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2017-10-11, 05:00 PM
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel
within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration
should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and
west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of
this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful
behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry
remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this
24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov
and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of
the Dragonscale Throne.

You have been blessed with a charter to explore the territory of the Stolen Land by the Swordlords of Restov. While hearty companies of men and women have been selected to explore other regions, you, for whatever reason are alone. For what purpose you have accepted this task is your own, but you plan to see it through. You have traveled to the southernmost point of the Rostlands and continued further, into the wilds of the Stolen Lands. Now before you stands a reclaimed fort, a trading post owned by a man named Oleg. It is the last beacon of civilization in the wilderness, and where you quest begins.

As you enter the old fort's gates, a human woman appears from what looks to be the main building and comes to you, smiling warmly. From somewhere in the trading post, hammering can be heard.

"Oh, thank the gods your here!" She says, looking thrilled by your arrival. "My name is Svetlana, my husband and I run this trading post. Now that you're here to run those bandits off, we can get back to business again!"

At this time, you realize the hammering had stopped. A stocky and weathered man, no doubt Oleg, climbs down a ladder from the roof a building, tools hanging off his belt. He approaches to stand next to his wife, looking over you sternly. "Aren't there supposed to be more of you? Where's the rest of your group?"

2017-10-12, 02:55 AM
"A pleasure to meet you Svetlana, Oleg." Vindariel nodded towards the owners of the furthermost trading post at the edge of the Stolen Lands.
It has been a hard days ride and it has been a long since you spend so much time in the saddle in one swoop.
"There are fewer people that dare to venture into the wilds than the lords have hoped. For the moment I am all that you can expect.
But don't worry, I am quite able to handle myself on my own."
The weary looking, tall, blond man produced a small, waterproofed leather case from one of his pockets, opened it, unfurled a small official document and showed it to the two traders.
"By the Swordlords decree, I am legally charged to restore order to what are colloquially called the Stolen Lands.
And this place seems to be a good starting point to begin - are there any immediate problems I should be aware off?"

The two traders noted that the strange man seemed to be clad only in simple travel clothes with no armor to speak of, yet he carried a very large sword across his back, beneath a moderately filled backpack. No canteen or water skin hung upon his person and all in all he seemed to be very ill equipped to come into such a dangerous part of the world. Curiously a small glowing crystal perched from the front pocket of his tunic, pulsating with barely visible light in rhythm with his speech.

2017-10-12, 10:41 AM
"Ah, of course!" Oleg shouts, angrily throwing his arms into the air. "Listen, I know this isn't your fault, but I was promised a group of adventurers to help with the bandits that have been demanding all my hard earned coin before a complement of guards arrived to deal with them for good."

Svetlana speaks in a somber, but gentler tone. "Oh, dear, as far as immediate threats go it's the bandits you really have to worry about. A small group of them will be here tomorrow for their payment."

2017-10-12, 12:47 PM
Vindariel nodded:
"I see. Good, that way I don't have to drudge around looking for them.
How many bandits are we talking about. What weapons do they carry and are they mounted?

In any case, I bid you to stable my horse and point me to a quiet place where I can rest for a few hours."
Vindariel entrusted the rains of his steed to Svetlana and stretched, turning his head from left to right and back again until something audibly clicked.
"Once they arrive, close your doors and don't come out unless I tell you to. But just in case you should have filled buckets of water and sand ready, in case one of the bandits thinks it's a bright idea to start a fire."

How good are the fortifications of the place? I vaguely remember that they were pretty bad and had to be upgraded.

As an Elan, Vindariel has to trance for 4 hours like an elf to get a full nights rest and to replenish his psi points. While on the road he used Repletion to be able to live with out food or water for 24 hours.

2017-10-12, 02:32 PM
"They usually come in on horseback just after sunrise. There was over a dozen of them the first time they came, but they brought less and less men each time. Last month, only five men came. Oleg says, stroking his beard as he recalls the past events. "If you think you can take them, be my guest. I have to look after the misses, however."

"Be careful, dear." Svetlana says, worried. "I'll take care of your horse and prepare a bed and dinner for you. It'll all be on the house tonight, to thank you for your help." Oleg grunts, displeased at his wife's offer, but doesn't retract it.


The trading post is defended with wooden walls, 10' high and a single wooden gate. A tower in each corner of the post rise 20' high, and atop them are catapultes. Those, however,
are not in working condition.

2017-10-12, 03:15 PM
Vindariel nodded: "I see. That could be tricky, but what has to be done has to be done."

Gratefully, he accepted both the dinner and the bed, although he didn't lie down but meditated until sunrise was near.
He got up and opened one half of the double doors and took position behind it, ready to slam it shut once the bandits had ridden into the yard.
Two pieces of wood act as wedges: One to keep the left door half shut and the other to block the other once it's closed.

At least that's the theory.

Listening closely for approaching hove sounds, he waited

Perception Vindariel:
Perception Psi Crystal (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psicrystals/):

2017-10-12, 04:07 PM
Just as you were told, a few minutes after sunrise a group of three men rode into the trading post. Two of the men immediately dismounted and kicked down a door to a small storage building. They both turned away, finding it empty. The third man, a rugged looking thug with a hood and the apparent leader of the group, shouts for Oleg.

"Old man! Its tax time! Get your sorry ass out here, now!"

None of the group notice your actions until the gate slams shut. "Well, what have we got here?" The mounted man says, turning his steed so he can face you. This gets the other thug's attention, though there still on the other side of the yard.

The green is you. Enemy 1 is the leader, and the black are horses.

2017-10-12, 04:29 PM
"I am the duly appointed representative of the dragon throne. And you are commiting the crime of banditry. The sentence for banditry is death by sword or rope. And you just earned yourself the sword..."

Vindariel stood, his great sword held in both hands and his body now clad in a black, chitin like substance that glistened wet in the early morning light.
His eye's briefly glowed and a translucent field of blue energy appeared to his side, shielding him with an ominous humming sound.


Manifest Force Screen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/f/force-screen/)

AC goes up to 10 + 3 Dex + 6 Armor (Astral Suit) + 4 Force Screen=23 (-2 if charging)
6 Psi Points remaining

If I have the surprise round and win Ini, I'll attack the nearest bandit, charging if necessary

[roll1]+5 Attack (+2 if charging)
Damage: [roll2] + 6 (Str 18, two handed) + 3 (Aegis feature: Improved Damage (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/astral-suits/#TOC-Improved-Damage))

2017-10-12, 05:03 PM
You rush the nearest bandit, cutting deep into his flesh before he can draw his own weapon. His horse screams and bucks, throwing his now dead rider to the dirt before dashing away (though it can only go so far). The remaining two suddenly don't feel so tough. They both run across the common area, towards a ladder leading up onto the walls. One is just beginning to ascend as you prepare yourself to act again.

So, yeah, you killed that guy in one hit. All of them would have had to roll double 20's to hurt you. And here I was worried you might be overwhelmed alone.

2017-10-13, 02:55 AM
Unhonorably as it is to hit a man in the back, these man have no honor - not even the honor to face him in combat.
Charging across the yard, Vindariel slashed against the man lowest on the ladder.

[roll0]+4 (-1 from Power Attack)
[roll1]+12 damage

Yeah, that's the beauty of a front loaded gish. Although to be fair with the right tactics they could still be quite a threat to me (tripping, flanking, fainting etc.)
Better kill them fast

AC is at 21 due to charging.

But his momentum was to much and he missed, uncomfortably aware that he had opened himself up for a counter attack.

2017-10-13, 11:42 AM
The man on the ladder yelps and duck as you sword breaks through the rung his head was at a moment before.

On the ground, the other bandit scoops up and handful of the loose soil and flings it in your face. With you momentarily distracted, the one climbing the ladder makes it to the top of the wall.

The Bandit on the ground is going to use a dirty trick, which provokes an attack of opportunity from you.

[roll0]-Damage taken from AoO
If this beats your CMD, you are blinded for 1 round.

2017-10-13, 12:42 PM
damage [roll1]+12

2017-10-13, 12:47 PM
CMD is 10+4+3=17, attack misses

Attack in my round:
damage [roll1]+9

Vindariel had to duck to avoid getting dirt thrown into his eyes and the defensive slash went wide - again.
He didn't want to let the second man escape. Again he brought his mighty sword into position and tried to take off the man's outstretched arm at the shoulder.

2017-10-13, 01:04 PM
The man screams as hit arm is lopped off. He collapses to the ground, not quite dead, but quickly bleeding out. Above you, the bandit on the wall is no longer in your lines of sight. You can guess he is planning on jumping over the wall to safety.

In addition to your attack last round, you still have a movement action. You could have begun climbing the ladder and finished on your next turn, if you want to retroactively do that then you can be my guest.

Stabilization Check: [roll0]
Acrobatic check for reduced fall damage (DC:15): [roll1]
Fall damage on failure: [roll2]

2017-10-13, 01:39 PM
Vindariel had no time to waste on the fallen foe. But climbing the ladder wasn't the smartest thing he could do. It would be to easy to kick away the ladder or strike at him while he couldn't defend himself effectively.

Instead he moved towards the closed doors until he could see the bandit again. An act of will made a part of his armor form a crystaline spike, ready to launch at the fleeing man.

Taking my remaining movement action to move towards the closed door. If the bandit is still there I'll use the Customization Ranged Attack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/astral-suits/)

(The aegis gains the ability to propel a non-psionic crystal, formed from the astral suit, at a target as a ranged attack that deals 1d8 points of piercing damage and has a range increment of 30 ft.)

If the bandit is already gone, I'll instead use a swift action to change the suit into Astral Skin, which increases my speed from 20 to 40 ft., but loses me the armor bonus, reducing me to AC 17

If I can I remove the wedge and open the door, so I can chase the bandit.

2017-10-13, 02:45 PM
The bandit disappeared over the edge just before you can get the shot off. You hear him land heavily and swear on the other side.

At the gate, you manage to get the door open just in time to see the man run past.

You are standing in the open gateway. The man is 20' ahead of you, running to the west. It's your turn to act.

2017-10-13, 03:28 PM
Vindariel realizes that his only chance to catch up with this man is right now:
Ignoring the fact that he is now without his armor, he charges after the man and with a mighty blow, tries to bring him down right now.

[roll0]+6 (5 +2 Charge -1 Power Attack)
[roll1]+7 (Str 4 + PA 3)

2017-10-13, 03:44 PM
Your sword lodges deep into the fleeing bandit, who drops from the blow. The fight is over, you are victorious. The man whose arm you cut off perished to his wounds, but the man before you now will survive so long as he receives even mundane healing. That is assuming you don't just finish him off.

Yeah, you got that first level barbarian thing going on, where you drop everything in one hit for the first level or two. Hopefully you'll be more challenged later on.
Bandit 1:

Bandit 2:

2017-10-13, 04:12 PM
First Aid check for the bandit [roll0]

Now that the man before him had gone down, Vindariel noticed that he wasn't dead yet. Quickly he opened his backpack, pulling out a length of silk rope. Quickly he tried to bind the man and quench the bleeding.
That done he picked him up and carried the bandit back to the outpost:
"Svetlana, Oleg, you can come out now. I need your help to stitch up one of the bandits. I want to interrogate him before he meets his maker. Quick now, I fear my skills as a healer are fairly insufficient for the task at hand."

2017-10-13, 04:18 PM
The bandit's wounds staunch, but the man remains unconscious. With a few days of bed rest and being looked after by a healer, he will likely be able to fully recover. Oleg and Svetlana, coming out of their house after the sounds of fighting had disappeared, help you carry the man to a bed in the guest house.

"Don't worry, dear, I'll make sure you can get a few words with him. I'll fetch you when he wakes up." Svetlana say. Oleg rolls his eyes and disarms the man.

2017-10-13, 04:36 PM
"Thanks. Were those came from, there are likely more. The more we learn, the easier it will be to prevent any further attacks."

Vindariel began to swiftly disrobe the corpses, piling their belongings to be sorted later. The three horses he led into the small stable, taking off their saddle bags.
To Oleg he said:
"Seeing that you have been robbed by these men before, I think it's fair if you receive their horses as compensation.
After breakfast we can have a look at these guys' belongings. Until that's done, I'll dig up some graves for the dead ones."

