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2017-09-26, 10:00 PM
You file through the shuttle doors and into the bustle of Absalom Station's brightly-lit docks. Travelers from every species and walk of life hurry to board, or disappear deeper into the station. Ground crews tend to docked ships while dockworkers load and unload freight and baggage with mechanized lifters. The tang of ozone lingers in the air, and the deck plates of Dock 94 thrum beneath your feet.

In the middle of the dock you spot a gray-bearded dwarf. He wears patched and stained coveralls just like the other dockworkers, but his star-shaped badge reveals him to be Duravor Kreel, your contact with the Starfinders. Your eyes meet as he looks up from a handheld computer, and he greets you with a smile and a wave.

Hal0 and Akti notice furtive movement at the fringes of the crowd. Several humans seem to be skulking into defensive positions among the crates and shipping containers. Just as Duravor opens his mouth to speak, one of them pulls a gun from their jacket.

2017-09-27, 05:35 PM
Akti spent the ride to Absalom Station in silence, observing the people she was with. Once the shuttle docked, she was quick to hurry out onto the station, eager to see the center of the Pact government for herself. After a lifetime spent in a single city on Verces, she's so excited to see the cosmopolitan station that she feels as though she will burst if she doesn't begin right away.

That excitement, though, quickly turns to a mix of confusion and fear as she spots the suspicious movements. The fear takes center stage as a gun comes out, with a spike of heady anger as well. A part of Akti's mind carefully notes and processes each emotion as it hits, while also noting with some alarm that rather than doing the sensible thing and hiding, she appears to actually be getting closer to the person with the gun.

Closing on the one with the gun in the surprise round, aiming to get within twenty-five feet of them.

2017-09-27, 05:52 PM
407's eyes immediately scan the area as he steps out of the shuttle into dock 94. His military training conditioning him to look for danger every time he went to a new place. It wasn't his first time in Absalom Station, though he had never been here without the 61st and their squad captain. A fact he was becoming more keenly aware of with each step forward. There were so many people and somehow, despite seeing many races and places in his life, it all felt new to him.

Seeing no danger, he focused on the task at hand. He was to meet Duravor Kreel here. His eyes take on a steely gaze, his face devoid of emotion, as he looks for his target. Quickly though he spots a dwarf who he could only assume was Kreel. Once he spotted the gray bearded dwarf with the starfinder badge he approaches to introduce himself.

As he neared though, he realized he did not know the protocol for this situation. If he was a recruit and this was a higher ranking officer should he salute? How do the Starfinders salute? For the first time he was unsure of what was expected of him and that uncertainty slowed his step.

move action to move to dwarf

2017-09-27, 06:33 PM
Trouble blinks as he exits the shuttle. Bright lights, lots of people, new adventures await! Its been a long time since leaving home, but he was looking forward to finaly getting to visit the legendary Absolom station.

Spying the dwarf with the Starfinder badge, Trouble hitches up his gear and starts heading over. Everyone told him that if adventure was what he was looking for, the Starfinders were the place to be.

Trouble heads towards Kreel, having not noticed the gunman.

2017-09-27, 10:35 PM
The whine of discharging capacitors pierces through the din of the crowd as the humans open fire on each other. Trouble feels an uncomfortable warmth as a laser beam flashes across his chest, but his armor disperses the excess heat before it can burn him. Duravor Kreel isn't so lucky. You see the Starfinder catch a laser to the throat and fall to the ground, motionless and smoking. The crowd screams and convulses with panic. Some turn to flee, and others dive for cover. You smell something burning, and hope it isn't flesh.

The circles and squares are shooting at each other; you are caught in the crossfire. Hazuki is up, and then we'll be in Block 1 of the initiative.

Akti is now within 25' of her target, a young human man.

2017-09-28, 07:59 AM
Hal0's reaction to the sudden outburst of violence is considerably more relaxed than the majority of screaming folks. She doesn't even spare a look to Silkenwing as she silently commands her to head West, flank around the side, while she goes East to the nearest cover and draws her pistol.

Silkenwings: Moves 30ft West.
Hal0: Moved a few squares into the cover I moved her to.

2017-09-28, 12:31 PM
As the air lights up with pistol fire, 407's military instincts kick in, reciting the objectives of this fire fight. Protect the target, the target is down, the mission hasn't changed. 407 picks up his pace and runs to the fallen dwarf, he passes past the panicking people, almost tripping over someone who had dropped to the ground. As he neared the dwarf he slides to his knees, preparing to perform whatever emergency care that he could.

Double move to Duravor, probably pointless seeing how it is a fricken laser to the neck, but have to make the effort.

2017-09-28, 04:28 PM
Duravor Kreel stares at the ceiling with empty eyes, still gripping his computer. A charred hole passes clear through his neck.

2017-09-28, 09:23 PM
As the heat of the laser blast warms Trouble's chest he looks up startled. "Im here 5 minutes and people are already shooting at me? I could have stayed home for that!"

Quickly Trouble surveys the situation, recalling his training with the Firestarters. "Rule 1 of an ambush, find cover"

Trouble quickly dashes to the nearby info desk and dives over it

Athletics check to vault the desk:

edit: nice!

With a quick dive, Trouble launches over the desk while unslinging his rifle. "Rule 2 of an ambush, Shoot Back!"

Focusing on the gunman that shot him, Trouble folds down his ears, takes careful aim, and fires.

Attack roll with hunting rifle:


Sharpshooter bonus reduces the targets ac from cover by 2 if it applies.

Damage roll with hunting rifle:


edit:ok, so its not rolling the number here for some reason, so ill try again in the ooc thread.

2017-09-29, 09:38 AM
Blood flies as Trouble's bullet grazes the woman's shoulder. "Back off, pipsqueak!" she yells through gritted teeth. "This ain't your fight!"

2017-09-29, 02:22 PM
Akti stares at the aggressors, the sudden violence leaving her almost shocked. She shakes it off after a moment, though, staring at her target. She can feel the connection between them forming. She focuses on it, staring at the gun, and then at the wielder. She considers using gentler methods of pacifying them, but no, they've already made it clear that they're here to kill. Drastic measures are required. She feels along that connection, finding the mind on the other end, and then latches on, sending a surge of emotion along it, a wave of concentrated terror and despair strong enough to kill those who aren't able to stand up under the weight.

Casting mind thrust on Akti's target, then moving into cover behind the crates.

Mind thrust damage: [roll0], DC 15 Will save for half.

2017-09-29, 03:45 PM
In his exposed position, 407 takes two painful blasts of laser fire. The woman gets off a shot that is either lucky or unlucky, depending on whether she's aiming for Trouble or beyond him. She burns a line across the top of his head. Akti's victim reels, confused tears falling from his eyes. He doesn't seemed to have noticed any magic over the chaos of battle. Akti senses his desire to flee, but after a glance towards his allies he looses another beam. His shot goes wide, hitting Hal0 in the chest.

