View Full Version : Index In Character - A Journey: Adventure or Disaster?

Red Knight
2017-10-11, 10:18 AM
The crowd at the center of town was as thick as any had ever seen it, or at least remembered it, even the week when the caravan trains drove through wasn't this crowded, but then again not everyone visited the caravans at the same time. No the Festival of Growth, originally the last event for children to let loose and experience a massive event without fear of embarrassment or responsibility before joining the ranks of the herdsman and farmers in earnest, was an event in which the entire village participated, it was held every 4 years, to protect for seasons of poor crops and harsh winters.

The village had changed though, in the recent decades, as the new road had been built by order of the emperor more and more travelers and merchants had visited the town, supplies & tools were no longer bought for the future and stored, now they were bought as needed & wanted. Several trade-smiths had made the village their home in recent years. No longer was there a single smith, a single tanner, or single healer, now there were a half dozen of each, with all offering similar service for varying price. Tradesmen weren't the only new members or business', two inns and a tavern, complete with stage and music balcony had joined the town, however, there were things that hadn't exactly been conducive to the structured growth of the village. A certain sleeping house with a penchant for crimson lighting, came to mind, as did the small arena that had been added to the eastern edge, or the imperial bounty station which was the newest addition. The Festival had changed accordinly too, no longer was it 3 days of festive cheer and the feast from the fall harvest, now it was a structured speech about tradition, heritage, and the future, there were still great events & feasts, good cheer and laughter, music, but as the end of the third day approached many grew somber and silent. For after the third day those of age would depart from the village for an indeterminate length of time, but a required 6 months, after which they could return and join the village in herding and farming. Some spent longer periods away spending a year or two abroad and traveling, while others returned promptly after the minimum duration. In recent years, though the number of returning adults had declined, with only 37 returning for the last 3 festivals, a number roughly half that of those who'd left.

Jirequan let out a small snort, newest addition indeed, the building had been put up three decades ago! It wasn't new, he was just old, he rolled that thought around in his wrinkled head for a minute, true he was old, decrepit even, with only Quailena the aged elven priestess & Kurstav the silver bearded dwarven monk being the older. There were some elves who didn't truly live in the village, but merely visited, and there were a few other gnomes who by there actions caused many people to believe that all elderly gnomes were unsociable hermits. In true all of the changes he'd just thought about were old, the road still in as fine of condition had been built was close to 70 years ago, no nothing was truly new. The village had always belonged to, and was occupied in the empire, but the construction of the road was the first time in over 2 centuries that the empire had made itself truly known, a tax collector and retinue would come through once a year, but beyond that the village had been left to it's fields & flocks. The world was changing, growing, perhaps even evolving, but in the back of his gut he felt something ominous was coming.....either that or he'd truly had become aged, and the feeling was more intestinal than iniquitous.

As one of the five figures behind him shifted their weight Jirequan remembered what he was supposed to be doing.....readying the youths assigned to him for their departure, he turned his feet passing just over the smooth wood of the raised walkway that ran along every wall of his home.

His voice quiet, & soft, but delivered in absolute certainty and solidity, "I only know of you, I've seen you grow up, and watched you around the village, I may have paid one of you to tend my garden, but I have never spoken at length to any of you, and yet I am here on the day when you are recognized as adults, when you gain responsibilities and independence. Do you know why? Why it is me and not your parents, aunts or uncles, siblings or friends? Why is an old gnome whose name you you may have only learned today responsible for such a matter of such precedence?" His eyes flash from face to face, not impatiently, but critically, hopefully almost eagerly.

2017-10-11, 11:34 AM
Athalos walked up to the gnome as his grandfather instructed. His cold outward demeanor is cold and stern. But inside he is panicking Ahhh what do I do what do I do? Remebering back to what his grandfather said. “Boy state your name clearly and speak so he can hear ya. You don’t have to say much. Smiling does help either might get ya some points!”

Doing a small bow to the gnome and resting his hand on the sword strapped to his side for comfort. Athalos smiles; his cold grin made his crystal blue eyes look sharp like daggers piercing into flesh. “Athalos Arie....I’m..in..your care. Standing straight he backs a few feet away from the gnome. Worried he made a fool of himself he stared at the gnome waiting. His Glare still unsettling.

2017-10-11, 01:08 PM
The young man stood in his best pressed clothes, his auburn hair had been dressed with a laurel his mother had made from hawthorn and honeysuckle a small bird hopped on his shoulder occasionally pausing near his ear, almost as if speaking to him. His pack, which hung far too heavily on his shoulders sat on the ground near his feet. The crossbow his grandfather had kept propped against it. What use he would have for such things he was unsure, perhaps he would help their group with a pheasant, maybe even a hare or two yet he was more inclined to his fathers workshop, books, inks, copying -- and singing in the forest with Liath as they gathered herbs with his mother.

