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View Full Version : The Mercs with the Mouths (3.5) (IC)

2017-09-27, 10:25 AM

The Powerful creatures have been gathered, Darkness, Put in place.... Do you know what time it is.......
ADVENTUR-....... Mercenary time!

The Adventures come upon a Guild they have been looking for for who knows how long. This Guild Is the Merc. Guild. It is basically a fortress. As you walk onto the forefront of the castle walls there is a cut out around the walls, were you would normally see water there looks to be a black abyss. The walls are covered an a permanent liquid gold and around the top the air seems to shimmer as if by magical forces. As you walk into the fortress walls you see a person walking around a corner rubbing it butt. This person is covered in gold & red armor. Another man about two feet taller than anybody in your group and built like a horse walks up to the group. In a low gruffy voice he says "Aye Aye, you the new recruits? if so travel down a wey bit until you find the Tavern Boars Hat, there you will find the leader. He will speak to yu. After that you can get your quest from the little lady down stairs int the tavern."

2017-09-30, 06:54 PM
I just (for bookmarking purposes) want to have links to the Original Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?532369-Interest-Check-D-amp-d-3-5-no-final-objective-messernaries/page7), and the OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?536947-The-Mercs-with-the-Mouths-(3-5)-(OOC))

2017-09-30, 07:15 PM
I just (for bookmarking purposes) want to have links to the Original Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?532369-Interest-Check-D-amp-d-3-5-no-final-objective-messernaries/page7), and the OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?536947-The-Mercs-with-the-Mouths-(3-5)-(OOC))

(So how deadpool do you want this? Because I can Deadpool.)

2017-09-30, 07:28 PM
Tell me good sir; where shall I stable my horse? The journey has been weary and I should hope that we can rest before doing any favors...

I want to start off this campaign right, so lets make a couple of checks...
Bluff check to tell this oaf we're genuinely tired. [roll0] (24+9 modifier for motivating CHA)
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) to figure out if (and who) controls the merc place [roll1]
Gather Information to actually know where to put my horse [roll2]

Auras Given:
Motivate Charisma
Motivate Urgency
Energy Shield

EDIT: Just for clarification, I am NOT on my horse right now
EDIT: When we do social situations like these; are sense motive checks public or private?

2017-09-30, 07:30 PM
(So how deadpool do you want this? Because I can Deadpool.)

(I have no idea what deadpool does, except he's supposed to be really funny and really good at combat (in other words, a certain 6 letter word that begins with B. All I know is that this guy is totally a fighter, and that he has no clue about us) (See my previous post for what I'm hinting at)

2017-09-30, 08:31 PM
Erthraun nods and then turns to walk in the direction indicated.

2017-10-01, 11:15 AM
"Is it just me or is the whole 'Hello perfect stranger, I trust you. Welcome to town, please go speak with the King' thing still a little wierd? I mean, oh look, plot hole of extraordinary signifigance." Yoriel begins moving off in the suggested direction, when she stops, look off in a random direction and shrugs, then resumes her jaunt.

(Deadpool is actually far worse than this. )

2017-10-01, 02:59 PM
Chanil looks down at the strange elf, Did you miss the bit of the story that is behind us, one might say it's at our backs, where we proved ourselves as capable and discrete mercenaries? And then received invitations to join this guild of mercenaries? Or did you skip through that bit without learning anything? Without waiting for a reply Chanil soars forward into the air looking for a tavern.

2017-10-01, 03:05 PM
Ethraun shakes his head, "we have to follow the plot hook to move forward, nod and say yes, and we'll get to the killing soon."

2017-10-01, 04:38 PM
Filien raises half-an-eyebrow at Ethraun, and comments, "I was actually contemplating bringing the fourth-wall down completely, so we could just do whatever the hell we want.

A few of these," he says, pulling out several bombs from a belt that should not have been able to hold them, with a sound something like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLQ-DJXWQ1c), "placed there, there, there, and there," he points at seemingly random spots in the air, "ought to do the trick."

With that, he follows behind Chanil and, seemingly absent-mindedly, lights one of the bombs, waits for a count of three, and then tosses it into the air, where it explodes at almost exactly one of the spots he had pointed to.

Then he looks toward the DM and says, "I'll let you decide how this plays out, PrinceTandem."

