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View Full Version : Weirdest Dreams You've Ever Had?

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-02, 06:57 PM
I'll go first. I once had this dream where I was at Target with my family. It was thundering but not raining, so my parents asked me to check if there was anything weird with the weather. I looked at the sky, then said "No, except for this giant flying donkey."
Then, the dream ended.
Anyway, I'd like to hear some of your weirdest dreams as well.

2017-10-02, 07:06 PM
Last nights dream of standing in a hallway swatting at piranha like bug creatures with a cooking pot before they could reach my family as I'm being eaten alive.

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-02, 07:12 PM
Last night's dream of standing in a hallway swatting at piranha-like bug creatures with a cooking pot before they could reach my family as I'm being eaten alive.
2D8HP, you are the weirdest person I have encountered on this forum.
But in a good way.

2017-10-02, 08:37 PM
Getting my feet cut off slowly. Starting at the toes all the way up to the ankles.

2017-10-03, 10:33 AM
I once had a nightmare where I was in an pirate ship, and we were attacked by a giant shark. I was on top of the mast, so I could only watch as the shark tore the ship apart and ate the rest of the crew before I fell down, the shark opened his mouth and everything went dark. I wake up, remove my bed sheets and turn on the lamp by my night stand, and I'm inside the shark's stomach and my legs have been cut off. Then I actually woke up, feeling super confused. I don't have a lamp or a night stand.

2017-10-03, 05:24 PM
I once had a dream where I knew ( in the way one does in dreams) it was the end of the world and it was eternal winter. I was fleeing down an alleyway in a snow chocked city when I was caught by the rather nebulous 'dark powers' that were causing the end.
Somehow I struck a deal with them and was given the power to transform myself into a crow and then I had a very clear image of me flying as a crow with a flock of others who had made the deal, pursuing a lone figure across an endless plain of snow

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-03, 08:29 PM
Last nights dream of standing in a hallway swatting at piranha-like bug creatures with a cooking pot before they could reach my family as I'm being eaten alive.

I once had a nightmare where I was in a pirate ship, and we were attacked by a giant shark. I was on top of the mast, so I could only watch as the shark tore the ship apart and ate the rest of the crew before I fell down, the shark opened his mouth and everything went dark. I wake up, remove my bed sheets and turn on the lamp by my nightstand, and I'm inside the shark's stomach and my legs have been cut off. Then I actually woke up, feeling super confused. I don't have a lamp or a nightstand.

I once had a dream where I knew ( in the way one does in dreams) it was the end of the world and it was eternal winter. I was fleeing down an alleyway in a snow chocked city when I was caught by the rather nebulous 'dark powers' that were causing the end.
Somehow I struck a deal with them and was given the power to transform myself into a crow and then I had a very clear image of me flying as a crow with a flock of others who had made the deal, pursuing a lone figure across an endless plain of snow

Okay, these dreams kind of trump my dream about the donkey.

The Fury
2017-10-04, 05:21 AM
I once had a dream in which I met a scarlet macaw wearing a dog collar with a tag stamped with the name of a friend that just moved away. It explained to me very vehemently that it was not a metaphor for anything. And that despite all appearances, it was not a macaw at all, but a duck.

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-04, 06:39 AM
I once had a dream in which I met a scarlet macaw wearing a dog collar with a tag stamped with the name of a friend that just moved away. It explained to me very vehemently that it was not a metaphor for anything. And that despite all appearances, it was not a macaw at all, but a duck.

Dreams are strange, aren't they?

2017-10-04, 09:55 AM
I once had a dream where I knew ( in the way one does in dreams) it was the end of the world and it was eternal winter. I was fleeing down an alleyway in a snow chocked city when I was caught by the rather nebulous 'dark powers' that were causing the end.
Somehow I struck a deal with them and was given the power to transform myself into a crow and then I had a very clear image of me flying as a crow with a flock of others who had made the deal, pursuing a lone figure across an endless plain of snow

This one's pretty cool! Sounds like the beginning of some dark fantasy novel.

One of these days I dreamed it was a zombie apocalypse scenario (I've been catching up on Walking Dead; in fact, the dream began as a continuation of the last scene I'd watched), so there was a huge pot filled with meat where the bottom parts were zombified/infected and couldn't be eaten, you could eat just from the top. There was also something about looking at a bunch of files where the ones at the bottom were corrupted and were dangerous to open; that part probably comes from the Ghost in the Shell movie (the "deep dive" part) which I'd just watched. So I was drinking some milkshake, and it tasted weird, so I realized I was slurping from the bottom of the cup, which was zombified; I'd forgotten to slurp it from the top. Then it was something like an Oscar ceremony (still at the zombie apocalypse scenario, although it was a full-on gala situation with lavish decoration and food); some famous actors were there, Drew Barrymore being the only one I remember. It was actually a dinner party, and I was seated next to Julius Caesar, as played by Ciarán Hinds in the TV series Rome. (It was the actual historical figure, though.) I remember chatting with Caesar's lackey, who was called Alcibiades (I know, that's Greek, not Roman), about how I knew him from some time I spent at Rome. Anyway, there was a birthday celebration going underway for some of those Oscar celebrities (Drew Barrymore and others), which then took a sinister turn as some gloomy music started playing. (That music was actually playing in real life; my wife had put it as her phone's alarm. Something by Bach.) I wasn't paying attention to the ceremony, but the people in my table were absolutely horrified. When I finally looked, it was just wrapping up, and there was a gaunt, pale, sickly child who was being injected with something. I wondered if it was poison, if they were killing that child to spare them from zombification. As they were gathering the ceremony's syringes for disposal, some people were commenting: "That's one more heinous thing that can be blamed on Belgium." Then I woke up :smalltongue:

