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2017-10-12, 09:21 AM
Alrin is one of the largest cities for miles. A rugged and depraved city. This time of the year is the worst. As traders for all around the world come to sell their exotic goods it leaves opening for corruption. Slave traders by the docks. Black markets, and human trafficking accur. Mercenaries gather around in the city plaza offering their services as guards. Even if the city is corrupt it’s still one of the best times to look for work. Some of the mercenaries look shifty, or some are old and ragged or some are so green that you can still she their mothers breast milk dripping down their faces. They brawl to show of their skills few rarely don’t get accepted. Their is always a need of a guard these days.

A goblin slave trader was trying to sell a red haired woman near the plaza. “...She is a Aziry warrior to the south! Will breed good children! Only 1,000 gold for this beauty. She spits in his face as he tries to sell her. The two big guards at his back gave her a swift beating. But the fire in her eyes only grew hotter; if she wasn’t bound she would have attacked him. The goblin cleaning the spit off his face brings over a few horses with a cages attached onto a wagons. Filled with dozens of women and men. “This is some of the best remaining stock I claimed from Aziry The women will sell for 150gold each the men 100g each! Some men lined up to look at the ‘merchandise’ he was selling. Even a city guard should up to view. Some asked if he needed extra men for his travels. Seeing that he was well off financially. Yes yes, I can use a few extra hands as I go west. Those who are interested state yours names and skills. A few state their names but don’t look all to promising.

A dozen feet away from the Goblin slaver were booths that were set up. Each one coming from a different nation. (Red booth) Valerians their kingdom lies far to the north. (Blue booth) Serexxs; a neighboring kingdom to the east. (Green booth) Ratasca; an absolutely vile and evil kindgom. Located to the southwest they are cruel and evil. Attacking whoever they please. Each on of these booths were looking for troops to slay monsters or following them on raids. The green booth members just had a single paper on the table. Saying ‘Looking for experienced troops. Pay 1,000 gold upon completion’ judging from their looks it was a very serious mission.

Magical pandas :o wait I meant ooc :p (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?538935-(OOC)-Mythical-Quests-and-Worlds-uncharted!)

2017-10-12, 10:18 AM
Johnson walks up to the Green Booth. "What type of problem can I help Ratasca with?" He smiles and assesses the emissaries.

2017-10-12, 11:49 AM
Sir Randall

Randall had come seeking a new shield to replace the wooden one he "inherited" from his late master. Perhaps also a horse, but he knew he was too thin in the purse to afford such an extravagance.

So begins the tale of "Randall, the Knight with No Mount." How the minstrels will sing, he thought glumly.

The thought of being a mere sellsword galled him, but unless he could suddenly magick up a magical horse, he needed the coin.

He addresses the green table's attendant.

"Pray, what service is needed, that the price is so lofty?

2017-10-12, 12:00 PM
Passing the goblin on his way to the booth of Serexxs , Fitzgerald says to himself - but loud enough that it can be heard

slavery is a shame! It should be punished to earn gold with the life of others!

Fitzgerald first looks the goblin straight in his eyes than he seeks the city guard and shakes his head if the guard replies

2017-10-12, 01:44 PM
(what did the guard reply?)

Hey greenie! I'm the best shot you'll ever need, my name's Filef Denhammer, yours?

2017-10-12, 01:57 PM
(what did the guard reply?

I mean when the guard look back at me. Reply - respond... you know?

2017-10-12, 03:49 PM
To the three men that approached Ratasca I can’t say all too much just that we have a dungeon we ‘discovered’ with our lord. Last dozen we hired didn’t make it back he chuckled at that. So we needed some more recruits if you will. We have more troops that will accompany us at camp we just need more troops he finished with a shrug. But you sensed there was something more sinister to it.

To Fitzgerald the guard you looked at shrugged saying Not much I can do. He looks back to the large two men behind the goblin. At Serexxs booth the young man looks up eagerly and saysAh been looking for men to accompany back home. I’m paying 10 gold a member! Food will be on me also. He waits for your reply. (Serexxs is about 1months travel.)

A tall youth walked up to the goblin and moved aside the other men gathering. I’ll like to accompany you east. I don’t need much pay. A gold a day would be enough for me. On his back is a large greatsword. His facial features are hidden. He glances at the slaves and eyes said slightly longer on the injured red head. His fist tightens up slightly but he releases his grip equally quick. Making the goblin not notice. A gold? Eh why not. Your hired. He smiles knowing he got a good deal.

To filef Rangart. Hopefully you as good as you say. What’s the gold you want? he says absentmindedly

2017-10-12, 04:09 PM
Ah been looking for men to accompany back home. I’m paying 10 gold a member! Food will be on me also.

helping a man to come home, of course I will do Fitzgerald answerd

to come home he smiled while echoing these words. I should write a letter home. It's been a while he thought.

but please, and I wont be inquisitive, what is your profession, sir he asked

2017-10-14, 11:11 AM
helping a man to come home, of course I will do Fitzgerald answerd

to come home he smiled while echoing these words. I should write a letter home. It's been a while he thought.

but please, and I wont be inquisitive, what is your profession, sir he asked

Second Ic fliggi characters response. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?539165-Mythical-Quests-and-Worlds-Uncharted!-(Ic-B))

2017-10-14, 11:19 AM
I want about 2 gp a day. If the journey persists long enough, I wouldn't mind taking a slave instead.

Or maybe all the slaves... Filef thought.

2017-10-14, 12:05 PM
Sir Randall

Randall says nothing, waiting for the man to fill in his own blanks.

[roll0] sense motive

He crosses his arms and waits.

2017-10-14, 05:53 PM
The goblin shrugs and says 2g it is heeheehee we will be going to the next city over to regroup with my brother Grureek. It will be about a weeks travel. Ragnart says slipping a paper over to you. (Employment from.) For a goblin he is pretty organized when it comes down to business.

[Rataska group]

Look er you can come or not. No sweat off my back. I’m a grunt in this group. I don’t know much besides we need more men. Those that are weak willed seem to die quickly though. He is being honest doesn’t know much more besides what he told you.

2017-10-14, 07:31 PM
Sir Randall

"Then you have found your men," the bedraggled knight says, arm sweeping at the others who approached the table.

"Enough bargaining, I agree to your terms. How shall we get there?"

2017-10-15, 10:04 AM
We will be leaving for main camp tonight afterwards I believe we’re setting out at dawn. He finish’s sliding an employment form towards you. Pay would be at the end of the mission. Easier for us then looting your body if you die. he says nonchalantly but you can clearly tell it’s happened before.

2017-10-15, 03:32 PM
Fitzgerald was leaving the blue booth and after a deep breath he walked to the red one of Valerian.

Greetings, proud men of Valerian. My name is Fitzgerald van der Kerkhof and I'm here to volunteer myself

2017-10-15, 03:58 PM
Sir Randall

Coldly, Randall takes the form.

"So be it. I'll expect the payment immediately upon completion."

Awaiting departure instructions, the poor knight seeks a night's accommodation.

2017-10-15, 05:52 PM
His voice was deep. You felt some minor vibrations from the power of it. Ho’ Fitzgerald. My name is Roland and this is my brother Sigurd. Thurn is handling the paperwork out back. He motioned behind him. A large man was scratching his beard looking at papers. Thurn is having troubles deciding on who we should take still buhahaha. The job we have going is pretty simple hunting bandits that have been appearing around our boarder. Roland looked at the Ratasca booth and spat on the ground. Truth be told I’m pretty sure the bandits are Ratasca troops making trouble for us. It will be a dangerous job mind you and the pay isn’t the greatest. But it’s a good cause. We willing be willing to cover food and 25g a month. He put a paper down on the table. With a pen on top. Leaving the choice up to you.

I won’t muscle you into it. But if you have anymore questions I’ll answer to the best of my ability. Roland sat down on the chair behind his booth. Even sitting down he was close to 6 ft tall. He was well muscled and power. But he face was honest and true. He wouldn’t hide anything from you.

Ratasca booth

Were in the Twisted thorn tavern two streets over to the east. If you want to wait for us there we will arrive later in the hour. He said eyeing over a new bunch of mercs walking up.

2017-10-15, 08:23 PM
Sir Randall

"Two hours then," he replied curtly.

disappointed with the wares offered (and the fact he was bereft of coin), Randall DeBrus made his eventual way to the Twisted Thorn.

Gather Information: [roll0] "Where's this tavern?!"
Knowledge [Local]: [roll1] "Why am I asking you? I know very well where it is."

2017-10-15, 10:33 PM
Al'right then it's a do done deal. See ya later then.

2017-10-16, 01:28 AM
Why is Ratasca sending bandits to you? And why don't you stop the Ratascans from recruiting new ones? It seems that one of you could destroy their booth over there with ease... Fitzgerald grabs the pen and makes his signature.

defeating the bandits would make Sir Tython proud of me he thought.

2017-10-16, 08:52 AM
"I too will take a form," Johnson says offering his hand to the Rataskans. Once he receives the form he will head to the Twisted Thorn.

2017-10-16, 10:12 AM
Yes it wouldn’t be hard to destroy the booth. Roland laughs But we don’t know for certain and if we go attacking any Ratasca men how is that right? It will bring chaos wherever we go. If we catch them in the act it’s a different matter entirely.


Ragnart looks at Filef We will find you in the morning. Just inform one of the guards where you will be staying.


You both find the twisted thorn easily. About a two dozen other mercenaries decided to join up with Ratasca. Thinking the large amount of gold offered will set them up for life and not any dangers that might come with such a large some.

