View Full Version : [PTU] A Place of Our Own IC

2017-10-08, 10:10 PM
Heartwood Town is a quiet little outpost near Fantasia's west coast, situated on the borderlands between plains, coast, and forest.
It's dominated by Professor Yew's lab complex, along with the ubiquitous PokeCenter and PokeMart, and... not much else of note, besides scattered houses and apartments.

North is Route 901 toward Whitebridge and Rusty Roost.
East is Route 912 toward Monte Belvoir.
South is Route 906 toward Crystalpoint.
West is Route 913 toward Crystal Promontory.

You find yourself among a small crowd - all Trainers, you suspect, here for the same reason you are - standing outside of the Pokemon Lab. A hastily-scrawled sign is taped to the glass of the front door: "BACK IN 15! :)"
Just inside you can see a young receptionist fidgeting at her desk and trying very hard not to look at all you people milling outside.

What do you do?

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?538395-PTU-A-Place-of-Our-Own-OOC)
Town Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10w6GFzpmZlU4c6arPeqfunjH3ZhT5z3ObOWYLJ54Lto/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-10-08, 10:48 PM
Professor Marple happens to, in fact, be a professor, so she tends to stand out a little in a crowd that's largely made out of youngsters that are eager to become full fledged Pokemon Trainers and start their journey.

She's a remarkably beautiful lady in her late 30s, or possibly early 40s, with long blonde hair kept orderly and with a red hairband to go with her long blue dress and white capelet... and she's got a crutch as she hobbles forward slowly, smiling gently. Assuming the door isn't locked, she slips inside and heads up to the receptionist.

"Hello, dear. I assume Yew had to take an urgent call?" she asks gently, looking back to the crowd outside. "She draws quite the large crowd for this project... better than I ever have."

2017-10-08, 10:53 PM
Kotoha crossed her arms across her chest, scoffing slightly, "Back in fifteen? How unorganized." A frown grew across her face as icy, blue eyes scanned the crowd of other eager trainers. They may be patient, and normally she is too, but it seems that a schedule was set and it wasn't kept in the slightest. Things were never so unorganized back home, at least it seemed that way.

Seeing the other professor hobble her way into the building only seemed to cause her impatience to billow a bit. She tapped her foot a bit, her impatience boiling over before she huffed, stamping over to the door and knocking on the door, talking to the receptionist and other professor through the glass door. She pointed to the sign as she began her muffled diatribe, "What's the deal with this? This is not how scheduling works in the slightest!"

2017-10-08, 11:23 PM
Liz knew she was running a bit late. It wasn't that she badly managed her time or that something unfortunate had happened on the way, it was just... nerves. This was pretty much the last step to take before she was... committed. She could theoretically just walk home and forget that she did this, well once she got over being grounded, which might not be until she was 30. Did she really want to do this? Liz had been beginning to go more and more against her parents' wishes for years but this... This was a bit more than just passive-aggressive resistance like she usually did. This was pretty much full on rebellion. Liz paced out front of the PokeCenter, thinking.

She walked back and forth some more, thoughts swirling in her mind, nervousness mounting. Feeling a bit frustrated with herself, she clenched her fists and stomped a foot. "Come on, Liz, snap out of it! What happened to no regrets? You're definitely going to regret this if you don't do it, so, go!" she lectured herself. Liz let out a deep breath. She was going to do it! Filled with resolve, she gathered herself and rushed for Professor Yew's lab, ignoring the weird looks from people who watched her talk to herself for several moments.

Her determined march slowed when she reached the entrance, finding the group of people gathered around it. It eventually slowed to a stop just outside of it. Liz let out another sigh, more annoyed than the previous one and elbowed her way through the front. "Excuse me! Coming through, need to see what's up front, thanks," she apologized. Then she found herself in front of the doors. Her eyes were drawn to a piece of paper taped to them. Liz read the brief message then stared at the doors for a moment. Back in 15? ... Back in 15?! The nerve! She had to psych herself up a lot to be able to do this! And now... back in 15? Arrgh! Finding a girl in a strange bug themed get up pounding on the door, expressing feelings of impatience, Liz joined in. "Yeah! What the heck? You wanted us to be here at this time, what's up with this?" she spat out with some vitriol, ignoring the fact that she most likely would've been late if there wasn't a 15 minute delay.

2017-10-08, 11:28 PM
A lank young man seems to have been hanging around the poke-place longer than fifteen minutes.


Sitting, rather, sleeping on a bench just across from the laboratory, he either slept there through the night or dozed off before Yew arrived (and then departed.) Regardless, what was possibly a clever preemptive move on his part to be accepted by Yew has been ruined. Anyone else who arrived thus far either didn't notice the kid or willfully moved toward the front of the line ahead of him, effectively making him the last dope in line. The only pokemon he may get now will be in his dreams...

Sufficed to say, he's completely down on his luck, clutching a lumpy looking packed up sleeping bag, rather than make use of it. Unless there are thieves about, it seems to be the only thing he brought with him apart from the ill fitting clothes on his back.

In actuality, poor Loft took a bus to get this far, and rode through the night to get as far south of Anchorlift as he could. The trip was pretty long, and he found out the hard way it's hard for him to sleep in a moving vehicle. He arrived sometime ago, and banked on his excitement to keep him up.


However, it's interesting to note that his shirt has a curious logo of a red fist over a pair of crossed swords. This is the sign of the Loftus Dojo and possibly the biggest reason this skinny sleeper with purple hair was allowed to rest undisturbed by the waking city. Nobody picks a fight with a Loftus. Nobody without a large group of friends, at any rate.

2017-10-09, 12:12 AM
A pink-haired girl in casual clothes, with glasses and a blinding smile, strolled up to the growing group at the front door of Professor Yew's lab, her arms wrapped around an Espurr that she held in front of her. Looking around, she notices the commotion at the front door and the sign next to them. Oh dear, oh no, this wouldn't do. This wouldn't do at all. She walked up to the two people banging on the door.

"Excuse me... Please be patient. I'm sure the professor had sincerely wished to be ready to welcome us all on time; sometimes there are delays with things like this, you know? A technical malfunction, a sudden toilet break...these things happen, yeah? With all the time we've waited to get here, I'm sure a measly fifteen more minutes isn't worth getting worked up about, right...?"

Rune Knight
2017-10-09, 05:14 AM
An older man sat by a tree on the side of the path, looking over a local map once again. Professor Yew had certainly drew in quite the diverse crowd.
They all seemed to be getting anxious, too. If Erik was honest with himself, the mood was infecting him as well. He had woken up in the pokémon center and had a relaxing early morning walk about the town before arriving at Yew's lab. Maybe it was just so many young people being young people, or it could have been the promise of a new adventure. Either way, he wanted to be sure of where he would go next.

A few feet away from the man, a small blue pokémon lay. Head on the grass and giving a look only the half-asleep can manage, Calder. Was. Bored.
Apparently not everyone was being affected by the group's energy.
At least, not until the pink human drew attention to herself and what she was carrying. They were a fair distance away, but he was sure that was another pokémon. And, another Pokémon meant battles!
He shot up and headed for the front of the lab, but it would take time for a creature of Calder's size.

Just to clarify, I'm not actually looking for a pvp battle already.

2017-10-09, 11:01 AM
A red-haired young adult strolled up to the crowd. Standing off to the side, he sniffed the cup of steaming noodles that he had brought with him from a vendor serving out of her own apartment. He nodded in contentment at the scents that he picked up from the broth.

Sawyer glanced at the sign with a shrug, seeming unbothered by the additional wait. It would give him more time to enjoy this snack. Such a big crowd didn't suit him well, especially with all the jostling for position. That could lead to spilled noodles!

He looked around and saw the bench with the sleeping youth. He sat on the edge and inspected the boy before giving him a light poke in the foot with his elbow.

"You don't wanna sleep through all this. If you have a cup, I've got some breakfast.. er lunch.. we can split." He smiled and held up the cup triumphantly.

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-09, 11:36 AM
Adalicia had every intention to turn up early, not due to panic of turning up late or for any special treatment, just because she wanted to come across as enthusiastic. So it was to her dismay that her morning training overrun and there was already a large gathering at the lab by the time she arrived. Now she wouldn't stick out at all.

There must be something wrong, according to her watch she was 2 minutes late yet nobody had gone inside yet. Slipping past some of the people at the back she managed to catch a glimpse of the sign. “Back in 15” what is this! That isn't helpful at all, when was the sign put up? Not wanting to cause a scene, well in that way at least, Adalicia slipped back out of the crowd.

Looking around for somewhere to wait Adalicia noticed some young man resting on a bench opposite. Judging by his age he was probably here for the same reason she was. He had the right idea, just wait for everything to sort itself out not get involved in the commotion at the door.

It wasn't until she got half way across the road that she noticed he was fully asleep and not just resting his eyes. She stopped at this distance as another boy approached the sleeping man and woke him up. Rather him than me she though to herself, even though she doesn't recognize the logo she knew better than to disturb a man with fist and crossed swords on their shirt.

Assuming the previously sleeping man doesn't attack the guy that woke him up, Adalicia will approach cautiously to introduce herself. "Bonj... Sorry Hello, I am Adalicia. You are both here to see Professor Yew as well?" she says trying somewhat unsuccessfully to hide her french accent after her initial stumble.

2017-10-09, 12:03 PM
The one withe spiky red hair looked up from his backpack, his hand having retrieved a shaker of some kind, which he sprinkled into the noodle cup that he held with his knees before returning the shaker and stirring up the broth, smiling.

"You guessed right. I'm Sawyer. I assume he is too, since this isn't the nicest place for a nap otherwise." He looked down at the food with a frown. "I'm sorry, I only have enough for two and I already promised him some... but I'm sure I have other snacks in here, if you're hungry while we wait."

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-09, 12:57 PM
"Oh thank you for the offer but I have just eaten, I'm sure your friend here could use the food more than I." Adalicia replied before considering how rude that could be taken. "Sorry sir, I mean no offence," she adds directing her attention to the man on the bench, only making things worse.

"How long have you been waiting? It isn't clear from the sign when we will be able to go in, did you hear anything about when it was put up?" she continues with a smile trying to move on and avoid further awkwardness as her cheeks redden slightly.

2017-10-09, 01:41 PM
It's a delayed reaction, but the poke has an effect. Loft was so dead on his feet when he sat down hours ago that he finally got the rest he needed. But having been woken up plenty of times unexpectedly, and also violently due to ...family issues, even a much needed rest can come to an abrupt end.

To the pair by the bench, the purple haired youth suddenly bolts up onto his feet, one hand still clutching his bag but the rest of his body moves fluidly into what has to be some martial arts pose. Loft's eyes snap open after he gets his footing, blearily trying to take stock of his attackers-- only for his posture to droop and his stance breaks a few breaths and heartbeats later, once he actually wakes up.

"Mrrgphlle~ Suh.. Sorry. Been ridin' buses since yesterday morning; I got so tuckered out, didn't know I fell sleep." he apologizes looking heavily embarrassed. Sliding back onto the bench, he waves off Adalcia's apology and regards Sawyer's offer. "Ain't got a cup m'afraid. Figured I'd get here early to see Yew and then catch a meal with my new pokemon.. Um..." he glances over at the crowd, and bless him, he tries, he really tries to hide his disappointment. "Or, um, take stock iffin things don't.. don't go as planned." he rubs at his chin glumly. Whatever energy or skill was seen with his kick up moments ago seems to have left him, this kid seems more like an unlucky slouch now that he's awake.

"Y'think Professor Yew could use a janitor? I uh.... I guess I oughta start thinking some about alternative careers, realistically..."

2017-10-09, 01:43 PM
Sawyer scooted closer to the sleeper in an effort to make room for the girl. His noodles were still too hot to eat anyway. "Just got here. I didn't bother to find out when it was put up, it'll come down when they're ready to take it down. Making any kind of fuss won't change that, might even get them mad and not include the rude people."

He paused and inspected the girl further. "Your accent is... different. Are you not from the region?" His eyes got a bit larger, excited at the prospect of meeting someone from somewhere completely new. He seemed to have completely forgotten the noodles he was holding for the moment.

"Oh!" Sawyer jumped a bit when Loft launched up from his napping spot. "Hmm... bowl, bowl, bowl..." He dug around in his backpack with some clanking until he retrieved a tin drinking cup.

"This could work!" Carefully, he tipped about half the noodles into the cup. "Hot, hot, hot!" Holding it out to Loft. "I'm Sawyer, this is Adalicia." Motioning to the girl next to them.

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-09, 02:49 PM
"Oui, I am from Kalos. But I have been travelling for a while now, I am hoping to lose my accent a little." Adalicia says as she takes the seat offered. "I am just curious about when we can start. I am in no rush to get going. It is nice to get to know some people first."

On hearing the nervous boys worries Adalicia leans out to look him in the eyes and smiles. "You don't have to worry, the professor must see something in you if she accepted your application. I am sure you and your new pokemon will do really well together."

2017-10-09, 03:32 PM
"Uh... Y'can call me... Loft. Yeah, just call me Loft." Loft looks a little nervous, but seems surprised by Adalicia's words.

"Wait... she accepted all these other kids? I..um... I just mailed my application two days ago and jumped on a bus yesterday." he takes the food offered him, but looks a bit sadder now. "Guess I'll see if my letter reached her first in a bit, huh? Now I'm not so sure if I'm still in a rush, either." At least he hasn't lost his appetite (provided Sawyer provides him with utensils next) but Loft tries not to think of this as his last meal.

"Professor Yew tell y'all what kinda pokemon you were gonna get?" he tries a bit piteously to change the subject.

2017-10-09, 03:47 PM
Once Loft had accepted the cup, Sawyer delved deeper into the backpack with some pokes and prods. "Ah ha!" He held up a metal contraption in clear victory. It seemed to be a folded version of just about every kitchen utensil that existed. After selecting and then folding away a few with a shake of his head, he managed to produce one that he was happy with. He handed it to Loft. Loft received a Spork!

"Um... I really just came for the Pokedex." He tapped a ball on his belt and a snoring greenish lumpy mass appeared before him. "Lunchtime!" He tasted his remaining noodles, closing his eyes as if savoring the flavor. "Hmm... not too much seasoning, good water quality. I think there's a hint of orange zest in there! You're gonna love that, Grube."

The snoring ball uncurled and the massive mouth yawned as the Munchlax sat up and scratched it's belly. It sniffed the air and held out it's paws with a grunt. Sawyer sipped a bit more of the broth before handing him the bowl, which he contently rested on his belly and sniffed before tipping it to his mouth and swallowing the rest of the noodles. Grube gave a small burp and smacked it's lips with a smile.

"Told you!" Sawyer reached in the pack and pulled out a notepad to scribble something down before tucking it back away.

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-09, 04:09 PM
Adalicia let out a laugh at the Munchlax's antics before she realized what she was doing and cut it off. She tried to ignore it but she couldn't help but think of how unladylike she just was. Plus, it would be rude to turn her attention to the pokemon when there was somebody worrying about not having one yet. As much as she liked to treat everyone equally Adalicia couldn't help but feel sorry for Loft.

"I already have my pokemon too, Beau came with me on my journey after I left home. She is in her pokeball now," She motions to her belt where the ball rests next to a small potion aerosol. "I didn't want to take her out in the crowds she gets really nervous with lots of people around. You don't need to worry about getting a new pokemon, you will have plenty of time to get to know them on this adventure." She tried to maintain her normal cheerful grin to avoid making Loft feel awkward, "What kind of Pokemon do you want?"

2017-10-09, 05:25 PM
Loft looks like the kind of kid who's rarely asked what it is he actually wants, in any context.

"I... Um... Guess if I had to pick..." he fiddles with his hands, turning them one over the other, at a loss. "I'll just take what I can get. I don't think I put in a very good application, so she may just give me whatever's left." And then he goes silent for a couple moments.

"But..." he awkwardly interjects after too long a moment passes, "I once saw this film with a brave little oshawott. Um.. He was trying to stop someone from damming up a river," the movie he's talking about is nearly 12 years old, and was clearly for children, but he's being honest here, And there was a pretty actress playing a river spirit-- But yeah. I wouldn't mind befriending an Oshawott one day, too."

2017-10-09, 07:45 PM
Liz took a deep breath, about to continue to vent her spleen at the hapless receptionist beyond the glass doors, when a voice from behind interrupted her. As well as listen to her argument, Liz took a quick appraising look at her. Hmm, casual outfit, but still pretty stylish. Better than a lot of the others at least. Plus her words were said with the best of intentions even if the professor's lateness wasn't okay. Liz was still a bit steamed, but she decided she wouldn't let loose her anger on this girl. Well, on purpose, at the very least. Liz composed herself and answered.

"Well, sure, but you could pretty much say the same thing in reverse. She told us to come all the way here at a specific time, it was a lot of hassle and time to come over here, so shouldn't she have some basic decency and be on time?" Thinking about it some more, Liz gestured at the receptionist, "Even if there was an emergency, she should at least have that receptionist come and actually tell us in person, maybe offer to get us some paper cups of water while she asks us to wait for a bit? I'm pretty sure that's how business appointments work," Liz reasoned out, "I mean, come on, she's just going to have us stand around outside while she runs late to a predetermined meeting? You can't tell me that isn't just a little rude." She wasn't sure if she got all the anger out of her tone, but she think she said it pretty coolly.

2017-10-09, 08:18 PM
Vivi looked with concern at the growing crowd. She was definitely uncomfortable with the sheer number of people milling about. Battlebrook was a large place, and gatherings of spectators were not uncommon at the gyms, but after 5 years of living on the street, she had learned that large groups tend to bring about trouble.

Vivi cautiously made her way through the crowd, ignoring the haughty sniffs and jeering sniggers. Her red hair was dirty and knotted. Her clothes had been patched so many times that little of the original fabric remained. And she could definitely use a bath. She knew full well that her appearance would cause such a reaction, and she plainly didn't care. After reading the note, Vivi backed away to the edges of the crowd, keeping an eye out and trying to inventory that various Pokemon she saw.

Who knows, she may need to battle them at some point, and any edge she could get she would take.

Eavesdropping on the various trainers pointed out how out of place Vivi was. Some of these people had been practicing for years to be here. They filled out the paperwork, passed tests, wrote essays. They had all prepared for this, dreamed of this. Wanted this.

And all she did was beat some kid and win his invitation.

She was the odd one out in the crowd of eager kids looking for some grand adventure to fill their lives.
These were not the kind of people what Vivi wanted to be stuck with. She didn't need a bunch of dreamers getting her into trouble.

She got into plenty on her own.

"We stick out like a Rhydon in a teashop, Breckitt. Keep alert. We don't know these people."

As she waited for Yew to return, Vivi wondered more and more what she was doing here. Had Yew laughed and thrown her application in the garbage? Was she wasting her time?

No point in worrying or wondering. Make plans, and contingency plans.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she notices Breckitt starting to wander towards a group of trainers near a bench.

Odd, not like Breckitt to go for a stroll... Vivi thinks to herself .. oh, food. That foolish little bird...
"Get back here mister. We don't know them; we don't take risks. I'll find you some food later."

Even though she is adamant about keeping her distance, she subconsciously begins moving towards the bench.

She gets a better look at the trio of trainers, and realizes that she isn't the only one here who looks like they slept in an alley.

Maybe not all of the kids were going to be so bad after all.

Maybe some had a clue how the world really worked.

Or maybe she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.

2017-10-09, 09:34 PM
The pink-haired girl seemed to consider this response. "Hm, I suppose so... but what's done is done, right? Getting worked up about it won't change anything, I don't think.

"Oh, right!" The girl extends her hand. "My name's Sophie, and this here is my darling Cotton~!" She gestures to the Espurr her other arm's wrapped around. "What's yours?"

2017-10-09, 10:36 PM
Liz lets out a brief 'tch!' in response to the girl's words. She tossed her head to get a lock of vibrantly red hair out of her eyes before regarding the receptionist safely behind the glass doors. "People being upset will make her think about what she's done. She'll go home today, knowing that she greatly inconvenienced a large group of... mostly teenagers," Liz says, spotting several people definitely out of her age range loitering around, "Then she'll consider her life choices and vow to never be this rude and cowardly ever again, thus improving her work ethic and inspiring her to climb the ranks from her lowly perch of receptionist, eventually becoming another famous professor! All because I let her know what a terrible job she was doing today!" Liz finishes, waving her arms dramatically. She then makes a gesture toward the receptionist, bringing two fingers up to her eyes then pointing them at her, showing her that Liz is still keeping on eye on her as the receptionist continues to try to ignore the growing crowd outside.

