP, Pair Link 2 RP, Innate Mindlink 4 RP, Spell Conductor 2 RP, Coordinated Resolve 2 RP, Instinctual Teamwork 4 RP, Linked Lifeforce -3 RP. Total 9 RP
This may or may not be accurate, I haven't had the opportunity to test how these abilities interact with each othere when played by TWO players.
-Ability Scores: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence. While not as physically capable individually, their physical and mental coordination between the twins gives them an edge that more than makes up for this deficiency.
I had considered giving them a penalty to Constitution but their individual health will be penalized as is and doubling the problem didn't sit right with me. The big issue about melee attacks getting cheesed also seemed to be a widely voiced concern so Strength was chosen to keep melee damage in line and to keep with their lore emphasizing activities that required coordination and finesse rather than brute strength. Plus, they would have gained near to double extra carrying capacity without the debuff.
-Medium: As Medium creatures, dvati have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
-Dvati base land speed is 30 feet per twin.
-Two Bodies, Single Entity: Despite having two bodies, Dvati twins are treated as a single character for purposes of XP, selection of class levels, feats, spells, class abilities, and other special abilities. Create the character as if creating a standard character.
I have decided to break up the original wall of text for ease of reading.
-Actions: Each twin gets one move action, swift/immediate action, and standard action. If they take the full-attack action (they both must expend a full-round action in order to take the full-attack action), they get one full attack and one extra attack at their highest base attack bonus. They may split these attacks between the two twins in whatever manner they wish. However, both attacks at the highest base attack bonus cannot be used by the same twin.
Though they may be able to attack separately, it is too mentally taxing on the twins to attack so many times while both are engaged in combat.
Hoo boy, here was the part that got everyone all worked up. Do these folks share only a single pool between two bodies or does each body get a full-round's worth of actions? I decided that both were too extreme. The first making them nigh unplayable and acting more like a clunky automaton and the latter being way too much power for a +1 LA. I opted to go into a middle ground that still gives some good action economy but doesn't go so far as to break it. If you still want to go for 2 full attacks, look into some of the Style feats.
-Initiative: Roll once to determine the initiative count of both twins. Should one or both twins' initiative count change, such as a held action being triggered, the initiative count of both twins takes the worst of the two.
Wanted to make sure that initiative wasn't going to be a problem so I've spelled it out.
-Two-Weapon Fighting: Each twin may get an extra attack for each twin using Two-Weapon Fighting but the corresponding twin must be the one using the extra attack and that twin suffers Two-Weapon Fighting penalties as normal. Should they both be Two-Weapon Fighting, they both suffer the penalties as normal.
A 6th level Dvati Fighter having one twin using one weapon and the other using two would have the ability to launch 4 attacks with at least 2 of the attacks being assigned to the one using two weapons and the attacks made by the twin wielding two weapons suffering the normal two-weapon fighting penalties. If they were both wielding two weapons, they could launch 5 attacks with at least 2 attacks being assigned to both of them and all attacks suffering from the normal two-weapon fighting penalties.
-Multiple natural attacks: Should one or both twins have access to multiple natural attacks, (should they take the full-attack action) they may use all of one twin's natural attacks and one additional attack from the other twin. They may forego one of the natural attacks to allow the other twin to attack but the attack bonus must be equal to or below that of the one they gave up.
A 6th level Dvati Druid with one twin wild shaped into a giant octopus (Bite with attack bonus +5 and 8 tentacles with attack bonus +0) and the other as a giant squid (bite at base attack bonus +5, 2 arms with attack bonus +5, and tentacles +0) could declare a full attack and gain one of their full attacks. The Giant Octopus could make a full attack and forego one of their tentacle attacks to allow the Giant Squid to attack with their tentacles attack. The Giant Octopus could not give up one of their tentacle attacks to allow the Giant Squid to make an attack with one of their arms since the tentacle is +0 and the arm is +5)
Yeesh, these last two were messy but I really did not want people capable of getting past the full-attack restriction by cheesing natural attacks or by adding another weapon they would never use. Multiple attacks are still going to be a thing but this should keep it from getting out of hand and keep out any confusion.
-Attacks of Opportunity: Each twin gets one Attack of Opportunity. Should they be able to make extra Attacks of Opportunity, they get the same amount as a regular character would +1. These may be divided up between the twins however they see fit. However, the number of attacks cannot exceed the amount one character could make. Any changes to their Ability scores decreases the maximum number of attacks that specific twin can make. It is just as mentally taxing to react to possible openings as it is to make their own.
Dvati twins with 18 Dex. (+4 Ability Modifier) has Combat Reflexes and can make 6 Attacks of Opportunity between the two of them. One of them could not initiate 6 attacks, the max is 5 for each.
I felt that each twin getting doubled AoO was still a bit too close to the original problem of too many actions. See the NOTE above for Actions.
-Ability Score Change: Should Dvati twins be in possession of a magic item or subject to a spell that increases their mental ability score permanently (as per normal after 24 hours), they receive the benefits ONLY if both twins would receive the ability score increase. This applies to similar effects or abilities reliant on ability modifiers.
However, any effects that would decrease their mental ability scores affects them both since they share one mind.
-Saves: A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them at the same time, regardless of distance between the two. If a single such ability targets both twins at the same time, they make only one save between them. Dvati twins share one mind.
If an area of effect spell catches both twins, they save separately and take damage as normal unless it is a mind-affecting ability or spell as detailed previously.
This one just needed a little bit of rewording to clear things up. Otherwise, no changes.
-Status Effects: In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin fails to spill over to the other unless it is mentioned below. If a medusa turns one twin to stone, the other remains healthy. Negative levels are an exception to this rule. If one Dvati twin suffers a negative level, both of them incur its effects. The Dvati makes one save to remove the negative level.
This little paragraph seemed to get overlooked quite a bit so I put it in here. However, I am certain there are still some situations I haven't accounted for and I'd like to clean up those loose ends.
-Act As One (Ex): Dvati twins can consider the other twin as an ally for the purpose of feats, flanking, spells, class abilities, special abilities, and any other effects that rely on an ally should it be beneficial to the Dvati.
This opens up all of the Teamwork feats to them, making for some interesting and powerful plays all in one character. As such, I've removed some of the benefits that they usually get. However, I'll add them as feats. This should tone down some of their power while keeping the flavor.
Even though the Pathfinder FAQ says you count as your own ally under most circumstances, it never hurts to make sure people know that it also counts for Dvati.
-Dvati Casting (Ex): Dvati twins share the same mind and power used for any type of casting, manifesting, or spell-like abilities. As such, they both must concentrate at the same time on any spell, power, or SLA they cast and spend the same actions required to cast or manifest, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal. If spell failure is incurred, the twin with the worst penalty is applied to the casting attempt. Should one twin attempt to take an action that the other is currently using to cast a spell, SLA, or manifest a power; the attempt automatically fails and the resources expended. (ex.: one casting a spell that takes a standard action or longer while the other tries to swing a sword at a nearby hobgoblin would ruin the spell.) Only one spell is cast but it may originate from either twin. Alternatively, one twin may cast the spell alone while the other takes no actions (including free actions). In this case, only the casting twin's Spell Failure chance is taken into account. However, the spell MUST originate from the casting twin in this case and they both still provoke attacks of opportunity.
Martial Maneuvers: If you are using martial maneuvers in your game, they cannot execute martial maneuvers with an initiation action of Full-Round more than once per turn. However, this does not stop them from using any other number or combination of maneuvers.
Should clean up a few loose ends on the caster side of things. Maneuvers and similar aspects have been left out largely unaffected since it doesn't make much sense for two of them to skewer the demon lord but have only one of their attacks take effect. Duskblade or Magus shenanigans probably don't work since they are still technically casting even though it's being delivered via a weapon but I'm still open to any suggestions if I've forgotten something.
-Shared Power (Ex): Dvati share any pool of spells, power points, per use abilities, and any other such abilities that have a limit to how often it can be used. If one twin uses an ability, it is expended for both of them as if they were a single character. Whenever they would regain any of their expended resources, they both must spend the same actions at the same time in order to do so.
Since it's going to be difficult to keep up with ALL of the different systems and pools of resources, here's a catch-all rule.

Linked Life Force (Ex): The Dvati twins divide their hit points between them. Each twin in the pair gains half the hit points from his Hit Die roll, although both gain the full benefits of his Constitution modifier. Do not roll Hit Dice separately for each Dvati twin. For example, a 1st-level Dvati fighter with a 13 Constitution gains 6 hit points for each twin ([10hp/2]+1=6). Any increase or decrease in maximum hit points (except temporary hit points) increases or decreases each twin's max hp (including the favored class bonus hp increase). For example, the same 1st-level Dvati fighter with a 13 Constitution takes Toughness and gains 9 hit points for each twin ([10hp/2]+1 + 3 = 9).
Keep track of maximum hp gained via HD dice rolls and round down from this value instead of each individual HD increase. Then apply other gains to hp as normal.
Additionally, if one Dvati twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a Dvati twin dies, the surviving twin takes 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soulmate returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Level loss caused by returning to life via a raise dead or similar spell affects both Dvati twins as normal. Most Dvati prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a Dvati to the brink of madness.
No changes to what was originally written except for what happens when you take feats like Toughness or other abilities that increase max hp. Also consolidated the dying rules for Dvati into this one for an easier reference rather than having to search around for it.
Innate Mindlink (Su): The Dvati twins may communicate with each other as if under a constant Mindlink effect with the following changes: This power works across planes and, as a full-round action, a Dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state. If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.
Twins are in near constant communication with each other and feel ill at ease if they are unable to confirm the well-being of their other half. Should one of them be slain, the other immediately knows of their demise and begins taking penalties as detailed under Linked Life Force.
This ability counts as the Bonded Mind feat for the purposes of taking feats with Bonded Mind as a prerequisite.
It wasn't clear whether or not this could be suppressed since this was within the wall of text. Since there was a power out there that already did most of what the racial ability did, it was easier to do it that way rather than type it all out. I also thought it appropriate to make it a stand-in for Bonded Mind since it is in almost all ways superior but still gives the same mechanical benefit.
-Spell Conductor: Personal spells (those with a target of "you") affect both twins simultaneously as long as they are on the same plane. Otherwise, they affect only the caster. Other spells function as normal.
A Dvati twin can choose to shift a spell that affects him to his twin so long as both of them are on the same plane. The shifted spell must have a range of touch and it must also be harmless. Using this ability requires a move action from the twin who is shifting the spell to focus and channel the spell's power and provokes an attack of opportunity. Aside from the change in target, the spell's duration and effects continue as normal. A Dvati can transfer a spell he casts from one twin to the other as part of the act of casting without using a move action. He cannot transfer spells used by others.
No changes except for consolidation.
-Pair Link: The close relationship between dvati twins grants them appreciable benefits when they work together in combat. If a twin uses the aid another action to help his twin, he grants an additional +2 bonus (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to Armor Class.
Took out the flanking bonus since the Teamwork feat is better and already having a constant flanking buddy is powerful enough to start with.
-Automatic Languages: Common and Dvati.
-Bonus Languages: Any.
Dvati requires two creatures speaking simultaneously. One twin provides a description of actions, while the other supplies words and descriptions of things. The two weave together to communicate in a uniquely Dvati manner. Other creatures can speak this tongue, but two Dvati-speaking creatures must work together. Otherwise, communication via this language is impossible. In most cases, Dvati use Common to speak with other races.
No changes to languages.
I took out the Echo Attack since it didn't make much sense for them to have a sonic-based ability. Darkvision seemed like it was tacked on so I removed that ability.
If it matters for anyone using this for a 3.5 game, Bard will still be Favored Class and the LA should still be +1. (Subject to change)
Race Points: Two Bodies Single Entity 4 RP, Act as One 2 RP, Additional Actions 6 RP (Haste-like), Pair Link 2 RP, Innate Mindlink 4 RP, Spell Conductor 2 RP, Linked Lifeforce -3 RP. Total 17 RP

2017-09-25, 10:34 AM
Racial Feats
I'm also open to any suggestions for possible feats or even favored class bonuses.

By devoting the attention of both twins to the spell and each manipulating the flow of magical energy to ensure there is nothing wasted, you are capable of expending less effort in order to cast a spell.
Requirement:Dvati & capable of casting 3rd-level spells
Benefits: When both twins spend their actions to cast a spell of at least 1 level lower than the highest level spell that they know, they may make a caster check equal to 15 + the level of the spell being cast. If they succeed, the spell is cast as normal but a spell slot 1 level lower is expended instead. At least a 1st level spell slot must be expended in this fashion. Failing this check has no consequence, but success or failure counts against the daily uses allotted. They may attempt this check a number of times per day equal to 1 + 1/2 ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells (min. 1/day).
This does not increase or decrease the spell level or its Save DC but it increases the casting time if the caster is a spontaneous caster.
Some Dvati are not only close in their thoughts but are also rarely seen without the other due to their ability to appear by their twin at a moment's notice by infusing a bit of latent magic into their bond to pull them to their other half.
Requirements: Dvati & Character level 6th
Benefit: As a Full-Round action, one twin may appear in an adjacent square to the other twin that is unoccupied as the Teleport spell with the following differences:
This has a range of 'personal' only, has a range of 100 miles, is considered Very Familiar if Innate Mindlink (Su) is active, and grappling or any restraints (mundane or magical) automatically thwart any attempts by the twin attempting to teleport.
This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 1 + Cha. modifier (minimum 1/day)
While being nearby your other half is fine and good, sometimes you just need one twin in the other's spot.
Requirements:Dvati, Always Near
Benefits:The twins they may instead exchange places whenever they use Always Near. Additionally, they may use Always Near as an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity once per round whenever one twin is subject to an attack or effect that requires a saving throw, and becoming the new target. They must be aware of the attack or effect to use this.
Always Near may now be used even if one of the twins is unable to expend the actions necessary. (Ex.: Petrified, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, etc.) Though they must expend the actions as normal if such conditions do not exist and the twin who is not suffering from those conditions must be the one teleporting into an adjacent square.
Having strengthened your ability to transfer spells between each twin, you have made it possible to transfer a wider variety of spells and from others.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: When using Spell Conductor, you may transfer any spell between twins that is harmless and it need not have been cast by the Dvati.
You are able to forgo a flurry of attacks in favor of a delicately timed assault that quickly dismantles a foe's defenses or thwarts their attacks as one twin attacks while the other frustrates their foe's ability to fight back.
Requirements: Dvati & Swift Aid
Benefit: Whenever you take the Full-Attack action, you may forgo any number of your extra attacks to instead attempt an aid another check on the same number of attacks. This aid another check is made at the same bonus that was given up and the number of aid another attempts may never exceed the number of attacks made. These aid another checks are made before each attack is carried out.
For example, A Dvati Fighter with a +6/+1 BAB uses the full attack action while both twins are using a longsword each. They get a +6/+6/+1 under normal circumstances but they may instead forgo the extra attack at +1 to instead make an aid another check for one of their attacks with the aid another check before the attack is made, gaining a +1 to the roll since that was the attack that was exchanged. They decide to apply the aid another check to the second attack that they will roll after discovering that the first attack at +6 was ineffective.
You have mastered the ability to allow both twins to work on different parts of a spell in order to cast a far more intricate version of that spell in the moment it is needed.
Requirements: Dvati, Any Metamagic Feat or Metapsionic Feat
Benefit: Once per round, whenever both twins cast a single spell or power, they may attempt a Concentration Check to apply any number of Metamagic/Metapsionic feats known to the spell or power without increasing the spell level, time, power point cost, or expending psionic focus.
The twins must make a single Concentration check at DC 15 + twice the level or power point increase. You must still follow the normal rules for a applying such feats including the max spell level you can cast or manifester level. Should this check fail, the spell or power and actions used are expended without effect. (The metamagic/metapsionic cost is not taken into account for what spell slot you lose or how many extra power points were wasted)
While it's one thing to shunt a twin's consciousness to a single body, it is quite another to combine their very essence into a being of raw power capable of decimating small armies.
Requirements:Dvati, Iron Will, Living Phylactary, ability to spontaneously cast spells or manifest powers, combined caster/manifester level 11th
Benefit: As a full-round action (made by both twins), the twins may become a single Large-sized creature (tall) if they are both alive, in their own bodies, and adjacent to each other. For the duration of this ability, the creature's HP is equal to the combined HP of both twins at the time they combined, they become incorporeal (gaining all benefits except for the following: any spell, power, or weapon with an enhancement bonus affects them as if they were not incorporeal), gain a fly speed of 30 ft (perfect), type changes to Outsider (native), all of their equipment merges with them and becomes inert except for permanent effects that increase both twins' ability scores (such as a Belt of Giant's Strength, Gloves of Dexterity, etc.), they have the same actions as a single creature would, and their ability scores become equal to the lower of the two twins. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your total caster and manifester levels or until you expend all of your spell slots or power points and may not be dismissed early.
Any spells or powers cast are treated as if they were of the highest spell/power you know for purposes of save DC and bypassing spell and power resistance. The spells/powers are expended at their normal level and may not benefit from Heightened Spell or similar abilities that increase the spell level (metamagics may still be applied as normal).
This allows new uses for spells and powers. (These are subject to Spell and Power Resistance)
As an attack action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may expend a spell slot (or cantrip) of any level you can cast to unleash a blast of raw magical energy that deals 2d6 points of damage per spell level expended + 2 points per caster level within 20 ft. and line of sight to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius. A Reflex Save equal to the DC of the highest spell you know halves this damage. You do not suffer any ill effects from your own attacks even if you are within the radius.
You may also use this effect when making an attack of opportunity.

