View Full Version : SR5 Greed is a dead man's tool

2017-09-27, 04:42 PM
Date: December 10th, 2071
Location: Seattle Metroplex
Time: 0800 hrs

The sun has been up for a about two hours now. It was a new day, bills were piling up but it seemed nothing was going on. Fixers either weren't answering or sorry to say they didn't have any open job at the moment. Wherever everyone was at, one could hear one commonality... Utter silence. The area was too quiet, no outside chatter, no hustle and bustle of traffic and people. Even animals were nowhere to be seen and heard. It was almost too quiet, untill....


The man's burns were recovering. You have no idea how you managed to bring that man back to the brink... His state of shock was already at lethal stages. You let your training and experience set in. You stabalized him and managed to fight off his shock and bring his body down to stable levels for such a severe chemical burn... It seemed like a drug cooking gone horribly wrong. He didn't even look human anymore. Once his life was no longer "immediately" threatened you set on to tending to the burns, at least sanitizing them, being extremely careful to cut away fabric and not pull it off in case his clothing had fused to his flesh. You didn't want to put him back into shock.

The man was dying, though it was slower than before he was in shock. Luckily you managed to cut away the clothes, closely inspecting and leaving the fused bits of cloth untouched for now until the main burns were treated. It looked like a type of acidic burn on the right side of his face, down the front of his right pectoral, down his ribs and over his femoral to his groin. Damn, this was a **** show. That eye was destroyed, he would never see out of his right eye again unless he gets it replaced. You make a note on his medical chart for an eye replacement and some skin grafts for later. The most dangerous burn was the one over his femoral, one mistake could rupture the already damaged skin and cause the man to bleed to death.

Eight nonstop hours of medical care... You sit at an empty chair by the empty operating table. Dead skin and some burnt blood stain the empty table. You wipe the sweat off your brow. You can't believe it. Its going to take weeks if not months of recovery and physical therapy but the man lived... You somehow- Your train of thought was interrupted by Albert Pringle. He helped you out on this operation.

"Wotan...I can't believe we did it...That man should have died... but, sorry. I got off track. You have...visitors at the waiting room...They're Lone Star. Is everything alright? They said you haven't done anything wrong. They just want to talk."

As if on que Albert side stepped and was about to say something when the Lone Star officer gave him a firm nod and placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. The officer faced you and gave you a smile you don't think you ever expected to get from a human...This place sure was different from those mountains in Sweden. The officer spoke with an authoritative but kind tone.

"I didn't want to interrupt your operation. I heard what you did.... I'm..." He looks at the operating table. "Impressed to say the least. My name is Officer Lance. I'm here with my partner Officer Dane." He steps and leans forward, handing you his official identification and showing you the badge as well. " Unfortunately I would like for you to come with us. We are looking for...outside expertise and that is all I can tell you until we get down to the station. This is an...impromptu job interview if you will." The officer side steps and waves his hand aside in an "after you" motion. As kind as he is... you don't get the feeling that he will take no for an answer.


It was a nice hole in the wall kind of place. No one of note ever really came here. It was a good place to run away from your past. The drinks were good and they were cheap. The bartender's only question was "What will ya have?" Perfect. People didn't really talk, the atmosphere was brilliant, it was a cyber punk look with industrial music playing in the background. people would come in to connect to the matrix in peace and drink their sorrows away. You seemed almost inclined to do the same... you still play the scene back in your head. You still remember the warmth of your soycaf and his yell as it burned his face. Two quick shots were all it took and you haven't been able to pry the scene from your head ever since. Some days were better than others...

Today was a not so good day it seemed. Things got riled up and people left, but there were no gunshots and no fights, so who cares. The bartender walks up and hands you a hard double of dark whiskey. "On the house..." You stare at the grey chilled stones that sit in the glass and you sip the drink. Christ its strong, but it makes you feel warmer. The slight blessing was redacted quickly when some ass hole slams something on the bar right next to you. It was his hand... but there was something under it... What was i-...He moved his hand and you had your answer. It was a Lone Star badge. The man had on a western hat and reflector aviator shades. He had his hand resting on his holstered revolver as another man flanks you on the right. Slamming his hand down, revealing another badge. A third man walks in as well.

"You're coming with us..."


This place sure was a dump heap...You're pretty sure it belonged to some drug heads before you got it. You remember taking the needles out the wall and scrubbing the place of every bodily fluid you can think of. But it didn't require id to rent so it worked for a wanted erased man in debt. It was another price to pay to make your escape. You keep checking your Commlink, trying to get a hold of someone... You try to reach out but unfortunately... You don't know any fixers who can give you a job. You think about where you could possibly look. The financial situation was looming, but luckily the bills for this place weren't very high. The landlord was actually surprised when you first PAID him. Seems he wasn't used to that. He seems more than happy with you. Still, you needed money and you weren't sure where to start. Then the sound came, you heard footsteps outside your door, hushed voices... Oh god was it them? No... It couldn't be Tir...You got out of there, there is no way they could have found you so fast. Maybe it was the debt collectors? Even then, you're erased. Finding you is no easy task. Your questions are answered when your door busts open and four Lone Star officers dart in your room with their revolvers pointed at your face. There is a fifth one that walks in behind them and he has not pulled out his revolver. He pulls out his Identification and shows it to you. There is a deafening silence as the air around you couldn't get any tenser. You are relieved that is not who you thought it was but what are the cops doing here? The man breaks the silence.

"Moon... you're a hard man to find. Now what would a man like you need to be hiding from? Oh... tales for another time. For now... You're coming with us."

GM is allowing you to have one more contact. Con 2 Loyalty 2 Taqukaq from previous Run with her.

The news sure was funny. Well, in a way where you had to make it funny. Because it never really showed anything funny. Mostly people dying and the rise of gang violence again. You vaguely recall dealing with gangs before, but the run was cut short unfortunately. Didn't even get pain, the crazy tribal woman nearly killed 3 people when she heard the news. Not even the people she told. She just punched out a college kid that stepped to close. What a funny lady. So much hate, never laughed at anything. Too bad, there is so much to laugh at in the world. Like putting a tack on Taqukaq's seat and blaming a pedestrian for it. You've never seen a man quartered before but you were surprised with how quick she did it. All in good fun though. You flip through the channels because you were getting bored with this. Maybe its time to go for a walk. Almost on que as you stand up and turn around your door opens up. You see two Lone Star officers. Wasn't that door locked? Who knows. They seem surprised it opened as one still had his hand up from knocking the door. He was an Orc... Well that answers that, he probably broke the door. The human counterpart glared at the orc and then clears his throat.

"Apologies Ms. Giest... We will fix the door. But unfortunately we require that you accompany us to the station. We heard that you had a hand in some of the gang violence in the past and we would like your expertise on a... sensitive matter. We will tell you the details when we get to the station. Come with us please."


Mr. Black What is this about? The thought races through your head as you ride your bike down the street to... from what the address says, a Gothic club/bar called "Le Chat Noir". Mr. Black didn't have a job for you but he said a woman named Madame Valeria may have one, or she could be a good lead to a job. She had...many contacts and from what he said was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. You heard an odd shakiness in his voice when he mentioned it. Strange, He sometimes had similar reactions to you. It seems this Madame Valeria may be a like minded and have the same skill set as you do, Interesting. Your GPS makes you take one final right and you find a parking lot. Something catches your eye... Of all the vehicles you find, they weren't fancy... but was that a...Saab Dynamit you saw? Parked on its own closest to the bar. There was an Ares Cheetah that paced around it, guarding the vehicle. That makes sense, that vehicle costs nearly ten times your rent. That must be her's. From what Mr. Black has told you about this woman, she is an extremely elegant woman. She focuses a lot on elegance and grace. He told you that she has a day job as a... Dominatrix? She has clientele of all genders and races. She agreed to meet because "She always looks forward to meet a new "potential client".

You parked your bike and walked towards the club. The Cheetah drone looks at you and continues its patrol until it gets to the front of the car where it lies down patiently on the ground. You see the woman you were going to meet almost instantly. You were worried she would be hard to spot near so many people in similar clothes but it wasn't. She was sitting at a lone table with a crystal glass of red wine at her side and a man on his hands and knees, kneeling on the ground beside her. He has a gimp mask and you cannot see him as she holds onto the leash that is secured to his black leather collar. She stands up and walks to you muttering "Stay... Good boy." to the man and walking towards you. Before you stands an Amazon of a woman. Her towering stature dwarfs even men as the woman is 6'2". Though she is powerful, she does not look unattractively muscly or buff. She has thick powerful legs and tone sculpted torso and arms. She always holds herself with an air of deadly confidence. Her long black hair is silky and soft as the finest fabrics money can buy. Her eyes are stern but so beautiful that it is rumored that at her glance, men will attack their best friends and even family just to win her favor.

The rumors are only partly true. She uses her commanding voice. She wears a deep red velvety lip stick that stands out on her fair white skin. She dons a black latex corset with silver metal buckles. She wears silk sleeves to cover her shoulders and arms. The corset leads down to an elegant silk black skirt that goes down to her ankles. She wears a pair of black latex boots. She usually covers herself with a form fitting, custom fit overcoat made of black fine fabrics. The woman's posture seems to demand obedience and submission and her words force it. You feel a slight flutter in your chest as the woman gives you such an enchanting smile. Her voice is thick with a french accent and her English is not perfect but she manages. "Good morning my dear. It is such a wonderful pleasure to meat such a....fantastic beauty." She holds her hand out with her palm facing down as if she were giving you and offering.

She waited for you to take and shake her hand. She gazed at you with an almost primal hunger, but from what you saw, that look was always in her eyes. "My dear sweet Mr. Black told me such things about you. Such wonderful things. He is a good client. Such a good boy. She tugs on the leash and the man only responds with "Yes Madame Valeria" Madame Valeria moves to sit back down as she motions to the empty seat next to her. She takes her wine glass and sips on it. Enjoying the delicate flavor and full robust taste as it was a deep red like the color of her lips. My dear Andromeda, please take a seat. tell me what you are drinking and we may discuss pleasantries. Before we discuss business we must first discuss... pleasure."

2017-09-27, 09:12 PM
Andromeda walks into the club dressed to fit in, with her own corset and tight pants on. Best to blend in, after all, and it was fun to watch people drool. She walks up to Madame Valeria and bows minutely over her offered hand, lifting it to her lips to kiss the back of it. "My, and I imagined it mere hyperbole when our mutual friend spoke of your beauty." She nods and sits, paying the slave no mind, and nods to the wine glass. "I will trust in your taste in wine, and have what you're having. You know the club, after all."