"... Also, it makes me feel a little bit better, at least," Liz mutters. She lets her stance relax, slouching over a bit. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Liz. My Skiddo's name is Slash, I'd introduce you, but he's a bit too big to be letting out into a crowd like this," she replies, gesturing to the single pokeball on her waist.

She returns to peering into the lab after a few moments, "... Arceus, it's got to have been at least 15 minutes since that sign went up. It's been a while since I got here and there were people already waiting when I did. What is that woman doing?"

2017-10-10, 12:49 AM
Anyone who happens to be looking skyward might notice a certain fluffy white cloud...

...falling toward your general vicinity with great speed...

It lands with an earth-shaking impact, throwing up a veil of dust and fluff. A woman's voice calls from within.

"Hey everyone! So glad you could make iiiit~!"

As the dust clears, you can see an auburn-haired woman in a white lab coat - half frozen - hopping down from an Altaria's back. The dragon sounds a high, clear note of pleasure before popping back into its pokeball.

Professor Yew gives her explanation while skipping through the crowd toward the door, making a point of turning to see each of your faces. She's absolutely giddy.
"I happened to see this most amazing cloud formation, so Belle and I dashed off for a closer look - turned out it was a flock of Altaria who'd gotten blown off-course from their migration route! Apparently a storm was brewing off the Unovan coast, and combined with our unusual warm spell here in western Fantasia--
"Ah, I'm sorry, Pokemon climatology just thrills me so. Here we are; right this way please!"

You're lead into the lab, the sign plucked off and discarded in passing. Through the main lobby is a large room, lined with shelves and complicated-looking machines, and standing in the center is a single table with an array of Pokedexes - there are red, blue, and green models.

Yew swipes a clipboard off the desk behind her and counts off heads.

"One, two, three... nine? Few missing, few extra - oh well! Y'all made it here, so let's call that qualification enough! Moving on! I'm sure most of you read the outline online, but in short: I need you to go out there, explore the region, and meet and register all kinds of Pokemon with these Pokedexes. That'll give me the data I need for the next phase of my research, and you'll get the adventure of your youth!"
She glances at Erik and Annie.

"Why don't you all try them out for starts? Go ahead pick the color you like, power it up, and do like you're taking a close-up photo of everyone's Pokemon! Oh, and be sure to make some friends too~!"

2017-10-10, 01:00 AM
Sophie applauded a bit at the professor's entrance. Maybe she could try something like that for her next concert...no, no, let's not worry about that right now.

"I suppose that answers that question! Now come on, let's go in!" With very little preamble, Sophie takes Liz's hand and practically drags the girl inside if she isn't keeping up.

Inside, after the Professor's quick speech, Sophie says to herself, "The adventure of our youth, huh...? How exciting! Cotton, think you could get one of those red Pokedexes for me?" The Espurr's eyes take on a slight glow as one of the Pokedexes begins to rise in the air on its own, floating toward Sophie. She reaches out to grab it, letting go of Liz's hand to do so. "Good girl~"

Sophie turns it on, looking to see what cool features it has.

2017-10-10, 01:54 AM
Liz was torn away from her examination of the lab by a sudden impact, enough to throw her off balance. "Gah! What the f-" she stammered out before she was interrupted by Professor Yew's enthusiastic greeting. Mostly ignoring her rambling about cloud formations, Liz tried to gather herself together after the sudden entrance. What was she doing...? Oh! Right, she was angry! Angry because the professor was late! Liz opened her mouth, raising a finger to begin venting off some steam, but was suddenly interrupted by a tug on her arm pulling her into the building.

"Wha- hey! Slow down! You're gonna pull my arm out of its socket!" she protested as she was drawn further the room. She briefly attempted to resist to say something to the receptionist, but was unable to prevent being dragged from that too. "You win this round, nameless receptionist..." Liz mutters to herself as she is pulled further.

Liz rubs her shoulder as Sophie comes to a stop, grumbling to herself, "Yeesh. You don't look it, but Arceus, can you pull." Finding her hand free, she rubs her fingers a bit from the hard grip that was on them moments previously. "... Pokedexes huh? Pretty boring colors," she mutters, "Hey! Prof, do you have any other colors? Like... black or a darker shade of red than bright sports car cherry red? I'll even take purple if you've got it. These don't really fit my aesthetic, you know? Being all bright and neon-y and shhhhtuff," Liz asked, making a quick last second word substitution after reminding herself not to curse in front of authority figures. "I'll take red if you don't, no sense in not taking free things, but I'm just checking if you have something cooler."

Rune Knight
2017-10-10, 02:07 AM
The opening of a pokéball drew Calder's attention. When he looked to the side, across the way from the lab, he was glad he did. By a bench was yet another pokémon finishing off a bowl of something. The unknown munchlax was bigger than Calder, and, in his mind, that meant the other pokémon had to be strong. Calder was about to make his epic challenge to the munchlax when he was interrupted by the greatest. Thing. Ever.

Erik traced a finger over his map. He hadn't been in the Crystalport area recently, and the spring showers had made everyone want to get home during his last expedition there. Maybe it was time to go back for a more thorough look?
Having decided on a direction, he looked up to see Calder about to make a nuisance of himself when Professor Yew made her appearance. Sufficiently distracting Calder enough to let Erik hurry to pick the little popplio up. The man hadn't know any of the pokémon his group was sent to be malicious. Supposedly, they were raised by a licensed and respectable breeder, but Calder always got into play-fights and wrecked the place when he was anywhere near the others' pokémon.
Following everyone inside, Erik picked up one of the blue Pokédexes. The color of thought and foresight.
He looked to the popplio in his arms. Maybe that whole color theory thing wasn't as accurate as everyone thought...

2017-10-10, 07:10 AM
Well, that is ONE way to make an entrance, Vivi thought to herself and the professor landed.

Vivi listened carefully to the explanation of what exactly this was all about. While many were excited by the prostpect of 'adventure', she was happier about the freedom it seemed to offer. Being a registered trainer would get her and Breckitt access to Pokemon centers for eating and sleeping, which was more of a home that she had had in... forever.

Making her way past the other trainers, Vivi grabs a plain looking Pokedex and powers it on. She snaps a picture of Breckitt and is greeted with a *ping* from the device.

Torchic, the Chick Pokemon

TORCHIC sticks with its TRAINER, following behind with unsteady steps. This POKéMON breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black.


Hear that Breckitt? You as supposed to follow behind me, not bolt ahead if you think you see food. Something this fancy looking can't possibly be wrong.

Not one for crowds, Vivi retreats to the edges once again, and begins scanning any of the Pokemon that she see, like the fat cat thing or anything else eager trainers may release from their packs.

No time like the present to get started I suppose... Vivi thinks as she is snapping PokePics.

Rune Knight
2017-10-10, 07:48 AM
Lining up the shot with Calder, the device read out.
Popplio, the Sea Lion Pokémon. This Pokémon can control water bubbles. It practices diligently so it can learn to make big bubbles.
"Huh. I always thought the trainers put in what they saw a pokémon do." Erik scratched his head. That didn't seem to be the case, though. He hadn't taken to being a trainer in his younger days, and he wasn't even sure when he had picked that particular assumption up.

2017-10-10, 08:13 AM
She was a bit surprised, things swooping out of the air instilled a slight dread in her. Shared instincts that she cannot seem to shake herself out of. She shook her head a little bit and peered over the the Professor. She was still a bit annoyed at the tardiness of the person who asked them to be prompt at their arrival to the research lab. She was about to say something, but the enthused explanation of why Professor Yew was late made her pause and listen. The way she described what she saw seemed to resonate with her, having been put through a rigorous course of study back home in a smattering of subjects, and the care of Pokemon themselves herself. She stood there and just listened then, waiting to be invited in, following the crowd in.

She paid attention, listening intently on what they were being given, what they were being asked to do. It seemed like quite the task, but in the end it will be well worth the experience. She peered over at the three colors of Pokedexes, and one seemed to remind her of the jade-hued sunlight that managed to pierce the forest canopy back home. She shuffled and pushed her way through the crowd of the eager trainers, sharing the same eagerness as some as she picked up one of the green Pokedexes. She felt a little encapsulated now however, looking around and seeing if there were a way to get back around.

Once she managed to push her way past the bulk of the crowd and into a more breathable space, she booted up her Pokedex and went through the trainer registration process. She then went to point it at her pokemon...right she hadn't released it from its pokeball yet. She shook her head, "Oops...I should let you out more often, I'm so so sorry!" she stated as she plucked the pokeball out from beneath her skirt, a Net Ball by design. She enlarged it and released her Pokemon. In a brilliant flash of light, a rather sizeable caterpillar appeared, its bristle standing on end and cinders idly drifting off of its stalks. She held her Pokedex aloft, "Hold still, Brinstar." she instructed as she took down a pokedex entry.

"Larvesta, the Torch Pokemon — Said to have been born from the sun, it spews fire from its horns and encases itself in a cocoon of fire when it evolves. Larvesta are often used in the hatcheries of Swarm Hollow due to their natural ability to keep eggs warm."

She grimaced, "I already knew that second part...where do you think I got Brinstar from..." she asked the Pokedex rhetorically with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

2017-10-10, 10:42 AM
Sawyer walked in behind most of the others. The Munchlax, Grube, followed lazily along while poking his head in desks and trash cans.

Sawyer rubbed his chin while trying to decide the color. "Grube, green or blue?" He pointed to both in turn. Grube picked his head up out of a trashcan, chewing on an apple core. He pointed to the green one and then returned to rummaging. "Green it is. Smile!"

He snapped a picture of the Munchlax with his mouth full of discarded food.

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-10, 12:56 PM
All Adalicia could do was to stare in awe as the professor's pokemon descended on the crowd. It must be great to be able to command attention like that. This is why she needs powerful pokemon.

Adalicia mutters, "well see you inside," as she rushes to join the back of the crowd. She listens to the professor with great interest, it was unusual for somebody else to impress her as much as this. Without considering the color choice she picks up a blue Pokedex from the table then heads to the edge of the crowd to release Beau.

Un-clipping the pokeball from her belt Adalicia holds it up in-front of her face. "Ok Beau, I am going to release you now. There are a lot of people around but don't worry they are nice and I am here to help you." she explains as though Beau can hear her. She reaches out and presses the button to release her pokemon. A startled looking spritzee erupts from within in a flash of pink light.

Beau stays in place for a moment, blinking her eyes a few times looking around. "Brweeeeee!" sings out from her beak as she flies to the nearest corner. A sweet perfume like scent drifts from behind her as she settles down to hide behind one of the confusing machines.

"No Beau, come back, I just need to take your picture." Adalicia shouts as she tries unsuccessfully to catch her wayward Spritzee. Pushing a bit over the machine she manages to get a suitable picture with the flash, the blinding light earning her another whining noise from her pokemon.

"Spritzee the perfume Pokemon. The aroma that this pokemon releases can smell different for many reasons including diet and happiness. A well treated Spritzee will always produce an alluring scent regardless of an individuals taste preference."

That description made Adalicia glad that she always pampers Beau and fed her sweet food, given that the entire room now smelt of her. She returned Beau to her ball before she could cause any more trouble.

2017-10-10, 04:49 PM
Loft looks up with an almost preternatural luck and leaps to his feet as the Professor makes her landing. When the dust clears, he's standing int front of the bench and his possible buddies, holding up his sleeping bag as a shield, and once more putting his 'skill' to use looking foolish. he stays there dumbfounded even after Sawyer and Adalicia pass him by before he sheepishly legs in after the others. Several times he looks for an opening to talk, but any interjections go unheard as the nearing dozen crowd goes through the place.

Nearly every person he passes or swerves out of the way from already has a pokemon to Loft's dismay. He feels like he's sinking more as each new creature already tied to a trainer grabs a pokedex to the point where hes surprised he didn't wind up in the basement.

In fact, he doesn't pick up one, though his hand hovered over a red one for a moment. Standing near there table, glum as can be, he finally catches the professor's attention, even though his cheeks begin to burn from embarrassment.

"Professor, wait!!! Um... I... I don't have a pokemon. I don't think I can go out exploring alone." he stares at his feet feeling ashamed, expecting to be ostracized at any moment, despite Sawyer's assurances. "Ah... Don't have much in the way of means or money, but if you have any pokemon that need a friend, or if I can just get a pokeball come hell or high water I'll try to catch one myself."

Loft's eyes screw up for a moment, though it's not from tears (Lord above, no. His father, brothers and all at once had seen to beating the tears out of him.) Rubbing at his nose (which is easy to see has been broken, at least once or twice in the past) he tries to look at the professor's aura, for even a small glimpse of hope that he's not wasting her and his time.

Loft's using his Aura reader power on her, but NOT Aura pulse. Reading other people's minds is tricky business and he doesn't want to snoop unless it was necessary.

2017-10-10, 05:11 PM
Annie lets out a little squint as she limps gently towards the centre of the commotion to murmur, "You still are just as excited to make a scene as you were years ago, Yew. It's been a while." She looks towards the others gathered with a faint chuckle, and then reaches for her lone pokeball to release it. A Porygon appears, with an electronic little noise. "Go ahead and scan Nyneve if you'd like."

She looks towards the Professor to ask, "You... received my mail, didn't you?"

2017-10-10, 07:28 PM
Grube, the Munchlax, seemed distracted as the sweet smell filled the laboratory. It licked it's lips and sniffed the air as it waddled through the throng of human legs that were distracted with taking pictures. It followed the trail to behind the computers but found nothing there. Frowning, it sniffed again, approaching Adalicia with an outstretched paw and puppy-dog eyes.

Meanwhile, Sawyer busied himself by taking pictures of other Pokemon that had been released, focusing on the Torchic that had approached him outside and the Larvesta since he had always thought fire Pokemon were almost as awesome as Grube... "Where is Grube? ... Oh! Hey, leave her alone you beggar. You just ate!"

"I'm so sorry Adalicia!" Sawyer bowed slightly to the girl as he approached and returned Grube to his pokeball. "He really is a bottomless pit."

2017-10-10, 10:38 PM
"... Pokedexes huh? Pretty boring colors," she mutters, "Hey! Prof, do you have any other colors? Like... black or a darker shade of red than bright sports car cherry red? I'll even take purple if you've got it. These don't really fit my aesthetic, you know? Being all bright and neon-y and shhhhtuff," Liz asked, making a quick last second word substitution after reminding herself not to curse in front of authority figures. "I'll take red if you don't, no sense in not taking free things, but I'm just checking if you have something cooler."
Yew reaches into a drawer behind her, withdrawing something you can't quite see, then steps close to you and offers a charred-black Pokedex, speaking softly as if she didn't really want everyone to see.

"Does this one suit you? It's nigh indestructible - much more so than it's previous owners. Still works like a charm, even after surviving that tragic fire, and a tumble off a cliff before that; it might've even been struck by lighting! What do you say? Feeling... lucky?"
Professor Yew is a terrible fibber - she's clearly spinning a story to try to hook your interest. Whether or not you choose to bite anyway is up to you~
(I rolled it for you in Roll20, hope you don't mind!)

"Professor, wait!!! Um... I... I don't have a pokemon. I don't think I can go out exploring alone." he stares at his feet feeling ashamed, expecting to be ostracized at any moment, despite Sawyer's assurances. "Ah... Don't have much in the way of means or money, but if you have any pokemon that need a friend, or if I can just get a pokeball come hell or high water I'll try to catch one myself."

Loft's eyes screw up for a moment, though it's not from tears (Lord above, no. His father, brothers and all at once had seen to beating the tears out of him.) Rubbing at his nose (which is easy to see has been broken, at least once or twice in the past) he tries to look at the professor's aura, for even a small glimpse of hope that he's not wasting her and his time.

Loft's using his Aura reader power on her, but NOT Aura pulse. Reading other people's minds is tricky business and he doesn't want to snoop unless it was necessary.

Yew's aura is the bright green that shows she's really putting her heart into all this, and sincerely cares about the Trainers and Pokemon here. Excited yellow and serene blue play around the fringes.

"Oh, of course! Just a moment please! A lot of Trainers used to get their first Pokemon from Momma; it's just become a little less common with second- and third- generation Trainers inheriting a family Pokemon or doing their own breeding now."
She's typing away at a computer as she explains. Finally, there's a ding and a Pokeball appears in what you thought was a coffee maker. Yew casually tosses it to you.
"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!"

Inside is the Machop you made! Please RP her as you see fit~

Annie lets out a little squint as she limps gently towards the centre of the commotion to murmur, "You still are just as excited to make a scene as you were years ago, Yew. It's been a while." She looks towards the others gathered with a faint chuckle, and then reaches for her lone pokeball to release it. A Porygon appears, with an electronic little noise. "Go ahead and scan Nyneve if you'd like."

She looks towards the Professor to ask, "You... received my mail, didn't you?"

Yew offers a warm smile and a handshake to her old colleague.
"Dr. Marple! It's great to see you again! You know, I still haven't gotten over that talk you did on airship theory at F-Tex; we really must get dinner sometime so we can talk more..."
Her expression changes to one of business touched with sympathy.
"...But that's neither here nor there. I've already checked with the authorities regarding Milka, and if my suspicions are correct, there's not a thing they'll do about it.
Rest assured, you'll have my full personal and professional support. If you're committed to going out yourself, the best advice I can offer right now is to build a team you can truly rely on - of Pokemon and Trainers alike - and earn yourself a reputation as a battler to match what you have as a researcher. ...Well, maybe that's a bit melodramatic. Just watch out for yourself, alright? Can't help Milka if you need saving too~!"

After giving personal attention to those who need it, and making sure everyone's comfortable with their Pokedex's basic functions, Yew calls everyone's attention to some new things she's placed on the table.

"Okay everyone! I've got one more surprise for you all before I send you off into the great wide world! Your first test, you could call it!
On the table here are four prizes: three Safari Zone tickets, and one Ferry Pass that's good for the whole year! I'll let you do the math and work it out between yourselves however you like; if you feel the need to battle it out, help yourself to the room next door! All clear? Okay! Readysetgo!"

Yew dives for cover by her desk along the wall, watching eagerly to see how this pans out.

Rune Knight
2017-10-10, 11:36 PM
Erik had only set Calder down to scan him and the rest of the pokémon as instructed. Then, Yew had to go and say the B-word, and Calder was off for the indicated door.
Shaking his head, Erik sighed. "I guess he's not going to be left out of it, if all of you do get into battles for these. But I'd rather hear any other ideas first." He eyed one of the safari zone tickets. I wouldn't mind having a look around there, though.

2017-10-11, 01:20 AM
Liz glanced down at the pokedex. Hmm. Even if the professor wasn't being completely terrible at lying about it, this wasn't really her style anyway. She wanted something matte black, not... charred black. Eugh. "Yeah, uh... no thanks. When I said black I wanted something a little more... solid in color? This looks like it might get charred bits all over my bag and it's pretty pricey.
So, yeah, I'll just take a red, thanks," Liz replied, taking one of the bright, cherry red pokedexes instead. What was she supposed to do with this again? Oh, right, check that the picture function worked. She grabbed the ball at her waist.

"C'mon out, Slash!" Liz said as she sent out her Skiddo. The goat creature blinked for several moments, seeming surprised to be out of the ball before he dashed over to Liz and bumped into her side. "Yeah, yeah, I think you're great too Slash. Now if you can hold still for a few moments- hey!" Liz stated before being interrupted by the Skiddo beginning to walk off toward the closest trainer, Sophie, most likely to say hi.

"Slash! Get back here! I will return you, mister!" Liz ordered firmly. Hearing her tone, the Skiddo made a brief cry of alarm before seeming to lose a lot of enthusiasm and moving toward her slowly with a sad look on his face. Seeing this, Liz's stony expression cracked a bit, "Oh, don't be like that. I just need you to come here and behave for now. You'll have plenty of time to say hi to people after this is over, okay?" Slash seemed still cowed, but not as disappointed as before, which Liz was happy about. Seeing Slash was staying in place, for now, Liz fiddled with the pokedex. "Now how do you...?" she muttered as she pressed some buttons. Eventually there was a sound effect of a photo being taken and soon the pokedex spat out: "Skiddo, the Mount Pokemon. It's docile, friendly nature makes it an easy mount. It was often used by ancient Kalosians as a way to cross mountainous regions and is still frequently used today to get from place to place."

"... Well, I knew a lot of that already, but okay. I guess that might be useful toward pokemon that I don't already own," she muttered. Seeing she wasn't paying much attention, the Skiddo made to move toward Sophie once again, though Liz managed to catch it out of the corner of her eye as she made to put the pokedex away. "Nuh-uh, mister! Like I said, you'll have time after this!" Liz said, returning him before he could do something embarrassing. Besides, there was something more important to consider. She eyed the offered ferry pass and safari zone tickets. Well, the ferry pass wasn't super useful since she was planning on getting something she could ride in the water anyway but... those safari zone tickets...

