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2017-10-13, 11:17 PM
This shall be the location of new game.

Fallowing shall be a quick few examples of how to use the forum

this is a spoiler
Use [spoiler*]content[/*spoiler]

Without the *


2017-10-14, 05:54 PM
Race : Houri, female, 5'9", 120lbs
Templates: Inveigler, Unseelie and Dream Creature

2017-10-15, 03:14 PM
Character Complete, see the gear page, the trait page and the background/personality/flaws

Rolled : 18, 17, 17, 16, 14, 9
* Race : Houri : +2 Dex, Int, Wis / +8 Cha

* Suzerain : +4 Int, +4 Wis, +6 Cha
* Inveigler : +6 Cha, +4 Int

STR : (base 18)
DEX : (base 17)+2 : 19
CON : (base 14)
INT : (base 16) +4 +4 + 2 : 26
WIS : (base 9)+2 +4 : 15
CHA : (base 17)+6 +6 +8 : 37

2017-10-21, 09:04 PM
When you tried to convince the group to let you in you found it very easy. They all seem to be trusting except for the Magus Seltviel who doesn't seem to trust any thing. The rogue Milah seems to like watching you move and dosen't seem to really care or like the others much but fallows them due to the promise of shiny bits.

The journey so far hasn't been very eventful other then one small conflict with a couple of bandits that was quickly over.

You are currently one full day away from oleg’s trading outpost.
It is currently just getting night and you have found a place to camp for the night.
Oleg’s trading post is the only spot of civilization in the region as far as you where told.

Other party members

Cleric https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Kyra

This information you can more or less know nothing that is too much just her back story

Name seltyiel
Race half elf
Height 5’10”
White hair
Light skin
Grey eyes

He doesn’t speak much nore do you know much of his past other then he has had a hard life. When in combat he tends to fight hard focusing on the biggest with hard hitting spells before moving in to other targets.

You have noticed that he seems to obsess over Kyra. Enemies or anyone that attack her get swift reprisal from him.

name Milah
race catfolk
130 lbs
eyes green
fully black hair

she is always on edge.

this takes form in a tendency to shift her head in the direction of any unexpected noise.

she also has a tendency to sniff the air around her.

when in the forest she enjoys going in front to scout the way and is often not seen that day unless its a meal time or there is danger. When danger happens she fires her bow from cover occasionally sneaking up on unsuspecting opponents and using her knife.

she does tend to collect shiny objects and perfumes. you are sure that they are stolen but can't prove that they are.

name Valtyra
race aasimar
height 6'4"
170 lbs
eyes blue
hair: Looks like strands of gold and platinum even has the sheen of metal but is also very soft. Constantly shifts and ripples

She is a very open and giving person. When in a city she is often at orphanages or the like and offering her services.

When she uses lay on hands her hair seems to be moved by an unseen wind that brings with it comforting smells. Different people say that they have smelled different things but each say it made them feel relaxed.

When in combat she will often try not to kill unless she knows that the person has harmed some one that is innocent. If she knows that she will kill them without mercy.

race dusk elf
height 6'5"
eyes grey
hair white

When he speaks he tends to do so quietly. even though he speaks he doesn't give much away about his past.

It seems that he is very dedicated to fallowing you.
He fallows your orders but you feel that if you told him to stop fallowing you he would just ignore it and keep fallowing you just not seen.

In combat he seems to have little to no care if he gets hit or not. He does seem to make sure that you are not killed. He tends to force the largest most powerful opponent to attack him using magic or insults. He will also use tanglefoot bags to help prevent casters from using spells.

When left to his own devises he will try to not kill the creatures preferring to kill them later slowly.