But my favorite was several years ago, when I dreamt I was at some huge Buddhist monastery/temple complex in the mountains that was under siege from terrorists/revolutionaries/guerilla fighters or something of the sort (basically crazed-looking people with machine guns). I guess it was somewhat inspired by Far Cry 4. Everyone was looking for the revolutionaries' dangerous, violent, bloodthirsty leader, who was... my (then) wife's mini toy poodle (http://poodlepupswithprincipal.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/MVC-106F.11860022_std.JPG), Gigi. Come to think of it, that actually suits Gigi's personality remarkably well...

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-04, 06:52 PM
So I was drinking some milkshake, and it tasted weird, so I realized I was slurping from the bottom of the cup, which was zombified; I'd forgotten to slurp it from the top.

How can a milkshake be zombified?
And how were you drinking from the bottom of the cup? That's not even physically possible.

2017-10-04, 07:33 PM
I had a dream the other night that took the form of a series of "Fun Facts." The only two I remember were:

1. Rat's milk is considered a delicacy in many parts of the Middle East.
2. There's currently a trend in Mexico of building castles and decorating them on the cheap by taking advantage of a loophole that states that if you hoist a desk up the outside of a castle to pull it in through a window, and you never actually remove the cable, it counts, for tax purposes, as being a decoration rather than a piece of furniture.

No idea what that's about.

2017-10-05, 06:07 AM
How can a milkshake be zombified?
And how were you drinking from the bottom of the cup? That's not even physically possible.

I was slurping it with a straw, of course. As for the first part, hey, dream.

2017-10-05, 08:30 AM
I had this weird dream this Monday where I lived in fantasy city, a very cute co-worker(Who I kind of have a crush on) was arrested and tied to rock to be the virgin sacrifice to the red dragon, the dragon came and took him.

I dressed in a purple armor( That kind of looked like Ranza's armor from final fantasy tactics, the second one not the butt one) the people of the city who consisted of high school bullies booed me and thrown tomatoes as me and my talking horse went out of the city.

As I find him the dragon turn out to be a powerful old witch who captured him to be the consort and concubine of their coven, he didn't want to leave and she invited me to stay.

I took of my armor and danced around the green flames with the witches.

Now I get even shyer when I see him: smallredface:

2017-10-05, 04:06 PM
I was seduced daily by Satan until I became his sex slave, over the course of months, at which point he appeared to negotiate a time share deal over me with my husband. I think my brain is telling me something... Maybe more pancakes?

2017-10-05, 04:19 PM
I had a dream where I was on an SCP Foundation team with Aang and Toph (from Avatar: the last Airbender) I spent most of it hovering six inches off the floor so as to not touch the deadly viscera with my bare feet and trying to figure out if I was actually going on a road trip with my high school best friend or if I was just remembering a dream I had about packing for said trip.

2017-10-05, 04:39 PM
I once dreamed there was a gish flying around a castle in black plate. I remember having to decide if I would cast Invisibility to sneak out of the castle or use Bardic Performance/Music to boost the morale of the troops.

Does that mean I'm a Bard of level 4 or higher?

2017-10-05, 04:45 PM
Most of my dreams involve getting lost - buses change schedules, buildings are under renovation that somehow includes collapsing whole staircases, and elevators go sideways.

I also had one dream that I didn't remember, but I woke up from it with a very vivid idea that if I pee into the oven, it will dissolve the zombies in the spaceship's ventilation ducts.

2017-10-05, 07:49 PM
I went to a church youth event. It was held in a high school gymnasium. It consisted of my piano teacher showing animated short films and teaching a group of teenagers how to make working biplanes out of two-by-fours; nobody found that even slightly odd.

Then I hauled twenty haybales to my grandmother's car so we could take them to my piano teacher's house. I assume he wanted them as payment, either for music lessons or for biplane-making lessons. This also made perfect sense.

Then my brother and I were hanging out upstairs at our mother's office. We were waiting for our friends to show up and play D&D. Our friends never materialized, but a kid from my karate class (who literally never comes to D&D) appeared right on time. He told us about his travel plans, which were very cool and written in an awesome halfway-intuitive sort of code. Then he and I talked about the figurative meanings of song lyrics; we kept switching songs at random intervals and made up a pretty cool story that linked them up, though of course it was rather contrived.

Then I went to a music lesson, and there was a random girl outside the studio when I was leaving. We had a casual conversation that turned into flirting.

Eventually she and I ended up going on a date. When I got home from that, I found out my "dad" (who looked and acted nothing like my real dad) had a serious problem with me having a girlfriend. At this point it became clear that my "dad" and I were both vampires with multiple personality disorder, and apparently I'd already known that and it wasn't really a big deal.

