View Full Version : [IC] Giantslayers - Battle of Bloodmarch Hill

2017-09-25, 02:47 PM
The citizens of Truneau have gathered in the common area, a large amphitheatre in the center of town, to celebrate the birthday of Ruby, the youngest daughter of the town’s leader, Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades. It is more than just any birthday, however... it is her 12th birthday, the day when she comes of age and receives her hopeknife.

Jubilation fills the evening air in the normally staid town of Trunau, for it is the twelfth birthday of the Chief Defender’s youngest daughter, Ruby, and the townsfolk have been preparing all day for the ceremony and festivities to follow. A throng of spectators has amassed at the town Commons; the buzz of the crowd subsides as the weathered town leader, Halgra of the Blackened Blades, takes the stage and begins to speak. “Thank you all for joining us this night. I take immense pride in my responsibility as Chief Defender, especially when it comes to the honor of the hopeknife ceremony. It is always a great privilege to bequeath Trunauan youths their hopeknives as they come of age.” Halgra stops speaking long enough to open an ornamental case and retrieve a slender, ornately decorated dagger hanging from a silver chain. “But tonight is a special occasion, for the recipient of this hopeknife is none other than my youngest daughter.” Once again, Halgra pauses, but this time she turns to talk to the child beside her. “Ruby, by the traditions of our town, you have come of age. This hopeknife represents your responsibilities as an adult and defender of Trunau. You must be willing to use it on yourself, your fellow Trunauans, and your family—even me, should it come to that. It will be a far quicker death than that which the orcs will offer, and providing it is your duty. Do you swear to guard Trunau from all comers, and to use your hopeknife only for its intended purpose?” Ruby—dusky skinned, black haired, and painfully shy—nods her head in response to her mother’s question. “If the orcs come, and there is no other option, this is where you cut—here, here, and here.” Halgra demonstrates which arteries to sever while Ruby watches. When she is finished, Halgra sheathes the hopeknife and places the necklace around Ruby’s neck before turning back to address the crowd. “Tonight, Ruby becomes a full member of our community! Let us welcome her, and celebrate her passage into adulthood! Trunau forever!” The crowd echoes Halgra’s last words in unison, signaling the end of the ceremony.

Once Halgra finishes her speech, the townsfolk waste no time transitioning to the ceremony’s more lighthearted festivities, including a number of games in which Ruby is the key player. The first such game is tug-of-war, which traditionally pits the hopeknife receiver against Trunau’s best defenders. For the past several years, Kurst and Rodrik Grath have taken on this role alongside several other members of Trunau’s militia. The two brothers announce the event, and invite Rose to select several helpers from the crowd. Seeming shy and nervous, she pauses for a few moments before hesitantly pointing out into the crowd. "Ummm... You, and you... and you!" She points one at a time to each of you, and the crowd cheers and urges you forward.

2017-09-25, 03:49 PM
Aja watches the ceremony from the relative back of the crowd, her gray-green cloak rustling slightly in the evening wind. The elf's freshwater eyes make no effort to hide their curious delight as they follow Halgra, then the case, then the dagger and chain. Meanwhile, the mind behind them is making mental notes on every aspect of the proceedings. The concept of survival is ever present in the rituals of the native Trunauans - is that the appropriate demonym? Make a note to ask Agrit about the pluralization of the natives here - and yet this is by far the most well-attended event in town. But if the struggle over life and death is so critical, why not move? She has done her best to ask this question of just about anyone that will hear her out. So far, the most she's gotten is a noncommittal shrug and some glares, and on one occasion even a threat of physical violence.

There's a small rustle at the elf's shoulder, as a black scorpion emerges and crawls close to her neck. Far from showing any alarm, Aja dips her head slightly so that it can nuzzle her cheek with its pincers. She does this with an open smile, much to the confusion of anyone watching, but if the wizard notices any stares, she does not comment on them. If they want to learn more about Venn and her mystical connection with him, all they have to do is come and ask. But if there's anything that living as the perennial outsider has taught her, it's to let the locals approach her when it comes to sensitive matters, not the other way around.

Nonetheless, it is with some surprise that Aja registers belatedly that Rose has made her choices, and she is to be one of the competitors! The elf blinks twice in surprise, looking about the crowd. Surely, there's been some sort of mistake. They can't mean me, can they? And yet, a quick nod from the Chief Defender's daughter confirms that yes indeed, she has been chosen to play the game. For a moment, Aja is resistant to the idea. Her role as an observer, as an outsider has been predicated up to now on being unobtrusive, a fly on the wall. She's learned and taken part in activities before, but only as a matter of course, and never in such a dramatic display. So she breaks out into a big smile and starts slipping gracefully through the throng towards where the activity is being held. "Hi there!", she exclaims to both Rose and the brothers Grath. "I hope you aren't expecting much of me - but I'll do my best!"

Perhaps the best way to learn from the Trunauans is to dive in headfirst, and ask questions later.

2017-09-25, 05:54 PM
With the Hopeknife ceremony looming, the last two days have been almost unbearable. Three days worth of work, done in two, means little time even for sleep- much less idle relaxation. As such, the result- a festive day of celebration- comes as quite the welcome reprieve. Jenile stands near the middle of the gathered motley crowd of Trunauans, just aside her rugged father, Aldrick. A smile plays upon her lips, as she recalls the bright morning almost half a decade past when she herself stood upon the raised dais. Unconsciously, her fingers rise to the thick metal chain around her own neck- as surely dozens of others do the same.

She mumbles quietly to Aldrick, as Halgra elucidates the necessity of their ceremonial blades, "Hmmm... Think she's got it in her?" She turns to eye the man, seeking upon his face for any hint of the thoughts swimming beneath. As usual, the grizzled man is unreadable. After a few heartbeats, he frowns in thought and nods once. "Heh, I thought the same. Just like her mother, Ruby is." A subtle wince follows the grammatical gaffe. You know better than that, idiot- and he definitely won't forget it. As she silently berates herself accompanied by her father's amused raised eyebrow, Halgra finishes her speech, to a rousing cry.

