View Full Version : Luna's Prologue [IC]

2017-10-06, 03:42 PM

You have being living in Barmalk for about two months now, you are not completely used to live in a urban environment, but from all cities that you could choose to live Barmalk was a fine choice. A city full of trees, where small birds live among the population without fearing then. Most of its population work as agricultors, hunters and miners (dwarfs) in the nearby mines. There is also some merchants and bussiness owners, but just a few. Lately, no merchant have come to Barmalk, mostly due to the roads being covered with snow, but this is about to change since the winter is almost over and the temperatures are starting to rise.

You are geting eager to go out and explore the surroundings nature, and your family is well aware of that, your aunt keep telling you to wait for the snow to melt down, but you can't wait another day.

You awake with the delicious smell of your aunt's food, it looks like she is baking a cake...

2017-10-06, 05:48 PM
Luna awoke with the smell of her Aunt's baking wafting into her room from downstairs. Luna shifts out of bed and quickly changes out of her sleepwear and into warm daily wear. She pulls open the drapes to reveal the sun shining off the snow. She closes her eyes against the bright light and opens the window to the cool air; allowing it to wake her from her sleep. She peers out to the river and imagines running alongside it again.

A thump from the hallway outside drew her back to reality and she closes the window. Her step-uncle was up and was most likely preparing for his morning rounds. Luna decided to travel light today and slips a dagger into her boot just in case. She finally decides to pack a shortsword but leaves her bow and arrows slung over the end of her bed. Luna throws a few days rations and traveling gear needed for a few days trek.

She was downstairs right behind her uncle, "Uncle, do you need help with today's rounds?" She came around the corner with the man before waving to her aunt, "Morning Aunt Carla; that smells very good." Luna moves to grab breakfast before the crowd starts to come in, "Well can I Uncle?" She queries as they sit to eat.

2017-10-06, 06:42 PM
Carlita smiles at you when she sees you comming down, she puts a big slice of cake, some eggs and bread into your plate - everything is looking more tasty than ever for some reason - and says "Good morning, Luna! Did you sleep well? she looks at Nanthial while you queries him asking with her eyes to say something "Good morning, Luna. Not today I think your aunt has something reserved for you today, better than spending your whole day watching me watching an old road, at least." he says that with a light tone, joking, but you know it has some truth in his words.

Seeing the surprise in your eyes Carlita laughs at Nanthial jokes "Don't be too harsh on yourself, you know you have a important job! Besides the roads are about to get busy once again." Nanthial repplies "I know, I know...well I will go and leave you two alone to talk." he gives a kiss on Carlita's mouth whisper something to her, turns around to you and gives a kiss in your forehead and leaves.

For a second there is some silence in the air, as if Carlita don't really want to say anything, but she breaks it saying "Luna, I need your help today. As you know, in a few days we are going to have big festival for Chauntea in order to celebrate de first day of spring, and to pray for a good harvest this year. Besides the festivities, there is always some friendlies competitions - which I think you should be part of it - but that I can explain you tomorrow." she makes a small pause to clean her hands and starts looking in one of her drawers, she grabs an old recipe book.

She opens in one page showing you a picture of a purple and yellow flower "Today I want your help with this" she points on the picture "This rare flower - Allerya - only flourishes on the last week of winter, and this makes the best sweet sauce for a cake. On the festival there is always cake cooking competition, last year I lost to Karissa, but not this year!" you can see the fire in her eyes while she says that "Thing is, I can't leave the inn for a whole day to do that. I would like you to find some of this flowers for me. I promise I will cook you anything you ask as reward!"

You hear him saying "I Love you! And please let Luna live a bit..."

2017-10-06, 10:50 PM
Luna nods and smiles after her uncle leave and turns to her Aunt. She nods gives her token soft smile before taking the book, "Of course Aunt Carlita I would be delighted to help. I just want some of it when you are done." She would take her Aunt's book and begin to make a sketch of the flower in her own notes. In the page around the picture, she wrote the characteristics of the plant as best the book showed and wrote the limited use she garnered from her Aunt.

Once done she returned the book and waved to her Aunt, "I'll get an early start while the snow is still fresh." She reaches back one last time and feels her mother's wand in her belt; just to ensure it was there. The brisk air makes her shiver but in a good way and she passes the first guests on her way out, "I'll be back for lunch, Auntie." Luna calls back one last time.

