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2017-09-30, 04:38 PM
The IC Thead
A link to the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?537302-St-George-s-Boarding-School-(OOC)&p=22417902#post22417902)

It's the first day of classes at St George's Boarding School.

Most of the students arrived at some point within the last week, though some arrived a little earlier than that. Even the latest stragglers, though, were dropped off by their parents (or, in some cases, chaufers) no later than dinner time last night.

When it comes to first period, the freshman class has been cut pretty evenly in half. This morning you have biology with professor Shipdown.

When do you arrive (if you do)? Where do you sit? Who is with you, and who do you talk to?

The biggest desk is the teacher's and marks the front of the class. The black square on the left is the entrance/exit, and the blue squares are windows.

2017-09-30, 04:59 PM
Victor enters the classroom with a few minutes to spare. If it hadn't been for the need to turn in some transcripts to the office, he'd still be thinking about how early is early. As it is he's one of the first students into the room.

Great, now I'm the first one in class. I get labeled a brainiac, and someone is digesting a desk top.

Grabbing one of the desks in the back (desk K) Victor sits and waits.

Zero Prime
2017-09-30, 05:57 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

"... no seriously, it's a tradition at St. George's." He flashed the young woman a smile, "The 1st week, freshman are expected to organize a party out by the Standing Stones," he shrugged noncomitally, and leaned against the ornate wood and plastered hallway outside Shipdown's class. In this close proximity, Sarah Jones could smell the slim young blonde's scent, a mix of earthy undertones, mixed with something fresh, like a forest after a heavy rain, healthy, nurturing, inviting. "We could make a pretense of going on one of Ms. Grace's scavenger hunts. Probably some poetry, so the hipster's can sound intellectual, I'd imagine either Brent or Connor could arrange some," a playful smirk, "... libations. Maybe some music, some dancing around the camp fire."

He raised an eyebrow as Victor walked into class, he didn't want to be late, not his first day. "Think about, alright?" A wink, a smile, and he brushed by the young woman, the closeness of his body almost electric.

He continued on into class, settling into the rearmost seat closest the window, he nodded quietly to the brooding young man beside him. "Hey Vic, why'd we end up getting Shipdown at the crack of dawn." He laughed, "Haven't had breakfast yet, and the smell of formaldehyde is already making me want to," he wrinkled his near perfect face in mock nausea, "you get the idea."

OOC: Taking Seat L, also rolling to Turn on Sarah, because she's a gossip monger, and I need the rumor of the Standing Stones tradition to spread to the other Freshmen. Rolling Hot, [roll0]. Lets see how this goes. Not so well, she's likely going to spread the rumor to a teacher, and it's off to McIntyre's office for me, though at least I get to mark Experience.

2017-09-30, 06:47 PM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch
Harm: 0/4
Conditions: none

Siobhan enters just after Alison, since she was essentially dragged along. As Alison takes a seat near the front Siobhan glances around, considering going to the back to hide out of the way, but after a seconds reflection moves towards the window (H), flashing a smile at Deacon sat behind her.

2017-09-30, 06:53 PM
Victor looks over as Deacon sits down beside him.

"Someone obviously has a warped sense of humor, to schedule this so early. This morning could be spent in so many better ways."

Smiling as he sees Sarah walk away. "Please..tell me she bought that rumor. A party is the way to start off the year right. Just remember, it'll have to be epic, we show any weakness and that's what everyone will remember."

2017-09-30, 07:01 PM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch

Siobhan turns around to look at the two boys behind her "Ye starting a rumour to start a party, or jus' tae get the poor lass alone, pretty boy?" her lips don't betray her smile, but her eyes do "Either way, I might have to tag along."

2017-09-30, 07:28 PM
Cassandra strolls into class a precise five minutes early. She sits down, second row from the front, and lets the rumormongering and party planning flow over her as she closes her eyes and focuses, becoming almost unnaturally still as she waits for the class to begin.

2017-09-30, 07:37 PM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch

Siobhan turns around to look at the two boys behind her "Ye starting a rumour to start a party, or jus' tae get the poor lass alone, pretty boy?" her lips don't betray her smile, but her eyes do "Either way, I might have to tag along."

"Now I'm sure, if either happens it'll be a time to remember."

Victor says as he smiles back at Siobhan.

2017-09-30, 10:27 PM
Wynne drifts in to the classroom, holding a set of spiral ring notebooks close to her chest like she's a little worried they might vanish if she sets them down. She arrives with Franklin Abernathy, not so much having walked together as coincidentally showing up at the same time. She doesn't seem to pay him any real attention as she glances around the room and takes inventory of who's already there.

She pauses when she see's Victor, looks like maybe she might say hello or good morning, but the greeting falters and dies on her tongue and instead she slides quietly into the seat in the back closest to the door, and begins doodling distractedly on the cover of one of her notebooks. Everyone here looks so important and impressive and... well intimidating. But then again that had always been true.

Wynne will take seat I

Zero Prime
2017-09-30, 10:50 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

"Please..tell me she bought that rumor. A party is the way to start off the year right. Just remember, it'll have to be epic, we show any weakness and that's what everyone will remember."

The implication of an untruth rand dissonant to Deacon's very core, a shadow of annoyance, anger, frustration flashed across his face. However, true to his ephemeral nature, it was quickly replaced by a mischievous grin, "If it isn't a tradition, once we're done, it will be."

When Siobahn spoke, he turned his smile to her and whispered so as to be inaudible to any other's in the room, "Tag along, m'dear? Hardly suitable, you are a rare primrose in a garden filled with weeds and thorns," as he spoke he let his gaze focus on Brittany as she entered the classroom, attended, as always by Caitlyn and Callista. "You deserve nothing less than a gilt edged invitation, other, lesser creatures may 'tag along.'"

Noting that the Ms. Shipdown was not yet at her desk, he stood, and took the fair skinned beauty's hand, "I promise you a most enchanting evening," he leaned forward, his eyes holding hers. "Should you but give me your word that you shall attend the Standing Stones with me, this coming Friday eve." As he finished, he leaned forward brushing his lips across her knuckles, while his fingers played gently against the palm of her hand.

OOC: I think the above opens Deacon up being teased about crushing on Siobahn, and as such should qualify as Unashamed. As such, I will roll Hot +2, with +3 due to Unashamed to Turn on Siobahn. [roll0] That's a 10+, so Siobahn gains a 3rd string on Deacon due to Unashamed, and Deacon gains a String on Siobahn, and she either gives herself to me, promises me something she thinks I want, or acts awkward & embarrassed.

2017-10-01, 10:43 AM
Sam lopes into the room alone, looking surprisingly wide awake for a fifteen-year-old at this hour, just in time to see Deacon bending down to kiss Siobhan's hand. Not bothering to stifle a chuckle, he flashes Deacon a grin that his classmate is probably too occupied to catch. He never would've expected to meet someone who actually does that stuff, but Deacon somehow makes it seem sincere.

Not wanting to interrupt, he considers where else to sit. Normally, he might be inclined to move to the front--teachers respect those who show eagerness, and that can be useful--but that falls by the wayside when he notices Wynne. Smile softening, he takes the seat next to her. "'Sup?" Gesturing at an angle that neither Deacon nor Siobhan can see, he flashes a "can you believe this guy" look.

2017-10-01, 10:52 AM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch

Siobhan can't help a slight blush rise to her cheeks even as she tries to respond with equal confidence "Well, how can I resist the charms o' the prettiest boy at the school? Y'can be assured I'll be there an' expecting a dance with ye... at the very least.". She could feel her heartbeat pouding, she couldn't recall anyone making her feel so... hot before, she knew he was likely the same with any pretty face and spoke no promises, but it hardly seem to matter at the moment.

2017-10-01, 12:25 PM
Sarah is skeptical of the things Deacon is telling her, and tells him only that she will think about it. She sees Wynne and waves at her enthusiasically before she heads to whatever other class the other half of the freshman are attending first thing in the morning

Between Victor, Deacon, Wynne and Sam the back row fills up first.

That doesn't bother Franklin in the least. He comes in with Wynne, but then splits away from her to sit in the front (taking seat C).

Once Cassandra takes the middle seat furthest from the windows (seat E) that leaves only a smattering of seats along the front and middle of the room for the stragglers.

Dorian, the school's resident goth kid, comes through the door next. He sees Deacon and smiles, but then that smile fades when he sees that Victor and Siobhan have already taken the seats nearest him. He Settles for the next closest (seat G).

Taking a seat at the front of the row doesn't phase Damien at all. He slides in next to Franklin (seat B) without a second thought.

It matters more to Allen. When he finally saunters in and there is nothing free but seats in the front he scrunches his nose in distaste. He scans the back row, then finally seems to make a decision. He wanders over to Victor and addresses him; thanks for holding my seat. You can move now. (ooc: Allen Shuts Someone Down and gains a string on Victor, Victor can give him a condition).

Summer hasn't shown up yet. She probably lost track of time.

(Still avalaible: A, D, F)

2017-10-01, 01:22 PM
Wynne feels a twinge of anxiety as Sam takes the seat next to her. Sam isn't like Deacon or Brittany or Cassandra, people who can unravel you with a word and a pretty smile. Sam looks more than capable of taking someone apart in a lot of less subtle ways. Even when he's trying to be friendly it can feel like he's looming.

Still he is trying and that counts for something so she does her best to return the gesture with a soft "Good Morning" though she still doesn't really look up or attempt eye contact. She does follow his glance over at the others, but feels no need to comment on their antics. Though she does frown when Allen attempts to muscle Victor out of his seat. Some people indeed.

Mr. E
2017-10-01, 01:22 PM
Summer stumbles in, looking half-asleep, and smiles sleepily in the general direction of the room. She sets course for a seat next to Wynne, her grin fading as she finds Sam occupying it. Instead she goes one row forward, to seat F. Unslinging her bag, she drops the books on the ground with a clatter. Summer drops down on her seat, turns around to face Wynne and wave, then rummages in her bag for a pen.

Having found one, she begins to draw stars on her fingernails with the bic. However, her withered arm has only three nails, so the possibilities on her hands are swiftly expended. Summer looks round for other options, and settles on Cassandra. Dragging her chair over, she reaches out, green-ink pen extended.

Look out Cassandra! :smalleek:

Also, boy does this thread move fast...

2017-10-01, 01:52 PM
Victor sits there and listens to Allen with a masked expression on his face. Really..on the first day of school. Okay, so be it.

Looking up at Allen, Victor simply says "Best thing you can do, is to go up front and look for someone that cares."

Ehh...atleasr I get to mark experience..

2017-10-01, 01:55 PM
Sam's smile falters as Wynne refuses to meet his eye, his energy evaporating a little. In what's become a habit, he sniffs the air softly before remembering it's useless with her. Even so, it's obvious she's uncomfortable. Nice going, Dr. Sensitive.

Leaning back in his seat and not facing so much toward her, he catches sight of Summer's displeased look as she passes. He meets it without flinching, wondering for what feels like the hundredth time in the past week what her problem is with him, and wishing she'd just come out with it. No such luck, though. "Bio first period...kinda like jumping into ice-cold water to wake up, huh?" he continues to Wynne, trying to sound more offhanded. "You heard anything about this teacher?"

2017-10-01, 02:15 PM
Oh Good he's trying to make conversation now. Wynne vaguely wonders what about her gave the impression that she was up for conversation this early in the morning (or ever really but at least by lunch everything feels more solid).

"I think she likes Lizards? And she's nice." she responds somewhat noncommittally. There's a brief moment of silence before it occurs to her that it might be polite to ask him something back. "Do you not like biology?"

2017-10-01, 02:21 PM
Cassandra smiles when she realizes that Rachel isn't in this section and makes a small sigh of relief, then turns and looks at the confrontation between Victor and Allen, rolls her eyes at the two of them, and says, "Really? You're doing this already? Just sit somewhere else, it's not like they're not going to make us reshuffle anyways." Her eyes briefly flash red as she speaks and tries to exert her will over Allen to get this little confrontation over with.

Rolling to Hypnotize Allen: [roll0] Uh oh...

2017-10-01, 02:26 PM
Whatever Allen was going to say to Victor gets lost when Cassandra interjects.

He turns to look at her.

No one asked you, Montressant. Your name doesn't mean you get to boss people around, as if your family even mattered anymore.

2017-10-01, 02:33 PM
"Huh?" Sam finds himself a little taken aback, surprised and relieved that Wynne is actually engaging. "No, I do, it's just...not what I think of as an easy subject, y'know?"

The confrontation draws his attention before he can think of more conversation. He rounds on Allen without leaving his chair. "He sat there first. I don't remember there being a seating plan."

Attempting to shut him down: [roll0]

2017-10-01, 02:36 PM
Victor looks at the exchange between Allen and Cassandra. It's almost comical as Allen tries to puff up and beat his chest. It lost the comical effect though when Allen insults her family.

"You need to stop that mess right there. Your getting danger close to letting your mouth cash a check your a** can't afford."

2017-10-01, 02:45 PM
It was at that moment exactly when Professor Shipdown bustles in through the door, pushing an ugly gray AV cart full of text books in front of her as she comes.

Take a seat, take a seat she announces. This prompts Allen to back away from the combined force of Victor and Sam, but not without mouthing 'later' at Victor. That wasn't going to end well.

But the professor doesn't seem to notice. Instead she launches into typical 'first day' activities - handing out syllabi, distributing text books and marking down who got which, and giving tentative dates both for her nature walks (which are once a month) and for dissections (which are only slightly less frequent).

2017-10-01, 03:01 PM
Victor just watches as Allen walks away. As Allen mouthes "later", Victor just nods his head and points at the desks at the front of the classroom.

2017-10-01, 03:03 PM
'Oh thank god'

Wynne had been silently willing the teacher to enter the room faster ever since Allen started making a fuss. Her heart didn't beat anymore, if it was even still there, but being dead hadn't cured her of the ability for her stomach to twist itself into knots at the first sign of conflict. She slumps down a little in her chair.

Nature walks sound nice though. Dissections sound less nice, but still doable.

2017-10-01, 03:08 PM
Sam is torn as Allen backs down, feeling rather ignored...but whatever else Victor might have going on, he seems like someone who can take care of himself. When the teacher arrives, he perks up immediately, making sure to sit forward and give the appearance of paying attention.

It proves much easier than he'd expect. As soon as Shipdown mentions nature walks, the act is replaced by genuine interest. Even with a whole class around, more time outside can only be a good thing. Maybe this class won't be so bad...

2017-10-01, 03:10 PM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch

About to make a comment to Allen, Siobhan bites her tongue as Professor Shipdown enters. With a quick eyeroll at Victor and Deacon she turns back to face the front.

2017-10-01, 05:06 PM
Professor Shipdown finishes handing out text books and finds herself with one left. She 'hmmms' to herself, then wanders over to the computer on her desk. A few taps on the keyboard, then she looks between the monitor and the classroom a few times.

...Oh, has anyone seen John Boyargi? Mr Boyargi, are you here today?

2017-10-01, 05:44 PM
Victor crosses his eyes at Siobhan as she rolls hers, before turning around in her seat.

As the Professor continues to call the roll, she reaches..."John Boyargi".

Victor grins and whispers loud enough for those around him to hear..

"I wonder if he's related to Chef?"

2017-10-01, 08:51 PM
Cassandra rolls her eyes at Allen but holds her tongue as the teacher walks into the room and locks forwards, paying close attention to the teacher, adding notes on the dates and times of the nature walks to a pocket calendar she produces from her bag, and generally doing the student side of first-day events. As Summer approaches her, she draws back quickly and hisses in an unnatural voice, "Get. Away."

Mr. E
2017-10-02, 02:16 AM
Summer shrugs, disappointed. Some people just don't understand the fun of drawing stuff on your fingernails. Returning to her desk, she adds curlicues to the side of the helpful formulas page on the inside of the cover of her exercise book. She's halfway through drawing a vine climbing up the integration section when the teacher walks. Drawing herself upright, she turns to a fresh page and writes in large oversized letters.

Mrs. Shipdown

She pauses on this page, brows drown together, intently frowning at the letters. Mrs. Shipdown asks a question, and Summer considers this. Muttering to herself, she valiantly tries to remember if she has seen him.

I saw him today, didn't I? Or maybe that was yesterday? Is he the one with the afro...

Eventually Summer gives up and goes back to doodling the vine.

2017-10-02, 02:35 AM
Victor sits in the back of the class looking around at everyone.

Getting bored from the inactivity, he pulls his tablet out and starts typing in some basic notes in a section devoted to the class.

I wonder what's next for this fun filled day.

2017-10-02, 04:54 AM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch

Siobhan shrugs, John's lack of attendance was hardly unusual. She ignored Ms. Shipdown's attendance crisis and stares out of the window.

Zero Prime
2017-10-02, 07:31 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon paid attention to Ms. Shipwright as she went through the Biology syllabus, making notes in his daytimer for both the excursions, and dissections. Now, *that* wasn't as aspect of this class he was looking forward to the chemical's, and the rubbery feel of ... he blanched just thinking about it. He began to absently look around the class room, trying to find a lab partner who wouldn't be squeamish about such things, that way he could ensure his lack of enthusiasm wouldn't affect his overall GPA.

As the Professer began to ask about Boyargi, Deacon knew he was unlikely to be in attendance, according to his peers, John's typical approach was to avoid the classwork and only arrive for tests and examinations. He wondered who, then, was sharing their notes with the truant student. Deacon raised his hand, to shoulder height, "Professor Shipwright?" When she looked up, he smiled, nervously, or at least he hoped it looked nervous. "If Boyargi misses first class, I could take his textbook to him, to make sure he doesn't fall behind." He shrugged. "Assuming that's allowed."

He noted several looks, inside he smiled, let them think him the teacher's pet, or worse. All that really mattered was his academic's here, he felt a connection to this school, as soon as he saw the great white oak in the courtyard, the same that adorned the crest on his blazer. That's all that really mattered.

Even as he tried to convince himself of this, he noted the red haired beauty seated in front of him absently staring out the window towards the Elysian Forest ... well almost all that mattered.

2017-10-02, 08:02 AM
Oh says Mrs. Shipdown.

Well thank you very much... she peers at her computer monitor ... Deacon Frost. She scribbles a note on a pad next to her computer.

The rest of the class consists of Mrs Shipdown assigning reading from the text book, you'll be going over it on Wednesday, and then - like teachers everywhere on the first - she day releases you early.

Allen leaves the classroom without looking at either Victor or Sam. Clearly this is not 'later' enough for him.

(ooc: You have maybe 20 minutes until next class. The other class isn't out yet, what are you doing?)

2017-10-02, 08:29 AM
Wynne sighs and closes her notebook (by now also decked out in doodles of squishy looking bunnies and cats in the margins in addition to actual useful information). Class is over but the morning still doesn't feel entirely real yet. At least summer is in first period too, that's kind of nice. She leans forward as they're both gathering their things.

"You should have tried Sam's nails, I think they'd look cute with stars on them."

Wynne probably did not have a vindictive bone in her body but she also felt like if he was going to sit there then he should embrace the consequences. Even if the consequences were some nifty nail art. "Maybe I can do flowers on yours?"

2017-10-02, 09:03 AM
Sensing an early end to the period approaching, Sam is already packing up his books by the time Shipdown finishes talking. As usual, he's taken no notes, preferring to trust his own memory. Wynne makes him stop before leaving, though. Playing along with the joke, he holds out a hand to Summer, nails offered. "Hey, you wanna make me look pretty, go ahead."

Zero Prime
2017-10-02, 09:03 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon walked up behind Siobahn as students began to shuffle out of Shipwright's Biology, he reached out and squeezed her elbow gently, "We'll speak more at lunch my primrose, but should the opportunity arise, please invite some of your friends to the stones," an almost wolfish grin, "though that dance is mine, your word is, after all, your bond."

2017-10-02, 10:30 AM
Siobhan O'Connor, the Witch
Siobhan watches Allen dart off, bears watching that one, need to watch to see if I can get something on him.

She smiles at Deacon, I'll see if I can raise some interest, but no promises there pretty boy. See you around., considering her options she approaches Cassandra. "Seems we're both heading to Algebra, thought I'd keep ye company 'til then if ye've no objections?"