. . . this was a very messed-up parody of what Thursdays look like for me, and the funniest thing is how it all seemed totally reasonable (including me flirting with someone and not blushing or mixing up words :smalltongue:)

2017-10-05, 09:02 PM
I'm struck by how many of these dreams would be nightmares to experience (literally!), but as game or story plots they're pretty cool.

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-06, 06:51 AM
I'm struck by how many of these dreams would be nightmares to experience (literally!), but as game or story plots they're pretty cool.


I used to wonder if dreams were really real life. If they are, we live in a very strange world.

2017-10-06, 08:57 AM
I'm struck by how many of these dreams would be nightmares to experience (literally!), but as game or story plots they're pretty cool.

Honestly, that describes a lot of my dreams. These terrible situations sometimes don't even bother me that much within the dream (though sometimes I do feel angsty about them, such as the classic dog dream I'll describe sometime), and when I wake up, all I can think is how cool it was. In fact, sometimes I feel bad about forgetting so many details that I vaguely remember to be really cool - such as this one time I came up with a parody song in a dream, that I'm under the impression that actually made sense and was good, based on small fragments I remember when I woke up but forgot immediately afterward :smallfrown:

2017-10-06, 10:57 AM
How can a milkshake be zombified?

It either has to be murdered by a box of fries (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjTdO5bNHj0) or have sexual contact with an undead simian creature (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5FPA4lVrNg) (note: some adult situations in second linked clip)

And how were you drinking from the bottom of the cup? That's not even physically possible.

Presumably with a straw

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-06, 12:52 PM
I had this weird dream this Monday where I lived in fantasy city, a very cute co-worker(Who I kind of have a crush on) was arrested and tied to rock to be the virgin sacrifice to the red dragon, the dragon came and took him.

I dressed in a purple armor( That kind of looked like Ranza's armor from final fantasy tactics, the second one not the butt one) the people of the city who consisted of high school bullies booed me and thrown tomatoes as me and my talking horse went out of the city.

As I find him the dragon turn out to be a powerful old witch who captured him to be the consort and concubine of their coven, he didn't want to leave and she invited me to stay.

I took of my armor and danced around the green flames with the witches.

Now I get even shyer when I see him: smallredface: I think you mean 'took off' and :smallredface:

2017-10-16, 03:59 PM
I once had a dream that I was invited to a vast library containing all the text ever written. The librarians were old men who whore old fashioned dress-up suits. I sat and read role-playing books for hours. I failed whatever test that they had for me.

I once had a dream that I helping an intelligent spider about the size of my hand. There was an earthquake, lava was everyplace, and huge boulders were falling from the sky. It was my job to see a village of these spiders, hiding under an old church, to safety.

I once had a dream that I found a gateway to an ancient stone temple in the jungle with impossibly long hallways. I found a balcony overlook the jungle complete with a breakfast table set up for breakfast.

2017-10-19, 12:26 PM
Well, the weirdest dream I ever had? I fell into the grand canyon, then somehow got eaten by a octopus, die, woke up inside a jellyfish... With some crappy electronic music playing and the jellyfish pulsating with different lights...

So yeah... :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-21, 10:33 AM
With some crappy electronic music playing and the jellyfish pulsating with different lights...

Sign me up!

2017-10-23, 01:10 PM
One of my friends tried to stab me with a sickle. I disarmed them then asked them politely to leave. Got into my car with my mom, and a coworker stopped in front of the car and started pouring dirt on my car. I got out, pushed him, and eventually punched him in the side of the head before I got in my car and drove off

2017-10-27, 01:36 AM
The other night I dreamed that Miss Piggy rammed a car into a building in Manhattan and was represented in court by Matt Murdock.

The Ari-tificer
2017-10-29, 04:52 PM
The other night I dreamed that Miss Piggy rammed a car into a building in Manhattan and was represented in court by Matt Murdock.
I think it's actually Ms. Piggie.
I could be wrong.

2017-10-30, 02:44 AM
I think it's actually Ms. Piggie.
I could be wrong.

According to Wikipedia I spelled it correctly.

2017-10-30, 05:28 PM
A few days ago I had a dream involving that thing that happens all the time in horror movies. You know, where a person is in the bathroom, doing something at the sink, and they open the medicine cabinet, and when they close it again, there's someone or something in the mirror behind them.

Only this time, the other thing behind me was also me. And the me behind me proceeds to give the biggest s**t-eating grin before shouting at me and, quite literally, scaring me awake.

Outside of the dream I actually jumped and yelled too. Scared the crap out of my SO.

The Ari-tificer
2017-11-11, 01:02 PM
According to Wikipedia I spelled it correctly.

Yeah, I looked it up, and according to the official Muppet YouTube channel, it's Ms. Piggy.
It just looks wrong to me for some reason.

2017-11-11, 02:44 PM
Had another weird two dream nights ago:

I'm doing some electrical work (which is weird because I'm a plumber), and to be shown the next job, I'm led past a bunch of hospital gurneys which have sick, injured, and elderly people in need of care.

One gurney has an ash colored skeleton with the remnants of some head hair, and some organs that are visible behind it's ribs.

The skeleton is weakly waving a hand.

I hate my dreams.

2017-11-12, 05:09 PM
I once dreamed that I was a bodyguard of the heir to the square dance caller.

