View Full Version : Testing arena for (Mythical Quests and Worlds uncharted!)

2017-10-05, 10:35 PM
Hello everyone! :smallsmile: This will be the make shift arena until applicants sheets are finished and will be approved soon! If you want a opponent or to test fight in between your characters go for it!

2017-10-06, 12:56 AM
Sammy Smithers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1355423) enters upon his Riding Dog. He brandishes his sling, ready for a challenge.

2017-10-06, 02:37 AM
Sammy Smithers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1355423) enters upon his Riding Dog. He brandishes his sling, ready for a challenge.

With a loud roar coming from the throat of a enemy across the room. You turn to meet your foe!


(Arena is a 60 foot square you are at the gate that lead in. The bugbear is in the center of the arena about 30 from you. He is equipped with only a medium short sword and leather armor)

Init [roll0] Bugbear
Init [roll1] Sammy

The bug bear reacts but not as fast as Sammy manages! (Sammy gets the first strike!)

2017-10-06, 09:54 AM
Johnson, a man of average height and muscular build, appears from behind Sammy through the gate. He wears leather armor and has a sword at his side. He stands casually to watch the ensuing battle.

2017-10-06, 10:19 AM
Sammy shrieks with terror at seeing such a terrible beast, and summons a friend!
[FRA: Summon Nature's Ally 1]:
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/wolf.htm with +4 Str, +4 Con, and +3 luck bonus to attack
Bite +10 melee 1d6+3 (& free Trip)
[roll0] HP

2017-10-06, 11:23 AM
Johnson, a man of average height and muscular build, appears from behind Sammy through the gate. He wears leather armor and has a sword at his side. He stands casually to watch the ensuing battle.

Behind Johnson a really tall and creepy looking guy enters the arena. With both hands he holds his polearm and it looks like he needs it to stabilize himself.
“What's this creature“ he asks in a very strange accent

2017-10-06, 11:35 AM
Sammy shrieks with terror at seeing such a terrible beast, and summons a friend!
[FRA: Summon Nature's Ally 1]:
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/wolf.htm with +4 Str, +4 Con, and +3 luck bonus to attack
Bite +10 melee 1d6+3 (& free Trip)
[roll0] HP

shouldnt it be 1d8+6? Not 16? SO 13 hp :smallbiggrin:

The bugbear seeing the wolf and new combatants realizes he is outnumbered decides to target the smallest first to gain the upper hand. With a foul smile he charges towards Sammy and swings down with his sword!

30 ft move action followed by sword swing.

With a giant swing he missed Sammy he Blade hitting the ground leaving a small crater behind showing his devastating strength!

Everyone up!

2017-10-06, 12:09 PM
Sammy Defensively Casts Produce Flame, then instructs his dog to attack along with the wolf!

Concentration vs 11: [roll0]

Wolf HP: 8(1st level) + 8(19 Con) [roll1]
Wolf Attack:[roll2] + TRIP [roll3]
Crit (if needed) [roll4]

Dog Attack:[roll6] + TRIP [roll7]
Crit (if needed) [roll8]

He will ready an action to DiSCHARGE the flame as a [touch] attack; the wolf and dog circle the now-tripped (likely) bugbear!

2017-10-06, 12:55 PM
Sammy Defensively Casts Produce Flame, then instructs his dog to attack along with the wolf!

Concentration vs 11: [roll0]

Wolf HP: 8(1st level) + 8(19 Con) [roll1]
Wolf Attack:[roll2] + TRIP [roll3]
Crit (if needed) [roll4]

Dog Attack:[roll6] + TRIP [roll7]
Crit (if needed) [roll8]

He will ready an action to DiSCHARGE the flame as a [touch] attack; the wolf and dog circle the now-tripped (likely) bugbear!

The bug bear falls quickly under the wolf grumbling in pain from the two beasts! He stands clearly very injured realizing his match he looks for the gate!

The big bear throws his sword at the wolf and moves to the gate!

Move toward the gate next turn he escapes!

Your turn!

2017-10-06, 01:00 PM
If the Bugbear is PRONE, it must take 3 attacks before it can stand.