Luna nods and smiles to each passing person. They were slowly becoming used to her presence and so stared less often. That suited Luna just fine and allowed her, even more, freedom to explore. She eventually turns off the beaten path and begins to make her way through the slowly weakening snow bank. I wonder what I'll find today. Luna thinks as the large river comes closer and closer. She was still aways from the bridge but enjoyed walking along the river instead of through the street.

They are such as sweet couple. Luna could have done much worse.
I left a lot of stuff behind and only brought my bedroll, wand, dagger, sword, shield, food and the necessary utensils. That will knock just over 26 pounds off my pack right now.

2017-10-06, 11:17 PM
You say goodbye to your aunt she says to you before you leave "Take care Luna, don't overdo!" she gives you a hug and turn back to baking.

You spend 5 hours searching all over the outskirt of the town, but without knowing a single thing in preparation for what and where to look for it is like looking for a neddle in the haystack. You are about the give up, when your druidic magic starts helping you out guiding you thought the forest, for some reason you just KNOW you need to follow the river, it seems like the best place for this kind of plant to grow up.

You keep on following, but still no sign of the flower. But you know that if you keep on going and find a place where has both a forest, river and rocky soil you might find the plant.

2017-10-07, 01:05 AM
Luna looks to the sky as she makes her way back to the river the trees were bearing no fruits and she even felt a little bit of spite from the trees that no greenery was among their branches. The day was growing later and she was treking further from the safety of civilization. Luna quickly pulled her shortsword from her bag and put it to her waist. She pauses a moment and grabs her mother's wand off her belt, "Lasa ghilan{Give Guidance in Common}".

'Perhaps along the next bend.' She thought as she pushed through a thicket between the river and the forest. The rockier landscape would hopefully supply the perfect growing condition like her Aunt had said. Luna began to look around for the flower; while being wary of the running water. The search ended in vain. Luna ate a dry ration and contemplated continuing on but eventually sighs, 'I am far away from home tomorrow I will explore the other bank and hope for better luck.' She dusts herself off and checks her blades and wand and sets off along the river back towards Barmalk.

2017-10-07, 09:58 AM

You turn back and start heading to Barmalk, unsuccessful in your quest, but with a strong clue on where to look tomorrow. You rush towards Barmalk, the thought of being outside during the night in the winter does not pleases you. You don't see anything out of the ordinary on your way back other than some hares and small birds that flee when you pass near them.

You arrive at Barmalk it is the end of the afternoon the sun is already starting to set, you can see the dark orange light of the sun reflexing on the river while the its start disappearing and the snow on the tree leafs stop to melt for today. Perhaps if you did not rushed your way back you would arrive at night.

You see very little people at the street at this time, most people heading towards the Malkcap's Inn. As you arrive to the Inn you are welcomed with the warmth of the fireplace and the smell of your aunt's cooking. There is about a dozen people on the tavern part of the Inn you recognize Jacob and his son Khitan, and Tengar. Carlita is at the kitchen while Ellyn is serving the clients, you don't see Nanthial, but he usually arrives later than that.

Jacob: an old man that drinks too much, is the farm owner.
Khitan: young, athletic and good hearthed, is the only son of Jacob.
Tengar: Owner of "Tengar's Weapons and Armors", a grump dwarf blacksmith.
Ellyn: a kind and talkative young female dwarf, that works during the night with your aunt helping serving the tables.




2017-10-07, 02:25 PM
Luna quickly made her way inside and through the patrons until she was back in the kitchen, "Have you seen Unc?" Luna asks as she spots her Aunt and comes up to wash her hands before moving to check tonight's meal. "I was unable to find the flower on the southern bank. I can check the northern bank tomorrow." Luna was adding just a hint more spice and offered some to her Aunt, "When do you need the secret ingreident by?"

Once dinner was ready to be served to those who had paid. Luna eventually settled by Jacob and his family to eat, "Hi Jacob". Luna would start in offering him an extra piece of bread. She lets them eat a moment but eventually fishes out her notebook and opens it to the picture of the flower.

"I meant to swing by your farm earlier to ask this but this seems like a good moment." She tilts the sketch to him, "Have you seen this flower growing along your farm, the river bank or near the King's road?"

2017-10-07, 08:59 PM
Your aunt looks at you relieved that you are back "Luna! I'm glad you are back, it was getting cold outside. Don't worry I have a couple of days before it get to the point I need the flower, so you can take your time!" Your aunt gets a bowl and serves you some hot pea soup with some small pieces of smoked pork just to give some smoked flavour to the soup and grab a piece of bread saying "Go ahead and eat! You deserve for your effort. Nanth should be back in a bit." she also gives you a cookie still warm from the oven, after that she goes back to cooking.

