View Full Version : Taming a Wilderness IC

2017-10-12, 07:56 PM
Welcome to the IC thread for the Taming a Wilderness campaign!

OOC thread can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?538934-Taming-a-Wilderness-OOC&p=22470540).

Everyone's checked in, so let's get the ball rolling!

I've been a bit railroady in terms of getting you guys to where we are, in order to not drag things too much given the PbP format works. If you feel like the description I've given doesn't fit what your character would do we can adjust the details.

City of Endhoven, Antorcia

The city of Endhoven is one of the more prosperous coastal cities of Antorcia. It rests on a natural harbor, where ships will stop to resupply, take on new cargo, and sell cargo which can then be shipped overland or up-river to more inland locations. Its walls and harbor defenses are both impressive and ancient, though they have not been tested for a very long time. Roughly a half of the permanent population are halflings, or a third of the people in the city at any given time. The rest of the people here are a mix of humans, gnomes, elves, dwarves, hobgoblins, and the like. You can even find ratfolk or catfolk traders if you look around the marketplaces long enough, races native to the Sothern Continent who have made their way to the north. The city is a hub for traders and artisans, with extensive markets where goods are bought and sold and large guild houses which compete with one another to present the most ostentatious, opulent front they can. Near the waterfront, there are extensive docks servicing an endless stream of ships, along with a small army of longshoremen and various taverns and gambling institutions designed to separate recently arrived sailors from their money. Endhoven is not the only port city on the continent, and not the only port which sends ships to the south, but it does send more ships to the Southern Continent than most others—if you’re looking for a passage southward, this is one of the best places to go.

All of you have come here for your own reasons, looking for passage across the Middle Sea. Not too long after arriving, you run across a flier posted on tavern doors, market boards, and so on.


It’s a free passage to the south, plus the opportunity for further reward, so you decide to go hear them out. The Company House is a large business office which runs the company’s operations in the city, which are extensive. Most of the employees seem to be halflings, with a large minority of humans and gnomes. Most of them ignore you, going about their business, but a relatively young halfling comes over to you and asks how he can help. He leads you into a room where an elderly gnome questions you about your background, your experience with the wilderness, and so on. They ask you to come back two days from when you arrive.

When you return, you are again led into a back room by the same halfling. This time, there are several others arriving around the same time. You don’t have much time to get to know one another before a fairly rotund halfling comes into the room and greets you.
“Hello!” he says jovially. “My name is Aered Vanderberg, chief representative for the company here in Endhoven. You all are here about the expedition to the Southern Continent, yes?” Barely waiting for a response, he claps his hands together. “Excellent, excellent! My people tell me you are all quite qualified. Have you heard of the explorer Andros? Led several expeditions into the interior of the Southern Continent? Of course you have, of course. Went missing a few months back, along with most of the expedition. One of his porters did make it back, though, and we were able to talk to him. Apparently they found a ruin of some sort, and came across a staff, a gold staff with a large gemstone in the head. The porter didn’t know any of the details, but he said the others believed it had some kind of significant magical power. It was lost when the expedition had to flee—from some sort of monster, if you believe that kind of talk. The fellow was probably exaggerating. Anyway, we’d like that item returned to us. Even if it’s not magical, it’s probably worth a decent amount. We will provide a ship south and supplies on the other end, naturally, and your payment will consist of what you find in the ruin. Save a twenty percent fee and the staff, should you find it. If you don’t find anything, we’ll set up a reasonable compensation for you. Any questions?” Aered looks around expectantly at you, beaming.

2017-10-12, 08:35 PM
Herrin yawns during the Halfling's spiel. After he finishes, she leans forward.

"That'll work for me," she says. "I'll be honest with you. This job is just a means to an end. You are providing free passage to the Southern Continent. I needed to get down there and you're going my way. Getting paid as well is just a bonus"

2017-10-12, 08:41 PM
Jessica, who is currently in a rather unassuming form (similar to her default one, but a touch more average) asks Why do you need to go so badly?

2017-10-12, 09:40 PM
Herrin turns to Jessica. "No offense, but what business is it of you why I'm trying to get to the Southern Continent?" She pauses thoughtfully for a second and continues. "Let's just say that there is someone I need to find down there and leave it at that?"

2017-10-12, 09:42 PM
The fact that we should be working together, and I 1) can help you possibly find who you're looking for and 2) am going to have to rely on you, Jessica says. I mean, we're going into a potentially dangerous place. I don't want to have someone I can't trust to be there at my back.

2017-10-12, 09:59 PM
Ignoring what, Gamjar considers to be, the chatter of two of his fellow adventurers, he turns to Aered. He seems quite keen on something in particular the halfling has said, it shows in his eyes, with burn with curiosity and excitement. "Yes, a few questions, actually," he pipes up, his thick Northern accent cutting over the words of Jessica and Herrin. Or maybe that's more because he's talking so damn loud. "About the monster... how big was it? What color eyes? And what sort of noises did it make? Did anyone in the company have firearms, see how it reacted to explosions?" he queries, barely pausing for breath between the words. After a moment, though, he does seem to notice he's rambling, and cuts himself off fairly quickly. "That is, if you know anything about it. I was hoping you would."

2017-10-13, 06:18 AM
Locan the tiefling leans forward, his hands steepled under his chin. "Yes. Do tell us all about this monster. I confess, I am no great monster hunter; but if you have any details, I might figure out what we're dealing with".

He leans back. "As for the terms, we are in agreement".

2017-10-13, 10:03 AM
Jon shifts in his seat as the gnome speaks. Returning to his home country to plead his case before the Southern Plantation Company had done little good. It was time to be away before matters grew worse. Civilization just makes looking over your shoulder harder. Besides, too many buildings, too many people. He swallows his fears and puts on a calm mien, "I agree to the terms. How soon do we depart?" Better there than here. And finding Andros and getting paid would both go a long way in improving my situation.

Of course, anything that overwhelmed his expedition will likely kill us all. Still better than creditors.

2017-10-13, 11:35 AM
Aered seems a bit surprised at Gamjar and Locan's questions. It seems he wasn't expecting to be pressed about the creature. "Oh, I don't know," he said, somewhat flustered. "I never spoke to the porter personally, you see. It was our representative in Stricaea, Hamund, who contacted him. It was probably some sort of wild animal. There are all manner of strange creature on the Southern Continent, but I think all this talk of monsters is greatly exaggerated. Still, if you want to know more, you can speak to him when you get there."

Stricaea is a settlement on the Southern Continent. It was not the first, but it is probably the largest. The initial settlement was jointly funded by an Antorcian merchant guild and a group of Eryman nobles. Now, it is one of the main ports capable of handling ship traffic, and has prospered pretty significantly due to the trade between the continents.

The halfling then addresses Jon's question. "There's a company ship which will take you, the Swordfish. It came into port yesterday, and the captain tells me she'll be ready to sail in the morning. Once you're there, go to the SVTC company office, Hamund can tell you more and will supply you for the trip."

"If you are all satisfied with the terms, we have an agreement for you all to sign. Go to the docks in the morning to catch the ship. The company has booked a set of rooms in the nearby inn for you to stay in, unless you have other accommodations. Best of luck to all of you!"

There does not seem to be any fine print to indicate that the company is trying to double-cross or mislead you. The terms are as Aered laid out; SVTC will get the staff (if you find it) and 20% by value of other treasure recovered, evaluated by a third party appraiser. Aside from being expected to report back with information and whatever you find, you are under no further obligation.

The Broken Shield is a fair quality inn, if not outstanding. The food is hot, the ale is decent, and the rooms are reasonably clean. It is located not too far from the SVTC company house. Most of the patrons appear to be locals; the inn is crowded for suppertime but most rooms are empty.

((Feel free to interact with one another, Aered, or the townsfolk in the inn. If no one has anything else they'd like to do, state that and we'll move forward.))

2017-10-13, 11:39 AM
On the way to the inn, Jessica calls the others to stop for a moment. So, just so you're not taken by surprise, I have some talent in alteration magics. This isn't actually my natural form-I'm not trying to hide anything, don't worry! I just like to be different, from day to day. So don't be alarmed by what you're about to see.

With that, Jessica begins to morph. Her body flows smoothly, adding several inches to her height, expanding her bust and hips, her hair flowing long, luscious, and scarlet. Soon enough, she's in the form of a red-headed vixen of a woman. What? she asks. I like free drinks. And one more thing... Joseph! Henry!

Two large dogs come rushing over as Jessica bends down to greet them. How are my favorite canines? she says as they lick her face. Okay, okay, calm down, boys! she stands up. These are my dogs-the brown one is Joseph, the grey one is Henry. They help protect me, and are just the cuddliest.

2017-10-13, 11:57 AM
[roll0] if a roll is really needed, since Jon probably would have BEEN there since he is Andorican and just returned from the south.

Jon smiles at the dogs. "My mules are less cuddly, perhaps, but I suspect better suited for carrying an expedition's loads." He holds a hand down for the dogs to sniff.

Once matters are concluded, Jon collects his things from his previous (extremely cheap) lodgings and settles in at the Broken Shield.

2017-10-13, 12:17 PM
The dogs sniff eagerly and bark, quietly but excitedly, at their new friend. As the group walks, Joseph keeps himself near Jessica, while Henry decides to "protect" Jon, sticking near him with head held high, tail wagging excitedly.

Jessica smiles a little, happy that they've taken a liking to her groupmate.

At the inn (assuming no one minds skipping ahead a bit), Jessica looks around, taking in the people who are there. She smiles a friendly smile at them all, and takes a seat at the bar area. There, she spies out someone who looks more than a little well-off (she'd hate to take free drinks from someone who couldn't afford it) and gives them her friendliest, most alluring smile.

Diplomacy Check: Taking 10, for a total of 20, to get free drinks. And a possible circumstance bonus, for being in a rather alluring form?

2017-10-13, 04:33 PM
Gamjar seems pleasantly surprised by what Jessica reveals when they get out of the building. Not her more attractive form (though it does get his attention) but he seems rather taken by the dogs. "Oh! Look at these beauties!" he almost croons, leaning down without any regard for self-preservation (in the instance they're attack dogs) and ruffles the ears of whichever's closer. He looks as though he's about to say more, when there's a loud 'harrumph' from behind the group and Gamjar is all but bowled over by what appears to be a giant... sloth? The half-elf lets out a bright laugh. "Hey-a, Tuft, good boy, waiting outside. Have you met the dogs?" he asks as he climbs to his feet. He joins the others as they head in the direction of the inn, hoping for pretty much all their sakes that it's animal friendly.

2017-10-14, 06:04 AM
Locan is not too happy to see the dogs. He tries to get along with them as best he can, but he's clearly not a fan. He does seem intrigued by the giant sloth, though.

2017-10-14, 10:23 AM
[roll0] if a roll is really needed, since Jon probably would have BEEN there since he is Andorican and just returned from the south.

Agreed. Given your character background, it's almost certain that you at least know about Stricaea, and more than likely have been there. So you'd make the check automatically.

The innkeeper at the Broken Shield, a middle-aged human man with a friendly smile and a receding hairline, seems a bit surprised to see Tuft, but overall takes the train of animals you bring with you in tow. The stables have room for the mules and the dogs, and the stablehands find a place to make the giant sloth comfortable as well. Given how quickly they adapt you suspect this might not be the first time they've housed adventurers with an odd menagerie. The kitchen has made a fish stew for the evening. It wouldn't compare to what you might find on a noble's table, but it's thick and rather well seasoned. Jessica chats with a rather pleasant ship captain, who has just arrived in the city and is more than happy to buy a few drinks in exchange for some conversation. He comes from a small city-state on the eastern coast, and has been making some money moving goods from place to place.

If you speak with many of the people in the tavern, the majority live here in Endhoven (though a few, like Jessica's new friend, are travelers or merchants). Once they learn you are not from here, some will be eager to hear about where you come from and what stories you have of your journeys. There are certainly people in Endhoven who are fascinated by travelers from distant lands, and the city's nature usually supplies them with people to fill that appetite--which this afternoon happens to be you all, if you're willing to share.

You are all able to pass the evening comfortably. In the morning, you wake up to the smell of porridge and bacon cooking downstairs. The ship leaves before noon, but that still leaves plenty of time to get one more hot meal if you are so inclined.

I'll let Gamjar describe how Tuft reacts to Locan's charisma check.

Again, if there's anything else you want to do while you're at the Broken Shield feel free, otherwise we'll keep moving.

2017-10-14, 12:09 PM
Jessica talks to the captain, enjoying the drinks (responsibly, though-she doesn't want to get TOO drunk) and does her best to make the captain feel welcomed and comfortable, as well as lathering on plenty of sincere compliments.

I'm good to go on.

2017-10-14, 04:45 PM
Tuft seems, on the whole, unbothered by the new faces in the group. He and Gamjar had spent time around other adventurers, so he's good enough around strangers. When Locan approaches him, though, his hackles do get up a bit, and he steps protectively towards Gamjar, not really seeming to understand that the approach is a friendly one. He has been trained for fighting, after all. Gamjar shushes him and gives Locan an apologetic look. "Sorry. Been a bit of a long day. Poor fella gets cranky when he's tired," he explains. It's probably for that reason that Gamjar and Tuft turn in pretty early that night, but they are up for breakfast at the inn the next morning. "Got to get fueled up for the road! Or... the sea, I suppose?" he muses, casting a smile over towards the members of the group. He seems to be something of a morning person - but most half-elves are. Even if they didn't inherit the 'trance-not-sleep' method of resting from the elves. Gamjar at least seems to fall into the sterotype, seeming rather chipper no matter the number of hours he actually got to sleep.

Figured at five or better Tuft would at least tolerate the petting or whatever, even if he did ignore you, but a four is kinda bad :P

2017-10-14, 06:27 PM
Herrin mentally rolls her eyes at the menagerie she had somehow gotten tied to. She follows them to the inn and quietly nurses the drinks provided by Jessica's 'friend'. She keeps her answers to any questions as monosyllabic as possibly without coming off as too unfriendly.

2017-10-14, 09:45 PM
Jon raises an eyebrow at the sloth, then shrugs. As long as it doesn't get in the way he won't criticize the pets others keep. Though his mules are strictly utility. He never bothered to name them.

In the in, Jon keeps an eye on the other patrons entering the door, wary. He makes small talk but keeps mostly to himself, turning in early.

2017-10-15, 03:23 AM
Locan is up bright and early, nursing a cup of tea while the inn staff sweep the floors and mind the giant pot of porridge.
"Good morning, Gamjar. Early riser, I see. It's always good to start early, get something out of the day". He motions for the half-elf to come join him. "So. Treasure hunting. Monsters."

2017-10-15, 09:43 AM
When morning arrives, Jessica yawns and stretches. She keeps to her form from last night, to avoid any potential trouble, and heads down the stairs. Once on the first floor, she waves to her companions, but heads out to the stable area to greet her dogs before going back in and getting a meal.

2017-10-15, 02:06 PM
Morning finds Jon up early in the common room with a cup of tea and a quill in hand, reviewing a list of supplies. He greets the others as the wake.

"I fear there will be more too the monsters than our employer reckons. It takes more than a few unruly boar or a hungry tiger to waylay an entire expedition, especially one with an experienced leader."

2017-10-15, 02:07 PM
Hearing Jon's words, Jessica frowns. I hope they're okay.

2017-10-15, 02:16 PM
Jon shrugs noncommittally, "Perhaps others made it out and word has not yet made it back. It is a long journey. Such expeditions are perilous though.

2017-10-15, 02:53 PM
Herrin comes down at the break of dawn, her sword by her side.

"Well, whatever may come, I'm sure we can overcome it," she says, patting the silver blade in its scabbard. "It isn't my destiny to fall at the claws of some random creature."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to work on my morning forms," she states and grabs some rolls from the table before heading to the stables to find some room to work out.

2017-10-15, 02:58 PM
When Herrin goes out to practice, Joseph and Henry are quickly there, eager for attention.

2017-10-15, 05:24 PM
Gamjar slides easily into the place Locan offers, a grin on his features at his new friend's welcoming attitude. "I'm sure the treasure will be nice, aye," he agrees, motioning for a nearby barmaid to bring him over a bowl of the porridge. "I'm more keen on the creatures we'll be running in to, though. It wasn't so long ago that the Southern Continent was entirely new, and I reckon there will still be all sorts of creatures out there, waiting to be discovered. I can hardly wait," he says with a beaming smile.

2017-10-16, 03:04 AM
"Yeeees, well" Locan says to Gamjar; "I much prefer my treasure-laden ruins without monsters in them". He cracks a smile. "But I'll be happy to patch you up after you discover some sharp teeth and rending claws".

2017-10-16, 09:19 AM
Moving to the next scene, if everyone's good with that. Feel free to carry on any conversations you had going, or if there is something you want to do before you leave we'll retcon it back in.

You all discuss the fate of the previous expedition and what kinds of creatures you might find on the journey as you head down to the docks. The Swordfish is buzzing with activity as sailors make the final preparations to set off. She is a relatively small ship, single-masted and deep enough in draught to make the trip across the ocean. As you approach the dock, the ship's captain, a female half-elf with dark, short-cropped hair and a pistol holstered in the bandoleer across her chest, sees you and calls down to you from the quarterdeck. "You there!" she calls. "You're the passengers we're taking for the SVTC? Come along then, get on aboard. We're pushing off in half an hour."