TOUCH [roll0] [roll1]

Wolf [roll2] & free TRIP [roll3]
Dog [roll5] & free TRIP [roll6]

2017-10-06, 01:14 PM
Sir Randall DeBrus

Old armour shined to a poor-but-proud polish, Sir Randall steps onto the field.

"Three on one? Not very sporting."

With a derisive snort, the knight shoulders his shield and sheathes his longsword, and then draws his dagger instead.

Aura gives all allies +4 to reflex saves

2017-10-06, 01:16 PM
If the Bugbear is PRONE, it must take 3 attacks before it can stand.

TOUCH [roll0] [roll1]

Wolf [roll2] & free TRIP [roll3]
Dog [roll5] & free TRIP [roll6]

oops sorry forgot the aoo

As he tries to stand he is assault from both beasts taking him down.

(bugbear is dead.)

You hear a little grumble from up above you see an imp above the gate you came in from (about 30 feet up) He says “ That was my prized bugbear! You will pay for that! He shoots a flaming arrow into the air. Directly across from him (60 feet away on the other side of the arena) another imp is at the top of the gate. He starts cranking up his side opening it. A deep groan come out from the other side revealing a true monster....


Heeheehee try him out for size. He was a hard one to find teeheeheehee. The imp kept laughing into it became a loud squeal.

The Warrior moved into the center of the ring a deep bone chilling cold came off him

(Aura of fear dc 15 everyone up gl! )

2017-10-06, 01:19 PM
"S-" sammy sputters. "That THING tried to kill me!! It almost did! I was only defending myself!"

He watches as the wolf vanishes in a puff of mist. "Ah, see, there's my luck anyways. They stay only fer a bite or two, then gone loike tha-- GAAAH

Sammy turns, noticing the newcomer.

Roight, where'd tha wolf go on off to? We need another 'un

FRA: Summon Nature's Ally I

2017-10-06, 01:57 PM
grandpa? Attila asks confused
wait... what are you
Attila want to charge this thing
*Will save*[roll0]

2017-10-06, 02:04 PM
Edit: *uuuuuh 20*

He runs toward the skeleton and strikes the beast from 20ft away



OOC: what the? Why are there no results from rolling?

2017-10-06, 02:13 PM
Test. Maybe editing the roll is the reason for failure...


EDIT: Hmm... okay... sorry for multiposting but ... hmmm... it works now

EDIT 2: while the skeleton is flanked my to-hit is 13 (if it matters, what i doubt)

EDIT 3: while charging Attila is doing additional skirmish damage. So he deals 1d6 additional skirmish damage

2017-10-06, 03:10 PM
Will Save [roll0]

Johnson will stick to the wall as the others advance. He is visibly shaken by the foe on the field.

2017-10-06, 03:23 PM
Sir Randall

Randall nods.

This is more like it.

He draws his heavy mace and closes on the undead. He gauges its wits before choosing his actions.

Going to see if he's mindless before wasting a Knight's Challenge.

Will [roll0]

He turns very pale and drops his mace once he draws within its aura, his arrogance running down his leg (with the contents of his bladder).

2017-10-06, 05:21 PM
His hollow eyes move slowly across the group. As Attila’s blade swings down he swiftly deflects the blade as if it was nothing. Stepping in his Blades dance towards Attila!



Edit Dm rolls are godly for dmg it seems :o

Als your sheet is on private so can’t view it!

(Everyone up! )

2017-10-06, 05:47 PM
Sammy will cast Magic Fang on his mount (10 min duration)
The wolf springs into view on the other side of this monster. He'll instruct Buddy, "Buddy, attack it!!

Wolf spawns in flanking position to Riding Dog's charge path.
[roll0] vs 15 D=
[roll1] TRIP [roll2]

Riding Dog attack (charge)
[roll4] vs 15 D=
[roll5] TRIP [roll6]
[roll7] (mag +1)

Sammy Melee Touch

Edit: Skeleton may be PRONE vs. Chsrge & Sammy.

2017-10-06, 06:29 PM
Filef enters... Sorry I'm late, but it won't take long to make up for it...

I assume I don't get an attack until next round?

2017-10-06, 06:33 PM
I'll go ahead and roll fear
[roll0] (Normally +4 will save, but halflings get +2 vs fear)

And if I get to attack as a standard action, I'm a bit fuzzy on rules, would I get to use rapid shot with the standard action shot? rapid shot can only be used on a full atk.

