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Armored Walrus
2017-10-09, 11:21 PM
It's noon on Fireday, the 12th day of Palesun. You couldn't have arrived any sooner - the cataclysmic earthquake that created Bastard Sword pass a year and a half ago didn't do anything about the yards of snow that choke it for most of the year. Calan, your mountain guide, deemed it propitious to set out on the last day of Rainmoot, it being good luck to start a journey on Lastday, and his judgement proved sound enough.

Thinking back, you can still smell the sharp resin of the dark green firs, nearly black under their heavy coats of slushy snow. More than one of you experienced an unwelcome, surprise shower when a careless step bent a bough and dowsed you in half-melted snow, icy water tricking down your back no matter how tightly you had pulled your coat and tied your scarf.

It was a harsh change to emerge a week or so later into the soft, dewy warmth of the sweeping grassland. Though still covered in a shaggy, yellow mass of last year's blades, the earthy scent of new growth assaulted nostrils that had grown used to the rare, crisp air of the upper altitudes. You walked with the caravan of garrison supplies, carting grains, peas and roots for planting, and ground flour for baking, weapon and lamp oil, bolts of canvas for tents and uniforms, and all manner of supplies to keep the budding "town" of Hardholm-by-the-Mere from starvation and ruin for another year.

Frankly, it's a relief to see it still standing. Many back home thought you would arrive to find bleached bones and fat natives. But the town, as it were, still stands before you on the crest of the Hardholm. Nearest you a broad, rocky ford churns even the slow-moving Stag into choppy rapids. The Stag straining at its banks with the spring melt from the Dragon's Fang range 50 miles or more to the north.

The bank on the far side of the river bristles with wooden stakes, a few of the local halflings rest their backs against them as they lounge in the soft spring grass, catgut fishing lines tied to their toes and trailing in the river. Beyond this meager defense a few squat riverstone huts mark the tiny native village, quickly being dwarfed by dozens of tents and a single, large wooden inn that have been erected on the flat, lower two-thirds of the island. Up on the crest of the Hardholm, a stout wooden palisade crowns the rocky crag, a single watchtower thrusting above its ten foot high wall. Though formidable-looking, you know there can't be more than a couple dozen soldiers barracked up there - with a few more ready to join them from the ranks of your caravan.

A slight breeze spits a light drizzle into your face as you gaze upon the place. It's not quite what you may have expected, but for now, this is home.

Each of you has heard a few rumors about the town, or the surrounding area.

Your trip across the great plains, glimpsing the scouts of the halfling tribes peering at you from the distance, not to mention those who served as escorts and guides to the caravan itself, had you worried, and nearly believing what you had been told about the Hamstringers. Their severe expressions, wiry frames and uncouth hairstyles made it easy to credit a tale of a warrior society of halfling assassins. The Hamstringers supposedly are served by all the halflings in the Crucible, either as their informants, or as killers. But seeing the stout, satisfied, homely fisherfolk on the river bank sets your mind at ease. Surely these are simply tall tales, or the result of a cultural misunderstanding.

Your thirst for knowledge led you to speak with anyone you could about your destination, including any guards or drivers in your caravan who had made the trip before, and even the savage halflings that served as escorts and guides. You've learned many things on the voyage, some of which are hard to credit. You hear that there are giants who have a stronghold to the north, near the source of the Stag, and a great gem at its heart turns any blade it touches into a wicked weapon of great power, but at great cost to the bearer. You hear that should you tramp into the Slog - the vast swamp that covers the land west of Hardholm-by-the-Mere, one must bury at least 10 gold crowns in the muck or be cursed, but the Slog is also said to be home to an oracle of mysterious wonder. Finally, you hear that Hardholm itself rests on a burial mound of a clan of giants.

Having sort of fallen into this job, and interested in more esoteric, rather than commercial or arcane, concerns, you haven't done much to seek out knowledge of your destination. But people talk, and you absorb most of what happens around you. As you gaze at the burgeoning town before you, some of these tales spring to your mind. One caravan guard mentioned in passing that, when he left the boom town last autumn, it seemed that the local whores were actually gathering power in town, many of them objecting to conditions in the camp and negotiating directly with the commander of the garrison regarding making laws about how they could be treated, their right to say no to a client, and other unheard-of stipulations. Another told a tale of the dead in the swamps around Hardholm rising at night and plaguing anyone unfortunate enough to lay outside of the palisade. Your instinct tells you this tale may have been exaggerated, or made up whole cloth, the better to get a laugh at the expense of newcomers.

Tengar Ambershield didn't raise his daughter to mess around with books and scrolls. Your fact-gathering for this mission has been more pragmatic. Here's what you know about the tactical situation around Hardholm-by-the-Mere. Some early settlers have been trying to take advantage of the fertile, loamy soil of the grassland to the northeast of the settlement, but they've been harried by a number of problems, chief among them occasional raids by goblins and kobolds, who seem to emerge from the dense forest you passed on your way to town. They also speak of "scaly chickens" that have caused a ruckus, and even a casualty or two, when they show up to scratch at the newly-planted seeds. Moreover, you've heard that the swamp to the west, known as The Slog, is the home of several tribes of lizardfolk. They are not friendly toward each other, and some could be fairweather allies. Though you doubt you'll ever utter the phrase, you did hear that "Skeewisss" is lizardspeak for "We seek no conflict."

Atrius tried to share his grand scheme with you, but he found poor soil on which to grow his intellectual dreams. So he contented himself with drumming into you by rote a few key points he wanted you to make sure to remember. Spouting some gibberish about elemental confluences and some other words you hadn't heard before, he settled down to mark some coordinates on a map. These included a mountain, thrusting up alone from the surrounding hills and covered in dead, blasted trees; a sprawling badland, home to dervishes and dust devils; an idyllic pool, clear and unspoiled in the midst of the rank swamp; and a broken land, blasted with vents the spout noxious, heated gasses into the air. On a more practical note, he mentioned that although some of the tribes of halflings were hospitable enough to the newcomers, offering to escort and guide them in exchange for their weapons of hard steel and their magic items, many other tribes are hostile to trade, and would take little provocation to begin preying on the trade routes, or to spoil any attempts at building up waystations or other protections. He imparted that, though each tribe speaks their own, slightly different dialect, their language is not unlike that spoken by rustic halflings in their holes in your own lands.

2017-10-10, 01:55 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)
N Wood Elf, Rogue 1
Size: M | Speed: 35 (25) ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 17, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +4 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d8+2 | Hit Points: 10/10
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Mohander hefts his pack off the wagon as they come into town, separating his personal effects from the supplies lest they be unloaded and carted off by the locals who were beginning to gather to see what goods and news were arriving in town after so many weeks of isolation. It's heavier than he remembered when he loaded it on back near Verun; the freedom had allowed him to move with ease through the pass, though the chill of snow caught him all the same. There was no escaping the cold there, and here the wet seemed to cling desperately to every surface.

Mohander scans the surroundings before they enter the gate, taking note of the mountains to the north and other landmarks Atrius had noted, trying to coordinate his visual surroundings with the map in his breast pocket. "It's smaller than I expected," he says coolly, more matter-of-fact than disappointed. As everyone moves closer there's a hint of disgust to his visage as he looks out at the boggy far bank marking the entrance to the Slog. He shifts his boot against the mud. "We should probably secure a room if we can. Tents won't be pleasant with how damp the ground is here."

2017-10-10, 08:10 PM
As they reach the town of Hardholm, Shaena shivers, half in delight to see spring begin to arrive and the other simply happy to see a winter thaw knowing she won't likely be buried under one more pile of snow. Being shorter than the others, she oft found herself covered up to her chin or higher underneath the cold, crystalline water. While unloading her own items, she overheard Mohander's comment. That's what you lot said about me, Shaena said, smiling almost jovially. But enough about that. Where do you suppose we'll find a room, she says asking no one in particular.

2017-10-11, 08:35 AM
Kyra Ambershield (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra was getting more and more anxious during the traveling time, most of the time she would walk right besides the caravan just because be sitting around doing nothing in a wagon for a week was something she didn't want to do. As soon as the caravan arrive to Hardholm she exclaimed to the ones near her "Finally! We are here! I was about to punch someone in the face, just to start a fight and have something to do!" It is hard to say if she is joking or not, probably not.

She looks at Mohander and Shaena saying "I don't really care where we stay, I'm not staying in town for more than a day or two! There are goblins" you notice the anger in her eyes while she mentions goblins "kolbolts, giant chickens and lizardfolks around this area and I'm ready to kill them! Besides there is a lot of money to be made here, so let's not waste too much time sitting around doing nothing." She would then grab her gears and start walking around in town, knowing the place.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-11, 09:30 AM
Frigid water churns about your ankles (Shaena's knees) as you stride across the rocky ford. Only a few of the wagons seem to be headed into town - deliveries for the garrison for the most part, from the looks of them - while a few, bearing hopeful families with farming implements, barrels of seed, and a nervous, hopeful look on their faces, begin to tail off to the north. The rest begin to circle on the grass on the east side of the river.

As you head into town, a press of people head the other way, angling to be the first to trade. The townsfolk seem prosperous enough, though most of a bit of a hungry look to them. You gather it's been a long, lean winter, but not a deadly one.

2017-10-11, 09:51 AM
With a faint hint of a smile, Atas pulls his backpack of the wagon, quickly wrapping it around his shoulder. Compared to some of the others, the tall, tone wood-elf is not carrying very much with him, only possessing the bear necessities of survival. His relative poverty is clear, not just by this, but also by the cloak and leathers he wears on his body. Once, they must have been fine, and their elven craftsmanship is still clearly visible, but the time on the road has made them worn and covered with stitches and patches.

Somewhat removed from the immediate discussion, he takes a moment to stretch his limbs, eager to shake off the tiredness that has set in from the long walk. "You could have just asked if you wanted to spar." he finally says, half-joking. "I am looking forward to trying my hand against this land's beasts. Still, let's see if we can find an inn somewhere around here. I doubt any of the locals will take in a group of strangers, especially right after winter."

Stepping calmly through the icy waters, he follows the others into town, eyes opened for where the other caravan members are heading. Talking was never his strong point, and he feels more comfortable simply observing.

2017-10-11, 10:48 AM
Mohander Caladresh (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)
N Wood Elf, Rogue 1
Size: M | Speed: 35 (25) ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 17, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +4 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d8+2 | Hit Points: 10/10
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Before separating from the homesteaders, Mohan talks to them a bit about their plans to work the land and offers and advice he's able to get them off to a good start. Best times to plant, build close to the river but not in a flood zone, and other miscellaneous tips from his time on the planet.

"What you lack in size you more than make up for in personality, my diminutive friend. I've heard not all your kind in this land are so agreeable." Mohan replies to Shaena with a smile, nodding toward the fishing folk. Her conversation during the trip had brightened his dour beginning to the journey. Addressing the rest of them as well he adds with a gesture, "That building there seems the best start. I agree with Kyra, we shouldn't stay long. Remember though: we're here for a reason, and it's not hunting goblins and lizards," Mohan cautions with indirect disapproval of the barbarian's bloodlust, however justified it may be. He follows her into town making his way toward the large structure to see what sort of folk it held within.

2017-10-11, 02:24 PM
Shaena looks up to Mohanda and replies Likely but a rumor. And if not, I bet those who have attempted just didn't have the right translator. Maybe someone of my stature is just what's needed. It's pretty clear she's using the turn of phrase as a bit of a pun. "That said, some rest before we go further into the unknown yonder is definitely called for. Then I can catalog the goblins and lizards while Kyra cracks 'em open."

2017-10-11, 08:31 PM
Kyra Ambershield (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Somewhat removed from the immediate discussion, he takes a moment to stretch his limbs, eager to shake off the tiredness that has set in from the long walk. "You could have just asked if you wanted to spar." he finally says, half-joking. "I am looking forward to trying my hand against this land's beasts. Still, let's see if we can find an inn somewhere around here. I doubt any of the locals will take in a group of strangers, especially right after winter."
She gets enthusiastic about the ideia, she been wanting to ask someone for a while "We could do it tomorrow morning! My axe-swinging-muscle does not like being idle for too long!"

"That building there seems the best start. I agree with Kyra, we shouldn't stay long. Remember though: we're here for a reason, and it's not hunting goblins and lizards," Mohan cautions with indirect disapproval of the barbarian's bloodlust, however justified it may be. He follows her into town making his way toward the large structure to see what sort of folk it held within.
Kyra looks at Mohander a bit annoyed by his assumptions "You can say that about youself, but my main reason to be here is to find new challenges and improve myself to be a worth member of the Ambershield clan! The gold is just an extra."

"That said, some rest before we go further into the unknown yonder is definitely called for. Then I can catalog the goblins and lizards while Kyra cracks 'em open."
"That I can do just fine!" Kyra agrees with Shaena.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-11, 09:55 PM
Squelching through the mud up what serves as a street, you pass open-faced tents with crudely fashioned wooden displays. Charcoal scrawls on the transom of each tent opening declares what type of business is being done there. One tent deals in ointments and nostrums, one holds a butcher elbow deep in the carcass of a deer, some chickens and eggs are being bartered for here, and some foraged plants. Here and there a halfling stands in the open, the day's catch spread out on a blanket before them.

2017-10-12, 09:16 AM
Atas throws Kyra a smirk. He was surprised to find someone with similar ideals to his own when he first met her, and still he welcomes her presence. Even though she could stand to learn a bit of restraint.

"Let's not get too heated yet." he offers. "Tomorrow, we'll need our strength." His glance is directed mostly at Mohander, giving the fellow elf a look of sympathy.

After that, he simply walks alongside the group, quietly observing the stalls. There are animals and plants on display here that he has never seen, and it's good to know what is and isn't edible in these lands. Though perhaps the locals are not the best people to trust in these matters, despite what Shaena says about those rumours?

2017-10-12, 05:31 PM
Shaena yawns a bit as they continue to thr only posdible place serving as an inn. Her short legs tried to keep pace with the others but she was certainly not built for the speed of the taller folk. She quietly pulled put a piece of parchment, trying to list some of the less recognizable flora & fauna she had observed. Realizing the near impossibility of doing so juggling quill, scroll, and inkwell, she put the former two back while carrying parchment so thr ink could dry.

2017-10-13, 09:29 AM
Kyra Ambershield (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

"Fine!" Kyra exclaims as she keeps walking a bit frustrated, but thinking "I hope I'm not grouping up with a bunch of cowards."

She then start heading towards the wooden building hoping it is not too expensive, she don't really have the coins (9sp) to spend at the moment, so she might even need to sleep outside, not that she really minds doing so.

2017-10-13, 09:40 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)
N Wood Elf, Rogue 1
Size: M | Speed: 35 (25) ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 17, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +4 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d8+2 | Hit Points: 10/10
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Mohander follows the hulking woman into the inn and surveys the folks within. Selecting an outdoorsy looking type he offers to buy them a drink in exchange for some conversation about what dangers to be expected around here beyond the general "goblins & kobolds & lizards oh my" and ask if they know where the pristine pool in the Slog might be located.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-13, 10:21 PM
Having walked about a quarter mile through the now deserted market area you stood before a three story, rectangular wooden building, an ill-fashioned wooden sign that vaguely looks like a mug of frothy ale hanging above the batwing doors, cheerful music coming from inside.

A stern-faced, muscular half-orc stood on guard outside, his gruff warning giving you a glimpse into just how far from civilization you've come.
"Yer new in town, so I'll tell ya once; if ya gotta fight in there, use yer fists, or take it outside. No killing inside the tavern."

He flips you a nonchalant salute, crosses his arms, and leans back against the rough timbers, resuming his watch.

Inside, the tavern is gloomy, dusty and mostly empty. A skinny, nervous-looking elf mutters to himself in a booth off to the left, while a pair of dirty laborers sit at a table near the bar. A dwarf, deep in his cups is tended to by a small girl who seems to be the day waitress here. Standing on a stool at the bar is a handsome dwarf with a luxurious beard, playing a tune on his lute but getting no attention. He wears a stiffly patient expression while he strums. Behind the bar stands a gnome in a white apron, a thick, white handlebar mustache, and a faded red beret.

Glancing around, Mohander sees the most signs of the outdoors on the two laborers, and strikes up a conversation. His offer to buy drinks is enthusiastically accepted, and he easily steers the conversation to what lies beyond the small town.

"A pristine pool? Ain't ever heard a that, but yer right abowt dere bein' more'n just kobolds 'n goblins out dere. Jake, c'm'ere once. Tell'em what yer cousin saw over inna swamp, what? Two, tree days before 'e died?"

Jake takes a dirty finger out of his ear and wipes it absent-mindedly on his pants leg, "Oh yah, my cousin? He was out dere diggin' fer iron ore (he says it like eye-er-nore) up inna hills nort' a town, ya know? He says 'e was takin' a leak one day, lookin' out across da river, his claim sits onna west side a da hill, don'tchya know, an' he seen dis ting come walkin' outta da swamp. He says da ting looks straight at him from across da river, an' it looks just like one a them wart hogs. But it ain't no warthog, he says. He says da ting's got a huuge body like a big shaggy horse, only wit a hump, ya know? An' it's got a long tail wit a big bony ball at da end. He says he can smell it clear across the river, an' ya know tha Stayg's a good couple hunnerd yards acrosst dere. But he says it smells just like a skunk rottin' in a swamp." Jake lifts his newly-replenished mug at Mohander in salute and takes a big swill.

"No one goes very far inna da swamp, don'tchya know. Even da "adventurers" don't go much past where dey can still see da hardholm. If yer new aroun' here y'should probly be careful about goin' owt dat way."

2017-10-14, 08:21 AM
Even thhrough the din, Shaena's ears perk up as the two talk to Mohnader about this weird monster. She rushes over, pulling out a parchment and her ink & quill once more. So it's as shaggy as a horse as well as large as one? How does it fight? Does it use that tail-ball? What other strange creatures have you or others seen?

Armored Walrus
2017-10-14, 09:42 AM
Jake looks nonplussed at the rapid questioning of the halfling, "Well, ma'am, 'e din't fight it. It was clear acrosst the Stayg from 'im. But, yah, I'd say she was shaggier'n a horse. As fer seein' other stuff, well, ya know..." He glances meaningfully at his nearly empty horn of the inn's sour ale.