I think I decided you two can use the main thread? If you would like a separate one just lemme know! :smallsmile:

Red Knight
2017-10-16, 10:28 AM
Emma slid between several figures as she continued moving towards the tables, trying not to let her nose curl from the stench of some of the people she passed, she glanced at the slaves being auctioned, and turned her head away just as quickly, if she didn't get signed to a job soon, she'd end up in irons for trying to free slaves..... glancing at the various prices she reached her hand out and grabbed a form from the Ratasca booth, and after detailing her information. Maneuvered her way through the streets as she approached the Twisted Thorn.

2017-10-17, 02:58 PM
In the Twisted Thorn Johnson eyes the others that signed on with Ratasca. He then approached them and introduced himself. "I am Johnson, it would appear that we all seek riches in Ratasca." His smile is warm as well as his hand. The only thing that makes him stand out from any other fighter is the green glowing orb floating just beside his head.

2017-10-17, 03:12 PM
They eye you and the orb trying not to get to close. Just trying to do the job and get on with it. Don’t need to bother us any One man said backing up some more. Clearly everyone is on edge.

Red Knight
2017-10-17, 05:53 PM
Relieved that someone else had broke the muttering silence, Emma stepped forward shifting her halberd to her off hand, so she could shake his hand. "Emma Blackwater, pleased to meet you Johnson. You're quite right I mainly joined up here due to the large sum, hopefully there aren't any problems when we survive to get paid." Letting a small smile slip across her face, Emma turned back to the room at large. She wondered if she should pull out her pipes or lute and play something......probably not here, she'd just get yelled at to keep her music to herself, or worse be propositioned for something lewd.

2017-10-17, 07:34 PM
Sir Randall

The tall, burly knight overs a polite bow and returns the proffered hand.

"Sir Randall DeBrus, at your service."

He was glad at least these two understood the concept of manners.

2017-10-18, 02:16 PM
"Payment probably won't be a problem. I doubt they expect any of us to survive the job." Johnson responds to the others. He still wears the goofy smile.

2017-10-18, 02:36 PM
Sir Randall

"As long as they are upfront with payment once we succeed, let them have their conceit."

Randall went about checking his gear while waiting for his employer. He would need a proper squire sooner or later.

2017-10-18, 03:26 PM
The man who handed you your paper walks in. Glad you all made it here safe and sound. My name is Ebbon not that it matters much. Lord Aramil is our employer ; Aramil is a new lord who killed his father to succeed to lord. He is only 17 years old but as corrupt as they come. I’ll let you know more now then I did at the booth. Chances are over half of you will die. If that scares you walk away not. I’ll tear your forms up. If you see Lord Aramil always address him by his title. A few people forgot and died. In case you can’t tell what he looks like. Black hair. Red eyes. He also wears black armor with a wolf insignia on it. A few people left after adding there papers to the fire place. More did so after hearing the employers name.

If anyone has more questions now is the time to ask. If you still want to cancel now is the time. Because when morning comes we will be meeting up with the main camp.

2017-10-18, 03:36 PM
Sir Randall

Randall did his best to keep on top of the Peerage in the realms known. He searched his memory for all he could draw of this Lord Aramil.
Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) [roll0]
Knowledge (Local) [roll1]
Knowledge (History) [roll2]

"I appreciate your candor," he tells the recruiter. "How may I address you?"

[roll3] If he's going to end up stabbing me in the back, let him at least feel bad about it.

Or, you know, fail miserably. :smallconfused:

2017-10-18, 03:53 PM
You couldn’t recall anymore information the Ebbon told you.My Name is just Ebbon one of the few recruiters sent out because nobody else had time. We probably won’t see much of one another after we reach the main camp. I’m just a recruiter and a grunt. Hahaha my chances of surviving are as great as any of you. He says a little sadly at the end.

Red Knight
2017-10-18, 05:53 PM
Well then, you should look forward to surviving with us. Emma gave a quick smile, I only really have 2 questions, how many of "US" are there? And where are we going after we meet up with the main camp? I'm not trying to be nosy just wondering if I should try for any other supplies.

Bardic Knowledge: [roll0] for anything about Aramil thats of note/interest
Also I spazzed earlier when I said glaive, it's actually a halberd, just letting you know now so I don't make problems later. I'll edit the post

2017-10-19, 08:36 AM
"Well, he sure seems cheery. I am still in, formalities are an easy thing to do and being a sword for hire comes with danger." Johnson has quit smiling but still stands firm as he watches the others leave.

2017-10-19, 09:22 AM
Ebbing says I believe it’s a ruin of some kind. I just recently joined up. So not 100 percent sure yet. We have roughly 30 people at camp before I left but if recruiting went alright should be close to fifty maybe more.

2017-10-19, 11:26 AM
Sir Randall

"Such an ambitious lord shall need good knights at his service, not just any armed rabble. When do we start?"

I know this guy is bad news, but Sir Pretty and Vapid is not quite so worldly in his views. Yet.

2017-10-19, 11:30 AM
We will set off to the camp in the morning. Then I assume we would go to the ruins by midday and send another scouting party in. Ebbon says thinking about it.

2017-10-19, 12:07 PM
"Sounds good to me. I will mill about and meet you in the morning." Johnson will take his leave and get a room for the night.

2017-10-21, 03:09 PM
Everyone set out from twisted thorn tavern early the next day. Only a handful of the dozens that should up left with you. Around midday you arrive at the Ratasca man camp. In the center was a large tent probably Lord Aramils tent. The turn out was a bit more then what Ebbon expected. About a hundred and fifty men showed up! They were instructed to sort themselves into party’s of ten. Each lead by a Ratasca man.

Hahaha Ebbon is that you. What a sorry bunch you brought with you. Says a big Ratasca warrior in full plate armor. I bought 60 with me. Lord Aramil will be disappointed. Hahaha A group of Ratasca men laughed at Ebbon.

You all should line up while I try to get a few more men to fill out our group. Ebbon says with his head down. Clearly he is very low on the totem pole.

Ebbon comes back with another 5 men all scrawny and weak looking. Clearly rejects for the other groups. As you lined up into rows of two with five in each. He stands in between the two in front. More troops poured in lining up next to your group. Soon you were surrounded by hundreds. As Aramil mounted his black horse. A daunting figure surrounded by thirty of his personal guard. All elites from the look of it.

Aramil glances over the lot of you. His sharp eyes sending a chill down your necks. Clearly he wasn’t a nice guy. Wordlessly he sets off to the south. Silently all the columns marched after him. Everyone was tense.

Ebbon whispered back. I haven’t seen the area were marching to but I heard you don’t want to be the first to enter. So we should get a little distance between our group from the front. But not far enough to draw attention.. Ebbon was clearly a bit smarter then he let on.

I know this is a longer post so if you want to describe what you are doing during it go ahead! If you need any extra info lemme know!

2017-10-21, 04:13 PM
Sir Randall

As his new lord looks him over, Randall offers Aramil the most courtly greeting possible.

[roll0] Diplo
[roll1] K: Royalty & Nobility

When His Lordship moved on, he listened to Ebbon and agrees.

"I will not avoid battle, but I shall not rush headlong without knowing the lay of the field either."

Red Knight
2017-10-23, 08:34 AM
Emma rolled her eyes at the lord's back as he trotted away on his charger, thinking ..."Nobles, so serious and self centered"

To Ebbon's statement of order, she nodded, "Okay if we can lets go 3rd or 4th, that way we have a chance to see whatever takes down those in front, that way we can avoid a similar fate."

2017-10-23, 11:42 AM
"Don't worry, I will make sure there is a blade by your sides," Johnson says as he smiles at the smaller recruits.

2017-10-25, 10:36 AM
A few hours pass noon the landscape became rocky. Two cliffs on each side on your path. Moving forward the giant walls around you felt cold and eerie. The path you walked down sloped sharply downwards. Some men tripped but weren’t seriously injured.

You came in front of a massive building. In the entracely blood was freshly everywhere. Brown from previous encounters. Aramil was a few rows behind all of you. He motioned his hand forward. The first group entered. Everyone waited tense. No noise came out after a half hour he sent the next two groups in. Angry Aramil rode up close. and shouted.

The next group at least make a sound when you die! He pointed forward as you and another group marched inside the dark temple...

Ill give ya a chance to do any extra prep or info you want to add before you go inside :smallbiggrin:

2017-10-25, 11:58 AM
Johnson takes a moment to gather himself (psionic focus) before he has to advance into the unknown.

Red Knight
2017-10-26, 01:01 PM
Emma surveyed the building while the preceding groups entered and apparently met with a silent demise, the building was enormous, she'd never really studied architecture, but she searched through her mind for tales or stories of where they were, and details from the building's appearance. As they were preparing to enter the building, she glanced around putting her current palpable fear aside for a moment as she teasingly asked. "Do you boys mind a little music?"

Bardic Knowledge- The Building & or area we are in:[roll0]
Halberd ready and out front, in Hunter's stance (I have scent 30'), and (I'm assuming that there aren't many women in these groups so that's why I specified boys earlier), assuming the group doesn't mind/wants I'll begin singing with a use of Bardic music.

2017-10-26, 02:00 PM
Sir Randall

"By all means. And stay near me. We have a better chance to survive if we keep our wits and work in concert!"

Readying sword and shield, the knight-marshal awaits his lord's command.

2017-10-26, 04:24 PM
Ebbon places your group second to enter. As you walk inside a cold chill goes up your spines. The path goes in a ways then opens into a wide room. With an two open doors in the middle. You see faint glow of torch light through one. The other was dark the second group that entered with you heads for the torch path. Ebbon motions to the dark one as he lights his torch.