Whenever you take damage from any source, you may expend a spell slot as a free action, even when it's not your turn, to reduce the damage by 5 times the spell slot expended + 1 for each caster level. You may use this to instead reduce ability damage or drain but it only reduces the damage by the same number as the spell slot expended.
Psionic Storm:
As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to deal an amount of Charisma damage equal to half the expended power points (round down) to all creatures within 20 ft. of you. A Will Save equal to the DC of the highest power you know halves this damage. You may maintain this effect as if focusing on a power with a duration of concentration, dealing damage to any creatures that enter or remain in the area of effect. You must spend the same amount of power points as initially expended for each round you decide to maintain this effect.

As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to gain fast healing equal to half the number of power points expended (round down) and gain temporary hit points equal to the number of power points expended. These last for a number of rounds equal to your manifester level. Alternatively, you may heal an amount of ability damage for every 5 power points you expend.
Oblivion:Should you be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while benefitting from this ability, both twins are immediately slain and you do not leave a body behind as the chaotic energy collapses in on itself (much like putting a portable hole inside of a Bag of Holding). Their death throes open a gate to the Astral Plane and any creatures or objects within a 15-foot radius are drawn there. The Dvati cannot be brought back by anything short of True Resurrection or Wish and this only brings one twin back.

Should you lose consciousness or expend all of your spell slots or power points, the effect immediately ends and both twins appear in two squares that the Large-sized creature previously occupied.
Any remaining hit points, nonlethal damage, and ability damage is split evenly between the twins when the effect ends.
Additionally, for each round the twins were fused together, they both take an amount of Ability Burn to their Constitution score equal to the number of rounds they were fused together. If this Ability Burn kills them, it does not trigger Oblivion.

You may use this ability once per day.

Special: If you have Improved Spell Conductor, you may use this ability an additional time for every 3 caster and manifester levels you possess above 11 and you only take half of the Ability Burn (round down). If you also have Unified Spell Conductor, you may double the duration of this ability and you may end it early by using a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Special: Dvati, Single may combine BOTH of the players' casting/manifesting levels for the prerequisites of this feat.
Sometimes someone else needs your energy more than you do. You have developed the ability to strengthen the bond that binds you to your twin in order to bolster their own abilities at the cost of wearing down both of your bodies.
Requirements: Dvati & Mind Over Body
Benefit: As a Standard Action, one twin may take an amount of ability burn damage from Strength, Dexterity, and/or Constitution to bestow the other twin with a Racial Bonus to the same scores suffering from ability burn equal to half of the ability burn damage.
Alternatively, one twin may take an amount of nonlethal damage to provide half the amount of nonlethal damage as temporary hit points to the other twin.
The benefits of either choice last for a number of rounds equal to 1+ (original) Con. modifier. After which, the twin who received the benefits also takes the same amount of damage and/or ability burn as was originally taken from this ability.
Damage taken from either choice cannot be healed via magical means and can only be healed naturally after a night's rest.
You are able to temporarily shunt your awareness wholly into one twin. This can even keep a Dvati pair from perishing should one be killed, though they still run the risk of going mad.
Requirements: Dvati, Iron Will
Benefits: Once per day as an immediate action, the soul of one twin may be transferred to the other’s body to thwart a mind-affecting ability or for any other reason. The two souls share the surviving body peaceably, can communicate freely, and both retain their ability to think and reason. The host may allow the guest soul to take over the body temporarily or reclaim it as a move action. The guest can return to its own body (if available) by touch as a move action.
Should they remain in the same body for more days than their Charisma modifier (minimum 1 day), they begin to take Wisdom damage as if the twin had died.
The twins are in constant communication and this extends to all of their senses, making it very difficult to catch one of them off guard.
Requirements: Dvati
Benefits: If one twin is not considered flat-footed, neither of them are. Additionally, if a creature does not have concealment from both twins it does not gain concealment against either twin.
Additionally, if one twin could act in the surprise round of combat, they both can act in the surprise round.

They lose the benefits of this feat if they are unable to use Innate Mindlink (Su).
Through vigorous training, one twin can cast a spell or power while the other takes the fight to their foes.
Requirements: Dvati, Combat Casting and Uncanny Concentration OR Combat Manifestation and Psionic Meditation.
Benefit: You no longer need to have both twins expend the same action in order to cast a spell or power, nor does taking these actions disrupt the spell or power. This allows one Dvati to cast or manifest while the other takes different actions. The spell or power must originate from the Dvati who is casting and spell failure is calculated only from the Dvati who is casting. Should the other twin attempt to cast another spell; spell-like ability; or power; both attempts are ruined and the resources expended.
You have become so attuned to the magic of your twin that any spell that affects one affects the other equally.
Requirement: Dvati & Improved Spell Conductor
Benefit: Whenever you may benefit from Spell Conductor, you may instead split the time in half equally between the twins (round down). This cannot be used with a spell that has a duration of 1 round or shorter.

Style Feats:
NOTE: All of these Style Feats follow the normal rules for Style feats and are also considered Combat Feats.

Divergent Combatants Style:
This style emphasizes each twin as an individual rather than as a whole by temporarily breaking the bond that holds them together. This is extremely disconcerting and usually causes the twins to become somewhat distant from each other... for a Dvati.

The Dvati are able to become nearly separate from one another in a rather traumatizing manner in order to act as two separate beings for a brief moment. However, this is extremely taxing to both of the twins both before and after their separation and can thus be rather risky.
Requirements: Dvati & BAB +6
Benefits: While both twins are in the Divergent Combatants Style, they may, as a free action, choose to become staggered for 1 round; shaken for 4 rounds; and lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may not initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin for 4 rounds. They must be capable of a full-round action in order to use this feat. At the beginning of their next turn, each twin may seperately expend a full-round action to execute a full attack as if they were non-Dvati, ignoring the usual restrictions on full-attacks for Dvati (Ex.: One twin may make a full attack while the other charges, both launching separate Flurry of Blows, or both launching martial maneuvers that require a full-round action). Afterwards, they are dazed for 1 round and then staggered for 1 round.
The conditions bestowed by this feat cannot be prevented or removed by magical means.

Note: Having the Spell and Blade feat allows you to potentially cast a spell while launching a full-attack.
The Dvati have greater control over the bond and can suffer less dramatic effects when they separate. They are also capable of sustaining greater wounds than normal by bolstering their individual life force to more closely mimic the durability of other races.
Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
In addition; while the twins remain in this stance, they each gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to half of their individual max hit points (round up). This pool is refreshed whenever they get a full night's rest. Should the twins drop the stance and then enter it again, these temporary hit points are not refreshed. The amount remains the same as the previous total they had before they exited the stance.
Becoming an individual separate from the whole is now far more natural and causes little to no discomfort to either of the twins.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first.
Once every 6 rounds, they do not suffer the Dazed condition when using Shattered Bond.

Synchronized Combatants Style:
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive. This style stems from the natural teamwork between the twins and emphasizes their very nature.

The two halves of a whole are so in tune that any opening given by an opponent is immediately taken advantage of.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin succeeds on an attack, the twin that attacked may take an aid another action as a free action to aid the other twin. This may be done even if it is not your turn.
It is impossible to effectively strike at one twin without fear of reprisal from the other. The two are constantly aware of the other and can make far better use of their twin's aid than any other race.
Requirements: Dvati & Synchronized Combatants
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a twin would be targeted for an attack, the other twin may make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature (this attack can be with a ranged weapon should it be in their hands and loaded).
Additionally, whenever a twin would benefit from Synchronized Opportunity, they also gain +2 to their next attack against that enemy (if they chose to provide a bonus to AC) or +2 AC against that enemy's next attack (if they chose to provide a bonus to attack).
The twins are connected at a far deeper level than anyone besides a Dvati could understand and this manifests in the ease they can exercise in providing the other with an opportunity to deal more grievous wounds while avoiding them.
Requirements: Dvati, Synchronized Combatants, Combat Duality, & BAB +6
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin makes an aid another check, they make take 10 on this check.
In addition, whenever a twin performs an aid another check for their twin, they deal extra damage on their next attack equal to the bonus they received for their attack roll. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. The enemy also takes a penalty on their next damage roll against the twin that is benefitting from the aid another check equal to the bonus to AC being provided by the aid another check.
The damage bonuses and penalties do not apply if they take 10 on their aid another check.

Dvati-Craft items
Just as they can share spells, they also have the ability to employ magic items that act much like the Dvati. These cost nearly the same amount as a normal magic item while imparting the benefits to both twins. Even existing magic items can be modified. After all, it can be quite difficult to come across two exact copies of a rare magic item crafted by Dwarven smiths 500 years ago.
The twins may make use of magic armor, weapons, or items that have the same enchantment but only function when both are worn or held by both twins. Such items' enchantment costs are of the same amount as if it was a single item. However, they must still pay for the items themselves. For example, a Dvati Fighter decides to buy a pair of +1 Mithral Breastplates. The enhancement bonus of 1000 gp remains the same but the cost of the two Mithral Breastplates remains the same. Alternatively, they could make one of the Breastplates a Full Plate instead. The enhancement bonus would remain the same but the armor bonus would be different. Should anyone other than a Dvati use at least one of the Dvati-Craft items or destroyed, the magic ceases to function for both items, though the other item still functions as a masterwork item until the paired items are being used by paired Dvati (though a destroyed item loses the magic for both items).
Should they discover a magic item that they wish to make into a Dvati-Craft item, they must spend half of the item's cost to get someone to do so. If they craft it themselves, use the normal crafting rules but divide the cost in half.
Should the item have any charges or limited uses, these resources are shared between the two items as if it was one item. Expending charges or uses gives only the twin activating the item the benefit (unless Spell Conductor may be used).

9/25/17 Included Spell-Like Abilities in Dvati Casting and changed max hp increasing effects to apply to each twin.
9/25/17 Created Dvati-Craft items.
9/26/17 Created Racial Feats: Dual Cast, Intricate Assault, Spell and Blade, and Synchronized Combatants.
9/26/17 Revised Spell and Blade to prevent multiple casts. Currently reworking Synchronized Combatants.
9/27/17 Revised Synchronized Combatants and replaced Dual Cast with Intricate Spell.
9/27/17 Detailed what happened for Ability Score Changes and presented rough draft for Living Phylactery feat.
9/30/17 Revised Living Phylactery feat to be 1/day in response to any situation.
10/16/17 Added Lifeforce Transfusion and cleaned up some of the wording in Intricate Assault.
10/17/17 Added Always Near, moved Synchronized Combatants to new Style Feat tree, and added two Style Feat Trees: Divergent Combatants & Synchronized Combatants. Also clarified Attacks of Opportunities and further clarified Full Attacks for Dvati.
10/18/17 Revised Partitioned Bond and Reforged Bond.
10/21/17 Further clarified Always Near to reflect teleporting restricted to other twin only.
10/27/17 Added Aided Casting to the list of Racial Feats.
10/28/17 Added Racial Point Breakdown.
10/30/17 Limited Intricate Spellcasting to once per round.
10/31/17 Modified Dvati-Craft items to share resources.
11/13/17 Added Lifeforce Flare to Racial Feats. Reduced level requirement of Always Near.
11/15/17 Added Exchange to Racial Feats. Reworded to keep Petrified Dvati from being able to teleport.
12/1/17 Clarified Spell and Blade to include powers.
12/2/17 Added extra reasoning to the Notes under Act As One.
12/4/17 Detailed Dvati mechanics with Two-Weapon Fighting and multiple natural attacks. Also clarified Combat Duality to allow for ranged weapon attacks. Consolidated Examples into Spoilers to keep it from getting as long and so people can skip them if they think they get it.
12/6/17 Added link to Racial Class Archetypes.
3/22/18 Linked Lifeforce now accounts for decreases in max HP and I added a ruling for Initiative. Added Shared Awareness to Racial Feats.
4/20/18 Clarified actions and attack of opportunity for Spell Conductor.
8/9/18 Clarified amount of damage taken when using Lifeforce Transfusion. Clarified number of temporary hit points gained by Partitioned Bond. Clarified Lifeforce Flare's 'Annihilate' interaction should you be within area of effect. Clarified timing needed for initiating Shattered Bond. Added ability to act in surprise round to Shared Awareness feat.
8/11/18 Added scaling value to Lifeforce Flare's 'Negation' and clarified duration of Lifeforce Flare's 'Resilience'.
8/25/18 Clarified the actions needed from both twins in order to execute a Full Attack. Reworked Exchange to allow more reliable combat usage. Clarified Shattered Bond in response to Full Attack changes.
8/28/18 Restricted the number of Full-Round martial maneuvers the Dvati could use in a round. Clarified Shattered Bond to account for change in how martial maneuvers work with Dvati. Clarified Aided Casting for failing the check and decreased the number of daily uses. Clarified the actions the Dvati get.
8/29/18 Clarified the amount of hp Dvati gain from HD each level.
9/4/18 Changed flat number in Lifeforce Flare's Annihilate ability to rolled amount.
10/10/18 Clarified incorporeal benefits gained from Lifeforce Flare.
3/23/19 Changed the feats required for Psionic characters to take Spell and Blade.
4/29/19 Added an alternative way to play the race with an emphasis on Teamwork Feats. Added an alternative casting option for the original race's casting mechanics.