You cross the gangplank and are helped aboard by a scruffy-looking human sailor. The man, who does not introduce himself, leads you belowdecks and shows you your sleeping quarters. They consist of two rooms with hammocks separated from the deck where the rest of the sailors sleep by a thin wall--not as good as your rooms at the inn, but as sailing ships go, not too bad either. There's a stable of sorts as well, where Jon can leave his mules with the horses already there, and the sailor tells Jessica she can keep her dogs with her, so long as they don't get in the way. He eyes Tuft as well. "Same for it... whatever it is." With that, he leaves you to settle into your quarters, such as they are.

Before long, you feel the ship push off the dock (or see it, if you choose to go back above decks). She catches the wind and takes off southward. The captain comes to introduce herself to you all. "Welcome aboard," she says, shaking your hands. "My name is Elarinya, captain of the Swordfish. We'll be making port in Stricaea in about three week's time, barring any storms. I trust you've found your quarters well enough?"

2017-10-16, 09:53 AM
Yes, thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Elarinya, Jessica responds. Joseph and Henry (who have been told to behave and are sticking close to Jessica) go forward a little towards the captain. And it seems like my faithful companions are also excited to meet you-they're just too polite to really show it right now. But, on a more important note, what are the odds of the ship running into trouble? Storms, monsters,
pirates, anything like that?

2017-10-16, 11:10 AM
Jon winces visibly at the mention of storms, mind leaping back to past troubles. He gathers himself quickly to continue introductions. "Jon Green. With your permission, I would introduce myself to the ships cook. I have some faculty with creating fresh fair that may be appreciated once the stores have aged."

2017-10-16, 12:29 PM
Gamjar seems very appreciative of Locan's offer of healing - "Oh, tha'd be great, thank you" - it seems like he's well aware of the sharper sorts of dangers that come with monsters, but the thought doesn't really seem to phase him. Climbing aboard the ship, he gets Tuft settled in one of their bunkrooms before following the others to meet the captain. "Pleasure, miss!" he says, brightly offering the captain his hand. "Do let the sailors know that I'd be more'n interested in seeing any sorts of odd creatures that might swim up to the side of the ship while we sail! Or, I reckon, even if they're not so odd. I've never seen a dolphin, I'm from way up in the mountains, so I'd appreciate the sight, surely. Though, if we do have any trouble, I can probably help. Runs in the blood, y'know, my great-great-great-" it takes him a couple moments to trace back as far as he wants to, "-grandfather killed a dragon turtle on this very sea once, y'know."

2017-10-16, 08:52 PM
"My quarters were fine. They'll serve their purpose," Herrin says. "All I need is a place to put my gear, a place to rest my head, and somewhere for me to practice my sword drills everyday.

"By the way, do you know when we will be shoving off?

2017-10-17, 11:09 AM
"My quarters were fine. They'll serve their purpose," Herrin says. "All I need is a place to put my gear, a place to rest my head, and somewhere for me to practice my sword drills everyday.

"By the way, do you know when we will be shoving off?

"She said about a half hour." Jon informs his companion.

2017-10-17, 11:35 AM
"By the way, do you know when we will be shoving off?

"She said about a half hour." Jon informs his companion.

Technically this conversation is happening just after you've shoved off. No big deal though :smalltongue:

Captain Elarinya shrugs. "Pirates can be a problem, but they generally like to hit the big cargo ships. We don't have much worth stealing. Not an impossibility though. As far as storms... They're a bit more common, but the Swordfish should be able to handle whatever the weather throws at her. She's a good ship, and I've got a good crew. And if there's anything you can do to help the cooks," she says to Jon, "I'm sure the crew would be appreciative. Ship's biscuits will keep you alive, but not much else." She raises an eyebrow and Gamjar's claim. It's clear she's skeptical, but chooses not to say anything. "Feel free to stay abovedecks, so long as you don't get in the crew's way. Otherwise, settle in. It's going to be a long trip."

2017-10-18, 11:16 AM
"Thank you, captain." Jon gives a small bow.
Good to his word, Jon talks to the ship's carpeter to procure a modest box, making a small garden. Some scoffed at first, but fresh berries and vegetables accompanied every meal. The heavily accelerated growth also helps to use up the 'output' from the animals below decks.using grow plants and growth from the nature sphere. Not much else to do with his spell points while traveling. Not enough to feed the entire crew, but its a flavorful supplement. No scurvy here!

2017-10-19, 03:12 AM
"Captain. If it would help, I can do lookout duty at night. I can see even further in the darkness than you would assume", Locan offers.

2017-10-19, 03:07 PM
Also, Jessica says, I can do some small healing. It's not much, and I can only do a little of it before I need to rest, but I can help your people with any small injuries that crop up.

2017-10-20, 04:03 PM
The trip is, for the most part, long and uneventful. Jon helps the ship's cooks with his small supply of fresh produce. The little garden produces no end of fascination among the crew. A few more superstitious members give your party a wider berth, once word gets around that they're carrying magic users, but you notice that they also don't seem to turn down the additions to the ship's supplies. Jessica helps with minor injuries around the ship, of which there are plenty--this also helps ease any superstitions the sailors may have. Locan helps keep watch at night, to the great relief of the one dwarf on the crew, who pulls more than his fair share of night duty and misses no opportunity to inform anyone in earshot of the fact. Herrin mostly stays in her quarters practicing sword drills, and can eventually convince some of the crew to spar with her as well. Gamjar discovers many new sea creatures, some of which he had heard about but never seen and some of which he didn't even know existed. The bewildering array of fish, sea birds, dolphins, and the like kept him entertained throughout the trip--as did the sailors' stories about various creatures they'd seen--or believed that they'd seen, usually while inebriated to greater or lesser degrees. There was even a whale that surfaced not too far from the ship.

The Swordfish makes good time on the crossing; she is a well-built ship and the winds were generally good. There was a storm a few days outside of port, but overall it was nothing the crew couldn't handle. They took to the rigging with practiced professionalism, and the Swordfish rode out the winds and waves with little more than minor damage. Not long after you are bidding the ship and Elarinya goodbye; she tells you that you are more than welcome on her ship again should you require if she's in port.

Stricaea, the port city in which you find yourself, is one of the largest on the Southern Continent. While it is nowhere near as impressive as the Antorcian coastal cities in size or wealth, it is respectable for a colony founded barely seventy years ago. Seated on a major river, it is the primary hub for goods moving across the Middle Sea. Despite its relatively small size it processes an impressive amount of merchant traffic. Picking your way through the docks, you make your way toward the company outpost here to get the supplies you'll need for the trip.

Where the SVTC trading house in Endhoven was designed to show off the success of the company as well as act as a place of business, the outpost here is far more utilitarian. It lacks the soaring architecture or intricate sculpturework of the last building, but bustles with just as much activity. You step inside and, for a moment, seem to be ignored among all the merchants and company officials going back and forth, negotiating contracts and making deals. Soon, however, a gnome seems to notice you waiting by the entrance and pushes his way toward you.

"You're early," he states bluntly. "No matter, no matter. Come with me." Though he does not bother to introduce himself, you soon infer this is Hamund, the company representative who you were to meet here. He leads you back to a small office and begins rummaging around in a stack of files, still not bothering to say much to you. When he finally turns around, he has a rolled up parchment in his hand, which he places on the little desk littered with documents, quills, and books. "Here. This is a map showing where the ruins where the staff was found, as best we could get out of that porter. Machili, I think his name was. You'll have to talk to him if you want more information than that, because I surely haven't been down there myself to see if it's accurate. Hangs around the docks drunk most of the time, that's where we found him. I don't have your supplies ready yet, I was told you wouldn't be here for another week at least. I can have some things pulled together in the morning, I suppose." He grimaces at you all. "Mind yourselves. It's dangerous out there. We'll be sending a few carts and some porters along with you, and I'd prefer if you didn't get them eaten by some monster."

The gnome pauses for a moment and looks up at you all expectantly. "Well? Anything else? I do have a business to run, you know."

((As usual, if you want to insert an action in a part where I glossed over, feel free--again, trying to move things along where I think people probably won't have a whole lot of input))

2017-10-21, 01:25 AM
Locan shoots an appraising glance at the rude gnome. "alright, friends. Let's look for the porter and find some lodging for the night. Nothing to see here, I suppose." He takes careful note of any hint of reaction from Hamund (Sense Motive: 13)

2017-10-21, 08:55 PM
"Before we go," Herrin interrupts, "can we get more information about this 'monster'? Or is this something else we need to ask Machili about?"

2017-10-22, 09:02 PM
Before disembarking, Jon makes sure to leave the crew a small crop of strawberries as a parting gift.

"Not getting eaten by monsters is always high on my list of priorities, sir." Jon replies with suspicious seriousness. He continues, I presume the company can provide lodging and stabling the the evening then?"

2017-10-23, 12:22 AM
You can't detect any particular malice in Hamund's demeanor. He is unpleasant, yes, but he seems annoyed rather than malicious--as if you all are an unwanted distraction,
to be dealt with quickly so that he can move on to other things which are, to him, more important.

Also, ouch on the double 1s for that roll.

Hamund waves off Jon's question. "Yes, yes, all that will be taken care of. Just find an inn you like, the company will reimburse you. Try not to spend too much company money on it,
though, will you?" Herrin's question makes him pause, however. Instead of answering, he turns around and rummages through a set of files. He pushes a few sheaves of paper, written over in a small but neat scrawl. "This is the statement from the porter," he tells you, his voice a bit more subdued. "My scribe took it all down when I interviewed him. Keep in mind, he was in a fair state when he told us this. Take from it what you will. Frankly, I'm not sure how much stock I put into stories like this one. There are beasts in the jungle, of course, and wild natives who are almost worse--but creatures like those, it stretches credibility." From his voice, you can tell he'd far rather choose not to believe that monsters are truly common to the jungles, rather than coming to accept that he personally lives in such close proximity to them. "That's all we have on the thing, if you want more you'll have to go find him."

Unfortunately, it appears Machili never got a good look at the thing that wiped out the rest of the expedition. Whatever it was, it appeared to stalk them for a while before attacking--Machili said he felt that they were being watched long before anyone disappeared. (Next to this point is a note from the scribe, questioning whether this might have been something he added to the memory after the fact, moreso than something he actually experienced.) When the first person went missing, they thought that person had gotten separated from the group and was stuck or lost somewhere, and so split up to find them. Machili was with two others, and saw one of them get lifted up into the ceiling by something with several arms--he turned right as the creature attacked,
and only barely caught a glimpse of it. The other person he was with fell into a crevasse after stepping on what had looked like solid ground--it just vanished as soon as he set foot on it. Later,
he reports hearing the voices of other expedition members calling out, including the voice of one he knew was dead. (The note here reads: "Echoes? Sound distortion? Stress hallucination?") When Machili ran, he felt something grab at the back of his shirt, but it was a poor quality garment and ripped--he said he didn't stop running until he was back aboveground and several miles from the ruin.

Jon can roll Knowledge (Local) (or make a general Int check) to see if he knows any decent inns in town. Herrin does not think the creature matches the description of the Beast--it most definitely did not wait in ambush from the shadows--but the reports of strange illusions does seem suspiciously familiar. You felt that the Beast was warping reality in a way; it's possible this is something similar.

2017-10-23, 11:20 AM
Reading over the description of the beast, Jon shakes his head, then shrugs. "How do you tell fact from fiction in such a report?"local [roll0]

2017-10-23, 11:28 AM
Jessica shivers a little, reading the report. It's more than a little unnerving.

2017-10-23, 01:41 PM
Herrin listened carefully to the description of the monster. She didn't believe it was the Beast, but she had spent a lot of time researching creatures in her hunt. Perhaps she recognized the monster from her studies...

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = [roll0]

2017-10-23, 02:53 PM
Locan also ponders the report on the monster. Knowledge (any) [roll0]+[roll1]

2017-10-23, 07:27 PM
You know of several inns of varying quality in Stricaea. The Dragon's Tooth down by the docks is a decent one; not as good quality as the Broken Shield back in Endhoven,
but not bad and not too expensive for the quality like many others in the town. At least, that was the case the last time you were here. Plus, the decent quality combined with cheap prices make it a popular place for people trying to drink their problems away--it's possible your porter might be there, given Hamund's description.

Herrin knows of several types of aberrations which match the "ambush predator" description to greater or lesser degrees. The Lurking Ray, Choker, Decapus, Dust Digger, and Tentamort are all creatures which you are at least somewhat familiar with that use those kinds of tactics, although not all of them fit perfectly. Locan adds some non-aberrations to the mix as well: giant spiders have been reported on the southern continent, and certain humanoid creatures like kobolds favor ambush tactics. It could also be a form of undead--some incorporeal undead do use illusion, mimicry, and the like to lure living creatures in and kill them.

2017-10-23, 08:23 PM
"Thank you for that information," she tells the gnome. "I guess we should take our leave now. There is still so much to do before we begin our journey."

2017-10-23, 11:00 PM
Gamjar goes throughout the days with a pretty much perpetual look of wonder on his face. He's overly excited by almost anything that is new to him - the whales, especially - and when he gets to the Southern Continent, he may have worried his friends a bit that he was going to have a stroke or heart attack from sheer excitement alone. He's constantly running about, looking at this or that or the other, and most of the time not really paying attention to anything important going on around him. The only thing that finally draws his attention back to reality is the description of the monster. "Yes! This is it!" he says with full conviction. "I've been searching forever to find this- finally, a conclusive report of the Wampus!" he declares. Ignoring the fact that it's not really conclusive at all and that no one in their right mind actually thought the wampus was a real creature.

2017-10-24, 11:11 AM
...Wampus?... Jon raises an eyebrow, then turns to Herrin. "We could start at the Dragon's Tooth. Decent enough accommodations and there is a chance we could find our porter, or someone who knows him, there."

2017-10-25, 09:25 AM
Jessica has been steadily shrinking (quite literally) for the past few minutes. Her nerves have gotten to her a bit, and she's taken a short, unassuming form. Her dogs come to her, prodding their heads at her legs, and she pets them absent-mindedly.

What's the Dragon's Tooth like? she asks, quietly.

2017-10-25, 10:00 AM
Locan appears to be lost in thought. He stares off into infinity while he runs his hands over his smooth, oddly shaped head, apparently checking himself for bumps and measuring his head with his fingers.

Later, at the inn...

2017-10-25, 10:01 AM
Jon shrugs. "Decent enough, not as nice as the Broken Shield, but cheap is promising for finding the man. We could find a more expensive place since the company is paying, but the settlement is not exactly known for opulent accommodations for travelers."

2017-10-25, 10:06 PM
Jon leads you through the streets of Stricaea toward the Dragon's Tooth inn. The afternoon sun is beginning to dip beneath the buildings, leaving much of the city draped in shadow. The route takes you through a pretty rough part of town, with more run-down buildings and beggars in the streets. Many of these people came here looking to get a start on life and found themselves trapped, without the means to support themselves. They keep to themselves for the most part as you continue on your way. As you make your way down a relatively narrow street, however, a hunched-over figure--a ratfolk, judging by the small stature and hint of a snout poking out from beneath its hood--wrapped in a dirty cloak steps out from the shadows ahead of you and approaches. The ratfolk thrusts a tin cup under your noses, muttering incomprehensibly as it does so. Suddenly, the small figure howls out a word in a strange language, and everything around you goes dark.

You can try to identify the language with a Linguistics check, if you're curious.

Characters who have darkvision can still see normally.

The street is narrow, but not overly so. You can get past the ratfolk at the cost of provoking an AoO should you choose. I'm assuming Jon was in the lead, given that he's the one who knows where you're going.

I'm going to make the initiative rolls for everyone at the start of combat. I'm not going to hold y'all to strict initiative order, in an effort to keep things moving along. Characters who beat the enemy initiative get to go first, then the enemies, then those who were behind in initiative. Then we repeat. If you beat someone in initiative but they posted first, I'll allow you to say your actions happened first if that makes a difference--otherwise the order you post is the order they happen. If we need to tweak this later on we can. Roll attacks and damage in the same post, plus possible crit confirmation/crit damage if applicable.

Jessica: [roll0]
Jon: [roll1]
Herrin: [roll2]
Locan: [roll3]
Gamjar: [roll4]
Enemies: [roll5]

You are aware of the ratfolk in front of you, but not of any other enemies at the time. There are no real obstacles in the street save the ratfolk. The buildings on either side of you are generally 1-2 stories tall with several doors and windows facing the road, although several of them are boarded up and most all the buildings seem to be abandoned. Perception checks can be made for any other information. Any light sources you are carrying or attached to the walls go out as well.

With a DC 15 Perception check if you can see out of the darkness, or automatically if you run out of the darkness:
At either end of the street, you can see two armed figures step out with weapons drawn. These are larger, probably not more ratfolk.

Everyone make a DC 14 Will save vs. being shaken.
vs. Backlash: [roll6]

Jessica, Jon, and Gamjar, you're up first.

2017-10-26, 06:38 AM
Jon steps away from the rat-beggar, chanting and pointing to the ground, calling up a tangle of grasping vines in its space.will [roll0]

5' step to get out of its threatened area
casting entangle (spending 1 SP if needed for grow plants), Reflex DC 15, 5 ft radius (so a 4 square, centered to catch the rat but leave friendly melee open)

like this:
X= entangled empty square, R= ratfolk aggressor, (party) = the general side the party is on party
You cause plants to grow rapidly, wrapping themselves around everything in a 5 ft + 5 ft per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range. Creatures within this area must pass a Reflex save or gain the entangled condition and become unable to move. Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of each turn you maintain the effect. Creatures that move into the area must save immediately. Those that fail end their movement and gain the entangled condition. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC equal to the effect’s Reflex save DC. This area is also considered difficult terrain for the duration of the effect. If the area contained plants with thorns, all creatures suffer 1 point of piercing damage each round they are within this area.