Jacob nods to you and says giving a quick glance at the image "Good night, Lina" he says your name wrong, but it looks like it was a honest mistake "I never saw that, have you saw it boy?" he says that while giving another gulp into his beer.

Khitan was slurping his pea soup with ferocity he then looks to you saying "Hello there Luna, man your aunt is an amazing cooker I could eat this everyday! Let me see that" he gets the notebook from your hand to give a closer look, he then analize it for a minute and thinks "Yeah...I remember that, I did not see this year, but I did saw last year..." he makes another pause to think again trying hard to remember for you "I know! It was near a forest in a place where the white river goes inside a cave, on the north part of the river. I can go with you tomorrow if you want to! I need to find some herbs for lady Karissa as well."

2017-10-08, 12:11 AM
Luna smiles and hugs her Aunt before she comes out to talk with Jacob and his family. Luna listens with a slight smile as he describes where he had seen the flower. Eventually, Luna turns from Khitan to Jacob and back again, "If your father has no objections." Luna would offer to look after the kid if the need arose; Even going as 'far' to reassure the man she had been trained by her father in the arts of swordplay. Though she would only offer as much information as was needed to put him at ease.

Luna smiles back to Khitan, "Then, yes I would be delighted to help you search for Lady Karissa's herbs if you help me find that flower." She says and takes back her notebook. She stands up and nods to the family once more, "Thank you, I hope the rest of your night is joyful."

Luna sat by the door waiting for her uncle to come home as she ate her soup and bread. They usually had dinner together but she had learned it was ok to start without him since he often had to work late. The meal made her feel warm and full; her Aunt was an amazing cook indeed.

I rather he not know I can swing a sword unless it helps sway him; if need be.

2017-10-08, 03:35 AM
Jacobs agrees with your requests, on winter there is not much to be done around the farm, and usually Khitan have to do this kind of job to gain some extra coins. They both go back to eating and drinking. After you leave the table Tengar comes and sit with Jacob to drink and talk random things, about the year harvest or what kind of tool he will need.

You finish your soup, while you are eating Ellyn comes from time to time - when there is no one to serve - to talk with you, the most noteworth thing she talks about is the spring festival and how she is thrilled to participate. Nanthial eventually shows up and eat some soup with you, he talks about his day, but nothing new.

The end of the day begins to arrive, you help your family and Ellyn to clean up the Inn. After that Ellyn goes home, she gives you a hug as goodbye, she is such a kind person you think. The three of you stay near the fireplace talking for an hour, but you start getting tired - you had a long day after all - you say good night to your family and go to sleep.

As most of your dreams, you dream with your mother, in this she is really happy with you for some reason. Maybe because your are helping your aunt, or perhaps because you are starting to getting used to live in a city with different kind of people? Who knows. You awake once more with that characteristic scent of your aunt cooking, you are starting to love this scent.

2017-10-08, 02:04 PM
Luna was happy to see Ellyn and talks fondly with her. Ellyn had been the first to welcome her beside her Aunt and Uncle. And Luna felt a soft spot for the woman. Luna slept easy having seen and talked with her uncle and aunt. Her eyes open and she seems to already be half in thought, This life is very comfortable...but.... She closes her eyes and sees her mother again; her dreams were fading and distant though it that felt so close. She let her eyes open and adjust before rolling out of the comfortable bed and starting about readying for today.

She wraps up 8 rations for herself and khitan; just in case. She didn't intend to stay out for more than a day but she still wraps an extra blanket from the closet. The pack was much heavier now and Luna spills out her instruments and unhooks her shield. The pack was a bit lighter but still heavy. Luna manages to get down the stairs and into the common room. "Morning Auntie, Morning Uncle." She says putting the pack against the wall near the door, "I was hoping to get breakfast to go today and can I get two plates; one for young Khitan." She hugs and kisses her aunt and uncle good-bye; as one would do to family. She carries the hot, wrapped breakfast she got from her aunt and pushes open the door.

The early morning air was bitter cold but it pushes Luna to rush and get used to carrying so much weight. She sticks to the road this time and eventually makes her way to Jacob's farm. She smiles seeing she is up before old man Jacob. Her eyes adjust and she sees young Khitan on the front steps, Oh he is up before us all.

