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Andrew Markham
2017-10-11, 08:57 AM
This is the INC posting area for Scion: War of Fate. Enjoy!

Andrew Markham
2017-10-11, 09:27 AM

The following events will be remembered by your character as a vague dream you once had. Which portions of the dream are the most memorable is left to your character to decide.

You are standing in front of a tent set up in the desert. You know that within the tent is your lord and master. His name and face are vague, but in the dream, you know who he is, and respect him enough to serve him. You and the other men around you are his palanquin bearers. You know you are carrying him to an important meeting with another leader, but the details are lost to dream haze. As you stand there, you look around at the other palanquin bearers, your comrades.

(Please post a physical description of your character. You do not currently have your gear.)

2017-10-11, 09:03 PM
Tian Shi stands six foot tall. His bright, red hair is cut close to his head. His clothes hang loosely from his well toned body.

2017-10-11, 09:08 PM
Standing at 5'9", the young man shifts with impatience in the sands. Though he wears what those around him wear, black tattoos stand out on his bronze skin. The left half of his face is covered in a detailed skull tattoo; his other tattoos, he notes looking at himself, remains covered with the sand traveler's clothing. Long black hair peeks out from under the head covering, and his dark red eyes stare out from under his bangs at the others beside him.

Metzil Khama remains silent, waiting. Watching.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-11, 09:09 PM
A mountain of a man stands with the presense of one who has no shame and has no regrets. His body looks to have been shaped by the gods themselves to the very limits of raw power. Thick are the sinew that stretch the muscles of his physic. His beard is well kept and long, The hair on top of his head has been kept trim, and the rest of his body hair almost seems an unkempt forest. As he moves, the oil that has been worked into his flesh glistens with the rays of the sun.


2017-10-11, 10:35 PM
Standing 6'2 a young man stands with the a caramel complexion of those from Northern Africa. His grey hair is cut short as his dark eyes observing his surroundings. His whole out look seems non threatening and inviting, even his dark eyes look soft welcoming as though you could say anything to this man and he would never judge. But as he turns his head his visage changes. A shorter man stands in his place his fair skin, blue eyes, and dark hair pulled back gives the appearance of pure Roman stock. He looks like a noble and he stature demands respect. A wolf in a man's skin, cunning and dangerous.

The two forms flicker back in forth each time the young man moved as though they were competing for control, yet both men seem comfortable in their own right.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-12, 09:09 AM
Grimm Mac Liraud is standing at the right rear of the palanquin. A shorter man, at only 5'7" he tends to carry his end with his hands raised to level, rather than bearing the weight on his shoulder which would seem more comfortable. An ankle length tunic drapes over his body loosely and is belted at the waist with a thick black strip of leather. He wears a black keffiyeh and face wrap revealing only his piercing green eyes, sunken into their sockets and a set of red eyebrows. His hands are covered with a set of leather gloves that retreat far beneath his long sleeves that are bound at the wrist. Similarly, his leather turnboots rise up his legs revealing no skin. An intricately woven chain loops over his right shoulder and drapes around, crossing his left hip. The tunic is tied across the lower loop of the chain raising it off the ground and preventing tripping on its loose drapery. His garments are worn and dirty and his odor is strong with sweat and tinges of animal dung.

2017-10-12, 01:22 PM
Vana is a 5 foot Woman with fare Norwegian skin tone, with Brown hair and Hazel eyes. With the desert Garb covering only the top of her head, those who look can see her long brown hair that goes down to the middle of her back in a single braid. She carries herself in the manner of authority, and she's always looking around and nodding at her surroundings as if taking notes of everything. A lot of her figure is hidden by the desert garb.

Andrew Markham
2017-10-15, 09:49 AM
Your Lord, a tanned and muscular man whose facial features are vague to your mind, takes his place on the palanquin. The six bearers lean down and lift!

(Roll Strength + Athletics)

The dice pool for a given task is determined by what you're doing and how you're doing it. You will post a description of your intended action and the DM will assign it an Attribute + Ability dice pool. In this case, lifting the palanquin requires Strength and Athletics.

Look on your character sheet. Total the number of dots you have in Strength and Athletics. That is how many d10s you roll. So if you have 3 dots of Strength and 3 dots of Athletics, you roll 6d10. But what about boxes for Strength? These are Epic Attribute points. They give you automatic successes, but do not add to your dice pool.

With the above example, roll 6d10. Use the rollv function: 6d10 . This will display your results individually. Anything 7 or above is a success. 10 counts as 2 successes. Now for your boxes. If you have one box for Strength, you add 1 to the number of successes you rolled. This applies anytime you roll Strength.

So let's say I rolled 6d10. I got 3, 7, 6, 9, 4, 1. I got two successes- 7 and 9. Since I have one epic Strength, I add another- that's 3 successes total.

The only time you can botch is if you roll no successes and get a 1. Your auto successes do not help you if you botch.

In the future, the description of your action will determine what dice pool it uses. Be sure to describe your actions well!

2017-10-15, 10:27 AM
Strength was never Metzil's strong suit - or athletics - but he did as was expected. He did, however, make sure to flash a flirtatious smile at the muscle-bound man standing close. Metzil's slim body and feminine figure tends to draw out the perversions of men, and he happily uses that to his advantage now.

He keeps his voice low so only the mountain of a man near him hears, a slight tilt of his head, a doe-eyed look in his eyes. "You'll pick up any slack with those beautiful muscles, won't you?"

Even as he slips down to pick up the palanquin, Metzil slides down while looking over his shoulder at the huge man, making sure he appeared small and fragile to the big man.

Strength + Athletics: [roll0] oh look a failure

2017-10-15, 11:30 AM
Although not a stranger to hard work Antony much prefers out thinking an opponent over physically beating one down. Still a job must be completed and as his father's son he has an image to protect.

The shifting visage takes his place next to the top right of the palanquin purposely. Regardless of what you are doing the right is always the best place to be. Both men closes their eyes as they slide their shoulder under the pole and begin to life.

Rolling strength and athletics


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-15, 01:30 PM
Hasan smiles to Metzil, the flirtatious undertones receieved.

"You are lucky that I Hasan welcome anyone who is beautiful into my Harem, for when I conquer the world, all will glisten like my form."

He works to attempt to take up Metzils slack, his large form able to take two sides of the Palenquin. He takes a wide stance with his large body to properly lift with his legs and arms, rather than his back.

[roll0] +2 Automatic Successes Strength Plus Athletics

2017-10-15, 04:26 PM
Tian Shi watches and listens to the others, keeping to himself until he learns more about them. In the interim, he lifts up his part of the palanquin


2017-10-15, 07:13 PM
A grin appear on both of Antony's forms at Metzil's words yet their grins looks to hold different meanings. The darker skin male with dark eyes and grey hair grin is one of amusement while the fair skin roman's grin is one of curiosity.

Unable to lift the first time he closes his eyes and tries once more to do his part.


STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-15, 08:30 PM
Though typically iron clad, Grimm's stomach begins to turn with the flirtatious exchange. He allows himself to go unnoticed, trying not to draw any unwanted attention. When Hasan effortlessly hoists the front of the palanquin he does what he does best and brings up the rear. Lifting in unison with the hulking man in the front he holds his end above his shoulders to keep it level.

[roll0] +1 6 successes

2017-10-16, 02:31 PM
Vana just listened to the men flirting with each other and generally showing off. Vana just sighs and bends down at her knees grabs the handle in front of her and attempts to lift.

(Roll Strength + Athletics) [roll0]

Andrew Markham
2017-10-16, 08:32 PM
The five men and one woman are able to lift up the palanquin. Together, they begin their long march through the desert with their lord.

In the dream, it feels like hours pass. The monotony and heat of the desert are transformed into a vague sense of time, distance, and discomfort. The dreamers can not feel the grains of sand leaking into the gaps between their toes, and are not parched by the hot sun. They do not notice these things.

On the route is an oasis where travelers commonly stop to refresh themselves. The palanquin and its bearers enter a stand of trees surrounding a small drinking pool.

(At this point, you would commonly be asked to make a Perception + Awareness check. This is Scion's "Spot/Listen" check. Successes over an enemy's Dex + Stealth would show the presence of an ambush up ahead. Certain knacks, like Subliminal Warning, could bypass the need for such a check. We're skipping that this time.)

Suddenly half a dozen enemies leap out of the trees! They charge at the palanquin from all directions, brandishing steel! The lord commands you defend him, but there is no time to put him down! You must do so while keeping your grip on the palanquin.

(This situation calls for using Knacks or Boons to stop the charging foes. Each of you has a single foe charging in your direction. You may use any of your powers to disable them. You may use Social powers to convert or disable them or Mental Knacks to control them. Go over the list of your powers carefully to see what might be effective.)

We are not rolling initiative this time, but Wits + Awareness, or Join Battle, is your initiative roll. Certain Knacks, such as Opening Gambit, can ensure you act first. Also per the house rules, you may activate one power when rolling initiative.

Using a Knack or Boon offensively typically requires spending Legend and/or Willpower to activate. The costs are listed in the specific power. If no cost is listed, then it requires no Legend to activate. It also typically requires an Attribute + Ability roll. This roll will be listed in the specific power.

A power, once activated, typically lasts for the rest of the scene. If you have changed location or jumped ahead in time, the scene has changed.

You have an amount of Legend points per storyline equal to your Legend squared- that's 3^2=9 in this case. Use it wisely. In addition to using Legend points to activate powers, you can also spend a Legend point to add a number of dice to your dice pool for an action equal to your Legend score (3). You can also spend a point of Legend to reroll any roll, even a botch. This represents the favor that the Divine have with Fate, and you exerting your will over it.

You purchased Willpower during character creation. A point of Willpower cancels and makes you immune to a mental effect (such as mind control via Overt Order) for the rest of the scene (House rule applies). You can also spend a Willpower point for an auto-success on any roll. If you do this, you can not botch. You can also spend a Willpower to channel a virtue, adding a number of dice to your roll equal to that virtue. The catch is, you must justify how you are being virtuous in your action. If you channel Courage for extra dice, you must explain how you are being courageous.

You may only spend one point of Willpower on a single roll, whichever purpose you use it for.

Other than the end of the storyline or a special power, the primary way to replenish Legend or Willpower is by performing a stunt. A stunt is a super cinematic moment tied to a roll. You can perform a 1, 2, or 3 point stunt each storyline- one of each. The DM determines how many points a stunt gets based on the description. 1 point stunts can restore Legend points, while 2 and 3 restore more Legend points and/or Willpower. An especially good 3 point stunt may even earn you 1 XP. This is all at DM discretion.

You can find information on Legend/Willpower and Stunts on pages 174-176 of the Scion: Hero book.

Another way to replenish Willpower is to perform an act in keeping with your Nature. See Natures on page 112 of Scion: Hero for more info.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-16, 09:10 PM
Wits + Awarenss

Activate Charged Blood
He turns to the attack, Fire In his eyes. Blue lightning flicking along his muscles. He looks down to the person.

"You... mortal. Gaze upon my form and see I am Divine. Know your place, and bow at my feat, and you shall rise again amongst my army."

Charisma + Presence
[roll1] + 1 Guarenteed

2017-10-16, 11:06 PM
Vana looks at the person charging her. She tilts her head to the side letting her hair fall across her shoulder. Calmly and and with a tone that's almost like a mother gently scolding her child she spoke. "You don't want to attack me, You have so much potential to better yourself. So why don't you just put your weapon on the ground, turn around, go back home, and find a better way of life."

Manipulation plus Presence
[roll0] +1 success

2017-10-16, 11:27 PM
"My turn." the Roman visage seem to speak as he looks at his attack. Shadow stands his ground and gives his foes a charming grin as his eyes stares at them with a look of authority.

"Let me ask you what you're plan is? Attack us, maybe kill us, and then what, fight Grimm? An embodiment of death? Some one has set you up. But all is not lost. I will give you a better option, one that will not end in your death. Walk away, simply walk away. Be smart for whatever ways I might think of killing you..." Shadow points to the palanquin, "...his would be far worse." Shadow stops talking and once again grins, not moving just staring at them.

((Roll Manipulation and command.))


2017-10-17, 10:36 AM
As soon as he noticed the attackers, Metzil smiled and turned, oh so slowly and with a little tilt of his head to stare directly at one of the attackers. He stared directly into his eyes (Serpent’s Gaze).

“Oh, aren’t you adorable? So strong and brave... you don’t really want to attack little ol’ me, do you?” He made himself appear even smaller, biting one of his fingers. “Wouldn’t you... much rather... find someplace quiet... and have some fun?”

His androgynous appearance, he hoped, would help with this.

Appearance + Presence: [roll0] + 2 auto success

2017-10-17, 04:19 PM
Tian Shi grins at his opponent and yells loudly "Let's do this, guy!"

Activate Untouchable Opponent for one legend

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-17, 05:03 PM
Grimm grins beneath his facewrap as the ginger seems ready to fight. He looks at his own approaching foe. Ya don wanna du that lad. Why donya attack him he nods at the man charging Tian as he issues his Overt Order (-1 Will point)

Andrew Markham
2017-10-20, 10:56 AM
Two of the charging soldiers convert and bow down to the guards. Two of them run away, while at Grimm's order, the other two run each other through. The man on the palanquin laughs boisterously. "They never stood a chance! Come, put me down. There will be more." The bearers put down the palanquin and the great man rises. "You will have to do better!" he shouts. Suddenly beads of golden light appear from the treetops and fly towards the palanquin and its bearers! Some explode against the body of the great man, but he chuckles, unphased. One shot is fired at each of the palanquin's bearers!

To determine if you have hit someone, roll the relevant skill. Most of the time it will be Dexterity + (Brawl, Melee, Thrown, or Marksmanship). Compare the number of successes to the opponent's defenses. You have two DVs (Defense Values). Which you use depends on the type of attack. Almost all attacks can be dodged, so your Dodge DV will be your primary one. Melee attacks can also be parried, and you may use Parry DV against them if you prefer. There are knacks which improve both, and allow Parry DV to be used against ranged attacks.

If you meet or beat an enemy's DV, you hit them.

If you are hit, you can spend a point of Legend for a "defensive do-over". This lets you add half your Athletics to your DV. If this causes the attack to miss, you are safe.

See page 192 in the book to determine your DVs.

If you hit something, you determine damage. This is determined by the weapon you are using and your Strength. You also gain extra dice for overflow- rolling successes above an opponent's DV. So if you roll 9 successes and they have a DV of 7, you gain 2 extra damage dice. The formula is (weapon damage) + (your Strength) + (overflow dice). You roll this number of dice and count successes to determine the damage done.

There are also different types of damage. Most weapons deal lethal damage, marked by 5L- 5 dice of lethal damage. This is your standard "trying to kill someone" damage, and it heals at an average rate. Some weapons deal Bashing damage, which is the equivalent of non-lethal in D&D. This is labeled as 7B- 7 dice of bashing damage. If you gain too much bashing damage, it turns into lethal. The most devastating kind of damage is Aggravated damage. This heals very slowly, even for gods, and is only done by the most extreme attacks.