2017-10-26, 11:09 AM
There are not plants naturally in the area, so you do need to spend the spell point to grow them.

That arrangement for the entangle works out fine.

Reflex save: [roll0]

The ratfolk is now entangled.

2017-10-26, 11:23 AM
Henry, Joseph, go! Jessica calls to her dogs. She sees fear in their eyes, but knows that they're tough and can handle it.

She chooses Joseph to take point, placing a hand on him and growing him to the size of a horse, as well as increasing his vigor.

Size Transformation (Enlarge) and Vitality (Fast Healing 1), spending one spell point to give the fast healing.

She then says Go! Attack!

The dogs, though fearful, charge out, Joseph in front, with Henry just behind, and attack into the free ratfolk.

[roll0] for Joseph, with his enlarged state.

[roll2] for Henry, without being enlarged.

AC is 17, thanks to their Barding.

2017-10-26, 11:39 AM
Gamjar takes pity on the beggar, at first, and is reaching for his wallet when suddenly everything goes dark. An ambush! His eyes go wide, and then he squints, trying to see out of the darkness. He ends up taking a few stumbling steps forward until he can see again, looking around in surprise at the other two ratfolk who have appeared to ambush them. "Tuft!" he beckons his sloth to his side, taking out his spear more for show than for fighting, immediately. "Tuft, defend!" he orders, and the sloth hustles to Gajmar's side, puffing himself up and growling. Gamjar looks warily at the ratfolk. "Hold! Can't we talk about this?" he attempts.

Diplomacy roll for Gamjar [roll0]
Intimidate roll for Tuft [roll1]

2017-10-26, 01:30 PM
The ratfolk struggles against the plants which suddenly bind it, still screaming incomprehensibly. He draws a knife that was hidden in his cloak and begins to hack at the vines, when Joseph and Henry fall upon him. The two dogs attack with frightening efficiency and bring the ratfolk to the ground, where he quickly becomes still.

Gamjar and Tuft stumble backward out of the supernatural darkness, where they see two more figures closing in on them--a human and a half-elf, by the looks of it. They smirk at Gamjar's diplomacy attempt, while Tuft rubs his eyes and is generally acting about as cute and non-threatening as possible. "Nothing to talk about," the half-elf says. "Put that stick down and hand over your money, and you might just make it out alive." He closes in and levels the point of his short sword at Gamjar, while the human hangs back a step and hefts his club.

Since you ordered Tuft to defend, he can take a readied attack against the bandit--but that might cause the bandit to attack as well.

Also make will saves for Gamjar and Tuft for the shaken effect.

Herrin and Locan, y'all are up. Once they've posted, the rest of you feel free to go ahead and take your turns.

2017-10-26, 02:17 PM
Herrin quickly draws her sword from its scabbard. She pauses though, as this seems too easy. It has all the hallmarks of a trap. She carefully retraces her steps, following Gamjar out of the darkness, and sees the two thugs approaching.

Herrin closes her eyes as she wordlessly assumes a fighting stance and she feels the power flow from the blade into her body. As she reopens her eyes, she can't help but flash a cocky grin. This is going to be fun.

Spend one point for Dual Enhancement to boost her Strength and Constitution and a second point to extend the duration of the effect to 1 min/caster level, so... for one minute.

2017-10-27, 12:28 AM
Locan realizes that he's not going to get any magic done under these circumstances. He sighs at the persistent stupidity of the robbers, then unslings his crossbow and shoots at the unengaged human fool. Since Locan is covered in darkness, the human can't see him.
+2 attack and flat-footed as if invisible? Stealth check [roll0]just in case. Either way, move action to draw crossbow, standard action to attack, including -2 from being shaken. [roll1], damage [roll2]

2017-10-27, 01:13 AM
Sure, I'll allow it. Side note: invisibility in SoP seems strong. Automatically flatfooted plus not breaking when you attack. (I can't remember if automatically losing dex bonus was also the case in core).

The human bandit seems surprised by the crossbow bolt that leaps from the darkness and buries itself into his shoulder. Cursing, he raises his club and closes in for the attack.

Jon, Jessica, Gamjar, y'all are up! Reminder that Tuft can get a readied attack if he wants from the defend command, although that'll probably also trigger an attack on Gamjar (or counterattack on Tuft). Either way, though, they don't seem to be in too friendly a mood this time.

Also, even assuming Gamjar and Tuft failed their will saves (also true for the others who have failed), the shaken effect ends on your turn after you leave the area of darkness. If Tuft does a readied attack the shaken condition will apply, but starting the round after you leave it's no longer in effect.

2017-10-27, 10:58 AM
Gamjar [roll0]
Tuft [roll1]

Tuft, while looking incredibly cute about doing it and not intimidating in the slightest, does take a swing against the bandit which approaches Gamjar, trying to defend him.

First claw [roll2]
Second claw [roll3]
First claw damage [roll4]
Second claw damage [roll5]

It takes Gamjar about six seconds, but he does seem to realize that diplomacy isn't going to be the way out of this. So he lunges forward with his spear, taking a stab at the man, while instructing Tuft to attack once again.

Spear [roll6]
Spear damage [roll7]

First claw [roll8]
Second claw [roll9]
First claw damage [roll10]
Second claw damage [roll11]

2017-10-27, 11:08 AM
jon circles around behind the nearest attacker to help provide a distraction for his allies, taking a swing with his staff.move to flank if possible,
att [roll0]
[roll1] damage

What, I didn't want to spend SP

2017-10-27, 11:09 AM
As the half-elf threatens Gamjar, Tuft leaps forward and rakes his claws him. The bandit twists out of the way of one of the attacks, but the other leaves a deep gash across his arm and throws him off balance. He lashes out at Tuft, crying out in surprise that the cute little sloth attacked him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The sword doesn't manage to bite through the sloth's leather armor. As the bandit tries to recover his balance, Tuft claws him again and Gamjar strikes him with his spear. The half-elf goes down.

Jon, moving past the fallen bandit, closes on the club-wielding human bandit. He swings his quarterstaff but fails to connect as the bandit dodges the blow.

2017-10-27, 11:28 AM
Jessica moves out, keeping back a decent bit, though. She's already sent her dogs to war, and prepared them as best she can. As Joseph and Henry go for their next victim, the nearest bandit, she calls out to their attackers.

Please, stop! We don't want to hurt you any more than we already have-if you lay down your weapons, we'll let you surrender peacefully!

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Joseph's attack: [roll1]

Henry's attack: [roll3]

I think they're no longer shaken-if they are, subtract two from their hit rolls.

2017-10-27, 12:12 PM
Jessica's dogs charge forward through the darkness, dodging Jon's vines and leaping toward the closer of the two unengaged bandits on the other side, quickly bringing their opponent to the ground. The last two, one on either side of the sphere of supernatural darkness still lingering on the middle of the street, see their comrades going down and begin to step back. Instead of your group fleeing in a panic as they were expecting, they are faced by an armed group fighting back. Instead of continuing the fight, the last two bandits drop their weapons and flee.

Remaining bandits take a withdraw action and get as far away from your group as possible.

There are two bandits badly wounded on the ground. Once the darkness dissipates, the ratfolk is also laying in what is left of Jon's plant growth, dead. The two bandits both have leather armor. The half-elf has a short sword, and the human has a dagger, all of normal quality. The ratfolk, besides his tattered robe, is only carrying an obsidian-blade dagger with a handle made of some sort of horn or antler.


Everyone gets 190xp. I think I'm going to put you guys on the fast xp track, unless anyone has objections, so that will bring you all to 1490xp. Level 3 will be at 3300xp. You can set the xp track on the myth-weavers sheet to fast and it'll automatically handle that.

We're out of initiative order, so feel free to post in any order from here on out. Or you can try chasing down the last two if you really want.

2017-10-27, 02:49 PM
Herrin looks back and forth between the two bandits fleeing in opposite directions. She is almost a little disappointed that they aren't putting up a fight and are choosing to run away instead.

"Yeah, I don't think so..." Herrin rushes forward, her body a blur of motion. She skids to a stop in front of the thief before the cutpurse can get very far and assumes a fighting stance. "Sorry. But you aren't going anywhere except to see the constable."

Using Improved Haste to double movement and get in front of the unarmed thief. I guess I'll ready an action in case he tries to get past Herrin.

2017-10-27, 02:56 PM
"Oh- no, did I kill him?" Gamjar asks, looking almost horrified as he knelt down to check the half-elf's pulse. "What are we supposed to do- and that ratfolk, is he dead?" he asks, looking up wide-eyed at the others. "Do we, ah, report this to the constable? Or are we going to get arrested for murder? Or is this self-defense?" he asks, fumbling still to try and see if the elf is actually dead, or just incapacitated. "Someone, check on the rat!"


2017-10-27, 08:21 PM
The bandit which Herrin chased throws up his hands. "Don't kill me!" he exclaims. "Didn't mean nothing by it! Just trying to make a living, you know, no one was s'pposed to get hurt!"

The half elf is not dead, but he is bleeding pretty profusely. Gamjar patches his wounds until he is fairly certain the half-elf isn't in immediate danger of death. The other unconscious bandit is more badly injured, but you are also able to stabilize him. The ratfolk, however, is beyond help--he is dead by the time you check on him.

2017-10-28, 11:17 AM
Henry, Joseph, heel! Jessica calls out. As her dogs return to her, she thinks about letting the magic fade, but seeing that the bandits are still present, leaves Joseph enlarged.

She walks to the conscious brigands, and talks to them. Listen-we don't want to cause any more harm than has already happened. I understand you're probably scared of what we're going to do, but we won't hurt you any more-not unless you try to hurt us again. But we'll try to help you, okay? You say you're just trying to make a living-we'll help you find an honest one. One that doesn't involve theft and intimidation. She offers a smile too, making sure Joseph is behind her and not being too intimidating.


2017-10-28, 07:49 PM
Jon checks the ratfolk over for any sign of why they were attacked. perception If if needed
On phone so checking his sheet is a pain
Taking 10 for...probably 16? I dont think it's a class skill

2017-10-29, 08:38 AM
As his hands stop trembling, Locan ponders whether or not to heal the wounded bandits. He understands where they're coming from, but he is angry that they made him feel afraid and powerless. For now, he is not going to volunteer his aid to them.

2017-10-29, 12:06 PM
perception If if needed
On phone so checking his sheet is a pain
Taking 10 for...probably 16? I dont think it's a class skill

18, actually--it's marked as a class skill for you.

The ratfolk doesn't seem to be carrying anything, short of the knife. There's nothing really on the body that would indicate why he was acting as he was. The body is covered with a network of scars, most rather old.

The one conscious bandit seems to be rather panicked, but he does calm down a bit when Jessica talks to him. Mostly he just nods, but his eyes aren't darting about looking for an escape route quite as much. As you bring him back toward the others, he sees Gamjar patching up his two wounded comrades which calms him down some more. He then sees the dead ratfolk. "Is that...
is that thing dead?" he asks. "Bloody hell. You are the first ones I seen that didn't just up and run from it, and you went and killed it."

2017-10-29, 01:01 PM
Jessica frowns sadly. Yes. He is. All the more reason to find a way to stop doing what you're doing, isn't it?

2017-10-29, 03:48 PM
The bandit which Herrin chased throws up his hands. "Don't kill me!" he exclaims. "Didn't mean nothing by it! Just trying to make a living, you know, no one was s'pposed to get hurt!"

"Sure, whatever, I believe you," Herrin says in a way that conveys that she honestly didn't. "How about we peacefully wake back to your friends and talk about this like civilized people."

She gestures with her sword back to his friends getting treatment. Her message was quite clear.

2017-10-30, 09:09 AM
Jon shrugs, finding nothing. "Was the deceased your employer, or hired to work with you?" He pauses, "Or questions can wait until we are not in the streets I suppose."

2017-10-30, 02:15 PM
Gamjar does what he can to keep the two surviving bandits from bleeding out, letting out a breath of relief as he had some moderate success. They didn't regain consciousness, but Gamjar was able to heft the half-elf up and toss him over Tuft's back for the megatherium to carry. His sloth, however, seems very much appalled at the notion - he wasn't a mount! - and simply laid down on the ground, sort of sprawling out in protest. Gamjar let out a sigh. "Someone help me carry these two? Er, to the constable, I'm thinking?"

2017-10-30, 02:18 PM
Joseph, go help Gamjar carry them. Go on, Jessica says, directing the enlarged dog towards him.

Joseph pads over and lays down-while not perfectly suited for riding, there's ample space on the massive dog for a knocked-out body or two.

2017-10-30, 02:58 PM
"Thanks," Gamjar says in Jessica's direction as Joseph pads over. He pats the dog once on the head before hefting the two unconscious bodies onto his back. "Good boy - how long is he going to stay this size, Jessica? Should we start moving? And does anyone know where the constable is?"

2017-10-30, 03:12 PM
As long as I maintain my concentration. That being said, the sooner the better, she says, before turning to the bandit that's still awake. Could you direct us to the constable, or whatever the local equivalent is? It's really just a matter of time-saving. I'm sure someone in the Dragon can help us, but the more you cooperate, the more lenient we can be.

2017-10-30, 03:44 PM
Jon shrugs, finding nothing. "Was the deceased your employer, or hired to work with you?" He pauses, "Or questions can wait until we are not in the streets I suppose."

"What, him? No, we didn't have anything to do with him, really. Just wanders around and blabbers nonsense, sometimes snaps and does stuff with magic when people get close.
Elariel"--he indicates the unconscious half-elf--"got the idea to hang around and jump people when he did that thing. Usually folks would run scared, we'd intimidate them a bit, and they'd give whatever we asked to get away." The bandit shudders a bit. "Can understand why. He unnerved me too."

As long as I maintain my concentration. That being said, the sooner the better, she says, before turning to the bandit that's still awake. Could you direct us to the constable, or whatever the local equivalent is? It's really just a matter of time-saving. I'm sure someone in the Dragon can help us, but the more you cooperate, the more lenient we can be.

At the mention of the constable, the bandit once more becomes wary, but he doesn't seem too willing to try and escape. Especially with Herrin still staring over his shoulder. He debates with himself for a moment, then deflates a bit. "Yeah, I know where it is. Been locked up there a time or two before. You'll put a word in for me, though? Tell them we weren't really trying to hurt anyone, just scare them a bit?"

2017-10-30, 04:57 PM
We'll talk to him. I can't promise you you'll get away scott-free, but we'll try to make the punishment fit the crime, Jessica says. Perhaps community service? Give back, in labor, what you took from the people. Hopefully that'll also let you get warmed up to by the people here, and they'll help you find more steady employment after your service is done.

As she talks, she follows his lead.

2017-10-31, 06:43 PM
You follow the would-be thief through the streets toward the nearest guard station. Several times he looks like he might try and make a run for it, but seems to think better of it. His two unconscious companions provide a pretty clear message as to what might happen to him should he try anything. After a ten minute walk through the streets, the bandit sheepishly indicates a squat, stout looking building at a crossroads near one of the town's marketplaces.

You knock on the door, and are greeted by a halfling wearing chainmail and carrying a short sword. His face is somewhat scruffy and he wears a grim expression suitable for a guard, if not for someone so diminutive. "Hello? can I help you?" he asks gruffly. Before you can answer, he sees the thief standing toward the back of the group and trying to go unnoticed, like a child who has been caught stealing cookies. "You again! What was your name? Enos, right?" He storms over toward the human. It's almost comical to see the bandit cowering away from someone barely half his height, as the halfling guard shakes his finger as close to his face as he can reach. "You're back out on the streets causing trouble? What did I tell you would happen if you got caught thieving in this town again?" As the thief tries to stammer out a reply, the halfling turns to the rest of you. "Was he giving you folks trouble? Looks like he picked the wrong fight, if he did. Seems like you all can handle yourselves," he says, eyeing the array of weapons you are carrying (and animals you have in tow). "The name's Athard, Sergeant of the Guard. Come on inside, let's hear what you have to say."

Athard leads you into the guardhouse, where two other human guards are playing cards at a side table. "You two!" Athard barks at them. "Move your lazy bums! Get these three secured!" As the two other guards scramble to carry out the halfling's orders, he turns to the rest of you and sighs. "So, what were these miscreants up to this time?"

2017-10-31, 09:02 PM
They... I won't say attacked us, seeing as they didn't do much more than draw weapons and act threatening, Jessica says. But they were looking to gain at the expense of others.
I had hopes they'd be willing to reform, but if they're perennial thugs... It puts a damper on that.

2017-10-31, 09:28 PM
"That'un didn't try to run when he saw he was beaten, at least," Gamjar puts in, pointing to the human standing among them. He pauses for a moment, switches to Elven when he sees the man, Enos, apparently, cowering from the guard. "Calm down, I don't think he's gonna bite you," he offers. Being spoken to in his native (or first, anyway) language had always done more to reassure him than hearing anything in Common, mostly because it was such a clunky sort of language compared to the sibilant and flowing style of Elven. And it was true, Enos had been a model citizen ever since he'd seen he'd picked a fight he couldn't win. It didn't really cross his mind that the human might not speak Elven, most of the humans where Gamjar had come from did. Of course, where he was from was a little thicker with Elves than most places.

2017-10-31, 11:49 PM
Locan sighs. "These miscreant were following the ratfolk sorcerer. You have probably heard of him. I understand that he is a local troublemaker. When he started to hassle us with his magic, this little gang decided to opportunistically accost us. So. In addition to being riff-raff, they are apparently also stupid. But, I think I speak for all of us when I say that I'm not particularly interested in seeing these boys punished harshly. I should probably heal them as well; It's hard to reform a wounded, unconscious man after all".