I can adjust my RP if Khitan is not up but if he is does he have any gear with him?

2017-10-09, 09:15 PM
Khitan is there ready to go, you notice that different than last time you saw him he have a small backpack with some gear on it and is wearing some simple leather armor, is carrying an old shortsword sword, a hunting shortbow and a quiver. He says with enthusiasm "Good morning Luna! I'm bringing a tent and two bedroll, and some blankets - just in case - the place is about seven hours from here, probably 8 due the snow. So, if everything goes well we can be back by night, but you never know.." He notices you have your own bedroll and blanket and removes the bedroll from his backpack "It looks like you are prepared! Nice, I like it!" After that you eat the breakfast with Khitan (he already ate, but he could not pass your aunt cooking!)

As the day goes by, you notice that the snow is melting a little more than yesterday, and it is not that cold anymore. You follow along the river the whole day, after 8 hours you arrive at this place, there is a huge mountain - part of the mountain chain that circle Barmalk leaving it kind isolated - and the river goes inside a cave, that for some reason is blocked by rocks.

2017-10-10, 12:26 AM
The two of you does a perfect job at finding and the place, where the river goes inside a cave, after some searching you notice that the cave entrance was blocked by someone - or something - for a unknow reason, it was recent (about a week or so), and it was not made by humans or similars races. While you were looking at the cave entrance you notice - and is noticed by - two strange frog-man creatures carrying spears (bullywugs). Luna and Khitan fought side by side, using a hit and run strategy to overcome these nasty foes, Luna casted a perfect Ice Knive that sealed the battle.

After that you created a ice bridge and crossed the river (not without fall into its cold water first) and found 5 gp and two perfect Alleryas for your aunt. Because the night was already here, you decided to make a camp, also to dry yourself from the forced bath. The night went by uneventful, but you did became closer to Khitan. The two of you rushed back to the city, just making a quick stop to grab some herbs for Khitan quest. When you arrived at the town Khitan asked you to make a team in order to participate into this year spring competitions, you accepted and decided that would ask Ellyn to be the third participant.

When you arrive at the Inn it is about 3pm not there yet, but your aunt is she comes running towards you and gives you a hug saying "Luna!!! I'm so glad you are back! How was it? You didn't put yourself into any risk right? Did you find the flowers? Tell me everything while we eat some cookies and milk!" She grabs a place of fresh baked cookies - your favorite kind - and two glasses of milks and sits next to you smiling. You suspect that she made the cookies yesterday as well waiting for you to arrive.

2017-10-10, 02:30 PM
Luna was happy to see her Aunt and hugs her tight, "Sorry Auntie for being so late. We were able to retrieve the flower but ran into some nasty frogmen." Luna ate her cookies as she recants the tale. She finishes the glass of milk and last line of the story, "If it weren't for Khitan I may have been in serious danger."

Luna takes out the specimen from her herbalism kit and places the flower still in the sample container on the table, "I do hope it tastes as good as your cookies Auntie." She says and wraps up two of them for later. Luna changes topics seemlessly, "Afterward Khitan invited me to his team for the spring festival. I agreed but I must also convince Ellyn to join us. Has she come in yet?"

Luna ends by hugging her Auntie tight and making her way upstairs to unpack, "I'll be back down after I freshen up."

2017-10-10, 11:12 PM
Your aunt pays attention to your history, geting a bit surprised by the part with the frogmans "I'm glad you are safe, I know we just spend a month or so living together, but you are already very important to me and Nanth..." after that she keeps listening to the history making some coments here and there, especially when you mentioned Khitan "He is a good young man, I'm glad you enjoyed his company. Also, I'm happy you are going to join the spring festival competitions! I know you are not a city girl, but it might still be fun, right?" she grabs the flowers and start inspecting it "Those are perfect, You did a great job Luna!". She gives you a warmth hug back at you.

When you get upstair you notice something different, there is a really well made Lambskin Hammock on your bed with a small note saying "The second part of your reward. From: Carlita and Nanthial.", she is probably been planning to give you this gift to you for at least a week or so.

After two hours you go back at the Inn and Ellyn is there cleaning and singing a song about chauntea and the arrive of spring, she is not a - technically - amazing singer, but her voice transpire so much kindness and honesty that is hard not to be touched.