Liz sidled over toward Sophie, "Hey, Sophie, right? Would you want to try to split one of those tickets if one of us won? Well, not really split, but if it costs money or whatever, the other one of us could pay for the other half if one of us doesn't get one. Or if they're really hard to get, if only one of us gets one, the other could try to get pokemon that the other person is interested in." Liz froze for a moment, digesting what she just said. Did she just...? Welp, she guessed that if she had to travel with someone, Sophie was pretty decent. She was very... pink, but she had a style and seemed to stick to it which was enough for her. Also, she seemed nice. Which was also important. "So, uh, I guess traveling together would make that easier and I could help out with the ferry pass since I kinda want a Gyarados and those carry more than one person anyway so... I guess I'm also asking if you want to hang out for a while. No pressure or anything, but I think I'd make a pretty rockin' partner. I got music and as soon as I get pokemon big enough, I could give you rides on them to get to places faster. If, you know, me wasn't enough for you, heh heh..." Liz said quickly, seeming just the slightest bit unsure about herself, making the last sentence take on a slight ironic tone.

2017-10-11, 02:01 AM
Sophie eventually found the 'scan Pokemon' function. "Alright, Cotton, smile!" snap!

Espurr, the Restraint Pokemon. Espurr emits powerful psychic energy from organs in its ears. It has to fold its ears down to keep the power contained.

"Wow, that's neat! We'll have to keep those ears of yours safe, won't we?" Sophie pets the top of Cotton's head, scratching softly at the base of her ears.

It was around this time that a Skiddo wandered up to her. She didn't even have time to say hello before hearing Liz call out "Nuh-uh, mister! Like I said, you'll have time after this!" and returning it to a Pokeball. Oh well, maybe she'll get to say hello next time.

She listened to Liz stumble over herself to invite Sophie, without interrupting. Once she finished, Sophie put a finger to her chin, apparently in thought. "Let's see...now, I don't really know much about this, but are you asking me out on a date? Either way, I accept!" Sophie's smile as she says that nearly threatens to form a full circle.

"Now, how will we get those tickets... I guess there's always the direct option." Sophie strides forward to the desk, reaching for a safari zone ticket.

2017-10-11, 08:25 AM
Something about the professor surprises Loft, and it's not just her carefree attitude in just throwing him a pokeball. He nearly fumbles the red and white orb, grabbing for it once, twice, nearly three times only for it to keep slipping up into the air until it falls into both his scooped palms. To the lank, often scared young man, this is like someone putting a treasure in his care; he may never have even held a pokeball before now from the looks of it. Trembling, Loft gives the ball a once over look, as if he could guess its contents. Well, to some extent, he 'sees' that it has an aura: a steely resolute blue one that doesn't waver or alter colors abruptly; something Loft has seen humans do in the short time his powers have been active.

In case he's drawing a crowd of expectant looks, the purple haired youth finally clicks the button and releases a small gray saurian with three ridges atop her head. She lands on her knees only to rise up and flex with purpose, letting out a gravelly chirping noise. Both Loft and the Machop seem surprised to see each other, though in the former case, if Loft has any dismay to get a pokemon that reminds him of his past, and sort of brands him as a certain kind of trainer, he doesn't show an ounce of it. The pair stand still, staring at each other from a few feet apart, the machop looking up at Loft quizzically for a hello.

Machop, the Superpower Pokémon. Machop have muscles that never tire no matter how much they exercise. Machop have enough strength to throw 100 average sized adults.

He was still by the pokedex table, after all. But after using the item, Loft dares to project a few, introductory thoughts at her, and she doesn't even blink in surprise. Whatever it is they silently talk about is kept between them, but in the time it takes for the two professors to talk, the machop eventually breaks the silence with a shrug of her shoulders and offers her left hand to Loft's. They're both new at this; working together hard will help the both of them.

"Yeah. I guess we can count on each other then. Well, you're a treasure and tough as all get out; I'm glad to meet you, Diamond. For now, I'm Loft."

And then Yew bursts into her exciting challenge, causing Loft to start in surprise, and the 'abruptly' named Diamond to perk up. She chirps once, before giving Loft a stare and taking him by the hand, she effortlessly starts to drag the poor lug towards the challenge room, not minding if anybody passes.

"Wagh... Hey, whoa hold up, girl... I, um, we don't need to cause a ruckus right off-- Diamond just looks over her shoulder as she marches forward and frowns slightly. Oh yes the hell they do, apparently. "No, I'm not trying to make a bad first impression, and...
okay, fine. Better here in a controlled environment. ...But I ain't fighting nobody.' Diamond intently studies Loft for a moment, sees something noone else can seem to, and then nods. She gives him that allowance.

She still drags Loft all the way into the battling room, however. Because if he ain't gonna fight, she will.

2017-10-11, 08:39 AM
"Loft, wow! That's awesome. A machop. Can I get a picture too?" He left Adalicia after apologizing, hustling over to catch up to the other young man with his Pokedex held out.

"Are you gonna fight for one of the tickets? What are you going after, safari or ferry?" He leaned closer. "Personally, I think the ferry ticket is a better deal. A lot of the routes use the ferry and tickets will cost more than going to the safari, but that's just me. I like to travel, maybe we can go together!"

"Diamond is extra strong against Grube so I won't be battling you any time soon." He called out the portly Munchlax again. Grube inspected Diamond with a sniff. He gave a grin, with his tongue lolling out.

2017-10-11, 09:10 AM
Diamond only stops when she realizes she and Loft are being followed, silently listening to (or perhaps enduring) Sawyer's barrage of questions long enough to regard Loft again. Friend or Foe? Loft's sudden head shake and arm gestures convey even without their newly acquired mental bond that Sawyer's a buddy. A "no, we don't need to fight this guy" kinda guy. The machop waves curtly to Grube.

Loft clearly didn't know which one he was planning to go for, the practicality of a year pass or the chance to meet ALL the pokemon (by his limited approximation, anyhow,) nearly fries his brain.

"Uh... Diamond doesn't mind photos, I think," she still hasn't go of Loft's hand, however, and expects him to answer the other boy's question. She gives Loft the benefit of patience but it's clear too she wants an answer just as much as Sawyer.

"Well, that is..." he lets out a sigh, and racks his brain, "You know, he begins quoting one of his father's former pupils; he had been 'asked' (forced) to try to straighten Loft out two years ago as a mentor and by Loft's approximation, he came close to striking a chord with the poor kid. Something Finn told him comes to mind: "Experience'll be the real reward here. I'll make do with whichever ticket we can earn, meanwhile."

Diamond blinks, and rubs her chin with her free hand. She seems to think this is the correct answer and proceeds to drag Loft into the room once again, Loft letting out a slight urk. "I wouldn't mind traveling together, though! Wait up for me, y'hear?"

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-11, 09:37 AM
Shocked by the embarrassment that her pokemon had caused Adalicia didn't really notice Grube until he was disappearing into his ball. Not really understanding what there was to apologize for she simply muttered, "It is quite alright," as Sawyer walked away.

Professor Yew finally snapped Adalicia out of her thoughts. Listening to the prizes offered really made her want to visit the safari zone, but she wasn't fond of handouts. A quick count around the room showed that even splitting the prizes between two people didn't leave enough for everyone, she would be happy to pass up her share. Then the suggestion of battle brought her straight back to wanting it. After the poor display just now she wanted a chance to show that Beau was good for something.

Looking around everyone seemed to be pairing up for a battle, not wanting to be last up Adalicia headed for the indicated door with great speed and grace. She noticed that the sleeping guy from earlier being dragged by his new pokemon, Loft was it? He was the first to the battling room but judging by the type match-up challenging him didn't seem fair, assuming Beau didn't get spooked and just hide in the corner. "Hey Loft, your new pokemon looks cool, and strong too. I'm not going to challenge you, doesn't seem fair, but would you be interested in a doubles battle. There aren't enough safari zone tickets to go around, even split between two people, and it seems like they are the most sought after prize. If we win one in a doubles battle then I will happily let you have my half. Beau does know how to fight, she just gets a little nervous so it will be nice for her to have someone to fight alongside. I am sure I won't let you down."

2017-10-11, 11:12 AM
On the pink haired girl's response, Liz's face went through a variety of expressions. She spluttered a bit before replying, "I- what? No. I'm just- I wouldn't date you!" Liz stopped for several moments, considering what she just said. Wow, that was probably the worst way she could put that. Liz composed herself and brought a single finger up. "That's... not what I meant. I wouldn't date you not because you aren't attractive, but because I'm not into women," Liz said primly. That... wasn't much better. Arceus, what was her brain doing in there?! Liz racked her brain some more before giving it a third shot, "I- uh... Gah! You know what I mean! I'm happy you're traveling with me! We'll kick ass! There!" she near shouted.

Liz scrunched up her face. Mother Mew, what was she even doing? C'mon, she should be good at this sort of thing after all the lessons in how to conduct business meetings she was forced to sit through. She pinched the bridge of her nose until she was able to get her usual cool attitude back. It was enough time that she didn't see Sophie moving over to grab a ticket until her hand was inches away from it. "Woah! Are you just gonna... alright then. I mean, I have kind of a vested interest in you getting one, so I'm not going to stop you. But... we might not want to offend almost everyone here since that's most of the people we're probably going to be running into a lot. Plus..." Liz peered around the room at the chaos of everyone running into the battle room. Wow, did these people even know how to organize anything? This was just a mad dash and soon there were going to be a large group of people that said they'd won a battle and then bicker over who gets what when there's more than four of them. "They aren't even trying to organize things in the slightest, ugh. Apparently some people have to do everything. I have like... three quarters of a mind to go shout at them so we can organize this proper."

2017-10-11, 11:39 AM
Loft seems put on the spot, bumping into Diamond once Adalicia stops the both of them yet again. Diamond only stops because she at first thinks she's going to challenge Loft, and nearly drags Loft all the way through the door until he manages to silently convey a plea to hear out the so-far-friendly girl. She lets out an aggravated noise, but Loft speaks up to drown it out. And even that gets interrupted, Loft's eyes going wide because of what he saw over Adalicia's shoulder when he turned around...

"Um... Well, that's mightly neighborly of you, Adalicia; I hope as a newbie I...um.. don't.. trip...


...Uh.... I still want to team up, but what are we gonna do now? That pink haired girl is stealing the tickets." he points, and Diamond FINALLY lets go of him, running around Loft and Adalicia and starts squawking a righteous fury, pointing angrily at the two "thieves" Sophie and Liz. Dammit, she JUST got a partner and the entire world seems conspiring to take even more of the fight out of him.

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-11, 11:56 AM
"Oh, don't worry Loft, I'm sure it is just a misunderstanding. Everyone is just organizing contests in small groups rather than a whole." Adalicia has somehow managed to get between the girls at the table and the Machop that really wants a fight.

Speaking up so that the whole room can hear. "I'm sorry girls but there simply aren't enough tickets for us to fight one on one over them. Maybe we should have double battles to split up the tickets initially then the winning pair can decide among themselves who gets it. Plus that way there will be something left over for round two."

2017-10-11, 12:21 PM
Unlike his other peers who were heading to the adventure at the same time as him, Loki was slow, late to the party even. Travel was nothing something he did often. Aside from having to attend card tournaments in other cities or regions, Loki has always been a couch potato. A couch potato who was almost 30 probably has the physical ability of a 40+ years old person and that was proven true in his journey to Hearthwood. As Heartwood Town was neighbouring Monte Belvoir, Loki decided to travel by foot. Knowing that the road might not be always friendly - though most of the time, you would be fine if you stick to the road - Loki has found a group of traveling backpackers to tag along with. The group was very friendly to him, they shared their stories, slowed down to match Loki's speed (a lot) throughout the short, one town journey and also gave him a little tips here and there for things to watch out and so on around the region.

Two days of travel later, they arrived at the outskirt of Heartwood. The group went to restock their supply before continue their hike away from the town. Heartwood was boring for most people as it has absolutely zero attraction to the traveler aside from the lab, which the group of backpackers could not give a Rattata's ass about. They were travelers, walkers of road, not scientist on some kind of field research. Loki found the lab easily. It was just too obvious to not find it in a small town like this. Walking toward it, Loki was surprised at the lack of people around it. So, I am the first one here, right? Wow, I must be faster than I thought. The man thought happily as he whipped off the sweat on his forehead. Waking up early in the morning and walking down the dull patches of green as early as 7AM was finally paying off. He would make a good impression and maybe the professor would give him something awesome for being the early bird. And he hoped he did not get an "Early Bird" kind of Pokemon. His knowledge of the sport was average at best - as there's no fantasy league for Pokemon Battle; with it being a single sport most of the time - but even that he knew flying Pokemon, especially the Birds, were not the strongest Pokemon out there. That and he really did not have much extra feelings to the Birds. They were alright, he did not hate them but he did not like them either. Let's just say he was true neutral towards them, how about that? Bringing out a gaming term after two days of zero gaming...only made him missed gaming even more. He has brought his handheld, but he was so slow with the group that he has to be moving with all his energies on the road than having something else to do.

Deep in his thought and between all the images of the 2D and 3D virtual worlds of gaming fantasia, Loki did not see the door coming...and BAM! "F***!" He said it almost too loudly as he went nose-first on the lab's front door, voluntarily. Thank Arceus he has his hoodie on so no one would actually see the face of this freaking idiot. He took a few seconds to rob his nose and getting ready and proper before opening the door. A jaw drop followed as he saw how crowded the inside was. The realization hit his mind like a truck -- he was f***ing late. All his tournament experience has told him that being late was the worst because you might as well be absence. With absence, at least you did not waste your time and money getting to the venue and be unable to play.

Ignoring the crowd that was completely unimportant to him at this moment, Loki slithered his way to the professor with ease. Unlike his physical capability in the wild, he was as great as an Ekan - or a Luvdisc in a tight space underwater - when it came to moving through crowd. He was just too used to it at this point. "Hello Professor Yew," He said to the two professors, unsure of their names. "Sorry I am late. I am Loki Larsen, one of the applicants for your Pokedex project. I am here for my Pokemon and Pokedex."

2017-10-11, 12:22 PM
"Hmm... looks like we will need to earn what we want even here Breckitt. Maybe this won't be so different from what we are used to after all"

Vivi surveys the chaos unfolding as all the trainers scramle to try and figure things out. Spying one girl who seems to have a head on her shoulders, Vivi makes her way over to Liz.

"You seem as bothered by this," Vivi points at the jumble of noise around them, "as I am. Shall we try and bring some order to this?"

Vivi looks at Breckitt and nods, and Breckitt lets out a large Growl, hopefully getting everyone's attention. Vivi is clearly uncomforatbale being the center of attention, but presents a confidence that she knows what she is doing. Vivi had seen many tournemnts and battles set up before back home.

"Ok, it looks like there is a lot going on, and people are looking for different things. If we can figure out how many of us trainers there are, who is grouping up with whom, and who wants which prize, we can organize this and get moving. I doubt any of us want to stand around doing nothing when there are better things we can be doing.

Not.. not that I am in charge or anything, I just ... just think if we can get this organized it would better."
Vivi's confidence starts to falter, almost as if she realized what she was doing and that it was drawing attention to herself

Um... maybe..

Can everyone interested in the ferry pass go to the left of the room, and those battling for the safari zone on the right side?

We also need to decide it if it 1 prize per group, or each person gets a shot at what they want.

or.. well, I am open for other ideas.. maybe I shouldn't have... it's not really my place"

Vivi trails off, and shrinks back a bit, despite making herself the center if attention.

2017-10-11, 01:13 PM
"Well, let's see here... there's nine, nope, ten of us total. Four prizes. Any of us plan on traveling in groups of three?" He glanced at Loft and Adalicia for possible confirmation of the proposal.

"Because, if there are, then two groups of three and two groups of two split the prizes even. Just have a team battle and the winners choose which they'd rather have. Then the two teams that lose can flip a coin on the selection of the remaining two prizes, since the pokemon probably won't be in any condition to fight a second battle."

While he spoke, he took the chance to take pictures of the other Pokémon that were released. His mind seemed to wander as much as the Munchlax that had again gone to sniffing through drawers of desks for candy stashes again.

2017-10-11, 02:13 PM
Liz had no sooner pointed out Sophie's move than a crowd of people and pokemon rushed over to her and began all speaking at once. Ugh, how annoying. "Hey! Calm down, speak one at a time, dammit." It was in the middle of this that someone she had looked over earlier approached her. Liz couldn't help but have her nose wrinkle as the wave of unwashed human smell washed over her. Her clothes were more patch than shirt or pants and what was she doing with her hair? She looked like some street urchin from one of those third world countries, what in the world was she doing around here? Liz suppressed the urge to ask just that when the girl started speaking. Huh, well even if she looked awful, Liz guessed that wanting to take charge was a trait she could get behind. As she tried to have her Torchic get the room's attention, Liz cleared her throat and with the practice of someone used to yelling over loud guitar music, "HEY! LISTEN UP!"

Liz glared at anyone who looked like they would dare interrupt as the girl stated out her thoughts. That was... surprisingly sensible. Huh, maybe this girl was worth more than her appearance. Though, that wasn't exactly a high bar to go over. Liz listened to the suggestion of some guy who was so boring looking that she didn't even take in his appearance before she replied, "Yeah, I don't think so. There's only one ferry pass, so people that really want that should battle for it separately from the people who want safari tickets. I definitely don't want the ferry pass and I'd be pissed if I was in a group that went for it. Plus I still haven't heard if all the people here want to battle for things and at least I don't really want to get stuck with people I barely know to trust if I'm going to win anything, no offense. I don't have any promise I'll see any of you ever again and while I'm okay with traveling with Sophie over here, I dunno if I want to get stuck with someone for a year if I got saddled with the ferry pass. Additionally, I kind of want my own merits to prove whether I win or not, otherwise you can totally just attach yourself to the strongest trainer and get a prize that way which is totally lame."

Liz crossed her arms before continuing. "So yeah, I'd much go with... what's your name?" she asked the scruffy looking girl with the Torchic. Liz glanced at her briefly before turning back. "Anyway, I'd much rather go with her idea. We can see how we're going to battle for each when we see how many people want each one."

2017-10-11, 03:56 PM
Sawyer put away his Pokedex and sighed at the girl's attitude. "You literally just validated my plan. You have a team of two with a plan to travel together, both desiring the same item, so you battle together."

Grube, having found no additional snack, came back to Sawyer. He received a scratch behind the ear, which caused him to yawn and sit down, dozing off.

2017-10-11, 04:04 PM
Liz rolled her eyes, "I don't really see how it does. See, I'd much rather both me and Sophie got one. It's not like a team winning gets a ticket for everyone and I'd rather not have to share if I don't have to. No matter how buddy-buddy you are with your teammates, you still only get a thing that works for one person."

Liz inspected her nails as she continued, "Plus by your logic, why should we even battle at all? If everyone's getting something, then just form groups where everyone in each group wants the same thing and then they get that thing. Or if there are two groups that would prefer the ferry pass, just have them fight over it and whoever loses gets the safari ticket."

2017-10-11, 04:07 PM
"Exactly. What's everyone else say?" Sawyer smiled as she gave the group an idea that he had hoped would come up all along.

Kneeling down, he waited for everyone's responses while scratching Grube's belly as he snored lightly. It didn't seem like this red-haired youth was in much of a hurry.

2017-10-11, 04:19 PM
It seemed a commotion was starting about the tickets. Sophie reluctantly set the safari zone ticket down that she'd picked up. Turning around after hearing Liz talk over a plan with some other guy, she walked up to the two of them. "Come on now, let's not sweat the details, okay~? I'd personally prefer if we didn't have to battle over them...maybe some sort of contest would work? Not a 'Pokemon contest', exactly, but...say, maybe there could be a race with one of the tickets as the prize? The other tickets could have different contests, and people who've won one would just not participate in the rest. And...I suppose, if you must, one of the contests could be a Pokemon battle, but maybe near the end so that people whose Pokemon faint can still participate in the other contests? How does that sound?"

2017-10-11, 07:34 PM
Vivi looks over a Liz. "My name is Vi.. you can call me Vivi. My Torchic is Breckitt. Pleased... pleased to meet you."

She listens as the boy with the Munchlax speaks. It seems like no matter what the plan is, we need to figure out who wants what. Until we do, well, it all seems to be running in circles.

Personally, I am more interested in the Ferry pass, so I will stand on the left side for now. Unless someone comes up with a better way to get all of this sorted."

With that Vivi moves off to the left side of the room, hoping that some semblance of order will follow.

Rune Knight
2017-10-11, 08:51 PM
Maybe dealing with Calder would be worth it to avoid this giant headache. He needs to learn how to mellow out, anyway. Regardless, Erik moved to the side of the room opposite of Vivi. If nothing else, it was a start to seeing what everyone wanted.

