View Full Version : TeamFARM [5e]

2017-09-27, 11:28 AM
Other Notes

High Elf
As of last session, a Marid (Water Genie) perverted his wishand turned him into a ring. Loves donosaurs.

Lightfoot Halfling
Often the comic relief, owns a really swell bow that totally doesn't influence his thinking. Loves donosaurs.

Wood Elf
The whipping post of the group, but extremely capable in all situations. Loves donosaurs.

Wary of evil objects; she will beat the love of her god, Tyr, into your skull repeatedly. Loves donosaurs.

After several weeks of exploring the Isle of Dread, the party makes their way back to the shores and enlists the help of a couple of merfolk in the water to guide them out of the bay. Dusk is breaking, and the group is set on an island in the southwest. They will have to make the journey tomorrow when they can navigate by sight. The sails of a pirate ship can be seen in the far distance, but as light starts to fade, it becomes impossible to track.The party comes across a wounded Marid named Jairrazaz, healing him and restoring him to his true form. The water genie goes on a long story detailing his life in great exaggeration. After much negotiation, the genie decides to grant the party one wish.

Carric speaks up and says "I wish for a ring of spell storing with the wish spell already inside it!"

Jairrazaz looks at Carric and asks "You wish me to make you a ring of spell storing with the wish spell contained within it?"

Carric exclaims confidently "Yes!"

Jairrazaz waves his hands, skies start to swirl with a thunderstorm, as Jairrazaz grows in size and power, a bolt of energy hits the air between them all as Carric's form shrinks in size and he falls to the ground having himself been turned into a ring. All of Carric's belongings have fallen to the ground next to the ring.Clarance and Larry each stand about 10' from where Carric stood; Tabitha is about 30' back, after offending Jairrazaz and being hydro pumped into the ocean.

I'll do DM posts MWF; that gives some time to post. If you don't post in that time, you'll be put on autopilot if things aren't crucial, and I'll delay posting and ping you directly if your actions are crucial.
Bold text will be taken as In Character (IC) speech
Italics are for Out of Character questions or comments
Regular text is for exposition.
I'll roll initial perception checks for your characters and present each of you a spoiler block of what you see. You can then call for investigation checks to inspect details.
I'll also roll initiatives for the group, and we'll do attacks in post order based around enemies' initiatives. (e.g. if Carric and Tabitha go before skeletons who go before Larry and Clarence, if Tabitha posts first, she'll go before Carric)
We'll likely play theater of the mind for combat unless the combat is better suited for grids. Then we'll work on some sort of chess move calling.
This isn't intended to fully replace Roll20. Roll20 is now a supplement to the forum.
We'll start a routine schedule on 10/16

2017-10-18, 10:27 AM
Larry laughs hysterically; on his knees cracking up.
After laughing for a while, looks to see what the other party members have done.

2017-10-23, 01:42 PM
Larry looks around, realizing that he is surrounded by NPCs.

Walks over to the ring, waits a few moments, then says "I wish for Carric to return to his original state, just before encountering the genie.

2017-10-23, 02:21 PM
The ring glows with a radiating power, and a blue light escapes the ring, dives towards the pile of clothes and equipment left on the ground, pulling it all into it's flowing, swirling light. It grows to the size of Carric, and as the light fades from his body, his expression still looking upward, locked in the grin he wore asking Jairrazaz for the wish. In Carric's gaze, Jairrazaz is gone from view in an instant. The ring in Larry's hands no longer shows sign of the magic it once contained. Larry currently stands just behind Carric's shoulder.

2017-10-23, 02:31 PM
Can I make an arcana check on the ring to see if it is still a ring of spell storing?

2017-10-23, 02:57 PM
Carric stands, dazed, and takes in his surroundings. He surveys the scene, approximately as he left it, but absent of the conniving marid. Carric turns to Larry, observing him inspecting the ring.
What has happened? It is as if, in the blink of my eye, the marid has disappeared. Is this ring you hold the product of my wish? At last we have a means to sow the kraken's undoing and free ourselves of this miserable plane.
I'd like to cast Identify on the ring as a ritual.
Also, is Carric retaining his status from before he was transfigured, or is he now considered to be fully-rested?

2017-10-23, 03:05 PM
I mean... Larry looks down at the ring and pauses
I could have wished to leave this plane.
looks up at Carric
but, I'm not so certain you would have joined us.
looks back down at the ring
apparently you wished to be turned into a ring, and that somehow also caused everyone around me to freeze in place
looks around to indicate that GD and Tabatha have been rendered motionless
So I thought it better to bring you back instead of return with them

2017-10-23, 03:18 PM
I did not wish to...
Carric considers for a moment.
Blast it! That perverse fish-faced abomination must have twisted my words for his amusement.
I have known their type to be wily and untrustworthy. Thankfully his wiles turned to nothing more harmful than a jape.
Carric looks around again, taking note of his surroundings and bearings from the small island.
I suppose, then, that I was restored only by the your graces and the use of our only Wish, Larry?

2017-10-23, 03:22 PM
Larry: seemed like a good idea at the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2017-10-24, 10:43 AM
We should have known better than to try to trick him. At least the gods were generous in granting us a pure wish in returning Carric. Do you need any assistance or have you been returned intact?

2017-10-24, 11:55 AM
*puh*(under his breath)...gods.
I seem to be intact. Thank you, Tabitha. Let us collect ourselves and make haste to meet The Fool. We must find a way to repair the sword and retrieve the Stone.
Carric looks over to Clarence who is facedown in wet sand.
And I suppose one of us should retrieve our halfling companion.
To Larry:
Thank you, (in Elvish)brother(/E). You have done me a great service by restoring my life. I am indebted to you...even if the cost for my retrieval was high.

2017-10-24, 02:13 PM
To Carric, in elvish: Don't mention it, I'd like to think you would have done the same for me

To the group. That was an entertaining ride. I agree, let's get to the fool and do this

2017-10-24, 02:15 PM
I do always wonder what you say to each other when you opt for your native tongues. Shall we leave the bowman or must we continue to be burdened by his presence

2017-10-26, 12:27 PM
Carric, you are restored to the state you were prior to the Wish Spell being cast without ill-effect. You take the ring and cast Identify on it. You garner that the gold ring was created through a Wish spell, but does not appear to have any magical properties any longer. The last session or the one before, didn't you already submerge the hilt of the sword and draw out the water blade, effectively restoring it?

Larry, you can use Arcana if you want to learn more about the lore of the spell, but the Identify spell Carric used I think covers what you're looking to know. Arcana is more about magical lore, not a Detect/Identify Magic thing. If you still want to roll it, be my guest and I'll let you know what you think.

Dusk is approaching; the remaining pirates (Queen Latifa, Bob Ross, and John Cena) have already set up camp for themselves, and judging by the smoke coming from the other side of the nearby dune, have a smoldering fire started.

