View Full Version : How Do Racial Substitution Levels?

2017-10-04, 09:19 PM
So, as the title implies, how do they work? Also, if I see a variant class, like Battle Sorcerer, can I use that instead. Another question is, if a racial substitution level is elven wizard, could I use that for, say a dwarven wizard?

2017-10-04, 10:28 PM
Okay, first you need to be correct race. A dwarf cannot take another race's racial substitution level.

Then you just replace and/or modify whatever the class gets with what the substitution level gives, only for those specific levels. Usually this means different or altered class features, but it can also be a different Hit Die or skill points or extra class skills on your skill list. For those latter things, those only apply on levels where you take the substitution, not to the entire class.

Example: Kobold Rogue from Races of the Dragon has substitution levels at 1, 3, and 8. They get bonuses on their trap-related class features, an extra class feature that slightly improves their speed while Withdrawing, and I think an extra skill on their class skill list, but also have a d4 Hit Die instead of the usual d6. But at Rogue level 2, they get the normal d6 Hit Die, the normal Rogue skill list, and the normal level 2 Rogue class features.

Basically, a substitution level only changes things for those levels and leaves the other levels of the class alone.

As for combining them with variants or ACFs, it should probably be fine as long as the substitution level still has the features you're trying to trade away.

2017-10-04, 11:16 PM
Adding to what Killian said, you don't have to take every Racial Substitution level. If there is a RSL at 1, 3, and 5, you can take 1 and 5 without taking 3, or you can take just 5, or just 3, etc.