2017-10-11, 11:26 PM
Loft looks between everyone, completely at a loss as to what to say, not to mention his efforts in reigning in Diamond who still seems a bit sour about someone trying to usurp the prizes.

"Ahh... well, I really kinda wanna go to th' Safari but... Well, I kinda feel like this is getting a bit heated. And um.. we'll be here all day making up contests, no offense, if we do this more'n one way. Why not.. um.. Why don't we all just.. go outside and try to catch pokemon if the idea of fightin' each other is undesireable?" Diamond rolls her eyes, but she respects Loft's attempts at diplomacy and trying to reach something everyone can agree to.

"First one back with a new pokemon gets first pick, or person who catches the most pokemon gets it...that kinda thing? Aheh... I mean... otherwise we'll be limping out of here if we just fight like a ruckus..."

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-12, 12:21 AM
In an attempt to help decide on the system Adalicia heads to the right side of the room. While she didn't agree with the solution she wasn't prepared to fight it at this point and would rather just go along with it. She still didn't really want a prize but she may as well go for the safari zone ticket as they seem the most desirable to the people here.

2017-10-12, 01:25 AM
Annie quietly sighs at Liz and responds, "Yes, it has been a while since then, hasn't it? I... see. Yes, I thought just as much..." She frowns very quietly, pressing her hand to her chest for a moment. She glances towards the crowd in tandem, before shaking her head with a sigh as she shrugs. "Always with these methods... that's so very you, I suppose. But I'll have none of it."

She hobbles over on her crutch to join those that'd moved to the right side of the room, looking at Adalicia and Erik. "I prefer more mild-mannered companions, I suppose. What about you?" A pause. "Annie Marple, by the way."

2017-10-12, 02:16 AM
Liz let out a sigh, then moved over to the right side of the room with the people who wanted safari tickets. "Okay, whatever. You people don't have to do a pokemon battle if you don't want to. But you have to do something to decide who gets it. I don't care if its a dance off or some sort of underwater basket weaving competition." She looked over everyone.

"Once everyone's decided what they want, we can deal with how to choose winners out of each group. Hopefully it'll end up 6 and 4 and we can just do three duels on the safari side and a 4 person tournament on the ferry pass side. We can just pair off randomly and then the pair facing each other can decide on some sort of thing to decide who goes on or not. There, is everyone okay with this? Even the weird pacifists who are becoming pokemon trainers for whatever weird reason when you're going to get in tons of fights by being a pokemon trainer anyway?" Liz asked, sounding impatient.

2017-10-12, 02:46 AM
Sophie joins Liz and the others on the right side. Looking at how many people are already here... "I don't think it'll be 6 and 4, Liz, unless everyone else wants the ferry pass."

She looked around at who was here. There was that kid who was sleeping on the bench earlier...looks like he's awake now! There was also the girl who looked like she was his friend. And...two older people? The woman with the crutch looked about Professor Yew's age, give or take, but the man seemed even older still. Were they here for the professor's project, too? What little she overheard between the woman and the professor suggested she might not be, but to be honest, Sophie hadn't been listening closely. She wondered if it would be rude to ask...

Rune Knight
2017-10-12, 02:53 AM
"Erik Lawson, and there's nothing wrong with a little excitement." Marple? The name sounded like one he'd heard more than once, he just wasn't sure at the moment. Scratching at his chin, Erik continued, "I'm leaning more and more towards bowing out of this little competition. I can't say I've been there myself, but does the safari zone have something of interest to either of you?" He gestured towards Annie and Adalicia.

2017-10-12, 08:34 AM
Kotoha watched as chaos seemed to ensue, people talking and arguing with one another, it seemed, as there was now a few random handouts that were being contested over. Safari passes seemed alluring, but she seemed more interested in the ferry pass, as she was sure Brinstar wasn't too keen on swimming across such a vast waterway. To be honest, neither was she.

She saw everyone standing from one side and the other, the Swarm Hollow native still in traditional garments began to move to the side that offered up the Ferry Ticket. Brinstar chittered and hobbled along after her trainer, cinders flaking off here and there from her horns as she made her way over to the only other trainer that seemed to have interest in the ferry ticket. She looked her over and offered a small smile, "Hello...haven't had a chance to really talk with others since getting in the lab. I'm Kotoha...this is Brinstar." she said as she introduced herself and her Larvesta partner. "I suppose you're not keen on swimming around from place to place either?" she joked casually, trying to make some kind of small talk while everyone maneuvers into position.

2017-10-12, 12:39 PM
"Well..." Sawyer stood up and nudged Grube awake.

"It looks like no matter which side I pick, it'll end up with odd numbers." As Grube stretched and yawned, Sawyer seemed to be considering the options. With a shrug, he moved to the side wishing to compete for the Safari tickets.

"Time to go to work Grube. I'll make sure you get a snack after." The promise of food seemed to be enough for the roly-poly Munchlax, it's ears and eyes became fully alert as it sprung to it's feet and waddled to join it's trainer.

2017-10-12, 01:39 PM
Vivi waves a bit shyly at the gril. "Hi Kotoha. I am Vivi and this is Breckitt" she says, pointing at the Torchic. "I was hoping this would get sorted out quickly, but it looks like we may be here for a while.

And no, swimming around the whole region definitely does not sounds like fun to me. Breckitt would probably try and ride on my head while I swam. He is.. less than fond of water as you might guess." Vivi smiles a bit as she says this, and odd sight on her dirty face.

2017-10-13, 12:47 AM
Seeing the guy from before change his mind and go for the safari pass rather than the ferry ticket, Liz let out a long sigh. "Great, now you made this a lot more awkward than it needed to be. Seven is an awful number to choose three from," she muttered. Looking for anyway to help even out numbers a bit, her eyes laid on an older looking guy that came in late, currently conversing with Professor Yew about something probably unimportant. Hmm, if that guy could join the safari tickets... Even if he wanted the ferry tickets, maybe she could convince that guy with the Munchlax to go with his original wish.

"Hey, you! Old guy who's late! Were you planning on getting into the whole tournament thing for these prizes? If so, which one do you want? A ferry pass or a safari ticket?" Liz called out to the man.

2017-10-13, 08:36 AM
Loft looks around and briefly, now conflicted by the fact he'd be squaring off against his two new friends for the Safari tickets, and then to Diamond. His Machop has the air of someone who finds the "bureaucracy" of all this maddening and she clearly just wants him to pick a side.

He ultimately sticks to his guns and sides with Sawyer and Adalicia on the Safari pass side. If he wants to travel with them, it does the lot of them no good if he were to win a free travel pass for himself alone and Diamond, who has quickly become Loft's mental sounding board, complies with it. ...It may seem strange, though, as Loft is making little effort to hide the fact he seems capable of silently communicating with Diamond, and she's getting the general gist of whatever's going on between them.

2017-10-15, 12:50 PM
Loki was just chilling, waiting for his turn with the professor and then, he felt someone calling for him. He turned around, yup, there was one girl that was looking right at him. Even worst, she called him an "old" guy. Seriously, old guy?! He was in his prime year, almost thirty. Yeah sure, "thirty" was veteran age in sports and in some sports, like gymnastic for instance, one would retire before thirty. Yeah sure, he did not maintain his look as much as the metropolitan people - despite living in a luxury city - and he would wear no pants at home playing online games. But old? Old? "Calm down, kiddo. I haven't even have my Pokemon yet and you are trying to shove me into a tournament. Are you really in that much of a rush?" He looked at the girl with a stern expression, but not so much anger on his face. He has competed in enough poker tournaments - not with a lot of good results, but competed - to control his face regardless of emotion.

Then, he looked all over the room. Shat, he was indeed the old guy among them. They might as well be a group of junior scouts selling candies on street. Never did he thought he would be the super veteran in a group in his current age. Now he wondered if he could actually find a partner to travel with. Perhaps the initial plan of going solo was just better for him, maybe. "Anyway, I am not attending this 'tournament'--" He turned back his attention to the brash girl, air-quoting with his fingers, "without knowing about the rules and stipulation. Just let me get my Pokemon first and you can brief me all you want."

Before turning back to the professor, he briefly scanned the field. He has played his share of Pokemon game but this was different. He was not confident about his chance in this thing. His initial plan before coming here was to go out into a wild and bolster his team right away. But, a prize would be sweet. He probably would pass on the safari ticket since the zone was in the city he lived in. No way he was going back to that place so soon when he has other places ot go. Ferry pass, eh, he could do without it, but winning made him happy. Darn, guess he just have to see his starter and check out the field before he could make a clear decision.

2017-10-15, 09:15 PM
"Hello Professor Yew," He said to the two professors, unsure of their names. "Sorry I am late. I am Loki Larsen, one of the applicants for your Pokedex project. I am here for my Pokemon and Pokedex."
"Hey Loki, glad you could make it! Just grab whichever Pokedex you like from the table there; I'll set you up with a Pokemon in oooooone moment..."

Yew turns to fiddle with the PC again, circling the mouse a few times before seemingly choosing a Pokemon at random; a ball appears in what you're still not convinced isn't a coffee maker, which she casually tosses to you.

It's... the Oddish you applied with! Feel free to roleplay them as you see fit~

All of you hear a peculiar *pop* in the distance, followed seconds later by the blaring of a fire alarm and the room being saturated in dark red emergency lights!

Yew immediately takes control of the situation, speaking slowly and clearly over the din.
"Alright everyone, please recall your Pokemon and follow me to the nearest exit. This is not a drill; I repeat, not a drill. Could a couple of you young folk stay with Dr. Marple and Mr. Lawson? Okay, this way, this way!"

She leads you back the way you'd come in, then about a hundred meters away from the complex before stopping to gather everyone and count heads. You can see smoke starting to billow above the far side of the building, and a few other groups - mostly researchers, judging by the white coats - forming up some distance away.
"One, two, three... all here? Phew, thank goodness! It's a little frightening, but really this kind of thing happens more often than you'd think. Looks like all the other sections have safely evacuated too; we've got nothing to worry about! Then there'll be a big, big insurance check... heheheh~"

"Anyway! I'm sorry our introductions got cut short, but this is as good a time as any to send you on your way! Have adventures, make friends, catch Pokemon, and strive every day to be the very best you you can be! I'll look forward to all that data you'll send pouring in~!"

Yew sends you off with a wave, as you all form up and head your separate ways - separate, yet all walking down the same road as Pokemon Trainers!

I've covered a good bit of narrative ground here to get y'all on your way; feel free to play out things you might've thought or done during the emergency and exodus, and you can take time to talk among yourselves before hitting the road.

Rune Knight
2017-10-16, 02:55 AM
Erik followed the professor's instructions and recalled Calder, to evacuate with everyone else. The popplio had experience flooding an office, but neither of them were trained fire fighters. The nearby Pokémon Center probably had someone on the way even as they all left, anyway.
Outside, he gave another look over the group. Should he try to travel with anyone? Shaking his head, Erik left for the local mart. Part of the reason Erik had became a licensed trainer was to be able to handle the wilder parts of Fantasia with just himself and the pokémon with him.

Inside the Pokémart, he went straight for the first aid isle and picked up one of the standard kits. Accidents, and not-so-accidents, would happen in his future as a trainer. He might not always have a Pokémon Center close by, and Erik wanted to keep the Pokémon with him happy and healthy. The only other things he bought were a few jars of honey. Two being little better than a disposable plastic cup, and the other a quality glass jar. Because, even after being emptied of whatever it held, it was suddenly full of something else: Potential.

Afterward, he left Heartwood to the northeast, and headed into the deeper part of the woods.

2017-10-16, 03:25 AM
Liz put her hands on her hips as she listened to the man's response. Her face took on more and more disbelief as he talked. Arceus, she was just trying to do something nice! She could have totally done the tournament without him if she wanted to and she would've lost absolutely nothing. He didn't have to be such a prick about it, he even did air quotes at her! Who even does that?! She should really just leave him out of it, just to stick it to him. But... 7 is a really awkward number... Well... maybe she could still allow him in but be a bit backhanded about it... Yeah, that'll work.

"Mother Mew, you try to do something nice for someone...," Liz muttered loud enough to be audible. "Look, Gramps, we've all been waiting here a lot longer than you've been around, so excuuuuse me for wanting to get things started. If you wanted to know how it's working, you could've asked a little more nicely, just saying. If you went 'I'm interested but I want to know how the rules are going before I decide'...," Liz said in a mock deep tone while copying his air quotes from before, "Then I totally would've been super nice and perfectly polite about this."

Liz let out a deep sigh, calming down a bit after venting that piece of anger out. She then started speaking in a more measured tone, "Anyway... Depending on how many people are in the tournament, it's probably going to be a single elimination type thing. For the tickets, the top two automatically get one, then the rest of the last four battle for the last. How you decide a winner isn't really set, I don't really care how you do it, just do something that you both can agree on. And I don't care how the ferry tickets work since I don't-" Liz stated before being interrupted by a loud pop from somewhere followed by the beginning of a fire alarm, causing her to jump slightly.

"Aaaaaaaaaah! What's going on?" she asked in the middle of a large group of somewhat panicking people. Then, hearing Professor Yew's instructions, she quickly followed her out of the lab. If there was a fire, she wasn't going to get burnt up by it. After evacuating the lab, Liz let out a deep breath as the professor started rambling about something else. Yeesh, that was a bit of a scare...

"Welp, that was anticlimactic," she muttered to no one in particular as they were dismissed. Well, might as well get going... Though she should probably touch base with Sophie before heading off in a random direction since she agreed to travel with for a bit. She looked around for Sophie in the large group before moving over toward her. Liz gave a brief wave to get her attention before speaking. "Hey, Sophie, which way did you want to go? I'm honestly fine with any direction. I hear there are Shinx on the routes north and east of here and if we're going south I can stop by the pokemart and see if they have any fishing rods in stock so I can catch a Magikarp to evolve into a Gyarados later. I was sorta thinking of making a little loop and hit Rusty Roost, Blackmount, and Anchorlift for their badges before going into south Fantasia, but I'm willing to take any suggestions you have," Liz said, laying out options she had thought of. "I'm not attached to any route in particular, honestly. If we had the safari ti... ckets... Aaaah! The tickets!" Liz continued before being stopped before her own train of thought, "Ah, crap! They've probably burnt to a crisp by now! Aww man... well I guess that's that then..." Liz continued, her face falling.

2017-10-16, 08:33 AM
As the fire broke out, starting to spread, she turned to Vivi, "Oh dear...that cuts our little conversation short, doesn't it!" she said as she plucked her Net Ball out of its holster and quickly recalled Brinstar, her Larvesta. Smoke began to fill the room, the professor leading people out of the room. Not only had the fire cut her conversation with Vivi short, but the little competition over the items too. But that ferry pass was too appealing to just let it be consumed by the fire...but with the fire quickly advancing towards the desk, moving closer to it would not be advised. She was hoping that she wouldn't have to reveal herself so soon, holding out her hands and launching strong threads towards the ferry pass.

OOC: In one of my other PTU games, we have been using Orokos to record and roll dice. I hope that will be ok. It's handy and lightweight to use, and easy to log by player.
Threaded (Item Retrieval) [AC 6]: (http://orokos.com/roll/558844) 18
Feeling successful, she easily yanked the ferry ticket with her, looking to Vivi, "I got this if you wanna follow me!" she said, brandishing the ferry pass before smiling to the other and quickly bounding to the door, meeting up with the rest of the group a good distance from the conflagration that was the laboratory. After being dismissed by the professor, she pocketed her Pokedex, secured her bag, and peered up towards the sun. She has now decided to head East, towards Route 912, eager to check out the forest. After all, it was the place that reminded her of home the most!

Kotoha is now walking towards the forest on Route 912 and will begin looking for Wild Pokemon.

2017-10-16, 08:43 AM
Sawyer recalled Grube and exited with everyone else. He stayed close to Loft and Adalicia until the Professor seemed to release everyone.

"I wasn't really going to fight for the ticket..." He chewed on a piece of granola absently. "I intended on forfeiting to one of you if we would have been bracketed together. But now we have nothing to worry about! So which way are you guys planning on heading?"

He allowed Grube out of his ball again. "Lets get some exercise, since we didn't get to fight."

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-16, 10:23 AM
As all the commotion started Adalicia quickly checked herself over to make sure she had everything then followed the crowd out of the Lab. Once outside she stayed with the people she had already bonded with until they were all allowed to go.

"Seems like the fire sorted out all the prize problems for us. Loft would have been likely to get a ticket though given there were two of us that would have given it to him. Maybe we will be able to sort something out for you when we get there." She addresses Loft and Sawyer while idly fiddling with the pokeball on her belt. "If we are going to travel together I want to give a Beau a chance to get to know you. But I don't want to let her out around all these people again. She liked the beach so maybe it would be nice to let her out there. Plus I am only familiar with the route to the south so it would make sense for me to go there first. I landed in Crystalport and had to take that route to get here, other than that the whole of Fantasia is new to me.

2017-10-16, 12:32 PM
Sophie looks around startled as the alarm goes off. "Oh dear...I'm sorry, Cotton, but I'm going to have to put you in your ball for a moment." She delves into her purse, taking a few seconds to pull out a Pokeball that's as pink as her clothes. The Espurr's eyes stop glowing, moments before she's drawn in. "Alright, let's follow the professor!" If she can find it, she grabs on to Liz's hand so they don't get separated.

Once they're out, Sophie waits for Liz to finish, not wanting to interrupt. "We may not have the tickets, but that's alright. I'm sure we'll figure something out! But for now, I think going south so you can pick up that fishing rod is a good plan. Let's go!"

As Sophie starts walking, she releases Cotton. "Sorry for having to coop you up in there..."

...wait, there's something stuck to Cotton's back. Sophie peels it off, seeing that it's...a safari ticket! "How did this get here...? Cotton, you didn't float it to you as I was looking for your ball, did you? Good thinking!" She spins around, turning to Liz. "We-e-e-ell, still wanna head south? If I remember right, it still goes to the Safari Zone, we just have to pass by a couple extra places..."

2017-10-16, 01:58 PM
Loft didn't recall his Pokemon. Diamond, in a constant back and forth process of walking Loft to the doors of the combat area, then back to the table to give that "sinister" girl in pink an earful and then back to the lineup, hears the alarms and starts shoving Loft toward the exit once more. However, in passing the table she notices one ticket missing and the ferry pass gone altogether and enough is enough!

One of the safari tickets is snatched up, the Machop stuffing it into Loft's vest pocket as she shoves him to safety. In fact, she's carrying him with some anger induced effort and doesn't put him down until they're well out of harm's way. Loft, poor sot, doesn't struggle too much aganist his adamant companion.

"Whaugh! Okay, okay Diamond, it's safe now! Jeez, you're strong!

I guess you ain't keen on traveling in your pokeball much, neither, but hey thats okay, we can walk... Yeah, Sawyer, Adalicia, let's head south. I happen to have an old rod, we can take turns with it on the beach while we train and travel!

2017-10-16, 02:02 PM
Liz gave a nod to Sophie's direction on where she wanted to go. "Sure, sounds good. A Shinx might be a little more useful in the short term but if we want something to get through the water like I promised I should get that Magikarp going." Liz stretched a bit, shifting the guitar case slung over her back, before heading after Sophie. Well, it looked like this was it! After a brief stop by the pokemart, Liz could get started on her journey! After all that nervousness earlier, she was actually feeling pretty great about it. She already had her pokedex and a starter she was sure would be awesome, so all she needed to do was round out her team and get started on taking over gyms. Yeah! This was going to rock! Now, what type was the Crystalport Gym again? Water, maybe? Though, there were three other port cities that had gyms too, so maybe not water? She swore she did research on this, but she couldn't quite remember.

Liz was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost ran straight into Sophie when she stopped to her Espurr. Liz blinked a few times and gathered herself just in time to see Sophie spin around with a familiar slip of paper in her hand. "Wait, is that...? It is!" Liz exclaimed, "Ahhh! You beautiful creature, you!" Liz bent down and patted the Espurr on the head, careful to avoid the ears, giving her praise after learning she was the source of the ticket.

Liz shrugged after Sophie's question, "Yeah, might as well. We'll have to pay for a second ticket anyway so I don't mind waiting a bit to build up a little buffer of prize money." Things were going awesome! Liz clenched a fist and brought it down in a brief motion. Now all she needed to do was stop by the pokemart and she was set. "Hey, I'm going to head over to the pokemart for that fishing rod now. You can come with if you want or just hang around here and do stuff otherwise. I'll be quick, I promise! The fishing rod and the bait's all I want."