2017-10-22, 03:01 AM
(If you prefer I can do first or third person, and quickly edit posts to change to your preference, I personally prefer third person so the actions are detached from the player and focus more on the character without player bias)

(It would really help if you could link to a basic mythweaver's page of each of the NPCs so I can get their name, looks, personality etc and what I've experienced with them. Keep it on a need to know only, so it's not like I know all their weaknesses)

Scarlett recommends that the group should make camp, and soon. Asking the Rogue to gather firewood while enlisting the Cleric to help setup her cooking and mess kit, breaking out an Elven ration and starting in on the food. Subtly she suggests to the Paladin that perhaps she could stand guard or maybe even do a quick patrol of the area, ensuring that food will be ready by the time she gets back.

2017-10-22, 04:12 PM
Decision third person is fine. What ever way you feel is best for you is ok.

Milah says “back soon” then quickly melts into the shadows.
stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Valtyra starts moving off into the brush to do a loop around to patrol the area and take first watch.

stealth [roll2]
Perception [roll3]

2017-10-22, 06:36 PM
Scarlett watches as the rogue disappears, and pulls out her journal. Quickly she scribbles down some notes in Sylvan about her group's habits and what she needs to do.

[roll0] :Perception

"Milah is quite jittery, seems to disappear at any opportunity."
"Seltyiel should be watched, he seems too cautious and distrusting of anyone.... save Kyra."
"Kyra, need her to be tricked into acting dangerous towards Valtyra."
"Valtyra won't be easily convinced of evil intentions, must give physical proof. Perhaps find Kyra's journal and copy her handwriting, make notes plotting against Valtyra."

If Perception is a success : Keep an eye on Milah, and approach her with a request to steal Kyra's journal, under suspicion that she and Seltyiel are conspirators.
If Perception is a failure : Approach Kyra asking to compare notes about the area we've traveled so far and see if she's noticed things I haven't. Hoping of course to study her handwriting.

2017-10-22, 08:24 PM
Kyra says “I would be happy to go over them with you though since we are not yet within the area that we are suppose to explore and map I haven’t been taking much notes. But I am glad that you are so well prepared and dedicated to our mission. After we eat would you like to see what I have written down so far?”

2017-10-23, 12:58 AM
It takes some considerable will power but Scarlett manages to choke down the laugh in her throat, it was all too easy, they were too trusting. "That'd be great, and if you don't mind I'd love to see your notes at the end of each day. It'll help me keep up and progress our expedition." She pauses for a moment, "Selty, have you also been writing any info for records purposes? You should share your observations with Kyra and I." Scarlett makes a quick 'come here' gesture and takes a quick look around for Milah.


If success : Scarlett also calls out to Milah and gestures for her to come over.

If failure : Scarlett will shuffle over to make room for Seltyiel, while reading Kyra's journal logs.

2017-10-23, 02:46 AM
Between the rustling that the Paladin is making and the other wild life you are unsure what noise is milah and what’s not she is not within eye sight negative for distance is applied to hearing based perception check.

seltyiel says “I don’t have anything of use. Most of what I have taken note of relates to arcane resources I have seen on the way here. Minor spell components mostly. That doesn’t seem of much use unless we go back that way and are short on fireflies or something of the like.” When he sits he does so on the other side of you next to Kyra.

2017-10-23, 03:44 AM
"Well, do be sure to keep those noted, you never know when the careless mage won't be able to cast their precious spells due to a lack of preparation. That's why I've got this." Scarlett brandishes her Scythe's blade. "Keeps me safe in times where spells will fail." She stands up and leans upon the scythe. "Honestly, I lean on her more than anyone or anything else..." Her smile, innocent towards the small gathering, hiding the true cause. A cute little scene, a cat watching in horror as a Paladin slaughters a cleric in her sleep and is struck down by a vengeful magus while defenseless from the loss of her God's favor. "Especially when.... innate abilities fail, brute strength and your trusted weapon. That's all you'll ever need."

She waves farewell and walks over to her bedroll, laying down and keeping an eye on the Magus and Cleric for as long as she can, watching for anything that could be brought up as suspicious.

2017-10-23, 01:47 PM
They both give you a strange look and whisper to each other.

roll since motive to try and read there glances

At about that time Milah comes back with an arm load of fire wood she too gives you a strange look wile she sets up the fire. After she does so she asks “umm scarlet are you feeling ok? You said that you where going to make dinner now your bedding down...