Trouble takes 4 fire damage, Hal0 takes 3, and 407 takes a total of 8. You should mark your MythWeavers sheets accordingly, and your roll20 sheets if you find it convenient.

Hal0 and Silkenwings are up, and then we'll be back to Block 1.

2017-09-29, 04:03 PM
Hal0 clucks her tongue as she feels the beam disperse over her torso. "Why shoot at me? I don't even go here." She asks the attackers aloud, as she raises her pistol towards the nearest stranger and unleashes a shot.

Standard Action to shoot at the crown to her Northwest, behind the diagonal cover.

Attack (Semi-Auto Pistol): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move Action for Master Control.

Meanwhile, Silkenwings stalks around the boxes she'd taken cover in to corner the gunner to her West.

Double Move.

2017-09-29, 07:54 PM
Trouble flinches in pain as the shot grazes him. "This is nuts! Everyone is shooting at everyone else and I don't have a clue why! Where is station security?" he mutters under his breath. "Gotta put these people down before anyone else gets killed"

Trouble recognized the human that got shot from the transport he was on. "Hey, kid! Your gonna get killed out there! Take cover!"

Seeing the gunwoman that shot him again, Trouble takes aim. "This is personal now, moH web SuvwI'!"

Trouble fires at the woman again

rifle attack roll:

damage roll:

2017-09-30, 09:30 AM
407 gets knocked forward from one shot and as he stumbles a second shot knocks him backwards. He barely heard the ysoki yelling to him to take cover. Target one is Tango Uniform, move to objective two. What was objective two? He didn't have any orders beyond meeting the dwarf. He had found Kreel, but it didn't lead to anything except laser fire. Suddenly 407 realized he had to make a decision on his own. Looking around him panic began to set in, his training not accounting for when he was orderless and alone.

Amidst his frantic looking and ducking, he noticed the computer still being clutched in Kreel's hands. He started to hope that maybe this could give tell him what target one couldn't. Target one is down, computer has become target two, initiating protection of target two.

407 grabs the device and runs into the hallway, pressing his back to the wall to protect himself from fire from the East as he scanned for enemies on his exposed side to the West.

Move action: Grab computer
Move action: move into hallway

2017-09-30, 09:52 AM
Akti hisses, staring at the shooter. Too far...she darts back out of cover, closing in as one claw dips into a small pouch at her hip. The familiar shape of a ball bearing rolls into place, and she tosses it at the gunman, feeling the connection to the bearing as she does. It's connected to her from the recent touch, connected to the artificial gravity of the station by nature. All she has to do is convince it that its connection to the gunman is stronger, so much stronger than gravity that it pulls the bearing towards him. Quickly.

Moving out of cover to get within twenty-five feet of the gunman again. Casting telekinetic projectile. Attack against KAC, on hit it does 1d6 damage to the target and the ball bearing.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-01, 10:20 PM
With a bullet in his side and a bearing in his brain, the first gunman falls into a pool of spreading blood. Trouble's new friend cries out as his bullet passes through her leg, and red begins seeping through her clothes. She looks ready to flee, but suddenly Silkenwings is upon her, pike gleaming. In desperation, she swings at the drone with a heavy length of pipe but only hits air. Judging by the smoke and the scream to her north, the forces to the east finally succeed in hitting their enemies. They return fire, but only succeed in hitting Akti.

Most of the bystanders have cleared out, but a few remain cowering at the bases of the shipping crates and machinery. Several of them are suffering from laser burns.

Akti takes 4 damage, and the middle west gunfighter takes 3. Hal0 and Silkenwings are up.

2017-10-02, 11:41 AM
Silkenwings shifts her grip on her giant metal poking device as her eyes focus on the heavily-injured woman. "Just play dead and I won't take the rest of your leg off. Promise."

2017-10-02, 12:19 PM
Scowling, the woman falls to the floor. She keeps her grip on her weapons and her eyes on the drone.

2017-10-02, 12:36 PM
Silkenwings nods at the prone woman, that darts across the room to flank one of the other attackers.

Double Move.

Hal0 takes in the situation and sees that they're steadily cornering their enemies, with only one exit at their disposal near the dead Dwarf. She slinks over to the nearest crates, pistol clutched firmly in her hand.

One Move for Master Control of Silkenwings, another to Move up.

2017-10-03, 11:10 AM
Trouble looked around and assessed the situation. The woman he was fighting was down. On the other side of the bay he sees one of the other gang fall as he was shot by the shirren and android that were on the shuttle with him as well. The human kid that got fried was safely out of the line of fire now. Time to make a point.

Trouble rapid fires across the bay at both gangs.

full attack action, allowing 2 shots at -4

first shot at 47 at middle left




second shot at crown on middle right




2 rounds left in rifle atm

edit: figures, go for the fancy, miss completely. still, I can work with it. it was intentional!:smallsmile:

"All of you! Stand Down and no one else will get hurt! No need for anymore bloodshed!"

2017-10-03, 11:38 AM
Akti winces at the sudden shock of pain, moving back into the meager cover of the crates. She's been injured before, but never deliberately, and the shock of impact is enough to leave her reeling, though it doesn't penetrate the armor enough to leave her with anything beyond a nasty bruise.

Just moving into cover for this round.

2017-10-03, 08:19 PM
Package secured, next objective. 407 had no idea who he would even deliver the package to, so right now staying was the more logical of decisions. He looked out from his cover and saw that there were still bystanders that were in danger. Dragonetworks worked very hard to keep good public relations, civilian casualties were a major concern for the group and they were trained to always have the tertiary objective, protect civilians. There were still nine other people all firing at each other. 407 had to figure out an escape route for the civilians. He tucks the device into his bag and scans the field looking for the best route.

Seeing that the combatants to the east were the most in the way, he braced himself to get ready to attack. Hostile targeted, beginning civilian extraction. He draws his dagger and prepares to charge into the enemy.

move action draw dagger
move action to store computer

2017-10-03, 08:44 PM
Trouble's wild shots miss their targets, but a shooter to the west manages to hit one to the east. Below him, a tattooed man scoffs at the sharpshooter's demands. "Never seen a gang war, rat? We ain't standing down until they've got no more blood to shed!" He attempts to illustrate the sentiment by blasting his opposition, but instead leaves a smoldering crater in the info desk's surface.

The top crown takes 2 fire damage, and the PCs are all unharmed. The party is up.