2017-10-14, 11:50 AM
Jake looks nonplussed at the rapid questioning of the halfling, "Well, ma'am, 'e din't fight it. It was clear acrosst the Stayg from 'im. But, yah, I'd say she was shaggier'n a horse. As fer seein' other stuff, well, ya know..." He glances meaningfully at his nearly empty horn of the inn's sour ale.

Shaena smiles brightly in understanding. She produces a silver piece and yells "Two more rounds for these fine gentlemen." Once the drinks are delivered, she prods them once more. "So, about those other creatures...?"

2017-10-14, 01:51 PM
Satisfied that Mohander and Shaena are handling the talking and information-gathering, Atas opts to mingle elsewhere. He's not sure how much faith he has in the story that they are hearing from the villagers, but it's better than what he would find out, in any case.

As such, he heads for the bar, sitting down nearby the well-groomed dwarf. He listens to the music, reminded of the songs he himself used to play back home. It's a shame he's had to leave his instrument behind when he became an exile. In turn, his attention to the dwarf's playing is all the more focused now.

Should he have a chance to do so, he will attempt to strike up a discussion about music, interested in what the locals like to hear and eager to share what he has learned in his homeland.

2017-10-16, 02:40 AM
Kyra Ambershield (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra nods to the guard thinking "I doubt this place will have anything worth of using my Axe. My fists are more than enough."

She then follows the other, listening with attention the part about the monsters and the swamp "Now these are worth of my Axe!" and start getting antsy about the perpective of exploring those places and facing those creatures. But she decides to let the others do the talking.

Also, she does starting looking around for something to eat while the others talk. (if there is a menu or some sort of waiter, or does it looks like she have to go and ask)

Armored Walrus
2017-10-16, 08:00 AM
Mohander and Shaena

Jake perks up at the mention of two more rounds. The human girls takes Shaena's silver and returns with her hands full of ale-filled horn mugs.

"Well, one thing I kin tell ya izzat up inna nort' dere's a hill all covered in dead trees. Nuttin' grows on dat hill at all."

His companion jumps in with, "Don't ferget the chicken lizards owt by da famers. Dey're havin' a tough time gettin' goin' out dere 'cause da damn tings come scratch all da seed outta da ground."

"Oh, yah, an' dere's da centaurs out onna grassland, an' dey say da woods out east is fulla werewolves. Plus I hear out inna swamp, if ya go two t'ree days in, dere's a hag dat kin tell yer future, but fer payment she takes yer eyes. If someone kin kill 'er though, she's got a lotta gold berried in her cave."

The two go on in this way for some time while Shaena takes her notes.

While they start out confident enough, you can tell after the first few items they are now just spouting tales they've heard, regardless of the source. Shaena appears to take them at face value, but your keen insight into people allows you to see that they don't necessarily believe everything they're telling your companion.


The bard preens under your attention a bit and gives you a smile as he finishes the song. "By the look yer givin' me, either ye play or I'm cuddling yer best lass here on me lap. That one were 'The Wind in the Leaves' but I bet they call it somethin' else where yer from. Name's Klemm, by the way, pleased ta make yer acquaintance." The dwarf holds out his hand in greeting.


Kyra snags the girl's attention between rounds for Jake and his companion. She looks up at you with a bright smile, "You're a big one ain't you? What'll it be? We got today's catch of trout, some turtle soup, and maybe a root or two to go with it. Bread's hard to come by, so none of that. For drinks we have mead, but it's dear, a silver a pint, ale's cheap but it tastes like horse piss. If you're planning on taking rooms, breakfast comes with the room. Don't let Tordif tell you otherwise. By the way, my name's Marryn, welcome to the Foaming Flagon."

2017-10-16, 08:37 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)
N Wood Elf, Rogue 1
Size: M | Speed: 35 (25) ft. | Senses: Passive Perception 17, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +4 | Armor Class: 15 | Hit Dice: 1d8+2 | Hit Points: 10/10
Affected by: None | Conditions: None
Mohander listens intently, making a few small abbreviations on the map as they talk. After scrawling "Chick Liz" outside of town, he takes a good hard look at the pair and settles back into his chair, folding the map and returning it to his pocket. He chats with them a bit longer about life in Hardholm. When he finally stands and bids them adieu, he turns back and says, "One more question. Does anything ever attack this settlement? Can't help but notice the defensive spikes set against the Slog side of the island." Satisfied with their responses he wishes them a good evening and joins Issy and Kyra at their table to share what he learned.

Speaking quietly he explains, "Could be they're not the right folk to talk to, but they don't know much about the area. Mostly rumors and hearsay about centaurs, werefolk, and hags." He lays the map out for them all to see. "Sounds like the farmers around here are having some trouble with local beasties ripping up their crops. That's not good for Hardholm's survival. Otherwise it seems the closest spots Atrius mentioned are either in the Slog," he circles the swamp with his finger and then points to a hill to the north, "Or this mountain of dead trees. Hard to say how far the mountain is, and the swamp might be difficult to navigate. Folks don't go out of sight of the Mere, afraid of what might live further in."

Am I able to gauge roughly how big the Slog is or how far away the dead tree mountain is? Locals didn't mention the badlands or gas vents so I'm presuming those are further away from Hardholm.

2017-10-16, 09:44 AM
Atas at first only stares at the hand offered to him, glaring almost, before hesitantly taking it. Sharing such personal contact with a stranger in a social context is strange and uncomfortable to Atas, and it shows in how fidgety he is about the whole thing. He gets it over with as quickly as possible.

Then, however, he relaxes again, and clears his throat. "W-Well met, Klemm. I am Atas, and yes, I do dabble. My family has something of a tradition with the dulcimer.

That melody does remind me of an old ballad called 'Spring's Whisper', now that you mention it. Though I can barely recognize the chorus."

He gives the bar a short lookover, adding "It's a shame, though, that nobody seems to be listening. Is there more of a crowd at dusk?"

2017-10-16, 10:42 AM
Mohander and Shaena

Jake perks up at the mention of two more rounds. The human girls takes Shaena's silver and returns with her hands full of ale-filled horn mugs.

"Well, one thing I kin tell ya izzat up inna nort' dere's a hill all covered in dead trees. Nuttin' grows on dat hill at all."

His companion jumps in with, "Don't ferget the chicken lizards owt by da famers. Dey're havin' a tough time gettin' goin' out dere 'cause da damn tings come scratch all da seed outta da ground."

"Oh, yah, an' dere's da centaurs out onna grassland, an' dey say da woods out east is fulla werewolves. Plus I hear out inna swamp, if ya go two t'ree days in, dere's a hag dat kin tell yer future, but fer payment she takes yer eyes. If someone kin kill 'er though, she's got a lotta gold berried in her cave."

The two go on in this way for some time while Shaena takes her notes.

Shaena furiously scribbled down furiously everything the man said as fast as she could. She didn't care about the veracity of these stories, they could be confirmed later. To the untrained naked eye, it looked like a coded cipher. But to her, her notes were quite legible and easily read. Being too distracted with this newfound information, she let Mohander ask about any attacks.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-16, 01:37 PM
When he finally stands and bids them adieu, he turns back and says, "One more question. Does anything ever attack this settlement? Can't help but notice the defensive spikes set against the Slog side of the island."

"Yep, ringed in spikes, aint' we? Well, let's see, we had a troll or two one time, stalkin' around on da swamp side. Den dere were dem wooves dis past winter. O' course we're always worried about halflin's 'n goblin's 'n kobolds, but dey don't bother us much any more, since we gave 'em a pretty good whoopin' last fall."

No one, to your knowledge, has braved the Slog all the way to the other side. As far as the hill with the dead trees, Jake can put that roughly where it belongs on your map, it's a good 30 or 40 miles north, just shy of the Dragon's Fang mountain range that encloses the Crucible.

He gives the bar a short lookover, adding "It's a shame, though, that nobody seems to be listening. Is there more of a crowd at dusk?"

Klemm gives you a bemused smile at the awkward handshake, then shrugs it off. "Aye, the place picks up at night, and isn't so quiet most days, either. It's the comin' o' the caravan, first o' the year, that's pulled everyone away. Don't let Tordif's sour look foll ye, he'll make back his custom and then some tonight, when folks come back wi' some coins from trade." Tordif rolls his eyes at Klemm, and continues wiping down the bar with a wet rag.

2017-10-17, 02:10 AM
Kyra Ambershield (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)


Kyra snags the girl's attention between rounds for Jake and his companion. She looks up at you with a bright smile, "You're a big one ain't you? What'll it be? We got today's catch of trout, some turtle soup, and maybe a root or two to go with it. Bread's hard to come by, so none of that. For drinks we have mead, but it's dear, a silver a pint, ale's cheap but it tastes like horse piss. If you're planning on taking rooms, breakfast comes with the room. Don't let Tordif tell you otherwise. By the way, my name's Marryn, welcome to the Foaming Flagon."
Kyra smiles, taking that as a compliment "That is because you did not saw my father - Tengar Ambershield - he is 6'5" and 280 pounds and strong as an ogre [20 Str]! One time when I was younger we were traveling around a mountainous region when a avalanche begin, he used his shield to block rocks - as big as a boar - that were comming towards me and my brother."

As soon as she mentions her brother she abruptly changes subject becoming more serious "I will want some trout. And I think we are taking a couple rooms with breakfast for the night. My name is Kyra, nice to meet you Marryn."

2017-10-17, 10:48 AM
Klemm gives you a bemused smile at the awkward handshake, then shrugs it off. "Aye, the place picks up at night, and isn't so quiet most days, either. It's the comin' o' the caravan, first o' the year, that's pulled everyone away. Don't let Tordif's sour look foll ye, he'll make back his custom and then some tonight, when folks come back wi' some coins from trade." Tordif rolls his eyes at Klemm, and continues wiping down the bar with a wet rag.

Atas throws a curious glance at Tordif, wondering if that man always looks like someone just stepped on his toe, but decides not to voice that question. "Best of luck to him then, I suppose." he says instead before turning back to the bard.

"What do you plan on singing for these folk tonight? Something light, 'Maiden from the Golden Fields', perhaps? I imagine they're already getting their fill of excitement and adventure." The elf scratches his chin for a moment, pondering. "This must be a good place to find inspiration, is it not? I've certainly heard there are a great many wondrous creatures and locations here."

2017-10-17, 03:13 PM
Once Jake finishes telling her and Mohander the information about the various possible creatures and the attacks that have occurred, she puts her ink and pen away. Letting the parchment dry a for a bit, she bows and says "Thank you for your candor. It's been lovely." With that she hops down from the stool she had been standing on and joins Kyra. After asking what is on the menu, the halfling simply shrugs, gestures toward Kyra and says "I'll have what she's having. We can talk about all the creatures she might get to fight.".

Armored Walrus
2017-10-18, 03:19 PM
"What do you plan on singing for these folk tonight? Something light, 'Maiden from the Golden Fields', perhaps? I imagine they're already getting their fill of excitement and adventure." The elf scratches his chin for a moment, pondering. "This must be a good place to find inspiration, is it not? I've certainly heard there are a great many wondrous creatures and locations here."

"'Maiden from the Golden Fields,' eh? Ye really are from far off. We call that one 'Dancing Lass' where I'm from. But then that ain't so close either. As fer inspiration, aye, no lack o' heroic deeds bein' done round here, at least ta hear it told. Beasties abound. Out in th' swamp ye have yer giant insect an' scorpions, man-eatin' fish, giant lizards bearin' bone weapons, and who knows what else. Trolls, too, most like. Some say there be giants t' the north, but not until yer almost all the way up in the mountains. Out on the plain ye got yer kobolds and goblins of course, but where don't ye have 'em? Belike the tales of centaurs don't have no truth to 'em, but they're said to live out there, as well. South ye got the badlands, as some say is haunted. Sure, no shortage o' inspiration." Klemm gives you a wry look and goes back to playing.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-18, 03:32 PM
"I will want some trout. And I think we are taking a couple rooms with breakfast for the night. My name is Kyra, nice to meet you Marryn."

Marryn gives the leather-clad woman a shy smile. "Thank you, ma'am." She glances at Shaena, "Two trouts then, anything to drink? If you don't fancy ale or mead, there's water, or we might have a glass or two of today's milk left." She turns to Mohander, "Anything for you, Master Elf?"

After taking your order, noting down anything Mohander might order, she heads behind the bar and has a quick discussion with Tordif, then heads back to the kitchen.

The gnome stuffs his bar rag in his belt, gives his mustache a quick twist, and walks up to the party. "If 'tis rooms you do be after, you do be just in time. Such rooms as we boast be snatched up quickly this time o' the year. Won't lie, me, quarters in the Foaming Flagon do no be had for ary a copper. Five silver hawks an eve they be, an' no less. If you do be interested in a bargain, offer me this full month in advance an' I'll give some consideration."

2017-10-19, 03:23 PM
Marryn gives the leather-clad woman a shy smile. "Thank you, ma'am." She glances at Shaena, "Two trouts then, anything to drink? If you don't fancy ale or mead, there's water, or we might have a glass or two of today's milk left." She turns to Mohander, "Anything for you, Master Elf?"

After taking your order, noting down anything Mohander might order, she heads behind the bar and has a quick discussion with Tordif, then heads back to the kitchen.

The gnome stuffs his bar rag in his belt, gives his mustache a quick twist, and walks up to the party. "If 'tis rooms you do be after, you do be just in time. Such rooms as we boast be snatched up quickly this time o' the year. Won't lie, me, quarters in the Foaming Flagon do no be had for ary a copper. Five silver hawks an eve they be, an' no less. If you do be interested in a bargain, offer me this full month in advance an' I'll give some consideration."

Shaena mulls over the prices a bit then looks to the others. Do you suppose we'll be back within the month? Might not be worth it if we're going to brave that wilderness.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-20, 10:05 AM
Shaena mulls over the prices a bit then looks to the others. Do you suppose we'll be back within the month? Might not be worth it if we're going to brave that wilderness.

Tordif pulls his bar rag back out from his belt and gives your table a quick swipe, "Me, I'll leave you to chew it over, eh?" With that, he positions himself back behind the bar.

Before long, Marryn emerges from the kitchen bearing two plates of fresh trout with sprigs of dill in melting butter on top. She places one in front of Kyra, and the other before Shaena, "Eat up while it's hot!" she says with a smile, and returns to her duties.

2017-10-20, 10:29 AM
Returning the smile, Atas leaves Klemm to his playing, deciding to join the others at the table. Perhaps the bard will one day sing of the things Atas himself is going to accomplish within these lands? The thought amuses him somewhat. Fame is the last thing he is chasing, after all.

He shares what he has learned with the others, showing a particular interest in the giants to the north, though never suggesting that the group should check them out yet. "Their strength must be legendary. Not unlike your father's, Kyra." As he talks, he orders the soup and some water for himself, eagerly gulping both down as he takes large bites from the roots that come with it. The latter don't at all seem distasteful to him.

"I've funds to stay two nights. After that, I'll be sleeping outdoors whether we explore or not.

Still, where do you suppose we should start? The hauntings in the badlands and the swamp sound promising, given our employer, but it may just turn out to all be superstition."

2017-10-20, 02:30 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera had sat quietly for some time, taking in the new area. It seemed a lot more familiar than she was expecting. Maybe it'll be more different once they get underway. There had been very little information available on what to expect, and Atrius hadn't really made all that much information available. That's half the fun, though...go figure it all out.

She finally comes out of her reverie and responds to Atas. "I don't think a lot of us brought a lot of extra money. It will be nice to sleep in a bed for one night before we head out, though." She considers the options laid out by him. "Superstition or not...that's what we're here to determine. I say we start out there."

2017-10-20, 02:53 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"I agree we should stay out of the swamp until we get a better feel for the land here. Badlands seem as good a place as any to start, though the mountain to the north would give us a good vantage point to get the lay of the land. I think the troubled farms are northward too," Mohander adds.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-22, 10:26 AM
Tordif eagerly accepts your coin for one night's lodging, and drops it in his strongbox behind the bar. "Up these stairs here, you can take the first two rooms on the right. Do no be alarmed by the noises from the third floor, that do simply be the Red Lanterns plying their trade."

You pass the night comfortably enough, although your sleep is broken fairly frequently by the goings-on ten feet above your head. As the grey pre-dawn trickles into your room between the shutters, you all prepare yourselves for departure.

Hard biscuits, a few eggs, and a very few fresh berries greet you when you come down to the common room. You refresh yourselves and head out the door.

I need a navigator, a mapmaker if you want one, and I'll assume everyone else is simply staying alert for danger unless you tell me otherwise (foraging/herbcrafting). Whoever is the navigator will need to make one Wisdom(survival) check for me. I also need to knwo whether you are traveling along the river through the hills, or going back down the trail through the grasslands.

2017-10-22, 03:17 PM
Once his nightly meditations are over, and he has eaten his poor, but filling breakfast, Atas meets the others at the town gates.

After it is decided that his skills as a tracker and years on the road make him best suited to lead the party into the wilderness, he goes ahead. For as long as possible, he keeps to the established paths through the grasslands, before striking out towards the badlands themselves.

Survival roll time! Here's hoping that investing in all that Wisdom was worth it.


Armored Walrus
2017-10-22, 07:20 PM
You set out from the Foaming Flagon with a clear goal in mind. The tent town is more lively this morning, with caravan drivers and guard, off-duty garrison troops, settlers and your fellow fortune-seekers conducting their business, despite threatening clouds looming in the sky above. A few steps from the door of the tavern two men overtake you, in the midst of a heated discussion. One is tall, clean-shaven with flowing blonde hair, the other stooped, muddy, with a few days' growth of beard on his tired-looking face.

"This is the third calf we've lost to these beasts since we come here last summer. If ye can't do somethin' about keepin' the peace Lord Mayor then why is we payin' yer taxes?" gripes the shorter man.

The taller one, an impatient expression on his face responds, "Of course, Mort, the welfare of our settlers is of paramount importance. I'll post a bounty on cockatrice heads later today. Gods know, there are enough 'adventurers' sleeping rough around here. Most of them will kill anything for the right price.."

The pair continue on ahead of you, the mayor obviously eager to convince the farmer that he's on his way somewhere important.