Also we should be alert tonight since I found several tracks of boars in the area wile I was getting fire wood.”

2017-10-23, 07:49 PM
She yawns and stretches, "Well... I did make food, and I ate it. I apologize, here you can have one of mine. Specially prepared, but not much meat." Scarlett ruffles through her backpack and sets up 4 more of her Elven rations. "Here, I forgot about Valtyra, Kyra and Selty as well.... So please don't take it personally, I just get to talking and thinking and then I get tired and forgetful." She lays back down and rolls to the side, only a little embarrassed that she actually forgot about the others' food. Only a little.

2017-10-23, 08:31 PM
Before your able to get through unpacking food Kyra says “it’s ok we just thought that you had some kind of food that wasn’t a type trait ration. Silly thought really. Maybe if we can find that boar that’s roaming around we can have some bacon.”

Milah says “I’m also kinda mostly carnivorous...”

roll perception
This is for later tonight after you are asleep so take the -10 to perception checks while sleeping into account.

2017-10-23, 09:49 PM
ZZZZZZZzzzzZzzZzzzzzzzzzzzZzzz [roll0]


Scarlett wakes up with a slight jostle and looks around the camp to find out what courteously ripped her from her beauty sleep.

2017-10-23, 11:12 PM
Kyra [roll0]
seltyiel [roll1]
Valtyra [roll2]
milah [roll3]

You wake up to Valtyra over you shaking you awake. The instant that you open your eyes she clamps her hand over your mouth puts a finger to her mouth and says “shhhh” then points to the bushes.

With the little light left from the fire your able to see bushes moving as well as the sound of grunting.

roll initiative

2017-10-24, 06:35 AM
Scarlett nods, and rises slowly to her feet bracing herself with her scythe. "You should engage whoever or whatever is in the bushes, we've got you covered." She whispers to Valtyra.

Bluff check towards Valtyra using 1/day Charm/Dominate (if beat by 5 or more) and Hidden Enchantment with a -15 Sense Motive to detect tampering

2017-10-24, 10:34 AM
seltyielInitiative [roll0]

He uses a swift action to burn a point from his arcane pool to give it a +1. He then moves up to support the paladin and casts Shield on himself wile using spell combat to also attack the target.

concentration check [roll1]
DC 17
If not successful still casts and attacks any way.
Attack roll [roll2]
Damage if hit [roll3]

kyra Initiative [roll4]

She will hold action. If she thinks that there are people in need of healing she will use channel energy. If not then she will move up and attack.

If Heal [roll5]

If attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Milah Initiative [roll8]

She will stealth into the brush using her move action then hold action to attack with her bow after she gets a clear shot.

To hit [roll9]
damage [roll10]

Valtyra Initiative [roll11]

Sense Motive [roll12]

If fail she will move up and attack the what ever is in the brush.

If she succeeds she will move up and only attack if she is attacked first.

Using her detect evil ability she will know that the boar is not evil so will not use smite evil.

attack [roll13]
damage [roll14]

boar 1 Initiative [roll15]

attacks the closest target

attack paladin [roll16]
damage [roll17]

boar 2 Initiative [roll18]

attacks the closest target

attack paladin [roll19]
damage [roll20]

2017-10-24, 10:53 AM
DM Interpret So Seltyiel goes first he hangs back slightly waiting for the paladin to go first then moves up to support her and attack the first boar. he will hit the boar and deal damage
milah is forced to hold after using stealth (just forgot to roll that so here that roll is [roll0])
once the boars appear she will fire at the second boar. she will hit and deal damage. (the boars perception is 11 to see her since they are only taking a 5 to see her in combat)

Your turn

2017-10-27, 04:39 AM
Scarlett swiftly takes to the battle, spending one swift action to gain +10 movement speed (now at a 50 movement) and using her Spell Combat (cast spell and attack normally in a round at -2 to hit) and Spellstrike (deliver a touch/curse spell through a normal attack with the weapon) to cast Shocking Grasp and deliver it with her Scythe at Boar 1.