You begin to set up your own camp for the night with intent to set sail in the morning towards The Fool. Is there anything in particular you wish to prepare tonight?

2017-10-26, 12:39 PM
Frankly I don't remember much about the encounter before we actually got there. We were dipping the swode to make it whole again, yes, but where were we? Is this still donosaur infested area?

2017-10-26, 12:43 PM
I remember that we left the mainland and were trying to get back to The Fool. The mainland was where we encountered the donosaurs. We stopped on this small island to rest and refit before sailing off again and we came upon the flopping fish as we scouted the island.

2017-10-26, 01:11 PM
Carric pockets the ring, looking at Larry.

I intend to keep this not as some trinket or tradable ware, but a memento. I will explain my intentions to you once we are returned to our Material Plane. Let us rejoin our companions and rest, for tomorrow may hold yet more peril and chicanery.

Carric moves toward the campfire and rejoins the pirates, remaining silent about the encounter with the Marid.
To the pirates: If you are to require assistance with the watch this night, call on me and fear not my waking, friends. At first light we sail to reunite with The Fool and make ready for your swift return home.

Carric rests for the night.

2017-10-26, 01:33 PM
All, you left the donosaur infested mainland and were towed to this spot by some merfolk. You did see ship sails far in the distance, the horizon in this plane doesn't behave quite the same, and you can definitely see farther than you normally would assume otherwise.

Larry, given that Carric hasn't spoken what he garnered from the Identify Spell, I'd consider the Identify Spell's revelation to be known only to Carric.

As you approach the pirates site, you see the fire build upon wet driftwood, explaining the smoke.

2017-10-26, 01:43 PM
How is the temperature? Cold enough to warrant a fire, or does Carric think it's just for morale?

2017-10-26, 02:32 PM
How is the temperature? Cold enough to warrant a fire, or does Carric think it's just for morale?

The temperature swings pretty wide throughout the day. Hot and very humid, downpour and cold, downpour and hot were the norms. Tonight seems to be getting a chilly bite in the air.

2017-10-26, 03:58 PM
Be wary that the fire does not attract any unwanted attention.

Carric will go for first watch overnight.

Perception [roll0]

2017-10-27, 03:27 PM
While Carric is on watch, he fondles his two two-fingered magical rings, muttering incantations and touching his wand to each in turn. Small sparks are seen dancing between the tip of the wand and the rings, briefly illuminating Carric's expression of concentration.

Carric will spend two level-3 spell slots to fill the Coil of Magar with two casts of the Lightning Bolt spell. Carric will then spend his final slot of 3rd-level to place one Lightning Bolt spell in the other Ring, and then one 2nd-level slot to place the Invisibility spell inside as well.

2017-10-30, 08:01 AM
I will require a significant rest this evening. Whomever needs it, come forward and I will cure you of your ailments before I retire

Not sure how hurt/wounded everyone is. Can we just say I expend all my remaining slots healing people up before starting a full rest?

2017-10-30, 01:51 PM
Not sure how hurt/wounded everyone is. Can we just say I expend all my remaining slots healing people up before starting a full rest?

You spend some time praying over the group before rest. Everyone who received healing rests well for the night.

Carric will spend two level-3 spell slots to fill the Coil of Magar with two casts of the Lightning Bolt spell. Carric will then spend his final slot of 3rd-level to place one Lightning Bolt spell in the other Ring, and then one 2nd-level slot to place the Invisibility spell inside as well.

All the spells are cast, and the glow of each seems to get drawn into the silver and gold of the rings.

With the exception of some light rains around 1am, the seas seem unnaturally calm tonight, but the early night passes uneventfully.

Bob Ross relieves you of your watch around 2am.

Morning comes and you find yourselves facing steady rains and some wind. The wake in the water is swelling higher today, but doesn't look like it would slow travel. The ship you saw last night in the distance is still visible, but further now. Bob starts putting some gear in the boats and takes a rest while Queen and John take care of packing the rest of their equipment and tying down the gear. What do you guys do?

2017-10-30, 02:01 PM
I wonder if Clarence will offer any of his famed wisdom today. He's been awful quiet as of late; a rare albeit not begrudged situation

2017-10-30, 03:19 PM
Let us make ready and set sail for The Fool's island with haste.
To the pirates: Are you confident in our heading in these conditions? When can we be off?
Carric goes to gather Clarence and bring him to the boat, knowing how much he loves boats.
I believe our friend may be in mourning for his lost flying reptile.

2017-11-01, 05:55 PM
John Cena looks out at the seas while loading up the last remains of camp into the boat. "It does appear like difficult waters ahead to row through, but we've endured worse"

Clarence quietly makes his way to the back of the boat staring off into the distance; still very visible is the plateau and caldera of the Isle.

The four of you climb into the boat after helping to push it out into the shallows. Queen and Bob are the last to jump in; they grab oars, and start carrying the long rowboat through the chop of the sea, slowly guiding the bow towards the ship sails in the distance, maintaining the boat upright in the waves.

By mid-afternoon, the waves have slowed progress significantly. The steady rain has given way to a downpour.

2017-11-02, 11:31 AM
Carric peers out into the storm, squinting through the rain. He reaches outside the boat and begins rhythmically patting the water, seemingly with great concentration. Nothing seems to happen. Carric turns to the group and speaks over the downpour:
I shall attempt to contact the merfolk as we are underway. Perhaps they could aid us in our quest once again. Surely now that we hold Pontus they will recognize our intention to aid them and their domain. I will use my magic to adapt to this environment and swim alongside the boat as we travel in the hopes that I might locate one of their people.
Carric removes his wand and begins waving it about himself. Slowly, his form begins to change. Gills sprout from below his pointed ears and a slight webbing appears between his fingers. A blue tinge becomes noticeable on his previously pale white skin. Carric stows his robes and gear on the boat, continuing to brandish his wand, and unceremoniously flops off the side of the boat into the water. His head disappears beneath the waves, but remains in tow with the boat, searching for signs of merfolk and remaining vigilant of any dangers.

2017-11-02, 11:48 AM
Larry: Holy ****! You can do that??!!

2017-11-02, 12:05 PM
As good as plan as we've had thus far. Make sure to check in with us periodically to allow us to ensure you have not been taken by a creature seeking an easy meal.

2017-11-02, 12:27 PM
To play it safe, Larry unsheathes the water swode and jumps in to swim alongside Carric.
Two is better than one and this will decrease the likelihood of Carric being blind-sighted by a combatant.

2017-11-03, 11:42 AM
Carric, you enter the water and begin to swim effortlessly keeping pace with the rowing. You spend some time searching the depths for signs of life, when from above...