Pausing briefly for Atas to make a quick purchase - a small jar of honey, a sack of shriveled chestnuts, and a small keg of apples - you all head out onto the prairie under a quickly blackening sky, following the wide swath of mud and trampled weeds that marks the main trade road in this area. Only about half an hour into your march the skies open up and dump a driving rain on you. You do your best to make good time despite the slick ground and stiff winds.

Around the time you're about to call a short halt for lunch, having reached the point at which Atas confidently announces it's time to turn south, a small deer emerges from the waste-high grass a couple dozen yards east of you. From the looks of it, it may provide the party with a few days' worth of meat if it can be taken, dressed, and properly smoked once you stop for the evening.

You have encountered one deer! It is 64 feet from whomever is leading. It has not yet spotted you. No need to roll initiative, just let me know if you're going to do anything about it, or let it walk away.

2017-10-22, 07:57 PM
Mohander (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As everyone travels along the grassland path, Mohander roams through the grasslands though always in sight of the others - at least within his sight. He saw the others occasionally look about as if wondering where he'd gone off to, but he always returned though empty handed. "Not much to gather out here - too close to town I reckon. Game has been farmed already I'd expect."

As the're about to settle for the midday break, Mohander is about 30 feet out from the party in the middle of the grass when he spots the doe's black eyes peek up from the grass. Quietly he draws his crossbow and nocks a bolt. He slowly raises his head in the grass watching for signs of recognition from the rest of the party to see if anyone else has noticed the game.

Will try to move through the grass so we're coming at the deer from two angles.
Stealth = [roll0]
Attack = [roll1]
Damage = [roll2]

Survival re: dressing if needed: [roll3]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-22, 08:27 PM
Almost before the rest of the party is aware of what is happening, Mohander launches a crossbow bolt at the deer. The bolt enters its neck and explodes out the other side. The deer makes a desperate attempt to bound away, but drops into a mud puddle after a few steps. A pair of does who had been waiting in the tufts of grass behind her go leaping away through the driving rain at top speed.

Mohander skillfully dresses the deer, selecting the choicest cuts of meat to carry along on your journey.

Mohander harvests 21 pounds of meat from the deer. Let me know how you're going to carry it (ie. who's going to carry it). No need to roll again later to smoke it, just mark it as rations on your character sheets.

You turn off your path and head south, best as you can tell in the gloom. Trudging through the muck, everyone does their best to keep dripping hoods clear of their faces. After walking half a day you are rewarded by the sight of the badlands spreading out before you.

A barren, alien landscape of striated rock and dust, turned plaster-like in the rain, looms around you in the fading daylight. Only the foresight of your more experienced outdoorsmen keeps you from having a chilled, fireless camp. But thankfully Mohander and Atas have been scooping handfuls of dried grass, and the stems of long-dead prairie weeds, that should catch even in this rain, once you find a sheltered depression in one of the rocky hills in which to kindle it. You fill your bellies on fresh roasted venison and prepare to spend the night.

Watch order?

2017-10-23, 10:50 AM
Almost before the rest of the party is aware of what is happening, Mohander launches a crossbow bolt at the deer. The bolt enters its neck and explodes out the other side. The deer makes a desperate attempt to bound away, but drops into a mud puddle after a few steps. A pair of does who had been waiting in the tufts of grass behind her go leaping away through the driving rain at top speed.

Mohander skillfully dresses the deer, selecting the choicest cuts of meat to carry along on your journey.

Mohander harvests 21 pounds of meat from the deer. Let me know how you're going to carry it (ie. who's going to carry it). No need to roll again later to smoke it, just mark it as rations on your character sheets.

You turn off your path and head south, best as you can tell in the gloom. Trudging through the muck, everyone does their best to keep dripping hoods clear of their faces. After walking half a day you are rewarded by the sight of the badlands spreading out before you.

A barren, alien landscape of striated rock and dust, turned plaster-like in the rain, looms around you in the fading daylight. Only the foresight of your more experienced outdoorsmen keeps you from having a chilled, fireless camp. But thankfully Mohander and Atas have been scooping handfuls of dried grass, and the stems of long-dead prairie weeds, that should catch even in this rain, once you find a sheltered depression in one of the rocky hills in which to kindle it. You fill your bellies on fresh roasted venison and prepare to spend the night.

Watch order?

Shaena being worn from the long journey, relative to the others, she dives head first into her piece of venison. Upon finishing, she remains by the fire, says her good nights, and curls up into her bedroll as small crumbs of meat still remain on her face.

2017-10-23, 03:34 PM
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Iselshera Elkian[COLOR] (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera listens to the concerned citizen as he walks past with the mayor. Hmm, she thinks to herself. It seems there may be a bit of discontent. Calves being taken? Cockatrices don't usually eat things that big do they? Issy decided then to keep an eye out for the strange lizard-ish creatures.

Issy spends the first day watching the scenery go by, looking . There was a strange kind of beauty to wandering through a new area, no matter what it looked like. Unless it rained, of course. Issy looked at the sky as the rain starts to pour. "As much as I travel around," she muttered to herself not too quietly, "you'd think I'd have a waterproof cloak by now." As they travel, her thoughts turn to previous trips and she analyzed how she could make things more mobile. "Why didn't we grab a cart or donkey or something?"

A little later in the day, Mohander moves in a blur before Issy even realizes there is a deer. She shakes herself out of her reverie and decides to be more mindful of the surroundings. That deer could just have easily been a cockatrice. She helps the man dress the deer, wrapping it up and putting a few pounds in her own pack, wrapped tightly to avoid making a mess in the pack.

That night, she helped get camp set up before assisting with dinner and smoking the meat to help it last longer. Finally, it comes time to bed down. "I can take first watch," she offers. "I'm not tired yet."

Perception score if needed: [roll0]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-24, 12:35 AM
Eventually you all make yourselves as comfortable as you can. Thankfully, you've made your camp up against a large rock formation, which keeps much of the rain off of you. The fire eventually dies, and your watchers are left to rely on their darkvision.

The first two nights of the watch pass uneventfully, but about two hours before dawn, Mohander, a glimpse of movement out of the corner of your eye is your only warning before you are set upon by a horrible figure. It makes a soft rustling sound as it rushes up and closes with you, preparing to lash out at you with long,sharp claws. Its face a burlap sack with glowing red eyes and a mouth filled with eerie fire.

All of you were surprised (it had a hell of a stealth roll). Rushing up to close the distance was its first round action. I need initiative from all of you,anyone rolling over a 17 can make an action before it goes again. (yeah, it got a pretty good initiative roll,too)

2017-10-24, 07:45 AM
Shaena wakes up with a start at the commotion


2017-10-24, 11:49 AM
Upon hearing Mohander's warning shout, Atas immediately snaps from his trance. He shoots up from his meditative position, dropping into a combat-ready stance.


2017-10-24, 01:16 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy reaches for her flail as her eyes snap open, instantly alert. She instantly regrets having changed into sleeping attire. Sleeping in chainmail is highly uncomfortable, but possible.

AC is 9 due to no armor.

Inititative: [roll0] I'm also okay if the DM rolls initiative in order to save time.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-24, 03:52 PM
The fiery-eyed creature falls on Mohander, slashing wildly with elongated claws, but the wood elf bobs and weaves, avoiding the attacks. In an eye blink, a second creature steps into the edge of his vision, reaching up, it pulls off the burlap mask that composes its face and give you a glimpse into the unknown horror that lies beneath.

Mohander Wisdom Save [roll0]

Shaken, but still sane, the party launches into action.

Save made, both attacks missed. Party is up.

2017-10-24, 04:24 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"WHAT IN THE NINE HELLS??!" Mohander shouts as the second beast pulls off its hood. Stumbling backwards and dropping his crossbow from the first creature's blows he draws a dagger and slashes back trying to keep it at bay. "Get off of me!!"

As one of his companions arrives to fend off the attacker, Mohander goes for a vicious stab at its torso while it's outnumbered.

Will wait to act until someone can close into melee with the one that's on me.

I presume I'd have my xbow out... so drop that and draw a dagger.
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] + Sneak [roll2]

2017-10-24, 08:00 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy looks around her sleeping area and grabs her shield before taking a few steps toward the creature next to Mohander. She grips her flail in her left hand and takes a big swing toward the creature.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Issy's Temporary AC: 11

Nature check to see if she recognizes this creature: [roll2]

2017-10-24, 09:54 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra awakes and promptly grab her shield, axe and weapons and rush toward the nearby enemy that attacked Mohander. Putting herself in a defensive position, guarding her allies flank. She will them shout toward the enemy "ARE YOU" she will use her weight and momentum bashing her shield on the enemy to make him fall down "READY" followed by a brutal attack of her Axe right on the it's shoulder "TO DIE?!"

Her style of fighting is pretty weird, she uses her shield really agressivelly, it is the trademark of the Ambershield clan.

Move: 25ft
Bonus: Using Shield Master Feat to make that guy prone.
Attack: [roll0] A (prone) [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] slashing

2017-10-25, 08:52 AM

His eyes glimmering faintly in the dark as they take in what little light they can, Atas grabs his quarterstaff and rushes forward, circling around the wall his friends are building with their bodies. "Demonspawn!" he shouts, calmly but firmly, even as deep down his blood boils with excitement.

In one swift movement, he swings his weapon for the scarecrow creature's head, following it up by suddenly duck and then delivering a kick to its chest.

"Your face!" he yells as he does so. "Show it to me!"

Move: 30 feet
Quarterstaff Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Martial Arts Bonus Action Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

If at all possible, can I delay my attack should the scarecrow already be dead when I reach it? That would be without the bonus action Unarmed Attack then, of course.

2017-10-25, 10:43 AM
Hearing the commotion but not seeing a thing, Shaena does the only think she can think of. She breaks out a torch and lights it.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-25, 11:03 AM
Reacting quickly and scrambling for the nearest weapon, you rain blows down on the construct, hitting it again and again. While straw goes flying in all directions, the creature continues in its frenzied attack, scrabbling again at Mohander, but unable to connect with the nimble elf.

The scarecrow lurking in the shadows steps forward into the light of Shaena's torch and, once again, reaches up to remove its burlap face, staring with malice at the fire-bearing halfling.

Shaena wis save [roll0]

The halfling seems entirely undaunted by the display, and grips the torch more fiercely.

Party up, take actions at will. Sorry that first round was so unorganized. You guys are getting incredibly lucky on this encounter, by the way...

2017-10-25, 12:15 PM
Reacting quickly and scrambling for the nearest weapon, you rain blows down on the construct, hitting it again and again. While straw goes flying in all directions, the creature continues in its frenzied attack, scrabbling again at Mohander, but unable to connect with the nimble elf.

The scarecrow lurking in the shadows steps forward into the light of Shaena's torch and, once again, reaches up to remove its burlap face, staring with malice at the fire-bearing halfling.

Shaena wis save [roll0]

The halfling seems entirely undaunted by the display, and grips the torch more fiercely.

Party up, take actions at will. Sorry that first round was so unorganized. You guys are getting incredibly lucky on this encounter, by the way...

Shaena, shocked though she is by the creeping scarecrow's presence, simply has the slightest of smiles curling around her lips. Unaware of their resilience, she says aloud Oh, I wonder what you have hidden under that 'face' of yours. Maybe we'll just have to knock it off to find out. She takes a step foward. The halfling then points a finger and a ray of energy shoots forth, aiming at the scarecrow. Noticing it might be following her light, she then scurries behind the rest of the party

Move left one square

Action: Eldritch Blast
Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Move remaining speed behind/not quite beside Mohander

2017-10-25, 01:45 PM
Feeling his strikes hit nothing but straw, Atas redoubles his efforts, delivering several quick strikes designed to tear holes into its fabric. This would be easier with a blade, that's for sure, but for now his staff will have to do.

Sadly, it seems neither of the scarecrows will pay particular attention to him as is, so he devises a simple plan to change that. "Shaena, toss me your torch!" he shouts. If she follows along, perhaps he can lead these monsters on a wild goose chase.

2017-10-25, 01:46 PM
I forgot to roll my attacks. >_>

Quarterstaff Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Martial Arts Bonus Action Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

2017-10-25, 01:49 PM
Darn forum programming, screwing up my rolls by telling me I have to wait thirty seconds between posts. >_>

Quarterstaff Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Martial Arts Bonus Action Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

2017-10-25, 03:21 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy glares at the scarecrow. It wasn't taking quite as much damage as she thought she should be inflicting. Damn straw creatures. She raises her flail once more and brings it down upon the creature.

Attack roll: [roll0] for [roll1]
Advantage roll if it is knocked back down by my turn: [roll2]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-25, 03:51 PM
Shaena's arcane bolt of energy blasts its way through the scarecrow, scattering straw and old, rotten clothing everywhere, and the construct makes its first noise of the battle. I high-pitched, rage-filled keening fills the air, and the thing's movements become erratic.

Atas follows up with a spinning move of his quarterstaff that draws the scarecrow's attention, but it's only a feint, and the monk drives his elbow into the space between the burlap bag "face" and the open collar of it's dirty shirt. There seems to be little cohesion left to it when the elf finishes his maneuver.

Then Issy steps in with an implement whose original purpose was to thresh grain. The flail scatters what's left of the scarecrow into the wind, chaff and frayed cloth driven to the soggy ground by the continuing rain.

You took one out! One to go ;)

2017-10-25, 04:34 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As the scarecrow tears apart and falls limp Mohander gathers his wits and picks up the loaded crossbow at his feet. Stepping to the side for a clear shot, he takes aim at the remaining creature and fires off a bolt, hoping to maybe pin it to the rocks behind. The bolt finds its mark but goes clean through the loose innards beneath the burlap and *plinks* against the rock behind as he draws and loads another.

Crossbow Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-26, 09:08 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra rushes toward the other foe glad that Shaena lighted a torch so he could be seem. She advances with shield on hand bashing him with it first, followed by another swing of her axe.

Move: 20 feet to get near the other enemy.
Bonus: Shove the enemy using the shield
-> Kyra's Athletics vs enemy Athletics or Acrobatics to make it Prone
Attack:[roll2] A 1d20+5
Damage: [roll3]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-26, 06:31 PM
Kyra's bull rush with her shield knocks the scarecrow down, and she follows up with a strong downward swing of her battleaxe. Straw bursts through the gaping hole in the creature's chest as she withdraws the moon-shaped blade.

Undaunted, it gets back on its feet and tries its frightening trick one more time, this time turns its horrifying gaze on Kyra.

Wis save for Kyra [roll0]

Horror grips the barbarian as she sees, within the hellish gaze, a vision of her father advancing on her, axe in hand, "You are no true Ambershield" he says with a look of disgust, and swings the axe at her head. Kyra is paralyzed with fear.

2017-10-27, 11:47 AM
Shaena watches as the one in melee goes down only to find Kyra frozen in terror with the other. She follows Mohander's lead and stands beside him as she unleashes another blast of force at the scarecrow still standing.

Move 25 ft next to Mohander
Action: Eldritch blast

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2017-10-27, 11:56 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Bringing his crossbow up from the loading position, he sees the barbarian take a solid swing and then... Why isn't she moving?

"You okay up there, Kyra?" he calls out as he steadies his breathing and fires another bolt at the beast.

Holding until Atas or Issy enter melee since Kyra isn't threatening currently.

Attack: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] + Sneak [roll2]

2017-10-27, 12:53 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Taken with the adrenaline of this sudden battle, Issy stands over the remains of the scarecrow she had just finished off and lets out an uncharacteristic yell as she looks toward the sky. Seeing the other scarecrow at the edge of the light, she runs full speed over and brings her flail down on this second creature.

Attack roll: [roll0] and a second roll for advantage if applicable: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Issy's temporary AC: 11

2017-10-27, 01:30 PM

As he watches the scarecrow being torn apart by Iselshera in front of him, there's something almost disappointed to the elf's features. He had hoped to face a little bit more of their attention. Alas, it seems like this battle is only going to be target practice for him. Especially since Shaena appears to have overheard his command in the heat of the battle.

With a rough grunt, he falls into a sprint. Better to take action than to waste time repeating himself. He rushes past Kyra, posed to attack the monster that has her rattled. First, he stabs at it with his staff, before letting go of the weapon with one hand and letting it rake across the burlap skin with a claw-like strike.

Move: 25 feet
Quarterstaff Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Martial Arts Bonus Action Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

2017-10-27, 09:33 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Out of nowhere Kyra sees this creature sending it's gaze toward her, she tries to swing her axe once agai, but her arm don't obey, she them tries to raises her shield to defende herself, and yet again nothing happens.

When she sees her father talking those words to her she becomes scared for a second, that was one of her biggest fear - not be accepted by her father and her clan - she shouts to her scarecrow "You are not my father, my father may be a brutal in combat, but he were always kind to me and my brother! Get out of my mind creature!" she still unable to move a muscle, looks like what is happening to her is more than just that mental image.

Armored Walrus
2017-10-27, 10:08 PM
Taking advantage of Kyra's paralysis, the scarecrow lashes at her throat and rakes its claws across, causing a gushing wound. Kyra sinks bonelessly to the ground; that wound could be fatal if not seen to shortly. It slashes at Atas with its other hand, trying to force the elf back while it tries to move away and find cover.

The alert wood elf attempts to make the construct pay for its movement:
OoA [roll0] damage [roll1] crit? [roll2]
but slips beyond his range quickly, and ducks behind one of the large rocks that rings the party's campground.

Kyra took 17 points of damage on one strike (auto crit when paralyzed) so she is down. I'll need a death save from Kyra this round unless someone gets her up. Party is up.

2017-10-27, 10:42 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

It moved with a blur, but Mohander wasn't about to let the demon escape, certainly not after sending one of his companions to the ground. Rushing to the nearest rock and crashing against it with the momentum, he levels his crossbow at the thing and fires one more bolt into the night, praying it strikes true.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-28, 08:24 AM

Though he wavers for a moment, every instinct he has screaming at Atas to stop and keep Kyra from bleeding out, he forces himself to empty his mind and focus on the escaping scarecrow. Whatever this monster is, if he lets it escape now it may be back soon.

Iselshira can take care of Kyra. Someone with bandages can take care of Kyra. He is fast. He needs to at least attempt to chase the monster.

His imperfect training leaving him a little shaky, Atas chases after the scarecrow, using his superior wood elf speed. Instead of striking, he attempts to grab the creature with one empty hand, following it up with a swift knee to the stomach. With the added force of his run, it might just pierce the burlap.

