View Full Version : running low on supplies what to do

2017-09-25, 01:25 PM
Hey all looking for ideas outside of creation feats on what to do. The party is 4 players 8 characters level 3 all and we have been stuck without a town that can deal in more than 100 gold since our level 1 starting city which we can not go back to due to one of the players threatened a merchant and one thing lead to the next which ended up with us fighting the town guard where we ended up killing the captain of the guard and about half the towns troops before fleeing.

We have a Bard, barbarian, cleric, wizard, warlock, crusader, rogue and a ranger in the party. The dm has been tossing cr 6-10 fights against us and we are low on usable supplies but have a ton of loot. The nearest large city is about 200 miles out and we are going to be dealing with random encounters the whole way cr6+. Healing in the party is down to 1-3 potions of cure light each,a belt of healing and a wand of cure light with 6 charges left on it.

No one has any creation feats other than the wizard's create scroll and our next feat selection won't be till level 6 anyways. The dm is pretty much punishing us for that first city i feel by not allowing us to sell or buy stuff beyond 2 cure light potions when we stop into a town. We just finished a cr 10 fight with no casualties which exhausted most of what we had in our ways of magical items.

The dm also suggested multiple times we all take at least one pc devoted to healing which i was the only one who did by creating a cleric and a wizard at start.

The bard doesn't have cure light wounds either but the crusader has a healing stance and maneuver which are useless outside of combat. We have over 20k in gold worth of coin, goods, magical items worth under 800g each, gems and jewelry that are not in use by a pc. The scrolls we have been picking up the wizard has had to use due to we are getting crazy level cr's tossed at us that should kill the party pretty much due to the parties ecl is a 6 due to 3x8/4.

If you lose a character you only have the surviving one to play with and in the event you lose both you get to roll up only 1 new pc. DM wants party attrition to reduce numbers down to something smaller i think.

2017-09-25, 02:05 PM
It seems like this is more of a problem with the DM then the game... even if you could get to the city w/out difficulties it sounds to me like you would find it destroyed or everyone with a bounty for you all... I think you all ruined a plan of his nad now he's pissed, I'd suggest talking to the DM.

On a separate note, none of you should have to be a dedicated healer :smallmad:

2017-09-25, 02:28 PM
On a separate note, none of you should have to be a dedicated healer :smallmad:

The cleric isn't built as a dedicated healer either he's built as a damage tank and de-buffer. The issue is level 3 pc's fighting stuff like two chimera's at the same time then after the party gets some rest and healing they are dealing with an ogre mage and 4 ogres (the regular ogres had tremor sense).(the ogre's depleted most of what was left of our healing supply)

I went cleric and wizard for the two i built so i could do field control buff and de-buff along with being able to have high damage when needed. It's why we are doing decently my cleric one shot killed the ogre mage using enlarge person (from wizard)+rhino rush+wrath domain.

I was expecting us to have to be reliant on belt's of healing and wands of cure light wounds along with healing potions till we got into higher levels. You can always put the belt on and take it off once the charges are used up for the day and wands of cure light wounds are dirt cheap healing.

The large city we are headed to is a chaotic evil one so i expect us to get attacked in the city, pick pocketed and looted. I asked our DM if once we got there would we be able to pick up 7 more belts of healing he said they would be available in the city but not all at one shop and you will have to search around to find them. Cities pop is 80,000 we are going towards. So yes i expect multiple character deaths lots of DM wrath and the party giving up by level 5.

The CR's wouldn't be an issue if we could resupply but it's looking like that will never be an option till we get to that city which means at least 10-15 fights later at the rate we are getting them.

2017-09-25, 04:02 PM
the party's ecl woudln't be 6; you're donig the math wrong, it'd be 5, sorta. (twice the typical 4 players, which adds 2 to the average ecl of the individual chars, which is 3, so total 5)
the party should be facing things of CR 5-9, so the cr of fights is actually close to what it should be; jus ta bit high really.

The main thing is to have a talk with the players and the DM about what they want and about game size. express your concerns to the dm; and also ask him if the party is unmanageably big.

2017-09-25, 07:04 PM
Try to solve the problem from an meta-game level.

1) Try to find a more realistic strategy or other options within the game. Sometimes a DM may hope his players to "think with their brains" but provides no actual hints. There actually might be an easier path that you might come up with if you consider in game logic. Like, "No one ever realizes this is not just a hack-and-slash game! (As if he ever told you so.) Not a single player!"
At other times, of course, there is not. It's just your DM is mean and enjoys when watching you die slowly.

2)Bribe your DM. Personally. In reality.
This strategy usually works well if one of the player want something a little OP, and bribe his DM with a meal or a free drink (not necessarily alcoholic)... Its effectiveness might depend on DM's personality and the unspoken social rules of your culture.

2017-09-25, 07:07 PM
use your knowledge religion skill and sacrifice a living sentient being to summon a demon (see BOVD) and trade that loot for goods with him. Or get him to teleport you guys to a bigger city.