Borrowing a spade, Vindariel walked out of the outpost and began to dig a narrow grave aside the road. When the two bodies were buried (face down, feet up, so that, should they come back to unlife, they would start to bury downwards) he returned, hoping to find some refreshment...

Of course I'm interested in the fun part after the fight: Looking for loot
Taking 20 on the perception check to look through the bandits' possessions

2017-10-13, 04:51 PM
In addition to the horses and saddles they rode in on, each bandit had some leather armor and weapons. The total loot is as follows:
Leather armor x3
Short Sword x2
Dagger x1
Composite Longbow (+2 strength) x1
Longbow x2
Arrows x60
Alchemist's Fire x2
Trail Rations, 6 day's worth
Loose coins worth 55gp
and a silver amulet worn by the leader depicting a stag's head. (Appraise check to learn the value)

You also gain 470xp

Oleg had come up beside you with a second shovel, though by then you had already finished digging the graves. He helps you fill them in.

"I'll be damned, you actually did it." The man says, somewhat impressed as you walk back. "I owe you a lot, friend. I can let you stay here for free, and my wife would be happy to cook for you.
I'd like to give you a reward, but the bandits have left me with little. I do have a few potions I've kept hidden away, I hope you can accept them."

2017-10-14, 09:25 AM
"Thank you. You are most kind. Normally, I'd say you should keep expensive things like that to yourself, but I expect I can turn them to good use on my mission, which ultimately will benefit you more.
With any luck, you'll soon earn quite a lot of coin, once this area is secure again.

I admit, I toyed with the idea of sticking the severed heads of those bandits up as a warning, but I don't want to hurt the sensibilities of your wife and those of the gods."

After examining the loot pile, Vindariel decided to take the composite bow for himself, as well as the arrows. The alchemists fire found their way into his backpack as well as the coin trail rations and the amulet. The rest of the stuff he entrusted to Oleg to sell for a 50:50 split.

"Now, I'm tasked to explore the land around here, so I'll start with the area eastwards from here. Are there any interesting or dangerous places I should be aware off?"

2017-10-14, 09:41 AM

I won't sell the amulet, since I assume it might help to impersonate the bandit leader should I have to

2017-10-14, 10:34 AM
You determine the amulet, being of decent craftsmanship and made from silver, to be worth 20gp, with little room for deviation.

The loot pile totals 202gp, making your share 101gp.

Furthermore, Oleg gives you a few potions and a small amount of gold as a gift. You get two potions of cure light wounds and a potion of shield of faith, as well as another 50gp.

Oleg walks with you until you're back in the main yard of the trading post, where he stops to speak with you.

"Aye, its no problem." The man says. "If you're heading out east, you'll stumble upon ol' Bokken's hut. He's a bit of a nutter, but he knows how to brew potions. Comes by to sell them every now and again also. Other than that, there's not much I can tell you. We don't go venturing out there much ourselves. Now let me fetch you those potions I was talking about."

With that said, he heads to the storeroom located inside the main house.

2017-10-14, 12:11 PM
"Thanks. I'll return tomorrow or the day after if everything works out."

Moving to the next tile in the east and exploring it fully

Vindariel packed his gear and saddled his horse. That done he greeted Svetlana and rode of to the east, starting a journal for his exploration.

2017-10-14, 12:29 PM
The pair of traders wave farewell as you leave, and soon the trading post disappears into the horizon.

You ride for hours across the plains, the monotony of the tall grasses broken only by the occasional cluster of trees. You arrive in the new area just after noon.


After a few hours of exploring, you come across a crude hut seeming built in the middle of nowhere. There's a small chimney in the side of it, with a steady plume of smoke coming from it. It would seem that someone is home.

2017-10-14, 02:35 PM
Vindariel welcomed the opportunity to get out of the saddle. Slowly he walked towards the door after hobbling his horse's hoofs so it could graze a bit.
Knocking on the door he called out:
"Hello, Mr. Bokken?"

2017-10-14, 02:57 PM
A viewing slide in the door opens. Immediately a crossbow bolt goes whizzing past your ear.

"I tol' you low life thugs you evah be commin' by here again you ain't be leaven in one piece!" The man shouts from inside. "Now hol' still, I only got so many of these."


2017-10-14, 03:25 PM
"Easy. Here, see this charter? I am no bandit - on the contrary. I am here to restore order to these lands.
I was told that you are a potion maker. I might be interested in purchasing some."
Vindariel replied, displaying the charter with its official seal.

Diplomacy: [roll0]+1 (+ maybe some circumstance bonus from the charter?)

2017-10-14, 03:44 PM
The man peeks through the slot in the door.

"Wait just a darn minute. You ain't no bandit! Boy, I almost shot you." He says. The slot is shut. You can hear mechanisms on the other side of the door being disengaged before it opens to you, inviting you in. "Ain't got lots of visitor 'ere. Got potions though! Got a few brewed up and ready, and can make some to order, too! Let's see your gold."


2017-10-14, 03:56 PM
Vindariel stepped through the door and produced the small bag of coins, jiggling it.
"I'll be traversing the countryside and could use some potions for emergencies - antidotes, sickness protection, restoratives. If I encounter more bandits than I can handle, a nice emergency potion would also be prudent to have on hand."
He looked around:
"You have a cozy place here, just a shame it's so far away from anywhere. What made you chose the life of an eremite?"
Vindariel asked as casually as he could.

2017-10-14, 05:11 PM
He shoves his hand towards your face. You notice he's missing a finger.

"See this?" He says, referring to the missing finger. "Me brother did this. Bastard cut that offa me the last time he hit my mother, Desna rest her soul. But he took off right after to live in a hollow tree down south rather than face the law, so I guess it all worked out well enough. I thought I could and give 'em my what for coupla years back. Came out 'ere to find 'em, but had too much trouble with the locals. I'm just stayin' where its safe nowadays."

Hearing you coin purse jingle, he happily shows you to a cabinet against the back wall of his shack. In addition to the tools and reagents for his craft, there are a few vials lined up neatly in a row.

"Them there are cure potions, just the light flavor." He says, gesturing to the first two of the six vials. "Two in the middle are endure elements. That one's the cure in the moderate flavor." He pauses, stroking his unkempt beard while staring at the last vial. "Not sure what the last one is, just that it's something good for yeh. I'll sell it at a discount though, if you want to try your luck."

He has the potions stated above and he's selling them at full price (50gp for the first two types, 300gp for the more powerful cure potion). In addition, he's selling a random first level potion for 25gp. He can also make a potion for you from the adept spell list, up to the second spell level.

2017-10-15, 08:00 AM
"Interesting. I'll keep an eye out for your brother.
I'll take the two cure potions and the mystery bottle.

If you have the time, could you brew me a protection from evil and an invisibility potion? I'm sure those will come in handy."

Counting out the money, Vindariel said: "I'm exploring the country to the east tomorrow. Is there anything there that I should be aware about?"

2017-10-15, 10:44 AM
Bokken bites your gold to make sure it's real. Each and every coin.

"Don't rightly know. Nevah saw anything interesting there myself though. What I do know is that there be a fangberry thicket southwest of here. I use 'em for my potions. Makes 'em taste good. I'll make it worth your while if you bring me a bunch of 'em!"

2017-10-15, 11:02 AM
"I'll certainly do so if you can show me what they look like. I might visit you again on my way back. Until then, farewell."
Shaking Bokken's hand, Vindariel leaves the small hut. There are still a few hours of daylight left and although he isn't really reliant on his eyes, his horse very much is.

After making sure he is moving in the right direction, he sets his course to take him a bit farther east, so he can finish exploring this area.

2017-10-15, 11:41 AM
Bokken is able to show you some of the remaining berries that he hasn't juiced yet before you leave.

You are almost done exploring this area when the sun sets. You are able to go for a few hours longer before your horse grows tired. You also need your few hours of meditation as well. It may be a good idea to set up camp and rest.

You can make a perception test to try to identify the potion you bought.

2017-10-15, 12:02 PM
Vindariel did just that. He updated his journal, gave his horse its foddersack and made himself comfortable for his meditation.

When he was finished he took some time to study the arcane signature of his mystery potion, concluding that it was a protection from chaos potion - quite useful when you had to content with animals and bandits.

Survival test to find a good spot to rest:

When he felt his horse was rested enough again, he saddled up to explore the eastern border of the territory.

2017-10-15, 05:30 PM
You manage to find a nice spot near a small pond for you horse to drink from. Night passes quickly as you meditate, and before you know it the sun rises again. It is the dawn of the third day of your journey.

With so little land left to explore, you manage to fully map the area just a few hours after dawn.

Terrain: Plains
Points of interest: Bokken's hut
Status: Explored.

You gain 100xp for fully exploring the hex.

2017-10-16, 02:27 AM
Taking his trail rations into account, Vindariel realized that he could explore the eastern edge, go south and make his way back to Olev's without having to rely on his psionic sustenance.
So he packed up and made his way to the next quadrant on his still quite blank map.

2017-10-16, 12:46 PM
Moving into the next area takes little time as you were already near the easternmost edge of the quadrant you had just explored. You begin traveling the region, filling in your map as you go.

Roll perception for me, please.

2017-10-16, 02:14 PM
Vindariel went about his way, scanning the horizon. It helped that the bonded crystal in his breast pocket also extended it's awareness across the plains

Perception Vindariel
Perception Psi crystal

2017-10-16, 02:56 PM
"Vindariel, we're being followed." Your psi crystal chimes via your telepathic link. You turn to look behind you, but don't see anything in the tall prairie grass.

2017-10-16, 03:21 PM
Vindariel concentrated on his synesthetic ability, allowing him to feel sound like sunlight on his skin, trying to pinpoint whatever is after them.
Considering that it might be some kind of predator, he draws his sword and gets of his horse

Using the synesthete (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/s/synesthete) discipline talent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion/#TOC-Discipline-Talents-Ps-) (costs no psi points as long as I am psionically focused)


2017-10-16, 03:52 PM
You sense nothing more than the midday sun and a light breeze flowing through the grassland. Perhaps whatever your psicrystal had detected is gone now, or perhaps it was mistaken. Or maybe you're about to walk into an ambush.

2017-10-16, 04:10 PM
Sharing a telepathic connection with a sentient piece of crystal has other benefits too - mainly that he can share his powers with the crystal. Again he manifests the power, but this time shares it with the crystal, so it can tell him instead where the danger is located.

Manifest Synsesthete on the stone and have it try to pinpoint the danger

2017-10-16, 04:25 PM
Your psicrystal is just able to detect -something- hiding in the tall grass. *50 feet ahead, 5 degrees to your left.* The crystal chimes. With the aid from your crystal, you are able to make out a feature lurking, waiting. It doesn't seem to know that you've spotted it yet, but you can't be quite sure what it even is yet.

If you want to attack, roll initiative.

2017-10-16, 04:37 PM
"Sometimes a display of strength is enough to avoid bloodshed all together."
As Vindariel concentrates, his form begins change - where before a tall man stood, now suddenly a creature as large as an Oger stands, wielding an appropriately sized sword with an enormous reach.
Vindariel's voice rumbles across the plain: "Show yourself."


Minor Metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/metamorphosis/): Enhancement Menu A: Increase your size by one size category (+2 size bonus to Strength, -2 size penalty to Dexterity, appropriate size modifiers to AC, CMB, attack rolls, etc). This effect does not stack with other effects that increase your size.

STR 20, DEX 14, AC 17, Reach +1
Weapon damage 3d6+10
If whatever is out there charges me, it has to cross my threatened area and eats an attack of opportunity

2017-10-16, 04:43 PM
A creature, a large wolf now that you can see it, rises from the grass. Just as you are worried about it attacking, it turns and flees. Apparently, it doesn't want anything to do with you while you're twice your size and aware of it's presence.

2017-10-16, 04:47 PM
Vindariel pulled his bow from his back and shot an arrow after the wolf as long as it was still in reach of his long bow. Wounding it would certainly reinforce the notion not to tangle with him again.

Move action to pull bow out

2017-10-16, 04:59 PM
Your arrow flies in a beautiful arch, but lands just shy of the retreating animal. A moment later, it disappears into the brush, out of your reach.

2017-10-17, 02:18 AM
Seeing this as an adequate outcome of his venture, Vindariel got back on his horse and had it gallop for a few minutes to increase the distance to the wolf. After all, where one wolf is there might be a whole pack.