2017-09-25, 10:53 AM
So... Dragonfire Adepts still love this, since they can double-breathe, effectively making them twice as strong. The HP penalty doesn't even matter a ton, since DFAs only have a d8 hit die and a massive Con.

2017-09-25, 11:21 AM
Very cool (especially the Quinton Hoover art!). I think it speaks volumes that we've had to resort to mentioning DFA (I guess warlock would be another?) to find ways to break this race, you've done a good job of balancing them! Two points:

1) HP totals are tricky... as-is they're vulnerable to area-of-effect damage, but if they each get a full HP total they'd be too tough. I suppose you've done the best compromise possible.

2) For sharing spells, do they both get the same effect (not horribly broken I suppose - compare a wizard sharing an alter self spell with his familiar) simultaneously or do they HAVE to alternate between the two of them?

2017-09-25, 11:31 AM
So... Dragonfire Adepts still love this, since they can double-breathe, effectively making them twice as strong. The HP penalty doesn't even matter a ton, since DFAs only have a d8 hit die and a massive Con.

What would you suggest I do? I'm not sure what to do to get not only the DFA but all others without completely nerfing the race again.

Very cool (especially the Quinton Hoover art!). I think it speaks volumes that we've had to resort to mentioning DFA (I guess warlock would be another?) to find ways to break this race, you've done a good job of balancing them! Two points:

1) HP totals are tricky... as-is they're vulnerable to area-of-effect damage, but if they each get a full HP total they'd be too tough. I suppose you've done the best compromise possible.

2) For sharing spells, do they both get the same effect (not horribly broken I suppose - compare a wizard sharing an alter self spell with his familiar) simultaneously or do they HAVE to alternate between the two of them?

1. Well what I can do is make feats like Toughness provide full benefit instead of half. That might make them a little less squishy by doubling the effectiveness of the feat.

2. That falls under Spell Conductor. If it's a target of "you" then it affects them at the same time with the same effects. If it's a spell that they cast with a range of "touch" then it only affects one at a time. I'll add one word to clear it up a bit.

2017-09-25, 11:55 AM
I wouldn't worry about DFA/warlock etc, they're hardly broken with this race.

1. That's a good idea. I'm not sure there's a perfect solution (3/4's hp each?) anyways.

2. Ahhh I see. My apologies, I think I misread the ability. Good stuff!

2017-09-25, 01:09 PM
ooh, this looks nice! I played one of these (NPC running with PC's) and it was so fun >< except when the barbarian got mind controlled by another NPC... then my fragile fencer duo *almost* got destroyed... Awaiting the finished product with great anticipation... Good Job!

2017-09-25, 01:12 PM
Urgh, just remembered that I need to deal with how magic items work with the both of them.
Any suggestions? The spells themselves are not mind-affecting per se but it would get rather confusing if one had a Periapt of Wisdom while another had a Mantle of Eagle's Splendor.
Maybe make it so that extra bonus spells only come when they both have the same stat boosts?

Also, things like Path of War and Style Feat stances comes to mind.

2017-09-25, 01:18 PM
Urgh, just remembered that I need to deal with how magic items work with the both of them.
Any suggestions? The spells themselves are not mind-affecting per se but it would get rather confusing if one had a Periapt of Wisdom while another had a Mantle of Eagle's Splendor.
Maybe make it so that extra bonus spells only come when they both have the same stat boosts?

Also, things like Path of War and Style Feat stances comes to mind.

Well, I (personally) would say that magic ability enhancing items apply to both, while others will say one... the major problem with applying to one is that you will have to keep the stats recorded desperately which will be a pain, not to metnion they get treasure etc as one character... However items that give them certain abilities, such as say a ring that gave flight/darkvision/et all would affect them separately... if that helps... sometimes I'm too wordy... -.-'

2017-09-25, 01:33 PM
Perhaps I could do something specific for Dvati like they did something specific for the Warforged.
Perhaps Dvati can get an item that only functions if both 'sets' are worn by both twins. Otherwise, it ceases to function. Don't change the price on the thing so WBL can be spared and get rid of the paperwork headache... unless you feel up to it. I don't want to completely blast the idea of one twin getting an archery-based magic set and the other getting a melee-focused magic set.
(I'll not get into the potential magic shenanigans I will introduce with some of the upcoming feats)

2017-09-25, 01:48 PM
Perhaps I could do something specific for Dvati like they did something specific for the Warforged.
Perhaps Dvati can get an item that only functions if both 'sets' are worn by both twins. Otherwise, it ceases to function. Don't change the price on the thing so WBL can be spared and get rid of the paperwork headache... unless you feel up to it. I don't want to completely blast the idea of one twin getting an archery-based magic set and the other getting a melee-focused magic set.
(I'll not get into the potential magic shenanigans I will introduce with some of the upcoming feats)

Ah, WBL is a bitch XD. Part of the reason I do a lot of free form hehe. For the Dvati pairing of items if I did that, I would make it only certain items, such as your basic X enhancement to X stat etc, so you can have some versatility between the twin's magic equipment still.

2017-09-25, 07:54 PM
O.K. I made Dvati-Craft items and I'd like you to see if you agree with it or if I should change it up.
I'll get working on how bonus spells and the like work if they try to get two different stat boosting items.

Dvati-Craft items
Just as they can share spells, they also have the ability to employ magic items that act much like the Dvati. These cost nearly the same amount as a normal magic item while imparting the benefits to both twins. Even existing magic items can be modified. After all, it can be quite difficult to come across two exact copies of a rare magic item crafted by Dwarven smiths 500 years ago.
The twins may make use of magic armor, weapons, or items that have the same enchantment but only function when both are worn or held by both twins. Such items' enchantment costs are of the same amount as if it was a single item. However, they must still pay for the items themselves. For example, a Dvati Fighter decides to buy a pair of +1 Mithral Breastplates. The enhancement bonus of 1000 gp remains the same but the cost of the two Mithral Breastplates remains the same. Alternatively, they could make one of the Breastplates a Full Plate instead. The enhancement bonus would remain the same but the armor bonus would be different. Should anyone other than a Dvati use at least one of the Dvati-Craft items or destroyed, the magic ceases to function for both items, though the other item still functions as a masterwork item until the paired items are being used by paired Dvati (though a destroyed item loses the magic for both items).
Should they discover a magic item that they wish to make into a Dvati-Craft item, they must spend half of the item's cost to get someone to do so. If they craft it themselves use the normal crafting rules but divide the cost in half.

2017-09-25, 07:59 PM
I honestly like it, however I do believe that I would reduce the cost to change a preexisting item... since they should not be penalized for twins... I would personally make it 4 hours of work or similar, although OMV.
EDIT: For enhancement bonus, it should be 2 k not 1.

2017-09-25, 09:26 PM
I honestly like it, however I do believe that I would reduce the cost to change a preexisting item... since they should not be penalized for twins... I would personally make it 4 hours of work or similar, although OMV.
EDIT: For enhancement bonus, it should be 2 k not 1.

Hmmmm, the thing is that they are essentially transferring part of the enchantment to another piece of armor. It shouldn't just cost time since another item is also involved that needs to at least be partially enchanted. Also, I'm unfamiliar with the term OMV.

Cost for armor is Enhancement bonus squared x 1,000
Cost for weapons is Enhancement bonus squared x 2,000

2017-09-26, 02:52 AM
O.K. I still have to deal with bonus spells but I did manage to put in some racial feats that should make for some interesting plays. These are also found in the second post.

You are able to forgo a flurry of attacks in favor of a delicately timed assault that quickly dismantles a foe's defenses or thwarts their attacks as one twin attacks while the other frustrates their foe's ability to fight back.
Requirements: Dvati & Swift Aid
Benefit: Whenever you take the Full-Attack action, you may forgo any number of your extra attacks to instead attempt an aid another check on the same number of attacks. This aid another check is made at the same bonus that was given up and the number of aid another attempts may never exceed the number of attacks made. These aid another checks are made before each attack is carried out.
For example, A Dvati Fighter with a +6/+1 BAB uses the full attack action while both twins are using a longsword each. They get a +6/+6/+1 under normal circumstances but they may instead forgo the extra attack at +1 to instead make an aid another check for one of their attacks with the aid another check before the attack is, gaining a +1 to the roll since that was the attack that was exchanged. They decide to apply the aid another check to the second attack that they will roll after discovering that the first attack at +6 was ineffective.
Through vigorous training, one twin can cast a spell while the other takes the fight to their foes.
Requirements: Dvati, Combat Casting, and Uncanny Concentration
Benefit: You no longer need to have both twins expend the same action in order to cast a spell, nor does taking these actions disrupt the spell. This allows one Dvati to cast a spell while the other takes different actions. The spell being cast must originate from the Dvati who is casting and spell failure is calculated only from the Dvati who is casting.
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Whenever a Dvati twin performs the aid another action to give their twin a +2 to their attack bonus or their AC, increase the bonus by an additional +2
You have mastered the ability to briefly split the attention needed to cast multiple spells at the same time.
Requirements: Dvati, Echoing Spell or Echoing Power
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell or power that benefits from the Echoing Spell/Power, you may cast another spell or power with the same level or power point cost of the modified spell or power before it's spell level or power point cost would be increased. This requires both twins to be casting a spell and each spell must originate from a different twin.

2017-09-26, 05:26 AM
Hmmmm, the thing is that they are essentially transferring part of the enchantment to another piece of armor. It shouldn't just cost time since another item is also involved that needs to at least be partially enchanted. Also, I'm unfamiliar with the term OMV.

Fair enough, and the term stands for Opinions May Vary

Cost for armor is Enhancement bonus squared x 1,000
Cost for weapons is Enhancement bonus squared x 2,000
:smallredface: Of course, don;t know what I was thinking...

2017-09-26, 07:57 AM
O.K. I still have to deal with bonus spells but I did manage to put in some racial feats that should make for some interesting plays. These are also found in the second post.

Intricate Assault
You are able to forgo a flurry of attacks in favor of a delicately timed assault that quickly dismantles a foe's defenses or thwarts their attacks as one twin attacks while the other frustrates their foe's ability to fight back.
Requirements: Dvati & Swift Aid
Benefit: Whenever you take the Full-Attack action, you may forgo any number of your extra attacks to instead attempt an aid another check on the same number of attacks. This aid another check is made at the same bonus that was given up and the number of aid another attempts may never exceed the number of attacks made. These aid another checks are made before each attack is carried out.
For example, A Dvati Fighter with a +6/+1 BAB uses the full attack action while both twins are using a longsword each. They get a +6/+6/+1 under normal circumstances but they may instead forgo the extra attack at +1 to instead make an aid another check for one of their attacks with the aid another check before the attack is, gaining a +1 to the roll since that was the attack that was exchanged. They decide to apply the aid another check to the second attack that they will roll after discovering that the first attack at +6 was ineffective.

Hmm, might have been one of my houserules but I thought you could already sacrifice an attack to use aid another... I would change it so the +1 applies to the bonus they give from the aid another, not the aid another roll itself... Unless that is what you meant and I am reading it wrong (If I am sorry, not feeling so swell at the moment)

Spell and Blade
Through vigorous training, one twin can cast a spell while the other takes the fight to their foes.
Requirements: Dvati, Combat Casting, and Uncanny Concentration
Benefit: You no longer need to have both twins expend the same action in order to cast a spell, nor does taking these actions disrupt the spell. This allows one Dvati to cast a spell while the other takes different actions. The spell being cast must originate from the Dvati who is casting and spell failure is calculated only from the Dvati who is casting.

Eh, this allows each to get off 2 spells, or possibly 4 with a quicken... throwing in twin on one and quicken on the other... I'll demonstrate w/ fireball for example: Twin 1: Quickened fireball, twinned (basically x2) fireball, repeat for the other you are throwing 6 10d6 (60d6) fireballs around... Combine this with archmage to convert it to sonic (less things with resistance/immunity) and go to town. Now apply this to fear conditions etc and it can get out of hand quite quickly... Quicken (spell causing fear) with forcecage then other twin cast fear inducing spell, and quickened (not sure if you can twin one...) fear inducing spell and you basically have an insta-cower effect (panicked (?), can't go anywhere so cowering) assuming they fail the saves of course.

Synchronized Combatants
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Whenever a Dvati twin performs the aid another action to give their twin a +2 to their attack bonus or their AC, increase the bonus by an additional +2

This seems rather... underpowerd to me... maybe when they give their twin it is 1/2 (1/4?) character level?

Dual Cast (Metamagic/Metapsionic

You have mastered the ability to briefly split the attention needed to cast multiple spells at the same time.
Requirements: Dvati, Echoing Spell or Echoing Power
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell or power that benefits from the Echoing Spell/Power, you may cast another spell or power with the same level or power point cost of the modified spell or power before it's spell level or power point cost would be increased. This requires both twins to be casting a spell and each spell must originate from a different twin.
Uhm, remember where I was talking about the fear effects above? throw in one more spell if you want to do whatever you want to the subject, and you just erased the BBEG in a round... assuming saves are failed.

2017-09-26, 10:55 AM
Hmm, might have been one of my houserules but I thought you could already sacrifice an attack to use aid another... I would change it so the +1 applies to the bonus they give from the aid another, not the aid another roll itself... Unless that is what you meant and I am reading it wrong (If I am sorry, not feeling so swell at the moment)

Eh, this allows each to get off 2 spells, or possibly 4 with a quicken... throwing in twin on one and quicken on the other... I'll demonstrate w/ fireball for example: Twin 1: Quickened fireball, twinned (basically x2) fireball, repeat for the other you are throwing 6 10d6 (60d6) fireballs around... Combine this with archmage to convert it to sonic (less things with resistance/immunity) and go to town. Now apply this to fear conditions etc and it can get out of hand quite quickly... Quicken (spell causing fear) with forcecage then other twin cast fear inducing spell, and quickened (not sure if you can twin one...) fear inducing spell and you basically have an insta-cower effect (panicked (?), can't go anywhere so cowering) assuming they fail the saves of course.

This seems rather... underpowerd to me... maybe when they give their twin it is 1/2 (1/4?) character level?

Uhm, remember where I was talking about the fear effects above? throw in one more spell if you want to do whatever you want to the subject, and you just erased the BBEG in a round... assuming saves are failed.