He looked at the others assembled. He had seen all of them throughout his life, yet he was more familiar with the many academics and arcanists who frequented their small cottage than the other youths. He had spent most of his time in the wood or at work. There was Ursal and Bram, he had seen them from time to time ranging the wood and wilds. Then there was Athalos, he lived with his grandfather -- he had been some famous soldier or some such, or at least those were the rumours. Then there was the Dwarf what was his name... Kurgak, Kurn, Kernbak...Karbek!! He thought they sold him a devotional once some stories about the exploits of Kord and his favoured champions.

In the days to come he would get to know them all. They would, after all, be companions on the road to adulthood -- at least for the next six-months. Then back to the comfort of extracting pigment, roast yams, his mother's corn cakes.

His mind snapped back to the moment at hand as the tall youth stepped out, spoke and returned to his place.

"Master Jirequan" he says with a bow, "Rezavy Shriver, son of Belgin and Silvia Shriver. I would wager you are officiating due to you being the most qualified of our number to oversee this occasion." his cheeks flush scarlet a bit, finding himself uncharacteristically at a loss for words, and then steps back into line, feeling more the dunce for the chittering laughter of Liath in his ear.

2017-10-11, 02:26 PM
Ursal stands near the center of the group, his green-grey skin in stark contrast to his fellows. His long black hair is kept back by a single band, higher on his head than local fashion would deem normal. He wears a rather ornate robe, clearly formal attire for the occasion, though it seems foreign. As he stand with the group, he pulls at it uncomfortably. It's design was based on the robe Fo had gifted him, which he had since out grown, but his mother had used far more affordable (and less comfortable) materials.

He had arrived late, being one of the furthest from the town proper and having performed an extended version of his morning prayers, asking the spirits for safe travels. As a result he hadn't had time to greet his soon to be companions and so performed his own mental summations of them. He recognized them all, of course, but from more recent years. His time with Fo meant giving up many of the grudges he'd held in his earlier years and he'd forgotten several faces who had tormented him as a child, so he couldn't be sure if his companions were among them. He knew the dwarf, Karbek, was a follower of Kord, though Ursal had little reason to interact with any of the established shrines or churches in the town. Athalos was a swordsman, his family had some important history, but Ursal had never bothered to learn the exact details.

Bram and Rezavy he was most familiar with, Bram because the two had often come across each other while in the woods, Ursal with his mother and Bram with his father. More than once Bram had stumbled on Ursal searching for lost flock in the woods as well. Rezavy was familiar as the two shared some level of scholarly interest, more than once they had both had questions for the spellcasters and scholars of the village and had run into each other as a result.

He nods in assent with Rezavy's statement. Ursal had only attended the festival once, with his parents and Fo, during the year he studied with him. He only knew a little about it as a result, but what the arcanist said made sense. Ursal Kreshdun, son of Oshak and Myshna. You're no doubt among the wisest in the village and have more experience than almost anyone with this festival. I believe each group is under the authority of such a person He nods again, satisfied with his own answer.

Archer the Cat
2017-10-11, 07:07 PM
"To show that we cannot rely on family forever, we are adults now and we must learn to act like it. We are taken from the comfort and safety of home in order to learn how to take care of ourselves and others. Is that roughly what you were going for?"

Bram Colton, orphan, hunter, sourpuss.
He could've been less blunt about it, pretended to act like he was excited, or that he wanted anything to do with this. He wanted to, but he couldn't shake the displeasure from his voice. He knew how to take care of himself, and he wasn't sure if this elderly Gnome would tell him anything he didn't know already.

He wasn't a mean person, but he didn't feel right with this situation. You couldn't formalize survival, it happened or it didn't, and he couldn't handle someone dying in front of him again.

He turns his eyes down, a combination of apology and self-deprication. "Gods above, I cannot say say a word without a bite behind it, can I?", he thought to himself.

2017-10-11, 08:13 PM
Karbek steps forward.

You are probably here because you chose to yes? If you didn't want to be here; you have legs, do you not?

Karbek had little personal connection with any of these men. If he did, he discounted it as a short time thing, because it usually takes 100 years to get to know somebody, or so his father said. He had not lived 100 years himself.

Red Knight
2017-10-11, 09:31 PM
Chuckling at the dwarf's comment Jirequan nodded his gaze falling upon Athalos, You are correct Mister Arie you are in my care, and as your companions stated I am a wise qualified individual, but it is your friend Mister Colton whose shot hit closest to the mark. I'm not your family & I am certainly to old to have you be my friends, furthermore I can honestly and without remorse tell you that I don't care if the five of you live or die once you leave this village, do I wish for your death? No, but if you were to die I would only lose about 5 minutes of sleep while I said a prayer for your soul.

So let me give you 3 gifts and the reasons behind them, then the lot of you can get out of my house and leave me in peace. He returned his small eyes to Karbeck, I do not chose to be here dwarf, I simply chose not to be elsewhere, as it is expected of me to do my duty to this village.

Now then my gifts to you are of a magical nature, but that's due to my occupation as a maester and magical artisan, each holds a 2 meanings, one I shall explain to you now, the second you may explain to me upon your return.....if such an event ever occurs.