The dark corridor led down a spiral set of stone steps. As you arrived at the base of the steps. It revealed another door. Inside was dark. Ebbon pushed the door open slightly. And threw in his torch.

As it flew through the room you saw a dozen men that went in before you dead. Torn limb from limb. Right before the torch landed inside a pool of blood you saw another door in the room. With a bloody handprint on it...

Ebbon glances at the group with him. If anyone wants to turn back now I suggest you head up. A few of your group ran up the steps. Glad for the chance of escape.
Ooc What do you do? And any questions?

2017-10-26, 04:40 PM
Sir Randall

Resolute, Sir Randall remains.

"We will need light. Do either of you have a torch or some other means?"

Red Knight
2017-10-26, 04:47 PM
Continuing the ballad she been lightly singing, Emma alternated her breathing, inhaling through her nose and taking advantage of her enhance olfactory senses. She tries to combine what she can smell, besides the blood, ichor and wrenched bowels, with what she saw & can hear. She waves her hand at Ebbon, motioning to strike another torch, but to keep it on him, she then gestured at the friendly knight, and quickly stepped to position herself a pace behind and to the side of Sir Randall, shifting her halberd to cover his right, while still being able to aid him if anything attacked. Nodding her head, she continued the ballad, hoping no one noticed the involuntary method of stress.

OOC: Moving 1 space behind and to the right of Sir Randall, listen check [roll0], how big does the room appear to be? Is the blood on the floor enough to be a slipping hazard? or detract from normal mobility? How far to the other door (with the bloody handprint)? Continuing Bardic Music. Ready to advance in keeping pace with Sir Randall, unless there is a better idea.

2017-10-26, 08:04 PM
Ebbon pulls another torch and lights it as he slowly draws his sword. Careful to not make a noise.

the room is about 20 wide and 40in length. Yes there in enough blood and gore in some spots to make it a hazard but if you walk carefully it’s not a problem. The door is on the other side of the room so About 40 ft. The room is silent though. You don’t think nobody is in there.

Out of your group of ten people your are now down to seven. 3 men left to run away. So there are 4 npcs including Ebbon!

What would you guys like to do?

2017-10-26, 08:11 PM

"Guard my flank. I shall go through first."

With a strong boot, Randall DeBrus attempts kicking in the door.

I'll do both. Presuming bardic inspiration.
[roll0] STR
[roll1] kick door [roll2]

2017-10-27, 09:45 AM
Johnson steps behind the knight to make it easier to file into the room, holding his sword at the ready.

2017-10-27, 09:14 PM
Ebbon follows into the room his torch lighting it up. He has two men guarding the door you entered from to make sure nothing sneaks up at you. The smell in the room was intense.

Randall’s foot slammed into the door forcing it open with a loud crack as it holds on with its last shingle. Leading down one more flight of stairs. A single set of bloody foot prints led down. As you walk a few steps down you hear foot steps.

In the new room you see a large monster with red glowing eyes and a mouth filled with fangs. Around his body are bodies stripped of flesh. Partially devoured...


It’s frightful appearance sends shivers down your spine...

What do you do? Also feel free to say anything you might have if you walked down there. Lastly you guys caught it in mid feed but the noise from the door cancelled surprise attack.

I’m going to let you all Attack first though lol then the beast followed by npcs. To keep the flow smooth :)

Last note be careful it’s a bit strong :o

2017-10-28, 12:12 PM
Sir Randall

"At it, my friends! We have it outnumbered!"

Swift action: Watchful Eye Aura (+4 to Reflex saves all allies with range).

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage

He advances, advising his allies to be light on their toes.

He swings his blade at the monstrous creature.

Red Knight
2017-10-30, 09:29 AM
Visibly on edge, Emma stared at the thing as Johnson swung his weapon, mentally reviewing the creature he was targeting, "what was that thing, it's horrible and it's eating them?!" She'd heard of such creatures but she wracked her brain trying to remember anything about it. Raising her voice to a clear and distinct level Emma swung her Halberd down towards the creatures body in a downward slash.

Bardic Knowledge to Identify said beastie: [roll0]
Halberd Attack Roll: [roll1]
Halberd Damage:[roll2]
Ongoing Effects: Bardic Music (+1 hit & damage) (included in my rolls)
Whoot! 19 on the d20 & max damage, nice rolling!

2017-10-30, 10:29 AM
Johnson swings to put steel to flesh on the creature.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Expend Psionic Focus for attack [roll2] damage.

2017-10-30, 12:03 PM
Man all you guys hit hard xD.

Also Emma can’t place exactly what type. But it’s. Certain kind of vampire. Clearly warped in a way :)

Randall’s swing knocking it into the then Johnson. All deadly and fast swings the creature bounces between you all as deep gashes appear from his body. The other mercenaries join in seeing as this beast is clearly weak.

The two attacked him from the sides he barely has to move to dodge them. The beats leaps at his first attacker and sinks his fangs into your arm. You feel a strange pulse coming from where he bit you.

He steps back and you notice his injuries slowly start closing...

Everyone up! Also so there is 3 mercs in the room with you. One is Ebbon behind the two that just charged the other to are providing a weak flank on him.

Also as a heads up. You should mention where your hitting him towards. :) extra homebrew damage if you hit him into the walls remember? :)

2017-10-30, 12:37 PM
Sir Randall

Pointing his blade at the beast in a Champion's Salute, offerings Fighting Challenge to the creature.

If INT is over 5 and CR CR >1, I get +1 to morale, to hit and to damage for 9 rounds.

Hw slashes at the creature again.

[roll0]+1 for Bard
Damage [roll1]+1 for the Rythyms
Take away 1 from each if requirement not met.

Red Knight
2017-10-30, 01:32 PM
Continuing her vocalizations, Emma took a quick side step, positioning herself so that the creature was between her and one of the unknown mercenaries, with another swing she pivoted the blade upward aiming for under the creatures shoulder, toward it's neck.

Provided its possible, move to flank with Merc. 1 (He should be on it's left if I'm visualizing correctly)
Halberd Attack: [roll0]
Halberd Damage: [roll1]
Ongoing Effects: Inspire Courage (+1 hit & damage), Flanking (+2 to hit)

2017-10-31, 10:42 AM
Johnson continues his efforts attempting to push the beast to the wall and limit its movements with his swing.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-10-31, 02:06 PM
Randall’s and Johnson’s hits push the beast back slamming him into the wall. The two men charged and futile strike the best. Very unskillfully. The best counters on one sinking his teeth deep inside his neck. Tearing back killing the man effortlessly. He crumbled to the ground as he gave his life blood to the beast. Healing his wounds once more...

everyone up two npcs including Ebbon. One died. Everyone up also monster is against the wall and took 1 bonus damage. Gl guys!

Red Knight
2017-11-01, 08:24 AM
Noting the man's easy death before her, Emma keenly realized how recklessly she'd been attacking, switching the holds on her halberd she adjusted the weapon to keep the haft between her and the beast, it would give her a modicum more protection and wouldn't inhibit her attack that much.

Halberd Attack: [roll0]
Halberd Damage:[roll1]
Ongoing effects: Bardic Music (+1 hit & damage), flanking? (+2 to atk if so (not included)), still behind & to the right of Sir Randall, now using Combat Expertise (1), AC 17, atk -1 (included).

2017-11-01, 09:36 AM
Johnson sighs, "If you are not going to be helpful, you could at least die without feeding it!" He then lunges forward with another swing.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
He tries to keep the creature pinned to the wall with his attack

2017-11-01, 03:29 PM
yep still have the flanking bonus. You guys got him btw! Gj!

The combo attack delivered by Emma and Johnson finished the beast off. He blood ebbing onto the floor. As he went down he threw a feeble attempt of an attack at you but no power was behind it.

what do you guys do? There are three rooms down there one leads further down one I see filled with broken boxes and crates like seriously no loot there. The other has a bunch of rotting bodies all partial eaten you can lock it from the outside or go in but looks like it’s has a bit of the past teams corpses that came before you.

2017-11-01, 03:44 PM
Sir Randall

Randall takes a moment to recover from the profane bite of the creature. It is all he can do the set the pain aside in his mind.

"Are there more of these, man? Speak now!" he demands of Ebbon. "If we are just grist for your bloody mill, I demand to know if you knew what we faced beforehand!"

[roll0] Well. That was? Poor.

2017-11-01, 03:51 PM
very xD

I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve came in myself. Nobody has came back before. But I don’t think a single one of these monsters could do this much damage. Ebbon says stunned. Clearly telling the truth he was unsettled by it also.

Red Knight
2017-11-02, 08:30 AM
Ceasing her melody, Emma put a gentle hand on the knight's shoulder, "Easy Sir Randall, I agree I don't envy the thought of being cattle for these beasts to feed on, but I imagine that the groups that came in here before were ambushed by multiples of....whatever that is, it has traits similar to a vampire, healing, blood consumption, but it was more bestial then I've heard tales of. Withdrawing her hand she proceeded over to the corpse of the creature, raising her halberd she brought it down with a swift strike to the creatures neck, severing the head from the body. Then after picking the head up, she returned to Randall & Johnson, "We should probably alert his Lordship about this, he probably won't care, but at least the other members will get to here about the blood healing & flesh eating."

Tossing the head to one of the unnamed mercenaries, "Here, you look like you'd like a chance to get out of this cave, go show that to Aramil." Chuckling at a sudden idea, "throw it to him like I did you, bet he'll squeal like pig."