2017-10-06, 06:44 PM
Then I'll just make a standard action to shoot, and damage if I hit (sorry for postspam, Gitp won't allow new rolls in edited posts)


2017-10-06, 09:21 PM
He trips but doesn’t stop him for long. Filefs arrow bounces off his armor.

Make your Aoo moves but after if he doesn’t trip again he will attack the wolf :)



(Everyone up :smallbiggrin:)

2017-10-06, 10:06 PM
(Just realized that going against a skeleton is actually a pretty bad idea, because my metagame knowledge tells me they have DR/bludgeoning)

Filef curses, and raises his bow again, this time even more determined to strike
(I attack twice with my bow, but this time its a full round using rapid shot)


2017-10-07, 12:11 AM
As the skeleton tries to rise, the wolf and Buddy go for another trip; Sammy follow suit, with yet another Touch attack.

Wolf [roll0] TRIP[roll1]

Dog [roll3] vs Prone; TRIP[roll4]
[roll5] MAGIC

[roll6] TOUCH
[roll7] fire

2017-10-07, 12:26 AM
His hollow eyes move slowly across the group. As Attila’s blade swings down he swiftly deflects the blade as if it was nothing. Stepping in his Blades dance towards Attila!



Edit Dm rolls are godly for dmg it seems :o

Als your sheet is on private so can’t view it!

(Everyone up! )

Once again WHAT ARE YOU? Attila shouts while his hit is blocked. Nevermind. I get you!. He swings his glaive as the skeleton comes to strike him

2017-10-07, 12:43 AM
Maybe its to late but here are my aoo rolls


Attila makes a second attempt to take down the skeleton.
after this the skeleton strikes back. And hits. Hard. Two times.
.... Attila's down

EDIT: question: does this skeleton have reach? Or pounce? If not, he couldn't attack me twice. So i would be at 0hp

2017-10-07, 10:13 AM
Maybe its to late but here are my aoo rolls


Attila makes a second attempt to take down the skeleton.
after this the skeleton strikes back. And hits. Hard. Two times.
.... Attila's down

EDIT: question: does this skeleton have reach? Or pounce? If not, he couldn't attack me twice. So i would be at 0hp

(Took a move action toward you then attacked)

Vs trip because he ‘stands’ a chance (sorry had to x’D)


Oh yeah just barely made it go Undead go!

(Sorry guys :smallfrown: but you would understand soon what I’m doing xD)

2017-10-07, 10:25 AM
(Wolfs gone now right)

He raises his swords one pointing to Sammy and one pointing to Randall
[roll0] to Sammy
[roll1] to Randall

That’s dmg btw also you have to make a saving throw will to stay awake each round a (will) dc is 10+1 per each round after!

You both feel a sharp burning sensation on the backs of your neck!


The appears on the back of yours necks.

Onemarrow bounces off his armor again the other slips throw the bones of his rib cage!

2017-10-07, 11:48 AM
(Took a move action toward you then attacked)

Vs trip because he ‘stands’ a chance (sorry had to x’D)


Oh yeah just barely made it go Undead go!

(Sorry guys :smallfrown: but you would understand soon what I’m doing xD)

What i ment was that when the undead moved to me it leaves a square i threaten (from 20' to 15') -> aoo.
So it would still be +6, wouldn't it?

But who cares... i'm dead :,(

2017-10-07, 12:20 PM
Not on my watch!

Filef goes forward and heals attila!
(I sacrifice a disguise self spell to cast CLW)
CLW: [roll0]
(also took a move action so that's it)

2017-10-07, 02:20 PM
I owe you a goat, small man

Attila looks down on his chest seeing the big cut closing. A second later he is searching and focusing the undead again but confused about the weird things happening.

what's going on here?

2017-10-08, 11:07 AM
The undead turning his gaze to the cleric (undead kinda have a fear towards em) Stumbles and throws his swords at him

Move 10 feet away from cleric.
Throwing blades



Deadly rolls lol

All up!

2017-10-08, 11:21 AM
throwing away your swords in a fight isn't clever, skull

Attila moves so he stands 20' away and then strikes the undead with his glaive.


