View Full Version : Pathfinder Looking for some ideas for an assassin's code of conduct

2017-10-13, 11:06 AM
Basically, creating an assassin-type character (slayer, if you will) who grew up in a gang of thugs that had no morals and used him to quietly take out targets for them. These targets were often innocents who crossed the gang in some way or hindered the gang's plans (i.e. politicians fighting for improved conditions in slums or for increased policing presence, scientists looking to improve environmental conditions, etc.)

Eventually, our hero figures out that the gang used him and even killed his family (he was "adopted" by the gang leader and was given some false story about being abandoned and saved by the gang). He leaves the gang after trapping the leader's bed, and sets out on his own.

However, due to the way that things went down, our hero has grown a conscience. He has decided that he will not be used again, and so he has come up with a code of conduct. Maybe 4 or 5 tenets that he will NOT break under any circumstance.

I'm looking for help coming up with said tenets. He will be a Lawful Neutral character and follow his code to the letter (and said code will supersede any laws or rules in the places that he travels).


1. I will only take the lives of the evil and the corrupt. I shall never kill an innocent, except in the case that more innocent lives can be saved through the loss of fewer. I will always research my targets before carrying out a kill in order to ensure that they deserve to meet justice

2. I will put the lives of my companions first, and the mission second, but I shall always do everything in my power to accomplish the mission, so long as the mission targets marks that deserve death

3. ???

These are ideas... but looking for more. Want to play a character that is fun to RP and has rules to follow that restrict his actions to some degree - an assassin with a conscience, if you will. Overdone trope? Maybe.

Thanks !

2017-10-13, 11:16 AM
first note:
it's tenets, not tenants.

As to some:
since he was used by the gang, it'd make sense if he made a point of not using others (unless of course they're aware of it and agree).

Other sources that used this trope oftne had a no women no children rule.

If the killing would leave an orphan, he must ensure the orphan will be cared for.

as a practical question: sometimes the bodyguards of a corrupt politician might not know their boss is corrupt; so what will the standards be on killing bodyguards as a necessity/acceptable consequence of taking out the target?

2017-10-13, 11:21 AM
well, he will have a high stealth - so either avoid the bodyguards or incapacitate them, I suppose.

2017-10-13, 11:34 AM
"No lethal force on anyone but the target, except in self-defense" sounds like a decent code. That should protect the "women and children" (i.e. noncombatants) too.

A basic one for Lawful types is to keep your promises. This one also gives you reason to stick with an adventuring party, by merely swearing an oath to do so until {insert plot milestone here.} You can probably add a rule against lying in general after that one too.

One of my favorite assassin codes was Twilight Suzuka from Outlaw Star - if she fails to kill you before sunrise, you get to live one more day. You could probabyl do a quirky one like that as a calling card/to make a name for yourself.

2017-10-13, 12:17 PM
Thanks guys.

Here's what I've got so far:

1. I will only take the lives of the evil and the corrupt. I shall never kill an innocent, except in the case that more innocent lives can be saved through the loss of fewer. I will always research my targets before carrying out a kill in order to ensure that they deserve to meet justice, and I will not carry out even contracts that I’ve agreed to, if new information reveals that my targets are innocent. No children, period. If an assassination results in a child being orphaned, I will ensure that the child is cared for (taken to an orphanage or Steward station)

2. I will put the lives of my companions first, and the mission second, but I shall always do everything in my power to accomplish the mission, so long as the mission targets marks that deserve death

3. I will not be crossed. Anyone knowingly and/or maliciously deceiving or coercing me or my comrades into doing the work of the corrupt will be punished. Though it may not happen immediately, justice will be had and blood will eventually beget blood.

4. I will never break my word, save in a case in which keeping it violates one of the other codes.

Any other suggestions or comments are still welcome :)

2017-10-13, 12:41 PM
In addition to not killing others besides the target, you could add in a collateral damage clause. No burning down their house, blowing up their car, etc. Add a caveat that you can do so, but only if there is no other way to get the job done.

One of my favorite assassin codes was Twilight Suzuka from Outlaw Star - if she fails to kill you before sunrise, you get to live one more day. You could probabyl do a quirky one like that as a calling card/to make a name for yourself.

+1 to this. Twilight Sazuka is best girl of Outlaw Star, which is no easy feat up against Aisha Clan Clan and Melphina. Also like the calling card idea.

2017-10-13, 01:11 PM
Well, we got the "No innocent and children" rule covered.

Maybe something about not being some sort of flamboyand gentleman thief, leaving behind a calling card like you're some sort of 80s anti-hero. That's how you get caught or end up waking up next to a severed horse's head. Something like:

"I will be humble in my duty. I am a tool of justice, pride and fame make one's vision foggy."

2017-10-13, 03:19 PM
Thanks guys.

Here's what I've got so far:

1. I will only take the lives of the evil and the corrupt. I shall never kill an innocent, except in the case that more innocent lives can be saved through the loss of fewer. I will always research my targets before carrying out a kill in order to ensure that they deserve to meet justice, and I will not carry out even contracts that I’ve agreed to, if new information reveals that my targets are innocent. No children, period. If an assassination results in a child being orphaned, I will ensure that the child is cared for (taken to an orphanage or Steward station)

2. I will put the lives of my companions first, and the mission second, but I shall always do everything in my power to accomplish the mission, so long as the mission targets marks that deserve death

3. I will not be crossed. Anyone knowingly and/or maliciously deceiving or coercing me or my comrades into doing the work of the corrupt will be punished. Though it may not happen immediately, justice will be had and blood will eventually beget blood.

4. I will never break my word, save in a case in which keeping it violates one of the other codes.

Any other suggestions or comments are still welcome :)

5. Tithe a percentage of loot to keep an orphanage open, so that no child ever has to be used like that again.


5. Child Traffickers/Slavers are always targets, those who would enslave children get a justifiable killin'

2017-10-13, 05:01 PM
The following is the order of priority for whom I target: women and children first!

2017-10-13, 05:16 PM
Don't turn on your employer while you are working for him.

Honest Tiefling
2017-10-13, 05:21 PM
Don't turn on your employer while you are working for him.

Alternatively, only turn on the employer if they seek to undermine their own society.

Does your character accept payment for their actions? Perhaps to distance themselves from the past, they refuse payment if they feel that the target is 'evil' enough, but base it on what the person hiring them can pay, not will pay.

Does your character intend to work entirely from the shadows, or seek to strike fear in the hearts of the corrupt? They might have a code about claiming certain kills and leaving a calling card behind. You don't want to terrify an entire neighborhood. For the same reason, how do you intend to bring a target's crimes to light? You don't want them mourning the seemingly good mayor who was secretly a part of a smuggling ring.

Are there restrictions on who can hire you?

2017-10-13, 05:59 PM
More for a code of professionalism. For the considerate assassin.
(1) Don't leave a mess: Servants are people, too. They shouldn't have to deal with brain splatter on the walls.
(2) No freebies: If the client wants the bodyguards dead, he can pay.
(3) Feedback is important: Leave a note explaining to the bodyguards (see (2)) what they did wrong, so they may learn and give you a better challenge next time. Provided they weren't executed for their failure, of course.
(4) It's not about you: It's the target's special night. Make it something he will remember fondly for the rest of his life. Just keep rule (1) in mind.

2017-10-13, 08:48 PM
Rule 5: I will always know who I'm working for. I will not take any job from mysterious strangers, anonymous clients, paid lackeys visiting on their master's behalf, and the like. Before I take a job, I want to know why their mark should be dead, from their own lips. If they're not willing to meet with me in person, then they're not willing to do what's necessary to get their mark to stop breathing.