2017-09-26, 02:20 AM
Is any of you any good at disguise? You could go back to the starting city as not yourselves. Or if you have disguise/alter self, you could use those, but you might need multiple castings unless you buy a hat of disguise asap once you're in.

2017-09-26, 05:51 AM
Punishment from the DM is definitely possible, but it doesn't seem he is trying "too hard" to kill the party. Perhaps he has a plot line which will work best if the party is running out of resources (like running an errand for the next city's crimelord before your get permission to buy from the black market). I second talking to your DM first.

Otherwise, it looks like you are in a campaign where you have difficulty in buying/commissioning tailored magic items. If so, consider picking up the Ancestral Relic feat.

2017-09-26, 05:51 AM
You could always just take some days to camp after an encounter. Let your ranger hunt and use their survival skill to setup a safe campsite. Use the Heal skill to provide long term aid to those who need it on top of the healing you get for resting each night.

Unless of course your group is in a hurry for some reason.

2017-09-26, 06:20 AM
You've got a Ranger who hopefully has enough Survival ranks to provide food & water for the party indefinitely.

You've got a Cleric who can spontaneously heal using all non-Domain slots every day.

Why not just rest up a couple of days between adventures?

Even if you're stuck in the wilds, you ought to be able to make camp somewhere vaguely safe for a few days -- unless you're actively being pursued, or you're under time-pressure somehow.

2017-09-28, 01:49 AM
When you have a party of level 3's that are running with stuff they acquired along the way and bought at level 1 fighting 8 cr 2's at once backed up by a little bit longer fighting 2 cr 6's and then expected to keep pushing we don't have the chance to heal up and rest.

Food and water hasn't been an issue we stocked up well at the start and have been using survival every chance we get to forage for food.

we just hit level 4 and are well below gear for our level due to being unable to resupply.

From what i can figure out the reason we are getting punished is to force us to think outside the box and that everyone didn't take a cleric as a designated healer at start.

2017-09-28, 04:52 AM
Why is there punishment for not having a dedicated healer Cleric?

From your first post, you already have a cleric. The default cleric can spontaneously convert any prepared spell into a healing spell.

Of course, most of the time his actions in combat can be better used to buff the party members to prevent damage in the first place.

As I've said, look into the Ancestral Relic feat. Your party can use any downtime you get to give your relic any enhancements required and bring them up to speed.

An even more out of the box use would be to make them wands/staves of healing. (Or give it the 3/day healing property like a slotless belt of healing) Once you run out of charges, just sacrifice another 1 gp of loot and get a fully charged wand again.

Another alternative is to make the relic a weapon with the Wrathful Healing weapon ability. Half the damage you deal with the weapon will be used to heal the wielder. If you are still hurt outside combat, use it to bash some random object with HP, like a door. (Edit: upon a re-read, damage needs to be dealt to creatures, so objects won't work).

You can even sacrifice loot which you normally wouldn't take (dungeon doors, mundane armor etc) to power the relic.

Google for more ideas on using ancestral relic.

2017-09-28, 07:08 AM
Wrathful Healing weapon ability. Half the damage you deal with the weapon will be used to heal the wielder
Out of curiosity what book is this in?

2017-09-28, 07:20 AM
Out of curiosity what book is this in?

Wrathful Healing is a +3 WSA from page 20 of Enemies And Allies.

2017-09-28, 07:21 AM
Out of curiosity what book is this in?

Enemies and allies - sidebar p20. +3 weapon enchantment

Edit: too slow

2017-09-28, 07:28 AM
Whoa, E&A has RULES!?

2017-09-28, 07:42 AM
Whoa, E&A has RULES!?

Yeah, just a few though. All in sidebars.
Feats/spells/magic items/flying ship.

2017-09-28, 07:55 AM
Besides Wrathful Healing, there're the following WSA:

1) The cheaper but inferior +2 Vampiric WSA from MIC. +1d6 damage, this is also the hp healed
2) +3 Bodyfeeder from MIC - gives half the damage as temp HP
3) +1 Souldrinker from MIC - gives 5 temp HP on a crit

Since OP's party includes a Crusader, see if he has picked up the Lvl1 Martial Spirit stance.
Heals an ally for 2 HP each time he hits an opponent. While not too strong in combat, for out of combat healing, he can start hitting objects and heal the party members 2 HP each time until they are full.

2017-09-28, 11:43 AM
Wrathful Healing is a +3 WSA from page 20 of Enemies And Allies.

Enemies and allies - sidebar p20. +3 weapon enchantment

Edit: too slow

Thanks! I didn't want to spend forever looking for it.

2017-09-28, 01:11 PM
Hire some hirelings in a small town to go make straw purchases for you in the town from which you're banned.

Disguise yourselves and go back to the town from which you're banned to make purchases.

Have the cleric and wizard pick up crafting feats, and use the loot as materials to reforge new magic items.

Use the fact that you're 5th level to sneak in and rob the original city blind.

Use the fact that you're 5th level to go full bandit and raid the original city.

Use the fact that you're 5th level (and thus hard to fight) and swimming in loot to bribe the original city to drop all charges.