Zero Prime
2017-10-02, 11:39 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon smiled as he watched Siobahn walk towards her 2nd period, approaching Cassandra as she did so. He turned, saw Victor, and took a few quick strides to catch up, "Well, he, isn't getting an invitation," he nodded his head towards Allen, "looks like Siobahn might end up inviting Cass though, what do you think about Sam?" Deacon knew all the young men had History next, and figured if he could even out the freshman invites, they could start to work on sophomores and juniors, so the celebrations would take a step up from a freshman gathering to something more ... established.

2017-10-02, 12:34 PM
Victor Grimes-resident Ghoul
Harm: 0/4
Experience: 1/5

Victor watches as Allen gets up leaves at the end of class. Definitely going to have to watch that one.

Vuctor glances over at Deacon as he asks about Sam. Victor thinjs for a moment before he replies. "I, personally, don't know too much about him. Yet, from what I saw in class, he is willing to stand up for someone he really doesn't know. I'd say that's worth an invite, plus if he says yes...that's one more person to help spread the word."

As the two boys walk towards their next class, Victor almost stops dead in his tracks. "You know who we need to get on board with this...Brittany. The girl with the circle of followers around here. She signs on, and who knows who will want to come to the party."

Mr. E
2017-10-02, 01:56 PM
There's something a tiny bit evil in Summer's grin as pulls turn her chair around to sit next to the unfortunate victim. Delving deeply into her bag, she extracts a pink permanent marker and sets to work. Her withered arm flops uselessly off the table, and she sighs, picks it up and drops it on Sam's leg. Leaning forward again Summer begins to draw flowers on Sam's hand, her wild and unkempt hair filling up his vision. Even without enhanced senses, you could probably tell that she's been climbing a pine tree within the last twenty four hours.

Summer has a very poor concept of personal space. Rolling to turn someone on by getting uncomfortably close to them.


I'm enjoying having a positive Hot score, for once. I gain a string on Sam, and he must react.

2017-10-02, 02:16 PM
Wynne leans forward a little to watch Summer work. Most of the rest of the class has already departed but she's not in any big hurry to get to Algebra of all things. She's contemplating not even going honestly, not with the professor she wound up with. Skipping the first day will just make it worse though.

Still Sam is being a trooper and that does a lot to put her at ease. He didn't shout or make a scene or protest about it being too girly or really anything Connor might have done in the same situation. She gives him a small but surprisingly genuine smile. "It looks nice on you." Any guy willing to sport pink flowers on his nails for the rest of the day is probably worth being friends with.

Since they're both being cute in his general direction also rolling to turn Sam on [roll0] not as overwhelming a success but he still gets to pick a reaction or give a string. Sam you are being innundated with smols, what will you do.

2017-10-02, 02:26 PM
Cassandra nods to Siobhan and says, "I'd actually appreciate the company. Shall we?" She gestures in the direction of the algebra classroom.

2017-10-02, 02:45 PM
Siobah O'Connor, The Witch

Oh, no need to rush there. I'd rather not run the risk of havin' to spend more time under the glare ol' Finkleston than I have to... So I don't know if you overheard us talking about the party? Siobhan asks, in a conversational tone.

2017-10-02, 02:45 PM
Sam's heart sinks a little at the wicked look in Summer's eyes, but it'd be bad sport to back down now. He relaxes into the rather uncomfortable chair and lets her do her thing. It's...maybe a little nicer than it should be. The marker tickles, tracing those delicate patterns...he catches himself staring at Summer. Now that he really thinks about it, her scars actually look kind of cool...and her hair smells beautiful...

When she stops, it takes him a second to notice. Shaking awake, he suddenly feels his face flush. Wynne certainly doesn't help--is that the first time he's seen her smile? God, she's cute when she smiles... He tries to cover his blush with a grin, admiring Summer's handiwork. "Hell yeah, it does! Hey, anytime you want a human canvas, I'm your guy." That's probably a bad thing to promise...well, too late.

Still a little sleepy and hazy, he sits up and stretches to the ceiling. It used to be that the shirts he wore would look baggy even in a position like that; they're the same shirts now, but the muscle he's put on in the past half year makes them look about a size too small. Glancing at his watch as he lowers his hand, he starts. "S***, I gotta go." Hopping out of his chair, he shoulders his pack. "Either of you guys have history next?"

Nooooo! Smol is a werewolf's greatest weakness!

I'll give Wynne a String, and for Summer's reaction,
I'll promise something I think she wants.

Well, two can play at this game, ladies! Attempting to turn on Summer (I'll have mercy on Wynne, since I already hold strings on her).


Zero Prime
2017-10-02, 03:08 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon considered a minute, before replying to Victor, "You're not wrong Brittney has the star power to pull off something like this," he leaned close whispering conspiratorially, "if you hadn't noticed though, she's kind of the queen of the campus." He smiled, pulled back to a regular conversational tone as he walked down the hallway, "The only way I see to bring her into it is to let her think it's her idea, and if we do that we're handing the whole thing over to her."

His eyes widened, and a melodic laugh echoed down the halls. "That's it Vic, you're a bloody genius!" He punched his friend in the arm, "We're going to crown a king and a queen of the Freshman class at this thing, at least that's what I'll let slip to my roomate Brent. He's tight with Connor, one of Brittany's clique, so he'll go to her with the rumor, and then she'll have to support it, because it's another notch in her belt."

OOC: Just noticed MH2 doesn't have a manipulate NPC move, so I may need to really spin this to Brent, but hopefully we can get it to work.

Mr. E
2017-10-02, 03:17 PM
Summer grins shyly at both Sam and Wynne. This feels nice, and comfortable, like a big armchair. She puts her markers away, and consults her schedule.

"No. I've got algebra instead."

Dropping stuff in her backpack, she starts getting ready to leave. It's pleasantly warm in the classroom, and just sitting down in the sun and resting for a while is sounding pretty good, but she's pretty sure that missing algebra would be a bad start to the year. Going to the door, she looks out to spot Sam's departing back.

"Hey, you should come stargazing with us sometime."

Calling out after Sam as he disappears down the corridor, Summer hopes that he heard her. Then, having finished packing everything into her back-pack (which is a lurid shade of purple, except for the mud-stains on one side), she sits back down next to Wynne.

She won't let me miss the next class, will she? Nah, Wynne's too organised...

Just in case that wasn't clear enough from context, she's promising Sam something she thinks he wants (a chance to hang out with Wynne + stargazing, cause stargazing is cool).

2017-10-02, 03:21 PM
Victor Grimes-resident Ghoul
Harm: 0/4
Experience: 1/5

Victor laughs along with Deacon, as they walk towards their next class.

"Now, that we have a plan, let's set it into motion. We know where we want to have it, but what about when?"

As the two friends continue down the hallway, Victor gets a slight look of concern on his face. "For us to crown a Freshman king and queen, that means that we either keep it small with just us freshmen. Or we open the invite to the other classes and run the risk of one of them getting voted as king or queen."

Victor continues to think as they head to class. "If we are lucky, we will have class with Brittany or Connor. That will save us some leg work. "

2017-10-02, 03:54 PM
"Algebra for me too."

Wynne sighs as she watches Sam go. her own backpack is a fairly plain baby blue with the occasional faded sticker on it, clearly recycled from junior high. She is not looking forward to Finkleston's algebra class. Her memories of previous years are never good, they're like trying to remember a dream you had once several months ago. She wanders into the wrong rooms constantly, forgets assignments, or confuses them with assignments from the previous year. And if there's one teacher who is always guaranteed to be an ass about it, it's him. Enough of a constant that even Wynne remembers she doesn't like him.

But Summer doesn't have her baggage and while Wynne doesn't have high hopes that she'll be a good fit for that class either, they might as well get there roughly on time. "We should probably go too. Here.." she gets up an takes Summer's good hand, tugging her along gently in the general direction of Finkleston's room.

Harm - 0/4

Exp - 0/5

- Summer I
- Sam II
- Deacon I
- Victor II

Conditions -

2017-10-02, 04:30 PM
"I'd love to!" Sam called over his shoulder at Summer, already halfway out the door after hearing that neither of them was following him. A weird twinge runs through his chest as he leaves. There's nothing wrong with that...right? Of course not. It's just hanging out.

Feeling weirdly guilty, he pulls out his phone and fires off a text to Margot on his way down the hall.

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3

Arriving with a few minutes still to spare, he takes a seat in the second row this time, waiting to see who claims the spot next to him.

Mr. E
2017-10-02, 04:44 PM
Summer is slightly surprised that Wynne wants to hold hands, but in no way objects to this. Instead, she obediently follows her down the hall towards Algebra. As they walk down the corridor, Summer brushes close to Wynne's side, bumping along and filling the air with scents of pine and oak and the slightest undercurrent of steel. She laughs at the way the dust sparkles in the sun coming through the windows, and scuffs her feet on the concrete.

Life is good...

Right then. If they're going to be cute together, they're going to be cute together...

Rolling to turn someone on:



Experience: 0/5


Wynne: II
Sam: II
Deacon: I

2017-10-02, 06:19 PM
No answer just yet.

It isn't really fair to expect an immediate response. Margot started school last week, so right now she's probably either in class or on her way to class.

She typically texts you at lunch, when she gets home, then again before bed.

2017-10-02, 07:36 PM
Wynne felt her cheeks flush a little in spite of herself. Summer was just so... carefree. So happy. Smiling like that with the sun caught in her hair. And it made things feel like they were going to be alright, even if objectively nothing was ever really going to be alright again. Her grip tightens a little, a friendly reassuring squeeze before they both moved in to the Algebra classroom right as the next period began with the bell chiming to signal the beginning of class.

Summer can have another string :)

2017-10-02, 08:11 PM
Siobah O'Connor, The Witch

Oh, no need to rush there. I'd rather not run the risk of havin' to spend more time under the glare ol' Finkleston than I have to... So I don't know if you overheard us talking about the party? Siobhan asks, in a conversational tone.

Cassandra shrugs and says, "Yeah, I did. What about it?"

2017-10-03, 01:52 AM
Siobhan smiles coyly, "So, are ye comin'? Ye'd inject a level o' class into the whole thing I'm sure. An' would be nice to not be the only girl there who's pale enough she glows in the moonlight." she leans in a litte close "Ye can be my date if ye like, I promised Deacon a dance, didn't say anything about my other dances."

Zero Prime
2017-10-03, 07:40 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

A mischievous grin spread across Deacon's face as he strode into History class, looking over his shoulder towards Vic. Spying Sam, he nodded, and moved towards the second row, sitting this time closer to the wall and the exit towards the hall. "Hey Sam," he leaned towards the muscular youth, whispering, "you have heard about the freshman celebrations at the Standing Stones this Friday?" He noted the young man sliding his phone away, "You'd be welcome to bring someone from off campus too."

With that he opened his meticulously organized binder and placed it on his desk, while moving his smaller day timer to the upper left corner, so he could record test and project dates as Professor Grace shared the syllabus with her students. He scanned the crowd, noting Connor seated in the back, and while they waited for the Professor, he began to think about how he should approach the Lacrosse team Captain so as to ensure that Brittany would get a hint of the celebrations.

2017-10-03, 08:15 AM
Miles Featherton-Strange sits on Sam's other side, but talks to Deacon over his head as if Sam wasn't there at all.

Hey Deacon, what's this Sarah is saying about a Freshman tradition?

My father and older sister both graduated from St George's, and they never mentioned it.

Zero Prime
2017-10-03, 08:39 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon shrugged, "Does that really surprise you?" He sighed, as though he were exasperated, "It's all there in the Alumni records, it's in the subtext, the annotations, and the omissions. You've got to read between the lines." He shot the spoiled youth a self depreciating smile, "Your father, your sister, they aren't just going to give it to you, they want you to figure it out for yourself. Initiation, traditions, they're like that."

He cocked his head, "So, are you in? I mean, according to Alumni records, dear old dad stood in the circle longer than anyone else his freshman year. But if you don't want to uphold the Featherton legacy, I totally get it man."

2017-10-03, 08:53 AM
Miles furrows his brow. He's not a clever man, and this is a little above his head.

What records? How did you get alumni records?

Zero Prime
2017-10-03, 09:04 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon tried to look nonchalant, "My mother is Chief of Admissions for Harvard University, doesn't it stand to reason that we would vet any potential Preparatory School I was applying to?" He shrugged again, "Though your father probably picked this place for you, traditions, right? He was picked for Valedictorian, probably because all his peers respected his massive balls for standing in the Stones for as long as he did."

2017-10-03, 09:07 AM
Jesus, Deacon. What makes you think I want to talk about my dad's balls?

He scrunches his face in disgust, but with his objection satisfied he capitulates.

Fine, I'll come to the damn party. And stand in this circle. What's so scary about a circle? He faces forward, evidently not actually expecting a response to that question.

2017-10-03, 09:23 AM
Victor shakes his head and laughs as he watches Deacon swoop in to convince Sam about the party.

Not wanting to cramp his style, Victor looks around and grins as he sees an empty seat beside Calista. Moving in for a kill of his own, Victor sits down beside her.

"Hey Calista, you excited about the party at the stones?"

2017-10-03, 09:34 AM
Calista is sitting by the window with Connor and Caitlyn when Victor sits down next to her. She looks briefly startled that he'd spoken to her, but then straightens her posture before he responds to him.

Maybe. Her eyes rake his form appraisingly, then she adds I mean, I'm sure I could be persuaded to go...

By the time Summer, Wynne, Sibohan and Cassandra arrive in class Brittany and Emma have already taken the center seats. Their arrival prompts Brittany to look up and snicker. Emma joins her, the two laughing together - though it's not clear at what.

Sarah waves at Wynne, beaconing her (and by extension, Summer) over to the seats beside her.

Rachel is also here, sitting directly in front of Brittany and Emma. Her notebook is already out, and she's playing with a pen with a pink poof on one end.

2017-10-03, 09:55 AM
Victor smiles as he hears Calista reply. "That's good to know...I'll save you my dance card. I'd say I bring you flowers while we are there dancing in the middle of the stones, but...."

Victor looks around and makes sure no one is watching and leans over to whisper to Calista. With his hand resting on her desk and gently grazing Calista's hand, Victor whispers..."a woman of your beauty would never need such decorations."

I'll roll to turn her on. If you decide a roll is needed you have it. If you don't..just ignore it. I'm still getting used to the system.

With a -1 thsts a total of 3.
Lol...hoping that roll wasn't needed.

2017-10-03, 10:00 AM
Calista turns from Victor to look back at Connor and Caitlyn. Then she starts laughing. Then the two of them join her in laughing. All three of them, laughing at Victor amongst themselves as if he wasn't even there.

He'd bring me flowers Callsita repeats, as if it was the funniest thing she has ever heard.

2017-10-03, 10:03 AM
Oh this is already off to a wonderful start. Wynne considers sitting elsewhere, but the other free seats put her within range of Brittany and most of her crew. Deciding Sarah is the lesser of two evils (and with a spare seat for summer), Wynne heads over in that direction, letting go of Summer's hand in order to better navigate between desks and chairs.

"Good Morning." she says, knowing her roommate is going to want some kind of acknowledgement, but sounding nowhere close to enthusiastic about it.

2017-10-03, 10:22 AM
Victor Grimes-resident Ghoul
Harm: 0/4
Experience: 2/5

Ouch!!! Not quite the reaction I was hoping for. Still atleast she knows about the party.

"Actually, I would bring you flowers to start. Why, none of the other guys you danced with did? If that's the case then they paid you a serious insult."

Laughing with the trio, but quickly ignoring Calista, Victor turns his attention to Connor.
Let's see what kind of angle or game she's playing..

"Have you heard when the first Lacrosse practice is scheduled for? Better yet...you heard about the competition they play at this party? Supposedly you outlast everyone and are the last one standing in the circle...you get crowned something or other. I'm not sure what, but that's what I heard."

Moral of the day...don't make a roll for everything...lol

2017-10-03, 10:22 AM

Good morning! Sarah responds, much more sincerely than Wynne. She starts talking before the young woman has finished sitting down. To her credit she includes Summer in the greeting, absorbing the new presence without faltering.

I've heard such awful thing about this professor, and apparently he teaches math for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors. Which is awful, because math is already my worst subject, and he's supposed to be a harsh grader.

I figure we need to set up a study group or something. Are you any good at math? I'm sure someone in the school has got to be.

Victor's words don't phase Callista or Caitlyn, but they do get Connor's attention.

What are you talking about, nerd? Where are you hearing this stuff?

2017-10-03, 10:37 AM
"Damn, dude. I thought you were in the know. That's the word that's been circulating. You get a chance ask any of the other freshmen, they will tell you the exact same thing."

Victor then turns his attention to looking around the classroom and looking at the other students.

"Hopefully you'll show. Otherwise what competition will there be in the circle."

2017-10-03, 10:38 AM
Wynne is already thinking she's going to be skipping most of these classes. It's not like she's ever going to be able to graduate regardless of how well she does, why subject herself to Finkleston, Brittany, and Sarah all at once? Of course this isn't something to say out loud.

"I'm not great at math no. And I'm not really interested in study groups either. You should probably ask someone else." she says as bluntly as possible. Maybe it sounds rude, but there are worse things to be than rude.

Shut Sarah Down: [roll0]

Oh nice roll, Sarah can get the condition busybody

2017-10-03, 10:56 AM
Sam looks confusedly at both Deacon and Miles. "Hey, uh, first I'm hearing about any of this...too much to hope someone might actually tell me what's involved?"

2017-10-03, 11:10 AM

Wynne realizes a little too late that Brittany and Emma had been listening. They break into a new chorus of giggles, this time directed at Sarah.

Sarah shrinks away from the four girls - Wynne, Summer, Brittany and Emma - sitting near the middle of the class, turning her body instead to look out the window. Her expression is reminiscent of a kicked puppy.

Which is when Talia walks in. The purple-haired hippy hadn't heard what came before, but just seeing Brittany and Emma laughing and Sarah determinedly not looking at Wynne is enough to earn Wynne a dirty look from her. She sits right near the entrance to the classroom, since it's the farthest she can get from the center while still technically being in the room.

Connor briefly considers being angry at Victor, but apparently decides against it after his 'competition' comment. He isn't going to get too mad when his ego is being stroked. That does seem to be the end of the conversation though, since neither he nor the girls he is with seem inclined to speak with Victor further.

Miles, for his part, gestures towards Deacon in an "ask him" sort of way.

2017-10-03, 11:27 AM
Satisfied that his work is done, Victor smiles and gets up to move over to where Deacon is sitting.

Once he sits down beside him, Victor raps his knuckles on Victor's to get his attention. Sitting back and politely waiting, Victor wonders what all this party will bring.

2017-10-03, 11:39 AM
Ok maybe that was a little too much, she forgot who was around. Blunt could be saved for when they were in nicer company. Wynne attempts to offer an olive branch by changing the subject.

"So were you actually thinking of going to that party thing Deacon was trying to spirit you away to?" she asks.

Mr. E
2017-10-03, 01:37 PM
Summer settles comfortably into a chair and gets out another exercise book, this one labeled 'math'. She listens in on the conversation between Sarah and Wynne, which, according to the girl's in front of her, is really funny, although Summer's not quite sure why. Deciding that, like a lot of the things in this school, it makes no sense whatsoever and is thus best ignored, she turns round in her seat to admire Talia's hair.

"That's a nice shade of purple. Purple's a great colour, though I'm not sure it's my favourite. What's your favourite colour?"

Zero Prime
2017-10-03, 03:31 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

"Hey, uh, first I'm hearing about any of this...too much to hope someone might actually tell me what's involved?"

Deacon smiled, talking quieter now after noticing an outburst of laughter from Brittney's crew which ended with Victor sliding up beside him. "Most likely some poetry, trying to sound intellectual and deep, maybe some pledges, some wine, some liquor, some smokes, music, dancing. Really, just a way to get to know your fellow Freshmen, and then a challenge, who can stand in the center of the stones the longest once all the lights go out." He smiled, shrugged, "Once it's all said and done, there'll be a King & Queen selected for the Freshmen year."