Move: To wherever the scarecrow is. Not sure where that is, since I can't see it, but I imagine it did not move further than 35 feet?
Grapple Attempt: [roll0]
Martial Arts Bonus Action Attack: [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2017-10-28, 08:26 AM
Yeah. Seems like Atas is cripplingly overspecialised in his ability to hurt people by punching them. :smalltongue:


2017-10-28, 10:39 AM
Shaena tries to pursue the scarecrow until it is back within view and within light. She fires another blast at the construct.

Move: I think I moved her in a way to get it in the light and see it around the rock.

Action: Eldritch blast

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2017-10-28, 06:20 PM
You hear the crunch of the scarecrow's footsteps moving away from you, and doggedly pursue it. Mohander looses another bolt just before Atas rounds the rock and drives a knee into the straw-filled torso. Straw crackles beneath the blow, and the force holding the form together weakens slightly. Just as Atas steps back from his strike, a purple-black bolt crackles past him, impacting solidly between the fiery eyes of the scarecrow, and blasting it apart.

The night goes still, save for your heavy breathing, and the soft patter of the continuous rain. Kyra's blood continues to seep into the dust beneath her.

2017-10-28, 10:13 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera looks around as things quiet down, her chest heaving from the exertion of the small combat. She finally notices Kyra lying in her own blood as the others ran past her. "Let me guess....leave the healing to the paladin, right?" Issy rolls her eyes as she walks over and kneels next to her fallen comrade. She closes her eyes for a moment, then lays the palm of her hand upon Kyra's head. The paladin gathers her energy and pushes it into Kyra, and the blood moving out of her throat begins to slow, and her breathing stabilizes.

Issy shakes her head. "I...I haven't been that great at healing yet. I've seen some who can bring someone back from the brink of death to full power...but that is not me. I've done what I can to stabilize her and make sure she won't die, but I must save some of my energies in case it is needed again." She pauses a moment to look around at the group, as if expecting someone to make a comment about how she should do better, then she turns back toward her belongings and begins to pack her things up and examine her armor. She stops after a few moments as something strikes her. She pulls her blonde hair out of her eyes and tucks it behind her left ear. "Should we burn them? Who knows what type of magic animated these fiends...maybe we should make sure they won't come back to haunt us later."

Sorry, my Lay on Hands is only 5 points per long rest. Just gonna get Kyra for one point right now in case I need to keep others from death saves over the next few days. This is tough. I've never played a game that only allows one long rest per 3+ days.

2017-10-29, 05:25 AM
Shaena largely ignore's Issy's remark. Instead, she pulls out a piece of parchment and ink and begins taking notes, standing over one of the now inactive constructs. Scarecrow-like in appearance. Uses disturbing visage to paralyze. Mundane weapons less effective.

She pauses and looks up in time to see Kyra up and about. Ah, good you're up. What happened back there. Seems it froze you somehow the halfling asks with no judgement in her tone but rather out of sheer curiosity.

2017-10-29, 06:16 PM

Atas takes a moment to calm his breath once the battle is over, adrenaline still surging through his body. Despite having only fought for little less then a minute, he still feels as though after a good workout. And this time, he wasn't even really in any sort of danger! Who knows how good this training may become if things become even more intense?

Finally, his body calms back down, and an odd chill goes through his bones. Without the adrenaline distracting him from it, the chill of the night becomes a lot more noticeable again. As such, he quickly returns to the fireside, stopping on the way to help bring Kyra back to her knees.

"I'm sorry I did not stop to help. " he says Iselshera, explaining himself. "But our enemy was running away and I could not risk it returning."

When she offers the idea of burning the monsters' remains, he nods firmly in agreement, immediately going to gather their remains. "A good idea. Surely it can't harm to be safe and burn their bodies." As he gathers them up, he also takes a moment to search them, wondering if perhaps they are carrying anything of note on them?

Armored Walrus
2017-10-29, 08:22 PM
Gathering the scattered, soggy straw and ragged cloth, Atas begins carrying it all to the ashes of your previous fire. He inspects the remains as he does so, and is rewarded with a dusky red gem found stuffed in the packed, rotting straw of each construct's head.

Investigation check for Atas [roll0]

He rubs the faded shirt, and burlap head thoughtfully between his fingers, but the fabric is too old and sodden for him to discern anything more about your foes. He tosses them in a heap on the remains of your grass fire, and plunges Shaena's torch into the middle. In spite of the rain, the fire flares up in his face, briefly giving off a foul, oily smoke that leaves a cringe-inducing residue on the hand he raised to shield his eyes.

Sleep is hard to come by after the fire dies down again; Each member of the party shuffling around the ring of stones you chose for your campsite, or lying fitfully on the ground. Finally, the first grey light of dawn reveals the rocks around you, and makes the puddles that have formed in your scuffed bootprints - all that remains of last night's terror - gleam shyly.

2017-10-29, 09:29 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra awakes with the help of the Issy, first think she does is put her hand into her axe ready to charge once again and say "Is the thing still alive?!?" she looks over to Atas that he got it "Damn, looks like I lose all the fun here." her body is all sore, she have a nasty scar - probably a permanent one - but she don't seem to care.

She gets up and start helping the others around saying "Thank you Issy! Those creatures...they can get into your mind somehow, I was unable to move a single muscle, I wonder what those are?" She looks at Shaena, since she is the smart one around.

Kyra awakes feeling much better, her body respond very well to that nasty injury. She awakes full of dispostion ready to put her rage into some other monster. "Let's move on, there might be more of those creatures in here ready to lurk us again!"

I'm spending my Hit Dice: [roll0]
Also, this roleplay happened before Kyra went to sleep.

2017-10-30, 09:39 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy is just finishing buckling her belt in to place as Kyra urges haste. She nods in agreement. "Yes, I say we should put some miles in today. Does it seem odd that creatures of straw came at us at night, when we would be most likely to have fire readily available? I wonder if they can only come out at night?" She watches the remains of the straw men burn as she slides her left hand into it's protective gauntlet and attaches her weapons to their respective harnesses and sheaths.

2017-10-30, 10:36 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra awakes with the help of the Issy, first think she does is put her hand into her axe ready to charge once again and say "Is the thing still alive?!?" she looks over to Atas that he got it "Damn, looks like I lose all the fun here." her body is all sore, she have a nasty scar - probably a permanent one - but she don't seem to care.

She gets up and start helping the others around saying "Thank you Issy! Those creatures...they can get into your mind somehow, I was unable to move a single muscle, I wonder what those are?" She looks at Shaena, since she is the smart one around.

Kyra awakes feeling much better, her body respond very well to that nasty injury. She awakes full of dispostion ready to put her rage into some other monster. "Let's move on, there might be more of those creatures in here ready to lurk us again!"

I'm spending my Hit Dice: [roll0]
Also, this roleplay happened before Kyra went to sleep.

Shaena shrugs. Scarecrows. Best I got, despite all the books I've read. How they do what they do no idea.

Shaena slept pretty well, not having the ahd the same close calls the others did. After everyone has prepped for the day, she asks So, which way shall we go now?

2017-10-30, 12:10 PM
Kyra awakes with the help of the Issy, first think she does is put her hand into her axe ready to charge once again and say "Is the thing still alive?!?" she looks over to Atas that he got it "Damn, looks like I lose all the fun here." her body is all sore, she have a nasty scar - probably a permanent one - but she don't seem to care.

"Be glad you survived that blow." Atas said with a somewhat jealous smile. "You'll be stronger for it. I barely managed to get any good strikes in.

Shaena slept pretty well, not having the ahd the same close calls the others did. After everyone has prepped for the day, she asks So, which way shall we go now?

"We've come all the way to the badlands." Atas says, a hand raised to block the sun from shining into his eyes as he looks around. "I say we keep with the original plan and explore. Perhaps we may even find where these infernal creatures came from."

2017-10-30, 12:28 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

A glint of excitement shows in Issy's eyes. "An entire town of magical scarecrows? Wouldn't that be something to report? I suppose we're not so lucky, though." She looks off in the distance as she continues, "My guess would be one or a few magical creatures who can animate these. Someone who thinks we may be a threat. Or sent them just in case we're a threat. If that's the case, though....how did they discover us so quickly? We've literally been out here only a day."

2017-10-30, 07:33 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As if this entire land didn't have enough of a vile sense about it, someone was animating evil scarecrows and letting them loose. No wonder folks didn't wander far from Hardholm. "You were right to give chase, Atas. Heaven forbid it bring back more to plague us this morning."

While the others gathered the final few hours of rest before the dawn, Mohander redoubled his watch efforts, pacing quietly around the camp and peering into the dark grass, annoyed at himself for having underestimated these wilds on his first shift.

As the camp is packed up, the wood elf replies to Iselshera, "They must be free roaming. No one could know who we're working for just yet, could they? I shudder to think if someone capable of bringing creatures like that into the world has their sights set on us... Best we keep moving toward the badlands. I expect it will be harder for anything to ambush on that flat, barren land."

2017-10-30, 09:53 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera gives a worried look to the landscape. In answer to Mohan's question, she raises her arms in a shrug. "I don't know. I'll try and get a better look at them with my Divine Sight if we see them again...maybe at least learn a little about what we're working with." She shakes her head as if in disbelief. "Never seen anything like that before, and I get around."

Armored Walrus
2017-10-30, 10:27 PM
Navigation (Atas): [roll0], Herbalism (Mo): [roll1], Foraging (Issy): [roll2]

You while away the grey pre-dawn hours conversing about your recent encounter and trying to make sense of the night's ambush. Rain continues to patter down around you, adding a bleak glumness to your cold meal of leftover venison, tough, twice-baked biscuits and dried fruit.

You march only about a half mile, winding among the stony hills, before Atas holds up his hand to signal a stop. Multiple tracks made by human-sized boots cross your line of travel, nearly perpendicular to your current, southward direction. A few more hours and the rain would have washed them away, but for now the prints are plain, rainwater pooling in the widening depressions.

2017-10-31, 02:40 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy looks at the boot tracks, then to the others. "I don't claim to know much about tracking. My skills and knowledge are of a bit different path. Does anyone think these look like they could be the footprints of those creatures, or do they look like something else?"

2017-10-31, 05:41 PM

Atas gets down to his knees, giving the still fresh prints a good look-over. Though luckily they are fairly recent, the stony floor and the dusty air mean that their quality isn't the greatest, making identification a difficult tasks. Still, his trained eyes pick up what clues they can.

"No. They are too firm to be made by creatures of straw. These had to have been humanoids of some sort, about your size. In a small group, maybe like ours. Maybe a few more.

It's hard to tell which way they've went. We could try and scout after them, but it might be a futile endeavour with these tracks. I doubt finding them will do much to aid our mission, either."

2017-10-31, 06:15 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera looks unconvinced by Atas. She gestures at the prints. "These mean there are people out here who may know what the dangers are. Places we should avoid...or maybe know of some places we should look into. If we find them, they could save us a lot of time."

2017-11-01, 11:48 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"It would be good to know who else is venturing this far from Hardholm. Atrius will want to know if others are looking for these same focal points he has us searching for. If it grows too difficult to follow we can always turn around," Mohander offers.

2017-11-01, 12:05 PM

The wood elf squints his eyes for a moment, unsure about his allies' wishes.

"We can try and follow them east, I suppose. Even if they didn't go in that direction, at least we won't be walking back towards Hardholm. Maybe we'll even find what they were exploring.

If they were indeed explorers."

2017-11-01, 12:11 PM
Shaena listens in on the conversation but doesn't say much. I'll keep going whichever way our intrepid scouts wish so long as we have food and can find our way out. After that, she lets the others continue to decide which direction they head as she observes the landscape and any flora and fauna that might be around, rare as it might be in the Badlands.

2017-11-01, 12:27 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy nods her head after Atas speaks. "That sounds like a reasonable choice to me. Anyone want to lay a small wager on what we find?" She pauses a few moments. "How's our food doing? Should we move a little slower...make sure we get enough to eat, or are we okay for now?"

2017-11-01, 01:12 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Rifling through his pack, Mohander calls out, "That deer will last us another day. I brought 5 days of rations with me. Hopefully you all thought ahead enough to do the same."

2017-11-01, 01:24 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy nodded her head in response to the inquiry. "Yeah, I brought some with me..." She frowns at her pack. "This stupid pack is heavy because of it. I say next time we're in town we get a mule or a wagon to help carry things."

Armored Walrus
2017-11-01, 10:26 PM
The party strikes east, figuring they have a coin's toss chance of having guessed right regarding the direction of the track-makers. After winding between the stone hills for another mile or so, you come upon a new scene. The tracks here join, or are joined by, the tracks of a small wheeled vehicle, probably a hand cart or wheelbarrow. Near the junction, a broken crockery pot lies on a relatively dry mound. Shiny brown beans are scattered in the dust around it, and inspection shows a few pounds still nestled within the mostly intact bottom of the crock. They seem edible enough.

Another three hours along the trail, Atas treks to the top of one of the small hills to get his bearings. He approaches the crest rather swiftly, but just before breaking the line of the hill's crown, he lowers himself to the dirt, and peers carefully over the top. He comes back down with two pieces information.

To the east, about two hundred yards ahead of you, two human males trudge along, pulling a small handcart behind them. Roughly five miles due south, a twisted black metal spire rises lonely from the barren earth.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-04, 02:21 PM
Stealth rolls:
Issy (disadvantage): [roll1] [roll2]
Kyra: [roll3]
Mohander: [roll4]
Shaena: [roll5]

You move swiftly and - nearly - silently closer to the two humans drudging along in front of their cart. Mohander and Atas turn to Issy and hold up a hand to stop her, just before the rest of you round a bend and catch sight of your quarry a few dozen yards ahead of you. They wear nondescript, rain-darkened brown clothing, and dark colored cloaks, with boiled leather skullcaps on their heads. They each hold one of the shafts of the small cart crooked in one elbow. One of them keeps up a fairly constant litany of complaints while you listen, while the other simply nods tiredly and watches the ground in front of him.

"Nine hells, Lummie, why'd you have to go an' piss off Chetek? Now we're stuck pulling this gods damned cart while they all get to run ahead and make a nice dry camp without us. If I don't catch my death from this rain pissin' on us I'll be surprised, and only you to blame. Not to mention it's coldern' a witch's tit out here."

Lummie just hawks up a gob of phlegm and spits into the mud.

2017-11-04, 02:51 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

"Aha!" Issy says as they catch up to the men. "So now we just need to figure out what these guys are up to. What have they found out here? Keep following from back here until we find their camp?"

Armored Walrus
2017-11-04, 03:17 PM
"Blast it, Lummie! The rain keeps gettin' in my eyes. By the time we catch up with everyone else it's gonna be dark. I don't know why I agreed to help you pull this cursed cart."

2017-11-04, 09:36 PM

Holding up a finger to his lips, Atas gestures for Issy to be more quiet, before commenting "That sounds like the best course of action. I only hope it will not stop us from taking a closer look at that tower later."

Before heading after the men, however, Atas pauses to examine their cart. He tries to figure out whether he can see what's loaded on it from where he stands.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-05, 09:05 AM
On the cart, clay pots and wooden barrels gleam with wetness. They seem to be mostly an assortment of foodstuffs. A tarp covers the back halfof the cart, keeping the rain off what appears to be burlap sacks of flour, oatmeal and other grains. You've seen wagons loaded similarly during your time in the caravan.

2017-11-05, 09:31 PM
Shaena remains quiet as a mouse as she possibly can. She decides to go along with the plan, no other course of action any more interesting at the time. Though, her curiosity is piqued regarding the camp.

2017-11-05, 11:37 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

"That cart's loaded with food? Let's see where this camp is at. If it's full of bandits....well...maybe we can help the town...bring back food for the people?"

2017-11-06, 09:59 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra nods to the loud Issy "Issy is probably right, they are either bandits or just someone like us looking to make some money or be to fight a good fight. Either way we need to make sure before attacking them."

2017-11-07, 09:32 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Crouched low to the ground as they move forward, Mohander peers through the tall grass at the two brutish fellows. He gives an agreeable nod to Kyra. "Yes, we need to learn more before bearing arms." He looks uneasily at the dark spire to the south. "That tower isn't going anywhere; we can investigate it in the morning. Let's keep after these fellows for now and see what can be made of their camp."

Con save: [roll0] / Adv: [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2017-11-07, 04:39 PM
You find it relatively easy to keep the pair in view, while remaining safely out of earshot. They wind back and forth between the stony hills of the badlands, and rarely raise their heads to look around.

After a few hours, fatigued, but still alert and ready for action, you watch as the two straighten up a bit. They approach a horseshoe-shaped clearing set before a larger than normal hill. You can see steps carved into the stone in the face of the hill, and further up a stone lintel with a wooden door inset into it. To the right of the stair, at ground level, a stream issues from a cave in the near face of the hill. The two nod to a watchman standing at the base of the hill - another human in nondescript clothing - and drive their cart into the cave.

Another watchman stands near the door at the top of the stairs, and two more cave openings flank the door, with flickering firelight emanating from inside.

map updated to what you can currently see, the red dots indicate where the top openings are located.

2017-11-08, 08:22 PM
You find it relatively easy to keep the pair in view, while remaining safely out of earshot. They wind back and forth between the stony hills of the badlands, and rarely raise their heads to look around.

After a few hours, fatigued, but still alert and ready for action, you watch as the two straighten up a bit. They approach a horseshoe-shaped clearing set before a larger than normal hill. You can see steps carved into the stone in the face of the hill, and further up a stone lintel with a wooden door inset into it. To the right of the stair, at ground level, a stream issues from a cave in the near face of the hill. The two nod to a watchman standing at the base of the hill - another human in nondescript clothing - and drive their cart into the cave.

Another watchman stands near the door at the top of the stairs, and two more cave openings flank the door, with flickering firelight emanating from inside.

map updated to what you can currently see, the red dots indicate where the top openings are located.

After a short silence Shaena whispers "what's our next move here?.

2017-11-09, 09:01 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As the group crests a small hill on the outskirts of the clearing, Mohander's keen eyes note the movement and light coming from the caves. Two guards... simple enough to dispatch quietly, but there was no reason for violence here. "Unless someone wants to speak to them, I don't see an easy way for all of us to enter. I could approach from the side and take a quick peek in the cave if we really want to know more..." He seems uneasy at the idea, like it's an unnecessary risk.

