View Full Version : Arcane Trickster Mage Hand Ledgermain.

2017-10-03, 07:49 PM
Has there been any official clarifications (sage advice is what I'm wondering) about what the Arcane Trickster can and can't do with Mage Hand Ledgermain?

Can the Mage Hand (as a bonus action):

1. Draw a potion from a pack?
2. Feed a potion on hand to a downed PC?
3. Draw/Sheathe my weapon for me?
4. Steal an object off a foe mid combat?

I.e. Is the Mage Hand Ledgermain equivalent to the "Use an Object" action (only it's a bonus action and you can use it from range)?

2017-10-03, 08:27 PM
Thief can "use an Object action" with Fast Hands (on bonus action).

With MHL the Trickster can (on a bonus action granted by cunning action) stow or retrieve one object on or from another creature - so presumably you can stow or retrieve one object off yourself.

I'd say, RAW, that tracks (can you draw your own dagger, say) - no idea if SA has covered this (I've not seen it there).

You can use thieves tools and disarm a trap at range.

You won't be noticed if you succeed on a dex sleight of hand check.

So one question is when did you cast Mage Hand? A trickster can precast MH and keep it going - you have to move it with you if say you're exploring a dungeon. Easily done for an AT cuz of cunning action - you have the extra movement to easily move the MH forward and keep up with the party.

So at the start of a fight the MH might be next to you. It has to be moved to do anything, and what is not clear in the PHB explanation of MHL is how far the MH can be moved on a bonus action - but presumably it's normal (spell defined) movement is allowed. So if you move 20' and stab an orc, presumably the MH can on your bonus action be moved up and can pick that orc's pocket - or could be moved up the normal distance limit and perhaps pick some other orc's pocket - or could pull a dagger from your belt - or w/e (at higher level the MH can grant advantage for the AT).

It does not say if you can "use an Object action" so presumably, unlike thief, the AT can't use an Object action with MHL. So maybe you can't pour a potion down a zero'd character's throat at range. It would be interesting to know if SA has ruled on this and what the actual limits and allowances are (at least RAI by the developers). I agree that the PHB is not clear.

2017-10-03, 10:01 PM
I'd say the answers to 1 3 and 4 are yes RAW.

The answer to 2 may need to come from a SA or from understanding which action is required to use a pot - and I'm not finding it in the phb ... will go back and try again.

2017-10-03, 10:28 PM
I'd say the answers to 1 3 and 4 are yes RAW.

The answer to 2 may need to come from a SA or from understanding which action is required to use a pot - and I'm not finding it in the phb ... will go back and try again.

Hmm, thanks for the help Chugger, looks... relatively useful. If only they didn't use different language for "Use an Object" and this when it is obviously supposed to be the same (sans attacks of course)

2017-10-03, 11:19 PM
The PHB description of a Potion of Healing is "A character who drinks the magical red fluid in this vial regains 2d4+2 hit points. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action.". Other potions are not specified but note that it says "Administering a potion", in general, and there is also no reason to assume otherwise when it comes to other potions since the action is exactly the same. DMG page 141 states that: "If an item requires an action to activate, that action isn't a function of the Use an Item action...". So RAW you cannot administer a potion with a bonus action.

In everything else I concur with Chugger's answers.

2017-10-03, 11:41 PM
Good to know, so administer a potion falls into that category of special non-"Use an Item" actions involving items (like doffing a shield).

2017-10-04, 03:10 AM
My experience generally has been that a Thief - because of how fast hands is clearly defined - can use a cunning action or bonus action to administer a potion to someone - and then use his action to stab something - or w/e.

With Trickster and Legerdemain it simply isn't clear in the rules. Sorry. Ask your DM and make your case.

2017-10-04, 04:29 AM
the using a potion is a bit of a contentious topic.

it is explicitly called out as an action, and not a use object action, or use magical item action..

so drawing, un-corking, and drinking(or administering) a potion,
drawing, and swishing a wand, with a word,
is more intensive than..
drawing and opening a healers kit, and applying a bandage..

gg dev's

2017-10-04, 04:39 AM
the using a potion is a bit of a contentious topic.

it is explicitly called out as an action, and not a use object action, or use magical item action..

so drawing, un-corking, and drinking(or administering) a potion,
drawing, and swishing a wand, with a word,
is more intensive than..
drawing and opening a healers kit, and applying a bandage..

gg dev's

I'd personally rule that the AT could administer a potion with MH. The end of the Legerdemain says they can use their Cunning Action's bonus action to control the hand. So I would allow the potion to be a Bonus Action.

2017-10-04, 05:59 AM
I'd personally rule that the AT could administer a potion with MH. The end of the Legerdemain says they can use their Cunning Action's bonus action to control the hand. So I would allow the potion to be a Bonus Action.

as would I, but per RAW it isn't allowed... :(

2017-10-04, 06:33 AM
as would I, but per RAW it isn't allowed... :(

Pulling it out of a bag and using the potion in the same turn, no. But if it's being used to get someone at 0hp back on their feet, I think I'd let them use their bonus action to pull it out, and an action to feed it to them with the MH. Possibly a (low DC) ability check to see if they get enough in their mouth to have a good effect. Since feeding a potion to someone has you steadying their head to make sure ot goes where it needs to.