With that, Liz darted for the blue roofed shop and headed in. Looking around it, the shop was... small. Smaller than the department store in Anchorpoint by several large margins. Liz guessed that all pokemarts couldn't be that large and well stocked but this was kind of a bit of a disappointment if she was perfectly honest. Though, this place was in a small town... she guessed that made a bit of sense. After a cursory glance around the store, she found a section for fishing and headed over. There was... a lot of stuff for fishing here. She didn't know there was so much equipment you could use for it. Fishing Lures seemed worth it, but they were a little out of her price range right now, so... Liz grabbed the cheapest rod she could find, even though it looked a little beat up, and one serving of bait to go along with it.

"Hi there! I'm going to buy this fishing rod and bait, if that's alright!" Liz greeted the store clerk as she approached them. Hopefully this friendliness would let the next part go without a hitch. "And, um... I just came from Professor Yew's lab so this is the beginning of my journey and... this kind of cleans me out cash-wise. And it might not even work after I get it, you know?" Liz said, making a slightly exaggerated thinking pose. "So, um... I was just wondering, if you could like... maybe throw in another bait for free? Or give me a little bit of a discount? Pleeeeease? I'd really appreciate it!" Liz asked, giving her best set of puppy dog eyes to the store clerk with her hands clutched under her chin.

2017-10-16, 02:26 PM

Sorry for the double post, it wouldn't go when I edited it in.

2017-10-16, 07:36 PM
Vivi was enjoying idle conversation with Kotoha when Professor Yew returned and ushered everyone out. She quickly recalled Breckitt to his ball and made for the exit.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kotoha making some kind of motion with her hands, and was quite impressed with what she saw.

"Well, that is certainly handy. Waste not want not." Vivi says as she follows Kotoha to the exit.

Once outside and they were all dismissed, she looked back over to Kotoha.

"I.. didn't really plan this far ahead, and half expected this to not even work out at all, so I haven't really thought about what to do next. Do.. do you want to travel together?" Vivi asks Kotoha in an unsure voice.

Rune Knight
2017-10-17, 05:24 AM
The Pokémart clerk stares at the old rod as he hands it over, perhaps he has found a kindred fishing spirit? Hearing Liz's plight, he leans onto the counter and looks over the mostly empty store. "To tell you the truth: I think this packaged bait food is really targeting the noble sport of fishing! Corporate sets jars of honey we stock at nearly two fifths the cost. Yet, I've seen trainers walk out of here with armloads of the stuff, and they came back with tons of Pokémon." He thumps the desk. "But you can't put honey on a hook! I'll be right back, I'm pretty sure we have some that's expiring soon anyway.

The clerk hands Liz an extra package of bait, which is indeed running up on the final day it'll be good for.

If not used by the end of the day, it becomes vile bait with a -2 to the d20 roll to attract a pokémon.

2017-10-17, 08:56 AM
"I.. didn't really plan this far ahead, and half expected this to not even work out at all, so I haven't really thought about what to do next. Do.. do you want to travel together?" Vivi asks Kotoha in an unsure voice.

Kotoha peered back behind her as she was just about to start heading off, hearing Vivi calling out to her. Kotoha spun about and smiled warmly, "Anyone is welcome to travel with me, as long as they don't mind my...eccentricities." she stated as the smile grew, "It'll be nice to have some company, and our two pokemon have a good bit in common. I'd love the company!"

Kotoha then pointed eastward, well, only after checking where the sun to make sure she didn't look like a moron. "There's a forest east of here on route 912, or so I've heard." she said to Vivi, "I say we start there, and see where our journey takes us!"

2017-10-17, 12:28 PM
Kotoha peered back behind her as she was just about to start heading off, hearing Vivi calling out to her. Kotoha spun about and smiled warmly, "Anyone is welcome to travel with me, as long as they don't mind my...eccentricities." she stated as the smile grew, "It'll be nice to have some company, and our two pokemon have a good bit in common. I'd love the company!"

Kotoha then pointed eastward, well, only after checking where the sun to make sure she didn't look like a moron. "There's a forest east of here on route 912, or so I've heard." she said to Vivi, "I say we start there, and see where our journey takes us!"

"Any route works for me, like I said, I didn't have much of plan. And I think you are right, these two," Vivi points at the 2 small pokemon, "look like they can get into all kinds of trouble together"

2017-10-17, 12:29 PM
Liz listened to the clerk's spiel, while she didn't particularly care about this, since he was considering giving her free stuff, she figured she should at least play along. Her eyes widened as she listened to it, "Wow, that sounds awful! It's like they're trying to make fishing inaccessible to new trainers!"

On getting her things plus the extra packet of bait, Liz gave a wide smile, "Thanks a bunch, you're the best! I'll make sure to put this bait to good use!" Liz finished before darting back out of the pokemart. Nice! She wasn't actually sure if that would work. Liz chalked it up to the store being in a small town, she was fairly sure marts in bigger cities with a lot more customers wouldn't let that fly. With that out of the way, she rushed back over to where she left Sophie. On spotting her in the area, Liz gave a wave as she approached.

"Alright, I got the fishing pole and the bait, so I'm ready to leave whenever you are," Liz stated, "Hopefully this thing works. I mean, Magikarp are supposed to be ridiculously common so... Yeah, anyway, ready to go."

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-17, 01:32 PM
"I haven't tried fishing before, is it easy to learn? Do you have a lot of bait? I don't want to waste any so maybe it would be best that I leave it to the professionals."

Adalicia studied her new travelling companions while they responded and got ready, had she made the right choice. Even though their pokemon looked strong they seemed a little unprepared for the journey, but so was she. This would give her a chance to prove her worth, to approach a problem with her equals and to succeed know that she had played her part. She didn't want to just be carried everywhere, dragged along by people that were far better than she was. Sure they weren't the usual kind of people she would hang around with but maybe this is what she needed the most, a chance to be herself without any preconceptions of how she should act.

"Is everyone ready to get going? I will have to buy a tent at some point but there should be some nice places to sleep on the beach so that isn't necessary yet. It should only take a couple of days to get to Crystalport."

2017-10-17, 01:51 PM
Sophie waves to Liz as she leaves the Pokemart to make herself easier to spot.

"Right! To adventure we go!" Sophie thrusts her fist upward like it was some sort of rallying cry, before leading the way south, humming a song to herself.

2017-10-17, 03:07 PM
"Oh, the beach will be nice. I think a Slowpoke would be a good companion for Grube's style. I brought my cooking kit, so I can handle our meals." He smiled at the thought of cooking on the beach.

"Do you guys have any other Pokémon that you're after in particular?" He glanced at the signs as they left to ensure that they were following the right route toward the beach.

2017-10-17, 04:15 PM
Liz followed after Sophie toward the south end of town, going for Route 6. Liz was pretty psyched up about it, her first route! This was going to be great. "You know, I haven't really been to a proper beach for a while, so this'll be pretty nice," Liz mused mostly to herself. Though on the way, she realized something she'd promised Slash earlier.

"Oh! Right, I'd better let Slash out, I said I would and I need to do morning training anyway...," Liz muttered as she grabbed the ball on her waist and pressed the button to release Slash. The Skiddo appeared in a flash of red light, standing still for a few moments to get adjusted to the sudden change in scenery before glancing around at his surroundings. He made to go bounding off around the area but contained himself briefly to glance back at Liz.

"Hey, I promised, didn't I? Go nuts!" Liz said in way of answer, a half grin on her face. The Skiddo took the invitation and began darting around the area with energetic curiosity, looking at anything that piqued his interest. Eventually, his movements brought him over to Sophie who he approached somewhat more sedately. "That's Sophie! She's nice and we're going to be traveling together, so feel free to say hi," Liz said. The Skiddo then closed the distance and butted his head lightly against Sophie's side as if to say hello. After waiting a bit for Sophie's response, the pokemon darted back toward Liz. "Woah, there!" Liz exclaimed as the pokemon ducked between her legs and bucked her onto his back. Liz wobbled for a few moments before getting into a balanced position and letting out a sigh.

"I hope you don't mind him much, he can be a bit energetic if he gets put back in his ball for a while..." Liz said somewhat apologetically to Sophie, "I'd offer you a ride too, but Slash can only really carry one person right now, maybe once he evolves, he'll be a bit stronger. But uh, I won't rush off or anything, I'm just sort of planning to train him a bit to get him to respond to commands a bit better if I need him to move a certain way in battle, so... it'll be a lot of zigzagging and stuff to slow us down."

Liz rubbed the back of her neck somewhat sheepishly. "So yeah, we can keep going now, sorry about the interruption and stuff," she finished before she nudged Slash to get him to go down the route to the south.

2017-10-18, 07:51 AM
Liz, Sophie, Sawyer, Loft, and Adalacia (Did I miss anyone, or add too many?)

Map is up on Roll20 - Look for Route 906 (Beach)

The refreshing breeze from the sea to the west greets you as you head southward. The beach is easily visible through the tree line, a smattering of tropical palms and shrubs that divide the beach from the grasslands to the east. You hear the cry of a flock of wingull flying far overhead, followed by the sound of the sea lapping at the sandy shore. What does your group do?

You're able to see a few pokemon relaxing on the beach! A pair of pink quadrupeds with long tails ending in a lighter pink tip seem to be having a staring contest, mouths agape as unblinking eyes gaze into each other's eyes. They're laying right where the water thins out on the sand, seeming to be unmoved or bothered by the water lapping up against their chubby bellies.

Splashing around a few meters off shore you're able to spot without trouble a trio of blue sea cucumbers with wavy fins swimming around in a circular pattern, playfully splashing one another with the salty sea water, chittering and just having a grand time! The water they're playing in seems to be shallow enough that a pokemon that is appropriately sized could wade through it without needing to swim (Medium sized or larger)

Sidling sideways seems to be a single, solitary crustacean. It waves its claws side to side as it traverses the line where the water meets the sand, its little mouth foaming slightly as it reaches the two pink pokemon staring at one another. It pokes and pushes a claw at one of their bellies to see if it would move. Upon not getting a response, it simply skitters over them and continues on its merry way.

Pokemon Stealth Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/559910) 11
With a keen eye you can see a couple of pairs of eyes poking up out of the sand, well out of the reach of the water. The eyes looked a lot like a pair of tan binoculars with dark circles around the actual eye itself, a bar connecting the two darkened areas. They seem to be following you as you meander around the coastline.
[Sawyer has Identified these for the group!]There are a couple of strange little statues as well closer to the treeline. They've got large pink noses and look like a little face, and they both seem to be pointing northward. They do not show signs of motion or even life, but you've heard about these things before, either from friends or family. They're pokemon that are very much attuned to the magnetic field of the world...but their name escapes you.

"Any route works for me, like I said, I didn't have much of plan. And I think you are right, these two," Vivi points at the 2 small pokemon, "look like they can get into all kinds of trouble together"

Kotoha would look to Vivi, "Well, let's get a move on then? I say we head on over east then. Let's get started...I want to see what kinds of pokemon we can find in these parts of the woods!" With that, Kotoha would lead the way, returning her pokemon back to her Net Ball before sprinting off at first, then slowing down to a brisk walking pace, the treeline of the forest to the east in her sights!

2017-10-18, 08:17 AM
"Well, ah, I would dearly like to meet-- catch an oshawott. Diamond..." he glances at her for a silent exchange, briefly, again forgetting to keep this sort of thing not public, "She would like more fighting types to make friends and training buddies with." The machop nods firmly, completely on board with what Loft explains.

At the beach, Loft removes his shoes (his pants legs allready rolled up) and becomes a bit more at peace than he was prior, no longer a bit erratic and jumpy. He breathes a sigh of relief, and then pulls out a folding fishing rod from the lumpy bundled sleeping bag that seems to have all of his possessions.

"Well.... I watched a few Chuu-Tube videos on how to cast a line; I can show y'all how to..um... assuming those pink things over that way aren't aimiable to joining us..." he says to Sawyer and Adalicia, though all of a sudden he keeps glancing over his shoulders, as if expecting someone to be watching this...

Bait is only a 1x useage right? Loft will spend 750 to get three of them at the store without attempting to haggle.

Intuition: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

And eventually his first survival roll for fishing to show the 'rookies' how it's done, spending an AP point: [roll2]

2017-10-18, 09:09 AM
"Oh man... the beach is even better than the river!" Sawyer excitedly clambered for the Pokedex in his pack while Grube moved toward the lapping waves to dip a toe in. "Are we lucky enough to see the Pokémon I was literally just mentioning catching already?"

Saywer pointed the 'Dex at the slothful-looking pair of Pokémon first. While the picture was being taken, he glanced down the beach at all the other types frolicking around.

Perception - [roll0]
Intuition - [roll1]

2017-10-18, 09:26 AM
"The Beach Bums"

OOC: If you've made a roll and have met or exceeded the number I've required, you're free to open the spoiler and roleplay out seeing those pokemon. If you would like, you're also free to point them out to anyone in your group as well, since you've clearly been able to identify they are pokemon.

If you're fishing, I will require the d20 roll for every 5 minutes you spend fishing. Bait is used up if you reel in a pokemon, fail the athletics check, or after 3 unsuccessful attempts at hooking something. If you hit the 15+ to 'hook' a pokemon, make the appropriate athletics check (DC8) to see if you can reel it in. Fishing rules are found in the Core Rulebook (pg. 217)

Sawyer's Pokedex lights up and an audible ping is heard, the picture of the pokemon popping up along with a spoken name and definition.

Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokemon. It lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its tail, it won't even notice for a whole day. Slowpoke in Fantasia are often renowned for their brighter, pinker color!

2017-10-18, 10:40 AM
"The Beach Bums"

Sawyer put his Pokedex away and walked toward the two lounging Slowpokes. He sat down next to them and seemed unsure, tilting his head to the side for a moment. When one sighed, he took a pokeball from his pack and tapped it's head unceremoniously. The ball struggled twice before the Slowpoke reappeared.

It looked at him vacantly. He gave a smile and held up a candy bar. "Would you like to travel with us? We have good food!" It gave a dopey, wide grin. He held up a ball again and tapped it on the head. The ball didn't shake at all, only lighting up to show the capture was successful.

Sawyer patted the other Slowpoke on the head and stood up, returning to his friends before allowing his new companion out of her ball. "I'll call you Rosa!" He gave her a scratch behind the ear as he sat next to her. Grube followed behind, pulling on his shirt and handing him a shiny stone that he had dug up from the sand. The Munchlax seemed disappointed that it wasn't food.

Sawyer smiled and gave him the candy bar that Rosa hadn't been interested in earlier. He grunted happily and sat next to Rosa to eat his snack. While they sat, Sawyer inspected the stone while watching to see if Loft would be successful in his fishing attempts.

"Oh, I almost forgot... what ARE those?" He took out the Pokedex once more and pointed it toward the statue-like creatures nearby.

2017-10-18, 11:57 AM
Sawyer would have no trouble getting close to the rocks that seemed to have faces with a large nose. The Pokedex would chime and light up as it registers another pokemon seen.

Nosepass, the Compass Pokemon. Its magnetic nose always faces north and draws iron objects to its body to protect itself better. Fantasian Nosepass tend to be more accurate at depicting north than those of other regions!

2017-10-18, 12:38 PM
Kotoha would look to Vivi, [B]"Well, let's get a move on then? I say we head on over east then. Let's get started...I want to see what kinds of pokemon we can find in these parts of the woods!" With that, Kotoha would lead the way, returning her pokemon back to her Net Ball before sprinting off at first, then slowing down to a brisk walking pace, the treeline of the forest to the east in her sights!

Vivi leaves Breckitt out to follow along side her. Vivi keeps paces with Kotoha, all the while keeping an eye out for pokemon and berries.
" I am interested in what makes their homes here too. Didn't see too many bug pokemon back home in the gyms. I remember one giant green one with blades for arms; it tore its way through the competition and its trainer won the tournament. It was amazing to see it shrug off hits from fire and bird types and keep on swinging. "

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-18, 04:42 PM
Kotoha and Vivi

Route 912 is the northern path across the great plain, an arid sea of grass and sky. Trainers and fortune-seekers follow this route from the north toward Monte Belvoir, while wild Pokemon make their homes in the shadow of the Iron Mountains and Heartwood Forest. Heartwood Town is to the west. Monte Belvoir is to the east.

Your journey starts through the winding paths of Heartwood Forest. The main track is well kept and there are many breaks in the canopy. It doesn't take long before you leave behind the hustle and bustle of town to replace it with the sounds of leaves rustling and birds tweeting.

Through gaps in the leaves you notice the many searching eyes of a small flock of bird pokemon following you movements and the occasional squark of annoyance at your presence. Their black and white coloring makes it difficult to work out how many there are hiding in the gloom.

As the path turns there is a small makeshift bridge to your left. The logs are rotten and the trail it leads to doesn't seem to get much use. An odd little plant is sunning itself on the little patch of light that shines through the trees to illuminate the bridge.

You continue to follow the gradual bend to find a battle going on a further ahead on the path . A small red bird has been trapped in some string by three tiny wiggly green pokemon. It seems that the bugs weren't quite the easy meal that the avian expected but it was taking all their strength to keep it away. It is difficult to tell how this will go without interference.

You notice the bushes near the fight rustle slightly and catch a glimpse of a star tipped tail poke out before it quickly whips down back out of sight. While it would naturally be quite stealthy the creature is probably a little out of place in the forest given its bright coloring.

2017-10-18, 08:36 PM
Kotoha and Vivi

Vivi watches the situtation unfolding in the tree with some concern. Obviously the bird has bitten off more than it could chew, and it looked like if someone didn't step in, it was done for.

On the other hand, the bird most likely picked the fight, and was reaping what it sowed.

While mulling it over in her head, Vivi uses the pokedex to register the pokemon.

Perception Roll: Untrained (2d6) 2d6

Survival Roll while walking to spot some berries to grab: Novice (3d6) 3d6

She looks over at her companion. "Do you think we should intervene? I know nature needs to take its course but this seems..."

Edit - Trying to get dice to roll, sorry for the edit spam

2017-10-18, 08:46 PM
Apparently you cannot roll in an edited post. Makes sense I guess.

Perception: [roll0]
Survival for berries : [roll1]

2017-10-18, 08:53 PM
Kotoha and Vivi

Once they had hit the forest, Kotoha would release Brinstar, so it could shuffle and squirm along with them. She idly chit-chatted with Vivi, mostly about favorite foods, things they don't like. She hears the squawking of the birds over head, peering up at them as they huddled and kept to the shade of the canopy, their numbers unknown. She would fish her pokedex out of one of her pockets to point it at the little grass type pokemon, wondering just what it was, holding the camera up to it as it sunned itself. Upon coming to the little scuffle in the forest, seeing the three bugs stringing up the bird, "Mmmn...it is nature isn't it. See this sort of display in Swarm Hollow often. Don't see too many birds around my neck of the woods, y'know?"

Perception: (http://orokos.com/roll/560036) 18

The shuffling in the bush caught her eye, looking to Vivi, "I don't like seeing pokemon in distress...we'll deal with that little display of caterpillar power. First though...that thing in the bush is mine!" she declared. She would pull out a fresh pokeball and lob it at the star-tipped tail she caught poking out of the bush!

Not sure how you want this done...I'll throw a couple of rolls in here if that's ok? If not, we can do it all in Roll20
Pokeball, Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/560089) 17
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/560091) 2 (And that kids...is how you break a pokeball)

Brinstar will be at the ready - to be continued in Roll20

2017-10-18, 09:14 PM
Loft's fishing attempts are... exceedingly physical. He apparently paid good attention to the Chuutube videos as he casts the line in and out fairly well; on the third attempt his line snags and pulls. Diamond eagerly watches as something pink and branching crests the water, but less so when the Corsola breaks out of the water and slams into Loft, sending the boy sprawling off the rock he had been perched on. Diamond lets out a furious chirp, leaping behind the rock and swinging her leg in a sweep at the thing in the shallows.

Loft gets back into the action, leaping over the same rock only to be sent sprawling into the shallows soon after by the coral pokemon, who seems quite pleased with herself for triumphing over the trainer until both Loft and Diamond start whallopping her in succession, Loft using not one, but two pokeballs trying to get her. His hands seem remarkably not broken from punching the hard shelled pokemon, who's pink exterior is certainly solid as a pile of bricks. Diamond goes flying over the rock herself thanks to another tackle, but by the time she charges back Loft's second pokeball connects and finally seals up the Corsola.

"Whew... agh... Agh... I'm okay, Diamond..." the machop helps him out of the water as they trudge over to the others, both soaked and sand covered. "Though... eh. I wish I didn't have to fight the... uh... the.. Diamond pulls out the pokedex from Loft's vest (the pockets seemed lined with waterproof material, thankfully sparring his safari pass he still doesn't know about) and hands it to him, which he then checks.

