View Full Version : Funny character concepts and builds

2017-09-27, 07:17 AM
Have you though of any funny/silly character concepts and how you can build them?

I'll start with two:

Variant human, female, pick Actor as feat and Performance as bonus skill. Rogue 1, choose expertise in Performance and Deception or Persuasion. Take the Noble background.
The Drama Queen

Any race or gender, Feylock. Take Artisan or medical related background and refluff it as Dentist. Collect the teeth of fallen enemies and little children and sacrifice them to your patron.
The Tooth Fairy (in training)

2017-09-27, 08:14 AM
Rolled stats so had good enough rolls to put a good CHA score on my monk.
Earth Genasi, monk who took magic initiate Sorcerer for shocking grasp, minor illusion, and mage armor.
Went way of the open hand specializing in grapple and unarmed.
He was the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment.
He was The Rock.
Minor illusion for his own theme music.
Shocking grasp People's Elbow
Mage Armor to look shiny and awesome.

2017-09-27, 09:04 AM
based on a character that I was playing in my nephew's game, I'd like to try again with a Warlock whose entire schtick is that he's a bard/stand up comic. (Arch Fey, chain lock, half elf)

Background is performance/Entertainer.
Tool proficiency/musical instrument proficiencies.
Persuasion and deception (0bviously) / Sleight of Hand ... Stealth ...
Invisible sprite helps him set up pranks during live performances (similar to the assistant during a staged magic show in Vegas, but invisible)
Obviously party face
Tries to conceal being a Warlock except when absolutely necessary.
RP centric *modus operandi* of always trying to get a show, however small, and pass the hat sometimes, and do stand up comedy gags and minor shows/displays. For the team, this can provide lodging (by popular demand) or more importantly misdirection in settled areas while the party tries something else ...
Has to time the "I'm dyin' up here" lines for best comic effect ..

Not sure I'll ever get the chance.

Sariel Vailo
2017-09-27, 10:55 AM
Blade singer wizard with the entertainer background the feats are warcaster and the ua feat that gives expertise in performance boom instant popstar who hides the fact they are a wizard boom than uses minor illusion
Transformation sequence magical girl

2017-09-28, 03:30 PM
(Refluffed) Tiefling Paladin [Ancients] of a 'loving' deity.
Justifies popping off to the brothel in every town as keeping to the tenets of not letting their inner Light fade, by enjoying life's pleasures. Maybe call his time out 'carousing' a form of prayer and meditation. Just to mess with the party.

Barbarian: " Where's the whore house?"
Paladin: "Come with me, I'll show you."

Or he meets up with the party in the tavern for breakfast the next morning, after helping some poor woman he sweet-talked discover her 'inner Light'. Possibly in the 'dated the dead guy's wife for a while' kinda sense.

2017-09-28, 03:46 PM
My next character concept is an elf barbarian that struggles deeply with letting go of his refined ways but is trying very hard to become a barbarian. He will frequently start off aristocratic and have to immediately switch gears into a crass barbarian. Of course he will have a high dex and low strength, and wield a greataxe.

2017-09-28, 04:02 PM
A Wizard/Rogue conman with Transmutation specialization and Criminal background. Take spells that can change your appearence, then use transmutation magic to turn stones into silver and other valuables while appearing as different races/people.

2017-09-28, 04:22 PM
Whellmurr Aledrunker

Dwarven Valor Bard with Tavern Brawler. Additionally Barbarian 1 with Lucky.

Its said no one, not even he remembers his real name, tavern wendches too to calling him Whellmurr becauese anytime he'd empty his stein, he'd slam it on the table and should "Well?! More!" till he got drunk enough it'd turn into "wellmore"... and eventually became "Whellmurr". He does nothing but drink and sing randy uncouth bar songs and he's known to charge into battle smacking people with his mug of mead, throws anything he can grab ta them and generally uses anything at hand(tavern brawler) as a weapon. He insults his allies and tells them they're worthless and hopes the fail(inspiration), if an ally falls he berrates them for being lazy and incompetent until they get back up(healing word). He'll insult his enemies into incompetence(bane), if an ally needs a boost he'll slap them and tell them to man up(heroism). It's even said he can tell a joke so dirty and funny it'll take you off your feet(hideous laughter). It's said the more he drinks the better he is at bar games(enhance ability).... etc

If you really want to take it a bit further, give him a level of Barbarian so he can walk around unarmed thanks to Unarmored Defense, and go into a drunken rage when really necessary.


2017-10-02, 12:16 PM
A friend of mine often creates the strangest PCs. Her latest one is a mute bard-rogue named Sparky. She has no sense of personal belongings and plays music by hitting a frying pan with a stick. She also flirts with everything, including her sentient spear.