2017-10-10, 11:29 PM
Luna smiles and feels happiness fill her heart and even more when she spots the gift on her bed. She takes one of the cookies out of her pouch and starts to eat it as she reads the card and sits on the bed kicking off her boots. The cookie was half gone before she unraveled the lambskin hammock. Her hand ran down the soft fluff and velvety inside, 'This must have cost a fortune.' She smiles and rolls it and the buckles up. She finds a small sack with a drawstring and rolls the entire bundle of hammock, buckle and straps so that nothing would tear or rip.

She hangs it by the door and steps behind a room divider and starts a fire under a cauldron of water with her magic. In just a short while a hot bath is ready. Ellyn's voice causes her to pull out of her happy trance and into a happy reality. Soon she is out, dried, fresh and dressed. Luna tossed the water out and made her way downstairs.

She comes around the banister and tucks herself out of view; watching Ellyn sing. Luna would listen for a moment. With that, she comes down and pops up into view, "Hi, Did you miss me?" Luna says coming out of nowhere and grinning before sharing a hug with her, "Sorry if I worried you. I was taking care of a few things with the Khitan." She would let Ellyn soak that information up. "He invited me to the spring festival. I mean to his team; ..for the festival." Luna blushes at the slip.

2017-10-10, 11:45 PM
Ellyn blushes a bit while you show up, she didn't notice you listening to her singing, but she also gets really happy to see you and gives you a strong hug. She starts talking about how your aunt and uncle were worried about you the other night, but your uncle convinced your aunt not to go look for you "She can take care of herself better than anyone in this city, besides she is probably with the second best at surviving in the woods, that is Khitan. So don't worry." Ellyn says that trying to simulate Nanthial voice a bit.

She notices you blushing and smiles to you saying "I really like Khitan, he is always bringing some fruits and cereals for us at the temple. And I don't think his father approves it, but he does anyway!" she makes a small pause and says "I'm glad you are planing to join this year festival...I wonder do you guys have a third person already?"

2017-10-10, 11:51 PM
Luna would chuckle at Ellyn's representation of Nathanial, "He is right ya know. Khitan was really adept with a bow." At Ellyn's statement Luna nods, "No, I was actually going to ask you that. If you are up for it we are in need of someone with healing ability." She pauses, "Would you like to join our team?"

Luna leans back and looks to the kitchen for any sign of her Aunt, "I wonder what she is cooking tonight?" Luna wonders aloud.

2017-10-11, 12:12 AM
Ellyn starts jumping around happy huging you - again - and says euphorically "Of course I will!! I was dieing to ask you as well, but I did not know if you were going to accept it! And I'm glad it is you, me and Khitan! We are going to be the best team ever!" she makes a 'mean' face while she says that as she is trying to scare an imaginary enemy. She keeps talking about that with you agreeing with some training saying that she is really confident in her healing skill, but that she is a bit rusty in fighting, but maybe you and Khitan could help her out in the next 3 days (how long until the festival).

The rest of the night goes by, there is about ten customers tonight, you help your aunt and Ellyn serving. Your uncle arrives a couple of hours after that and gives you his traditional kiss on your forhead followed by a hug "You are looking really happy, Luna! I knew some time outside would do great for you." you and him have dinner together while Ellyn and your aunt keep serving the customers.

After some hours the customers leave and so does Ellyn. The three of you are left alone, gathering around the fireplace. Carlita and Nanthial are drinking some elven wine, laughing and talking relaxed with you.

2017-10-11, 02:10 PM
Luna goes about her business like normal. It felt odd having just risked life and limb to be serving food to the same old villagers as a fortnight ago. She happily sits with her Aunt and Uncle by the warm fire; after the slow night. She decides to recount the exact tale of events. She made great detail to the rock formation at the mouth of the cave. "I think the frogmen may have a nest there." She would address her uncle, "These frogmen may not wish to negotiate a resettlement but I don't think they wish Barmalk any harm." Luna seems to be weighing the thought heavily, "I suggest we mark the path to the frog people's nest and give a stern warning to anyone headed in that direction."

Luna was much interested in her Uncle's thoughts on the outstanding subject but once it was settled she was happy to discuss happier things. Like what the base of the cake her Aunt had intended to bake with the flower's extract and what she would experience in the festival's competition. She eventually gives each of them a tight hug and thanks them deeply for the custom hammock, "Thank you, Auntie and Uncle, I will make good use of it."

2017-10-11, 11:29 PM
Your uncle takes mental note about what you say repplying "Yeah I will give a warning to the guards and the population about that, thanks for that Luna. I will probably ask Eder permition to send a small scouting party to take a look at that place after the spring festival is done."