Corsola, the Coral Pokémon. A combination of both Water and Rock types. It sheds and regrows the horns on its head numerous times.

"Huh. A corsola! I hope she's not too mad at me for punching her once or twice..." he seems a tad bit shameful about that, wondering if he can even bring himself to release her anytime soon...

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-19, 03:06 PM
I refuse to go by "The Beach Bums"

The rocks get looser beneath her feet as Adalicia follows the route to the beach. When the ground gets soft enough she sits on a large rock to remove her knee high boots and continues her walk bare foot. When far enough away from people other than her companions she activate Beau's pokeball to release the Spritzee at her feet.

Beau whirls around Adalicia in delight before swooping out to sea. She turns to begin to return to shore but notices something she missed before. Her trainer is surrounded by people and pokemon, including one that looks like it could swallow her whole. She tentatively returned and landed on her trainers head, this should show that she was not happy with having scary company and help protect her from harm.

Adalicia sighed, clearly used to this behaviour, “Everyone this is Beau. Beau be nice and introduce yourself to our new friends.” Beau manages a shaky sounding “Brweeee” before hiding it's head in it's wing. “Let's carry on, she is a little shy but will get used to you soon.”

When her companions split off to do their own thing Adalicia continues down the beach recording the pokemon she sees. She notices the small group of Shellos playing in the water and head to the edge for a closer look and to get a picture.

Beau, seeing what she can only assume is some sort of dance, hopes off of Adalicia's head and stands on the damp sand letting the tail end of the waves lap at her feet. She tries smelling really nice to get the fish to come closer but they are too distracted by each other. She had to be strong, she could leave the protection of her trainer and join in with the other pokemon. She flew out over the “dance” and showed them all what she could do. A quick pirouette upwards followed by a backflip into a dive towards the water before pulling up at the last second to just graze the crest of a wave with the tip of her feet. It was clearly very impressive as now they were circling her, she was the centre of attention, it was very unsettling. She looked back to her trainer for reassurance, or help whichever Adalicia deemed necessary.

The display in front of her had got the Shellos to begin circling closer to the shore. Adalicia took the opportunity to call out to one. “Hi there, you are very energetic and agile. Would you like to join my team, you can dance with Beau more?” She smiled at the Shellos and held out an empty pokeball, “You just have to get in here,” pressing the ball against the pokemon, energising it. The ball didn't wriggle in her hand just clicked closed.

She returned to her group as Sawyer pointed out the statues. “I didn't realize they were pokemon. I just passed them by on the way up here, didn't give them a second glance. It must be boring for them to just stand there staring north all day. Surely they would rather travel the world.”

Her mind set on freeing the pokemon from it's life of boredom Adalicia heads towards one of the heads. "Hey there little guy, do you get bored of just standing staring at one spot all day, wouldn't you rather travel the world with me and my friends." The thing shifts slightly at an angle to look at her, clearly a sign that it wants to go with her. "Yes, that is the right attitude, there is so much more to see than just one stretch of beach." She holds out a pokeball to let the block touch it. It slowly inches forward and nudged the button, settling down in its new pokeball.

2017-10-20, 09:23 AM
"The Beach Bums" (Route 906[I18])

OOC: Adalicia, Loft, and Sawyer, if you're ready, we'll proceed further south on Route 906 [I17-I18]

If you guys are satisfied with exploring this small section of beach, you'll find yourselves continuing south. You'll keep plodding along the path of Route 906, a few more hours pass, the shoreline changing shape as you continue your walk. You find yourselves at another stretch of sandy beach. It's sloping a little more westward, but you can see that this is just a spot where it juts out slightly before cutting back in eastward.

You see some pokemon you've seen before, and even have registered to your pokedexes, so they stand out more than they might have. You see another Slowpoke with a blank, vacant stare, seemingly staring at a Nosepass who does not stare back, but is instead diligently pointing north, staying true to its compass like nature!

A pair of Shellos are swimming along the coastline. These two don't seem as playful as the last batch, and instead appear to be traversing the shoreline. They don't seem to be stopping, and appear to have a bit more intent to their movements. They don't seem to pay any attention to the group of traveling trainers or the other pokemon that occupy the beach.

There seems to be a small, cyan-hued crocodilian pokemon, antagonizing a tiny blue penguin. It's mostly just pushing and shoving it, tripping it and in general being a bully. You can hear the little blue penguin whining a bit as gets nudged and shoved, picking itself up off of sandy beach as the reptilian that loomed over it laughed sadistically. Is that alligator-like pokemon keeping the penguin from entering the water?

With a keen eye you can see a a pair of eyes poking up out of the sand, well out of the reach of the water. The eyes looked a lot like a pair of tan binoculars with dark circles around the actual eye itself, a bar connecting the two darkened areas. They seem to be following you as you meander around the coastline.
A pair of rocks caught your eye. They seemed odd and slightly rounded for rocks you'd find at a beach. Upon closer examination, your gut feeling is rewarded as they're not rocks at all, but look like turtle shells half buried in the sand. They have a brownish color to them, and there are no extremities poking out of any of the openings of the shell that you can see. Perhaps they're sleeping? Whatever they're doing, the seem to be enjoying a patch of sunshine that shines on the sand they've nestled into.
You can see a dark figure making some odd poses just a bit further down the coastline. The dancers in the group might say he's dancing, but his motions are more martial than anything. Upon closer examination you can see this gentlemen is dressed in full ninja garb, and he seems to be practicing his form. He's even got a few wooden targets propped up on the rocks, a few shurikens buried in them. As you approach, you see him hurl another pair of ninja stars at the targets, with them landing right next to the ones he had thrown prior. If anything, he's precise! You can also see there's a few pokeballs clipped to his belt, appears he is a trainer! Perhaps he'll be up for a trainer battle?

"Liz and Sophie (Route 906 [I17])"

The sun shines brightly as you head south along the coastline. The Coast is a little jagged in spots, jutting out further into the ocean before diving back in. Certainly not like the picturesque beaches of Alola! There's a few spots that seem like it would be ideal for fishing, and the overall air of the area is quite calm, though there is of course abundant wildlife occupying the beach alongside of the two traveling trainers!

You see a funny little statue thing! It's short and has a large pink nose. It's not moving, and it appears to be facing roughly in the direction back towards town. Even if you approach it, it doesn't appear to budge or move, not paying any attention to its current surroundings. Not even to the red crab that has sidled on up to it and began to poke and prod it with one of its claws, seeing if it could get it to move out of its way.

A group of three penguins are marching along the shore line, their footsteps seeming to be in the same rhythm. The water laps at their feet, splashing up as they trod along, leaving heavy footprints on their way as if they were stomping and stamping their little march!

One of the penguins seems to be out stepping order, but only just slightly. Its coloring seems to be off, too! Come to think of it, this thing is just blending in very well with them, having similar-ish coloring. But the little seashell on its chest and its mammal like movements clue you in that there's a doppelganger marching with the penguins in between them. The penguins however, don't seem to notice, or mind, it's hard to tell.

The two rocks along the shoreline seem to catch your eye. Surely, there could be a pokemon making its home there. Your'e rewarded, as you see two hand-like appendages erupting out of a small rocky base nestled in against the rocks, enjoying the water lapping over its body. If you approach, it will turn its attention to you, eyes narrowing the closer you get to it.

"Kotoha and Vivi"

What a rush that was! Kotoha had managed to snag that little lion-like pokemon in a pokeball only to have it break out again. Darn...maybe it needs to be weakened first! She read in a book before that pokemon are easier to capture when they're weaker. She looks to Brinstar, "Ok girl, show it what you're made of and that it cannot hide from us! Leech Life, go!" she commanded. The large larva hustled on over and latched it's teeth down on the belly of the tiny beast, hearing it cry out in pain from such a brutal, unwarranted attack. Even Kotoha winced a bit, "Oh jeez...maybe we'll need to learn to dial it back a bit." she lamented before throwing another pokeball and capturing her first pokemon ever, a Shinx. She thrust her arms up in celebration, "YES!" she yelled...that might have been an error.

Seems Kotoha had caught the attention of a trio of caterpillars. They were attempting to make a meal of a small red bird that might have attempted to make a meal of them. It had bitten off more than it could chew. She heard Vivi commanding Breckitt, the Torchic, to go and fight them off. She thought that Brinstar could help too. Seems an assault of fire was more than the worms could handle, two of them shriveling up in a toasty mess, though one didn't end in such a heap of roasted bug, as Kotoha managed to throw yet another pokeball...capturing the third worm that turned out to be a Caterpie!

Not stopping her spree of trapping...she had passed a plant sunning itself earlier. Her Pokedex registered it as Oddish. She took a different approach, hurling a pokeball towards it. The first one missed by a wide margin, but the second one managed to brush up against one of its leaves, clicking shut rather quickly. Kotoha came out with three brand new pokemon! She turned to Vivi, musing a little bit, "That was fun. I say we leave those two charred Caterpie over there for the other birds to have at...I'm sure they won't mind a free meal. As for where to go from here...should we continue along the route...or go off the beaten path? We could go deeper into the woods to the North...or head into the plains south of us." she inquired.

2017-10-20, 10:00 AM
"Kotoha and Vivi"
She turned to Vivi, musing a little bit, "That was fun. I say we leave those two charred Caterpie over there for the other birds to have at...I'm sure they won't mind a free meal. As for where to go from here...should we continue along the route...or go off the beaten path? We could go deeper into the woods to the North...or head into the plains south of us." she inquired.

"Great work out there Breckitt, you did a great job helping save our new friend. You did a great job too Kotoha. 3 new pokemon for you and one for me in our first adventure. And not a scratch on us, not too shabby.

Maybe deeper into the woods. We both have fire types, so we should be safe-ish and may find some interesting away from where people usually travel. Plus there are likely to be more bugs for you to collect there. "
Vivi looks excited, energized by the battle. This was something she knew, and it had gone better than she thought it would. Other than her terrible throwing arm that is...

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-20, 05:58 PM
“Off the Beaten Track”

Erik catches up to Vivi and Kotoha as they cross the rotten bridge to follow the old route deeper in to the woods. It isn't long before the trees and bushes take over leaving you with occasional glimpses of the path.

(Roll Survival as a group and use the highest and Perception for yourself which can be shared in character)

On the way though the dense forest you notice several pokemon trails that all lead in the same direction. There must be some clearing that way, with a water source or another point of interest. It won't be too difficult to return to the path later if you choose to turn off.

Hidden in the nook of a tree at ground level is a large egg. It looks like the mother has left it alone assuming that it would escape notice.
You only have to follow the pokemon trails for 10 minutes before reaching the clearing.

A flock of birds are tweeting happily to each other in a huge tree. As they fly between the branches you notice they are paying a lot of attention to a larger well groomed bird in the center of the tree. Their brown and white coloring suggest that they are a species you have yet to see in this forest.

A stick thin plant defiantly guards the path in front of you. It's broad leaves are outstretched and it beady eye watch you as you approach. Its head is undulating, it looks like it is chewing or maybe digesting something.
A young lady with dark hair sits on a rock grooming her grass type pokemon. She doesn't seem to have noticed you yet as you are some distance away through the trees and she probably isn't expecting company.
You stick to the path long enough for the forest to open up again. The trail continues for a few miles before you come across any more pokemon.

Across the path infront of you two flocks of birds squawking at each other from the trees. The birds to the right you recognise as Fletchlings and to the left are the other birds from the route before however this time you can see them far more clearly.

The noise seems to have scared away any insects from the area but has attracted the attention of a couple of small scraggy grey dogs that are poorly hidden behind a tree, probably hoping that some of the birds come down.

You notice an odd little branch with two large leaves poking out of a nearby bush. As you look further down the creature it's eyes close, as though that will stop you from seeing it.

A cheerful young lady with bright red hair is sitting on a rock watching the birds bicker. Despite her attitude she seem very lost and out of place in the forest. You notice many cuts on her bare arms and lower legs
Your group finds themselves lost in the woods. The sounds of rustling leaves and wild pokemon becoming even more prevalent and worrying.

Among all the other noise you can hear a lot pokemon rustling through the trees towards you. It sounds like about 5 pokemon with padded feet are moments away from pouncing on you.
A crazed ball of fluff with a pig nose and wiry limbs leaps at your group from the trees, it's an ambush!

Reluctantly "The Beach Bums"

As Loft splits off from the group to break up a fight between two interesting looking pokemon Adalicia continues down the beach scanning with her pokedex as she goes. She looks up from the screen for a moment to see a pair of black rimmed eyes starting back at her from the sand. She lets out a startled yelp causing Beau to fly from the ground to the safety of her head again.

Adalicia quickly grabbed something from her belt to throw at the scary creature. Fortunately that something was a pokeball which sailed through the air to hit the Sandile between the eyes. The Pokeball shook frantically before finally settling down. Adalicia cautiously approached, one bare foot at a time, before prodding the ball with her toe to make sure the pokemon wasn't about to break out.

Rune Knight
2017-10-20, 07:27 PM
Heartwood Forest (J16)
Setting off from Heartwood, Erik released Calder from his pokéball. There was some confusion from the popplio as he looked around, then almost complete disappointment with no one else around. "Come on, little one. We'll find someone else you can play with today." Erik missed the indignant look shot his way. On the way into the woods, Erik picked up a couple of elemental shards through the dowsing tricks he'd learned over the years. There weren't always ruins to explore, but there always seemed to be a market for trainer items like the evolution stones. Or just pretty jewelry, as the case sometimes was.

Barely within the treeline Calder riled up a small flock of starly and the two only made it out of there with their dignity intact thanks to a traveling trainer and his nidoran partner. At the end of the battle, Erik was knocked to a knee and considered throwing a ball at the weakened bird. Because that's what trainers were supposed to do, after all? Whether it was Erik's hesitation, or Calder's anger at someone hurting his human, the starly was out cold by a blast of water.
Afterward, both took a rest under a nearby tree to listen to the forest. One of the plant pokémon seemed to be contributing to the rustles and chirping by singing softly, and Erik decided to take a different approach. If he couldn't capture a pokémon through battle, maybe he could capture one through less hostile actions.

However, simply offering a place with him and Calder wasn't enough this time. Questioning his capability as a trainer, he moved on into the forest.

Off the Beaten Track (J15)
https://orokos.com/roll/560639 11
https://orokos.com/roll/560640 11
Don't preview your post, then think the [roll0] will turn out fine, kids. I'm so bad at this.
I'll do the dowsing rolls in roll20, since you reroll sixes for extra shards.

Deeper in the woods, Erik and Calder came across a couple of the trainers from Yew's lab near a bridge.

2017-10-21, 12:43 PM
Loki has so much to say to this girl with the guitar. All the words formulated inside his mind as he kept on listenining to the girl, waiting for his chance to make his comeback. He was patient as always, not rushing anything like the others around him. In between the listening, Loki just randomly grabbed the first Pokedex in his sight - he could careless about the color - and took his Pokeball from the professor with both hands. "Thank you, professor. You are great." Loki was being extra polite with the professor so he has more bullets to use on the girl. After the simple steps were settle, and he felt that the girl was about to stop, he started to talk, only to be cut off right away by a sudden explosion and the following alarm. Panicked like a Rattata, as he was not the bravest of all, Loki's only instinctive decision at this point was to follow the others and get out of this hell hole.

By the time he was able to calm himself down, the others were mostly gone, as he would have guessed by now. They were young and full of energy. No surprise. Maybe that was for the better. Loki knew he did not have the physical capability to keep up with the younger people and they might be daredevil too, going into the most dangerous place right from the get go. Maybe solo was the best for him, like he has been doing for the past 30 years. Admittedly, a part of him was hoping that he would be able to have a change, a different social approach to things, but pissing off a fellow trainer by the beginning of a journey certainly was not the way to go.

Eh, not much he could do about all of those. Instead of just pondering to himself on the spot, he decided to move on. But first, he released his starter to see what it was. An Oddish popped out from the red light, looking calmly at him. Oddish, oh crap. Maybe he just has not follow the sport enough, but he has never heard that much of praise or achievement done by an Oddish. Furthermore, it was not even rare or anything. They were abundant around the land as far as he understood. Alright, relax, you are late, so maybe the good ones are all gone. This is okay. It does not need to eat, so no pressure for food. That's good for a new trainer like me. Okay, we can do this. This is just one Pokemon out of many and I only need it to defeat a single Pokemon before I can get the ball rolling. Alright Loki, one stake at a time, you don't all in in the beginning, this is okay, just do not mess with a bird or a bug.

"Hello there, I am your trainer from now on. Errrr, let's be the best team out there, okay?" Loki waited for a little bit and got no response from the Oddish itself, aside from a blank stare. "Alright, we will need to buy some stuff before heading out so, let's get to it! Follow me." He walked a few steps forward before turning back and the Oddish indeed followed. Okay, at least it knew enough to follow basic order. That was good enough for starter. Expecting the Pokemon to continue to follow him, Loki headed into the nearby Pokemart and picked up anything he needed. The most important pickup were definitely a tent and a sleeping bag. The backpacker group he was with had XXL-sized tent and an extra sleeping bag or two so he could do without. They also taught him some tips as to how to pick a good one which happened to be very useful now. After that, he scanned around the shop and found nothing much he felt like he immediately needed. He still has some of his ration with him.

Coming out of the PokeMart, he looked around, unsure of which direction to go. He knew he was definitely not going east. How boring would that be? To go back to the city he just came from. He has not done any geogrpahical research before this so he would not know more about the north and south than an average citizen. He wanted to do this blind, so every step of his adventure was something new to him. It was kind of the same way how he approached his gaming hobby. He would not look into the guides and dive into the game blindly by himself.

He stopped abruptly in the middle of the open road, the Oddish bumped into his legs for not expecting that. "Oh sorry there, wait here and let me think about where to go, mkay?" The Oddish once again stared at him with a blank look but it did stayed and waited, looking around the surrounding with interest. Pondering about the basic structure of the region in his brain - not like it was 100% accurate - he decided to try north. As far as he could recall, there were more land mass to explore to the north than the south and he rarely got to see the north of the region. This was as good as a plan for now.

"This way, let's go." Expecting Oddish to continue follow him, Loki headed north into Route 901. His current plan was to stick to the road - if no road, stick to the traveling crowd - for an hour before deciding on leaving the road and safety into the depth of wild.

[PokeMart purchase: Single Tent + Single Sleeping bag for a total of 1900.

Route 901 Plan: Looking for Wild Pokemon. Loki will walk 1 hour into the Route, then use Perception to check on the surrounding before deciding on his next step.

Perception: [roll0]]

2017-10-21, 02:20 PM
"A Classic First Step" Loki (Route 901 [I15])

The sun shines down on the plains just past the northern outskirts of Heartwood, a gentle breeze blows in from the west, bringing in cool air from the ocean. Despite the distance from the center of town, there are still some signs of human residences in the form occasional fences marking off property boundaries in the area. The forest encroaching from the east does give this area a bit of wildness, however. This all seems very close to all those shows and movies about going on a pokemon journey, leaving a small town and stepping out onto a grassy plain... Across this section of the route, you can see some pokemon here and there.

You hear the sounds of... barking? You glance over to the source of it and see some sort of commotion! There's a purple feline up on a fence, looking like it's about to claw someone! Its back is arched, its fur is standing on end, and you can hear it hissing loudly over the barking. The source of its distress seems to be a pair of tan furred dogs at the base of the fence, both barking loudly at it.

There's also a pair of black and white feathered birds up on the trees forming the border between the plains and the forest to the east. They seem to be watching the conflict between the cat and dogs with a bit of a wary eye, both have puffed out their feathers to make them seem larger and unintentionally spherical.

Ooh, is that a berry tree? You think you see one in the center of a small stand of trees in the middle of the plain. You can always head over and see if there's any berries on it that haven't already been eaten by the pokemon in the area.

You can also see a fluffy sheep near the treeline of the forest nearby. It seems to be munching on the grass there, mostly minding its own business. As you watch it, you can see occasional sparks come from its fluffy wool. Seems like that might deter the vast majority of predators in the area...

2017-10-21, 07:28 PM
"Liz and Sophie"

Stepping onto the beach, Liz glanced around the rough coastline, "Huh, you don't really see beaches like this posted on magazines and stuff. Probably since it isn't exactly the smooth white sand ideal...," Liz muttered to herself. She looked at the signs of life in the area and frowned. Nothing interesting there but... she did have a way to attract possibly more interesting catches.

"Looks like it's time to give the fishing rod a spin!" Liz exclaimed, pulling the fishing rod and bait out of her bag. She grabbed the one that was soon to expire first, no reason in letting it get the chance to. She fumbled with the line for a few moments before getting it set up as best she could. She then hurled the line into the surf, standing at the shoreline, waiting for a bite.