2017-09-27, 11:18 PM
Jynx grins, chuckling visibly but inaudibly. She shakes her head and downs her drink in one.

"Oh come on, you didn't even like him. Alright, whatever. Took ya long enough. Mind if I walk out with you, or are we gonna do the whole kicking and screaming routine?"

She slips off the bar stool and takes a couple of steps back, offering a sarcastic salute to the bartender.

"It's been a pleasure to drink with you."

Her blase reaction is an act. She's equal parts fearful for her future, and relieved it's finally over.

2017-09-28, 01:55 AM
Wotan scowls at the agents. It's been a long day, and this is exactly the sort of drek he doesn't need right now. He's been in the running game long enough to know that Lone Star are never a good thing. Luckily, he's also smart enough to know that his magic's drained from his previous exertions, and that even if it wasn't, dropping two Lone Star agents at his place of work was a good way to get a Criminal SIN.

"Whatever you say poliser, I am always happy to help the law as much as I am able."
He tries to keep the sarcasm out of his voice, but suspects he hasn't done a great job. Nevertheless, he has agreed to go.

2017-09-28, 03:42 AM
Moon grimaces as the officers burst in, and his mind immediately goes to options. Guns - he wasn't carrying any, his pistols are with his outdoors clothes and armour, the hunting rifle is on the table (probably too far to grab), the sniper rifle was properly hidden away and the shotgun...they were between him and it. The combat knife was within reach, hidden under some of the mess, but he didn't like the idea of taking on four guys with revolvers with a knife. Above all, his life had made him pragmatic, and in no great hurry to get hinself killed, so he just nodded. They didn't appear do be here for the bounty, nor to kill him outright, so it's best to just go with them, at least until an opportunity presents itself. "Okay, just let me grab my coat. Would you tell me what I'm being brought in for?"

2017-09-28, 01:09 PM
Giest blinks as two lone star troopers barging in her little place, "Oh! You're coming in here for lil' ol me? Gosh Golly! Let me get my parasol, then we can see what we can do about your little issues." She turns a bit go get her umbrella from the back room, moving towards the bathroom. "I'll be out in a moment, you fella's don't mind if a lady uses the powder room. Can't think about sensitive issues when you gotta you know what, right?"

If she does manage to get in there, she'll cast her first spell of the day, deflection.
Force 1 Deflection
Using 5 drams to increase the limit to 5
Drain vs 1

2017-09-28, 04:26 PM

With that, the Lone Star officer follows behind you as the two of you head towards the exit. You see his partner outside smoking a cigarette. He spots the two of you and he puts it out and tosses the rest of it. Officer Lance seemed to take offense to that. He grumbles under his breath about fraggers wasting good cigarettes after the mooch bummed one off of him. He gets over and waves his partner over and they escort you into the back of their patrol car. The drive is quiet for the most part, almost awkward. The three of you arrive at the station. They didn't handcuff you so you feel like this may not be for a bad reason after all. Who knows with these Lone Star types. Shadowrunners and Lone Star don't tend to mix well...

The drive ends and Officer Lance opens up the door for you, seeing as there is no way to open it from the inside. Officer Lance leads you into the building as his partner walks off and bums a smoke from another officer, who quickly tells him to frag off. Officer Lance heads in first and holds the door open for you. The inside of the building is in fairly good condition. It makes sense, This station is Downtown. It isn't Redmond or the Barrens. Officer Lance takes you through the main area, a few people sitting in chairs either trying to request information or making face to face claims. He takes you through a door that says "No unauthorized access" He walks through and a few people go to stop you but he shakes his head at them and stares them down. They nod and reply with "Yes Sir" and leave you be. You both walk all the way down the hall, it is the last door. He opens the door and the light is off. He reaches over and flips the switch and reveals a waiting room with another door at the opposite end of the room. It is closed.

"Wait here. More will be joining you. Feel free to chat with them then someone will call you in one by one."

He guides you in and he lets go of the door, the hydraulic slows the process and he walks off. You hear a female officer's voice speaking with him. "Detective Lance! What was that about?" You hear a sight and just before the door closes he speaks. "No clue, this **** is above my pay grade. Boss man gave us names of runners and told us to snag them." The door shuts, closing off sound. After abut five minutes the first person is led in by a different officer. Its a woman with bright light blue hair, loose clothes and tattoos on her arm. After the Girl walks in, about 10 minutes later an elf male walks in. I don't see a description for him in your Char sheet so feel free to describe your character to him. You do notice that the officer who lead this man in is Detective Lance. He flashes you a smile and a wink and disappears.


"We would prefer you walk out with us. This is not an arrest." Those were the only words that man spoke. The other officers grabbed their things and went out ahead and the man who spoke with you followed close behind you as he walked you out of the bar. There were two patrol cars outside. There was a fourth officer sitting on the hood of the lead car waiting for everyone. The ass hole officers went into the back car and drove off. They lead you into the back seat and got in the car. The drive itself took quite a while and the officer's partner put on country music and turned it down low. They left the barrens and took you to the precinct in the Downtown area which was strange because the Redmond one was much closer.

They parked in the front and left the patrol car running. The man who spoke to you, and never introduced himself, leads you out while his partner sits on the hood and waits. He leads you in and at first you thought you were in a hospital. White clean walls, a waiting room? How strange, but you saw several Lone Star officers. A receptionist counter. The officer lead you through the waiting room and towards a door marked "No unauthorized entry". He leads you through the door and into a hallway that branches off into many different rooms and hallways. He takes you all the way down the hallway until you reach the door at the very end. The officer opens the door for you and you walk in. The light is on but hearing them buzzing light that, you can take a guess that they weren't on for very long. You see one more person in the room with you as the Officer simply states "Wait here. Someone will be with you shortly." He closes the door and vanishes. The other man who is in the room right now is a Dwarf. Short and Stocky like most Dwarves, he also wears an armored leather Jacket, jeans and heavy combat boots. He has only one good eye, covered with a monocle and his other eye is a nasty but long healed burned hole. About 10 minutes later an Elf man was escorted in behind you.


Four revolver's hammers click back and the fifth man raises his hand to calm the others down. He walks in and grabs the closest jacket he can find and walks up to you wordlessly, a smirk ever present on his face. He hands you the jacket and waves his arm towards the door in an "After you" gesture. The other men relaxed and uncocked their weapons, holstering the weapons when the leading man waves their guns away. "Thank you for your cooperation. My name is Officer Lance, excuse the... unpleasantness. Lone Star's don't usually have peaceful meetings with... Shadowrunners. You don't need to worry, though we managed to find you, it was difficult and we cover our tracks. No one else can piggy back off of our findings. I can't tell you much but what I can tell you is we have someone at the station who would like to....discuss your next job with you."

He places his hand on your back and seems to guide you. You suppose you could fight back, now that you have your jacket and any weapons that are in them, but you feel as if the four trigger happy Lone Star patrol men may have words for you in that instance. The man leads you out as the four officers turn around and lead the way. The Officer closes and locks your door behind all of you. Then he places the key in his pocket... Son of a bitch, he had a key? There are three patrol cars. The four officers split up in twos and get into the two back cars. Officer Lance leads you to the leading patrol car. His partner is sitting in the passenger seat and barely pays you any mind as you catch him playing games on his commlink. He puts the commlink away when Officer Lance gets in and all the vehicle begin to drive. The back two vehicles turn off eventually to go patrol. The drive to the station is rather quick. It was just to the Downtown station. The other officer stays in the patrol car as Officer lance leads you into the station. The station was a lot cleaner and far better maintained then you expected a police station to be in Seattle. It was like walking into a hospital. Officer Lance leads you through a door marked "No unauthorized access" and takes you all the way down the hall. He leads you to the very last door at the end of the hallway. He opens the door for you. "Take a seat inside, once the last participant joins you then someone will be in shortly to speak with you one by one." He leans in and gives the Dwarf a little wink and he closes the door behind you. Before you, sits a Dwarf man and a Human woman.


Naturally, the cops didn't like the idea of a professional criminal being in a situation where they have no positive control of contact of you. The human ***** his pistol and the Orc nearly B-lines towards you. He doesn't seem to be charging but you can see from his legs that if you make a break for the bathroom, he will. The orc speaks. "No fragging way you damn runner. You know how many good officers died because they lowered their guard near a criminal? You stop right there and I will get your damn umbrella but you don't make a ****ing move." He quickly closes the distance as his partner side steps to keep his partner out of his sights. Their movements are practiced and the human partner takes out his stun gun and holsters his revolver. It appears they are experienced officers. The situation in the room is incredibly tense right now. The Orc isn't making a move to grab you, but he reaches for your parasol to give it to you and blocks you off from your bathroom but first he checks it to make sure there is no one else there that might ambush them.


Madam Valeria snaps her fingers and you could see the slave flinch from the sheer force of it as he jumps up and quickly runs inside after she hands him his own leash. He is gone for an instant before he returns with a 1988 bottle of Lafite-Rothschild Bordeaux, bowing to the both of you and topping off her glass and filling a separate crystal glass for you with the deep red wine. He places the bottle on the table and Madame Valeria takes his collar once more. She kips her legs up and he quickly gets down and crawls under them. She relaxes her legs and uses him for an ottoman. She leaves space on his back for you as well. She stops you with a seductive smile if you reach for the glass yourself as she picks up both glasses and takes in their aromas. She sips from hers and then from yours before gently handing you your glass. As you reach for it and grab it she softly drags her hand down the back of yours and then returns her hand. It was the slightest touch but it seemed to draw out much from everything she touched.

She took in the aroma and shifted a sideways glance towards you, a smile reaching her face once more. You don't even need to bring the glass up to your nose, the aroma reaches you from your glass alone. Full-bodied, with subtle aromas of berries, licorice, cassis, cherry, tobacco, mocha coffee, and a complicating element of dried oregano and thyme, this wine is well integrated. It's wonderful length and finesse make it one of the most astonishing figures given its vintage conditions. Being a combination of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot, this classic has such a rich wonderful red-ruby type of purity. She smiles at your compliments and your honeyed words. Her eyes narrow slightly, but by the end, you can tell your charms have fully worked. "Oh my dear Andromeda, you are too kind. This wine is a Chateau Lafite-Rothschild Vineyard. And much like myself it's delectable tastes and aromas are the best. Both made from the purest fruits taken from France. Both I'm sure you will enjoy to the...fullest extent. I see you are no slave material... You have so much power and confidence about you. However, that only makes conquering someone so dominant and strong willed all the more...beautiful. I believe we should, at a later time of course, take some time to get... better acquainted. Once that is decided we shall discuss business"

Con (Seduction) [roll0] 6 hits and Yes, She is trying to seduce you. The setback of the seducer Mentor spirit is she will proposition EVERYONE if given the chance.