Startled from her reverie, Jenile adds her own voice to the din. "Hear, hear!" Her fist punches skyward alongside blades, spears, and more than a handful of tankards. Despite the impossibility of her voice being heard, she bellows, "Congratulations, Ruby!!" Her other hand rises, and she takes her first drink of the day- in honor of the new citizen. Lowering the tankard, she smiles. It's a good day!

"Ummm... You, and you... and you!" She points one at a time to each of you, and the crowd cheers and urges you forward.

Jenile starts briefly. "me?" After a moment, she begins chuckling. Who else? Of course Ruby would admire one of the few women among the guard! As her smile begins to spread into a good and true grin, she thrusts her tankard into her father's hands. "I'll get another!" With no further ado, she trudges forward to climb the steps to the dais. Somewhere, subtle contentment resinates in the back of her mind. Turie is at peace, and so Jenile is at peace.

Atop the stage, the cavalier flexes almost comically before taking her place along the rope. "Shall we, Miss Ruby?"

2017-09-25, 06:05 PM
Aja turns to the second person to have entered the inner circle of the amphitheater: a strong looking young woman with strawberry blonde hair. She gives the newcomer an unabashed look, memorizing the details of her face. "Your name is Jenile, isn't it? I have not been here long, but I have seen you on patrol. I believe we are to be teammates!" Remembering the human protocol when meeting a new person, she extends her hand stiffly in what can barely be construed as a handshake and breaks into a too-wide smile.

"My name is Shaja'din, although you may call me Aja if you wish. Now, could you perhaps explain the rules of this 'tug of war' game? I'm afraid I am not familiar with it."

2017-09-25, 06:08 PM
Jenile nods, eyeing the newcomer askance. "It is, though I don't know yours..." She nods again, standing near Aja along the ropes.

With a smile, she shakes the offered hand. "Well met- er, Aja? The rules are quite simple. When she tells us to, we pull!" She gestures towards the rope lying across the dais, with an expression that suggests that this is the simplest thing in the world.

2017-09-25, 06:14 PM
The elven mage's eyebrows raise appreciatively at the relative simplicity of the request, although that look is soon replaced with a brief moment of doubt. "Well I will do my very best, but I can't say that I am particularly strong. I am going to assume that using magic is cheating - and between you and me, I would not want to throw off the desired result for tonight's performance. No matter, no matter. Perhaps we will get aid from the final member of our team and put on a good show?" Aja's eyes scan the crowd for the third person that Rose picked out.

2017-09-25, 08:27 PM
Bardok arrives to the celebration as a straggler, still unfamiliar with the small town and hesitant to ask for directions. If not for the urging of the kindly farmer who had offered him a day's labor, he wouldn't even know that such a celebration were to take place; however, wishing to be grateful, the tall, muscular man walks into the amphitheater with a tentative smile, close-lipped to prevent any shock to the townsfolk.

Easily able to see over the majority of the crowd, he watches with a puzzled expression as the knife is brought forth, the expression darkening into something like sadness at the explanation of its purpose. At the mention of orcs, however, the burly man's face gives evidence to his understanding, though he shakes his head rather than dwell on the particulars. As the crowd erupts in cheers, he looks uncomfortably at the enthusiastic townsfolk around him before raising one thick arm in emulation of their cheer. "For... Tru-no...!" is his halting contribution, earning him a number of questioning glances. Fortunately the festivities begin in earnest, drawing their attention away, until...

"Ummm... You, and you... and you!" She points one at a time to each of you, and the crowd cheers and urges you forward.

Bardok blinks twice at the young woman, looking behind either rippling shoulder for another person; the movement is almost comical due to the man's massive frame and the slim likelihood of someone being able to see past him. At the crowd's urging, he gives an uncertain smile as he reluctantly steps forward to join those already on the dais. The twisting at the pit of his stomach seems to double as he reaches the dais, and fear creeps into his eyes.

2017-09-25, 09:03 PM
Jenile chuckles at the Elf's trepidation. "Cheating? Of course not! It's a contest, and you'd be a fool to leave anything on the table!" She nods in a mock sombre fashion, leaning in close to her companion. "It is above all, a show. Ruby will appreciate your efforts in whatever fashion you find most entertaining!"

She turns back to the crowd to search for the final member of their team. At the sight of the huge figure and Aja's hopeful comment, a full-bellied laugh erupts. "I'll say!" She turns to the young woman, as laughter begins to beckon tears to her eyes. "Well chosen, Ruby!"

2017-09-25, 09:24 PM
For the second time in only minutes, Aja faces the unexpected. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, the magister thinks to herself. The people of Trunau define themselves by their many victories. They care little how they're achieved, only that they're the ones left standing at the end of the day. More to the point, 'cheating' as a cultural taboo does not seem to apply to feats of strength, or at the very least magical aid cannot be considered under the former category of activity.

"Very well," is the only thing that Aja has to say when she sees the lumbering man step up to join them. She notices what looks like apprehension in the man's eyes, which only drives her to smile more. After all, the Palatean Treatises on Etiquette state very clearly that all guests at a host's table have a story worth telling, even those who seem the quietest or the most ill at ease. Hopefully her status as an outsider will put the man at ease, although she's been watching the locals for weeks and she doesn't recognize him either...

2017-09-26, 09:40 AM
The brothers laugh and welcome each of you to the stage, guiding you to take up the rope behind Rose. They then take up the other side, and the crowd shouts out "One... two... three... pull!"

With a surge, both groups lunge and pull hard on their ropes! Both teams strain valiantly, but the powerful Grath brothers gain the upper hand and you are pulled five feet forward.

With a second pull coming, is anyone wanting to act other than another pull? Each pull is a full round action.

2017-09-26, 10:12 AM
At the sight of the huge figure and Aja's hopeful comment, a full-bellied laugh erupts. "I'll say!" She turns to the young woman, as laughter begins to beckon tears to her eyes. "Well chosen, Ruby!"

Bardok gives a tight-lipped, uncertain smile to the guardswoman before taking a position near the rear of the rope. He makes a show of pulling on the end, but gives what for him is only a token effort. When the other team manages to pull his team forward in spite of his considerable bulk and strength, his brows furrow in annoyance. Setting his feet and gripping the rope more tightly, he gives a more moderate effort...