Once he deemed the distance sufficient, he reduced speed and began again to survey the land.

2017-10-17, 01:20 PM
You are able to continue your mission unharassed for the rest of the day. Eventually, however, dusk comes. Like the day before, you set up camp so you may get the few hours of rest your body requires. Your meditation is interrupted, however by the voice of your psicrystal ringing through your mind.

*Vindariel, it's back.*

Your return to the waking world is hastened by the scream of your horse.

Roll Initiative. Make a perception check at a -10 for you, and a standard check from your crystal. You need to beat a [roll0] stealth check or you are surprised for the first round, unless you had some way to alert yourself to an attack ahead of time.

2017-10-17, 02:20 PM
[roll0]-4 Perception

The reaction came too late, Vindariel's trance had been too deep and beast was on him before he could react

2017-10-18, 10:19 AM
The wolf seems to blend into the night, the moonlight making it's red eyes glow.

"Die, meat." It growls. You realize that this is no wolf, it's a worg!

The beast leaps at you, hoping to make the most of catching you unaware by pinning you to the ground.

It's initiative for next round: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]+trip if successful
Damage: [roll2]
Trip attempt: [roll3]

2017-10-18, 01:51 PM
"Not tonight." Vindariel calls out, while the claws scrabble uselessly across his armor.

2017-10-18, 01:56 PM
Despite being flatfooted the attack misses thanks to the astral armor
Ini [roll0]+3
Move action to draw the great sword
Standard Action: Power Attack: [roll1]+4
20% miss chance [roll2]

2017-10-18, 03:32 PM
The worg lunges for your throat, hoping for an easy kill.

[roll0] +trip
damage [roll1]
trip [roll2]

...but catches your sword to its torso instead. The beast yips in pain, no longer able to stand from the bloody slash across its shoulder. It's unable to continue fighting, but not quite dead.

2017-10-18, 04:08 PM
Attack [roll0]+5
Miss chance 20%: [roll1]
damage [roll2]+9

"Good try - may your ancestors welcome you."
Vindariel replied while swinging his sword around for a death blow.

2017-10-18, 05:55 PM
Click this =P (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCN-a0NsNk)

You gain 400xp

With the worg dispatched your horse begins to calm down. For the moment, it seems you are safe.

2017-10-19, 03:31 AM
Having the beast dispatched, Vindariel takes care to take off it's head. He considers to take its pelt, but it feels wrong to do that to the corps of a sentient creature.
Instead he, once again moves a corpse away into the plains. He has no shovel, so a simple cairn of stones has to suffice. The sun is up before he is finished, but there is no rush.

Once he is done with the exploration, he packs up and moves in a straight line back to Oleg's place, to check if there have been any other problems with bandits.

2017-10-19, 12:01 PM
You are able to complete your exploration of the area without further trouble.

When you arrive arrive back at the trading post, you quickly discover a few new faces. Wearing polished and oiled armor bearing the crest of Restov, these four men are likely the guards that had been promised to Oleg before your arrival.

One of the group, likely their leader, approaches you as you dismount.

"So you're the one they have exploring the region? Well, best of luck to you. The traders have told us how you dealt with the bandits that were harassing them, so I think you can handle yourself out there. My name is Kesten Garess, I've been dispatched to protect this post. It you have a moment, we've set up a wanted board. The throne is willing to pay good coin for the heads of various men here.
The trader also is willing to pay for the head of some rare beast."

2017-10-19, 12:08 PM
"Greetings. My name is Vindariel." Vindariel replied and listened politely to the man.
"Of course, I'm certainly interested in taking care of those who would destabilize this region.
But that rare beast hopefully isn't a worg, or I'll have to track back to dig up it's corpse."

2017-10-19, 12:37 PM
The man smirks before responding. "Many men would be happy if worgs were so rare." He says before showing you to the wanted board. Currently, 4 leaflets hang from it.

The bandits in the Greenbelt need to be
shown that their actions will not be tolerated.
Capture or defeat at least six of them to send
a message.

Reward: 400gp, paid from the coffers of the swordlords.
The Sootscale kobolds dwell in a cave
somewhere in the Kamelands. Normally not a
problem, they’ve been riled up by something lately.
Find their lair and ensure that the kobolds aren’t
going to continue being a threat. Either slay the kobolds
or forge an alliance of peace with them.

Reward: 800gp paid from the coffers of the swordlords
once kobold activity is under control.
The way everyone talks about tatzlwyrms,
one might think they’re swarming throughout the
Stolen Lands. This isn’t the case; they’re actually
quite rare. A tatzlwyrm head would be a great
conversation piece at my trading post. I can promise a
reward for anyone who can deliver one.

Reward: 600gp
--A personal request from Kesten Garess--
Falgrim Sneeg is a mercenary I worked with a few
months past. He robbed us blind and fled into the
Greenbelt. Bring him in alive so I can return him
for punishment.

Reward: I cannot promise payment in gold, though
I will allow someone who has brought this
man in for justice to pick through our extra

2017-10-19, 01:16 PM
"Too true." Vindariel said while studying the board. He rather liked the work he saw. And since he intended to survey the whole belt, he was certain he would come across those items sooner or later.
But since he had gotten this bow, he had wanted to modify his armory somewhat.

He greeted Oleg and Svetlana and took to the room they had promised him.
Once there, he fell into a special trance with which he was able to change certain properties of his armor.

Eight hours later he changed into his regenerating trance, emerging exactly 12 hours after he had gone in to find something to eat and drink.

To Oleg he said: "It is good that you now have adequate protection around here. Not only will it keep you safe, but it should prove favorable for business too. I'll be heading westwards now. If everything goes to plan I'll stop by here in a week again, so do me a favor and scrounge up rations for that time. I'll stop by here again on my way back."

Well rested and re-provisioned, Vindariel took off again towards the western border of the belt.

Removed Ranged Attack from the astral armor and replaced it with Darkvision

2017-10-19, 02:07 PM
I forgot to mention this, but you got 100xp for completely exploring the last hex. You get 100xp for every hex explored, in case I forget again.

Your first day of exploration is uneventful, spent almost entirely mapping otherwise featureless plains. Towards the western end, however, groves of trees become more common. Continuing west will put you in the northmost point the Narlmarches, a forest which runs through the center of the Stolen Land.

You completely explore the hex without running into any monsters of bandits. +100xp. You can mark it off on you map, with the landscape being plains like the last one you explored.

2017-10-19, 02:30 PM
updated the map in the OOC post

Vindariel enjoyed the relative peace that he found here. When he was done here, he continued on westwards. When the woods became to dense to ride safely, he climbed down and led his trusty steed, counting on both his horse's and his crystal's senses to warn him from impending danger.

2017-10-19, 03:11 PM
All the vigilance in the world couldn't have helped you spot the real danger in these woods. It's not beasts you have to worry about, but unmarked bear traps set by a careless trapper. You are 3 hours into mapping the area when the first of the steel-jawed contraptions, formerly hidden under fallen leaves, slam shut around your ankle.

The trap makes an attack at you [roll0] and deals [roll1] damage if it 'hits'. Weather it hits or not, you are immobilized until you free yourself, which should be an easy task since your not being attacked or anything.

You know that there's bound to be other traps in the area, though stopping to mark them all would take a large amount of time. Or you could just proceed carefully, being careful of where you step until you are both figuratively and literally out of the woods.

2017-10-19, 03:32 PM
The pain is sudden and severe. Vindariel couldn't help but yelp as the sharp steel sheared through the carapace of his armor, stopping only just a hair's breath away from nicking his skin.
It took his considerable strength to bend back the steel fangs, so he could extricate his foot.

Although he didn't relish the thought of disposing of those traps, it seemed prudent to make this area safe again - and since he intended to explore it thoroughly, he could just as well spend the extra time to do so.
Not to mention that the traps might prove useful in the defense of the outpost later on.

So he began by cutting a long branch and whittling it into a long stick with which he could safely trigger any remaining traps.

Methodically he began to clear the area.

2017-10-19, 03:49 PM
Make a perception check for me please.

2017-10-19, 04:00 PM
Psi Crystal

2017-10-19, 04:30 PM
You are able to clear out all the traps in the region while mapping it out. Actually, doing so was less taxing than you thought it'd be, as all the traps were confined to a single glade. Two days later, and you have the area mapped and can move through it without having to worry about stepping into the odd bear trap.

You gain 100xp for mapping the region, and 400xp for overcoming the traps.

Terrain: Forest
Features: Trap-Filled Glade
Status: Explored

Additionally, you may keep the traps if you'd like. They each weigh 10lbs, and there's a dozen of them.

2017-10-20, 02:16 AM
Vindariel gathers all traps he could find and stashed them out of sight under a big tree that he was certain to find again, covering them with leaves and twigs. They are to heavy to lug around and he doesn't want to tire out his horse unnecessarily.

Leaving the glade to the west, he thanks his lucky star that it had worked out so well. Just an inch further and he would have been seriously injured - or worse if his horse had come to harm. He isn't sure if the potions he carries work on an equine.

Once more he realizes how many dangers this wild country contained and how different it was from the woods of his home. Having lived a lonely, solitary life before, this place was practically teeming with all sorts of people. Sadly, quite a lot of them are a danger to him or others. With renewed determination he presses on, ready to face the next obstacle...

I'll stash them for now. I really need to buy a Handy Haversack as soon as I get the chance.

2017-10-20, 02:30 AM
You are able to move faster overland as the trees clear out and you are once again in a grassland. Once again, you set to mapping the area.

During your exploration, you come across a small herd of elk. They're passive so long as you keep your distance, and would likely flee even if you were to come close. Still, they're good eating if you'd be inclined to attempt to hunt them.

2017-10-20, 03:35 AM
Vindariel entertains the notion of a hunt only for a moment. In truth he would have to waste quite a lot of meat as he neither has the training nor the carrying capacity to dress the carcass efficiently.
His trail rations are still plenty and so he sees no reason to harm a fellow living being.

Instead he concentrates on mapping the area to make good some of the time he spend hunting for traps.

2017-10-20, 11:05 AM
Compared to what you had dealt with in the days prior, mapping this segment of the plains seems incredibly easy. Besides the elk herd grazing, you don't find much else noteworthy. You finish mapping and are able to move to the last segment along the northernmost boundary.

+100xp for mapping the hex
Terrain: Plains
Features: Nothing worth noting
Status: Explored

2017-10-20, 06:20 PM
Vindariel keeps moving west until he reaches the borders of the green belt again. Moving methodical, he turns around an moves to the south to the next quadrant. He suspects that he'll soon get back into the woods from earlier when he moves east again.
Now that his armor allows him to see in complete darkness, he feels much safer when he starts his meditations each night. Still, his sword is never far from his reach...

by the map I now should have reached the western most hex. When that one is explored, I'll move to the south and from there make my way back to the east.

2017-10-20, 07:57 PM
As you fill in this corner of the map, you come across a thicket of blackberry bushes growing over rocky soil. The tart berries are ripe for the picking, making this a good stop for a moment of rest.

Could you make a perception check for me?

2017-10-21, 03:56 AM
Vindariel looks around. Wild berries usually were a sought after treat by the local wildlife.
Cautiously he moves closer while his crystal watches his back.


2017-10-21, 10:53 AM
As you look around the area, you notice that the rocks and rubble the brambles have grown over are actually cairn stones. While the first few you find were toppled in ages past by looters seeking the burial goods stashed within, you manage to find a single cairn still standing in one of the densest parts of the thicket. Whether you leave it that way is up to you, however.

2017-10-21, 11:30 AM
Vindariel feels conflicted for a moment: On the one hand it wasn't very honorable to open up graves, not to mention distasteful. But on the other hand he was curious who had been buried here - not to mention that those kinds of graves might contain ancient magic artifacts and weapons.

Finally, his curiosity wins and he carefully dismantles the kaern so he can rebuild it again if necessary.

2017-10-21, 03:21 PM
After a few minutes of shifting stones, you find the skeleton of a long dead human. It wears the tattered remains of what was once hide armor, and was buried with a few weapons that are little more than rusted scrap now. You note that the skull seemed to be crushed in, and you suspect it was what lead to this particular person's demise.

The only thing in the grave which holds any value is a strange rind made of green wood on one of the skeleton's fingers. The material, and the intricate carvings which decorate it seem untouched by the years.