2017-10-03, 10:35 PM
407's grasp on the situation was developing with the exchanging of words. He gripped his knife and prepared for his assault. He peeked out once to lock on to his opponents position and then leans back to take three deep breaths. He had done this before, it was just like his training, he pictured the place his knife would enter his foe and recreated the feel of blade entering flesh in his mind. It was a tactic that was used to prepare the soldiers for their kills, removing all distractions from the attack. A steely calm settled over him as he prepared to go for the kill. He rounds the corner and charges the barrels providing cover to the assailant.

trick attack to run to crown in top left jump on top of boxes and attack
athletics to get on top of boxes [roll0] (including a +4 bonus for running jump with a 40 foot move speed)

acrobatics for trick attack [roll1] if successful foe is flatfooted and attack deals extra damage

attack with survival knife [roll2]
damage [roll3] trick attack [roll4]

crits on a 23
confirm [roll5]
+damage [roll6]

2017-10-04, 07:00 AM
Halo says nothing as she takes a moment to lean over her cover to take a shot at the Crown to her immediate Northeast.

Standard Action shot. [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move Action for Master Control.

Meanwhile, Silkenwings completes her flank of the 21s and attempts to take the nearest one down with a stab.

Move to Move.

Standard Attack with Pike. [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-10-04, 09:37 AM
"Well, if that's the way they want it..." Trouble takes aim at the thugs on the near side of the dock.

Full attack again at the middle 21, if the first shot downs the guy then the second shot will be at the top 21.

first shot:

edit: ooh wow, natural 1...



second shot:



that empties the clip

2017-10-05, 07:41 PM
Akti ducks through the crates in front of her, nearly stumbling over her own feet in her haste, and bolts across the open space between her and the next stack of crates. As she hurries to duck behind them, her head briefly peeks over the top of the crates. Her eyes focus on the nearest gunman, and her telepathic voice barks Drop! in their mind as loudly as she can. She weaves magic into the word, pushing the thought into them so sharply that it feels like an imperative, something that would be impossible to resist even if they wanted to.

Moving into range to cast command: drop and getting into cover, then casting the spell. Marking off spells cast...Akti is starting to run dangerously low. DC 15 Will save to resist the command, otherwise be forced to drop whatever they're holding and unable to pick it up until their next turn.

2017-10-05, 11:59 PM
A pair of laser blasts narrowly misses 407. One strikes the wall beside him, and the other hits the woman preoccupied with dodging his knife. At this distance, he can see that she has an unusual tattoo: a golden crown above her left eye. Teeth clenched against the pain, she staggers back and shoots the young clone square in the chest.

Her heavily tattooed partner swears as Trouble once again draws blood. He raises his pistol to return fire...and it falls from his limp fingers. Astonished, he can do nothing but hide behind a crate and radiate antipathy at Akti.

Silkenwings' target dodges the pike thrust, but isn't eager to keep pushing her luck. She tries hoisting herself over the crates after shooting across the dock, but only succeeds in making herself vulnerable to another attack.

Top crown takes 3 fire damage. She takes a guarded step back and then deals 4 to 407. Middle crown, having failed his saving throw, takes a Total Defense action, giving him +4 AC this round. Silkenwings can make an AoO on middle 21.

The party is up!

2017-10-06, 07:43 AM
Silkenwings lashes out with her pike.

Damage: [roll1]

Then went for another attack.

Damage: [roll3]

She'll Move within attack range of the East 21 if she takes this 21 down, in either action.

Meanwhile, Hal0 takes another potshot at the nearest Crown.

Standard attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Move Action for Master Control, if Silkenwings takes down her 21, for the Move action descibred above.

2017-10-06, 09:02 AM
407 recoils from the shot but his conditioning pushes him forward. He had been shot before. All of the clones were. It was one of the early regiments to their training that would confusion them for the inevitable time that they were shot.

When the crowned for takes a step back, 407 sees his opportunity. He jumps forward with his dagger held high and brings it pointed down at his first neck, his off hand holding the back of the dagger to throw his whole weight behind the attack.

trick attack to move 1 square and attack
Acrobatics [roll0] if successful for is flat-footed and takes 1d4 points of damage

Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Trick damage [roll3]

Crit on a 23

2017-10-06, 10:42 AM
Trouble quickly ejects the clip from his rifle, slams another home and takes aim.

move action to reload, standard to attack

rifle attack:


aiming at the top 21 if he is still up, if not just shoot at whoever looks healthiest

2017-10-12, 01:33 PM
Akti hisses softly through her mandibles, tossing another ball bearing at the crown she disarmed.

Telekinetic projectile again.
Attack against KAC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-13, 02:17 PM
Silkenwings wounds her target, and then runs her through. She collapses, and the drone advances. Though the gang to the east is sporting fresh wounds from 407's knife and Akti's projectile, they each land a hit on their only remaining rival. He returns fire, but Trouble grazes his arm and the shot goes wild. Panicked, he turns to flee, but barely manages to dodge a thrust from Silkenwings' blood-drenched pike.

21 top takes 7 fire damage from the remaining crowns. He provokes an AoO from firing in one of Silkenwings' threatened squares, but she misses. He then takes a guarded step. Top crown takes a guarded step away from 407 to avoid provoking an AoO, and middle crown uses his move action to pick his pistol back up.

The party is up!

2017-10-13, 02:56 PM
Silkenwings, with a foe foolishly choosing to stay right by her, capitalizes on the opportunity by shifting carefully to an angle that will better cut off their escape.

Move to Guarded Step.

Standard Action Attack the 21 above her: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hal0 sees no convenient way to attack their cornered foes without exposing herself, so she levels her pistol and waits to see if any of them try to run.

Readied Action to Shoot at any foes within range that move out of cover.

2017-10-13, 03:18 PM
Once again, Silkenwings impales her foe. His limp body slides off her pike and on to the floor, still smoking from laser burns. On the other side of the dock, the victorious gang cheers and lowers their weapons.

2017-10-13, 04:24 PM
Seeing the gang cheer and lower their weapons, Trouble takes careful aim at them, but dosent fire. "Hey! You got your win, goody for you. I'm sure security is on their way. Now leave before anyone else gets hurt, and by that I mean you!"

Trouble readys an action to shoot the first gang member that tries to continue the fight. Rolling ahead of time in case:


2017-10-16, 09:47 PM
As the man in front of him raises his arm in victory, 407 leaps forward flipping his knife in hand. He ducks, spins around and brings the butt of blade towards the man's temple. With only two people left, it was possible for him to take them into custody to determine they're motives.

Trick attack move and attack
Athletics [roll0]
Non-lethal attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Trick attack damage [roll3]

2017-10-17, 06:57 AM
Silkenwings spots 407 continue the fight, and continues to fight. She starts sprinting in the direction of the remaining enemies, while Hal0 makes her way over to the gang member who had surrendered earlier.

For everyone!