If you get hit, and you take damage, you still have one more defense: soak. Soak is like damage reduction in D&D. It reduces the damage successes an enemy has rolled. Soak is determined by your Stamina and your armor. Your bashing soak is (Stamina + armor). Your lethal soak is (half your Stamina + armor). Epic Stamina adds to both of these. Armor grants aggravated soak equal to its Lethal soak, but only Scions with Epic Stamina have any Aggravated soak of their own. They gain Aggravated soak equal to (boxes of Epic Stamina + armor). Without epic stamina, armor is your only defense.

So if an enemy rolls 10 dice of bashing damage- 10B- and you have 8 bashing soak, you take a total of 2B.

Find the health section on your character sheet. These boxes are your health. Yes, that's right, you basically have 7 health. In Scion, it is best to either avoid damage with Dodge DV or soak it with high Stamina. But if you do take damage, you take penalties to all of your actions until it is healed. If you take 7 Bashing, you are incapacitated. If you take 10 Bashing, any bashing past 7 turns into Lethal. If you take 7 Lethal, you are dying. If you take 7 Agg...well, it was nice knowing you XD

See page 197 in the book for more information about taking damage and dying.

Hassan: [roll0] + 1 auto, [roll1] L damage
Metzli: [roll2] + 1 auto, [roll3] L damage
Vana: [roll4] + 1 auto, [roll5] L damage
Grimm: [roll6] + 1 auto, [roll7] L damage
Janus: [roll8] + 1 auto, [roll9] L damage
Tian Shi: [roll10] + 1 auto, [roll11] L damage

(Compare to your DVs and soaks to see if you are hit.)

Everyone can now see the 6 women up in the treetops 15' up bearing coral-encrusted weapons shooting beads of energy. The dream tells you that they must be divine, but weaker than you.

(Everyone can go after one of the snipers. You can attempt to engage them in melee, use a Knack or Boon, or manipulate the environment in some way to disable them.)

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-20, 09:20 PM
At the bead of light peirces Hasans Body, blood oozes down from his chest. He looks down at his body, eyebrows raised.

"The will of a lesser divine has scratched your King of Kings. Divine Fire of the Sky's is coming."

From his hip he pulls an Axe as he flexes his body. Rippling tendons tremble as he launches himself into the air, crossing the distance as he draws his axe above his head, using the downward force after reaching the cressendo of his jump to bring his entire bodily force into a strike intending to not only sunder the attacker, but the tree as well.

[roll0] Strength + Melee +1 Accuracy of Weapon
+2 Auto I think from Strength
Holy Bound + Skys Grace = x4 Jump Distance
Winds Freedom = Flight
Brute Strength = use strength instead of Dex to Hit

[roll1] +4 Overflow Damage +4 Weapon Damage

2017-10-21, 06:18 PM
Vana assisted the other in setting down the palanquin, as she started standing upright something told her to roll away. As she did a beam hit right where she was, still kneeling she looked up from where the beam came from and saw who shot it. Her right hand, which was on the ground, clutched into a fist as her anger began to come to the surface. "You wanna fire a beam at me!" Vana called out, "Not a very wise move on your part."

It was then when she realized she had grabbed a rock in her right hand when she made her fist. She stood up as a quick memory of her and her father, mother and brother was down by a lake. Her family skipping rocks and fishing, the first she wasn't very good at but still remembered what her family taught her. she opened her hand wide enough to let the sand slip between her hand and the rock. She position the rock, took aim and threw at the person in the tree.

Throwing rock (Dex + thrown) [roll0] + 2 success

for [roll1] B damage


STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-21, 08:42 PM
Grimm rolls out of the way of the bolt of energy as it explodes in the sand behind him.
[roll0]+2 Join Battle
He charges the tree his would be assailant is in and attempts to climb it.
[roll1]+1 (dex+athletics)
If he reaches the archer he grabs her and tries to pull her out of the tree with him.
[roll2]+1 (Str+Brawl clinch check)
If successful, the two tumble to the ground and Grimm positions the archer to break his fall.
[roll3]+1 (dex+Athletics)

(Will make additional rolls if requested)

2017-10-21, 10:06 PM
The bead of light strikes him - barely - nicking shoulder. A hiss of annoyance passed his lips before he quickly smothered it, instead turning to the attacker he'd turned to his side. With a pout and tears in his eyes, he pressed himself against the man. Making his voice tremble, he said, "You'll protect me, right? You'll be my shield? I'll make sure to kiss every injury better... just kill the ones who want to hurt me."

Appearance + Command (yay for more seduction) [roll0] + 2 auto

2017-10-22, 07:29 AM
Tian Shi leaps at the archer closest to him, using holy bound, and grins broadly, whooping and hollering "This is gonna be fun!"


[roll0] +2 auto successes

2017-10-22, 04:59 PM
Watching the attack choose life over death the forms began to switch back and forth just in time to watch the arrow land at his feet. Both men glare at the women as he watches his comrades begin their attack. Realizing without his bow and arrow he would be a hindrance with the upcoming battle Antony decided he can still help. His eyes we better than any hawk and he began to move in order to see if there were any other attackers unseen.

After counting the known foes he begins to scan the horizon.

((Perception and Awareness))

2017-10-28, 03:43 PM
Tian Shi growls loudly and attempts to grab his opponent

rolling for a clinch
[roll0] +2 successes

Andrew Markham
2017-10-28, 04:07 PM
Hassan leaps into the air and slices with his axe. It cleaves through the skull of the unfortunate sniper, cuts cleanly through his purple coral armor, and cuts into the tree. Hassan slides down the tree, slicing the tree in half as he goes until he reaches the ground! The two halves of the tree make a loud cracking sound that echoes through the oasis as they fall to the ground.

Vana throws a rock into a nearby tree, nearly hitting her target. At the last second, they manage to scramble away.

Grimm rides his opponent to the ground. There is a loud SNAP as the man's spine shatters upon impact! Grimm grunts and gets up, unharmed.

Metzli's charmed swordsman smiles and quickly begins scaling the tree after another of the snipers. The man in the tree begins shooting wildly at the swordsman, forgetting about Metzli.

Tian Shi easily leaps into the trees and attempts to grab an opponent, but overextends himself. The man hits Tian Shi in the face with his strange weapon, but it has no impact on Tian Shi.

Janus looks around for more opponents, but sees only the oasis. Suddenly he jumps as he hears a loud roar from behind! A 11-foot tall beast clambers into the clearing, and in the way of dreams, all other opponents are suddenly gone. Only the creature- a giant, the dream whispers- remains. The six palanquin bearers leap back to the side of their master. He turns to face the giant and points, saying, "Strike him down, men! If you attack all at once, I have faith you can fell this creature! The less trained of you in combat, use your daggers to distract, while the others strike fatal blows! One of you should hold back and stand with me. Wait for my signal....now!!"

Coordinated Assault (Charisma + Command): [roll0] + 7 auto successes

Coordinated Assaults are a method for everyone to contribute to defeating a single strong target. The coordinator rolls (Charisma + Command). The target's DVs are lowered by either the number of attackers or the number of successes, whichever is lower. Everyone attacking holds their action until the coordinator's next turn, then everyone attacks at once!

High DVs are common in Scion. There are several ways around this. One is the Coordinated Assault; another is the Onslaught Penalty. If a target takes a number of attacks equal to Legend+1 before their next turn, their DV drops by 1. Focusing attacks can help lower an evasive target's DV!

Another method is by taking advantage of terrain. Unstable terrain or tactical advantages can raise your own dice pool or lower the opponent's DVs. These are highly circumstantial; there is no list. You will have to be creative and tactical to manipulate the circumstances of the battle in your favor, and discuss your plans with the DM.

The maximum number of people who can attack a single foe in melee is 5. The fifth attacker hits the target at DV 0, regardless of their stats! This is because an opponent can not pay attention to that many attacks at once. There are knacks which can overcome this issue, but they are only available to higher level Scions.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-10-29, 11:04 AM
In the odd dream state, Grimm realises that he feels the butt of a set of brass knuckles pressed firmly against the palm of his clinched fist. He charges the giant, taking the difference in height as an advantage and takes a fierce right hook swing at the beast's pelvic region.

[roll0]+1 auto (Dex+Brawl+ACC)
[roll1]+1 auto (Str+Brawl+Weap) bashing

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-29, 06:25 PM
His thick neck turning to look at the foe, Hassan laughes a large laugh, pats his turned compatriot on his back.

" Come Now. Let us both fight this creature!"

[roll0] Command + Charisma 1 Auto Success.

He runs with his fellows to Swing at the creature, his axe in Hand.

[roll1] Strength + Melee + ACC +2 Auto

[roll2] Strength + Weapon Damage +2 Auto


Darius Vibrtrar
2017-10-30, 12:37 PM


Work this time!

2017-10-30, 04:46 PM
Vana saw the rest of the people beginning to charge the giant, so she pulled the dagger from it's sheath and took aim at the giant and threw it at him.

Dex + Thrown [roll0] + 2 success
damage [roll1]


2017-10-30, 06:59 PM
Seeing the 'big strong men' and woman attack, Metzil slipped close to their liege lord. "I shall stand by you, and protect you should anything get by the others."

2017-11-01, 08:35 AM
Tian Shi grins broadly at the sight of the giant and whoops loudly as he charges at the creature "Finally! A challenge!"

To hit Dex+brawl unarmed heavy

[roll0] +2 successes

Damage if hits

[roll1] +2 successes

2017-11-01, 07:56 PM
Antony looks at the creature up close and truly despises not being prepared. He backs up slowly towards the palanquin before stopping realizing someone else is protecting the faceless lord. Both visages roll their eyes as he picks up a dagger clumsy.

Shifting back and forth upset he talks to himself, "I am not happy with this scenario. After this our lazy Lord has much to explain."

Gritting his teeth he tosses the dagger back and forth taking aim. Feeling confident he throws the dagger at the beast.


2017-11-01, 10:32 PM
Roll for damage


2017-11-08, 09:42 AM
extra damage dice

Andrew Markham
2017-11-08, 10:35 AM
Hassan's captivated guard shouts, "For glory!" and charges the giant just behind Hassan.

[roll0] + 1 auto
[roll1] + 1 auto L

Hassan, Grimm, and Tian Shi charge the beast, the latter two with their fists, while Vana and Anthony chuck daggers in support. The sudden onslaught of attacks confuses the giant. Unsure which way to dodge, he stands still, taking the attacks fully! (-6 DV this round, DV is 0)

Grimm punches the giant with his brass knuckles! 11B dealt - 7B soak = 4B taken
Hassan chops with his ax! 12L dealt - 5L soak = 7L taken
Vana throws a dagger! 2L dealt - 5L soak= 0L taken
Tian Shi punches! 7L dealt - 7B soak = 0B taken
Anthony throws a dagger! 1L - 5L soak = 0L taken

The giant endures most of the attacks, but Grimm's punch makes it grunt in pain, and Hassan chops him cleanly in half at the torso! The upper half of his body slides off and falls onto the ground, followed quickly by a spreading pile of internal organs, and then his legs.

The great man laughs in amusement. Everyone looks around. Anthony picks up one of the coral-encrusted weapons that was shooting energy blasts and begins trying to get it to work. The palanquin bearers begin gathering around the palanquin once more...when the sky begins to darken. The clouds begin to darken and swirl, creating a vortex in the sky. The great man's own face begins to darken as he looks up. "Stand back. I must handle this."

The clouds begin to reach down towards the ground. The great man points his hands up towards the sky. The wind on the ground begins to grow faster. The palanquin bearers cling to the trees, lest they be blown away by the sheer force of the power bearing down upon them. The great man begins pulsing with a golden inner light. It grows brighter and brighter until it blinds the palanquin bearers...and the light still flashes in front of their eyes as they wake.

(PCs remember this as a vague dream they had some months before the events of the game begin. You still can not recall the face of the great man, but may recognize the body type or features of PCs that stood out to you. At the least, when you meet other PCs, you will have a vague sense of connection with them you can't explain.)

Andrew Markham
2017-11-18, 01:28 PM
After many weeks of travel, each of you finds yourself in the Nabataean Kingdom. It has existed here for several hundred years, guarding a vast region of desert and a very small region of prosperous space. Trade between the Westerlands and the Dark Lands, and even east into the Imperial lands of the Celestials, passes inevitably through this place.

Rumors of a hunt for relics of ancient Babylon have brought you south and west, closer to the desert. To the west lie the lands of the Egyptians, where such relic hunting will not be treated kindly, but to the East and southeast are vast stretches of desert and empty space which could contain any number of treasures...and hidden perils.

Each of you, now traveling in pairs, has stopped in Hegra, the last stop on the trade routes before hitting desert. You have a decent supply of silver coins, both those minted here and from the Greeks and Romans. All of these are acceptable currency in this place. It is time to plan and resupply before heading out in search of adventure!

(You may now post INC. You are with your assigned partner. You may seek out any mundane supplies you want or need for the journey ahead, including weapons and armor. You will not run into other PCs unless I tell you otherwise.)

2017-11-19, 10:19 AM
Antony wakes as the sun kisses the horizon with his eyes closed and his hand on his Pugio (roman dagger) allowing himself a few moments to test his environment. Releasing the hilt and slides to a sitting position and smiles as he talks to the air in a whisper.

"Morning my friend, it never ceases to amaze me your ability to always know where I am at. After all these years I am curious if you come now because you like me or still out of duty..."

Antony stretches and turns to face the floating figure with a large grin.

"No no no, that was not my inquiry. You are loyal for now that is all I need, my question is...'Is this the location where the prophecy spoke of? The location that will change my life.'"

In another breath the figure leaves and Antony laughs waving at nothing and whispering, "Thank you."

After the morning ritual was complete Antony opened his chest and sighed. He preferred his own business over his fathers sadly appearances must be kept. He put on his undergarments carefully sliding four throwing knives, checking the hidden pockets for money he kept just in case, and his mask. Once satisfied he put on his Roman robes, adorn with broaches that show his authority and citizenship. His father's ring on his right hand and his mother's pin, showing his Carthaginian bloodline, holding his long hair back. Putting on his belt his gladius hung off his hip cords dangle from the belt mostly freely except one the secretly falls into his pocket holding a small purse.

Satisfied with everything he steps from his tent and greet his guards. He then moves about camp to find one of the new hired muscle, a man he felt fatebound to.

2017-11-19, 11:28 AM
As they approached the city, Metzil pressed himself closer to Hassan. In a low voice, he murmurs, "This place will be good to resupply... and rest. I am filthy from travel, and want nothing more than a hot bath and a good meal..."

Metzil eyed the people around them as they walked, until he saw a sign for an inn and tavern. "Hassan. There. We should bathe before acquiring supplies. If you allow, I can dress in my finest and seduce our supplies for little to nothing."

He smiled up at the mountain man, tracing a finger along Hassan's bulging arm. "I wouldn't want you paying full price for anything."

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-19, 04:24 PM
Hassan laughed as his very charismatic Bandhaka began to plot.