2017-09-26, 03:55 PM
The first tug of the rope does not shock Aja; the mechanics of momentum are easy enough to understand. And yet, she is rather unaccustomed to the feeling of having one's arms all but ripped out of their socket. "Lida inorum saenes," she mutters in her mother tongue, the literal translation being something that doesn't translate over well to the villagers' native tongue of Taldane. On her shoulder, Venn the scorpion holds its pincers and tail in the air, directing the efforts of the four team members as though it were directing an invisible choir. Seeing this, Aja cannot help but chuckle slightly.

Perhaps you are on to something, my friend. It could very well be time to employ the magic she spoke of with Jenile only moments ago. In the split second between the first pull and the second, Aja lets go of the rope. Instead, she focuses on Rose, who is standing right in front of her. "You seem much better at this than I am," the elf tells the young woman as she pats her shoulder innocuously.

Aja is spending one of her daily uses of Augment on Rose, bringing her modifier up from -1 to a +0 on the combined Strength check. Mathematically, that'll be more useful to you than Aja's own net 0 Strength mod.

2017-09-26, 06:09 PM
Jenile starts suddenly. Unlike her companion, she is surprised by the first tug- perhaps not so much the fact that it took place as the severity of it. What the hells, Grath! She grits her teeth as she locks her knees, striving to slow the advance of the rope. "You guys are helping, right?" she strains through her teeth, glaring at their competition.

Come on!

No mechanical change.

2017-09-27, 11:26 AM
The brothers brace themselves and give a heavy tug, catching the other side by surprise as Aja grants Rose extra strength. Rose's pause to answer has her jerked off balance... but the sudden loss of pressure also throws the brothers off balance as well! Stumbling back another 5 feet, they catch themselves with a laugh and prepare to give another mighty tug.

2017-09-27, 04:01 PM
Bardok's eyes widen as his side loses yet more ground. His hands still tight about the rope, his arms slacken as he stares appraisingly at the opposing team, watching their movements with an unusually piercing gaze...

This round Bardok will spend a Move action to gain the feat Improved Initiative: +4 to Initiative, 1 minute duration.

2017-09-27, 08:14 PM
"Of course, of course," Aja says mildly in response to the other woman's query. She resumes her place on the line as though her magical efforts to bolster Rose's strength had been nothing but a mild distraction. In truth, the elf is somewhat disappointed that the transmutation had such a minimal effect: the Grath brothers' advantage over their team has only widened, leaving them closer to the line that apparently signifies defeat. Despite herself, Aja feels a small surge of competitive zeal flow through her. She forgets her role as an outsider for just a moment, and allows herself to feel the kind of pride that the Trunauans embody.

So she pulls on the rope one last time. "Come on," she mutters under her breath, more to herself than anyone else present. "You can do this, Aja."

2017-09-27, 09:05 PM
"Oh, Come on!" Jenile gripes- more at the Grath brothers than her own teammates. Still, the effect is ambiguous in every way except being demonstrative of the young woman's annoyance. "We can do this!"

They couldn't do it :smallfrown:

2017-09-27, 09:58 PM
This time, when Aja's angular elven features twist into her telltale smile, it has a decidedly wry character. "I believe I already said that, yes."

2017-09-29, 10:14 AM
You’re not sure exactly how it happens, but with a surge of speed and strength you all pull mightily and drag the Grath brothers right across the line, leaving them a tumbled pile of laughter on the ground. Rose shrieks in excitement, jumping up and down and waving her hands in the air.
She gives you each a big hug and a beaming smile, leaving each of you with the impression that eventually she will be a stunning beauty. Shortly after, the party resumes and Rose runs off to find her friends, joining in a dance.

You can interact with each other, participate in the festival, or...?

2017-09-29, 07:16 PM
Jenile smiles broadly at Ruby, for the moment thrilled to have brought the girl such jubilance. She turns to the Graths, eying the guardsmen askance. She smirks, locking eyes with the men on the other Side of the rope, strongly suspecting that they threw the match. Still, she isn't going to say anything to Ruby about it.

"Well done, young Miss Ruby! - I... I shouldn't say that anymore; you're a knife holder, now." She chuckles a bit, this time in a self-deprecating way. "Still, congratulations!" Jenile smiles and laughs as the young girl dashes back to her friends' sides: an odd motley group of young adults and aging children. A sigh of contentment escapes her lips as she takes a moment to assess the immediate area.

Turning to her unlikely companions, she offers wide arms indicating the whole town as she greets them semi-formally. "Well done, friends." She nods to the vaguely familiar Elf and the almost totally unknown broad-shouldered man. "Aja it was, yes?" She extends a hand to shake the transmuter's.

"Name's Jenile. Jenile Stephenson." Turning to the man, she extends her hand once more. "And you are?"

2017-09-29, 07:42 PM
As the rope surges toward him, Bardok's eyes widen, and a viciously triumphant grin starts to spread across his face. Just as his lips are beginning to part further than ought to be possible for a man of his proportions, threatening to reveal the unusual sharpness of all but the foremost teeth in his enormous mouth, he freezes. As his lips seal themselves shut, suddenly haunted eyes dart to and fro within the crowd for a heartbeat.

It is precisely at this moment that the celebration's guest of honor spins from the other teamsters, reaching (not quite all the way) around the hulking man's waist to seize him in a fierce hug. "Don' mention it." He pats the girl's shoulder gently with one massive hand while giving her a sheepish smile. "An' congra- congrats." His eyes dart to the pile of boys that made up their opposition, and with a relieved expression he notes that they're clearly none the worse for wear despite the sudden upset in their contest.

"Well done, friends." She nods to the vaguely familiar Elf and the almost totally unknown broad-shouldered man. "Aja it was, yes?" She extends a hand to shake the transmuter's.

"Name's Jenile. Jenile Stephenson." Turning to the man, she extends her hand once more. "And you are?"

