View Full Version : Looking for Advice on a Bard Dip , pls and thank you

2017-09-28, 07:07 PM
Ok, because of story reasons i have to roll a new character for this sunday. and i decided to go mystic with a 3 level dip into bard

im having a Hard time deciding between

College of Satire or College of Lore so basically Tumbling Fool vs Cutting Words

both of which would be equally useful as it seems to me

but i have no experience with Bards what so ever so im asking anyone who does have experience with the class

on your oppinions and advice on what would make the best dip

2017-09-28, 07:14 PM
What do you want to achieve with your dip? If you don't know what you want to get out of it, is it really worth doing at all? Because you'll sacrifice levels and cool stuff in your main class.

2017-09-28, 07:28 PM
What do you want to achieve with your dip? If you don't know what you want to get out of it, is it really worth doing at all? Because you'll sacrifice levels and cool stuff in your main class.

well Franky skills, the character is going to be a skill monkey

diping into either of those colleges grants me 3 more skills which is added onto the skills i arealdy get and jack of all trades

At his very basics this character is going to be like a Mystical Rogue(not the class but the concept of a rogue)

Mobility is one of his key things, as his hp and ac will be fairly bad being very mobile expecially with Tumbling fool would be valuable if i take it
Also i see him being the guy that would just move though a battle field avoiding direct conflict.

But Cutting words will have many other effects aswell such not just in combat and probably help in social situation aswell to mess with the targets rolls. Hes going to be by Stealthy and Charismatic to try to woo his targets.

2017-09-29, 01:13 AM
As a single class Bard one of the things I'm really looking forward to is Level 6 magical secrets. I love the bonus action / reaction of healing word and cutting words and the range of control and damage spells I have now but level 6 just seems cool.

Its way more than a dip though.

2017-09-29, 02:42 AM
Is there some reason you can't play a nomad mystic or use the nomad's mind discipline? Between those two, you quite literally can have proficiency in any skill you need, so I don't see why you need that bard dip for skills.

That having been said, I'm partial to cutting words, as it increases the versatility of your inspiration dice.

2017-09-29, 02:51 AM
about the nomad thing

of the Mystic Orders Im Sticking with Awakened, if i was to take any other it would be Wujen

and nomadic mind just doesnt seem that appealing really to me, i went through every since Discipline to the 8 that i liked the most and Nomadic Mind didnt make the final cut. , sure i might just be a little to picky but thats what that came down do

i dont plan to take Mystic any farther then 14, so 8 will be the limit to Disciplines i get

2017-09-29, 03:03 AM
Right, I was just wondering, as nomad's mind allows you to get proficiency in any skill as a bonus action, which would be useful for a skill-based character.

2017-09-29, 03:30 AM
I'd also encourage looking at Nomadic Mind again, but also say that satire's tumbling fool is pretty cool if you have any way to justify 3 levels of bard. If you're doing it for skills though, I don't really think 3 levels of bard is better than just taking nomadic mind since a 3 level dip will leave you a discipline short. Since you can have most of your disciplines be outside of your discipline, there's no reason to avoid this method. You could also start as a rogue taking two levels for cunning action, this would put you ahead on skills as well.

But if you're set on bard, and not going higher than 3rd level, go with satire.