View Full Version : What are some good Google search phrases?

2017-09-29, 01:46 PM
As many of you have seen- I am obsessed with future technologies and inventions and I frequently create threads asking people to generate ideas for them. However, I know this annoys people so every day I google search for future tech. I use obvious search phrases like "Future technologies" and "Technologies that will change the world". Right now I have a great search phrase- lowercase future technology science invention. It usually covers a wide array of different articles with ideas but I've noticed that the Internet is very finicky and some days the phrase finds stuff and other days not. Today is one of those days and I fear that everyday I will have to use a different search phrase. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a universal phrase that will "trick" the computer into giving me a wide array of different articles that might have stuff I can use. Thanks!!!

2017-10-09, 05:47 AM
It's not a matter of specific search phrases - the entire strategy of throwing general terms into a search engine and hoping for the best isn't great. Instead look for reliably updating sources, and amass a collection of these. What this looks like depends on resources - if you've got access to a proper library, there's a few magazines worth keeping an eye on. These range from fairly popular stuff (Scientific American, Popular Mechanics) to industry works (Machine Design, CEP), the latter of which are more likely to show up in academic libraries.

Your threads have also had a focus on some very far future hypothetical stuff with minimal ties to science that generally fit a futurism aesthetic. These are better handled with fiction, and again there are reliable sources here. Analog magazine fits it to a T, but you can throw in Aasimov's and Lightspeed as well. Libraries will often have these as well.

Depending on funding, any of these could be acquired by subscription instead. Some are really pricey (CEP comes to mind), others can be very cheap (Popular Mechanics).