Larry is down to his smallclothes and brandishing Pontus. Larry manages to keep pace in the waves with the boat, though with some struggle, and begins trying to search as well.

Perception rolls from hangout:
Larry - 9 (with disadvantage, [9,4]+5)
Carric - 25 (20+5)

Your vision underwater is distorted, much like opening your eyes underwater in a pool. You can make out some shapes of moving shadows but the details are missing. What you do notice is a relatively large (pickup truck sized) shadow moving fast towards your position.
With your adaptation, you can see much clearer. Below, maybe 60-70' down, you can see two merfolk quickly swimming across your boat's line of movement as if being chased. You instinctively look from where they are swimming from, and see a small spawn of 4 Merrow giving chase. One continues onward, the second pauses, looks up towards the surface. The third and fourth halt and follow the second's gaze upward, and the three start swimming towards you.


Larry 1d20+4 or 17 ([13] + 4)
Carric 1d20+1 or 18 ([17] + 1)
Tabitha 1d20-1 or 1 ([2]​ - 1)

2017-11-03, 12:10 PM
Larry [roll0] or 17 ([13] + 4)
Carric [roll1] or 18 ([17] + 1)
Tabitha [roll2] or 1 ([2]​ - 1)

Initiative order:
Carric & Larry
Carric & Larry [Tabitha is surprised]

The merrow are about 30' deeper in the water from Larry and Carric.

2017-11-03, 01:11 PM
Carric quickly ascends just to where his head breaches the surface. Brandishing his wand and pointing it at the merrow in pursuit, he pronounces the incantation for a spell. Holding the energy briefly, he exclaims, "Everyone get clear of the water's edge! Larry, hold your position; I will protect you as I draw their attention from our merfolk allies!"
I will have Carric cast Lightning Bolt from the Coil of Magar. He will use Sculpt Spells to protect up to four allies from the spell's damage (Larry, the two merfolk, Carric) meaning they automatically save on their rolls, and take no damage even if they would normally take half on a save.

2017-11-03, 01:26 PM
Upon seeing this large creature, Larry turns to run his ass off to the surface. However, upon hearing Carric's words and trusting that he has an epic plan in mind, he stops, turns, and prepares to fight. Larry is going to hold his action until the Merrow is within striking distance. Then swodes for attack.

Roll to Hit

Roll for Damage

2017-11-07, 08:41 PM
As Carric shouts to Larry, Tabitha's attention is drawn to the side of the boat. Tabitha is no longer considered surprised and will act this initiative.

Carric, your spell unleashes from the ring, the bolts of energy traveling erratically through the water, harder to control than through air, but you manage to weave the energy and strike. Larry, you can see the blue bolts darting wildly around the water traveling just shy of your face, the water warms where the bolts were. One of the Merrow-1 towards the back deftly cuts through the water and doesn't seem to have taken the full hit, and is now heading straight for Larry's position. The two (2&3) that seemed to have been struck the greatest are now fast approaching your position.

Carric, two of the Merrow (2&3) attack you 4 times, overcoming your AC and dealing a total of 20 piercing damage from one's bite and the other's harpoon.

Larry, as you see the dark figure split, part coming up towards your position, you lash out and misjudge the distance as the Merrow-1 approaches you. It swims past your outstretched sword arm, swims up behind and bikes at your side dealing 8 piercing damage.

Top of the order. Tabitha, Carric, Larry. GO!

2017-11-08, 09:03 AM
Seeing the amount of blood, Tabitha reaches as far over as she dares to touch Carric.

Cure Wounds as a 2nd level spell, 2d8+7

Almost as an afterthought, Tabitha shouts a stored word to attempt to staunch Larry's bleeding
Bonus action: healing word, 1d4+7

2017-11-08, 11:02 AM
Carric lunges again, thrusting forward his wand and ringed finger. He casts the final Lightning Bolt from the Coil of Magar diffused into the water around him, Sculpting it to protect his allies. He calls out above the water to Tabitha, Thank you for your aid! and to Larry Go, Elvish(brother), let us see what Pontus can do!

2017-11-08, 11:13 AM
Larry, being startled and slightly annoyed by letting someone get to his side, and with the motivating call from Carric, instantly transforms into Cottonbotton, sans chain-mail, and still holding the water sword.

Upon his change, Larry/CB uses his left, non-dominant hand to swing an axe for the neck of the Merrow. In the same movement, CB uses his dominant hand to stab the Merrow in the side.

First attack


Second Attack

Regardless of outcome, CB will use Action Surge (once per rest), to grab and ride the Merrow like a bull while still stabbing it in the side with the water sword.

Grapple (athletics)

Sword Attack

Bonus Aquatic Damage
[roll]1d8 = 8

2017-11-08, 11:25 AM
Also, upon seeing the ridiculous amount of damage that Carric took in an attempt to shield Larry, CB uses a bonus action to Rally and get Carric some much needed additional health. As he does so, he yells out to Carric LET'S DO DISSSSS


2017-11-08, 02:21 PM
Carric, you touch the ring again, and a blue bolt of lightning shoots out towards the two Merrow (2&3) in your way. The two seize in the electricity, and cease moving, floating eerily motionless in the water.
The Merrow-1 attacking Larry is not in line and unaffected by the spell.

Larry, you transform into the Dwarven figure of Skiddlyboop still holding Pontus. You draw an ax from your waist and slash at Merrow-1, connecting across its side. You jab forward with Pontus and miss as Merrow-1 escapes to the side. Frustrated, you swim forward and grab at Merrow-1 and are able to wrap it up in a grapple.
Grapple is your attack action for that turn, so the second swode strike wouldn't connect.

Larry, Merrow-1 in your grasp tries to bite at you, but you move your head to the side quickly as the shadow of the creature swoops in. It attempts to swing its claw around and scratch you but fumbles within your squeeze.

Suddenly, the rowboat rocks from a hit from below. Bob and Queen fall into the water. Tabitha gets knocked over the side, still holding onto the side of the boat. John Cena extends an arm to Tabitha to help keep her head above the water.

Carric, you see two more Merrow (4&5) harassing the boat where Tabitha splashed in.

Top of the order!

2017-11-08, 03:23 PM
Tabitha attempts to struggle back into the boat

(assuming a strength check?)

2017-11-09, 01:53 PM
CB, while grappling the Merrow, raises Pontus high into the air, and drives it straight through the front of the Merrow's neck, down through his throat. All while screaming like a banshee, underwater. (he's not very smart).



2017-11-09, 01:55 PM
Carric turns toward the remaining merrow and unleashes another Lightning Bolt, this time from the other ring. Carric Sculpts the spell to protect himself, Larry in CB form, and Tabitha.

2017-11-09, 02:20 PM
CB, while grappling the Merrow, raises Pontus high into the air, and drives it straight through the front of the Merrow's neck, down through his throat. All while screaming like a banshee, underwater. (he's not very smart).