"Do as you wish Metzil, A hot bath and a good oiling will be good to prepare us for our journey to come. "

He flexed his muscles, sinew and tendon stretching and hardening beneath the dark skinned thin man that travelled with Hassan. Hassan was used to other being drawn to his might and charisma, But aquiring the services of a true Bandhaka was something worthy of attention.

Hassan moved with Metzil toward the Inn he had pointed out.

2017-11-19, 10:10 PM
Tian Shi stands on the edge of the caravan encampment. He's is going through a series of practice moves with his staff, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. He is wearing a loose fitting shirt and a pair of loose pants, a wooden pendant in the shape of a monkey hangs from his neck. The morning sun glints off his shaven head as he practices.

2017-11-20, 07:00 AM
With a smile he moves through the encampment greeting those up this early and praising them for their work ethic. He sees his family's normal set of guards on duty and stops to chat with them passing along a little bit coin to the lower ranking ones. "A little extra for town, do not let the Captain know and please do not get in trouble."

Although his movement seem random he is following a familiar inner tug towards his goal, Tian the man from the dream and finding him training. He goes to grab a pitcher of water and goblets thinking to himself, Excellent, he is far enough away for an actual conversation. The Fates are kind to their child once more, before returning.

"Sol be praised for such a fine of morning, how are you this fine day my friend? Drink?" He shows off the pitcher and goblet.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-20, 10:50 PM
Grimm wakes with a start. Godless heathens! Egh, terrible dream. Mus be this damned sand stirring in Mah'ed. Turning to Vana, You were there too, well, kind of. he turns over dreading starting another day.

2017-11-21, 05:31 PM
Tian Shi turns and looks at the man who spoke to him "Yes, water would be nice. Thank you" He walks over to the gentleman and takes an offered goblet

Andrew Markham
2017-11-21, 08:45 PM
Hassan and Metzli enter the designated inn, a sheltered hole in the wall leading to the inside of a small hill. The temperature drops significantly as they enter. The common room has only a few people in it this early in the morning, but more are beginning to trickle in from rooms in the back.

There are a handful of people off to the left baking bread and preparing food and drink. A man slightly larger in girth than usual for these parts approaches the pair and spreads his arms wide. "Welcome, welcome! Come on, have a rest! Would you care for some tea? Or bread perhaps???"

2017-11-21, 08:54 PM
Vana was sitting at the table in their room drinking tea writing a list of things they needed, when Grimm started stirring. "Oh dreaming of me again, even in a nightmare...that's nice." she said with a smile, "I have some tea if you'd like some not as good as tea from home, but alas tea is tea."

2017-11-21, 11:16 PM
With a grin on his lips, Metzil trailed his fingers over Hassan's muscles, then preceded the mountain of a man to the Inn, his hips swaying just so - even in his loose travel gear, he had quite the figure. A gentle push was all it took to open the common room door, slipping inside the dim, smokey room. It wasn't really his preferred place of rest, but he knew he could tease out the best rates at a place less than first class.

"Hello there," Metzil purred, leaning over the counter to attract the attendant's attention. "You wouldn't happen to have a nice room available, would you? Preferably one with a private bathing area... My master doesn't want any eyes but his on me..." A wink and a smile in the attendant's direction and Metzil dropped his voice. "Although... if you can... give me a discount... I can make sure to visit you when my master isn't looking..." Slowly, Metzil reached out and ghosted his fingers over the attendant's hand and arm, his eyes hooded, his voice husky and seducing. "I would be... most grateful... and would show my appreciation... in any way you desire..."

Seduction: (Appearance/Presence) [roll0] + 2 auto

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-22, 11:51 PM
Mah dreams ar'no place for a lady lass. Usually about dyin, or killin, sometimes both. Been that way since I was a wee bugga.

Grimm rolls back over and rises out of bed, muscles twisting and contorting across his back like cordes of sinue before he pulls his shirt back down over his shoulders and stands allowing the hem to fall mid-calf. He draws his belts back around his waist and dons his headwear and face scarf before walking over to Vana's offered tea. He fills an inappropriately large mug the way one would coffee and lifts it to his mouth, raising the wrap with his left hand just enough to clear the hot beverage. He gulps down the tea and places the mug back onto the table. Nothin like a good pint o beer, but it'll do ta keep yer tongue wet.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-24, 10:31 AM
Hassan looked away as Metzil began to do his trade. He began to look around, his eyes scanning and examining the area around. Judging, appraising, and assessing.

[roll0] Perception + Awareness


2017-11-25, 12:19 AM
Antony pours his own water in a goblet and drinks to show it was safe. He begins to speak in a casual manner.

"You were hired at my request at yet I have not made time to introduce myself. To that I am sorry. I am Antony the son of Senator Buracchus, welcome. I wish I could say your record is the reason why I asked for you to join us, but I do not wish to deceive you. The reality is, I believe we fought once together in a dream for an unknown man against some of his enemies. Do you remember this?"

Antony takes another drink from the goblet.

Andrew Markham
2017-11-25, 04:44 PM
The owner of the inn guffaws. "Sorry kid, but I'm not Greek. Afraid I'm not interested. That'll be two silver each for you and your master. No private bath, but there's a hole in the back where you can set up your own sweat tent if you like. Bit early for that sort of thing though."

2017-11-25, 04:50 PM
Tian Shi drinks the water and nods "Thank you for the drink. I am Tian Shi and I hail from Imperial Han. A land far to the east of here. You do look familiar and I do seem to recall that as well"

2017-11-25, 05:25 PM
Vana let out a rough laugh, "Grimm I hope you don't think a lady just dreams of finding a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet and take her to his castle atop a white steed. I've had nightmares of killing and death too, you just have the luxury of only half remembering those...I'm curse to remember every gory detail." She shudders at some of the dreams...no nightmares shes had. "Anyways I've been making a list of supplies we need before we leave: water, food, bow, arrows and a sword for me..." she said picking up the pen she was writing with dips it in the ink and put it to the paper, "beer for you...am I missing anything?" she said with a smile looking over at Grimm.

2017-11-25, 06:16 PM
Metzil frowned and grumbled. If the inn didn't have a bath, then he would have to find a public one. Metzil glanced over his shoulder at the big mountain, then sighed and took out four silvers. "If you insist. It better be a good room for that price."

He took the key after handing over the silvers, then turned on his heel. "Well, they don't have baths here. There must be a public one around, so I'm going to find one. I can't seem to do any kind of seduction this way, and I don't want to pay full price for anything." Metzil had to resist touching his hair, because of the grime he could feel stuck in his hair. "Why don't we drop off our packs upstairs and then go find a hamman?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-25, 08:54 PM
Hassan looks through the Inn to find no one else of particular attention. He harkens back to Metzil wanting to go to the public bathes. He frowned at him in thought.

"A public bathe? near the desert? I highly doubt it. But the temples... the more... elustrious one... might have a private one, I think we could convince them to... rent/lend/share it for a little bit. You up for the challange?"

2017-11-25, 09:21 PM
Metzil thinks of that for a moment, then tilts his hips, his head tilting the other way in thought. "It would be a challenge... do you have a plan to get in there?" He would prefer a private bath over a public one... but he knew from experience that priests weren't to be trusted. Backstabbing mongrels.

"Well, shall we go see which god has a temple and a bath?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-25, 10:05 PM
Hassan Nods and proceeds to search for the very largest Temple in the small town. Entering the temple, his large form taking up the doorway he allows his voice to boom.

"I wish to know, to whom is this temple sanctified?!"

[roll0] Charisma + Presence +1 Auto from epic charisma

2017-11-25, 10:29 PM
Antony gives an inclusive smile and chuckles.

"Yes! I knew you were the right person! I have knack of knowing interesting people and you sir must be."

Antony place the pitcher on the ground and looks at Tian while continuing to smile.

"I did not mean to interrupt your morning ritual, please once you are done join me in my tent, I think we have much to speak upon before we enter this city. I would like to hear your story."

He turns and before walking away he waves and speaks, "I do believe we will become the best of friends you and I, the best of friends."

2017-11-26, 07:08 PM
Tian Shi grins and picks up the jug, downing the contents in one go. "Hmm, perhaps we shall"

2017-11-27, 06:32 AM
Antony finished his duties; walking through the campsite speaking to everyone, speaking to the different leaders and accountants, and finally gave orders to prepare to turn the camp into a settlement. He then found his two most devout men and sent them into the city to talk to the Mayor and the head of the merchant guild informing them of their presence, why they are here, and permission to enter the city. Once finished he goes back to his tent to prepare for his new friend, preparing a table with maps and a small meal.

2017-11-27, 04:29 PM
Tian Shi makes his way to Antony's tent after finishing his meditations for the day "Hello. I see you have already prepared for my arrival"

2017-11-29, 12:55 AM
Antony nods and gestures for Tian to sit.

"Of course. Please sit, eat, and continue your tale. I am quite curious to find out why you are so far from home."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-11-29, 09:49 PM
I can get by with th'clothes on mah back for th'most part but if yer expectin' trouble lass, ah might bett'ah put mah hands on a blade of some make. Grimm cracks his neck in a loud and obnoxious manner.

2017-11-29, 11:40 PM
Tian Shi nods and sits down "Well, I am travelling the world to learn all I can of it and to become the best fighter that I can"

2017-11-30, 11:55 AM
Antony nods.
"And your parents are in agreement of such a trek? Though how have you survived all alone the roads are sadly not safe. Not yet anyway...."

Antony gives a sheepish smile and looks embarrassed. "I am so sorry, this is not an interrogation. If I could be frank for a moment that dream has been on my mind since we experienced it. I am not a fan of being compelled and who ever that entity was, was able to use all of us. Have you given any thought to that battle?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-30, 12:01 PM
Hassan leads Metzil until they find an adequately sized temple, upon entering they see many Moon Motifs and Arrows. Hassan sees a priest of the temple to speak with them.

"Excuse me. Servant. To whom is this temple sanctified?"

The man bows low to the question.

"Hubal is worshiped in this temple, May I ask what business do you have?"

Hassan drops a few silvers into the mans hand.

"Myself and my companion require use of your Water reliquary repository. I hope this is a sufficient donation."

Startled by the sudden donation the man looks up to see the giant stature of Hassan. Looking past him to see Metzil.

"Im sure the high priest would approve... this way"

The Acolyte begins leading them toward the back.

2017-11-30, 12:30 PM
Metzil follows the mountain of a man through the streets and to the temple. When Hassan donates funds, though, Metzil has to hide his annoyance. Giving money to these heretics - but of course, Metzil would keep his mouth shut. He debated converting these heretics, but conversion was not part of his agreement with his patron.

Once they were in the water reliquary, Metzil came forward and made a show of praying over the water in the gutteral, flowing language of his homeland.

"This place smells like ass, so I hope their water is at least clean. I can't stand all this pomp and ceremony. I'd rather just cut out their hearts and show them the face of the only God they'll ever see."

When he was done, he turned over his shoulder and smiled. "The water is ready for use, my lord. Would you like me to bathe you?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-11-30, 12:56 PM
Hassan Nodded when asked to Bath him.

"Yes. proceed. Hubal is a servant to my father, As are all the gods of these lands. "

He proceeded to strip his garments, awaiting for Metzil to begin his process of bathing.

2017-11-30, 10:54 PM
Tian Shi absentmindedly scratches his cheek, thinking "I grew up in a monastery. I never knew my parents. As for the dream, I have thought about it at times, yes"

2017-12-01, 06:22 AM
"A monastery interesting, is that the location of your training? Were you taught skills that a powerful being might be interested in? And what was your take on the dream?"

2017-12-02, 12:00 PM
Once the attending priest had left, Metzil stripped down to his waist wrap, then retrieved the bathing cloths and dry soaps. He was beginning to miss the days when he bathed in the rivers and lakes of his home. Shaking his head of the memories, the Scion approached Hassan with water, cloths, and dry soaps, then frowned.

"My lord, you will need to sit..." he murmured, setting the water and soap by a low stool. "I cannot reach past your shoulders." Really, he couldn't reach much above Hassan's chest.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-02, 01:07 PM
Hassan nods and takes a seat to allow Metzil to clean him. His head tilts back and his eyes close as his mind wanders.

"Metzil. What is the greatest truth? you have wandered as I have. What have you found to be the answer to this question?"

2017-12-02, 01:19 PM
As Metzil begins to clean Hassan, he lets his own mind wander - about how easy it would be to slide a dagger into Hassan's unsuspecting neck, or about how easy it is to use the mountain man. But then Hassan asked his questions.

"The greatest truth..." Metzil repeated, chewing over the words. Then he smiled, tugging at the skull tattoo over half his face. "I suppose the greatest truth I have encountered... in all my travels... is that all things return to dust. None can escape the loving embrace of death."

Metzil quickly scrubbed at Hassan's skin until it shone clean. Then, he knelt and scrubbed at his own dirt-crusted skin until his bronze coloring returned, and the depth of his tattoos stood out starkly. He ran oils through his hair, untangling the dark strands, combing the cleansing oils until he was satisfied. Then he went to his bags and pulled out clean clothing, letting the waist wrap drop to the floor. Now nude in front of his lord, the Scion did not shy away from Hassan's eyes, nor did he try to hide himself. Instead, he made a show of dressing, wrapping a clean waist wrap around his thing waist, then securing his belt of skulls. He tied clean sandals to his feet, and pulled out a cloak made of black fur. With that secured around his throat, Metzil tossed his dirty clothes back into the bag and turned to Hassan.

"We have lodging and we've bathed. I suppose now it is time to secure supplies."

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-02, 06:05 PM
Hassan nods listening to Metzil. His body flexes and moves as he is attended to, washing, cleaning, oiling. All until his body is clean and sweet smelling again. He rises places upon his garments, He chest and arms shown for anyone to see as his Pants confine his waist, loins, and legs.

"Supplies for the desert, perhaps camels, sufficient water, something to keep the sun off my back and head. i may even have to dress like a local for... comfort."

2017-12-03, 08:33 PM
Tian shi nods, thinking "My training did take place in the monastery. As for abilities, I did learn a few things that would seem wondrous to those not trained in them. The dream was... interesting. I am not sure what to make of it"

2017-12-04, 08:54 AM
The word "wondrous" caught Antony's attention, "Wondrous you say, how so? Can you summon energy like those coral bows from the dream? I just wished I knew what our connection could be for all of us to be in such a location. I guess that is a mystery for another day."

Antony takes a piece of fruit and eats it. "So what are your goals my friend and how can I help you achieve them."

2017-12-04, 09:38 PM
Tian Shi shakes his head "No, I can not attack like those weapons we fought against. Though, I do have tremendous strength and dexterity. I can also survive a very long time without sustenance. As for my reasons for doing what I am doing, i seek to be the strongest fighter in the world."

Andrew Markham
2017-12-05, 09:09 AM
Antony's two men return to him. "The Mayor welcomes you to the city, and invites you to set up shop in the marketplace if you wish," Secundus tells Antony.

