View Full Version : Optimization Making a "Vistani" type character

2017-10-11, 03:03 PM
Hello there!

I am looking to make a character for a game.

We're starting at level 4.

Ideally, I want to play a Vistani type character. I want to be a boisterous, charismatic guy.

Ideal roles would be party face and support mainly but also able to do some damage in combat.

We currently have elf monk, tabaxi cleric, and goliath battlemaster.

I was thinking some sort of bard multiclass, perhaps warlock or sorcerer.

I would be taking some way to get hex as a cantrip so that I could spit and curse people.

Any suggestions?

2017-10-11, 03:22 PM
Well, you can get Hex by multiclassing or by taking something like Magic Initiate (Warlock), and taking it as your first level spell choice. But you can't get it as a cantrip, just FYI.

But for this type of character, I would definitely say that a Lore Bard/Warlock multiclass would be a good way to do it. Probably aiming for Warlock 2/Bard X split. If Unearthed Arcana is allowed, going College of Blades would work for a more dancer type Vistani, who dances through combats striking when they can. If not, a Lore Bard that focuses on charms and illusions is likely what you want, using Eldritch Blast as your go-to damage every round.

2017-10-11, 03:43 PM
But you can't get it as a cantrip, just FYI.

Yes, apologies, I did not mean as a cantrip. I meant as a spell.

And I was also thinking Lore Bard/Warlock Multiclass. Or Lore Bard/Mastermind Rogue with magic initiate for Hex.

2017-10-11, 03:51 PM
Maybe a dexterity vengeance paladin for vow of enmity and hunter's mark.