As Victor knocked on his desk, he turned his head, shook it 'no', and went back to his binder, where he pulled out a pencil and began to sketch. He held the Standing Stones in his head, clearing his thoughts of outside noise, pressure, and focused on the stones, the circle, and how to pull this off, while respecting the forest, the stones, and the traditions of St. George's. The skritch, skritch of his pencil over the paper became the sound of the forest, branch against branch, a breeze from the window ruffled the pages of his binder, but to Deacon it sounded as if the forest were speaking, whispering truths and secrets to him, in the rustle of leaves. The scents of the forest, the stone, the creek, and the wind spoke to him, through him, as his hand began to sketch the images that came unbidden to his mind.

OOC: Deacon is using his Fae nature to connect to the wilderness surrounding the school, and asking a question of the Abyss. What can I do to make this Friday's celebration a complete success? I am rolling Dark, [roll0]. Lets see how Deacon's first Gaze check goes! Not terrible, but this vision isn't going to be easy to decipher by any means, also my sketch may end up freaking people out!

2017-10-03, 03:36 PM
Siobhan smiles coyly, "So, are ye comin'? Ye'd inject a level o' class into the whole thing I'm sure. An' would be nice to not be the only girl there who's pale enough she glows in the moonlight." she leans in a litte close "Ye can be my date if ye like, I promised Deacon a dance, didn't say anything about my other dances."

Cassandra turns pink, as close as she can get to a blush, and stutters, composure lost, "U-uh, I mean...Sure? I-I guess?" She swallows nervously and asks, "Do you know if Rachel will be there?"

Amusingly, after she mentions Rachel, she wanders into the Algebra room and sees Rachel with her pink poof pen, and mutters to herself, "Ohgod she's already being cute..."

2017-10-03, 04:10 PM

Yeah, probably Sarah answers Wynne hesitantly. I'm not sure it's really a tradition like Deacon said, but I still like parties.

Summer, meanwhile, completely disengages from the conversation - and actually talks to Talia over Brittany's head, which she's not happy about. Talia wears a confused expression for a few seconds, weary that she is being made fun of. But Summer is so obviously earnest that she can't just ignore her.

Purple is probably my favorite, yeah she admits.

Summer and Talia are both spared whatever smart-mouthed comment that Brittany might have retorted with when Professor Finkleston enters the room. He is a bald, middle-aged man wearing, of all things, a tweed jacket.

Finkleston takes his place at the front of the room with a great deal more gravitas and severity than Shipdown. Instead of announcing himself, he merely waits to be acknowledged.

Professor Grace walks into the room. She's wearing a skirt suit, at least for the first few seconds, because she's barely in the room when she shrugs off her jacket and hangs it on the back of her own chair.

She looks at her own watch. Oh, we've got another minute or two she observes. We'll get started at ten exactly.

You're barely paying attention to what you are drawing, doodling more than anything else. You'd intended to draw yourself dancing with Sibohan, and Sam dancing with his girlfriend (you've never seen her, so you base her on a girl you knew before you came to St George's), but you messed up a little bit, and made you and him a little too close... back to back...

... Why did you draw a sword in your hand?

and don't you know, if you look at the stones just wrong, the sky visible between them looks awfully menacing.

2017-10-03, 04:40 PM
Victor nods at Deacon as he starts to draw. Turning his attention to the classroom, Victor sits back and waits for the class to start.

Mr. E
2017-10-03, 04:54 PM

Summer gives Talia a big grin, then turns her attention back to Mr. Finkleston. Drawing her eyebrows together so that they touch directly above her nose, she attempts to give an impression of seriousness and studiousness. Of course, the pine needle embedded in her messy hair, and the general impression of not quite being in touch with reality utterly ruins any chance she had of pulling this off. Still, she at least gives the impression of trying (or possibly of being severely constipated, it's one of the two).

2017-10-03, 05:33 PM
"Rachel, I don't know, why don't you ask her? I promise I won't get jealous." Siobhan says, clearly loud enough for Rachel to hear.

She takes a seat as Finkleston enters and retrieves her notebook.

2017-10-03, 07:37 PM
Wynne just nods before turning to face the teacher, notebook out and no doodling this time. He always noticed.

2017-10-03, 08:55 PM
Sam grins rather...well, wolfishly as Deacon explains. "Sounds like my kind of party. Although standing around in the dark doesn't sound like much of a challenge to me." The whole king and queen thing sounds a bit petty, too, but there's probably little to gain from whining about it.

He can't help but watch as Deacon pulls out his sketchbook and starts to draw. "Not bad," he says with a suitably impressed look as the drawing takes shape. "Wish I could draw like that..." The image seems...weirdly unsettling, for such a quick sketch, but that only makes it more impressive. Is that supposed to be him standing there? It's hard to tell, but...

Zero Prime
2017-10-04, 06:11 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon snapped out of it as Professor Grace walked into class, he glanced down at the sketch, saw Sam peering at the drawing, and nodded to him, muttering a non committal, "Cool." The enthusiasm had bled out of his voice though, and his face paled as he traced the outline of his sketch with a finger. He didn't remember drawing it, he just felt a connection to ... something outside himself. Alien, inhuman, terrifying.

He took a deep breath, shifted in his seat, and pulled the sketch from his binder, placing it in an art folio, containing similar artwork, done in a variety of mediums, each seeming slightly otherworldly and off kilter. Once stowed away under his desk, he straightened in his seat, and prepared for the day's lesson.

2017-10-04, 08:46 AM

Rachel turns in her seat to look at Siobhan and Cassandra when she hears her name, but she doesn't get the chance to ask any questions before Professor Finkleston clears his throat. Once the room has quieted, he starts talking.

Good morning, class. He begins. My name is Professor Finkleston, and this year we'll be exploring introductory algebra.

He takes a sheaf of papers from his desk and begins to pass them out. It's another syllabus. But rather than the dates of dissections and nature hikes, this one outlines grading policy and test dates.

He takes a little more joy than is strictly necessary in informing you that his tests are designed to be fiendishly difficult - they often include material not explicitly covered in class. Not to worry, though; whoever does best sets the curve.

He briefly explains how he uses the top score, the mean and standard deviations to calculate your test score. It sounds like it would take a class on its own for him to teach you how to calculate your grade; it's way more difficult than introductory algebra. The main point, though, is that every test someone will get 100%, and at least one person will fail.

And you'll notice he adds that five percent of your final grade comes from attendance and participation, and ten percent from homework.

He sighs. St George's policy requires that I score both of them. The insinuation is that if it were up to him the only thing that would matter is how well you did on the tests.

Then, to nearly universal horror, rather than releasing you early once he has covered the syllabus he launches into his first lesson. He covers the components of an equation, and the definitions of variable and expression. This will be on the first test he assures you.

You are kept in class for the entirety of the hour and fifteen minutes allotted to him.

True to her word, Professor Grace starts at 10 am exactly.

She takes attendance and discovers, like Professor Shipdown before her, that John is missing. Unlike Professor Shipdown she doesn't take more than a few seconds to call out his name then mark his absence.

Once that is done she hands out her class's syllabus. The majority of her grade revolves around two papers she assigns, due one each at the middle and end of the year.

You'll be covering broad Western Civilization in your Sophomore and Junior years she explains, and you'll get to elect which class to take as a Senior. But this year, as Freshman, we're going to be covering United States history and government. We will start with Jamestown in 1607 and work forward from there.

I intend to pay special attention to local history. Connecticut was founded not long after Jamestown, in 1614, by Dutch fur traders.

She adds write that down, that's important in a quieter voice before she continues.

So in lieu of writing a full essay, anyone finding an important local relic can write a brief paper about it. I understand that Professor Shipdown has taken to escorting you on 'nature walks', and that Mr Chase gives extra credit for 'fun runs.' Those are excellent opportunities. Keep your eyes open.

Are there any questions?

2017-10-04, 10:42 AM
Siobhan O'Connor

Siobhan makes a show of looking bored, but she actually quite enjoys math, like magic it had a certain rite and ritual to it and methodical flow, can't show off as too geeky though - she's got a reputation to keep after all.

Deciding better of provoking any teachers this early in the year she remains quiet through the lesson.

2017-10-04, 10:48 AM
Cassandra stares stuiously at the syllabus when Rachel turns around, not taking her eyes off it until Finkleston begins the lecture. She does her best to keep notes, but her thoughts keep drifting to Siobhan and Rachel, making her less effective than she would be normally.

2017-10-04, 01:05 PM

Professor Grace looks around the classroom, taking in the blank stares offered after her question.

She gives it a few seconds longer.

... Okay, great. We'll get started for real tomorrow, then. Have a nice lunch.

And that's it. It's only a few minutes after 10 now. You're free until 1 pm.

2017-10-04, 01:18 PM
Wynne half pays attention half daydreams, taking sparse notes whenever it occurs to her that this is something she should probably write down. Time slows to a crawl in that unique way it does when math is involved, like the clock knows how little she wants to be here and is being actively malicious.

Still for all her griping she's not bad at this persay, just bored out of her skull. She has to avoid rolling her eyes every time there's the insinuation that this will be needed 'for everyday life' since she can't imagine a phrase less applicable to her if she tried.

2017-10-04, 01:31 PM
Victor was actually shocked, by the Professor's statement. Sweet, I knew there was a reason I liked History so much.

Standing up, Victor looks around as the class leaves, glancing over at Deacon he says "You going to eat now or later? So, atleast part of my plan worked. Caitlyn, Connor, and Callista all know about the party. I'm willing to bet that before lunch is over Brittany will know as well. Connor will go..just to see if he can be king of the standing stones. Caitlyn and Callista will be there because Brittany will want to be crowned "Freshman Queen". Do you think we have anything left to do?"

Mr. E
2017-10-04, 03:12 PM
Summer's not exactly bad at maths. She can certainly do the basics well enough, and it all makes a certain amount of intuitive sense. She's suspicious that maths might have been one of the key things she was programmed to understand. But after a few minutes the numbers start to look like flowers and the division symbol like a butterfly, and she starts to doodle. By the end of the lesson, she's done all of the required work, but the information runs away like sand through her fingers, and Summer doubts she could do it again.

Zero Prime
2017-10-04, 05:24 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon nodded at Vic as he shuffled out of the classroom, "I'll text ya, I just wanna hang and talk to the Professor before lunch, alright?" With that, he slowly began to pack up, watching the other student's filter out of the classroom. Deacon began to pack up his day timer, his binder with the history syllabus, and his art portfolio while the rest of the class filtered out early.

He walked up to Professor Grace's desk, "Umm, excuse me ma'am?" He looked at her nervously when she looked up from her lesson plan, "I was just curious, I've been reading about the School, it's grounds, and proximity to the Elysian Forest." He cleared his throat, "I know there's some historical sites in the forest, nature preserves and such, but what about the Standing Stones?" To the Professor, he looked nervous, perhaps a little scared, "Before class began I was sketching, I'd been reading about them here and there, but ...," he began to withdraw his portfolio, "I know this isn't art, but," he spread the sketch out on her desk. "Does this mean anything to you?"

Before he did, he noted Brittany and crew filtering past his desk, talking amongst themselves.

He slowly stood up, Connor glaring at him, however, he deftly stepped around the imposing young man, and smiled at Brittany, it was at that moment, that a slight breeze rustled through the class room through an open window. As she removed the hair from her eyes, Deacon was standing in front of her, staring at her with his sky blue eyes, intently, a smile on his face, he ran a hand through his own hair, "Hey Britt," his voice was calm, melodious, not as deep as Connor's but pleasing to the ear. He looked at her followers, who had withdrawn to a respectful distance, "How about after lunch we got for a walk, before 3rd." He paused, reached out, his fingertips sliding through her hair, delicately picking out a piece of fluff that had drifted in through the window. "There's something you should probably know."

OOC: Oh god, I am nervous to roll these dice, but here goes. Rolling Hot to Turn on Brittany. [roll0]. Gulp! Success! Whewh! A String, give herself to me, promise something she thinks I want, or act embarrassed or awkward. Also, despite this scene, Deacon is still interested in talking with Professor Grace, but I wanted to arrange a meeting with Brittany first. Heh.

2017-10-04, 05:42 PM
"No worries, I'll catch up with you later."
Victor says as he listens to Deacon.

Moving out of the classroom, Deacon walks over to one of the outdoor benches and sits down. Looking around he takes in the students walking about, on their way to wherever they are going.

Keeping an eye out for anything or anyone intetesting, Victor waits.

2017-10-05, 08:17 AM
Professor Grace regards Deacon's sketch critically.

You drew this, right? she confirms. It looks very much like you.

The standing stones have been here at least as long as I have. I'm sure one of my students must have done a paper on them at some point, but I can't remember much of it off the top of my head.

I can probably find it. I keep all of the local history reports. She lowers her voice conspiratorially. You might be surprised at the quality of work some students turn in! A few of the papers could be turned into Doctorate Theses with just a little more work.

But you don't want to hear me brag. I can try to dig up one, if you want to read it. Though I expect you to cite it properly if you want to do a report about the standing stones; we have a very strict plagiarism policy here at St George's.
Brittany is easy enough to find, once you get away from Professor Grace. She is exactly where you'd expect her to be; surrounded by her closest friends, 'holding court' out at a table in the cafeteria. She's eating sushi for lunch. you have no idea where she got sushi from.

She looks you over appraisingly when you address her, but seems disinclined to leave her posse behind.

(ooc: Take a string on Brittany. You've got her interest.)

Emma was going to show me some new eyeliner before 3rd period.

There is no way that's going to take an hour and a half, no matter how much the girls like their makeup. She is just saying 'no' to the walk.

But I've got a few seconds to listen now if there really is something I should know.

Translation: you can tell me right here or not at all.

History got out really early. It shouldn't be a surprise that the only students milling about were people from that class.

Franklin has already found a comfortable spot and whipped out his Bio text book, working on that reading that Shipdown assigned due tomorrow.

Aaron has pulled on his coat (why is he wearing a coat? It's early September) and is heading for the exit. He'll probably come back after lunch. Probably.

Damien and Dorian are talking about something down the hall a little ways, by Damien's desk.

Miles is trailing after Connor, Callista and Caitlyn. That shouldn't surprise anyone; he'd fit right in with that group.
Your phone chirps; you have a text message.
miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.

Class finally lets out, and not a second earlier than it was scheduled to.

Brittany and Emma clear out like a flash, taking the opportunity to 'accidentally' knock some papers off of Talia's desk on their way to lunch.

As everyone is filtering into the hall Rachel makes her way over to Cassandra and Siobhan

Hey, sorry. I couldn't really hear you guys earlier. What's up?

2017-10-05, 08:40 AM
With so much unexpected free time on his hands, and breakfast already dealt with before bio, the breeze from outside calls to Sam like a siren's song as he passes an open window. A few minutes later, he finds himself out on the grounds, following the already-familiar path toward the woods.

When his parents had first started talking about St. George's, his image had been of a grey prison, surrounded by walls, with no green to be seen anywhere. Silly, true--it wasn't like boarding schools kept people locked up--but that was what the place's oh-so-prestigious reputation had conjured. The first sight of the grounds had been such a relief he'd almost wanted to cry. Finding a spot in the sun at the base of one old tree, he sits against the roots and just breathes in the air, feeling like it's adding years to his life. He wishes it was night, wanting to change, to dive into those woods, to hunt...

The buzzing of his phone pulls him back to reality. Pretty sure he knows who it is, he pulls it out right away to check. Though the last sentence has him confused, he can't help but grin like an idiot as he types back...

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?

2017-10-05, 08:53 AM

This time the response is almost immediate.

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?

Then before you can respond your phone dings again.

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?
Margot <3: *not

2017-10-05, 09:06 AM
It's as if a weight lifts off Sam's shoulders--he suddenly feels very silly. Of course she can move fast enough while changed to cover the distance in less than a night. It's only about an hour's drive, and by his judgement, she can run damn near as fast as a car.

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?
Margot <3: *not
Sam: holy f*** I can't believe I didn't think of that. ok this whole thing suddenly sucks so much less.
Sam: yes you can totally hide in my room. my roommate seems like an a**hole so far but he's been acting nice to me at least so I don't think he'll tell.

2017-10-05, 09:29 AM

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?
Margot <3: *not
Sam: holy f*** I can't believe I didn't think of that. ok this whole thing suddenly sucks so much less.
Sam: yes you can totally hide in my room. my roommate seems like an a**hole so far but he's been acting nice to me at least so I don't think he'll tell.
Margot <3: Did you not? lol at least ur cute. F***, forgot about your roommate. U want me to beat him up 4 u?

You smell Aaron walking towards you before you see him. The guy smells perpetually of weed. It's subtle enough that the teachers probably don't notice, but, well, werewolf. He showers, at least, so his odor isn't the most offensive at school.

He probably thinks you don't notice him.

2017-10-05, 09:37 AM
Alright two classes down, and by now Wynne was beginning to feel a little less like a grumpy shadow and more like an actual human being. Lunch was next, and she contemplates whether or not she really wants to go to the cafeteria. The food there isn't bad, this is a prestigious academy after all, but Lunch is also a good source of reliable alone time and she doesn't really get 'hungry' in the traditional sense anymore.

Then again Summer might want to eat together. Or she might not. Wynne doesn't feel like she knows her well enough yet to just presume that sort of thing. And if she asks out loud Sarah would probably try to invite herself. Instead she checks her day planner.

"What class do you have after lunch?" she asks, leaving the question general so either of them could answer if they wanted to.

2017-10-05, 09:49 AM
The wafting scent of weed makes Sam's nose twitch. Not really needing to look to guess who it is, he nonetheless casts a sideways glance upwind, spotting the source right away.

It's not really any of his business what Aaron is up to, but he still finds himself gripped by a certain curiosity. Plus, smell aside, Aaron seems at least marginally less stuck-up than most of his classmates; maybe he's worth getting to know. Dashing off another quick response text, he stows his phone and pretends to be looking elsewhere while tracking Aaron, waiting to see if he stops or heads deeper into the woods.

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?
Margot <3: *not
Sam: holy f*** I can't believe I didn't think of that. ok this whole thing suddenly sucks so much less.
Sam: yes you can totally hide in my room. my roommate seems like an a**hole so far but he's been acting nice to me at least so I don't think he'll tell.
Margot <3: Did you not? lol at least ur cute. F***, forgot about your roommate. U want me to beat him up 4 u?
Sam: lol please I can do it myself XD brb, gotta deal with something.

2017-10-05, 09:58 AM
French Sarah answers. I think I'll be good at it. I lo-ove foreign films, and isn't French just so romantic? She draws 'love' out into two syllabus.


Aaron, in fact, makes a beeline for you.

He is quiet. Most other people at school would probably be very surprised to find him suddenly standing there, especially if they were distracted by their phone. Most other people at school don't have your nose.

Hey. You wasting all day on your phone? Typical millennial. From his tone he, at least, thinks he is being funny.

2017-10-05, 10:11 AM
Sam answers with a smirk. "Hey, some of us actually have people to keep in touch with." He glances over Aaron's shoulder, at the school building. "You going to this party Deacon was talking about?"

2017-10-05, 10:18 AM
Siobhan, the Witch

Siobhan gives Rachel a smile, "Oh, Cassandra here had something to ask you." she then kneels down to help Talia pick up her scattered papers "What goes around comes around, don' worry none they'll pay a debt when fate comes reckonin'", with a last glance over at Cassandra and Rachel she departs for the canteen.

2017-10-05, 10:51 AM

Your phone 'dings' again. That'll be Margot's reply. You'll get to it.

Eh. I dunno, man. Aaron shrugs one shoulder. Parties aren't really my thing, you know? Too much posturing. Too much chest-beating. I'm not about that life.

But, uh

He tries to look casual. He fails.

Do you know if Talia is gunna be there?

Sam: hey babe. u up yet? just had 1st class n I already miss u <3
Margot <3: miss u 2. class is boring. R all the rich kids stuck up? Full moon in 2 weeks. Might sneak up n see u.
Sam: yes XD some of them are still ok tho. oh my God that would be so awesome but how would u get up here? is there a bus?
Margot <3: its nto 2 far 2 run if I can stay the night, run back the next night?
Margot <3: *not
Sam: holy f*** I can't believe I didn't think of that. ok this whole thing suddenly sucks so much less.
Sam: yes you can totally hide in my room. my roommate seems like an a**hole so far but he's been acting nice to me at least so I don't think he'll tell.
Margot <3: Did you not? lol at least ur cute. F***, forgot about your roommate. U want me to beat him up 4 u?
Sam: lol please I can do it myself XD brb, gotta deal with something.
Margot: K ILY TTYL

Rachel looks at Cassandra quizzically.