The institution in question was a very large stone building (quite reminiscent of the smithsonian museum of natural history in aesthetics) with a large central area where great square dances were held. Naturally, with such a large square dance, theposition of square dance caller was quite sought-after and prestigious.

Now, the current square dance caller was getting old and approaching retirement to a life of luxury, so there was some contention over who would take over in his stead. The old caller had an heir, but there were several plots by the lesser heirs to kill him and seize the position of square dance caller for themselves.

That's where me (and the rest of the bodyguard team) came in. We stood on the dance floor and monitored the dance, trying to identify and remove any persons acting suspicious in a way that could pose a threat to the heir. There were a few minor scuffles (I don't remember the details) but the dream ended as the heir took up his rightful post as square dance caller, his bodyguards having succeeded in our tasks.

2017-11-13, 06:24 AM
I once dreamed that I was a bodyguard of the heir to the square dance caller.

The institution in question was a very large stone building (quite reminiscent of the smithsonian museum of natural history in aesthetics) with a large central area where great square dances were held. Naturally, with such a large square dance, theposition of square dance caller was quite sought-after and prestigious.

Now, the current square dance caller was getting old and approaching retirement to a life of luxury, so there was some contention over who would take over in his stead. The old caller had an heir, but there were several plots by the lesser heirs to kill him and seize the position of square dance caller for themselves.

That's where me (and the rest of the bodyguard team) came in. We stood on the dance floor and monitored the dance, trying to identify and remove any persons acting suspicious in a way that could pose a threat to the heir. There were a few minor scuffles (I don't remember the details) but the dream ended as the heir took up his rightful post as square dance caller, his bodyguards having succeeded in our tasks.

That's a pretty interesting plot, with a rather unusual centerpiece for conflict... but then again, one can imagine a society where square-dancing is such a central cultural tradition that it's become a very important and influential event. With lots of important people gathering (one would imagine that such a ritual at the biggest and most lavish dance-hall would be attended by only the top of the who's who), and with them regularly pairing off briefly in predictable patterns, with music to obscure conversation, you can imagine the square-dance being used to conduct delicate negotiations of national and even international importance. And protocol (who gets paired up with whom at the beginning, whether you're toward the back or the front, how you handle your partner etc.) might have complex political ramifications, similar to the delicate diplomatic underpinnings of protocol in events gathering world leaders in the real world. So, in that setting, yes, the position of square-dance caller in the biggest halls would be of critical importance, and succession would be hotly contested. Pretty good job, Potato_Priest's subconscious :smallbiggrin:

2017-11-13, 07:44 AM
This dream took place on a Thursday night/Friday morning in late August, and the only reason I remember it was because I typed it in Skype.

I "woke up" to find that my Saturday gaming group was already here, but then they left to go to Walmart because I was missing a chair. That left me alone, so I fell asleep and "woke up again". By this time, they were back, except that my brother and grandfather were somehow with them and we were all in my parents' house.

I went back to sleep and "woke up" again. The group was back, only this time we were in some random duplex considerably further east of where I actually live. Someone not part of the group was also there and tried to "leave" but ended up actually going to the other house by walking through the wall. Also present was a cat who was playing with an empty baby bassinet.

We ultimately decided to leave too, whereupon I did two commutes through the most poorly designed road ever - entailing driving along a broken sidewalk with the remains of a totaled, overturned car still upon it and a lake at the far end that you have to avoid before getting on the highway.

On the second trip, which occurred immediately after the first, I tried an alternate route, but ended up having to take a third route altogether because the second route had a very steep slope with two trees over it, one of which had a vampire bat hanging from it and a warning sign saying "VENOMOUS FANGS" next to it.

So we drove along this third route only to find ourselves back in the duplex, but this time we had Pokemon candy with us and were discussing how the box it came in had a Chansey on it, with text that had apparently been corrected or redacted letting us know that Chansey "wasn't extremely useless." About this time, I woke up for real.

2017-11-15, 06:48 PM
Middle of a "normal" dream, was suddenly tore away to a giant apotheosis-of-all-deserts desert. Before me was a man in black robes, but with the head of a vulture.

He held up a giant leatherbound book to me, opened it, and instead of pages, it was an... opening.

I knew that, no matter what, I should not go into that opening.

Then I was kinda floating above my sleeping body, looking down at myself, and... you know those wind-up chattering teeth?

Well one of those was chomping on the side of my head, and every time it chomped, my body twitched. And I could feel my body twitching as I looked at it.

Then I woke up.

Was pretty convinced that all meant I had a brain tumor where the teeth were chomping me for a little while afterwards.

2017-11-20, 06:28 AM
Many years ago I dreamt I was in my biological father's house.
In his good TV chair was a skeleton that had been nailed to the chair through the arms and eyes by a group of kids aged around 10, and I had to kill them with a machine gun or they would do the same to me. That was pretty unsettling. Later on I figured out it had something to do with the process I was going through of disassociating myself from my bio-dad.
(Long story involving alcoholism and traumatic childhood experiences. Later on he sobered up, and we have a good relationship today.)

It also hillariously taught me something about doing cold readings of overly emotional people on Internet message boards, back in the early 90's before people caught onto that sort of thing.