1. Aid another says it requires a Standard Action to pull off. It's just an unfortunate wording that says that you roll an attack roll. Much like you can't do a Vital Strike at the end of a Charge Attack since Vital Strike is a Standard Action, not an attack action.
As for the bonus, it would work out this way: Sacrifice an attack with a BAB of +1 to give a +2 (or +4 with the feat) to an attack that's already at BAB +6. Tack on the fact that you're most likely flanking and using the teamwork feats that improve flanking and you could easily end up getting a +14 to hit at 6th level if not higher.
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable giving people a scaling bonus like that since all they need to hit with that attack roll is a 10 and then getting what amounts to a poor man's true strike spell. (If, for argument's sake we had one auto-confirm with a BAB +20 and the other twin using their +20 BAB to attack with, you've automatically got a +40 attack without any need to roll.)

2. Casting extra spells with this was not my intent. I'll have to fix that.

3. I'm essentially copying this off of the Exceptional Aid Teamwork feat, except that I'm applying the extra bonus to attacks and AC instead of skills. Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure about the scaling. I'd originally intended this feat to be a stand-in for the Pair Link ability but I forgot that I'd kept it. I'm going to redo that one. Still going to be themed off of them using aid another on each other.

4. The idea was to give the Dvati a way to make use of having two bodies to cast two spells at a time. Much like Quicken but different. Should I add Quicken to the list of requirements? That way, if people really want to spam spells/powers, they are going to be limited to 2nd or lower spells for the spell that is granted by Dual Cast. Powers would also cost more and the psionic focus thing would get annoying without a great deal of investment in feats used to counteract that. This feat would still expend the spell slot/power points.

2017-09-26, 11:03 AM
1. Aid another says it requires a Standard Action to pull off. It's just an unfortunate wording that says that you roll an attack roll. Much like you can't do a Vital Strike at the end of a Charge Attack since Vital Strike is a Standard Action, not an attack action.
As for the bonus, it would work out this way: Sacrifice an attack with a BAB of +1 to give a +2 (or +4 with the feat) to an attack that's already at BAB +6. Tack on the fact that you're most likely flanking and using the teamwork feats that improve flanking and you could easily end up getting a +14 to hit at 6th level if not higher.
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable giving people a scaling bonus like that since all they need to hit with that attack roll is a 10 and then getting what amounts to a poor man's true strike spell. (If, for argument's sake we had one auto-confirm with a BAB +20 and the other twin using their +20 BAB to attack with, you've automatically got a +40 attack without any need to roll.)

Ah, good point then, belay that XD

2. Casting extra spells with this was not my intent. I'll have to fix that.

Yeah, I thought of it as a rogue type and was "ooh" then thought casters and feld from the room in horror

3. I'm essentially copying this off of the Exceptional Aid Teamwork feat, except that I'm applying the extra bonus to attacks and AC instead of skills. Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure about the scaling. I'd originally intended this feat to be a stand-in for the Pair Link ability but I forgot that I'd kept it. I'm going to redo that one. Still going to be themed off of them using aid another on each other.

4. The idea was to give the Dvati a way to make use of having two bodies to cast two spells at a time. Much like Quicken but different. Should I add Quicken to the list of requirements? That way, if people really want to spam spells/powers, they are going to be limited to 2nd or lower spells for the spell that is granted by Dual Cast. Powers would also cost more and the psionic focus thing would get annoying without a great deal of investment in feats used to counteract that. This feat would still expend the spell slot/power points.

I can't say much for the psi side of things (want to play a wilder rogue type at some point). The problem is reduction of metamagic still, this guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?207382-The-Metamagic-Guide) has some ways (have not looked at it in detail) but the tables are broken... Incantatrix 10 looks really good with these, crazy features and the metamagic -1 (min 0) for each feat is icing on the cake...
...Thus the problem is more of an inherent one in spellcasters...

2017-09-27, 03:19 AM
O.K. I think I've done something about the last two feats that should work. Here they are:
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin succeeds on an attack, they may take an aid another action as a free action to aid the other twin. This may be done even it is not your turn but the bonus from this attempt only lasts until just before the beginning of their next turn or when the twin benefitting from the bonus attacks, whichever comes first.
You have mastered the ability to allow both twins to work on different parts of a spell in order to cast a far more intricate version of that spell in the moment it is needed.
Requirements: Dvati, Any Metamagic Feat or Metapsionic Feat
Benefit: Whenever both twins cast a single spell or power, they may attempt a Concentration Check to apply any number of Metamagic/Metapsionic feat known to the spell or power without increasing the spell level, time, power point cost, or expending psionic focus.
The twins must make a single Concentration check at DC 15 + twice the level or power point increase. You must still follow the normal rules for a applying such feats including the max spell level you can cast or manifester level. Should this check fail, the spell or power and actions used are expended without effect. (The metamagic/metapsionic cost is not taken into account for what spell you lose or how many power points were wasted)

P.S. How does a feat sound that allows one twin to keep living after their partner dies?
Oooh, I just thought of something. I'm going to pull some of my other homebrew that should fit perfectly with this as potential options.:smallamused:

2017-09-27, 07:07 AM
O.K. I think I've done something about the last two feats that should work. Here they are:
Synchronized Combatants
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin succeeds on an attack, they may take an aid another action as a free action to aid the other twin. This may be done even it is not your turn but the bonus from this attempt only lasts until just before the beginning of their next turn or when the twin benefitting from the bonus attacks, whichever comes first.

I love this! Much better then the original.

Intricate Spellcasting (Metamagic/Metapsionic)
You have mastered the ability to allow both twins to work on different parts of a spell in order to cast a far more intricate version of that spell in the moment it is needed.
Requirements: Dvati, Any Metamagic Feat or Metapsionic Feat
Benefit: Whenever both twins cast a single spell or power, they may attempt a Concentration Check to apply any number of Metamagic/Metapsionic feat known to the spell or power without increasing the spell level, time, power point cost, or expending psionic focus.
The twins must make a single Concentration check at DC 15 + twice the level or power point increase. You must still follow the normal rules for a applying such feats including the max spell level you can cast or manifester level. Should this check fail, the spell or power and actions used are expended without effect. (The metamagic/metapsionic cost is not taken into account for what spell you lose or how many power points were wasted)

At first I freaked out, then I saw the bolded part in the text >< I think that the concentration check may be too low, as a wizard could have a primary stat of int then boost con for concentration and max it out with an item... but it can't pass max levels so nevermind ><

P.S. How does a feat sound that allows one twin to keep living after their partner dies?
Oooh, I just thought of something. I'm going to pull some of my other homebrew that should fit perfectly with this as potential options.:smallamused:

On the feat: I would feel fine with it, but it might be a way for some DM's to just force it on a character by killing the twin...

2017-09-27, 11:03 AM
I love this! Much better then the original.

At first I freaked out, then I saw the bolded part in the text >< I think that the concentration check may be too low, as a wizard could have a primary stat of int then boost con for concentration and max it out with an item... but it can't pass max levels so nevermind ><

On the feat: I would feel fine with it, but it might be a way for some DM's to just force it on a character by killing the twin...

Glad to hear it.

D&D 3.5 uses the skill that relies on Constitution and I would agree if that were the case. Pathfinder uses Caster level + Casting Stat + any misc. modifiers. It's not a skill per se so you can't increase it via skills and I've had a tough time trying to find anything that directly boosts Concentration checks.

Hmmm, good point.

Anyways, while I'm stewing on a few other things for this, I'll be working on how bonus spells work when you have stat boosting items.

2017-09-27, 11:59 AM
Glad to hear it.

D&D 3.5 uses the skill that relies on Constitution and I would agree if that were the case. Pathfinder uses Caster level + Casting Stat + any misc. modifiers. It's not a skill per se so you can't increase it via skills and I've had a tough time trying to find anything that directly boosts Concentration checks.

:smallredface: Disregard

Anyways, while I'm stewing on a few other things for this, I'll be working on how bonus spells work when you have stat boosting items.

Well, won't the stats be the same since they share items with Dvati craft?

2017-09-27, 12:23 PM
Well, won't the stats be the same since they share items with Dvati craft?

I haven't ripped out the possibility for them to have different magic items that grant different bonuses.
I think I'll just make it apply to all mental ability scores since it doesn't make sense to have it not apply to the individual Str, Dex, or even Con since this will affect skill checks too. However, I'm going to keep trying to stop any unnecessary cheesing.

2017-09-27, 01:31 PM
O.K. I've put up how ability score changes affect Dvati and I've added another feat. (Though it's honestly more of a rough draft than anything.)

-Ability Score Change: Should Dvati twins be in possession of a magic item or subject to a spell that increases their mental ability score permanently (as per normal after 24 hours), they receive the benefits ONLY if both twins would receive the ability score increase. This applies to similar effects or abilities reliant on ability modifiers.
However, any effects that would decrease their mental ability scores affects them both since they share one mind.

You are able to temporarily shunt your awareness wholly into one twin. This can even keep a Dvati pair from perishing should one be killed, though they still run the risk of going mad.
Requirements: Dvati, Iron Will
Benefits: As an immediate action, if a twin is gravely injured or about to die, the soul of the twin transfers to the other’s body. The two souls share the surviving body peaceably, can communicate freely, and both retain their ability to think and reason. The host may allow the guest soul to take over the body temporarily or reclaim it as a move action. The guest can return to its own body (if available) by touch.
Should they remain in the same body for more than a day, they begin to take Wisdom damage as if the twin had died.

2017-09-27, 01:52 PM
O.K. I've put up how ability score changes affect Dvati and I've added another feat. (Though it's honestly more of a rough draft than anything.)

-Ability Score Change: Should Dvati twins be in possession of a magic item or subject to a spell that increases their mental ability score permanently (as per normal after 24 hours), they receive the benefits ONLY if both twins would receive the ability score increase. This applies to similar effects or abilities reliant on ability modifiers.
However, any effects that would decrease their mental ability scores affects them both since they share one mind.

I like this, although some might say it should affect 1 but not the other... which gets needlessly com;licated. This is a perfect solution (to me at least).

You are able to temporarily shunt your awareness wholly into one twin. This can even keep a Dvati pair from perishing should one be killed, though they still run the risk of going mad.
Requirements: Dvati, Iron Will
Benefits: As an immediate action, if a twin is gravely injured or about to die, the soul of the twin transfers to the other’s body. The two souls share the surviving body peaceably, can communicate freely, and both retain their ability to think and reason. The host may allow the guest soul to take over the body temporarily or reclaim it as a move action. The guest can return to its own body (if available) by touch.
Should they remain in the same body for more than a day, they begin to take Wisdom damage as if the twin had died.

I would make this a number of days equal to their cha modifier... or maybe wisdom mod.

2017-09-27, 04:34 PM
I like this, although some might say it should affect 1 but not the other... which gets needlessly com;licated. This is a perfect solution (to me at least).

I would make this a number of days equal to their cha modifier... or maybe wisdom mod.

The thing I would say to them is that it specifically says one mind for will saves so it would get needlessly complicated if one had an additional +2 to Will saves while the other doesn't. Who would roll?
However, this is not the place to argue that so I'm just going to leave it at that for anyone else who just happens to come along.

What do you mean by that? The number of days they can stay merged before they start taking Wisdom damage or the number of days they can stay merged period?

2017-09-27, 07:02 PM
The thing I would say to them is that it specifically says one mind for will saves so it would get needlessly complicated if one had an additional +2 to Will saves while the other doesn't. Who would roll?
However, this is not the place to argue that so I'm just going to leave it at that for anyone else who just happens to come along.

Yes, I agree.

What do you mean by that? The number of days they can stay merged before they start taking Wisdom damage or the number of days they can stay merged period?

How long they can stay merged without taking wisdom drain.

2017-09-28, 05:30 AM
How long they can stay merged without taking wisdom drain.

I just realized that I didn't quite word it correctly. I was intending for this to be used for more than just death. Perhaps as a 1/day ability to avoid mind-affecting abilities that would target one of the twins or the penalties that would come from death. I'll get on that when I can.

How does a feat sound that does ability burn on one twin's physical stats to boost the other's? Make it include HP too? Take a certain amount of damage to grant temporary HP to the other twin?

2017-09-28, 10:35 AM
IHow does a feat sound that does ability burn on one twin's physical stats to boost the other's? Make it include HP too? Take a certain amount of damage to grant temporary HP to the other twin?

Broken, why? Shove your twin somewhere safe... and use the burn as much as you need. On second thoughts they would be losing any extra actions/benefits from the other twin so it might be fine.

2017-09-30, 06:46 PM
Broken, why? Shove your twin somewhere safe... and use the burn as much as you need. On second thoughts they would be losing any extra actions/benefits from the other twin so it might be fine.

Yeah I could see that becoming an issue for someone determined to cheese things with a parasitic style. They're supposed to work together, not feed off of one.
How about this?
Ability burn for a temporary increase but afterwards the one that got buffed takes the same amount of burn damage?
Not sure as of yet how long the boost should last. Constitution modifier? (Before any buffing)

Also, I revised the Living Phylactery to better fit what I thought it should be.

2017-09-30, 08:07 PM
Yeah I could see that becoming an issue for someone determined to cheese things with a parasitic style. They're supposed to work together, not feed off of one.
How about this?
Ability burn for a temporary increase but afterwards the one that got buffed takes the same amount of burn damage?
Not sure as of yet how long the boost should last. Constitution modifier? (Before any buffing)

Hmm, I would say a reduced amount... maybe 1/2 so it can still give the boost (And tempt the player to take a lot) and then majorly backfire.

Also, I revised the Living Phylactery to better fit what I thought it should be.

This seems better.

2017-10-04, 04:14 AM
O.K. How does this look? Took me a little while to get around to it but it should provide some options for someone that likes to take risks.

Lifeforce Transfusion (Su): Sometimes someone else needs your energy more than you do. You have developed the ability to strengthen the bond that binds you to your twin in order to bolster their own abilities at the cost of wearing down both of your bodies.
Requirements: Dvati & Mind Over Body
Benefit: As a Standard Action, one twin may take an amount of ability burn damage from Strength, Dexterity, and/or Constitution to bestow the other twin with a Racial Bonus to the same scores suffering from ability burn equal to half of the ability burn damage.
Alternatively, one twin may take an amount of nonlethal damage to provide half the amount of nonlethal damage as temporary hit points to the other twin.
The benefits of either choice last for a number of rounds equal to 1+ (original) Con. modifier. After which, the twin who received the benefits also takes the same amount of damage.
Damage taken from either choice cannot be healed via magical means and can only be healed naturally after a night's rest.

2017-10-04, 07:26 AM
I would say that's fine, however I would increase the duration to 2+ (new) con mod, similar to the barbarian rage, but it is good as is.

2017-10-15, 08:54 AM
So, are you done with this project, or are you going to make some more feats for it?

2017-10-16, 09:57 AM
I'm still working on this, I've just had a bit of a rough time figuring out some new goodies since Teamwork feats already cover a lot of ground. However, I'm going to be adding some Style feats for those Dvati-fans that believe it should be 2 full attacks. I've actually got some of it right here. Also a bit of a niche ability that I thought would be interesting to put in.
I'm also going to be clarifying Attacks of Opportunity since I realized I hadn't covered that part of their action economy.
I also need to clarify what feats are Combat Feats.