Oh, thank you Talia says to Sibohan.

I don't think mildly inconveniencing me is going to factor when fate catches up to Brittany. Or Emma, for that matter. Did you know her family's cosmetics company still tests on animals? She makes a face like she has smelled something sour.

2017-10-05, 11:08 AM
Bored for the moment, Victor gets up and decides to grab some lunch. As he does he sees Brittany and her little crew holding court at one of the outside tables.

Deciding there's nothing left to do, Victor sits down and watches them. Studying the group like a lion studying some antelope, Victor waits.

Basically Victor is studying the power level within the group. Obviously Brittany is at the top level, but who is at the bottom?

-Victor is taking it as a challenge to get a date or more from Brittany or one of her girls. (I'm determined to break the low number streak..lol)

2017-10-05, 11:09 AM
"Talia...she the one with the purple hair?" He almost forgets about Aaron, his nose wrinkling with disgust--if hypocrisy had a scent, it would be hers. All that high talk about protecting nature, when someone like her wouldn't survive two seconds if the "nature" she had in mind were allowed to run its course...

He shakes awake, realizing Aaron's still there, and forces a smile. "Uh, I dunno. I only heard about it from Deacon this morning. I can ask him when I see him next."

2017-10-05, 11:44 AM

Victor gets to the cafeteria in time to see Deacon approach Brittany's table, ask her to go for a walk, and get shot down (abet a great deal more gently than Callista had shot Victor down. There was no laughing involved).

Nothing has happened to make the hierarchy clear just yet. Brittany is sitting on the table with her sushi while, Emma, Callista, Connor, Brent, Caitlyn and Miles each have taken a seat (on chairs) at the table in that order starting on Brittany's right and continuing counter-clockwise around the circle. Most of them have meals of their own, the main exception being Callista, who just has a thermos of some sort that she is drinking out of. Deacon has remained standing thus far.

Don't go asking on my account Aaron responds. But yeah. That's her.

He glances around for a change of topic. He settles on you smoke?

2017-10-05, 12:58 PM
Victor sits back and watches the little clique with a bored expression. Finishing up his lunch, Victor throws the trash away and slowly walks towards his next class.

unless someone wants to interact with Victor, I'm set to advance to the next class.

2017-10-05, 01:19 PM

Victor is in the hallway headed towards his next class, not bothering anyone, when someone bumps into him from behind making him stumble forward.

That someone turns out to be Allen. Apparently now is 'later' enough for him, though he doesn't stop walking. Just turns and sneers at Victor. He jerks his head in a 'this way' motion and steps out the nearest exit onto the grounds behind the school.

2017-10-05, 02:06 PM

Victor is in the hallway headed towards his next class, not bothering anyone, when someone bumps into him from behind making him stumble forward.

That someone turns out to be Allen. Apparently now is 'later' enough for him, though he doesn't stop walking. Just turns and sneers at Victor. He jerks his head in a 'this way' motion and steps out the nearest exit onto the grounds behind the school.

Fair enough....with the way my day is going this makes sense.

Victor follows Allen outside and behind the school.

2017-10-05, 02:33 PM

Allen gets maybe all of twenty feet from the school before he turns to face you and assumes a boxer's stance. Dude is squared up and legitimately prepared to fight you, over a seat at the back of first period biology. At least he's waiting for you to throw the first punch?

Over Aaron's shoulder you see - is that Allen? Is Victor following him? Yes to both. Allen squares up like he's ready to fight Victor right then and there.

2017-10-05, 03:46 PM
Victor smiles as the thrill of the incoming fight causes his adrenaline to spike. Dropping into a boxers stance of his own, Victor surges forward with the first blow.

-1 equals 8...not bad.

2017-10-05, 03:52 PM
Sam shakes his head. "Nah, not really my thing." His tone makes it clear he has nothing against it--he just can't deal with the smell.

He's saved the trouble of trying to get the conversation moving again by a glimpse of approaching movement behind Aaron. "Hey guys, what--" Before he can even finish his sentence, Allen and Victor are squared up and Victor is on the attack. "Whoa!" Sam cries, leaping to his feat perhaps a little faster than he looks like he should be able to. "Damn, I didn't think you guys were serious!" He stays out of it for the moment--Victor and Allen both look like they're walking into this by choice, and he's not about to interfere with that.

2017-10-05, 04:11 PM
Siobhan, the Witch

"Well, I'll not judge her by the sins o' the father, I reckon' she'll have plenty of her own to judge upon. Deacon's plannin' a party out by the old stones, yeh seem like a girl who'd like a good shindig. An I'll try an' keep the brats off your back if you like?"

2017-10-05, 04:26 PM

Aaron turns more slowly than you did, having not been aware of the fight until you exclaimed. he comes to stand beside you, though his posture seems to indicate that he's a lot less inclined to get involved.

Sam and Victor
Victor gets the first punch in, connecting solidly with Allen's gut. Allen doubles over, but then turns the motion into a knee to Victor's face. The two go down, punching and kicking, neither one graceful or, you know, trained to fight. Just trying to hurt one another.

A few seconds later, before anyone from inside the building has even had time to notice, the boys separate, rolling away from each other. A bruise is already forming on Victor's left eye, and Allen's lip is cut and bleeding.

Allen stands up quickly, breathing hard more from adrenaline than exertion.

F*** me! Maybe Tyler Durden has a point!

He's not even looking at Victor. There has been no clear winner, but Allen seems to think that the fight is over.

(ooc: Victor, take 1 harm)

Aaron and Sam are both watching.

Oh! Yeah, sure! I can bring some of my vegan BBQ cauliflower bites! Talia chirps.

Are you a vegetarian, Siobhan? It really is the best thing you can do for the animals, for yourself, and for the environment!

2017-10-05, 04:58 PM
Siobhan, the Witch

Siobhan gives Rachel a smile, "Oh, Cassandra here had something to ask you." she then kneels down to help Talia pick up her scattered papers "What goes around comes around, don' worry none they'll pay a debt when fate comes reckonin'", with a last glance over at Cassandra and Rachel she departs for the canteen.

Cassandra looks at the ground nervously and replies, "Oh, uh, yeah. Siobhan wanted me to invite you to the whole 'party in the woods' thing. I doubt you're interested, right?"

2017-10-05, 05:09 PM
Victor feels the pain of the bruise begin to spread. Well, atleast I gave as good as I got.

"Truce, you want to keep duking it over a chair...fine let's go for round two. Just be warned that we stand a good chance of being caught and getting worse than a bruised ego. Let's call it a draw, and go get cleaned up. We still have a good chance of keeping this under wraps."

Victor pauses for a few moments to see what Allen does.

2017-10-05, 05:13 PM
Siobhan, Witch

Siobhan gives Talia a curious look "No, but when I shop for myself I buy ethically and limit what meat I do eat. Though I'll not waste food put in front of me. Anyway, we'd best be on to the canteen or there'll be no choice on what's for eatin'" This is of course nonsense, St. George's students were affluent enough to ensure there was plenty of food to go around, even for late comers.

2017-10-05, 07:03 PM
Rachel looks briefly confused.

Of course I want to come to the party. I'd love to spend time with you.

Victor and Sam

Allen chuckles. You don't have to talk me out of round two. I'm done.

Aaron rolls his eyes. Tyler Durdon is supposed to be the villain of that book. He destroys lives because he's sexually insecure.

Allen claps back Guess it's hard to be sexually insecure when you're a virgin, Aaron!

Aaron extends a single middle finger towards Allen. F*** you. I'm gunna go smoke. There's no way I'm walking into Shipdon's class sober.

Then he walks off to do just that.

Zero Prime
2017-10-05, 07:49 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

You drew this, right? she confirms. It looks very much like you.

The standing stones have been here at least as long as I have. I'm sure one of my students must have done a paper on them at some point, but I can't remember much of it off the top of my head.

I can probably find it. I keep all of the local history reports. She lowers her voice conspiratorially. You might be surprised at the quality of work some students turn in! A few of the papers could be turned into Doctorate Theses with just a little more work.

But you don't want to hear me brag. I can try to dig up one, if you want to read it. Though I expect you to cite it properly if you want to do a report about the standing stones; we have a very strict plagiarism policy here at St George's.

Deacon's face blanched as Professor Grace mentioned plagiarism, "No, not at all Professor, I was simply curious about the stones themselves. I'd love to read any reports that you *do* have, but you can be assured that my report would be my own work, not a pale reflection of your previous students works."

He considered for a moment, "I know it's asking you to take time out of your day, but if you'd like I could help you with administrative tasks, like filing, copying and such, if you'd grant me access to the reports."

But I've got a few seconds to listen now if there really is something I should know.

Deacon nodded, acquiescing to the queen with a show of humility, he sat beside her, his body close to hers. He slid closer, into her space, reaching a hand out to her opposite shouler, even as his left hand cleared the hair from her ear, he leaned in, his breath tickling her earlobe, an spoke softly for Brittany, an Brittany alone. "I'm sure you've heard about the Standing Stones this Friday," he grinned slightly, exhaling into her ear, softly, almost intimately. "Vic's nothing, if not blunt. I know your close with your girls here, and I didn't want to cause any problems. Listen, there's going to be a ceremony at the Stones. The Freshmen are going to crown their King & Queen." He shrugged, "I've got it, on good authority, that you're going to be our Queen. Only fitting really."

He pulled back, his eyes holding hers, that mischievous smile playing across his beautiful face. "Be a shame if you weren't there for it though." He looked down, somewhat saddened, a look of concern flickered across his face, "Don't tell anyone what I said though ...," he looked at Brittany's clique, "at least until the ... thing."

OOC: I will spend my String on Brittany to Tempt them to make the promise.

2017-10-05, 08:01 PM
Professor Grace waves away your offer to help her with work. Not at all, not at all. I'll enjoy the opportunity to look through some old papers.

Something hungry flashes behind Brittany's eyes.

Alright. We'll be there.

Zero Prime
2017-10-05, 08:39 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

A broad smile beamed back at her, "That's great." He squeezed her hand gently, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "Just remember, you can't tell anyone I told you that you'd be crowned ok? You've got to promise." He pulled back, raising a finger to his lips, 'Shhhh' he uttered gently.

2017-10-05, 08:47 PM
Cassandra looks up, smiles briefly, then frowns again as her eyes meet her shoes, replying, "G-good! I mean, it's not like I didn't want you to go or anything. Just, uh, be careful in the woods I guess?"

2017-10-05, 08:55 PM
"Don't get eaten by the fooooooorest ghosts!" Sam calls after Aaron on a weird impulse. "The dank attracts them!" He finds himself feeling rather blueballed--it's a shame other people don't have werewolf healing, or one of them might be able to keep going.

"What the hell's supposed to be wrong with Shipdown's class?" he inquires of the others. "Sounded like nothing but field trips and cutting up dead s*** to me."

2017-10-06, 02:24 AM
Siobhan, the Witch.

Siobhan arrives the cafeteria, her eyes zoning on Deacon, she feels the unfamiliar pang of jealousy stab though her (never mind that she'd been flirting earlier, this was different)
Siobhan had never been one to keep her passons reigned and storms over, with eyes like fire and a face like thunder.


2017-10-06, 08:53 AM
Wynne Checks her day planner to see what's been scheduled after lunch and sees that she's written down English.


Well knowing for sure that she's getting some alone time after lunch makes the possibility of Sarah inviting herself more palatable. And well... maybe she and summer would actually get along pretty well? Just because Wynne wasn't a social butterfly didn't mean her friend's social growth should suffer for it. Summer had a future after freshman year after all.

"English for me. Um, I'm not sure what I want to do for lunch though. I'm not that hungry."

2017-10-06, 08:58 AM
Brittany basks in your attention and laps up your flattery.

Okay. She twirls a strand of her hair between her forefinger and thumb. I promise.

Whatever other flaws Brittany might have she is beautiful, and staring at you intently, and something about making her do exactly what you want feels so, so good...

(Brittany gains a string on Deacon)

Cassandra, Wynne and Summer
Rachel is about to respond when Finkleton interrupts.

Ladies, don't take this personally, but this is my lunch too - if you wouldn't mind?

He gestures towards the door. It seems the five ladies have tarried in his classroom long enough to bother him.

2017-10-06, 09:13 AM
"Don't get eaten by the fooooooorest ghosts!" Sam calls after Aaron on a weird impulse. "The dank attracts them!" He finds himself feeling rather blueballed--it's a shame other people don't have werewolf healing, or one of them might be able to keep going.

"What the hell's supposed to be wrong with Shipdown's class?" he inquires of the others. "Sounded like nothing but field trips and cutting up dead s*** to me."

Victor laughs with the others as they watch Aaron leave.

"Honestly, I'm not sure, I didn't have a problem with anything that she said. It all sounded pretty straight forward and simple. Now, History is what I'm looking forward to."

Looking fown at his dust covered clothes, Victor shakes his head. "I definitely need to get cleaned up before next period English. Where are you guys headed?"

2017-10-06, 09:23 AM
Victor and Sam
Aaron waves without turning to acknowledge Sam's call. He doesn't stay to talk about what he finds objectionable about Shipdown's class.

Oh sweet, you've got English too? Now that whatever-the-hell had Allen picking a fight with Victor seems to be out of his system he's acting like you're old friends.

McDonnell's supposed to be pretty chill. Even has some of the seniors call him by his first name.

2017-10-06, 10:06 AM
"Oh right, um, sorry I'll just..."

Wynne hastily crams the rest of her things into her backpack and hurriedly shuffles out of the classroom looking mortified.

2017-10-06, 12:37 PM
Cassandra nods to the professor and mutters, "Of course," then hurries off to her own lunch period.

2017-10-06, 02:48 PM
Cassandra, Wynne, Summer

Cassandra, Rachel, Wynne, Summer and Sarah file out of the Algebra room and Finkleston closes the door behind them.

No sooner has the door closed than Cassandra starts towards the cafeteria, leaving the other four girls together without her.

You get away from Rachel.

That was what you wanted, right? I mean, that was the point...

You arrive in the Cafeteria. A little more than half the class is here. The exceptions are Aaron, Allen, Sam, Victor, John, Franklin, and of course the four girls you left behind.

Brittany is sitting on what is by far the most populated table. It's one of the round ones near the middle of the room. Her back is turned to the cafeteria entrance, facing Deacon, who is standing very close to her indeed.

Going counter-clockwise around the table from Brittany are Emma, Callista, Connor, Brent, Caitlyn and Miles.

Siobhan is standing just a few feet inside of the doorway. She's a little in the way, but easy enough to step around.

Alison and Bryony are sitting together at one of the square tables along the far wall.

Damien and Dorian occupy another table.

Finally, Talia is sitting alone - though not obviously lonely. She's enjoying some sort of pasta dish and a book at the table nearest to you.

Wynne and Summer
Rachel looks so confused and alone that Sarah pipes up. Hey Rachel! Do you want to get lunch with us?

This elicits a smile and a nod from the other girl.

Wynne said she wasn't hungry Sarah goes on to explain. But we were still going to hang out.

Suddenly all four girls hear a loud crash from down the hall, opposite from the direction of the Cafeteria.

2017-10-06, 08:52 PM
Victor Grimes-resident Ghoul
Harm: 1/4
Experience: 2/5

Victor stands there looking at his dirty clothes.

"You guys think there's enough time to go change real quick, or should I just wash off what I can and hope for the best?"

Looking around Victor quickly adds "you guys heard about the party?"

2017-10-06, 09:05 PM
The crash startles Wynne who fumbles the notebook she's carrying, managing just barely not to drop it on the floor.

'Dummy what are you jumping at loud noises for?'

"Did you guys.... hear that too?" It's a stupid question but somehow she just needs to be sure. She exchanges a puzzled look with the other three girls before moving in the direction of the crash. Because honestly you can't hear a loud mysterious crash and not go investigate it.

Mr. E
2017-10-06, 11:04 PM
"Yes. Is there a reason I shouldn't have?"

Summer looks at Wynne curiously. It seems like a strange question, considering how loud the sound was, but she was used to people asking odder questions. There were a lot of rules that didn't make much sense, and even if she thought you were allowed to hear things, maybe she was wrong (certainly people got so infuriated when you saw some things, even if it wasn't your fault, really). She still heads in the direction of the noise, however.

2017-10-06, 11:15 PM
Sam nods, not really sure what Victor seems so worried about. "Yeah. You going? I'm planning on it. I mean, what else is there to do, right?"

2017-10-07, 07:12 AM
Cassandra exhales slowly as she walks into the lunch room. She give Siobhan an icy look as she walks past, getting her food in silence and sitting alone.

2017-10-07, 08:05 AM
Sam and Victor

What party? Allen asks.

Wynne and Summer

Sarah and Rachel both round the corner with Wynne and Summer.

It's immediately obvious what caused the crash. One section of lockers - six in a row, which had come as a set - has toppled over onto the floor. This is no small feat; they had been anchored to the wall, and when they fell they took chunks of plaster with them leaving a hole in the wall big enough for Wynne to crawl through, if she wanted.

The plaster dust is still settling but there is a thing in the center of the hall which seems unaffected by it. It's a creature. It's tall enough to come up to a man's chest but more than twice that wide, with four legs. Rather than sit on top of those legs like a mammal would though the body of the beast hangs below them like a spider. Rather than joints the legs have points where they are simply thicker, standing out at an angle from the rest of the leg, and when the thing moves they flex rather than bend. But the thing's jaws are the most disturbing to look at; they are like the jaws of a coyote, but protrude downwards more than forwards, and what should be the front of the muzzle is missing entirely.

The entire thing is pitch black, glistening and wet. It remains black despite the dust in the air; as it touches the creature the dust seems to turn black as well.

It makes a noise. It's not a growl; it's a simpering, high-pitched whining. The girls have no sooner turned the corner than it lunges towards you, its talons skipping and screeching irrhythmically across the floor. It's movements are staccatoed, unnatural, grotesque and deceptively quick.

(ooc: Keep Cool rolls before you act, please)

2017-10-07, 08:05 AM
Siobhan storms over to Deaacon and Britanny
"Yeh were s'posed to be my dance for the night, not pandering to some barbie doll with looks paid for by daddy's wallet." she shoots an angry scowl at Britanny before fleeing

Mr. E
2017-10-07, 03:32 PM
Summer looks at the thing that comes chittering down the hallway. She knows she ought to do something, but her brain seems to short-circuit, and instead she just stares at it as it comes charging towards her. Shattered fragments of thoughts spin and dance, seeming to stab the inside of her head. Some part of her, the part that works as intended, is telling her to run, but the voices in her head are too distant to be heard. So instead her mind focuses on the way the billowing dust settles in Wynne's hair, or the peculiar shade of blue in the sky outside.

Out of the many fragmented and useless thoughts that run through her head, one rises to the surface. Gazing in surprise at the 'it,' she opens her mouth and speaks quietly.

"But I took my meds this morning..."

2017-10-07, 04:01 PM
It was like time slowed down around her. She could see the... the creature lunging for the three of them but where fear should have been there was just... almost calm acceptance.

'You're already dead, they aren't, help get them out of here'

This thing wasn't natural, maybe it ate ghosts. Maybe it'd chew her up and she'd just... cease being. Honestly though there were worse fates she could think of. Her body was moving like she didn't even need to think about it. She slid the backpack off her shoulders, stepping forward not back, gripping it with both hands and swinging the 20 pounds of canvas and paper like one might swing a baseball bat.


Roll to Lash Out Physically: [roll0] (using the forward from my excellent keep cool roll)

Well she tried. Though honestly I wasn't expecting it to go particularly well for her either way. Sorry summer.

2017-10-07, 04:37 PM
Summer, Wynne

The black beast lunges.

Wynne pivots her backpack off of her shoulders and swings it like a bat in one smooth motion, as hard as she possibly can. It connects with the hanging-bat-monster.