2017-10-21, 03:37 PM
Vindariel removed the ring very carefully from the dead warrior's hand.

He concentrated until he could see the energies of the world and studied the ring.

When he was done, he carefully closed the kaern back up before continuing on his travels

detect psionics to see if the ring has magic properties followed by a
Spellcraft check [roll0]+7

2017-10-21, 05:35 PM
While you aren't able to discern what exactly it does, it's clear that the ring has magical properties. If you don't want to test it on yourself you'll have to try again later or seek out someone who knows more than you do.

Other than the gravesite, you find nothing exciting as you finish mapping the northern border.

Terrain: Plains
Features: Barbarian Cairn
Status: Explored


2017-10-22, 05:47 AM
Vindariel pocketed the ring - there would be time to analyse it back at Oleg's.
He finished the exploration and went to the south so he could circle back through the woods to the east.

During this new exploration, he made sure that he kept the sensing power shared with his crystal, boosting its receptiveness. That would hopefully be enough to notice any issues before they could become problems

Exploring the westernmost hex in the second row.
I'll spend standard actions to manifest Synesthete (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/s/synesthete/)as discipline talent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion/psionic-disciplines/psychometabolism/) for free (on level 1 the duration is only one round, so I'll have to do it continuously)
to give the psi crystal +4 to it's perception check for a total of 10


2017-10-22, 01:20 PM
Your exploration proceeds as planned. For the first few hours, you find nothing of particular interest. Eventually the sun sets, and it is time to stop for the day. As you settle in, you hear howling in the distance. Now, the sounds of animals isn't uncommon in the wilderness but the howls sound a second time, this time closer to you.

Roll perception for me, thanks.

2017-10-22, 01:48 PM
Perception Psi Crystal [roll0]+10

Vindariel concentrates on keeping the psi crystal alert, while he steadily moves forward

2017-10-22, 01:57 PM
damn roller doesn't work if you use preview

2017-10-22, 02:01 PM
[roll0] This is filler text.

As you creep forward, you catch sight of something moving towards you through the grass.

2017-10-22, 02:18 PM
Receiving the telepathic warning from his crystal, Vindariel gets down from his horse and pulls out his sword. With a thought a haze in the air hints at he existence of a force shield.

With loud and clear words he calls out:
"Come any closer and it will cost you your life."

Casting Force Screen for AC 23


2017-10-22, 02:30 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

A wolf (an actual wolf this time, not a worg) charges at you from its cover. At the same time, two more reveal themselves from behind you, charging in for the kill.

(rolls in next post)

2017-10-22, 02:38 PM
Wolf 1 attack: +2 charge, +2 flanking
Wolf 2 attack: +2 charge, +2 flanking
Wolf 3 attack: +2 charge

1: [roll0]+trip [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
2: [roll3]+trip [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
3: [roll6]+trip [roll7] Damage: [roll8]

All wolves have -2 ac until their next turn from charging.

2017-10-22, 02:52 PM
Vindariel has barely enough time to bring his sword into position, before the wolfs are upon him.

2017-10-22, 02:55 PM
Damage: [roll1]+9

The wolfs attack, but his armor holds. With a quick slash he tries to kill one of the wolfs.

2017-10-22, 03:15 PM
The first of the wolves die from your attack. The remaining two reposition to stay in a flanking position before attacking again. They are pack creatures, after all.

1: [roll0]+trip [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
2: [roll3]+trip [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2017-10-22, 03:25 PM
The force screen prevents an attack on his back, allowing Vindariel to focus on the attacker from his front.

Again he raises his weapon to strike

Attack [roll0]+5
Damage [roll1]+9

2017-10-22, 03:33 PM
The wolf ducks under your swing before attacking again.

1: [roll0]+trip [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
2: [roll3]+trip [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2017-10-22, 03:37 PM
Claws scrab across his arms, while the other creature nibs at his armored heels, but Vindariel keeps his balance, slashing again at his attacker

Attack [roll0]+5
Damage [roll1]+9

2017-10-22, 03:53 PM
The second wolf drops. Just as you turn to face the third of the creatures, you see it dashing off to the forest. It seems it lost confidence in the attack after two of its buddies were slain. You are able to finish exploring the area without further issues.

Victory!! +1,200xp
You are able to finish exploring the hex, so another +100xp

Terrain: Plains
Features: nothing special
Status: Explored

2017-10-22, 04:17 PM
Yey, level up!

With the wolves taken care of, Vindariel walks after his horse that very wisely has run away when the wolves attacked. That done he went east again closing in again on the forest.

2017-10-22, 04:42 PM
As you head back east, you quickly re enter the forest. As you explore, you note that the Thorn River starts here, though it is little more than a creek at this point. On the southern bank of the river, you happen to notice a man pinned under several large logs. He's not moving.

2017-10-23, 02:44 AM
Very carefully, Vindariel goes near the man, trying to discern if he is alive, if this was an accident or a trap and if the trap was for the man or is a trap for any hapless traveler trying to render help.

Synesthete on me and the crystal


2017-10-23, 11:06 AM
As you approach, you can tell that the man is in fact dead. It appears the trap was a deadfall designed for large game, like the elk you had seen earlier. It seems at first glance that the trap had collapsed during its construction, but as you look closer you see that the ropes meant to support the weight had been cut by something sharp, which had in turn triggered it.

From there, the man spent the last moments of his life reaching for his hatchet (which even under casual observation is well made), but the tool was just out of his reach.

2017-10-23, 12:29 PM
Vindariel looks at the man and the trap. Could it be that this was the man who had lain those bear traps without taking care that other people wouldn't be affected?
He'd call it ironic, except that the cut cord indicates that someone has deliberately set off the trap. Who was it, he wonders. A dissatisfied partner? Bandits? Some animal?

After he is sure that the trap is not dangerous to him, he inspects the hatchet and pockets it. With some effort he heaves the logs from the man and thoroughly examines his belongings.

After that he takes his time to examine the snapped rope and if there are any tracks visible.

Once all that is done, he once again starts to build a kaern for the dead man.

Taking 20 on the perception check to search the man and also on the survival check to look for tracks and hints of the saboteur

2017-10-23, 12:43 PM
The crushed man carries nothing particularly valuable on him, just a dull hunting knife and a few copper coins. The hatchet (a masterwork handaxe) is the only thing worthwhile in the man's possessions.

You see plenty of the man's tracks in the area, and a few of your's as well, but you cannot seem to locate the saboteur's. You're sure your not missing anything, they are just not there.

2017-10-23, 01:25 PM
Vindariel says to himself, but since there is nothing more to be done for it, he buries the man and takes up his task again of mapping the area.

2017-10-23, 01:37 PM
You continue you exploration of the area, keeping your eyes open for other signs of whoever cut the rope, but you find nothing more.

+100xp for exploring the hex

Terrain: Forest
Features: Dead Trapper
Status: Explored

2017-10-23, 01:59 PM
Leaving the dead behind him, Vindariel moved onwards to the east, leading his horse and testing the ground with his sword so he wouldn't get attacked by any traps again.


Crystal Perception

2017-10-23, 02:21 PM
You spot nor trigger any traps during your time in this section of the forest. That being said, you seem to be having a stroke of bad luck today, and end up tripping over every log or brush you try to step over.

2017-10-23, 02:45 PM
Vindariel took a moment to catch his breath from his last fall. He didn't feel drunk - only bruised.
So either he was jinxed or the area was somehow animated. While looking around he concentrated and opened his third eye to reveal the energies of the world, looking for a clue as where his misfortune comes from. He even takes out the ring ones more in case it contains some kind of curse.

Detect psionics

spellcraft check

and/or a knowledge Arcana

2017-10-23, 02:49 PM
You still can't be sure for certain what exactly the ring does, but you know enough about magical items to know that rings don't usually have any effect as long as they are not worn. One the other hand, however, you do detect the residual effects of spellcasting in your immediate area.

2017-10-23, 03:11 PM
Putting the ring back in his pocket he stands up to look around.
Something is out there, targeting him. It doesn't seem to be out to hurt him severely - although this is probably mainly due to the extra cushioning that his armor provides.

Spellcasting indicates another kind of magical being, maybe even intelligent ones. Should he be close to the kobolds' lair and this is one of their traps? It doesn't feel right, but it is worth a try anyway:
"Be your first resort the word and not the sword" he says to himself before asking in a loud voice

"Whoever you are, I do not wish to harm you. I am tasked to drive out the evil people that plague these lands. Show yourself and talk to me. I will make it worth your while."
Just in case it is a kobold, he pulls out a shiny gold coin and spins it in the air so it catches the light.
Then he places the coin on a stone and moves away from it.

2017-10-23, 03:26 PM
Make a diplomacy check for me please.

Right before your eyes the coin begins to float into the air, lifting slowly but steadily away from the ground. It'll be out of your reach soon, unless you want to do something about it.

2017-10-23, 03:29 PM
Diplomacy [roll0]

2017-10-23, 03:31 PM
A good roll, but still a failure.

2017-10-23, 03:42 PM
While the coin rose into the air, Vindariel looked again for the source of the levitation magic, trying to follow the strands of power back to it's origin

detect magic

perception check

Hm, diplomacy isn't my strength.
Might I use the aid another from my crystal to push my check a bit more?

Aid another Crystal (DC 10)

If successful it would add +2 to my roll

At this moment his crystal prodded him to say: "I mean it. I am here as a friend of the land and it's people."

2017-10-23, 03:55 PM
You here some snickering in the woods, right before you feel something land on your head, and the head of a small reptilian creature appears in your view. A faerie dragon!

*Aw, Tyg, we're making the biggins mad!* The voice of the fey dragon echos in your head much the same way your crystal's does.

"But I wanted to play more pranks!" Comes another voice, this time from a grig who revealed herself from her invisibility before hopping down onto the forest floor from the tree she was perched in.

2017-10-23, 04:09 PM
Somewhat surprised, Vindariel says:
"Hello. My name is Vindariel. Who are you?

I am learning about this country and I am looking for some very bad people that probably live somewhere around here. They steal and hurt people. Do you know where I could find them?"

2017-10-23, 07:35 PM
*Vindariel is here to kick out the mean, mean bigginses! Perlivash is happy!* The faerie dragon broadcasts.

"Of course we know where they are, we know where everything is in this forest." Replies the Girg, arms crossed and smiling proudly.

2017-10-24, 03:13 AM
"That is good. I assume you don't like the bad men either."
Vindariel pulled out his notes and the self drawn map, careful not to dislodge the small fairy dragon.
"Can you tell me in which direction their home is? And long I'd have to walk to get there?"

2017-10-24, 12:56 PM
Perlivash climbs down your chest at taps a clawed paw on an area just southeast of where you are now. *Mean bigginses nest is here.* The dragon chirps.

Looking down, you can see Tyg drawing in the dirt. "There was about a dozen of them until recently, but a few of them disappeared." She says. As she finishes drawing, you realize that it is a crude map of a camp, mostly hidden in the trees and brush near a path.

You are given what is effectively this map, just drawn in dirt.

2017-10-24, 01:49 PM
"Thank you. That is very helpful." Vindariel jotts down the map and makes a note of the position.
"I see there is a river running through their camp. That is very useful to know.

Say, would you like something to eat? I have only field rations, but if you chew them long enough they start to taste sweet..."

Vindariel fetches the few remaining pieces of dried fruit from his back pack and offeres them to both Perlivash and Tyg.

Once he finished the meal he says his goodbyes and promises to come back here once he has dealt with the bandits.

I'll head towards the camp, but make a stop for 8 hours to meditate and reconfigure my suit:
Removing darkvision
exchanging it to: Initiator’s Soul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/astral-suits/)

The aegis gains the ability to learn and ready martial maneuvers. He learns three maneuvers and one stance when he takes this customization. The disciplines available to the aegis are Sleeping Goddess and two other disciplines of his choice. If one of his selected disciplines’ associated skills is not on his class skill list, he gains it as a class skill. The aegis’ initiation modifier is Intelligence, and each aegis level is counted as a full initiator level. In addition, the aegis gains Knowledge (martial) as a class skill.

Once the aegis knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see below). A maneuver usable by aegii is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in it or its discipline’s description. An aegis’ maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one.