"I'm Bardok. Bardok Hightower." He stands visibly taller and prouder at the mention of his surname, but a flicker of shame passes over the confident gaze he presents. "'M new to town. Came in with the... with the..." he pauses, deep in thought. "...with some traders, 'm bad at names," he admits sheepishly, "but seems like a good place. Just look'n to earn my keep 'n' get my feet under me." He extends one large hand for a handshake (that ends up being just barely on the right side of the line between awkward and painful.

2017-09-30, 08:01 AM
In the wake of their victory, Aja's grin is wide enough to match Jenile's. She takes the young guard's hand with perhaps over enthusiastic exuberance, shaking it the way a child might. She nods to Rose, only barely able to grasp the newly minted Trunauan by the shoulder before the crowd tears her away for further merriment. In the wake of Rose's disappearance, the elf finds herself more or less alone with the two other members of her team, who are already making introductions.

"Shaja'din, yes," she says in response to Jenile. "But as I mentioned, among humans I prefer the name Aja, so you may elect to call me that." She bobs her head vigorously when Bardok introduces himself, although his particular speech pattern ignites her curiosity. Does he have a cleft palette or physical deformity perhaps? No, there is not one that I can see. He could very well have suffered a recent head trauma. Deciding not to say anything for the time being - that would simply be unseemly - Aja takes his hand as well, wincing through the pain as his rough muscles clench her delicate pale elven fingers.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, both of you! I have lived here the better part of a month, and I can count on one hand the number of locals who actually cared to learn my name." The mage says this with no rancor whatsoever, her tone indicating a keen level of interest in the town's own disinterest. "Well, except for Agrit. But the two of us have an arrangement: I help her clean her shop, and I get to ask questions of anyone who comes in! For free!"

2017-09-30, 10:12 AM
"... Just look'n to earn my keep 'n' get my feet under me." For a moment, Jenile eyes the well-built making no attempt to hide her appraising expression. She nods slowly as a small smirk begins to form. "Aye, and you look like you're more than capable. I think you'll find the Trunauans to be an accepting folk, if you can carry your weight- or at least work at it." She crosses her arms, with a thoughtful frown.

"Always plenty of work to be done- when there's not a celebration to be had! Come on, I'll get you acquainted, and someone will have something you can help with, in the morning."

Turning to her other companion, Jenile nods along, dutifully paying attention to Aja's introduction. After a moment, she looks at the Elf quizzically. "Do you... usually have to pay for questions?"

Leading her newfound companions to the nearest stall serving ales of the local brewer. Stumbling past the Halfling, she fights the urge to make a joke about 'pint sized brewers,' and instead calls to him, "Cham! Have one of your runners fetch us three half-pints! The 100 proof!" Awaiting their libations, she turns back to continue their odd discussion.

Since we all (the players) know each other already, I don't know that we need to worry overmuch about inter-party RP at the moment. I'm content to move on, or continue bantering, though Jenile isn't usually going to be much for banter.

2017-09-30, 07:10 PM
"Of course!", Aja says to the question, responding to the confusion with a blank but friendly expression. "Where I come from, a question for a question is only considered polite. It's reciprocal, and is more efficient at disseminating knowledge among peers. Although between you and me, I am also gaining room and board from our local proprietor. I haven't mentioned anything about Kyonin customs - I wouldn't want her to think that I'm taking advantage."

As Jenile has a compatriot fetch the brew, the elf seems to bounce up and down with enthusiasm. One downside to playing the neutral observer has been that up to now, she hasn't really been able to partake in activities such as drinking. Deep down, she knows that this isn't what she ought to be doing. Her notebooks on Trunau back in her room are suffering from a distinct lack of authorial effort. But how else to conduct research, except to take part in these customs firsthand? Trunau is unlike most cultures that Aja has visited, and there was a reason she stopped here on her path. So when she receives the brew, the elf bravely takes a deep swig.

"By Nethys' black book, that's strong," she mumbles to the brewer as she wipes the burning sensation away from her mouth. "Can you give me a breakdown of the recipe and its correspondent reagents? I should very like to try my hand at brewing at some point this century, and your particular blend stands out even among the dwarven draughts of Jagerhoff."

2017-10-02, 08:43 AM
"Always plenty of work to be done- when there's not a celebration to be had! Come on, I'll get you acquainted, and someone will have something you can help with, in the morning."

"Cham! Have one of your runners fetch us three half-pints! The 100 proof!"

Bardok grins, almost too widely, but weeks of practice keep all but a thin row of gleaming teeth from showing between the man's parted lips.

"Of course!", Aja says to the question, responding to the confusion with a blank but friendly expression. "Where I come from, a question for a question is only considered polite. It's reciprocal, and is more efficient at disseminating knowledge among peers. Although between you and me, I am also gaining room and board from our local proprietor. I haven't mentioned anything about Kyonin customs - I wouldn't want her to think that I'm taking advantage."

"By Nethys' black book, that's strong," she mumbles to the brewer as she wipes the burning sensation away from her mouth. "Can you give me a breakdown of the recipe and its correspondent reagents? I should very like to try my hand at brewing at some point this century, and your particular blend stands out even among the dwarven draughts of Jagerhoff."

Bardok has a bit of a glazed expression at Aja's elaboration of the arrangement with her momentary employer, but a wry smile begins tugging at one corner of his broad mouth at the elf's reaction to the hearty brew. Taking a more measured pull from the tankard before him (which looks almost comically small in his large hands), the burly fellow parts his lips to respond, but Aja's subsequent question provokes distinct confusion, and he retreats back into a second, deeper sip.

2017-10-03, 01:20 PM
You don't learn anything you didn't already know during the rest of the evening.

Rodrik Grath is slated to replace his father as patrol leader, but from what I hear, he’s more concerned with his poems and plays than with militia matters. He’s diligent, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not quite sure either of the Grath boys is ready to lead the town’s defense.

“Shame about the graffiti all over town. The militia’s got better things to do than clean up youngsters’ messes, but even stranger is how long it lasts. Try as one might, soap and water don’t do a thing to those marks!”

As the evening progresses, your group is approached by Kurst and Rodrik Grath. They sit down at your table and greet you all, congratulating you on your 'victory' with winks and smiles.