2017-12-05, 09:45 AM
Metzil nods, gathering their packs. He hands the heaviest to Hassan, taking the lightest for himself. Then, he leads the way out of the temple, stopping long enough to thank the priests and flash a flirtatious smile their way. All the while, imagining what their rotting corpses would look like, picked apart by crows.

Flicking his hair over one shoulder, Metzil strode back down the avenue. "I believe I saw a general merchant this way. We can get camels when we're ready to leave... I don't want to pay to house them in the meantime."

2017-12-05, 05:40 PM
Vana looks over to Grimm and nods, "Alright, I'll be back in a couple hours. Afterwards we can head out, see ya soon." she said as she stood taking the list and walking out of their room.

A few hours later she comes back with two swords, a bow with a quiver of arrows, a suit of leather armor, food, water, and a couple bottle. The sword and two bottles she sets on the table, then takes off her outer layer of clothing puts on the armor and redresses the best she could. She then puts the sword on her belt and the bow and arrows over her shoulder, and puts the supplies in her bag.

When she see Grimm again she tells him that there is a sword and a couple bottles of beer for him.

2017-12-05, 07:15 PM
Antony looks up and smiles at Secundus' news.

"Excellent brother, I am going to entrust you and Anakoni to take care of the set up."

He stands and pulls off a well worn moonstone ring and hands it to Secundus.

"I can not give you my father's ring but this is mine. I entrust you to start this business and make it thrive until you can find a suitable caretaker and return to me. My brother you are the only one I trust in this matter. If you agree, we will address everyone and walk into the city together."

He turns to Tian, "And if you could be our protector that would be magnificent."

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-06, 10:28 AM
Hassan took the heavier of the two bags, a commander but lead by example. He walks with Metzil as they approach the market. Haggling prices with Metzils aid he picks up a variety of foods, treats, oils, liquids for drinking, and of course water.

"What sorts of fruits do you prefer Metzil?"

2017-12-07, 06:50 AM
Tian Shi stands up and stretches "Hmm, that does sound like an interesting task. I will be your protector"

2017-12-09, 08:15 PM
Antony nods and stands. "Let us depart then....," his words begins to trail off as he looks behind him. "Actually if you both could give me but a mere moment, if my brother here is to be in charge of this venture then I should dress as one as a higher stature. I shan't be long."

Secundus puts on Antony's ring and nods departing glowing. Antony waits a moment for Tian to follow.

Once Everyone leaves bid prophecy

Prophecy and Intelligence 4d10

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-11, 06:56 PM
Hassan finishes up to pick up enough food for a few weeks with Metzil along his side, with water rations to boost. He adds bits of snacks and flavored rations like dates, olives, raisins, and dried meats of various animals. He then heads toward the edge of town where animals are sold. He ensures to secure the purchase of 6 camels, each with travel sacks, reins, and riding gear, to include sufficient water and food for the animals, to be picked up within the next day, giving the merchants time to arrange for the gathering of supplies. He returns with metzil to the inn to rest before their travels the next day.

2017-12-13, 09:16 AM
Tian Shi departs as well "As you wish"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-12-26, 10:31 AM
Grimm takes the offered items from Vana.
Thank ye. This oughta do'ta keep ye outta trouble.

Andrew Markham
2017-12-28, 03:07 PM
The next morning, Hassan wakes up at the inn as the sun is rising over the desert. He feels a familiar sensation: a sense of purpose calling him into the desert to the east. Metzli is still asleep.

Meanwhile, as Antony and Tian Shi prepare to deal with the day's business, Antony's eyes glaze over. He begins trembling. The Greek man collapses to his knees and stares at nothing.

Meanwhile, Vana and Grimm have completed their preparations to investigate ruins in the desert.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-28, 03:31 PM
Hassan inhales deeply, looking over to the lithe pale form cuddling him in his bed. He begins to stretch and begins to scratch metzil behind the ear.

"It is time to rise. The Desert calls"

He moves to pull himself from the bed and the embrace, to prepare for the day, pulling on his clothes as he sits on the edge of the bed. His eyes focused in the direction of the desert.

2017-12-28, 03:53 PM
Vana sitting at the table sipping on tea, while giving Nadi a playful scratch behind her ear, went over her list of supplies. "I know I don't need this list written down, but it's nice to have." she said with a chuckle. Once she made sure they had everything, she went to the innkeeper and payed for the room and even handed them a nice gift of a painting of a mountain landscape with the innkeeper, and any of their family, seen in the picture. "Here you go, a mountain landscape with you and your kin added in for some personal touches, you may hang it up here or at your home. It's just a nice token of my thanks for having such a nice place." Vana said sincerely.

Once she got back to her room, she got packed and waited for Grimm to do the same.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-12-28, 04:45 PM
Grimm steps out of the room. Ye ready lass? He walks onto the street and gives a sharp whistle. Two horses come trotting up. The first, a coal black Draught horse that stood 2 to 3 hands above others of the breed and rippled with toned muscles. Clenched in its teeth were reins leading to a common brown mare. They stopped in front of Grimm as he began stroking the big horse's shoulder.

2017-12-28, 04:51 PM
At the awakening from Hassan, the priest grumbles and turns over, pressing into the warmth Hassan gives off. The desert chill clung to the air in their room, and he did not wish to greet the day. Knowing Metzil did not like the mornings, the skull Metzil kept on him began to screech.

With a start, Metzil flung himself out of bed and grabbed the skull, glaring at it with all his might. "Shut your mouth, or I will shove you in the bottom of my bag for the foreseeable future."

The skull began to cackle, it's teeth clacking together in a grotesque display.

"Heathens! The sun awakens!" the skull laughed.

With a grumble, Metzil sets the skull on the bed and begins to stretch. He ignored the skull as it continued to chatter, turning its words to Hassan.

"The desert awaits, does it? Did you have a fun dream? Are you heathens going out into the desert to die? Don't take me with you, leave me in a brothel, I'll happily live out the rest of my unnatural days there."

Metzil finished his morning routine and faced Hassan, once more ignoring the skull. "Where does the call lead you now?"

2017-12-28, 08:35 PM
Vana nodded and followed Grimm outside of the inn. Once Grimm summoned his horses, Vana put her hand down and let Nadi climb up her arm and over on to her back pack. Once the horses arrived she went up to the other one and began to stroke it's shoulder. Vana placed her hand near the saddle and Nadi walk from her backpack to the horse and curled up while Vana got on.

"Alrighty Sir, ready to go whenever you are." She said looking around one more time to see if there was anybody looking in their direction.

Darius Vibrtrar
2017-12-28, 11:49 PM
Hassan glanced to the skull with a smirk, remembering the first time it had spoke with him around... he remembered tossing a horse at it in suprise.

"Keep it up Skull, your keeper will tire of you and deposit you in the latrine of the whore house. You may not be able to contract a disease, but I believe you shall feel the same burning sensation in the depths of that stench. "

He stood up as he began strapping his belongings into place. He kept staring at the same place in the wall.

"Out there.... I can sense the calling... beyond the wall... out beyond the dunes we see."

2017-12-29, 12:08 PM
Tian Shi rushes to Antony's side "What's wrong?!"

2017-12-29, 10:49 PM
Antony blinks and looks up at his newest guard stunned. His eyes search for his "brothers" wondering where they were and why weren't they here. Taking a deep breath he stands slowly and gives a shaky smile.

"Of course my friend, um long nights and lack of a comfortable bed. Unlike my siblings I am not suited for long travel out of the city. I am sorry for worrying you. Though I think we should quietly prepare for guests and if you could please send whomever is in charge of supply here as soon as possible."

Antony takes a seat and a drink from his glass.

"Thank you Tian, and if you need anything from him in the way of armor or weaponry or just travel garb you have my blessings to take anything you might need."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2017-12-30, 08:30 PM
Grimm slides his few belongings into the sack thrown over the horse's haunches. A folded woven blanket serves as a saddle as well as a bedroll. He grabs a handful of coarse hair from the base of the horse's mane and hops effortlessly onto its back with practiced ease. He reaches back and draws out one of the clay bottles Vana had supplied him with. Holding it in his right hand, he pulls the waxy stopper out with his teeth and spits it to the ground. He turns the bottle up and chugs the liquid contents. Breakfast o'champions. Ho! He starts to trot off down the road with Vana behind him. So where is this place ye be lookin' for?

Andrew Markham
2017-12-31, 09:17 PM
Antony sends for his convoy's supply master, a servant named Sergius. He bows to Antony and Tian Shi and says, "I am at your service. Whatever supplies you need for your venture, I will have them brought out for you."

2017-12-31, 09:43 PM
A chuckle came from the priest, picking up the skull. "You hear that, Skeletor? Hassan agrees with you, a cat house just for you... but the only part of the girls you'll see are their daily deposits."

The skull let out a snort - somehow - and replied, "At least I'll get to see a woman again. Can't we go someplace where they were little and the woman are everywhere? Like back home, it was fun there, lots of things to look at, lots of shiny things, nothing hidden..."

Metzil muttered in his native tongue, "Nothing except their hypocrisies..." With a shake of his head, the priest secured the skull to his belt, alongside the other skulls that lined his waist, so it appeared as nothing more than decoration. Then, Metzil gathered the rest of his things into his bag - small as it was, as Hassan carried most of their things - and put it on his back. "Let's go," he said in the common tongue of the area. "We have camels to collect... and if the desert calls, we should be going as soon as possible."

Metzil led the way down, returning the key to the tavern keeper, then to the stall which cared for their reserved camels. After their loaded up their gear and supplies, they got on their own camels and started off toward the desert.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-01-01, 06:29 PM
Hassan nodded quietly, the calling first in his mind. As the pair and thier numerous camels were picked up, he made sure the animals were properly watered. They left out of the town and into the desert, Hassan kept pushing out toward the horizon in the direction that called out to him.

"My eyes are focused Metzil. Keep your four elsewhere."

2018-01-01, 06:48 PM
Vana watched as Grimm chugged the contents of his bottle. She went to open her mouth to warm him, but knew from past attempts that he'd just keep doing it. She simply shrugged and chose to answered his question instead. "I don't know where it is, I just have general area and some clues to go off of...sadly." Vana said with some ire in her voice, "It's off in that direction." she pointed in the direction of a general area, heading off that way.

2018-01-01, 07:38 PM
Antony looks much more composed as the Supply Master comes in. He stands and gives a short bow to him before he sits again.

"Hello Supply Master, as you have heard my second will be taking over my Father's shops, please let him know everything he needs, to be successful. As for me I will be taking a bodyguard into the desert on a mission of the gods to bring favor to my family. With that we need desert garb for both heat and cold. If they can have a bit of armor that will be great. As well as a traveling pack with basic essentials like rope, flint and steel, etc. We will also need a tent and food. Lastly I know my Father was delivering a stash of special items. I require a bow. I know not what my father has but there rumored a shell that can transform into a bow and create its osn arrows. I do not expect you to have that exact iyem but I am in need of something similar. Is this possible? "

2018-01-02, 11:30 PM
Tian Shi nods his head slightly "I thank you. All I require are a few days worth of travel rations and water"

Andrew Markham
2018-01-02, 11:35 PM
An hour or so after sunrise, Hassan and Metzli ride off with their six camel caravan heading east into the desert.

Antony's supply master sends orders for basic traveling supplies to be gathered, as well as clothing suitable for travel in the desert. He sends someone to gather armor to be fitted onto Antony. Responding to Antony's inquiry, Sergius's eyes widen. "Such an item would be a work of the gods! Certainly not something we would have in our humble caravan. However, composite shortbows are available."

Antony receives a Roman shortbow and 50 arrows, plus a suit of Leather Armor. Several satchels are loaded with traveling supplies, food, and water. "Will you be taking horses?" Sergius asks.

2018-01-03, 10:18 PM
Antony looks over everything as someone fits the armor upon him.

"Thank you Sergius once more you have out done yourself. I also agree such a weapon would only be found in the treasury of the gods. But as a mere mortal I shall make due with what is available."

Antony gives Sergius a playful smile to show his comment was meant as a jest. As the armor is finished he looks over everything and thinks about the final question.

"Hmm I thought maybe camels will be better but I do not know honestly. Tian your thoughts? You have traveled more than I, your thoughts?"

2018-01-04, 05:14 PM
Tian Shi thinks it over "Well, if we are to travel through a desert, then I believe camels are the best choice"

2018-01-04, 08:52 PM
Antony nods and smiles.

"Excellent advice Tian. I had a thought of camels."

He turned to the Supply Master with a friendly demeanor.

"If possible camels Sergius, please. We do not wish to hard the horses nor get stuck on this journey."

After sometime the Master of Supply returned with the camels packed with gear. Antony looked towards the sky and closes his eyes reflective.

"Let us go east Tian and there we shall find the first steps of our destiny."

2018-01-05, 04:15 PM
Perception + Awareness check

2018-01-05, 06:18 PM
Tian shi nods "This shall be the beginning of a grand adventure"

Andrew Markham
2018-01-08, 03:27 PM
Please read only your section.

Vana and Grimm set out to the east across the desert. Vana is searching for rumors regarding ruins in the area. Being well traveled, Vana and Grimm make good time on their camels. After traveling about 90 minutes, they run into a small group of locals who seem camped out in the desert. They identify themselves as merchants with some basic goods for sale. Vana questions them for information about local spots of interest, and they are directed towards a large rock formation to the southeast. Vana and Grimm head that way. (Make a Perception + Awareness check)

Antony and Tian Shi get supplies, then head out to the east on camelback, going past the city first. They are searching for information about the raiders who have been intercepting Antony's shipments heading for Rome. About two hours after their departure, they run into a small group set up in the desert. They identify themselves as merchants with some basic goods for sale. (Make a Perception + Empathy check) or a (Perception + Survival) check

Hassan and Metzli head out to the east with their caravan of six camels. It is slow going keeping the herd of camels together. This gives Hassan and Metzli time to pay more attention to their surroundings. (Make a Perception + Survival check) or (Perception + Awareness)

Andrew Markham
2018-01-09, 02:09 PM
The time is now mid-morning. After having traveled for a few hours, Vana and Grimm climb up a small hill to see a formation of tall rocks in the valley below. This is the area described to them as being of interest to relic hunters. They lead their camels into the valley and begin looking around.

As they pass by a 30-foot high dome-shaped rock, they see a pair of legs squirm out of a gap in the rocks. They shimmy back, slowly revealing a tall man. He has a thick black beard and is dressed for the desert. He shakes himself off, then turns to look at Vana and Grimm. "Good morning!" he calls. "I heard your camels and wanted to see. Who are you?"

Subliminal Warning: The hairs on your arm begin to stick up. You sense danger in this area.

2018-01-09, 03:42 PM
"Good morning, good sir." Vana answers back to the bearded man, "My name's Vee and this here is my husband Gee." Vana points to Grimm before continuing, "We heard from the locals that this place had some nice rock formations, good for painting...I'm a painter by trade you see. So now that I've introduced myself. Who are you?" Vana asked a little coldly, placing her arms on her lap with her left hand resting on her sword.