The first is a magically preserved acorn, it will not rot, nor age nor crumble, should you die from some horrid beast, or some bandit thief, while your corpse rots and cloths fall to pieces, this seed shall take root, and ensures that something becomes from your life. The second is a shovel shrunk down to the size of a spoon, when you inevitably meet another being who desires you dead, but they fail to succeed, give them the honor and respect they would never shown you. Dip the shovel into their blood, and bury them 6 feet down, bury them and mark their grave for every being deserve the mercy of their own death. From then on carry that shovel with you, remember and feel it's weight, the weight of the life of another. The final gift is an eagle feather quill, let it guide you to new heights and may you pen your adventurers to share with others and guide you from mistake.

2017-10-11, 09:45 PM
Athalos looking over each item in turn wonders what the second meaning can be. Thinking to himself that before he departs for his journey. I should get some paper and ink to write with before I leave. Glancing down at the items once more he pockets the acorn inside his coat closet to his heart. The pen he adds to his backpack. While with the shovel he fashions it onto the hilt of his blade to remember the words. “The weight of another’s life.”

Athalos waits to see if the gnome or his new teammates have any other words before they prepare to leave.

2017-10-12, 01:39 AM
Ursal takes the gifts, thanking the gnome as he does. The acorn goes into a pouch on his belt with barely a glance, he'd have time to examine it later. The shovel he examines briefly, trying to determine if it is metaphorical or if it can be changed back into a proper shovel for digging. The quill he handles carefully, not wanting to damage the implement. He'd need to acquire the appropriate case to hold it during their journey.

2017-10-12, 01:41 AM
When it was mentioned that their gifts would be magical in nature, the budding magic-user, began to whisper under his breath and motioning quickly as he readied himself to lay eyes upon their gifts. He accepts the tokens from the gnome, and holds each in his hand staring intently at them as the others receive theirs as well.

Cast Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm)
Some Spell Craft Checks

2017-10-12, 07:59 AM
Karbeck takes the acorn... This will never be destroyed until my death? Very well then He takes a good look, and swallows it.

He takes a look at the quill. If I am to keep this, then best to keep it where men do not value and tucks it into his beard.

Finally, he takes a good look at the spoon. I should not hope to use this often, but if use it I must, then I should hope to have it when I do and clutches it into his hand.

Archer the Cat
2017-10-12, 07:33 PM
Bram looks over the gifts, he was wary to accept magic from a stranger; but the others appeared to suffer no ill consequences, especially the one who ate his acorn. He places the quill and acorn in his pouch, but lingers with the shovel in his hand. "Bury men to appease the gods, leave beasts to appease the natural order, but burn monsters to cleanse them from the land.", he mumbles to himself. Finally, he places the last trinket in his pouch.

Red Knight
2017-10-16, 10:16 AM
Err... uhm.... very well then, I hope you all appreciate the gifts, and my dwarven disciple, whilst I have no issues with you eating the acorn, I would be remiss if I didn't point out, that despite it's ease in passing into your body, the same probably cannot be said for its escape....but then again you won't be here.

Jirequan paused, attempting to regain the fluster the dwarf had arisen in him,

"Now then in addition to my gifts as a mentor I have a job for you that falls in line with your leaving the village. As you entered my house you no doubt saw the wagon and team of horses out front. My task to you is to safely escort, that wagon and particularly its contents to the military fort halfway between our village, and the city of Camor, upon arrival you are to present this letter to the captain or his steward. No one else.

Jirequan uses his gnarled hand to present a letter of parchment with a dull brown wax seal upon it.

In said letter, it details that the captain provide the couriers with a sum of 1000 gold pieces, and to send a falcon to our village as receipt. All contents & the wagon itself is to be delivered to fort, after which you are free from our business, and free to continue on your journey wherever you wish. Now then, may you each have a pleasant day.

With this Jirequan returned to the window ledge and pulled a lever in the side of the frame, with a groaning "screeech" the window opened and the gnome stepped through the frame and disappeared from sight as he walked on what must have been another ledge outside.

2017-10-16, 11:27 AM
Athalos moves to the wagon without a word a stern look on his face. this is happening so fast! Hopefully they don't mind traveling with me! Athalos puts he traveling back in a out of the way spot in the wagon. Deciding to free up the weight in case combat does arrive. Doing some minor stretching to loosen up his joints while he waits for the others to arrive.

2017-10-16, 01:54 PM
Ursal raised an eyebrow as the dwarf ate the acorn. That would be unpleasant. He blinked in surprise at Jirequan's swift exit. The gnome had seemed to hurry through proceedings more quickly than expected. Still it was time to go, he supposed. He'd said his goodbyes to his parents already and sent word to Fo he would be travelling and would correspond when he could. Now that is was time, however, the thought of leaving the village gave him more pause than he expected. It was true, his early life here had been marred with bitterness and anger, but still... it was his home. He pushed the thought away. He'd return some day, after he'd had his fill of the world.

He cleared his throat and looked to his gathered companions. I suppose we should get to it, then.