2017-11-09, 11:41 AM

At first, Atas does not answer, instead taking his quarterstaff and poking into the stream with it. If it's deep enough, perhaps the group can move into the cave under the cover of water?

Then, he turns to Mohander, and states "I find it odd that they'd go to such lengths to establish an outpost in the wilderness if they are not outlaws. But I do not know much about local politics. I will defer to someone else's judgement."

Armored Walrus
2017-11-09, 11:50 AM
The stream, at its broadest about five feet across, wets the end of Atas' staff as he pokes near the shore. At most, it looks like it may get up to knee deep in the middle.

2017-11-10, 02:23 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra tryes to remember what her father used to said once about ambushes and night attacks "We need to use the night on our advance, besides me and Shaena you all can see in dark they - refering to the group they just found - can't. So now is a good time for us to come closer inspecting them and if needed make an surprise attack or even an ambush outside of their camp." from the looks of Kyra, leting this group go without either talking to them or attacking them don't look like an option anymore.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-10, 05:23 PM
In the hush between comments, you all ponder your options. The rain continues in a constant, quiet susurration around you.

2017-11-11, 10:06 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Atas was right, there's no reason folks up to any good would have a setup like this away from Hardholm. They wouldn't take kindly to a passerby saying hello. But who knows how many were inside and Kyra looked on edge. "Wait here a minute, I'll have a quick look," Mohander says, hoping to quell any violence at least for the time being. Ducking down the berm and making his way to the east, Mohander creeps quietly forward, the tall grass and trickle of water masking his approach.
Stepping into the stream he moves quickly to get into the cave and out of the guards' sight. Once inside, he steps cautiously forward keeping an eye open for any signs of activity, tripwires, and the like.

Intended to convey I'm approaching from the opposite side of the stream as the guard/stairs. Heading inside the lower cave, keeping to the shadows, and trying to just observe without being noticed.

Some stealth rolls as needed:

And some perception rolls as needed:

Armored Walrus
2017-11-11, 10:48 AM
Stepping into the mouth of the cave, Mohander quickly realizes that it will be fairly easy to sneak around in here; the sound of a small waterfall from somewhere up ahead will mask any slight noise he may make. Getting into the cave without the sentry near the steps was more difficult, but in the dim evening light, Mohander had little trouble gauging when the sentry's attention was elsewhere, and slipping into the opening.

The wide cave is damp with condensation, and a light mist flows along the ground at ankle height, backlit by a flickering light from ahead. Peering around a bend in the rock wall, Mohander sees the two human men working at unloading the cart onto a wooden platform. From the platform, thick hemp cables stretch upward about 50 feet, and disappear into a hole in the jagged ceiling. The two men work by the light of a brazier near the, and a faint light also emanates from the hole in the ceiling.

Beyond the two men, a waterfall fills the rest of the hole, splashing down into a churning pool before the water ultimately flows past the wood elf and out of the cave.

Pressed flat against the stone wall, Mohander listens for a moment. One of the men yells out, "Alar! Dammit! Come winch this up!" He pauses and listens for a moment, but there is no reply from above. Shrugging, he turns to his companion and says, "Well, might as well get this unloaded and then just go up the stairs. Alar must be drunk or somethin'"

2017-11-12, 04:21 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra start get antsy "Mohander is taking to long." She puts her hand in her Axe's handle looking at the others "Should we do something?" Pacience is not Kyra's strong suit.

I'm assuming at least 5~10 minutes had passed when Kyra said that, not like literally one that Mohander said.

2017-11-13, 07:20 AM
Well, he did say wait a minutes. It's been about 5 or so. Had he wanted us to wait longer, Mo should have said so Shaena said. Besides, I'm really curious to know what he's seeing.

2017-11-13, 11:05 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

"Let's not get too jumpy," Issy says. "We haven't heard anything yet. I'm sure if Mohander were discovered, there would be more of a rustle about the camp. Give him some time." Despite her words, her hand lies upon the handle of her flail, firmly attached to her belt.

2017-11-13, 12:11 PM

The few minutes, to Atas, pass like seconds. Unlike the others, he stands quietly in place, arms crossed. That is not to say he is not nervous about Mohander being in a sticky situation. Rather, his rigorous training to reach clarity of mind, combined with his elven perspective on the passage of time, makes it all a lot more bearable to him.

The fact that he need not draw any weapon to defend himself also helps.

"We should trust in his skills." he simply says, sounding almost calm. "Once we get a signal, we will attempt and prove ourselves against these people."

2017-11-14, 10:56 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander crouches at the edge of the rocky protrusion and watches the men work for a minute. The mist gives the entire cavern an ominous, mystical feeling. This site has certainly been repurposed from its original use - though how recently is unclear. Taking a few steps forward, Mohander enters the frigid water and moves cautiously to the other side, keeping his eyes on the figures ahead and trying to time his movements while their heads are turned. Keeping to the shadows he approaches the southeast side of the cave and watches the pair from a much closer position, planning to inspect the pool and goods on the platform once they leave.

While he waits he casts a glance around the remainder of the cave from his new position, trying to discern what originally may have lived here.

As stated previously checking for what types of goods are there, if there are different trading house crests, blood on anything, etc. Basically signs these were potentially stolen. If he comes across anything of notable value that's easy to pocket he takes it.

Some Investigations if needed:

2017-11-14, 12:00 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy kneels on the ground, staring down towards the encampment. Eventually, she looks up to the sky to check the passage of the sun, though between the clouds, the lateness of the day, and the drizzle, all she got was a wet face. As she looks back to Mohander's direction, she mutters to herself, "Is the man never coming back?" She waits a few more minutes before finally turning to the others. As she begins pulling her hair up and back into a ponytail, she asks, "Shall we see if he's found trouble?"

Armored Walrus
2017-11-15, 10:26 PM

Mohander listens to the two men gripe at each other for a bit, but they swiftly and efficiently empty the cart of all of its goods. They give one last, loud yell through the hole in the ceiling, which still goes unanswered. Grumbling about having to go back out in the rain, rather than getting a comfy ride up on the winch, they place a metal lid on the brazier and walk out of the cave.

Peering around after their departure, Mohander can't discern any details of how this cave might originally have been used, but now there is the iron brazier bolted into the stone, plus the winch and platform that are installed. The hemp cables don't seem to be very worn, and the platform is nearly raw wood. Rifling quickly through the goods on the platform, the elf discovers that it consists mostly of foodstuffs and staples - sacks of flour and bean, a jar full of salt, a few sets of clothes, including one very fine set, and a bolt of common cotton cloth. But mingled in are a few, more notable items. Two large barrels full of ale - real ale, not the sour brown swamp brew being served at the Foaming Flagon - occupy one corner of the platform. They are stamped with the name "Longboot." A finely tooled leather pouch with a brass clasp holds a set of jeweler's tools, and a wooden crate holds a few styles of saw, an adze, a chizel and a plane. He also finds a couple tents, a half dozen bottles of cheap wine, and a supple lambskin pouch holding a set of dice.

Everyone Else

No one replies to Issy's suggestion, and you all wait, holding your breath in the rain, for a few moments more. Just as the paladin finishes tying off her dripping ponytail, many of you see two vaguely human shapes emerge from the mouth of the cave. They turn and walk toward the stairs carved in the face of the hill.

2017-11-16, 12:33 PM

"It seems to me that he hasn't." Atas replies to Issy, seeing the two guards exiting quietly as a sign that Mohander has not been seen yet.

"That said, if he does not come back soon, I wish to ambush the guard by the door. He's vulnerable all alone."

2017-11-16, 01:15 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

While inconclusive, Mohander infers there is some form of artistry happening here. Mining for gems perhaps? It's hard to say. Tucking the jeweler's kit and dice into his pockets, he grabs two bottles of wine and makes his way back to the cave entrance, keeping a careful eye on the guard at the stairs before stepping out across the water and making his way back to the group.

Figure it's time for a new stealth roll for the escape. [roll0]

Will wait to narrate the exchange of info until this "round" of actions is over in case they start something outside.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-16, 03:07 PM
The two shadowed figures shuffle to the base of the stairs, exchange a few quiet words, and begin to ascend. A moment later, Mohander emerges from the cave, carefully checking on the sentry, and approaches the group out of the gloom.

2017-11-16, 03:53 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

A faint smirk on his face as he approaches, Mohander hands a bottle to Kyra and the other to Shaena. "Not much to be seen. It's a large cave, and they have a platform raised by a winch of some kind to bring goods above. Not sure what's going on up there, but most of the cart was foodstuffs. Does the name "Longboot" mean anything to any of you?" He pauses and looks at them for a response before continuing. "Best I can tell there are artisans above - jewelers, carpenters... seems there's a well-to-do fellow in charge of the operation. Maybe mining for gems?" Mohander produces the jeweler's kit as evidence of his claims, fingering through the fine instruments. "Not sure what's going on, but it's about a 50 foot climb if we wanted to go up the ropes of the platform. Otherwise we're fighting our way in the front door."

2017-11-17, 05:22 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra was already with her axe on her hand ready to charge towards the entrance after what Issy's said, stoping only because Mohander appears.

She listen to Mohander's findings giving a *sigh* clearly disappointed that they are not a group of bandits controled by a great warrior or something like that "So miners and jewelers? That does not seems like worth of our time. How heavy guarded was it? Any archer? How many guards in total?" putting her axe back to the holster.

2017-11-17, 08:26 AM
Shaena listens as Mohander recount what was in there, also becoming a little disappointed in his findings. As Kyra asks the questions, the halfling's mind drifts to the name "Longboot".

Roll: [roll0]

+2 if intelligence check, +4 if history

2017-11-17, 10:19 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

"Longboot? Who goes by Longboot? May as well be called Shortglove or Hathead.....what a peculiar name." Issy pauses and processes the information for a few moments. She then adds wistfully, "I wonder what secrets they've managed to dig up..."

2017-11-17, 10:44 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"I'm curious too. The construction is fairly recent, at least for the platform. Only four I've seen are the two guards and the two cart-ferriers so far. They were calling for a 5th above to raise the platform, but he didn't respond. If anyone's feeling diplomatic you might make yourself known and see if they're friendly... though perhaps waiting until morning instead of approaching under cover of darkness would be better for a peaceable approach."

2017-11-17, 10:53 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshira thinks for a few moments on Mohander's thoughts. She looks up at the drizzly sky and again runs a hand through her sopping-wet hair. "But it's so wet," she not-quite whines. She had slept outdoors in the cold and wet before, but it was not her favorite thing by far. "Maybe they wouldn't turn away travelers requesting succor from the night?"

2017-11-17, 11:01 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"At the least they may allow us to sleep in the lower cave to wait out the rain," he agrees, acknowledging a fair point.

2017-11-18, 10:49 AM

Seeing the course the conversation has taken, Atas decides to step into action. "I'd rather stay outside, to be perfectly honest. But if you'd rather get into the cave, we should stop mincing words out here."

And with that, he steps out into the open, walking towards the single guard with raised hands.

"Greetings, sir! Me and four companions of mine are seeking shelter for the night! Would you be willing to share yours?"

Should I be required to make a Charisma check, I'll invoke my-

"As someone new to these strange lands, I am cautious and respectful in my dealings."

-ideal to spend Inspiration and gain advantage.


Armored Walrus
2017-11-18, 01:44 PM
"What!? Who's there? Step forward slowly with your hands in the air!" calls the guard at the base of the stairs. The two who were on their way up pause, hands dropping to their sides, and you hear the distinctive sound of a crossbow being cranked into place. "Watt! Let them know we have visitors!"

The guard at the top of the stairs turns and bangs on the wooden door behind him.

2017-11-18, 07:58 PM

Not letting the response deter him, as it is not the first time he's had to deal with suspicion, Atas does as he is told. With raised hands, he slowly approaches the men, confident in his knowledge that he need not be armed to crush their bones if he has to.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-19, 02:01 PM
"Just move slow and easy!" the voice yells. The two on the stairs take a few steps back toward the ground.

Up above, a flicker of flame arcs across from one of the caves flaking the door. Someone has tossed a torch to the guard up there. He picks it up off the ground and begins walking down the stairs.

"Who are you? What do you want here?"

2017-11-19, 05:40 PM
Shaena remains quiet as Atas speaks, figuring now was not the time for yet another voice from the shadows to speak. She wonders just what this place actually is, but unable to see currently her wonderings are merely that.

2017-11-19, 10:33 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra start getting a bit uneasy, she looks to Atas and to Shaena, just waiting for a command to charge those guys if needed. But still just listening - for now - to the conversation.

2017-11-20, 11:53 AM

Moving slowly and carefully, Atas approaches the guard, his hands still raised.

"I am an explorer, here to map out these savage lands! Me and some companions of mine found your home. If you would let us, we would only stay the night."

Armored Walrus
2017-11-20, 03:48 PM
The guard with the torch descends further, eventually illuminating Atas and the guard he is conversing with. Finally able to see the wood elf, the guard trains his crossbow on Atas' chest while he speaks.

"All right, all right. Just stay easy there. Have your friends come into the light, too. Jast, you an' Lummie stick around for a bit, while we sort this out. Watt, go let Haman know we got some folks looking to bed down for the night."

Watt hands off his torch to Lummie and head back up the stairs. Meanwhile, Lummie and Jast come forward, and the three of them face you. A shadow moves in front of the flickering light from one of the caves up by the door.

2017-11-20, 06:02 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy gives Mohander her best, "Are you kidding me" look then follows Atas out into view of the residents. She holds her hands up and away from her weapons...for now. "As my friend says, we're just looking for a dry place to sleep for the night." Mostly, she finishes to herself.

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-11-20, 06:16 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander approaches with the others, his bow slung across his back, though the daggers in the belt behind his back are readily drawn and thrown if trouble sounds.
As they come closer into the light he watches the caves above trying to discern how many eyes look down on them... and how many bows.

Perception?: [roll0]

2017-11-20, 10:26 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra follows the others to the light, as the guy asked, but ready to be jumped or jump at someone at any time.

Insight, for sense motive on those guys: [roll0]
Perception, just a general on: [roll1]

2017-11-21, 09:10 AM
Shaena without hesitation follows the others into the light.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-21, 10:07 PM
Something about Issy's demeanor seems to put the crossbowman at his ease. The point dips an inch or so from where it was aimed, now it points vaguely at Atas' navel.

"Well ma'am, we can be reasonable. But I can't speak for Haman, he'll tell us what to do with you."

He keeps a close eye on the rest of you as you step into the ring of light around his torch.

Mohander barely spares a glance for your "host," instead trying to judge the strength of this potential foe. It doesn't take his keen eye long to realize that only the left cave holds an occupant. The dim light from the other cave flickers without disturbance.

Watt gets to the door and disappears inside, while Lummie, Jast, and your unnamed host regard you with the patience of folks who are used to waiting to be told what to do.

2017-11-22, 12:12 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy smiles at the crossbowman as she reaches up and wipes some of the rain out of her face. She looks to the sky. "Can we at least wait somewhere dry while we see what this...Haman...decides to do with us?"

Armored Walrus
2017-11-22, 04:29 PM
The guard grunts and regards Issy with a flat look.

"Haman will tell us." he says.

2017-11-22, 04:46 PM

Atas, having the good sense to realize that these mooks are more favorably disposed towards Issy than towards him, keeps his mouth shut for now. Instead, he simply sizes them up, trying to see if they'd be particularely threatening in a battle.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-22, 05:57 PM
Up close, Atas has no trouble discerning that all the humans are clad in leather armor under their cloaks. The guard you face wields the light crossbow and has a scimitar hanging at his side, as does one of the men on the steps. The other is rather larger, with a blunt face, a bruiser's frame, and a wicked looking mace hanging at his belt. He loudly cracks his knuckles when he notices the wood elf eyeing him.

2017-11-22, 10:00 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander leans against the rock wall to his right, pulling the cloak around him to keep the rain sliding off and waits patiently. "You been out here since before the thaw or new to town after the snows melted recently?" he asks, trying to pass the time with idle conversation.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-24, 07:15 PM
Mo's attempts to solicit small talk mostly fail. The guard, whose name turns out to be Arund, gives mostly vauge, noncommittal answers, usually capping his answer with, "Haman can tell ya more."

Issy wrings out her pony tail twice more before the door at the top of the steps opens again. The previous guard reemerges and steps down the stairs. He gestures with his crossbow, "Haman says send 'em in."

Both guards look at you expectantly and gesture up the stairs. The two cart men start up ahead of you.

2017-11-25, 03:42 PM

Relaxing his stance a little, the wood elf follows the guards upstairs, his hands still firmly away from the weapons he doesn't need.

2017-11-27, 12:00 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Despite this being her plan, Issy was suddenly having quite a bit of doubt about this being a great course of action. She musters up her best relaxed pose and nods at Arund as she follows the men up the stairs. She looks around, taking in as much as possible. Were there any other exits? Was everyone armed or just the guards? Were there families here, or was this some sort of temporary space?

Perception: [roll0]
If that's more of an investigation, then add one to that result.

EDIT: Either way...it looks like a place or something.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-28, 11:29 AM
Following Watt up the winding stone stairs, you can see now that a frontal assault on this place could have been a deadly mistake. The two caves flanking the doors provide an ideal overwatch of the stairs for any archer. The door itself is of thick, stout oak, banded in iron. Watt produces a heavy iron key and places it into a keyhole as big as your thumb.

As soon as the heavy door swings open, you are struck by the noise of a waterfall from somewhere further back. A relatively straight stone passage burrows into the hill, with a few lit side passages branching off the main tunnel. Inside, Watt sets his longbow near the door and gestures you further into the caves. You take a left at the second intersection, lit from ahead with a flickering flame.

The short passage leads you to a wide cave. A small fire blazes under the far wall, where a crack in the rock forms a natural chimney, keeping this room comfortably warm compared to the moist, dank caves through which you approached. A rich carpet covers the gritty floor, and a feather mattress lies on a mahogany frame to one side. Watt steps into the room and takes up a position flanking the room's only other occupant.