2017-11-01, 11:17 AM
Jon chimes in, "The ratfolk did not survive the encounter. It seemed like an attack, and, well, things get hectic in that kind of situation. Know anything about what was going on?"

2017-11-01, 03:45 PM
You come inside with the Halfling and sit down. Enos doesn't seem to be reassured by Gamjar's words--he doesn't seem to speak Elven, and to him Gamjar just looked over at him and spouted off random syllables. Still, he follows without complaint and allows the other guards to manacle him.

Athard listens to your accounts with an even expression. "I think thug is a strong word. Enos here has been in and out for petty things. Theft and fraud, mostly. He's a con,
but he hasn't been violent. Before this, at least. As far as the ratfolk... I think we have heard of him. No one's really sure what he's been on about. Usually just blabbers to himself. Sometimes flips out,
starts shooting magic about, but hasn't really hurt anyone. Permanently, at least. Some folks said he'd drawn a knife, but mostly they just run before he can do anything. The town guard has had more important things to look for than insane ratfolk, though. I'll have some guards go and collect the body. Sounds like pretty clear cut self defense to me." Enos nods agreement. "It was," he says. "These folks didn't do nothing wrong." He glances toward your group hopefully. He quiets at Athard's stare. "As far as what we're going to do with these... That'll be for the magistrate to decide. You can testify on his behalf if you like, though it'll probably be a week or two. Or I can take statements from you and call it done."

2017-11-01, 04:51 PM
We're likely to be leaving soon, but we can do statements. I'm not precisely sure how to phrase it, but... Jessica says. I'd like to say that these men seem fundamentally harmless-especially given what you say about their records. I would advise the magister to, if possible, punish them in some way that will let them be productive, and integrate into a more beneficial role to society.

2017-11-01, 10:43 PM
Herrin rolled her eyes. "We don't have the time to wait for this to come to trial. We'll just give our statements and leave, if possible."

2017-11-02, 10:59 AM
Jon concurs, "Indeed, we have pressing matters in the interior." He makes no attempt to color his official statement; let local justice make its decision unbiased.

2017-11-02, 11:16 AM
Gamjar gives a small shrug after his companions give their accounts. "I mean, I'd just tell ya more of the same. No harm done all around, really, except to the ratfolk," he said.

2017-11-02, 01:15 PM
Athard takes down a statement from each of you individually, taking you into a back room before asking a series of probing questions about the location of the encounter and the events that took place there. He asks about exhaustive details, and sometimes circles back around to questions he's already asked just phrased in a different way. After questioning all of you, he tells you that you're free to go. Once more, you head toward the Broken Shield, and this time you aren't accosted by any insane ratfolk. The entire process has delayed you fairly significantly--it's after nightfall by the time you arrive.

It's a small inn, run by a tired-looking dwarf who is currently in the process of cleaning tables. There are a few patrons still around, some drinking and some passed out at the bar. The dwarf nods at you as you enter. "Can I get you anything?" he asks. "We've got the only good dwarven ale you'll find this side of the Middle Sea. Probably something still left in the kitchen if you're hungry."

You're able to get rooms for the night and stabling for the animals, at a fairly reasonable price. You can ask around for information from either the innkeeper or the other patrons, as you choose. Let me know what your characters want to do before bed, and then we can actually get off on the expedition.

2017-11-02, 01:22 PM
Something meaty and rare, if you have it left, and enough to share with my dogs if possible, Jessica says, smiling at the dwarven fellow. She eats pretty quietly, being quite hungry, tearing into her meat with vigor.

Once she's had her meal, she stretches out in a loud yawn, and takes the remainder outside for Henry and Joseph, then goes to retire.

Food, puppers, and sleep. I'm good to go.

2017-11-02, 01:22 PM
Gamjar makes sure Tuft is all settled in the stable before heading into the inn with the others. As attached as he is to the megatherium, the poor beastie does snore, and tomorrow's going to be a big day and Gamjar figures on needing his rest. Really, though, he can run pretty well on just a few hours. Benefits of elven blood.
He enters the tavern and takes a seat for himself at the bar, smiling at the dwarf, though the expression is a bit strained. He's well aware of the blood rivalry between elves and dwarves, being from the northernmost part of the North continent. They share a border with the dwarven lands, he's pretty sure, but he's never actually been this close to one. They usually make a point of steering clear of one another. Still, the Southern Continent is an entirely different place, and if the dwarf isn't prejudiced, Gamjar will try his best not to be, either. He never really saw the point on xenophobia, anyways.
"I'll pass on the ale, thanks. Have y'got any absinthe? All good if y'don't. Though I would be interested in any interesting rumors around town - just arrived today, y'see, and don't know much of what's goin' on. Could share a bit of info myself, on a certain ratfolk beggar, if you're interested."

For gathering information, maybe with a circumstance bonus if he's interested in the ratfolk?

2017-11-02, 02:16 PM
Jon makes some inquiries regarding Machili, hoping to find him in time for some questions.diplomacy to gather info [roll0]

2017-11-02, 04:30 PM
Locan sticks around for a while to see if this Machili thing is going anywhere. He is not leaving the inn. If nothing happens soon, he heads off to bed.

2017-11-02, 06:35 PM
You are able to get a decent, simple meal. It's pretty easy to tell that it was basically just whatever was left in the kitchen thrown together, but it's decent enough. Joseph and Henry are perfectly happy with it, however.

The dwarf leans in close to Gamjar. It doesn't seem that he has any problem with elves--the dwarves from the coastal city states are generally less xenophobic than those in Asvandfell, plus elves' gold is just as good as anyone else's. "Well," he says conspiratorially, "You hear a lot of strange things around here. Especially coming up from the jungles.
Monsters and the like, strange spirits around those old ruins. No one really knows who built them, y'know. Ghost, ghouls, and the like. Hear the Darkmoor swamp is crawling with 'em. And," his voice gets even lower and Gamjar has to lean in closer to hear, "there's strange talk here in the city too. They say there's a mad old hag in the old town crypts. Drawing people who want to learn magic from her--and they drive her mad. They say she's got her own herd of thralls down in the crypts." Upon being pressed, the dwarf reveals that he has never seen this hag or her army of thralls, nor talked to anyone who had--so take the word of the drunk who heard from that beggar who heard from some other person for what it's worth.

Jon asks around about Machili--it turns out he does frequent the Broken Shield, comes in and gets drunk here a few nights a week. No one has seen him for a week or two, though. You keep probing and eventually someone tells you that he went back south--didn't say exactly why. Mentioned something about looking for something in the interior--he was acting rather strange, too. Especially given that he'd sworn up and down he'd never go back into the jungle for any amount of money you could name when he first got back.

You pass the night uneventfully, and are able to make your way back to Hamund in the morning, where he is supposed to be waiting with supplies for your journey. If no one has more questions for anyone in the inn, I'll keep moving along.

2017-11-02, 08:16 PM
Gamjar does seem quite taken in by the rumors he's given, though he's wise enough to know which ones actually have some merit and which just seem to be hear-say. All the same, he makes a mental note to see if he can read up on anything about hags if he has the chance. And he may or may not have nightmares about ghouls that night. Ugh. Ghouls.

Ready to move along.

2017-11-03, 11:12 AM
His quarry out of reach, Jon passes along his findings to the others and enjoys a hot meal and a bed, as both will be scarce in the near future. He rises early, preparing his pack animals.

(good to continue)

2017-11-03, 01:37 PM
In the morning you make your way back to Hamund. The gnome tears himself away from his work for long enough to see you off. You've been provided with a pair of small carts, partially loaded with dried meat and hard tack, as well as water and some other provisions, as well as two human porters to help with handling the gear. You have climbing gear and some basic tool kits for maintaining the carts, your gear, and your clothing along the way. There are also a few leather pouches filled with small, polished stones. Most are plain, some have various designs carved into them; for the most part they seem common or semi-precious, but there are a few more common gemstones in the lot, albeit uncut. "Currency for the locals," Hamund explains. "They'll take coin, sometimes, but these are what they use amongst themselves. Useful if you need to purchase provisions or aid. You've got enough for the lot of you to get by for two weeks, provided you don't overuse it. Most of the plants and animals are edible, as well, though I'd avoid the mushrooms if I were you." He scowls a bit looking over the lot of you and the supplies he's provided. "Well, if there's nothing else, best you get going, don't you think?"

The map Hamund provided isn't particularly detailed as it goes further south--you'll likely have to get local aid or do some searching on your own to find the ruins--but it's reasonably well detailed closer to the coast. There's a river that runs by the town which could lead you a good bit of the way there, with very little chance of getting lost. However, it will take a bit longer, and the muddy ground might be difficult for the carts in some places. There are a few landmarks along a more direct path--large clearings, prominent rock outcrops, other ruined stone structures, and the like--but they will generally not be visible from a distance, meaning you have a much greater chance of losing your way between them.

The porters are there to help manhandle the carts and move any items you find. They're level 1 commoners, their default response to a dangerous situation will be to hide or flee.
The carts can be hooked up to mules or pulled by people. In addition to helping you carry supplies there (which you could probably carry yourselves in a pinch, especially with two others to help),
they will help you recover whatever treasure you find in the ruins, which will constitute your pay for the expedition after the SVTC takes their cut. The river is the main route you can see other than heading directly there, but there are certainly alternate routes--most will have fewer landmarks for navigation, though.

2017-11-03, 02:19 PM
Jon helps the porters get his mules settled with the carts. "Must be a usable road for a ways. We can always leave the carts and use saddlebags if we run out of road."

2017-11-03, 02:36 PM
Jessica stays with her dogs, for the most part, introducing the company to them so they feel at ease. She makes sure to make the porters feel appreciated, but can't do much to help with her weak frame.

2017-11-03, 02:56 PM
Herrin does her best to help out during the trip. If the wagons get stuck, she uses her enhanced strength to push them out of the mud. She also keeps an eye out for any food to supplement their supplies.

Herrin is slightly worried as the laborious journey prevented her from doing her daily forms with her blade. However, she realized that without someone or something to test herself against again, she really had no way of gauging her improvement.

Survival = 1d20+7

2017-11-03, 03:13 PM
"Well, we have a map. I strongly suggest we take the direct route, away from the mosquitoes that are surely breeding by the river", the tiefling scholar suggests.

2017-11-03, 05:04 PM
"I agree, I think the road will be best," Gamjar supplies. Besides, he's far more interested in getting deeper into the forest - though he's sure there will be interesting creatures by the water, he's sure the Wampus will be in the thicker trees. He helps out where he can, and even gets Tuft to carry a few things with a trick he's taught him - "lift" - and while the sloth won't carry things for long, he'll put them on the carts. Gamjar steadies the items once they're up. "You all won't mind if I carry out a little experiment when we make camp tonight, will you? I'll try not to cause a disturbance or anything, but I've been waiting for a chance like this for a while."

2017-11-03, 05:26 PM
Deciding to take the direct route, you set off from Stricaea. The porters, Ides and Potemioses, don't have all that much to say to you--they mostly stay to themselves, helping the carts along. They are both day laborers in the city who took this job based on it offering pretty decent pay, even considering the likely danger. One has a long knife and the other has a club, though they do not handle the weapons confidently at all.

There is a road of sorts heading in the direction you want to go. The interior has been very sparsely settled, but there are farms and villages around the town that supply it with food. Soon, however, the road turns into a trail, the trail into a path, and the path into underbrush. By late evening, you are clearly away from any settlements, though the jungle is still perhaps a day or so off and you can still see faint light from Stricaea's port in the distance. Herrin is able to scavenge for some food along the way, and augments your supplies with various berries, roots, and vegetables you find along the way. It mostly looks edible, if not overly appealing. As night falls, you are easily able to find a place to make camp--you're in an area of open fields and low rolling hills, so you can simply set up camp wherever you see fit, though you might have to clear away some grasses to safely build a fire.

Talk amongst yourselves along the way, if you like, including answering Gamjar's question.

I'm going to have y'all rolling survival checks as we get into the jungle to avoid getting lost. If you want to forage as well along the way, that's another check. Whoever is in the lead makes the main survival check, and others will use the Aid Another action to help if desired--if you don't specify who is in the lead I'll assume it's the first person to roll.

Also, if you're setting watches at night, let me know how that's set up. I'll assume it's the same each night unless you tell me otherwise, to avoid having to check after each day of travel--we'll be able to let several days go by in one go, until something interesting happens.

You don't have to make camp here, either--you can keep going through the night, though you'll be tired. This is probably the safest place for you to move at night, however.

2017-11-03, 09:15 PM
What are you looking to try, Gam? Jessica asks as they walk. She has, for this day, taken a shorter, sturdier form, to minimize the wear and tear.

2017-11-03, 09:24 PM
"Well, y'see, I'm here in the Southern Continent in the first place trying to discover more about the elusive Wampus Cat," Gamjar says, brightening up quite a bit as someone asks him about it. On the boat over, he'd been much too enthralled with the marine fauna to really explain to the group what he was doing. But now that they were actually here, he was more excited than ever to get on with his personal mission. "And to see more about the local creatures, as well, of course, but plenty of people have started bestiaries on the more common species. But ever since I read about the Wampus of the Southern Continent I've been fascinated with it! Most people just dismiss it as a legend, and say, since its abilities are so powerful and since it's often depicted as malevolent, it's better off not being real, but the legends have to come from somewhere, right?" he gushes, talking expressively with his hands. "And so it's probably just misunderstood, y'know? If I can find it, and study it, maybe I can dispel some of the nasty rumors. And then maybe I can make my mark as a natural philosopher!" he says. "My mum always said I seemed more at home in nature. If I can actually make something of myself out here, then my whole family will realize it wasn't time wasted."

2017-11-03, 09:36 PM
Jessica frowns a little. Seems... A touch reckless, she says, but brightens up afterwards. Just make sure we all stay safe, okay?

2017-11-03, 10:03 PM
"Oh, yeah, 've course. Haven't spent years studying it for nothing, after all," Gamjar says. "Anyway, I'll be trying to attract one, because of course I need to see it to prove it's real... but it isn't like I'm going to lead it right into camp. I'll probably walk off on my own once we're set up for the night, find a place to try and attract it to. Though, if anyone's interested in coming with me, I certainly won't stop you! The more witnesses, the better!"

2017-11-04, 12:43 AM
"Four watches. I suggest Jessica and Gamjar take the last watch, get the animals out and some breakfast going. Herrin, first watch. You seem like you would like to do perimeter checks and so on. I will take second watch, after the fire dies out but before dawn starts. Jon, third watch."

2017-11-04, 07:03 AM
Herrin nods in approval at Locan's suggestion. "Makes sense," she replies. After checking to make certain that the camp is properly secured, she takes her place at the perimeter. She half-listens to Jessica and Gamjar's conversation.

2017-11-04, 10:59 AM
"Sounds good to me, Locan," Gamjar agrees, settling his things down and giving Tuft a pat on the head. Once everything is well enough organized, he takes his backpack again, and whistles for Tuft to come to his side. "I'll be back in about an hour or so, folks," he says, giving a small wave. "Anyone want to come with me? Y'might get the chance to see something amazing!" Whether or not anyone joins him, Gamjar sets off due south (with the aid of his compass) and walks for about fifteen minutes. He gauges that's probably far enough from camp that he won't disturb Henry and Joseph when he sets off his paper candles. He's heard that the Wampus is attracted to this sort of sound. He carefully sets up the candles in a circle, making sure the fuses are tied to one another, so once he lights one, they'll all go off in succession. "Fire in the hole," he murmurs, mostly jokingly, to himself - not like these things can cause any real damage, they're only loud. He snaps the flint and steel over them a few times, then jumps back and covers his ears.


2017-11-04, 02:07 PM
As you're settling down for the evening and setting up camp, you hear a faint explosion and see a column of smoke rising from the south, in the direction Gamjar went. After a while, he comes back with no strange creature in tow (besides Tuft). Jon uses the same magic he did aboard ship to supplement your food supplies. Between foraging and Jon's ability to make plants sprout berries, you feel certain your food supplies will be more than adequate. You don't have a reliable way of getting meat, given the current setup--most prey animals will run from Herrin chasing them with her sword--but your supplies of salted pork should cover those requirements.

The night passes uneventfully, though you feel that might change soon. After all, if you keep up the pace, tomorrow night you'll be camping in the jungle proper. The deeper you go, the more dangerous things will become.

Survival rolls for keeping on course--it'll be one roll for travel to the next landmark, just to keep from having to roll over and over.

2017-11-04, 02:36 PM
Locan spends most of the day looking at all the interesting plants, not being very useful.

Survival roll with Inspiration to help, very much not taking the lead. [roll0]+[roll1]

2017-11-04, 04:04 PM
Jessica looks over the map when she can, and tries to help keep everyone on course, but mostly stays in the middle and chats with everyone.

Helpful roll! DC 10, right?

2017-11-04, 04:55 PM
Gamjar volunteers to take point on planning their route ahead, fairly confident in his ability to read a map, especially with the help of his compass. Once he figures out where they are on it and gets their heading, he sets confidently off in the way he's sure the next landmark is.


2017-11-04, 06:13 PM
Herrin takes up the rear to protect against any possible ambushes. However, she ends up mainly spending her time preventing Locan from wandering into the poison ivy and Jessica from distracting Gamjar with her chatter.

[roll0] to Aid Other in assisting Gamjar.

