View Full Version : Celestia's Finest: Queen of Hearts

2017-10-04, 05:34 PM
Rose walks down the now-familiar path to the Canterlot Dungeons. 'Familiar path', huh. When she joined the Guard, she never thought she'd say that. The guards recognize her on sight now, though still check to make sure she's not a changeling. There's been rumors that a number of them hold secret sympathies for their queen, 'despite all reason', according to many ponies. However, if that is the case, the changelings are remaining very silent. King Thorax's primary concern seems to be that the hive-mind his subjects were trapped in is not replicated by another, foreign power. He has personally sponsored much research into how it was done and how to prevent it in the future.

Rose is not a changeling though and the guards let her in. The warden sighs when he sees her. "Hello again, Lt. Rose. Back for another visit?" He shakes his head and mutters under his breath. "You know, I don't know how you manage to put up with her."

2017-10-04, 05:50 PM
Rose flicks back a few stray hairs and smiles. She's wearing a more casual affair-- the blue, short-sleeve button shirt and aviator jacket with her ids attached. "I've built up quite a lot of patience in my line of work. Some say perhaps too much, but well... here I am," She says softly, taking no offense.

"Any medical issues with Chrysalis lately I should address?"

2017-10-04, 05:59 PM
"Patience of a saint. This goes on, I'll contact the Solar Order and nominate you myself," the warden says with a gruff (but friendly underneath) voice. He gets up and grabs his keys. "Come along."

As they walk down the final corridor, he answers her question. "Nothing new to speak of. Other than that she smiles every so often. Right out of a horror movie, that. Like the one where the one mare is chased through a station by an alien Xenopony." He unlocks the door and holds it open. "Same as always. Call when you're finished. We'll keep an eye on things, just to be safe."

Inside, Chrysalis is reading one of the books Rose and Sniper provided. Actually, the one that Sniper wrote. She sets it down when Rose enters. And she does smile too. "Ah, is it that time of week already?"

2017-10-04, 06:06 PM
Inside, Chrysalis is reading one of the books Rose and Sniper provided. Actually, the one that Sniper wrote. She sets it down when Rose enters. And she does smile too. "Ah, is it that time of week already?"

Rose nods to the warden when she enters. Inside she approaches the bars. The changeling's smile is... toothy, for lack of a better word. A little creepy, but also a little hopeful. Maybe someday Rose will have done Starlight some justice by finishing the work she started. "Not quite time for an examination, my friend. I was feeling a bit lonely and thought of you, so, hope you wouldn't mind some company. I see you're reading Sniper's book. Any good?"

2017-10-04, 06:14 PM
"Complete rubbish," Chrysalis says, "But more enjoyable than some of these others. He has a perspective on things that comes through in his writing. A perspective I approve of. Much more level-headed and sensible than most ponies with their flighty ideas of freedom." She smiles at Rose. "Present company included, but don't take it too hard. It makes you adorable, even if it makes the rest of your kind unbearably dense sometimes."

She rises from the couch and comes to the bars. "Dropped in just to see me, hmm? Whatever is the matter? Can't take your mind off me?"

2017-10-04, 06:42 PM
"Adorable, huh? Hmm, I'll take it."

Rose takes in a breath at the last question. It's hard to explain without... well no, it's easy to explain, but Rose doesn't want to say it so forwardly. "I dunno, maybe your mind control still works on some low level with me. I mean, I can't say we have much in common; changeling queen, cyborg unicorn. But I guess... yeah, I can't take my mind off you. Your history, the things that led up to where you are, whatever interest this... Lord of the Stars has in you."

Rose suddenly remembered a thing and her ears shot up. "Oh! And I can't believe your justices. Stars and moon, the gall they had when you were at that trial. Grr. I'm trying to get a hearing with them to give a piece of my mind why horn removal is the worst thing ever." She lets out a snort.

2017-10-04, 06:53 PM
She grimaces. "You're sympathy is welcome." She shifts and leans closer. "I too wish to know some of those things. Perhaps when you find out you could share them with me, hmm? Since we're such good friends and all." She pats Rose on the head. It's a slightly condescending gesture, but it's friendly too. And not many ponies get anything friendly out of Chrysalis.

"Now, we talk about me all the time. But right now, I'm curious about you. Let's switch topics, shall we?"

2017-10-04, 07:06 PM
"Now, we talk about me all the time. But right now, I'm curious about you. Let's switch topics, shall we?"

Rose calms down and nods about sharing info when she finds any. "Sure, what do you want to know? How I got these cybernetics? What my favorite foods are? Hobbies?" she asks.

"I like skydiving. It takes a bit of a crazy mind to want to jump out of a perfectly working airplane, you know?" Rose smirks at her little bit of humor. "Yeah, but I wasn't lucky enough to be born with wings, so... next best thing--falling. Might go for a drop next Sunday. It's been a while since I went."

2017-10-04, 07:44 PM
Chrysalis nods. "Changelings can fly and do magic. And shapeshift into any form. She nods. "We truly are amazing creatures."

"Tell me whatever you wish. Though, I am curious. Is there anything in your life that you feel is missing?"

2017-10-04, 08:02 PM
"Missing?" Rose has to ponder the question. Not because she's unsure what to say, but because she knows all too well the answer and doesn't know how to say it without sounding silly.

