View Full Version : Best adventure in Yawning Portal?

Eric Diaz
2017-09-29, 01:16 PM
So, I bought the book and so far it is boring me to death. It seems all too obvious (kobolds and goblins oh my!) or too random (one dor has a skeleton, the other treasure, and the other teleport you to a pool, etc).

I admit I've only read bits and pieces. Hidden shrine seem like the most interesting one so far. White plume mountain seems to have some cool traps and rooms, at least.

I'm not great on the nostalgia factor; I started playing in the late 80s and don't remember any of those.

EDIT: I also love LMoP. Not crazy about other 5e adventures, but only skimmed those too.

2017-09-29, 01:40 PM
White Plume Mountain is lots of fun. Tomb of Horrors is even better.

2017-09-29, 02:22 PM
The first two adventures are bog standard and not very interesting, and actually one is the official sequel to the other. But the Hidden Shrine has cool Aztec stuff and unique monsters, White Plume is has great traps and the best kind of hook (magic items here!!) and its very dangerous so that should be fun. Against the Giants is also really awesome, with the first one being SUCH, the hill giant chief, a good adventure its really quite hard to understate. There are so many ways to go about solving the adventure and its so packed with opportunities for smart players it really is a gem. All of them are good really, against the giants is a must run. If you want you could make up your own beginning to the book or just start at the good parts.

Forge of Fury isnt terrible, I've played it and the dragon can be exciting and its less linear than Sunless Citadel, although still pretty linear. You might want to give it a try anyways, it can be a decently fun romp. Sunless citadel is pretty boring though.

2017-09-29, 02:57 PM
I decided that TftYP would be my first contact with premade adventures. Not to run, just to read.

Here are my lasting impressions, spoiler lite but not spoiler free.

A ruin where several groups of creatures, some of which don't get along, came to live each through their own backstory. This is very flavorful. And I do believe it is suitable for 1st-level characters, new players and a new DM, as advertised.
Similar to the previous one, only for more experienced folk. The thing is, I don't remember how the different creatures feel about each other, if they are even aware of their presences. This dungeon seems more disconnected.
Another ruin, the first dungeon to feel like a killer one, and apparently full of references I just didn't get. With how confused I was reading, I can't imagine playing.
The meta-dungeon, actually designed and run by an in-universe dungeon master. Lots of really beautiful rooms. Sounds pretty fun.
The mega-dungeon, designed as a patchwork of research labs with different themes. The most recent of the adventures, with certainly a "modern" feel to it. It has mission control, keycards, alert levels... Snake? Snaaaaake! But I think it actually works.
Actually three consecutive adventures, taking advantage of the elemental subraces. I guess it is good if you like to fight, or sneak by, a whole lot of giants.
Yeah, you are dead. Not much else to say about it.
So my verdict would be that The Sunless Citadel, White Plume Mountain and Dead in Thay are the best adventures.

But again, first contact.

2017-09-29, 03:02 PM
I admit I bought it specifically for Tomb of Horrors. So given that it's no surprise that ToH is my favorite of the adventures.

Other than that, White Plume Mountain is a classic and looks like a lot of fun.

2017-09-29, 03:09 PM
I injected hidden shrine into an ongoing campaign and my party couldn't wait to get out of it. This happened even though the place is loot bonanza.

Actually now that I think about it they may have left right at the beginning if that were on option...

Armored Walrus
2017-09-29, 03:14 PM
The only one I've actually run is Sunless Citadel. It could be cooler than it is if it weren't such a slog. It's a huge dungeon for a first adventure. But the gulthias tree stuff and all of the experimentation going on in the second level can give you a lot to work with to jumpstart your campaign.

In practice, though, by the time the party got that far in my campaign, they and I were all pretty sick of the place and ready to move on to the other threads I had laid out for them.

Eric Diaz
2017-09-29, 06:48 PM
Thanks for all the answers so far! (and for those still to come!)

2017-09-29, 11:30 PM
I'm DMing Against the Giants right now and it's early days but boy is it fun. The Hill Giant Stedding is going well, and the players are surprising me with their creativity. It really is a textbook adventure that teaches players when to run when to hide and when to uh, stabby stabby.