2017-11-04, 07:45 PM
With some assistance, Gamjar keeps you all on the right direction. As the days go by, the jungle closes in, becoming thicker and closer. You are covering less and less distance each day as the undergrowth closes in, and the sounds of animals become less familiar. It almost feels as if you are being stalked by some creature, though you do not see any obvious traces of it. You pass several of the clearings marked on the map--at least you are fairly certain they are the same ones--and occasionally come across a beaten path in more or less the direction you are headed, which makes going easier, although it turns away and you are forced to break off on your own once more. Eventually you reach the first of the major landmarks.

A massive stone monolith rises from a particularly large jungle clearing. The undergrowth seems to shy away from the structure, though you can see no obvious reason for that. The monolith itself is fairly featureless, though it seems unlikely that it is naturally occurring. It is made of a dark grey stone, with rough-hewn sides, and reaches above the jungle canopy above. Upon closer inspection, you see faint etchings on the side, though they are heavily weathered and it is virtually impossible to tell whether they are drawings, writing, or the random scratches of animals long since dead. Regardless, it seems to match the location of the monolith predicted on the map. You appear to be on the right track.

You have been travelling for several days and your waterskins have been emptied and refilled from the supplies on the carts. They are still holding; you have used about a quarter of the total supply. Your map indicates you'll likely cross a small stream in three days or so; it's possible you'll be able to refill there. Your porters are nervous and somewhat tired from the trek, but still in good spirits and willing to go on. The carts are a bit beaten up and have gotten stuck a few times, but between all of you you've gotten them through. Their light construction and wide wheels seem suited to the terrain, though you aren't sure how easy it'll be to get them back out once they're (hopefully) loaded with treasure. The clearing here is a decent enough place to rest--likely more comfortable than hacking out a clear spot among the dense, damp undergrowth.

Explore/investigate if you want, and then another round of survival checks to continue onward.

2017-11-04, 08:00 PM
Jessica looks at the monolith. What do you think it is? she asks.

2017-11-04, 08:19 PM
"Not entirely sure," Gamjar responds from by Jessica's side. He gets along with her pretty well, and is perfectly comfortable making conversation. He steps forward to look over the etchings more closely, to see if he can make heads or tails of them. "Whatever it is, seems pretty old. Strange that nothing grows on it, though. Not even on the north side where moss normally grows," he hums, clicking his tongue to call Tuft over, mostly just to see if Tuft has any sort of averse reaction to the pillar, or if its unnatural sort of aura only extends to plants.

Just to see if he can see anything cool at all

2017-11-04, 08:38 PM
Joseph sniffs towards it, but Jessica holds him back. We should probably not disturb it-not until we have a better idea of what it is.

2017-11-04, 08:42 PM
Gamjar approaches the monolith, and Tuft follows--he seems a bit on edge, but makes no real effort to avoid getting closer. The monolith does not appear to react to Gamjar's approach in any discernible way. Examining the markings on the stone surface, you are able to tell that many are simple drawings of animals. Several look feline, some look like apes or humanoids, and many look like things you've never seen before. The extreme age of the etchings makes it difficult to make out many details. You also see some markings that do look like writing--it's virtually impossible to read, even if you could speak the language they're written in, which seems unlikely.

It's too faint to make out any specific letters or words, but you can tell what the general shape of the writing looks like. The script looks vaguely Elven in nature. If you speak Sylvan, they look even closer to Sylvan--but Sylvan is not a commonly known language, so you probably wouldn't recognize it otherwise.

There is still grass growing around the base of the monolith, though the thicker undergrowth appears to be held at bay. You could probably manage to climb it, especially with climbing gear, if you really wanted to.

2017-11-04, 08:46 PM
Gamjar traces his fingers distractedly over some of the etchings, though he seems quite obviously drawn to the more cat-looking ones. Probably for reasons very obvious to the group now. He sees it as more evidence, and with a grin, he tries a little harder to make out the script, wondering if it has any sort of clues.


He tilts his head this way and that, and he feels like he's about halfway to actually piecing something together, when he gives up in frustration. "It does look a little like writing. Not everything is a picture, at least, but that's all I've got. But, lookie here- cats, lots of 'em. Someone help me look, see if there's any particularly big with antlers!" He motions for Jessica to come forward. "Doesn't seem evil, I don't think. Besides, you're not going to find out anything about it standing way over there!"

2017-11-04, 09:39 PM
Herrin stares up at the towering monolith. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before in her homeland. She lets her more academic comrades ooh and ah over the primitive carvings as she ponders the height of the stone column.

"You know, if someone let me borrow their grappling hook, I think might be able to climb up there," she muses thoughtfully. "If nothing else, I'll be able to higher view of the terrain and see what's ahead."

If Herrin shrugs off her chainmail and uses Physical Enhancement, she could get a +4 to a Climb check from her Strength alone. Not the best, but better than, uh, some people in the party. *glances at Jessica* But that's only if any of y'all think it would be worthwhile to go up there.

2017-11-04, 09:48 PM
Here, Jessica says, rooting around in her dog's saddlebags. She draws out a grappling hook and 100' of sturdy silken rope. You only get these if you promise to be safe, okay? I like you guys-all of you. I don't want anyone getting hurt.

2017-11-04, 10:06 PM
Gamjar thinks about telling Herrin to 'be careful and not mess up the carvings' but, well, there really wasn't much to be done to them at this point that would make them any harder to read. It was already difficult, and after finding that he couldn't find any antlered cats, he didn't really have much of an investment in the thing. So he just offers his own simple "Be careful," before going to the nearby treeline and starting to gather firewood.

2017-11-05, 01:04 AM
Locan appears deep in thought around the monolith. He chants a spell in a strange language of very long, very precise words (ooc: infernal, it sounds like Klingon with German grammar).

Perception (spend inspiration) [roll0]+[roll1] to see anything the others missed.
Linguistics [roll2]+[roll3].
Knowledge engineering [roll4]+[roll5] for age, who built it etc
knowledge history for significance [roll6]+[roll7]
knowledge nature [roll8]+[roll9]

...and that's the second time already i've rolled 1+1 on a skill check.

I Divine for magic auras (strength and location) within 480', spending a spell point to cast it in one turn

2017-11-05, 10:04 AM
Herrin strips off her chainmail and takes some rope to form a makeshift bandolier to strip her sword to her back. She feels the power course through her again as she uses the offered grappling hook to get the rope up and over the top of the monolith. Then, with some borrowed pitons, she slowly started to climb, careful to avoid the carvings with the pitons.

Herrin stopped before she gets more than a foot up. "Does anyone have any parchment and writing lead?" she asks. "There might be some more carvings up there and I can make some tracings. I can't make heads or tails out of it, but one of you might and it could be important."

Whether or not she is given paper at that point, she will then begin to climb.

Herrin will make a single Climb attempt with a normal roll. If unsuccessful, she will Take 10 on her second try.


2017-11-05, 12:39 PM
Locan examines the monolith and the surrounding area as Herrin makes her way up the structure.

On the monolith itself, you only see the same kinds of symbols Gamjar saw. Some do look like writing, but you can't really make it out either. Near the base of the monolith,
however, you do spot a large animal track of some kind--maybe a large dog or cat. Someone would need to roll survival to identify the track or tell how fresh it is.

As far as the age of the monolith, it's difficult to tell. The etchings are very old--given the weathering around them, probably many hundreds of years, maybe even several thousand. This was here long before anyone from the Northern Continent had ever come here. You know that a few other large structures have been found--like the ruin that is your ultimate goal here. The local populations don't seem to be capable of that kind of engineering--they certainly haven't made anything like it recently enough to have any record of it--and scholars are generally perplexed as to who is actually responsible.
Clearly, there was some reasonably advanced civilization here, possibly long before the civilizations on the Northern Continent, even, if some of the longest estimates of the age of these ruins are to be believed.

There is a faint magical aura about the obelisk. It'd take a Knowledge (Arcana) check to identify more clearly, but it seems to be some sort of latent or inactive magic, though there's no obvious way to "activate" it if that's the case.

Herrin slowly makes her way up the monolith. It's tedious, but she is able to make it up past the canopy without falling. You see that the jungle becomes thicker further south, and it's hard to make out details below the canopy. Off to the south-southeast, you do see the top of a massive stone arch--a feature described by the previous expedition. That's likely the ruin that you all are searching for. It is well off into the distance; you're probably under halfway there from the edge of the jungle. But if you're correct, it does mean you're on the right track.

Survival check can identify the track and Knowledge (Arcana) can learn more about the aura that Locan found. Herrin can make a Perception check to see if she can make out any more details while she's up there.

2017-11-05, 12:52 PM
While his friends continue to investigate the nearby area, Gamjar finishes collecting a good starting pile of firewood. He's always lived by the rule that 'whenever you think you have enough firewood, go out and collect ten times more to make it through the night,' so he knows someone will have to make another trip in a couple hours, but it isn't like there's a dearth of wood in the area, so it shouldn't be a problem to just collect it as it's needed. He finds an area relatively sparse in undergrowth and calls Tuft over - Joseph and Henry, too, if they want to help - and has Tuft dig down a bit, uprooting any grasses and such that might catch fire in a sort of five foot square area. He arranges the logs and takes out the flint and steel, and soon there's at least a smoky blaze going, if not a roaring one. "Wood's a little damp," he comments, hopping up to collect some more. "We should get some logs and set them nearby the heat, so they'll dry out and we can have this going all night. Should help keep away the bugs, at least." The mosquitoes have been a bit annoying. Even if they aren't always biting, the sound of them buzzing by his ears puts even Gamjar in an irritated mood after a while.

2017-11-05, 01:39 PM
Herrin pauses to catch her breath once she reached the top. Hopefully, the downward climb would be easier. She couldn't readily see any strange or at least unique carving on the top of the monolith.

Looking out, Herrin drank in the otherworldly beauty of the jungle. This was the kind of place she had dreamed about seeing after hearing her grandfather's tales. To actually get to see such wonders should have been thrilling, but the cost of it dulled her pleasure. It reminded her that the Beast was still out there and her quest was still not complete.

She was glad to see the stone arch in the distance. For all of his idiosyncrasies, Gamjar hadn't led them astray. Shielding her eyes against the sun, she scanned the jungle for anything else of interest.

Perception = [roll0]

2017-11-05, 02:47 PM
Arcana check to identify the magical aura: [roll0]+[roll1].

Locan ponders long and hard whether to tell Gamjar about his discovery. On one hand, he seems distractible enough as it is. On the other hand, his obsession doesn't seem to be an actual danger.

"Gamjar. I found some tracks up by the base of the monolith, on the northeast corner. Could be a big cat."

2017-11-05, 03:42 PM
"Oh?" Gamjar says, dropping what he was doing - that is, dropping a load of firewood by the fire before trotting over to Locan. "Where? Show me," he requests. He takes a few moments to inspect the track once Locan points it out, trying not only to figure out what sort of creature left it, but if there's any sort of trail to be found leading from the print.

Let's find out what this is...
Survival [roll0]
And, if it will help at all...
Knowledge (nature) [roll1]

2017-11-05, 03:55 PM
Herrin scans the jungle canopy, but doesn't see any other particular landmarks to guide them. ((Also I forgot to mention initially, there are fewer carvings further up but still a few that look to be the same language.))

Locan, examining the magical auras more closely, determines that there likely is a latent magic on the monolith, as he initially expected. He still cannot identify any way to activate it, and indeed it might not even be possible without some serious magic of your own, given how long it has likely been here without repair. The effects appear to be mostly within the Warp and Divination spheres, with traces of some ancient Protection magic on the monolith itself that has mostly worn off.

Gamjar studies the track which Locan found. It's hard to tell the exact age of the track, given that you don't really know what weather conditions have been like recently, but the track definitely looks relatively recent and feline in nature. You've seen tracks from lions, big cats that can be found on the western steppes of your own continent, and this looks bigger. It's about 6-7 inches long, and it looks like the creature which left it weighs several hundred pounds.

2017-11-05, 04:02 PM
"Definitely a large cat, good eye, Locan!" Gamjar praises, clearly put in a good mood by the find. "Might be as little as a few hours old, up to a day, I would guess. Not sure when it last rained, but the forest is still damp from whenever that was," he points out, gesturing both to the mud and the drying firewood. He stands and, in a display of what is quickly becoming a part of his trademark odd behavior, sniffs around the clearing. Tuft follows suit, though it's not really clear whether the sloth is trying to help, or just mimicking. "Not entirely sure it's a wampus... they tend to leave behind a rather distinctive smell... but it's big, it's definitely big, whatever left that," he explains. He doesn't want to get his hopes up prematurely. But at the very least, the track proves that the jungle can support a population of large cats. After trotting around aimlessly for a little while, wandering around camp, he finally settles down again, and returns to collecting firewood. "Same watch routine as we've been doing?" he asks the others after a while. He certainly doesn't mind getting up early, though he should be bunking down soon if that's the case.

2017-11-05, 04:38 PM
Same watch sounds fine, Jessica says.

2017-11-05, 04:45 PM
Herrin sighs as there doesn't really appear to be anything else of note on the horizon. She takes a few quick shadings of the markings for the others to puzzle over and then begins her climb down.

After handing the parchment over to Locan, she dons her chainmail again, readjusts her sword and takes her place on the perimeter for first watch.

2017-11-05, 05:33 PM
Gamjar spends a little while longer collecting firewood, because it's a good way to get a survey of their surroundings (as well as to look for any other tracks that might hint if that large cat intends to come back here). He does let the others know, in case they were out of earshot, that it does seem this is the territory of a rather large beast, so keep their eyes out for it. That done, he heads to his bedroll, intending to sleep through until his watch.

2017-11-06, 07:57 AM
(Spend a weekend off and posting explodes!)

As the travel, Jon spends his breaks making a copy of their map as they go, adding notes and details from their now first-hand experience to the new map.

At the clearing, Jon aids his more studious companions in taking down copies of the symbols on the monolith. (chronicler's kit)

"I doubt a large cat would trouble a group our size, so long as we stay close together. Have to keep a close eye on the beasts tonight."

Jon does his part in prolonging the supplies, then turns in for the night, sleeping lightly with the thought of big cats.

2017-11-06, 12:59 PM
You pass the night, as you have most of the others, largely uneventfully. The monolith looms above you and the jungle almost seems denser, surrounding your little clearing. You can't shake the feeling that something is watching you, though. Your two porters both sleep somewhat fitfully, saying they had strange dreams of the trees speaking to them. Nevertheless, nothing untoward happens overnight and you are able to keep moving in the morning.

Survival checks to carry onward.

2017-11-06, 01:19 PM
Even though Gamjar did sense the unease of the forest through his watch, when the sun breaks over the horizon, he's his usual, head-in-the-clouds, cheery self. Once the camp is ready to move, he once again takes the lead on guiding the way through the jungle, using his compass to orient himself before setting off.


2017-11-06, 01:25 PM

2017-11-06, 01:51 PM
Herrin again takes up the rear again. Her eyes constantly scanning the jungle around them for any signs of the stalking cat, dangerous plants or any other perils.

Apparently, mastercrafted Survival Kits give a +2 on Survival checks while in the wild. Who knew? Me, if I had remembered in time.


2017-11-06, 03:29 PM
Jon does his part, using what woodcraft applied in the strange land.aid another [roll0]

2017-11-06, 04:41 PM
You set off once more, the jungle swallowing the monolith behind you as you proceed. Once more, Gamjar and Jon take the lead, map and compass serving you both well. Several times you begin to veer off course, but the compass keeps you on track, along with Gamjar's remarkable sense for how far you've traveled and Jon and Herrin's vigilance in making sure to check your direction regularly. You cross the stream marked on the map more or less when you expected to. It's cool and clear, babbling happily in its track. Crossing it with the carts takes some effort, but it's a welcome opportunity to refill your water supplies (which are about half empty at this point) and a welcome landmark.

Jon: [roll1]
Herrin: [roll]1d20
Locan: [roll2]
Gamjar: [roll3]

As you travel, a day or so past the stream, you begin to find what appear to be little footpaths through the undergrowth. Whatever is using them is probably much smaller than you all are, and they don't provide that much help, but they do alert you to the possible presence of something in the area. Further on, Jon spots something in the underbrush near where you are travelling. Investigating further, you find that it is the body of a ratfolk, dressed in simple leathers and carrying a small bow. He appears to have been mauled by a wild animal of some sort, though it is difficult to tell with any precision what it was. It seems likely that something interrupted the animal after the kill, however, based on what you know of the behaviour of large predators. The body shows little sign of having been eaten, and generally predatory animals don't waste energy on killing something they aren't going to eat. The more frightening alternative, of course, is that whatever killed him did so for reasons other than food.

You find a few tracks similar to the one by the monolith. Left by the same kind of animal, probably.

If there's anything more you want to look for here we can, otherwise I'll keep going.

2017-11-06, 05:13 PM
"Well, this is worrying," Gamjar hums, bringing a hand to his chin as he looks over the body. Whatever made the kill was clearly enough an animal. Or some wildman gone crazy with some sort of slashing weapon. He supposes that's always a possibility. He clicks his tongue and Tuft, who had been wandering in the rear alongside Herrin, comes back to his side. "Defend," Gamjar murmurs to his companion as he looks around the area, for any sign that the creature who did this is nearby.


It doesn't take very long for Gamjar to pick out the tracks, and since he spent so long studying the one at the monolith, he recognizes it after a couple moments of scrutiny. "Big cat," he calls to the others, holding his hand beside the track to show how the print makes his hand look small in comparison. "Nasty claws, big teeth, probably. And that looks like a fresh kill, hasn't even started to smell badly. Cat's probably still here," he hums, fretful as he unslings his spear.