"You know," says Rodrik, "the town could really use more defenders like yourselves. We're on the frontier here, and there is always need for the strong and the skilled to step up and make sure that everyone stays safe. Just like Jenile here!" He claps the young woman on the shoulder. Kurst nods, smiling a little awkwardly.

2017-10-03, 07:21 PM
Jenile nods slowly, her expression becoming even more measured as Aja mentions her Dwarven encounters. She sips from the mug slowly, keenly aware of what Cham's 100-proof has been known to cause in people who took it too lightly.

Jenile's lips smile a bit more easily than usual, by the time Kurst and Rodrik appear. She stands at ease, though a hint of tension creeps into her posture as the elder twin speaks. When Rodrik claps her on the shoulder, she noticeably starts, her eyes flickering more than occasionally towards the younger, less-outspoken brother.

"Oh, it's not all so bad as that, Rodrik. We get by just fine, and besides- you've always found time to write some on the side, eh? At least we've got some free time when it suits us."

2017-10-04, 12:10 PM
Rodrick laughs and shakes his head, but it is Kurst who answers. "Of course we have time to ourselves, but th-that doesn't mean... I mean we can always use more people to help keep people safe."

2017-10-04, 03:49 PM
Thoughts jumble together in a packed queue, jostling at the elbows to be released from a single pair of lips. "I - that is - I have heard that you have written several plays for the townsfolk. While I am not yet particularly well-versed in the styles of your people, I would like to think that I have a fair talent at critical literary analyseses... pardon me, analyses." Aja doesn't seem to really take note of the momentary slip in her vocabulary, that her voice is rising to a higher pitch as she speaks, or that the conversation seems to be moving in a different direction.

"Could you perhaps recite me something of yours, Rodrik? I would love to hear your writing. Perhaps I will even include some in my first treatise on Trunauaun customs! The idiosyncrasies of cultural zeitgeist compressed into verse! What a world we live in now, I must say."

2017-10-04, 08:20 PM
Kurst's answer summons an additional hint of flu to Jenile's cheeks. She directs her attention back to her drink, sipping slowly until Aja begins to speak up. Jenile doesn't follow a lot of her new companion's words, but at mention of recitation, her eyes light up. "Yes, recite something for us, Rodrik! Not The Ballad, everybody knows that one. Something else!"

2017-10-06, 02:02 PM
Rodrick chuckles. "I'm a writer, not an actor! I don't have them memorized, Jenile. I'd be very happy to do a reading sometime, if you would like." Kurst rolls his eyes in response, but is quiet.

2017-10-06, 03:26 PM
Aja raises an eyebrow at Rodrik's response. "You can't remember your own work? I would be prouder of what I had written, or at least kept better track of the ink in my mind, lest it wander off and get lost forever." At no point does the elf's friendly smile falter or seem any less than completely heartfelt.

2017-10-07, 10:20 PM
"You know," says Rodrik, "the town could really use more defenders like yourselves. We're on the frontier here, and there is always need for the strong and the skilled to step up and make sure that everyone stays safe. Just like Jenile here!" He claps the young woman on the shoulder. Kurst nods, smiling a little awkwardly.

Bardok smiles broadly at the fellows' remark. His friendly expression goes a bit glazed at the discussion of literature, but after a few seconds he marshals his thoughts before interjecting on the topic more to his liking.

"'M not some great warrior, not like the stories we told at home," a flicker of sadness quickly passes over an expression of wistful remembrance, "but we all had to know how t'fight, 'case of orcs. Or... giants." His eyebrows furrow for a heartbeat. "I c'n work a plow, but if the town needs guards..." He grins, catching himself just before allowing the full size of his mouth to become apparent. "Sounds like better work, anyhow."

2017-10-08, 10:06 AM
"Different work," Jenile interjects. "Without good men and women runnin' plows, all the guards in the world would starve. It's good to defend, but it's good to feed, also." She raises an eyebrow, almost seeming to dare Bardok to disagree.

2017-10-10, 10:28 AM
Kurst answers Aja, stuttering ”H-hey! He works really hard on his writing. He doesn’t have to remember it to be good at it.” Rodrik claps him on the shoulder, but looks to Jenile and Bardok. “You’re both right! Both swords and plughshares have their place in this town. That said, I’ll be honest to say you look more the sword type.”

They stay a little longer conversing with you before heading off, confident that you are each willing to do your part. Those of you who do not already have a residence in Trunau are pointed to the Ramblehouse, a halfling-run boarding house (which also happens to be the only inn in town). The proprietor, a jaunty halfling named Cham Larringfass, welcomes you and offers you free lodging for the night, noting that you will most certainly sleep safely as the mighty Rodrik Grath is also spending the night!


The night passes uneventfully, and you each awaken in the morning to a curious buzz of conversation. There is a strange tension in the air.

2017-10-10, 07:26 PM
"Of course not! I did not mean to disparage anything your esteemed brother has written." Aja says as the conversation continues apace. "I only meant that one ought to take pride in what one has written. I would be loath to see anything of mine published without taking the pre-requisite time to be able to at least summarize its key points, although I concede that such a work would be more academic and more prone to summary. Your own work would lose their luster if expressed in that way." As the others continue to talk, the elf is more than comfortable offering a few comments here and there. For all that Rodrik's intellectual pursuits interest her, Aja finds herself gravitating more towards the more quiet, shy brother. She makes a mental note to talk to him one on one when she gets the chance. His perspective on the goings-on about Trunau will likely be a valuable addition to any treatises on the town.

When the morning comes, the mage has been awake for some time, not needing the full luxury of sleep. since As has become her custom since settling in the town, Aja drills for an hour in private before strolling through Trunau's streets, only returning into the Ramblehouse when it sounds like those inside are starting to rise for some breakfast. Or at least, that's what it sounds like at first. But mere moments after Aja has poked her head inside, she can feel that something is decidedly off. Under her cloak, the shape of her weapon is not visible, but she can feel its comforting weight at her side.

"Excuse me, Mr. Larringfass?," the elf says as she approaches. "Is everything alright?"

2017-10-10, 09:09 PM
Jenile continues to converse with her newfound friends fairly late into the night. As Aja's attentions begin to focus more on Kurst than Rodrik, the broad-shouldered guardswoman gradually grows a bit more standoffish. It is a short but polite "good evening" that finally marks the dissolution of their companionship (short-lived as it may be).