Carlita explain the cake would be a 3 layer cake, using berries and cream, the flower will be used to make the cream, it adds a soft and sugary taste to the cream that is amazing. Your aunt gets really excited talking about the cake for 10 minutes. After that you three keep talking about amenities. When you thank them for the hammock they say that you deserved it for the nice job you did. Also they wanted you to have something from them when you are outside on the woods, to remember them. You go to sleep, the next couple of days are going to be busy!

Training Montage

Day one: You, Ellyn and Khitan combine to train every day in the mornings. The first part of the training you decides to show Ellyn how to proper use a weapon, using some wooden shortswords as weapon of choice. Ellyn is really clumsy with a weapon, but you are such good teacher that after 4 or 5 hours she start getting the hang of it.

Day two: The second part of the training is about using a shield, you show her how to endure herself properly with a shield, you ask Khitan to keep hiting while she blocks with the shield again and again. You also dressed her in a old Ring mail - that your uncle gave to her and you asked Tengar to adjust to Ellyn size - during this day, so she gets used to it.

Day three: You decide to make a series of spars between Khitan and Ellyn to put everything she learn to the test. During the day you notice something, that Ellyn would benifit greatly to change the wooden shortsword for a wooden mace instead, it was just more natural for her (after all, dwarfs!), after the change she was even able to beat Khitan once or twice.

During the nights, before the customers arrived at the Inn, of these three days Ellyn reciprocate to you. Teaching you how to cast healing words, she used her Chauntea singing as a way to manifest its power, but you find a more natural way with her help. (I will allow you to choose how was this way)

The past three days were a lot of work indeed, but Ellyn's improved greatly, but you also learned a new trick! The snow almost disappeared, the temperatures started to rise to almost confortable, you could even see some flowers and plants here and there as the days passes. The city was really busy with the spring festival preparations - particularly your uncle and his soldiers - but your aunt was doing so much cookies and others sweets to sell at the festival. Besides she was really busy with preparations for the cake for the competition.

You awake really early on the first day of spring, you can hear birds singing outside, as you open your window you notice how beautifull the town is looking right now, with all the banners and flags and small tents around the town, besides the snow is completely gone. But you are kinda nervous with the competions today...

2017-10-12, 12:20 AM
The closeness between Luna, Khitan and Ellyn only grew when they helped each other better themselves over the last few days. She took away a very useful trick and two new close friends. At the end, she was quite ready to take on today's events but she still shook with excitement as she took in the warming air and fresh day.

She grabs the wooden short sword she had decided to use and her shield and walks downstairs; after gearing up. She leaves her weapons by the door and goes to the kitchen to see if her Aunt needed help this morning.

If she is there first Luna pulls out a pan. Next, she puts tinder and fuel in the wood stove and fires it up with a small display of magic. She began a pot of coffee on the stove and began to collect eggs, potatoes, a tomato out of a bushel and some spices and salt. She pulls down some hanging fat and a slab of bacon. After the meat was cooking she pushes it to the side and runs off most of the fat.

Luna moves the meat to a covered dish keeping the heat. Next, she cooks the potatoes and eggs side by side starting with the eggs. The tomatoes were the last thing to be heated up and took the least amount of time. In the end, she had made five plates of the high protein, high carb breakfast hopefully finishing just as her team, uncle and aunt came down.

2017-10-15, 01:40 PM
A fine spring day greets everyone near the city square. There are people here and there with carts of food and flowers dotting the area between large wooden tables crammed with people eating as many pastries as they can. Groups of youths preparing for competition gather in tight groups to discuss strategy and tactics. The birds chirp as Eder announces the beginning of the 37th Barmalk Spring Festival. The crowd hollers and goes back to eating but now the groups of youths begin to compete at various challenges set up.

The large crowd follows the competition from their spots while eating and talking in leisure. Before lunch is served a pie eating contest is had and after the groups prepare for the final challenge of the night and the deciding event of the winners of the Barmalk Spring Festival.

The challenge was quite intense a flurry of wooden swords and maces meant to incapacitate but not kill. At the end, one group rose above the rest to be champions of the spring festival. The Barmalk Brigade, in an excellent show of resilience and skill, came out on top of the destroyers.

Thus marked the end of the 37th annual spring festival celebrating Chauntea. It was a night to be remembered by a young druid in the prime of her life.