View Full Version : [PTU] Poke-Knight Academy Duel Thread

2017-09-30, 02:41 PM
Here's a thread for duels! I'll edit this with links to the different fights as they occur, as well as a running log of winners and losers!

2017-09-30, 02:51 PM
The Bastard of House Ruven stares across the ring, a slight smile on his face. This would be a new kind of battle for him, which made this all the more exciting.

Come on mage boy, show me what you can do, Elric says with a wide grin, before spiking Bludraven's Pokeball on the ground, the albino Murkrow flying out just as the other Trainer releases a Jigglypuff.

Elric doesn't waste a moment before sprinting forward, sword twitching from side to side. Before he does though, he pulls up short, remembering what the Jigglypuff had done in the earlier battle.

Aye, puffball! Elric shouts, a smirk on his face. Bet you can't hit me with those stubby little arms, eh?

Blud, Swift! Elric shouts before leaping forward, swinging his sword in a rapid series of strikes at the Jigglypuff.

Swift: Disengage to E8
Shift: Flutter!
Standard: Bon Mot on Jigglypuff!
AC 2: [roll0] (AP used)
Guile: [roll1] (AP used), Opposed by Focus
On fail, Jigglypuff is Enraged and cannot spend AP for one full round, no save.

Standard: Swift on Jiggly and Garik!
Can't-Miss, rolling Crit: [roll2], Critical 17+
Damage: [roll3]
Critical: [roll4]
Shift: Move to J9

2017-09-30, 02:56 PM
Opposed roll Focus [roll0]

2017-09-30, 04:23 PM
Garrik winces with the attacks even as Gazer glows in response to Blud's Swift. "Interesting style standing in front of your pokemon. Gazer, show him that we don't miss."


Gazer uses Disable as a free action on Swift.
Gazer shifts to E7 and uses Disarming Voice.

Attack Can't miss
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll2]

Save [roll3] AP used

Garrik uses Swift on Elric and shifts to B2
Attack [roll4] Can't miss
Damage [roll]2d6+35
Crit [roll5]

2017-09-30, 04:25 PM
Phone messed up the roll. [roll0]

2017-09-30, 04:39 PM
Elric staggers under the combined assault, a wild grin appearing on the Trainer's face.

Looks like those pretty lights aren't just for show then, eh? Elric says, staggering slightly. I'm not going down quite yet though. Cassie, do me a favor and come on out here! Elric shouts, before flinging out the Aron's Pokeball, returning Bludraven in the same breath. With Swift blocked, the bird wasn't that useful anyways.

Cassie, shred her! Elric orders, before attempting to do the same to the Jigglypuff. Unfortunately, the Aron was hardly known for its speed, and Garrik had a chance to fire off a spell before the attack landed.

Free Action: Quick Switch to replace Bludraven with Cascabel (Jigglypuff is now Flanked)
Shift Action: Flutter
Standard Action: Double Swipe on Jigglypuff!
AC 1: [roll0]
AC 1: [roll1]
Hit 1: [roll2]
Hit 2: [roll3]
Critical 1: [roll4]
Critical 2: [roll5]

After Garrik because I'm dumb
Standard Action: Metal Claw!
AC 2: [roll6], Critical 19+, +1 Attack on 17+
Damage: [roll7]
Critical: [roll8]

2017-09-30, 06:56 PM
Garrik starts to raise his rod to attack, but after seeing the Aron her hesitates. "Gazer, you've done well," he says as Jigglypuff falls to the Aron's attack. "Comet, I think you can handle the rest." He sends out his Minior, it's outer shell having the appearance of some kind of dark metal rather than rock. "Magnet Bomb, but...gently." Garrik also raises his rod to try and finish the job.

Garrik delays to allow the Aron to act and swap out Gazer as a Shift action. If needed he uses Rending Spell on Elric.

Attack [roll0] (AP) Tick on 14+
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll2]

Comet uses Magnet Bomb on Elric
Attack [roll3] Can't Miss
Damage [roll4]
Crit [roll5]

2017-09-30, 07:00 PM
As the metal flies an unerringly connects with Elric, the man drops to one knee, breathing heavily as he leans on his sword.

Remind me... Not to... Mess with mages, alright? the bastard says, barely conscious. Not used to things hitting me that much, Elric adds, before nodding towards Garrik. I yield, he says, with only a little venom in his voice, before forcing himself up (rather shakily) to his legs. He takes a few steps towards Garrik, before offering his left hand. A good fight, aye? he says, hoping that the mage will agree despite the fact that he'd barely touched the other Knight.

2017-09-30, 07:53 PM
"Yes, good fight." Garrik accepts the shake."You correctly identified my strategy with Gazer and were able to keep me from carrying it out. Unfortunately for you, my spells and pokemon don't follow the same laws of physics as normal. Still, some of my other spells would prove rather difficult to land a hit on you. I think in circumstances outside of a sparring match, things could go very different."