View Full Version : Warforged Battle Mage

2017-10-11, 08:12 PM
My group is about to start an Eberron campaign and I'm really into the idea of making a warforged battle mage. Ideally with a high AC and at least close to full casting. Trying to avoid a dex build as a dex based warforged seems really lame. We start at level 3 and I rolled a 17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11. SCAG and UA (subject to DM approval) are allowed. The two concepts that I have so far are:

1) Fighter 1/Evoker 2

With +1 to STR and CON I can meet the heavy armor requirements while putting my top two stats into CON and INT. Probably 18 CON and 16 INT. Using shield, chain mail to start, def fighting style, warforged +1 AC, I can start with 20 AC, bump to 22 with full plate, more with any magic gear, and have the shield spell. Proficiency in CON saves plus high AC should keep concentration under control. Planning to just keep a free hand for spell casting and use the first two ASI's to bump INT instead of trying to take war caster and melee. Abjuration is an option instead of evocation, but the idea of a levitating/flying warforged dropping big aoe spells without hurting allies seems like a ton of fun.

2) Stone Sorc 3

This would focus on melee through the SCAG cantrips and using spells primarily to twin buff and control, mostly avoiding spells that require a save. Start with 18 CON, 17 STR and 14 CHA. Spend sorcery points primarily on twinning Blur/Mirror Image/Haste/Greater Invis, damage comes from twinning booming blade and/or quickening GFB. Start with a Battlehammer and add a shield when I take War Caster at level 4. AC would be 20 once I got a shield, subsequent ASI's going into STR.

Party of 4, not sure what the rest of the group is doing other than one person seems set on a Mystic, no idea what kind of build. My plan is to build these two out and pick one based on what we're missing. If there are two big melee hitters, sorc would be nice for twin haste. If there isn't a ritual caster or any aoe, use the fighter/wizard. But I'm open to other ideas or critiques. Thanks!

2017-10-11, 08:18 PM
Option 1 looks right on the money to me. You could even take a second fighter level later on for that sweet, sweet action surge.

2017-10-11, 08:37 PM
Option 1 looks right on the money to me. You could even take a second fighter level later on for that sweet, sweet action surge.

Was thinking the exact same thing. Would probably wait a while, just to avoid crippling spell progression. But at level 8+ I'll probably have enough spell slots to cast most of the day, at which point being able to double up from time to time sounds pretty awesome. I'll probably wait until I find that I'm either finishing the day with slots left over or burning them just to burn them. I've run one campaign with the DM and I think the most encounters we've had in a day is 6, but it's usually closer to 2 or 3.

2017-10-11, 08:49 PM
Definintely not before getting 3rd level spells, double fireball and the like is when it starts getting fun. There's also the option of using it for dash or disengage for getting the right angle for a well placed thunderwave, or doubling up dodge with blade ward to really tank up if necessary.

2017-10-11, 08:56 PM
Love the concept. Wanting to make a warforged summoner wizard myself.

2017-10-11, 09:07 PM
Love the concept. Wanting to make a warforged summoner wizard myself.

Lol, another I had in the bank was a gnome summoner, but warforged summoner would be pretty cool. It seems like most Warforged are either Iron Man or Iron Giant. Sarcastic alcoholic* with a deep nihilistic streak or naive bumpkin. I'm still torn how to go, but with a summoner def Iron Giant. Get proficiency with cooking tools and try your best to make food despite the fact that you have absolutely no need for food. Get Keen Mind and recreate plants and animals that you're fascinated with. Ugh, now I have 3 options.

*not sure if alcohol affects Warforged?

Definintely not before getting 3rd level spells, double fireball and the like is when it starts getting fun. There's also the option of using it for dash or disengage for getting the right angle for a well placed thunderwave, or doubling up dodge with blade ward to really tank up if necessary.

Good options. It's one of those builds where the more I think about it, the more fun it sounds.

2017-10-11, 09:28 PM
Lol, another I had in the bank was a gnome summoner, but warforged summoner would be pretty cool. It seems like most Warforged are either Iron Man or Iron Giant. Sarcastic alcoholic* with a deep nihilistic streak or naive bumpkin. I'm still torn how to go, but with a summoner def Iron Giant. Get proficiency with cooking tools and try your best to make food despite the fact that you have absolutely no need for food. Get Keen Mind and recreate plants and animals that you're fascinated with. Ugh, now I have 3 options.

*not sure if alcohol affects Warforged?

Good options. It's one of those builds where the more I think about it, the more fun it sounds.

For me, the character studies conjuration because as a form of construct himself, he feels closer to them and by studying them, he could gain a better understanding of himself.

2017-10-11, 09:41 PM
For me, the character studies conjuration because as a form of construct himself, he feels closer to them and by studying them, he could gain a better understanding of himself.

Also a good option. Not meaning to simplify how folks want to RP. Having never really messed with Eberron or warforged before, I'm taken with the options that come out of the concept.

2017-10-12, 01:43 AM
You might also consider the theurge wizard, since you're able to use UA material. Tempest is a fun domain - gives you a channel divinity to boost your spell attack/save DC and another that lets you max lightning and thunder damage.

Also gives access to destructive wave later on. Radiant + thunder is a good combo for getting around resistances, the thunder can be maxed with the channel divinity, and it also knocks enemies who fail the save prone. Plus it's 100% party friendly.

My fighter 1/theurge wizard 10 took booming blade and uses it to smack people with a maul. Melee wizard for the win :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-12, 02:37 AM
Why not skip the theurge and go plain cleric? Depending on domain you get heavy armor and martial weapon prof without multiclassing, you're a full caster and i can hardly envision something cooler than a steampunk robot exploding in electric surges (tempest), throwing an axe with precision that only an aimbot can have (war) or smacking a [insert eberron monster] in the face just before dropping a healing word on the poor widdle wizard who thought mage armor was sufficient for a real battle (life).
Even a nature cleric (heavy armor and shillellagh) would be cool, an artificial creature fascinated by natural beings is kinda flavorful (and totally "iron giant").
If you mc for heavy armor, there's also the all knowing google bot (knowledge), laser eye drone (light), the epitome of mixing arcane, divine and scientific prowess (arcana) and... well, trickery i guess.

2017-10-12, 08:16 AM
Plain clerics don't get access to the best wizard spells and have fairly limited control and blasting options. A theurge wizard eventually gets access to the standard cleric spell list, the spells granted by their chosen domain, and retains access to the wizard spell list.

So far as out of combat utility, eventual access to both the cleric and wizard spell lists gives the theurge wizard the ability to cast almost every ritual in the game.

2017-10-12, 08:47 AM
Plain clerics don't get access to the best wizard spells and have fairly limited control and blasting options. A theurge wizard eventually gets access to the standard cleric spell list, the spells granted by their chosen domain, and retains access to the wizard spell list.

So far as out of combat utility, eventual access to both the cleric and wizard spell lists gives the theurge wizard the ability to cast almost every ritual in the game.

And the Ritual Caster feat can get you the rest.