2017-09-28, 04:57 PM
Now he has his coat, Moon feels a lot calmer and goes along with the officers with no complaints - after all, he now has his 75 literally up his sleeve, his licensed holdout in a concealed holster and a smoke grenade and autopicker in inside pockets. He was ready for if this went south, and the officers assurances helped somewhat. Evidently he was right, there was more to this - a job, perhaps (although payment would be up in the air given the circumstances).

When he's taken into the room, he takes a seat and looks over at the others and lightly chuckles. "Let me guess. A group of them turned up and...suggested you come with them. Am I close?"

Appearance-wise, Moon sits somewhere between distinctive and ordinary. While he is tall, rather attractive and very fit physically, he lacks any of the austentacious distinctive features many runners have - he's made pains to dress and look rather ordinary (well asides from the fact he's an elf), with no unusual styles or colours, keeping clean-shaven with short black hair. An accurate guess puts him in his late twenties, and he carries himself in a calm, collected manner.

2017-09-28, 05:28 PM
Andromeda smiles at Madame Valeria (it wouldn't be Proper to not use her title, even from an equal, and she seemed the kind of person that thrived on Proper) as their hands touch. "I should hope I don't appear slave material. I know the games, of course, from both sides, but obeying one person, forever... doesn't sit well with me. Should you wish to take the conversation elsewhere, after discussing business of course, we can talk more intimately about, ah. Specifics." She sips her wine and relaxes, waiting for the actual pitch. Fun was fun, but she was tight on money, and needed some soon.

Oh she ain't resisting that. As an OOC note, I suggest we focus on the negotiations, perhaps a quick fade to black as they head to bed, then have her meet up with the rest of the crew however you're planning them to meet up. As a result of that need, I suggest that you not wait for everyone to post before you post, and just respond to anything that people are prompting you with.

2017-09-28, 06:56 PM
Thanks for the "not waiting for everyone" tip. That makes a lot of sense. She wasn't planning on going into too much detail in the down and dirty. Now that she has your answer though she moves onto business. I mostly just added the other stuff for fluff.


You almost expected a night and day switch from her as she transitioned to the real reason for this meeting. If you weren't listening intently you would be almost sure she is still talking pleasure. It just seems to be how she talk, always hunting. "Ah I know them from both sides as well, though... I wasn't always willing...In the end I still got the last laugh."

That was the only instance her voice changed, it was still smooth, but you felt such a dark hatred behind it and then it vanished. "We will be working together my dear Andromeda, we will have plenty of time to...enjoy ourselves. I just wanted to know your answer... A slight quiver of enjoyment shakes in her voice, almost as if she finds power in the knowledge.

"The situation is this....I have two potential jobs for you. They both pay, fairly well and by completing one you will complete the other. They intertwine a great deal. I already have a team being...gathered by the Lone Star officers in the Downtown district."

"At the behest of another mutual acquaintance, a Mr. O'Sullivan. Called down the order and they went to gather a couple leads from some very skilled shadowrunners. They will be taken to the precinct in Downtown for essentially a job interview concerning an internal affairs issue they want resolved before "Internal Affairs" itself comes down with the hammer and ruin their operations."

" They figured Shadowrunners are discreet and can still get the job done. You will be investigating the murder of a Lone Star officer. These are the initial details. Before we get into the down and dirty are you willing to take the Jobs? I can't tell you anything about the second one until you agree to both. Then we should go into my car and head down to the precinct, where we will meet with the members of our group. I can explain the details in my car. If you are worried about your vehicle I can call someone to have it brought with us while I explain the details of the job.

2017-09-28, 07:24 PM
Andromeda smiles back. Two well fed big cats in a jungle sizing each other up was what this was starting to feel like, beneath the pleasantries. "For a job without any details, my fee will be... considerable. I'll agree to it, however. If you wouldn't mind, details would be wonderful, and I can have my agent start to find out what it can from the public 'trix. As well as a dossier on the other runners would be wonderful. Oh, I trust he" with an absent wave at the man their feet were resting on "isn't going to talk about this discussion afterwards?"

2017-09-28, 09:57 PM
"Oh golly gosh. You just wanna have a lady wet the back of your car." she chides them, waiting for the umbrella. They might know her and her runner name, but they don't seem to realize she's never really killed anyone herself. She waits for them to lead her down the way, a complete look of apathy and boredom on her face.

2017-09-28, 09:57 PM

Madame Valeria begins to get up but at your last sentence she stops and jabs her heeled boot into his side. He grunts in pain and thanks Madame Valeria. She removes his collar and shoos him away. A dead wise man once told me that complacency is a dead man's tool. He is a client but even he shouldn't be trusted. You feel like her giving you any information before you are in her car will require some convincing. All will be explained on our way there. I even have Dossiers for you in the car. Well, they are for me, but I'm more than willing to let you look through them.

Information is power and it pays to know more about the other person than they know about you. Madame Valeria stands up and finishes her glass, corks the bottle and holds onto it. As she stands up, you notice, her only weapon.... "weapon" is a fierce leather bullwhip that she hangs at her side. She looks back at you and holds her hand out to help you. She wishes to take you to the car and drive to the precinct. She will give you details on the way. You understand why she seems to want to explain on the way. I'm the one who will be interviewing them. I would like to get there soon so they aren't waiting too long. Madame Valeria is always punctual."


They didn't really seem to care, the orc grabbed the parasol and handed it to you and pressed you forward. The human lead the way and the orc followed close behind. They led you down the stairs and out to the patrol car. Once everyone got to the patrol care they tool the drive to Downtown. It took like 30 minutes to get there. Once you arrived, the Orc got out and lead you into the precinct. The human drove off. The orc leads you into the precinct and into a door marked "No unauthorized entry". He walks you through the hallway down to the end at a lone door. He opens the door and it leads you into a room with a Dwarf man, Elf man and a human woman. They all appear to be waiting. You are the last to arrive.

2017-09-28, 10:01 PM
Andromeda nods and lets herself be led into the car, where she spends her time pouring over the dossiers.

Activating her Profiler quality, at (presumably) a +3 bonus. Also having her agent compile one on Madame Valencia: [roll0] 5 successes 3 or more successes is what I want here.

2017-09-28, 10:36 PM

She motions to her drone and the cheetah goes and opens the door for you with its mouth. Then it jumps in and settlers in on the drone rack that the modifies Saab has. The interior was superb, with high level amenities. She places her new wine bottle in a little mini bar in the back. That bottle was 10,000 Nuyen... Poor man, luckily It cost me nothing. A benefit in my line of work. She begins to drive as you sift through the dossiers. Once your on the road, she breaks down the details. An experienced detective named detective Vance was killed in the evidence room of the Downtown precinct. The corrupted lower leadership managed to cover everything up however they weren't quick enough. Word got out and it went higher but so far things have been compartmentalized. Nothing has reached the higher ups or internal affairs...

They believe it was another Lone Star officer who killed him. I mean, that's their thought because only other officers would have access, so they want this investigated in order to bring the murderer to justice. Other officers believe Vance died in the line of duty. We will take the... mantle of internal affairs investigating an unrelated issue. Luckily that places us in a higher jurisdiction... We already have identification being made for internal affairs. We will be going in undercover. Our employers have several assets that they have invested in within Lone Star and they would rather not have their assets shot when their whole thing gets shut down if this gets out. That being said there is something... fishy about the circumstances. It was swept under the rug... One of their own died and they pretend like nothing happened. The employers may be woried that there is an.... undercover party that infiltrated or a series of bought off cops that are on someone else's pay roll.

They aren't happy with that and this comes to the other part of the investigation. We don't thing Detective Vance was actually Lone Star, and we don't think the people who killed him were either. We need to investigate to see who else has their grubby mitts in Lone Star's business.
As far as we know this is ONLY limited to the Downtown precinct. That's all we really have so far, but once we get to the meeting zone, we will get our identification and we will have free range for investigation. Mission one is under Lone Star to solve the murder and mission two is to investigate Lone Star's possible infiltration. Unfortunately I could only get Lone Star to agree to 8,000 Nuyen each. My direct employers will pay 20,000 for solving the possible infiltration. There will be a bonus of 10,000 Nuyen each IF we can get the ring leader alive for questioning. IF there is one.

2017-09-28, 11:00 PM
Jynx is sitting... limp in her chair. She's leaned back too much, leaving her askew. Sighing, she looks lazily over at the others in the room. She rubs her face with both hands and attempts to sit up straight. This woman is hammered - a direct consequence of downing a drink she'd normally nurse for hours all at once.

"Yeah. Two outta three didn't seem too happy to be talking to me. Thought for sure it was an arrest. Now seeing other people around... I guess they just suck at recruiting."

Even while attempting to focus, she looks like the deity of punk kids - blue green hair, multiple piercings, tattoos, makeup that makes no attempt to look natural, the works.

2017-09-29, 01:16 AM
Wotan's scowl hasn't left his face since being approached by the officers, and being in a station, albeit a clean one, had done nothing to improve his mood. At least he wasn't cuffed, that made a nice change.

He nods to the others as they enter, they seem more like his people, but his scowl only deepens. Something odd was going on here, and he didn't buy the recruitment angle for a minute.

"Hoy. It was some poliser named Lance that brought me in, same as you." He gestures towards the male elf. His voice is still thick with a Swedish accent, even after years in UCAS.

"I'm Wotan, and I don't work for pigs."

2017-09-29, 02:00 AM
Jynx laughs loudly, takes takes a deep, ragged breath.

"I think ya do now, chummer. I'm Jynx, and they're really hurtin' if they brought me in. Not that I'm anything special, but I do charge a lot, and Lone Star doesn't like me much. Hey, ya think we're gettin' paid, or is this a charity gig?"

2017-09-29, 02:07 AM
"*Incomprehensible swearing in Swedish* If we're not getting paid omae, these drekheads have made an enemy.

I guess you are runners too? Any particular areas of expertise? I'm a mage, perhaps we can work out something about the job from why they selected us particularly?""

2017-09-29, 03:07 AM
Moon listens to the others for a while before speaking again. "Sounds like the same sort of deal for us all, then, I had a five-man team kick down the door and point guns at me. It must be a job, something a bit unusual - I've made myself pretty hard to find, and if they went to the effort of finding me, they must really need my skills. Particularly since I'm not being dragged out of the city." When Wotan asks about the others being runners and their skills, he grins. "My speciality is covert ops - infiltration, wetwork, you get the idea. I'm still getting used to life as a runner, I only recently...became self-employed, let's say. Ever gotten a job like this before?" He pauses, thinking for a few moments before whispering to the others. "If this goes south, you two armed or otherwise able to defend yourself?"