The aegis can ready all three of his maneuvers known, but if he gains additional aegis maneuvers, he must choose which maneuvers to ready. An aegis must always ready his maximum number of maneuvers readied. He readies his maneuvers by tinkering with his astral suit for ten minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to practice again and change them. The aegis does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready his maneuvers; any time he spends ten minutes adjusting his suit, he can change his readied maneuvers.

An aegis begins an encounter with all his readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he might have already used them since he chose them. When he initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below).

In order for the aegis to recover maneuvers, he must realign himself to his astral suit a full-round action. When he does so, he recovers a number of maneuvers equal to his aegis initiation modifier (minimum 2) and can exchange up to 1 point of customizations per four class levels (minimum 1) for new customizations. These new customizations last for one minute, at which point they return to their prior state. Alternately, the aegis may take a moment to focus, recovering a single maneuver as a standard action.

I'll add Silver Crane Waltz Stance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/silver-crane-maneuvers/#TOC-Silver-Crane-Waltz)
Silver Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/silver-crane-maneuvers/#TOC-Silver-Strike)
as well as
Clockwatcher and Minute Hand (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/riven-hourglass-maneuvers/)

After that I'll slowly close in on the camp, trying to stay stealthy
Perception [roll0]+3
Stealth [roll1]-1

2017-10-24, 02:36 PM
The two fey creatures happily accept the dried fruit, and bid you good luck as you leave.

So where and how are you approaching the camp from? If you want to be stealthy, I assume you coming through the woods, maybe from the northwest?

2017-10-24, 02:42 PM
Following the river, careful to look around every bend, Vindariel moves towards where he suspects the camp to be. Being stealthy doesn't come naturally to him - especially since he is still wearing his full armor.
The plan is simple: Once he sees one of the bandits he'll overpower the mind of the brigand and sent him to slumber, repeating the trick as often as he can without being noticed.
For this to work he prefers to slowly move through the cover of the trees.

But then, no plan survives the first contact with the enemy...

2017-10-24, 03:04 PM
A very accurate saying indeed, as your armor makes it nearly impossible to make it through the woods undetected. You are spotted by a bandit stationed on the west watchtower (K3) almost immediately. Your only saving grace is that you knew where to look to spot the camouflaged structure and the guard atop it.

Roll initiative! Also, this is all asuming that your coming from the west side of the river.

2017-10-24, 03:19 PM
Suits me. I'm in the silver crane waltz stance
AC 21
Ini [roll0]+7

If I beat his ini I'll use minor metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/metamorphosis/) to grant myself "cleave"

Vindariel cursed, but kept his focus. An effort of will made his arm muscles swell, granting him power on just the right places to make devastating, sweeping attacks.

2017-10-24, 03:36 PM

V= Vindariel

B= Bandit

2017-10-24, 03:57 PM
That map is really nice. How'd you do it?

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-10-24, 04:07 PM
Excel document with png overlay

Seems like the bandits act first.

2017-10-24, 04:08 PM
The bandit picks up a small object from the tower and hurls it at you. As the crystal hits the ground, it shatters with a deafening peal of thunder.

Ranged touch attack targeting your square (ac=5)


If it hits, make a fortitude save for me.

2017-10-24, 04:29 PM
The object went wide and Vindariel kept his ground. It took a moment of concentration then he felt the rush of power through his arms.
With a measured, steady gate he walked closer to the watch tower.

as mentioned:
Standard action: Metamorphosis, minor
Move action: Move 4 squares to the south from G3 to G7

2017-10-24, 05:15 PM
As you approach, the man on the watchtower draws back his bow and fires towards you. Three more bandits, alerted by the thunderstone, come running from the camp, taking cover behind the logs on the other side of the trail (K4). The also fire at you with their longbows, but their relative lack of elevation means that their shooting through the forest brush.

Tower bandit: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Log bandit 1: [roll2] damage: [roll3]
2: [roll4] damage: [roll5]
3: [roll6] damage: [roll7]

You have partial cover (+2AC) vs the log bandits.

2017-10-25, 02:15 AM
As the volley of arrows pings off of his armor, Vindariel moves steadily south until he is directly beneath the watchtower and therefore out of the field of fire of the archer above.
Another mental concentration conjures the ever handy protective force field to deflect more arrows.
He is almost in position for the next part of his improvised plan.

moving from G7 to G11 so I have the tree to my back and the archer above me can't see me anymore
Spending another psi point on Force Screen

AC 25 (+2 for cover)

Psi Reserve 9/11


2017-10-25, 11:07 AM
The bandit on the tower draws his sword, preparing for you to climb up the tower. At the same time, the bandits by the logs unleash another volley of arrows. Another three thugs come from the camp proper.

"Shoot him! I want him dead!" Shouts on of the thugs, a woman wielding two handaxes. She then disappears back into the camp, the two that came with her following her.

Log bandits attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

Tower bandit prepares a melee attack if you come within reach
[roll6] damage: [roll7]

2017-10-25, 12:07 PM
Vindariel focuses on the three men's minds. It is a relatively complicated feat to enact, but when he is sure that he has the right resonance he sends a mental command: Sleep!

1 Round manifesting time: Slumber (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/s/slumber) on the three shooters

Will save DC 14

They all can shoot at me and try to disturb my concentration (AC 25)
DC would be 11+Damage taken

Psi reserves 8/11


2017-10-25, 12:24 PM

Poor sods

2017-10-25, 12:31 PM
Ah wait, that has a 1 round cast time so they get one more chance to hit you before they go down.

The archers fire off another volley, while the bandit on the tower becomes confused about what he should be doing. The woman an the two with here come around from the camp's hidden entrance, and now stand in the northern part of the path.

Archers attack [roll0] damage: [roll1]
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

Tower bandit continues to hold action.

2017-10-25, 01:19 PM
Vindariel moves from the shelter of the tree - ignoring for the moment the archer above - and to the small river crossing. He assumes that the woman with the axes is the bandits' leader. Taking her out would have to be a priority. With another, this time rather casual thought, he compelled the very ground and all the debris lying around to move and entangle the three new opponents, creating a very difficult to navigate zone between him and them.

Manifesting Entangling Debris (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/entangling-debris)

Ref Save DC 14
Even if they manage their saves it still counts as difficult terrain so they can't charge and won't be able to move fast.

And unless the guy on the tree throws his sword he'll lose his prepared action since he needs to draw his bow again.

Concentration checks, just in case

Psi Reserve 7/11


2017-10-25, 01:39 PM
Bandit 1: [roll0]
Bandit 2: [roll1]
Kressle: [roll2]

2017-10-25, 01:53 PM
The three bandits are ensnared by moving tree roots and brush. The woman swears as she tries to hack her way free.

"Wut we suppose to do 'bout this, Kressle?" On of the thugs shout to the woman, also tangled in your spell.

The bandit on the tower is able to get a line on you again, and returns to using his bow. You also catch sight of a second tower from your position. The bandit on it is busy shouting profanities at his sleeping comrades until he see you, at which point he chucks a thunderstone your way. Weather it hits where he wants or not, the deafening sound awakes the sleeping men, though they are too busy picking themselves off the ground to act immediately.

Man, these guys are having the worst rolls.

The entangled bandits are going to make a dc 20 strength check to move 15' towards you.
Kressle: [roll0]
1: [roll1]
2: [roll2]
The tower bandit will shoot at you with his bow.
Attack: [roll3] damage [roll4]
The east tower bandit throws a thunder stone at your feet (AC=5). If it hits, make a fortitude save for me (DC=15) or be deafened.

2017-10-25, 01:55 PM
Great, so they are all entangled for at least the next round

Vindariel will now move over to the three sleeping bandits and kill them. Starting with Bandit 3 (from N13)

[roll0]+10 (+4 from helpless target) damage [roll1]+9
The bandit has 0 Dex, so likely won't have more than 11 AC

Vindariel moved with care across the water and casually killed the first of the sleeping bandits.

2017-10-25, 01:56 PM
Save: [roll0]+6

2017-10-25, 02:15 PM
You here nothing more than a dull ringing in your ears as the thunderstone detonates next to you. As you come upon the logs, you are surprised to see that the sudden noise had woken them up, though it did not matter much as the first of the men quickly died by your sword. The other two draw their swords and attack while they have the chance, shouting even though you cannot hear them. The thugs on the towers continue shooting, now hindered by your scuffle with the men behind the logs.

All of this happen while Kressle and the two men with her still try to fight their way free.

Strength check to break free and move 15' towards you.
Kressle: [roll0]
1: [roll1]
2: [roll2]
Melee attacks:
[roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] [roll6]
Ranged attacks:
[roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10]

2017-10-25, 02:48 PM
Vindariel blocked the two strikes and felt the arrow ping of his shield.
Focusing, he pulled back his sword and targeted both of his opponents with one strike.

Activating Cleave, AC drops to 23

Attack 1 [roll0]+6 damage [roll1]+9
If successful, attack the other bandit too
Attack 2 [roll2]+6 damage [roll3]+9

2017-10-25, 02:55 PM
But sadly, the ringing in his ears had impacted his sense of balance and the strike went wide.

2017-10-25, 03:04 PM
More arrows fly as the bandits in front of you swing again. The bandits tangled in your spell are still struggling against it.

So many rolls
Strength check:
Kressle [roll0]
1: [roll1]
2: [roll2]
1: [roll3] damage: [roll4]
2: [roll5] damage: [roll6]
1: [roll7] damage: [roll8]
2: [roll9] damage: [roll10]

2017-10-25, 03:05 PM
One of the thugs actually manage to hurt you!

[roll0] [roll1]

2017-10-25, 03:11 PM
Damage reduction kicks in and reduces the damage to 5
I spend 3 Psi point to reduce the damage to 0

Attack 1 [roll0]+6 damage [roll1]+9
If cleave is activated
Attack 2 [roll2]+6 damage [roll3]+9

Still affected by attack, Vindariel felt one of the swords actually connect with his face. Subconsciously, psionic energy flooded from his body and stopped the blade before it could do any harm.

2017-10-25, 03:29 PM
With your ability to negate the damage, the fight continues on without either side gaining any ground.

Strength check
Kressle: [roll0]
1: [roll1]
2: [roll2]
[roll3] damage: [roll4]
[roll5] damage: [roll6]
[roll7] damage: [roll8]
[roll9] damage: [roll10]

2017-10-25, 03:33 PM
[roll0]+6 [roll1]+9
[roll2]+6 [roll3]+9

Psi Reserve 4/11

I am pretty sure the forum roller punishes me for making fun of you in the fight against the rats :smallfurious:

Arrows pinging of him and swords blocked by his sword, but Vindariel just wasn't able to land the telling blow he needed.

2017-10-25, 03:41 PM
You cut through the bandits, just in time to duck another pair of incoming arrows. Meanwhile, the freed bandit help his boss cut her way out.

Strength Check
Kressle: [roll0] (+2 for aid another vs DC 10 [roll1])
1: [roll2]
Ranged attacks:
1: [roll3] damage: [roll4]
2: [roll5] damage: [roll6]

2017-10-25, 03:48 PM
The arrows begin to annoy Vindariel, but he is low on mental energy and needs to keep his focus.
So he draws his own bow and aims at the bandit that freed himself

Did I manage to kill the bandits around me? Cool

If I missunderstood that and I'm still in melee I'll of course keep wacking at the two

[roll0]+5 [roll1]+2

2017-10-25, 04:10 PM
The bandit is in obvious pain from the attack, but not down. He continues to try to help free his boss.

Yes, you did kill them. I fudged the one guy's ac down 1 so there wasn't another round where nothing happened.

Strength check:
Kressle: [roll0] (+2 if aid another- [roll1])
1: [roll]1d20+1[roll]

Ranged attacks:
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

2017-10-25, 04:16 PM
Same target: [roll0] +5 damage [roll1]+2

Vindariel took his time to line up another shot

2017-10-25, 04:27 PM
The bandit collapses to the ground after he is struck with the second arrow. More arrows fly towards you, though all of the others have been deflected by your force shields.

Strength checks:
Kressle: [roll0]
1: [roll1]
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

2017-10-25, 04:36 PM
Targeting the left tower bandit now.
[roll0]+5 damage [roll1]+2

While the bandit chief was still occupied, Vindariel began targeting the shooter on the tower to his left.

2017-10-25, 04:58 PM
Your arrow goes wide, disappearing into the forest.