2017-11-20, 07:25 AM
I had a dream where I was in a huge library that looked a lot like Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, Oregon (I went there once) and I met some middle-aged men who seemed nice until they gave me a menu from some restaurant and tried to convince me to go there. Then I went upstairs and I was in a cross between a tiny bookstore and my family’s house, and some family friends were there. Then the dream suddenly became a comic book that involved a witch raising an army of skeleton pirates and their “war beast” which looked like it was half pig, half wolf, and it shot black lightning from its mouth. The dream ended with this beast invading the bookstore house.

2017-11-30, 07:15 AM
Huh, just had a dream that could be considered in the horror genre, but not a nightmare, since it wasn't about making me afraid/horrified. In the dream I was some sort of evil entity, demon, malignant wizard, I dunno. So I went about horrifying a group of people (especially this one girl) by concocting a story about a weird cult and/or supernatural entities (I think it played out a few times over with slight variations, as my dreams sometimes do) that were threatening them by doing several things, most of which I don't remember, but which include destroying their car in a very noisy and flashy way that looked clearly supernatural and implicated someone else as a ghost of some sort, and coming up with a vision (or perhaps a recording) of some horrifying stuff about an evil cult, crafted to look like it was made by a group of cinematographers/performers that were in town. I think there was also a subplot about how the people supposedly behind all this stuff were trying to implicate me - all a ploy by myself to make them look bad, by dropping subtle clues that the victims were meant to pick up. Weirded me out after I woke up :smalltongue: Sounds like an interesting horror-movie premise though.

Fiery Diamond
2017-12-04, 09:48 PM
My dreams are always super weird, to the point that people ask me if I was taking drugs before going to sleep (I don't) when I tell them about my dreams. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head because I generally forget them within a few days. Except last night's dream.

So, sometimes it's the little details that make me go "what the...?" at my dreams.

There was a lot of other random stuff before this, but near the end I dreamt that there were two groups imprisoned on an airplane. The plane stopped at three locations, letting the prisoners out to collect resources. Said resources included copious quantities of shredded cheddar cheese in gargantuan size. As I explained to someone, while it was happening, a group could gather themselves and prepare to fight back, getting themselves ready as a miniature army that grew with each stop. At the end, they revolted.

There were two groups. One of them was a group of soldiers. The other was the one that fought back as I narrated. They were a giant swarm of intelligent bees. But as I noted at the end, "But it doesn't have to be bees [that do the fighting back]. It could be soldiers."

I woke up and laughed myself silly.

2017-12-06, 07:37 PM
I was at my church (while a service was going on), holding a bowl. The bowl contained about seven injured newborn kittens. I knew I shouldn't hang around, because the kittens needed to go to the vet. I was especially worried about the one with the head injury, but somehow (dream logic) it wasn't urgent enough to just walk out.

So I was waiting for the part of the service where it would be okay to leave. The minister was being really nice that day, though, and asking me to help with small parts of the prayers etc. That would be really great ordinarily, but the kittens were taking a turn for the worse, so I really wanted to get out fast.

Basically, the dream was several hours of trying to pray fast so that I could take the kittens in for somewhat urgent medical care. I woke up before "going to see the vet," and felt really guilty until I remembered that the kittens didn't exist to be neglected in the first place.

2017-12-28, 11:38 AM
Here's another one that I just remembered.

I was on a huge beach that was cold and very steep - it sloped at about 35 degrees up from the ocean. The beach consisted entirely of cold, wet, coarse-grained sand that was uncomfortable to walk on. I was close to the top when the tide started coming in. Due to dream logic, the water started rising rapidly and covered most of the beach in a few minutes. (This beach was shaped like a trapezoid that was several hundred feet wide at the bottom, which was the normal level of the ocean.) I tried to run away from the ocean, but I got trapped at the top of the beach - for some reason, just leaving the beach did not occur to me - and as the ocean rose, I saw a monster in it. It was like a dog-shark-icthyosaur. Then I fell into the water.

Suddenly, the dream cut to me, on the couch in my mom's old house, watching the previous dream as a movie. I had my laptop open to the TV Tropes page for this movie. The page said something about dinosaurs. Then I looked back at the screen, and the dream actually zoomed in on the screen like it was being shot with a camera, and suddenly I was back in the movie-ish part of the dream.

I was on a very small island with a ruined three-story house during a storm. Some of my friends were there as well. Then I looked up, and there were several dinosaurs roaming around the island, The island was actually much smaller than most of the dinosaurs, but somehow there were several of them on the island. Then I saw the monster in the water. It tried to speak to me. I suddenly realized that the monster was one of my friends, and that I would become one of the monsters eventually. Then it looked like time got put on fast-forward and suddenly all of the dinosaurs were gone and it was just me, my friend as a monster, my brother, and her brother, on a tiny island. The storm had cleared up. The ruined house was mostly destroyed. The only thing that was left was the bare frame and a crate full of volumes of the manga One Piece, which was somehow in absolutely perfect condition despite having been totally exposed during a massive storm.

Then I woke up.

2017-12-28, 12:16 PM
Sorry about the double post, but here's one more that I just remembered.

I was in a large city that was lit only by a dim red light that didn't appear to come from anywhere. The buildings were all very tall, twisting spires with at least ten stories, or else were carved into massive mushrooms like fairies' houses. I was dressed in a red and black suit and was climbing around the outside of the buildings like it was in Uncharted, which I have never played, but I think I had watched my brother play it the previous day. It soon became apparent that this was part of a huge game, played between several dozen people. We were divided into a red team and a blue team, and I was on the red team. It was actually very hard to tell the two teams apart, because the suits we were wearing were identical black suits except for a few small red/blue details. The object of the game was apparently to assassinate the entire other team.