Manipulation + Presence to lie
[roll0] + one success

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-01-09, 04:30 PM
Grimm swallows air under his face mask and doesn't speak. He gently strokes the neck of Dub Sainglend, calming him so that he doesn't take offense to being called a camel. For now, he watches.

[roll0] P+A Grimm
[roll1] P+A Dub

Andrew Markham
2018-01-11, 07:57 PM
"A painter...and your husband seems like the silent type. Well that's too bad for you, as we're not the, well, artist types." Several more armed men emerge from hidden places in the rock. One rises from a covered patch of sand nearby. All are wielding swords or cudgels. "That's a fine looking horse your husband has there. I think we'll be taking that, along with any valuables you might have. If you resist, things will get ugly." Two of the men begin moving towards Vana and Grimm.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-01-11, 11:44 PM
'E is a fine lookin' horse indeed, but taking 'im, well 'at isn't really a good idea. Grimm looks at the man aproaching him. I'll give ya three seconds to think about the **** choices you've made that put ya 'ere. Then yer gonna 'elp me Defend the Lady 'ere.

Grimm issues an Overt Order -1 willpower.
Then he reaches back and draws the sword from his saddlebag.

2018-01-12, 03:52 AM
Vana upon hearing the bearded guy's "request" begins to laugh, starting as a giggle then slowly going into a full blow belly laugh, before stopping to take in a breath of air and finally letting it out of her nose. Using her right hand she begins to point to each guy except for the one Grimm targeted. "One...Two...Three..." she keeps counting until she's counted every one she see.

"Ah yea that is the perfect amount of people... Oh I'm sorry I was just seeing how much crimson 'paint' we'll have to work with," Vana said with a smirk on her face. "I so just enjoy the way crimson red goes well with the golden oranges of the sand and the surrounding stones. Now boys you've already made two mistakes in calling my Husband's horse a camel, then thinking we'd just hand over our stuff to you. We'll give you one chance to drop your weapons and leave...if not," Vana shrugs "then well I guess that will be your third, and final, mistake. So I'll leave that choice up to you all, so what will it be?"

Vana pulls her shortbow and an arrow out from behind her, taking the arrow in her right hand readying her bow in her left.

Andrew Markham
2018-01-22, 09:40 PM
The man who had been speaking with Vana jumps as if whipped and leaps in front of Vana, then turns towards the others. But after Grimm draws his sword, his eyes clear again. He turns and looms over Vana. "Kill 'em!"

Roll initiative!

Join Battle rolls (Wits + Awareness):

To initiate combat, everyone rolls Join Battle. Based on the results of these rolls you are placed onto a tick wheel. You can use Opening Gambit to automatically go first. When rolling Join Battle, you may activate one knack or boon on yourself. This is meant to be an offensive or defensive buff, and may not be used to attack.

You are following the trail and approaching a small rise. Suddenly, you hear shouts coming from just beyond it. When you reach the top of the rise, you will be in the combat area.

2018-01-24, 09:42 AM
The morning of their departure Antony prepared to leave making sure he had everything needed. Sliding his father's ring onto a chain and hiding it under his armor he notices a familiar spirit floating. "Morning? I was wondering if I would miss you. I plan to head out across the desert to follow the will of the Fates. Please tell me which way should I go...." With a nod the spirit leaves as quietly as it came and with a sigh Antony finishes the arrangements. Meeting up with Tian and getting conformation that he is also ready to leave he heads out on his camel in the desert.

Traveling steadily across the sand shouts in the distance grabs his attention. Antony stops and looks in the direction of the noise. Turning to Tian he addresses his companion, "What do you think my friend shall we see what is making such a noise this morning?"

Andrew Markham
2018-01-25, 07:33 PM
Each character in combat is placed on the tick wheel based on their initiative roll. The highest roll is placed on Tick 1, and everyone else is placed in decreasing order after them. Anyone who uses Opening Gambit goes on Tick 0. Actions go around the Tick Wheel clockwise until reaching the beginning again. A tick is roughly equivalent to a second of in-game time.

If someone new enters the combat, they roll Join Battle and compare it to the highest initiative previously rolled. They must wait a number of ticks before they can act based on their roll.

Every action you take has a listed Speed. When you take an action, you progress on the tick wheel a number of spaces equal to that action's speed. Weapons also have a speed. So for example, if Vana is on Tick 1 and fires a bow with Speed 4, she moves forward 4 ticks. Her next action takes place when Tick 5 is reached. For a list of actions and their speed, please consult the Scion: Hero book, Combat chapter. (starting on page 190)

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/27173609_10156178285694319_9030597490570319992_o.j pg?oh=061ff56725dff9af05f71df9df587f55&oe=5ADDFA76

Andrew Markham
2018-01-25, 08:11 PM
The big man with the mace turns around and attempts to bash Vana!

To hit: [roll0] (3 successes)
If hits, damage: [roll1] bashing damage (6B)

New Tick: 5

Two figures from the top of the nearby rock take aim at Grimm and launch arrows!

To hit: [roll3] + 1 auto (4 successes)
If hits, damage: [roll4] + 1 auto Lethal damage (7L)

New Tick: 7

To hit: [roll6] + 1 auto (6 successes)
If hits, damage: [roll7] + 1 auto Lethal damage (6L)

New Tick: 7

Grimm and his horse are up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-01-25, 09:52 PM
Grimm twists left, then right, easily dodging both arrows. He clucks his tongue in a tisk tisk tisk.
Leaning in his saddle he slashes at the man who swung at Vana.

[roll0] +1 auto to hit (6 successes)
[roll1] +1 auto lethal dmg (7 successes)

New tick 7

Andrew Markham
2018-01-26, 08:06 PM
With a single clumsy strike, Grimm cuts down the man threatening Vana, spilling his blood onto the sand! He collapses into a heap and does not move.

It is Vana's turn.

2018-01-26, 10:11 PM
Seeing Grimm cut down the threat to Vana, she let out another laugh. "See how the reds mixes with the sand...so beautiful, too bad you all won't be around to see it's... perfection." She said, shifting aim to the next closest target and firing off a shot.

attack: Dex + Mark [roll0] + two auto successes
damage: [roll1] Lethal Damage

new tick 9

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-02, 08:06 PM
Dub rears and drops his hooves on one of the men rising out of the sand.

[roll0] +1 auto (Str+Brawl+Acc)
[roll1] +1 auto (Str+6B) dmg
[roll2] overflow dmg

New Tick 5

Andrew Markham
2018-02-03, 09:17 PM
Grimm's horse kicks at the man who rose from the sands behind the small group. The man practically impales himself on the horse's hoof as he charges in! The man grabs at his gut in pain from the impact, but is not bleeding.

Vana takes quick aim and lets an arrow fly! It clips one of the charging men in the shoulder. He grimaces and grasps the arrow, then resumes his attack!

From atop the large rock, someone curses, then starts shouting, "Everyone here, now! Take aim!" Half a dozen men holding bows move into view and take aim into the melee below. (Aim action, new Tick 7)

The man kicked by the horse swings his mace at the horse!
[roll1] bashing damage

Due to his injury, this man has been knocked to the -2 health box. This means he takes -2 dice on all actions, his move is lowered, and his DV is lowered by 2. Note this does not apply to damage rolls, as those are partly determined by weapon.

The man who Vana shot tries to beat Vana down!
[roll4] bashing damage

Two men attack Grim with their cudgels!
[roll7] bashing damage

[roll10] bashing damage

Another man nudges the injured man out of his way and also tries to hit Vana with his mace!
[roll13] bashing damage
New Tick 9

Bashing damage is less deadly than lethal, but can still incapacitate someone. If you fill all your health boxes with bashing damage (at this point that means taking 7B after soak), you are unconscious. If you take more bashing after that, it turns into lethal damage. If a character with 7 health boxes were to take 14B (after soak), they would still be dying the same as if being stabbed by a sword.

Although a not often used rule, this is still important to point out: there is a limit to how many attackers even a Scion can fend off. After taking a number of attacks equal to (Legend+1), your DV goes down by 1. This applies to all methods of attack, and resets on your turn. This is called onslaught penalty. More information is available on page 193 of Scion Hero.

Also, if you are engaged in melee by 5 enemies at once (this is the maximum allowed), you choose one of these enemies. That foe hits you at DV 0. Be careful not to be overwhelmed!

You ride your camels to the top of a small rise. Beneath you is a valley full of large stones. A small battle is taking place at the base of one of those, approximately 40 yards down and 50 yards away from your current position. A pale man, a pale blond woman with a bow, and a horse are fighting off five men with maces. On top of the large stone, approximately 30 yards high, 8 men with bows are taking aim at the melee below. A noise makes you glance over your shoulder. You see a huge bulky man and a robed figure riding camels, with four additional camels behind them. They will reach you in less than a minute.

You may act now.

As you are heading towards a rise, you see two men on camelback ride to the top of the rise. They are less than a minute ahead of you. If you were to increase speed or dismount, you could catch them in a few seconds. You can now hear the sounds of men shouting and screaming in combat coming from whatever lies beyond this rise.

You may act now.

It is now Tick 5.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/27709628_10156205449579319_24825040673127007_o.jpg ?oh=7ba749d480d6aedbb77396a63b8cd16e&oe=5B1C72EF

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-04, 12:16 AM
Hassan Smiles and lifts his chin.

"I am going ahead Meztil. Something calls to me... Follow when you feel the need... Or desire. "

He chuckles as he pushes his camel to catch up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-04, 12:42 AM
Dub sidesteps the mace and returns the gesture with another kick.

[roll1] +1A Bashing
[roll2] unlikely overflow
(This time with the right dice pools. I think.)

New Tick 7

2018-02-05, 08:48 AM
Tian Shi turns toward the men on the camels "Who are you and what is your purpose here?"

2018-02-05, 04:19 PM
Antony maneuvers his camel towards the on coming person. Feeling a chill he hasn't felt since that dream a grin appeared upon his face. Curious on how introductions will play out, Antony relaxes on his camel and watches.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-06, 12:52 AM
Hassan smiles when he is asked who he is. He always loves hearing that question, it allows him to respond properly.

"I am Hassan, The man of whom the entire world will march beneath my banner. Like persian armies of old, and the Hellanesian General Alexander, I shall rule dominion over all. "

Looking amongst the two his grin widdens.

"I know not your faces... but I know your spirits somehow... Ive forgotten where... but you are familiar to me. Yes... join under my banner, and you too shall have glory."

Andrew Markham
2018-02-06, 10:46 AM
The horse kicks out once again, smashing the bandit's face. There is a sickening crunch as his nose is broken! More blood splashes across the ground, and the man collapses.

It is now Tick 6.

2018-02-06, 08:47 PM
Taking his damned time, Metzil guided his camel to the rise, letting Hassan ride ahead as he pleased. The priest had no desire to meet new people - though he wouldn't mind to raise a few more soldiers. The one in his pack was starting to smell.

When he arrived, he looked over the gathered men. He heard introductions, but did not deign to give his name. He wasn't feeling benevolent. Some of these people looked useful; perhaps they would further his goals?

Metzil did not know. Instead of speaking, he guided his camel to Hassan's side, red eyes staring out from under his hood. He glanced at Hassan, then studied those around them.

Finally, he spoke. "You may call me Metzil." Short. Simple. Unassuming.

Let these peasants think what they will. Even Hassan did not know his truest desires.

2018-02-07, 01:31 PM
Antony grins and sits up straight on his camel to clearly show the insignia of Rome and his House.

"My, my new friend what a speech and offer that was. You even travel with a priest as sign of your right to conquer the world. Sadly I hate to inform you that Rome shall never fall and the Republic will last for centuries. I myself have seen this, but as a Son of Rome I happily break bread with you."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-07, 01:41 PM
Has'san laughed at the mans defense of his empire.

"I have no need to conquer, all will benefit under my rule. Even the romans shall rise to new heights under my guidance."

He looked to the group attacking.

"But this is no good. We should help"

2018-02-07, 01:46 PM
Though Metzil bristled at the comment from the stranger, he had no time to respond. He knew Hassan well enough to know the man was about to act without thinking.

"We do not know them, Hassan. We have little reason to help," Metzil began, doing his best to speak clearly and quickly, lest he lose his muscle to an unnecessary battle. "You will leave yourself open to those archers on the ridge if you go down there!"

2018-02-07, 02:58 PM
Tian Shi glances between the new comers and the men below. "I believe they might require our assistance"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-07, 09:07 PM
Has'san smiled to Tian Shi, a large smile. He looked to the rest of the Group.

"Well come on then, you dont want to wait until the land runs afoul with our foes blood, Lets get to rescuing the lesser numbers!"

- Rally Cry-

any who choose many join Has'sans Intitiative.

2018-02-07, 10:20 PM
With a familiar chill down his spine Antony looks across to the battle and whispers to himself, "I guess this is what the vision was telling, interesting."

Taking out his crossbow and knocking an arrow he is speaks the group. "I believe those whom are being attack will be traveling with us after this ordeal. Let us make sure our paths doesn't cross just for us to watch them die."

2018-02-08, 02:30 PM
Tian Shi nods and joins Has'san in aiding the combatants



Andrew Markham
2018-02-08, 03:33 PM
Hassan, Tian Shi, and Antony all move into combat. Metzli does not act for now. (Hassan, Tian Shi, and Antony may activate a self power as part of their initiative roll)

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/27709688_10156218614734319_9203986638714142747_o.j pg?oh=f5b6072f8284d43a6524065b65382018&oe=5B206B9C

It is Antony's turn.

2018-02-08, 06:01 PM
Antony rides his camel closer to the combat with his crossbow at the ready. Once he is close enough for a clear shot he fires at villain attacking the woman.

Firing crossbow at enemy:

Dex + Markmenship


Andrew Markham
2018-02-10, 12:16 PM
Suddenly the uninjured man attacking Vana sprouts a crossbow bolt through his gut! Blood begins seeping out of the small puncture. Vana turns to the west to see a man charging towards the melee on camelback. Three others are sitting on camels on the top of the rise and are turning towards the confrontation!

Tick 7: Grimm, Horse, Has'san, and archers go simultaneously. Technically all actions are happening at the same time, so if you take damage, don't apply wound penalties.

3 arrows fly towards Grimm, and 3 fly towards Vana!

Vs Vana:
[roll0] (4 successes)
[roll1] lethal damage (2)

[roll3] (2 successes)
[roll4] lethal damage (2)

[roll6] (3 successes)
[roll7] lethal damage (5)

Vs Grimm:
[roll9] (6 successes)
[roll10] lethal damage (3)

[roll12] (2 successes)
[roll13] lethal damage (3)

[roll15] (3 successes)
[roll16] lethal damage (2)

New Tick 1

The two archer leaders look at each other and whisper before taking aim. (Aim Action, New Tick 10)

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-10, 03:49 PM
Grimm laughs gutterally as the arrows rain down around him as if he were untouchable. Is tha' the best ya got? A blind begga could outshoot you lousy cutpurses.