If it had been normal, if it had been shaped like any natural creature, the bag would have clocked the thing full in the face. Unfortunately its disturbing, grotesque anatomy meant that its 'face' was hanging low, from where that sane being's belly would have been. Instead he bag connects against its upper leg and the thing takes nearly no notice at all.

Sarah is the first to scream, a shrill noise that carries down the hallways in either direction.

The thing lunges past Summer and Wynne, the two ladies in the front, and impacts against Rachel with a sickening crunch. She lands on her side, her arm beneath her and the thing above her, crouching over her. She's whimpering and the thing's teeth are mere inches from her throat...

.... When it stops.

It freezes like a dog with a scent. Then it skitters forward, away from the other three girls with Rachel, leaving Rachel on her side on the floor. It turns left, skittering and simpering in an irrhythmic way that churns your stomach just to hear it, and disappears with terrifying speed up that hallway. The hallway the girls had just come from.

You're halfway to the women's bathrooms when you hear a scream. A girl's scream. There is no playfulness in it; it's a scream of terror, straight out of a horror movie. It's coming from further down the hallway, past the restrooms.

Sam and Victor
Allen has barely asked his question when a scream can be heard from inside the building. It's faint, like it's further away, but it's feminine and terrified.

Cassandra and Deacon
After Siobhan flees Brittany looks over her shoulder at her crew. She lifts one hand, palm up. Her expression and the gesture both convey 'can you believe this?'

I wouldn't go after her. Emma offers her advice to Deacon. If you do she'll think the two of you are, like, a thing.

And you're not. Right? she uses her tone to imply that the idea of being 'a thing' with Siobhan was repulsive.

Zero Prime
2017-10-07, 04:58 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

I wouldn't go after her. Emma offers her advice to Deacon. If you do she'll think the two of you are, like, a thing.

And you're not. Right? she uses her tone to imply that the idea of being 'a thing' with Siobhan was repulsive.

Deacon looked incredulously from Emma to Brittany, and then back to Siobahn's retreating form. His breast felt tight, his heart was pounding, his words, his actions, had hurt the young woman, and that was something that demanded justice, that the scales be balanced.

"Regardless of what she thinks of me, or what I think of her, it's really, none of your business. You don't get to pass judgement on other people because of daddy's money, or the clique you worked your way into." He was angry now, "If you see ugliness in other people, it's because they are a mirror, and you're seeing your own rot reflected there."

OOC: Shutting Down Emma, rolling Cold -1, [roll0]. Hopefully this works. Or not, but I'll mark XP. And I am expecting a Hard Move, which could suck as I run after Siobahn while she is hearing cries of terror because a Cthuloid is stalking the halls!

I didn't indicate I left after Siobahn, because with the fail I am sure some harsh words are coming my way.

2017-10-07, 05:39 PM
Wynne stands shell shocked, silence hangs for a moment before she sinks to her knees next to Sarah.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" she asks softly. She can't believe what just happened. She thought they were going to die. Well specifically she thought Summer and Sarah were going to die, though more sarah honestly. What was that thing? And while she's glad it didn't actually tear anyone's throat out why did it run away like that?

She feels cold, colder than she has in a while. Sick dread settling into the pit of her stomach. Where did it go?

2017-10-07, 05:55 PM
The scream cuts Sam off just as he's opening his mouth to respond. Almost too quickly, like a dog instantly fixing its attention on a flash of movement by a fleeing squirrel, he whirls to face the source. With his hearing, it's no problem to discern where it's coming from. In a second, he's gone, sprinting headlong back toward the building, calling over his shoulder to Allen "get a teacher!" in a tone that brooks no argument.

2017-10-07, 06:27 PM
Cassandra smirks as she watches Siobhan run down the hallway and then grin as a thought comes to her. Why not show Siobhan why she doesn't want to spend time with Rachel? She stalks her way down the hallway after Siobhan, a dark smile on her face.

2017-10-07, 08:13 PM
Siobhan pauses, as upset... annoyed.. frustrated as she is (and with herself more than anyone) she can't help but be drawn towards the girls scream. Balling her hands into fists tightly enough for her nails to dig into her palms she lets the pain clear her head and moves to investigate, though quietly, she knows there is more in the world than many concieve, but she is not even above mundane threats...

2017-10-08, 11:18 AM
Not having heard what Sam heard, Victor could only see the expression on his face.

Wuickly fillowing in his footsteps, Victor shouts at Sam. "What did you hear? I didn't hear anything."

2017-10-08, 12:10 PM

Your retort might have been impassioned, but it fails to impress Emma.

Surprisingly it's Connor who leaps to Emma's defense. Hey! He shouts. Emma's a sweetheart, you're being a d*ck! A few other people sitting at the table murmur their agreement.

You see Cassandra stand and go to follow Siobhan. Knowing what you do about Cassandra, though, that might not be a good thing.

Wynne and Summer
Rachel is crying, tears dotting her cheeks. She sits up and winces, her right hand going to her left arm - the arm that had been trapped beneath her.

I hurt my arm she tells Wynne. She is sitting up, and she is talking, though. She isn't dead.

Sam runs up the hall, coming from the opposite direction from whence the demon-beast fled. Victor is close behind him. Victor's left eye is swollen, a bruise formed around it.

Sam and Victor
To his credit, Allen doesn't hesitate at all. He follows the two of you up the hallway for a few feet, until he peels off in another direction to do exactly as Sam instructed; he has gone to find a teacher.

The two of you find four of your classmates; Wynne, Sarah, Summer and Rachel. Rachel is sitting on the floor clutching her arm and crying. Wynne is kneeling next to her. Summer and Sarah stand a little further back, both visibly shaken. Behind them a cluster of lockers lay on the floor, having fallen (or been pushed) forward hard enough to take a big chunk of the wall where they had been mounted with them. The plaster dust has mostly settled, but some still hangs in the air.

Cassandra stands, an otherworldly grace taking a hold of her movements now that she has decided on her next course of action. She is a Montressant. It was time to show Siobhan what that meant.

Cassandra and Siobhan
Cassandra nearly catches up to Siobhan a few feet from the women's restrooms.

Siobhan walks right past them, not running now, but moving carefully and curious.

There is little doubt that Cassandra could have hurt Siobhan, could have made her bleed, could probably have killed her. Unfortunately, and in a rare turn of events, Cassandra isn't the scariest thing in St George's school right now.

A thing, which the girls must assume is alive only because it moves - though its movements have no rhythm to them, no cadence the way a creature's run should. It cannot be properly described without discussing its jaw; all fangs, sharp and pointed, teeth which would make one imagine it a predator if the term didn't also invoke a sense of fitting anywhere within the natural order. Rather than be attached to a head the jaw protrudes downwards from the thing's stomach, nestled between four grotesque legs which flex like an accordion rather than bend at joints. The legs extend up and above the main body of the beast then it hangs from them, like a spider.

Its gait, deceptively fast, force it forward directly and unerringly towards Siobhan.

(Keep Cool rolls)

2017-10-08, 12:48 PM
Sam skids to a halt at the sight of the four girls, shoes kicking up clouds from the dust coating the floor. "Holy s***! What happened?" Even without the damage to the hallway, it's clear something is horribly wrong. Beneath the plaster and terror, there's another scent...something that makes Sam's stomach twist. He doesn't recognize it--indeed, it's hard to even compare it to anything. First Wynne, now this...what the f***'s with this school? Whatever it is, if it did that to the lockers, it can't be good news.

Keeping his ears open, he turns his head and sniffs, taking in the air at every angle. If it comes back, they need to be warned...

2017-10-08, 01:06 PM
Cassandra moves with intent towards Siobhan, bloodlust growing...Until she sees it. Something about it chills her to her core, and she takes a step back, unsure, original intent forgotten as she struggles to think past the fear and come up with a plan, remaining stock-still until she can.

Cool check: [roll0]

Mr. E
2017-10-08, 01:07 PM
The thing comes closer, and closer, and then it turns to run and reality starts to move in the proper order once again. Summer can feel her good hand shaking, the other arm quivering spasmodically. She takes a deep breath inhales plaster dust and starts to cough. Her throat is dry and the mother of all head-aches is thrumming behind her eyes. Rachel is crying, but she doesn't seem harmed, and the monster definitely existed then, so that helps. She looks down the corridor, idly noting that it seems to be heading towards the lunch-room.

"Towards the lunchroom..."

It takes a few seconds longer than it really ought've to work out the problem. Turning round, she sees Sam and Victor come up the corridor. Summer starts to run after the creature, shouting as she goes.

"It went this way!"

If I break, I'm sure my parents can always purchase a replacement.

Yes Summer, running towards the Eldritch abomination is a good idea. :smallwink:


Experience: 1/5


- Sam: II
- Wynne: II
- Deacon: I

2017-10-08, 01:09 PM
Siobhan freezes a second in horror, of all the things she's seen and done... this was something beyond. She turns to flee, almost running into Cassandra just behind her. "RUN!"

Keep Cool: [roll0]

2017-10-08, 01:14 PM
Sam catches the scent just as Summer cries out and takes off. "Hey! Hold on!" he calls, breaking into a run again to follow. "Don't go running off alone!" The scent grows stronger as they head down the hall, Sam's blood running colder with every step. Why can't this be happening at night?

2017-10-08, 01:18 PM
Victor takes in the sight of thd girls crying and of the damaged wall. With oyt hesitating he rushes over to Wynne and Rachel. Gently placing his hand on Wynne's shoulder, Victor trues to calm the girls down.

"Hey, are you guys okay? It's okay, whatever did this is gone and I'm here now. It'll be okay. What did you guys see?"

2017-10-08, 07:22 PM
"A monster!" Wynne blurts it out without any hesitation. If anyone would believe her it's probably Victor anyway. She didn't know him well, wasn't entirely sure what he was, hadn't had the courage to really try and approach him since the day she'd seem him dive into the quarry and then get up and walk it off. But she was reasonably sure he wasn't going to be a skeptic.

She gestures frantically to the knocked over lockers and the hole in the wall. "It just... it just burst out of there! Like some kind of spider but...wrong." She shivers, so very very wrong. "And then it ran off over that way and...Summer!"

Wynne goes bolting off down the hall surprisingly fast for such a scrawny little thing, but her friend just went running off after a horror and what if she got hurt!

Zero Prime
2017-10-08, 10:35 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon tried to push Connor's angry retort from his mind, but in his desire to secure Brittany's support for Friday's celebration, he'd hurt Siobahn, and by going after her, he was likely risking the support he'd been trying to gain. That was when he noticed Cassandra stalking after Siobahn, her pallid face, set, focused, and determined. He could almost see the hunger writ large on her face, which meant she could likely be a threat to her safety.

He quickly walked across the cafeteria following Cassandra, that's when he saw her;

Siobhan freezes a second in horror, of all the things she's seen and done... this was something beyond. She turns to flee, almost running into Cassandra just behind her. "RUN!"

"What the hell ...," the entire scene before him was chaos, sheer, and utter chaos.

2017-10-08, 11:27 PM
"Hold up, you cant go running off by yourself!"

Victor shouts after Wynne, as she runs off down the hallway. Looking at the others, Victor makes his mind up.

"You guys wait here. I'll go after her."

2017-10-09, 07:54 AM

A lot of things happen very quickly.

First, Siobhan turns to run, exposing her back to the demon beast.

Then Deacon sees the beast, though that's a bad name for it. Like a chandelier with jaws, hanging from four legs - if they can be called that - that flex rather than bend and scuttle it along at a gait that's wrong in a way he can't quite put his finger on, and all of it blacker than the space between the stars.

Behind it, coming up the hallway at a full run, in order, are Summer, then Sam right on her heels, then Wynne then Victor a few feet behind them. Victor's got a gnarly black eye.

Then the boys, Sam and Victor, see the black creature.

Then it lunges at Siobhan, connecting with her hard and knocking her onto her stomach on the floor. It hangs over her, sharp and deadly and eldritch, poised with its teeth inches from her neck.

Siobhan, take a harm as the wind is knocked out of you.

Summer and Wynne know what they are running into, I don't need Keep Cool rolls from you. You can act.

Siobhan and Cassandra, I'll let either of you make a "run away" roll to get away if that is all you are trying to do. If you want to do anything else I need a "Keep Cool" roll first.

Deacon, Sam and Victor, this is your first time seeing this thing. I need a "Keep Cool" roll from all of you before you can do anything.

Zero Prime
2017-10-09, 07:59 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon scrabbled to a stop, he dropped to his knees, eyes wide as saucers. "No, no, no no ...," the words came unbidden to his lips, Deacon suddenly felt like he was a child, his night terrors, things that scrabbled in the dark, and the rot, and the loam beneath the trees in the forest though which he had played. Even as his ass hit the marble hallway floor, his feet pushing him back from the terror, he watched as though in slow motion. Siobahn's foot caught her lead ankle, and she pitched forward, her eyes rolled up in her head, the spider-thing, loomed over her, it's jaws clicking, in an inhuman, utterly alien manner, a thick string of viscous liquid drooled obscenely from it's indescribably horrid jaws.


It was louder now, resolved. He reached a hand to his neck, there hung an arrow head there, silver, it glinted in the hallway, in relief across it's broad surface a white oak. His mother had said it was a gift from his father, but Deacon didn't concern himself with that. He pulled at it savagely, got to his feet and sprung forward, the arrowhead wrapped around his fist, just out, clenched between his fingers. He began to punch up at it's soft underbelly, as he muttered under his breath, trying to distract the monstrosity from Siobahn's prone form.

"Attercop mother f**ker! ATTERCOP!"

OOC: Rolling Cold, -1, to Keep Cool. Will edit in appropriate reaction dependent on the roll. [roll0]. A success, I am hoping to distract it, so Siobahn can run, but not sure if you want a Lash Out check from me or not.

2017-10-09, 08:54 AM
Siobhan O'Connor
Harm I

Siobhan hits the ground hard, and tries to scrabble onto her back so she can at least see what's coming.

[roll0] Keep cool

2017-10-09, 09:07 AM
Siobhan O'Connor
Harm I

Nopenopenope she mumbles as she attempts to scrabble away. Her mind refusing to process, she scrambles helplessly on the slippery floor as the creature advances upon her. Then suddenly Deacon is there... a flash of silver in his hand as he strikes at it.

[roll0] Run Away (volatile)

2017-10-09, 09:07 AM
Wynne skids a little as she turns around the corner. She sees Siobhan pinned underneath that... that thing. Ok come on something she can use as a weapon anything....

While Deacon is attempting to distract it she spots a big shiny red fire extinguisher. Solid metal, definitely heavier than a backpack. Wrenching open the case containing it (emblazoned with a big red 'in case of emergency' sticker) she drags it down where it hits the floor with a solid clunk.

Lash out Physically: [roll0]

However it's definitely too heavy for her to lift effectively. She can't manage to get it up into a position where she could swing it.

"Sam!" she calls out to him, hoping maybe he would be able to do something with it.

2017-10-09, 10:36 AM
Sam doesn't mean to stop as the creature comes into view. His legs freeze at the sight of it, like they've been caught in a bear trap. Siobhan, Deacon, everyone else might as well be invisible. The thing fills his whole field of view, its stench assaulting his nostrils and making him want to throw up. For the first time in months, he feels like the old Sam again, helpless and feeble.

Wynne calls his name. He doesn't even hear her. Everything else is drowned out by the voices in his own head. Threat. Danger. Bigger hunter. Can't fight. Get away. RUN!

Summer is still within reach. As he spins around, his hand darts out to seize her wrist. "COME ON!" is all he can say as he takes off, back down the hall, sounds of struggle erupting behind him, praying the others have the good sense to follow...

Mr. E
2017-10-09, 12:08 PM
It's all happening too fast. The monster is crashing around, and Wynne is flailing at it with her bag, and several people are screaming, and she tries to move but something like a tentacle grabs at her hand. She turns around and Sam is trying to pull her away, and someone is still screaming. Summer twists, attempting to dislodge Sam's grip, and dash towards the monster.

"Got to do something, got to do something, got to do something..."

I'm not sure what the best roll here would be. Maybe an escape the situation to get free from Sam. If I succeed, Summer wants to try and drag Siobahn out of the way of the monster while it's distracted.


Just put the wrong Werewolf in my original post :smallredface: Anyway, with that roll I'll content myself with marking experience.


Experience: 1/5


Sam: II
Deacon: I
Wynne: II

2017-10-09, 12:41 PM
Cassandra, opting to do the cowardly thing, decides that the best course of action would be to run, as quickly as possible, opposite the direction the monster was heading. And so she does just that.

Run Away: Volatile [roll0]

2017-10-09, 01:03 PM
Victor rounds the corner and takes in everything all at once. The situation seems to be one from the darkest corners of chaos.

Seeing Siobhan pinned under the creature however snaps him back to reality. Victor only knows one thing...he has to help his friend. Looking around he spots Wynne dragging the fire extinguisher. Moving over he gives her a reassuring nod as their hands touch.

Taking the extinguisher from her, Victor moves towards the creature with the thrill of violence in his eyes.

Per the cheat sheet I found, it says you'll describe the actions and I'll choose to run or stay.

2017-10-09, 04:23 PM
Victor moves forward with the fire extinguisher and attempts to bludgeon the creature that has Siobhan pinned.

**sorry about the mess up in the other post. I didn't want to doubke post, so I deleted it.

2017-10-09, 07:05 PM
Deacon goes to roll beneath the thing's belly to stab upwards, but gets caught in its legs, one bird-like talon racking once across his stomach then pushing him back against the locker.

Siobhan tries to squirm back and out of the way, but the thing is perched directly above her. It opens its jaws then brings them down on her stomach, using its teeth more like a punch press than an animal's jaw.

Cassandra starts to back away, putting distance between herself and the thing. The image of Siobhan turning to run and being tackled from behind sticks in her mind, though, and refusing to turn her back slows her down.

Victor takes the fire extinguisher from Wynne and swings it as hard as he can at the demon-beast. It connects solidly with its back, but if the thing notices it doesn't show it.

Deacon, take 1 harm. Siobhan, take 2 harm.

If you haven't passed either a Keep Cool check or Run Away check you can try again.

2017-10-09, 08:04 PM
Cassandra keeps moving, trying to put as much distance between herself and the monster as possible.


Zero Prime
2017-10-09, 10:03 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

He felt cold, sweat was beading at his temple's, but he couldn't push the image of that *thing* crouched over Siobahn's prone form. He felt his chest tighten, he couldn't breathe. He crawled to the safety of the locker's looking with fear towards Siobahn's form, scrabbling helplessly away from her spreading blood.

OOC: Keep your Cool reads as follows;
When you keep your cool and act despite fear, name what you’re afraid of and roll with Cold. Deacon is less concerned with the horrid monstrosity, the wound across his stomach, but what he fears, what he really fears, is letting Siobahn down now, and not being able to get her out of this situation. So rolling with Cold, -1, [roll0]. I really wish you could spend Strings on people to Help or Hinder them,
heh. Looks like another Xp for old Deacon.

2017-10-09, 11:13 PM
Despite the lack of an obvious effect with the fire extinguisher, Victor brings it up and swings it again.

Since creatures can't have strings, looks like it'smy darkest self and full on ghoul mode...

2017-10-10, 01:40 AM
Siobhan, terrified and wounded
Harm III

Keep your cool [roll0]

2017-10-10, 07:51 AM
Seeing the fire extinguisher doing largely nothing to the beast Wynne opens up her pack and fishes around for something, anything, that might be useful. Pens and pencils go clattering across the floor before she finds it. A pair of scissors tucked away in a side pocket.

'Oh this is such a bad idea.'

Still it was the closest thing to a blade available and if blunt force wasn't doing it.... Improvised weapon grasped firmly in hand she runs towards the thing and stabs down hard with all her might hoping to at least draw its attention.

Since I rolled a 7 in the OOC, I'll pick option 2, GM determines how bad the harm is, since I don't want to give it a string and I also don't want to go ghost in front of literally everyone so early in the game.

2017-10-10, 09:53 AM
Sam tries to run, straining, but Summer is refusing to follow, pulling back against his grip. Nearly dragging her, he makes it to the end of the hall and around the corner. Screaming fills his ears, the scent of human blood mixing now with the rest.

"Got to do something, got to do something, got to do something..."