Also, add an addition 1d8 for aquatic fishy


2017-11-13, 03:52 PM
Tabitha, with help from John, you are lifted up into the boat.

Carric, you swim your way to the port side of the boat preparing for your spell.

Larry, you stab Merrow-1 in the side through it's back. The water around it is turning red. You feel a familiar charge building, and instinctively push yourself away from the Merrow, pulling Pontus out of its torso.

Carric, you unleash another bolt of lightning striking the two Merrow (4&5) at the boat, nearly missing the pirates Queen and Bob who fell in, and fully stunning Merrow-1 in front of Larry, which is now floating motionless in the water.

Merrow-4 by the boat split up, one dives at Queen, attempting to grab him and pull him under, but Queen flails and manages to avoid being drowned. The other, Merrow-5 rushes at Carric, grapple you, and pulls you 5' under the water.

Bob, Queen, and Merrow-4 are on the port side of the boat. Larry, you are off the starboard side of the boat about 10'. Carric, you are currently 15' aport off the stern of the boat. Tabitha, you see the Merrow-5 pull Carric under. Larry, you heard a struggle, but do not have visual.


2017-11-14, 01:57 PM
Carric, struggling in the slimy grip of the merrow, concentrates his energy on unleashing his own spell, now that the rings are empty of offensive magic. Carric casts Lightning Bolt as a 3rd level spell, aiming through Merrow-5 grappling him and attempting to hit Merrow-4 as well. Carric Sculpts the spell to protect his allies.

2017-11-14, 04:33 PM
Larry/CB, unable to see anything immediately in front of him except for bright flashing lights, quickly swims up to and climbs onto the boat. After getting onto the boat, Larry returns to his normal state, runs to the other side of the boat, and scans the water for combatants.

2017-11-15, 09:27 AM
i uh
i cast daylight on the boht
it glows

2017-11-29, 09:23 AM
Merrow-5 is hit point blank by the electricity, and Carric can see the eyes rolling into the back of its skull. The grip the creature held on to you with is limp.

Larry, you transform as you climb into the boat. You look out and see a flash of light off the back of the boat, you see the two pirates in the water, one is fending off the grasp of Merrow-4.

Suddenly, the boat beams forth with light. Carric, you can easily spot the boat even underwater. Larry and Tabitha, the boat is bright but not blinding.

Merrow-4 attacks Queen twice, once with a bite [12, 11 dmg] and once with its claws [16, 10 dmg]. Queen is unconscious. Queen attempts a death save but fails [4]. Bob attempts to help Queen to the boat but is struggling with the weight of gear on them. Athletics [7].

Top of the order! Sorry for the delay after the delay. Playing catch up on work and sleep!

2017-11-29, 02:26 PM
Carric notices the faint glow through the murky waters as they are churned by the storm and scuffle. Carric swims as fast as his adapted form will allow and breaches the surface with a rush. His body is ejected from the water and he turns deftly toward the merrow who is attacking Queen, aiming at the top of its head. Carric makes an attack roll with Fire Bolt and then lands lightly on the boat. (Rolled Acrobatics in chat with Jim for this, succeeded)
[roll0] to hit. [roll1] for damage.

2017-11-30, 09:02 AM
Tabitha goes to Bob's side and aids in the struggle to lift Queen out of the water
Strength: Roll of 1d20+1 resulted in 5 (4+1) in chat

Simultaneously, Tabitha casts Spare the Dying to stabilize Queen

Queen should be stabilized at the cost of one prepared Cantrip

2017-11-30, 11:15 AM
Larry runs to the other side of the boat. Channeling his inner CB, he jump out of the boat (Athletics [roll0]), on to Merrow 4, driving Pontus straight down into its neck.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]

2017-11-30, 12:09 PM
Carric midair launches forth a firebolt, but the sea swell crests right in front of the attack as it flies downward.

Tabitha, you manage to grab Queen's wrist, pulling him close to the boat while casting Spare the Dying, stabilizing him.

Larry, you drive the water blade right into the collarbone of the Merrow-4, ending its thrashing in the water attempting to pick out Bob as its next target. Its body goes limp as you withdraw the blade.

Now out of initiative, Bob moves over to help Tabitha get Queen into the boat. Almost immediately after the final blow was struck, the sea swells seem to calm, making the remaining trip more favorable.

2017-11-30, 12:32 PM
Carric surveys the scene, standing on the bote still in his aquatic form.
Is everyone all right? Those merfolk should be grateful we intervened; the merrow are fierce combatants indeed.
He looks out over the becalmed sea.
Let us continue our journey, hopefully unimpeded by any further...distractions.

2017-11-30, 12:50 PM
Larry climbs up into the boht, talks to Carric
I feel great, thanks to you and Tabitha. When did you learn to do that, anyway? You were an animal out there, gills and all.

2017-11-30, 02:01 PM
Carric smirks.
I prepared some spells once I recognized what sort of dangers we might face in this Plane. I will also be able to bestow the ability to breathe underwater on up to ten of our comrades, should the need arise. Considering how ineffective my magic has been in these strange waters, we will need all the advantages we can garner.
Carric turns to Tabitha.
Thank you for your aid in this encounter. I imagine that with your armor, attempting to enter the water would have been quite perilous. The illuminated bewte was...helpful.

As Carric speaks, he again dons his robes and gear, having shed them in order to enter the water. He pats down his various belongings, ensuring they are accounted for and undamaged. He then draws a bottle of ink from within his robes and empties its contents into the bottom of the boat. The bottle is held over the side of the boat and washed out thoroughly before being righted and drawn back into the boat, now filled with the mystical seawater of the Elemental Plane. The bottle is corked shut and replaced in Carric's robes. Carric acts this out nonchalantly, but without any specific effort to conceal his actions.

2017-12-01, 06:53 PM
Collecting trophies now, are we? You did well, Carric, and everyone else. Bob, valiant effort in attempting to rescue Latifah before protecting yourself. Larry, I'm proud you continue to not die

2017-12-11, 11:35 AM
Bob Ross says "I don't want to see another of us lost to this excursion. I've had my doubts to your loyalties but coming to Queen's aid have eased those feelings tremendously. Still, truth be told, I pray to whatever gods can hear us in this plane that when the time comes where we have the Brightstone back, you don't take off without us."

Bob and John continue rowing towards the ship in the distance. Queen lifts a spare oar with a cloth tied to the top as you near the ship, the colors atop coming into view. "Ah! It's Kitty's ship! Those colors are a sight to see after being away for these weeks!"

https://loulounillyworldnews.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/img_2626.jpgThe ship has turned towards your position and is now making quick time of closing the distance between you. Now within shouting distance, you hear from the deck Jean-Luc, Kitty's first mate call out, "Bob! Queen! Pull along our portside! Oh! John! Almost didn't see you there! Welcome back!"