"Well, I... it's like this--I have plenty of friends and some of them are dating. And most of the time we're all cool with each other and we hang out. But sometimes I feel, left wanting? Like, I don't have anyone I could intimately share things with. It can be rough some days at work and I come home to a room with nothing but a robot dog and my laptop. I thought about trying a dating service, but I've had ponies get uncomfortable holding my hooves in the triage room. Can't imagine how a date would fair if they don't like a mare who's half machine."

She looks up at the ceiling for a moment. "Guess you don't have such problems. You seem confident and self-assured to find someone if you wanted to."

2017-10-04, 09:03 PM
"No," Chrysalis admits, "I do not have that problem. The greatest problem I have is this cuff." She points to the one on her horn and sighs. "I wish I could be free again. I...the one good thing about our meeting on Tartarus Station was that, for the briefest period of time, I could do what I willed when I willed. I was free." She smirks. "It was amazing."

She looks at Rose and her eyes travel over her cybernetics. "You must have been very beautiful. For a pony. Do you have any pictures from before?"

2017-10-04, 09:13 PM
"Someday," Rose said idly as she pulled out her phone. She flipped through for some old photos of herself before the accident. In a sad way, she didn't keep many on the phone. She finally finds a set of her with the old airship crew. It was off duty, and Rose wore nothing more than a sleeveless shirt.

"I have these from some years ago. This was shore leave while our airship was undergoing maintenance. That's me, just before we went on a mountain hike. That's Pops, our head mechanic. Grumpy old pegasus, but like a father to most of us. The other two are Lance and Alta. Good friends. Lance I think is still in the forces."

2017-10-04, 09:35 PM
Chrysalis studies the picture, eyes narrowing. Then, she transforms and Rose is looking at herself, younger, with flesh legs and real, shining eyes. Chrysalis grins and, for once, it's pleasant to look at. "Well, this is..." She spins around and glances back at her flank. She flicks her tail and grins. "Thiiiis is very nice." She lounges on the couch.

Then she looks at Rose and quickly transforms back into herself. She clears her throat. "Yes. Well, you are very nice. And you..." She grits her teeth. "You are very nice still."

2017-10-04, 10:00 PM
Then she looks at Rose and quickly transforms back into herself. She clears her throat. "Yes. Well, you are very nice. And you..." She grits her teeth. "You are very nice still."

Rose blushes a little. She... she did look pretty back then. But did Chrysalis say she's still nice? Was that a real compliment? "Well, thank you for saying so. I'm still trying to believe it from myself."

"I think what's fascinating about changelings is that, no matter who they transform into, they have striking eyes I think. Yours are pretty unique, not like the others."

2017-10-04, 10:09 PM
Chrysalis takes the compliment in stride. "I am the queen of all changelings," she says with pride, "It's only natural that I am the best of all my kind." She grins and shifts backwards onto the couch, ending up in a slightly saucy position. "I'd be curious," she says with a low purr, "to hear your opinion on the matter."

2017-10-04, 10:57 PM
"Well, you do have an alluring charm without equal," Rose answers. "Tall, wise, cunning... capable. And inside there's a little hint of pain, hurt. A vulnerable side, if you will, which I no doubt you'd deny and spit in my face for even daring to say such. Yet, it intrigues me, that this side completes you. Makes you interesting. The guards always wonder why I come back as often as I do to visit. I guess it's because you fascinate me. I... just really want to know you."

Rose shuffles in pace a bit, thinking what she said probably sounded silly. "Sometimes I could be at base doing the dishes and I think to myself, 'I hope Chrysalis is getting enough to eat'."

2017-10-04, 11:30 PM
Chrysalis' smile grows wider and wider until she mentions 'vulnerable'. True to Rose's prediction, she snarls. But her following words do alleviate Chrysalis' rage. She snorts, mollified. "Yes. Well, they found a ponies in addition to you who would feed me. They, however, had to be coaxed with a healthy bribe and are far less nourishing."

"But, well, there is always a gnawing hunger at the back of my mind," she says, "But I am used to it. I dealt with it for a hundred years now. I can deal with it for a little longer. At least until I am released." She grins. "Or escapes."

"But back on the subject of you," she says, "Of all the ponies out there, what sort would be your preference?" She shifts into a strong, tall earth pony. "Is this better?" she asks in a deep, male voice. Next, she shifts into a petite pegasus with soft, silky feathers and a mane. "Or this?" she asks in a demure, honeyed tone. She returns to her natural form. "What is your dream, Rose?"

2017-10-05, 06:00 AM
"My dream? Well..." Rose sits down and looks hard at her own machine hooves. She slowly wiggles them. "To be honest, I don't care about their physical appearance. I just want someone who genuinely wants to share their life experience with me. My dream is to be snuggled with someone under a warm blanket on a cold night reading an awful book and exchanging terrible puns, and openly talking about whatever bothered us that day. Someone to go skydiving with on a sunny day, or want me along to terrorize the neighborhood kids on Nightmare Night."