2017-11-02, 08:31 AM
"So, if you think there are more, then they could be one of two ways. I do not want to turn our backs on them. But, then again, it took but one strike and slayed this one," Johnson says as he points to their fresh bodied companion on the floor. "But, we must press on, if you are able Sir Randall?" Johnson then takes a brief moment to center himself again (gain psionic focus)

2017-11-04, 03:14 PM
The man just a little as the head flew towards him and quick ran upstairs and walked across the bloody room. Greeting his the two men guarding the stairs. He ran up disappearing around the spiral steps. Shortly after you hear a scream coming down the stairs he just went up.

Oh no! :o

People you have left are

Sir Randall
Skinny mere joe
Skinny merc billy bob

:smallbiggrin: What do you do? :)

2017-11-04, 03:47 PM
Sir Randall

Randall quietly regretted kicking in the door.

"We can't leave our rear vulnerable. We should check on the screams."

2017-11-05, 04:43 PM
"Indeed, i will watch our backs as we retreat to find the cause of screams." Johnson seems unphased by the narrow margin they have survived by.

2017-11-06, 01:53 PM
If you walk up the way you came you see the other groups bodies in a bloody mess on the floor with a dozen of the beasts you just fought. Eating the flesh of the group and one mercenary who was holding a head. They don’t seem to notice you yet. One raises its head and sniffs the air in your direction....

what do you guys do? :)

2017-11-06, 02:48 PM

With a halting hand, Randall motions for the survivors to head back down. No way to go but forward.

Back downstairs and head onward?

2017-11-06, 03:36 PM
Johnson will creep back down the stairs as quietly as possible. 'Could have taken them' he says under his breath once at the bottom.

2017-11-06, 04:01 PM
Ebbon closes the door that lead upwards and placing his sword were the bar war supposed to be and shivers. Were trapped. No way to escape... he says slinking down to the floor with his back to the door. The other two men walked out of the bloody room and quickly ran back panicked.

Sirs there’s men pouring out coming to us! he gestures back to where you slain the beast. Walking down you see the door that contained all the dead men before you was opened. The metal bar sitting to the side. Two of the dozen already walked out shambling towards you with a small groan. In the room you see more standing up. There’s got to be at least twenty more in there!

oh no xD hurry everyone up save yourselves!

( What do you all do?)

2017-11-06, 04:29 PM
"Okay, I say we kill these, they will be easier than the ones behind us," Johnson says as he grimaces and grips his sword tightly.

2017-11-06, 05:47 PM

"Tactics! Stay close so they cannot outflank us!"

Attack if they come with range, hold my position.


2017-11-06, 11:24 PM
Emma moving behind Randall to provide back up support as Randall’s Blade bites deep into one of the dead mercenaries sending him back through the doorway. The other moved towards Skinny joe and attacked! The other mercenary ran to the door Ebbon was leaning towards crying he had it he doesn’t want to die. So he is cowering in fear.


Edit damn maxed damage another merc falls :/

Joe was sent flying into the wall from the hard hit his body crumbled and went limp on the floor. His neck twisted in a deadly angle....

So Johnson, Randall, Emma, Ebbon, and Skinny billy bob are left. Also the stairs leading down is wide enough to funnel two in at a time. Next turn 2 more undead mercs will funnel through the door. 20 left one halfway dead. Well... you know what I meant :p. Gl guys!

2017-11-07, 08:32 AM
Johnson takes up beside Emma and swings at the spawn coming at them.

Swinging to push the undead toward the wall, Johnson attacks.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Red Knight
2017-11-08, 09:17 AM
Swinging her Halberd in quick short strokes Emma aimed to keep Sir Randall clear of the oncoming rush. Out of the corner of her eye she kept an eye on the corpse of Joe. Gods could he become one of these things too?

Halberd Attack: [roll0]
Halberd Damage: [roll1]
wow messed those up really bad, but I missed so badly on the attack it shouldn't matter. Sorry, been sick & wanted to keep up, guess my "damage" rolls indicate I shouldn't...haha(nervous chuckle)

AoO Attack & Damage if applicable:
Halberd Attack: [roll2]
Halberd Damage: [roll3]

2017-11-08, 02:01 PM
Johnson striking on down. As another charged him Emma’s second swing sliced his head clean off making the dead mercenary body fall a few feet short of Johnson. More continued to pour out the door. Four out moving towards you while more continue to line up behind them...

Dm gives everyone one more move because they can only do either a move or attack action but as it stands it’s about 3:17 while Ebbon and Billy bob are by the door cowering in despair. Idk about you but it’s looking bleak. Try finding another path! :)

2017-11-08, 04:29 PM
"Be useful you gutless curs and find another way out, secret doors or something," Johnson shouts to Ebbon and Billy. He then turns to face the coming onslaught and strikes out.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If I can take an extra attack with that action [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2017-11-11, 03:18 PM
Your attack missing not driving any hope into the men. You realize there might be a chance if you either shut and lock the door to prevent the horde from slipping out or run past them deeper into the ruins...they don’t move very fast but there is a chance...

what do you do? Also redzimmer and red knight can you post something in ic to let me know your still playing? I’ll give you guys a day or two to lemme know if no response I’ll think both characters might be lost to the horde.

2017-11-11, 04:25 PM

"Forward! We're just corralling ourself here!"

The knight exhorts his companions to head in further, leading the way himself.

2017-11-12, 10:25 AM
Johnson falls in line behind the knight, taking a swing as he moves through the horde.

attack 1d20+6
Damage 1d8+4

Edit: ok so I can't roll while on my phone I guess, safari can you roll for me?

2017-11-12, 11:06 AM
Johnson falls in line behind the knight, taking a swing as he moves through the horde.

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Edit: ok so I can't roll while on my phone I guess, safari can you roll for me?

think it was because of the space

2017-11-13, 11:52 AM
Johnson deadly blow opened a path for him and Randall as you plunged deeper into the ruin. The gap leading back closes as Emma and the two mercs are trapped against the horde one of the men scream and you hear a loud bang behind Ebbons door drawn from the scream. You run.

Running deeper and deeper down the stairs. You see a large solid metal door cracked open. Behind you you see a dozen of the vampiric beasts behind yourunning at you with Incredible speeds. It’s no wonder nobody has survived inside these ruins for long.

Running through the door you quickly shut it and move the deadbolt close. You hear loud *Bangs from the other side. The door blunges slightly under their attacks but doesn’t give...

The new room you are in is cool and dark...

As you light a torch you see an altar with some gems on the bottom and a few chests. It must be some kind of offering. There are two wooden doors on both side of the room and one stone door behind the alter. Opposite from yourselves.

(What do you do?)

2017-11-13, 12:51 PM
Looking around to ensure there are no bodies present Johnson turns his attention to the "offering". "Sir Randall, do we bother desecrating this offering or choose a door a random to flee through?" Johnson is audibly out of breath and starting to look worried.

2017-11-13, 01:13 PM
Sir Randall

"Who knows what sort of bizarre cult left these. Search for something useful. Anything that can staunch an unholy wound would be nice."

1d20+ Le sigh.

Randall looks over the treasure, then turns his focus to escape.

"If there is a way other than back towards those monstrosities, I say we take it."

2017-11-13, 01:31 PM
Looking into the horde you see gold and gems with a longsword with a ruby scabbard. There are two rings and a necklace. Lasting a skull rests on top of the altar filled with blood. It looks like someone’s been drinking from it. Looking into the wooden and stone doors. The wooden door to the left of the entry way has beds mostly rotted away. The right wooden down has spoiled foods. The wooden one looks like it leads further down but into a cave entrance. With a faint smell of water.

2 rubies (100g each if you get best price)
2 sapphires (75g each)
Jeweled Blade (15k+)
Two Rings (2-10k)
Necklace (???)

Skull filled with blood (no this is not good)

2017-11-13, 01:32 PM
"Three choices, certainly they all lead to death. Stone one?" Johnson jests as he catches his breath. He looks closer at the chests.

2017-11-13, 04:03 PM
Sir Randall

"Do any of us have arcane affinity? Any of these if magical may give us an edge."

Any of us have detect magic?

After divvying the hoard accordingly, Sir Randall heads towards the smell of water.

"I seek glorious battle, not mindless sacrifice. These beasts are no better than stirges," he says more to convince himself than the others.

Sir Randall DeBrus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1355539)
Male LN Human Knight/Marshal Gestalt, Level 1, Init 0, HP 5/14, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 10, Flat-footed 17, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Longsword +6 (1d8+4, 19-20 x2)
Heavy Mace +5 (1d8+4, x2)
Dagger +5 or +1 ranged (1d4+4, 19-20 x2)
Chain mail , Heavy Wooden Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 18
Condition Watchful Eye (+4 to reflex saves all allies)

2017-11-15, 12:18 PM
Going down the stone path. The stone brick walls turn into solid stone as your lead through the new cave. Following the smell of water it leads to an underground river. The wall is clean and you hear a small waterfall in the distance. But the cave ends at the river.

(What do you do?)

2017-11-16, 11:27 AM
Johnson looks at Sir Randall, "So, ready to get wet?" Johnson looks at the rushing water, then back at the corridor behind them, seemingly to weigh their options.

2017-11-16, 11:32 AM
Randall says We don’t have much choice in the matter. you hear a load groan and bang. Echo throughout the cave shortly after a dozen of the beasts came after. Randall saying his options tosses Johnson the bag of jewels he collected. As he drew his weapon. You better get going. I will hold them off tell stories about me. Sir Randall the Brave sounds like a good one. He said as he did a quick pray before he launched into to battle with The vampiric beasts and there spawn.