2017-09-29, 04:17 AM
"I'm a decker. I can handle myself around a pistol. Only got a small one at the moment, but it makes a good piece to toss if necessary. Probably wouldn't hurt to get myself a real pistol, but I've never needed it. As for a job like this? Ehhhhh... I do corp work. I mean, this is indirectly corp work to be sure, but I'm more used to Johnsons than cops, ya know?"

2017-09-29, 04:40 AM
As Giest is led to the back "Well ya'll dinnit get your way. I dinnit pee in your back seat, perverts.", course she was quiet though most of the trip until then, after all being annoying expends energy, and she didn't feel like expending all that much for a few bozo's who broke her door.

Coming into the back room she finds a chair to flop over and spread herself out on, listening to the Johnson. "So, we're suppose to go an investigate the investigators? Dinnit think they'd need our help, but then again, if you want someone alive, best not ta send a cop ta do it. "

Taking a moment she looks at the other runners. "I'm Giest, and I'm an alcoholic.. Oh wait. Not that group is it.. gosh! I mean I punch people in the face. With mind bullets!"

2017-09-29, 04:43 AM
Wotan nods at Jynx's statement. "Same for me, Johnson's are a lot easier to understand. As long as you always expect them to be manipulating you, you won't be far off. Cops though? They could be up to anything."

His scowl lifts into a smirk as he turns back to Moon, "And I'm a mage pretty-boy, I'm always armed."

2017-09-29, 06:44 AM
She nods along until the price is mentioned, at which point she frowns and sighs. "I suppose it'll have to do." She then starts doing matrix research on Detective Vance while she's at it.

2017-09-29, 08:45 AM
Moon nods as the newcomer arrives and everyone talks some more. "This is clearly something unusual. They said it themselves, they don't usually use runners, so what would cops need a group of deniable operators for?" He mulls it over for a minute. "Something must have gone badly wrong, that they can't deal with themselves for some reason...something they can't be seen doing? This is going to be messy, I can feel it."

Once he's said his bit, he focuses his attention on his commlink, sending out two messages. The first is to Carter, his old superior and friend in the agency, sending a simple message of 'Been picked up by Lone Star. Odd situation, seems to be recruitment for work. Don't know what they know about me, any contact between your people and theirs recently?'. The second is to Shatter, his ID and license man, who gets a message concerned with more immediate problems. 'Lone Star found me, kicked down my door. Situation seems OK on my end, any chance they found me through people on your end? No accusations against you, just checking my bases since the system set up is in question.'

2017-09-29, 10:31 AM

Ah don't worry about the price my dear. She glances at you as she pulls into the parking lot of the police station. That is why you and I are here, The cheap pigs will always try to undercut us but once we speak with the other runners,
I think You and I will have to have a word with our liaison in Lone Star about a pay raise. Looking at it, what they expect us to do... If we play our cards right, we may be able to grab them by the balls, metaphorically and hopefully... literally. I mean, we are trying to investigate a case of incredibly gross negligence on their part.

If this gets out... Whew. We are doing them a favor and I don't intends to make it cheap. I charge cops extra after all for... discretion You see the slightest hint of a wicked smile. The two of you get out and Madame Valeria leads you to the back of the precinct, you see a lone metal locked door as Madame Valeria walks up to it and sifts through her bag and pulls out an old metal key. She unlocks it but has to jiggle the key when it jams. 5 seconds later the door is open and she walks into a conference room, flips on the light switch and closes and re-locks the door behind us. Hmmmm, I am going to ignore the Lone Star protocol because they have no methods of quality control here right now and instead of interviewing individually, i'm going to bring everyone in and just get down to business with this. These cops get in the way too much. Madame Valeria motions you to sit next to her chair, they were the only two nice leather chairs. The rest were metal and plastic folding chairs. Madame Valeria walks to the door and opens it, the light flooding in even more than the conference room.

The Main Group

The other door opens up shortly after everyone arrives... You are almost positive that law enforcement isn't heading this because this woman was punctual and didn't make you all wait forever. Then you all looked at her...Immediately realizing that she wasn't a cop. For most of you, it was the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She looked like a dominatrix and with a whip at her side... she might just be one. Her black latex and leather outfit stood out on the brightly lit white rooms. She flashes a smile that you are sure countries would go to war over. The woman speaks with a thick french accent that practically pours out seduction.

Ah, this is better than I had hoped. You all look....delicious. I look forward to further examination but first we must discuss business while we reside in these...cops accommodations, despite their best efforts to hinder us. I trust your retrieval was pleasant, but I know I would be wrong. I know they said I will be speaking with you one at a time but I would rather you all be in on the conversation so I don't have to repeat myself. Please come in... don't worry If I bite too hard my safe word is... Oh my, that's right. I don't use safe words.
She turns around and looks back, giving the backwards glance and beckoning everyone with her finger in a come hither gesture as she walks into the conference room.

2017-09-29, 10:53 AM
The expression on Jynx's face when this woman walks in suggests this could very well be the least impressed she's ever been. She stares blankly at the ridiculously dressed woman, wondering which CEO's relative she's looking at, for so much pandering to occur that no one bothered to say, "Hey, don't go outside looking like that." When the newcomer walks away, she leans over to Wotan and lowers her voice.

"Great, this party has a clown now. How do you like our odds of shooting our way out?"

2017-09-29, 11:36 AM
As the woman walks on, Moon reacts with a grin and a raised eyebrow. This was rather unexpected given the circumstances, and while he didn't mind the view his mind was still focused on practical concerns - primarily his safety, security and secrecy. He gets up and follows, as regardless of impressions she probably had the answers. "So you're the one who arranged for Lone Star to...escort us here? You don't look like the person I'd expect here, who are you?"

2017-09-29, 12:47 PM
Inside the conference room, a woman wearing her own clubwear sits in one of the two only nice seats, working on an AR keyboard. She looks up at the other runners and nods in greeting. "First order of business, does anybody have a white noise generator? The following conversation, naturally, will be confidential."

2017-09-29, 01:24 PM
As Moon walks in, he takes a moment to assess the situation and Andromeda before taking a seat, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a white noise generator, activating it and pushing it across the table. "There's two of you, huh."

2017-09-29, 01:41 PM
Madame Valeria

I do my dear.

Madame Valeria switches on her white noise generator in addition to Moon's. it makes the pleasant buzzing sound. She takes a seat next to Andromeda in the other nice seat. She glances at Moon after his remark.

My dear, i can assure you. There is only one of me.

2017-09-29, 02:27 PM
Andromeda nods her thanks and stands. "Hello. I'm Andromeda, and I'm going to be the number two on this gig." She waves at Valeria. "I'll let her decide what she wants to be called, but for the moment she's the Johnson. This," and here an AR image of a slimy-looking cop, "would be Detective Vance. He is a potentially crooked cop, and was killed in evidence lockup of this room. It was covered it up, by personnel in this station house. It is popularly thought that he died in the line of duty, and we will, for the moment, do nothing that will dissuade people of that idea. This is to cover our tracks. We are being hired, by Lone Star, to investigate the murder, to avoid IA coming in and cleaning out all the fun little schemes, games and cons they have going on. This pays eight thousand a head, currently, though if somebody bows out the pay goes up. There is a secondary job, that pays up to thirty thousand a head, but the rider to knowing about the job is agreeing to it. I already have. Anything I missed so far?"

2017-09-29, 02:39 PM
Madame Valeria shook her head at Andromeda. Call me Madame Valeria. Thats the down and dirty for the 1st job. Lone Star wants us to solve the murder so something like this doesn't happen again.

Unfortunately, Lone Star can't touch this because they don't want the details getting out. Besides they are garbage at this kind of thing. The second job is...more complicated but very closely related to the 1st one.

2017-09-29, 03:03 PM
Andromeda nods and looks over the rest of the runners, waiting for their responses.

2017-09-29, 03:04 PM
Considering it for a few moments, Moon nods. "Well, the jobs themselves sound reasonable, although there are some points I'll throw up later if this goes forward. Still can't say I trust the situation, given the circumstances, but have my interest." He then looks to the other three brought in with him - while the opportunity is interesting, he definitely didn't trust it enough to go for it without the others, in the same situation, backing him up. It was kind of funny - he'd only just met them, but he'd already started to think of them as his people against the cops and the rest.

2017-09-29, 03:55 PM
Giest comes into the room following after the others, to find the nearest chair and sprawl herself out in it. The woman was decked out from head to toe in gears, brass, copper and leather. "Yeah the ones I got where a buncha perverts. " she announces, even though they obviously weren't. She twirls the umbrella in her hand, as she looks over the others in the room. Perking up a bit at the white noise generator"Oh! Does that one have babbling brook, or ocean waves? Those are my favorite noises for those things, can help you sleep through anything! This one time we were.. Well never-mind I'm bored of that story already. So we gotta do some murder solving? Always wanted to be a detective, but never could find the time between this and that you know? So I do what I do now instead."

2017-09-29, 08:58 PM
Wotan grunts agreeably to Jynx's words. "Slot me, I thought I'd seen everything, but this is a whole new level of drek I didn't even know existed.

As they enter the conference room and Andromeda and Valeria explain the jobs to them, he only shrugs. "Given the manner in which we were brought here, I'm not really sure we have a choice in this matter. I'll take the job, if everyone else is willing to. I don't much care for mysteries, but I'll bite."

He could agree to the second job before knowing what it was, it's not like he'd never lied before.

2017-09-29, 11:28 PM
Jynx pushes up out of her seat and follows behind Wotan - the slowest of the party to be sure. She plops down in the nearest available seat and looks sleepily up at the two women who appear to be running this circus. At the prospect of a second job, she offers an impatient hand gesture, as if to say "get on with it, already".

2017-09-30, 05:18 AM
Now the others seem to be going along with it, Moon starts with his questions. He had some about the mission, of course, but first there were some other points to cover.

"First of all, you keep saying 'us', not 'you'. What exactly are you two in the context of this? Runners or Johnsons? If you're you're looking to be a part of the team, I'd like know more about who you are and how you're involved in this. I need some degree of trust to work with somebody, after all.

Second, why us? Why have Lone Star track us down and force us over here rather than doing things the usual way? What do you have on us that prompted doing things this way? Once again, being escorted at gunpoint doesn't create a positive view on the situation, and personally I'd like to know what digging you've done on me.