Some Dvati are not only close in their thoughts but are also rarely seen without the other due to their ability to appear by their twin at a moment's notice by infusing a bit of latent magic into their bond to pull them to their other half.
Requirements: Dvati & Character level 7th
Benefit: As a Full-Round action, one twin may appear in an adjacent square that is unoccupied as the Teleport spell with the following differences:
This has a range of 'personal' only, has a range of 100 miles, is considered Very Familiar if Innate Mindlink (Su) is active, and grappling or any restraints (mundane or magical) automatically thwart any attempts by the twin attempting to teleport.
This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 1 + Cha. modifier (minimum 1/day)

Style Feats:
NOTE: All of these Style Feats follow the normal rules for Style feats and are also considered Combat Feats.

Divergent Combatants Style:
This style emphasizes each twin as an individual rather than as a whole by temporarily breaking the bond that holds them together. This is extremely disconcerting and usually causes the twins to become somewhat distant from each other... for a Dvati.

Requirements: Dvati & BAB +6
Benefits: When both twins enter this style they may, as a free action, choose to become staggered for 1 round; shaken for 4 rounds; and lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may not initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin for 4 rounds. They must be capable of a full-round action in order to use this feat. At the beginning of their next turn, each twin may make a full attack, ignoring the usual restrictions on full-attacks. Afterwards, they are dazed for 1 round and then staggered for 1 round.
The conditions bestowed by this feat cannot be prevented or removed by magical means.
Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first. They still suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may use Shattered Bond to cause one twin to become unaffected by any mind-affecting effect currently affecting both twins for 1 round by rolling against the original Will Save DC (This cannot be used to negate Shattered Bond's conditions). This may be done so long as they would be able to execute a full-round action if successful. Only one twin becomes unaffected and both twins are once again affected by any mind affecting effects if the duration has not expired or been dispelled.

Synchronized Combatants Style:
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive. This style stems from the natural teamwork between the twins and emphasizes their very nature.

Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin succeeds on an attack, the twin that attacked may take an aid another action as a free action to aid the other twin. This may be done even if it is not your turn.
Requirements: Dvati & Synchronized Combatants
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a twin would be targeted for an attack, the other twin may make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature.
Additionally, whenever a twin would benefit from Synchronized Opportunity, they also gain +2 to their next attack against that enemy (if they chose to provide a bonus to AC) or +2 AC against that enemy's next attack (if they chose to provide a bonus to attack).
Requirements: Dvati, Synchronized Combatants, Combat Duality, & BAB +6
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin makes an aid another check, they make take 10 on this check.
In addition, whenever a twin performs an aid another check for their twin, they deal extra damage equal to the bonus they received for their attack roll. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. The enemy also takes a penalty on their next damage roll against the twin that is benefitting from the aid another check equal to the bonus to AC being provided by the aid another check.
The damage bonuses and penalties do not apply if they take 10 on their aid another check.

2017-10-16, 10:13 AM
I'm still working on this, I've just had a bit of a rough time figuring out some new goodies since Teamwork feats already cover a lot of ground. However, I'm going to be adding some Style feats for those Dvati-fans that believe it should be 2 full attacks. I've actually got some of it right here. Also a bit of a niche ability that I thought would be interesting to put in.
I'm also going to be clarifying Attacks of Opportunity since I realized I hadn't covered that part of their action economy.

Cool, oh, I remember what I was gonna ask... Would you be alright if I made a racial paragon class for this? (Not sure exactly what I would do honestly). Also, I would make them able to take Able learner.

-Always Near (Sp):
Some Dvati are not only close in their thoughts but are also rarely seen without the other due to their ability to appear by their twin at a moment's notice by infusing a bit of latent magic into their bond to pull them to their other half.
Requirements: Dvati & Character level 7th
Benefit: As a Full-Round action, one twin may appear in an adjacent square that is unoccupied as the Teleport spell with the following differences:
This has a range of 'personal' only, has a range of 100 miles, is considered Very Familiar if Innate Mindlink (Su) is active, and grappling or any restraints (mundane or magical) automatically thwart any attempts by the twin attempting to teleport.
This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 1 + Cha. modifier (minimum 1/day)

I would make it greater TP just so they don't accidentaly tp somewhere else but keep everything else the same.

Style Feats:
NOTE: All of these Style Feats follow the normal rules for Style feats and are also considered Combat Feats.

Divergent Combatants Style:
This style emphasizes each twin as an individual rather than as a whole by temporarily breaking the bond that holds them together. This usually causes the twins to become somewhat distant from each other... for a Dvati.

-Shattered Bond:
Requirements: Dvati & BAB +6
Benefits: When both twins enter this style they may choose to become staggered for 1 round; shaken for 4 rounds; and lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may not initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin for 4 rounds. They must be capable of a full-round action in order to use this feat. At the beginning of their next turn, each twin may make a full attack, ignoring the usual restrictions on full-attacks. Afterwards, they are dazed for 1 round and then staggered for 1 round.
The conditions bestowed by this feat cannot be prevented or removed by magical means.

Ouch... So you are staggered for round 1 (assuming the "become staggered for 1 round" starts as soon as the feat is activated) shaken for rounds 1-4, and lose access to a lot of abilities... Then round 2 you get 2 full attacks, then you are dazed for round 3, and staggered for round 4... thus losing what may have been 2 full attacks... This is worse then just full attacking with your Dvati... As is if you look at the actions under Dvati (Opening Post) you get a standard action for each... so uhm... I guess you are still going spellcaster if you play one...

-Partitioned Bond:
Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.

Still not that good, considering the penalties of the aforementioned feat... more of a feat tax if you take the feat then anything else...

-Reforged Bond:
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitione Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first and they do not become shaken. They still suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.

Hmm, you still behind if you just split attacks...

Synchronized Combatants Style:
While others may work extremely well together, their teamwork pales in comparison to Dvati twins who know each other far more intimately than any other being alive. This style emphasizes teamwork between the twins and emphasizing their very nature.
-Synchronized Opportunity:
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin succeeds on an attack, the twin that attacked may take an aid another action as a free action to aid the other twin. This may be done even if it is not your turn.
-Combat Duality
Requirements: Dvati & Synchronized Combatants
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a twin would be targeted for an attack, the other twin may make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature.
Additionally, whenever a twin would benefit from Synchronized Opportunity, they also gain +2 attack (if they chose to provide a bonus to AC) or +2 AC (if they chose to provide a bonus to attack).

Well, as is there is no range limits... Can I get a bow, split my attacks and whenever my frontliner is attacked get an AoO still?

2017-10-16, 11:08 AM
Cool, oh, I remember what I was gonna ask... Would you be alright if I made a racial paragon class for this? (Not sure exactly what I would do honestly). Also, I would make them able to take Able learner.

I would make it greater TP just so they don't accidentaly tp somewhere else but keep everything else the same.

Ouch... So you are staggered for round 1 (assuming the "become staggered for 1 round" starts as soon as the feat is activated) shaken for rounds 1-4, and lose access to a lot of abilities... Then round 2 you get 2 full attacks, then you are dazed for round 3, and staggered for round 4... thus losing what may have been 2 full attacks... This is worse then just full attacking with your Dvati... As is if you look at the actions under Dvati (Opening Post) you get a standard action for each... so uhm... I guess you are still going spellcaster if you play one...

Still not that good, considering the penalties of the aforementioned feat... more of a feat tax if you take the feat then anything else...

Hmm, you still behind if you just split attacks...

Well, as is there is no range limits... Can I get a bow, split my attacks and whenever my frontliner is attacked get an AoO still?

I can't tell you what not to do so you can do it. I'm not entirely sure how it would work out though.

1. If I were to do Greater Teleport, I'd change it back to a 1/day ability but I really do not like 1/day stuff. It's extremely unlikely that this feat is going to be selected but I'd like there to be a possibility that they get landed into an unexpected situation should their link be cut. Greater Teleportation is a little too cut and dry for what I envisioned.

2. Divergent Combatants Style doesn't remove Dvati Casting. It still means that each twin needs to use up the same actions to cast anything. Thus spellcasting becomes an extremely poor choice under most circumstances with this Style Feat tree. I didn't want this to be a good trade since that's what puts off most DM's with this race. I'm even hesitant to go at a 1:1 ratio. I might redo that feat tree.

3. Yeah but you'd be missing out on the aid another check since what you're proposing relies on a ranged attack and unless they went into that Teamwork feat, aid another checks are limited to melee.
In other words, it works but you're missing out on most of this tree's power.

2017-10-16, 11:13 AM
I can't tell you what not to do so you can do it. I'm not entirely sure how it would work out though.

1. If I were to do Greater Teleport, I'd change it back to a 1/day ability but I really do not like 1/day stuff. It's extremely unlikely that this feat is going to be selected but I'd like there to be a possibility that they get landed into an unexpected situation should their link be cut. Greater Teleportation is a little too cut and dry for what I envisioned.

Fair enough

2. Divergent Combatants Style doesn't remove Dvati Casting. It still means that each twin needs to use up the same actions to cast anything. Thus spellcasting becomes an extremely poor choice under most circumstances with this Style Feat tree. I didn't want this to be a good trade since that's what puts off most DM's with this race. I'm even hesitant to go at a 1:1 ratio. I might redo that feat tree.

My bad, don't know what I was thinking :smallredface:

3. Yeah but you'd be missing out on the aid another check since what you're proposing relies on a ranged attack and unless they went into that Teamwork feat, aid another checks are limited to melee.
In other words, it works but you're missing out on most of this tree's power.

Fair enough

2017-10-16, 06:36 PM
O.K. reworked 2 of the Divergent Combatant Feats.

Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first. They still suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may use Shattered Bond to cause one twin to become unaffected by any mind-affecting effect currently affecting both twins for 1 round by rolling against the original Will Save DC (This cannot be used to negate Shattered Bond's conditions). This may be done so long as they would be able to execute a full-round action if successful. Only one twin becomes unaffected and both twins are once again affected by any mind affecting effects if the duration has not expired or been dispelled.

Also finished up the last Synchronized Combatant Feat.
Requirements: Dvati, Synchronized Combatants, Combat Duality, & BAB +6
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin makes an aid another check, they make take 10 on this check.
In addition, whenever a twin performs an aid another check for their twin, they deal extra damage equal to the bonus they received for their attack roll. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. The enemy also takes a penalty on their next damage roll against the twin that is benefitting from the aid another check equal to the bonus to AC being provided by the aid another check.
The damage bonuses and penalties do not apply if they take 10 on their aid another check.
P.S. Cleaned up some of the wording on a few of the feats. (Can't remember which ones though)

2017-10-17, 02:19 AM
Thought it was important to put the Changelog up this time around.

10/17/17 Added Always Near, moved Synchronized Combatants to new Style Feat tree, and added two Style Feat Trees: Divergent Combatants & Synchronized Combatants. Also clarified Attacks of Opportunities and further clarified Full Attacks for Dvati.

Also, wondering if there is an existing way to allow others to use Racial Feats that an ally has. Otherwise, I think I know a good Teamwork feat to work on.

2017-10-17, 07:40 AM
O.K. reworked 2 of the Divergent Combatant Feats.

Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first. They still suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may use Shattered Bond to cause one twin to become unaffected by any mind-affecting effect currently affecting both twins for 1 round by rolling against the original Will Save DC (This cannot be used to negate Shattered Bond's conditions). This may be done so long as they would be able to execute a full-round action if successful. Only one twin becomes unaffected and both twins are once again affected by any mind affecting effects if the duration has not expired or been dispelled.

Honestly, these seem sort of... feat tax-y... I mean spell and blade lets you get a spell plus your other action... (Still not 2 spells), so making a RKV with one of these is nice, but making a straight melee? Less so... Seems like the race is more useful for gishing... I would condense it to 2 feats, or if you do the 3rd make them lose the penalties completely...

Also finished up the last Synchronized Combatant Feat.
Requirements: Dvati, Synchronized Combatants, Combat Duality, & BAB +6
Benefit: Once per round, whenever a Dvati twin makes an aid another check, they make take 10 on this check.
In addition, whenever a twin performs an aid another check for their twin, they deal extra damage equal to the bonus they received for their attack roll. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. The enemy also takes a penalty on their next damage roll against the twin that is benefitting from the aid another check equal to the bonus to AC being provided by the aid another check.
The damage bonuses and penalties do not apply if they take 10 on their aid another check.
P.S. Cleaned up some of the wording on a few of the feats. (Can't remember which ones though)

Flawless teamwork seems alright.

2017-10-17, 04:35 PM
Honestly, these seem sort of... feat tax-y... I mean spell and blade lets you get a spell plus your other action... (Still not 2 spells), so making a RKV with one of these is nice, but making a straight melee? Less so... Seems like the race is more useful for gishing... I would condense it to 2 feats, or if you do the 3rd make them lose the penalties completely...

Flawless teamwork seems alright.

I'm not familiar with the term RKV and gish.
If I want to stay true to the Style Feats, it has to be 3. I'm still not entirely comfortable giving them what amounts to a spammable Greater Haste (3.5 only I found out) but perhaps I could do something a little toned down.

Only all right? Try making a true aid another build and you can keep buffing or nerfing someone's damage by +/- 10 or more. Evidently there are magic items that allow you to put the weapon's enhancement bonus towards the aid another bonus your ally receives.

2017-10-17, 07:39 PM
I'm not familiar with the term RKV and gish.
If I want to stay true to the Style Feats, it has to be 3. I'm still not entirely comfortable giving them what amounts to a spammable Greater Haste (3.5 only I found out) but perhaps I could do something a little toned down.

RKV: Ruby Knight Vindicator (Tome of Battle)
Gish: Think duskblade PHB II, or better yet, here is the gish handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?321715-The-Gish-Handbook)
Only all right? Try making a true aid another build and you can keep buffing or nerfing someone's damage by +/- 10 or more. Evidently there are magic items that allow you to put the weapon's enhancement bonus towards the aid another bonus your ally receives.[/QUOTE]
I meant it wasn't straight out broken :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-17, 11:49 PM
O.K. take three on this Style Feat Tree

Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
In addition; while the twins remain in this stance, they each gain a pool of temporary hit points per character level equal to half of their individual hit points (round up). These temporary hit points are replenished whenever they get a full night's rest. Should the twins drop the stance and then enter it again, the temporary hit points are not refreshed. They remain at the same amount as what they had before it they exited the stance.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first and they do not suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may benefit from this feat once every 1d3 rounds.

The flavor for each of these Style feats is coming up.

2017-10-18, 06:58 AM
O.K. take three on this Style Feat Tree

Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
In addition; while the twins remain in this stance, they each gain a pool of temporary hit points per character level equal to half of their individual hit points (round up). These temporary hit points are replenished whenever they get a full night's rest. Should the twins drop the stance and then enter it again, the temporary hit points are not refreshed. They remain at the same amount as what they had before it they exited the stance.

Bold my own
So, say my twins each have a pool of 30 HP and they are 10th level (I grabbed random numbers). the temp HP pool would be 150? Or did you mean per twin? In which case they would both get 15 temp HP?

Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first and they do not suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may benefit from this feat once every 1d3 rounds.