(What do you do Johnson?)

2017-11-16, 12:14 PM
"You will live on in the tales," Johnson said as he secured the bag, sheathed his weapon and took a deep breath. He then plunged into the unknown, hoping he would make it out alive.

2017-11-16, 12:54 PM
The current quickly takes you under the rocks. The cut open your side and hit you a minute later when you were running low on air a light shined for above. Swimming up you were in a river. Your side bleeding you went onto the shore. Behind you where you came out from was a large mountain. The ones your party walked into. Sun was slowly setting down...

Out of the dozens of men that entered you are the sol survivor...

(What do you do?)

2017-11-16, 02:14 PM
Johnson pulls himself to the shore and checks his wounds. He will then look for firewood and start a fire, hoping to dry off and warm himself. "Well, looks like I have a long walk back and nothing much to show for it," he says to himself.

2017-11-16, 03:59 PM
You wound is jagged but you patch it quickly and get a small campfire. As the sun sets and you lie down to sleep you hear screams echoing off the mountains.

(Anything you do before morning?)

2017-11-16, 04:08 PM
Johnson urges his psicrystal to watch over him before he shuts his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

2017-11-16, 07:43 PM
Night quickly passes. Your wound making your body feel slightly stiff has healed a little. But it might leave a scar. It’s eerieoy quite this morning. What do you do?

2017-11-17, 08:07 AM
Johnson will douse his fire, meditate, and then start his long journey down the river. 'If the first plan doesn't work, try another.'

2017-11-17, 04:25 PM
Walking down the river in a haze from what you just saw an experienced you hear a faint humming noise.

(About 2–3pm you walked aways from it)

As you kept walking you saw a woman washing some clothes in the river a child besides her. Looking up to you the child backed away. Seeing an armed and bloody man walking up towards them.

2017-11-17, 04:45 PM
"Please, do not be afraid. If you could only point me toward the nearest town, I will be on my way, just point." Johnson smiles as best he can with his hands held out to his sides.

2017-11-17, 04:56 PM
The mother wide eyed points towards the forest a small trail led through it. With another hand she wrapped her arm around her son watching you.

2017-11-17, 05:18 PM
Johnson waves to the two and then takes his leave up the trail. His journey will take a while as he is not pushing himself to walk fast.

2017-11-17, 05:23 PM
Half an hour later you pass a small cottage that led onto a slightly wider road. Following that road led you into a small town of probably no more then 250 people. A ragged in called The Dancing Nymph was on the main road. As people saw you walking down the street they spoke in hush voices casting suspicious eyes to you.


What do you do?

2017-11-17, 10:16 PM
Johnson makes his way to the inn and looks for the keeper. "I need a room for the night, please."

2017-11-17, 10:47 PM
The innkeeper says That will be a gold piece. After you pay him a knock comes from the door an a waitress has a bucket of steamy water and a towel for you to clean up with ‘courtesy’ of the innkeeper.

After you rest for the night expsss
+150 for escaping the ruins.
+250 exp for sol survivor
+200 exp for beast slain.
+50 exp for spawns slain
+100exp for role play.
(750 exp)

2017-11-18, 08:14 PM
After a warm bath and a night's rest in a proper bed, Johnson will wake, refreshed. He suits up and leaves the inn, nodding to the innkeep as he walks out. He sets about, trying to find someone looking to hire a sword.

2017-11-22, 10:19 AM
You walk down the path leading to the city of Tren. A few hours in you notice a group of performers on the side of the road. Talking about there next upcoming performance in Alrin.

(What do you do?)

On the road to Tren it splits going to Alrin, Tren, or Derin. Just letting you know.

2017-11-27, 08:23 AM
"Good day travelers. I am Johnson, a sword for hire. Would you be in need of extra protection?" Johnson uses his normal jovial smile.

2017-11-27, 12:44 PM
A man in his late twenties walked up. Attractive for a male he had a sword by his side. Hmmm... it couldn’t hurt having a swordsmen on the roads. I hear it’s been getting tougher this fall. But we might ask you to perform sometime if we are short handed. He said drawing his sword going through a elegant flow of sword blows quick and fluid. Mainly for stage play but stunning anyways. My last partner on the stage had a little ‘fall in’ with a lasses family after taking something if you catch my drift. Regardless now he has to stay. He shrugs and tosses the sword in the air catching it in the scabbard without looking.

Anyways my name is Ahmed and this is my troupe of performers. He waves at two women one In her mid 40s goes by the name of Reeda the other a young 16 year old girl called Emily. There was a small boy combing down the horses. (David age 8) Lasting was a burly man about 37 but built like a mountain his name is Starkard.

(What do you do?)

Also you know all the names via in game introductions :)

2017-11-27, 04:46 PM
"I have not had much practice performing, but I can make a convincing fight and my skill with a sword is great." Johnson says clasping the man's hand. Johnson will try to fit in and make people feel safe at his presence.

2017-11-28, 11:55 AM
If you stick with us for a long period of time you will pick up a few skills. After Ahmed and Starkard finished their talk the two carts set off down the path to Alrin. Ahmed motioned for you to sit by him in the wagon.

Whats your story Johnson? Why would a swordsman be wondering around these parts instead of a different more name seeking spot like Mount Granhelm pills of Ash? Can make yourself into a hero of legend haha. Kinda lastluster here. Can to tell? Ahmed asks as the cart settles moves down the road.

2017-11-28, 02:20 PM
"I tried to join up with Rataska, though they saw fit to run people to their death in the mountains. I just happened to be the only survivor. So now I am once again a free agent. Just looking to make my way and see the world now. Figure I could make some coin and maybe even make a name for myself." Johnson smiled and enjoyed being able to ride for a while.

2017-11-29, 12:41 PM
Ahmed’s face listening nods. Rataska people don’t value lives that much. Glad you got away sounds like it was thoroughly dangerous. Making a name for yourself is hard these days. Not to many evil warlords to vanquish he chuckled. Getting closer to Alrin you see a faint smoke rising off the ruins of a church building...blood filled the air.

2017-11-30, 10:20 AM
"Well, there are other ways to make a name for one's self," Johnson replied. He looked around and sniffed the air. Johnson placed his hand on his sword and waited.

2017-11-30, 01:59 PM
As the cart drew close to the gates of the burned down church one of the doors was broken down. Ahmed looks at everyone Im just going to peek inside to see what has happened. he walks in. You hear a loud gasp escape his mouth.

(If you went with him)

You see countless orc bodies lying dead brutally cleaved apart. A few priests were among them. The has to be at least 30 orcs dead! You hear a faint shoveling noise. A larger then life man pale and covered in blood and injuries is giving holes next to the burnt down church. He lifts a priest up sets him in the hole and buried him. You see a dozen graves like that already lined up neatly. As he moves to pick up his shovel you see an injury on his chest. Black and yellow covering almost all his chest with infection. A fatal wound. But he continues to dig graves...

(What do you do?)

2017-11-30, 05:31 PM
"Ahmed, we should help," Johnson says as we walks over and looks for a shovel.

2017-12-01, 12:26 AM
Silently he nods finding two shovels you start digging. A few hours pass all the priests are buried the large man walks to the other side of the courtyard and proceeds to start digging more holes. Filling each one with an orc body. Sweat running down his face and he looks tired as if he was up all night. But he didn’t complain.

(What do you do?)

Just checking if you are going to do any action here? If not it will be about 6pm before the last orc is buried!.

2017-12-01, 11:35 AM
Johnson continues helping bury the corpses. He will make sure the man gets the help he needs in laying the dead to rest.

2017-12-01, 01:19 PM
After the last one war buried the large man picks up a large sword covered in blood quickly cleaning it he shealths it. Thank you for the help. He says. He starts walking out of the courtyard heading towards the south.

He looks badly wounded. What do you think we should do Johnson? Ahmed looks towards the man walking away. As he wiped sweat off his brow.

2017-12-01, 01:46 PM
"Warriors are buried. He probably won't last the night as is. Let him be, you have somewhere to go." Johnson nods to the man, then heads back to the cart. He will look at his sore hands, back to the man, then climb back on.

2017-12-01, 05:32 PM
Ahmed frown but nodded knowing there isn’t anything he can do. The cart sets out once again as Emily sat next to you rubbing a cream gently in your palms and wrapping your hands. Relieving some pain. She quickly moves to Ahmed as does the same.

A little while later you arrive at The Golden Apple. The largest inn in the city. A round belly man appears and hastily greats Ahmed with a handshake. “Glad to see you made it Ahmed. You worried me not arriving when you said you would have.”

Sorry Jeriun we got a bit distracted at the burnt down Church on the road. But we’re here now. turning to his group he says a few rapid orders Starkard get costumes readily. David tend to the horses. Emily stage prep. Reeda instruments. quickly they go about arranging items and grabbing costumes as Ahmed turns back towards Jeriun. We can be ready to perform in ten minutes. Will that be soon enough? Ahmed says clearly understanding Jeriuns silent message.

“Yes very. I have some rooms prepared for you and your troupe.” Jeriun passes a pouch that was filled with gold coins Ahmed briefly looked at it. He knew just by the weights it was the right amount.

Alright. You can show them to us after the performance. Ahmed said smiling. Turning to you he says What would you like to do Johnson? I’m sure they will be willing to give you a decent meal. You can also retire for the night if you like. Ahmed says.

(What do you do.)

2017-12-03, 09:57 PM
"I can help if you need, otherwise I will stay and watch." Johnson replied as he watched the troupe rush to get set up.