The human male sports a dark black, well-kept goatee, wears sumptuous burgundy robes, gems glittering on his fingers. An amulet formed of shining electrum, in the shape of a broken crown, dangles from his neck. He raises a deeply tanned hand in an elegant gesture, "Welcome to Haman's Court, rough as it may be at the moment. Please, make yourselves as comfortable as you can. Watt informs me the inclement weather has caught you by surprise, and that you seek a dry bed. As you can see, I don't have enough space in here to entertain you properly, but you are welcome to barrack with my men, and share their evening meal."

His smile turns slightly grim as he continues in his cultured voice, "Although I would prefer if one of you would dine with me, if only to explain what business brings you to our humble home."

2017-11-29, 09:08 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra follows Watt with the party whispering to Atas "Be ready, this could as well be some sort of trap. I still don't trust those people."

Kyra start seizing up Haman for a second, does he looks like a warrior? or just a merchant of sorts? Is he carrying any weapon I can see? What kind? Thinking "I can't believe all those mans are following this fancy 'boy' here."

She then repply "Thank you for the dry bed. But our business are pretty simple, we are here to explore this region, kill some monsters and report back to our patrons. There is not much more to explain."

Insight specifically for sizing Haman. It is something Kyra is not used to see mans following someone that is not a strong warrior, and Haman don't look like one for Kyra at this moment. So she is trying to see if it only first impressions of him and perhaps he is indeed a warrior, but just likes to use fancy clothes. Also, to see if he is lying about the reason he wants one of us to join him on his dinner.

And Perception too see if he is carrying some sort of weapon or this room has anything that could be used as a trap/ambush.


2017-11-29, 09:37 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander raises his eyebrows at the stark contrast of Haman's chamber to the other passages. There was a certain charm to the cave's overt elegance - it didn't quite cross the line to gaudy. At Haman's bidding to get comfortable, Mohander steps toward the fire and sits on the rug warming his hands. Seated so he can see their host but mostly keeping his eyes on the fire he replies, "Saw your men on the road as we came south and hoped there might be a dry room available until the rains pass. Nothing special about us, just exploring. Not much back home worth staying for and we found ourselves on the trail together through the pass. Figured we'd see what the land has to offer rather than stay in Hardholm, maybe carve out a piece for ourselves. Seems that's what you're doing, eh? Quite the cave system you got here - you dig it yourself?" he asks curiously.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-29, 02:23 PM
Haman nods to Kyra at her response, then turns to Mohander, "While the place is certainly man-made, it was not made by myself or my compatriots. The construction seems ancient; some denizen of the region, as you say, 'dug it out' some time in the distant past. Finding it conducive to my interests in the area, we liberated it from its former occupants, most of whom were of the eight-legged variety."

Your insight tells you this man is not as welcoming as he appears. He doesn't seem to mean you immediate harm, but he is suspicious of your presence and really doesn't want you around. He is doing an excellent job of hiding it, though. He carries no weapons that you can recognize, but something about how he moves leads you to look more closely at his waist, and you see the tip of a wand peeking from a sheath at his side.

2017-11-29, 02:40 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy perks up immediately at the mention of 'ancient denizens'. "Ancient? Truly? Have you found anything interesting? Bits of their language? Utensils? Tools? Anything that could tell us anything about them? I've always fancied myself a bit of a historian. That's actually why I'm along with the group. All this...." she pauses a moment as she searches for the right word, but gets caught up in her excitement. "Stuff...the things we can learn about those who came before us! Surely you've found something interesting?"

After a few moments, she realizes she's been going on and falls silent.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-29, 03:41 PM
Haman briefly gives Iselshira a flat look at her gushing, but quickly recovers his affable air, "Your enthusiasm is fetching, Miss, but I've always been one that looks forward more than behind. But the Crucible has been closed off from the rest of the world for, what? A thousand years? Maybe more? The stairs leading up here are obviously old, and the task doesn't strike me as a project that our native halfling friends would have undertaken. Therefore I deduce someone lived here back when this was still part of the world." He gestures widely, taking in the whole complex, "Whether they left any sign of who they were, I've not been curious enough to search."

Watt makes a slight move as if to usher you all out of his master's chamber.

2017-11-29, 03:45 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Completely oblivious to the physical prompt to leave, Issy frowns at Haman for a few moments. She finally blurts out, "Then what are you even doing here? Don't you realize what you're probably sitting on?"

2017-11-29, 03:52 PM

In a moment where Haman and his guards are not looking, Atas will whisper back to Kyra "Me neither. This lordling's cloth seems ill-fitting. But he's not threatened us yet."

When Haman and Issy talk about the age of the ruins, he keeps mostly quiet, but the thought of these ruins being mostly unexplored makes him perk up.

"If you're not curious, will you allow us to investigate? We know people who would be very thankful for any lore we may find." As usual, his point is bluntly made at best.

Armored Walrus
2017-11-29, 04:06 PM
Haman is unable to conceal a slightly perturbed look at the questions of exploration. "The complex is far from extensive, let me assure you. Only a few rooms other than the ones you've passed. In fact, if you'll move along to the barracks, you'll have seen the bulk of our home. I certainly can't object to you inspecting the stonework on your way, but any contents were either gone before the spiders took occupation, digested by them, or cleaned out when we took residence."

At this he makes a somewhat urgent gesture to Watt, who takes a step forward. "Right, the lads will be eating soon. You all can come this way..."

2017-11-29, 04:09 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy pushes toward Haman as Watt starts to round up the group. "Already gone? What do you......" She suddenly cuts off and starts following Watt out of the room, looking all around. "What spiders? You said spiders live here?" She looks around at the others. "Maybe sleeping in the rain isn't so bad...."

Armored Walrus
2017-11-29, 04:30 PM
Watt makes a motion as though tipping his hat to Issy, although being hatless, and bald to boot, the gesture loses some impact. "There were spiders living here, Miss, but that was before we come in. Haman and the lads cleared them out last year."

He gets a slightly eager look, "You were askin' about lore. Dunno if this qualifies but, look at this." As you move into the central hallway, Watt points out a carving in one wall depicting a many-branched tree. "Dunno what it means, but it was here before we were."

2017-11-29, 04:32 PM

Though he is clearly some kind of thug with delusions of grandeur, Atas still gives a polite bow to Haman. "Thank you for your hospitality, sir Haman." Clasping his hands in an old elven gesture of respect, deep down he wonders however whether the wannabe nobleman is telling the whole truth about what he found here.


Afterwards, he follows Watt out of the room, cracking a hint of a smile as Issy becomes suddenly nervous. "Nervous they might have missed some?" he asks, slightly teasing her.

2017-11-29, 04:43 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

"Ooohhhh...." Issy begins as she stops to look at the wall, running her hand over the carving, feeling to see the smoothness of the edges. Did it seemed carved? If so, was it crudely carved? Did it look like it was magically created? Was there anything in the branches of the tree, or anything in the carving besides the tree?

Investigation?: [roll0]

2017-11-29, 04:44 PM
Watt makes a motion as though tipping his hat to Issy, although being hatless, and bald to boot, the gesture loses some impact. "There were spiders living here, Miss, but that was before we come in. Haman and the lads cleared them out last year."

He gets a slightly eager look, "You were askin' about lore. Dunno if this qualifies but, look at this." As you move into the central hallway, Watt points out a carving in one wall depicting a many-branched tree. "Dunno what it means, but it was here before we were."

Upon hearing lore, Shaena stepped out, unsure if her small stature had made her go mostly unnoticed. What is it you have here? she asked as she began trying to study what Watt was showing. She looked at it intently trying to find any clue that might help determine its meaning.


2017-11-30, 09:32 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Captivated by the shifting tongues of flame, Mohan listened casually to the rest of the conversation, rubbing his hands together as the tingle of warmth after a long cold sets in. He eventually rises with no urgency of motion, planning to leave the room and let one of the more eager ones spend the evening with Haman. Issy sure seemed to have a lot of questions. With a stretch he turned to see Watt's squat frame rounding the corner out of the room.

With a slow look to Haman, Mohander stands quietly near the fire. After a few moments of silence he declares, "A curious bunch to be sure. Anything you can point them at to keep their minds wondering is a blessing for all of us. I prefer the monk, myself. Straight to the point, no nonsense." Mohander walks casually around the edge of the room, inspecting the trinkets and decorations adorning the mantle and tables, picking up and taking a closer look at any that strike his fancy, running a finger along the carved bedframe... "Your cave isn't the only ancient structure in these parts. Have you or your men ventured near the black tower to the south? A few terrifying scarecrows beset us last night. Seemed like the sort of horrors that would come from such a tower."

Armored Walrus
2017-12-01, 01:13 PM
Whatever it was about Haman's behavior that made you take a harder look at him seems to have been your imagination. The man seems genuinely disinterested in the history of the complex. It seems he's here solely to pursue whatever his business here may be.

While Mohander chats idly with Haman, the women check out the carving in the hall. Closer inspection shows it to be of quite fine workmanship, although very aged. The carving is utterly smooth where not cracked or chipped by the passage of time, the individual limbs and roots of the tree picked out in fine detail. This isn't some rune idly chiseled into the rock by a bored stoneworker, it's a piece of art left from a bygone era. Ponder as you will, though, you can't attach any significance to the symbol.

Watt looks at Issy, pleased with her reaction, and smiles, "Might be after dinner I can show you the other carving down in the cave." He leads you all into a wide, open section at the end of the hall. The waterfall pours out from the far wall of this space, filling the area with noise and mist. In one section of the stalactite-filled room, a pair of splintery benches are pulled up to a worn, lichen-covered table. The men you followed on the road each hold a horn of ale, tending a cookfire in an alcove to your right.

Mohander, meanwhile, continues to converse with Haman, "Scarecrows you say? Now that is something unique. We've not had that problem here, however there have been a few of the walking dead who have wandered into our territory. Regarding the tower, I'dd advise you to stay away. The halflings of this region may be a superstitious and savage lot, but their tales about that tower hold at least a kernel of truth. Something large and terrifying lives there. Thankfully, we seem to be outside of its notice here."

Haman's grace and casual elegance seem to you to be at least partially feigned. He's on edge, and suspicious of your group, though he doesn't want it to show. You sense how his hand wants to wander to the amulet at his neck, or to the hilt of the wand peeking from behind his back at his belt. You sense he is trying to take your measure, and his decision about what to do with you has not been made.

With that, Haman stands, "Perhaps you should join your friends at dinner. If you would, please send the lovely young lady in to join me; the golden haired one."

2017-12-03, 12:50 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander nods gravely as he moves toward the door. "Appreciate the warning. One more question - you're a man of arcane talent. I've heard rumor there are some strange places in the Crucible - places where the magic in the air makes the elements run wild. You wouldn't know where we might find something like that, would you?"

Regardless of his answer, Mo closes with, "Her name is Iselshira. Don't let the curiosity fool you - she's a a fiery one, I'd caution against any advances." With that he turns and heads further into the caves. Though instead of going directly to the barracks, Mohander moves deeper through the twisting passages, exploring a bit to see just how extensive they are under the guise of getting lost should anyone discover him. If he satisfactorily explores the whole area or gets caught he'll head to the barracks. "Issy, our host wants a word with the 'lovely young golden-haired lady,' " he comments with a raised eyebrow.

Figure this is going to require a stealth check: [roll0]

2017-12-03, 07:18 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra grabs Atas and Issy aside - so none of the Haman's man can listen - and start talking to them "Haman is some sort of spellcaster - I saw a wand on his waist -, and my father always said to fight carefully against them, besides he don't want us here. So we should either let him keep doing whatever he is doing or if you guys want to do something about this cave" He looks at Issy while saying that "we should do something about Haman first. I'm in either way." Kyra says that, you can tell she don't care about the cave, but she would not refuse a fight.

2017-12-04, 11:27 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera is lost in the carvings when Kyra comes up to speak to her. She nods her head a few times as the barbarian speaks, only half-listening. "Haman first," she finally says as she turns toward Kyra. "Well, we'll need a way back into his...lair, then. That may be tricky."

Mohander then entered the room.

"Issy, our host wants a word with the 'lovely young golden-haired lady,'"

Issy's face breaks out in a smile. "Or maybe not," she addends her previous statement. Her face turns serious then, and she gathers the others around. "Okay. Give me 30 minutes. If I'm not out by then...come get me."

As she moves toward Haman's room, her hand rests on her flail, reassuring the young paladin of its presence. You can do this, she tells herself. How hard can it be to make sure they don't slaughter everyone in our sleep?

2017-12-04, 12:09 PM

"Don't act too rashly." Atas cautions Issy quietly before she leaves. While this haman's spellcasting habits may leave him less defensively capable, the way he runs his little company has made it clear that he's dangerous.

"Your plan is bold, Kyra." he says quietly to the mercenary. "That part I like about it. When you strike, we will each take a seperate enemy. They shall not get a chance to regroup."

Then he grows silent again, as if that's all the strategy he needs to discuss. For now, he waits for Issy to finish talking with Haman, ready to spring into action at any time. His eyes as he does so lie rather oppressively on the guard named Watt, curious about the interest he seemed to express in Issy earlier. It might be something worth exploiting, if Atas was any good at that kind of stuff.

2017-12-04, 12:57 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

With dinner apparently not ready yet, Mohander wanders over to the cooking fire and gazes into the flames behind the two cooks. After a few moments Lummie jumps at his presence as he turns around for some seasoning. "Sorry, friend. Didn't mean to give you a scare," Mohan apologizes. "What's for dinner? Smells great whatever it is, especially after jerky for several days straight. You boys do a lot of hunting and foraging around here or mostly rations brought in from town?"
"What's cave living like? I've always been more of a 'woods' person."

He continues trying to engage them in small talk while staying out of their way and/or helping where he can. Once they relax a bit he tries to direct the conversation toward the caves and see what they're willing to share. "Were you part of the crew that cleared out all the spiders living here? That must have been exciting. Find anything interesting in all those webs or mostly just bones?"

Armored Walrus
2017-12-06, 10:47 PM
"I've heard rumor there are some strange places in the Crucible - places where the magic in the air makes the elements run wild. You wouldn't know where we might find something like that, would you?"

Haman, who was absently smoothing his mustache, pauses almost imperceptibly when Mohander asks his question, but quickly covers. "Ah, I fear you've mistaken me for one who must study in order to receive his arcane powers." He gestures slightly to the broken crown dangling from his neck. "I have made use of.... other means."

"Her name is Iselshira. Don't let the curiosity fool you - she's a a fiery one, I'd caution against any advances."

The human merely smirks at the wood elf as he leaves the cave.

"Your plan is bold, Kyra." Atas says quietly to the mercenary. "That part I like about it. When you strike, we will each take a seperate enemy. They shall not get a chance to regroup."

"Okay. Give me 30 minutes. If I'm not out by then...come get me."

As she moves toward Haman's room, her hand rests on her flail, reassuring the young paladin of its presence. You can do this, she tells herself. How hard can it be to make sure they don't slaughter everyone in our sleep?

By the time Issy reaches Haman's room, he has cleared off the well polished oaken table he was previously using as a desk. Rich, beeswax candles set into mirror-backed candle holders light the room like day. Haman, who really is rather charming, makes simple small talk with paladin while they await their dinner. Before long Watt arrives, bearing a tray with warm barley rolls, fresh, pan-fried fish served on a bed of watercress, and an uncorked bottle of wine. Haman waits for Issy to take her seat, and then sits across from her. "I must say it really is my pleasure to have such lovely company for dinner. While we dine, perhaps you'll tell me what you are really doing here. I've heard from both of your elven friends. They are good at obfuscation. Somehow, I believe you are a more, straightforward woman."

He looks at you expectantly.

Once they relax a bit he tries to direct the conversation toward the caves and see what they're willing to share. "Were you part of the crew that cleared out all the spiders living here? That must have been exciting. Find anything interesting in all those webs or mostly just bones?"

Lummie eagerly replies to Mohander, "There were all sorts of things in here! Why, we found.." Jast jabs Lummie in the ribs with an elbow. "Corpses." Jast finishes for his large friend. "Victims of the spiders. If Haman weren't so skilled, or Lummie here strong as an aurochs (and about as smart) we mighta joined 'em."

About then, Watt stops by to pick up Haman's dinner. Jast serves it up, and then he and Lummie take a large pot of beans, some barley rolls, and a kettle of pottage over to the worn table by the waterfall. Smoky tallow candles light the area, and the men fall to, eating their plain fair with gusto.

2017-12-07, 12:44 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Iselshera walks back into Haman's room and feigns being impressed at the setup of the room, and returns the small talk pleasantly. As the food arrives she comments, "How do you ever find fish out here? Surely something this tasty can't be a river fish?" She waits to see if Haman drinks from the wine before sipping on just a small amount.

At his questioning, she frowns. He face scrunches in thought for a moment, and she absently brushes a loose lock of hair out of her face, tucking it behind one ear. She answers hesitantly, unsure why he keeps asking the same question repeatedly when she feels it has been answered. "We're exploring the new land. There's a bounty of information and items to find." Her eyes begin to light up as she speaks of the possibility of ancient knowledge. "There must be texts from ancient civilizations. Ways of performing magic our greatest scholars have only dreamed of..."

She looks Haman directly in the eye. "Why do you find that so hard to believe?"

2017-12-07, 09:29 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Grateful for a warm meal, Mohan joins Haman's men in savagely digging into the bland offering. The silence is comfortable as everyone chews, but eventually he breaks it after a swig from his water skin to clear the sticky mess from his mouth. "I asked Haman about the black tower to the south, but I get the feeling he runs the show from here mostly and you boys are the ones out in the field. He said there's something large and terrifying there according to Halfling legends. You all seen anything come and go from it? Or anything strange happen near the tower?" Mohander relays the tale of the scarecrow attack the night before to see if it rings true with any of the guards, playing especially to Lummie and trying to develop a rapport seeing as he was the most forthcoming of their new bunk mates.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-07, 10:02 AM
She looks Haman directly in the eye. "Why do you find that so hard to believe?"

Haman looks slightly abashed at the question, "Of course, it's rude of me to question your motives. You must understand, though, I didn't locate my crew here out of fondness for random company, as pleasantly distracting as your presence is. As for you and your party, I'll take you at your word. You all are welcome to bed down in the lift cave, if you so desire."