2017-11-06, 07:47 PM
Will it go after a group as large as ours? Jessica asks.

2017-11-06, 08:21 PM
Gamjar looks over at Jessica's question. "Depends, with cats. If it's an ambush predator, it might stalk us for a while. Try to pick off whoever's in the back," he said, glancing over at Herrin. "I think we should keep moving, but keep an eye out." He looks around at the others. "I figure Jon and I will still lead, but if you all want to rearrange who's last... well, I wouldn't blame you," he says.

Being familiar with big cats like lions and cougars in his studies, I figure Gamjar would just know this general sort of information on cats, but here's a Nature roll just in case :smallredface:

2017-11-06, 08:36 PM

Herrin agreed with Gamjar when a stray thought came to her. She went over to her pack and rummaged around for a bit. She returned with a book.

"I've been carrying around this book for a while," she says. "It has a lot of information about footprints of various animals. It might help in the future if we find more of these paw prints. You can return it when we make it back to the city."

Here is the Footprint Book (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Footprint book). It gives a +2 circumstance bonus to identify a creature by its tracks. Might help in the future.

Herrin does find it odd that they keep running into dead ratfolk, but it doesn't seem significant to mention at this time. It could just be her overactive imagination.

2017-11-06, 08:52 PM
Actually, ratfolk are native to the Southern Continent. They were the first native race to make contact with the Northern settlers, and are the ones that still have the most contact.
They've got an agrarian/gatherer society centered around loose collections of villages scattered around the continent. Most northern settlements on the continent have fairly regular trade with the ratfolk tribes residing nearby.

Other races native to the Southern Continent which you'd know about are the catfolk, who are generally more aloof and wary of strangers (there have been several conflicts caused when settlers inadvertently insulted a local catfolk chieftain, leading to either prolonged raiding or outright warfare), and a somewhat enigmatic gnome-like race--they do not call themselves gnomes, but they look exactly like them, and scholars don't know if they are actually related to the gnomes of the Northern Continent. Reports of other, stranger races have also trickled back from deeper expeditions.

Sorry for not making this clearer, perils of using a homebrew setting, I suppose. Herrin would probably know ratfolk are native here, so feel free to edit your post if you want.

2017-11-06, 09:26 PM
On the topic of remembering books... lol.

"Oh! That's useful," Gamjar says, taking the book from Herrin and starting to flip through it. He turns towards the section on Animals and Magical Beasts, when something seems to trigger his memory, because he smacks a palm to his forehead after a moment. "Ah, this would have been useful yesterday..." he hums, rifling through his own things until he comes up with what seems to be an odd sort of beastiary - "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" - and he sits down by one of the tracks, taking some time to cross-reference the books to try and figure out what the creature is. Seems like the plan of moving on immediately has gone out the window, even though he was the one to suggest it. But he still doesn't intend on lingering for long.

With a +4 cumulative bonus for the books we all remembered we have...

2017-11-06, 09:50 PM
Gamjar studies the books, referencing back to the track. Herrin's book is more focused around creatures common to the Northern Continent, and yours is unhelpfully vague or contradictory in places--in many cases, no one who's gotten close enough to many of the Southern Continent creatures has survived to write much down. Still, you're even more certain that the tracks are feline in nature. From the footprint book, they most closely match lion tracks, although from a slightly bigger and heavier creature. It could be just that--a bigger lion. Consulting your beastiary, you find a few candidates. The book lists a creature similar to a lion, but larger and more aggressive. Generally orange in color, with black stripes--you'd think the coloration would make it easy to spot, but the book insists its pattern actually makes it quite stealthy. The book calls them tigers. It also mentions the digmaul, a feline creature with a mace-like tail which likes to drop from trees and ambush prey, but you get the sense that this track is from a larger creature. Although it could be a track from a much lighter creature dropping from a height. On the more fantastical end, the book speaks of manticores, creatures with a body like a lion, wings like a dragon, a spiked tail, and a humanoid head filled with needle-like teeth; as well as the Pard, a feline-like creature that is brightly colored, incredibly fast, and seems to phase in and out of reality. Though that one again sounds like it's a bit too small to leave the tracks you've seen.

Yes, that first one is a tiger, but tigers are largely unknown to people from the northern continent.

2017-11-06, 10:02 PM
God I'm a nerd for knowing all these creatures... though I suppose it helps that I'm currently planning a campaign in an alien world and just read the beastiary yesterday...

"Okay, so according to the book... we've got a few options," Gamjar speaks up after a while, turning back and forth between the pages. There are illustrations for some of the creatures it mentions, and he balks a bit at the image of a dragon-winged cat - he's run into dragons before. Well, not personally. But he's run into people who have run into dragons, and has learned they're generally better off avoided. "There's a Tiger... the Digmaul... a Pard, though the Digmaul and Pard might be a little on the small side for a print like this. Oh, and this thing," he says, holding up the book so they can see the picture. It's a beautifully terrifying creature, he has to admit, but... "Yeah... we'd probably just better hope it's not this thing - a Manticore, that is. Otherwise, we've got to keep an eye on the sky as well as the ground."


2017-11-07, 12:18 PM
Jon shakes his head, "Best to keep close and keep moving, hopefully our size will be enough to keep it back until we clear its range."

2017-11-07, 02:53 PM
Assuming everyone's okay with moving forward since no one else posted.

The next few days are rather uneasy. Several times you think you hear something large moving through the brush not too far away, or see what appears to be eyes watching you from out of the darkness during the night. Whatever it is is always gone by the time you investigate, so you aren't sure whether it's due to overactive imaginations or not. You do run across the occasional track, still, though due to the soft ground it's generally difficult to tell precisely how old they are.

Despite the general feelings of foreboding--the porters seem exceptionally nervous--you press on. Several days after you found the dead ratfolk, you are bedding down once more for the evening. Herrin is on watch, tending to the last embers of the fire. Night has fallen, though the moon and your fire still provide a flickering half-light. As the others are settling in and beginning to fall asleep, you hear a rustling in the undergrowth nearby.

Herrin: roll Perception.
Everyone else: you're asleep, but I'm going to assume that loud noises (such as the sounds of fighting, for instance) will wake you up.

Stealth roll: [roll0]

Well... that stealth roll isn't as bad for y'all as it could have been. Go ahead and roll, even though with a +0 you can't actually beat it (unless you have some other way to boost perception). If you roll well, I'll give you a partial reaction rather than just being flat-footed.

2017-11-07, 03:10 PM
Gamjar stays up a little longer than the others, writing in his journal as he does at the end of every evening, keeping a record of his travels. But he knows he has to be up early, so he doesn't waste too much time before going to sleep. He's well away in dreamland by the time Herrin starts hearing noises, and so is Tuft, though the sloth rolls over and takes a few deep breaths every few minutes, a restless sleeper.

Gam [roll0]
And Tuft has scent, so I'm going to roll with his full bonus, but it's only for things he can smell? If you want to rule that it's sight based only, just subtract off the bonus, I don't mind! [roll1]

2017-11-07, 04:15 PM
Tuft, as if he is nervous about something, begins to stir and wake up. He doesn't really have time to awaken Gamjar or anything else, but his uneasiness will help alert Herrin to the fact that something's going on.

If you want the rest of you can also make perception rolls to see if you wake up earlier. Add your perception modifier but the DC is at +10 since you're asleep.

2017-11-07, 10:36 PM
Herrin looked up from the wood she was whittling when we hears the harrumph coming from Tuft. He seemed agitated about something. She quickly scanned the surrounding jungle again.


2017-11-07, 11:00 PM
Herrin stands, searching the treeline for signs of a threat but seeing nothing. The jungle has gone quiet, the sounds of birds and animals which usually make up a steady background chatter replaced by thick. repressive silence.

As you search the dimly lit area for a sign of whatever might have set Tuft off, an orange blur bursts from the foliage toward you. You twist away from it, reflexes automatically kicking in, as the flash of claws and teeth leaps toward you.

Using Pounce and Charge
Attack rolls, bite and two claws: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Damage rolls (in the same order): [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Herrin manages to dodge the brunt of the creature's charge, but a claw rakes across her for 7 damage. The animal lands on it's feet behind you and spins around, growling fiercely, its face a terrifying image in the flickering firelight. On the bright side, it is still recovering its balance from it's leap, and the commotion it kicked up will almost certainly awaken the rest of your party.

I rolled initiative in the OOC thread: it gets a turn, then the party does.

Herrin, I'll say you can make an attack (or take another action if you want) in the surprise round, since Tuft alerted you.

Everyone else, you are awake-- I'm not going to require a check since a tiger just jumped into the middle of camp. You are prone (move action to stand) and unarmed (may draw a weapon while standing, if it is easily accessible to you).

Herrin, go ahead--then tiger, then the entire party (Herrin included, this is surprise round)

2017-11-08, 02:58 PM
Herrin cries out in pain as the creature's claws rake her side. Her brain vaguely remembers this creature from Gamjar's book as a 'tiger' while her body reflexively snapped into combat readiness.

She quickly moves to interpose herself between the tiger and her comrades, drawing her weapon at the same time. With her silver blade in her hand again, she feels the world around her start to slow down to a crawl.

"Everyone, wake the Hell up!" she shouts.

Move Action to get between the tiger and the camp and draw weapon at same time (since I have a +1 BAB)
Swift Action to activate Quickened Reflexes to get a dodge bonus equal to half my Mageknight level (+1) for three rounds

2017-11-08, 03:16 PM
The creature eyes Herrin menacingly from across the campfire. It seems to understand what the blade in your hand means... and yet seems strangely undeterred by it. It lets out a low growl as it stalks toward you, teeth baring back ever so slightly... then the beast lunges with surprising speed, lunging once more with its claws.

It's not charging this time, so it doesn't get the benefit of pounce. Just gonna do the two claw attacks and attempt to grab.

Attack rolls: [roll0], [roll1]
Damage rolls: [roll2], [roll3]

Grab attempt if at least one claw hits: [roll4]

That's one hit for 6 damage and you're grappled.

Herrin once more ducks out of the way, avoiding the brunt of the attack. The tiger gets one claw into her, however, and barrels down upon her, pinning her to the ground. The rest of you jolt awake to the sound of Herrin's shout and the growling tiger.

Y'all are up--entire party gets a turn now.

2017-11-08, 03:53 PM
Gamjar rolls over, still half-asleep until he gets a good look at the unwelcome intruder in their camp. He sees Tuft already up beside him, growling, having known of the predator's approach and had enough time to stand up already. "Go, attack!" he orders, pointing at the tiger while he shoves himself to his feet, picking up one of his short spears from where it was beside his bedroll. He grits his teeth and takes careful aim, to hopefully hit the tiger and not anyone else, as Tuft runs in with his claws.

Free action to command animal companion, move to stand and grab a weapon, standard to throw it. Taking the -4 penalty on Gam's throw so I don't accidentally hit Herrin.

Damage [roll1]

Tuft is going to charge forward, giving him a +2 on his rolls but the -2 to AC next round.
2 Claws [roll2] [roll3]
and damage in same order [roll4] [roll5]

2017-11-08, 07:34 PM
Herrin used the pain to focus her rage and power. Time seemed to slow down even further for her, although to everyone else it looked like she was accelerating up to a supernatural speed. The tiger's snarling maw was like a frozen mask just inches away from her face . Herrin repeatedly stabbed her sword at the towering tiger.

Casting Improved Haste, getting second attack at full BAB, +1 attack bonus and +1 to my AC/Reflex.

First attack roll: [roll0]
First damage roll: [roll1]
First attack crit confirmation: [roll2]
First attack crit damage: [roll3]

Second attack roll: [roll4]
Second damage roll: [roll5]
Second attack crit confirmation: [roll6]
Second attack crit damage: [roll7]

2017-11-08, 08:53 PM
Locan snaps awake, grabs his crossbow and bolts upright, his hands already working the action. Spotting the monster, he recognizes that it's a mundane beast and considers cloaking it in darkness, then realizing that Herrin would be equally hampered. He keeps pondering options while his hands work the crossbow almost automatically, sending two bolts at the beast.

Knowledge check to identify the beast [roll0]+[roll1]. Move action to sit upright, standard action to Barrage the tiger with 2 shots (I can reload as a free action). Assuming 30' or less range, -4 for shooting into melee without precise shot, not accounting for cover: [roll2], damage [roll3], [roll4], [roll5] EIDT: crit failed to confirm

2017-11-09, 12:12 AM
Gah-wuh?! Jessica lets out as she's awoken. What's going on? she asks, already looking over to where the big cat attacked.

Joseph, Henry, go! she commands.

The two dogs charge towards the larger beast.



Two attacks.

How do trips work?

2017-11-09, 01:22 AM
As the tiger leaps on her, Herrin manages to catch it across the face with her blade, leaving a nasty scar. One of Locan's bolts manages to clip the charging beast, and both Tuft and Joseph manage to assault the creature's flanks with claws and teeth.

That's 26 damage to the tiger, total--fairly respectable, I must say. Plus one point of bleed. It's looking pretty worse for wear.

RE tripping: Trip is a combat maneuver, so you roll a d20 plus your CMB against the target's CMD. Normally it's a standard action that provokes an AoO, but if you have the Improved Trip feat you don't provoke. If an attack lists "trip" as an additional function (a wolf's bite attack, for example) you make a free, non-provoking trip attempt against a target if you hit. You beat their CMD, they go prone.
Note that most quadrupedal creatures (tigers, for example) have a bonus to their CMD specifically against trip. If you get it free as part of your attack, no point in not going for it. Otherwise just note it'll be harder to trip than a humanoid.

Jon still has an action, then it's the tiger again.

2017-11-09, 12:16 PM
Jon calls out to the ground before standing, causing a thin sapling to sprout next to the creature and immediately begin flailing at it.cast pummel (using 1 SP for grow plants asusming there isn't a tree of rbanch in range
medium sized, Str 12,
att [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-11-09, 02:40 PM
The tiger growls in anger at the attacks coming from every side. It raises a paw to strike Herrin, when a small dart strikes it in the face. The beast rears back, swinging its claws at Tuft and the dogs, before turning and bounding away into the darkness.

As everyone comes to their feet, readying for the tiger's return, two small creatures enter the light of the dying fire--two ratfolk. One is carrying a bow, and the other a blowgun made of some sort of reed. The first one motions frantically toward you, speaking in its high, chittering language. It appears to be quite agitated, beckoning for you to follow it.

Tiger takes a withdraw action and double moves into the jungle.

The two creatures are speaking ratfolk--I don't think anyone does speak their language, though.
Also, Jessica is missing languages and Jon is missing his bonus language for intelligence score.

300xp for everyone for beating the tiger!

2017-11-09, 02:49 PM
"Are we all right? Is everyone all right?" Gamjar asks everyone as he retrieves his short spear from where it had sailed over the tiger's head to glance off a tree nearby. He's ready to throw it again when he hears the bushes rustling, but he calms when the approaching small creatures don't seem hostile. "Common, do you speak common? Sylvan? Elven?" he asks in the respective languages, clicking his tongue to call Tuft to his side again.

2017-11-09, 03:00 PM
Jon lets his sapling return to its normal dormant state. He watches the ratfolk with caution. "At least they haven't attacked yet. Wish we knew what they were saying."

2017-11-09, 03:16 PM
In a blur of motion, Herrin in on her feet and speeding towards the jungle. "Come back here, you mangy beast," she yells at the dark, silent jungle. "Let's see how well you do in a fair fight, you coward!"

However, by the time she reaches the edge of the encampment, Herrin has returned to normal speed. She is panting and clutches the large, bloody gash in her side.

When ratfolk appear, she instantly snaps back into a fighting stance. "Who the Hell are you two?" she asks, not carrying if they understand her or not.

2017-11-09, 04:13 PM
Locan, momentarily oblivious to Herrin's problems, tries to figure out the gist of the message.
Linguistics check [roll0]+[roll1]. No rules for it.

2017-11-09, 05:55 PM
It's difficult to tell, Ratfolk is a language mostly unrelated to the languages you know. You do pick out a word that sounds vaguely like the elven word for "danger"
among it's rapid speech, if elven were spoken in a squealing, squeaking voice. It's pretty clear from body language and gestures that the two are fairly agitated, and are motioning for you to follow.

The ratfolk pause momentarily when Gamjar mentions Sylvan. "Come! Come!" they respond, in Sylvan this time. They don't appear to be able to form full sentences in that language--at least, if they are able to, they aren't right now. The two eye Herrin's drawn blade, but nevertheless approach Gamjar. The one with the bow reaches out and begins pulling his hand toward the brush. "Come!" it squeaks, quite agitated.

2017-11-09, 06:17 PM
Gamjar is sort of relieved that the ratfolk can communicate in Sylvan. At least their intentions are a little bit more clear. Gamjar doesn't think that this is their attempt to capture them, otherwise they'd be much more belligerent, and he's a bit surprised when the creature simply takes hold of his hand. "They want us to follow," he translates for the party, before looking back at the ratfolk. "Danger? Is it the tiger, do you need someone to kill it?" he asked, trying to figure out why they need the group.

Rolled sense motive on the OOC thread, got a 12.

2017-11-09, 06:25 PM
They nod, excited that you seem to be understanding. "Danger! Come!" At least you think he said "danger." He might have said "log." The two words sound somewhat similar in Sylvan and the ratfolk is speaking with a very, very heavy accent. He is still pulling at your hand rather insistently. The second ratfolk is still scanning the edge of the brush, blowgun in hand. He slips another dart into the weapon--very similar to the dart that struck the tiger just before it retreated.