I was watching a party/dance going on on top of a mushroom from a hiding spot, trying to line up a shot on a member of the blue team (the party consisted of a few members from each team as well as some "natives", who were apparently not human), when an acquaintance of mine came up behind me and started talking to me. Unlike everyone else in this dream, she was wearing a gray dress. She told me that she was pregnant (I assumed that the father was one of the "natives") and that she was being hunted by the blue team for it. I helped her sneak across the city to see if the native queen could help us.

When we walked into the palace (a huge, blocky trapezoidal building that was totally different from the aesthetic of the rest of the city) there was a rave going on. We approached the queen, who was dancing in an elaborate, skimpy outfit that appeared to be made entirely of gold foil, and asked her if she could help. She then told us that she would hide us for as long as needed, and we joined the rave.

A while later, the game was over, and the red team had presumably won (I never actually heard who won, but it must have been the reds because the blues would have had to kill me to win) and we got to exit the game. After a weird sequence involving dragons falling through portals entirely too small for them to fit through, I found myself walking out of a skyscraper in a New York-like city with a beautiful garden with fountains. There were both red and blue players there, despite the fact that all of the blue players had presumably died. I unequipped my red team suit using a Minecraft-style inventory. Then I woke up.

The whole thing reminds me of Homestuck (game world, non-human natives with a queen) despite the fact that i had this dream months before I started reading Homestuck.

2017-12-28, 03:16 PM
I usually try to forget my dreams on general principle. Two that I remember:

1) I recall a dream that had a line of Storm Troopers dancing the can can in a disco studio with Star Wars Galactic Funk going in the background (great album).

2) A mildly horrific dream inspired by the If you could turn into a monster thread with turning into a dragon. It was interesting because the end result stole a bit from what I recall of Pernese dragons and having insectoid eyes and could have a massive field of view. The more unique part was the fact that the truly draconic form could space travel using wings as solar sails. It also borrowed inspiration from Pratchett's trolls as silicon based life forms and being stone like with light speed neuron signals.

It was a bit more complicated than that as it was learning a gradual change to more complex stages, but sacrificing empathy for people as you became less like them. The end result was just floating in space as a giant dragon with the first signs of some moss like thing starting to grow on the scales.

2017-12-28, 08:05 PM
Last night I dreamed about trying to board an airplane (which was tremendously dangerous, involving giant metal spiderweb-like climbing structures and floating platforms - both overcrowded and without safeties of any kind) while trying to figure out if my girlfriend was real. (Once I woke up, it was pretty clear that she wasn't.) The sheer level of sensory detail was pretty incredible (and one of the weirdest things about it): I could feel the floating platform drifting up and down slightly, my heart racing, that funny adrenaline tingle in my toes, my fingers going numb from the cold, etc. How it stung a little bit to pick up the safety pamphlet with my still-numb fingers when we finally got onto the plane. I don't usually "dream with my body," so it was very strange.

2017-12-28, 09:20 PM
For a long time, I had (pretty standard) flying dreams. You know, the ones were you realize if you jump right, you can just keep floating along in the air forever. Really nice.

Except now, I've had them enough that as soon as I get one, I immediately think "Oh, I must be dreaming about flying again. I'm probably just asleep in bed!" Which kinda ruins the effect. :smallfrown: Worse, I then try to wake up and think I'm awake only to realize nope, I'm still asleep, and then try to wake up again, repeat.

2017-12-28, 09:58 PM
For a long time, I had (pretty standard) flying dreams. You know, the ones were you realize if you jump right, you can just keep floating along in the air forever. Really nice.

Except now, I've had them enough that as soon as I get one, I immediately think "Oh, I must be dreaming about flying again. I'm probably just asleep in bed!" Which kinda ruins the effect. :smallfrown: Worse, I then try to wake up and think I'm awake only to realize nope, I'm still asleep, and then try to wake up again, repeat.

I still have trouble believing those weren't real. It was so simple to take a step and then not put my feet back on the ground, and they were always in really believable settings from real life and felt like being awake.

My brother tells me it doesn't work like that, though :smallannoyed:

2017-12-29, 12:21 AM
For a long time, I had (pretty standard) flying dreams. You know, the ones were you realize if you jump right, you can just keep floating along in the air forever. Really nice.

Except now, I've had them enough that as soon as I get one, I immediately think "Oh, I must be dreaming about flying again. I'm probably just asleep in bed!" Which kinda ruins the effect. :smallfrown: Worse, I then try to wake up and think I'm awake only to realize nope, I'm still asleep, and then try to wake up again, repeat.

i have the same thing with flying and weak telekinesis. though i still remain convinced in the dream that i'm actually awake.

2017-12-29, 12:39 AM
See, my problem is my dreams are unusually boring.

Like, the dream about where my alarm clock went off, and then I got up, got dressed, and got in the car to go to work.

And then my alarm clock went off. There was much swearing.

2017-12-29, 01:05 AM
I hate those dreams. Especially if you get to the end of the day, just start to wind down, and then wake up.