Strength check:
K: [roll0]
1: [roll1]
[roll2] damage: [roll3]
[roll4] damage: [roll5]

2017-10-25, 04:59 PM
One of the bandits break free as an arrow strikes you.

[roll0] [roll1]

2017-10-25, 05:04 PM
Taking 8 damage (ouch) after DR2
concentration check
[roll0]+5 vs. DC 19
If un-successful entanglement stops working

Ah, just saw that the crit isn't confirmed. DR eats the damage, the power stays intact.

[roll1]+5 vs. shooter [roll2]+2

The arrow strikes a weak point at a joint, but doesn't manage to hurt him through the thick padding. Vindariel lines up another shot at the shooter.

2017-10-25, 05:12 PM
The critical wasn't confirmed, so you just take 1 damage before reduction.

2017-10-25, 05:17 PM
already edited :smallsmile:

2017-10-25, 05:42 PM
The arrow is just barely shy of it's mark, but still misses. The newly freed bandit trudges through the thick growth towards you, but cannot make it close enough to attack.

Strength check:

[roll1] damage: [roll2]
[roll3] damage: [roll4]

2017-10-26, 03:43 AM
The bandit hampered by the moving terrain made a good target for Vindariels bow.
He took his shot. after that he took up his sword again and moved east towards the second tower, so he could take shelter under it from one of the shooters.

[roll0]+5 damage [roll1]+2
Moving to R14

2017-10-26, 12:49 PM
Your arrow misses the freed bandit. He trudges towards you, sheathing his sword and readying his bow. His and two other arrows fly your way, as Kressle still struggles to free herself.

Strength: [roll0]

2017-10-26, 01:11 PM
Moving to V15 to get out of view of Bandit B8
Shooting at moving Bandit
[roll0]+5 damage [roll1]+2

Moving under the tree and out of the firing arc of one of the bandits, Vindariel kept returning the fire.

2017-10-26, 03:07 PM
The freed bandit finally gets clear of the grasping vines and roots, now standing firm near the logs (M12). The bandit in the western tower fires at you again, as well as the one by the logs. The thug on the eastern tower prepares for you to climb the ladder, drawing his sword. Kressle is now shouting profanities as she makes no progress in freeing herself.

Strength check: [roll0]

2017-10-26, 03:09 PM

filler text

2017-10-26, 03:11 PM
Taking 4 damage
Concentration check: DC 15

2017-10-26, 03:14 PM
Dropping spell concentration.
Draw sword with movement action
Charge Bandit at logs
[roll0]+6+2 damage [roll1]+9
AC drops to 23

The arrow hurts and Vindariel can no longer keep the concentration necessary to maintain the effect. Instead he drops the bow and charges the remaining bandit on the ground. With a cry of fury he tries to behead his attacker.

2017-10-26, 10:27 PM
The bandit is indeed beheaded, and drops to the ground. Only Kressle and the two on the tower remain. Finally free, Kressle charges at you, axes raised high.



2017-10-27, 02:58 AM
Sinking deep into a battle trance, Vindariel began to hack and slash the lithe woman's form

This round I'm expending my two maneuvers:

"Minute Hand
Discipline: Riven Hourglass (Boost); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
You make an incredibly swift strike which sacrifices some accuracy for speed. Make a melee attack with a –2 penalty on the attack roll. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal."


"Silver Strike
Discipline: Silver Crane (Strike) [good]; Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee or ranged attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Using the insight of the Heavens, the martial disciple learns to read the tangles of fate to direct their efforts in battle. The initiator makes two attack rolls and uses the better of the two rolls to determine result of the attack."

Power attack:
Silver Strike:
[roll0]+5 damage [roll1]+12
Alternate Roll: [roll2]+5 damage

Minute Hand Strike:
[roll3]+4 damage [roll4]+12

2017-10-27, 02:59 AM
Typically: Two threats for crits
[roll0]+5 [roll1]+12
alternate roll
[roll2]+5 [roll3]+12

His sudden onslaught cut deep wounds into the woman and when the two separated, there is a heartbeat of time where he isn't sure if the woman would fall or keep attacking him.

2017-10-27, 12:39 PM
Kressle, too eager to join the fray and off balance from her charge, is killed instantly. While you expect more arrows to fly your way, you see instead that the remaining bandits have jumped down from their perches and are fleeing into the woods, routing at the loss of their captain. You are victorious.

So I forgot to mention this before, but you were in the previous tile long enough to consider it explored.

Terrain: Forest
Features: Fey Nest
Status: Explored; +100xp

While I'm writing these up, here's what you got for the tile your in now:

Terrain: Forest:
Features: Bandit Camp
Status: Visited

Here's the aftermath of the fight:
Loot: Potion of cure light wounds, studded leather armor, 2 masterwork handaxes, 4 daggers, 85gp + (leather armor, longbow, 15 arrows, short sword, 2 trail rations, 10gp)x6

And that's just from the bodies. There may be more things around the camp, once you poke around some.

2017-10-27, 04:46 PM
Vindariel watched as the bandits started to flee - he wanted to catch one alive. So he concentrated and tried to subdue one of them with his mind before he went out of sight.

If at all possible, I'll use one last instance of Slumber on one of the fleeing bandits
Will Save DC 15 (120ft. reach for the spell)

I'll take 20 to search the place

With that done, he went over all the fallen bodies, checked if anyone was still alive and if so bound their hands and feet after removing their clothes down to their loin clothes.
This time he dug a mass grave for the dead, but not before removing the required heads to claim the bounty at Oleg's.
After that was done, he carefully searched the camp for the hidden treasures of the bandits, weapons and personal belongings. He especially took care to search the hems of their clothes as well as their boots for sewn in gems or coins.
Riding horses were likewise useful and valuable - beside the fact that now no-one was left here to take care of them.
When that was done, he took a rest to regain power and to heal a bit. Afterwards he packed up loot, heads and possible prisoners and put them on horseback.
Afterwards he went back to Oleg in a straight line, visiting but not exploring the territory lying between here and there.

2017-10-27, 05:27 PM
You find a stockpile of stolen items stashed underneath some supplies. Loading everything up might be an issue, though there are two more horses present, and the cart in the road would be usable if you took some time to replace the missing wheel.

There's some food, firewood and tents if your interested. In the stash is the following:

321sp, 90gp
Pair of silver earrings (Appraise DC 10)
A wooden music box (DC 15)
Three crates of furs (DC 10)
and a polished wooden case, filled with 8 bottles of a green liquor (DC 20)

Also the will check to see if you can subdue one of the bandits: [roll0]

Make one appraise check for me to estimate the values of the various items. Hitting the DC means you know the price, missing means you are either high or low.

2017-10-28, 02:58 AM
Fixing the wagon sounds like a fine idea. Thanks to his astral repair skills, it's no problem to return the cart to functionality.

Loading up gear, loot and prisoner and hitching the horses in a line, Vindariel turned straight towards Oleg's outpost.

Astral Repair can restore hitpoints even to destroyed objects, so fixing the cart should be no trouble at all.

I'm 50XP shy of the next level (btw. I replied in the OCC), so the next explored hex will bring me there.
I assume the bandit's heads will be enough prove to collect the bounty on Oleg's black board

2017-10-28, 03:03 AM
Aid another by Crystal for Appraise check: [roll0]+3
Appraise Check [roll1]+3 (+2 if successful aid another)

2017-10-28, 11:48 AM
You value the earrings to be worth 150gp, and each crate of furs to sell for 50gp each. The music box and liquor are both harder to estimate, being of unusual quality. You feel confidant that 85gp is close to the right price for the music box, and you guess that each of the 8 bottles could go for about 25gp.

You hastily make your way back to Oleg's, slowed only by your cargo and the woods your team of horses pulled it through. Your return to the trading post causes quite a stir, seeing how you return wich much in the say of spoils.

2017-10-28, 12:25 PM
Ignoring for a moment the stir, Vindariel went straight to Oleg:
"I have eliminated a bandit camp - and brought enough heads to collect the bounty. I'll entrust you with the loot to sell it - including the cart and the horses.
I have also a captured bandit. I need to keep that one separate from the other one, so I can interrogate them and compare their stories.

This Stag Lord is still somewhere out there."

That done, he searches the Kesten Garess and shows him the heads and his captive:
"Is one of those that traitorous member of your crew?
Anything you can tell me about that Falgrim Sneeg?"

The following items I'll sell:

horses x3
Masterwork Hand Axe x3
Daggers x4
Leather Armor x6
Longbow x6
Short Sword x6
Pair of silver earrings
Three crates of furs

I'll keep the alcohol and the music box for now.

That done, he begins to interrogate the two prisoners - gladly accepting help from the mercenaries if they want to.

He is interested to learn more about their boss, where he is and who else is with him, how their camp is protected and anything useful beyond that.

2017-10-28, 01:35 PM
Oleg interjects before you head to Kesten. "By any chance, did you find a ring in there? My wife's wedding ring, those bandits pried it right off her finger the first time they came through." You do not remember seeing a ring anywhere in the camp.

"As for the men you've captured, the guards have been holding him in one of the middens. It'd be easiest to talk to the one you just got now, and bring the first up once your done."

While Kesten is happy to sign off on the general bounty, he shakes his head solemnly when asked about Sneeg. "Falgam is a man who knows his way around the battlefield. It wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't in charge of his own group. Unless this Stag Lord has decided to keep him close."

While you discuss this, the bandit you have just captured is taken into the storeroom (which now has some things in it), and bind him to a chair in preparation for questioning whenever your ready.

You see Svetlana occasionally poke her head out, only to see that you're keeping busy. It seems she wishes to talk to you once you finish your business.

Oleg offers to buy the horses and equipment for 868gp, and the earrings and fur for 300gp. He only has 500gp on hand though, and will need to send things into town to pay the rest.
Essentially, you'll get 500gp now and 668gp in a week. He also has 500gp worth of goods in stock if you'd like to trade, and he can order in more expensive items as needed (which will also take a week to arrive).

2017-10-28, 02:50 PM
I'll take the credit for now as I am planing to begin crafting when I reach Level 5
Interrogate prisoner
Aid another from chrystal [roll0]
[roll1]-1 (Aberant Nature) + possible aid another bonus (+2)

If at all possible I'd take 20 on this check

Vindariel replied to Oleg: "No, I am sorry, I didn't, but I'll keep an eye open for it - in fact I'll ask the captive about it."

Before going to Kesten, Vindariel asked Svetlana: "Is there a problem or do you need something?"

After that, he goes to visit the prisoner.

"Hello my friend. I hope you have had a fitful sleep, because right now I need your full attention and cooperation. For your crimes of banditry you deserve the sword. But if you help me now without lying to me, there will be no need for your blood being spilled.
And just so you know, I have another bandit here. One the crew that tried to rob this outpost. I'll ask him the same questions. If your stories differ, you'll both suffer for it.
What can you tell me about the Stag Lord?
Where is the Stag Lord?
How many people does he have with him?
How is his place secured?
What else can you tell me about the bandits?
Do you know anything about a stolen ring, taken from this outpost?"

2017-10-28, 03:43 PM
"Oh, it's nothing that important, dear. I was just hoping to ask you to pick some moon radishes next time you go out. They grow wild in a clearing in the forest to the south. Oleg loves them, but it's too far for me to go, especially with the local thugs. Could you be a dear and fill a sack of them for me? I'd be happy to pay you for them- 250 gold coins, that's about 10 a pound." She then leans in and whispers to you. "You'll also get to sample what I make with them, too."

The bandit is thoroughly cowed, especially after your performance at the camp. In the end, he values his life much more than any loyalty he once held, and it was easy for you to get him talking.

"I don't know much about him! He runs everything from the fort down south, I've never even seen him. I don't know, a dozen? Maybe half that? Look, everyone's just trying to make dues. Most of us can't afford to play castle all day. It's an old mission, abandoned during one of the last attempts to settle the place. It has some solid walls and a few towers, but only moderately better than this place is. A ring? It was probably in one of those bags that those damn mites filched from us. It all looked like scrap, so we never bothered going after 'em."

The bandit swears he doesn't know anything else.

2017-10-28, 04:08 PM
"Thank you Svetlana, I'll go there to map the place anyway. I'll make sure that I bring you a bunch of those radishes as well."

