View Full Version : How do certain monster races interact with adventurers of their race?

2017-09-29, 08:48 PM
I'd really like to know how a variety of traditionally very evil or simple races would react to a more civilized or just very different member of their race.

Like say a kobold adventurer which I imagine would be very alien to normal kobolds

Lizardfolk? Trogs? Gnolls?

I'd imagine a Goblin adventurer would be VERY weird to normal goblins. or HECK would be both scary and insulting to hobgoblins who usually control the goblin race.


2017-09-30, 05:40 AM
This depends very much on the party that said monster race is adventuring with. Say they're with a half-orc, a tielfing, and a couple humans, and they all seem like hardened badasses. We probably have some warriors, a warlock, a rogue, general dangerous, dark types in this party. That kobold is going to seem intimidating, or awesome. Probably even moreso for a goblin in their community.

Now say said monster is adventuing with an elf, a dwarf, a gnome and a human. Yikes. That's probably going to start a fight. Especially if one is a cleric walking around with an adversarial god of good, or a shining paladin. The choice of adventuring companions says a lot about you, and perhaps doubly so as a monster. That same monster is going to be a lot more accepted into a good-aligned yet monster fearing town as a member of the second group than the first, as well.

2017-09-30, 09:04 AM
Very setting dependent I would imagine... hard to answer this with much generality. Depends on the type of monster as well... a kobold working with softies is bizarre, but goblins get pressed into working for all kinds of people... says more about the humans with the pet Goblin than it says about the goblin itself

That being said, I'm sure a lot of adventuring monsters are seen as traitors by their kin; unless they pass themselves off as the 'boss' with their 'human slaves' or some other such simple deception

2017-09-30, 10:10 AM
My "City" Goblin views more "traditional" Goblinoids as savage, backwards, psychotic, bumpkins. Some primitive goblins view him with awe, some just want to eat him. Bigger towns he is generally fine, but I do use Disguise Self in isolated communities of traditionally "good" races.

That's in a Game that borrows from Eberron. Your culture is influenced more by where you grew up than the entry in the books. Depends on the game.

2017-10-01, 12:53 AM
I'd really like to know how a variety of traditionally very evil or simple races would react to a more civilized or just very different member of their race.

Like say a kobold adventurer which I imagine would be very alien to normal kobolds

Lizardfolk? Trogs? Gnolls?

I'd imagine a Goblin adventurer would be VERY weird to normal goblins. or HECK would be both scary and insulting to hobgoblins who usually control the goblin race.


You don't need to ask us! Are you a DM setting up a world? If so, set your parameters. What are these monsters like? How do they think? How tolerant are they? Most fantasy stories have these types of humanoid monsters hating their own kind almost as much as they hate humans and elves. But you can set these variables - and _you_ should set them, if you're creating a world. DnD isn't all that settled or fixed.

I'd say most goblins or lizardfolk or bugbears would be incredibly suspicious if they saw a member of their own kind hanging out with human, elf, dwarf, gnome and so on adventurers - and would probably be thinking of a way to gank him and take his gold and magic items. But that's me. Decide what you think makes sense for your world, and roll with that. I hope it works out.