She didn't have to wait long as almost immediately, she felt a tug on her fishing pole. Liz tugged back and the resistance on the other side suddenly intensified. Though Liz had enough strength to pull it out of the water and drag it into view. Liz felt pretty proud of herself for successfully fishing for the first time until she saw what she caught. Her face fell as she took it in, a slim silver fish with a large tail fin. "... Aww what? That's not a Magikarp," Liz said, her face growing more disappointed as she observed it, "Or anything salvageable, really." Feeling a bit disgruntled, she tossed the fish back into the sea, watching it swim off at high speed.

She let out a sigh before glancing back at her pack. "Well, I still have another serving of bait, so... Might as well try again! It'll just go bad otherwise..." Liz mused as she readied the Old Rod again. A few moments later, she cast the line into the ocean and waited for another bite. This one took a little longer, but after about 10 minutes, the line nearly tugged itself out of her hands. With a small shriek, Liz grabbed onto the line more tightly, pulling back on it as hard as she could. There was the sound of water splashing as a creature emerged from the depths. Liz opened her eyes, which were squeezed shut in effort, with a bit of hope in them, only for the hope to quickly be dashed. Some sort of shelled creature stared back at her, sticking out a long tongue at her. "Wha- Hey! Rude!" she exclaimed. Eww, she didn't want this gross thing. Feeling very dejected, she turned around and stomped off.

Well, that was a waste of time... "And a waste of 1250 poke, ugh!" Liz exclaimed, feeling extremely ripped off. She let out an angry huff and observed the pokemon on the beach once again. "Ugh, nothing interesting here either. What a waste of a beach."

Liz stomped off toward the south before slowing to a stop and waiting near the path farther on in case Sophie got herself in trouble. While none of the pokemon loitering around here were worth catching in her eyes, maybe Sophie would want one of them.

2017-10-23, 08:43 PM
"A Classic First Step" Loki (Route 901 [I15])

[Session was done on Roll20]

The northern outskirts of Heartwood was peaceful and quaint. After an hour of some very slow walking, Loki has finally reach the the open field. He was at least happy to see that there were Pokemon around this location without him having to linger off the road. With the Oddish still following him by his side, Loki pondered his next move. There were a couple of presumably wild Pokemon around the area, all of them an opportunity for him to get more companions in his roster.

As a self-admitted coward, Loki's first instinct was to steer clear off the course of the fight. Him intervening on that would only make it worst more than anything. Those canine looked like they could bite very good too, no way he wanted that just one hour into his journey...or how long later anyway. The birds, they could easily run away if he were to approach them, not exactly a good target for it either. Plus, he felt like they could easily chew through his Oddish if they had the chance. That left the lone grass-eating Pokemon on the far side. It was alone and looked most approachable.

After forming the plan and also peeked at a berry tree in the process, Loki took the long route to the lone Pokemon, avoiding the conflict at the east side of the field and went straight to his target. He kept his distance at first, trying to get a scan from His Pokedex. It glitched the first time, so he tried it on his Oddish...and it worked. New thing he learned today: Oddish will plant themselves on the ground and be like real plant. After prompting his Oddish to not do so for now in this time of need, he got closer to the Pokemon for a scan. Ah-ha, it was a Mareep, one with electrifying wool. That would certainly be an addition to his team. He would take anything, really, but this one looked good. Approaching the Pokemon closer, "Erm, hello, Mareep?" He got absolutely no answer from the Pokemon. His intuition told him that the Pokemon probably did not see him as a threat and was just ignoring him. He did not dare to go too close, as the sparkle around its fur looked like it would be painful upon contact. So this coward made a selfish decision -- to let the Oddish do the talking for him. He turned to talk to his Oddish. "Alright, let's see if you can talk to the Ma--" As he turned once again to point at the Mareep, it was attacked! The Mareep fought back for self-defense and the two Pokemon clashed against each others.

Completely surprised and panicked, Loki went for a Pokedex scan while his Oddish obliviously looked at the fight unfold in front of their eyes. The Pokedex told Loki that it was a Shinx, another Electric Pokemon. Cool. And also why the Mareep's wool was not effective against it. The Mareep fleed after a second Tackle. The food chain was right in this instance, leaving Loki face-to-face with the predator. Loki did not attack the Mareep because it was just not his approach to this thing but the Shinx, it attacked first. "We will challenge you, Oddish, attack with whatever you can!" And so the Oddish did, splitting green color energy through the air that attached onto the Shinx before sucking some life force out of it. The Shinx hit back with a Tackle, sending Oddish rolling for a bit. Both Pokemon held strong. Another Absorb from the Oddish then made Shinx think about the whole situation. Feeling the chance was now, Loki pulled out a Pokeball for a throw...only for the ball to flip out of his hand on its way backward. It has been twenty years between now and the first time he attempted to pitch a baseball and the same thing happened. He still remembered the laughter from the other kids. It was not a good moment for him, painful even, and even recalling it now did not feel good at all. As he was having that flashback, the Shinx took the chance to flee, running back from the wood it came from in lightning speed.

NOOOOOOO!!! Loki knew he has no way of chasing that Pokemon down, even assuming that he would dare to go into the wood by himself. He just never had that kind of speed in his frail body and the Pokemon was already just a dot in his vision by the time he realized. Saddened by the realization, he turned around to pick up the Pokeball -- and then realized the Oddish was more important. Rushing to the side of the Oddish, he checked to make sure his partner was okay. Despite his early skepticism, the Oddish did well in the combat; maybe it was not so bad of a fighter. "Hey buddy, you alright? You did very well just now."

As he thought he was not able to get anything, he felt something rubbing his side all of a sudden and almost yelled out girlishly. Wait a second, it was the Mareep. It looked hurt, barely standing. He tried his best to find the bruised spots or so but could not identify them. Decided to do it anyway, he pulled out a potion and sprayed it all around the Mareep. "Hold still, alright? You are going to be food in the wild in such condition. Me and my fellow Oddish in on an adventure. We just started and was trying to make more friends." The Mareep seemily seemed fine and rubbed itself against Loki. It felt great...until the tingling spark took over. Loki was soft and even a little pain was too much. He quickly pulled away but he could not resist the joy inside him. He just made friend, right? The rubbing he could learn to manage so it was not big deal, hopefully. He extended a Pokeball to the Mareep and it took the Pokemon a while to notice it. It continued to rub at Loki with its soft and shocking fur, which was kind of an unique albeit painful experience to Loki. "Not like I am forcing you but we have to use this thing to hold our Pokemon so...if you are okay with this arrangement, kindly hit the button in front of this ball." Upon seeing the ball, Mareep hit the button and went into it willingly.

Finally, Loki has caught his first Pokemon! He fell to the soft, gentle grass and letting himself relax. That was quite tense just now. He chatted a little with his Oddish, thought about naming him but decided to hold it for now. As he looked at the bright blue sky and then the greens around him, he saw the berry tree once again. Lifting his lazy ass from the ground, he went to the tree, circling it and looking for a way to climb on it. He was not athletic and he did not want to climb too high either, so he just ripped upon the low-hanging fruits. His lack of survival knowledge also meant that he has absolutely no idea what he was doing. Most of the berries he took were unripe or override and only a pair of Pecha Berries were okay. Still, it was better than nothing.

Before leaving the area, Loki checked out the fence on the east...and it was just a farm. Well, no way he was messing with others' properties. The day was still young and thus Loki pushed onward, to the north!

[Continue heading north to I14]

2017-10-24, 11:49 AM
"A Classic First Step" (Route 901 [I14])

Going further out onto the plains north of Heartwood, the first thing Loki notices is the breeze suddenly becoming stronger. Looking forward, it seems like the path here goes right past the top of a cliff, a indentation in the coastline that comes in far enough to reach Route 1. There's a rather nice view of the ocean here, the sun overhead strikes the water, turning the wide expanse a deep blue. You can hear the sound of waves striking the bottom of the cliffs below. Overall, it's quite a pleasing scene...

You take few moments to take it all in, but there are some other things to be worried about. Some things of particular note...

There are a pair of white birds with light blue stripes on their wings circling above the water. They're about level with the top of the cliffside. Every once in a while, one dives into the water below, though as far as you can see, they don't seem to be catching anything.

There's a juicy looking berry on a nearby tree, wow! It's hanging pretty much in clear sight too. This must be your lucky day!

Hey, wait a second... That isn't a berry, that's a pokemon! The small red creature seems to have masquerading as one! It was a dead ringer for a Cheri berry except for the second nodule on it. Maybe it's not such a good idea to go over and pick it, then.

You can see another person in the area, it seems to be a young girl. She has a hand shading her eyes from the sun as she stares off toward the ocean. She has an expression of awe on her face. You can see a pair of pokeballs on her side... She's obviously a trainer, perhaps she'll want a battle?

Hmm? There's some rustling in that patch of thick grass in front of you... You wonder what's making it? It seems to be fairly small as the grass hides it completely from view.

Though, with a closer look, you're able to see something tan and furry in there. It seems vaguely familiar...
you think you've seen whatever it is before.

You also see another pokemon up ahead beyond the small bay. It's some sort of large ball of fluff, though you can see it has eyes and what seems like leaves growing out of it. It seems to be minding its own business for the most part, its leaves spread to catch the abundant sunlight streaming down.

Rune Knight
2017-10-26, 12:21 AM
Off the Beaten Track (J15)

After a near disastrous encounter with a flock of birds and meeting up with Victoria, Erik decided that it would be best to travel with someone when just starting out. There were a pair of lillipup that were surprisingly resistant to bribes in the deeper part of the woods, but were ultimately caught. Further along the overgrown path, another trainer sat on a rock looking over a map. She introduced herself as Amelia, and spoke with Vivi for a short time as Erik considered another group of squabbling starly and fletchinder. He felt pretty confident that the birds would leave everyone else alone, then, set out another jar of honey to lure any other pokémon in. It was over lunch that a small plant creature walked up without a care and took its prize, jar and all, before going into a pokéball. With the exception of the birds, the woods were quieting down for the afternoon as the group moved on.

Onward to the plains in J14, Lorrel?

2017-10-27, 07:05 AM
J14 sounds good to me

Atrum Umbra
2017-10-28, 07:13 AM
Off the Beaten Track (J14)

You continue to follow the path as it switches from clear to overgrown and back again several times. Eventually you reach a point where you have to leave the route altogether, as it turns to the west, and you continue northwards through the undergrowth.

(Roll Survival as a group and take the highest.)

You manage to find a safe path through the undergrowth, it is hard going and circuitous but you finally make it out of the forest and in to the open plains.

On the way out of the forest you find a tiny edible mushroom, you can't identify what exactly it will do but know that it will be helpful if consumed in a battle.
The route out of the forest is plagued with bramble bushes and sudden hidden drops. At one point you go off the blind lip of a hill and slide into a thorny bush (Take 10 damage). It takes few hours before you finally see the sky again and notice that the sun is beginning to go down, you only have a couple of hours before you will need to stop and set up camp.
Half an hour later you find some evidence of civilization. A small dirt path makes it's way through the low hills here. A man in a loose fitting top and cargo pants is running laps around some bushes stopping regularly to lift or hit some large boulders on his course. A yellow ball of fluff is munching on some of the bushes giving the man a suspicious look but not letting him spoil it's dinner.

A purple rabbit is following a blue rabbit around another bush, both of them occasionally stopping to munch on a leaf or two. The blue rabbit seems uninterested in their stalker and isn't bothered enough by it to fight it off.

You notice a purple tail sweeping through the bushes near the rabbits. A head pops up with a large smile on it's cream face, bearing two tiny but sharp fangs. Licking it's lips the head drops back down in to the foliage and turn to continue starting at the rabbits.

Rune Knight
2017-10-28, 06:57 PM
Survival 16 (https://orokos.com/roll/563128)
Perception 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/563130)

The Heartwood felt like a good first stop for Erik, as a trainer. There were a few rough spots, but as they say: To road goes ever onward.

2017-10-30, 09:19 AM
Survival (Directions):[roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Survival (Identify the mushroom): [roll2]

2017-10-30, 09:48 AM
Wandering through the woods, Vivi is glad she has a companion. She may know a lot about surviving on the street, but she appears to have no knack for making it through the world at large.

"Thanks for guiding us through there, I'd have ended up more lost than Amy without you.

When Erik finds the mushroom, Vivi tries to identify it.

"Hmm, this looks interesting. Erik, any idea what it is?" Vivi asks her companion.

Looking at the scene in front of them, at first Vivi's eyes are drawn to the playful rabbit type creates, but as she looks closely she notices a small creature in the bush waiting to pounce.

"Erik, it looks like someone is about the crash their little game. I wouldn't mind catching the purple one, it is a pretty colour. We may have to discourage the little guy form attacking first.""

--Battle to be conducted in Roll20--

Rune Knight
2017-11-01, 04:33 AM
(J14 summary)

The plains outside the Heartwood opened up before them, after Erik and Vivi continued their trek north. There was man truly dedicated to his training out that evening running laps, doing sets of push ups, breaking boulders. The norm. Erik decided not to interrupt the guy and focused on catching a few more pokémon as Yew requested.
A mareep ended up being his first target, then his second target, then... until half a dozen pokéballs littered the clearing. Afterwards, he was able to convince a gymnastics-aficionado geodude to join the team in order to hone his parkour.

Night drew in shortly after they all found a small hillside to camp by.

2017-11-02, 01:57 PM

As Erik went off to catch the yellow fluff, Vivi turned her attention to the bunnies on the right. Slowly making her way past the athletic trainer, Vivi got into position and tossed a pokeball at the unsuspecting "bunnies"

The purple one was caught without knowing what was happening, while the blue one bolted for cover. Erik joined Vivi in her search, but the Nidoran was long gone. Vivi didn't mind, as she had really wanted the purple one since it looked prettier. She named her new Nidoran MacBeth.

While Erik was busy playing with the Geodude, the blue Nidoran reappeared and played a game of hide and seek with Vivi. Wanting to learn more about hiding, the blue Nidoran jumped into the offered pokeball and join on the journey.

The day began getting later and they were still too far from the road and town. Using his survival skills, Eirk led them to a small hill where they could get shelter for the night. Used to sleeping without shelter, Vivi found a comfortable patch of ground and curled up with Breckitt who was radiating heat to keep her warm. Everest the Turtwig slept in his shell are her feet.

Morning came quickly and Vivi was up with the dawn to being her training.

She trains her team to move fast and hit effectively

Agility and Brutal Training for the team:
+1 Crit and Effect Range,
+1 Movement, +4 Initiative
Breckitt pushes himself passed his limit - 1 injury gained
Breckitt is Hardened
Breckit gains +1 Crit and Effect Range

Evaluating the team, she singles out Everest, MacBeth and Breckitt for indepth training

Breckit gets 3.5 (Half Level) + 5 (Command) XP
Everest gets 3 (Half Level) + 5 (Command) XP. Everest is level 7!
MacBeth gets 1.5 (Half Level) + 5 (Command) XP

Vivi then watches the team train, and points out specific areas to focus on

Vivi - Drains 1 AP
Breckitt: Attack Stat
Sierra: Attack Stat
Sebastian: Attack Stat
Everest: Defense Stat
MacBeth: Attack Stat
Desdemona: SDef Stat

Happy with how the training is going, Vivi addresses the team.
"Good work everyone, if we keep this up no one can touch us. The world out there is a tough place and no one is looking out for us but us. We all fight together, for each other. We will push our selves past where we thought possible. I will stand by your side win or lose, as long as you give it everything you can. Just ask Breckitt."

2017-11-02, 03:09 PM
"The Beach Bums"

As Loft and Adalicia both act quickly to catch reptilian pokemon on the beach, Sawyer moved toward the young man dressed as a ninja. When he seemed to take a break from his training, Sawyer interjected and offered have a pokemon battle to help train both of their allies.

A wager was agreed to and the battle commenced with the ninja called out a Nosepass while Sawyer called his newest ally, Rosa the Slowpoke. The Nosepass missed it's first attack and Rosa glowed ominously as she called on a curse. The Nosepass then attacked with a dark type move. Rosa placed the Nosepass to sleep before cursing herself again and crushing the sleeping pokemon with a tackle. As it feinted, it took the form of a black fox.

Tommay the Ninja called out his Purrloin and Sawyer recalled the severely damaged Rosa for Ulv, the Lillipup. The cat and dog traded blows, but Ulv came up victorious in the end.

Both trainers bowed to each other and Tommay gave Sawyer the wager before departing.

2017-11-04, 05:34 PM
"A Classic Forming of Rivalry With A Not-So-Classic Result"(Route 901 [I14])

[Session was done on Roll20]

Loki continued his way up north, climbing up the steep curve up a cliff, which was certainly not easy for someone who did not do a lot of physical activities. If not for his jovial mood in this very first day of adventure, he probably would have taken a rest half way up. His Oddish showed zero fatigue or whaever though, still taking anything with a blank stare but it did not slow down at all, looking very alive and active as he took steps over Loki on occasion. The Pokemon did turn back to wait on Loki though, even though his stares were blank and lifeless, the creature might just be full of love. Loki just chose to not pay much attention on them as of now.

The first thing Loki did as he climbed up the top end of the cliff was to avoid the edge of the cliff. His acrophobia kicked in once he soon realized he was at a very high place physically and the edge was fenceless. Shat, even just imagining the drop in his mind put him on a panicked state and he quickly stuck himself to the plantation by the east and away from the cliff.

Then, he saw one berry, juicy and colorful, right in front of his eyes so he headed there to pluck it. What he did not realized until he touched it was that it was actually a Cherrim, who out of self-defense, Absorb the life out of Loki's hand until he gave up -- which did not tell long as the man screamed like a little girl once he saw the fruit coming alive like a freaking zombie. He was not sure if he wanted another Grass Pokemon. He has played a lot of Pokemon Card Game in the past and mono-type was the thing there most of the time because well, card game design, so he always felt like he should be aiming for a bit of variety when it came to his Pokemon Trainer career. On the other hand, he was just starting out and filling his initial arsenal was likely a wise move. So, he tried to talk to the Cherrim into joining, knowing that a battle with him and Oddish would probably last too long, and he needed the Oddish for other fights. The Cherrim did not take the talking well, even if it was calmed down by Oddish's Sweet Scent, it did not like Loki at all and refused to join. Without much alternative, Loki decided to just leave it be.

Moving on, Loki saw some birds flying over the cliff, diving down to the water once in a while. The problem? He has to get close to the cliff -- by "close", like 10 meters before the edge, that distance was close enough to a person with acrophobia. He stuck himself to the ground, making sure he could feel the warmth of Mother Earth under him as he crawled forward like a Salazzle. The Oddish copied his movement by the side, falling down and rolling by his side, having fun with the little imitation. As the birds were constantly moving in mid-air, it was hard for the Pokedex to get a lock on from the maximum distance. So, Loki took every step carefully as he tried to hit his target. No good read for like 10 steps, and so he decided to climb upon a rock and put his Pokedex on top of it for a solid scan. The Oddish "crawled" along him, bouncing himself up the rock, only to be harshly shoved aside by his desperate trainer. A reading! Once he got it, Loki dashed right toward the big tree by the side away from the cliff's edge. He hugged the tree and circled around it until the big tree trump blocked all of the cliff from his side. Then, he sat and caught some breathe. That was close, too close. The Oddish was a little upset and did not understand about this whole thing, but eventually returning to his regular blank stare and trailed after his trainer.

So, those birds were Wingull. Great types for his Mareep to go against, only if his Mareep was a bit more healthier than its current state and if he was not so afraid of the freaking cliff. Also, there were two Wingull. So, number disadvantage might not be on his side, especially with a weakened Mareep. Sighed, he decided to move on. Then, he saw this girl by the cliff, taking her time with the "scary" view. Hey, maybe he could convince the girl to catch the Wingull with him. There were two, so one for each of them. Solid plan. But, the girl was by the cliff, so no way he was going near her. He tried to walk by and hope the girl will notice him but the girl did not. He plotted something though and that was to make the girl come to her. So, he asked his Oddish to tickle the girl with his grassy hair and try to lure her to him.

The Oddish did not do as told though. It rammed himself upon the girl's leg. Thankfully for the girl, this Oddish was not some kind of highly trained but unevolved Oddish like she initially though so. The girl unstabled by the impact but was able to rebalance and stand her ground before falling into her death off the cliff. Though, that was enough to anger her. He thought the man sent the Oddish to kill her. She lashed on Loki angrily, challenging him for her personal honor and an apology. Loki put his manipulation skill to use - talking, apologizing together with his Oddish, negotiating - and the final term is a 1v1 for 150 poke. Loki's plan to convince the girl to capture the Wingull together is never a thing here but Loki simply cannot refuse his first Pokemon fight, not with the competitive spirit burning inside him.