2017-10-17, 02:24 PM
The tattooed man gives Trouble a curt nod and turns tail. After deflecting 407's blow with her forearm, the woman with the crown above her eye follows him into the hallway, dodging a parting swing from the clone. While 407 is regaining his balance, they disappear around a corner.

You hear sirens approaching.

The combat is over, but PCs can give chase if they so desire. 407, Silkenwings, and Akti can catch up without difficulty, but will need to make perception checks to not lose their quarry in the unfamiliar terrain. Anyone else chasing will need to find a way to close the distance.

Alternatively, PCs can remain at the scene of the gunfight. Anyone doing so can take a round or two of actions before the authorities (and hopefully emergency medics) arrive.

2017-10-17, 02:43 PM
Akti, seeing the remaining shooters leaving, turns to the injured, looking for those who are most direly in need of help. Once she finds someone who looks as though they won't survive until the medics arrive, she kneels down and places her claws on them, forming a connection between herself and the victim by the most direct means possible. Once that connection is there, she reaches for their body. The body wants to be whole, after all. It just...needs a little help. Help her magic can provide.

Finding the nearest person who's alive but badly injured and using healing touch to heal them 5 HP. Medicine to find someone if applicable: [roll0]

2017-10-17, 03:10 PM
407 at first goes to give chase to the fleeing criminals, but after a few steps, the tertiary objective comes to mind. He turns back and begins to apply emergency and wherever he can. Trying to first provide his care to those most in need.

medicine [roll0]

2017-10-17, 06:08 PM
Seeing the thugs flee, Trouble relaxes and puts up his rifle. "Well, glad that's over with." He starts searching the fallen thugs, checking for pulses and retrieving anything of interest.

untrained perception search check if needed:
medicine check when looking for survivors:

2017-10-18, 01:43 PM
Mechanical legs clattering against the metal floor of the dock, Silkenwings sprints after the fleeing survivors. Though she tracks them by irregular spatters of blood, she can follow the trail only long enough to determine that they split up before vanishing into the depths of the station.

Akti catches sight of a kasatha lying prone in the middle of the dock, a burn charred across their chest. They aren't breathing, but Akti finds a weak pulse. As she pours magic into the bystander's body, the smoke rising from the injury begins to clear. They gasp, and soon enough their chest is rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

407 finds a human sprawled beside a crate. Falling back on his training, he calms the man, cuts away the restrictive clothing over his burned leg, and keeps the injury elevated until the paramedics take over.

Trouble isn't surprised he can't find pulses on the fallen bodies to the east--after all, most of their blood now seems to be on the floor. While he's checking their wrists, he finds they each have the number 21 tattooed into the palms of their left hands. They were also carrying cash: each had a credstick with 150 CR on it. Aside from their weapons, they don't appear to have anything else worth looting.

Station security finally arrives, emergency services right behind them. You and the other witnesses are questioned and your statements are taken as the injured are cared for. The consensus is that you did not start the fight and acted reasonably to prevent further loss of life, so you are free to go. Ambulances begin ferrying away the severely injured and the dead.

Everyone gets 200 XP. Trouble gets 300 CR and two half-empty azimuth laser pistols, if he wants them.

What do you do?

2017-10-18, 01:54 PM
With the matter all cleared up, and her contact well and truly dead, Hal0 looks at her half-empty pistol while Silkenwings finishes cleaning the blood off of her pike. She looks to nobody in particular and loudly asks: "Who knows where the Starfinders are?"

2017-10-18, 09:27 PM
Trouble gathers the equipment from the fallen foes, then makes a quick gesture with his hand over them.

You recognize the gesture as a quick prayer to Oras for mercy on the unfit

Next he snaps a picture of the tattoos on the fallen gangsters with his com, just in case, and heads to join the others that got stuck in the firefight. "Good question" he replies to Hal0. "I had an appointment with that dwarf to apply, but that seems... difficult now." Turning to 407 he asks "You were with him, did he have anything that said what he was hiring for, or where we could go to find out?"

2017-10-19, 06:39 PM
407 joins the newly forming group and snaps to attention as the ysoki addresses him. "The dwarf was dead by the time I got to him. At first I believed that he was the target of the attack, so I retrieved his computer during the fire fight." 407 pulls out the machine from his bag. He speaks matter of factly of the dwarfs death as a person who has seen and dealt death before and had become inured to it.

2017-10-19, 06:47 PM
"I know how to computer." Hal0 says, as Silkenwings strides up beside her. "May I look?"

2017-10-20, 06:53 PM
407 eyes the woman, wishing he had a roster of friendlies and hostiles. As all eyes turn to him, he reapplies his stoic facade and passes the machine over. If she turned out to be a spook, she was committed to it.

2017-10-20, 06:59 PM
"Thanks." Hal0 takes the computer from 407 while Silkenwings occupies herself by tapping her pike on the ground. The android opens the computer to see what's what.

I'll take 10 if any checks are needed, for 21.

2017-10-20, 08:31 PM
There's a biometric lock on the device, but the fingerprints on Kreel's still-warm corpse are all intact. Hal0 manages to access it just as a pair of medics approach him with a body bag. They shake their heads, but seem too tired to care about the apparent theft.

It seems the last thing the Starfinder looked at was his agenda for the day. He was viewing the details for an event titled "meet potential recruits." The names and faces of those recruits are displayed; they include the android currently viewing it, a human boy named (and branded) 407, a cream-furred ysoki male listed as "Troublemaker who Sets the M..." and a green-eyed shirren female called Akti.

Scrolling down, Hal0 finds the next item to be "Take recruits to Chiskisk at Lorespire Complex." A prompt appears, asking if she would like directions. Before sharing her findings, the bounty hunter adds herself as an authorized user.

2017-10-20, 08:57 PM
Hal0 clicks affirmative on the matter of directions. "Let's go to the Lorespire Complex." She says. "I now know all of your names. I am Hal0, and this is Silkenwings." She says. Silkenwings does an informal salute. Assuming there are no objections, she starts following the directions.

2017-10-21, 12:20 AM
Peering under Hal0's arm at the computer as she reads the data, Trouble chuckles. "I see even my name causes problems. In the interest of introductions, my full name is Troublemaker that sets the midwife on fire, but my friends call me Trouble for short.

Now, since we shared this victory let us share the spoils! When in the field you can never turn down a chance to gather supplies."

Trouble offers the credsticks and weapons he collected to the others as he sets off to follow Hal0.

2017-10-21, 03:16 PM
Akti walks up to the group around the computer, somewhat hesitantly. Hello, her telepathic voice says into their minds. My name is Akti. I was also here to meet with the Starfinders.