2017-12-04, 11:32 AM
Quickly and efficiently they set up and laid down costumes. Inside you hear a large group gathering. Ahmed returns wearing dull and simplier garbs then what he was wearing before. We will be busy for the next few hours with the performance. Can I ask a favor to you and make sure nobody gets to crazy to mess it up? We had it happen a few times before at this establishment. Just be careful if they are wearing gold embroidered clothing. Those are high nobles. he laughed as he passed you a fancy noble attire. Had dark shades of purple and gold mixed in. Anyone asks your the Baron of Aldrehard kingdom. On the island of Sisolore. The disguise might help. This is just a precaution though he smiles and pats you on the back. Noticing your gemed sword and hilt You certainly would look the part with that sword also. he laughs and walks back to Starkard who is putting on a grizzly bear suit.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-04, 11:54 AM
Johnson quickly finds a place to don the "costume" and only re-arms with the bejeweled sword. He will then enter and sit to one side of the crowd, a few rows from the stage.

2017-12-07, 07:27 PM
As you entered the tavern you see a few groups of nobles grouped together Laughing some sat by themselves with a few men at arms the next table over. A few ladies in waiting sat conversing amongst themselves. A few servants rushed about trying to pour wine into the nobles glasses.

The play starts. People were watching and engaging and drinks and conversing with each other. Play moves from scene to scene. A loud roar fills the entire room making a lot of the crowd scream. Starkard arrived on stage as the bear a terrifying beast. Roaring once more you feel the power go through your chair. Ahmed goes about fighting him with a sword drawing lots of attention. The play goes on for another hour when a problem arises in the corner.

A noble was getting to hands on with one of the women pouring wine. Drawing some attention from the crowd.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-08, 09:35 AM
Johnson stands and quickly closes the gap to the corner. "Come with me friend, let us not bother this show." Johnson will try to take the man's arm and pull him gently toward the exit.

2017-12-10, 05:50 PM
The man wobbly is dragged with you out the door. Two men follow him. Looking like they are his guards.

How dare you lay your hands on me you insolent wench! I’ll have you flogged for this! About late into his teens this man is. Guards seize him!

(What do you do?)

2017-12-11, 08:37 AM
"Hey, I was just trying to keep you out of trouble, my friend." Johnson says as he lets go of the man. He steps toward the door if possible.

I am outside correct?

2017-12-11, 10:01 AM
yep your outside

The guards were blocking your way back in. Looking at their young master again for his orders. He stomped angered and draws his sword the guards follow suit. Your a dead man now. the Boy said as he swung his sword at you.


He clearly doesn’t have much experience fighting. His guards on the other hand could be a problem. (What do you do?)

2017-12-11, 04:25 PM
"I was only seeking to keep you from more trouble," Johnson says as he pulls the jeweled sword from its sheath. He stands at the ready and attempts to turn the fight, trying to position himself for a clear break to the door.

2017-12-12, 09:50 AM
The guards flank you and closes in. They all attack.

Lordling hp 10

Guard (Rath) hp 8

Guard (Streng) hp 6
[roll4] Deflected

You easily block the two. Not seeing the third you feel your arm twist and move on it’s own. Behind you. You hear a fierce clash of steel. Turning you see you deflected a strike you didn’t even see...

(What do you do?)

2017-12-12, 10:20 AM
"What th-" Johnson says as he swings toward a guard.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

"I have no desire to kill you, just run along with your drunken master."

2017-12-12, 10:49 AM
Your swing turns sharp and deadly as you spout threw the guard effortlessly. Blood dripping off your Blade. The lording drops his sword in fright and runs away. His stunned guard quickly runs after him.

You learned the sword gives

+3 Attack
+3 dmg
Some weird thing with blocking (still a secret :smallsmile: )

(What do you do?)

2017-12-12, 10:55 AM
Johnson will lean down to clean of the blade on the man's clothes. "I am truly sorry." He then sheathes the sword and steps back inside, retaking his seat.

2017-12-12, 10:58 AM
You came back in to see Ahmed and the troupe taking a bow. Everyone stood up to applaude. A minute after a bard went up to the stage and begin to play a song.

Ahmed walked up to you and sat down dressed in his normal clothing again. Did you enjoy the performance? he said smiling unaware of the trouble outside.

2017-12-12, 11:04 AM
"Indeed. There was only a little trouble," Johnson says with a smile.

2017-12-12, 11:06 AM
Care to talk about it? Ahmed says as Starkard and Emily joins you at the table.

2017-12-12, 11:28 AM
"Just a noble that was too handsy. I escorted him out, let his men know they needed to go. They disagreed and one of them paid for it." Johnson seems uneasy at the last part as he whispered.

2017-12-12, 11:36 AM
AHmed nods hearing that We should retire early for the night. We have places to be in the morning. Ahmed says. Understanding they nod and start walking to their rooms.

(What do you want to do?)

2017-12-12, 12:39 PM
Johnson will nod and then retire to his room.

2017-12-12, 01:34 PM
+16 xp
+150 exp (saving the show)
+ 80 exp (meeting the performers)
+ 25xp and Title Baron of Aldrehard. Of Sisolore.
+100 roleplaying exps
[371 exp total]
After you do your level up time to run :)

You awake finding a quickly drawn note on the table. With a cloak under it.

Johnson quickly sneak out the back of the inn. Count Urdrake wants your head. I lead my Troupe out of the city by now. Quickly flee before they find you.

Your friend Ahmed.

Looking out your window you see a dozen guards talking with the potbellied man from yesterday. You have to move quickly.

2017-12-12, 01:55 PM
Johnson dons his equipment and the new cloak, then dashes down the hall and tries to slip out the back of the building. He heads toward the edge of town, hoping he can remember where Ahmed said he would be headed.

2017-12-12, 02:01 PM
As you approach the southern gate you see some guards patrolling. The guards seem the least at this gate though. About 4 in total.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-12, 02:18 PM
Johnson dips down an ally and rubs dirt on his face and cloak. He then uses his power of expansion to grow larger in size, then lumbers toward the gate, hoping to fool the guards.

2017-12-12, 04:15 PM
A guard looks at you. Where are you headed for stranger. He says suspicious of you. The two guards behind him place their hands onto their weapons.

2017-12-12, 04:20 PM
In a deep voice, "Headed for Ratasca, word is, big money for fighters." Johnson is nervous but tries to keep his cool.

2017-12-12, 04:32 PM
This gate leads to Serxxs. Ratasca is the eastern gate. You should head off that way. He says. Pointing in that direction. You know that there are almost double the guards at that gate.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-12, 04:57 PM
"My friends are outside this gate, I need to meet with them." Johnson checks to see if he could dash past.

2017-12-12, 05:27 PM
As you dash past the guards. They all look shocked. He barks an order for you to stop. Quickly two of the guards run off to get reinforcements. Halt! he shouts at you when you passed the gate.

2017-12-12, 05:56 PM
Johnson continues running at full speed looking for a way to escape from their sight.

2017-12-12, 06:03 PM
Two of the guards give chase as the other waits behind to lead the reinforcements. The road has trees on both sides but not too thick. The two guards draw their swords and are hot on your heels.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-12, 06:32 PM
As Johnson shrinks back to normal he tries to focus his mind.


2017-12-14, 11:00 AM
As you try to focus the two guards catch up to you and attack. The closest one arriving first.

(Deaick hp 13)

Other one wasn’t close enough to attack.

Your up ;)

(What do you)

2017-12-14, 03:34 PM
Johnson turns and swings at the guard.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-14, 06:53 PM
The blow staggers him. Almost killing him in one blow!. He grips his arm blood running down. The second guard closes in. As the first retreats not wanting to die.

Second guard
Redrick hp 12 ac 14

Your arm moves on it’s own once more deflecting the blade before it connects with you. Leaving him open for the counter attack!

(What do you do?)

2017-12-14, 09:07 PM
"Please, let me flee. It is not my wish to kill you." Johnson says as he swings at the new guard.

attack [roll0]

2017-12-14, 10:41 PM
The blade swings quickly and smoothly through the guards armor killing him instantly. Your sword swings are deadly. No guards are next to you. It seems you have some time to put distance between you and the guards!

(What do you?)

Deadly rolls xD gj! :smallsmile:

2017-12-14, 11:16 PM
Johnson focuses his mind and takes off running at full speed, trying to put distance between himself and the town.

with focus movement is 40 multiplied by running.

2017-12-15, 11:20 AM
After you put a good distance down you notice your a good ways south. A road leading to Serxxs one way and Warimore to the right.

(Where do you decide to go?)

2017-12-15, 12:33 PM
"Well, Serxxs it is," Johnson says to himself. Johnson heads down the road trying to keep a brisk pace.

2017-12-15, 02:28 PM
You make a bit of progress and night falls quickly. There is a small clearing by the side of the road. Would you like to push forward a few more hours. Or rest for the night?

2017-12-15, 03:00 PM
Johnson pushes on into the night, trying to get as much distance as he can.

2017-12-15, 03:28 PM
It’s late at night now and you hear rustling noises in the woods. Creaking of bones. You hear the noises surround you. Quickly lighting a torch you see skeletons armed with a sword and shield surrounding you!

(What do you do?)

About 6 around you. Two in front behind and to your right. Your left leads into the woods.

2017-12-15, 03:40 PM
Johnson slashes at one skeleton before bolting into the woods. "This is why people travel in groups."

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-12-15, 04:40 PM
Your quick slash easily cleaved through the skeleton. Running into the woods you hear the sound of more bones. In the trees around you are more of them! As you pushed forward you ended up in a clearing. Around you were tombstones...clearly they led you into a trap! Skeletons started to pour into the clearing...