2017-11-09, 06:29 PM
"Oh- oh, well-" Gamjar says in Common, looking back in the direction of the group. He can see that Herrin is injured, and who knows if she's in the condition to chase this thing down, or... whatever the ratfolk want them to do? "Hold on, it's okay, watch," he says. He takes a step back, brows furrowed in intense concentration, and soon enough, a shimmering sort of barrier appears around their camp. Gamjar walks over to the perimeter, tapping it and watching as his hand bounces back, as if he had hit particularly springy glass. "Safe. Calm, shh," he says, trying to calm the creatures - and give the party time to regroup without worrying about another tiger ambush.

2017-11-09, 11:51 PM
What exactly is happening now? Jessica asks as her dogs come back to her side. She idly scratches Joseph's head behind the ears as she waits for an answer.

2017-11-10, 01:21 AM
The two ratfolk look around, in some degree of surprise at the barrier surrounding the camp. He points in the direction he had been trying to pull you a moment ago. "Come?" he asks.

They definitely don't seem hostile. Part of their agitation is probably concern about the tiger potentially returning, yes, as they became much less urgent when the barrier went up.
However, it seems they still want you to follow.

2017-11-10, 01:24 AM
"Hold on. Our friend is hurt," Gamjar insists, looking over at his companions again. "Someone, patch up Herrin, please! That wound looks sort of-" the barrier wavers for a moment before Gamjar looks away, focusing on keeping the spell up just so he has something else to concentrate on. "These little ones really really want us to go with them. I think they want to take us somewhere away from the tiger," he tells the others.

2017-11-10, 03:44 AM
"Herrin. To me. please". Locan starts casting a spell, then another, then another.

Healing on Herrin. First: [roll0], second [roll1]. Third Cure, 7 points. Then a vitalize to give you a single temp hp, capped at full hp, for an hour

Spending a spell point for a quick Divine Life to see if the injured tiger is somewhere within 440' (and in that case, where): If you possess the Life sphere, you may divine the location of nearby living creatures. These creatures do not have auras; you instead determine their condition according to the list below:

Normal: Has at least 90% of full normal hit points, free of disease.
Fair: 30% to 90% of full normal hit points remaining.
Poor: Less than 30% of full normal hit points remaining, afflicted with a disease, or suffering from a debilitating injury.
Weak: 0 or fewer hit points remaining, afflicted with a disease that has reduced an ability score to 5 or less, or crippled.

I will share the information, negative or positive, with the party

2017-11-10, 08:45 AM
Jessica walks towards the ratfolk, and asks What's going on? What are you doing here?

2017-11-10, 10:27 AM
When Jessica walks forward to the ratfolk and begins to speak, Gamjar carefully translates her questions, in the simplest way possible since he can tell their grasp on Sylvan isn't very good. "Why are you here? Nearby? Is your home here? Hunting?" he questions, hoping that one of the questions they understand and can answer with a yes or no.

2017-11-10, 12:10 PM
Jon gathers the mules and gets them tacked and hooked up to the carts. "May as well see what has them riled up." He speaks in common, not revealing his knowledge of the sylvan tongue, just in case.

He tells the porters to stick close to the carts

2017-11-10, 06:12 PM
The ratfolk nod excitedly when you say the word "home." "Home!" he repeats, pointing in the same direction as before. "Come!"

You can send them away--just make it clear to them (since they don't speak common, and only a few words of sylvan. Or you can follow. Despite the fact that these ratfolk don't speak common, they're fairly sharp as a general rule and it didn't take long for them to pick up the language once settlers arrived. So there's a good chance that, if they do lead you back to their home tribe,
someone there would speak common.

2017-11-10, 06:17 PM
"Oh. Oh, I get it!" Gamjar declares triumphantly, looking back to the others. "They want us to follow them. They're going to take us to their village, they want to keep us safe from the tiger. Hey- maybe they can even tell us something about the ruins we're going to! Locals, and all that," Gamjar says, looking down to the ratfolk who's still holding his hand. "Yes," he agrees, beckoning Tuft to come to his side and letting the Barrier fall down.

2017-11-11, 12:36 AM
O-kay... Jessica says, not 100% trusting. Well, I guess we should follow them. But keep sharp.

2017-11-11, 01:34 PM
Herrin looked down her wound after Locan healed it. It was still pink and raw, but the bleeding had at least stopped. She nodded her thanks.

She heads over to Jessica and the ratfolk, sword still in hand. They had already been ambushed once and she wasn't about to let it happen again. "Is everything okay here?" she asked.

Nice healing. No quite at full heal (one healable HP short) but, considering those rolls, I can live with that. *G*

2017-11-11, 07:11 PM
I'm guessing y'all are okay to go with them? Like I said, you don't have to. There are other ways to move forward. Since no one seems opposed I'm going to move on ahead; otherwise we can retcon a bit.

The two ratfolk lead you into the brush. They move with surprising speed and quietness, despite the lack of a good path. At one point you lose sight of them in the brush--they're gone just long enough for the possibility that they might have been luring you away from camp to enter your minds when they return, beckoning you forward once more. They slow down after that, realizing the carts can't move as well through the brush as they can. Soon you find a small footpath, similar to many you have seen in this area already. It's too narrow to help move the carts, but at least it's somewhat easier going. After roughly an hour or so of travel, you arrive in a small village.

It is surrounded by a low wall of wood and mud construction, ringed by a ditch and stakes. Instead of a proper gate, you must navigate a switchback in the wall which is overlooked by bow-armed ratfolk on raised platforms. Inside, there are haphazard rows of huts, many of wood or thatch, and a clear area centered around a large firepit, glowing with embers. You draw some interest from the ratfolk on guard and bustling around the little village, but not overly much. At the other end of the village square, your escorts lead you to a much larger building of stout construction and knock on the door. They converse in their own language with the ratfolk inside, who close the door after a brief conversation. About a minute later, the door opens once more. This time, it is a single ratfolk, probably elderly by the way she is leaning on a cane. She squeaks at your escorts once more in their language, then turns to you. "Welcome, Tall Ones," she says in understandable, if heavy accented, Common. "Come in from the cold and dark. My Hunters tell me you have drawn the attention of the Great Cat. You may pass the night safely here." She steps back and motions for you to enter.

Sorry, I meant to reply to this and forgot. When you used the lifesense, you did detect the aura of (presumably) the tiger. It was in Fair condition, and rapidly moving away--it soon left the area you could sense entirely.

2017-11-11, 07:16 PM
"The Great Cat... lovely name for it," Gamjar says, quite honestly. He does have a fascination with the creatures, after all, even if they are dangerous. And he seems quite enamored with the little village they've been led to - he's awfully glad his haphazard translation hasn't led the group into a trap. "This is quite a place - I'm curious, how long have your people lived here? I would love to hear some stories... I'm trying to track down a legend of my own, you see," he says, but he does have the courtesy to pause and look to the others, waiting for them to speak before he monopolizes the elder's attention.

2017-11-11, 08:22 PM
Thank you, madam. Is there anything we can do to help your folk out, while we pass the time? Jessica asks. Henry and Joseph scoot forward a little, towards the elder, and, assuming the elder seems good with dogs, they lay beside her, Joseph sniffing her and seemingly asking for pets. And don't mind my dogs-they won't hurt anything without my command.

2017-11-12, 12:17 PM
The elder leads you inside and settles down by the cooking fire, motioning for you to sit on the ring of woven mats surrounding it. The building is long, but largely open, with several gathering spaces scattered about the packed-earth floor. There are doors in the back of the building to another set of rooms. Ratfolk of varying ages--some nearly as old as the elder, some very young--are milling about, watching you with some interest. Many are armed, and seem to be carrying better weapons than their kin. Some even seem to be carrying swords which are likely of northern origin--you think you even spot a dwarven-made sword among them. They watch you with interest, but not hostile intent, it seems. The elder smiles as Joseph and Henry come over to her, and scratches them behind their ears fondly.

She smiles a bit at Gamjar's eagerness. "I learned the clan's history from my mother, and she from hers. When my great-great grandmother was old, we had lived here for longer than anyone could remember. I have stories aplenty, but there will be time for that later." She addresses Jessica. "I am sure we could find something for you to do," she says with a little laugh, "but it is not our way to put guests to work as soon as they arrive. For now, rest a little, and share a drink with us." One of the other ratfolk, a rather young one by the looks of it, brings a tall jug and begins pouring its contents into clay cups, which he offers to the elder and then to you. She takes a small sip from her cup and smiles. They are filled with a sweet honey mead, with just enough alcohol for a pleasant buzz.

"I must say, it is unusual for us to get visitors from across the sea such as yourselves. All the more unlikely that we should get two groups of them so soon after one another. I must asks, what brings you so far from your homes, and into ours?" She does not ask the question in an accusing manner, but with simple curiosity about travelers who have set out such a great distance.

2017-11-12, 06:08 PM
Herrin takes a slip of the honey mead. "Riiiight. About that, we're merely looking for a temple that the previous group tried to find. We hope to have better success than they did."

2017-11-12, 08:27 PM
She tilts her head at Herrin. "The previous group? Did they give up so soon? It was only... three days ago that they came through here. In any case, I will tell you the same that I told them. There is nothing in that ruin that is worth the danger. It is a place of ancient magics, and ancient creatures who are not to be trifled with. There is more danger there than meets the eye."

2017-11-12, 08:46 PM
"Y'know, certainly seems like that was the case for them," Gamjar agrees with the ratfolk. "Only one that came back was a porter. Doesn't look good for the rest of the crew," he says.

2017-11-12, 10:05 PM
Jon's eyebrow raises. "Three days? Then it wasn't the group we are seeking. Another must have followed. Given the time our journey took added to the time to send the message initially, the original expedition would have been much more than three days ago. Curious. Can you tell us more of the recent travelers?" Jon inquires, respectfully.

2017-11-13, 12:13 PM
Herrin concurs with Jon. "Yeah, the gnome in Endhoven said they went missing months ago. Either we have a rival in finding the missing team or a rival in finding the temple."

She turns back to the ratfolk elder. "Do you remember another group? It would have been a few months ago. They never came back and their... friends asked us to find them."

2017-11-13, 02:01 PM
She considers both questions, as the others listen from a respectful distance. "I do not remember another group from that long ago," she says. "Our scouts did see a group entering the temple around that time, I believe, but they came by a different route and did not arrive here. Those who came more recently... There were three, much like yourselves, from across the sea. They were accompanied by one of the cat people." You notice a few glares and hard expressions from the surrounding ratfolk at that, though the elder's face remains impassive. "They were... impatient. Eager for riches. They did not heed our warnings of the dangers they would find. When they insisted, we told them of the way to the temple...
but they did not listen to that, either. They took the long way round." She frowns and shakes her head slightly. "Were these... friends of yours? Companions?"

2017-11-13, 02:44 PM
"Friends of ours? No, no. Not at all. No friends of ours. We are here to explore and learn. I don't know who the other group is, but if they blew off your advice, they are probably fools. Clearly, your people are experts in navigating this jungle. So, Please. I am listening."

Diplomacy check, just in case: [roll0]+[roll1]

2017-11-14, 02:39 PM
"Anything you could tell us about the journey ahead would be appreciated," Gamjar echoed.

2017-11-14, 08:43 PM
She smiles slightly at your compliments. "Very well. I will tell you what my people know of the temple. And, should you choose to continue, we will lead you there as well."

She motions to a group of ratfolk milling about in the corner, who disappear into the back rooms of the longhouse. They return shortly with plates of dried fruits and meats, and more jugs of mead. Several of the others come closer and settle around the elder as well, picking small bites off the trays. She indicates for you to help yourselves as well as she begins.

"That place is ancient. When my people were created, it already lay in ruins, much as it does now. Powerful beings from the distant mists of time built it as a tomb, and protected it with their powerful magics. When the elders fell, they sealed many of their great places. Those seals have cracked, but not broken. We live here because of that leftover magic from the temple--it causes the plants here to grow much more fruitfully than in other places, and helps us to sustain ourselves--but it is also dangerous. Occasionally the magic will warp the mind of nearby creatures. The great cats, fearsome as they are, usually will not attack armed parties... unless their minds have been touched by that place.

"It is not particularly difficult to enter. Finding your way is another matter. Past the entrance, the halls seem to twist back upon themselves. Nothing is quite as it seems; you may find that a straigh hallway leads you back to the room where you were, or that retracing your steps leads you somewhere new. And there are... creatures down there. Twisted things that live in the shadows, that feed off the darkness and the chaos of that place. They can bend the magic and darkness to their will, and will defend their domain. We have never been able to communicate with them, and when we have attempted to fight them... it was terrible for all involved. Avoiding them is the best way. And they will not be your only concern--monsters which strike fear even into the hearts of the dark ones dwell within those ruins."

She pauses for a moment, surveying your expressions, and lets out a little sigh. "I doubt I will convince you to turn back. Should you wish to continue, my granddaughter will lead you there. There is a route which is known to my people, should you choose to take it. Or you may follow the others and take the long way. For now, however, I will share stories with you, as is our custom. Where do you come from, and what leads you so far from your homes?"

You don't have to reply with your word-for-word response, if you'd prefer to summarize the kind of story your character will tell. Basically, she wants to trade stories--she will answer questions about her people and their history, and ask you about yours.

2017-11-14, 09:54 PM
Herrin tells the elder about her grandfather and some of the tales he told her of his adventures. Next, she talks about the Beast and the devastation it caused in her hometown. Finally, Herrin explains how she has spent the last two years tracking the Beast and how she believes it has moved to the Southern Continent.

After that, she sits back and listens to the other stories told around the fire.

2017-11-15, 12:05 AM
Jessica waits patiently for her turn, paying attention to the various stories. She explains her childhood and early life, moving on to Johnathan. She gets a little teary when she brings him up, but wipes her eyes and soldiers on.

2017-11-15, 02:39 AM
Gamjar leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands as he listens to the stories of his companions. They've been together for a while, now, and some of the stories are a bit familiar to him now, but a few details are new. He's glad to have the opportunity to get to know the others better. When it comes around to his turn, he breaks into a smile and begins a story about one of his ancestors - a bedtime story, he tells the others, that was passed down through the family. The sort of thing boys liked to have dreams about. How his great-great-great (etc.) grandfather once challenged a dragon to a game of chess instead of facing it in mortal combat - and won. But the black dragon was treacherous, and had been so enraged at its defeat that they had fought, anyways... but with the help of his companions "my grandfather Tehl was able to slay the beast!"
Gamjar told the story with exuberance, acting it out every so often with motions that represented the swinging of swords or the snarling of a dragon - it was exactly how his father had told it to him.

2017-11-15, 06:54 AM
Locan tells of an adventuring seafarer, who always came home to his beloved wife and children with gifts and stories, and one day gifted his clever son with a box of jewels so he could get a proper education. He can't quite contain his sneer at the lies about "loving" and "gift".

2017-11-15, 11:32 AM
Gamjar leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands as he listens to the stories of his companions. They've been together for a while, now, and some of the stories are a bit familiar to him now, but a few details are new. He's glad to have the opportunity to get to know the others better. When it comes around to his turn, he breaks into a smile and begins a story about one of his ancestors - a bedtime story, he tells the others, that was passed down through the family. The sort of thing boys liked to have dreams about. How his great-great-great (etc.) grandfather once challenged a dragon to a game of chess instead of facing it in mortal combat - and won. But the black dragon was treacherous, and had been so enraged at its defeat that they had fought, anyways... but with the help of his companions "my grandfather Tehl was able to slay the beast!"
Gamjar told the story with exuberance, acting it out every so often with motions that represented the swinging of swords or the snarling of a dragon - it was exactly how his father had told it to him.

Jessica smiles at Gamjar's excitement, laughing a little when he overacts the parts. You've got a gift for stories, Gam, she says.

Locan tells of an adventuring seafarer, who always came home to his beloved wife and children with gifts and stories, and one day gifted his clever son with a box of jewels so he could get a proper education. He can't quite contain his sneer at the lies about "loving" and "gift".

You okay, Locan? Jessica asks when his story ends. I want you to know that we're here for you. We care about you.

2017-11-15, 11:40 AM
Jon tells of his previous, failed, expedition, mostly the storm that nearly sunk the ship and the hardship after. The telling leaves him looking tired more than anything.

2017-11-15, 12:39 PM
Gamjar beams at Jessica when she compliments him; he's always proud to tell the stories that have been passed down through his family, about the 'noble house of Saiph.' Of course, it wasn't so noble anymore, they had minor titles and a bit of land - certainly more than enough to be comfortable, but they weren't super wealthy or recognized or anything like that. The most notable thing about them was likely that every other generation a Sylph came out of the bloodline, from crossing with an air elemental somewhere - no one in his family was really certain where that had happened, it didn't show up on the family tree. But they only recorded the paternal line, anyways, so it must have been married in from one of his ancestors' wives. Just an oddity, and Gamjar didn't really see it as worth mentioning for now. He listens attentively to the other stories from his companions, and when they'd all gone around once, he looks back to the elder.

2017-11-15, 02:24 PM
The elder listens to all of your stories attentively. She then begins to recount stories from her own clan history. She tells you of a great warrior-hero, Torvet, who led her people here after some great disaster, and how he fought against the shadow people who would attack the village at night. Torvet drove them back until he was killed in battle, at which point his daughter Jes was able to make a deal with the shadow people and bring an end to the fighting. She tells you of a great plague which struck many of the male ratfolk in the tribe with a kind of madness, leading to their tradition of being lead by a female elder, who passed down the history of the tribe in stories. She tells you stories of many strange monsters which live deep in the jungles, and of the various ways her people tricked or fought them off.