2017-10-05, 08:38 AM
Chrysalis listens politely, but a little stiffly. “I see,” she says, sounding mildly...off. Disappointed? Annoyed? Rose isn’t sure. “I suppose I have simple tastes. I just want the boundless, endless love of every creature in the world.” She chuckles. “If they ever permit Happy Hooves to visit me, I think I could grow powerful enough to snap this cuff off from a single hour spent with her. She is...naive, but innocent. And that makes her kindness genuine.”

2017-10-05, 09:01 AM
"I could actually see that. Happy Hooves is quite pure of heart. Like a fine Chianti wine, while someone like me is probably more like... I dunno, cheap champagne?" Rose lets out a single chuckle as she grins at her comparison. "Well, you do look healthier since Sniper and I have been visiting. I guess we're at least better than grape juice."

"Have you ever loved anyone, Chrysalis? Like, someone that truly made your heart flutter and you couldn't stop thinking about them?"

2017-10-05, 09:11 AM
“No,” Chrysalis says flatly, “Never. Does my skin have a garishly green, blue, or orange tint to it? One that makes you want to claw your eyes out and forget what it was like to ever see? It doesn’t.”

She falls silent for a moment. Then, a grin spreads slowly over her face. “Yes. More than grape juice, but more like an appetizer than a full meal still. But I know how to fix that. I simply have to make you love me more. You know what I am, so there’s no point in hiding my motives. And to do that...I teach you my tricks. Teach you how to find and snare that pony who will do all...those things with you.” She looks triumphant. “What do you think of that?”

2017-10-05, 09:24 AM
Rose was a bit sad that Chrysalis never loved, but it wasn't an unexpected truth. She was right on the second part as well. Rose knew what she was; a flame in the night that lured in moths with her enticing light. If Rose wasn't careful, she would flutter too close to her fire.

Still, temptation was a curious thing. "I think... that I'd be curious to hear some of these tricks," she responded. Rose stood up slowly, leaning close to the bars with her attention fixed.

2017-10-05, 10:05 AM
With a smirk, Chrysalis turns into a perfect copy of Rose, imitating her flawlessly, even down to how she carries herself. “First problem,” she says in Rose’s own voice, “You hate yourself. It shows in the way you walk. You hunch over and glance down whenever someone...looks you over, like you’re trying to hide your legs. It’s subtle. I doubt many ponies consciously notice it. You didn’t, I’m sure. But subconsciously, it broadcasts to the whole world that you’re worthless and their time would be better spent talking to anypony else.”

Then, she shifts subtly. Head held straighter, chest puffed out slightly, and eyes narrowed by the barest degree. “Change that and you can project confidence and power.” She loosens her posture, letting her shoulders roll easily, and gives her lips a slight upturn. Her eyes widen and she blinks several times to moisten them so they sparkle. “Or fun and friendliness. Both are vast improvements. You could also…” She hunches down a bit, but puts her head forward a little bit with eyes slightly hooded. Her tail rises every so slightly and flicks side to side. She looks, well, Rose looks sexy like that. “Try this.”

2017-10-05, 10:14 AM
Rose's heart-rate was ticking up a few points. Yeah, that looked... sexy. Chryssi's tips burned in her ears in a way that intrigued her. Rose never thought about her own body language like that! She would smile at other ponies, sure, but there was so much more to it. The pose, the glance, the way to move one's tail. Rose felt like a filly in front of the master of confidence.

She takes in a breath and then attempts to copy Chrysalis' third stance (as herself). It was like interesting, like a living mirror image to follow. She does her best impression of the sexy pose. "How is this?" she asked in a lower tone.

2017-10-05, 10:32 AM
“You look like you’ve had a long day at work and are about to fall asleep on your hooves,” Chrysalis says bluntly, “Don’t close your eyes that much. It makes you look sleepy. And thrust your head forward, don’t hang it. Tail higher. Oh, just come to my side of the bars and I’ll fix it.”

There is a small button which allows visitors access to the prisoner’s side, but the door to the hallways is sealed once it is pressed to prevent escape.

2017-10-05, 10:39 AM
“You look like you’ve had a long day at work and are about to fall asleep on your hooves,” Chrysalis says bluntly, “Don’t close your eyes that much. It makes you look sleepy. And thrust your head forward, don’t hang it. Tail higher. Oh, just come to my side of the bars and I’ll fix it.”

There is a small button which allows visitors access to the prisoner’s side, but the door to the hallways is sealed once it is pressed to prevent escape.

Rose tried earnestly to follow the instructions. When Chrysalis suggested to come over on her side, Rose didn't think much of the request. She walked over to the control and pressed the button to access her cell.

2017-10-05, 10:50 AM
Chrysalis takes full advantage of this access to Rose and poses her however she wishes, playing with her mane, her tail, and her posture until it is just perfect. She grabs Rose’s head and adjusts it so it’s in a comfortable, but forward, position. She lifts Rose’s tail up until she begins to feel a slight breeze and more than a little indecent. When she tries to lower it again, Chrysalis growls and yanks it back up, but a little higher this time. She puts Rose’s shoulders down and her hips up, like she’s a cat on the prowl. And she slides Rose’s legs a few inches apart. Her mane ends up behind her ears, not a strand allowed to come down over her face and eyes. And then, under her careful watch, she makes Rose raise and lower her eyelids until she is perfectly satisfied with them.