He leaps from Dubs back as the horse begins to rear again and twist toward a new enemy. Grimm lands next to one of his assailants bringing the sword down upon him. While Dub kicks out toward the last one with an unbridled fury.
[roll0]+1 (dex+melee+acc) to hit Four Successes
[roll1]+1 (str+weap) L dmg Five Successes
[roll2] overflow

New Tick 11

[roll3] (dex+brawl-pen) to hit Botch
He misses, but focuses and lands his feet safely.

[roll4] +1 (str+weap) B dmg
[roll5] overflow....

New Tick 9

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-10, 04:37 PM
Has'san watched as the seer strikes forward with bow, while one of the two under attack strikes out against his attacks. Has'san bends his knees and flexes the muscles of his leg and back. The dust around his feet lifts from the ground from the moment. (Sky's Grace + Holy Bound), He looks back to glance at the group near him.

"A Leader must learn to leap with his men, not just command them, come on then, lets give them a good show"

With that his head turns back toward the ridge with archers and he leaps forward, soaring through the sky.
[roll0] + 2 Auto Sucesses (Str + Athletics)

As he soared through the sky, Has'san pulls forth his axe as he begins his decent, Flame spouts from the axe as he begins to channel himself into the Axe.

(Expend 1 legend to activate Virtue Strike of Courage)

As he comes down upon the ridge holding the archers, the burning axe in hand is burried deep in the rock, as the rock heats from the fire of the axe, the rock shatters and explodes outward, sending shards of shrapnel into the archers.

[roll1] +2 Auto Sucesses (Str + Melee + Weapon Accuracy)

[roll2] Lethal (Str + Weapon Damage + Virtue Dice)

[roll3] Overflow Dice

(Expend 2 Legend)

New tick : 1

Andrew Markham
2018-02-10, 06:10 PM
Grimm dismounts and, leveraging his height, cuts down another man from shoulder to sternum! He slides onto the ground in two pieces.

Dubs swings and whiffs, narrowing avoiding injuring himself.

Has'san leaps from the rise down to the top of the rock. A tremor ripples across the battlefield as he crashes into the top of the high stone. Rocks begin cascading down the sides of the rock from the quake. The impact ripples up Has'san's legs, but he guides the force into the point of his axe as he roars and smashes the flaming blade into the sharp rock! The stone before him shatters and ignites, creating a wave of flaming shrapnel that slams into the line of archers! Of the 8 men looking at the battle below, 4 are ripped apart as they are impaled by flaming rocks! Their bodies are mangled, bones shattered, and one is swept off the cliff to shatter on the ground below!

Has'san has just performed a stunt: an exceptional feat, well described, that had a dice roll associated with it. Stunts are over the top actions that go beyond the normal of what a Scion can do. They are most often attacks, but can be associated with any dice roll, even a social roll.

When you intend to try a stunt, you describe your action to the DM. He decides whether it is a 1-point, 2-point, or 3-point stunt. The more extreme the stunt and the better described, the higher ranked it is! You gain that many additional dice to your action. If the action succeeds, you gain a reward. You can regain Legend point, Willpower spent, or even XP! You may only perform one of each level stunt per storyline.

Tick 8:
The two archer leaders, eyes wide, stop what they were doing and turn to confront Has'san. One of them growls, "More strangers? You didn't need to be involved in this!" They shoot their bows at Has'san.

[roll0] + 1 auto to hit
[roll1] + 1 Lethal damage

[roll3] + 1 auto to hit
[roll4] + 1 Lethal damage

It is now Tick 9. Tian Shi, Vana, the Horse, and Melee enemies are up.

2018-02-10, 07:17 PM
Tian Shi jumps from his mount into the melee below, taking a mighty leap forward, and lands among the fighters

Holy Bound
4 strength+3 athletics+2 epic strength

Activate Untouchable opponent

Bo staff to hit
[roll1]+2 auto success for epic strength

Bo staff damage bashing
[roll2]+2 auto success for epic strength

1 legend used

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-11, 12:45 AM
Dub turns, watching the man he just missed. Fire flashes in his eyes as he bites at the man's neck.
[roll0] to hit
[roll1]+1 L Dmg

New Tick 2

2018-02-11, 04:58 PM
Watching those more apt to frontal assault fight, Antony notices a metallic shimmer on the mountain side. He spurred his camel towards the door as he shouts at Tian and points towards his destination.

2018-02-11, 05:09 PM
Vana dodges the arrows and the strikes. "Those are getting a little too close for comfort," she said to nobody. "I don't want Grimm's horse hurt by mistake, I'd better take this to the ground." she thought as she dismounted and attempted to move away from her melee attackers. Once she felt like she was far enough away she turned pulling another arrow out of her quiver, pointed at her nearest target and shot.

attack: (dex + Marks + 1 acc) [roll0] + 2 successes
damage: (str + 2L + 1) [roll1] Lethal damage

Vana uses her Telepathic link to Nadi to speak mentally to her, "If anybody attempts to take this horse do your best to stop them."

new tick: 2

Andrew Markham
2018-02-11, 10:07 PM
One of the injured men attempts to swing at Vana!

[roll1] bashing damage

After doing so, Tian Shi sweeps in and bashes the man's skull. It collapses, brains sticking to the staff! Vana dismounts and runs away as a second warrior attempts to swing at her.

[roll4] bashing damage

Vana swings around and levels her bow, shooting the man a second time. It takes him in the throat, and he dies gurgling, vainly attempting to breathe.

The horse attempts to take a bite out of someone, but his teeth scrape against leather armor.

It is now Tick 11. Grimm is up. The only remaining enemy on the ground is the uninjured man who is attacking Grimm. Four archers and the archer leaders remain on top of the stone.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-12, 01:03 AM
With the stone exploding under Hassan's might something stopped in Grimm's mind. Or did it start? He'd seen it happen with his own eyes but it wasn't possible. Was he to doubt his own experiences? It didn't make sense. Then visions began flashing through his mind. Image after image connected by strings or threads. He looks around at everyone around him but finds himself surrounded by these ethereal threads, the whole thing kind of made him feel like a spider looking out across its web. What was this that he was seeing? What did it mean?

[roll0] Perception+Occult
1 Willpower reactionarily spent.
The Unlidded Eye cast.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-12, 10:00 PM
Has'san stands up from the rubble. He allows the light from his axe glisten off the sweat and oils upon his flesh. He looks to the Archer that seems to be in command. Has'san points his axe to the man.

"You. You seem to be a man who has something great within him. Greatness attracts greatness. Power Attracts Power. Do you actually seek to be more than you are now. Some man who needs numbers to better his foe? I offer you this once. Join me. Kneel at my banner, and fight along side me and those alike, and I shall raise you higher than you have been before. Bring your men if they like, they can ride upon the wake of yours and mine Success. Come, Serve the man who will rule all these lands."

He grins wide, as he uses his off hand to comb flecks of stone from one of the five beard braids attached to his chin.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-12, 10:43 PM
The images flashing through Grimm's mind begin to come together to tell a story. The ethereal threads he's seeing connect everyone here in some way. He shakes his head, the man attacking him bearing little consequence as he tries to wrap his mind around whatever it is he's experiencing. He looks to Vana. I needa get out o the sun. That bastard is playin with my 'ead again.

2018-02-12, 11:26 PM
Vana looked over to Grimm, "Do what you need to do Gee, I'll handle him." She said pointing at the guy attack Grimm.

Andrew Markham
2018-02-13, 08:46 AM
Two of the archers throw down their bows at Has'san's feet. The two archer leaders look at each other, seeming to exchange words silently. Then they turn back to Has'san, looking both in awe and still incredulous. "Who ARE you?" one of them asks.

2018-02-13, 09:22 AM
Antony draws closer to the door entrusting the others to deal with the villains. He looks up the rock face towards the door and the rocks surrounding it looking for a way to get to his destination without alerting anyone to his actions. After tying his camel to a rock, writing a quick note to Tian and grabbing the items he felt needed for this adventure (backpack with various items, his blade, crossbow, and made sure his hidden mask was secure on his person) he makes his way towards the door.

"Wanted to make sure we would not be ambused follow when can. -A-

Post Script: Please apologize to our new companions for my rudeness of not being present to introduce myself."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-13, 09:44 AM
Has'san smiles as he pulls the last it of rock from his beard.

" My name, is Has'san. Come. Join me, and you will rise along side me."

He extends his hand out toward them

Andrew Markham
2018-02-13, 04:34 PM
One of the archer leaders says in a joking tone, "Well, we're already pretty high up!" The other one kicks him slightly. As the first rubs his leg, the second man says, "All right, uh....Warlord. This isn't worth losing our lives over anyway. We'll go wherever you're leading." He shouts at the others, "Hey you guys! Stop fighting! We're gonna work with this guy!" The other archers put down their bows. The one remaining man with the mace looks at the dead bodies all around him and sighs with relief. He collapses onto the ground, knees wobbling.

The archer leaders turn to Has'san. "I'm Yosef. This is my brother, Oman. We found these magic bows a while back, and ever since then we've been getting stronger and faster than your normal man. Figured we'd make the best of it and make some easy coin." He sighs and shakes his head in dismay. "Never figured we'd meet somebody more powerful than us, nonetheless a whole GROUP of you!"

Combat is now over. You may post in any order. Everyone gains 5 XP.

2018-02-13, 06:46 PM
When the fight was finally over and done with, Metzil dismounted and approached, noting the number of dead - or dying. With a little smile, he sauntered over to Hassan and pressed against him, one arm slowly snaking around a muscled arm.

"Lord Hassan... would you have your new men ... gather up their dead in one spot? Say... over there?" Metzil batted his eyes, smiling, as he attempted to convince Hassan to let him have the dead. "After all... the more on our side, the larger unit you command... and the better our chances."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-14, 08:59 AM
Has'san nodded.

"welcome then men, Its good to have archers with such powerful weapons among us. "

Has'san laughed as Metzil rubbed against him.

"That will be your first task under my banner. Metzil here would like you to gather all your dead, he has a purpose for them, so that your lives may be spared in the future."

2018-02-14, 09:18 PM
Antony continues moving to his destination moving cautiously up the mountainside keeping keenly aware of his surroundings.

2018-02-14, 10:33 PM
Vana assisted Grimm to some shade before head back to get the two horses. As we walked back out she stopped at the guy still on the ground and spoke putting her bow away. "I guess you should thank the gods they arrived before we added your crimson 'paint' to the canvas," she said looking around at the battlefield. "But know this if you step out of line, I'll have no problem putting an arrow in you."

After that Vana went and lead the two horses, being careful with the one that's injured, to the shade with Grimm. Vana kneeled next to Grimm but kept her eyes on the other people around. "Has the bastard left your head yet?" She asked with a slight bit of concern in her voice.

Andrew Markham
2018-02-15, 09:55 AM
Oman says, "Yeah, stack up our dead. Cause that's not weird at all."

"Hey, what else are we gonna do with em?" Yosef answers, shrugging. They climb down the rock and begin gathering the dead at Metzli's feet.

Meanwhile, Antony climbs up the rock and disappears into a small niche about halfway up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-15, 10:15 AM
Has'san frowns at the questions of what else they are going to do with the dead.

"You wont have to do anything else with the dead, Metzil will take care of the rest. "

He looks around to the others around those he saw in his dream.

"I know you lot.... somehow... I am Has'san, who are you?"

2018-02-15, 10:38 AM
Metzil beamed up at Hassan and blew him a kiss - after all, his short stature would never be able to reach the mountain's cheek - before he started preparations. He brought out the crate containing his packaged warrior and added it to the growing pile. Once all the bodies of the dead were gathered, he pulled out his Tome. He read several paragraphs and prepared the bodies as it instructed, then began to chant, swaying back and forth as he called upon the power of the Dead.

The ritual took forty-five minutes to an hour before the dead began to move again. Six of the nine dead around him started to twitch, jerk, and slowly sit up. Groans and moans sounded from the dead as they lumbered to their feet. With a grin, Metzil examined his work, pawing their bodies to ensure they were all working properly. Then, the black-haired priest turned on his heel, his red eyes seeming to glow beneath his hood.

"We're ready, my Lord. I gift you with this small token of my devotion."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-15, 10:49 AM
Has'san notices that Metzil is about to start his ritual, and he attempts to usher the other away.

"Metzils ritual is a bit unpleasant to watch. I believe I saw one of our numbers heading in that direction. "

He attempts to usher the group toward where Anthony had headed.

Andrew Markham
2018-02-15, 07:35 PM
Everyone turns to see Antony has scaled the western face of the rock. He is now standing on a small ledge about halfway up the rock face. This ledge was not present before the battle; it appears to have been created by the rock slide from Has'san's impact. There is only room on the ledge for maybe one more person. Antony blocks the view of the platform, so if there is anything on the ledge, it can not be seen.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-15, 08:00 PM
Has'san steps up to the wall of stone and climbs up the cliff face to join anthony. Once beside Anthony, he Puts a supportive hand on his shoulder.

" what have you found?"

2018-02-15, 08:24 PM
Antony smiles at carvings and whispers to himself, "And Father said time with the mystics was foolish." looking over his journal he ponders his next course of action with the fighting seemingly done. Feeling the world around him shift he closes his journal as Has'san places a hand on his shoulder.

"We meet again would be ruler of the world. Is everyone that should be alive, alive and well? As for your question I am mentally trying to fill in the gaps of what I do not know. Though I think I have come up with something. Do you have any academic knowledge?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-15, 10:07 PM
Has'san smirks at the questions.

"A foolish man thinks himself a pillar, a mountain, far above those around him. I am no fool. While I am limited in academic prowess. That is why I have you, to aid me. Join me in my endeavors learned one. Become my council."

He looks over his shoulder.

" all that could be saved from death have. All have been saved from a final death."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-15, 11:14 PM
Grimm sits in the shade of a large rock, out of the direct sight of the ever watching sun. He looks around and begins to answer Vana when Hassan speaks up. We, all of us, are bound togetha. Aur fates are written in th' stars. You, Hassan stonecrusher, you are bound to somethin' 'ere. Your fate draws you within the stone.

2018-02-15, 11:15 PM
Tian Shi shakes the brains off his staff and looks around at the battle scene, nodding to himself. He joins the others at the base of the cliff and looks up to where Antony is "Interesting"

2018-02-18, 12:56 AM
Antony nods at the large man words.

"Excellent I believe once we have a chance to relax the Fates will have much to show us. As for your offer, I shall bow to no one except Jupiter himself that said I would not be opposed to a friendship." As he talks his ears picks up the tone of Tian and he yells down.

"IT IS A DOOR, I WILL TRY AND OPEN IT FOLLOW WHEN YOU CAN. YOU CAN LEAVE YOUR CAMEL WITH MINE." With a nod he returns to his attention to Has'san.

"As I just said it is a door which seems to unlock easily enough. You may summon your priest or herald if you wish though I doubt the dark and unknown is not the place of one who represents the gods."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-18, 09:18 AM
Has'san smiles as the man responds.