Against every instinct, Sam stops, spinning to face Summer and dropping her wrist. "Will you--"

The look on her face is like a slap across his. A fresh wave of sickness makes his head spin, but it's not panic anymore. What the f*** are you doing? More sounds of fear and pain echo down the hall--Siobhan's voice.

You haven't changed at all, have you? You're pathetic.

His hands curl into fists.

You are not prey.

You don't run.

Never again.


A clang hits his ears as his hand suddenly throbs with pain; he's left a dent in one of the lockers. Come on. Get a grip.

He looks at Summer. "You wanna do something? Pull the fire alarm. Get everyone out of here." He has no idea if she'll do it, but it doesn't really matter. He doesn't wait for a reply as he takes off past her, for the second time heading toward the monster.

The thing hovers over Siobhan, the pair surrounded by a lot of blood. Victor has the extinguisher. Four more steps. Four legs--enough of a target. "HEY! F***FACE!" Praying the thing is capable of being distracted, he kicks out low and wide as the gap closes, trying to sweep out the nearest two limbs...

Finally, something I'm good at! :smalltongue:

Lashing out physically: [roll0]

On a success or partial success, I gain a String. On a partial success, I'll give it a string on me.

2017-10-10, 01:52 PM
Deacon's mad scramble to hit the creature's underbelly may have failed and gotten him a nasty gash across his stomach, but it does give Victor the right idea.

Victor brings the fire extinguisher back again, but instead of hitting at the top of the demon he swings it down in a 'U' shape, aimed at the demon's underbelly. The force throws it from Siobhan. It skitters back up to four legs making angry, hissing, high-pitched noises that hurt your teeth like nails on chalkboard.

It gathers itself to attack again, but Wynne hurls herself over Siobhan to get at the beast, scissors in hand. She buries its blade at the top of the beast's leg. It screams and writhes.

Sam charges back in to the fray, imposing himself between the thing and the other students. He tries to kick out at it, but the thing jumps back and away from him.

The thing is bleeding goopy, green blood.

It turns and leaps - clearing Deacon's head and impacting the lockers behind him.

Or, it should have impacted the lockers. Instead it passes through them, disappearing from sight.

2017-10-10, 02:10 PM
Cassandra keeps moving down the hall, looking for help, or anyone to talk to about what just happened, at least.

2017-10-10, 02:10 PM
Siobhan | Bloodied and Bruised Witch.
Harm III
Gasping for breath Siobhan manages to drag herself to her feet, and promptly throws herself at Deacon. I'M SORRY, I'm Sorry, I'm sorry! she holds him a moment, clutching tightly to him before finally calming down. "Um, sorry again. I've got blood all over you. Ahh, it's my blood." the realisation makes her unsteady on her feat and she starts to waver.

Sounds wierd but Turn Deacon On [roll0] Not implying that Deacon is turned on by girls bleeding all over him, but that he seems like he has strong protective instincts and she's pretty weak and could do with some protecting

Mr. E
2017-10-10, 02:12 PM
Summer disengages from Sam, and turns to move back towards the beast, but it leaps through a set of lockers and disappears. The shouts and cries still ring in the hallway, reverberating in the cramped space. Her head hurts, feeling like a spiny creature is trying to hatch from her skull. She staggers slightly, the hurries forward to Siobahn's side.

I don't know a lot about first aid, but oh god that is a lot of blood.

Summer tries to support Siobahn, lowering her down into a sitting position. There's blood everywhere, and what do I do?

"Hey, Siobahn. Look at me."

If she's looking at me, she won't be panicking about the blood. Hope this is the right thing to do...

Boy this thread moves quick.
Oh well, let's do this instead. Summer wants to keep Siobahn from looking at the mess, hopefully avoiding her going into shock.

There's not really an ideal move for this, but I'm gonna roll to turn someone on.



Experience: 2/5


- Wynne: II
- Sam: II
- Deacon: I

2017-10-10, 02:29 PM
Siobhan | Delirious? and Bleeding Witch
Harm III

Siobhan allows herself to be lowered and looks at Summer
"St Johns Wort or Mistletoe boiled and soaking banadges should ward of infection.... or pine sap." She focuses on odd folk recipes her Grandmother taught her. "Wear a band of iron to ward off the creatures of elsewhere.". She tries to focus on Summer. "thank you too, I saw you tryin to defend me. Did.. was that real?"

2017-10-10, 02:42 PM
Wynne looks dazed, still holding the bloody green scissors so tightly that her knuckles are white with the effort. Still kind of lost in that fight or flight response. The contents of her backpack are still strewn everywhere, her clothing disheveled, and she stands looking at the wall where the thing vanished like she's just waiting for it to appear again.

Siobhan is pretty badly injured, her blood is bright red and she can smell that sickening meaty copper smell all through the hallway. When it begins to become clear that whatever it was isn't coming back her body starts to tremble. Her vision starts to go blurry. And before she can really understand what's happening she just starts crying. Hiccoughing into the sleeve of her shirt.

That was so ****ing terrifying.

Zero Prime
2017-10-10, 02:52 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

He winced as the thing leapt at him, thinking that in a final attack it would attack him, rending flesh and sinew from his very bones. However, the thing, whatever it was, wherever it came from, disappeared like a figment, and then ... she was in his arms.

I'M SORRY, I'm Sorry, I'm sorry! she holds him a moment, clutching tightly to him before finally calming down. "Um, sorry again. I've got blood all over you. Ahh, it's my blood."

He raised an arm weakly to brush a lock of red hair from her pale face, "You're injured Siobahn, please, try not to move." She swayed, and he lowered her to a sitting position, holding her face in his hands, close enough he could feel her labored breath along his cheek. "Please, don't apologize, you're alive, that's all that matters." He leaned forward, his lips brushed hers, his jaw opened slightly, the tug of her lips, the nip of his teeth, the pain in his ribs, his back, the wound across his stomach, it all dulled as the beauty, the passion of the kiss swept it away.

The spell was broken as Summer rushed to them, he turned at approach, his eyes flaring. "She's wounded, badly! She doesn't need to look at you! She needs a doctor, what are you? New?!"

With that, Deacon removed his shirt, he was trim, athletic, and beautiful to behold, long, soft lines, just beginning to harden with the muscular definition brought on by his maturing body. "This will hurt my primrose, but only for a moment." He tied his shirt around her wounds, and bound it tight, cinching it as best he could, leaning forward he kissed her damp forehead, and reached an arm around her, lifting her to her feet.

He looked to Sam and Vic, poignantly ignoring Summer, "The Nurses station guys, lets try to get her there quickly," he nodded towards the deserted hallway, "we can figure this out later."

OOC: Nice Turn on there Dice! Have a String & What I think you want, a kiss! Also by tearing my shirt off, revealing youthful ab's, does that count as attempting to help her heal with romantic undertones? Either way ... Summer does get Shut Down, rolling Cold, -1, [roll0]. I come across Poorly, so Summer can give me a condition, but I will chose to take +1 Forward.

2017-10-10, 03:06 PM
Sam spins to follow the creature as it dodges and leaps, a snarl tearing free of his throat...the stench of its blood burns his lungs...everything blurs red, he needs to get it, to hit it, to break it, to show it what happens to things that make him feel weak--

It's gone. By the time that knowledge reaches Sam's forebrain, he's already streaked past Deacon and charged at the wall it was about to hit. A crash rings out as he hits the lockers, roaring in frustration and fury. As everyone else rushes to help Siobhan, he finds himself rooted in place, panting for breath, trying to remember where he is. It's gone. Can't hurt it now. Focus. Protect the others. He can still smell the thing as he straightens up, turning to survey the damage.

Deacon catches his eye, and Sam immediately sees the truth of his words. "I'll get them," he says with a nod. "Keep her here. You're not supposed to move injured people." With that, he takes off again, sniffing for the scent of disinfectant that will show him the forgotten way to the nurse's office. His eyes are peeled for faculty.

Mr. E
2017-10-10, 03:27 PM
The headache is pounding now, pain surging in at regular intervals. Deacon says something, but it's difficult to accurately follow what's going on. She steps sideways, weaving slightly on her feet. Wynne's somewhere that way, so Summer wobbles towards her. The other girl is crying messily, and she feels sympathy rise through the throb. Sticking her good arm around her she leans on Wynne, trying to appear comforting while also not falling over.


Right then, everything back on track. Summer's doing exactly what she was doing with Siobahn to Wynne, so same roll as before.


2017-10-10, 03:32 PM
Victor lets the fire extinguisher fall from his hands and clatter onto the floor. With a weary look he takes in the chaos of the attack.

Seeing Deacon remove his shirt and bind Siobhan's wounds snaps him back to reality. Looking around he sees Wynne quietly crying, he quickly moves over and tries to draw her into his arms and comfort her.

2017-10-10, 03:52 PM
"An' what in Hell's name are we going to tell the nurse happened? Ah'll be fine, 'tis worse than it looks, just a li'l dizziness." Siobhan's accent is even more all over the place than usual, and she certainly seems a little a little unfocussed.
So was that thing real? Did everyone see it, or have I finally gone crazy?

Seems like a legitimate healing option to me, but I'll hold off until our storyteller makes a decision on it

Zero Prime
2017-10-10, 04:06 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon could hear the panic in her voice, he gently stroked her hair, "Shhh, shhh, we're safe." He paused, the dust was still filtering down from the bank of lockers that had been torn from the wall, the afternoon sunlight filtering in. "We'll figure it out Siobahn, I promise." He paused, a quizzical look on his face, and with a groan of pain reached for the pack he'd brought up with him from the cafeteria, pulling out his art portfolio.

"Now, just tell me what you say just before you screamed, it's important that you describe it as best you remember." Some otherworldly impulse took him, and he touched his fingers to his own wound, wincing as he did so, and began to mix his own blood with the charcoal. He began repeating the words, recalling the thing, 'chest high, twice as wide, four spindly legs, body beneath, spider like, coyote like jaws, protruding down, rather than out, pitch black, glistening wet, and the sound,' with the last he shuddered.

His hand moved over the parchment, a sketch in black and red, in charcoal and blood.

OOC: Alright, here we go, Gulp! Dark +1, Gaze into the Abyss, looking for the origins of this 'thing' & why it was here, at the school. [roll0]. Confusing and alarming ... no ****! But what was it?!?!

2017-10-10, 09:01 PM
It's eerie.

The entrance to the cafeteria is not more than a couple dozen feet up the hall. Because the beast is gone, and because they did not know that it was there to begin with, the other students there are still talking normally.

It's only been a few minutes since you left the cafeteria and nothing noticeable has changed.

At least this gets you away from all the blood in the hallway.

Getting to the nurses office involves running back the way you came, and turning right down the hallway where you first saw Wynne, Sarah, Summer and Rachel.

By the time you get there Allen is sitting on the floor with Rachel, a hand on her shoulder.

He looks up when he hears you approach.

Where were you? he asks. I found Mr Chase and he's got an ambulance coming for Rachel.

Rachel looks more worried than Allen does, but then she saw more than he did; Is anyone else hurt?

Everyone Else
Siobhan's wounds do not 'look worse than they are.' She most definitely needs to go to a hospital.

And Deacon is drawing with his blood? What is that about?

Your fingers work nimbly and quick, sketching out that thing you saw leaping from a skull, fully formed like Athena. Gripped by a fit of inspiration you begin to draw a beach in the background.


2017-10-10, 10:11 PM
"That's one way to put it!" Sam snaps, skidding to a halt in front of the pair. "Thing got Siobhan! She's f***ing bleeding all over the hallway! NURSE!" he calls into the office. "We need help, like, now!"

Zero Prime
2017-10-11, 07:54 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon shook his head as he completed the sketch, a fog had descended on him, everything had an ethereal, almost dream-like quality to it, one arm was draped, protectively around Siobahn, his other holding charcoal and paper. Was this what shock felt like? Suddenly, the hallway expanded, lengthening, and then snapped back into perspective, clarity returning to the young man. He looked around, no Sam, no Nurse, he stuffed the drawing into his pack, his cell phone clattering to the floor. '**** it,' he thought, as he dialed 9-1-1. It rang and was picked up by an impassive voice, "Ambulance, yes, animal attack." A pause, "Yeah, a ****ing wolf, jesus, just get me the Paramedics!" Another pause, "Siobahn O'Connor, abdominal wounds, yes, she's breathing, there's alot of ****ing blood. No, I tied it off with my shirt but she needs a ****ing hospital. No! I am calm! St. George's Preparatory School. Yes! Now!"

Under his breath, '****, ****, ****,' he leaned forward, whispered into her ear, "Hold on Siobahn, please, don't leave me, just hold on."

2017-10-11, 09:47 AM
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Siobhan leans her head against Deacon, "Sorry, I shouldn' have got cross with yeh, 's not like you promised me more'n a dance. Don' know why I got so riled about it." her speech is slow and a little slurred, as she tries to stay awake.

2017-10-11, 12:41 PM
Wynne is dimly aware of both Summer and Victor embracing her, getting pulled into something of a group hug. She's not sure if her face is red from the crying or the sudden close contact (likely both) but it's easy enough to turn and hide it in Victor's shirt.

Slowly the sniffling subsides as the adrenaline works its way out of her system, though she's still shaking like a leaf. She speaks softly, half muffled by clothing. "I'm so glad you're not hurt." A statement that doesn't seem to be exclusively meant for just one of them.

Summer can have another string

2017-10-11, 02:43 PM
Wynne is dimly aware of both Summer and Victor embracing her, getting pulled into something of a group hug. She's not sure if her face is red from the crying or the sudden close contact (likely both) but it's easy enough to turn and hide it in Victor's shirt.

Slowly the sniffling subsides as the adrenaline works its way out of her system, though she's still shaking like a leaf. She speaks softly, half muffled by clothing. "I'm so glad you're not hurt." A statement that doesn't seem to be exclusively meant for just one of them.

Summer can have another string

"You're okay, I'm okay it's over. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You're special, and very important to me."

Victor stands there holding Wynne close, gently rubbing her back as he consoles her.

Let's see what happens... (sitting here with my fingers crossed)

Mr. E
2017-10-11, 04:02 PM
The headache starts to fade, moving from throbbing pain to a dull slumbering ache. Summer slowly leans off Wynne's shoulder, disengaging slightly from the group hug.

"Don't worry about me."

She gives the other girl a big, albeit somewhat pale-faced, smile. The creature is still around, somewhere, and Summer needs to know where, so no-one else gets hurt.

I can be replaced, but no one else.

She closes her eyes, and concentrates. She can feel her mind, a tangled mess of connections. Parts that ought to fit together do not join, or jam and grind. Only a fraction of what she ought to be capable of works at all, the rest sitting darkened and idle. But if Summer closes her eyes and thinks hard enough, maybe some of it can be coaxed into life?

Right, time to use my good stat. Summer's going to Gaze into the Abyss.

Question: when will it strike next?


This should be interesting...

2017-10-11, 07:46 PM
You leave the scene of the fight immediately once its over, walking down the hall the way the beast came. A few moments later Sam runs past you going in the same direction.

He doesn't get far ahead of you, though. In a few moments you come upon him, Allen and Rachel at a T-intersection with a second hallway. Rachel is sitting on the ground, with Allen sitting not far off. She's holding her arm.

The nurse, Mrs Jordan, has come out of her office and is trying to calm Sam down.

Don't panic she tells him. There is already an ambulance on the way. It can take Siobhan, I'll call a second one for Rachel

You don't have to yell for very long before the nurse, Mrs Jordan, comes back down the hallway.

Don't panic. There is already an ambulance on the way. It can take Siobhan, I'll call a second one for Rachel

Victor, Wynne, Summer, Siobhan and Deacon
Just like Nurse Jordan said an ambulance arrives in just a few minutes. A pair of paramedics come. They ask some questions - making sure Siobhan is lucid, asking about what attacked her, ensure she hasn't had any drugs or alcohol in the last day (you wouldn't be in trouble, they reassure you, but they need to make sure you aren't going to have a reaction to the morphine), they ask where the thing went (if they can catch it they can do a biopsy on it), and ensuring she's safe to move. Siobhan is stable, it doesn't take more than two minutes, and the questions are all absolutely necessary - but after the life-or-death struggle with the thing it feels like it takes forever.

Eventually, though, Siobhan was loaded onto a stretcher and rolled out to the ambulance. They don't stop anyone from following out to the ambulance, but when it's time to get on it one of the paramedics holds out her arm to stop Deacon. Only family can ride in the ambulance she tells him.

You remember the... beast? Demon? Thing. You remember it leaving Rachel, running down the hall, attacking Siobhan. But once it had Siobhan it stayed on her, ignoring everyone else - even the people trying to attack it until Victor and Wynne got a solid hit.

Something called it. It stood to reason that it would come again when it was called again.

2017-10-11, 09:37 PM
When Cassandra sees the state Rachel is in, she runs over to her roommate and kneels down next to her, asking, "A-are you okay? What happened? Do you need any help?"

Mr. E
2017-10-12, 02:23 AM
There is something like a click, and for a moment the world opens out. Eyes closed, Summer see everything she remembers, each moment precisely outlined and delineated. For a brief second, the world makes sense. She opens her eyes, seeing the sunlight demonstrate secrets on the stone. Anyone looking at Summer will see her gaze at the world with a high, cold and withdrawn stare. Then she looks down at her hands, one perfect, the other twisted and broken, and the spell breaks. The perfect sight shatters, and she shakes her head like a dog, dispelling the fragments of what was.

So, if it was attacking Siobahn, then I guess I need to ask who doesn't like her?

Pulling herself fully upright, she feels the headache still pulse and hammer against her brain. The world is so bright it hurts. Turning to Wynne, Summer asks a question.

"Where did Deacon go?"

2017-10-12, 03:13 AM
"No, I need him with me. Please" Siobhan looks on the verge of tears as she pleads with the ambulance staff. Reaching back for Deacon.

Turn on seems to the general roll for getting someone to do what you want? [roll0]

Zero Prime
2017-10-12, 05:23 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

He squeezed Siobahn's hand reassuringly as she reached out to him, and looked at the female paramedic apologetically. "I understand that rules are rules, honestly," he looked from his own injuries, to Siobahn's and back to the paramedic, "This is the 1st day of classes, and something like this happens, we're both hundred's of miles from our families at this point." He paused, sighed, "If the Dean contacts our parents, they might be able to catch a plane and be here by late tonight, early tomorrow morning, but it's not likely to be any time soon."

He stepped closer, whispering, his words intended for the paramedic and not Siobahn, "She's a little freaked out, and rightfully so. Please," he looked pleadingly in the paramedics eyes, "we had a disagreement before she stormed up to that hallway, found that wolf, or coyote, or whatever." Moisture began to collect in his eyes, "Please, I'll ride in the front so it doesn't interfere with her privacy as a patient, I just want ...," he reached a hand up from under the blanket they'd draped over his naked shoulders, his hand slick with blood from his wound, "..., I ... I," he stumbled and sat down, hard, on the ground woozy, disoriented.

"I should probably get ... checked out ... too."

OOC: Yup, Deacon can live with being called a little b***h because he nearly fainted from a scratch while Siobahn toughed it out with her life threatening wounds. But if it gets him on that 1st ambulance with her, it was worth it.

2017-10-12, 08:44 AM
Victor's words manage to cut right through the distress because out of all the things he could have said she wasn't expecting anything nearly so... affectionate? Familiar? It didn't really matter though because she broke the hug hastily and somewhat awkwardly, running a hand through her hair looking a little like she'd just been doused in cold water even though she objectively feels warmer than she did a moment ago.

"Oh um, well, thanks?" Clearly not entirely sure how to respond. Rather than be receptive, it looks like she feels a little put on the spot.

Shut Victor Down: [roll0]

Summer provides a welcome subject change though as she asks about Deacon. "Um Deacon? I think he's with Siobhan by the ambulance. Why?"

Sorry Victor looks like she got spooked. She'll take one forward.

2017-10-12, 08:53 AM
Sam and Cassandra

Rachel looks up at Cassandra from her position sitting on the floor.

Whatever that thing was that caused all that

she points to the hallway in front of her. A section of lockers have been pulled from the wall, taking a portion of the wall down with them. Plaster dust is everywhere.

Tackled me, then ran off. Mrs Jordan thinks my arm is broken. I'm going to the hospital.