Stepping back, Chrysalis nods to herself, satisfied. Now,” she says, “I want you to walk and hold that posture.“

2017-10-05, 11:07 AM
Stepping back, Chrysalis nods to herself, satisfied. Now,” she says, “I want you to walk and hold that posture.“

Rose was a little nervous. She didn't want Chrysalis to feel that her time was wasted. Rose cleared her mind and took several steps with this new posture. She kept her joints loose and let her legs move naturally. There was attention paid to keep them apart and her tail high. She felt... a little exposed, but Her eyes wanted to focus and move, so she struggled to keep those eyelids where they were. Her head and shoulders seemed to be in the right places. Well, at least she thought so.

When Rose reached the wall, she stopped. She looked over her shoulder and gave Chrysalis her best devious smile (which probably wasn't skillful in the eyes of the expert there). Then she turned around and walked back to Chrysalis as best she could muster in the same pose. When she finally reached Chrysalis, Rose felt anxious to know how well she did.

2017-10-05, 11:29 AM
"Hmmm..." Chrysalis considers her performance. "Passable," she declares at last, "For a first attempt. Do remember to blink. Most ponies find it creepy when you don't. Just make sure you get those eyelids back into position afterwards. And by the Hive, your tail. I could tell you were trying to keep it up, but it kept slipping down. If you can't do it right, I'll take a string and tie it in place. Posture was alright. And you need to work on your smile a bit. Don't show so much teeth. Makes you look scheming, not sexy."

She demonstrates. Each stride is quick and short, giving her a smooth gait. Her tail is high and bounces side to side slightly, though never too far. It's enticing enough to turn heads, but not so much that ponies will think she's simply flaunting herself. And when she turns and grins, Rose almost falls for herself. It's a knowing, playful grin.

"If you can pull that off," she says in a slightly husky voice, "I guarantee almost anypony will stop and take notice. What you do from there is up to you."

2017-10-05, 11:47 AM
Rose swallowed. The sight of Chrysalis (as Rose) with that graceful walk was enough to convince her that she could be beautiful. Part of Rose wondered what kissing herself was like. Yeah, that part was awkward and short lived. Rose pulled herself back to reality before her thoughts got too deep.

"Wow. I want to be able to strut that so bad. You're quite beautiful. Or, you make me look beautiful. When you're me, I mean, but it's you..." She hushed herself to stop the stumbling of words. Rose studied Chrysalis' position and made a second go at the walk. This time she put a little more 'oomph' to hold up that tail the way Chrysalis instructed. She wanted the lesson to stick, and that would mean practice.

2017-10-05, 12:02 PM
"Good. Much better," Chrysalis says, "I'm glad my demonstration was able to inspire you. Swish your tail a little more. Not that much. Good."

She shifts back into the stunning, pegasus mare from earlier in this visit. "Now, your main problem is that you lack the confidence to go far enough. We're going to work on that, but before we get too far, I'm going to nip any overconfidence in the bud. You don't want to do this." She demonstrates, strutting about like a caricature of a sexy pony. Or...something else. Her head is low and eyes roaming. She licks her lips in an exaggerated manner and her tail is way too high for polite company. Then she stops and reclines on the couch. "That is how you go too far. Now, what exactly was wrong with what I just did? Why would it turn ponies off? And how do you avoid making the same mistakes?"

2017-10-05, 12:25 PM
Rose considered her answer. "Well, with your head that low and licking your lips, you looked more like a lioness stalking prey. Your eyes were shifting everywhere, and your tail was so high that you could see... um, yeah it exposed everything back there. It didn't look alluring at all. More like you were a little crazed."

"So to avoid that... I wouldn't lick my lips, and... I'd make steady eye contact. Keep my head at about this level, not lower." She holds up a hoof to about the height she was keeping her head in the earlier demonstration. "And I shouldn't stick my tail up so straight and high. I guess curve it a bit at the base?"

Rose pulls her tail up as he remembered from the strut and tried to get an idea of what shape that was.

2017-10-05, 12:36 PM
Chrysalis nods. “Good. And yes, you’re right. Your species is herbivorous and herd-based, so the feeling of being hunted puts you on edge. A griffon, on the other hoof, would take that pose as a challenge and more than likely return it in kind. They are hunters, carnivores, and solo-predators. Keep your audience in mind.”

She smiles at Rose’s attempt. “Ah good. You’re catching on. Remember, the goal is to turn you into a sexy, confident mare, not a five-bit harlot.”

With a flex and sigh, she returns to her natural form. “One more thing. And then I’ll let you practice for a bit. Come here.” She pats the edge of the couch.

2017-10-05, 12:40 PM
With a flex and sigh, she returns to her natural form. “One more thing. And then I’ll let you practice for a bit. Come here.” She pats the edge of the couch.

Rose walks over and sits down at the edge of the couch. Should she sit back as Chrysalis does, or..? Unsure, Rose just relaxes naturally and watches Chrysalis.