"We shall see. Metzil is busy for now, let us see what has been hidden, and is now uncovered."

Has'san looks for a way to open the door. Not seeing one, he puts his hand on the door feeling its texture.

" maybe I can force it open"

2018-02-18, 04:02 PM
After Vana heard what Grimm had to say just sighed. She knew that whenever something like this happened to Grimm it always came true. "Alright let me go and see what the gods have in store with me this time." She said to Grimm before looking up at the two people in front of the door. "HEY! Has'san, any luck on the door yet?" she called up to him.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-18, 07:32 PM
Has'san looks down to the ground.

"Unless Im going to rip open the side of the mountain, we might want someone who has a greater understanding of how intriquette doors function, there does not appear to be a lever, nor a handle of any sort. Id rather not just force it open, but if we have no other option"

2018-02-19, 03:25 PM
Antony begins to chuckle as he points to some tiles and begins to speak normally to Has'san.

"My friend do not fret I belive I can open it but if your follower could join us shortly perhaps he can piece more of the story the runes seem to tell. The language is to old for me to decipher fully. But these tiles are the way to access what is inside. Shall I try?"

Turning to look at the door he continues to study the tiles. "Also let us not force the door open I believe there is some history here, speaking of such do we know why our new friends were attacked?"

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-19, 07:25 PM
Has'san scratches his chin looking over the Tiles.


"A good General knows when to summon the aid of those around him"

He calls down to the Ground.

"I need a learned person to come up and look at this door, Please."

2018-02-19, 09:14 PM
Vana looks back up "On my way up, but is there enough room for another?" She asks grabbing a book, her paint brush, and a jar from her pack. sliding the paintbrush and book into her belt and making sure they are secure and the jar in a pocket. She makes her way up to the where the door is located.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-19, 10:01 PM
Has'san, while still hanging to the rock face, extends a hand downward to pull Vana up and onto the ledge.

"Take a look, see if you can solve the puzzle, the more eyes, the easier the solution"

2018-02-19, 10:53 PM
Antony stops working on the tiles and gives Has'san a look of annoyance and steps back adjusting his armor. With a haughty sneer he faces Has'san.

"It seems you have this well in hand I will wait with the others to see what lies before us." Before giving Has'san a chance to respond he starts to walk down the path he took getting up there.

2018-02-19, 10:58 PM
Vana took Has'san's hand and assist climbing up to the ledge. "Thank you Has'san," she said. Once she got up on the ledge she took a moment to study the door while pulling out the paintbrush and book from her belt, and the jar from her pocket. She opened the jar, stuck the paintbrush in it and then closed and set the jar between her feet and put the brush to the book. Once she started painting in the book she never looked up once. While she was painting she started talking.

"He was Correct, the runes are indeed old...several thousand years old, they are cuneiform." She said continuing to paint, "They depict 'The Myth of Marduk' and his story of getting the 'Tablet of Destiny'. Marduk was the son of Ea. He went on a journey to defeat Tiamat, and defeat Tiamat he did to. It also show his rise to power in the lands of Babylon." She finished speaking bout the same time she finished painting in her book.

She held out the book, looking at the finished product, blinking several times. "Hmm..." she said glancing from her book to the door and back again a couple times before continuing, "...interesting, it looks like this is the resting place of the 'Marduk Prophecy'. It also says that the ruins will be sealed until it's needed again. To open the door, we may need to manipulate several squares in the muralwork, by changing them around or removing them." she said pointing at several distinct squares in the muralwork.

After making sure the ink had dried in the book and wiping clean her paintbrush, Vana put away the three items before giving the door a closer look. after a moment of "hmm"ing and nodding to herself she turned back to where the others were and called out. "Hey! I figured out how to open this door!"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-20, 12:58 PM
Grimm gets up. Well, I guess that means we be goin' in then. He casts a sideways glance at Metzil. Just what ya be doing wit those bodies anyway. I thought you were piling em up to burn an but I don't smell the smoke yet.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-20, 04:53 PM
Has'san smiles.

"Excellent, go ahead and open her up, I'll get the rest up here. "

Has'san readies himself extending a hand down to heft the others up once the door is opened

2018-02-20, 08:34 PM
Vana nodded to Has'san then looked back at the door, moving the required pieces to open the door. Once the door had been unlocked she prepared herself for whatever was on the other side, and attempted to open the door with a slight push. If it didn't open with a slight push she'd apply increasing force until she push as hard as she could or it began to open.

2018-02-20, 08:47 PM
With a smirk on his lips, Metzil turned glowing red eyes on Grimm. The voice that slithered from between pale lips was silken, low, and remisient of a fox's guile. "Burn perfectly good soldiers? What an absolute waste of obedient puppets... no, no... I shant burn a hair on their heads... go on, now, Lord Hassan awaits..."

With a dismissive wave of a tattooed hand, wrist beads clinking, Metzil turned back to the corpses. He mixed his own blood with the sand of the earth, calling on the powers of his God in his natural tongue. The sand and blood mixture he spread upon the corpses, drawing strange symbols and markings across their faces and arms. He responded to no one else, looked at nothing else, during the ritual. He must concentrate, after all, if he wanted his soldiers to be perfect.

Andrew Markham
2018-02-21, 08:52 PM
Vana pushes on the stone door. With some effort, it slowly swings open.

Your eyes quickly adjust to the absolute darkness inside the door. You see a stone pathway a few feet deep which leads to a copper-plated ledge about 15 feet wide and 7 feet long. The ceiling is less than 10 feet above your head. Beyond the ledge is a large hole, approximately 20 feet wide. From here, you can not tell how deep it is.
From the edge of the ledge, you can see the hole is approximately 30 feet deep. There is a curved stone dome at the bottom of the hole which is clearly artificial. There is a wide opening at the top of the dome for you to climb or fall into.

Has'san climbs back down to the ground, where Antony, Grimm, and Tian Shi are waiting. Metzli continues muttering his ritual.

2018-02-22, 03:20 PM
Vana will spend a few moments looking at the place, going over to the ledge and looking down. Once she has the layout to memory she walks back out the door.

Vana walks into the place, after a few moments, she walks back out. Looking down at the rest of the group. "Does anybody have a light source? It's dark in there and not even 10 feet in there's a 30 foot pit that you all could fall into." She calls out to the rest of the group.

2018-02-22, 08:09 PM
"Anything interesting in there?" Tian Shi asks Has'san

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-22, 09:54 PM
Has'san listens to the group and slowly nods his head and pulls out his axe, focusing, it begins to glow with the light of embers.

"Ive got some light now, im going to go explore, I welcome everyone to follow me while we wait on Metzil. It would be better than watching. "

He climbs up the wall and into the opening of the door, with his axe burning, giving off light. He goes in examining the area. He goes off to a copper plated ledge and looks out to the pit to see a dome about 30 feet down. He nods looking around and attempting to climb down.

[roll0] +2 Auto Successes

With the walls smoothened has'san slips down to the ground with a heavy and painful thud. He shouts an obscenity before looking out to see the spiral pathway leading toward the dome. Has'san decides to follow the spiral to its end, at the dome

2018-02-23, 08:37 PM
Antony leans against the wall clutching his crossbow and watch Has'san go inside. His gaze moves towards the priest in the distance.

"If you wish to go and learn about an elder warrior then by all means have fun. The taste of exploration has become sour. I will wait for the priest."

2018-02-23, 08:46 PM
Vana followed Has'san inside the cave and watched as he attempts to climb down and fails. She busted out laughing as he slipped. "Watch that last step Has'san...it's a killer." She said starting to laugh again. After a few moments she stifled her laughter and wiped the tears from her eyes. She squatted down beside the ledge and looked down, "Okay in all seriousness are you all right down there?" she asked with a serious tone in her voice.

Looking for a good way down she figured she just jump down. "Watch out Has'san, I'm coming down." She said jumping down. She made the landing, quickly rolling with the impact. After she stood up she looked around and simply said, "HA, nailed it." After which she started following Has'san.

2018-02-23, 09:06 PM
Tian Shi heads toward the door and starts heading inside "You're not coming in, Antony?"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-24, 11:04 AM
If Grimm's face were not covered in his wrap the party would surely see his pale tone drain to a translucent paper white. Tha' is a foul and disgustin' practice. If the lot of ya had not come a helping, ah wouldn't allow it atall. But know this, if your abominations come near me I will not hesitate to send em on their way.

When Vana disappeared inside, Grimm followed, turning to Dub, You keep an eye on the beasts now fella. Raise a racket if ya need help. He pats his neck before scrambling up the wall and leaping down after Vana.

2018-02-24, 11:59 AM
Antony shakes his head no answering Tian.

"Enjoy yourself and be safe."

Andrew Markham
2018-02-24, 12:31 PM
Vana, Grimm, and Tian Shi follow Has'san into the door, leaving a wary Antony and a horse to watch over Metzli.

Just inside the door is a narrow tunnel that continues for a few feet. It opens up to a copper-plated ledge about 15 feet wide and 7 feet long. The ceiling is less than 10 feet above your head. Beyond the ledge is a large hole, approximately 20 feet wide. The edges of the pit are unnaturally smooth. There is a faint light, like the dying embers of a fire, coming from the bottom of the hole approximately 30 feet down. Has'san and Vana are already at the bottom.

(To reach the bottom, make a Dex + Athletics check to climb down or mitigate fall damage. Otherwise you take 5 bashing damage. Your armor's soak only counts for half against this damage.)

After everyone reaches the bottom:
The four find themselves on a large stone platform. A one-person wide path swirls around the platform and downwards, creating an outward-flowing spiral. The embers of flame coming from Has'san's axe are the only light source, and they give you about 15 feet of visibility. Everyone can see that the path eventually straightens and widens heading north. Has'san begins heading in that direction.

2018-02-26, 08:04 PM
Tian Shi looks around the cavern, taking it all in before he beings climbing down

Dex+Athletics check+ 2 epic dex


2018-02-26, 08:30 PM
Antony sighs and stands up straight stretching. He puts his crossbow back on his camel and walks over to one of the dead archers picking up their bow and arrows. He then yells at the bandits.

"All of you, it seems you will be joining us so be useful. Take up points around Has'san's priests and protect him along with our supplies. I am going on patrol. I will fire an arrow in the sky if I need help. Is that clear?"

Andrew Markham
2018-02-26, 09:33 PM
The remaining live bandits look around, slightly confused at Antony's orders. One of them says, "We're taking orders from this guy now?" He glances at Yosef and Oman as if for confirmation. The two supernaturally powerful archers look at each other, then shrug. "Well, that priest IS Has'san's. Sure, take up position around him, guys." The six remaining bandits draw their weapons and form a vague perimeter around Metzli, who is still chanting.
Meanwhile, inside the rock...

Tian Shi safely lands at the bottom of the pit, joining the other three as they venture further into the chambers. They follow the small light from Has'san's axe. Past the spiral is a 20-foot wide, 10-foot tall hallway carved from the rock. The hallway goes on for about 80 feet. Has'san boldly leads the travelers down the hallway. At the end of the hallway is a doorway blocked by a 9 foot tall stone statue of a man. The statue is not 20 feet wide and it seems like one could access the door simply by going around it, but when the group gets within about 20 feet of the door, four more statues break free from the wall and move into position, blocking the entire corridor!

The statues are all of well-built soldiers. Their visages are wearing thick armor, but the actual statues themselves are simply made of stone. They bear no weapons, and have their fists crossed across their chests. Four statues stand in a row, blocking the corridor and standing in front of the fifth statue, which is blocking the door. Has'san holds his axe ready, but the statues make no move to advance.

What do you do?

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-02-26, 09:38 PM
Has'san advances toward the statues.

"stand aside guardians! I am has'san, the man who will conquer the world. I have come to investigate your cloister!"

2018-02-26, 10:03 PM
Antony begins walking around the rocks scouting as well as keeping an eye on the path towards the opening. Once out of sight of everyone he stops and kneels behind a rock. He looks above the rock and allows his eyes to sweep the horizon.

If nothing is around he will place the mask on.

2018-02-26, 10:14 PM
Vana closes her eyes thinking back about The Myth of Marduk. "Damn nothing in the myth says anything bout stone guardians," she muttered to herself. Then something clicked in her head, a long shot to be sure but maybe it would work. She walked up to the line of statues staying out of there striking range and ready to back off if something goes wrong.

She looks up at the first statue and begins speaking. "Great Stone Guardian of the Tablet of Destiny, my group and I have been sent by the gods to this place for reasons unknown to us. We...I humbly ask that you allow my group and I to pass as to find the answers that we seek. Will you allow us to continue?" Vana stops and waits for a response of any kind.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-02-27, 01:17 PM
As Grimm hears Vana mumbling on about gods and being sent, he sighs softly, sounding more as if he were deflated. He took comfort in the fact that they were underground and out of the sight of the only "god" he'd ever known. Still the whole situation made him uneasy. Wicked priests dragging corpses back from the dead, and now statues that move on their own. A fight he could handle, this supernatural stuff gave him chills.

He weighed his options and slid his sword into his belt. First to appear nonthreatning and second he strongly doubted its effectiveness against stone. He slipped his hands into the folds of his garments and discreetly slipped on his brass knuckles while keeping his hands hidden in front of him. He silently stands assessing the statues for a moment before speaking softly. I dun know much about these sand people an their 'istrys but I've heard tales of monsters like this. They're the defenders of this place and they're here to crush anyone who tries to pass. They're tough too. Excepting Hassan here, have you ever tried to punch a rock? Some folks says they're ghosts livin in the rock. Others says they're golems and serve only to destroy anyone who passes.

Andrew Markham
2018-03-01, 02:11 PM
Vana and Has'san advance towards the stone statues. Vana stops just outside of their reach and begins speaking. Has'san does not. He walks right up to them as he commands they move. In response, one of them lashes out with a fist!

[roll0] + 2 autos to hit
[roll1] + 2 autos of Lethal damage

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-03-01, 02:53 PM
Oh, now you've dunnit. Grimm mutters. It is unclear if it is directed towards Has'san or the golem.

[roll0] join battle if necessary.

Activating Untouchable opponent.

2018-03-01, 05:28 PM
"Hey I thought it would work," Vana said back peddling as the stone guardians swung their fists at Has'san. "In the story of Marduk he asked for the gods blessings before he would go on his journey, I hoped it would work here too."

Vana pulled her sword, hoping it be enough.

"And no Grimm I've never punched a rock, monster or otherwise." She said sighing.

join battle [roll0] + 1

2018-03-02, 08:48 AM
Tian shi pulls out his bo staff and joins the rest of the group, ready for combat


STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-03-03, 07:52 PM
Grimm sees blood seeping from Has'san's wounds and sighs a heavy sigh. Tha' thing's gonna kill someone... fook it.