The flavor for each of these Style feats is coming up.
Yes, I like reforged bond this way, a lot more.

2017-10-18, 11:21 AM
Bold my own
So, say my twins each have a pool of 30 HP and they are 10th level (I grabbed random numbers). the temp HP pool would be 150? Or did you mean per twin? In which case they would both get 15 temp HP?

Yes, I like reforged bond this way, a lot more.

1. Ugh, sorry. That was left over from something I started. It's just supposed to be half health.

2. This way, it will allow them to double up on the full attacks but they can't always avoid the inaction phase all the time. I might actually take it off of a dice roll since an extremely lucky player could use it quite frequently.

2017-10-18, 11:24 AM
1. Ugh, sorry. That was left over from something I started. It's just supposed to be half health.

Ah, alright

2. This way, it will allow them to double up on the full attacks but they can't always avoid the inaction phase all the time. I might actually take it off of a dice roll since an extremely lucky player could use it quite frequently.

I think that chance is part of what makes the game fun, I would keep it, although OMV (opinions may vary)

2017-10-18, 11:28 AM
O.K. Cleaned it up and made the dice roll a flat number since it was kind of a wonky die anyways. This way it should be more consistent. Anyone who wants to double up on those full attacks can but it's not going to be a frequent event (Though it might be rather dramatic to say the least).

Requirements: Dvati & Shattered Bond
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond, they are not shaken and do not lose access to Act As One (Ex), Innate Mindlink (Su), Pair Link, Spell Conductor, and may initiate Teamwork feats using the other twin.
In addition; while the twins remain in this stance, they each gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to half of their individual hit points (round up). This pool is refreshed whenever they get a full night's rest. Should the twins drop the stance and then enter it again, these temporary hit points are not refreshed. The amount remains the same as the previous total they had before they exited the stance.
Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first and they do not suffer the penalties after they use Shattered Bond.
They may benefit from this feat once every 6 rounds.

2017-10-18, 11:31 AM
Ah, alright

I think that chance is part of what makes the game fun, I would keep it, although OMV (opinions may vary)

Let's just say that Lady Luck and I don't exactly have the best of working relationships... If I try to roll a bunch of dice, I somehow end up with 3 lemons. Double-headed coin and call heads? I'll lose the coin...

2017-10-18, 11:33 AM
I would make reforged bond either 3 or 4 (leaning towards 3) rounds to wait, as 6 is a long wait... and you used a d3 originally. Although, that is my personal opinion, it still works as is.

2017-10-18, 11:37 AM
I would make reforged bond either 3 or 4 (leaning towards 3) rounds to wait, as 6 is a long wait... and you used a d3 originally. Although, that is my personal opinion, it still works as is.

Actually, here's what I'm going to do, I realized that doing a burst of full attacks with that initial stagger just doesn't fit with flavor. In that case, I'm just going to remove it completely with Reforged. Here's the feat that just keeps coming back!

Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first.
Once every 6 rounds, they do not suffer the Dazed or Shaken conditions when using Shattered Bond.

2017-10-18, 11:41 AM
Actually, here's what I'm going to do, I realized that doing a burst of full attacks with that initial stagger just doesn't fit with flavor. In that case, I'm just going to remove it completely with Reforged. Here's the feat that just keeps coming back!

Requirements: Dvati, Shattered Bond, Partitioned Bond, & BAB +11
Benefits: Whenever the twins use Shattered Bond; each twin may make a full attack instead of being staggered for 1 round first.
Once every 6 rounds, they do not suffer the Dazed or Shaken conditions when using Shattered Bond.

Hmm, that does the same, and also explains why they can't just do it until X rounds have passed. I like it :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-18, 01:50 PM
O.K. I put up some flavor for the Style Feats. I'm also trying to find a game to put this race in if you have any ideas.

2017-10-18, 01:56 PM
O.K. I put up some flavor for the Style Feats. I'm also trying to find a game to put this race in if you have any ideas.

I'd try the PbP stuff, I would but with college and what not going on i just don't have the time :smallfrown:

2017-10-18, 07:41 PM
O.K. here are a few more ideas for some magic support.

Benefits: You may use Spell Conductor on any spell that is listed as harmless, not just touch range spells, and the spell need not have been cast by you.

Requirement:Dvati & capable of casting 3rd-level spells
Benefits: When both twins spend their actions to cast a spell, they may make a caster check equal to 15 + level of the spell being cast. If they succeed, the spell is cast as normal but a spell slot 1 level lower (at least a 1st level spell slot) is expended instead. They may attempt this check a number of times per day equal to 1 + ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells.
This does not increase or decrease the spell level or its Save DC but it increases the casting time if the caster is a spontaneous caster.

2017-10-18, 08:34 PM
Aided casting needs something saying you can't cast spells of a level you can't access.

2017-10-19, 04:44 AM
Aided casting needs something saying you can't cast spells of a level you can't access.

Good point. Also, as it is they could easily get their highest level spells over and over. So I'm going to put a limit to that too.
So here it is again.

Requirement:Dvati & capable of casting 3rd-level spells
Benefits: When both twins spend their actions to cast a spell of at least 1 level lower than the highest level spell that they know, they may make a caster check equal to 15 + the level of the spell being cast. If they succeed, the spell is cast as normal but a spell slot 1 level lower (at least a 1st level spell slot) is expended instead. They may attempt this check a number of times per day equal to 1 + ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells.
This does not increase or decrease the spell level or its Save DC but it increases the casting time if the caster is a spontaneous caster.

2017-10-19, 06:54 AM
I like it :smallsmile:

2017-10-27, 03:34 PM
So it's come to my attention that there is still a way for this race to cast two spells at once. Intricate Spellcasting seems like one way to do it but I'd like some help in figuring out how else they could do so.

P.S. Also added Aided Casting to the list since I forgot to earlier.

2017-10-28, 05:12 PM
O.K. I think I've figured out the Racial Points for this race.

Race Points: Two Bodies Single Entity 4 RP, Act as One 2 RP, Additional Actions 6 RP (Haste-like), Pair Link 2 RP, Innate Mindlink 4 RP, Spell Conductor 2 RP, Linked Lifeforce -3 RP. Total 17 RP

2017-10-28, 10:53 PM
So it's come to my attention that there is still a way for this race to cast two spells at once. Intricate Spellcasting seems like one way to do it but I'd like some help in figuring out how else they could do so.

P.S. Also added Aided Casting to the list since I forgot to earlier.
Another spell...Besides standard caster tricks I can't think of one (attempts to summon an optimizer). If there is I missed it.

O.K. I think I've figured out the Racial Points for this race.

Race Points: Two Bodies Single Entity 4 RP, Act as One 2 RP, Additional Actions 6 RP (Haste-like), Pair Link 2 RP, Innate Mindlink 4 RP, Spell Conductor 2 RP, Linked Lifeforce -3 RP. Total 17 RP
This is the part where I tell you racial points are PF, and I'm not familiar with it :smallcool:

2017-10-30, 09:21 AM
O.K. just to cover my bases I've limited Intricate Spellcasting to once per round. This should make sure that it can't be cheesed in case someone can break the normal Quickened rules.
For D&D 3.5 it specifically states free action but only 1 can be cast per round.
PF states a swift action and you can't get more than one swift action per round if you follow RAW. (If you don't then it kind of becomes a moot point anyways since you could just houserule Intricate Spellcasting to be anytime.)

2017-10-30, 09:34 AM
O.K. just to cover my bases I've limited Intricate Spellcasting to once per round. This should make sure that it can't be cheesed in case someone can break the normal Quickened rules.
For D&D 3.5 it specifically states free action but only 1 can be cast per round.
PF states a swift action and you can't get more than one swift action per round if you follow RAW. (If you don't then it kind of becomes a moot point anyways since you could just houserule Intricate Spellcasting to be anytime.)

PF doesn't have magic items that give a bonus action? Huh, alright, then it sounds good.

2017-10-30, 09:47 AM
PF doesn't have magic items that give a bonus action? Huh, alright, then it sounds good.

PF does have haste but it doesn't have Greater Haste. A bit disappointing but I think Greater Haste could get out of hand anyways. (Especially with the Dvati and the Shattered Bond)

2017-10-30, 10:00 AM
PF does have haste but it doesn't have Greater Haste. A bit disappointing but I think Greater Haste could get out of hand anyways. (Especially with the Dvati and the Shattered Bond)

The way they nerfed haste in 3.5... :smallfurious:
Especially since they later gave casters a lot more ways to shatter the action economy, but mundanes got shafted... again. :smallsigh:

2017-10-30, 11:31 AM
Thinking about feats to improve Spell Conductor. Thoughts?

2017-10-30, 11:33 AM
Maybe allow it to work across planes, and to be shifted as a swift (or in my preference as a free 1/round)?

EDIT: Maybe allow them to increase the bonus of spells a little?

2017-10-30, 06:48 PM
How do these look?
Having strengthened your ability to transfer spells between each twin, you have made it possible to transfer a wider variety of spells and from others.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: When using Spell Conductor, you may transfer any spell between twins that is harmless and it need not have been cast by the Dvati.

You have become so attuned to the magic of your twin that any spell that affects one affects the other equally.
Requirement: Dvati & Improved Spell Conductor
Benefit: Whenever you may benefit from Spell Conductor, you may instead split the time in half equally between the twins (round down). This cannot be used with a spell that has a duration of 1 round or shorter.

2017-10-31, 02:15 AM
I just figured out that I practically doubled items that had charges and per use abilities for free with Dvati-Craft items. I've changed it by adding the following:

Should the item have any charges or limited uses, these resources are shared between the two items as if it was one item. Expending charges or uses gives only one twin the benefit (unless Spell Conductor may be used).

2017-10-31, 09:02 AM
How do these look?
Having strengthened your ability to transfer spells between each twin, you have made it possible to transfer a wider variety of spells and from others.
Requirement: Dvati
Benefit: When using Spell Conductor, you may transfer any spell between twins that is harmless and it need not have been cast by the Dvati.

You have become so attuned to the magic of your twin that any spell that affects one affects the other equally.
Requirement: Dvati & Improved Spell Conductor
Benefit: Whenever you may benefit from Spell Conductor, you may instead split the time in half equally between the twins (round down). This cannot be used with a spell that has a duration of 1 round or shorter.

So, The first lets you share buffs from other people, but to do so you have to spend a move action.

The second... What's the point? Normally you share the buffs, so it seems to me that this is just a waste of duration... Unless you meant when you benefit from improved spell conductor and are using a buff an ally applied?

I just figured out that I practically doubled items that had charges and per use abilities for free with Dvati-Craft items. I've changed it by adding the following:

Should the item have any charges or limited uses, these resources are shared between the two items as if it was one item. Expending charges or uses gives only one twin the benefit (unless Spell Conductor may be used).

Nice catch, didn't think of that.

2017-10-31, 10:24 AM
So, The first lets you share buffs from other people, but to do so you have to spend a move action.

The second... What's the point? Normally you share the buffs, so it seems to me that this is just a waste of duration... Unless you meant when you benefit from improved spell conductor and are using a buff an ally applied?

The first allows you to share a greater variety of spells. Some spells don't have a range of touch but it has beneficial effects. The normal Spell Conductor couldn't transfer such a spell even if it was cast by the Dvati.
Haste is one of those examples of beneficial spells that can't normally be transferred.

The second one does apply since it has Improved Spell Conductor as a prerequisite and Improved Spell Conductor modifies Spell Conductor.
Once again Haste is a good example since it is harmless and has a duration that could be split between the twins.

2017-10-31, 10:33 AM
The first allows you to share a greater variety of spells. Some spells don't have a range of touch but it has beneficial effects. The normal Spell Conductor couldn't transfer such a spell even if it was cast by the Dvati.
Haste is one of those examples of beneficial spells that can't normally be transferred.

The second one does apply since it has Improved Spell Conductor as a prerequisite and Improved Spell Conductor modifies Spell Conductor.
Once again Haste is a good example since it is harmless and has a duration that could be split between the twins.

Ah, alright my bad :smallredface:. They look good then, although maybe something to let them shift a spell as a free action 1/round?

2017-10-31, 11:01 AM
Ah, alright my bad :smallredface:. They look good then, although maybe something to let them shift a spell as a free action 1/round?

If I did that then there would be no point to the second feat. Plus, too much for the feat to remember to swap the spell just in time to allow both of them to essentially get a full duration spell for just a little bit of micro-managing.
Ex.: Haste one twin for 10 rounds, that twin gets extra action and then as free action gives it to other twin who gets the bonus. Next round repeat previous shenanigan. Repeat for 10 rounds straight while giving both the same buff.
Plus, if you're a spellcaster you can swap the spell as part of casting should that be an issue for some odd reason. (Spell and Blade comes to mind as a good one since one casts and the other fights.)

2017-10-31, 11:03 AM
If I did that then there would be no point to the second feat. Plus, too much for the feat to remember to swap the spell just in time to allow both of them to essentially get a full duration spell for just a little bit of micro-managing.
Plus, if you're a spellcaster you can swap the spell as part of casting should that be an issue for some odd reason. (Spell and Blade comes to mind as a good one since one casts and the other fights.)

Fair enough then.

2017-11-08, 01:03 PM
Hey again! I know it's been a while but I've still been trying to figure out new goodies to add.
I'm not exactly sure about all of the details but how about being able to combine the twins for a short time?

The inspiration came from the StarCraft Archon. (Essentially two wizards combining their very life-energy to become a being of raw power)

2017-11-08, 01:11 PM
Hey again! I know it's been a while but I've still been trying to figure out new goodies to add.
I'm not exactly sure about all of the details but how about being able to combine the twins for a short time?

The inspiration came from the StarCraft Archon. (Essentially two wizards combining their very life-energy to become a being of raw power)

Hmm, that would be cool, at least from a fluff point of view... The problem is that you may have abilities were both twins can act, and then this would be pretty lame as you are cutting off actions... Maybe you get an extra partial action while doing so and... hmm.. immunity to ability score damage, and mind affects (fluffed as being too powerful for most to overcome due to the whole "souls so big we needed two bodies" fluff in the dragon compendium?)

I like the idea, the problem may be in the execution though... Maybe as an immediate action when one would be killed?
... or it could combine their separate HP pools, making it nice depending on the circumstance...

2017-11-09, 03:56 AM
O.K. This is definitely a rough draft since I'm not entirely sure about everything and I'm considering putting it as something other than a feat.