Vindariel nods as the prisoner tells his tale. "Congratulations, you avoided the sword."
Once outside he looks for Kesten. When he finds him he tells him: "The prisoner talked and I promised him his blood wouldn't be spilled. I'll leave it to you if you think a bandit can be redeemed or if you'll give him the rope instead."

After all that, Vindariel enjoyed the simple pleasure of a hot meal, a warm bath and a temperate bed.

The next morning he saddled his horse again and rode to the south, this time taking his time to map the area and to look for those radishes.

2017-10-28, 05:31 PM
Around the dinner table, you are surprised to see a new face. Another traveler, also staying at the trading post's bunkhouse for the time being. He introduces himself as Jhod Kavken, a traveling cleric and hunter who had heard of the exploration charter granted to you and came to offer assistance. He arrived at the trading post a few hours after you last left it. He offers use of his magic, if you're willing to help him.

If your willing to listen, he tells you of a particularly vivid dream, a message from his god Erastil. He recalls an overgrown temple in the midst of the forest, home to a bear that "wasn't quite right". If you could clear it out and bring him there to rededicate it, he'd offer to call upon his god for you at no charge besides that of particularly expensive reagents. He doesn't know where the temple is, however, only that it's to the south.

Besides the cleric's request, there is nothing more to keep you from your plans the next morning.

You still going to search for the radishes, as planned?

2017-10-28, 05:43 PM
Vindariel listens to the priest and nods: "It will be an honor for me to be of service to you and your god. When I find this temple I'll come back for you."

Done with his socializing, Vindariel started out to search for the radishes.

Yes, I still intend to follow the charta and map sector by sector, starting with the one to the south

2017-10-28, 06:14 PM
It takes some time, but you eventually locate it. The patch is in a clearing in the eastern edge of the forest, right where it begins to blend into the plains.

The ground is muddy and pitted, lacking the brush or grass common to the forest or neighboring plains. The few green sprigs you can see are likely the turnips you're looking for, but you can't help but think the clearing looks more like a giant garden than a true part of the wild.

And if the clearing is a garden, then the four black scaled kobolds lounging in the center must be the gardeners. They certainly look the part, with three baskets heaped with the roots. It seems as if they stuffed their stomachs, also.

The reptilian people haven't noticed you yet, though you'll have to move deep into the clearing to harvest enough of the plants.

2017-10-29, 04:21 AM
Vindariel watches for a moment and then decides this is the ideal time to test his new ability to influence minds.
With a bit of concentration he transforms himself into a small kobold - or at least he looks like one - changing size and appearance while dismissing his armor.
At ten paces he tries to create an emphatic connection to one of them.

Dismissing astral armor
minor metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/metamorphosis/): +10 to disguise check to look like another black scaled kobold.
Getting closer to use Emphatic Connection (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/empathic-connection) on one after the other - provided they don't attack immediately

Will Save DC 14

Psi reserves: 13/18 (provided I get the chance to target them all)
If they go into combat they gain +5 to resist the spell.

"Greetings my friends. I'd like to buy some of your radishes."

2017-10-29, 12:23 PM

The kobolds are on edge, but not immediately hostile. They yip to each other, confused. The kobold you charmed seems less aggressive than the other, but it seems he can't understand you either. It's clear that none of them recognize you, meaning they were just approached by a random kobold speaking a language most of them didn't understand. Finally, one of the group steps forward and addresses you in broken common.

"Who is? Nevah saw."

2017-10-29, 02:31 PM
"I am Vindariel. I came here from far away."
Vindariel roots around in his oversized back pack and pulls out a bottle of the alcohol he found:
"Here, good fire water. I trade you for radish"

diplomacy check: [roll0]+1

"I hear you have trouble - what caused it?"

2017-10-29, 03:54 PM
The lead kobold unstops the bottle and samples the alcohol. They chitter amongst themselves, and the bottle is passed around. Though their weapons are still close at hand, most of the group seems more at ease now, with the exception of the one who speaks common who eyes you suspiciously.

"This one is Mikmek." He says tis while patting his scaled chest. "Vindariel know a Tartuk? Is frien' a Tartuk?"

Could you give me a sense motive to read his body language?

You notice Mikmek tenses up when he talks about Tartuk, leading you to believe he either doesn't like him, or is afraid of him.

2017-10-29, 05:08 PM
"Hello Mikmek.
No, who is Tartuk?"
Vindariel replied, staying at ease and not making any hasty movements.

2017-10-29, 05:22 PM
Sense Motive:

2017-10-29, 05:50 PM
Mikmek chirps happily, his tail wagging.

"Tartuk be da speakah af Ol' Sharptooth, but dossen madder. How many chu want fo' da boddle?"

2017-10-29, 06:07 PM
"One basket, one bottle. Another basket, another bottle."
Vindariel answered. He wants to ask more about Tartuk but the Kobold is twitchy. Producing another bottle from his backpack he says:
"I heard humans talk. Talk about Soothscales. Worried that you have trouble.
If you want, can help you make trouble go away."

2017-10-29, 06:29 PM
"Wha? No problems! E'erthin good." He chirps and growls something to his peers, and they're soon nodding in agreement. "Only fight with mite. But dey small and stupid. Sootscale win war soon." He also informs you that the group is expected to bring back enough for the rest of the tribe, and can only part with a single basket. Still, the baskets are larger than they are and heaped full. You expect one to be enough.

2017-10-30, 05:30 AM
Vindariel nodded and took possession of one of the baskets. This was the second time those mites seemed to make trouble - having Oleg's ring and being the reason for the kobolds unrest was reason enough to take care of them...

When he is out of sight, he resumes his normal form recalls his armor and rides back to Oleg's post to deliver the radishes.

2017-10-30, 12:09 PM
Svetlana is happy to see you return with the radishes and thanks you profusely. After giving you the 250gp reward, she sees to washing and cutting the roots in preparation for cooking.

You get 400xp for resolving things peacefully with the kobolds, and the standard 100xp for exploring the hex.

Terrain: Forest
Features: Radish Patch
Status: Explored

2017-10-30, 05:54 PM
Vindariel happily awaits the food, while he plans his next move.
After the meal he thanks Svetlana again and prepares for a rest.

Early the next morning he saddles his horse again rides off to quadrant to the south-east of Oleg's trading post, looking especially for the mites' hiding place.

Continuing the exploration next to the radish patch

2017-10-30, 06:19 PM
You definitely find something as you search the plains. You come across a fair sized area, about 200 feet in diameter, strewn with bones from both man and beast alike. As of now, you are a few yards away from the boneyard. What do you do?

2017-10-31, 03:42 AM
Vindariel surveyed the seemingly circular area of bleached bones. It very much reminded him of a cursed place near a lake in a valley, where suddenly everyone had died in their sleep. Still, this seemed worthy of a closer look. And the cause was most likely to be found at the center.

Careful to keep his horse outside the radius, he gets down, draws his sword and in the Waltzing Crane Stance, moves step by step toward the center, ready to strike at anything that gets close to him.

Moving in 5ft. step increments while readying a charge action

Perception check by me and my crystal:
[roll0]+6 (crystal)
[roll1]+3 (Vindariel)

2017-10-31, 11:00 AM
Stealth [roll0]
Initiative [roll1]

Keenly aware of your surroundings, you notice the beast responsible for this. A giant trapdoor spider currently hiding in its den, door slightly afay allowing its eight eyes to peer out at you. Roll initiative!

2017-10-31, 07:01 PM
Winning Ini by virtue of having a higher bonus:

Charging the spider, while blowing my arsenal of PoW strikes:
Silver Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/silver-crane-maneuvers/#TOC-Silver-Strike)
Damage: [roll3]+13
+ Minute Hand (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/riven-hourglass-maneuvers/) Swift Attack at -2
Damage: [roll5]+13

Vindariel doesn't waste a second - as soon as he spies the overlarge vermin he charges in to strike it with a fusillade of steel

2017-10-31, 07:22 PM
You are able to stab your weapon through the narrow crack between the ground and the spider's door, wounding the insect. This doesn't please the spider, and a bug the size of a horse leaps from its nest to attack.

attack: [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Make a fortitude save if it hits.

2017-11-01, 04:59 AM
Ouch, that was a mean hit
Fortitude save [roll0]+6
12 damage after damage resistance

The counter attack took him by surprise and he felt the fangs of the spider sink deep into his sides.

2017-11-01, 05:10 AM
There was little to it. Another hit like that might kill him.
Vindariel let his sword come down with a much force as he could while also infusing it with a sliver of silver power to transfer a bit of life energy back from his foe into his own body.

Enduring Crane Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/silver-crane-maneuvers/#TOC-Enduring-Crane-Strike) with Power attack:

[roll0]+7 damage [roll1]+13

If hit, heal [roll2]+3 damage

2017-11-01, 10:58 AM
Your strike cleaves the giant spider's head clean off, ending it. Though its mandible dripped with venom, you count yourself luck that you seem to have dodged the effects.

You gain +800xp for slaying the spider. Additionally, you can now finish exploring the hex without worrying about anything else trying to eat you.

Terrain: Plains
Features: Spider Nest
Status: Explored; +100xp

2017-11-01, 11:18 AM
Vindariel covers the wound and counts his blessings. This was entirely to close for his taste.
He feels lucky that there isn't another spider around. The appetite of this beast alone seems to be enough to depopulate this whole quadrant.
Carefully he opens the spider's lair, looking for any remaining eggs that could multiply the spider problem - and also for any other victims the spider might have caught alive for its larder...

2017-11-01, 11:24 AM
The spider's lair is a shaft 50' deep and 1' in diameter, but thick webbing along the walls would make for an easy climb. You see no eggs, and definatly no second spider, though there is something at the bottom of the nest.

If you want to climb down and search the nest, roll perception for me.

2017-11-01, 11:46 AM
Crystal: [roll0]+6
Vindariel: [roll1]+3

Peering into the darkness, Vindariel concentrates on his armor. The translucent visor adapts to the light and shows him a clear picture of the spider's nest.

2017-11-01, 12:08 PM
At the bottom of the nest lies a small pile of corpses, the spider's recent meals. One, a bandit, still wears a silver stag necklace which sparkles faintly from the few rogue rays of light which make it down into the nest.

2017-11-01, 12:43 PM
Carefully, Vindariel began descending into the the nest, to recover the bandit's belonging and bringing them back to the light.

2017-11-01, 12:55 PM
The bandit wears a suit of bloody leather armor and has an empty sheath at his side. In a belt pouch he has stowed 10gp. He also wears a silver necklace in the shape of a stag's head, the same as what the thug in charge of looting the trading outpost wore. You're just about ready to leave when you notice one more thing. A scrap of paper tucked loosely into the man's boot. Retrieving it, you see a simple drawing of a claw shaped dead tree on an otherwise barren hill. There is a red "x" marked over the tree's roots.

Scaling the walls usually require a climb check, but it's easy enough that you can do it by taking 10.

2017-11-01, 01:26 PM
"Curious." Vindariel looked at the drawing, pondering. "X marks the spot." He pauses "And it seems I'm starting to talk to myself. That can't be good."

Pocketing the money and the amulet, he makes his way back up, leaving the armor on the man.
Back on the fresh air, he makes a mental note to look out for this claw tree.

That done, he continues his exploration east ward.

Perception, if necessary
Vindariel [roll0]+3
Crystal [roll1]+6

2017-11-01, 01:45 PM
You are able to explore the area without encountering any kind of giant bugs. For the first time in awhile, things are uneventful as you make your way to the eastern border.

Hex explored, +100xp
Terrain: Plains
Features: Nothing noteworthy
Status: Explored.

Also, this is the easternmost hex you need to explore in this row.

2017-11-01, 01:55 PM
Finishing his exploration, Vindariel journeys onward to the south east to begin his return trip to the west.
Thanks to the rations of the dead bandits, he estimates to be able to reach the woods again before he has to restock at Oleg's.
It's almost two weeks since he arrived in this wild land and still he hasn't seen really much of it.
But patience is an expression of willpower and so he continuous with his steady, methodical approach to learn more about this place.


2017-11-01, 02:11 PM
It's a rather dreary day today, the first real precipitation you've felt since you began mapping the region. Judging by the dry prairie grasses however, you don't believe this is unusual. Despite the damp, you still are able to map the area without much problems.

