View Full Version : Swashbuckling Cleric?

2017-10-09, 04:39 PM
I need build advice for a flamboyant cleric whose fighting style is all about glitz and panache, based on either sword-and-board or a two-handed style. I’m less concerned with raw damage output than with a flavorful build that allows him to fight effectively and occupy the center of attention.

The cleric will be human, either second or third level, and is devoted to a god of wealth and commerce, with an emphasis on flaunting his material possessions. I’m looking for ideas on a solid two-handed or sword-and-board build. All official Paizo material is on the table, and I’m open to 3.5 options on a case-by-case basis.

I’m looking for feats, archetypes, spells, anything that helps him shine and show off the bling.


2017-10-09, 05:27 PM
You probably want trickery devotion. You can swap a domain granted for the feat for free!

2017-10-09, 06:03 PM
Different god, but Caydenite clerics have exactly this fighting style - Blade and Tankard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/divine-fighting-technique-combat/), where they use a rapier in one hand and swig their ale with the other. You could probably use that as a basis for yours.

2017-10-09, 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo
You can swap a domain granted for the feat for free!

Intriguing, but not sure I follow this. What feat is being swapped?

Originally Posted by Psyren
Different god, but Caydenite clerics have exactly this fighting style - Blade and Tankard, where they use a rapier in one hand and swig their ale with the other.

Interesting, thanks. I’d rather go with an off-hand weapon than a mug, since it doesn’t quite fit what I have in mind. Rapier and light mace could work, although ideally I’d prefer a heftier main weapon.

Inspiring Sword, on the other hand, is almost perfect for what I was thinking: a flashy weapons display that has a solid mechanical benefit. It seems to be intended for paladins, though, so I’d need to adapt it for a cleric somehow.

These fighting styles seem to be mini-archetypes, but could the initial benefit work as a standalone feat?

2017-10-09, 07:24 PM
Intriguing, but not sure I follow this. What feat is being swapped?

It's 3.5. He means you can swap your Trickery domain for the Trickery Devotion feat without spending a feat. (I think they're in... Complete Champion?)

These fighting styles seem to be mini-archetypes, but could the initial benefit work as a standalone feat?

It IS a standalone feat - Divine Fighting Technique. That whole page is the feat entry, and you get the "Initial Benefit" when you take it. (It might help if you see it somewhere else (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Divine%20Fighting%20Tech nique) besides the PFSRD.)

2017-10-09, 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
It IS a standalone feat - Divine Fighting Technique. That whole page is the feat entry, and you get the "Initial Benefit" when you take it. (It might help if you see it somewhere else besides the PFSRD.)

Okay, thanks. You’re right, the PFSRD really makes that confusing.

But this is pretty much perfect. All I need now are a couple of combat feats to fill out his fighting technique.

2017-10-10, 04:59 PM
So, the Inspiring Sword technique requires a longsword to produce the effect, and it looks like clerics can trade a domain power to take the feat.

That leaves my human cleric with three (3) feats to apply to his longsword. Is sword-and-board the best option here, and should I build around that?

2017-10-10, 05:08 PM
Intuitive Attack shifts the attack bonus from strength to wisdom for simple weapons. Something like:
Human bonus: Combat Expertise
1: Improved Disarm
3. Intuitive Attack

Would be sometimes flashy and effective with a spear.

2017-10-10, 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Anthrowhale
Intuitive Attack shifts the attack bonus from strength to wisdom for simple weapons.

Thanks, but I’m okay letting him fight with his Strength bonus.

Originally Posted by Anthrowhale
Would be sometimes flashy and effective with a spear.

Maybe, but I want to build around the Inspiring Sword technique, which means I’m restricted to the longsword.

I certainly don’t mind that, since it works for my concept, so my question is whether sword-and-board is the best option—and if so, what feats would be good to use.