Deacon and Siobhan
(ooc: I'm whipping out non-attraction rules because of the age difference. What that means is that you treat your "Turn-on" roll like a "shut-down" roll. It was still a success so in this case you can either give her a condition, take a string on her or carry 1 forward)

The paramedic chews on her bottom lip, then looks over to her partner for guidance. He just shrugs.

That makes up the paramedic's mind. Fine. Fine, get in.

She helps Deacon up into the ambulance and it speeds away.

It's a strange, cramped space, filled with emergency equipment. Siobhan is in the stretcher, which is secured to the floor, and it's only a few moments before the paramedics have her hooked up to a saline drip.

This drip has an anesthetic in it the male paramedic explains to Siobhan. You're going to go numb, and get a little loopy, but it won't be enough to knock you out. You'll get a stronger dose at the hospital to put you under for surgery.

2017-10-12, 09:55 AM
Siobhan tries to relax in the ambulance, and nodded at the paramedic, mumbling assent and understanding. SHe hated hospitals, but she saw it was necessary, little to be done about that now. She tried to focus What was that thing, it wasn't natural that's for sure. And it didn't seem to like her. She put a hand down to her wounds, wondering if it had left any teeth (did it have teeth - it certainly hurt?) or any fluids that weren't her own blood. She wasn't sure if Magic would take on such a creature, but anything to use as a link might let her learn something. Could she locate her own blood if it had any of it on it? Blood is a strong link in magic, but it may have cleansed itself when it jumped through the wall...

Was never really trying to come onto her, it just seemed like the closest thing to get her to do what I wanted, but it doesn't matter, she is doing anyway. I'll take 1 forward, as I'm hoping a paramedic won't need to be a recurring character (though if we keep at this rate, she may well be)

Zero Prime
2017-10-13, 05:50 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

Deacon sat beside the young woman the entire trip to the hospital, holding her hand as the paramedics allowed, or sitting in such a way that his knee, or his thigh would be brushing against her leg, maintaining that physical contact, reminding Siobahn that he was there, silently, patiently. His mind, however, was racing, inwardly wincing as the attendants began intravenous drips, administered drugs, and sedatives.

This was his fault, if he hadn't been courting Brittany's support for Friday's celebration, then Siobahn wouldn't have viewed it as a betrayal, and she'd have never stalked from the cafeteria into that hallway with that ... thing. He needed to find out more about it, his sketch popped back into his mind, a skull, a beach, a connection ... somehow. The ambulance ride went by in a haze of emotion, guilt, fear, self recrimination. Once they hit the ER, he was separated from Siobahn, he squeezed her hand as they wheeled her away, "I'll be here Siobahn, I'll find you once you're out, ok? It's going to be alright." He paused, he wanted to promise, but it was out of his control, "They'll," he nodded towards the attendant nurses, the doctors, the surgeons, "they'll take care of you. Ok?"

As they wheeled her around a corner, he grabbed the paramedic's jacket, the one who had relented and allowed him to ride with her, there was real fear written on his face, "She'll be ok right? She got here in time, they won't let her ...," he couldn't say it, but the word hung there, unspoken, but ever present, "... please?"

OOC: As an FYI, I am renewing my CPR & 1st Aid today, so it should be a shorter day as I won't be in the office, I will have another IC post up after this scene in the ER with the paramedic, where I fire off a text to Victor. Other than that I am ready to time skip to the following day, Deacon *will* be doing research trying to pair his drawing of the beach to an actual geographical location.

2017-10-13, 11:48 AM
Unsure how to really proceed, Victor moves off to one side. Wanting to make sure that Deacon and Siobhan were okay, and hiding the fact that he had just been shut down twice in one day, Victor pulls out his cellphone and types in a quick message.

Hey, soon as you get a chance let me know what the doctors say.

2017-10-13, 12:23 PM
Cassandra swallows and says, "B-but you're okay right? Not like, ripped apart or anything? Did it bite you?"

2017-10-13, 01:19 PM
'Loopy' is an understatement. You're barely aware of the outside world when you're wheeled through the halls of the hospital. Then you are knocked out for surgery.

The paramedic handles your questions coolly. This is not her first time dealing with a stricken loved one.

We have the best surgeons in the world here she reassures you. I'm sure the school is reaching out to her family, but do you want to call yours? What you saw was very scary. It's normal to be a little freaked out. They might want to know that you are okay, too.

Rachel can't help but smile a little at the way you are fussing. I don't feel ripped apart she jests.

Her tone is more somber when she continues; it was scary, but from what I heard from Sam, Siobhan came off a lot worse. It just knocked me over, and I was unlucky enough to fall badly.

2017-10-13, 01:22 PM
Sam nods at Rachel's account. "Siobhan got bitten, I think. Last I saw, she was bleeding pretty bad, but still conscious."

Zero Prime
2017-10-14, 06:00 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 1 of 4
Conditions: None.

We have the best surgeons in the world here she reassures you. I'm sure the school is reaching out to her family, but do you want to call yours? What you saw was very scary. It's normal to be a little freaked out. They might want to know that you are okay, too.

He nodded, fixed the Paramedic with a wan smile, and rummaged through his belongings for his phone, he then proceeded back to the hospital bed, slipped in, covered up, ushered a small, ]"Thanks."[/COLOR] Then his head snapped up, "Someone will let me know when I can see her, when she's out of surgery, right?" Satisfied with the answer, he went back to his phone.

Noting the text from Victor; he responded.

Siobahn in surgery; wouldn't give me more info. She'll be out in couple hours. I got a few staples,
some injections and antibiotics. Hurts but it'll heal. Damn WOLF. How are you guys? Talked to Admin yet? I'll text updates.

He worried St George's Admin & Faculty would reach out to his mother, and she'd be worried. Truth be told, his relationship with his mother, while strained whenever the topic of his father came up, was actually fairly important to him. So he dialed, tentatively, "Hey mom, no, I realize it's late. It's just, not sure if St. George's has contacted you ...," his face crunched up in disbelief, "no, I'm not expelled, it's just." He paused, his mother's concern clear, "No, I'm fine, it's over, dealt with, but there was an attack ...," he had to hold the phone away from his ear this time, "No! Not a shooting, a wolf got on campus, and it attacked a friend of mine, she's in a bad way, we're in the hospital," another mortified look, "I *know* I said I'm fine, I just, when I tried to pull it off, it snapped at me too. No, a couple stitches and some antibiotics, just in case, I'm here overnight," he sighed, "No mom, you don't need to come down, it's just for observation." He paused, concentrating on his breathing, "Just calm down mom, it's fine. My friend," he paused, there may have been a blush, a smile, "her name's Siobahn. No, you can't meet her, she's in surgery right now, it was," he hated admitting it, "it was pretty bad. Yeah," a rueful grimace, "no mom, it's fine, I just wanted to say ...," he paused, he didn't know what he wanted to say, but something about this attack stirred something in him. "I just wanted to say I love you." Suddenly, he looked like a little boy who missed his mother, he fought back tears as his chest tightened, as he thought about the otherworldly nature of the thing that had attacked. Fear, loss, and a desire to be comforted welled in his chest. He sniffed.

"Yeah mom, I know. Nurses are here," he looked around at the empty room. "They want me to get some rest. I'll call you tomorrow, after classes. Yeah, I'll be fine. Of course, love you too." He disconnected the call, looked wistfully around the room, and closed his eyes.

OOC: Just wanted to show that we're still very young adults, something like this would shake Deacon up, so reaching out to his mother seemed natural to me. Also assuming overnight observations would be warranted, but at 1 Harm, I would assume he's back in class the next day, possibly missing first period.

2017-10-14, 08:56 AM
It takes a lot more reassuring on your part to keep your mother from getting on a plane and coming to see you. Thankfully it's a hectic time of year for administrations officers, otherwise even promising that you'd call her tomorrow wouldn't have kept her away. You are her only son, and she loves you and is proud of you.

You wake up the next morning. No one has come to get you, so presumably Siobhan isn't awake yet. You have time to get cleaned up and wander out into the hallway. Any of the nurses can point you to Siobhan's room. When you get there she is still asleep, but there is someone else in the room, sitting in one of the provided arm chairs.

She's an older woman with a strong family resemblance to Siobhan. Her hair might be gray now, but the way it flares and frizzles out from her head leaves little doubt that it was a vibrant red in her youth.

Oh, are you t'e boy who came in wit' my Siobhan? Her accent is strong. Before you can answer she has stood up and crossed the room to you. In the process she leaves her purse, a gigantic handbag bigger than your head that looks as if it was hand-knitted, in her seat.

The woman pulls you into a hug. You'll be callin me Nana. T'e whole family does.

Summer, Victor, Wynne
With the creature gone and none of you hurt the nurse 'gently encourages' you to go to your next class.

For Summer that means French with Professor Strathclyde. In her classroom the desks are set in a 'U' shape, with the opening facing the front of the room, rather than the rows of desks which have been the norm elsewhere. Wynne is not here, but Sarah is. She sits next to you.

Then the professor walks in. Bonjour class! Je m'appelle Claudia Strathclyde, et je suis votre professor francais cette annee! Nous allons passer un semestre merveilleux!

She teaches an entire class, an hour and a half, entirely in French. She passes out a syllabus which is written entirely in French.

For Wynne and Victor that means English with Professor James McDonnell. Unlike the other professors so far he is already in the classroom when the students start to filter in. He can't be older than mid-30's, but he's got a tweed jacket with elbow patches on.

Not honest elbow patches. They aren't earned. The jacket looks new, and it looks like it came with the patches already attached. His syllabus is dominated by American literature. He's got two entire months blocked off to discuss Dickinson, because of course he does.

2017-10-14, 10:15 AM
Cassandra sits down to Rachel and exhales with a sigh, then smiles and tries to hold her unbroken hand as she says, "Good. I-I'm glad you're okay. I...I guess I'll see you this evening?"

Mr. E
2017-10-14, 03:27 PM
Summer sighs. It's not like she dislikes French or anything, indeed, she likes the way the language fits together. But the words seem to mush together, smearing the page. The creature still skitters and chitters inside her head, and she feels so confused.

I'm sure that wasn't supposed to exist. So who thought it?

She returns to the French words in front of her, a dictionary open on her desk. In the end her progress is poor, her page much embroidered with doodlings, her brain feeling flabby. When class finishes, she rapidly puts her books away, looking around the class-room to see who else is also there.

Zero Prime
2017-10-15, 08:11 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

The older woman's presence startled him, comforted him, and at the same time made him feel guilty for keeping his mother away. He smirked as she introduced herself, glanced over to Siobahn's sleeping form, and returned the woman's hug. He was gentle though, like holding a bird in one's hand, despite her forceful personality, he didn't want to squeeze the old woman too hard. Though as he hugged her, he began to choke up, his concern, his guilt, over Siobahn's condition welling in his chest, constricting it.

He released the embrace slowly, his hands trailing down the older woman's arms, squeezing her hand before releasing her and taking a seat in the other padded chair, the beeps of the machines that monitored Siobahn's condition, echoing in the room. He took a deep sigh and looked towards the older woman, and smiled ruefully, "I don't know if I've the right to call you 'nana." He looked back to Siobahn, the tubes, the monitors, the steady beeping, "I ...," he paused steeling himself for the woman's reaction, "I feel as if this is all my fault." Another deep breath, "I'd asked your Siobahn there to a dance out by the old standing stones, and I," candles, garland, netting, wine, grapes, cheese, "I wanted to impress her I guess." A non-committal shrug, "Make it special. So I needed things that I couldn't get myself, and to do that I needed other people to *want* to come, when," he looked at Siobahn, reached a hand out and draped it over her's careful not to put pressure on the IV's where it entered the back of her hand. "When all I wanted was to spend the night with her," he paused, looked at the older woman who'd obviously been at Siobahn's side all night.

"She," he continued, "she saw me talking to Brittany, I needed her to come, needed her," ha paused, looking for the word, "star power to attract the popular kids, the rich kids, to come to the stones. So I could make the night," he remembered his dreams as a child, the forest, the creatures he thought he saw there, in the darkness, hiding behind the boughs of the trees, in the hollows of the hills, singing, dancing, loving. His mother had called it all fancy, helped him concentrate on his studies, on his academics, but it was always there, like the tattoo on his arm, something wild, something carefree. "Magical." He nodded towards Siobahn. "For her." He swallowed, hard.

"But Siobahn saw us, thought I was flirting with Brittany," he shrugged, "she got angry, ran up the stairs, into the hallways, to where that ... thing ... was ...," he choked back a sob. "I," he took a deep breath, tried to push the feelings back down, tried to keep tears from his eyes, "I tried to protect her, but it was just too ..."

At this point he'd pulled his feet up to the chair as well, his arms clasped around his knees, "It's my fault ..."

2017-10-15, 01:53 PM
Sam and Cassandra
Rachel smiles at Cassandra. Yeah, probably. Unless they keep me overnight, but I don't think they will.

I should probably go out front to wait for the next ambulance, though. Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Sam, Cassandra, Victor, Summer, Wynne
The rest of the day is pretty standard. The entire Freshman class has gym together at the end of the day, which is convenient; it means you can shower at your leisure after enduring whatever ridiculous tortures Mr Chase thinks up for you.

He mentions that later this week he'll be having you all do some standardized fitness test thing, so that you can do it again at the end of the year and see how much you've improved. He also goes over his expectations for grading, attendance and what he considers 'gym appropriate attire'. The only other thing of note is when he embarrasses Talia by making her read aloud from the St George's handbook - specifically the section in the dress code that stipulates that only 'natural hair colors' are allowed. He informs her, in front of the entire class, that he expects her to conform before the fitness test. Talia looks chastised, Brittany and her crew giggle and Aaron looks like he wants to punch Mr Chase right in the face.

After that you've got an afternoon free. What are you doing?

Deacon and Siobhan
If Deacon was looking for a kind word from the Grandmotherly figure forgiving him and assuring him that it wasn't his fault he probably should have gone to just about anyone else.

Dancin out by t'e old standin' stones! She clicks her tongue and folds her arms in front of her like a fortress. Ya fool boy! Aye, mebbe it's best ya don't see my Siobhan. The girls got enough problems wit' bein on her own oot in this country, and wit' oot a mother besides.

Siobhan woke up near the end of Nana's short speech, still a little woozy from the anesthesia.

2017-10-15, 02:05 PM
Cassandra smirks at Talia's humiliation, enjoying watching her being taken down a peg. When they let out for the afternoon, she makes her way back to her dorm, one part interested in studying for a little while at least and one part curious if Rachel is back.

2017-10-15, 02:09 PM
Victor sits through the remainder of the day in a relative daze. Coming off of the adrenaline rush from the fight and embarrassing himself twice has caused Victor to kind of retreat inside himself for the time being. One thing that did manage to cheer him up was the text from Deacon,

As gym class ended Victor caught up with the others and relayed the information that Deacon was okay and only got a couple staples. While Siobhan was in surgery, he would keep us posted with any new information. Victor also made sure to mention that if it hadn't been for that rabid/crazy WOLF that today would have probably been a normal day.

Having relayed the info from Deacon, Victor looks around at everyone and simply asks "Now that today is over, what is everyone going to do now?"

2017-10-15, 05:33 PM
Siobhan, Still Woozy Witch

Siobhan hears voices that sound vaguely familiar as her senses slowly begin to return to focus. "Nana?" her eyes flicker open, before being blinked shut again against the harsh hospital lighting, she slowly, carefully reopens them to look around, finally seeing Deacon there too she manages a slight smile. "I'd better not have just heard you berating my boyfriend there. Whatever tales he's been telling aren't true, whatever happened at the school wasn't his fault. Its my own overreacting that gets me in trouble if anything." even as woozy as she is there's no trace of an irish accent in her voice. She knows better than to use that affectation around her nana, even on her deathbed she'd still get a clip around the ear for it.
She tries to pull herself up a little and takes a look at how beaten up she looks, realises she can't see anything through the expanse of bandages wrapped around her and flops her head back.

Mr. E
2017-10-15, 11:37 PM
Summer leans back, enjoying the last of the afternoon sun that filters through the window-panes. She looks on the verge of drifting off, but her eyes snap open as Victor starts to speak. Looking at him, Summer grins suddenly and gets up.

"I'm going to go run in the woods. Then, maybe, I'm going to climb a tree and study."

The way that Summer says it makes it clear that she sees no contradiction between the first two items on the list, and the last.

"Who's with me?"

2017-10-15, 11:45 PM
In spite of everything, Sam can't help but grin at Deacon's choice of cover. He's carefully avoided specifying just what the attacker was, claiming he could only tell it was "some kind of animal". Perhaps he should lie low for a while...not that he will, but it'd probably be smart.

It's hard not to just run off immediately when class ends. He hasn't absorbed a word of anything the teachers have said, glancing at the clock every hour and seeing that only thirty seconds have passed each time. Summer's announcement makes him realize his phone call to Margot can wait a little longer. "Race ya!" he cries, taking off at a full sprint without a second thought.

Mr. E
2017-10-16, 12:25 AM
Summer takes a second to react, then sprints off after Sam, hair streaming out behind her. She pounds across the lawn, then into the woods, leaping over branches and crashing through shrubs. For someone who doesn't look a 'natural' athlete, she puts on a fair turn of speed. Not entirely sure where she's going, Summer laughs as she runs. She is careful, however, to have a clear idea of where the school is at all times. Even her frazzled brain tells her that getting lost in the woods would be bad.

Summer was built to have prefect physique. Even if her withered arm kind of ruined the look, she's still a pretty decent long distance runner (her reaction times are too slow for sprinting).

Zero Prime
2017-10-16, 10:29 AM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

He was stunned when 'nana crossed her arms, and braced her feet, she was like a low, stone wall, solid and implacable. "I didn't mean to ...," he stopped, felt defensive under her silent stare. "The oak in the courtyard, the forest around the school, I've just," he paused, clutched his art portfolio to his chest as though it would protect him from the diminuitive woman. "I've always felt safe there, I never even went hiking before, but something about the Elysian Forest, it just ... calls to me. The root, the stone, and the stream. When I walk there I swear I can hea --,"

"I'd better not have just heard you berating my boyfriend there. Whatever tales he's been telling aren't true, whatever happened at the school wasn't his fault. Its my own overreacting that gets me in trouble if anything."

He was so shocked, he dropped the portfolio, the small clasp snapping open, his artwork spilling across the floor prominently displaying the charcoal & blood sketch of the thing that had caused Siobahn such pain and suffering. He gathered them up quickly as 'nana moved to her granddaughter's side, stuffing them unceremoniously back into his portfolio.

As he stood, the first thing he wanted to do was hold the young woman, to kiss her, however, when he met the gaze of Siobahn's grandmother, he faltered, smiled wanly, "You're 'nan's just being protective Siobahn, I get it." He looked apologetically to the older woman, "I'll come back later, let you two talk." Almost awkwardly he added, "I'm glad to see that you're awake, and hopefully feeling better."

2017-10-16, 10:37 AM
Wynne sighs as she watches the two of them go sprinting off. Honestly she just feels emotionally exhausted. She wound up skipping english, spending the time hanging out on the school roof where she was reasonably sure no monsters would be able to suddenly appear without her having decent warning.

She phoned most of it in for gym, but the physical exertion still feels oddly lacking in substance. Whenever she runs it feels like she's moving in a dream, where her limbs get slower and heavier the harder she tries even though she doesn't feel tired or worn out. Moving through quicksand as the world feels less real... monsters still clawing at the corners of her vision like shadows....

She remembers she's still in gym class, standing in her gym clothing, and she hasn't actually answered Victor's question.

"Um I didn't really think that far ahead today..." she replies, sounding as tired as she looks. "I don't know I really feel like much of anything after what happened...."

She pauses, taking inventory of Victor's black eye. "You're hurt." She sounds a little surprised, like she wasn't sure it was actually possible for him to stay injured. "Did that happen during the...well you know."

2017-10-16, 10:44 AM
"Hey! Don't forget to leave your number, as much as I love Nana, it'd be nice to talk to someone my own age."she grins, taking advantage of good cheer while she can't feel her wounds through the weight of the painkillers she's on.

"So, umm, not such a great start to school was it. At least I didn't get expelled." Siobhan tries to make light of the situation to her grandmother, playing down her injuries.