Fortunately for the young cavalier, Jenile is not due to stand watch until the morning two days after Ruby's ceremony, and she actually sleeps until sunrise. Still, a parched throat and painful head give testament to the poor decisions made the night before and the strength of Cham's brews. She rises much more slowly than usual, and grunts unhappily at the sloppy mistakes infiltrating her morning ritual of stretching and martial forms. Still. not long after the sun has begun its morning journey, Jenile finds herself headed back towards the center of town. Aldrick needs another few bags of feed for the horses and the ox, and one of the plows needs mending at Sara's smithy. Truth be told, Jenile always enjoys her trips to the smithy. Without fail, either Sara or one of her apprentices is always at work at some blade or another, often as much a work of art as implement of war.

Passing by the Ramblehouse, Jenile can't help but overhear the murmured whispers of tense conversation. In a heartbeat, her protective streak rises to the fore and she steps over to see what the fuss is all about. She immediately notices Aja as well, and offers the Elf a simple nod of greeting. She raises an eyebrow at the townspeople's awkward hesitance. "What, did someone get too drunk last night? No one was seriously hurt, right?"

2017-10-13, 09:54 AM
The atmosphere is tense in the town, but with a heavy sense of sadness as well. Those coming to (or back to) the Ramblehouse hear whispers and murmurs as you walk.
“I can’t believe...”
“He was so strong...”
“...a loss to the creative community...”
“... our best and bravest!”
“... he’s gone...”

By the time you arrive you feel anxious and accost Cham Larringfas, who you found sitting at the bar and wringing her hands.

”Oh it is terrible, terrible! Found dead Kim his room here, HERE! The captain of the guards, arms all cut to ribbons, hope knife in hand... oh... how could this be happening! How could Captain Rodrick be dead?!?” She begins sobbing.

2017-10-13, 01:39 PM
Jenile's eyes widen. "Surely, not!" She looks around the room, taking in the expressions of her friends and neighbors. Crestfallen, blank stares of shock, disbelief, and anger surround her in the oddly-sized common room. Facing Cham, Jenile easily falls into her role as town guard. She takes a breath to begin asking questions when she suddenly catches herself. Warily, she looks back on her companions with a nervous expression before openly appraising the pair with a keen and discerning eye. With a long sigh, she nods, and turns back to the innkeeper.

"Cham. Tell us what you know, and then show me to his room."

2017-10-13, 10:29 PM
"Different work," Jenile interjects. "Without good men and women runnin' plows, all the guards in the world would starve. It's good to defend, but it's good to feed, also." She raises an eyebrow, almost seeming to dare Bardok to disagree.

Bardok spreads his hands, palms forward in a disarming gesture. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with farmin’. S’what my fam’ly d... did.” For a moment his eyes darken, but he continues, “Ain’t a ton of fun though, neither.” He smiles sheepishly at the guardswoman.

As the conversation fades, Bardok follows along to the boardinghouse, prepared to dig a few coins out for the night’s lodgings, but the owner’s generosity provokes a toothy grin and an over-hearty pat on the halfling’s shoulder, the gesture made profoundly comical by the disparity in stature between the hulking man and his halfling host. With a pleasant warmth in his temples and the knot in his stomach less pronounced than it had been in days, he sets himself down for the night.

The tension is obvious as Bardok enters the boarding house’s common room, and the uncertainty twists in his stomach. He arrives just in time to watch Jenile approach their host, and the revelation of its cause makes the dread even worse. He turns from Cham to Jenile and back in turn. “Rodrick? But- he was fine last night!” Confusion roils about his serious eyes as he struggles to make sense of the sudden tragedy.

2017-10-15, 12:45 PM
Initially, Aja looks around in bewilderment. She picks up on snippets of conversation from throughout the inn, but doesn't put the pieces together until she hears the word "gone". For the first time since Jenile or Bardok has met her, the smile on her face slips away, leaving only a blank - if somewhat studious - expression. When the young woman clearly looks her way, Aja returns it with a slight nod of reassurance.

She says nothing to Cham, preferring to let the guard take point on interrogation for now. Trunau is not her town, and despite yesterday's outing, she ought to let the locals be the ones involved in a death such as this. Just remember to take notes later. Doing so now would likely not be perceived very well.

2017-10-17, 02:04 PM
The Ramblehouse
Cham Larringfass stammers for a moment, clearly distraught. "He...
I..." She takes a deep shuddering breath and visibly composes himself. "His room is down the hall, just to the left. His... his brother is there.
You should..." She looks up at Jenile with tears in his eyes, then turns as the front door of the Ramblehouse bangs open and a rough voice calls out...

"Yes, yes, the guard is looking into this. Go home. You're safe, you're fine, GO HOME. Go home. No, go home!" One of the guardsmen steps into the room, and you can see over his shoulder several more forming a cordon outside. The guard who has stepped in, dressed in his armor and formal baldric, turns and spots Jenile. He speaks again, his tone brisk and business-like. "Ah, Jenile. Good that you are here. Kurst will need you. Leave me here with Cham for a time, and you can go right ahead and look in the room."

You make your way down the hallway, and are almost immediately met by Kurst. There are tears on his face, but also a fierce determination flares in his eyes. "J...
Jenile! S-s-so good to s-see you... it's t-t-terrible. I... I need to talk to you. And..." His gaze moves to include Bardok and Aja. "... you both as well. Can we... c-can we talk?" He opens a door that leads to a small sitting room, gesturing within.

2017-10-17, 02:26 PM
Upon seeing Kurst's state, Aja's precious resolve crumbles in the face of impending empathy. Crossing the room, she moves to give the man a similarly fierce hug. While it is not custom in her homeland, Aja has read and seen firsthand the effects of physical support on human communities. She does not linger long, soon reasserting her cool mask of observation as she detached from the bereaved Kurst.

"I am so sorry for your loss. Of course we can talk privately - lead on, my friend."