"I asked Haman about the black tower to the south, but I get the feeling he runs the show from here mostly and you boys are the ones out in the field. He said there's something large and terrifying there according to Halfling legends. You all seen anything come and go from it? Or anything strange happen near the tower?" Mohander relays the tale of the scarecrow attack the night before to see if it rings true with any of the guards, playing especially to Lummie and trying to develop a rapport seeing as he was the most forthcoming of their new bunk mates.

"The halflings say there's a giant ghost made of black steel that haunts the tower," Lummie says, scrubbing his nose with the back of his hand before jamming another spoonful of beans into his mouth. "And they say it's guarded by a tribe of iron men."

Jast interjects, "We haven't seen anything like that, but there is some weird things walking around this area, like them scarecrows. We didn't fight any of them, but we've had shadows come ta life and attack, and seen some dead walking. There must be something to them tales the halflings tell, though, cuz Haman won't let us go near that tower."

2017-12-08, 04:56 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy tilts her head to one side and considers Haman. Obviously she'd said something that caused him to close down a bit. "I..didn't mean to offend. I'm not great with people if I'm completely honest. It's part of the reason why I spend so much time with books, I guess." She considers Haman a moment before continuing. "What is it you guys are doing out here? Not that I'm complaining. It will be great to get out of the rain for a night."

Persuasion? [roll0]

Armored Walrus
2017-12-08, 06:51 PM
"What is it you guys are doing out here? Not that I'm complaining. It will be great to get out of the rain for a night."

Haman waves a hand dismissively, "Oh, just various commercial interests." With that, the conversation devolves into inconsequential small talk, and decidedly unsubtle suggestions that more comfortable bedding arrangements could be made for Issy.

2017-12-09, 12:11 PM

Unlike some of the others, Atas is in no rush to eat his meal, used to surviving on little due to his ascetic lifestyle. Instead, he patiently watches and listens, ready for things to turn sour at any moment. Even so, however, he eventually allows himself to engage in the conversation a little as well.

"The scarecrows were hardy foes, but fell to enough force. With some luck, we may be able to face more of them. They would make good training for if we truly face beings made of stronger materials.

Have you been travelling with lord Haman for long? This is a dangerous place to follow him into."

Armored Walrus
2017-12-09, 12:57 PM
"Have you been travelling with lord Haman for long? This is a dangerous place to follow him into."

Jast dominates most of the conversation, describing how most of the crew were caravan guards for the wagon train that came through the Bastard Sword Pass last year. Haman was one of the travelers. He made a "business proposition" for a select handful of the guards and they've been "living off the land" ever since. They all seem fairly content, and very confident in Haman as a leader.

2017-12-09, 04:23 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy smiles at the unsubtle hints and politely declines. After dinner, she makes her way back to the remainder of the group. What a waste of time. She didn't learn much about what was going on, and this Haman was way to much of a pretty boy to interest Issy. Shame, really. As she rejoins the others, they seem to be discussing the bandits' (?) history here, so her thoughts come back to the point at hand. "Do you all have quarters like his? Do you all eat as well as he does? Hardly seems fair that the ones doing all the work sleep in a barracks..."

Armored Walrus
2017-12-09, 05:17 PM
Jast is very quick to shut down that line of talk, with a quick, "No one here is complainin'. And they ain't gonna." He gives the crew, and Issy, a hard look and one of the other men changes the subject.

2017-12-11, 11:41 AM

By this point, Atas simply looks over at Kyra, waiting for her next move. Personally, he doesn't think that all these men deserve death, but then again he also doesn't plan on doing more than break their bones if a fight breaks out.

2017-12-11, 05:31 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Haman's men will notice Mohander's eyes drift toward the back of the cave, obviously curious about what lies beyond, but he doesn't make mention of it again. He spends an equal amount of time looking toward the front and curious how Issy's evening was going... hopefully the food and comfortable room made up for what must be lousy company.

Without any special incident he accepts the accommodations and sleeps in the cave below with the others... though if someone were to start some trouble between now and then... well he'll just wait and observe as his kind always does.

2017-12-13, 05:21 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra that has been kept herself quiet most of the time eating she whisper something quickly to Mohander and the others - but it is visible it is more towards Mohander - "You better bet on me, and be ready to fight if things go south!"

After that the hulking woman with red dark orange hair sundenly raises from his chair with provocative fiery eyes looking at Lummie "Your name is Lummie right? You look like the stronger man among all the others here. I want to put my strength to test against yours. What about a match of arm wrestling against me? We could even bet something to make things more interesting for you - and for the others. What do you say?" Kyra looks really thrilled about doing this.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-13, 09:01 AM
The heavy bench slides back with a screech as Kyra surges suddenly to her feet. Your hosts' hands instinctively find their weapon pommels and a few inches of blade are bared before she gets her challenge out. Once they realize this is just an over-eager challenge being issued to their largest member, they relax and start joking about and discussing the match in relieved jollity.

Lummie scoops the last fork full of beans into his mouth, and smiles at Kyra. "Sure I'll arm wrestle you, woman. Don't cry on me when I break your wrist. What will you wager?"

2017-12-13, 11:26 AM

With a quiet thud, a single red gemstone lands on a nearby table. When the men turn to look, they'll find Atas standing next to it, his arms crossed.

"I will wager this that your friend stands no chance. Is anyone confident enough to wager against me?"

Armored Walrus
2017-12-13, 11:49 AM
Jast glances at the gemstone on the table and licks his lips.

"Hold on," he says, "I'll be right back."

He disappears into the alcove you haven't been allowed to explore yet. In a moment, he returns and tosses a gemstone roughly the size of a chicken egg, with banded stripes and whorls of red and green, onto the table.

"Lummie won't even break a sweat," he sneers, eyeing Atas.

2017-12-13, 12:11 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy covers her face with her ungloved hand. Why did men...and Kyla...always feel everything came down to physical contests? The mind was a much better weapon. The young paladin leaned against the wall, keeping an eye on everything going on...or at least attempts to.

Just keeping an eye out for anything shady...or treacherous: Perception: [roll0]

2017-12-13, 12:38 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As their blades begin to draw so does one of Mohander's, though his hand slowly returns to his front side as the scene unfolds. "Afraid I've nothing of real value to wager, so I'll leave the betting to you all." The elf stands and moves to the side, amusedly observing the proceedings. While certainly not the confrontation he expected from the large warrior, it seemed a perfect way to end the evening.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-13, 01:21 PM
Lummie eagerly cracks his knuckles and grins at Kyra.

2017-12-13, 02:42 PM
Shaena raises an eyebrow at all the tense reactions, a few crumbs sticking to the corners of her mouth. As Kyra gets her challenge out and the others relax a bit, she returns back to the food, figuring if things take a turn for the rest she can jump in easily enough.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-14, 02:19 PM
Lummie peers at Kyra.

"We doin' this or not?" he says.

2017-12-14, 07:14 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

"Hell yeah we are doing this!" Kyra sits in the chair in front of Lummie confidently and put her arm in the traditional 'arm wrestling' stance ready to fight back to this guy.

Strenght (+2 if Athletics):[roll0] AD [roll1]

Using the inspiration point for this!

Armored Walrus
2017-12-15, 11:45 AM
"Hell yeah we are doing this!" Kyra sits in the chair in front of Lummie confidently and put her arm in the traditional 'arm wrestling' stance ready to fight back to this guy.

Lummie, although obviously strong, apparently underestimates Kyra. They face each other across the splintered surface of the table, and clasp hands. The two briefly flex, testing each other, and then Kyra, channeling her years of training - much of which was spent facing physically stronger foes despite her impressive build - twists her wrist. The move applies leverage to Lummie's forearm, locking his wrist joint and preventing him from bringing his full force to bear. She slams his hand into table, leaving a dent in the moist wood and causing one of the mess kits to clatter to the floor. Lummie himself slips, barely keeping his seat on the slick bench, and gives the Ambershield warrior a nod of respect.

Jast bitterly eyes the gemstones, still shaking on the table, and gives Atas a heated look.

2017-12-15, 12:21 PM

"If you wish to engage me in unarmed combat, I will allow you to win it back. Once again, however, I wager that you stand no chance." Atas tells Jast, itching for a fight more than he does for the monetary reward.

2017-12-15, 02:41 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy cheers on Kyra as the barbarian easily wins. She leans back against the wall when the competition has ended, then perks up when she hears Atas issue a challenge. I guess if we can beat them all recreation, they'll wonder how good we are in combat. Less chance they'll attack us in our sleep. Nevertheless, her she subconsciously stretches her left hand, opening and closing it as if it was itching to get to her flail.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-15, 03:44 PM
Jast's hands twitch, then he slams a hand down on the wagered gemstones and pauses. Watt rubs his bald head and shares a worried look with the other guard, but Jast finally just slides the gems toward Atas and removes his hand.

"Ain't gonna fight with 'guests,'" he spits, and turns on his heel to leave the room.

He pulls up short when he spies Haman standing in the entrance, watching the whole affair, he says softly, "Jast, if you've finished.... entertaining... our guests, kindly show them to their quarters." Haman then turns and leaves the room.

2017-12-15, 05:10 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As they follow the upset Jast to the elevator platform, Mohander grabs the last piece of bread off the table and rips a piece of the hard crust with his teeth, chewing as they walk. As the platform descends, he asks, food in his mouth still, "Can we leave this a foot or two off the cave floor for a couple of us to sleep on? May as well keep what we can out of the mist all night - don't want Shaena's notes getting too damp if we can help it."

2017-12-17, 08:04 AM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra is fueled with adrenaline that second, she unleashes a small warcry as she 'finish' Lummie off, for her this is the same as a fight to the death, even more important than her life, her pride as a warrior is at stake. She have lost in the past, her village was filled with stronger adversaries, but that don't mean that she did not felt each of those lost.

Lummie, although obviously strong, apparently underestimates Kyra. They face each other across the splintered surface of the table, and clasp hands. The two briefly flex, testing each other, and then Kyra, channeling her years of training - much of which was spent facing physically stronger foes despite her impressive build - twists her wrist. The move applies leverage to Lummie's forearm, locking his wrist joint and preventing him from bringing his full force to bear. She slams his hand into table, leaving a dent in the moist wood and causing one of the mess kits to clatter to the floor. Lummie himself slips, barely keeping his seat on the slick bench, and gives the Ambershield warrior a nod of respect.

But after the arm wrestling end, albeit still thrilled for just winning against Lummie, she becomes respectful - remembering her father words 'Always show respect for those that earned in fight with or against you.' - and returns Lummie nod. She then comes back to Atas and the others smiling proud of herself.

2017-12-17, 11:47 AM

The wood elf catches the gemstones with a flick of his wrist and quickly deposits them within his pocket. Even if he didn't get a combat out of it, winning that little battle of wills with Jast was worth it.

He gives Kyra a proud nod as she returns. "Well done. They respect our strength now." he quietly says to her. "And the gold we earned is a nice benefit as well." Then, he joins the others to retire for the night.

2017-12-17, 05:07 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As they follow the upset Jast to the elevator platform, Mohander grabs the last piece of bread off the table and rips a piece of the hard crust with his teeth, chewing as they walk. As the platform descends, he asks, food in his mouth still, "Can we leave this a foot or two off the cave floor for a couple of us to sleep on? May as well keep what we can out of the mist all night - don't want Shaena's notes getting too damp if we can help it."

It may not be necessary, depending on the state of the quarters, though the thought is appreciated Shaena says in response. She then addresses their escort. But could such a thing be arranged? the halfling asks.

2017-12-17, 10:17 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy moves forward at the first potential threat from the bandits, then relaxes as he turns and walks away. It's best we get separated before things blow up, she thinks to herself. Fortunately, Haman steps in and directs his men to show them to their sleeping area. She nods her thanks to the men as they leave, then turns to the others.

"I don't trust them. I couldn't get a thing out of Haman throughout the dinner. I say we set a watch."

Armored Walrus
2017-12-18, 07:56 PM
Jast hesitates, but accedes to your request to leave the platform hanging down. He has you all pile onto it with him and then Lummie lowers it down into the cave, stopping it just short of the cave floor. He uses the torch in his hand to light the brazier, shows you where a small stash of charcoal can keep the cave warm for the night for you, hands his torch to one of you, and shimmies back up the rope.

The sound of the water dominates the room, but after awhile it fades from your consciousness. As you're getting situated, you notice the lights in the room above the cave go dark. Not too long after, despite the sound of the waterfall, you can hear occasional shuffling around up there. Apparently you are not the only ones electing to set a watch tonight.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-21, 08:13 PM
Time slowly ticks by while the brazier smoulders, the soft breathing of the party drowned out by the constant pouring of the waterfall.

Iselshara is aware of eyes peering at her occasionally through the hole above her head, but nothing untoward seems to happen during her watch, and she steps over to prod Mohander with the toe of her boot.

The wood elf comes awake instantly, and silently nods to Issy's murmur that all is well, but that there are watchers. He whiles away the time on his watch as well, and when the agreed upon hour strikes, he wakes Kyra.

The human instinctively huddles nearer the brazier and its soft glow. Just as boredom begins to set in, though, she hears a loud screech of metal dragging against stone near the cave's entrance, followed immediately by what sounds like a brief, harshly whispered argument. Looking in that direction she can see a faint glow coming from around the bend in the tunnel.

2017-12-27, 12:20 AM
Kyra quickly awakes Atas saying "Wake up, I think someone or something is commimg."

2017-12-27, 04:23 PM

From one second to the next, the elf's eyes shoot open, darting around for threats. When he sees what Kyra is talking about, he gives her a nod, then slowly sneaks away from his resting place to quietly awaken the other members of the group.

"Let us ambush them when they approach."

Armored Walrus
2017-12-28, 10:58 AM
Doing Issy's roll for her in Roll20 - she rolled a 3.

Atas and Kyra stealthily begin waking everyone up. Unfortunately, not everyone wakes quietly, some muttering, or asking questions as they are awakened. But the worst is Issy, who, having forgotten she was sleeping on the platform, rolls over while getting her bearings, and rolls completely off the platform, landing with a clang on the hard rocks below.

The noise is immediately followed by a shout from directly above the party.

"They awake! Attack now!"

The familiar voice of Haman calls his crew to action.

Initiative Rolls:
Haman and Watt: 19
Shaena: 18
Mohander: 16
Atas: 14
Jast, Lummie and no name: 14
Kyra: 11
Issy: 0!

Haman immediately follows up his shout by speaking an arcane syllable; a fine, powdery, glowing dust cascades down onto the group from the hole in the ceiling. Fortunately, most of you easily dive out of the way, but Atas is covered in the glittering substance, outlining his form and making him an easy target. Someone up above makes immediate use of the opportunity and a bolt streaks out of the darkness into Atas' torso.

Atas, take 9 piercing damage from a crossbow bolt. Shaena, Mo and Atas, you are up!

FYI, Haman and Watt are not on the cave floor with you, they are attacking through the hole in the roof. From where you are all standing, they have no cover, but if you move around and change the angle, I'll adjust their level of cover for each of you (and adjust the amount of cover you have from them).

2017-12-28, 11:24 AM

Though he tries to weave out of the way, Atas is too easy of a target to do much. The crossbow bolt hits him squarely in the stomach, and the pain overpowers him despite his best efforts. With a grunt of frustration, he sinks to the floor, unconscious.

Yeah, that bolt was enough to take Atas to 0 HP exactly. I recommend we get the heck out of here. Also, have a death saving throw.


2017-12-28, 12:36 PM
Shaena's eyes go wide as she watches Atas go down. Without thinking, she fires a blast at the closest archer.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2017-12-28, 12:47 PM
The crackling energy leaves Shaena's fingertips and connects with a satisfying crunch against the chest of the bald Watt. His eyes, gleaming white in the gloom of the hole in the ceiling, go wide and he grunts with the impact.

2017-12-28, 02:45 PM
Rolling for his crossbow as Haman shouts, he grabs it and immediately nocks an arrow looking for the attackers. Shaena's blast gives his eyes the guidance they need and he follows up with a bolt of his own aimed squarely at Watt's face.

"Get him up, I'll cover you," Mohan shouts at the others.

Attack Watt [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move behind the rock to the north (so essentially right under Haman).

Armored Walrus
2017-12-28, 03:02 PM
Despite the clue to Watt's location, Mohander's arrow flies wide, clattering into the rock behind Watt's surprised face. Mohander then dives behind an outcropping of rock. From here, Haman will not be able to see the wood elf, and Watt will have a difficult time aiming at him as well.

Mohander, you have half-cover from Watt and total cover from Haman at the moment.

Just as Mohander gains his feet behind his covering rock, you all hear a bellow from the mouth of the cave. The wide form of Lummie barrels at you, silhouetted by the torch Jast has just tossed to the ground near his feet. A double snap of bowstrings heralds two crossbow bolts that zip at Shaena. One bolt, poorly aimed, connects with the floor of the cave before it reaches her and skitters to a stop near her toes. The other rips through her calf, gashing her shin bone on its way.

Lummie is dashing forward, Jast and the unnamed guard both fire at Shaena. Shaena is hit once for 2 points of damage. Kyra and Issy are up.

2017-12-29, 11:28 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy crawls to her knees after falling from the platform, wiping a bit of drool from her face as she looks around. As she surveys the scene she thinks to herself, Who would have thought I could sleep that deeply in a cave....surrounded by potential enemies... As she stands and gathers her weapons, Atas is suddenly struck down by a crossbow. "Atas!" Without thinking, she draws and throws her dagger at Watt....That rat. Once she sees the dagger strike true, she moves herself over to place herself between Atas and Lummie.

Attack roll: [roll0] using her advantage on this attack because she really wants to hit him: Advantage roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Damage rerolled in Roll 20 due to having to change my attack.

Armored Walrus
2017-12-29, 12:21 PM
Issy's hastily thrown dagger takes Watt in the throat. He won't be admiring ancient stonework symbols any more. He tumbles from the upper level and lands with a bone-crunching smack onto the bed of the hand cart.

Kyra is up.

2017-12-29, 08:05 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

As soon as Kyra notice Atas's body falling down to the floor she start screaming in rage her eyes start glowing slightly in a dark orange color, her tatoos (usually just black) around her eyes start getting brighter and brighter in a blue color. All her muscles starts contract growing in size - anyone taking a closer look at her will notice that she even grow a couple inches - she start bashing her axe against her shield furiosity, looking at Lummie.