As they begin pulling the boat to the right, the ships sails are furled and the ship's oars are laid out to brake the ship to a stop. As you bring yourselves around the port side, a rope ladder is dropped down towards you. Queen grabs the end, pulling down taut, motions his head to you to head up first.

2017-12-11, 02:54 PM
Carric acknowledges the gesture and takes the rope ladder in hand.
Trust is earned, my friend. To my mind it has been earned mutually with all we've been through. We'll see that we are all returned home safely.
Carric climbs the rope ladder onto the deck of the ship, taking note of those aboard and his surroundings.

2017-12-11, 03:25 PM
Larry nods to Queen and follows closely behind Carric.

2017-12-11, 03:31 PM
As Larry reaches the top of the rope ladder, he notices a hand extend out to help him to the deck. You see Kitty smiling down at you. "I've got an entire cask of wine back at camp with your name on it! It's for the four of you, but I don't think the others would enjoy it as much as you," she says winking at you. "We all had bets on who would find you returning first, so you guys just made me a bit richer when we get home!"

2017-12-12, 01:28 PM
Larry responds with (checks charisma) "hell yeah. I'm sure I can get some of them to join me since I think we're all surprised we survived" as he walks by her and stands next to Carric.

2017-12-13, 12:50 PM
Carric sees that his adventurer and pirate companions make it safely aboard.
Thank you for retrieving us, Kitty. Let us set sail to meet the Fool, posthaste.

2017-12-13, 01:18 PM
John and Bob make their way up to the top deck, Tabitha follows behind. Several crew aboard lower some more ropes to Queen down below who ties up the row boat and they hoist it up to the side of the ship and tie it off as Queen grabs hold of the ladder and climbs up as well.

"Tabitha, we pulled aboard a blind man lost at sea last night, asking for a healer. He's down below in one of the holds. I don't know your god, so maybe I'm presuming, but I figure I'd give you the chance to see him before we bring him before The Fool." Kitty states as she holds up a key. "Jean-Luc, take the helm. Hopefully the winds will be favorable today." Looking back at the four of you, "Whatever you found ashore, I think it'd be best to save the storytime for The Fool himself. We've been busy anticipating your return. Hopefully The Fool has as much good news for you as you have for him. There are some bunks down below available if you wish to kick up your feet before we return. Queen, Bob, John, please meet me in my quarters."

The five walk through the double doors towards the stern and the doors close behind them.

2017-12-13, 01:41 PM
Tabitha takes the key. A blind man lost at sea? I shall see him, if only for curiosity's sake. Tabitha immediately begins walking toward the hold, then stops and turns. Carric, Larry, Kitty, as I am not wholly familiar with this realm and, frankly, am tired of surprises after our chance meeting with Jairrazaz, would you consider accompanying me to interrogate our... visitor? I don't ask you to take any position of danger; merely to ward and guard the door in case our blind buoyant blow-in has something in store for us.

2017-12-13, 02:09 PM
Tabitha, I will gladly accompany you. Let us speak with this strange sightless stowaway sent from the sea.

2017-12-13, 02:12 PM
Umm... Yes Tabitha... to... the traveler.... Together! grins

2017-12-13, 02:26 PM
Carric rolls his eyes.

2017-12-13, 02:51 PM
Swiftly sauntering subjacent the ship's surface, several scintillant sconces sparkle, swaying with the ship at sea...:smallconfused:...nevermind

As you make your way below deck, several candles flicker in their sconces as the ship sways steadily in the sea. You turn towards the bow of the ship and unlock the door to the hold. As you enter, the smell of salted fish, dried fruits, and assorted root vegetables hangs in the air. The room meant as storage also has two small wooden cells. In the far cell, a shirtless man in tattered rages sits slumped in a corner illuminated only by the candles in the room. The candles aren't melted down far; it appears to you that they've been changed out recently. He is unarmed.

"Water...please...anything you can spare."

He doesn't lift his head towards you as he speaks, but you notice the bandanna tied over his eyes when he spoke. He doesn't appear harmed, but does appear gaunt in his face. Perhaps malnourished from spending his time adrift. You notice he does have a pail in the cell with him to relieve himself, but it doesn't appear to be touched.

2017-12-14, 11:05 AM
Before entering the room, Tabitha turns to the small group

Truthfully, I am not well prepared for an interrogative process and the fight on the dinghy returning here has left me somewhat weakened spiritually. My intention here initially will be to asses our hapless traveler's situation, apply aid where needed and if applicable, and to determine how to more properly prepare for a more intensive process once we have been able to rest. Kitty, I know you would not have brought him on board if he caused you alarm, but did anything strike you as particularly odd or curious about him? Anything to raise your guard? Carric, Larry, do you have any recommendations before we enter?

Finally, I promise you all, that if this is some foul, undead creature then I will destroy it with no mercy.

2017-12-14, 12:17 PM
To the group:
I agree that we should prepare ourselves for any chicanery or other deception, although it seems to me unlikely given the circumstances of the man's recovery from the sea. I am prepared to use my magic to aid in the interro- ...interview. If he cooperates, I may be able to make him more comfortable. If he is not forthcoming, I can attempt to Charm him into loosening his tongue.

2017-12-18, 10:56 AM
Tabitha, if it makes you feel more comfortable, I can accompany you into the cell.
Should the traveler make any quick, questionable movements, I do believe I am the quickest in this group.

2017-12-18, 11:57 AM
"Please...a bit of food or water...You there! Your voices are different from those of the crew. Are you healers who can help me?"
He reaches out towards you with his left arm, still slumped over, right side against the wall.

2017-12-18, 02:09 PM
Larry looks over at Tabitha, waiting for a response.

2017-12-19, 01:21 PM
Carric is silent for a moment. He recognizes this hunger, this desperation. He recalls a time not so long ago when he found himself in similar straits. He reaches into his pouches and retrieves a ration, placing it cautiously within the mans fumbling grasp.
Indeed we are not of the crew, and it is within our power to restore you to health. How did you come to be in this Plane? Do I sense a mistrust of these seafarers in your voice? Tell us your story.

2017-12-21, 12:34 PM
He reaches up and takes hold of the rations you offered, and cradles it in his right arm as he eats with his left hand.

"An old man such as myself doesn't have a riveting tale to tell, and without my sight, I'm afraid the tale would be rather boring. I was fishing off the pier and a large wave must have swept me out to sea. I grabbed onto whatever I could to stay afloat in the current, and caught some wooden plank. I don't know how long I was adrift before I was pulled aboard. As for mistrust in the crew, none except for one man. He was charged by the captain to bring me down here. Threw me to the ground in here before locking the door. Unwarranted as it was, I fret not. I know the gods keep watch and his day of judgement will surely come."