2017-10-17, 02:39 PM
Jenile's face is a practiced mask of patience and concern. She reaches out a hand to Cham's shoulder, offering the Halfling some small comfort in hopes that it will help her share what she knows. She nods slowly as the words begin to tumble out, and jumps slightly at the sudden bang from behind her. Turning to face the newcomers, she is relieved to hear the guards doing what they can to stem the inevitable tide of questions and interference- they're always well-meaning, but the Trunauans always want to help, even when they're not well equipped to do so.

"I'll do that, corporal." she says, leaving the higher-ranking guardsman to talk with Cham. She turns down the hallway, towards the door she previously indicated, and offers a small, strained smile to Kurst within. As Aja steps in front, Jenile's smile shifts into a scowl behind the Elven woman's head. She narrows her eyes for a moment, before blinking and turning a more gentle gaze on the bereaved younger brother.

2017-10-19, 05:57 PM
For a few moments, the dazed Bardok shuffles forward behind the guardswoman and the elf stranger down the hallway. The craning of his neck to see past them is almost comical, given how unnecessary it is for the large man to see over their shoulders, and he very much looks the part of a slack-jawed country yokel in the grip of his morbid curiosity.

Jenile! S-s-so good to s-see you... it's t-t-terrible. I... I need to talk to you. And..." His gaze moves to include Bardok and Aja. "... you both as well. Can we... c-can we talk?" He opens a door that leads to a small sitting room, gesturing within.

Bardok blinks in confusion, turning his head to look behind him. Realizing that he must be one of the figures indicated, he turns a worried expression to the young man; remembering their sudden guest's condition, he musters a concerned but reassuring smile as his stomach begins to ache within him. With heavy, shuffling steps, he moves to follow the other two into the room.

2017-10-23, 08:42 AM
Jenile's gaze follows Kurst's to Aja and Bardok. Aja's almost eager interruption draws a less-than-friendly expression to the young guardsman's face. She spares just enough time to offer an encouraging nod to Bardok before turning her attention back to Kurst in full.

"Whatever you need, Kurst. I'm here for you." She approaches more slowly, with a measured pace, offering her hands to take his. Awkwardly quiet, she half-follows, half-leads him into the room he's opened.

2017-10-23, 01:45 PM
The Ramblehouse

Kurst stiffens when Aja embraces him, looking over her shoulder at Jenile with a look that begs the question "What do I do?". He is visibly relieved when Aja steps back, and is almost calm when Jenile takes his hands and they walk into the room. He lets her move ahead, pausing to close the door. His hands shake slightly as he turns back to you all.

“I’m s-sure you’ve heard by now that my b-brother, Rodrik—you met him last night—was found d-dead this morning, and I’ve h-had my hands full since. Right now, the official cause of d-d-death is suicide, but I j-just c-can’t believe that. S-s-something else has to be going on. Unfort-tunately, Rodrik was the best investigator in Trunau; if he were on the c-case, solving the mystery of his d-death wouldn’t take long, b-b-but with just me left, we m-might never know what really happened.” Kurst sighs heavily.

“I simply can’t handle the investigation and t-tend to my family duties at the same t-time. I may be a patrol captain, but right now, I feel my responsibilities as a b-brother outweigh my other d-duties. Still, I can’t just let this lie. I’m afraid I’ve exhausted all my other options—the members of Trunau’s militia are c-competent d-defenders during siege times, but they’re not sleuths by any m-means. I need your help. Will you investigate my brother’s death?”

2017-10-25, 11:50 AM
Jennie clasps Kursts hands, perhaps a hair more tenderly than simple condolence would entail. With a firm squeeze, a hint of chastisement enters her unusually gentle voice. "Don't say that, Kurst. Rodrik may have gotten the most attention, but I know firsthand of the times your help has been invaluable. Besides, you have help. You have the whole city's help!"

Visibly agitated, she begins to nod, acknowledging her friend's desire to focus on his family for the moment. "I'm sure we understand. We'll do what we can." Finally, his comment about the city militia evokes an unsure expression on the young guardsman's face. Obviously, she is unsure of her own role, being one of the aforementioned "not sleuths." With a pained expression, she looks to Aja.

"I- of course we will!" A flicker of relief follows the Elf's apparent agreement.

2017-10-25, 10:13 PM
Bardok takes visible comfort from Jenile's gesture of confidence, but as Kurst's outburst continues his confidence wanes. He looks from the bereaved young man to Jenile and Aja, whose confidence (real or feigned) in their ability to help, and concern roils on his face. Screwing up his courage, he faces the young man with a determined look. "'M no great hunter, but I'll help if I can." He reaches one giant palm out to rest encouragingly on Kurst's shoulder.

2017-10-26, 02:51 PM
Letting the younger brother speak his piece until the end, Aja turns to him with what she sincerely hopes is a comforting smile. Of course, she has been told that she doesn't know how to contort her face properly, and that the result is as uncomfortably as it is macabre. Aja tends to ignore those people, though. Can't let negativity get in the way of success!

The elf is on the verge of saying something when Jenile speaks instead. Not for the first time, Aja watches the local guard intently, not blinking even as her mouth does not move from its smiling position. When it eventually becomes clear that it would be socially acceptable to interject with her own opinion - sometime after Bardok does - the magus finally speaks. When she does, the words come spilling out with uncharacteristically little thought to their order or significance.

"We would not dream of disparaging your qualifications as a guardsman, Kurst - may I call you Kurst? - and rest assured that we will not... erm, rest until the mystery of your brother's bloody, untimely, and tragic demise is solved once and for all!"

2017-10-30, 02:26 PM
The Ramblehouse

Kurst smiles a relieved smile.“Thank you... thank you for your help. Of course you realize that I'm asking you Jenile because y-you're above the normal rank and f-file.” Kurst pauses a moment, his cheeks hinting at a rosy color. "You must have q-questions." He opens his hands to the group, his face naked of pretense. "Ask away?"

2017-10-30, 06:33 PM
Jenile blushes outrageously as she struggles (and fails) to hide an embarrassed grin. Despite (or perhaps because?) of the fact that she's decidedly not above the average rank and file, Kurst's flattery falls on decidedly receptive ears. She makes no queries for the moment, perhaps too stunned by the compliment to gather her thoughts.