Next thing she does is to rush toward the nearby enemy, that is Lummie "YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS, COWARD!" She unleshes a swing with her axe.

Bonus: Rage

Armored Walrus
2017-12-30, 10:45 AM
Kyra's boiling rage fuels her axe strike, and she lays open a gash in Lummie's thigh, splitting through his leather leggings as though they aren't even there. Lummie, in a kind of rage of his own, still winces and squares up with the towering woman.

Atas groans on the ground, but manages to apply some pressure to the arrow wound, staving off the loss of blood for the time being.

Initiative Rolls:
Haman: 19
Shaena: 18
Mohander: 16
Atas: 14
Jast, Lummie and no name: 14
Kyra: 11
Issy: 0!

Haman maneuvers above, and gets into a position to get sight on Shaena. Once again, a glittering dust spews down onto the party. Kyra is covered in the glowing stuff, but Shaena and Issy quickly manage to dodge out of the way again.

Shaena, Mohander, Atas are up.

Glancing over her shoulder, Issy realizes she's gained enough of an angle that Haman can't see her where she stands.

2017-12-30, 02:48 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

With Watts dead and his companions making their way toward the entrance, Mohander steps out from behind the rock and taking aim at Haman along the way. "Bad fortune to strike someone who's sleeping and bad fortune to attack a guest in your home. May your curse last two lifetimes!" he reprimands after unleashing the bolt.

Attack Haman: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move toward others.

2017-12-30, 03:02 PM

Pain pouding in his head, Atas drags himself up against the nearest backpack, letting his head rest against it as he tries to keep his wound from bleeding. Everything else is too blurry for him to react to currently.


And that's another successful one. Yay!

Armored Walrus
2017-12-30, 06:36 PM
Haman flinches away from Mohander's arrow, but otherwise seems unmoved by his curse. However, it appears that for now, Haman can't get line of sight on anyone in the fight.

2017-12-31, 12:22 AM
Shaena, with no other recourse after the shot at her, attempts to take respite from behind Mohander. She does however prepare herself with another spark of arcane energy should Haman move to attack.

Move behind Mohander
Action: Ready reaction to fire eldritch blast when Haman next attacks


Armored Walrus
2017-12-31, 11:30 AM
Shaena shuffles into position, trying to get the drop on Haman.

Meanwhile, Lummie swings at Kyra with a heavy metal mace. In his hands it moves like a switch, and he quickly slams her in the jaw with a sweeping strike, then immediately backhands her, catching her in the ribs. Two crossbow bolts streak out from the archers crouching at the corner of the tunnel, one embedding itself into Kyra's thigh, and another carving a slice in her bicep. In the midst of her primal rage, she barely notices the damage.

Four attacks against the glowing barbarian. All of them hit, for a grand total of 7 damage (resistance already applied)

Kyra and Issy are up.

2017-12-31, 05:21 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra keeps the pressure on Lummie, screaming furiosly she raises her shield bashing on the big guy, using all her strength to put him down. With the same movement she swing her axe once again, but going wide.

Move: None, unless enemy is down.
Bonus: Shove the enemy using the shield, with Advantage due Raging (grants Advantage on Strength checks)
-> Kyra's Athletics [roll0] A [roll1] vs enemy Athletics or Acrobatics [roll2] to make it Prone
Attack: [roll3] A [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Armored Walrus
2018-01-01, 06:08 PM
Issy kneels at Atas' side, brushing her golden hair from her face. She gently cups his sweating face between her hands and says, "Stay with us a bit longer, wanderer. There is so much more for us to discover here."

Atas feels an immediate cooling sensation around his wound. Issy deftly twists the bolt, releasing its barb from the wood elf's skin, and draws it from the wound. Atas suddenly feels strong enough to stand, and Issy moves to flank Lummie.

Shaena barely notices the exchange while she keeps a sharp eye out for their assailant from above. Her attention is rewarded by a flash of a red robe, and she unleashes the arcane energy she had been holding at bay. The bolt leaps from her hand and staves in Haman's chest. He collapses through the hole, and his smoking corpse begins to float down the stream, facedown.

Nice! 10 damage from the EB finishes off Haman. Mo, Shaena and Atas are up.

2018-01-02, 09:06 AM

Atas gets up with a rasp, rattled but alive. It takes him a moment to get back onto his feet and grab his quarterstaff, but it's not enough to stop him for long.

Seeing that Kyra has got Lummie pinned, he opts to go after the two crossbowmen, dashing into the cave's natural darkness that to his elven eyes provides no obstacle. Attempting to utilize the cave wall and darkness as cover, he approaches his enemies in a circle to better avoid getting hit again.

Spending 15 feet of movement to get up, and then Dashing to move about 50 feet to where I'm standing now. Hooray for Wood Elves getting extra speed, even if I don't have my monk speed increases yet!

Now to watch me go down again. :smalltongue:

2018-01-02, 01:28 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"Nice work, Shaena!" the wood elf calls out, spinning around and focusing attention elsewhere. Jast glimmered in the torchlight as he drew another arrow. He could probably make the shot, but Lummie was so distracted by the two warriors he wasn't paying any mind to Mohander. Steading his weapon, he unleashes a bolt at Lummie's neck.

Attack Lummie: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + sneak [roll2]

Moved toward cave entrance.

Armored Walrus
2018-01-02, 02:25 PM
Mohander's shot easily penetrates the leather armor worn by Lummie, sinking deep into his side. The big man looks severely wounded, and suddenly far less sure of himself.

Armored Walrus
2018-01-03, 08:42 PM
Shaena eyes her options, quickly calculating that she's better off taking a shot at the unknown archer, rather than trying to shoot at a prone target. She releases a bolt, which shatters the wooden crossbow in the guard's hands, then goes on to blast against his chest.

The archer's jaw drops open and his face pales. He quickly kicks the torch into the river, dousing the light, and you hear booted feet sprinting away up the tunnel. You hear a clang of metal hitting the stone floor and another pair of feet beating a hasty retreat.

Lummie struggles to his knees, wipes the blood from his lip, looks up at Kyra, and drops his mace on the floor.

2018-01-03, 09:31 PM

Atas comes to a screeching halt at the entrance of the cave, watching the archers run away in the darkness. He's thankful for Shaena's attack, as he's not sure whether he would have survived his heedless charge, but at the same time somewhat miffed that his contribution to this battle wasn't.

With an annoyed 'hmph' at the cowardice of these two wannabe thieves, he grabs his sling from his belt, snatches up a nearby stone, and flings it lazily after the more injured of the two. "Fools." he mutters no matter the result of his throw, before returning to the rest of the group.

[roll0] sling attack for [roll1] damage.

Potential Advantage since I can see them in the darkness but they can't see me? [roll2]

"I must thank you, Iselshera. You prevented me from leaving my learning unfinished."

2018-01-04, 07:12 AM
Shaena watches as Atas fires into the darkness. After they all gather she begins to ponder aloud Wonder what's valuable here or just what they were doing that they wanted us killed...

2018-01-04, 08:27 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"There's more to these caves than old spider legs, that's for sure," Mohan replies excitedly recalling Haman and the rest of his team's shifty answers. An arrow still nocked but not drawn, Mohander moves to the cave entrance and glances about into the darkness, leaning around the stone wall to peer up into the sniper's perches flanking the door above. "Coast looks clear out here," he calls back, intent on moving upstairs once everyone's ready now that the former occupants have vacated.

Armored Walrus
2018-01-04, 08:44 AM
Haman's body continues to slowly wash downstream.

Atas' stone launches after the fleeing archer and takes him in the back of the head, he drops bonelessly, face down in the mud. Jast continues fleeing as fast as his feet can carry him.

When Mohander and Atas meet in the tunnel they notice a well-crafted shield. The body appears to be carved from a single large chunk of oak, and then clad in steel. The boss in the center is shaped like an eye, which seems to glare at the two elves as they move around in the tunnel.

2018-01-05, 10:00 AM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy smiles at Atas. "We're all in this together." She looks around the cave a few moments. Let's be on the lookout in case these guys return. There's really no place to go outside of here....We haven't seen the whole place, really. We should take a look around. Someone might want to grab Haman...I think he had a magical wand on him...or something."

2018-01-05, 11:33 AM

Atas returns Issy's smile for a moment, before returning to a more stoic expression. It's clear he has a hard time showing emotion, but his effort seems genuine. When the moment has passed, however, he is quick to duck down and pick up the shield, carefully weighing it in his hand.

"This seems to be of good craftsmanship." he says, turning to the surviving Lummie. "Whose shield is this and why didn't you use it?"

Should nobody else move to pick up Haman's corpse as he speaks, Atas will not wait for the answer and instead listen to it as he moves down the river to drag the body out onto shore.

Just wanna make sure we don't miss the loot cause none of us pick it up. :smalltongue:

2018-01-05, 01:44 PM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

As the others get things in order below, Mohander slips up the stone steps to the furnished area above and does a quick sweep through Haman's room, the dining area, and finally the cave with the platform winch. Assuming the area is seemingly vacated he calls down to the others after they're done interrogating Lummie, "Coast is clear up here for now. Hop on the platform and I'll haul you up. Safer to finish the night up here than down there I reckon."

If you need any checks here...
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
Thieves Tools for front door lock? [roll2]

Armored Walrus
2018-01-05, 07:59 PM
Atas inspects the shield. Close up, it's excessively decorated, with silvered filigree scrawled across the otherwise smooth steel surface. The eye is morbidly detailed, down to red veins, slightly yellowed whites, and a purple iris. As the elf holds it in his hand he feels an enhanced awareness of his surroundings.

Fishing Haman's corpse from the slow-moving stream, Atas' first attention goes to the slim leather sheath that had held the human's wand. It is, of course, empty, since Haman was using it during the battle. Other than this prize, he seems to have little of value on him. His rich robe is ruined by his death and his fall. The amulet of the broken crown might be of some small value.

Meanwhile, Lummie stammers a response to the elf's question. "Jast wanted it. I don't mind gettin' hit as much as he does. He says I'm too dumb to feel it anyway."

Mohander swiftly makes his way upstairs, verifying that, of the known guards of this place, only Jast escaped, and the rest lie dead. He ensures the crow's nests are empty, save for a lit brazier and small stack of crossbow bolts in each, notes serviceable furniture in Haman's "office", and then makes his way to the winch. The former contents of the cart are stacked neatly near the hole in the floor.

bolt of common cloth (4 sq yd, 20gp)
4 bottles common wine (2 sp each)
2 barrels ale Stamped with Longtooth name (8 gp each)
1lb salt (5 cp)
25 sacks flour (2 cp each)
1 dozen mess kits (2 sp each)
2 tents (2 gp each)
1 set of carpenter's tools (8 gp)
1 set of fine clothes (15 gp)

2018-01-05, 11:00 PM
Shaena hurries herself over to Atas upon being reminded of the wand. May I take a look at that, she asks politely though trying to hold back her enthusiasm. Upon learning the sheath was empty,
she shrugs halfheartedly and joins the otherrs currently in their interrogation.

Knowledge arcana?


2018-01-06, 11:38 AM

Atas stops Shaena as she walks away from him by putting a hand on her shoulder, then points her towards the shield.

"I feel there may be greater power in that item. Wielding it would just slow me down, but Iselshera or Kyra may be make use of it."

Armored Walrus
2018-01-06, 01:22 PM
Lummie shifts on his knees, glancing over his shoulder at the cave entrance.

2018-01-06, 01:49 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy's attention shifts to Lummie as he makes a little noise. "Don't think about it, Lunky," She draws and flings a dagger at the man in warning.

Attack: for d4+4[/roll] damage.

Armored Walrus
2018-01-06, 02:06 PM
The dagger sticks, quivering, in Lummie's back, blood immediately soaking his jerkin. Lummie pales and his posture stiffens.

2018-01-06, 07:38 PM
Iselshera Elkian (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352344)
1st Level Paladin

Issy smiles at Lummie as she approaches. She grabs her dagger and pulls it out of him, wiping it on his jerkin. "You're done right? Not trying to get away anymore?" She pauses half a beat, but not long enough for him to answer. "Good. Get up." Issy binds his hands and drags him, willing or not, to the lift and signals for it to be brought to the upper level.

Once upstairs, she binds his legs and puts him in a corner of the cave. "Start spilling, Ox. What's of interest around here?"

2018-01-06, 09:06 PM
Kyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1351708)

Kyra was ready to swing again against Lummie when notice he was just giving up she says "Patetic! At least die like a warrior." After noticing the battle was over she start losing interest and getting calmer, her body inks and eyes start geting back to normal and her muscles relax.

When Issy start threating Lummie she just grabs her axe in a manacing way, ready to finish the job she started before if Lummie was unwiling to answer.

Armored Walrus
2018-01-06, 10:57 PM
Lummie goes along docilely enough, and you all ride the platform up. The thick hemp ropes creak under your combined weight, but hold.

Mohander arms the sweat off his forehead and the final ratchet on the winch locks into place and the platform jerks to a halt.

Issy drags her captive off the platform and begins questioning him. He doesn't seem too bright, and he's not really frightened, just realistic enough to know when he's beaten. He faces whatever his fate may be stoically. You learn that Haman was leading this group of what turns out to be, unsurprisingly perhaps, bandits. The cart that he and Jast were bringing home was filled with the spoils of a raid on one of the wagons that had strayed behind the caravan you rode into town with. He indicates they've been here, living on the rich pickings of the trade between the wider world and Hardholm-by-the-Mere, for nearly a full year. Most of them had been former caravan guards on one of the initial exploratory voyages last spring, but Haman had a way of sniffing out the bitter or disillusioned among the ranks of the guards, and Jast convinced Lummie to come with him when he abandoned his post.

They found the cave shortly after their first few raids, and cleared it of the giant spiders the found within. Lummie has no idea whether the place had any significance beyond being a convenient hideout, but he does indicate they found a number of interesting items among the detritus of the spider lair. These, and the company's accumulated earnings from their raids, are held in what Lummie calls "the treasure room" further back in the cave.

2018-01-09, 12:18 PM

Kyra looks to the ahield Atas just found with curiosity, after all the Amershield clan crest was shield. She say to Atas and the others "Do you think it is some kind of magical shield or just a regular one?" she looks towards Shaena.

2018-01-09, 09:09 PM
Shaena, nursing her minimal scratches, notices Kyra looking at her trying cue her on the shield. With sudden burst of energy and excitment she exclaims Oooh. Let's see what we do have here. She begins examining every inch of the shield trying to recognize any crest of historical significance and any possible magical aura.

history: [roll0]
arcane: [roll1]

Armored Walrus
2018-01-09, 09:17 PM
If Shaena takes even a glance at the shield she will see that it is obviously magical. The fine filigrees, the minute detail of the eye, and all of it without a scratch, the wood without a chip, speak to an item that, although it appears delicate, is nigh-indestructible.
Closer inspection will tell you that the eye is the key to the shield,and you suspect the wielder will experience heightened senses while using it.

Issy gives the knots holding Lummie a final inspection. Satisfied with her work, she pulls her flail from her belt and wanders off to inspect the parties new, if possibly temporary, lodgings. She quickly determines that you've seen most of the cave complex, but does find two other rooms in the tunnel that you had been prevented from exploring before. One is a simple bedroom; another natural chimney has the ashes of a recent fire under it, and a few bedrolls and ratty blankets are scattered about.

The other room must be the "Treasure Room" that Lummie referenced. A small lockbox holds a hefty amount of coins, most of which are copper and silver. In the corner two weapons rest against the wall. One is a long, slim staff with a coiling snake carved around its length, tipped with the head of a snake bearing its fangs, with a translucent blue stone inlaid about two thirds up the shaft. The other is a golden trident with hundreds of tiny fish carved all over it.

Here's the contents of the lockbox:
1,169 Copper
1,255 Silver
10 Gold
3 banded agate worth 10 gp each

If someone spends their short rest with it, they'll discover that the shield is a Sentinel Shield, the staff is a Staff of the Adder, and the trident is a Trident of Fish Command. (I'll put the stats in roll20 as a handout.)

You spend what's left of the night tending to your wounds and resting up. Mohander steps out in the dim light of the next day, searching through dew covered dunes of gritty stone, and manages to scrape together enough ingredients to slap a poultice on Atas' wound. Between that and the rest, Atas is feeling more able again.

The new day dawns cool and crisp, but thankfully without rain. A few fluffy clouds drift slowly across the sky.

2018-01-12, 08:39 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

Mohander is awake well before the others. Even with the attack, the few hours that remained were more than enough for him to organize his thoughts. When they awaken, they find Mohander has started a small cooking fire and warmed water for morning tea. He currently sits in one of the eagle's nests, sharpening bolts and watching the sun draw slowly across the foggy landscape.

Whoever finds him first, he gives a friendly smile. "You fought well yesterday. I'm glad to have you at my side. Who knows what dangers and mysteries lie further south. The way I see it we can either hide these goods somewhere away from this cave and collect them on our way back or take a couple days to return to town and sell what we can while it's for sure to be in our possession. We could purchase a mule to haul the damn thing too. I'm certainly not keen on being tied to a wagon in these lands. What do you think?" He brings the small tin cup to his lips and takes a quiet sip as the conversation passes to his partner.

2018-01-12, 09:46 AM

Kyra awakes really early, she asked Atas to help her patch up her wounds last night to prevent infections. She is starving after all a fight always opened her appetite. She notices Mohander alone and go check on him.

"We did fight well, I guess my father was right about being careful when fighting against spellcasters, what a COWARDLY way to attack. " she punches a table annoyed by that.

"About what to do next, I think we need a mule or two urgently. And go sell all this stuff we got. But after that I think this place could be our base of operation in the badlands. It is well secure with that mountainous entrance. We could even hire a couple of archers with the money we got."

2018-01-12, 10:23 AM
Mohan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1352561)

"It is a great location - and close to town too for supply runs. I'm just worried about the fellow that got away. Did Haman have allies interested in this cave? They may come to reclaim it." He looks out of the cave mouth, scanning for any signs of arcane conduits on the horizon and glancing with nervous curiosity at the black tower. "I'd like to know more about that tower as well. It may just be rumors, but ancient beasts don't make great neighbors."