2017-10-05, 12:53 PM
Chrysalis wraps her forehooves around Rose and draws her close, holding her like she’s a filly again. She lies down, taking Rose with her. “This is the most important part,” she says in a voice barely above a whisper, “So listen well. It’s not enough to act the part, not for your goals. You must believe it too. So I am going to say what you must believe. It helps when you hear it from another’s mouth. Rose Croix, you are a capable, strong mare. Beautiful and worthy of being happy. Reach out to the world and take what you wish. It’s within your grasp. All you have to do is seize hold of what is already yours, even though you do not know it yet.”

She tightens her grip. This close, Chrysalis feels a bit angular and hard, covered by a shell of toughened, chitinous skin. Yet it is smooth and pleasant, in its own way. “Will you believe that?”

2017-10-05, 01:31 PM
Rose heard many times from family and friends that she is a strong, beautiful mare. However, after seeing Chrysalis pose as Rose and strut tall and confident, those words now had a tangible weight. Rose witnessed herself being beautiful in a way she could only imagine before. What doubts she had in herself took a fatal blow. She only needed to stand up and reach for what she wanted. It was hers for the taking.

She fought back the moisture in her eyes. Rose was eternally grateful for Chrysalis' help, and embraced the hold that the changeling queen had on her. "I will believe it. I am a beautiful pony, capable and strong. Thank you, Chrysalis," she whispered back.

2017-10-05, 01:39 PM
“You’re welcome,” Chrysalis says sincerely. She holds Rose close for a moment longer, then disengages and sits up. “Now, go practice walking until I’m convinced you can keep it up for a long time and I tire of watching your tail swish back and forth.” She gives Rose a pat on the flank to shoo her forward. “Then, if there’s still time, I’ll teach you how to sit properly.”

Congratulations! Rose may now purchase ranks in Sex Appeal, assuming she practices what she’s learned.

2017-10-05, 02:01 PM
“You’re welcome,” Chrysalis says sincerely. She holds Rose close for a moment longer, then disengages and sits up. “Now, go practice walking until I’m convinced you can keep it up for a long time and I tire of watching your tail swish back and forth.” She gives Rose a pat on the flank to shoo her forward. “Then, if there’s still time, I’ll teach you how to sit properly.”

Congratulations! Rose may now purchase ranks in Sex Appeal, assuming she practices what she’s learned.

Rose gets up and stretches. She puts herself into position and practices her walking. She feels a boost in confidence, and at the same time she doesn't pay mind to her cybernetics.

Neat! She will definitely practice this.

2017-10-05, 02:10 PM
How are you feeling about the scene? Leave it there or more tips from Queen Bugbutt?

2017-10-05, 02:19 PM
How are you feeling about the scene? Leave it there or more tips from Queen Bugbutt?

Having a ton of fun being Chrysalis' little protege in sex appeal. The part with Chrysalisholding rose was real sweet too. That took me by surprise. :smallbiggrin:

If you have another tip, I'm open to try it. Or if Chryssi wants a snack before letting Rose go for the day? i'm up for a bit more if you are.

2017-10-05, 02:42 PM

Chrysalis watches Rose pace back and forth, occasionally muttering a correction here or there. At last, she declares, "Alright. That's enough of that for right now." She sits up and resumes Rose's form. "Come closer and pay attention."

She sits in a typical position, flank on the couch and forehooves placed in front of her, like a dog. "Never sit on your tail. Curl it around one side of your flank. Not tightly. You do not want to seem tense. Your back should be bent inwards, especially the lower portion. This will emphasize your flank. Fortunate for you, yours isn't bony and is plump. Use that to your advantage. Also, this will keep you from slouching and make you seem alert and interested. There's a time for drowsiness and dreamy stares, but not until you have claimed your prize. The underlying principle here is attention. You want to direct the attention others are giving you to the , ahem, 'correct locations' and make it seem like you're giving them the same level of attentiveness. It's best to avoid letting your eyes wander, at least at first. Focus on their face. That way, it's clear you're interested in them, not their body."

She fixes Rose with a serious look. "Which is why, when you're talking with somepony, you forget about keeping your eyes lidded and keep them open and bright. Nopony likes boring somepony else. It's a blow to their confidence. But everypony likes having someone interested in them. If you do seek a longer-term relationship, be sure it's with a pony you're actually interested in talking to. Otherwise, keeping up the pretense will become tedious and dull very quickly."

2017-10-05, 02:55 PM
Rose sits down on the couch. She arches her back to accentuate her rear and curls her tail lightly around her left side. Eyes focused on her double, Rose watches Chrysalis intently. "Alright, arch inward, tail curled, eyes open."

She remembers to blink this time around without needing a prompt.

2017-10-05, 03:09 PM
Chrysalis smiles weakly and adjusts Rose's posture a little bit. "Not quite that much. You don't want to strain your back or look like you're puffing yourself up like Rainbow Dash does all the time." There's only a little bit of venom as she says the other mare's name. "And don't stare at one spot. That can come across as creepy. And don't let your eyes get too wide either. That is also creepy."

She stands up and walks around Rose, studying her carefully. She runs a hoof up and down her back, muttering to herself. "You don't have to hold your shoulders quite so close together. Makes you look tense. Don't look tense. Or creepy." One of her hooves digs into her back a little. "Also, get a massage. You can't be loose when your body is this full of knots. And don't ask me. I know many things, but a good massage is a bit of magic I have not yet learned."

