View Full Version : Til' Death Do Us Part IC

2017-10-10, 10:20 PM
Spring in the Threshold brings the winds of change. Warlords strike at thier adversaries, claiming new territories for themselves and thier visions of leadership and rule. What few monsters that remain in Arret awaken from thier wintersleep, and set out in search of food or wealth.

But in one city, behind the walls of stone unbroken for an age, trouble is stirring.

Ar-Korani merchants have brought the latest news of the war, and it stirs panic in the people. The Siege of Velairn has broken, and the wizards of the Red Towers are marching East again. This news is dire. The siege, which has held for two years, means that once more, the horrors of Drelan magic will walk the lands of the Threshold.

People are already packing thier meager belongings and heading west for the safety promised by Shaerlorne, and the floating tower.

Ivora is beginning to show signs of panic. Shops have already been boarded up, the owners having left. The streets, once filled with hawkers and peddlers of all nationalities, are now empty, with only a few people moving from place to place to gather what provisions they can as they flee.

This is the scene before you, as your wagon rolls slowly over the crest of the hills south of Ivora, the wheels creaking as they haul the wagon's load across the lands of Corata.

2017-10-12, 12:56 PM
Dane Burkhart

Gently swaying with the movement of the cart, Dane looks at his lovely wife while she's not paying attention and smiles before turning back to the scene at hand. "Well." He begins in his deep bass, the kind that rumbles through a man's torso before it even makes it out of his mouth. "This isn't exactly a picture of harmony." He frowns a little, wondering if he should put his armor on. Push come to shove, he had his hammer in reach, but that wouldn't do much against a highway man's blade. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for his wife to chime in.