2017-10-22, 02:07 PM
407 stands up a little bit straighter as he introduces himself,
"Unit 407 of Dragonetworks 43rd company"

2017-10-25, 01:29 PM
You make your way through the relentless bustle of the docks and soon find yourself walking the broad streets of the Ring. Though the district is mostly middle-class and residential, you pass the occasional business campus and beggar.

After an hour or so of walking, You come to the Lorespire. From a distance, it doesn't appear to be any taller than the surrounding buildings. As you come closer, however, a ring of display screens in the ceiling reveal its towering height.

You enter the lobby and approach the front desk. "Good afternoon!" the receptionist greets you. "What is your business with the Starfinder Society today?"

2017-10-25, 01:31 PM
"Duravor Kreel is dead." Hal0 tells the receptionist, as she places the dwarf's computer on her desk. "We were invited to meet him as recruits, and he was shot in a gang war. His body has been secured by local law enforcement."

2017-10-25, 02:08 PM
The receptionist pales. "I...I see. How dreadful. Could I ask you to wait for a moment? she asks, pointing to the chairs in a small, open room.

Several minutes and hushed comm calls later, a functionary leads you to a cluttered office deep in the complex. Sitting behind a polished plastic desk is a shirren in understated business clothes, twitching hir antennae back and forth in perplexity. Ah! You've arrived. Welcome, have a seat, and please help yourself to the refreshments, sie says, gesturing at a plate of dark wafers and a decanter of water.

In an effort to avoid a lengthy monologue, my plan is to post a few lines at a time and wait several minutes to see if anyone wants to respond. If no one does, I'll edit my post to add a few more. Be aware that this will prevent double-posting, but also won't notify you of the new content in the thread.

2017-10-25, 02:20 PM
Hal0 frowns as she feels the intrusion on her thoughts and takes a seat on the edge of the table as Silkenwings strides up beside her. "Hello." She says. "Who polishes your desk?"

2017-10-25, 06:09 PM
407, follows along silently, keeping pace and standing straight. He waits silently for new orders and when the shirren begins to talk to him without speaking he displays no outward reaction to the telepathy. Behind his military steeled face, he was quite surprised and intrigued by the ability, he quickly scans the wafers, but does not indulge, preferring to stay as professional as possible.

2017-10-25, 06:17 PM
Akti nods and takes one of the wafers, delicately nibbling on it.

2017-10-25, 06:25 PM
Trouble grabs a handful of the wafers and a glass of water as he finds a place to sit. "Is this really the time to be talking about furniture? I came to Absolom looking to join the Starfinders, and preferably not as a desk polisher."

2017-10-25, 09:10 PM
It is something of an odd question, the shirren replies. I can't say I know; I've never seen it being done. Anyway. My name is Chiskisk, and I'm terribly sorry we're not meeting under better circumstances. I'm relieved you're unharmed, but Duravor...he was a friend. Sie sighs audibly and looks down.

2017-10-25, 09:50 PM
"If its any consolation, his killers were dealt with... harshly." Trouble pulls a grenade out of his cheek as he munches on the crackers and inspects it to make sure no crumbs got into the works.

2017-10-25, 10:16 PM
"It's a nice desk." Hal0 shrugs.

2017-10-25, 11:38 PM
My name is Akti, Akti replies, also telepathically. I am sorry for your loss. I would have saved Duravor were it in my power. Unfortunately he was struck before anyone had a chance to respond.

2017-10-26, 01:09 PM
407 continues to stay silent and observe, unsure how to proceed. He never had to learn how to console a grieving person. When a clone died you just had to march on. The grief made him uncomfortable, but he continued stoicly on.

2017-10-27, 04:50 PM
Chiskisk shifts uncomfortably. Ah. Well, we reap what we sow, don't we? sie replies to Trouble.

After Akti finishes, Chiskisk perks up, eyes glimmering. You say he was struck down right away? Curious. You know, they're already writing off the fight as a dispute between the Downside Kings and the Level 21 crew, but I wonder if that's all there is to it. I did some digging, and as far as I can tell there hasn't been gang violence anywhere near Dock 94 for decades." Sie takes a sip of water.

2017-10-27, 05:43 PM
"When in doubt, assume they are trying to kill you" Trouble quotes an old maxim of his former commander. "Did he have any enemies that might want him dead?"

2017-10-28, 01:59 PM
It's possible, Chiskisk says. In addition to his work with us, Duravor was an activist for the rights of miners. I admired that about him, but it's possible he ruffled some corporate feathers. Of course, it's also possible that you were targeted, or that you were all just bystanders caught in the crossfire. Sie shrugs.

My understanding is that you are interested in becoming Starfinders, correct? Since you were witnesses to the attack, I'd like to ask you to investigate the incident on behalf of the Society. Find out exactly what happened and why. It may simply be a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time—I have no doubt station security will rule it so—but if Duravor was murdered, I want justice. Further, I doubt there will be a better opportunity to demonstrate your skills and abilities. How about it? I can offer you—sie takes a moment to consult hir computer—200 credits up front, each. Call it "signing bonus, plus expenses." If you perform well, we'll be happy to make your membership official.

2017-10-29, 07:28 AM
Hal0 considers Chiskik's proposal for several moments. "I do not think it is wise to entrust this to us." She says, finally. "Anyone who knows him beyond his name and race would be better suited. Or has known this station beyond the steps that have taken us to this room. Or understands the socio-political environment of Absalom Station. Or has the authority of being an official Starfinder." She taps her finger on her side. "I will take the task if you insist, but if you want justice, you are going about it inefficiently."

2017-10-29, 12:41 PM
"Creds, excitement, a chance for revenge, and an in with the Starfinders? Sounds good to me." Trouble replies eagerly. Looking over at Hal0 he says "There is something to be said for having some unknowns look into this. We arn't yet registered Starfinders, and no one here knows about us. We can operate much quieter due to that"

2017-10-29, 01:19 PM
Chiskisk sighs. That is very astute of you. Unfortunately, my position in the Society does not afford me the resources to act as you suggest. Like Duravor, my role is mostly the mentoring of new and potential Starfinders. I'll certainly be pushing to expand the investigation, but even if I succeed, it will take time. I fear that by then, the trail will have gone cold. Sie leans forward and pushes hir antennae back. If you truly wish it, I can find an easier task for you to test your mettle against. However, I want you to know: Duravor believed in you, was excited by your potential. You have a lot to learn, but I believe that you can and will."

2017-10-29, 01:26 PM
Hal0 sighs. It was an affectation, one that she rather enjoyed for the sheer variety of emotions it could express. "Okay. I'd like to know where I can find ammunition. Can you send a chain message to everyone in HQ, asking about what they know of Duravor Kreel's recent schedules and activities? That will save time."

2017-10-31, 12:18 PM
Trouble adds "We can also try tracking the ones that escaped at the dock. They were wounded, so that should make it easier. We would have to start soon though, the trail will start to go cold fast."