She sits back down besides Rose. "Of course, you're not going to hold this position forever. When you're sitting down with somepony, you're going to be talking or listening to them talk. If they talk all the time and don't let you talk, that's not the one you want. I might have a use for them, but you won't. So you're going to be using your hooves, leaning forward, leaning back, etc. But let this be your resting position." She adjusts Rose tail just an inch further away from her.

"So practice. Tell me a funny story about something that happened to you recently. Move about, be dramatic as you wish, but return to this position when you aren't doing anything with your body."

2017-10-05, 03:47 PM
"So practice. Tell me a funny story about something that happened to you recently. Move about, be dramatic as you wish, but return to this position when you aren't doing anything with your body."

Rose mentally notes herself to check on local spas later for a massage package.

She thinks of recent events, and picks out a story. "Alright, so last week was my turn to cook at the mess hall. I'm chopping up potatoes for hash with my horn, while my hooves were working some dough for dumplings." Rose does gestures to add to her retelling. "So I'm doing two things at once and finish the potatoes. I grab some cooking wine for the pan and throw the potato pieces into the pan to fry, but I toss them too hard and they splatter the hot oil in the pan. So I got oil on the burner and that starts up a flame. I grab the lid and drop it on the pan to smother the fire. Alright, taken care of."

She makes the motions of dropping the lid down. "Not two seconds later, Happy walks in and wonders what I'm cooking. So, she pulls the lid up and I jump in to pull her back before--FWOOSH--fire starts back up, singes my bangs. I pull the pan off the burner and cover it up again. Happy seemed startled by the fire, and so all I could say was, 'Sorry, making Flambe with Rose Liqueur.'"

When she was done, Rose returned herself to the position she was instructed to.

2017-10-05, 08:06 PM
Chrysalis nods. "Passable. For now. Remember to keep the posture as your center. Don't just return to it when you're done talking."

She sighs. "Perhaps I owe you a story. Well, after we're done." She gets up and examines Rose's posture again. After a moment, Rose feels her poking at her cutie mark and thigh. "Hmm. Good. Firm underneath. Soft on top. Expected from a member of the military who eats a little more than she absolutely needs to. Good. Keep it like this." She sits down again. "And don't style your mane. Brush it and wash it. A styled mane would look a little silly on you."

"When I was young," she begins, "my hive lived in Zebrica. I was shorter then. And, in the second year of my reign, I allowed myself to be captured by their pharaoh. Allowed. Got that." She pokes Rose in the chest and pushes her face right into Rose's. "And if you say anything different, I will end you."

"Anyway. Captured." She clears her throat. "The pharaohs in those times were tyrannical despots. They, unlike many of the nations around them, had the stallions in charge. And this pharaoh decided that I was to be a trophy, of sorts. But how do you keep a changeling captive? Collar her. A magical collar that tracked my location. Sun and Moon, I hated that thing." She chuckles. "It's a funny story. I promise."

"Of course, a captured enemy needs to be put on display. And so, he declared I would be a part of his court, kept shackled and safe. It didn't take long before my hive infiltrated the palace, but I decided to play a trick on him. See, he was renowned as a great warrior. A hunter even. And he had a collection where he kept all his trophies on display. So one night, my changelings sneak in and, as he shows them off to another embassy, they 'come to life' and chase him around the palace. The guards fled, thinking that the spirits of the dead had come back to kill them all and, I don't know, eat their tails or something. They ran and ran, screaming about the end of the world and how the prophecy had been fulfilled. What prophecy, I never found out. None of them even tried to fight. Well, by the end of the night, the entire palace was ours. We looted it, carried what we could, and flew through the air above the range of their bows and spears. He swore revenge, of course, but a rival assassinated him before he could politically recover. The next pharaoh was much more respectful."

"Still, imagine this big, burly warrior with a bigger ego than Rainbow Dash's running away, screaming and crying, from a little, stuffed hawk. That's what that night was like."

2017-10-05, 08:18 PM
Rose actually found some humor in that story. "Heh, I'm picturing someone like Brazen's size screaming like a child as he runs away. So you were queen from a young age, I take it? I never was groomed for anything grand like that. Didn't really know what I wanted to do with myself until I was an older teen. I joined the airforce, as it was easy to get into and offered a teaching program in medicine. Why I picked the airforce when I had no wings... defy expectations I think. I used to have some pegasi friends who thought wingless ponies should stay on the ground, in the army or something. I proved them wrong. Got my commission on board a rickety old ship and rose up the ranks to lieutenant. Didn't have a fear of airships at all. I dunno, think I might of made a decent soldier in your hive if I were a changeling?"

2017-10-05, 08:38 PM
"Not for a minute," Chrysalis says, "Sniper, yes. You are far too independently minded. You do not succumb to fear or anxiety. You work well in a small team. And, with just a little instruction, you are already picking up the rudiments of winning ponies over. Infiltrator. That's what you would have been. Picking out targets and earning their trust before the rest of the hive moves in."

She taps her chin and transforms back into herself. "Sitting and walking. You'll have to practice, of course. Many long hours. And next time you come, I will evaluate your progress. Now, is there anything else you should learn right now to practice alongside...Hmm..." She grins. "Oh. I know. Tell me, Rose. Stallion or mare? For an example, not a permanent choice."

