View Full Version : DM Help Alternate Treasure Ideas

2017-10-03, 02:22 PM
What are some good non-traditional treasure ideas? I'm talking things like lands and titles rather than gold and items.

Relevant comic. (http://www.handbookofheroes.com/archives/comic/always-choose-gold)

2017-10-03, 02:37 PM
Livestock, oaths of loyalty, indulgences, letters of introduction, training in a skill or feat, royal favor, a garrison, political appointment, slaves.

Joe the Rat
2017-10-03, 02:47 PM
Land, straight up. It's a true measure of wealth. But I played too much Pirates!.
Animals, particularly food/herd (cattle,sheep) or horses.
Ships or other vehicles.
Favors - you may not get an "anything," but being able to call on help when needed is not a small thing.
There's always trade goods, though that's fairly well covered (but make the determinations ahead of time, unless the humor/absurdity of a mimic with a 7-pound wheel of cheese appeals to your group).

2017-10-03, 02:53 PM
Land, straight up. It's a true measure of wealth. But I played too much Pirates!.
Animals, particularly food/herd (cattle,sheep) or horses.
Ships or other vehicles.
Favors - you may not get an "anything," but being able to call on help when needed is not a small thing.
There's always trade goods, though that's fairly well covered (but make the determinations ahead of time, unless the humor/absurdity of a mimic with a 7-pound wheel of cheese appeals to your group).

Land also has the advantage, from a monarch's point of view, of permanently binding your interests to theirs.

2017-10-03, 03:00 PM
I'm a fan of gaining amusing NPCs as rewards. They need to be able to serve a purpose other than the plot device princess though.

Tradesmen who sell wares to PCs at discounted prices, scribes who can track down rituals, a fence to sell plundered loot, etc. It keeps the PCs invested in their world and feel that their heroic efforts actually pay out with gratitude from those they help.

It also keeps the campaign from going Monty Haul or Murder Hobo.

2017-10-03, 03:25 PM
I'm a fan of gaining amusing NPCs as rewards. They need to be able to serve a purpose other than the plot device princess though.

An increasingly large band of minstrels following the party around to sing the praises of the brave heroes is always a good one. In dire need, such as in the frozen land of Nador (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yciX2meIkXI), the PC's can always eat them (with much rejoicing).

2017-10-03, 04:03 PM
Various plot hooks items are a favorite. Treasure maps, prophecies, contacts, Magical tattoos, a new language, favors of local officials or crime bosses. Things like the Braavosi coin from the Game of Thrones series, or a golden ticket. A dusty tome that gives them a cantrip spell.

If you use land as a treasure for the party, early on, the party can slowly build a guildhouse-style haven on that piece of land. That way you can have "magic items" that are massively oversize from things the party can't just bring along - Statues, Tapestries, livestock, you name it. The haven can also be a plot device in itself, if it's ransacked or otherwise attacked.

You could also give niche luck, like a very specific form of inspiration. Advantage when attacking goblins, Advantage when persuading dragons, removing the first disadvantage of the day for x days.