2017-12-29, 11:53 PM
i know i've had lots of odd and vivid dreams, but i don't remember most of them after a couple of days. one of the last ones i do remember, from last night, involved a mini member (a juvenile?) of the Frieza race that had like a power level of 25 (which is high in my revised Dragon Ball - inspired GURPS rules supplement). people thought of him as like a godling and he was bending metal and stuff. so this is what i get for thinking about that all day. at another point i was in a type of school with dead people in it (spirits), though i was not dead ... and then there were spirits that were like figurines and dolls and stuff at one point ... which i liked at first, but then i had a bad dream about that after i took a nap today. (it's too graphic to describe here.) i was interacting with a version of me in the mirror at one point too.

from a couple days ago, speaking of mirrors, i was fighting people in a house and then i used a mirror to summon my friend from Hell (where i dreamt people just kill each other all the time, so he was probably good at combat).

2017-12-31, 12:06 PM
1- I went to work, a coworker had knife stuck in his head, when we went to have lunch he seat next to me and I was like "Errr... Is that a..." And he goes " I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT!" and I was like "Oookay" then we proceed to eat our cereal... In a fancy french restaurant, after that we went back to work and everyone acted as if the guy with a knife on his head was something completely normal and nonchalant, and he was able to walk around and use the computer normally.
2- I went back to my high school and the whole place looked like a weird surreal labyrinth, the doors would lead to places that had no connection to the entrance, I keep running into my history teacher who kept insisting how she had the same age as me (Which is obsly impossible even if she was a very young teacher at the time) and I justified myself as having the same age as her by saying I went to college one year earlier than the average person( I did not and even if I did it wouldn’t make sense, dream logic I guess) when I noticed something was weird I went to the bathroom and for some reason there were a many refugee nuns form a monastery trying to escape the inquisition there, so weird.

The first one is super weird and makes no sense, the second one kind of has a reason for I guess? The night before I watched the name of the rose, a movie my history teacher asked us to watch when we were studding the medieval period, I guess that triggered many memories and the themes kind of end up mixed up.

2018-01-04, 10:59 AM
Two nights ago I had yet another weird dream. It involved being on a rollercoaster bus with my family, and then going to a gladiator show. The noise the audience made was deafening. The thing is, going to that sort of show is the exact opposite of what I would do in real life (I don't like violence or loud noises). Eventually both of my grandmothers (from different sides of my family) got to be the announcers for the show, but the crowd hated that. I had some trouble involving wanting to play on my phone and having accidentally brought a grayscale, laminated picture of my phone.

The weird part was that this was apparently the second time that I had been to the show. When I woke up, I had a sensation that this dream was a sequel to a previous dream that I'd had. Now I genuinely can't tell whether I've had this dream before, or I just dreamed that I did. It's so confusing!

2018-01-04, 11:36 AM
I had an interesting combination of half-awareness yesterday. I think somehow my brain was aware that I was curled up and couldn't move. But I was still in dream phase. I was driving down the road and suddenly I couldn't steer or anything.

2018-01-04, 10:37 PM
I had an interesting combination of half-awareness yesterday. I think somehow my brain was aware that I was curled up and couldn't move. But I was still in dream phase. I was driving down the road and suddenly I couldn't steer or anything.

Ya, I've often had dreams where I dream I'm driving, but some part of me knows I'm lying down, so I think I'm driving with the seat fully reclined, and I can't see over the seating wheel or I have trouble pressing the pedals. Especially annoying when I'm driving down one of the local extra-curvy hill roads.

2018-01-05, 01:24 AM
I don't have weird dreams very often, but when I do they tend to have plotlines. One example: I dreamed I was in a theater watching a play. Just me in the audience. I realized it was a dream and kind of shrugged and went with it, because hey, I know how much work it is to put on a play, and if my subconscious was going through that much trouble it was probably important. So, the play opened. The scene was ancient Greece. There was a couple that had been arguing. The woman stormed off in a huff. The man felt guilty, and decided to ask the gods for help. So he called on Aphrodite, who actually showed up in her clamshell. She was polite, but said something like, "I hope you can fix this, but I really don't know why people come to me with this kind of problem. I'm an ..." (and there was a word in what was supposed to be Greek, but I understood that it roughly translated to "Outdoor Goddess") "... of fertility. You wan't to talk to Hestia. She's an (Indoor Goddess) of domestic tranquility." Aphrodite left the stage. The guy called on Hestia, who just walked on from stage right, dressed kind of normally (at least for what Ancient Greeks were supposed to wear, according to the dream). She gave him some good advice. The couple got back together, and the dream ended.

2018-01-08, 05:30 PM
A few months ago I had one where a friend and I were at a party, trying to stop another friend of ours who is in very poor health from turning everyone else into vampires.

When I woke up I posted this on Facebook, and a bunch of other friends chimed in that she should go ahead and do it. And she posted a picture of herself with vampire fangs.

However, at her most recent opportunity on New Year's Eve, she did not in fact turn anyone into a vampire (that I'm aware of).

Another time I dreamed that I met Brock Lesnar in person and he was like the nicest person ever. This is doubly weird because A) he has a reputation for the exact opposite, and B) I don't like him or want to meet him at all.