By the time the stories are done, it is very late in the evening. The elder yawns. "That is enough for tonight, I think," she says. "If you still have questions, they can wait until morning. I find that a good night's rest to digest new information is often helpful." She turns and speaks to one of the other ratfolk in her own language, then addresses you once more. "We have a place for travelers to rest here in the longhouse. My son will show you." She turns and heads back to the rooms at the back of the building, as another ratfolk chitters at you and beckons for you to follow. He leads you back to a room with several padded mats for sleeping--although they're rather small for you, pulling two together should serve well enough. He leaves you to settle down for the night and rest.

In the morning you awake to the smell of meat roasting on the fire in the main hall of the longhouse. There are many more ratfolk there than there were the previous night, and more enter from the village as you approach. One ratfolk, who you assume is very young based on his size, scampers up to you and chitters something incomprehensible before running back into the crowd. The elder finds you and greets you warmly. "I hope you are well-rested. I suppose you still intend to carry on with your journey?"

One of the "monsters" she talks about does bear a similar description to the Wampus--a catlike creature with the power to break the minds of those unfortunate enough to cross it. She said it was tricked away from the camp by an extremely brave ratfolk who tied a bundle of sticks to a tiger's tail--the wampus, hating loud noises, chased the tiger into another part of the jungle and away from the village.

2017-11-15, 02:27 PM
We have our job-it'd be remiss of us to not see it through, Jessica says with a smile. But thank you for letting us stay-I've enjoyed my little time here.

2017-11-15, 02:37 PM
"Yes," Gamjar agrees with Jessica, nodding from where he was standing beside her. "It's been quite enjoyable. And informative," he assures, something of a manic glint to his expression for a moment that he often gets when he's thinking about his obsession. But it fades a little when he realizes that, yes, they probably should get moving. "I believe you mentioned that you could show us a safe route to the ruins?" he inquires.

2017-11-16, 01:54 AM
She nods, somewhat sadly. "If that is what you wish, then we will show you the path, yes. Perhaps you will choose to follow it where the others did not. For now, eat. It will be your last good meal for a while, travelers."

The ratfolk tribe appears to share a communal breakfast, and happily allow you to join in. A couple others speak a few words of common and ask you simple questions, but for the most part they go about their business without really addressing you. As you finish your meal, you notice the elder waiting with another ratfolk by the door, watching you expectantly. When you are ready, she motions for you to come over to her.

"My granddaughter, Vorhi," she says, motioning to the other ratfolk with her. This one is much younger, carrying a long wooden staff. Her eyes are milky white--it is likely that she is completely blind. Still, her other senses must make up for it, as she seems to have little trouble in figuring out where you are. "She will lead you where you need to go.
And a gift, that may help you on your travels." She holds out a small bone charm, carved into the shape of the sun. "The dark ones fear the light. Break this, and you may be able to keep them at bay, should you find a need to. Best of luck, travelers."

With that, you follow Vorhi out of the longhouse. She navigates the village without any trouble, though she does use her staff to feel out the path ahead of her somewhat once she is out into the jungle. She leads you through narrow paths for about an hour, making small talk along the way--she does speak common as well, though hers is more accented and less understandable than her grandmothers'. Eventually, you arrive at a wide chasm, some fifty or a hundred feet across. It stretches far into the distance--you can see where it ends off to the east, but not to the west. A little creek appears to be running along the bottom, about a hundred feet down if not a little more. Vorhi stops at the edge and prods along the ground with her staff for a moment. You can't tell what she's looking for, but eventually she seems to find it. Rummaging in her pack, she pulls out several strips of cloth and holds them out to you all. "We go across. You will probably want these. For the horses, if not for yourselves."

The chasm does not look natural--the soil does not seem to be the right type, and the creek appears to have began to run after the chasm was made, rather than carving it out.

2017-11-16, 11:28 AM

Gamjar takes the cloth with a look of perplexity, then surveys the gap ahead of them. "It don't look easy to cross," he mentions, glancing over his shoulder to the others. "I'm not really certain how a kerchief is supposed to help us, here..." He looks over the gap again. "How did such a chasm come to be, here? Was there an earthquake?" he asked.

2017-11-16, 12:13 PM
Jon takes time to bless their host's gardens before resting. (casting grow a bunch)

at the chasm,
Jon pauses raising an eyebrow, "No bridge?"

2017-11-16, 01:50 PM
Jessica takes what is offered, with a bit of confusion. She doesn't ask, though, seeing as her companions have that covered.

2017-11-16, 09:45 PM
Herrin takes one of the strips of cloth. "What do you expect us to do with this?" she asks.

2017-11-16, 10:14 PM
"They're blindfolds. There's a way across, it is just not visible to normal senses. Of course, you can choose not to... but looking down is not a good idea. As I said, for the horses,
at least. Blindfold them and they will not be able to tell a difference." As far as you can tell, there's nothing but open air across the chasm, but Vorhi takes a step into what appears to be in thin air, but does not fall. "If you trust enough to follow me, you will have no problems. Of course, you can choose the long way around, as the others did," she says, indicating the end of the chasm off to the east. It would likely take several days to go that route.

2017-11-16, 10:38 PM
"Cinhea and Herne," Gamjar curses as he watches the ratfolk start to fly - that's really what it looks like, she's just walking on the air. He glances back to his companions, wondering if they're as skeptical about this as he is. "I think- I think no," he hums uneasily, stomach swirling as he peers over the edge. Don't look down. Right. Like that would be easy. Now it made much more sense why the other group would take the long way around.

2017-11-16, 11:46 PM
"A moment, please, Vorhi, while we make further preparations". Locan produces a rope from his backpack, ties it around himself under the armpits, motions for the others to do the same, and steps forward, ready to walk across the bridge.

2017-11-16, 11:51 PM
"Woah, woah," Gamjar says, balking a bit as Locan addresses the situation with perfect calm and seriousness. "Are we seriously- you're not serious-" he stammers, eyes widening.

2017-11-17, 09:15 AM
"I doubt she is going to send us plummeting to our deaths now. Would be a waste of all that hospitality before." Jon blindfolds the mules and himself and encourages the porters to do likewise.

2017-11-18, 03:34 AM
I'm guessing everyone's going along with it, since no one (other than Gamjar) has expressed an interest in the alternative route?

If you choose not to wear the blindfold, make a will save to avoid looking down.

Vorhi gives you time to prepare. You blindfold yourselves and the animals--the porters seem inclined to agree with Gamjar's assessment, but go along with the group in the end. Linked via Locan's rope, you shuffle with varying degrees of willingness over the chasm. Surprisingly, you can't tell when your feet leave solid ground. The crossing takes a couple of minutes, but soon enough Vorhi speaks again. "We have crossed safely," she tells you. "You may remove your blindfolds now." Sure enough, you're on the opposite side of the chasm--and there's still no sign of any surface for someone to walk over in the intervening space. To the south, the gates to the ruins are just visible through the trees, with a large stone arch soaring above the canopy just ahead of the entrance. Vorhi motions in that direction. "I believe you can find your own way from here. Be careful, travelers. Many things still live in the depths." With that, she turns and begins making her way confidently off the edge of the chasm, and over whatever unseen bridge supported you over here.

The path to the ruin is moderately clear; certainly easier going than many places you've traversed so far. It's well before midday when you reach the entrance. The building used to be fairly extensive, you can tell, but the aboveground portion mostly lies scattered around the area. The square entryway is still standing, flanked by two carved, vaguely humanoid faces, though immense weathering has made it difficult to make out many details. Inside, you can see the foundations of where exterior and interior walls used to stand, now overgrown with vegetation. A thorough search of the area reveals a much smaller stone arch built into a low rise--it appears the main building was built onto a hillside, and the underground entrance was cut into that hillside within the building. A stone slab once covered it, but it has been rolled away to one side fairly recently--that would be consistent with the time frame of the last expedition. A series of stone steps descend slowly into the darkness ahead of you.

150 milestone XP for reaching the temple entrance for everyone.
We're in dungeon conditions here--so give me a marching order, perception if you're looking for traps or enemies, etc.
Also, let me know what y'all are going to do with the porters, horses, and carts. The horses/carts can definitely make it down the stairs here, if you can convince them to go, but there's no guarantee that'll be true all the way to where you're going.

2017-11-18, 05:09 AM
Locan rubs his hands together in excitement. "Finally! This looks good. Fellow adventurers: I would like to pop inside, get a look at the first chamber and do some divinations, maybe half an hour total. I would like some accompaniment. Meanwhile, we also need to set up camp, get some fresh water and so on."

2017-11-18, 06:27 PM
Gamjar sounds like a cat being dragged through water the whole time he's crossing the gap, even though he's blindfolded and can't tell the difference. Tuft, completely trusting Gamjar isn't going to lead him off into danger, allows himself to be blindfolded and led across as well - though Gamjar digs in his feet every once in a while when he remembers I'm standing on nothing and it's generally slowing down the group until Vorhi finally announces they're safely on the other side and the half-elf goes to his knees in relief. They barely supported him the whole way over and are still trembling. "Oh, goddess... please say we can go the long way around on the way back, please..." he exhorts the others, hugging Tuft for comfort.

2017-11-19, 02:16 PM
Jon looks around, judging to approach-ability of the area around the entrance. "Shall we set up a basecamp here? Might be better to explore a bit of the interior first; a room would be easier to secure that the open."

2017-11-21, 12:14 AM
Locan descends the stairs cautiously, not straying too far from the group and searching the area intently. You do notice a flagstone that seems suspiciously raised, perforated with holes, which you are able to avoid (or investigate further, should you choose to do so). About fifty feet down the hallway opens up into a room, roughly thirty feet by thirty feet square. In each corner stands a statue of a humanoid creature with horns, strange legs, and a twisted sort of face--some kind of demon, perhaps? Each of the room's walls has a single doorway. The one through which you entered used to be closed by an iron door, but it has been removed from its hinges--forcibly it seems--and lies on the ground in the room. The doorways to your left and ahead of you have similar doors. The one on the left is closed, the one ahead of you stands partly open. The doorway to your right has no such door. It appears that it maybe did at one point in time, but there is no sign of a door now. Above the doorway ahead of you is writing in a language you do not understand.

Your divinations for magical auras ping faint and moderate auras from the passages ahead and to the right--not to the left, but you're pretty certain the door is sturdy enough to block them. The divinations for life do not return any results. You can roll Knowledge (Arcana) to identify particular spheres for the auras.

2017-11-21, 06:48 AM
Knowledge Arcana, ahead: [roll0]+[roll1], to the right: [roll2]+[roll3], Disable device (spend inspiration) to jam what I think is a trap trigger [roll4]+[roll5]

2017-11-21, 12:29 PM
Beorn Jon moves to watch the open door, it being the most likely avenue for attack.

(Getting games crossed)

2017-11-23, 09:17 PM
Locan successfully jams the floor tile--which he discovers is indeed a floor trap, it appears that by stepping on it a set of spikes would jab into your foot from the floor. From the size they wouldn't do much damage--there's a good chance they're poisoned, otherwise it wouldn't be a very effective trap.

There appear to be several auras in the directions of both of the hallways. They're mostly Destruction and Illusion spheres; fairly consistent with magic traps.

2017-11-24, 11:15 AM
Gamjar slowly remembers how to breathe and releases his death-grip on Tuft's fur after a while. It still takes him a little longer to stand up - walking is pretty difficult when your legs feel like jelly. But he gets up eventually, and pokes his head into the ruin. "Everything okay down there?" he calls.

2017-11-24, 03:04 PM
"There are traps down here. Plural. I disarmed one, but you shouldn't step beyond this chamber just yet".

2017-11-25, 06:56 PM
Gamjar nods when he hears Locan's voice call back. "Well, I'm no good with traps, so I'll leave that to you!" He looks to the others. "I suppose I'll take a look around the perimeter here to see if there's anything immediately going to leap out and try and hunt us. Hopefully the tiger hasn't walked all the way over here," he hums, before starting to look around the area in methodical, ever-widening circles.



2017-11-26, 01:01 AM
Locan steps cautiously down the left hallway, with his lead sheet in one hand and the glyph scratcher in the other. Having divined the location of the traps, finding the triggers is just a matter of being meticulous and disciplined. His eyes methodically scan every stone and step.

Taking 20 on perception checks: 32. Rolls to disarm traps: [roll0]+[roll1],[roll2]+[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5], [roll6]+[roll7]. Locan can disarm magical traps.

2017-11-27, 09:39 AM
Jon hangs back. "Uh, let us know if we can help...I guess? Traps are not, ah, not my area of expertise. I could jam things with plants or reshape stone if it would help though."

2017-11-28, 02:16 PM
Herrin slowly draws her silver blade from her scabbard and follows Locan. She is careful not to get too close in order to not interfere with his work, but close enough to get to him in time if there is danger.

2017-11-28, 02:53 PM
As Locan examines the entryway, Gamjar scouts out the area around the ruined temple and finds no immediate danger. The horses and carts can't really make it down the stone steps, so the porters set up a small camp out of sight from the entrance as the rest of you descend. The door to the left is locked, but after taking a few minutes to pick it it comes open. The door slowly creaks open, reluctant to move after so long being shut. At first it seems Locan is moving abnormally slowly, until a few hundred feet down he stops you and quickly disables a magical glyph that would have released a gout of flame on the party had someone stepped on it. He manages to disarm several more traps along the way as well, some mechanical and some magical. One particularly nasty one apparently combined a resealing pit trap coupled with an illusion trap that would have created a double of the victim, to avoid alerting their companions.

The halls twist and descend deeper into the hillside, through several branches. You pass a few rooms that appear to be tombs, stone sarcophagi standing in the middle of the room with gold, weapons, and other treasures lying around. The rooms are sealed behind iron grates, although with enough effort you could probably get through. You don't see any sign of the previous expedition or the staff that you are looking for--or of whatever creature attacked them, for that matter. Still, you do hear a quiet scuttling sound just out of the range of sight every now and then.

What's your marching order for this part? Locan's in the front, pretty obviously, and it sounds like Herrin is up next and Jon's near the back. Where are Gamjar and Jessica?

You can choose the general direction you want to go--back toward the other tunnels or off to the other side, below the aboveground ruins. Survival checks might be required to keep on the proper course.

The rooms with sarcophagi can be opened, but there is no door per se--they weren't designed to be opened after they were sealed. If you have a way to break/cut the bars and get in, you can.

2017-12-01, 12:06 PM
-kicks down the front door- GAMJAR IS BACK, FRIENDS!
I'll take up the rear with Tuft.

Gamjar is the last to descend down into the ruin with the party, looking around with wide eyes. "I didn' realize this was a tomb," he says, a bit unsettled about walking into a place like this. He's the sort to believe the dead should just be left to their rest, and he suddenly isn't certain about looting anything down here. "I reckon we should leave alone whatever we can spare," he tells the others, keeping his voice low out of either respect or fear - it's hard to tell.

2017-12-01, 01:05 PM
"Impressive magic to still function after all this time." Jon speaks, hiding his unease.

2017-12-01, 02:11 PM
"Hrrn. This place is dangerous. Take a breather, I'm going to divine for magic anew". Locan takes 10 minutes of boring, repetitive incantations to cast a spell.

After casting the spell, Locan advances further down the hallways.

Divine for Magic again, as above. Then cast Sense Hazards (1 hour) to get an automatic Perception check at 10' from a danger, in addition to the normal perception check for advancing cautiously, both at +12 (taking 20 near known magical traps). Disabling traps as I go, at +12.

2017-12-02, 10:48 PM
You continue onward, making your way deeper underground. The artificial tunnels become more natural--there are still signs of creatures widening them or inhabiting them, such as more statues similar to the ones you saw outside, but your progress is occasionally impeded by stalagmites and slick slopes. As Locan once more works on dismantling another trap--this one a mechanical pit trap--you hear a scuttling noise once again. You've heard the sounds before, repeatedly, but this time it sounds closer. Pausing, you turn to look around. You do not see anything around you--but glance upward and see two pairs of bulging eyes staring down at you from pale faces. With a twisted shout, the creatures launch themselves downward toward you.

Jessica: [roll0]
Jon: [roll1]
Herrin: [roll2]
Locan: [roll3]
Gamjar: [roll4]
Enemies: [roll5]

No surprise round, I'll say, because you all were being alert. You're in a fairly narrow tunnel, about 10 feet wide. There are two of them on the ceiling leaping down more or less into the middle of you. Jon, Jessica, and Gamjar, you can react before they jump down.

2017-12-03, 11:20 AM
"Ghost!" is the first thing out of Gamjar's mouth before he gets a closer look at the creatures. His face burns a little bit with embarrassment, but it's hardly his fault that he's jumpy. Walking on thin air, and now in a tomb that he really thought they shouldn't be disturbing... all the same, he unslings his spear and braces himself for impact. "Defend, Tuft!"

Brace: If you use a readied action to set a brace weapon against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

Also a knowledge check for these creatures... not sure what I need exactly so here's hoping it's nature
Nature Check: [roll0]

2017-12-03, 12:48 PM
Locan looks at the creatures, his mind racing to identify and catalog them, completely oblivious to danger.

Knowledge: literally any: [roll0]+[roll1]

2017-12-05, 12:21 PM
Jon lets out a shout, calling fungal vines to sprout around the nearest creature.
1 SP for grow plants + entangle. Assuming a fungus is okay, just because it will survive better in here. Jon doesn't like to create doomed plants if he can help it

reflex DC 15 of entangled and unable to move
will position to hit both if possible (5ft radius)