2017-10-08, 11:37 AM
(Do you want to 1v1 it? Lol)

Stumbling heavy from figgis blow. He turns towards him revealing a his hands with his sharp bones! (He has claw attacks so he is still dangerous lol)

2017-10-08, 11:42 AM
(Do you want to 1v1 it? Lol)

Stumbling heavy from figgis blow. He turns towards him revealing a his hands with his sharp bones! (He has claw attacks so he is still dangerous lol)

Ooc: hey, attila knows nothing about this skeleton. He even asked it what it is... Maybe he's a bit ignorant - but he's brave ;)

2017-10-08, 12:19 PM
Uhm, I'll just shoot it again, except now I'll run away a bit.
Move 20 ft away as a move action.
Shoot w/ bow

2017-10-08, 01:26 PM
Ooc: hey, attila knows nothing about this skeleton. He even asked it what it is... Maybe he's a bit ignorant - but he's brave ;)

(Lol okay but most undead have natural attacks as a heads up :smallsmile:)

Uhm, I'll just shoot it again, except now I'll run away a bit.
Move 20 ft away as a move action.
Shoot w/ bow

The arrow whips through the air lodging into his skull! If he was alive he would be dead. But.... :smalleek: Letting put a familiar moan he points at Attila and filef

To Attila [roll0]
To filef [roll1]

Everyone up gl!

2017-10-08, 02:01 PM
hehe, I have 1 hp left lol
lets just cast CLW and shoot again.

CLW: [roll0]
Shot [roll1]

2017-10-08, 02:04 PM
(Lol okay but most undead have natural attacks as a heads up)

Yeah... you know it, i know, attila doesn't. He never met an undead before!

Attila feels the pain but pain is nothing new for him.
accept the pain, it lets you concentrate on the important things he said to himself.
Readying for his last attack he nods to filef and says in halfling:
“Good morning, and good day after that! Don’t let anything curl your hair!”

Attila charges in front of the undead (no direct line between filef and the skeleton) and he wants to bite it (dealing slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage)


Edit: charge. +2ATK... so 15 to hit

2017-10-08, 02:55 PM
bite deals piercing iirc... not all 3.

2017-10-08, 03:04 PM
bite deals piercing iirc... not all 3.

Nope, all 3

The creature attacks with its mouth, dealing piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage.

2017-10-08, 03:26 PM
(You forgot the will saves for the brand)

Another arrow slammed into the undead skull. You see him look like he might go down! As Attila try’s to bite into his rotting flesh he does a surprisingly quick back step and Attacks

Claw Attack to Attila

Roll your will saves twice this time lol dc 10 and 11 one roll per each dc. :)

Everyone up! Your close :smallbiggrin:

Edit: (I don’t do crits for npcs until lvl 4 had a time where someone got one shot from the Greataxe guy. :smalleek: was the first Attack in the game too xD)

2017-10-08, 03:43 PM
Willsave #1

Willsave #2

So no bite, but a nice little nap instead, right? my heroic passing was just a dream then :P

EDIT: nevermind... the slap in my face sent me into the dust. Again...

2017-10-08, 03:49 PM
Save #1 [roll0]
Save #2 [roll1]

If the save is fear, I gain a +2 to both of those.

2017-10-08, 05:14 PM
It’s for falling asleep also this is a testing area you can’t die lol just immobile :) (both of you give me a few hours lol I wasn’t expecting you to fail first shot) :smallbiggrin:

Added branded in your characters sheets though :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-08, 05:36 PM
It’s for falling asleep also this is a testing area you can’t die lol just immobile :) (both of you give me a few hours lol I wasn’t expecting you to fail first shot) :smallbiggrin:

Added branded in your characters sheets though :smallbiggrin:

2 coppers bets that this is the exposition.

2017-10-09, 09:37 AM
Rolling fear save again [roll0]

Johnson continues to cower as the others try assaulting the skeleton.

(Apparently I have a weakness and it is will saves.)

2017-10-09, 10:50 AM
Rolling fear save again [roll0]

Johnson continues to cower as the others try assaulting the skeleton.

(Apparently I have a weakness and it is will saves.)

Lol you forgot the second will saves. At least your getting the bad rolls out of the way :)

[roll0] add your modifier it’s dc 10 :)[

You passed that one lol