2017-10-16, 04:05 PM
Karbek looked at the gnome quizzically, wondering what he meant about the acorn, and something else.

Wait; so if we're going to this fort, what are the other youths doing?

Red Knight
2017-10-16, 04:53 PM
Stepping back across the window ledge with a crab apple in hand, Jirequan pulled at the lever letting out another "screeech" from the window frame as it closed,

I honestly don't know. Many, life myself are likely using your voyages to accomplish some little goals, or pay a debt or two. Personally you are escorting my work tax for this year, a series of wands, oils and potions, specifically, oils of magic weapon, I've been ready to send this wagon for a month, But i'm waiting till now to have you lot transport it.

The other advisers are either coddling their groups about, or wasting time with excessive pleasantries.

2017-10-17, 02:02 PM
Taking it all in stride, so much was happening so quickly, the auburn haired copyist whispered something to the bird on his shoulder and it flew out of the window before it closed.

"Well then..." he says, still looking at the charms in his hands intently, "...I guess we should set out then." he bows a moment to the old Gnome and then shoulders his heavy pack and hold the crossbow by its strap before continuing out after the swordsman. He likewise stows his pack, and almost puts the cross bow in the gear as well but then remembers that they are likely escorting the wagon because the road may not be entirely 'secure'. He shoulders the weapon and looks to find a place on board.

2017-10-17, 02:10 PM
Ursal moves outside with the other two, prepared to begin the journey. He stores his pack on the wagon and removes his ornate robe, revealing he wore more travel appropriate clothes underneath. He folds the robe carefully and stores it among his possessions, then takes his weapons and places his scimitar and kukri on his his belt, with his longbow in hand. He takes a moment to assess the horses and ensure they're comfortable around their new companions.

Handle Animal: [roll0]

Red Knight
2017-10-17, 06:01 PM
The horses seemed to know what to do well enough, a simple flick of the reins and they begin pulling the wagon, fortunately the well oiled and crafted wood only lets out a few creaks and groans as the load shifts, and fortunately nothing screeches. The gnome's house & yard already at the edge of the village is only a turn and a dozen yards from the village fence, (it really couldn't be called a wall) It was a series of boards and planks secured against a series of running boards that were nailed to posts every 20' or so. As the wagon approaches the gate a figure (Mitch Weishart) the imperial officer and Marshal for the village steps out and raises a gloved hand,

"Halt, what's your cargo & destination."

His eyes generally relaxed and charming, are filled with a dull authoritative complacency.

2017-10-17, 06:05 PM
Karbek leaves the gnome without another word, deciding that this would be a matter that could go no further.

2017-10-17, 06:08 PM
Athalos gazed at the Marshal Oh no were alreadyrunning into trouble! Wait he just asking where we are going...I can do this I can do this!

Camor we are giving them some supplies. From Jirequan. You know like the dozens of others that will set off today. Athalos said with as much confidence he could muster. It sounded forced coming from his mouth. Most he ever said to anyone besides his grandfather though.

Archer the Cat
2017-10-17, 08:16 PM
Bram remains silent as he waits for their guide to handle the situation.

2017-10-17, 08:30 PM
Ursal steps forward, holding hand up, both to stop Athalos and greet the guard Just bringing Jirequan's tax to the fort, Mitch. Some wands, potions, and oils.

2017-10-17, 08:40 PM
Athalos greatful to not have to talk anymore does an inwardly sigh of relief. Maybe he can be a friend of mine he seems nice. But I don’t know anyone I’m grouped with. I wish my grandfather let me out more. At least it’s my chance now. But how do I start? Worried Athalos walks back to the cart.

2017-10-18, 03:26 AM
Rezavy smiles broadly as they come to a stop, setting the crossbow down on his former seat he climbs down from the wagon, "Miester Weishart, good day to you. I hope all is well with you good sir. As mentioned we are simply making our way to Camor and dropping off the Empire's due along the way. Would you have any words of advice or news for us? As you are a man of both experience and savy or you would not have been entrusted with such a responsibility as has been granted you by our Imperial sovereigns."


Red Knight
2017-10-18, 08:42 AM
Nodding his head at their responses, Mitch Weishart, gave them a small friendly smile, Good job there. Answered the question quick and quite like, and gave me some not undue flattery, that's good. Most soldiers or marshals you meet should respond well to that, as for words of advice, hmm.... I'll tell you this once then deny I ever said it, he leaned over and whispered.

"Keeping a few skins of water or watered wine handy when you're out on the road or approaching a gate is a smart bet, usually the sod on duty has been there for hours is probably thirsty, offering up a cool drink is a friendly offer that can't be construed as a bribe, and if it's watered wine, no one can accuse you of trying to get them drunk on duty." He nodded smiling, then pointed to the small hut he had at the gate, "For me its not a problem since I live at the gate, I can stroll over and get a drink or morsel of food whenever, but for guards or soldiers at checkpoints and outside castle or city walls they can't, they'll generally know you're doing it to curry favor, but they'll be so thirsty they'll appreciate it anyway."