While it's one thing to shunt a twin's consciousness to a single body, it is quite another to combine their very essence into a being of raw power capable of decimating small armies.
Requirements:Dvati, Iron Will, Living Phylactary, ability to spontaneously cast spells or manifest powers, combined caster/manifester level 11th
Benefit: As a full-round action, the twins may become a single Large-sized creature if they are both alive, in their own bodies, and adjacent to each other. The creature's HP is equal to the combined HP of both twins at the time they combine, they become incorporeal, their type changes to Outsider (native), all of their equipment merges with them and becomes inert, they have the same actions as a single creature would, and their ability scores become equal to the lower of the two twins. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your total caster and manifester levels or until you expend all of your spells or power points and may not be dismissed early.
This allows new uses for spells and powers. (These are subject to Spell and Power Resistance)
Spells: As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may expend a spell slot of any level you can cast to unleash a blast of raw magical energy that deals 10 points of damage per spell level expended + 5 points per caster level within 20 ft. and line of sight to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius. A Reflex Save equal to the DC of the highest spell you know halves this damage. You do not suffer any ill effects from this attack.
You may also use this effect when making an attack of opportunity.
Whenever you take damage from any source, you may expend a spell slot as a free action, even when it's not your turn, to reduce the damage by 5 times the spell slot expended. You may use this to instead reduce ability damage or drain but it only reduces the damage by the same number as the spell slot expended.
Powers:As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to deal an equal amount of Charisma damage to all creatures within 20 ft. of you. A Will Save equal to the DC of the highest power you know halves this damage. You may maintain this effect as if focusing on a power with a duration of concentration, dealing damage to any creatures that enter the area of effect. You must spend the same amount of power points as initially expended for each round you decide to maintain this effect.
As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to heal a number of hit points equal to 5 times the number of power points expended. Alternatively, you may heal an amount of ability damage equal to the number of power points you expend.

2017-11-09, 04:01 AM
I still need to include:
How many times you can use this
What happens if you die while a single being
Casting spells while together

2017-11-10, 02:32 AM
O.K. I hate making once per day abilities but with such a heavy-handed ability I think it's warranted.
I think I'll still need to tweak it since it is a bit long and I might have missed something.
I might split this into two feats since I almost never get to play games above 9th level.

While it's one thing to shunt a twin's consciousness to a single body, it is quite another to combine their very essence into a being of raw power capable of decimating small armies.
Requirements:Dvati, Iron Will, Living Phylactary, ability to spontaneously cast spells or manifest powers, combined caster/manifester level 11th
Benefit: As a full-round action, the twins may become a single Large-sized creature if they are both alive, in their own bodies, and adjacent to each other. The creature's HP is equal to the combined HP of both twins at the time they combine, they become incorporeal, their type changes to Outsider (native), all of their equipment merges with them and becomes inert, they have the same actions as a single creature would, and their ability scores become equal to the lower of the two twins. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your total caster and manifester levels or until you expend all of your spell slots or power points and may not be dismissed early.
Any spells or powers cast are treated as if they were of the highest spell/power you know for purposes of save DC and bypassing spell and power resistance.
This allows new uses for spells and powers. (These are subject to Spell and Power Resistance)
As an attack action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may expend a spell slot of any level you can cast to unleash a blast of raw magical energy that deals 10 points of damage per spell level expended + 5 points per caster level within 20 ft. and line of sight to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius. A Reflex Save equal to the DC of the highest spell you know halves this damage. You do not suffer any ill effects from this attack.
You may also use this effect when making an attack of opportunity.

Whenever you take damage from any source, you may expend a spell slot as a free action, even when it's not your turn, to reduce the damage by 5 times the spell slot expended. You may use this to instead reduce ability damage or drain but it only reduces the damage by the same number as the spell slot expended.
As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to deal an equal amount of Charisma damage to all creatures within 20 ft. of you. A Will Save equal to the DC of the highest power you know halves this damage. You may maintain this effect as if focusing on a power with a duration of concentration, dealing damage to any creatures that enter or remain in the area of effect. You must spend the same amount of power points as initially expended for each round you decide to maintain this effect.

As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to heal a number of hit points equal to 5 times the number of power points expended. Alternatively, you may heal an amount of ability damage equal to the number of power points you expend.
Should you be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while benefitting from this ability, both twins are immediately slain and you do not leave a body behind as the chaotic energy collapses in on itself (much like the Disintegrate spell except equipment is also affected). Additionally, any creatures or objects adjacent to you immediately takes 10 points of damage equal to the total of your caster and manifester levels (no save).
Should you lose consciousness or expend all of your spell slots or power points, the effect immediately ends and both twins appear in two squares that the Large-sized creature previously occupied.
Any remaining hit points, nonlethal damage, and ability damage is split evenly between the twins when the effect ends.

You may use this ability once per day.

Special: If you have Improved Spell Conductor, you may use this ability an additional time for every 5 levels equal to your total caster and manifester levels. If you also have Unified Spell Conductor, you may double the duration of this ability and you may end it early by using a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

2017-11-10, 08:22 AM
I like it, although this benefits spellcasters without giving martials much.

2017-11-10, 10:54 AM
I like it, although this benefits spellcasters without giving martials much.

It's not supposed to benefit martials. I just couldn't see how martial characters could merge without some sort of magic.
I'm still thinking I need to tone it down if I really want it to be available at the level I want it to be.

2017-11-10, 04:34 PM
I rebalanced quite a few of the costs involved with using this ability and the damage. I do feel more confident in labelling it as a feat rather than having to link it to a whole class (please don't make me do it... it's a lot of work... maybe later I'll do racial classes).
While it's one thing to shunt a twin's consciousness to a single body, it is quite another to combine their very essence into a being of raw power capable of decimating small armies.
Requirements:Dvati, Iron Will, Living Phylactary, ability to spontaneously cast spells or manifest powers, combined caster/manifester level 11th
Benefit: As a full-round action, the twins may become a single Large-sized creature if they are both alive, in their own bodies, and adjacent to each other. For the duration of this ability, the creature's HP is equal to the combined HP of both twins at the time they combined, they become incorporeal, their type changes to Outsider (native), all of their equipment merges with them and becomes inert, they have the same actions as a single creature would, and their ability scores become equal to the lower of the two twins. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your total caster and manifester levels or until you expend all of your spell slots or power points and may not be dismissed early.
Any spells or powers cast are treated as if they were of the highest spell/power you know for purposes of save DC and bypassing spell and power resistance. The spells/powers are expended at their normal level and may not benefit from Heightened Spell or similar abilities that increase the spell level (metamagics may still be applied as normal).
This allows new uses for spells and powers. (These are subject to Spell and Power Resistance)
As an attack action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may expend a spell slot (or cantrip) of any level you can cast to unleash a blast of raw magical energy that deals 10 points of damage per spell level expended + 2 points per caster level within 20 ft. and line of sight to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius. A Reflex Save equal to the DC of the highest spell you know halves this damage. You do not suffer any ill effects from this attack.
You may also use this effect when making an attack of opportunity.

Whenever you take damage from any source, you may expend a spell slot as a free action, even when it's not your turn, to reduce the damage by 5 times the spell slot expended. You may use this to instead reduce ability damage or drain but it only reduces the damage by the same number as the spell slot expended.
Psionic Storm:
As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to deal an amount of Charisma damage equal to half the expended power points (round down) to all creatures within 20 ft. of you. A Will Save equal to the DC of the highest power you know halves this damage. You may maintain this effect as if focusing on a power with a duration of concentration, dealing damage to any creatures that enter or remain in the area of effect. You must spend the same amount of power points as initially expended for each round you decide to maintain this effect.

As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to fast healing equal to half the number of power points expended (round down) and gain temporary hit points equal to the number of power points expended. Alternatively, you may heal an amount of ability damage for every 5 power points you expend.
Oblivion:Should you be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while benefitting from this ability, both twins are immediately slain and you do not leave a body behind as the chaotic energy collapses in on itself (much like the Disintegrate spell except equipment is also affected). Additionally, any creatures or objects adjacent to you immediately takes 10 points of damage equal to the total of your caster and manifester levels (no save).

Should you lose consciousness or expend all of your spell slots or power points, the effect immediately ends and both twins appear in two squares that the Large-sized creature previously occupied.
Any remaining hit points, nonlethal damage, and ability damage is split evenly between the twins when the effect ends.
Additionally, for each round the twins were fused together, they both take an amount of Ability Burn to their Constitution score equal to the number of rounds they were fused together.

You may use this ability once per day.

Special: If you have Improved Spell Conductor, you may use this ability an additional time for every 5 levels equal to your total caster and manifester levels and you only take half of the Ability Burn (round down). If you also have Unified Spell Conductor, you may double the duration of this ability and you may end it early by using a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

2017-11-10, 10:27 PM
Oblivion sould give a reflex save for half to those nearby... or at least some sort of save, reflex seems most fitting IMO.

2017-11-11, 06:57 PM
O.K. I think this is the final draft for this feat. I decided to copy the Bag of Holding and Portable Hole for Oblivion. Since that combo doesn't have a save I think that would best emulate what I wanted.

While it's one thing to shunt a twin's consciousness to a single body, it is quite another to combine their very essence into a being of raw power capable of decimating small armies.
Requirements:Dvati, Iron Will, Living Phylactary, ability to spontaneously cast spells or manifest powers, combined caster/manifester level 11th
Benefit: As a full-round action, the twins may become a single Large-sized creature (tall) if they are both alive, in their own bodies, and adjacent to each other. For the duration of this ability, the creature's HP is equal to the combined HP of both twins at the time they combined, they become incorporeal (any spell, power, or weapon with an enhancement bonus affects them as if they were not incorporeal), gain a fly speed of 30 ft (perfect), type changes to Outsider (native), all of their equipment merges with them and becomes inert, they have the same actions as a single creature would, and their ability scores become equal to the lower of the two twins. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your total caster and manifester levels or until you expend all of your spell slots or power points and may not be dismissed early.
Any spells or powers cast are treated as if they were of the highest spell/power you know for purposes of save DC and bypassing spell and power resistance. The spells/powers are expended at their normal level and may not benefit from Heightened Spell or similar abilities that increase the spell level (metamagics may still be applied as normal).
This allows new uses for spells and powers. (These are subject to Spell and Power Resistance)
As an attack action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may expend a spell slot (or cantrip) of any level you can cast to unleash a blast of raw magical energy that deals 10 points of damage per spell level expended + 2 points per caster level within 20 ft. and line of sight to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius. A Reflex Save equal to the DC of the highest spell you know halves this damage. You do not suffer any ill effects from this attack.
You may also use this effect when making an attack of opportunity.

Whenever you take damage from any source, you may expend a spell slot as a free action, even when it's not your turn, to reduce the damage by 5 times the spell slot expended. You may use this to instead reduce ability damage or drain but it only reduces the damage by the same number as the spell slot expended.
Psionic Storm:
As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to deal an amount of Charisma damage equal to half the expended power points (round down) to all creatures within 20 ft. of you. A Will Save equal to the DC of the highest power you know halves this damage. You may maintain this effect as if focusing on a power with a duration of concentration, dealing damage to any creatures that enter or remain in the area of effect. You must spend the same amount of power points as initially expended for each round you decide to maintain this effect.

As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may spend a number of power points equal to your manifester level to fast healing equal to half the number of power points expended (round down) and gain temporary hit points equal to the number of power points expended. Alternatively, you may heal an amount of ability damage for every 5 power points you expend.
Oblivion:Should you be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while benefitting from this ability, both twins are immediately slain and you do not leave a body behind as the chaotic energy collapses in on itself (much like putting a portable hole inside of a Bag of Holding). Their death throes open a gate to the Astral Plane and any creatures or objects within a 15-foot radius are drawn there. The Dvati cannot be brought back by anything short of True Resurrection or Wish and this only brings one twin back.

Should you lose consciousness or expend all of your spell slots or power points, the effect immediately ends and both twins appear in two squares that the Large-sized creature previously occupied.
Any remaining hit points, nonlethal damage, and ability damage is split evenly between the twins when the effect ends.
Additionally, for each round the twins were fused together, they both take an amount of Ability Burn to their Constitution score equal to the number of rounds they were fused together. If this Ability Burn kills them, it does not trigger Oblivion.

You may use this ability once per day.

Special: If you have Improved Spell Conductor, you may use this ability an additional time for every 3 caster and manifester levels above 11 and you only take half of the Ability Burn (round down). If you also have Unified Spell Conductor, you may double the duration of this ability and you may end it early by using a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

2017-11-11, 09:33 PM
Feat idea:

Requirements: Always Near, level 10
As a swift action at the beginning or end of their turn, the Dvati can exchange places. This works under the same conditions as Always Near.

What is is useful for? Practically nothing, really, that Always Near wouldn't do more usefully. But you can swap out to reload your hit points, bring messages repeatedly, or use a different set of equipment, I guess?

2017-11-11, 11:04 PM
Feat idea:

Requirements: Always Near, level 10
As a swift action at the beginning or end of their turn, the Dvati can exchange places. This works under the same conditions as Always Near.

What is is useful for? Practically nothing, really, that Always Near wouldn't do more usefully. But you can swap out to reload your hit points, bring messages repeatedly, or use a different set of equipment, I guess?

Actually might be a good idea if one of them is unconscious so you can get the one in danger out of a rough spot. I like it! I'll see what else I can stuff into it if it's going to be on such a high level requirement.

Ranged Ranger
2017-11-13, 01:10 AM
great work here!

2017-11-13, 10:36 AM
I decided that the level requirement was in an odd spot and this ability isn't so broken that it would need it. Hopefully I've kept to what you envisioned. One thing I did see as a possibility is to deck one twin out with a whole bunch of armor and the other with a mess of weapons and swapping them after one made an attack.
While being nearby your other half is fine and good, sometimes you just need one twin in the other's spot.
Requirements:Dvati, Always Near
Benefits:The twins may use Always Near as a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity once per round instead of as a full-round action. Additionally, they may instead exchange places whenever they use Always Near.
Always Near can also be used should one of the twins be unable to expend the actions necessary. (Ex.: Petrified, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, etc.)
Also, I'm adding Lifeforce Flare to the list.

P.S. Thanks Ranged Ranger! Hopefully this whole thing met with expectations.

2017-11-15, 02:33 AM
How does a feat sound that allows someone to be treated like a Dvati sound?
I was thinking it would emulate Innate Mindlink.

2017-12-01, 03:00 PM
Well I'm out of ideas for this race outside of creating classes that are based off of the Dvati. I'll make a new thread in the near future for that and link them into this one and vice versa. I'll always be up for some suggestions on what to add to this list but I think the only thing that will be changing for the foreseeable future is the wording so that it's clear what was intended.

So stay tuned for Dvati archetypes! (Maybe some alternate racial abilities too but that might take a bit longer)

2017-12-01, 03:02 PM
Well I'm out of ideas for this race outside of creating classes that are based off of the Dvati. I'll make a new thread in the near future for that and link them into this one and vice versa. I'll always be up for some suggestions on what to add to this list but I think the only thing that will be changing for the foreseeable future is the wording so that it's clear what was intended.

So stay tuned for Dvati archetypes! (Maybe some alternate racial abilities too but that might take a bit longer)

Yeah, I couldn't think of any suggestions for more feats either, can't wait to see what you do for the class archetypes :smallsmile:

2017-12-02, 04:54 AM
O.K. a few things. I just realized that the issue of natural weapons and Dvati could become a thing and also questions about what happens if they both are Two-Weapon Fighting. I'll clean that up.

Also, I think I've figured out a way to keep the very first issue that people had with this. The Dragonfire Adept. (a 3.5 thing I know but I want this to be generally available to both PF and 3.5)
How about causing Supernatural abilities to take effect only once per target if they get hit by both twins? They can still use the ability multiple times to apply different effects but then there would be fewer ways to double dip on the damage.