2017-10-05, 08:47 PM
She taps her chin and transforms back into herself. "Sitting and walking. You'll have to practice, of course. Many long hours. And next time you come, I will evaluate your progress. Now, is there anything else you should learn right now to practice alongside...Hmm..." She grins. "Oh. I know. Tell me, Rose. Stallion or mare? For an example, not a permanent choice."

Rose as an infiltrator? Hmm, that makes sense by Chryssi's logic. Heh, she probably shouldn't tell the rest of the squad that. Brazen might get weirded out, and Love definitely so.

To Chrysalis' question, Rose just goes with the first thing that came to mind. "Mare," she says.

2017-10-05, 08:53 PM
She transforms into a cute, trim earth pony mare, athletic but not bulky, and laughs. "Well, Rose, it's been fun, buuuut I should get going."

She looks at Rose expectantly.

2017-10-05, 09:02 PM
She transforms into a cute, trim earth pony mare, athletic but not bulky, and laughs. "Well, Rose, it's been fun, buuuut I should get going."

She looks at Rose expectantly.

Rose hesitates. What was Chrysalis testing her on? How to say good bye? How to keep someone interested in staying? Eep, Rose had so much to learn!

"Um, well do you have to leave so soon?" she asks. Rose tilts back a little, head down slightly, and lowers her eyelids to try and utilize parts of the walk she was taught. "I've been having so much fun in your company."

2017-10-05, 09:19 PM
"Oh," Chrysalis says, "Did you have something in...okay stop."

She steps forward and pats Rose on the cheek. "It's okay. You're new to this. You have to think quick. Always be at the ready. No pressure this time. Just trying to get a feel for how you react to unexpected situations. But you stammered. Don't stammer. It makes it clear you were caught off-guard. No matter what happens, remain confident and in control." She takes that hoof and places in on Rose's shoulder. Then, she takes her other hoof and puts it on Rose's other shoulder. With a serious expression, she stares into Rose's eyes. "All this work is making me a bit hungry," she says, "But I think I'm going to try a different method of feeding this time. A bit more, hmm, personal." She pulls Rose closer.

2017-10-05, 09:28 PM
"Oh," Chrysalis says, "Did you have something in...okay stop."

She steps forward and pats Rose on the cheek. "It's okay. You're new to this. You have to think quick. Always be at the ready. No pressure this time. Just trying to get a feel for how you react to unexpected situations. But you stammered. Don't stammer. It makes it clear you were caught off-guard. No matter what happens, remain confident and in control." She takes that hoof and places in on Rose's shoulder. Then, she takes her other hoof and puts it on Rose's other shoulder. With a serious expression, she stares into Rose's eyes. "All this work is making me a bit hungry," she says, "But I think I'm going to try a different method of feeding this time. A bit more, hmm, personal." She pulls Rose closer.

Ah, Rose now sees what she was getting at. Stay calm and look like you're in control even if you aren't. Okay, Rose can work with that. She's usually calm under pressure as a doctor. Just apply what she does as a lover. She can work on that too.

Speaking of work, Rose was curious what Chrysalis had in mind. Her heart began to beat faster again from it's normal resting pace, but she didn't fight it. She trusted Chrysalis not to hurt her much. The mention of making it personal was curious, so she went along.

2017-10-05, 09:45 PM
Chrysalis leans in close and pushes Rose back, keeping her forehooves wrapped around and lowering the medic onto her back. Then, she, shifting back to her natural form, she climbs up and curls up behind Rose, clutching her close again. Rose feels a light nip right below her mane, but it doesn't hurt more than a very light pinch. After a second, the pain fades and a slight rush replaces it. She feels hot and heavy and sleepy all at the same time. But there's a slight drain on her reactions and Chrysalis' forelegs hold her too tightly for her to escape without putting forth a bit of effort.

The heat grows in her chest, making her feel light-headed and a little tipsy even. But it's pleasant and maybe a little intoxicating. Chrysalis strokes her fur lightly as she feeds. Rose is pretty sure she's just been hit with a heavy dose of changeling venom. All her thoughts turn towards those she loves, no matter what fashion it is, and those feelings are greatly heightened. The thought of her parents and how supportive they were almost brings her to tears. The thought of her sister makes her smile and laugh, remembering all the good times they shared. The thought of her squad brings different emotions in turn. And the thought of Chrysalis? That is a new one.

2017-10-05, 10:18 PM
Chrysalis is a powerful immortal queen, both beautiful and deadly like nightshade. She's way above Rose's league in every category, and would never love Rose back. Yet, she's here in Chrysalis' embrace, like a moth to the candle; trapped under her spell. A part of Rose enjoys the danger--the pain of her bite, the poison in her blood, the fear of Chrysalis feeding a little too long. Her breaths are heavy as the euphoric thoughts swim in her mind.

And this time, she has lessons from the master temptress to use! To be more confident. Desirable. She wants to practice these moves, to be more charismatic like Chrysalis is.

Maybe even use them on her squad. It's too bad Brazen already has a special somepony. The big strong ox always had a pretty face, and a cute accent. Sniper, hee hee! Oh if only his mind weren't in the state it was in. She would take aim and shoot for his heart. And Love, the kooky little mare was so unpredictable. She always made Rose laugh. Such a pretty mane. Oh and Star too. Mmm, if only she and Love weren't an item. Rose always liked her terrible jokes, and those soft wings would give the best hugs.

