View Full Version : Sorcerer Dragon Bloodline....anyone use it to cool role play effect

2017-09-26, 11:56 PM
More talk about where my character may go in two levels. This time I'm looking at Sorcerer and the Draconic bloodline.

My character, Val, is a level 5 Bard, I'd consider a one level dip into Sorcerer after getting Bard 6 for access to all them Sorcerer cantrips and Shield.

This is slightly contrived but Val's back story's reason she got into adventuring is her family lost a wyrmling they were supposed to be looking after so the dragon tie in seems almost natural or at least no more contrived.

Going Draconic Sorcerer gives:

:The cool armor class bonus. With Val's +3 Dex plus the 13 that is better than she has in studded leather armor.
:+1 to Hit Points since Sorcerer's get the miserable D6.
:Dragon scales are sorta cool like Jadzia and Ezri Dax on DS9 I suppose.

The Warlock Patron just has soo many role play/ story line possibilities. Anyone ever get anything out of the Draconic Bloodline?

2017-09-27, 01:28 AM
I once played a Warforged Dragon Sorcerer. It literally ran on dragon blood, and constantly needed to source it to keep itself running. The magic and stuff was just a nice bonus on the side.

2017-09-27, 02:24 AM
It's the most popular subclass for sorcs in Portland. They're easy to play and decently powerful. Plus have a lot of RP possiblies.

2017-09-27, 05:01 AM
I have an idea for a Warforged Draconic Bloodline Sorc, based on Xerath from League of Legends.
The Sorc is a pretty good fit. Innately more tanky, but sorta squishy if he can't get away from the frontlines. And the elemental theme fits him pretty well too.

Is it me, or does the Elemental Adept feat seem most useful for Dragon Sorcs?

2017-09-27, 02:15 PM
More talk about where my character may go in two levels. This time I'm looking at Sorcerer and the Draconic bloodline.

My character, Val, is a level 5 Bard, I'd consider a one level dip into Sorcerer after getting Bard 6 for access to all them Sorcerer cantrips and Shield.

This is slightly contrived but Val's back story's reason she got into adventuring is her family lost a wyrmling they were supposed to be looking after so the dragon tie in seems almost natural or at least no more contrived.

The Warlock Patron just has soo many role play/ story line possibilities. Anyone ever get anything out of the Draconic Bloodline?

I haven't played one myself, but I have DMed for one. His character had a few dragon-like personality quirks, always on the hunt for shiny magical loot. He had the Noble background, coming from a long line of dragon sorcerers in his homeland.

It seems to me like a big RP opportunity for your character is the transformation from a normal mortal into a scaley conduit for draconic power. Given your backstory, it sounds like this change is going to be unwilling on her part, possibly punishment from the wyrmling's parent. Just imagine the kind of existential crisis that kind of change could bring about.

Good luck. :smallsmile:

2019-07-19, 09:03 AM
Is it me, or does the Elemental Adept feat seem most useful for Dragon Sorcs?

My Light Cleric finds it extremely useful ...

2019-07-19, 09:05 AM
I just have a little brass gnome Draconic sorcerer who’s a cute little pyromaniac. She’ll say Dracarys at least once.

2019-07-19, 09:07 AM
Yes. I have a 20th level Paladin/Sorcerer/Fighter/Barbarian half-orc who's father is an Orc Chieftain and mother is a Succubus serving Tiamat. The Draconic Sorcerer element is to honor that heritage. Family reunions are awkward, though, as a Paladin of Tyr...

2019-07-19, 11:32 PM
The Fullmetal Mod: Thread Necromancy is a forbidden art.