Terrain: Plains
Features: N/A
Status: Explored; +100xp

There are just to more hexes without anything on them. This is where things start getting really exciting! I hope you have a full stock of healing potions.

2017-11-01, 02:26 PM
Vindariel enjoyed a peaceful night, meditating, before he moved westward.

Natural healing should take care of the remaining 3 points of damage
Right now I have 10 healing potions in my backpack.


2017-11-01, 02:34 PM
Sweeping back westward, you find that the plains break and become rolling hills. The light rain from the previous day had left the day feeling refreshingly cool, even with the sunshine overhead. You are just about to break for lunch when you notice something. A tree, struck by lightning at one point, now reaching for the sky like a skeletal hand. It's the tree from the drawing you found.

2017-11-01, 02:43 PM
Taking 20 to search for whatever there is hidden at the tree

Vindariel went straight to the tree, sword drawn and ready to defend himself.
With slow and methodical care he searched for any signs of an entrance or other hiding place along the tree roots.

2017-11-01, 02:59 PM
You notice that the soil is disturbed where the red x had indicated on the drawing. Digging at it, you find a bundle wrapped in a leather cloak hidden just beneath the surface. Inside, you find a well crafted dagger, a wand, a silver ring and a wizard's spellbook with some moderate water damage.

The dagger is masterwork, you'll need to identify the wand with a spellcraft check, and the ring can be valued with a appraise check. There are a number of pages which have been destroyed in the spellbook, but it still holds the spells identify, mage armor, reduce person, silent image and unseen servant.

The ring is worth 75gp
The wand is a wand of burning hands with 4 charges and CL 2

2017-11-01, 03:04 PM
Vindariel whistles through his teeth. It seems as if the unlucky bandit had managed to gather quite a haul.



Finishing this investigation, Vindariel made sure to map this quadrant completely before moving further west.

2017-11-01, 03:18 PM
You head westward, maneuvering your way around scraggy brush.

Give me a perception check.

Also, I'm willing to say by now you have spent enough time studying the rind you've found to determine the effects. It's a ring of swimming, though it has a unique appearance.

Here's the stuff from the last hex:
Terrain: Hills
Features: Forgotten Cache
Status: Explored; +100xp

2017-11-01, 03:25 PM

Vindariel carefully navigated his way through the brush, trying to remember what kind of critter likes to live here...

2017-11-01, 03:41 PM
Though several types of creatures cross your mind, the only thing you come across is an easily avoided rattlesnake and a plethora of bats and rodents. Soon, the forest looms ahead. Continuing forward will lead you back into the bandit camp.

Terrain: Hills
Features: N/A
Status: Explored; +100xp

2017-11-01, 04:00 PM
Since half the work is already done, Vindariel concentrates on filling in the gaps on his map, before moving further west and into the woods again.


2017-11-01, 04:24 PM
As you travel, you move past the camp once again. You notice that the camp has been even more thoroughly looted now, with nearly everything taken away. In the muddy path leading through the camp is a multitude of kobold footprints, the likely culprits. Other than this you find no new evidence of bandit activity in the area, though given the amount of survivors from the camp that doesn't surprise you. A few hours into the forest and a familiar weight plops down on your head. It's Perlivash, the Faerie Dragon.

*It's the good biggins!* He said cheerily. *All the bad bigginses are dead now, yay! Thank you, friend!*

The small dragon seems to be content keeping you company as you travel through the forest. Tyg is likely nearby, also.

2017-11-01, 04:41 PM
"Hi there, I'm glad that you are happy. It wasn't easy to do that.
Say, do you know where the Mites live? They have stolen something that I have to bring back.
For that matter, do you know if there is anything interesting in that direction?" Vindariel asks while pointing westward.

2017-11-01, 04:58 PM
*Blue people are mean! I do not like. Where they live? Hmm... Don't know!* The Faerie Dragon says. It seems you aren't going to be getting another map from the pair. *That way? An old bigginses nest. Don't go there though- now it's nest of scary sick monster! Go past! And keep going to the steamy ponds. So nice and warm, Perlivash likes!* Perlivash begins purring as he reminisces about his last visit to the hot springs.

2017-11-01, 05:03 PM
"An old nest and a monster?
That sounds like someone should make sure it can't hurt anyone.
Tell you what: You show me where this nest is and afterwards we go to the hot springs for a swim."
Vindariel suggests. His mood is a lot better since the little dragon sits on his hat. It feels nice to have someone to talk to. 'I really need to get a few companions for this mission.' he thinks to himself.

2017-11-01, 05:08 PM
The dragon seems uneasy about this.

*Parivash shows you where it is, but not go in. Do not like, scary!*

2017-11-01, 05:22 PM
"That's ok. I'll take care that nothing happens to you. But just in case: Here, this is a healing potion. If you or someone else gets hurt you make them drink it to make them fine again."
Vindariel says, while handing a small vial from his back pack to the tiny dragon.

2017-11-01, 05:42 PM
Perlivash nods, though you can't see it. From there he guides you to the place he spoke of: The Temple of the Elk.

The thick tangle of brambles gives way into a large clearing in the woods, its border partially defined by ruined stone pillars. The western face of the clearing is dominated by a looming, upthrust ridge of rock, nearly 300 feet across and rising to a moss-topped height of 100 feet at the center. The side of this towering boulder facing the clearing has been carved in the likeness of an immense elk, its antlers drooping down from its weathered face to frame a 50-footwide cave entrance. A flight of stone steps leads up to this cave entrance from the forest clearing—both the steps and elk face feel quite old and are thickly encrusted with layers of moss. A 50-foot-long oval pool sits in the middle of the clearing, its waters thick with algae.

Perlivash doesn't go past the ruined pillars, lifting off your head and fluttering to a nearby tree branch.

You approach from the east.

2017-11-02, 03:12 AM
Vindariel stopped. This looked quite a lot like the old temple the priest had told him about - which in consequence meant that the monster would be a full blown bear.
Not content to repeat the mistake with the spider, Vindariel takes a few moments to prepare:
Forming his body with his mind, he employs all tricks he has learned so far. First he increases his synaptic responses, followed by changing his size and hardening his skin. Finally he adds the force shield to his arsenal. Thus prepared, he steps into the temple proper and calls out a challenge, his sword ready to strike at his foe.

Animal Affinity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/a/animal-affinity) (Dex)+4 Dex (3 Psi Points)
Minor Metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/metamorphosis) (Augmented): Change Size to Large (+1 Reach, +2 Str -2 Dex -1 AC -1 to hit, +1 Natural Armor) (3 Psi Points)
force screen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/f/force-screen) (1 Psi Point)

AC 25, AB+8, Reach +1, Weapon Damage 3d6+11 (+14 with Power Attack)

Psi Reserves: 13/18

2017-11-02, 03:14 AM

Vindariel [roll1]+3
Crystal [roll2]+6

2017-11-02, 11:38 AM
A huge bear lurks in the back of the cave, growling at you. It doesn't look pleased that you're here. A normal bear would be a challenge in its own right, but this one for better or worse seems absolutely frenzied.

Initiative: [roll0]

2017-11-02, 12:12 PM
"Hit them hard and hit them fast." Vindariel opens up with a charge attack at the bear, with his now patented hurricane of steel, to quickly knock out his enemy. This time he has the size of a troll and his sword is likewise large and can lunge at the bear before it can even reach him.

Charge Power attack (-2 AC (AC 23) (with reach 1)
using again Minute Hand and Crane Strike

or (better of the two)

Damage: [roll2]+14

+ Minute Hand

Damage: [roll4]+14

When the bear moves closer to get into melee he also gets an attack of opportunity:


Damage: [roll6]+14

2017-11-02, 12:35 PM
The bear suffers a deep injury, worsened by the force of your charge. Your second and third strike, however, can't pierce its hide and only serve to enrage it. It roars as it climbs onto two feet, intent on mauling you with its claws.

Claw x2

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

If either attack hits, it tries to grab you.
CM: [roll4]

What's your CMD now that your large?

Forget that, I upleveled the bear so it didn't die before it could act but I think I went too far.

2017-11-02, 12:44 PM
The bear suffers a deep injury, worsened by the force of your charge. Your second and third strike, however, can't pierce its hide and only serve to enrage it. It roars as it climbs onto two feet, intent on mauling you with its claws.

Alright, for real this time.

Claws x2 +Grab

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Grab if either hit:

Alright, now what's your CMD now that you're large?

Total damage on the bear = 28

2017-11-02, 12:54 PM
Wow, yeah +13 might be a tad more powerful than I can beat by my own.

My CMD is 10+5(STR)+3(Dex)+1(Size)+3(BAB)= 22

2017-11-02, 12:58 PM
But your AC is at 23 right? So it doesn't matter this round, you're up.

The ground trembles as the beast slams its paws to the ground. Your ahead in the fight for now, but against a foe of this size all it takes is one bad hit.

2017-11-02, 12:59 PM
Stepping out of range again, Vindariel notices that this bear is very bad news, even with his inherent advantages. But where the animal is strong in body it is likely weak in mind.
Stepping back out of range of the animals claws, he strikes again with a savage blow

That was a close one. I really should not let the thing grapple me.


Damage: [roll1]+14

Opportunity Attack:

Damage: [roll3]+14

2017-11-02, 01:06 PM
Your first swing goes wide, but in the time it take for the bear to close on you again you are able to recover and strike it. The beast is now bleeding heavily. Though it is still fighting, it is on death's door.

Another round of claws with a potential for a grapple.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Grapple: [roll4]

2017-11-02, 01:07 PM
One of its giant paws strike with bone crushing force, though you are able to draw away before it can pin you.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2017-11-02, 01:12 PM
A savage blow catches Vindariel and tears a deep gash across his chest, splintering the black chitinous material of his astral suit. Lucky for him, he escapes the second claw and avoids being caught in a bear hug.
Stepping back once more, he focuses on a final attack combo, using less force and more precision.

5ft step back
Damage [roll1]+11

Opportunity attack
Damage [roll3]+11

2017-11-02, 01:35 PM
The animal collapses with an almost human sounding sigh of relief. Before your eye it begins to shrink, transforming into an incredibly old human with a look of peace in his eyes, before crumbling into dust. At that moment the entire shrine becomes more colorful. The thorny vines blossom and sick trees become emerald green. Stepping outside, you see a certain faerie dragon happily flitting through the air above the pool of water which is now crystal clear and glows with holy energy.

2017-11-02, 01:42 PM
"Rest in peace... ouch." Vindariel lets his concentration abate and resumes his normal size. He missed his chance to shore up his life force with that of his opponent and so he is forced to heal up the old fashioned way.
He walks down to the pool and begins to clean his wounds with the water, before he dresses it with a bandage.

To his dragon friend he calls out: "You were right to stay away. That was a really dangerous bear."

Heal check:

2017-11-02, 02:03 PM
*Of course Perlivash was right! Nest had bad, dirty aura. Now fun and nice!* The faerie dragon accents this by doing a loop da loop in the air.

You notice as you tend to your wounds that the water does more than was the blood away. The injuries themselves vanish when treated with the temple's water.

The water acts like a potion of cure light wounds for a time. You can effectively drink (or wash) away all your wounds before continuing on.

2017-11-02, 02:28 PM
Vindariel washes up and after a little rest - again sharing his meal with the fairies - he gets up:
"Alright, a promise is a promise. Let's visit the hot springs. I can map this place when I bring back the priest.

Lead the way."

2017-11-02, 02:36 PM
It's a few hours until your destination. Tyg comes and goes during that time, but Perlivash is content to stay perched on your head.

You smell the springs before you see them. The sulfurous smell of rotten eggs lingers in the air, but the dragon assures you the springs are worth it. Soon, you can hear the water bubbling forth from its source as well. Perlivash, quite excited, takes off and flies ahead. The normally cheery dragon's disposition soon changes however. Just as he goes out of sight, you hear a crack like that from a whip as Perlivash's telekinetic scream echoes through your head.

*Gah! Don't like don't like! Help Perlivash!*

2017-11-02, 02:43 PM
Vindariel drops his backpack, dismisses his astral suit for the lighter skin and runs as fast as he can towards where the small dragon has vanished. There isn't time for more than pulling out his sword on the run and hoping that he isn't too late.

Astral skin for 40ft. base movement
AC 18 (Studded Leather + Dex 16 + Stance)