View Full Version : DM Help Audit my fight, please!

2017-10-09, 08:13 AM
Running SKT, and (as most of you probably know by now) my players are seeking out a Stone Giant leader in the Underdark to retrieve his Conch of Teleportation. I've changed the story a bit to better fit my players and their story arc, so the Giant is now the Dodkong, and is experimenting with Void Magic and the Great Old One warlock patron (it's ambiguous at this point whether it's the same GOO who is my player's patron).

The Party (all 8th level, except Bedo, who is a 6th level DMPC):

GOOlock (most experienced player; very good with his spells)

War Cleric (next most experienced; tends to be a fairly conservative player)

Champ Fighter (new player)

Assassin Rogue (new player)

Ranged Battlemaster Fighter (Idiot DMPC; he pretty much stays in back and uses Trip Attack or Command Ally)

The Fight!

I'm trying to make this a bit more memorable that just "he hits you really hard with a club, and maybe petrifies you....or maybe not".

Dodkong Fight
- Area 14 above (this is the normal Stone Giant cave map in SKT.

o DK uses the Stone Giant Dreamwalker stats (Volos p.150)
 Petrifying Touch: DC 14 Con save; else unchanged

- Siphon Vitality: The DK can use an action to siphon vitality from an ally. The ally instantly dies, and the DK regains 20 hit points

- Chaotic Shuffle: Upon reaching 80 HP, the Dodkong uses an action to magically shift up to 4 creatures up to 30 feet in any direction; can make one melee attack as a bonus action after

- Rage: When reduced to 40 hp or less, the DK enrages, instantly hitting the creature that reduced it to 40 hp with a Maddening Attack, and gaining a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls

- Fling: As an action, the DK tries to throw a Small or Medium creature within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be hurled up to 60 feet horizontally in a direction of the giant's choice and land prone, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown.

- Maddening Attack: Once per turn; on hit, target makes DC 11 Wisdom save
o On failed save, target gains 1 random short-term madness effect

- Legendary Actions (3 points):
o 1 Point: Siphon Vitality
o 2 points: Maddening Attack

- If fight is too easy, at 40 HP:
o Un-petrifies 2 Mind Flayer minions
o Attempts to retreat and escape

- If fight is too hard, next round on Initiative 15:
o Kalish comes in, dropping Seeming and casts Ray of Enfeeblement at the DK
o Spends the rest of the fight trying to control the battlefield

- If DK is killed, minions ignore the party and flee


What say you, playground? Thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and criticism are welcome!

Puh Laden
2017-10-09, 09:19 AM
My most memorable fights always involved interesting terrain. Since the giant is researching/devoted to a GOO, you might put in alien geometry, portals, weird terrain features that break up the room like tentacles from the wall or from "nowhere" or large odd mechanical contraptions. If you use portals and alien geometry, you might decide that only the stone giant and the GOO warlock can use them easily or effectively. For example, there might be many portals in the room and the giant and the warlock can use each to travel to any other desired portal, but any other creature goes to a random or predetermined portal.