He leans back, "now for any other advice..... hmm...." his eyes glance between each of you, "Watch out for overly friendly strangers, especially in taverns and especially if they're women. If a bandit accosts you on the road start an argument with each other about how you shouldn't have passed that patrol an hour ago, other than that no, good luck on your journeys."

With that he waved them through the gates. As the wagon pulls away from the village, the group scattered throughout it and the various boxes and crates in contained, the midday sun shines down, warming their departure into the mid-autumn day.

If you want to make any last remarks or quotes, or say a toast or something, or take/declare any actions to occur during the day, go ahead. The next scene is going to jump to late evening/dusk/sunset.

2017-10-19, 09:49 AM
Athalos says close to the front of the cart as they set off too Camor.

Red Knight
2017-10-19, 11:40 AM
After a generally uneventful day of steering the wagon, the group chose to halt at a small road side clearing, where they were able to release the pull horses, and hobble them for grazing, a campfire was lit, and one of the fresh meals of lamb, peppers and rice were eaten for dinner. There were fresh eggs, some pork sausage and a basket of berries in the wagon as well, intended for their use, they had been send off/farewell gifts from some of the herdsmen and ranchers as they'd left town. The remaining fresh food was for tomorrow morning, after that they'd have to rely on either travels rations, scavenge for food or buy it from an inn they may pass.

As the fire begins to fade, a fresh stack of split logs next to it, the group prepares for bed......

2017-10-19, 01:16 PM
Athalos walks to the cart prepared to sleep there. I don’t want to impose on their campfire. I’ll sleep here and eat my rations I packed. Don’t want to look greedy at all. Athalos went in the back on the wagon opened his pack and ate lightly on the rations and drank a little water. Not wanting to cramp up. He drapes his blanket over himself and tries to sleep.

Having troubles sleeping he closes his eyes and listens trying to ease himself asleep from the wildlife.

Listen [roll0]

Also he isn’t trying to hide but idk if the blanket gives him a disguise so I’ll roll just in case :)

In case it’s just a hide check boop!

2017-10-19, 02:14 PM
Karbek decided that he wouldn't be as foolish and stay near the fire

I'll take the first shift for 2 hours, athalos you're next, whether or not you like it.

Karbek will stay up for however long 2 hours is and then wake up Athalos... If he can find him...
[roll0] for spot

2017-10-19, 09:56 PM
When the group stop to make their camp, as soon as the wagon has pulled off to its place of rest a small form descends fro the sky in a lazy spiritual. Coming to rest on Rezavy's shoulders. The bird trills and warbles a few times and he smiles, then he comes down from the wagon and makes his way inside. Never one for sleeping out in the open he removes his bed roll and blanket and having eaten some of the provisions provided he lays down, the crossbow leaning against his pack next to his head he and Liath begin to sing together a nice soothing lullaby before drifting off to sleep.


2017-10-20, 04:27 PM
Ursal attempts to make conversation with his companions, though he notes they don't seem to be in a talking disposition. He decides to rest near the fire, but takes the time to look for Athalos, noticing he disappeared from the group. Anyone see where Athalos went?


Archer the Cat
2017-10-20, 04:40 PM
Bram sits by the fire eating, he was thinking about taking first watch, he usually didn't sleep much, but the loud one volunteered both himself and another for shifts.

That will end well. He thought to himself. He refocuses when asked the whereabouts of one of the others, he takes a look around and...

Spot [roll0]

Red Knight
2017-10-23, 08:28 AM
As evening gives way to night, the moon rises and stars emerge, the palest of natural light clashing horribly with the bright orange of the fire, the warm light clearly illuminates several paces (20'), and casts gloomy shadows for an equal distance before giving way to darkness in it's entirety. Sitting on a stump at the edge of the shadowy illumination Karbeck has a clear view all around the camp.

Rezavy and Ursal were both sleeping, about 4 paces (15') from the fire, their light breathing steady & constant, Bram similarly lay near the edge of the fires bright light, though occasionally the light seemed to glare off his open eyes, as if he was trying and failing to sleep. Athalos whom had previously disappeared was somewhere in or under the wagon behind him, the lad may be skilled (even accidentally) at hiding, but his light snore was enough to locate him in the silent of the forest night.

After a few hours Karbeck noticed an odd shape on the ground it was coming from the far side of the fire, a winding wave moved back and forth slowly approaching the fire, it's movement was that of curiosity and caution, rather than subterfuge and stealth. Upon it's next movement Karbeck comes to realize it is some kind of serpent, long and copper brown in color with dark patches along it's body.

It is 15' from the fire, 20' from Bram, 30' from Rezavy and Ursal, and 45' from Karbeck & the wagon, though it's current path has it heading towards the fire.