He finishes up the food, and wipes the corner of his mouth. "Do you have a waterskin to share? The salt in the sea water quenches no man's thirst."

2017-12-21, 01:17 PM
Larry tosses him a waterskin any chance you caught the man's name?

2017-12-21, 01:31 PM
Carric eyes him suspiciously and then kneels at his side, placing a hand comfortingly on his shoulder.
"A harrowing tale. You are lucky to have survived."
Carric casts Identify on the man which will ascertain what spells, if any, are currently affecting him. Carric then removes his hand and stands, taking a step back.
"You did not answer my question about how you came to be on this Plane. By all appearances, you are not one of the natives."

2017-12-24, 06:21 PM
Old man, you've now had a chance for some food and water. What happened to your arm? It looks like a new wound by the way you favor it, and I'm willing to help so long as you are honest with us. Forgive me, but we have been led down far too many winding paths lately

2018-01-04, 10:54 AM
"I did not catch his name, but I hold no grudge. Life at sea is difficult, and I have no lingering ails from the incident."

He shrugs back in his cell when you go to touch him. (Identify has a 1 minute casting time; are you going to touch him for a minute?) "Plane? Natives? As far as I can surmise, I was only swept out to sea and brought aboard this ship. I would like to hopefully return home and live out the rest of my days quietly catching the fish I can see from my pier."

He finishes his meal "This old thing?" He raises his right arm, and a stump sits where his hand would be. "I lost this many, many years ago. I make due with what I have, though," and waives his left hand close to himself.

You hear a voice inside your head. "Send your friends out of the room. They can wait at the door if you insist, but I have words to speak to you, and you alone.

2018-01-04, 01:55 PM
Tabitha pulls Carric and Larry aside

"This man is lying and I am tired and short on patience. He claims blindness with one breath and describes the view from his pier in the next."

She hefts one of the small throwing hammers from her belt.

"I will add some slight encouragement to elicit the truth from this man. It will not be great, and I will not go past what I am able to heal after he has given me a true answer. I also realize that you two may not want to be present for this; I have seen your characters and this is not in your blood. You may wait outside and, if you feel I have gone too far, enter and speak your piece. But allow me this to ensure the safety of us, those on board, and our critical mission."

2018-01-04, 02:15 PM
Ohhhh boy. Well, don't allow me to stop you.
Larry steps outside of the cell and leans on the wall next to the entry. Listening intently.

2018-01-04, 11:38 PM
Carric eyes the man suspiciously, looks to Tabitha briefly, and takes his leave. He leans against the cabin wall by the door, head hanging, eyes lightly closed, arms folded.

2018-01-05, 01:57 PM
Tabitha walks up to the cell and hits some of the bars equity the hammer. She holds up one hand in abeyance

She yells, no more lies, old man. Talk now or you'll wish we just left you adrift

2018-01-05, 02:34 PM
The man stands up, walks over to the cell door, waves his hand passed the lock, and it clicks open. He puts his hand on your shoulder. "There is an intruder aboard the ship looking to use you and the Brightstone's power to come to the material plane. Vanquish this foul creature! Do not let it return to your world. Your allies still have that blood-soaked mace from Taboo Island. You were resolute in your devotion to not wield it. It has been cleansed. Take it, for you will need its strength.

The old man lets out a gasp and a yelp at the sound of the hammer crashing against the wooden beams of the cell. "Please! I tell no lies!"

He places a coin in your hands; iron, embossed with a scale set atop a hammer. Before you can look up, the tattered rags the man wore fall to the floor, and he is nowhere in sight.

You hear a hushed voice within the room between the yelps and cries of the old man. He's speaking, but you cannot hear the words he says, but he's clearly speaking to Tabitha.

2018-01-05, 08:32 PM
Carric furrows his brow slightly at the commotion inside, but remains otherwise motionless.

2018-01-08, 11:17 AM
Tabitha walks out of the brig to meet with Carric and Larry.

I must be forthcoming. I was deceptive to you in sending you out of the room, but the old man placed a message in my mind imploring me to speak with him personally. He was a manifestation of my paragon, Tyr, with a dire message: there is a member on board this ship actively working to maliciously ride with us back to the material plane. I do not have more information than that.

Not often do the gods themselves deign to interfere so directly in our doings. I do not ask you to aid me in this task, but I am bound by oath to begin work on ferreting out this fiend. Whom among you has the cursed mace we won before coming to this plane? I have a feeling that upon further examination we will find the vile reputation associated with it has been scrubbed.

2018-01-09, 01:20 PM
"oh ****" Larry exclaims. "That's crazy. So he's just... Gone now? Won't they be looking for him?"

While saying all this, Larry digs his hand around the inside of his bag of holding, trying to recall if that's where he placed it. Pulls it out and "oh hey! Here you go. Have fun!"

2018-01-09, 01:29 PM
Carric straightens up at the mention of Tyr and a new purpose for the group.
I think I speak for Larry when saying that we will do whatever necessary to ensure the safety of the crew and each other. We may not be bound by oath, but we are bound by our shared history and the promise of many adventures to come. Brandish the Mace, Tabitha, and let us immediately intercept this insidious infiltrator.

2018-01-09, 01:45 PM
Larry, as you reach inside the Bag of Holding, you concentrate on the mace, its bone handle, the iron skull of a head atop. Your fingers close around a handle and you draw out the weapon, but instead of the mace you remember stashing, its form has changed. No longer bone, but steel. No longer a skull, but the face of a bearded man, eyes open, but no iris or pupils are etched. Five flanges set around the face come to points before retracting down to the tip and neck [Similar to this: https://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/PRODUCT/large/AH-6081_2_.png].

2018-01-11, 08:39 AM
Tabitha hefts the mace and hands Larry the blood spear.

Fortunately I never had need to wield this, but I thank you all for allowing me the protection it offered. You may want to keep this for the future; a spear is an incredible useful item in the right hands.

She looks around after hammer-spacing the mace to her armor.

Does anyone have an idea in how to forcefully flush our foe from hiding? I'm wary to trust anyone at this point, but we could start by asking the captain and corroborating stories with some of the senior crew

2018-01-11, 08:49 AM
Tabitha hefts the mace

The mace is a +1 mace, and may be attuned.

2018-01-11, 12:19 PM
Perhaps we might speak with Kitty first, her being in charge of this vessel. A thing best done in private, I should think. I am inclined to take your lead in this, Tabitha,
given your personal connection to Tyr's intervention in this matter.

2018-01-18, 11:51 AM
To Kitty, then. While I do not distrust her, I do feel that we should take precautions. We cannot keep an eye on the entire crew, but we can keep an eye on each other. Carric, Larry, I do feel that you have built more of a repertoire with the Captain than I over these past few (weeks?), perhaps one of you should take the lead on speaking with her. I am willing to if neither of you would worry of potentially damage your standing with her.