2018-01-09, 10:26 AM
Okay, this dream is weird because I remember it so vividly and I have had the dream more than once...

so this dream started in my old middle school and I was sitting in the class even though I was older than the class level, but I was int the class when the class went into a panic for some reason and it turns out the teacher was a zombie and some of the kids were turned into zombies so I was running in a panic when I was suddenly pulled into a room by a girl, me and her camped in that room for days and at some ppoint she reviled that she was a zombie but she wasent decaying at all.

this was my weird dream, I hope you enjoy

Some Android
2018-01-14, 08:58 PM
I had a dream recently that there existed a country on this Earth whose main export was JRPGs (and it wasn't Japan).

If that isn't weird enough for you the country in question didn't make JRPGs. They mined them out of the ground like gold or how people drill for oil. It's apparently a natural resource in that part of the world.

2018-01-21, 12:33 AM
I had a dream recently that there existed a country on this Earth whose main export was JRPGs (and it wasn't Japan).

If that isn't weird enough for you the country in question didn't make JRPGs. They mined them out of the ground like gold or how people drill for oil. It's apparently a natural resource in that part of the world.

I think I need a vacation in this country. Maybe I can find a sixth game in the main Suikoden series. Or better yet, a new Ogre Battle.

Black Knight 2k
2018-02-01, 04:04 PM
I once dreamed I visited an artist that was cutting baby elephants into pieces, while keeping the pieces alive, and attaching them in new ways together. Unfortunately he tricked me locked into a asylum that he owned so that I couldn't spread word of his attrocities.

2018-02-08, 05:46 PM
This was more of a nightmare than a dream, but I dreamt my ex-girlfriend got a job at my library.

This is extraordinarily unlikely given that I now live 200+ miles away from her, but it's technically possible since we have a job opening and last I heard she was pursuing libraries as a career as well. I really, truly hope it remains just a bad dream.

2018-02-09, 12:19 AM
I had a dream where everyone and everything was made out of ice cream, but the sort of horrible ice cream you get at fun fairs and zoos that are in the shape of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dora the Explorer. It was a street scene, like something out of Do the Right Thing, and it was hot, so the world was melting. But inside everyone and everything wasn't the expected Popsicle stick but rather, spiders. So many spiders that they filled the streets, a tide of spiders, little black spiders.

And then the spiders started to sing Ave Maria.

2018-02-09, 09:56 AM
I had a dream where everyone and everything was made out of ice cream, but the sort of horrible ice cream you get at fun fairs and zoos that are in the shape of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dora the Explorer. It was a street scene, like something out of Do the Right Thing, and it was hot, so the world was melting. But inside everyone and everything wasn't the expected Popsicle stick but rather, spiders. So many spiders that they filled the streets, a tide of spiders, little black spiders.

And then the spiders started to sing Ave Maria.

What did you eat before bed? J may want to avoid it or have some. It depends on how good the spiders' rendition of Ave Maria was.

2018-02-09, 06:35 PM
Watching my best friend make love to his then girlfriend, while I sat in a tub full of blood. They were talking to me the entire time too, which made it all the weirder.

That one was a long time ago though, like nearly a decade or so ago. For a recent one, I have last nights dream: So, I had a pimple or something on my chest(this part is RL), but it's gone away. However, in my dream it had come back and mutated. It became this inch long, centimeter across growth sticking off my chest that had waving tentacles. I was freaking out because I was supposed to be going to a water park and I didn't want people to see it, so I kept putting all these pimple remover creams on it trying to get rid of it, and it wasn't doing anything, and then my doctor showed up out of nowhere and said that I was going to have to have it surgically removed.

Then I woke up, which sucks, really wanted to see what was going to happen next, lol.

Fiery Diamond
2018-02-15, 05:46 PM
I've had a few odd dreams lately.

1) I was a magic-using superhero whose teammates were a shapeshifter catgirl who could turn into a cat, a shapeshifter dogboy who could turn into a dog, and a genius talking dog who (because magic) could turn into a human. Their names were, in order, Cinnamon, Solomon, and Russ.

2) I was trapped inside someone else's dream.

3) I, and others, had to fight against these giant sentient wasps that could shoot stingers at you. Also, there were a bunch of potted flowers that would murder you if you didn't collect red and white ones while wearing red or white. Collection was done with a big long lizard tongue.

4) I was both human me and a squirrel at the same time. In order for a mage to get a familiar, they had to perform a ritual. Whichever had the stronger will and spirit, the human or animal, would end up as the mage and the other would become a subservient familiar. The squirrel was the mage and the human me was the familiar.

2018-02-15, 06:05 PM
So I got this new crush, it's my new neighbor; he has a great taste on music, art, handsome face and hot bod.

I plan to make a move soon but yesterday i had this weird dream where I was dressed in a purple suit and dying my hair green, he was dressed with a kinky half red half black wrestler singlet, I think he was dressed as a male harley quinn and I was his joker, I was in front of a mirror checking my outfit, he was in the floor wearing a dog collar but for some reason I kept calling him "jocker" over and over again. We were in a complete black void with water on the floor, nothing but the full body mirror, kind of like eleven mind space in stranger things.

The weirdest part is that his hair is black and harley quinn is blond and I normally care a lot about this things, it seems my subconscious don't care about that, I guess that joker thread I keep posting on took a toll on my sanity.