Third, would we even have had a choice about this? The whole situation seems...designed to make a choice between going along with it or having to take on Lone Star. Again, literally having guns at my head does that.

Fourth, is this an indication of how things are going to be in the future if we continue to work with you for these jobs? The pair of you playing your little games, expecting the rest of us to just be strung along and do as you wish? "

2017-09-30, 09:26 AM
Andromeda raises a finger. "To be clear, I'm not a Johnson, I run. I talk to people, and they do what I want, and I blend in. Clothing is because original meet with her was in a club, and we came straight here. I plan on changing before I start "working" here, as well as putting together a disguise. I will send you all pictures of the new face before we start working. As for if it will continue..." She shoots Valeria a look. "Honestly, I'm not impressed if your recruitment drive for the rest of them was "come to Lone Star or we shoot you". Can't answer the rest of the questions, so, mission stuff."

Andromeda glances at the door, to make sure it's shut, before she continues. "Now disregard everything I just said. We are being hired by an outside party that controls some of the dirty cops that are worried about IA. We're here to find out who offed Detective Vance, so they can coopt that ring and bring it under their control, or scapegoat it and sacrifice it to IA to keep them off our employer's agents. To do this, we're being officially brought in to the station as IA for an unrelated manner, and the second degree bluff is that we are here to figure out who killed Vance. Remember the real job, though. We don't get paid if we burn the employer's assets, and we want the ring to go to them. Twenty K for solving the infiltration, a further ten for bringing in the ringleader alive. Anybody not able to pass as IA for whatever reason, and Jynx this means you especially, you can be a Confidential Informant or just provide matrix support from off site." She smiles humorlessly at the cop-killer. She had to go and let her emotions get in the way of a payday, and worse get in the way of Andromeda's payday.

She then continues on. "Detective Vance was born Luthe Barringer, a rich bugger who slummed it with gangs. Eventually he decided he didn't like having heat on his back and paid somebody to erase his identity, at which point he became Vance, and then Detective Vance. Possible links are somebody named Taqukaq and another person named Luthe, formerly of the gang The Savages before the gang was destroyed. Any ins to finding these people would be helpful, since that gives us a clue as to who was running Vance. Jynx, some further digging into Vance's background would be wonderful. I would also like a copy of his files from before we request official access to it, to see what's hidden from the "Internal Affairs" agents. Wotan, I'd like you to see if you can examine Detective Vance's body quietly: it might help to find out how he died, I will be going with you. Moon, I would like you to go to evidence lockup with Valeria to talk your way in, and case it. Figure out how people got in and out without being recorded. Anybody have any suggestions that aren't covered by that, or problems with those tasks?"

2017-09-30, 10:41 AM
"Dirty cops aren't being efficient enough, or they look pretty so they're in demand or whatever, got it. Also, IA can't pull off this hair, so I gotta hang back. If you've got his birth name, they did a crap job at erasing him. He's probably still on the matrix. I don't suppose your definition of 'discretion' is in line with me taking a matrix nap here and doing some digging, so can I go?"

2017-09-30, 10:57 AM
Andromeda slides a comcode to Jynx and nods. "Enjoy the digging. Tell me when you have it, so I can go for the official copy."

2017-09-30, 11:07 AM
Moon takes a few moments to digest and consider the new information before resondingg. He still wants answers from Valeria, but for now he was happy to dicuss the task at hand.

"OK. Do we know who our employer's agents are, and are we sure they're in the clear - what if one of them is our killer? I assume they haven't been informed about our purpose, in any case. Were the officers who brought us in on the payroll?

On the subject of Vance and his identity, I know a guy who deals in that sort of thing. Jynx, he might be useful if you end up having to chase up the erasure. I don't have a problem with going down to the locker, no. I've got my main intrusion gear in my pockets, so I don't need to go back home, although I'd like to - if nothing else, I'd rather have some degree of disguise as well, since I...value my privacy, and I was brought in the front door earlier. Do we have any plans or similar information on systems and infrastructure?"

2017-09-30, 02:01 PM
Im not a Johnson, im a runner same as you. I am however close friends with our employers and they saw fit to delegate this down to me. Unfortunately I have no direct control over Lone Star proceedures. We have 2 employers technically. Lone Star, to investigate the murder of detective Vance and my Employer, a veteran and verg...powerful shadowrunner and his equally rich and powerful wife, to investigate the possibility of a third party trying to dismantle Faelon Din's operations . Their Shadow Aliases are Faelon Din and Tesla.

As for how Lone Star has been treating you, i would be lying when i said I wasnt aware of them being ass holes. Unfortunately Faelon Din wanted them to have SOME type of pull and leverage here. Lone Star is pissed that they have outside party members here cleaning up their messes. Naturally they aren't going to be nice. Im not going to ask you to play fair infact i want to bleed them dry of every possible buck we can squeeze out of them for literally keeping their operations from collapsing when the ban hammer comes down on them.

As for the agents within Lone Star, yes. Detective Lance is one of them. I have the dossiers on the other 5 agents. We are NOT sure they are in the clear. They have no idea why we are all here, only that their boss asked them to retrieve you all. Once we get initial scouting and information gathering completed, we can come to my house and discuss....getting access to Detective Vance's body. Thats going to be a little bit of a pain. If we need people on sight don't worry. Im fairly handy with disguises and i can even apear normally as well. I can even fix your hair up for you. Im dressed like this because i met Ms. Andromeda while I was working. The erasure wasnt a real erasure. Poor Vance let a bunch of scammers simply lightly encrypt his info without removing any of it.

If you want to know about me because I will be working with you then ask away. Trust is important. Or atleast a mutual understanding and respect. You do have a choice in this, if you decide No, the back door is there. Lone Star wont notice you leave.

Our other mission is to see if a 3rd party has their grubby mitts in Lone Star. Vance's murder is unusual, if a gang or god forbit another corperation has agents infiltrating this, dismantling my employers operations then thats bad for them and by extension, our paychecks.

2017-09-30, 03:05 PM
The more wild card mage sat, sprawled out on her chair, perking up a little at the mention of the names. Giest raises her hand as Andromeda finishes. "Oh yeah, Giest here, and I gotta problem with the tasks, Boss Lady." Giest had a natural inclination to be a follower of the 'boss' type people. Not because she was in anyway a sheep, but because when things go horribly wrong, she didn't have any of the blame. Even so, she wasn't a yesman. "You didn't get me one of them. First, I'm not dressing up like a cop, I'd be fat off donuts and coffee in a week of pretend. Plus I heard that that they make their uniforms out of pig hair. But like, if you need something, you're suppose to run around for a bit here trying to figure out those links, come up with nothing, and I eventually say something like 'Oh I know Taqukaq' and you'd be like 'Why didn't you say something sooner' and I'd be like 'because you didn't ask me.'" She pauses to look around the room. "At least thats how it works in the trids, but trying to a montoge in real life in hard, so like skip right to it. I know Taqukaq,
anyone here know Luthe?"

She was helpful at least, in her own weird maliciously compliant way.

2017-09-30, 03:33 PM
Moon chuckles as Geist chips in with her input - he had noticed her lack of role, but he'd decided to leave it and see how the relevant people reacted. This was a situation full of unknowns, and more understanding of how his teammates acted was always useful given the circumstances.

"Well then, there's something for you to chase up, Geist. I don't know the other one, no - my contacts are higher up and less directly involved in these sorts of things, I haven't yet really got connections established on the street yet. Now, Valeria," He shifts his attention back to her. "Good to see you finally being straight with us. You won't need to worry about me, I'm hardly a stranger to this kind of infiltration op - including the disguises. That makes sense about the erasure, doing it properly takes a lot more money than I expect he spent. And yes, we'll be needing the information you have, the dossiers, any plans or the like, that sort of thing. In particular, information on the usual security and surveillance systems here would be very useful for me - I can't work out how they did it unseen without knowing what they subverted or avoided, and it'll be quicker than working it out manually."

2017-09-30, 03:48 PM
Andromeda nods. "I had left you out, Giest, because frankly I wasn't sure what you were capable of in a professional aspect. I would like you to chase down those leads on Vance's background, see if you can get a handle on it that way, if you wouldn't mind. But first, can you enlighten me as to what you are capable of? I'm certainly not Awakened, but I do know a small amount about their abilities, enough to know that they're as varied as anything else is in life." She smiles for real this time.

2017-09-30, 11:54 PM
"Oh me? I punch people in the face, two-hundred yards away, with mind bullets!" She announces proudly. "But I can make stickers that could make bullets less hurty for everyone for a time. I do have a few spells I'm needing to put up, couldn't with those pervert cops watching me while I was trying to go to restroom."

2017-10-01, 12:27 AM
She blinks. "So... combat?" She offers weakly.

2017-10-01, 12:55 AM
Jynx looks at the commcode for a moment, committing it to her internal deck, then leaves her own on the table, not handing it to anyone in particular. Looking over at Moon, she shrugs.

"Yeah, maybe a pro will have some insight on hucksters. Now if you'll all excuse me, I'd rather be literally anywhere else than a white room in a police station."

She loudly pushes her chair away from the table, then lifts up her pant leg and draws the holdout strapped to her ankle before getting up and going to the back door. Opening it a crack, she looks out carefully before stepping outside.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/554587): 7d6t5 3

If there's nothing out of place or a possible threat to her, she's catching a cab back to the bar where she left her car.

2017-10-01, 10:45 AM
Madame Valeria smiled at Jynx I understand my Dear Jynx. Now that we have our general plan lets do some prep work. We will need all of us to get access to his body. I fear that Geists... talents will come in handy.You know... Taqukaq? Interesting. Lets set up a meeting with her. See what she can give us.

Everyone... becareful... IF there is a third party influence, they may not like us snooping around. If you are targeted by Lone Star, go to my residence and call me. If your residense is closer and somehow more secure which i highly doubt, then do that. Still call me. Unfortunately we need to find out who they are as well.

With that, unless anyone has any further business to attend to in the police station, we have free reign. We have business in the precinct and out of it. Everyone has their roles and before Jynx left Madame Valeria gave everyone her contact information and her address. What is everyone doing?

2017-10-01, 12:19 PM
Madame Valeria opens up her bag and lays out five personnel folders for Lone Star agents under Faelon Din's control. The agents names are as follows.

1. Detective Lance Greensburg (human)
-works in the homicide department
- suspect in 3rd party involvement, would have invedtigated Detective Vances death

2. Patrol woman Serah Vallory (human)
-Patrol officer

3. Patrol nan Luke Hansen (human)
-Patrol officer

4. Detective Grush Morbol (Orc)
-works in homicide
-syspect in 3rd party involvement, same as Lance

5. Admin officer Danika Stellic (elf)
-admins in the evidence locker. Suspect in 3rd party involvement, access to evidence with ability to tamper with reporting and discard evidence.