2017-12-02, 07:35 AM
How would you justify that though? One twin breaths on you? Ouch. Then the other? Meh.

I couldn't see it as believable honestly...

2017-12-02, 10:08 PM
How would you justify that though? One twin breaths on you? Ouch. Then the other? Meh.

I couldn't see it as believable honestly...

The justification would be that everything is happening all at once during the 6 seconds.
The only other thing I could do is to halve any damaging effects if the same ability is used by the twins twice in the same round.

2017-12-04, 10:49 PM
I finally got the multiple attack stuff out of the way. Here it is.

-Two-Weapon Fighting: Each twin may get an extra attack for each twin using Two-Weapon Fighting but the corresponding twin must be the one using the extra attack and that twin suffers Two-Weapon Fighting penalties as normal. Should they both be Two-Weapon Fighting, they both suffer the penalties as normal.
A 6th level Dvati Fighter having one twin using one weapon and the other using two would have the ability to launch 4 attacks with at least 2 of the attacks being assigned to the one using two weapons and the attacks made by the twin wielding two weapons suffering the normal two-weapon fighting penalties. If they were both wielding two weapons, they could launch 5 attacks with at least 2 attacks being assigned to both of them and all attacks suffering from the normal two-weapon fighting penalties.
-Multiple natural attacks: Should one or both twins have access to multiple natural attacks, (should they take the full-attack action) they may use all of one twin's natural attacks and one additional attack from the other twin. They may forego one of the natural attacks to allow the other twin to attack but the attack bonus must be equal to or below that of the one they gave up.
A 6th level Dvati Druid with one twin wild shaped into a giant octopus (Bite with attack bonus +5 and 8 tentacles with attack bonus +0) and the other as a giant squid (bite at base attack bonus +5, 2 arms with attack bonus +5, and tentacles +0) could declare a full attack and gain one of their full attacks. The Giant Octopus could make a full attack and forego one of their tentacle attacks to allow the Giant Squid to attack with their tentacles attack. The Giant Octopus could not give up one of their tentacle attacks to allow the Giant Squid to make an attack with one of their arms since the tentacle is +0 and the arm is +5)
Yeesh, these last two were messy but I really did not want people capable of getting past the full-attack restriction by cheesing natural attacks or by adding another weapon they would never use. Multiple attacks are still going to be a thing but this should keep it from getting out of hand and keep out any confusion.

As for the Dragonfire Adept fix I think I'll kick that one to the curb upon further thought. It would honestly be more of a headache to try to make a hard and fast rule like that than it's worth and even then I'm not even sure it's that great of an idea.

2017-12-05, 07:43 PM
O.K. I've got the first 2 archetypes up.
Here's the link: Archetypes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543963-PEACH-Dvati-Racial-Class-Archetypes&p=22635994)

Hopefully anyone who likes what's been done here likes this too!

2018-03-22, 06:41 PM
Created a new feat.
The twins are in constant communication and this extends to all of their senses, making it very difficult to catch one of them off guard.
Requirements: Dvati
Benefits: If one twin is not considered flat-footed, neither of them are. Additionally, if a creature does not have concealment from both twins it does not gain concealment against either twin.

They lose the benefits of this feat if they are unable to use Innate Mindlink (Su).

Also, I clarified any decreases in max hp and I added a bit about how to handle their Initiative counts.

2019-04-29, 12:29 PM
This version of the Dvati is intended to be played by two players. As such, teamwork is paramount for this particular version of this race and the Dvati feats are highly recommended since they generally provide BOTH twins/players with the benefits.
Dvati, Single
-Ability Scores: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence. While not as physically capable individually, their physical and mental coordination between the twins gives them an edge that more than makes up for this deficiency.
I had considered giving them a penalty to Constitution but their individual health will be penalized as is and doubling the problem didn't sit right with me. The big issue about melee attacks getting cheesed also seemed to be a widely voiced concern so Strength was chosen to keep melee damage in line and to keep with their lore emphasizing activities that required coordination and finesse rather than brute strength. Plus, they would have gained near to double extra carrying capacity without the debuff.
-Medium: As Medium creatures, dvati have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
-Dvati base land speed is 30 feet per twin.
-Two Bodies, Single Entity: Dvati twins always have a 'soulmate' that they come into the world with. As such, another player MUST play as a Dvati, Single. If you are going without a twin refer to the Dvati, Survivor.
-Initiative: Both players roll to determine the initiative count of both twins. Take the lower of the two rolls. They act on the same initiative count. Should one or both twins' initiative count change, such as a held action being triggered, the initiative count of both twins takes the worst of the two. For each Teamwork Feat BOTH twins have, increase the lower initiative roll by 1 for each Teamwork Feat, up to a maximum of the higher initiative count.
Wanted to make sure that initiative wasn't going to be a problem so I've spelled it out.
-Ability Score Change: Should Dvati twins be in possession of a magic item or subject to a spell that increases their mental ability score permanently (as per normal after 24 hours), they receive the benefits ONLY if both twins would receive the ability score increase. This applies to similar effects or abilities reliant on ability modifiers.
However, any effects that would decrease their mental ability scores affects them both since they share one mind.
-Saves: A mind-affecting ability or spell that affects one twin affects both of them at the same time, regardless of distance between the two. If a single such ability targets both twins at the same time, they make only one save between them and one player rolls for both twins (ex.: A single Sleep spell that covers an area both twins occupy won't cause them to roll twice). Dvati twins share one mind.
If an area of effect spell catches both twins, they save separately and take damage as normal unless it is a mind-affecting ability or spell as detailed previously.
This one just needed a little bit of rewording to clear things up. Otherwise, no changes.
-Status Effects: In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin fails to have an effect on the other. If a medusa turns one twin to stone, the other remains healthy. Negative levels are an exception to this rule. If one Dvati twin suffers a negative level, both of them incur its effects. The Dvati makes one save to remove the negative level.
This little paragraph seemed to get overlooked quite a bit so I put it in here. However, I am certain there are still some situations I haven't accounted for and I'd like to clean up those loose ends.
-Dvati Casting (Ex): Dvati twins share the same mind and power used for any type of casting, manifesting, or spell-like abilities. As such, they both must concentrate at the same time on any spell, power, or SLA they cast and spend the same actions required to cast or manifest, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal, although only one must supply material components. If spell failure is incurred, the twin with the worst penalty is applied to the casting attempt. Should one twin attempt to take any actions while one or the other is currently casting a spell, SLA, or manifesting a power; the attempt automatically fails and the resources are expended. (ex.: one casting a spell that takes a standard action or longer while the other tries to swing a sword at a nearby hobgoblin would ruin the spell.) Only one spell is cast but it may originate from either twin. Alternatively, one twin may cast the spell alone while the other takes no actions (including free actions). In this case, only the casting twin's Spell Failure chance is taken into account. However, the spell MUST originate from the casting twin in this case and they both still provoke attacks of opportunity.
-Linked Life Force (Ex): If one Dvati twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a Dvati twin dies, the surviving twin takes 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soulmate returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Level loss caused by returning to life via a raise dead or similar spell affects both Dvati twins as normal. Most Dvati prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a Dvati to the brink of madness.
No changes to what was originally written except taking out the shared hp pool. Also consolidated the dying rules for Dvati into this one for an easier reference rather than having to search around for it.
-Coordinated Resolve (Ex): For each Teamwork feat BOTH twins have, increase both twins' maximum hp by 2. The Teamwork feats do NOT need to be the same, though a duplicate teamwork feat will still count towards this ability.
Since Linked Lifeforce is so integral with how the race feels, I decided to support Teamwork feats while lessening the penalty imposed to the player who decided to act as tank for his more magically inclined twin. (Though that will bring up issues too)
-Instinctive Teamwork (Ex): Dvati are so coordinated that complicated maneuvers requiring delicate timing or complete trust are second-nature to the twins. You may treat your twin as having a Teamwork Feat you know and you may grant its benefits to your twin. Ex.: If you have Paired Opportunists, you could grant your twin and yourself a +4 to AoO's as if they also had the feat. However, they could not gain the benefit from someone else who has the feat since your twin doesn't actually have the feat.
After ripping out quite a bit of the power in the race, I had to figure out a reason for people to actually WANT to play a character with his/her life and actions tied directly to another's well-being.
-Innate Mindlink (Su): The Dvati twins may communicate with each other as if under a constant Mindlink effect with the following changes: This power works across planes and, as a full-round action, a Dvati twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state (i.e. asleep, awake, unconscious, stressed). If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.
Twins are in near constant communication with each other and feel ill at ease if they are unable to confirm the well-being of their other half since their link does not innately allow them to perceive what his/her other sees, hears, or otherwise perceives. Should one of them be slain, the other immediately knows of their demise and begins taking penalties as detailed under Linked Life Force.
This ability counts as the Bonded Mind feat for the purposes of taking feats with Bonded Mind as a prerequisite.
It wasn't clear whether or not this could be suppressed since this was within the wall of text. Since there was a power out there that already did most of what the racial ability did, it was easier to do it that way rather than type it all out. I also thought it appropriate to make it a stand-in for Bonded Mind since it is in almost all ways superior but still gives the same mechanical benefit.
-Spell Conductor: Personal spells (those with a target of "you") affect both twins simultaneously as long as they are on the same plane. Otherwise, they affect only the caster. Other spells function as normal.
A Dvati twin can choose to shift a spell that affects him to his twin so long as both of them are on the same plane. The shifted spell must have a range of touch and it must also be harmless. Using this ability requires a move action from the twin who is shifting the spell to focus and channel the spell's power and provokes an attack of opportunity. Aside from the change in target, the spell's duration and effects continue as normal. A Dvati can transfer a spell he casts from one twin to the other as part of the act of casting without using a move action. He cannot transfer spells used by others.
No changes except for consolidation.
-Pair Link: The close relationship between Dvati twins grants them appreciable benefits when they work together in combat. If a twin uses the aid another action to help his twin, he grants an additional +2 bonus (for a total of +4) on attack rolls or to Armor Class.
Took out the flanking bonus since the Teamwork feat is better and already having a constant flanking buddy is powerful enough to start with.
-Automatic Languages: Common and Dvati.
-Bonus Languages: Any.
Dvati requires two creatures speaking simultaneously. One twin provides a description of actions, while the other supplies words and descriptions of things. The two weave together to communicate in a uniquely Dvati manner. Other creatures can speak this tongue, but two Dvati-speaking creatures must work together. Otherwise, communication via this language is impossible. In most cases, Dvati use Common to speak with other races.
No changes to languages.
I took out the Echo Attack since it didn't make much sense for them to have a sonic-based ability. Darkvision seemed like it was tacked on so I removed that ability.
If it matters for anyone using this for a 3.5 game, Bard will still be Favored Class and the LA should still be +1. (Subject to change)
Race Points: Two Bodies Single Entity 0 RP, Dvati Casting -2 RP, Pair Link 2 RP, Innate Mindlink 4 RP, Spell Conductor 2 RP, Coordinated Resolve 2 RP, Instinctual Teamwork 4 RP, Linked Lifeforce -3 RP. Total 9 RP
This may or may not be accurate, I haven't had the opportunity to test how these abilities interact with each othere when played by TWO players.

Blue Jay
2019-04-29, 04:11 PM
-Attacks of Opportunity: Each twin gets one Attack of Opportunity. Should they be able to make extra Attacks of Opportunity, they get the same amount as a regular character would +1. These may be divided up between the twins however they see fit. However, the number of attacks cannot exceed the amount one character could make. Any changes to their Ability scores decreases the maximum number of attacks that specific twin can make. It is just as mentally taxing to react to possible openings as it is to make their own.
Dvati twins with 18 Dex. (+4 Ability Modifier) has Combat Reflexes and can make 5 Attacks of Opportunity between the two of them. One of them could not initiate 5 attacks, the max is 4 for each.
I felt that each twin getting doubled AoO was still a bit too close to the original problem of too many actions. See the NOTE above for Actions.

I like your approach here, but I just wanted to point out a couple of things.

First, I think some attention should be given to threatened areas. I assume that each twin threatens a separate area. But can their threatened areas overlap, and do opponents provoke AoOs separately from each twin? For example, if I'm standing between them, and I do something that provokes an AoO, will each twin get an AoO against me because they both threaten me? Or would they only get one AoO total, since a single character usually only gets one attack per opportunity?

Second, Combat Reflexes gives additional AoOs equal to your Dex modifier, not total. So, all characters already get 1+(Dex mod) AoOs from Combat Reflexes. So, I think you can simplify the wording a lot here by just saying that any extra AoOs gained above the usual 1 per twin are shared between them.

2019-04-29, 07:55 PM
I like your approach here, but I just wanted to point out a couple of things.

First, I think some attention should be given to threatened areas. I assume that each twin threatens a separate area. But can their threatened areas overlap, and do opponents provoke AoOs separately from each twin? For example, if I'm standing between them, and I do something that provokes an AoO, will each twin get an AoO against me because they both threaten me? Or would they only get one AoO total, since a single character usually only gets one attack per opportunity?

Second, Combat Reflexes gives additional AoOs equal to your Dex modifier, not total. So, all characters already get 1+(Dex mod) AoOs from Combat Reflexes. So, I think you can simplify the wording a lot here by just saying that any extra AoOs gained above the usual 1 per twin are shared between them.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it's nice to see people helping out with this.

1. Yes, they threaten areas separately. As for provoking, I think they would provoke separately. If a goblin runs past both twins in a long hallway (one at the front of the party and one at the back for example), I don't think it makes much sense if the goblin can run past the first one and then finger his nose at the last one because the first one missed his AoO.
I'll put wording in there to clarify they provoke separately.

2. You are correct, I'll change the entry and example accordingly. The wording might make more sense if I gave the revised example too.

How is this?

-Attacks of Opportunity: Each twin gets one Attack of Opportunity and enemies provoke Attacks of Opportunity separately for each twin. Should the twins gain additional Attacks of Opportunity, they gain the same amount as a single character and may be divided between the twins however they see fit. However, the number of attacks a twin can make cannot exceed the amount a single character could make. The number of additional attacks they gain is equal to the higher twin's Dexterity modifier (if they are different). Any changes to either twin's Ability scores changes the maximum number of attacks that specific twin can make. It is just as mentally taxing to react to possible openings as it is to make their own.
Dvati twins with one at 18 Dex. (+4 Ability Modifier) and the other who has taken 4 points of Dex damage and is now at 14 Dex has Combat Reflexes. and can make 6 Attacks of Opportunity between the two of them. One of them could not initiate all 6 attacks, the max number of attacks is 5 for the twin at 18 Dex. and 3 for the twin at 14 Dex.

Also, that last post was just to allow for a simpler version of the race. I'll probably just put it into the first post as a spoiler since it seems to have gone unnoticed... or maybe I should put it in a new thread?

2020-11-17, 03:19 AM
Hey folks! For any of you that are still subscribed/following the developments of this race, here's a bit of lore that I've been working on for them:

Feel free to hop on over and take a look!