View Full Version : Another custom magic item

2017-09-29, 02:36 PM
So here's my idea, I tweaked a previous magic item idea at your guys suggestions;

Staff of Potential;
As a bonus action, you may refresh one used spell slot. If you do, you gain one exhaustion level. You must finish a long rest to remove this exhaustion level.

What do you think? And what rarity is good for this? Bonus: got a better name?

2017-09-29, 05:52 PM
Looks legendary to me. My wizard would want one. My bard would steal it from him.

You might want to consider putting a spell level limit on the spell that can be recovered other wise you're potentially looking at 3 9th level spells before you have to quit.

2017-09-29, 07:13 PM
What if instead we limited it by saying, "then gain an ammount of exhaustion levels equal to the number of times you have used the staff today." That puts a limit on it of 2

2017-09-29, 09:35 PM
Looks legendary to me. My wizard would want one. My bard would steal it from him.

You might want to consider putting a spell level limit on the spell that can be recovered other wise you're potentially looking at 3 9th level spells before you have to quit.

I agree being able to recover a ninth level spell is totally worth the level of exhaustion. Especially considering you could gain a spell slot then use said spell slot to fully heal you and get rid of the exhaustion using wish. I would put the max spell level Between 1st-3rd level. With 1st being uncommon, to 3rd being very rare.

2017-09-29, 09:47 PM
I agree being able to recover a ninth level spell is totally worth the level of exhaustion. Especially considering you could gain a spell slot then use said spell slot to fully heal you and get rid of the exhaustion using wish. I would put the max spell level Between 1st-3rd level. With 1st being uncommon, to 3rd being very rare.

i'd allow up to level 5 spells for it. 1d6+1 fireballs or fear spells with no extra cost is rare, and those don't have large drawbacks. a rare ioun stone can store up to 3 levels of spells for later use (and can be quite versatile, and can allow you to cast spells from other lists or without even having any spellcasting ability at all) and is rare as well, without any large drawbacks either. the ring of spell storing is also rare, and can hold up to 5 levels of spells from any caster and be used by anyone without requiring class features. an uncommon pearl of power can recover up to a level 3 spell slot per day with no drawbacks as well. so i think very rare for only a third level spell recovered with a significant drawback attached is rather excessively restrictive.

so i'd go: very rare, capped at regaining a level 5 spell slot.

(also a level 5 spell slot happens to be the cost to remove a level of exhaustion, so that matches up nicely too).

2017-09-29, 10:52 PM
All you have to do in order to "fix" an item like this is to simply give two levels of exhaustion.

That makes you stop and think about if it is worth using or not because a long rest only removes 1 level, you'd need 2 long rests to fully recover.

IIRC only greater restoration removes exhaustion, and even that only removes it one level at a time. So even if you used it to cast greater restoration, you would still have to sleep before using it again before you run into problems.

2017-09-29, 11:00 PM
All you have to do in order to "fix" an item like this is to simply give two levels of exhaustion.

That makes you stop and think about if it is worth using or not because a long rest only removes 1 level, you'd need 2 long rests to fully recover.

IIRC only greater restoration removes exhaustion, and even that only removes it one level at a time. So even if you used it to cast greater restoration, you would still have to sleep before using it again before you run into problems.

Good idea!

2017-09-29, 11:17 PM
i don't think 2 levels of exhaustion is necessary. magic items should be good. just don't let it recover more than level 5 spells casually, they've designed the game to limit level 6+ spells, so anything that breaks that should be extremely rare. allowing a level 9 spell slot to be traded in, even for a pair of level 5 spell slots (which is what 2 levels of exhaustion will cost if you're powerful enough to throw around level 9 spells), is going to be a bit much.

2017-09-29, 11:26 PM
Well, it depends.

If you let a player recover a lowish spell slot, it should be no worse than Pearl of Power, which is an uncommon item. Anything else must be judged against it.

If I were to suggest an improvement, it would be:

- Every time a creature gains a Bardic Inspiration die from you, you recover a spell slot of 3rd level or lower.

This would be a very rare item. For a rare one, change it to 2nd level, and for uncommon to 1st.

The beauty of this is that it makes the Bard want to inspire his companions even more.

2017-10-02, 10:36 AM
Well, it depends.

If you let a player recover a lowish spell slot, it should be no worse than Pearl of Power, which is an uncommon item. Anything else must be judged against it.

If I were to suggest an improvement, it would be:

- Every time a creature gains a Bardic Inspiration die from you, you recover a spell slot of 3rd level or lower.

This would be a very rare item. For a rare one, change it to 2nd level, and for uncommon to 1st.

The beauty of this is that it makes the Bard want to inspire his companions even more.

That's a really good idea for a bard specific item! Though what I'm going for here is a more, non-caster specific.

2017-10-03, 06:09 PM
How about looking at the charges system?

"The staff holds a maximum of 9 charges and restores 1d8+1 charges each day at dawn. As a bonus action, you can spend a number of charges to regain a spent slot of level equal to the charges spent."

You could spend it all on a single 9th level, or a number of smaller ones instead. If you are quite keen on the exhaustion idea:

"When activated, the user must make a Constitution save, DC 11 + the number of charges spent. On a failure, the user gains a level of exhaustion. This can only be cured by a long rest and will be unaffected by magical means."