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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Wall of Acid, Wall of Magma

2017-10-11, 06:03 PM
Wall of Acid
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Water 6
Components: V, S, F, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Wall of acid, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

The churning barrier of emerald-green elixir bubbles and hisses, generating noxious green vapour.

You cause a wall of swirling translucent acid to appear. Any creature attempting to pass through a square occupied by a wall of acid must make a Swim check (DC 14 + your spellcasting ability modifier) or become trapped in the acid, unable to move. A creature trapped in this fashion can attempt another Swim check each round and might drown.

Any creature passing through or trapped in the wall takes 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) for each round of exposure. Additionally, all creatures within 10 feet of the wall must make a Fortitude save each round or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage from the wall's toxic fumes.

You can make the wall as thin as 5 feet thick, which allows you to shape the wall as a number of 10-by-10-by-5-foot blocks equal to twice your caster level. This has no effect on the damage dealt by the acid, but any creature attempting to break through takes that much less time to force its way through the barrier.

The wall is difficult to harm directly, just like water. If any 5-foot length of wall takes 20 points of cold damage or more in 1 round, that length freezes and is treated as a wall of ice of its thickness. If any 5-foot length of wall takes 20 points of fire damage or more in 1 round, that length evaporates into a stationary cloud with the properties of acid fog. Disintegrate destroys a 10-foot cube of the wall. Control water and similar effects can manipulate the wall.

A flask of acid (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#acid) (worth 10 gp).

Wall of Magma
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth][Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Fire 8
Components: V, S, F, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Wall of magma, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The wall of molten rock swirls and glows, casting off tremendous heat.

This spell functions as wall of acid, save that any creature passing through or trapped in the wall takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 25d6) for each round of exposure and the wall radiates heat as a wall of fire rather than producing toxic fumes. Additionally, the molten rock clings to creatures for 1d3 rounds after they emerge from the wall, dealing half damage for each of those rounds (maximum 12d6). Finally, the Swim DC to pass through the wall is 18 plus your your spellcasting ability modifier.

A flask of alchemist's fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#alchemistsFire) (worth 20 gp).