Optional Checks: Knowledge Nature, Handle Animal, Wild empathy (if applicable)

2017-10-23, 08:55 AM
Karbek turns around to see the figure, carefully studying its movement.
Nature: [roll0]
What do I know about this snake and rattlesnakes (if they exist)

Red Knight
2017-10-23, 04:05 PM
The creature is a forest viper, a common creature for the woods you are traveling through, uncommon to be out at night, they are typically daytime creatures. This particular viper judging by it's size (medium) is a fully matured adult, it is a venomous creature whose bite causes necrosis. Though usually not aggressive, the larger variety of viper the less likely to it is to flee before lashing out.

As Karbeck watches the creature slither's forward, coming within 10' of the fire and coiling slightly, and tasting the air with it's tongue. After a few seconds it begins slithering in the general direction of Ursal's prone form.

(At end of the movement it will be 5' from the fire, and 10' from Ursal, though heading in that direction)
It is a medium catergory (2 HD) viper it has a Con damaging (1d6) poison, which occurs on a successful bite attack, it requires 1 immediate save and another 1 minute later.) It has an AC of 16, touch of 13 (though currently it only sees Bram & Ursal), it does not appear overly aggressive, but it is restless.

2017-10-23, 06:15 PM
Karbek shouts-


-and runs towards his comrades, and strikes the snake.

It's spelled Karbek not Karbeck ;)
I'm making a charge attack, and everybody can make a listen check with a -5 -10 penalty iirc
Hit! Damage: [roll]2d4+6
(AC 11 till next turn)

2017-10-23, 06:17 PM
I need 10 characters in this post, but we only have 5 :smallfrown:

Red Knight
2017-10-24, 02:01 PM
"Shssss" the viper lets out a long angry hiss as it rears it's body back into a coil, a 6 in bloody gash along it's body, it's mouth opens revealing 2 gleaming fangs. The body & heady move slowly side to side slowly drifting forward....

Initiative Roll:

As the snake's head glides forward, it suddenly darts it's head forward, fangs singularly focused on the dwarf in front of it.
Attack: [rolll]1d20+4
Poison [roll2] DC: 11.

Archer the Cat
2017-10-24, 05:13 PM
Bram, not fully asleep, is jolted by the Dwarf making a mad dash towards a serpent. Sitting up he sees Karbek rush in and attack the creature, scrambling out of his bed roll, he reaches for his mace to bash in the creature before it bites someone.

Knowledge (nature) [roll0]
Initiative [roll1]

2017-10-24, 05:53 PM
Your hit didn't roll (can't make new rolls after previewing the post or after submission) so I'll hold off on my fortitude save until then...
Initiative: [roll0]

Guess who took damage? I took 9 damage (4 from bite, 5 from poison?)

Archer the Cat
2017-10-25, 08:02 PM
Seeing the danger, Bram gets out of his bedroll, grabs his heavy mace and shouts to the others "Snake! Snake in the camp!". Hopefully, he'll get the others awake in case this snake makes a hasty retreat into another bedroll.

2017-10-25, 09:24 PM
Karbek thinks to himself "Shut up bram, everybody else needs to sleep" but keeps his mouth shut

[roll0] Miss!
AC goes back to 13
Damage [roll]2d4+--- Who cares, +6 is autokill anyways...

Red Knight
2017-10-26, 08:37 AM
Karbek's second swing fails to inflict last damage, the snake's slender form & quick moving body cause the axe blade to slide of it's scaled hide. As the axe passes away from it's head, it lunges forward, it's triangular head latching onto the dwarf's left leg and sinking it's inch long fangs through the breeches and into the meat of the leg.

Karbek can feel 2 pricks of pain, a numbing sensation, then a growing itch that strengthens to a burn.

In the wagon Rezavy jerks awake, and next to him under the blanket Athalos awakens with Bram's shout.

Overall, your attack touched it but failed vs natural armor, it bit and injected poison, which you failed vs, taking 4 con damage, Athalos and Rezavy are now awake.

You lot have higher init. so I'll leave the scene to you.

2017-10-26, 10:18 AM
Athalos wakens. Hearing the scream he rushes to the snake. Taking a stance with his sword pointed towards the ground and his body sideways making himself a smaller target he locks his eyes to the snake daring him to fight him.

Lol no whammies

Archer the Cat
2017-10-27, 01:37 PM
On his turn, Bram will move to the snake and strike it with his mace, hopefully killing it before it can strike anyone else.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-10-27, 01:49 PM
Ursal grumbles something about not wanting to worry about the flock today and rolls over in his sleep.

2017-10-27, 10:20 PM
Rezavy looks around, Athalos is no longer there only his discarded blanket. He strains to hear what is going on and what woke him there seems to be something going on outside. he slides out of the wagon and whistles for Laithe to follow, the small bird flits out of the wagon taking a perch on the top while Rezavy groggily walks up to the rest.

"What's all this then?" he asks seeing people standing around with weapons in hand.

2017-10-28, 11:00 AM
Karbek turns around, wide-eyed.

"It's nothing, really, but it's your turn for watch, I guess."