2017-10-01, 05:35 PM
Jack starts to sweat, and then shouts Guys if we break the wall too hard, then we might incur the wrath of the Doo-geen Mash-tah. You there! I have no time for your piddly remarks, and I have got to be in attendance for a questionably-legal brawl of possible importance

Jack then jumps onto his horse, and then rides off towards the others

2017-10-02, 02:22 AM
"You can try, but everyone previous has failed." She ponders a moment. "It's like killing fire with fire. Normal fire isn't alive, so you can't kill it. The fourth wall isn't actually there, so you can't break it. You can mess with the Overgods though."

2017-10-02, 08:07 AM
Dustin eyes the man, looks to his group of companions and then pulls out a rug from his pack. He flicks it open as the other party members start down the path. Then he lays it down and sits down, grasping the two corners in front of him and lets out, "Hi, ho, Silver, AWAAAAY!!" The carpet leaps into the air and takes off after the others.

2017-10-03, 12:12 AM
You only wish you could break the fourth wall as good as me. Now im going to patch up this Thread that you people, -yes im talking to you, stanleyindraven, Ralasha, Goaty14, Breitheamh, BelGareth, JbeJ275. Now let me go eat my chimychonga in some *looks at Site rules* "freaking" Peace.

As you walk into the Building you notice the first floor is a bar and a man gestures to a wall with a doors outline but no door "One at a time Newbies"

Fourth wall break is fine, bring stuff through is not, thats it. HAVE FUN THOUGH. If two people agree that something is overboard then just state it, i will find the best way to Handle it.

And check to discern the identity of the Merc leaders doesn't work.

Gather info works

2017-10-03, 01:20 AM
The designated Elf looks at the door outline. "Right." She looks at the man, "How do I open it? Because if you tell me to figure it out for myself you might not have a wall left afterwards."

2017-10-03, 07:12 AM
The designated Elf looks at the door outline. "Right." She looks at the man, "How do I open it? Because if you tell me to figure it out for myself you might not have a wall left afterwards."
The man looks towards you as if you where crazy. "Walk through, like any normal creature."

2017-10-03, 07:17 AM
Suspended by his wings Chanil flicks the Talon on his right foot at the gateway, seeing if it would teleport, phase through some illusion or simply bounce off the surface.

2017-10-03, 08:07 AM
Dustin dismounts his carpet, deliberately rolls it up and then stuffs it back in his bag. "C'mon guys, you have to believe it will work." He then takes a run directly at the "door".

2017-10-03, 10:38 AM
As Dustin runs through the "door way" it gets smaller until the outline has wrapped around the spot he jumped through, now there is nothing left of the doorway that was once there, just bare wall.

You barge into a room. The walls seem to be made of darkwood Plated in Platinum and silver. There is a fire place (and only source of light in the room) and a long table, with 8 seats around it. The 2 on the ends look clean and safe. the other 6 are dusty and pushed in. You here a voice of a man come from the seat closest to you. "Sit, at the last chair and we will speak of you Joining my guild..." the flame in the fire place turns purple and above the fire place you can see Two twin swords crossed. Obviously the Guild leader is some type of warrior or warlock, as seen with the flame.

2017-10-03, 12:10 PM
"Delighted," Dustin says. He casually walks over to the afore mentioned chair and sits facing the other occupant of the room. He eyes the dusty table between them.

2017-10-03, 12:19 PM
The elf follows the designated idiot through the 'door'. Upon entering, seeing the table, the chairs, amd the fire, she moves towards a chair and casts prestidigitation to remove the dust from her chosen area, then sits.

2017-10-03, 12:51 PM
Chanil swoops through the doorway after seeing his allies pass through, flapping his wings twice for stability then dropping neatly into a chair.

2017-10-03, 05:14 PM
Jack strides in, sits down, and starts to whistle the time by...

I do hope that we can work out a... reasonable exchange

Motivate CHA (Everybody gains +9 to CHA checks)
Resilient Troops (Switched from Motivate Urgency)
Energy Shield

Whistle Check: [roll0] So which planar beings have I attracted? :P (Darn RAW!)

2017-10-03, 10:04 PM
Though the others were able to get through in time, Filien found himself stranded in the same spot where the door was just a moment ago.

He gives a slight smirk. Much more fun this way, he thinks.