2017-10-02, 12:17 PM
A grung ranger who uses a blowgun. Literally a poison dart frog

2017-10-02, 12:23 PM
A grung ranger who uses a blowgun. Literally a poison dart frog

Grippli Assassin from Pathfinder.

Also in 3.5 my buddy was playing an underhanded skill monkey.

He was a Vanarra. Spy 5 / Spy master 2 / Master ninja 5 / ninja 8

We called him the spy spy master master ninja ninja. or later Spy squared, master squared, ninja squared.

He was the skill monkey, master of gorilla warfare.... his joke not mine.

2017-10-02, 06:24 PM
Grippli Assassin from Pathfinder.

Also in 3.5 my buddy was playing an underhanded skill monkey.

He was a Vanarra. Spy 5 / Spy master 2 / Master ninja 5 / ninja 8

We called him the spy spy master master ninja ninja. or later Spy squared, master squared, ninja squared.

He was the skill monkey, master of gorilla warfare.... his joke not mine.

That’s hilarious. Now I want to run a campaign where everyone plays a beast race and an appropriate class.

2017-10-02, 06:43 PM
Friend recently made a Gnome Barbarian who thinks he's a troll. Little guy did half the BBEG's health.

I find alot of funny builds just involve using gnomes.

2017-10-03, 08:36 AM
Friend recently made a Gnome Barbarian who thinks he's a troll. Little guy did half the BBEG's health.

I find alot of funny builds just involve using gnomes.

You'd probably love my Gnome EK for some reason or another. I have no idea if he'd be funny, but he might end up there.

Though if I ever get to play the homebrew Warmage class from MFoV in a campaign, the same Gnome is likely to be kinda insane. And quick as hell.

2017-10-03, 12:04 PM
Got to play two characters for a one shot adventure, a monk and a sorcerer. Buildwise they're typical for the classes except they both have the Entertainer background, and I gave the monk a decent 12 Charisma and proficiency in Performance. Their main shtick is dancing, of a sort, with the occasional acrobatics. The sorcerer would Twin Enhance Ability for Charisma to boost the performance. Minor Illusion provides for music. Prestidigitation provides special effects.

As for their dancing of a sort, I should mention their names are Chip and Dale.

2017-10-03, 12:40 PM
Dwarven beard wrestler from Pathfinder.

Class: White Haired Witch
Class Abilities: Can use hair to attack and to grapple

He literally uses his beard to wrestle with foes.

For added coolness, take the hex 'claws.' Refluff them as his mustache also fighting. The ancient, white haired dwarf just stands there with his arms crossed, while his facial hair does the fighting for him.

2017-10-03, 12:49 PM
The Naked Barbarian / Monk

Pretty simple. Unarmored Defense specifies that you aren't wearing armor, but never does it specify that you have to wear anything at all.

So you visualize a beautiful (or ugly) female (or male) of your chosen race walking up to a group of monsters with their cloak drawn tight around themselves, hood lowered. The monsters attack, and in one swift motion you see the figure throw off the cloak, completely naked from head to toe, and fight off the monsters.

Monks would have to go way of the Open Hand. Bonus points for Barbarians that take Grappler and Tavern Brawler to use Naked Wrestling on their enemies.

2017-10-03, 01:15 PM
Gully Dwarf Eldritch Knight. Ranged build, INT dumped *hard*. Home Brewed subrace (Volo's Goblin/Kobold hybrid) & feat to bypass free hand requirement for ammunition loading with a sling.

He doesn't know that he is actually casting his abjuration spells & utility cantrips - just acts surprised & confused when the spells manifest. Campaign setting has many similarities to Kaladesh (Planeshift), so this character has been eating Aether crystals - which is where his powers originate. He makes mystery stew for the party out of whatever he can scavenge. (Gourmand feat)

2019-06-26, 11:26 AM
Dragonborn Bladesinger with the dragon hide feat.

13 AC + dex + int while bladsinging, + shield if you need it

Make attacks with your claws, cast haste on yourself so you can attack and cast spells. Swing with claws, cast fireball. Be the dragon you were always meant to be through your pursuit of knowledge. Go high strength for flavor points!

2019-06-26, 06:06 PM
Gnomish wrestler. Convinces people he's weak due to his size, then transforms into a mighty bear and breaks his opponent under his improved mass and strength.

Barbarian 1, Druid X (after Barbarian).

Have Advantage on your mental saving throws. Have Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, have Proficiency on Strength and Constitution Saving Throws.

Unarmored Defense means your AC of your beast mode scales with your new Constitution and Dexterity (so roughly +3 AC for most of your forms).

Take half damage from weapons due to Rage. Deal extra damage with all of your beast-mode attacks. Don't forget that many beasts (including a CR 1 bear) have Multiattack, available for you at level 3 with this build.

So it's simultaneously funny and strong.