Madame Valeria pulls out her Commlink and messages the building Blueprints.


Entrance is on the west side of the building, the reception office and waiting room. The main halway that heads from east to west leads to the door marked no Unarthorized access. The door is on the north south hallway. At the end of the hallway is the conference room you are in now.

SW section of the building is dispatch and patrol. That hospital doesnt exist, ignore it. East side if the hospital is investigations NW, lockup E and evidence SE. NW of the building is general Admin and head of station office.

2017-10-01, 01:19 PM
Wotan follows the conversation with interest, and gives Jynx a wave as the decker leaves.

He nods when he's addressed. "Sounds good to me. I'm not much of one for disguises, but I can go unseen when I need to. I'm happy to check out this body too, my eye see more than any two of yours.
How are we doing this?"

2017-10-01, 05:52 PM
Moon skims the dossiers before focusing on the map, and after a few minutes he speaks. "Alright, just from this I see a few things to chase up with regards to how it happened, although when she's done with her research I'd appreciate Jynx checking things on the Matrix side - I'll get in contact with her about that as and when it's needed. I'll stay here for now, if our covers that would allow us to work in here are already in place. If not, I can go home and get some extra preparation in while that happens. Are they sorted, Valeria?"

2017-10-03, 12:03 AM
She blinks. "So... combat?" She offers weakly.

"Really? So soon? But I hardly know you. Sides, you're not my type. You're not even pointing a gun at me!" she says brushing it off a bit. "I'll get a hold of Taqukaq, We never did quite see eye to eye sometimes however except for when we did. But first I need to set up something a little more comfortable, and work on some armor stickers.. Do we have a van?"

2017-10-03, 08:24 AM
Madame Valeria is taking a secondary role. Its legwork time. Let ke know where you guys are going, what your doing. If anyone is doing matrix work or even magical work let me know, ill have you roll in OOC and update you on results in a PM to keep the game feom stopping. You got a solid plan, lets see it work.

2017-10-03, 08:32 AM
Moon stands up. "If there's nothing else, I'll start having a look around the scene and check what I wanted to examine. I'll probably still be in the station if you need me."

If there's nothing else, he starts to walk towards the evidence locker although he doesn't try to enter. For now, he just has a look around the hallway between the locker entrance and the closest back door, as well as the immediate exterior space, gauging the distance and looking for any security systems on the route (both surveillance and any locks/alarms on the doors), as well as general visibility and foot traffic through the area - essentially trying to work out how easily a shooter could come in through the back door, move to the evidence locker without detection, enter and shoot Vance, and then get out without being spotted by any cops that weren't in on it. It was just one possible chain of events (one that's probably wrong, it was much more likely another cop shot him and just blended back in before the body's discovery) but it was a good starting point in his mind - if nothing else, it might throw up things that require an inside man or other security subversion to proceed, and if they - whoever they are - were sloppy and left any traces, it'll be good to try to find.

Let me know what stuff I should be rolling - I assume Perception for starters but let me know modifiers and stuff (I figured I'd hold off on rolling right out the gate in case of unforseen circumstances). Ditto if you want more detail or clarification on anything.

2017-10-03, 09:22 AM
Jynx gets out of the cab and wanders over to her car, then gets in the driver's seat and sets it to autopilot, leaning her seat way back. Letting it take her home, she takes the time to call up Trance.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy... buddy. I just got yanked out of a bar and sat down in a Lone Star facility. Worst recruitment ever. Two of the runners didn't get there by arrest, though. You feel like running a couple names so I don't get shot in the back? One goes by 'Madame Valeria' and the other goes by 'Andromeda'. The job is about some dead cop, and let me head this joke off at the pass by saying no, it's not the one I shot. Detective Vance was born Luthe Barringer, paid someone to erase his old identity but they didn't. I'm gonna do matrix digging, but any non matrix digging you can do I'll pay for. Lemme know when you got something. Any hours - I'm probably not sleeping anyway."

After hanging up, she does some normal matrix research on the stiff. Searching is fine on the city grid, but she wants to get home to a good connection before doing any actual hacking.

Looking for anything with his birth name first, then with his alias.

Computer (Search) (http://orokos.com/roll/555310): 14d6t5 7

2017-10-03, 12:05 PM
Moon spends a little time looking around the hallway, getting a handle on the situation before, satisfied for now, he gets on the comms.

First of all, he sends a message to everyone who left their details, summarising his findings so far. "Examined the areas immediately outside the scene. No apparent blind spots in security, must've been subverted or ignored. Back door locks could've been bypassed without much issue, so if someone came in from outside they wouldn't be in for long, just in and out this door. Area is relatively light in activity, avoiding witnesses wouldn't have been hard. Going to move to the locker, if anyone around wants to assist."

His second message is just to Jynx."When you're done with your current task, I'd appreciate you chasing up the surveillance systems on the digital end. I think they'd be informative."

2017-10-03, 12:58 PM
Jynx fires off a reply to Moon, "We need to meet up. The victim's online presence is a gold mine, and I'm not even home yet. Gimme a bar or something and I'll tell my car to take me there. Hell, I've even got the comms of the hucksters he paid to erase him."

When the car pulls up in front of her home, she continues to sit in it. It's a nice enough neighborhood that you don't get blown away for existing in a parking lot. Well, most of the time, anyway. Police response is never fast enough to shots fired. While waiting for the new address, and possibly for Moon to get everyone else on board since she left too early to get most people's commcodes, she starts another search on her new leads.

Targeting front company names: Barry's Dry"cleaning", Beezle's Easel, and The factory.

Computer (Search) (http://orokos.com/roll/555349): 14d6t5 4

2017-10-03, 01:22 PM
Wotan follows the conversation with interest, and gives Jynx a wave as the decker leaves.

He nods when he's addressed. "Sounds good to me. I'm not much of one for disguises, but I can go unseen when I need to. I'm happy to check out this body too, my eye see more than any two of yours.
How are we doing this?"

"First, I'm going to need a change of clothes. IA detectives do not wear clubwear. Then we'll have our lovely sponsor get us whatever station management is giving us to prove we are allowed to investigate this murder, and we're going to proceed to do that."

2017-10-03, 01:33 PM
Madame Valeria stands up with a smile.

It will be with my employer now, same with some uniforms. Ill head there now. I have two extra seats if anyone wishes to ride with me. Somehow i feel as if Lone Star didnt bring your vehicles... hm. It shouldnt take long, i could even introduce you to your employer as well. We can... change there and cone back here or split up from there. The body is at an off site location...

Madame Valeria gets up and heads to the back door and her vehicle.

2017-10-03, 01:37 PM
Giest continues sit sprawled out on her chair, occasionally pulling out drams as she watches the busy bodies scurrying around like rats in a catnip factory. Swirls of energy going around her as she does.
With the offer a ride, she perks up a little. "Oh! I could use a ride somewhere."

Detection spell Force 1 with 4 drams to increase limit to 4.
Combat Sense
2 vs drain

If you need me to roll again for deflection I can.

Manipulation Spells
Magic Fingers with Fetish.
Force 6
6 drain vs 13 resist

2017-10-03, 01:40 PM
Moon grins as he sees the message, firing off a quick response. "OK, I know a place near here, it's a good balance between busy and quiet for us. Also here are the commcodes you missed." He sends over the relevant location and comms information before walking back to the conference room, talking to the others in there before sending the same message to anyone who left while he was out. "Jynx has found some good stuff, I'm meeting her at a club near here, feel free to come too if you're not doing something already."

With all that covered, he exits through the back door and gets a cab over to the meeting place.

2017-10-04, 02:34 AM
Wotan nods grumpily at Andromeda and Valeria's discussion of next steps, but perks his ears up at the mention of a ride. "A ride would be good, my transport situation is... troublesome. I'll be following you two ladies,
so just let me know if you need me to disappear."

2017-10-04, 06:40 AM
Wont be necesary. We will be going to a place thats a little less hostile than here. We will pick up uniforms, ill drop you guys off where you live and we can meet up with moon and Jynx at the bard.

Madame Vereria will give Geist,Wotan and one more a ride.

2017-10-04, 07:31 AM
Andromeda lifts a hand. "I'll need a lift."

2017-10-04, 08:37 AM
Madame Valeria sets off to bring everyone Geist, Andromeda and Wotan home to get changed, grab gear, set up soells or any other preparation. She messages them the address to her employers location if they want to meet the boss and get the uniform and credentisls. If not she re sends the bar adress that moon sent out and for everyone to meet there. At some point if anyone joins her at The Faelon Din residence, she wikl separate after introducing you to take care of an issue. If no one comes then no one will see her until the meet up at the bar.

2017-10-04, 09:06 AM
Wotan will be going to Faelon Din's to get the uniform and credentials, but doesn't change his grumpy demeanour.

2017-10-05, 06:39 AM
Andromeda gives him a Look. "Cheer up, it's honest, paying work, I'll be on y'all'a side if she tries to screw us." She gestures towards the eye. "Can't have been your worst job ever, either."

2017-10-05, 06:50 AM
Moon's cab just takes him straight to the club and, barring any complications, he spends the time before anyone arrives scoping out the place and finding a place for them to sit and talk.

2017-10-05, 07:00 AM
Wotan looks dourly at Andromeda. "Not my worst job ever, no, but there's still time omae.
What brings you in on this game, if you don't mind me asking? Surely a woman of your stature has better places to be?"

Just to be clear,
Wotan is just grumpy most of the time, even when he's nominally enjoying himself. Especially then, because things always get worse.

2017-10-05, 07:38 AM
"Fixer of mine recommended the job to me. Girls gotta eat, and I like to eat well. Unless you mean 'running in general?"

2017-10-05, 08:03 AM
Now that she has an address for the next destination, she tells her car to take her there and jumps back into the matrix along the way. The next step will be a little harder, and it's actually pushing the limits of what she's willing to attempt on a public grid. Commcodes need to be matched to SINs. Hell, they're probably fakes - if they're even attached to SINs at all - but with any luck, they were careless enough to use the same fake SIN for multiple things. Before getting too involved, she sends a group message to the commcodes received from Moon.

"On my way to the bar. I'll see if I can't expand this ever growing data dump about the pork roast before I get there."

Running the commcodes for the people paid to erase the victim:

Computer (Search) (http://orokos.com/roll/555748): 14d6t5 6

Holy hell, Jynx is killing it with these rolls. I've got a few critical glitches coming up - I'm sure of it.