And we also have an investigator. Gonna let the investigator do investigator stuff. :smallsmile:

2017-11-03, 07:00 AM
Aja looks at Kurst, then at Jenile, and then back at Kurst. The other woman doesn't seem to have anything to say for some reason, so the elf launches into a barrage of queries after a few moments to think of them.

"Solet'sstartwith the basics. First of all, did your brother have any enemies in Trunau or outside of it? Anyone who would want to do him harm, or would benefit from his death? Assuming this was not a suicide - which is entirely possible, given your testimony - there would likely been some motive for killing him. Take me through a usual day with him. Does he stay to a particular schedule? Have you noticed any changes in behavior recently, or noticed times when he might have been missing?" The magister thinks back to any material she knows on the social organization of human cultures in northern Avistan, with a focus on the rules of law and crime. But murder is murder - even in Kyonin, killing somebody usually demanded legal remuneration.

So I'm going to make a Knowledge (Local) check, if that will help matters along. Aja is thinking back to general jurisprudence, but if anything about Trunau comes up, let me know.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2017-11-03, 06:38 PM
Though the questions weren't directed at her, Jenile none the less begins to answer. "Rodrik was perhaps the most well-liked person in Trunau! Nobody here would have- of course we have enemies outside the city. That's what the walls are for. They're mostly Orcs." She immediately realizes that she's essentially arguing in favor of the likeliness of suicide, and closes her mouth with a scowl and a frown. For several moments she is silent, giving Kurst more than ample opportunity to interject.

2017-11-03, 07:38 PM
Bardok turns a confused (and dazed) expression from Aja's stream of questions to Jenile's hasty answers with a blank look of non-comprehension. He blinks once, and turns to see the mourning brother, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes. With a sudden expression of heartfelt sympathy, he reaches out to gently grasp the young man's shoulder once more. "Slow down, you two. Poor guy's lost a part of his family." With a disarming smile, the giant man looks down at the young guardsman. "Maybe start simple. When'd you last see 'im last night?"

Diplomacy, if applicable, to encourage the kid? [roll0]

2017-11-20, 05:14 PM
The Ramblehouse

Kurst looks awkwardly back and forth from one to another as you speak, waiting for a pause before answering. "No... no one would have profited from his death. He and father had been fighting recently... but no, nothing. He's been seeing someone lately, a half-orc named Brinya Kelver, but father hates orcs so much he forbid him from seeing her ever again. As for his day... he's been throwing himself into his work lately. I think he was researching a new play to write, but I don't know anything else." He pauses, looks to Bardok. "He's been staying here in the Bramblehouse of late, so I imagine that Cham may have been the last person to see him alive... other than the killer, that is. Maybe you could talk to Omast Frum, one of the patrol sergeants that often went out with Rodrik on patrol."

You all hear the sound of heavy boots tramp past in the hallway. "That will be the men taking my brother... my brother's body to the Sanctuary. Is there anything else I can answer?"

2017-11-28, 06:30 PM
Jenile's face looks, if it's possible, even more crestfallen. Emotions war for dominance as she tries to find common ground between her own rough experiences with Orcs and their kin and her familiarity and fondness for Rodrik and his family. In the end, she settles for a despondent sigh. "I can't imagine... Do you know where we could find Brinya? It would be worth speaking with her, along with Cham and Omast."

Once Kurst answers, Jenile once more offers what she hopes is a reassuring pat of his hand. "Go find your father. He will need you, now more than ever."

2017-11-28, 08:22 PM
The nonplussed look on Bardok's face hints that he does not follow at all, but he looks from the crestfallen young guardsman to Jenile with an uncertain (but hopeful) smile.

2017-11-29, 12:45 AM
Talathel frowns and rubs his temples in frustration - a midnight murder would be commonplace in the crime-ridden streets of Riddleport, but he never would have expected such a thing in the quaint, close-knit burg of Trunau! The caravan job - the same one that brought him in with this hulking "Bardok" fellow, was supposed to be a quick, in-and-out deal. And now the locals are looking to him to sort out their mess! Well, a promise is a promise...

"<sigh> Ok." The lanky elf straightens from a slouch by the wall and shrugs his shoulders to loosen them. "I think we have what we need to get started. We might have more questions later, though, so don't go far. And, uh, I'm sorry about this..." He shrugs as the grieving guardsman departs, obviously uncomfortable in the presence of such naked emotion.

"Alright, it's a small town so someone has to know something," he addresses the others as Kurst disappears down the hallway. "The lover, Brenya, is an obvious suspect. The innkeep - what was his name? Cham? - should be able to tell us what time he came in. Then there's the watch partner, Frum." Ticking off names on his fingers, he then turns to Jenile directly. "Anyone you know that he could have been in debt to? Drinking partners, gambling buddies? If it's not a woman it's usually money that's behind a case like this..."

For continuity purposes I'm going to handwave that Aja suddenly transformed into Talathel. Very different personalities but I think we can play it out if we simply continue from here.

2017-11-30, 09:12 PM
Jenile nods, refreshed by Talathel's to-the-point tone. "I'm not aware of any outstanding debts, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Still, he's... well known, and his family surely has access to the funds to make it right without..." words fail her for a moment, as her hands gesture to encompass Kurst's room and the unspoken tragedy which took place perhaps just the next door down. "...this."

2017-11-30, 09:41 PM
"People get funny 'bout money. Never can tell." muses Bardok in a thoughtful tone.

2017-12-02, 02:56 PM
"Yeah, I'm not ruling anything out at this point. Maybe the family had money, but he suddenly needed more to make his woman happy. Or her ex-boyfriend was none too happy about the new arrangement. Who knows?" He spreads his hands in an exaggerated gesture.

"Well, we're not getting any closer to the truth just standing here. Let's go find the innkeep and find out what he knows about last night. Say, uh," he motions to Jenile and lowers his voice a bit, an uncomfortable expression on his face. "Do you want to handle the talking? Might go over a bit better if it's coming from someone he knows. Bardok and I don't fit the bill."

Sorry, got delayed for a few days. I'm ready to move to interrogating a few of the NPCs, starting with Cham!