View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Small Shadow Elemental Improved Familar

2017-10-06, 02:13 AM
Just a quick question, for general advice.

If a player approached you to ask if they could have a Small Shadow Elemental (ToM p.165) using the Improved Familiar feat, would you allow it?

Would having an incorporeal familiar break the game in any way? Also, what minimum CL would you put as a req for this?

Cheers - T


2017-10-06, 02:23 AM
Most of the other CR2 improved/celestial familiars come in at CL7 (imp, quasit, coure, etc), so if I were to allow it, it would be at CL7. Coure eladrin can already go incorporeal, so it's not like there's no precedence for such a thing.

2017-10-06, 05:31 AM
The Darkness Familiar feat, found in Dragon 322, allows a very similar creature (the Darkness pseudoelemental) to be obtained on Caster level 7.


Coure eladrin can already go incorporeal, so it's not like there's no precedence for such a thing.

The Coure Eladrin is a far more powerful choice, because it can obtain better feats with its better stats than the S.Shadow elemental. Also more intelligent and a better creature type (more skill points). If your game is comfortable with a Coure eladrin or a Lantern Archon (unlimited teleports) then a shadow elemental is actually an ok to weak choice.

2017-10-06, 06:03 AM
Ghostly Visage is Incorporeal too, and available to Dread Necromancer at 7th level - without any extra feats

2017-10-06, 03:39 PM
I also found the Shadow Form Familiar feat (CoR p.22), so looks like there are already a few examples of ways to get incorporeal familiars.

OK, thanks for the feedback. I guess I'll allow it with a CL 7 req.

I was a little concerned that delivering touch spells through an incorporeal familiar might be OP, but it should be fine.