2017-10-31, 05:49 PM
407 was glad that he was part of a group to conduct this investigation. He had no clue where they should even start. Such an open ended mission was foreign to him, however he knew that he would have to succeed. Their was no home for him to return to after all.

I'm not sure we can handle level 21 enemies at level 1:smalleek:

2017-11-01, 02:43 PM
Chiskisk nods. I'll get on that right away. As for ammunition, I imagine you'd be able to find a shop selling rounds back in the Arms--mercenaries are always coming and going. When you're ready to retire for the evening, may I recommend The Moons of Sleep? It's only a short walk from the hotel to the Eye, but more importantly the central location should be convenient in your investigations. Plus, Starfinders get a discount for booking at least a week's stay. I think it was 16 credits to rent an efficiency for a week, and 50 for a two-bedroom suite.

And I reckon we can call the scene there. After she restocks on ammo, Hal0 will receive a large amount of info on Duravor Kreel from the Starfinder Society. I'll have her make an Intelligence (Culture) roll to sort through and interpret it, then PM Hazuki the results.

Thanatos, I need a little more information from you. Do you want to try tracking the Downside Kings that fled, or the Level 21 Crew member? Please post to describe your target and how you plan to go about pursuing it.

tgf: don't worry about the Level 21 Crew too much; it's the station level they're from, not the character level they're at. :smalltongue:
If 407 isn't confident enough to go off on his own, he can accompany and assist another PC. Rather than making his own check to gather information (when appropriate), he'd roll to aid another.

Steinulfr doesn't have computer access at the moment, and I don't know when she will. Once you've all committed to your actions, I'll decide what Akti is up to and roll accordingly.

2017-11-01, 11:09 PM
Trouble hops up from his chair and pops the grenade back in his mouth. "Sounds like a plan! Kid, why don't you come with me and check out the docking bay, see what we can find? Oh, before we go we should exchange com-codes so we can arrange to meet up again"

Trouble hits the button on his comm to relay its code to nearby units, then heads out the door, beckoning 407 to follow.

"So, kid, I gotta ask. You said your name is Unit 407, but aren't you a human, not an android? Whats up with that?

2017-11-02, 05:24 PM
Akti stays silent as the task is assigned to them, but speaks up as people are volunteering for different approaches. Well. For a certain value of speaking up, at least. I can investigate the victim's older past, she offers tentatively to Hal0. It's possible that there's something in his history that hints at a motive for this attack...an enemy or an action of his.

Bit of a long shot, but...sense motive for that kind of research? Not sure what else Akti can contribute here, this isn't exactly her specialty.

2017-11-02, 05:29 PM
Hal0 nods and points approvingly at Akti. "Make it so."

2017-11-05, 02:00 PM
Trouble and 407 reached the docking bay, Trouble still chatting "Hmm, quiet type aren't you? Well, if unit 407 is your name, its your name. Still, its awkward to say, so we are going to have to come up with a good nickname for you!" Trouble's face scrunched up as he thought "Something descriptive, yet playful... Target? Nah, that's a little mean. Smiley! No, that doesn't seem right. Well I'll work on it. We're here."

Trouble starts carefully checking over the site of the battle, looking for drops of blood, footprints, anything that might indicate where the gang members fled too. "Know anything about tracking? Two noses are better than one!"

Ok, using survival to track. If i can, ill take 20 to get a 26 to follow the gangs. If not, here are the rolls to try:

Tracking the 21:

Tracking the crown:

If 407 can aid another that's +2 to the results

2017-11-05, 02:19 PM
407 breaks out of his rectitude as the ysoki engages him in conversation.

"I am a clone, 407 is my designation number. " he replies, unsure how to respond to the lighthearted nature of his new ally. "All of us have received numbers to tell us apart." He gestures to the number tattooed across his forehead.

aid another rolls
21 [roll0]
Crowns [roll1]

2017-11-06, 12:37 AM
Hal0 is able to sort through the information nearly as fast as Chiskisk supplies it. In short order, she is able to confirm what the Starfinder said, along with a few additional details. Duravor Kreel was a native of the diffuse asteroid belt known as the Diaspora. He came to the attention of the Society through his work in mineral prospecting. He continued that work, alongside his activism and mentoring, up until his untimely end. More importantly, she is able to unearth a wealth of names and comm codes: Kreel's contacts. Akti takes up the task of following up on these leads. Most seem to be dead ends, but after hours of calling, messaging, and research, she finds the dwarf is related to the chief subject of the Station's gossip.

Rumors have been flying about the strange ship you passed as you approached Absalom Station. Everyone seems to agree that the Acreon emerged from the Drift silent, seemingly empty, and towing what has been dubbed the "Drift Rock." There's no counting all the colorful theories: the crew were killed to cover up some awful secret; they went mad and walked out the airlocks; the Rock contains unimaginable riches, Stardust Plague spores, or both. What interests Akti is that ship and crew were both part of the Hardscrabble Collective, a mining co-op that Kreel had personally invested in. He even had a cousin in the Collective, but she died in an accident caused by safety violations perpetrated by her contract employer. Said employer was a subsidiary of Astral Extractions--the company currently feuding with the Hardscrabble Collective for rights to the Drift Rock once the Acreon leaves quarantine.

Trouble and 407 find Dock 94 has been thoroughly cleaned since they left it. However, by retracing the path of the (presumed) Downside Kings' flight, they're able to pick up the gory trail. They follow it into a run-down (but still busy) section of the Arm before they find they can neither spot nor smell the next section of it. No one in the area looks friendly, but maybe someone saw something.

For Hal0 and Akti, it is now late at night. They'll either have to retire or risk fatigue during the next day.

407 and Trouble still might be able to find their targets. They can try talking to pedestrians, store owners, or beggars. Or they can try something I haven't thought of to find the path again. For future reference, Perception will be the skill used in tracking, not Survival.

2017-11-06, 02:08 AM
Trouble sighs as the trail peters out in a high traffic area. "I don't think we are going to get much further. Hard enough tracking in a space station, worse when you don't know the terrain. We could try asking around, but the locals don't look friendly and I've never been the best at interpersonal relations. Maybe our android friend could check to see if there is any security cam data around here?"

Yawning impressively, Trouble asks "Maybe we should meet back up with the others at that hotel Chiskisk recommended? It's been a long day and we should probably compare notes anyway. So, Clone huh? Is that legal?"

Troubles ability to change subjects is remarkable.

2017-11-06, 10:59 AM
Hal0 leans back in her seat as they finish gathering the data together, puts her fingertips together, and looks to Akti. "Let's check everything in the morning."