The girl sent out Iija, a Mienfoo, against his Oddish. The Mienfoo was too fast and has been boosting up its attack power for a turn while his Oddish could not do much but attack with Absorb and hope the sustain was enough. It was not. After a few rounds of exchange, the Mienfoo put Oddish down with one final Pounding of rapid fist work and down went Oddish. Clean knockout, no movement upon a count to 10.

All the fire and brightness inside Loki just went way down after his Oddish fainted. This fight was the twilight of his mood and it was all darkness by the end of it. Loki handed the girl her winning wager with "disappointment" written all over his face. The girl, who mentioned her name was Elise, was rather sympathetic, trying to cheer up Loki and even offered to escort him back to town or be together for the night so she could cover him from night assault without Pokemon to defend himself with.

Loki, being a sore loser and a vengeful person all and all, just avoided all the concern, trying to extract information and just all around being a fool. Enough to piss the girl off and left him alone. Pfft, whatever, as if he needed any help! His trip back to the town was without any event at all. Perhaps it was his blank look, that was just like his Oddish, that kept all interest away from him. It was a rough day for him and he was just trying his best to tell himself it was okay to lose his first fight. He came up with all the things like even championship teams have lost their first game of the season before and so forth and so on. Just few hours of talking to himself as he headed back to Heartwood.

After leaving his Pokemon for care in the Pokemon Center in Heartwood, Loki found a small inn to settle in for the night. It was time for him to do his homework for the night. He checked out a lot of the fights he could find in the internet, particularly on the few Pokemon he has and also the Mienfoo evolution line. Then, it was a little bit of online poker and handheld gaming before sleep.

The morning began with some training session for his small team of Pokemon. He has to do better than yesterday and he needed the two Pokemon to work better with him. After an hour of training, it was breakfast for all of them. The Oddish planted himself like the Pokedex said so for some food from Mother PokeEarth, the Mareep has plenty of grass on the outskirt of town and Loki had a wonderful meal in the inn. After that, a little shopping on the PokeMart now that he understood the importance of item. After all that was done, it was time to track Elise down for a rematch, heading north once again!

Training Summary
Oddish: Brutal Training + 2XP
Mareep: Brutal Training + 2XP

Shopping Summary
Buying: 6x Enriched Water($450)

[Heading north all day to I13]

2017-11-04, 08:39 PM
"A Classic First Step" (Route 901[I13])

Moving north past the earlier section of the routes from Heartwood takes most of the day and it's near sundown when Loki arrives at the junction between Routes 901 and 902. The area seems like a pretty standard piece of the plains in the region otherwise, though it looks like the terrain shifts into grassy hills to the north and east. There seems to be a clear dirt road running through here, it splits off to the north and east. There's a sign at the junction, though you'll need to get closer to read it.

There's a young man loitering near the sign, seemingly scribbling in some sort of notebook. He looks distracted, hyper focused on it. He's wearing some sort of lab coat and doesn't seem to have noticed how late it's getting.

There's some rustling in the brush off the side of the road to the left... It seems like there's something hiding in there... It must be small since the brush is hiding it well, though you can spot a curl of black fur as well as two yellow eyes.
There actually seems to be two somethings in there, as you can spot something else moving around in the undergrowth. A thin purple tail waves lazily back and forth as it moves toward the other creature.

You can also spot a strange looking bird perched on top of a tree slightly off the road. Aside from occasionally preening at its green feathers, it stays completely motionless... It's staring out at the setting sun for whatever reason.

Rune Knight
2017-11-06, 03:03 AM
"The Beach Bums" (I19)

The plains of southern Fantasia creep out further towards the shoreline in this stretch of beach. Some bushes and small trees dot the greener areas, while waves roll onto the sand in their repetitive fashion.

Some rustling from a nearby bush catches your attention, and it turns out to be a berry bush. A large crab seems to be trying to climb it to get some of the fruit.

There are a few white-feathered birds circling a small tide pool. Occasionally, one makes a dive into the shallow water, then returns to the air.
You know wingull are omnivores. So, if they're hunting, there could be a fish-like pokémon or possibly a berry in the tide pool that they're trying to get.

Further south, woman dressed in green is admiring the coast.

Finally, there is a seal-like creature is laying on one of the rocks jutting up out of the surf.
A second one is playing in the crashing waves, partially hidden from sight.

2017-11-14, 03:00 PM
{J12 Summary}

After an uneventful night on the hillside, Vivi and Erik make their way through the woods. They arrived at a small farmstead in the early morning.

While Erik hunted around for some pokemon, Vivi moved closer to the farmhouse to investigate a commotion between the farmer and a flock of birds. The boy was Bill, who lived on the farm. A flock of starlys lived nearby and had a bad habbit of eating the seeds planted in the fields. Bill didn't want to drive the birds away completely, since they were helpful and kept bugs away from the crops.
Vivi offered to help Bill with the birds, and after a bouncing a few ideas around, they decided to have a battle to see if it would entertain the birds and keep them away from the seeds.

Vivi was ready, and started the match by sending out her male Nidoran MacBeth. Bill countered with a Tepig named Polo.
Bill came out strong, using ranged attacks to keep away from MacBeth's poison tips barbs. The small Nidoran put up a valiant fight, but in the end was over matched by the Tepig.

Not to be deterred, Vivi decided to fight fire with fire and sent Breckitt onto the field. The speedy chick avenged her fallen ally, onto to come face to face with Bill's Lilpup Mutt. Breckitt looked to have the fight inhand until a clumbsy attack gave the pup the window he needed to bring the bird down.

Things were not looking good for the street battler. For longer than she could remember, Breckitt was the one she counted on, and he had just been taken down. Was this it? Did she have to throw in the towel? No, she would go down swinging. Looking over her team, she was going to have to rely on someone new, untested. She put her trust in Everest, remenicent of her Father's Chestnaught.

"Ok Everest, it is up to you. Do this for us, for Breckitt and MacBeth. Let's win this." Eager to please, Everest tries to tackle Mutt, but misses, and eats a counter attack in return. Luckily his thick shell took the brunt of the damage. The Lilpup is off balance after hitting Everest's shell and is easily dispatch by Everest's next strike.

Bill looks worried, and debates who he should send out. The Turtwig was tough and was shaknig off massive hits. He needed to get creative. Bill sends out a Blitzle, hoping that special attacks, even resisted, could put the turtle down for the count.
Lightning danced around the farm as Everest and Sparkly dueled for the win. Time and time again lightning struck true against the Turtwig, and time and time again Everest was a mountain, shrugging off the hits and striking back.

With a final push Bill launched a quick sequence of attacks, a shockwave followed by a tackle. Everest resisted the pain, and gave one last strike to end the fight.

Vivi picked up the Turtwig and gave him a huge hig, so proud of how hard he fought. Vivi and her team had survived its first battle as a true trainer, and she had been painfully shown how far she still had to go.

The Starly had enjoyed the fight, keeping their eyes glued to the action and not the seeds in the field. Vivi suggested that Bill keep the birds entertained with training and battles to keep them happy and away from the seeds.

Once Erik had finished his catching, they continued on their way.

34 EXP split between MacBeth, Everest and Breckitt
Everest gains 2 levels and is level 9
MacBeth gains a level and it Level 5
Breckitt gains a level and is Level 8

2017-11-15, 04:32 AM
"A Classic First Step"(Route 901 [I13])

[Session was done on Roll20]

Loki spent the second day of his trainer career mostly on travel, trying to catch up on his eternal rival Elise on the road. He knew about where she was going to and the images of rematch was already all over his head. He pictured his victory to tie the record to 1-1 and then another victory for the 2-1 lead. So, as usual, whole ton of dreaming on the road and not much else. Only this time, he was intentionally doing so. He knew about his physical limitation and slowing down to look for Pokemon would only slow down his progress once again. He was already restarting the traveling part yesterday. He really did not want to cause further delay to get to another city. On the other hand, arriving at another city without assembling a team sounded pretty stupid too since one could not do much against the gym without a Pokemon team.

It was with this kind of on-and-on thinking that Loki arrived at the new scenary by sunset. Finally, a crossroad, how exciting! Loki immediately spotted, with keener sense than yesterday, something by the tall grass on the northeast of him. A scan told him that it was a Pumpkaboo. Holy Mother of The True Lord Arceus, looking at the typing, this thing was the answer to Elise's Mienfoo! Naive as he was yesterday, he approached the Pumpkaboo, asking to join "its game", but the Pumpkaboo merely disappeared into the air. Well darn, he did not know Ghost Pokemon could actually do this. Then, a predator Pokemon came right in and swiped at the spot where the Pumpkaboo disappeared. A hunter, obviously ahd Loki just scared its food away! It was a Pokemon that Loki has seen before yesterday, the cat that was clashing with the two dogs by the farm.

This one was hostile and a fight was unavoidable. The opponent struck first, slicing Loki's pants and skin like pizza and hitting Panax the Oddish at the same time too. Loki did not like being hit at all and he was awared of this Pokemon's bursting speed now. So, the game plan was to stick Panax close to the Pokemon, limiting its movement and draining its life force gradually. Panax did a good job with the game plan and Loki kept on moving out of the way and in different direction while the Pokemon tried to pursuit him. Panax stuck to the opponent like a gridiron defensive guard. After a few clashes, the Pokemon retreated and Loki just let it go, knowing that it was just its natural instinct at work and he was not here to distrupt nature's order. Loki tried to talk to the Pumpkaboo again, hoping it would join him like his Mareep did yesterday, but the Pokemon or just the plain air, gave him no answer.

Well, that's that. Moving on, he checked out the signpost, which was just a sign showing where each of the two roads led to. No extra information whatsoever. Luckily, he saw someone just besides the signpost. He looked like a scientist of some kind, same lab coat as he saw in the Heartwood Lab but with a new face. The conversation started with Loki asking about the cities and general area beyond the two roads. Their conversation eventually diverged into other stuffs like Loki finding out about Elise's victory over the researcher and some enquiries about the researcher's project.

After agreeing that they would camp together for the night, which was soon to come, Loki headed north as he saw a lone bird above a tree over there. On the other side of the field, the scientist has started to set up camp for the night. Finding out it was something called Natu, and of the type he felt himself most closely related to - Psychic - he tried to set up a plan behind the signboard. The bird did spot him before he could do much about it though. Betting that a Psychic Pokemon would be more understanding of words, he tried to talk the bird into challenging him but no, the bird just went down the tree and hopped away. Rushing toward the bird, Loki threw out Twinkle to challenge the bird but the bird continued its little hop away. Should he be the aggressor this time? He thought for a little bit but decided it was just agains this nature. The bird was a free bird today and Loki headed back to the signboard with Twinkle and Panax by his side.

He was hoping to get at least something done today and his last chance was for his Oddish to lure Pokemon in for him with Sweet Scent. So, "Plan C" started after Positioning Panax by the tall grass where he has interacted with the Pumpkaboo before and then hiding himself behind the signboard. After a brief time period of nothing, something eventually came. A Pokedex scan told him it was a Growlithe...a Fire Pokemon and it looked to be barking aggressively at Panax. Charging out and ready to put Twinkle out for a better matchup in the fight, Loki then realized the Growlithe was all skin and bone. It also has a tag by his neck, so not a wild one. Poor puppy, Loki quickly found some food in his bag and passed them to the dog by putting them on the ground. After he was certain that the dog was at least not aggressive enough to just attack him, he passed more food to the dog through his hand while simultaneously praying tha the dog would not bite him. The Growlithe did not and the tag looked to be all scratched.

Leading the Growlithe back to the scientist, they both came to the same conclusion. This Growlithe was probably an abandoned breeding project, left out on the wild to survive on its own. The researcher was so good that he even analyzed that it was probably a cross-breed between a Growlithe line and an Espeon. Loki was not picky at all and who to say this Growlithe could not be the best Growlithe out there? Sport teams misjudged talents all the time, same thing could just happen here. The Growlithe was happy to join Loki, so much that Loki felt like it would have just follow him if not "captured" as part of his official roster. All in all, this was good news or even, best news of the day. After chatting with the scientist for some diet tips, the scientist went for an early sleep.

Loki did not. Knowing that he was safe with fire and another tent besides his, Loki spent the night on the outside. Letting all three of his Pokemon out to have their personal fun time, he worked on setting up his tent, which took way, way, way longer than it was supposed to due to his overall lacking of survival knowledge. He really regretted not asking the group of backpackers he travelled to Heartwood Lab how to actually do that. Then, it was some net-surfing on his smartphone for information and matches of the other Pokemon of Elise, a Floette and his newly acquired Growlithe. Then, it was dinner and making sure his Growlithe did not over- or under-fed, a little bit of portable gaming afterward and sleep for the night.

2017-11-15, 12:25 PM
"The Beach Bums" (I19)

Sawyer moved down the coast slowly, observing as much as possible. If he had learned anything thus far, is that opportunity is often hidden. He heard rustling in the grass at the edge of the beach and investigated. A crab was attempting to get berries from a bush and failing. Sawyer moved forward quietly and plucked two berries, hoping to befriend the pokemon, but the crabby crab wanted nothing to do with him.

He moved along the beach line toward a tidal pool, noticing two gulls circling and attempting to eat something within the pool. He drew his crossbow and chased the birds off by shooting them both. Releasing Ulv to search the area, he waded into the pool to retrieve the oval-shaped pokemon he had defended. He moved to put it into the ocean but it held fast to his arm, obviously wanting to stay with him. Sawyer retrieved a pokeball and allowed the pyukumuku to enter.

Sawyer whistled for Ulv, intent on catching up with Adalicia, whom had been battling with the trainer on the beach. When Ulv returned, there were two of him. Sawyer gave them both some attention and played fetch with them until the copy Ulv tried to sneak something from Sawyer's backpack. He attempted to catch it in a pokeball but it struggled free and tried to flee.

Ulv gave chase and Sawyer shot it with his crossbow, causing it to crumple in a heap. Sawyer recognized that it was only playing dead and Ulv gave it a bite. As Sawyer approached, he offered the black fox a chance to join their pack. It seemed more than ready to agree and went into the pokeball without fighting any further.

Sawyer and Ulv caught up with Adalicia finally and prepped the camp as the Sun set on their first day of travel.

Atrum Umbra
2017-11-18, 05:57 PM
"The Beach Bums" (I19)

As she traveled down the beach Beau danced and let her sweet scent drift in the wind. It wasn't long before she attracted the attention of a strange looking long bird creature, instinctively Beau hid behind her trainer. After a charming discussion it seemed that this new pokemon wasn't that bad and it decided to join them.

Knowing that she couldn't avoid battle forever Adalicia was determined to prove that her new team could defend themselves. Spurred on by Sawyers success she decided to seek out a trainer of her own to fight. Her opponent was a confident young lady by the name of Rita. They both prepared for a lovely battle on the beach at sunset.

Beau jumped off of Adalicia's head when she was called forward, her opponent was some odd looking cold dinosaur. Shaking a little at the thought of combat she flew into the air and stared at the creature in fear. Despite the calls from her trainer the best she could do was just hover as the monster zapped her with paralyzing electricity. She tried to attack back but was overcome by a combination of fear and paralysis as she was hit by a chilling blast of air. Finally overcoming everything Beau struggled to attack with a blast of air from her wings, just as she had practiced, but it didn't seem to do much. She then struggle to climb higher, hopefully out of range of the beast she was forced to fight.

Noticing that her pokemon was now out of range Rita switched to a new pokemon that she hid in the long grass. Adalicia, deciding that staying out of reach was unsportsmanlike returned Beau and sent out her new Nosepass to face the unknown threat. It turned out to be a Sneasel and it taunted Aimant into attacking rather than defending himself. Surprised at how fast it could move, Adalicia watched as her Nosepass charged down his foe. It took many scratched in its brawl but shrugged them all off as if they were nothing. The Sneasel was finally battered down and out of the fight. Rita switches back to her original pokemon, recognizing that this won't go as well for her Nosepass Adalicia switched to Goutte her Shellos. The two pokemon take turns blasting mud and ice at each other but ultimately the Amaura came out on top, just barely.

Beau is sent out again, a little unsure as to what has happened, but she recognizes her foe is now weak and blasts it out of the fight. Pleased y her success Beau tries the same thing on her new opponent, some yellow and black cone thing, her fairy wind strikes true but this time doesn't seem as effective. Her opponent then split in to many copies of itself, which didn't seem fair but Beau decided to carry on regardless. Her next attack hit one of the creatures and it blew up, it looked really impressive until Beau realized that wasn't the real pokemon and took a blast of icy wind to the flank. She attacked again visibly hurting the real pokemon this time before it retaliated with a chilling gust to the face which knocked her out.

Adalicia sent out her last hope, Aimant who had already proved himself capable in a fight. the Nosepass charged forward ignoring the fake images and hitting true knocking the Snorunt out of the fight. Glad of her victory and thankful to her new pokemon, Adalicia congratulated Rita on a hard battle well fought, hoping for chance to challenge her again another day.

2017-11-20, 03:25 PM
Continuing on past the farm, Erik and Vivi made there way toward Monte Belvoir. Along the route, Erik found a trainer to square off against while Vivi searched the area for Pokemon.
Erik had noticed a strange fire-pit that was still lit, long after it should have burned out. Sending Sebastian the Lilpup to investigate, Vivi was greeted by a large cloud of smoke, as a small Pokemon scurried from the embers. Vivi called to Sebastian to calm him down, and tried her best to charm the little fire shrew.
Normally wielding all the charm of a 3 day old egg sandwich, somehow Vivi managed to convince the tiny Cyndaquil to join her, and it happily made its way into the pokeball. Vivi noticed that the poor guy was blind, although it didn't appear to hamper it at all. Vivi gave him a hug, named him Svengre and promised that he would be safer now, they would be his eyes.

Emboldened by a conflict free catch, Vivi made her way over to a group of grazing sheep. Recalling Sebastian and letting out the tricky Nidoran Desdemona, Vivi began a carefully conducted game of hide and seek, culminating with her hiding behind one of the Mareep. A quick tap of a pokeball later, and Vivi was certain she would have a new addition... that is until the ball failed to energize.

Letting out a startled bleat, the Mareep called its friends to it aid, and suddenly Vivi was starting down a herd of angry critters. Thinking fast, Vivi put on her tough girl face and scared off half the Mareep, eating a thunder wave from the nearest Mareep for her troubles. Desdemona cut off the attacker, earning a static shock for herself.

Vivi struggled past the paralyzing feeling in her body and sent out Sebastian to help Desdemona. She let tossed her second to last pokeball, hoping for the best. It settled with a click, adding Jezzel to the team. Faced with a pair of willing battlers in Sebastian and Desdemona, the rest of the Mareep bolted.

Slightly less confident, and down to her last ball, Vivi avoided the group of bouncing plants and focused on the strange berry. Trying once again to use guile over force, Vivi begins playing fetch with Sebastian, inching closer and closer to the berry. Vivi tried to tap the berry with a ball, but tripped and fell, scaring the berrymon further into the bushes and out of sight. Thinking hard, Viv came up with another diea.

Vivi sat down in the dirt and brought out her portable grower. She began taking care of the plant, talking to it and encouraging it. Vivi hoped that the hiding berry may be tempted to join. Vivi kept chatting away with her growing berry, completly unaware that the grower now had a second occupant. Finally, as she went to put the grower away she noticed a larger than normal bump in the dirt around her little plant. Realizing the berrymon must have hidden there, Vivi takes out her ball and taps the Bounsweet, naming her Gaia.

Her last ball spent, Vivi felt a bit wiser in the ways of trainers, and knew that her new teammates would help her down the road. She met back up with Erik, and they made their way into Monte Belvoir. New challenges await.

Vivi is level 2 (9 Dex XP, 1 Battle XP)
Vivi gained Adept Skills Command
Vivi gains Basic Skills Perception
Vivi gains 1 Speed

Sorry, I am new and this is Town 1 so I have no idea how it all works

How exactly do towns work? Who do we talk with in character to get information, trade, ask about jobs, goings on, etc?
How does trading work?
Are there pokemon in town to be caught or battles?
Are there specialized services like mentoring, ball repair etc?

Rune Knight
2017-11-21, 11:25 AM
The Beach Bums (I20)

This quiet portion of the shore has little on the surface. A dark haired woman and a few pokemon near her seem to be meditating.
There's a brand name bottle of water half buried in the sand. It looks unopened and could still be good.

Further down the beach, a group of crabs appear to be fighting over a particular part of the cliff face. On the sand below them is a dried up creature of some sort.
As you get closer, is seems to still be alive.
Sea creatures usually don't do well when they're not in the sea.