2018-01-18, 01:10 PM
"let's go, I'm eager to try that beer!"

" Probably best one of you does the talking"

2018-01-18, 01:18 PM
My standing with Kitty is of little consequence. Take the lead, Tabitha, and hopefully we will get to the bottom of this.

2018-01-18, 02:15 PM
You make your way to the top deck of the ship. The late day rains have come in full force now, and the sky is considerably darker than before. You pass many of the pirates manning the ropes of the ship. Jean-Luc still at the helm, the only islands you could see from the ship when you boarded are now seen on the other side of the ship suggesting the ship has completed its turn to return to port on the Pirate's Island.

You approach the wooden double doors Kitty retreated to with Queen, John, and Bob earlier, still closed. She's not on deck, so you assume she's still in with the three.

2018-01-18, 02:25 PM
I want to do a Perception Check on the crew as we go above deck to look for any suspicious behavior.

2018-01-19, 11:21 AM
Carric, you glance at the crew, most of them hurrying in the oncoming deluge. They appear wholly focused on their tasks at hand making sure the sails and lines are ready for a storm if it comes.

2018-01-22, 12:11 PM
Larry knocks on the doors

Hey Kitty! I reaaally tried to be productive member of the crew, but I just could not stop thinking about that drink you offered.

2018-01-25, 02:30 PM
A pause, and the doors open up. Kitty is still standing at the far side of the room behind her desk. Queen and John are standing to one side, and Bob has opened the door. Queen appears upset, and may have been crying.

Kitty speaks up first, speaking to the three pirates "Thank you for telling me, we'll hold it tonight. Queen, will you ready a cannon?"

The three pirates step out of the room and go their separate ways on the ship. Kitty steps to a bookshelf to her left, picking up a waterskin from the shelf. She pours some dark amber liquid into two small off-white cups. She sets one down on her desk, looks to Larry, raises her own with a nod, and downs it. The mood in the room is somber.

She speaks up again, "They told me what happened to Muhammed on the Isle. It's a shame...he was a good soul..." She trails off, sighs heavily before continuing, "Did you see the old man below?"

2018-01-25, 04:19 PM
To Muhammed. he will be missed.

Raises glass, looks at Kitty, and downs it.

2018-01-26, 10:58 AM
Carric will remain silent. Partly out of respect, partly out of a desire to get a good read on Kitty and her chambers: Kitty's visible equipment, is her mood genuine, does she look like she showers naked, any conspicuous documents that may be lying around, weaponry, supplies meant for specific purposes, recognizable books and scrolls, etc.

2018-01-26, 11:49 AM
Larry, the liquor feels like it warms up considerably as you swallow, hot like tea before it hits your stomach. The taste is of smoke and ash. Firewhiskey.

Carric, as you glance over the room, you see she has a crossbow hung on the wall with a quiver of bolts hung below it. On another mount, two scimitars are displayed crossed. They don't appear to be heavily used. On her desk is another navigational chart, similar to the ones you've already seen on your trip out to the Isle of Dread. Just a couple books rest on the shelf, no distinguishing markings on their spines. She appears truly distraught at the news. She might wear clothes when she showers, but you can't be sure.

2018-01-26, 02:15 PM
Reading the room, Larry keeps his voice relatively calm, despite his excitement
hot damn that's some good firewhiskey. It's been a while since I've had something that good

2018-02-05, 12:09 PM
Carric, noticing Tabitha's uncharacteristic pause, steps forward.
We did speak with the man below deck. It came to light that he was not as he seemed; indeed he was an avatar of a celestial presence known well by Tabitha. It was made known to us that a member of your crew may be conspiring toward some nefarious purpose. It is well within our intention to see that those willing of you are all returned home safely to the Material Plane. In order to preserve the safety of you and your crew, we must ferret out this individual who means to corrupt this safe passage. Have you noticed any members of your crew acting strangely, or have found yourself otherwise suspicious of anyone in particular?

2018-02-23, 09:44 AM
Kitty wears a quizzical expression taking in the information about the encounter and the information of an intruder.

If there is an intruder aboard my ship, then they must be dealt with before we dock tomorrow. Nobody aboard has been acting strange, save for Bob, Queen, and John who are mourning the loss suffered in that caldera. Are you certain you can trust the old man below deck? Is he still there? She pauses. He isn't...of course...

She paces around her desk for several moments in quiet consideration. What do you think should be done to find this intruder? You've proven yourselves to me in returning to us, even if the Fool isn't aware yet of what's transpired. This is my ship, and I'm giving you free reign to do what needs to be done. Anything you need of me, ask and I'll make it so.

2018-02-27, 05:05 PM
Kitty, thank you for your help in this matter. We would like you to round up all members of your crew for questioning in a way you see as most appropriate. You know your men best. Perhaps they would do better with public questioning, one down the line on deck. Perhaps we could question them privately in your quarters. I would defer to your judgment in this matter. However we go about it, let us make haste; surely we make landfall soon, and I would have this matter resolved before such time.
Carric intends to use Deception or Investigation whenever possible during the questioning, since those are his strong suits. If all else fails, or if a character seems particularly suspicious, I'll have him use Charm Person to wheedle some more information out of them.

2018-03-01, 12:07 PM
"If gathering all the men together in one place is what you feel is best. I'll risk the delay in return to make sure our quarters are safe" Kitty swaggers past you and throws open the doors to her quarters; you can see the weather turning worse. She steps out to the top deck of her ship and starts barking orders for the crew. "Heave to! Overhaul the lines and cleat them down! All hands on deck in five! Jean-Luc, rouse the others below deck."

She looks up at the oncoming storm clouds, turns and looks back at the four of you and states "I hope you know what you're doing."

2018-03-01, 12:12 PM
Larry refills his cup, and slowly drinks it while darting his eyes from Tabitha to Carric and back again, hoping they have a plan.

2018-03-01, 12:31 PM
Kitty watches Larry as he refills his glass from the bottle on her desk "Depending on how this goes, I may make you pay for that firewhiskey later."

2018-03-01, 12:41 PM
With a sly grin: I think we both know that the outcome will determine whether or not I'll even have the chance to repay you

Downs drink. Refills.

But I assure you, you will be paid back

2018-03-01, 12:48 PM
Carric leads the group into one of the cabins to speak privately.
I trust that Kitty will aid us in resolving this matter swiftly. Tabitha, I believe that the guidance of your god will be instrumental in finding the villain among us. I remain uncomfortable and baffled in the company of these ruffians, but I am willing to see this through to the end. They provided us with invaluable support on the Isle and we owe them this at the very least. Larry, I would ask that you do what you can to notice any quick movements, or potentially dangerous behavior. Should anyone from the crew lash out as a result of being questioned, I trust your quick and steady hand in staying theirs. I intend to question each crew member, with Kitty's help, and I trust we will find the threat through whatever means necessary.