Then he draws his hammer and an iron spike and quickly sets to work hammering a hole 1 foot deep into a weak spot in the wall, with a slight downward angle. He does this at several more points, then deftly fills each hole with gunpowder and runs twine between each of them, twisting the twine together at each end to make a fuse the leads some 30 feet away.

Finally he lights a tindertwig and yells, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" before lighting the fuse.

2017-10-04, 10:43 PM
The man in the corner of the bar room mutters to himself "I said one at a god damn time" he places his hand on the wall and it glows for but a split second. "fourth wall breaking my ---"

As Dustin walk around the table he gains sight of the man (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7f/5e/21/7f5e218f9a11979265f9c7c64b9c851f.png). In his hands he holds a black folder, in the folder there is a sprawl of papers (http:// 0eHSggGCAlHxgdIjEhJSkrLi8uGh8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDQ0O FQ8PFSsdFRktKy0rNy0rKy03KysrKysrKystLTcrKysrKy0rLS srKy03LSstNysrNy03LTctNy03K//AABEIAP4AxgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYHAQj/xABSEAABAgQCBQcEDgcIAQMFAAABAhEAAxIhBDEFEyJBUQYUMm FxgZEHQlKSFRcjM1RiY5OhscHR0uIWJENTcuHwNFWClKLT1PHC JbLDNURzdKP/xAAVAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf/EABYRAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A7jAucI9JPiIetmL5NeK2nDO7CrvcfdATx iEeknxELnCPSHiIrhzVnZLPndnbj2GJmE1aUtLSQk3sC3D7IA3 OEekPGFzhPpDxha4cFeqYWuHBXgYBc4R6Q8YXOEekPGFrhwV6p ha4cFeBgEZyc6hfK8ec4R6SfEQDGLlbOs62dweuPcMJaboSQDw Bvm31nxgD84R6Q8Y85wj0h4x7rhwV6pgc3GoTmpmz6rP9ReAJz hPpDxhc4R6Q8REdOk5RLBYJdrccmg0zEpSCpTgDMkEdUA7nCPS HjC5wj0h4wOXjEKcJJLZsDaCa4cFeBgCRVcoNNJwsmZMYKUhIV RUzuWF2NIcG5taIGnOTc3ETxNRjJ2GARTTJtWXepbli2QYA53N gMtpzyf4mYsHn+JUlCCVLLKUty+pSjZB6L7RIemxzAatfKtCJs 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UiZdy4Cpdmuw2eHHhAWyzYXV2gX7w1vCIuJQoqQQuYkBKgSEAk uUs4KC2R3RFk6TYqdYXYEOpAa7XZmctnBpelwWsne7LByDk5Xz gHYaUoFRJmLc2JZJ6KQ1LJGYN2eDFJcbK/WH1Ox74bhMcZjMgNvIWkt4Z/wAxE2AiFJfor9YfU7Hvg0l7uFD+Ij7DBYUAoUKFAKKteg0kuZ2 I7p8wDwBYRaQoCvkaJShSVCZOJTuVNWoGzXBLKz372ibQfSP0f dD4UAyg+kfo+6FQfSP0fdD4UACZh389Q7C32QydJISWKyeAUz9 TmJUKArkiZvQvMftA/wD1b6YdLStujMDjetNvpzMT4UBAQhb5TPXSwf7o8pWGNMzrFae zvEWEKArSFv0Jufpp4Hr/AKtB0z5jD3JW7zk9+/8Ap4lwoCKMRM/cqH+JPHLPvha9f7lXrJ++JUKAjy5iiQDKIBFySm3VY3g7R7CgP GhNHsKAUKFCgFChQoBQoUKA/9k=), at sight of the papers you get the odd feeling of Deja' vu
So, you want to join my guild, Dustin was it? well I have but one problem. It says here that you have powers that are.... Unsatisfying. But you have unique talents for potential.... Interesting, is anything I am saying incorrect.


Yoriel enters a Round room with walls that look like the inside of a tree. there are 8 mats on the floor. Each has a sword (exept one) point towards a magical light source in the middle. On one mat sits a Warrior Elf (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HpYsK9OkakA/maxresdefault.jpg) his body seems like the perfect build for a warrior with no flaws. Hello there Yoriel, you seem to surpace the average Wizard and overcome the average warrior, i like it. Come, sit on the mat with no blade.