2017-11-06, 10:08 PM
I am unable to comment on the legality of the situation.
However Dragonetworks has had gainful employment so I imagine that their effectiveness has out shown any possible transgressions." 407 looks around the station curious as to what might be around. "Some of them were injured in the firefight, do you suppose their is a medic in the area?"

2017-11-06, 10:27 PM
Agreed Akti replies. It has been a stressful day, even before the incident. Though...I find it interesting that our dwarf had fingers in these pies. It seems beyond coincidence that he would be tied to both of the current names about the station. She taps one claw lightly on the desk, thinking. We should see what the others found before continuing, at any rate. But I think that tomorrow we should perhaps pay a visit to his friends. He many have spoken to them of something that isn't in the records.

2017-11-07, 02:41 AM
"We can try asking around, though I doubt any medic that would treat gangsters would hang his shingle in public. They probably have their own people for that sort of thing. Or just as likely, being criminals, they just steal a supply of serums to use."

Trouble yawned again "This biggest issue is that if these gangs are entrenched enough that they can survive with station security after them, it means the people around here are likely to be loyal to them due to fear, economics, blood ties, etc. Outsiders like us wont get anywhere just asking around. Up to you if you want to continue, but I think we would be better off regrouping and resting."

2017-11-08, 01:22 PM
407 nods at Trouble's advice trying to understand everything he was saying.

"In that case, yes, lets return."

2017-11-08, 05:14 PM
Early the next morning, the prospective Starfinders meet at the Moons of Sleep hotel to discuss their findings and plan their next moves.

2017-11-09, 01:31 PM
Trouble stumbles sleepy eyed out into the dining area, still wearing his armor from the day before. "Morning folks" He heads to the dining area and proceeds to down an astonishing amount of food.

"So, the kid and I managed to follow one of the gangsters for a while, but we lost em in a high traffic area. Was thinking maybe we could try accessing security cams to find them, but probably wont have much luck." Turning to Hal0 and Akti, "Find anything interesting in those files?"

2017-11-11, 12:50 AM
407 promptly gets out of bed in the morning and makes his sheets in an orderly fashion. Routine was everything for him. He was careful to not disturb Trouble as he woke. The clones had a tendency to wake early and it was a habit he hadn't thought to try to break yet. The ysoki was an odd one. 407 found himself enjoying the antics, but was unsure how to proceed with him. The others he hadn't been around to get an idea of yet, but he still remained unsure. If only a hierarchy would be set up among them so that he knew to whom he should report to.

When they finally reconvened he stood quietly at attention, bristling at Trouble referring to him as a kid.

2017-11-11, 01:07 AM
Akti arrives in the dining area at much the same time that 407 had, and is similarly wide awake, having already gotten up and gone over her notes from the previous day to make sure she didn't miss anything crucial.

Quite, Akti replies. Our deceased friend was connected to some of the more...colorful things going on on this station at the moment. There is a ship which returned from the Drift towing a rock of some sort, seemingly without a crew. Kreel had invested in the company which the ship belonged to. He had a cousin in their collective, but she died in an accident - one which was caused by safety violations in another company. Said company being the one which is now contesting the ownership of the empty ship. She taps one of her claws on the table. It seems beyond coincidence that one man would have that many links to a single controversy.

2017-11-12, 08:28 AM
Hal0 arrives at the meeting exactly what she means to, with Silkenwings in tow, and lets Akti go on talking to the strangers organized for this mission.

2017-11-12, 06:03 PM
Akti arrives in the dining area at much the same time that 407 had, and is similarly wide awake, having already gotten up and gone over her notes from the previous day to make sure she didn't miss anything crucial.

Quite, Akti replies. Our deceased friend was connected to some of the more...colorful things going on on this station at the moment. There is a ship which returned from the Drift towing a rock of some sort, seemingly without a crew. Kreel had invested in the company which the ship belonged to. He had a cousin in their collective, but she died in an accident - one which was caused by safety violations in another company. Said company being the one which is now contesting the ownership of the empty ship. She taps one of her claws on the table. It seems beyond coincidence that one man would have that many links to a single controversy.

Trouble scratches his head. "So it sounds like that ship is the reason for everything that's happened. Sounds to me like the next thing to do is investigate the ship itself." Trouble rubs his hands together with exaggerated glee. "Anyone up for a little piracy? Speaking of which, here is the loot from those gangsters that we dealt with." Trouble places a satchel on the table with a couple of blasters and some credsticks. "3 blasters worth about 350 creds a piece retail, and 450 in raw currency. Who wants what?"

2017-11-12, 06:48 PM
Akti picks up one of the pistols, turning it over in her claws with obvious unease. It may be for the best if I take a gun. I am unaccustomed to violence, but it seems that whoever may have been behind Kreel's death has no such compunctions.

2017-11-14, 10:22 AM
"Do you have any information on who else invested in the company that currently owns the ship? Or on that company itself?" 407 speaks up. If they were going into unknown territory, he wanted to have as much info on hand as possible. "If they are allies of Kreel they may be useful in this investigation." As trouble brings out the loot, 407 simply waits for it to be divided into equal shares then takes his part.

2017-11-16, 12:46 AM
"Lucky brings up a good point. We should probably start by asking around dockside and look into those companies that Kreel was working with. Breaking into that ship will probably be dangerous, and if you guys aren't familiar with weapon use, that could be risky." Trouble grabs one of the blasters. "If no one minds I'd like to hang on to one myself as a backup for now" Looking at Akti he says "I can give you some quick tips on that later if you want"

Trying out a new nickname for 407. Gotta try to get some reactions out of that brick wall

2017-11-16, 11:31 AM
Seeing the rationality of having a second blaster on hand, 407 too grabs a blaster. The new nickname goes straight over his head and he simply nods at Trouble's agreement. Inwardly here was relieved though that his idea was worthwhile. He was worried about speaking up to this group of people.

I think it's hilarious that you want to nickname 407, having an identity beyond his number will certainly help change his outlook about being a clone

2017-11-18, 11:09 AM
Trouble lets out a belch and pats his gut. "OK, now that we are so fabulously wealthy, should we start investigating or is there anything we need to do first?"

2017-11-18, 11:44 AM
I recommend we begin by investigating those corporations, Akti replies. It seems beyond coincidence that so many ties exist between a handful of people. And it will be safer than investigating the ship itself, at least to start. I can begin making calls to relevant persons and digging for information if you like. Cold calls were far from her favorite thing, but she could do it, and it would let those more experienced in...less aboveboard ways of gathering information use their time more efficiently.

2017-11-19, 08:38 AM
"I'm capable of doing things. Helpful things." Hal0 offers. "Just need to access the Infoweb."

2017-11-20, 08:45 AM
Pride swelled through 407 as his plan was beginning to be put into action. It was something that never happened in Dragonetworks, you had to follow the orders from above even when it was obvious those orders came from someone who had no idea what the actual situation was.