2018-03-01, 01:02 PM
With a nod: That I can do

2018-03-06, 08:35 AM
Kitty strides back into her quarters, stares at Larry intently as she corks the bottle, and places it back on the shelf. She glares as she turns and walks back out to the main deck. Five minutes time passes as the four of you watch as the pirates tie down the lines; Jean-luc cuts the helm far to the left, carrying the sails out of the wind, and steps down to the main deck as well, taking time to walk up the two lines of pirates now forming. "Where is Ander? John, go rouse Ander from the bunks down below. DID NOBODY THINK TO GET HIS LAZY ASS UP HERE?"

2018-03-12, 12:42 PM
Carric, you walk out and gaze across the faces of those lining up, though nothing suggests foul play or looks of knowing from any of them.

A couple minutes pass before John returns from the crew quarters below "Found him asleep still" and he runs over and lines up Queen and Bob.

Immediately following is Ander, a young man who's dressed only in his small clothes, still wiping the sleep from his eyes "Oy Sorry Jean-Luc! Night crew duties and all!"

2018-03-13, 09:26 AM
Kitty walks across the lineup, turns and closes the gap between herself and Carric. "They're all present or accounted for, and all are at your disposal. Do what you need."

In adddition to John, Queen, Bob, Jean-Luc, and Kitty, you see 7 women, 9 men at the ready. 11 Human, 5 Dwarven, 1 Elf, 1 Halfling.

2018-03-19, 11:26 AM
Kitty appears more agitated now "If we're not going to do something now, I'm going to need my men back to their duties. This storm is coming soon, and we don't have time for games the gods deem giving us here in their boredom. We can bring this up to the fool on the morrow and deal with it there."

2018-03-20, 10:28 AM
Kitty looks for a reaction or response that isn't there and sighs. She turns to the crew "We're here today to remember Muhammad who gave his life on the Isle of Dread so that others may survive. He's been a part of our community since the Brightstone's first reckoning in bringing us to this realm, and he will be missed. Queen, is the cannon ready?"

Queen steps forward and exclaims "Yes ma'am"

Kitty briskly walks back into her quarter and returns with one of the scimitars at her side. "Paelias, fire when ready." An male elf steps out of formation towards the elongated iron pot at the ship edge. Kitty raises the blade up as Paelias mutters some incantations. A mote of fire buries itself into the back end of the device before a booming rapport sounds, fire and smoke erupting from the front end of the device. It's an impressive way to channel the arcane energy, but the smoke is peculiar.

The sound sends most in the line shuddering or jumping with shock, but they quickly steel their faces. "If there's nothing else..."

2018-03-20, 11:54 AM
Carric will approach Paelias and speak Elvish to him, making sweeping gestures that to an observer would seem to be apologetic.
"Greetings, friend. I honor the loss of your comrade. I am curious about this device. Could you explain how it works? It seems you used a cantrip to catalyze the reaction. I have also been made aware by Kitty that there is a nefarious individual in your midst who may wish harm to more of your shipmates. Perhaps while you gesture and explain the operation of this device you might also indicate anyone that might do with some questioning, or anything suspicious you might have noticed."

2018-03-23, 08:11 AM
Kitty looks at the crew. "Back to work, we need to be ready for the winds." She turns to the group, "There are bunks down below that you use for the night. We'll hopefully not lose track too much tonight and be back to The Fool around noon tomorrow." She turns and pauses by Jean-Luc for a moment, puts her hand on his shoulder and mutters in his ear. You can't tell exactly what she's saying but pick up on clips and phrases, clearly issuing orders to her second.

As you approach Paelias, the acrid smell hangs in the air around the cannon. The powder is something the Fool has been experimenting with along with some of our casters for a long time now. A simple firebolt or even an ordinary flame is enough to set it off. He's been itching to try the stuff out, this black powder. As for your other request, I'm not sure I follow, but nothing suspicious has given me pause.
He sets off cleaning the cannon's interior with a rag and inspecting the soot left by the firing.

2018-03-23, 10:09 AM
I want to have Carric hang around above-deck, observing the crew. I also want him to approach Kitty and ask about the powder.
Kitty, I have just come from speaking with Paelias. He was not aware of anything being amiss, and himself seems to be of good character. I hope that Tabitha might pursue further inquiry among the crew. I am remiss that we did not further capitalize on the gathering of the crew. On behalf of my group, I apologize for the inconvenience. I wonder if you would tell me what you know of this black powder. How did it come to be in the Fool's Fleet's possession? How does it work? I would be very curious to study it and perhaps bring it back to the Material Plane as I am sure we could find many uses for such a substance.

2018-03-23, 10:19 AM
Kitty stops and smiles at the mention of the powder. "The ship and the crew will be fine. I can imagine a visitation of a deity would be daunting, and freezing shouldn't be looked upon with shame. Personally I haven't noticed anything up with the crew, but I'll keep an eye and ear out. As for the powder, The Fool's been preparing for this eventuality for a long time, and outfitting our ships with this could turn the tides in our favor this time! He's been working with some alchemists in our ranks on it, fast burning and highly explosive. The cannons used are just simple castings at a forge, but the rapport isn't all it's capable of! Iron cast balls in the mouth of the cannon and BOOM!" She pantomimes an explosion with her hands. "I've not seen him so excited in years since your arrival. I think he's putting everything on the line now. Even this powder, he's had a small reserve for a while, but the alchemists are working tirelessly at producing more. Our shipwrights...well...you'll see. I'll see what he says about talking with the alchemists; I'm sure you could get the recipe if you don't cut into any future plan of his once we're back home!"

2018-03-23, 10:34 AM
Carric's face involuntarily quirks at Kitty's use of the term "freeze", but he recovers quickly.
"Very well. Thank you, Kitty."
Carric turns to Larry, speaking privately and in Elvish, "I have not had any luck in finding the suspicious person Tabitha told us about. I plan to remain above deck and observe as much as I can. To be frank, I am more eager to reunite with the Fool and be done with this ordeal than resolving some potential issue among this band of brigands. How do you fare? Do you require rest?"
Carric will plant himself on a spot on the deck that is out of the way, but with a good vantage on the crew.

2018-03-23, 11:19 AM
(to Carric, in Elvish) I'm good on rest for now. I'll wander the ship as much as they'll allow me, see what I can find out.

2018-03-27, 07:44 AM
Tabitha wanders out of Kitty's cabin, rubbing her temple.

Sorry, had a stroke. Happens now and again. Where are we at and what's that awful smell?