Chanil enters a room that looks like a cave, the room seems to have 8 Wooden perches sticking out of the ground in a circle. the center of the room is a purple flame. On one of the Perches there is a large winged figure (http://www.inspirefirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/001-digital-art-leo-chuang.jpg). The feathers range from a Dark black to a Bright brown. With a female voice it says "well than, another has entered the flock. Perch yourself and I will evaluate."

Are you entering the doorway room or the bar? Will update this post when question is answered.


Before The gunpowered could be set a Man with Orange/red hair walks up to Fillien as if to see a show. So we have ourselves a little Pyromanic here.... I would save that for the one downstairs if i were you. She loves the wild ones... The man offers his hand out as if to shake, My names Helrio, I'd prefer you not to blow up my tavern, that said, care to join me in a drink?

2017-10-04, 11:22 PM
Filien pauses with his powder horn in mid-pour and looks at the man, raises one eyebrow.

Then he looks back at his work, then back to the man. Then back to his work....then back to the man.

"Are you sure? This'll just take me a second."

He pauses for a moment, then raises his eyebrows in self-surprise. "Oh, right. My bad." Still holding the powder up to the opening of the hole, he extends his foot to place it in the man's outstretched hand, and gives him a forced smile and an uncomfortable amount of eye contact.

"My name is Filien. It is lovely to meet you," he says almost robotically, as if rehearsed ad nauseum. Then he drops his foot and is suddenly back into his previous persona. "Anyway, if I don't take this thing down now, it's just gonna get worse; I've caused some irreparable damage to the load-bearing nature of this wall. Unless you got a wizard hangin' around. One o' them might be able to help."

2017-10-05, 07:52 AM
"I can strike fear into the hearts of men and dance circles around them in combat." Dustin replies. "But your assessment is yours to make. I have proven myself a powerful combatant and a dutiful ally."

2017-10-05, 10:01 AM
Chanil ascends towards a perch but hovers nervously just above it before landing.

It seems I have, my last flock needs me little, so new flocks and new prizes await. May I ask what you shall be evaluating?

2017-10-08, 10:11 PM

Just your.... Abilities. Sit still and I will start the examination. The figure expands her wings to full length, which you notice are four wings and she wears a helm that seems to have a design of wings covering the area just above her eyes, which are blue. she then walks around the circle, lifts of the ground just enough to be at the same height as you. She touches your wings slightly, powerful she murmurs inquisitively under her breath, more of a compliment then a statement. She then, seemly floating to the front of you examines your attire and structure.. She points towards a whole in the ceiling, large enough to fly through. We will test your skills in my battleground. Please don't disappoint.


Well know, lets see if this you boast of is all true.. lets also test your loyalty. The Man stands and opens a gate around the fire. Walk into the fire


Helio laughs as you put your foot in his hand. I'll fix it in a little but for now just go get your self a drink... you maybe be out here for sometime. He said.

2017-10-08, 11:24 PM
Yoriel draws her sword and sits, keeping one hand on the hilt, and laying it across her lap. (The sword is below light load, so I should be able to hold it one handed. Even if weilding it one handed gives a -2).

"And you are?"

2017-10-09, 05:06 AM
A trial by arena, how original.
Chanil quips as he ascends, as soon as he's level with the gap he stares through, hovering until he knows what's on the other side and only then going onwards.

2017-10-09, 08:16 AM
"Ooookay," Filien says nervously. "But I warned you; if this thing comes down, it's not my fault."

Oblivious to the fact that it would indeed be his fault, Filien stows his powder horn and walks with Helio to get a drink.

2017-10-09, 08:59 AM
Dustin shrugs and then stands, "You got it." He then casually walks into the fire.

2017-10-22, 11:46 AM
Jack looks around the bar, seeing as nobody had been disturbed by his presence, he walked over to the barkeep and proceeds to get stupidly drunk

Motivate Dex
Motivate Urgency

2017-10-22, 11:37 PM
The Elf looks off in a seemingly random direction. "Have we been abandoned?"

2017-10-26, 02:08 PM
I'm afraid so...

2017-10-30, 10:49 AM
Well piss this rightly sucks says Chanil staring into the sky.