Rose was so drunk off the venom, she cooed blissfully.

2017-10-05, 10:36 PM
Rose's mind slips farther and farther into euphoria until it almost feels like too much. Changelings are supposed to drain love, to feed off it. So what is going on? Rose can't find it in herself to care right now. Her heart feels light and on fire with thoughts of the ponies she knows and cherishes. And Chrysalis strokes her so soothingly and gently. She could just fall to sleep right here. But she could also stay awake forever. She feels the urge to move, to turn around, to do something, but Chrysalis holds her fast.

The feelings begin to dim and shrink, fading to normal intensity. Rose almost forgets where she is by the time Chrysalis withdraws her fangs and smacks her lips. "Delicious," she says, a bit breathless. She cradles Rose now, holding her and keeping her from falling or anything while she recovers. "Well. I have made you work and had the best meal I've had in a very long time. Is there anything more you wish?" she asks softly.

2017-10-05, 10:56 PM
Rose's mind slips farther and farther into euphoria until it almost feels like too much. Changelings are supposed to drain love, to feed off it. So what is going on? Rose can't find it in herself to care right now. Her heart feels light and on fire with thoughts of the ponies she knows and cherishes. And Chrysalis strokes her so soothingly and gently. She could just fall to sleep right here. But she could also stay awake forever. She feels the urge to move, to turn around, to do something, but Chrysalis holds her fast.

The feelings begin to dim and shrink, fading to normal intensity. Rose almost forgets where she is by the time Chrysalis withdraws her fangs and smacks her lips. "Delicious," she says, a bit breathless. She cradles Rose now, holding her and keeping her from falling or anything while she recovers. "Well. I have made you work and had the best meal I've had in a very long time. Is there anything more you wish?" she asks softly.

The slow drop from the high is met with a quiet sigh. Like sobering up after a wonderful buzz off the best alcohol ever tasted. She tries to wiggle a little to turn around, but given it's futile she doesn't try for long. "Hmm, you have been a wonderful conversationalist and teacher. What more could I ask from the queen? Dare I ask for anything more? A boop on the nose? A kiss on the forehead? What more could a mare dare to wish from such a sovereign temptress of beauty?" she asks in a poetic fashion.

2017-10-05, 11:06 PM
Chrysalis slowly raises her hoof and boops her on the nose. Then, she kisses her on the forehead. "Done and done," she says, "As much as I enjoy having you, if you don't leave soon, those guards will get suspicious and come to check on us. And perhaps you'd like to avoid awkward questions, hmm?"

2017-10-06, 05:47 AM
Rose giggles at the nose boop. Sadly, all good things must end, and she sobers up a little bit. "Yeah, I guess I should go. It's been a pleasure visiting, and I will practice what you've taught me."

She rolls off the couch and rubs a leg that half-fell asleep. She stands, stretches, and then smiles in Chrysalis' direction. "Until next time, my friend." Using what she was taught, Rose struts her way to the cage bars. She uses her ponykinesis to activate the control panel and exit the inside area of the cell.

2017-10-06, 07:50 AM
Chrysalis can't resist one last comment as Rose leaves. "Tail up a tiny bit more. There you go." She waves and picks up her book from where she left it.

The warden looks up when Rose slips out. "In there for a while," he says with a grunt, "Anything I should know about?"

2017-10-06, 08:26 AM
The warden looks up when Rose slips out. "In there for a while," he says with a grunt, "Anything I should know about?"

"Yes, she finds the book Sniper wrote to be exceedingly rubbish, among several other critiques of similar wording to the food, accommodations, and the present guard in which she went on a long and thorough rant about it all. I'm sure you can imagine the choice in words Chrysalis used," Rose answers as she walks by him. "However, warden, I appreciate what you and your guards do here. Do keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing you next time."

Keeping her tail up, Rose gives it a flick in his general direction as she walks away down the familiar route.

2017-10-06, 09:10 AM
The warden nods. “Nothing out of the ordinary then.” He leans back and sighs. “Have a good evening, Lt. Rose.”

What do you think? That a wrap? Also...

Rose and Chrysalis have reached Support Rank B!

2017-10-06, 12:21 PM
The warden nods. “Nothing out of the ordinary then.” He leans back and sighs. “Have a good evening, Lt. Rose.”

What do you think? That a wrap? Also...

Rose and Chrysalis have reached Support Rank B!

Rose certainly will...

Yeah, good wrap up point.

Hee. Totally loved this little side story. Cute and a little shippy on the side, but not too much. It's a good bar to set there. what do you think? Were you good with it?

Yay, Support Rank B!

Now watch, Sniper attains rank B too and we inadvertently power Chryssi enough for that escape. Oops. :smallredface:

2017-10-06, 12:39 PM
I had fun. Also, so you know, she’s now treating Rose with the same care and attention that she did to her own children. So congratulations! Of course, it’s selfishly motivated, but what can you expect?

That was a big meal for her. Sniper isn’t nearly so filling.

You want to post this to the Ooc thread? I’m on my phone.