(What do you do?)

There are about 30 of them slowly moving into the clearing. But only 3 right now to threaten you. Escape is sealed though. It’s clear that someone has been using them to lure victims to the graveyard because there are blood stains all around. Good luck!

2017-12-15, 04:57 PM
Johnson swings at the closest skeleton as he surveys the graveyard. "Necromancer, show yourself!" he shouts into the darkness. "I wish to strike a bargain."

2017-12-15, 05:03 PM
Sitting oh so casually on top of the mausoleum was a black robed man. Mid twenties. He smiled wickedly and looks down on to you.

What can you possibly bargain to me with? All I want is your corpse to add into my undead army. As he finished speaking another 5 skeletons walked into the courtyard. 8 in total now and growing.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 06:30 PM
Johnson grits his teeth and swings trying to knock one skeleton into another. "I am powerful, and can be a powerful ally to help grow your power and legion."

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-15, 06:42 PM
He laughs as your strike barely misses the skeleton. A few more entered the clearing and you were surrounded by nearly two dozen.

“Your right you can help make my legion stronger when you become a part of it”. He said as he laughed. The skeletons moved in closer. As you felt a pain inside your head

Boy let me partake in this fight. Surrender yourself to me for a few minutes. I will vanquish these foes quickly.

Three of the skeletons launched there attacks. Your arm holding the jeweled blade deflected them with ease.

I can only do so much as in a blade form. Let me fight once more!An image flashed inside your head. A man holding the jeweled blade his skills were clear. His eyes fierce. He moved his arm and you heard a clash of steel. Your vision cleared showing you deflected another strike.

Grant me full control boy!His voice shouts inside your head. As more skeletons closed in. Fully surrounded now by over 3 dozen skeletons the necromancer still Laughing from above.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 06:47 PM
"Save me here and we will make a formidable team." Johnson replies to the voice before dropping control.

2017-12-15, 07:07 PM
You fell deep into your mind watching the world as if from above. You hear a new laugh. Your own Finally I can fight! Quickly your body charged forward unleashing a deadly stream of blows your body twisted and turned felling dozens of the undead with ease.

“How dare you! Come forth my minions!” The necromancer shouted in a panicked voice as two giant skeletons appeared and attacked you. A smirk appeared on your face with a quick flick of your wrist the Giants blade flew out of his hand crushing another dozen skeletons. As the second one swung down your body lunged forward. Running up his blade you leapt off flying to the top of the building where the necromancer was.

“Fine you can join my legion just stop where you are!” He shouted. His voice mixed with panic. The smile came back to your face as you sliced through the necromancer with the deadly ease you felt earlier as you cut through the guards. The necromancer lifelessly body feel off the roof.

The skeletons down below collapsed into a normal pile of bones. Jumping down from the roof you hear a small crack from inside your own body. Sorry boy. Forgot this isn’t my body. As promised I’ll let you go back to being in control. I’ll try numbing the pain a little but it’s going to hurt.
You reconnected with your body your arms and legs were in pain. Your muscles felt torn and badly bruised from moving passed your own limits.

Your pretty sure one of your legs is fractured from jumping off the roof. All around you were piles of bones. Swords and shields. The two giant swords longer then yourself lying on the ground. The door of the mausoleum shattered from the Giants.

(What do you do?)

your ouch level is like a 10 xD

2017-12-15, 08:12 PM
Johnson collapses to the ground and drags himself to where the necromancer fell. He searches for any potions that may heal his aching bones and muscles. "That was great to watch, but painful to live. Who are you?"

2017-12-15, 08:25 PM
As you look through his belonging I am Darius of the Glade. Self taught Blademaster. It’s been so long since I was able to fight. But you drew my blade that held my desire to engage in battle. I thank you. I’ve been watching you since you drew me. You have made quite a few enemies he laughs. I couldn’t watch anyone slay you and go back to my bleak life. Well I am not quite sure what I am. you found some potions (3 of cure light wounds)

2017-12-15, 08:50 PM
Johnson will drink one of the healing draughts in hopes of it healing his wounds. "So was everything we found in that cave from you, or just coincidence?" Johnson then finished searching the corpse and pocketed the remaining potions. "Oh and thank you for saving me again."

2017-12-15, 09:04 PM
I don’t recall any cave. he says? (If you show him the items.) No those didn’t belong to me. when you thank him It was my pleasure. It has been so long since I was last able to fight. Sorry for being rough. He finished. Genuinely sorry.

You feel you crack bone heal and some of your torn muscles. Your body still had deep aches in it and you can tell you are not fully healed. But enough to be able to move.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 09:08 PM
Johnson pulls himself to his feet then peers into the mausoleum. If he does not see anything moving he will sit against the wall just inside the door and pass out.

2017-12-15, 09:12 PM
You awake the next morning. Feeling better. Outside you see the large mound of bones from yesterday night. The sun shone brightly revealing a worn out road with a sign letting you know it led back onto the main road.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 09:20 PM
Johnson started up the path to the main road and headed toward serexxs again. "Well Radius, looks like we're on the road again."

2017-12-15, 09:29 PM
The day was uneventful. No signs of pursuit. No enemies just a nice relaxing day.

(What do you do?)

For the next few days there’s wouldnt be any combat. Would you like to take any actions before the mini time warp? Also auto correct might have switch Darius to Radius for you. Just letting you know :)

2017-12-15, 09:31 PM
Johnson will continue his journey to the nearest town in Serxxs.

silly autocorrect

2017-12-15, 09:56 PM
Days pass as your wounds fully heal. You arrive at a very small town called Rakion. A place where most people resupply before heading to Serxxs. You are about halfway to Serxxs. A few people were wondering about. Next to an inn there was a small market. Selling traveling goods.

(What do you do?)

Small town not much going on here. :)

2017-12-15, 09:57 PM
Johnson will try to get a horse and rations before securing a room and sleeping for the night.

2017-12-15, 11:09 PM
As you go to the stable the man there approaches you. As you tell him about wanting to buy a horse he shows you a few. Some were large beasts the most expensive being a large pure black mount. Costing 1000gold.

You here a scoff in the back of your mind. The best Mount here is the white runt in the back. He is just underfedd but has the potential to grow. That black horse is a fat lazy mule in comparison. your eyes turn to look at the horse Darius mentioned. Dusty white hair and looked weak. But it’s eyes were fierce. With some training he can be a grand mount. Darius said.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-16, 12:12 PM
I will take your advice Johnson thinks to Darius. "How much for the white one?"

2017-12-16, 03:03 PM
“That runt? What good would eh do you?” Seeing you wouldn’t budge. “I’d do 100 gold pieces for him.” He says trying to get as much as he can. You hear Darius laugh at the ‘low price’. As you get a brand new mount.

(Anything else you do before you go to the tavern for the night?)

2017-12-16, 06:31 PM
"Here's ten more for a saddle and you to feed him well tonight, I will be back in the morning." Johnson places a sack in the man's hand. He then turns and heads for a good night's sleep.

2017-12-18, 11:27 AM
After collecting your new horse you set off. Making better time then yesterday you arrive at a clearing when you notice some goblins hiding in wait for an ambush.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-18, 01:24 PM
Assuming Johnson slept between the horse and now.

Johnson will try to assess the number of goblins lying in wait. Then he will pull his horse off the road and tie him to a tree before watching the clearing.

2017-12-18, 03:39 PM
You see about 6 goblins in wait they lo9 like they are waiting to ambush anyone who enters the clearing.

2017-12-18, 03:46 PM
"What do you say Darius, ambush the ambushers?" Johnson will say under his breath. He focuses his mind and holds to get a good look at each of their locations.

How far apart are they and can I see their weapon choice? as in bow or sword?

2017-12-18, 04:29 PM
You see four of them holding spears and the other two wield bow there split up into two groups. (2 spears and one bow per group.)

It would be the right thing to do. Do you need my assistance? He says eagerly. In the back of your mind you remember the previous time he used your body. How badly beat up you were.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-18, 04:44 PM
"Lets see how I do first," Johnson says and fires up his forceshield. (+4 ac for 2 min.)
Johnson then charges the closest goblin.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-18, 06:59 PM
You quickly slice through one of the goblins with ease. The other two in his group turned shocked. The one with the spear did a jab at you.


As the archer gives a shout to his companions and fires an arrow at you.


(Your up. :smallsmile:)

2017-12-18, 08:30 PM
Johnson will maneuver to slash the spear wielder.

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-18, 08:40 PM
You slice effortlessly through the second spear wielder. The archer grouped up with the second squad as they all attack you!

Spear bearers

(Your up again)

2017-12-18, 08:41 PM

Dm errors :0000

2017-12-18, 09:03 PM
"Die you bastards!" Johnson yells as he charges down another spear wielder.

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-18, 09:11 PM
Effortlessly your cut through another one! Your deadly strikes make the last spear bearer panick he does a rushed stab at you.


One of the Goblin archers flee as the second knocks an arrow and fires it at you.


your scary xD

2017-12-18, 09:15 PM
Again, Johnson takes his blade to a spear bearer.

attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-18, 10:44 PM
Killing another goblin. The last archer turns and flees before meeting the same fate. Your left with 4 dead goblins. With some injuries from there attacks.

Your strikes hit true but your lacking a bit on the defense. Regardless you did pretty well for the odds against you. Darius chuckles in the back of your mind.

(What do you do? Also 8dmg taken)

2017-12-19, 08:04 AM
Johnson goes back and gets his horse and then heads down the road.

