View Full Version : New magic items?

2017-09-25, 06:26 PM
I've read every book.

HotDQ, ToA, STK, CoS, OotA, DMG, all of them.

I have to say, I'm pretty frustrated with the lack of new magical items.

Don't get me wrong; The Legendary and Artifact stuff is AWESOME. They really are. But it's not like you stumble across those on the proverbial loot table, y'know?

I'm talking about the mid-tier stuff. Rare, Very Rare. That's the stuff that I think we need a lot more of.

Anyone feel the same way? Has anyone made anything, or does anyone know of a place that's created some new stuff? Anything from third parties like Kobold Press or anything?

2017-09-25, 07:06 PM
Here's one I found awhile back, I think some on here wrote it. Sorry, I can't remember who though


2017-09-25, 08:18 PM
Yup. I just make or convert my own though.

2017-09-25, 08:29 PM
Yup. I just make or convert my own though.

Any you feel like sharing?

2017-09-25, 09:13 PM
I ran a campaign where I created a lot of gnomish magic items. One of the players was also a DM and had the DMG so I felt a need to get creative with some of the items. So these won't be to everyone's taste, since they are a bit silly, but here are three. I know I've got more on my computer. On my phone so no fancy formatting:

Very Important Papers, very rare

This scroll contains a powerful illusion that makes the writing appear to be what the receiver believes it to be.

A receiver who is expecting nothing will see a blank sheet, but someone who has been told the scroll is a spell scroll or a letter from a king or a map must make an intelligence saving throw (DC 20) or see what they believe to be there.

The effect lasts for one hour, after which those affected may make a second saving throw at DC 15. Each hour thereafter, the affected may make DC 10 intelligence saving throws.

Fan of Conspiracy, rare (requires attunement)

While holding this fan in front of your mouth, you can use an action to create a 5' radius sphere around you that shields your words and the words of those within the sphere, from others. People listening only peripherally hear what appears to be unmemorable conversation.

A creature that can understand the language spoken that, as an action, tries to eavesdrop on the conversation, will instead hear a different conversation, chosen at random, from the choices below.

The bubble of privacy last for 1 minute, until the fan is snapped shut as an action, or if the fan leaves the wielder’s hands.

After two uses the fan cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Illusory conversations:

Whenever an eavesdropper attempts to listen actively to a conversation under the magic of the fan, they instead hear one of the following conversations. Roll a d10 to determine which one. The listener hears…

1. …a conversation about whether it will rain tomorrow.
2 …a debate about the price of turnips.
3. …an amorous and clearly private discussion between two lovers, the wielder and one of his or her companions.
4. …a heated quarrel between rivals for the affection of another. If the wielder is speaking to two or more people, he or she is the object of their affection.
5. …a get-rich quick economic scheme, possibly involving turnips.
6. …the wielder and his or her companions moping about their impending financial ruin.
7. …a discussion about whether the listener should be rewarded, promoted or otherwise recognized, whichever seems appropriate in the circumstances.
8. …a discussion about whether the listener should be demoted, abandoned, shunned or otherwise censored, depending on the circumstances and relation the listener has to the party.
9. …a whispered discussion about a prophecy portending the end of the world, and whether turnips should be hoarded.
0. …a whispered discussion about a prophecy of doom, and whether the listener is the only one who can save the world.

Curtain of Surprise, rare (Can be attuned, but does not require it for some uses)

This elegant bundle of silk can, as an action, be thrown up to ten feet and suspended in the air, covering a space five feet across and ten feet high. It is opaque and provides total cover for a small or medium humanoid.

Should a creature with an intelligence of at least 4 attempt move the curtain to peer around the other side, they must make a wisdom saving throw (DC 14) or be frightened as per the Fear spell for one minute.

At the end of each of its turns it can make a saving throw to end the effect, though if the curtain is still in sight it makes this saving throw at disadvantage.

Other creatures nearby are not affected by the magic of the curtain, unless they too touch it and attempt to peer behind it.

If someone is attuned to the curtain, they can, as a bonus action, call the curtain to them. If the curtain is within 20 feet of the user, it will ‘unhang’ itself, fold up into a bundle of silk and fly into the user’s hand.

2017-09-26, 11:54 AM
Any you feel like sharing?

Sure. Kinda busy today i'll post a few and if you like'em let me know and I'll post more at weird intervals.
Disclaimer! I don't bother with Rarity, if you use them it's up to you to decide on that.

Prismatic Gauntlet(requires attunement): articulated mithril gauntlet with the 7 chakra symbols adorning the back of the hand. This gauntlet has 3 charges and regains all 3 at dawn. As an action you may expend a charge and fire a Ray at a target within 60ft of you. The target must make a dc16 Dexterity saving throw. Roll a d8 to determine the color of the ray, use the Prismatic Spray table on p.267 of the PBH to determine the effects. Yes you can double ray & casters can use it too even though it appears to be a piece of heavy armor. My suggestion is to not give this to a player until a level or 2 after a full caster would gain access to Prismatic Spray.

Eye of The Beholder(requires attunement): because I loved the old Occular Adept & eye lasers in general. Appears as a circlet make of an alien dark metal with a petrified beholderkin eye as the center piece. Once attuned the metal retracts and the eye buries itself in the middle of users forehead and become a living eye. The user cannot see through this eye and it seems to move with a mind of its own. 3 charges, recovers @ midnight. Expend a charge & roll a d10 to fire a random Eye Ray at a target within 90ft of you. Use the Beholder entry on p.28 of the MM. Thinking about removing the eye causes it to revert back into a circlet for easy removal.

Disintegration Glove(requires attunement by Arcane Caster): similar to an item from a previous edition but I'm not sure where exactly. Old, worn, faded black fingerless glove. Once a day you may cast a level 6 dc16 Disintegrate spell. You may increase the level of the Disintegrate spell by taking Xd4 force damage with X=New Spell Level (ex. Lv7 Disintegrate = 7d4 force damage). This damage cannot be avoided or reduced. Recharges @ Midnight.

Well that's my Fun with Rays post.

2017-09-26, 12:39 PM
I've read every book.

HotDQ, ToA, STK, CoS, OotA, DMG, all of them.

I have to say, I'm pretty frustrated with the lack of new magical items.

Don't get me wrong; The Legendary and Artifact stuff is AWESOME. They really are. But it's not like you stumble across those on the proverbial loot table, y'know?

I'm talking about the mid-tier stuff. Rare, Very Rare. That's the stuff that I think we need a lot more of.

Anyone feel the same way? Has anyone made anything, or does anyone know of a place that's created some new stuff? Anything from third parties like Kobold Press or anything?

I'm disappointed that the lyre of building didn't make the DMG.