2017-10-05, 09:24 AM
Wotan smiles mirthlessly, "Money is money omae, you got that right. I did mean in general, though that's perhaps a conversation for when we know each other better.
Any opinion on the data coming through from Jynx? Quite a talented decker that one."

2017-10-06, 12:40 PM
After getting the rest of her gear from her home, Giest sat in the car reaching out to Taqukaq. <<heeey tacky! I got some chums who are trying to figure out who framed Rodger rabbit. Know anything bout a guy named Vance? His name rhymes with lance, and he leaked all over the place. So we gotta find the leaker. >>

2017-10-06, 02:22 PM
Taqukaq sounds hung over and pissed just like she always does.

"Mother ****er....you mean to tell me some other son of a bit h got to that piece of **** Luthe?! Meeting place.... send me the ****ing adress. Im on my way."

The click sounded like she threw it... or perhaps shot it.... you arent sure how tbis meeting with Taq will go down. Peoole advise to meet in public areas to reduce the chance of a scene but that doesnt apply to taqukaq. She would walk up to the place precausing scenes. You inwardly chuckle, wondering how the rest of the group will handle her.


Madame Valeria drops Wotan and Andromeda off seperately to their vehicles and waits for them to follow her. She takes Wotan and Andromeda (if she joins) to the employers residence.

The residence is a mansion.... madame Valeria stated that they were...Shadowrunners... but that didnt seem possible. These people were filthy rich... they were either extremely experienced veteran runners of something else gave them this wealth. Madame Valeria lead whoever came with her to the front door and knocked using the antique solid gold knocker. A second later, the door was opened my an middle aged elf... he looked like a guard, hell he nearly looked like an assassin. His dark narrow eyes and sharp angular face reflected the somber face of an assassin. He opened the door and bowed his head.

"Madame Valeria, a pleasure to see you again. Please you and your guest come in. We have the uniforms and credentials for you. Allow me to retrieve them."

The man lets you both in and points to a couch at the entrance to wait. As you enter the building it looked like an old victorian mansion. The couches were padded with red cushions. The drapes and silk wall covering were red. The floor carpet was also red. It was a dark red, almost like blood. There was a massive grand staircase that lead to the other floors. On either side of the entrance were hallways that lead to some other part of the house. The elf disapears down the right hallway. Madame Valeria smiles and sits down at the couch. With a grin and a smile she pats next to her and crosses her legs. Whether you sit down or not, moments pass as the man is wheeling several bags of equipment. Mostly uniforms, there is a small box with everyones identification. The elf man stops and motions towards it.

"And here you sre. Everything you will need to work unhindered at Lone Star. Ah, is this Wotan? (And Andromeda if she comes) ah well. I had hoped more would show up but i assume you are all working hard to maintain our assets. Anyway, Pleased to meet you. I am Faelon Din."

If you wish to have a discussion with your employer, let me know. The discussion will take place in a PM.

Faelon reaches out his hand to shake. And with that, it seems you have everything you need. Madame Valeria gives Faelon Din a kiss on both cheeks and takes the gear, leaving you with your gear. She heads off to the bar for the meeting as well.

2017-10-06, 02:59 PM
Wotan accepts everything occuring in the mansion curtly and without comment. If able, he shakes hands with Faelon Din and briefly states that he's looking forward to a long and fruitful business relationship, though isn't interested in a long conversation.

On the way out, he turns to Valeria and Andromeda. "Is there time for us to check out the corpse before we join the others. I tend to prefer clubbing post-autopsy than pre?"

2017-10-06, 03:03 PM
Madame Valeria frowns a bit.

Unfortunately dear, that is an issue. We have no idea where it is.

2017-10-06, 03:19 PM
Wotan raises his good eyebrow. "So a detective gets gunned down in a police station, and the poliser lose the body? How the frag does that even happen?"

2017-10-06, 03:28 PM
At the club, Moon had found a table that he felt was secure enough given the surroundings, with his white noise generator already set up and ready for when the others arrived. The place seemed safe enough for their purposes, and he was still secretly armed enough to deal with any threat in her rare, so for the first time since Lone Star kicked down his door he was able to feel like he was in control of the situation. For now, he just sipped at a weak drink and waited for the others to arrive from their tasks.

2017-10-06, 03:34 PM
Madame Valeria shrugged.

Like I said, the whole damn thing was swept under the rug. Falsified evidence, obviously the people we are looking for would have access to his body...we could investigate the coroner.

2017-10-06, 11:36 PM
Having hit a wall with what she can likely squeeze out of the matrix before meeting the rest of the group, Jynx returns to the real world, looking out over the traffic. Once in the parking lot, she sends off a message to her building manager, requesting her extra bedroom be converted to a special work area, and heads into the bar. Leaning against the counter, she tells the bartender, "It's already been a long night, and I'm not sure it's even halfway done. Give me something that'll help me keep chugging along."

Drink in hand, she looks out over the room, trying to spot one of her new teammates.

2017-10-07, 05:27 AM
When Moon spots Jynx entering, he waits until she gets a drink before sending her a commlink message. "Table in the corner, opposite end of the club. It's just me at the moment, the others are still off with Valeria and her people."

2017-10-07, 07:28 AM
"Alright, I'll add tracking down his corpse to the list of things to do. In the mean time, let's meet up with the rest of the crew, talk over what we got preliminarily."

__________________________________________________ ______________

When she arrives at the club, her tight pants and corset finally fit in, and you can see her relax as she feels more in control of the situation. She steps in and to the side, letting her eyes adjust, before going to the bar and ordering a drink. She then looks about, searching for the rest of the group, before heading over to the corner table. "So, the dead body was a tiny bit of a bust already. It got disappeared after the shooting. We'll have to check John Does and anybody who left the police station on their back, see if dear Vance had his name swapped one last time. They probably wouldn't have changed the features unless they have a coroner on site."

2017-10-07, 10:16 AM
Wotan traipses in after Andromeda, looking as sour as ever. He waves at Jynx and Moon, and slides into a seat beside them.
"I'm afraid my skills aren't particularly suited to locating the dead. When we find the body though...
So Jynx, I got your message. What did you find?"

2017-10-07, 11:15 AM
Jynx heads over to the table with another double - definitely a bad idea, but hey, her car drives itself, so why not? Sitting down, she begins to throw files up onto the AR.

"Alright, here we go. In order of what I found. Our dead guy worked with a couple gangs under his birth name. First was 'The Savages', and another one went by three front names. If you'll check these files I've compiled what I found about them."

The cleaners is described as "The best, safest and secure method of cleaning. We clean carpets as well!"
Beezle's Easel is described as " A wonderfuly secluded art studio for budding and profesional artists alike. Supplies are all provided."

A chemical leak was reported in Beezle's easel, killing three people. Officers investigated the scene. Came up inconclusive. Case was dropped. One of the officers was Detective Vance. This happened about a month and a half ago. The other investigating officer was his partner, Detective Lance.
The factory is described as "Ironwork foundation's safest site. With multi use machines, we can make inon, steel, ceramic and even plasteel! Legal disclainer, licenses for ceramic and plasteel working available upon request. Back ground checks required before purchase."

"The second one is interesting because I was able to track down some conversations between him and a guy named 'Beezel Boss'." She makes a flicking motion and throws some text logs onto the AR.

Convo 1 august 20th 13:45

Beezle: Falling star, deconstructed buildings.

Luthe: Open door, house guest.

Convo 2 September 15 07:30

Luthe: Making eggs. Want some?

Beezle: Sure, im quite hungry.

Convo 3 October 1 21:00

Beezle: You're being painted.

Luthe: I'll fix it.

Convo 4 October 2nd 0600

Luthe: I'll fix it!!! I'll fix it!

Luthe: Please man! Don't do this.

Luthe: We had a good deal going on.

Luthe: Man, **** you! You think you can do this to me?!

Nothing follows.

"Now, I didn't get that much on the guys who 'erased' him - commcodes were mostly a bust. Mostly. One of them traces back to a handle - Beelzebub. This guy runs some gang, but it's a weird one. A bit large for their lack of fame, and they never try to take credit for anyone else's work. In fact, they cover up their own work whenever they can. Makes sense since they're infiltrators, I guess, but they had one loose end. Their cleaner shop is apparently where they dump bodies. That's all I got for now."

2017-10-07, 11:37 AM
Moon reads through the files and nods, grinning. "Great work. I think we have a timeline. A rough one, but an idea.

So we have Luthe running with gangs, he runs into our cleaners here - this Beelzebub and his people. They make a deal - Luthe gets erased, but in exchange he works for them. Makes sense, given the cost of erasure.

So Luthe agrees, and becomes Vance. Him joining Lone Star was probably part of the deal. Those early logs and the case in the studio are Vance paying his dues - fair chance he was also getting bribes though. Then, at the beginning of October, the cleaners get nervous, think someone knows about them. Probably our employers. Things fall apart because of that, Vance becomes a liability, so they quietly kill and extract him.

It's likely they have others in the station under their thumb, and almost certain that they know of our employers - hell, our employers could even be the main target."

2017-10-07, 02:54 PM
Madame Valeria shows up just as Jynx was giving her presentation. She seems tired and exhausted. There is a tiny spatter of red on her clothes and face. She sits silently in the corner, listening to everyone's input. She ponders at the mention of the cleaners and nods at Jynx's conclusion. She seems satisfied.

Im assuming Geist arrived on time for the briefing as well. Once I get confirmation from Trisk about whats happening everyone is gonna get a delightful surprise.

2017-10-09, 03:33 AM
Giest does head to the meeting making sure to send everyone a text in her new group. << Hiya guys!
I got tacky to come and give us information. >> she remarks, soon coming in to listen to the presentation as well, taking a seat and sprawling out like she often does.

Sorry a bit of a busy weekend working on things.

2017-10-09, 07:35 AM
Once the briefing has been given and people converse after a few minutes Madame Valeria wipes her face and joins the group. True as Giest's word Taqukaq had arrived... though not like any of you would have hoped... you hear the bouncer voice outside. He only gets off "Hey you can't bring tho-" a deep thud and silence as the door is kicked open. Christ, you swear its Lone Star again but what you see is outlandish. Giest sees Taqukaq... she hasnt changed one bit...

everyone else sees an Alaskan Native woman clad in armored animal furs and decorated either braided or hirrifically tangled hair. She is drenched in blood... none of it is hers. She holds two bloody axes and the picture of rage on her face seems to give a hint on who she is.