2017-10-28, 08:24 PM
Athalos smoothly sheaths his sword and goes to the wagon. Going into his bag his grabs a vial. (His health potion) He walks to the injured and sets in on the ground in front of them. Whoever needs it most should drink it. He says firmly. Even the brief flash of combat increases his courage. I’ll take watch either by myself or with someone if you like. It seems having two might be better then one. Athalos motions to the snake. Pausing to think. When you drink the potion maybe try to extract it’s venom. It could be useful.

Spot just in case
Rounds to still be able to talk like a decent person...[rol]1d20
Also the potion I should 1d8+3 hopefully it helps? :)

2017-10-30, 08:52 AM
I require no such thing. I heal through myself, and myself alone. Karbek then resolutely goes to sleep.

Red Knight
2017-10-30, 01:46 PM
Bram's blow to the snake's knocks the body senseless, it's head now partially collapsed from the mace's blow, the tail occasionally twitching, after a few moments all movement from the reptile ceases.

As the second watch begins, and Karbek slightly woozy tries to quickly fall asleep. As he does the burning sensation in his leg subsides and is replaced with a solid numbing ache.

Athalos' watch will consist of 1 listen and 1 spot check, DC is 11 and 13 respectively, but if the listen is passed gain a +2 for the spot.
If anyone else is staying up please indicate so, otherwise I'll assume you went back to sleep. (If you did go back to sleep no action/post is needed at the moment.)

Karbek please roll the secondary saving throw for poison. DC is 11, if failed, take the damage below.
[roll0] Con

Red Knight
2017-11-01, 09:24 AM
Athalos' watch pasted with relative ease, though there were often sounds of branches swaying and rustling in the wind, the occasional pine cone dropping from a tree. It was towards day break, the first rays of the sun creeping over the far mountains, the light was certainly permeating now, if not well lit, it was just enough that, when Athalos heard quick rustling and a faint pounding from behind him, he had just enough time to turn as the grey wolf leapt at him.

Description: desipte the wording, you aren't being sneak attacked, the wolf is in the midst of a charge, and is 10' away. It's time for initiatives, Athalos is the only applicable candidate at the moment. Whoever rolls higher goes first, Sir Lupine: [roll0]

If I win attack with Bite: [roll1], Bite Damage: [roll2], trip attempt [roll3]

2017-11-01, 03:21 PM
Seeing the wolf as it was about to leap on him Athalos turn and side stepped the wolf using his scabbard to hit him away from camp. On one foot he spun drawing his sword. Channeling his inner energy igniting his blade and stuck downwards at where he forced the wolf.

His burning blade hitting deep he disengage and readied his blade towards the wolf once more. Standing between the wolf and his camp daring the wolf to try attacking him again Athalos eyes looked coldly at the beast.

In ooc I did rolls basically countered charged forced him one square away from me in the direction away from camp. Activated burning blade and strikingly dealing 10 dmg at the wolf and standing between the wolf and camp. While everyone sleeps peacefully:)

Athalos did say anything though.

Red Knight
2017-11-01, 04:40 PM
Letting out a yelp that was an equal mixture of surprise, pain and fear the wolf scrambled onto it's feet, heedless of Athalos standing above it, and darted towards the the woods from where it had emerged, it's tail tucked & limping slightly from the wound on it's shoulder.

I can't remember if counter charge knocks prone or not, (I thought it did, but maybe I'm thinking of an advanced version, anyway I'm not with my Tome of Battle Book at the moment so I can't check. So....Option (1): If wolfie is prone, move action stand up, then move action towards the trees, or Option (2) If wolfie isn't prone withdraw action towards the trees. Option 1 take up to 2 attacks of oppurtunity, (if you have combat reflexes), (1 for standing, 1 for leaving a threatened square, Option 2 watch wolfie leave.

Once the threat was gone the remaining early morning hours passed quickly and without incident, morning came in it's gradually grace, with the fall sun warming the ground.

The group can awaken, eat, relieve themselves, and prepare for the day within an hour or two, list anything special or significant. Otherwise we'll time jump to noonish.

2017-11-01, 07:48 PM
The one I’m using I can move a creature 2 squares away if I beat it in the charge. I’ll let the poor pup going he didn’t know athalos can get really lucky some times :smallbiggrin:

Athalos seeing the wolf run off keeps hid sword drawn until morning in case anymore threats show up. As the first few people start to wake up he stops his watch and proceeded to clean the blood off his sword and sheath it. He then goes and makes him a simple breakfast half of his rations and some water.

He loosened up his body once more for the road and waited until the rest were ready to leave.

Athalos is a little bit badass xD doesn’t even faze him lol

2017-11-02, 01:37 AM
Ursal awakens well rested, completely unaware of the night's excitment and prepares for his morning meditations and prayers. However, upon seeing Athalos preparing to make a breakfast of rations, he calls out to him "Friend, we still have fresh supplies from the village. No need to use your rations now. I'll help prepare a meal once I've completed preparing myself for the day." He then asks the spirits for protection and to ask the spirits beyond the borders of his home to consider himself and his companions favorably in their travels. He reads from his ofuda (silently). He then does his best to appear presentable should they encounter other travelers and assists in preparing breakfast from the last of their fresh supplies.