He leaps at the construct that struck Has'san bringing his fists into view as he does so. The gleam of the brass is barely noticeable in the dim light, and to some it would seem as if he was driving his bare knuckles into the monolithic guardian. Landing his right fist just below the thing's shoulder in hopes of cracking the stone and severing the arm, he quickly spins around, lands and awaits the inevitable oncoming attacks.
[roll0] +1 auto to hit. (Spending wp to chanel courage)
[roll1] +1 auto fierce blow. (Difficulty and DV increased by 1 for this attack)

+4 Ticks

2018-03-03, 11:43 PM
Tian Shi leaps into the fray, swinging his staff around to smack the creature in the head

[roll0]+2 auto success

Andrew Markham
2018-03-05, 10:17 PM
Grimm and Tian Shi both impact the stone statue that attacked Has'san, but their attacks clang against the thick stone and seem to do no damage.

The statues on either side of that one come alive! They attack the new opponents with their massive stone fists!

Statue 1 vs Grimm
[roll0] + 2 autos
[roll1] + 2 Lethal Damage

Statue 3 vs Tian Shi
[roll2] + 2 autos
[roll3] + 2 Lethal Damage

The other two statues, one at the right side of the corridor and one guarding the door, remain motionless.

Rough Map (each symbol is roughly a 5x5 square):


It is Has'san and Vana's turn.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/28616621_10156291461034319_6532500609048368934_o.j pg?oh=6e1276fc161393613cb08e7c8d0319b7&oe=5B470526

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-03-05, 10:44 PM
Grimm shakes the soreness out of his hand Son of a motherless goat. He turns and ducks the second statue's swing.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-03-05, 10:54 PM
As the stone fist connects with Has'san he coughes slightly, a touch of blood in his mouth, a minor wound, electricity flows through his entire body as the Divine Fire sparks alive. Has'san's eyes steel looking at the guardian. With a swiftness of his hands Has'san grabs the forearm of the guardian as the creatures weight is now off center, having punched him. He pulls upon the guardian, pulling him further off center. Has'san Spins in place as he steps forward pulling the Guardian off his feet, and over Has'san. A Collossal body flip through the air, but Has'san was not done. As his compatriots had stepped up to aid him, he would not let him down. His muscles, sinew and tendons screamed as a gutteral grow slipped passed his lips. Swinging Counter clockwise he planned to swing the body-flipped guardian into the two attacking Guardians, leaving the fourth be four now. Electricity passing not only through his "improvised weapon" but through the other two standing guardians who had struck his compatriots.

Str + Athletics (3 successes in Dice Roller)

[roll1] +2 Auto to Hit str + melee

[roll2] +2 Auto Bashing Damage

+5 Speed/ticks

"Come now lads!"

2018-03-06, 01:18 AM
Vana studied the movements of the Statues carefully. "Careful they are slow and easy to hit, but they seem super tough. Pull back a little so that we we don't fight all four at once." Vana said backing up so the others had room to fight. She begins to study to the statues for any signs of weakness.

new tick 7

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-03-06, 11:23 AM
Don't lad me big guy. Yugot yurself indu this mess. Grimm says jovially.
He knows punching them is ineffective. He decides to try and directly overpower them. From his squat position, having just ducked under statue number one's wide swing, he bounds upward onto statue number two as Has'san was swinging it like a club. He runs up its back along its full length. As the statues slam together with a loud clack he springs onto statue number one's shoulders immediately wrapping his legs around his assailant's head and neck. He bends down backward behind number one. Now back to back with the statue, he wraps his arms around the guardian's arms and locks elbows. He pulls the arms behind the statue's back holding it open and unable to move.

Clinch attack [roll0] +1 auto. (5 successes)

New Tick 11

Andrew Markham
2018-03-06, 01:08 PM
Has'san electrifies the second golem and smacks it against the adjacent two golems, but they still seem undamaged despite the electricity.

Grimm successfully grapples with Golem 1, holding it still.

As Vana looks closely at the fighting, she becomes aware of light moving towards her. An unknown man wearing a mask steps out from the shadows. He is 5'11" and has a muscular build, with dark hair and blue eyes that contrast with the mask. This man is armed with a torch and has a bow on his back. He stops and looks on at the pitched battle.

2018-03-07, 01:05 AM
Following the glow of another light source and the sound of battle the first thing the stranger notices is a woman. With a wink he puts his a finger to his lips as he looks around the room for a way foward without fighting.

Andrew Markham
2018-03-11, 11:47 AM
Golem 2 puts its feet back on the ground from Has'san's grip and attempts to punch him!

[roll0] + 2 autos to hit
[roll1] + 2 Lethal damage

Golem 1 is being held tight by Grimm and can't move! (Inactive: DV is 0.)

Golem 3 takes a swing at Tian Shi!

[roll3] + 2 autos to hit
[roll4] + 2 Lethal damage

It is Tick 7; Tian Shi, Vana, and Has'san are up.

2018-03-11, 03:38 PM
Vana notices the new light source and the person holding it. She gets a good look at the guy before pulling her sword out. She briefly looks to the group and calls out "We have another person here, be careful."

Vana then moves close enough to strike but doesn't, instead she focuses her attention to the new guy. "You will tell me who you are and what you're doing here, if you don't then you'll force me to strike you down..." Vana said threateningly, "...oh and don't bother attempting to draw that bow of yours, you'll find I'm quicker then you think."

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-03-11, 07:24 PM
When a Grunt Has'san takes the hit with stride, able to take it without injury.

His flaming axe in Hand Has'san grew weary of this guardian and swung with his might.

[roll0] +2 Automatic to hit.
[roll1] +2 Automatic Damage
[roll2] Overflow

+5 to Tick

2018-03-11, 09:25 PM
Tian Shi winces a bit as the golem hits him and swings at the golem that is currently grappled, taking advantage of its impairment

[roll0]+2 auto success from epic dex to hit
[roll1]+2 auto success from epic strength to bashing damage if attack hits

2018-03-15, 10:27 AM
The man looks up from his investigation at Vana's threat and gives her a charming smile.

"Do not worry beautiful I'm not here for you, but if you ask nicely I am sure I can make the time."

He gives her another wink and returns to looking for a path.

2018-03-15, 09:59 PM
Vana simply rolled her eyes, then focused back on the new guy. "Oh just drop the 'charming' act, better looking men then you have tried and failed." Vana said coldly, moving again to block his path, sword still at the ready to strike. "Again, you will tell me who you are and what you're doing down here."

2018-03-15, 10:49 PM
The man feigned hurt before moving the torch closer to his face with the fire light flickering on his mask. Light showed intelligent but deadly eyes and his voice became serious.

"Let me ask you beautiful while the brutes are taking care with that which might kill us and hold a vetting process to if I am 'worth' your time or would you like to know the secrets this hidden gem holds without potentially dying?"

Giving a half **** smile he continues.

"Actually your answer does not matter but you seem smart so I thought I would give a different point of view. I am going to get through this with its secrets and without damaging this handsome face if mine."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-03-15, 11:16 PM
Grimm grits his teeth and strains against the stone guardian. He grunts out Oh would you two piss off with the banter and find a way aroun' 'ese things? 'is fate's as tied to this place as ours is. I guess we'll all get to know each other later iffin we survive. through his clenched jaw.

2018-03-15, 11:28 PM
Vana looked back at the group, then back at the masked man. "Fine, sure." she said coldly. Vana then moved out of the masked man way putting herself where she could see both him and the stone guardians as she went back to studying them for possible weaknesses.

2018-03-17, 03:21 PM
The stranger frowns at Grimm's words but blows a kiss to Vana before devoting a way pass the danger.

Andrew Markham
2018-03-21, 08:38 PM
Has'san smashes his axe into the body of the stone golem! The axe sinks deep into the stone, causing cracks to appear throughout the body of Golem 2! The golem still appears operational though.

Tian Shi smashes the grappled golem with his bo staff! The force of impact smashes through its chest, causing the top half to crumble into the bottom! Grimm is showered with chunks of stone and a cloud of dust rises around him. When the dust settles, Grimm is holding only the severed arms of the destroyed golem.

It is Tick 10. The Masked Man is up, followed by Golem 2.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/29511816_10156339618174319_2736126155915526144_o.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=1e50f7a15452e67c2348cd5b0e903531&oe=5B334DCC

2018-03-23, 08:30 PM
The strange man looked where the golems came from closely and then back at the door where a golem waited guarding it. He frowns slightly before sliding his bow off his shoulder slowly and taking out an arrow. He turns his head towards Vana and gives a soft whistle before talking.

"So Beautiful, you see those outlines where the Golems came from? If someone digs through it I am sure it will create another entrance. I don't have a diggin utensil so while I do somethin stupid you should start digging. Even if we kill all of them it don't mean we can through it. An don worry when we are rich an done I will personally find a fresh spring for you to wash in."

He ends with a wink at her and a smile. After letting the smile hang in the air for a moment before he closes his eyes and laces his bow. Each move he takes is precise and graceful as he pulls the bow string back gracefully and aims at the Golem blocking the door. The movements he hoped made him appear to be a master of his craft. His eyes locked onto to the creature as he began to focus solely onto him. Taking on a tone of a commander he speaks to the one guarding the door.

"Guardian! I respect your task in guarding and protecting the secrets your Master placed in here so long ago. But take a moment and look at us. Our fates are tied here as much as the great warrior Marduk. You have done your job but now it is time to stand down until another wishes to test their worth!" His eyes finds what the golem uses for eyes and stares into it. Holding his ground but also not giving the impression of firing as well.

For DM:

Aim for two ticks.

Using Manipulation and Presence on the creature.


2018-04-02, 04:41 PM
Vana looked over at the masked man frowning before speaking in a cold tone. "Do you see any digging tools on me, and even if I did, do you think I'd take orders from you." Vana shot back, "Also if you hit any of my allies with that bow of your's. you'll have me to deal with and I won't hold back this time."

Andrew Markham
2018-04-02, 07:31 PM
The Masked Man's words seem to have no impact on the stone golems.

Golem 2, body rippling with cracks, takes another shot at Has'san!

[roll0] + 2 autos to hit
[roll1] + 2 autos of Lethal Damage

It is Tick 11: Grimm and Golem 3 are up.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-04-04, 01:04 PM
Grimm stands holding the arms Trophies he says aloud before looking at Tian. Nice shot. Care to try that again?

He leaps across to #3 stretching his powerful arms around its width. He tries to pin its arms to its sides as he'd done before.

[roll0]+1 auto clinch attack
[roll1]+1 dmg
[roll2] potential overflow

New Tick 5

Andrew Markham
2018-04-04, 01:12 PM
Golem 3 struggles and strains against Grimm's grip, but to no avail!

It is Tick 12: Has'san is up, and the Masked Man shoots his arrow.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-04-04, 11:10 PM
Has'san spits blood from his mouth as the golem hits his mark for the second time.

"that was two... thats all you get..."

His flaming axe in Hand Has'san grew in intensity, he swung with his might.

[roll0] +2 Automatic to hit.
[roll1] +2 Automatic Damage
[roll2] Overflow

+5 to Tick

2018-04-04, 11:43 PM
Realizing his speech did nothing the Masked Man cursed under his breath before speaking to the gentleman holding "trophies".

"Excellent now you and the lady can use those to dig a way out of here. Cause even if we kill the Guardians a stone slab for a door will be our next obstacle. It doesn't matter which hole you choose they each should lead to the same location."

Smirking he kisses the arrow and whispers, "Now you...," letting the arrow fly towards the Golem guarding the door.

To hit:
Dex & Marksmanship

[roll0] +2 auto

Stg & Weapon

[roll1] +2L



Andrew Markham
2018-04-05, 07:33 AM
With a savage slice, Has'san rips through the stone golem with his axe, throwing up a shower of sparks as his axe smashes against the floor! The wreckage of the golem crumbles to the floor.

The Masked Man fires an arrow which, surprisingly, hits in just the right place to puncture the stone skin! Golem 5 seems unperturbed, but now has an arrow sticking out of its chest.

Golem 4 begins to stir at the destruction of Golem 2.

It is Tick 1; Tian Shi is up.

2018-04-06, 07:19 PM
Tian Shi attacks golem 5 where the arrow hit

[roll0] +2 auto success

damage if it hits
[roll1] + 2 auto success

Andrew Markham
2018-04-11, 08:22 PM
Tian Shi's weapon clangs ineffectively against the stone golem.

Golem 4 turns towards his captive twin and punches the grappling Grimm!

[roll0] + 2 autos to hit
[roll1] + 2 autos lethal damage

It is now Tick 5: Hassan, Grimm, and Masked Man are up.

Darius Vibrtrar
2018-04-11, 09:03 PM
seeing his next foe before him, Hassan moves to flank the last guardian and strike him with his flaming axe.

[roll0] +2 Automatic to hit.
[roll1] +2 Automatic Damage
[roll2] Overflow

2018-04-12, 10:43 PM
The Masked Man looked at the unphased golem and sucked his teeth in frustration. Seeing people ignoring his sound advice he whispered a profane word through his teeth before sliding out another arrow, knocking it back and proceed to aim at the Golem in front of the door where his neck should be.

Aim 3

STDM Grizzly Ad
2018-04-16, 08:12 AM
Grimm narrowly dodges the golem's swing and tightens his grip on three.

[roll0]+1 clinch attack
[roll1]+1 B dmg
[roll2] potential overflow

He looks at Tian Oh come on. This one man, I'm 'olding it open for ye.

Andrew Markham
2018-05-04, 10:18 AM
Golem 3 attempts to take control of the grapple with Grimm!

[roll0] + 2 autos vs Grimm's 7 successes
If more than 7, Golem controls the grapple. Otherwise, Grimm continues to keep the golem inactive.
The golem breaks the grapple by grabbing Grimm and tossing him 7 yards back! Make a (Dex/Athletics or Stamina/Fortitude) roll, DC 2, to stay standing or land prone.

Has'san attacks Golem 5, the one guarding the door, but isn't able to damage it.

Tick 6:

Golem 4 continues trying to punch Grimm!

[roll1] + 2 autos to hit
[roll2] + 2 autos of Lethal damage

Golem 5 stirs and attacks Tian Shi!

[roll4] + 2 autos to hit
[roll5] + 2 autos of Lethal damage

Tick 7:
Tian Shi is up.

Tick 8:
Masked Man fires his arrow at Golem 5.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31945480_10156450450124319_2987684254458052608_o.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=12eae055084b8ffeab017dc4d4b6ddff&oe=5B5BD1A1

2018-05-04, 08:21 PM
"Lets try this again you rock bastard." After kissing the arrow the masked man let it fly hoping it will be true and hit his mark.

To hit:
Dex & Marksmanship

[roll0]+3 auto

Stg & Weapon

[roll1] +2L



2018-05-05, 05:09 PM
Tian Shi grunts in frustration and hits the golem again with his staff "Foul creature!"

To hit
[roll0]+2 auto

Bashing Damage if attack hits
[roll1]+2 auto

Andrew Markham
2018-05-05, 09:08 PM
Tian Shi smashes Golem 5 in his arrow wound. Cracks spread from the point of impact. Small chunks of the creature begin misaligning and falling out of place. The Masked Man's next arrow bounces off the debris, inflicting no damage.

Tick 10: Has'san and Grimm are up.