2017-10-16, 02:21 PM
The sound of Summer's footsteps, actually keeping pace behind him, comes as a surprise to Sam--he hasn't met more than a couple people who can match him now, and she's the last he'd have expected. Hearing her laugh, he can't help but do the same. On an impulse, he darts off into the undergrowth as they enter the woods, trying to look like he's just following a different path; as soon as he's out of sight, he slows his pace for a second, waiting for Summer to get ahead before picking up again.

Tracking her is child's play with his senses. He keeps his stride long, minimizing contact with the ground, and rolls his footfalls to stay quiet. Ears pricked, he's ready when she slows down, following suit and staying low.

He spots her in one of the little clearings where the footpaths intersect. Soundless, he darts up and taps her shoulder. "Gotcha," he taunts, practically breathing in her ear.

Ask, and ye shall receive :smalltongue: Attempting to turn Summer on: [roll0]

2017-10-16, 04:38 PM
Victor's cheek turn a little red as he listens to Wynne. With a little laugh he tells her what happened.

"No...it was nothing that brave or serious. I'm sure you heard about the argument Allen and I had over the seat in Biology class. Well, we decided to...go ahead and discuss it like a couple of little kids. Sam came over to break it up and that's when we all came running to help."

Victor looks down at his feet and shuffles them around as his face turns even redder.

"I'm sorry about embarrassing you and putting you on the spot like that. I saw you there where the...it...was. I was worried that you were going to get hurt. I consider you a good friend. Literally, you're the only person I can talk to about...you know. I'm actually relieved that you saw me that day. So, you are important to me...and here I am rambling along like an idiot."

Victor blushes an even deeper color and tries to laugh it off.

Mr. E
2017-10-16, 04:43 PM
It takes Summer a long time to slow down, as she runs along a narrow and winding trail that heads deeper into the woods. It's cool under the trees, the dappled light from above failing to warm the mossy fallen logs. She comes to a halt, leaning forward, hands on knees, breathing rapidly. After a time she straightens up, then feels something touch her shoulder.

Summer jerks forward a step, then whirls round. As she pivots, one foot slipps on a patch of leaves and slids out from under her. Arms flail, then the whole thing topples forward, resulting in a surprisingly solid flying rugby tackle of Sam's ankles. She hits the ground with a thump, starts to get up, then realises who she's just tried to trip.

"Sorry. I, uh, didn't mean to do that. Sorry."

Figured it was time to remind everyone of Summer's low volatile stat. For my reaction,
Summer is going to get embarrassed and act awkward. In return, I'm going to roll to turn someone on (Sam).


2017-10-16, 05:28 PM
In the half-second or so of hindsight Sam has time for between his appearance and Summer's reaction, he has time to realize this was probably a bad idea. Of course she'd be freaked out--she wasn't Margot. But with all the stress of the day, and the sudden chance to finally feel like himself again, somehow he hadn't been able to think about that...

Oh. And now she's on top of him. And her face is awfully close. And she doesn't look nearly as upset as he expected. And she smells just as nice as she did this morning--better, actually, less soap and laundry detergent and more tree sap and leaves and sweat and...oh. Not just sweat. Okay.

She's still on top of him. He wonders what she'd do if he kissed her...why isn't he kissing her?

Wait. S***. She can feel that, can't she?

Flushing beet-red, Sam practically throws Summer off him, scrambling to his feet. Margot's face swims before his eyes, his stomach twisting with guilt. "Uh, n-no, no, it's cool! Sorry, I shouldn't have--"

Realizing he's still facing her, he spins around and darts toward the nearest vaguely climbable-looking tree. "R-race ya to the top!"

Sam will also get embarrassed and act awkward.

Mr. E
2017-10-16, 09:30 PM
"Wha-oh right yes, yes definitely!"

Summer peels herself off the somewhat grubby soil and sprints Sam. Her clothing is now muddy as well as torn in places, giving the impression of that she's been wrestling pigs. She reaches the base of the tree, slightly confused as to what just happened.

I've got that 'not-quite-sure-whats-going-on-and-quite-glad-about-that' feeling again. Funny how that seems to happen a lot.

She circles around, looking for a route to ascend by. A plausible route is tested, and she grabs on with her good hand. As Sam disappears rapidly up the tree branches, Summer grimly attempts a one handed pull-up, her other arm hanging uselessly by her side. Unfortunately, her best efforts still leave her earthbound and mildly frustrated.

2017-10-17, 08:27 AM
Well that answers the question of whether or not he minded anyone knowing. Though the fact she hadn't immediately blabbed his secret to the rest of the school probably went some ways towards that. Wynne however was still burningly curious.

"Well I guess if you wanted to.. you know, talk about it then I'll be in the library later." She replies, running a hand through her hair sheepishly, looking up at him through long eyelashes. "It's easier to hear yourself think in there." And decidedly more private than the middle of the schoolyard.

Roll to turn Victor On: [roll0] (using the forward from shutting him down earlier)

2017-10-17, 08:41 AM
Deacon and Siobhan
Your boyfriend? Nana does not sound as if she approves, and she's not shy about her disapproval even with Deacon still in the room.

You should have better taste t'an t'at. Goodness, Siobhan, I didn't think you could do worse than your cousin Charlotte with that Frank of hers

Frank had been Charlotte's husband for better than a decade. Nana said his name like it was a synonym for 'idiot.'

She shakes her head.

But t'at's for later. She sits next to Siobhan's bed and takes her hand in both of hers. You've given me a scare, girl. How are you feeling?

Brittany and Emma wander over to you after gym. It's Emma who speaks first;

Hey Cass. Do you know what happened to Deacon, Rachel and, uh, what's her name? Emma stalls for a second, then tries to venture forth without it. The red head.

2017-10-17, 09:47 AM
Sam is halfway up the tree when he notices that Summer is still at the bottom. The cause of her trouble is immediately obvious. Excitement and embarrassment drain away. Yeah, challenge the disabled girl to a climbing race. Nice going, Dr. Sensitive.

Climbing back down to the lower boughs, he extends a hand. "Want some help?" he says, looking sheepish.

2017-10-17, 10:42 AM
Siobhan, recovering Witch
Harm: III

Siobhan gives her grandmother a warm smile, despite everything she idolised the woman, though she doubted she would approve even if she had the president or whatever movie stars old people liked courting her.
"I feel fine at the moment, just light headed. Of course they have me pumped full of anaesthetic at the moment, so maybe I'll be in agony soon." she sighs. "Don't be hard on the boy, he may look like a waif but he rushed to my defence quick with no thought for himself." she rests a moment deep in thought, her nana taught her what she knows of magic, she may know something... or if she thinks it too dangerous may try and pull her out of school altogether.

After a minute or two in thought she decides she needs the help, she checks Deacon's left the room and speaks low in case anyone's lurking outside. "The creature wasn't an animal, it was like a... a spider-octopus, and while I wasn't the first one it attacked, it seemed real interested in me. Any light you can shed on that? Deacon drew a picture of it that's far better than I can describe it." She carefully watches her as she speaks (as best as she can through drug-haze), while she doesn't think the old lady would summon something like that, just so she could say schools too dangerous, her Nana had her own moral code that oft seemed unfathomable.

Siobhan doesn't want Deacon in the room in case he's managed to convince himself it was an animal, she expects normal folk to justify magical things they don't understand to themselves, and she'd rather he didn't think on it too much.

Also not sure if asking nana for help counts as Gazing into the Abyss? or just interacting with an npc. I'd assume the latter, but I suppose the former is a perfectly valid way to run it.

Mr. E
2017-10-17, 01:44 PM
Summer has one final go at getting up into the lower boughs, then gives up and reaches for Sam's hand.


Once up in the lower branches, she moves more easily, although Sam could still outpace her. At one point she has to call on his assistance again, but otherwise moves steadily up the tree. Suddenly she turns to look at him, eyes wide, dark and slightly non-symmetrical, like oil spills on her face.

"The creature," Summer says, apropos of nothing, "It scared you in particular. Why?"

2017-10-17, 03:50 PM
Sam manages not to rush ahead this time, slowing his pace to say close to Summer and offer help when she needs it. When he glances down to check on her progress, and is met with that look, he almost loses his own grip.

What she says brings anger to replace the surprise--anger and guilt. "What do you mean 'me in particular'?" he snaps, eyes narrowing. "What, I shouldn't have been scared of that thing? Who the f*** wouldn't be?" Knowing exactly what she means just makes it hurt more; the barrier he's managed to put up around it all in the last few hours comes crashing down all of a sudden. You were right. She thinks you're a coward now. She'll never respect you. And she shouldn't, 'cause you are-- His knuckles whiten on the branch as he silences that line of thought.

"I went back, didn't I?" he grumbles, no longer looking at Summer. "I went back to help after a second..."

Mr. E
2017-10-17, 05:14 PM
"Wynne wasn't. I wasn't, but maybe that's 'cause I was too confused."

Summer shrugs, then pulls herself up to a new branch.

"It's not like being scared 's a bad thing. Fear makes you think faster, makes you run quicker, hit harder." She reaches up for a high branch, then thinks better of it and looks for a different route. "But I guess what I'm trying to say, is that your fear is your business, not mine. So don't involve me in it unless you've asked first, if y'know what I mean." She smiles slightly, trying to soften the blow of her previous words.

"And yeah, you did go back. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to criticise. Just telling you this in case there's ever a next time.

2017-10-17, 09:03 PM
Sam can't believe he wanted to kiss this girl a minute ago--now, all he wants is to feel her face break beneath his fists. How can she be so f***ing smug, mocking him and f***ing smiling like she's doing him some big favor by calling him pathetic--

She's right. You are pathetic. Victor didn't run. Deacon didn't run. No one ran but you.

"And what were you gonna do, huh?" he snarls, rounding on her again with bared teeth. "Were you gonna fight that thing? 'Cause it sure as f*** looked like you were just standing there frozen to me. So don't hang there all superior and call me a coward when I at least tried to help."

2017-10-17, 09:24 PM
Cassandra shrugs at Emma and says, "Not really. Apparently there was some kind of wild animal loose."

Zero Prime
2017-10-17, 09:54 PM
Deacon Frost, the Fae (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22418100&postcount=8)
Harm: 0 of 4
Conditions: None.

While Deacon resented Siobahn's 'nan's rejection, he understood it, she was protective of the young woman, and he could respect that, if nothing else. One thing, however, did *not* escape his notice, the fact that Siobahn, on waking had referred to him as her boyfriend, it brought a smile to his lips, warmth to his heart. The second thing he had noted was that Siobahn's 'nan had reacted harshly to his mention of the stones, and that indicated she knew something about them that even Professor Grace may not be aware of.

However, the larger concern at the moment was the 'thing' that had attacked them, so after closing the door to Siobahn's room, giving her and her 'nan their privacy. He sat opposite the door, and pulled out his phone, to begin to research folklore to determine if the nature of the 'thing' corresponded to creatures of myth and legend. The other thing he was concerned with, was determining where the beach he had sketched was located, if it was real, though of course that would take longer to pin point, he figured a search of local lakes would be a good place to start.

He opened the Abyss, a browser which allowed the user to access parts of the deep web, things and subjects not available through more mundane Google-searches, and began to plumb the depths.

OOC: A Gaze into the Abyss check, rolling Dark of +1, [roll0]. Lets hope this doesn't do something funky ... like attract that thing's attention. Eeeeek! YAY! Success! Though for some reason I can never get a clear vision out of the damn Abyss!

2017-10-17, 11:39 PM
Victor looks at Wynn as he feels himself begin to smile. Easy, hero...don't put her on the spot and scare her away like last time. Play it slow...

Glancing down at his feet, Victor collects his thoughts as he looks back into Wynn's eyes...with a definite interest.

"Sure, we can definitely..talk. Are you heading over there now? May I walk you there?" Victor emphasizes the last question with a grin and a slight bow.

Since this is going with what Victor wanted, do I need to roll to shoot Wynn down? If she gets a string..Victor is definitely interested so she definitely has one. Not sure if Victor gets one, which is fine if he doesn't.

Mr. E
2017-10-18, 02:10 AM
"Why are you-oh."

She settles more comfortably on a branch, leaning back against the trunk.

"I should have seen this so much earlier, shouldn't I. That's me, always missing the obvious. Things are always staring me in the face."

She looks at Sam calmly, neither smiling nor showing any other emotion, although there is a trace of sadness in her voice.

"You've lived your whole life in fear, haven't you? Not fear of dangerous creatures,
not fear of dying, but fear of fear. Of being the coward, of worse, being seen to be the coward. So when I talk about your fear, your response is be angry, 'cause I remind you of everything that scares you.

But Sam, I don't despise you. I don't think you are pathetic."

She emphasises each syllable carefully, hoping to make him remember every word.

"I can't feel fear. There's not enough of me left. No fear, no terror, just confusion. My brain seems to jam, and I just have to watch, unable to think. I don't even know what fear feels like. How could I judge you, when I'm so broken?"

Of course, Sam may or may not find Summer's spooky soothsaying act calming or not.
I suppose the dice will tell us, one way or another.

Rolling to turn someone on:


2017-10-18, 08:28 AM
You don't have to roll anything if your character is content to more or less go along with things. Generally you only roll when you're looking for a specific outcome or you want to gain leverage over another character (or in the case of shut down you want them to lose some leverage over you). I failed my roll so Nobody gets a string but Victor also gets to not be awkward in the moment. If victor didn't want to go and wanted Wynne to stop bringing it up then you might roll shut down for example.

"Sure, by all means." she smiles a little before turning and heading back in the direction of the main building.


The library is quiet, as usual, tall bookshelves serving as privacy barriers and sound muffled by paper and carpeting. More importantly though it was largely empty, with the first day of school lacking any Major assignments that would require research in here. She finds them a table tucked in a corner, far from any doors. "So uh... you're... dead right? I mean, I didn't just imagine that whole thing at the quarry?"

2017-10-18, 09:21 AM
Nana maintains her skeptical expression, but does seem somewhat mollified by Siobhan saying that the boy rushed in to help her.

She bites into the side of her cheek, which Siobhan knows is an indication that she is thinking.

T'ere be loads of nasties t'at like gals like you n' I. T'e fair folk especially. Which is why I don't want you dancing around any standing stones she waves one finger menacingly.

But I don't know if t'at's what your beastie is wit' oot seeing it. Your boy has a drawing, you say? Might be he's not totally useless. I'll get it from him.

What, that's it? Brittany asks. Here we were thinking something interesting had happened.

Flipping through your phone you don't find anything that matches the description of the beast exactly. But you find something. Distorted, confused pictures of things made of inky-blackness much like what the beast was made of. You'd think they were just errors in the image if you hadn't seen the thing so closely with your own eyes. After a few moments looking at these you realize that some of the shapes repeat themselves. Then you see an un-sourced picture of that same spider-quadraped. It occurs to you to try and count how many distinct shapes there are. It takes a few moments. You count six... no, wait, seven.

You don't know what that means, but then the door you are leaning against opens and you fall backwards.

Deacon and Siobhan
Nana opens the hospital room door and Deacon falls backwards into the room. It's not a long fall - he had been sitting and leaning his back against the door.

Nana is not amused. What did your mother teach you, boy? she demands. Didn't teach you not to mess with t'e fair folk, didn't teach you not to listen at doors.

She presses her lips together, but holds back on any further vitriol for the moment.

Siobhan says you tried to protect her from t'e octopus? And that you drew it? Let Nana see. Deacon's permission to call her 'Nana' seems to have been reinstated, at least for the moment. The older O'Connor seems to run hot and cold even more than her granddaughter. She reaches out her hand for the drawing.

2017-10-18, 10:16 AM
Cassandra grumbles something impolite about Brittany under her breath, then shrugs and says, "Yeah. What were you hoping someone would die?"

2017-10-18, 10:30 AM
Of course not! Brittany snaps back.

Emma adds what kind of monsters do you think we are?

before Brittany starts talking again there has already been one fight. We thought maybe there had been another.

2017-10-18, 11:26 AM
It's like a punch to the gut. All of a sudden, the anger is gone again, leaving behind exhaustion and shame. A choked sob sends a tear rolling down Sam's face as he slumps against his branch. "S-sorry..." he mumbles, turning to hide his face. "I-I shouldn't have..." His voice fails him, the ground seeming to pitch and forcing him to cling to the tree.

"I'm a werewolf."

The instant the words are out, panic grips him. What the f***? Why would you-- His brain catches up a second later. This morning, his first expectation if he'd blurted that out to someone would've been that they'd assume he was kidding, or crazy. But Summer saw that thing, same as he did. He's willing to bet she's feeling pretty open-minded right now--she seems like that type anyway. But what if she does believe it? Will she think you're a monster? Will she run away? Tell the others?

He watches her silently, paralyzed by uncertainty, fear written all over his face as he awaits her response.

Sam will give himself to Summer, "himself" in this case being his trust and his deepest secret.

2017-10-18, 01:35 PM
Victor cant help, but laugh a little at Wynn's question. There was something about the innocence in this one question that set him at ease.

"I'm not sure what you'd really call it, but yes in a sense I am. Granted, I died and came back that day you saw me at the quarry. Yet I had died several times before that. I'm honestly not sure about how this all started either. I figured, I had obviously died, but I have no memory of it."

Victor is genuinely both relieved and happy that he has someone to be with, and talk about how he is the way he is. Trying to go slow and not overwhelm Wynn with information, Victor lays his hands on the table, leans forward a little, and forces himself to slow down.

"In case you were wondering, I can still feel pain. I mean every time I die I feel the pain of the act itself, then after a while...I just wake up and literally put the pieces back together again. Take the quarry for instance, I died when I hit the rocks, yet I woke up and spent a couple minutes poping everything back into place. That was an unpleasant feeling each and every time."

Victor begins to nervously drum his fingers on the table, as he tries to find the right words to go on.

"You're the only person that knows. My own family doesn't know about this. Granted, I love taking risks for the sheer thrill of it, yet I'm terrified that if word got out I'd be labeled a freak...or worse."

2017-10-18, 02:24 PM
"Oh." He was obviously solid, still had a body, could still get a black eye. For that matter so could she probably, but it always felt more like the projection of an injury than an actual scrape. So he was like a zombie then? Only without craving brains presumably, just adrenaline.

"I'm dead too." She didn't feel like there was really any point in hiding it from him. What was he going to do, scream and run away? Though saying the words out loud felt uncomfortably weighty. Too solid. Too real. She pushed forward trying not to dwell on it. "I mean, not like you are. You can still leave. I'm stuck here."

Mr. E
2017-10-18, 02:51 PM
Summer looks at Sam appraisingly, watching him with an unreadable expression.

"I suppose that's not really that surprising. Not after today."

She admires the way leaves cast shadows on his face, speckling Sam with light and shade. Closing her eyes, Summer feels the comfortable shift of the trees as they rustle in the breeze.

"Guess I better not take you star-gazing on nights of the full moon, then. Or is that part a myth? What do werewolves actually do?"

2017-10-18, 03:04 PM
Of all of the things Wynn could have said, admitting that she was dead was definitely not what Victor had expected.

"What do you mean you're dead and that you're stuck here? I don't mean to pry."

Victor finds himself intrigued and even more interested in Wynn.

2017-10-18, 03:09 PM
Relief makes Sam's head spin; he almost loses his grip on the branch again. He can't help but crack a grin at Summer's response. "It's not like most people think," he says, "but we probably should avoid the full moon."

It's still hard to look at her, so he watches a cloud that looks a little like a castle drift past. "I used to get picked on a lot," he hears himself saying, feeling as though a floodgate has been opened and he's powerless to stop himself now. "'Cause I was weak, and too scared to stick up for myself...and then I got...y'know, turned, I guess, and I thought it was, like, the best thing ever. Like, I wasn't the loser anymore, people couldn't f*** with me. And I said I wasn't gonna let anybody else go through what I did..." His chest rattles as he catches his breath. "I can beat anybody who's human, but I just...I saw that thing, and..."

He realizes there are tears running down his cheeks again. He really should look Summer in the eye, but he keeps watching the clouds. "I just don't wanna go back to being like that, y'know? I don't want people to get hurt 'cause I can't stop it..."