The only problem of course was that whole his idea to investigate the corporations was being implemented, he had no idea where he fit into that. "I am unsure how to proceed, but perhaps I could continue to accompany you Trouble?"

2017-11-20, 01:59 PM
"That's fine with me, but I'm a guy that's better with his hands than with his brain. So I figure I'd sit here looking pretty while the smart folks do their thing, and ooo and aahh at appropriate intervals"

I'm assuming we don't have to go anywhere special to access the infonet and begin investigating

2017-11-27, 08:23 AM
When Hal0 eventually emerges from her four hour search for information, she emerges from her infoweb reverie with a whole few bits of information that she tells the group about.

Astral Extractions is a powerful mining conglomerate with business ties throughout the Pact Worlds. Most of the company’s operations are centered in the Diaspora and the rocky moons of the outer planets, but it has also begun sending scout vessels into the Vast in search of new claims. The company recently hired one of the Hardscrabble Collective’s ships, the Acreon, for one of these exploratory missions.

The public face of Astral Extractions is that of an ethical and respectable corporation, but outside of the public eye, some say the company uses hired muscle—corporate mercenaries, strikebreakers, and even criminal elements—as proxies to
intimidate and threaten those who stand in its way.

A number of conspiracy theorists claim that following the arrival of the Acreon, Astral Extractions secretly hired a violent Absalom Station street gang called the Downside Kings to coerce the Hardscrabble Collective into abandoning its claims on the Acreon and the Drift Rock.

2017-11-27, 01:02 PM
Akti waits for Hal0 to finish describing her findings before speaking up herself. The Hardscrabble Collective is a mining collective operating out of the ships around Absalom. They hire out to any number of interests, including recently Astral Extractions. They seem very tightly knit from what I put together, more a family than a corporation. And there are a number of claims that they've contracted the Level 21 Crew gang to protect their interests. She pauses for a moment. It would appear that the gang fight we saw was directly between the two gangs that were contracted by these companies. Did anyone see which gang shot Kreel?

2017-11-27, 04:34 PM
"I can't remember which shot Kreel unfortunately. It was crazy there at the time. It sounds like AE hired the ship for a scouting expedition and they found something valuable, and so HC decided to void the contract violently to keep it for themselves."

Trouble leans back and looks pensive. "Kreel had connections with both companies right? Maybe he knew something and they wanted him gone. It sounds like we might need to track down one of the gangs and see if they were paid to kill him, and by who."

2017-11-28, 11:04 AM
407 mulls all of the information over, trying to decide the best course of action. He couldn't remember the from where Kreel had been shot. "If the company is as close as you say, perhaps we could reach out to some of the other members of the group for access to the ship?"

2017-11-29, 01:24 PM
407 mulls all of the information over, trying to decide the best course of action. He couldn't remember the from where Kreel had been shot. "If the company is as close as you say, perhaps we could reach out to some of the other members of the group for access to the ship?"

"Sounds good in theory, but how do we do it? Just knock on their door and ask to borrow a cup of starship? Also, which corporation do we contact, Hardscrabble or Astral? Who is actually in control of that ship right now?"

2017-12-04, 07:41 PM
I would sooner contact the Hardscrabble miners, Akti says. They seem...considerably more likely to be sympathetic to our aims, given that Kreel was a friend of theirs. I doubt we would receive as much assistance from Astral.

2017-12-04, 08:59 PM
"I agree, there is no need to make enemies, when we can make allies." 407 chimes in. "However, seeing as how it sounds like some of those conspiracy theorists were catching on to something, it may also be fruitful to see if one could be found and questioned."

2017-12-04, 09:47 PM
Trouble sits up. "So sounds like we should talk to Hardscrabble, and talk to some of the people around here to see what they know about the gangs and possible connections to the corps. Sigh... I was never very good at persuasion. Well, polite persuasion anyway" Trouble pats the blaster pistol lovingly.

2017-12-04, 11:27 PM
"Trouble brings up a good point, it send that we are struggling since we do not have a strong understating of each other's skill sets. A unit will retain tactical efficiency when each private is performing what they are best in. So before we proceed I propose that we discuss each other and our skills." 407 was beginning to realize that this group was struggling with leadership and that, until a more harmonious situation would arise, he would need to bring his military background to bear. "I'll begin, I am 407 a clone trooper in the Dragonnetworks private military organisation. In addition to being trained to survive on my own, I have been trained to pilot various spacecrafts as well as work with multiple levels of computers. The man I was cloned from was very agile and as such I am quite dexterous as well."

2017-12-05, 11:03 AM
After the group finishes discussing their respective skill sets, Akti and Hal0 find their attempts to contact the Hardscrabble Collective met with frustration. They have no offices on the station, and the firm that handles their employment contracts can only say that the Collective is not currently accepting any new jobs. Hal0 even manages to dig up the comm code for a Hardscrabble ship in the armada, but the only response is "Pending arbitration and on the advice of our attorneys, we are not responding to public inquiries at this time." It seems the Hardscrabble Collective doesn't want to talk.

2017-12-05, 04:38 PM
After the group finishes discussing their respective skill sets, Akti and Hal0 find their attempts to contact the Hardscrabble Collective met with frustration. They have no offices on the station, and the firm that handles their employment contracts can only say that the Collective is not currently accepting any new jobs. Hal0 even manages to dig up the comm code for a Hardscrabble ship in the armada, but the only response is "Pending arbitration and on the advice of our attorneys, we are not responding to public inquiries at this time." It seems the Hardscrabble Collective doesn't want to talk.

Trouble just nods his head at that response. "No real surprise. If there is anything a corporation is good at its stonewalling. I think we should go back to tracking those gangs. With them at least, we can apply more... aggressive persuasion methods. Lucky and I lost their trail in an inhabited zone, so there might be cams we can check, or people to persuade. Said persuasion might take some loose wallets though. " Trouble looks at Hal0 "Ever done any hacking? I'm no computer expert but I've been on the... colorful side of life a few times, maybe I can help"

2017-12-06, 10:20 AM
"I second going after the gang, preferably the level 21 gang so that we can try to use their connection to the hardscrabble collective too get to their ship."

2017-12-12, 12:15 AM
Trouble stands up and grabs his share of the loot. "Ok, while Hal0 works those keys I'm gonna go hit up the promenade and get some ammo. If anyone wants me to do some shopping for them, just give me a list and the creds. Barring complications, Ill be back in a solar hour"

OK, if you want to buy anything just deduct the cash and assume Trouble bought it for you. Trouble buys a box of 25 longarm rounds and gets a fresh battery for the laser pistol, total cost 135 creds. That should last a while