She puts her axes away and B lines straight to Giest. Madame Valeria steps to intercept her but Taqukaq whips a Warhawk revolver almost too fast to see and stuffs points it at madame Valeria as she walks past her and stops infront of Giest.

[roll0]huh. Only 4 hits.

If no one resists then everyone will be frozen in place from this blood covered berserker woman. She looms over Giest somehow... her face is a picture of murder before a grin cracks on her face as she puts her gun away and quickly wraps Giest in a hug, smearing blood and now that she is close and the stench of death is pouring from her, you are certain she has.... body parts on her. Chunks of meat on her shoulder.

"Giest... you arent dead yet. Im surprised, though to be honest im positive you will outlive me. So...i heard you guys found my lost boy Luthe eh? And that he is dead no less! Now he may have been street scum and he betrayed my gang!.... but he was stil one of mine. I should have done him in. So...ill help you lot find them. My guess would be another gang... and gangs are my specialty.

2017-10-09, 07:54 AM
Jynx takes a deep breath, looks up at the bloody hambeast of a woman, and sighs heavily.

"You're going to get us all arrested. Again. This requires subtlety, and I'm not convinced you're capable of that. But if you care so much, at least go take a shower to be less obvious. We can't have someone carrying obvious weapons, literally covered in blood, drawing attention to this."

Charisma + Willpower + Push the limit (http://orokos.com/roll/556743): 10d6h5! 4

2017-10-09, 08:47 AM
Moon is pretty stunned as the woman comes in and does her thing, but by the time she dials it down a notch and Jynx talks, he's able to take a breath and assess things. Once again, he considers just walking out and never seeing these people again, but he shakes that thought away. He was involved now, and he'd stick with it even with the risks. Another, more logical thought is to show her that he's armed too, but that would probably be counterproductive. Instead, he just sighs and chips in. "Yeah, I'm not even sure I want to be seen in public with you. I've always valued my ability to stay subtle and discreet, and this whole thing has just been one threat to that after another. I guess you are relevant to the situation, though..." He takes a sip of drink to help stay calm. "I like this place and we're gonna get thrown out now...doubt I'll be able to come back now."

2017-10-09, 11:13 AM
Wotan is frozen in place at the monstrous sight before him. Though he lacks the wherewithal to blast the clearly psychopathic newcomer with a lightning bolt, he's not stupid enough to just let her get too close for him.

"What the drek? Somebody call Lonestar, there's a fragging murderer here." He's shouting loudly, hoping that someone else in the club has the sense to see where this is going. "Where's the fragging security?"

2017-10-09, 11:23 AM
Andromeda puts her face in her hands with a long-suffering groan. She calmly gets up and walks away from the table, you do not give a psychopath an obvious target, and goes to the woman's room where she texts the group. "Please say that wasn't the contact."

2017-10-09, 12:59 PM
When he sees Andromeda's message, Moon replies with a simple "Yes. Interesting times ahead."

2017-10-09, 01:44 PM
Jynx looks at the message and grins, then fires one back in response. "Hey, look on the bright side. I don't know what that is yet, but let me know when you find it."

2017-10-10, 05:08 PM
The other patrons who arent frozen in place stand up and look at Taqukaq, recognition flashes in their eyes and you see them all quickly turn away and go through extreme lengths to ignore what is doing on. It seems they all know who she is. Taqukaq makes an irritated face at those who said she would have to clean up.

"Not going with you. You arent paying me, so im not gunning anyone down. Im here because Giest needs info.... so, lady's and gentlemen... this place belongs to us for the evening. I wouldnt call Lone Star, bad things happen when they show up. Now, it seems you need info at gangs... well look no further. Ask away."

As if on cue, two men who are obviously gangers peek in. They check things out and stand outside. The bouncer seems to be gone. Taqukaq wipes some of the blood off of her face and she pulls up a chair and sits down.

2017-10-11, 01:51 AM
Giest tenses up, now smeared in blood herself. She was a psychopath herself, but she was a /clean/ psychopath. All of her clothing was always more on the expensive tailored side of thing. After what seemed to be nearly a week, she quickly removed her coat, never touching it, but rather it just seemd to come off on its own setting down as she begins taking whatever she can get a hold of to clean the gore off it and herself.

"Tacky.. we talked about this. Not everyone wants to be painted in heart fluids. This is going to take forever to get out of my coat." Giest's normal behavior had stopped for the moment, as she used her magic fingers spell to do what she could to get out the gore. "I don't mind if you wanna be covered in it,
but don't pull me into it. That would be great mmmkay?"

Turning to face the others "Well the lot of you, get on with it! Like radio shack, you got questions and she's got answers. "

2017-10-11, 05:10 AM
Jynx downs her drink in one, again, and stands up.

"Just one question: what's the Lone Star response time in this area? I've given you guys all the information I had. You know how to reach me. Now I'm off to do some more matrix research. You all have fun with... all this."

She heads for the door, hoping to be home for the next phase of her investigation.

2017-10-11, 06:44 AM
Taqukaq grins at Jynx's question. "Not fast enough" as you step out of the club there are two gangers posted outside. They both look at you. There are four more gangers walking around tge area. They all glare at you but do nothing as you make your way out of there.

2017-10-17, 08:16 PM
Having composed himself, Moon starts d to speak, laying out his information and questions.

"Alright. First gang that turned up on our decker's investigations was called the Savages. They seem irrelevant to our investigation, but information on them would still be useful, in case they become relevant.

The big one is this gang we still don't have a name on, just information - we've been referring on them as the cleaners. A gang of infiltrators, subtle types, led by someone who calls themself Beelzebub. We've found a few fronts they use - a dry cleaners, an art studio, a factory - and it looks like Luthe came into contact with them late into his time as himself. They arranged for his erasure and kept into contact with him, apparently using him as their inside man. You know anything about these people we should know or could use?"

2017-10-18, 07:01 AM
Taqukaq nods as she swipes a bottle of wiskey from the bar and drops nuyen to pay for it. She starts chugging it then stops.

"The savages are my boys. They are my gand, luthe used to work for me before he sold us out. Got most of my gang killed and we had to lay low for a while. Were back in the game though. Mostly recovered from the damage. Im not planning on telling you about my gang though. Complacency nearly killed us once. Not doing it again. The other group.... i know the man... guy called Beelzebub.

He is a gang leader. Used to be a covert ops specialist for some government agency. His real name is Danathan. Despite their secrecy they do have a nane. Couple of my boys are defectors. Gangs called Dawn. They do high level work for very high level people. Like people we would never want to work with or for. Worse than me. With luck my gangs next operation will hurt them."

Taqukaq grins at her statement. You see the bouncer finally walk in with a black eye, he looks at Taqukaq and walks up to her. "Im sorry boss... i didn't know it was you."

Taqukaq waves hin away. "Its fine Box, you were just doing your job. Do it again and ill switch the axe around and hit you with the blade." Nox nots and heads back outside. "Any thing else?"

2017-10-18, 01:18 PM
Moon visibly reacts at the mention of Danathan's past, raising an eyebrow and grabbing his commlink. "He used to work for the spooks, huh? I know someone that I can ask about that, excellent. So they're called Dawn, huh...do you know anything about other fronts or assets they might have - people, tech, magic, the works."

As he talks, he writes a message on his commlink for Carter. His relationship with the government man had been a little strained since the incident in Tir Tairngire, and necessary distance had to be established, but he was still a powerful contact. "Want to talk. Current operation involves someone like me, would like to arrange deal for information."

2017-10-18, 04:58 PM
"Their companies? Yeah. My defector boys gave us all i need to cut the head off the snake. The cleaners has two teams of about 3 guys on duty who go out to clean up their murders or any kind of robery that is...high stakes. This gang...they are profesionals, extremely difficult to track, find and stop.

They dispose of their bodies there, cut them up and take it to a nearby pig farm and feed it to them. All things considered, its a nearly untraceable way to dispose of the dead. Pigs eat everything. The disposing takes longer if they have cybernetics and bioware. They remove ir for recycling the cyberware or selling it. Cash only, they remove tracking, vin and serial numbers making it difficult to trace.

The factory is an equipment processing plant. Mostly weapons and explosives. They usually have a dozen or so guards on the place. Their infiltration in lonestar keeps the feds off their backs for the most part. What other companies did they have... i think they had one more...Oh! A paint place i think. Its their chem shop, drugs and the sort. Probably their least secure section if you want info or others on them.

2017-10-22, 10:06 AM
Moon nods. "Yeah, we knew about those but the extra detail is appreciated." He thinks for a few more seconds. "Now, I think that's all, so unless you have anything else to say we'll be on our way."

2017-10-24, 08:34 AM
"I only have one thing. Don't go near the factory.:

And with that Taqukaq flashes everyone an almost charming smile, gets up and starts to walk out. The door opens and she walks out. "Lets go" you hear several footsteps drifting away. Madame Valeria relaxes and sits down. She looks towards the group that stayed.

"So whats the plan? Looks like our body is at the cleaners... it also seems like we have a limited time to take a look at it before its disposed of. If i recall, Luthe may have had cibernetics so there still may be a chance.

2017-10-25, 10:08 AM
"We should probably relocate. This has given us enough unwanted attention as is, and I don't want to be here when a response finally comes. Yes, our next step is the cleaners, I'll ask Jynx to try and get us some plans or similar information we can use. I suppose we might as well head down that way now, we can find a place nearby to relocate to, there we can work out the details once we've given her some time to work. I've also sent a message to an old contact of mine, he might have something on their leader." As he talks, Hammer takes out his commlink and starts to write a message to Andromeda and Jynx, detailing the new information, letting them know that the crazy woman has left and repeating what he just said.

2017-10-25, 09:07 PM
Andromeda picks her way out of the restroom cautiously, heading straight for the door once it's clear the madwoman is gone. She texts an address to everyone, stating only "it's my place, 15 minutes".

2017-10-26, 09:59 AM
Giest spent most of the conversation herself cleaning up the blood that was all over her. At least she did have that hyperhydrophobic addition to her clothing. turning to face Moon, "Well, now all that is over, shall we go then?" she asks, readopting her more casual aloof demeanor.

2017-10-26, 01:17 PM
Jynx sends out a message to everyone, not really responding to any particular information. She's a bit distracted at the moment.

"Still deep in the matrix. Things are looking a little dicey. Don't wait up."

2017-11-04, 01:14 PM
Geist looks about. "Uh.. would any of you happen to have a car? I kinda crashed mine, set it on fire and threw it into the bay a few weeks back."

2017-11-04, 10:09 PM
Madame Valeria nods to Giest.

I can give you a....ride my dear.

Who is going with whom? What are the groups? Who is riding with Madame Valeria?