2017-12-19, 11:00 AM
The rest of you day ended un eventful. Night draws in and there isn’t an inn in sight. (What do you do?)

2017-12-19, 05:25 PM
Johnson will find a place just off the road to lay down for the night and sleep beside the horse. He keeps his hand on the sword.

2017-12-19, 05:33 PM
You awake in the middle of the night to hear heavy breathing coming from a dozen feet off on the other side of the clearing. Looking over you see a larger figure lying down on the ground.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-20, 07:59 AM
Johnson lays still, faking sleep as he prepares to jump into a fight.

2017-12-20, 11:19 AM
He doesn’t move to attack. Just lying there breathing heavily.

2017-12-20, 05:19 PM
Assuming it is not an immediate threat, Johnson continues to lie still and listen. If there is no movement for at least thirty minutes, he will go back to sleep.

2017-12-20, 07:28 PM
You awake the next morning under no harm. Just a bit farther down the road heading to Serxxs is the figure you saw more humanoid then it was yesterday. He is a large man you can tell but not much more.

2017-12-20, 10:39 PM
As Johnson rides up, "fair day traveler, mind if I ride along with you?"

2017-12-20, 10:47 PM
As you ride up next to him he turns his head looking you into the eyes. As tall as you mounted on your horse. You notice he was the man who you buried the orcs with in the church’s courtyard!

I don’t mind. Some company would be nice. Thanks again for earlier. He says. Remember you from earlier. You notice the fatal wound on his chest was healing very slowly but looks immensely painful. But it doesn’t show on his face.

2017-12-20, 11:24 PM
"You are welcome. Glad to see you are recovering." Johnson says to the familiar face.

2017-12-20, 11:56 PM
Yes recently it’s been healing. Took awhile. Now I’m trying to find some friends I’ve separated from. He says his face determined

2017-12-21, 09:08 AM
"Well, I seem to be without direction at the current. I will accompany you for a while, better to travel in numbers." Johnson happily adds to the conversation.

2017-12-21, 11:23 AM
A few hours pass as you converse. He stops suddenly and glances to the right and he keeps walking. I don’t suppose you know how to fight. He asks nonchalantly as he places his hand on his blade.

2017-12-21, 02:13 PM
"Sometimes better than others, but yes, I am capable." Johnson replies as he places his hand on Darius.

2017-12-21, 05:57 PM
A faint smile comes to his face. Good. I trust you can handle the orcs on the right. I’ll handle the ones to the left. Looking to the right you see half a dozen of orc warriors wielding weapons. On the left are another half dozen.

Orcs on your side. All are equipped with hand axes (1d6)
Hosz hp 13 Ac 12 ATK +5 +4 dmg
Thomas hp 12 ac 11 Atk +4 +3 dmg
Rorik hp 13 ac 12 Atk +3 +2 dmg
Mussa hp 12 ac 11 Atk +5 dmg +3
Rebrah hp 13 ac 12 Atk +4 dmg +3
G'caabrah Hp 14 ac 10 Atk +5 dmg +4

(What do you do?)

2017-12-21, 09:54 PM
"Alright Darius, you want some fun?" Johnson says as he pulls the sword from its scabard.

2017-12-23, 11:36 AM
You feel a slight twitch in your arm. Yes. Quickly you and the man were surrounded from a dozen orcs.

You get to go first. Also you get 2 perfect deflects during this fight. Meaning you can deflect any two attacks. You can wait until after you see the rolls though.

2017-12-23, 06:07 PM
Johnson leaps into action slashing at the closest orc.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-23, 06:16 PM
Instantly slaying one of the orcs the rest charge at you quickly surrounding you.

Hosz hp 13 Ac 12 ATK +5 +4 dmg
[roll0] [roll1]
Thomas hp 12 ac 11 Atk +4 +3 dmg
[roll2] [roll3]
Rorik hp 13 ac 12 Atk +3 +2 dmg
[roll4] [roll5]
Mussa hp 12 ac 11 Atk +5 dmg +3
[roll6] [roll7]
Rebrah hp 13 ac 12 Atk +4 dmg +3
[roll8] [roll9]

Edit you get a +2 to deflect forgot to say that.

(Your up.)

2017-12-23, 06:27 PM
Another flourish of his sword swipes at the next orc.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-23, 06:31 PM
Hosz hp 13 Ac 12 ATK +5 +4 dmg
[roll0] [roll1]
Rorik hp 13 ac 12 Atk +3 +2 dmg
[roll2] [roll3]
Mussa hp 12 ac 11 Atk +5 dmg +3
[roll4] [roll5]
Rebrah hp 13 ac 12 Atk +4 dmg +3
[roll6] [roll7]

Cutting another one down with ease they attack again!

(Your up.)

2017-12-23, 06:48 PM
Johnson deflects Mussa's attack and swings his blade back in return.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-23, 06:50 PM
Rorik hp 13 ac 12 Atk +3 +2 dmg
[roll0] [roll1]
Mussa hp 12 ac 11 Atk +5 dmg +3
[roll2] [roll3]
Rebrah hp 13 ac 12 Atk +4 dmg +3
[roll4] [roll5]

Cutting down another leaving only three left!

2017-12-23, 06:57 PM
Johnson takes the blow this time, deflecting Rebrah. His blade turns back to draw more blood.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-12-23, 09:40 PM
As a blow comes in that looks to be lethal you feel your mind crack and split you head has an aching pain. Down below you see yourself deflect the blow shattering the sword. As your arm rains down three precise blows killing them instantly.

Turning you see the large man down 2 of his six his body covered in sweat not strong enough to fight them all he swings taking down another. You see your self squat and launch forward slaying 2 from the rush. They attack you but there Blades run down yours. You effortlessly sliced through the other two.

You feel yourself slip back into your body. The muscles in your legs and arms feel slightly torn.

he deflected the 7 so you have 5 hp left.
Dmg from Darius [roll0] Ford Save dc 15 to half.

All enemies dead

Boy you must be more careful. Darius’s voice echoes in your head. The pain still there. The injured man looks at you in amazement.

How did you do that? Your skill with the blade far surpasses mine. Hahaha. You can fight alright He has a few new wounds from the fight. But it looks like those don’t pain him at all.

2017-12-23, 11:17 PM
"I am not all what I seem. Darius, my guardian," Johnson feebly holds the sword aloft, "saves me when needed. He has become my best friend." Johnson attempts to pull himself into the saddle.

2017-12-23, 11:28 PM
Very wounded as you are he shrugs his head, Sit and rest. We’re in no rush as it is now I have some business to take care of with these orcs. Maybe Darius and I can chat sometime He says as he grabs a shovel and proceeds to dig some graves on the side of the road to bury the fallen orcs.

You know you never asked his name lol. Also riding a mount that heavily injured is dangerous. One fall and negative hps xD. But your call :)

2017-12-23, 11:42 PM
Knowing the drill, Johnson leads the horse to the side and then lays down on the ground.

2017-12-24, 03:02 AM
Before you realize it your in a deep sleep. You awake around 4pm. Feeling better. You notice all the orcs are gone and fresh piles of dirt around the side of the road. The large man was sitting against another tree resting but awake.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-24, 11:18 AM
"Sorry about that, sometimes the fight takes a lot out of me." Johnson sits up and gathers his composure.

2017-12-24, 11:40 AM
I understand how that can be. Do you want to rest up here for the night or try pushing on and getting some more distance between here. He asks.

2017-12-24, 11:43 AM
"If you can, we should press on." Johnson winces.

2017-12-24, 03:47 PM
He nods as you set off. Night comes a few hours later. Do you press on or rest by the side of the road?

2017-12-24, 04:38 PM
"We should go ahead and stop, unless you know of a safer spot nearby," Johnson suggests.

2017-12-24, 06:14 PM
He looks around and walks into the trees. There is a small clearing here hidden so it can be safe. He says as he sits down and dresses his wounds. Delegate to the wound of giant claws on his chest. He passes you some of the bandages he had in his bag to you. Giving you a chance to tend to your wounds.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-24, 07:31 PM
"Thank you," Johnson replies as he takes the bandages. He dresses his wounds, tends to the horse and eats, offering some to his companion. "I could take first watch."

2017-12-26, 01:48 PM
The night passes uneventful as you switch the watch. You awake feeling stronger and more alert. Deep down you changed.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-26, 02:18 PM
Johnson's confidence seemed to be higher today than previously. He went about preparing for the journey ahead. "By the way, what was your name," he questioned his companion.

2017-12-26, 02:44 PM
My name is Roland. What about yourself swordsmen? He asked noticing your higher confidence.

2017-12-26, 03:36 PM
"I'm Johnson and this," he touches the sword, "is Darius."

2017-12-26, 03:56 PM
Roland looks at the sword and nods greeting you both.

Going to make you set out now. If there is anything you want to do before you set out lemme know. :smallsmile:

Nothing will happen for the next few days also.

The day goes by without any surprises. As your wounds heal.

2017-12-26, 05:05 PM
Johnson will continue to travel, making small talk.

2017-12-26, 06:41 PM
A few days pass as your wounds fully heal. Roland wounds from the orcs healed but the one of his chest healed slightly more. Not fully though. You hear a shuffling sound in the bushes to your right looking over you see two goblins running with a girl around the age of 14. Moving fast as if someone is chasing them.

2017-12-26, 07:11 PM
"Roland," Johnson says as he nods to the bushes.

2017-12-26, 08:54 PM
Roland draws his sword. Ready for a rescue mission?

If you charge you can reach them.