2017-11-02, 02:21 AM
Athalos stared at Ursula shocked of his offer of friend ship. Smiling a bright smile he never shown to anyone he hastily nods his agreement to stunned for words.

Red Knight
2017-11-02, 01:01 PM
The morning passed with relative ease, the horses complied well enough getting back into harness & tack, and they'd been on the road for several hours. Despite frequent & fresh tracks they didn't pass nor were they passed by other on the road, occasionally small paths slightly larger than a game trail or foot path would twist out from or into the road.

About an hour from noon, the wagon came around a wide bend, and about a dozen yards ahead was a large wooden bridge, about 15' wide and spanning the 40-50' wide river that was running swiftly beneath it, a small shack maybe 10' wide & tall was attached to one corner of the bridge. As the wagon came fully into view of the bridge, 3 armored men stepped out of it, all three are wearing ill fitting & unkempt imperial guard uniforms. 2 of them casually grabbed at a pair of spears that had been leaning against the wall, they each hurried to a corner of the bridge holding their spears aloft and slightly angled, as if to give the impression of men outside the gates of a city. The third strode causally with his right hand relaxed on the hilt of his long-sword.

The third man raises his other hand as the wagon approaches and in a not unfriendly tone calls out "Hold there, it's a silver per head to cross the bridge and a gold for a wagon that size, I also need your names & list of cargo." As the wagon comes to a halt, each member notices a faint, but distinctive odor, however the wind shifts towards the river, and the scent vanishes.

Offered Spot Checks (Things you should roll for if you want)
Knowledge Nature: Identify the smell.
Knowledge Local: Price check

Available Checks: (Things I have a planned response for)
Sense Motive
Knowledge Architecture & Engineering
Knowledge Nobility & Royalty
Knowledge Geography

Other Checks: (Things I haven't considered, so please list a goal or intended outcome when requesting.)
Anything not listed above

2017-11-02, 03:24 PM
Karbek tilts his head in response to the guards sudden appearance as if something was amiss, the smell, especially.
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0] (What's that smell?)
Nobility & Royalty: [roll1] (Which nation/master do the men have?)
Engineering: [roll2] (How old is the bridge/hut?)
Spot: [roll3] (Something seems off that the men would be so unkempt)

2017-11-03, 01:35 AM
Rezavy steps down from the cart, leaving his crossbow on the riding board. With a friendly smile he addresses the men.

"Good day to you gentlemen. We thank you for your important and appreciated service to the citizens of the Empire." taking his water skin out, he holds it up over his mouth and pours some water in, so the men can see the water enter his mouth, he then swallows and wipes his lips as he holds the skin out to the officer with the sword, "Please have some refreshment while my friends retrieve our documents. I am Rezavy, by the way. How has the road been today, busy?" he says making a bit of small talking while he examines the situation and the men. Smiling all the while. "What's the latest news from the capital how are things in the Empire any exciting news?"

[roll0] want to start off on the right foot.
[roll1] How has the day been anything of interest or note ahead of us or any breaking news?
[roll2] What is that smell? Fish? Are the birds and sounds of ambient wildlife normal or do they seem too quiet or too noisy. Things "natural" here.
[roll3] are those prices and these procedures correct, is this station known, are these people local do they have an accent and style of speech indicating they are from anywhere in particular here or other areas
[roll4] where are we is this river known and is the toll station/bridge known.
[roll5] what unit, city, kingdom, branch of military are these men/guard from
[roll6] how does the bridge and toll station look, sturdy, well maintained, any thing out the ordinary or strange
[roll7] Anything that seems important or stands out about this toll station, river, guard/soldiers or procedures
[roll8] Do these men seem on the level and completely honest
[roll9] Anything usual or hidden, blood, people hiding, peculiarities in their dress or demeanour, signs of struggle or movement off the road

2017-11-03, 01:43 AM
Ursal simply keeps his place by the cart, keeping a pleasant expression on his face. He is somewhat wary of how the guards may react to an orc travelling so openly, but decides if he stays back and looks reasonable, they'll have no issues with him. He takes note of their appearance and smell, however, and begins to examine his surroundings.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Know. Nature [roll2]

2017-11-03, 01:34 PM
[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen
[roll2] sense motive
[roll3] know local
[roll4] know history
[roll5] passive intimate like he looks like he can defend himself but not trying to actually do anything.

Athalos is scary xD 19 on dice for intimate xD

Athalos stands by the side of the cart knowing he has trouble talking he thinks it’s best to let someone else decide what they should do.

Archer the Cat
2017-11-05, 01:51 PM
Bram keeps his hand tight on his coin purse, before he steps forward, he notices a scent in the air; a few other things caught his attention as well...

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]
Knowledge Local: [roll1] (untrained, max 10)
Sense Motive: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]
Knowledge Architecture & Engineering: [roll5] (untrained, max 10)
Knowledge Nobility & Royalty: [roll6]
Knowledge Geography: [roll7] (untrained, max 10)