[roll1] + [roll2]

Then, after the first attack, using her normal attack in the round as a power attack (ignoring the first penalty to power attack via Furious Focus feat) against Boar 2.


2017-10-27, 06:15 PM
Your first attack will just miss. Your scythe glances off the boars hide preventing the magic from discharging. Your second strike will strike the boar causing massive damage as well as releasing your spell stored in the blade. The second boar shudders and falls.

After that the Valtyra will attack the last boar standing and deal damage. Kyra will also attack the last boar.

The boar staggers under its wounds and attacks Valtyra. She is able to easily deflect its tusks with her shield preventing any real damage other then a scuff mark on her shield.

Seltyiel will attack the last boar to stand.

With his scimitar Seltyiel causes a massive gash in the boar dropping it with a gurgle on blood.

With the boar down Milah creeps out of the brush and licking her lips starts to carve meat off of them and spear onto a stick she seems to have found.

Kyra says "well that was interesting at least not we don't have to worry about eating trail rations for a few days."

Between all of them they are able to save most of the meat and pack it into the saddle bags of Valtyra's horse.

experience 240 each
Other Treasure
Approximately 300 lbs of boar meat. Since you are only a day away from the trading post it is a non issue to take it all with you.

FYI its just mad that I deleted some rolls since I just did everyone that was before you but Seltyiel killed it.

2017-11-01, 08:53 AM
Scarlett yawns and wraps herself in her blanket and lays down on the bedroll. "G'night, keep an eye out for more angry bacon. It'll keep Milah happy, at least."

With that she closed her eyes and tries to drift to sleep.

2017-11-01, 06:30 PM
You arrive at Oleg’s trading post without too much more difficulty at about noon the next day.

After you walk through the front gate a human woman in her late 30’s comes hurrying out of the main building beaming a wide smile at you all.

She introduces herself as Svetana Leveton.

She says “Why don’t you come in and have a set. I’ve made you all some lunch in preparation for your arrival. My husband is up on the roof fixing a small leak. Once your settled I’ll go fetch him.”

After that she herds you all into a small tavern area that looks to used to feed the trappers and other traders that spend time at Oleg’s trading post.

She gives you each a large piece or bread and a bowl then sets 2 pots on the table one she identifies as vegetarian the other has meat in it.

She also sets several glasses and a large bottle of wine on the table. Then leaves to fetch her husband.

It only takes a couple of minutes for her to return with a rather large sweaty man who looks to be in a foul mood.

Oleg says moodily “So you here just in time to prevent them ****ing bandits from taken my stock. We was told you would be helpin us with them.”

The only objective that was given to the group was only to explore the region. They gave you the location of Oleg's trading post as a place to use for resources. They also used the trading post as a center point to give you the area that you where to explore. They did warn you about dangers in the area but nothing was said about bandits let alone Oleg's trading post having problems with them.

Kyra says "Umm what bandits? We where not told anything about you having trouble with bandits."

Oleg seems taken aback slightly by this then bellows "****ING SWORD LORDS AND THEIR ****ING POLITICS!! We ask for their help and they be promising help for weeks now then they tells us that they was sending a group of adventures and don't tell them ****ing anything." His wife tries to calm him but he just says that he needs some time to think. As he leaves he snatches the partly full bottle of wine off the table and throws it at the far wall smashing it to pieces.

His wife says "I'm very sorry about that. He is normally not like this. He just been having a hard time with the bandits. I know that the only reason that he hasn't tried something himself is that he fears for my safely." She rubs her finger where you can see a wedding band use to be. She gives herself a little shake "Will you help us I'll give you free room and board for as long as your here if you will help us get rid of them. They come at the same time every month to take just about everything that we have." Yet again she rubs her finger where the ring used to sit. "They will be here at dawn tomorrow. Please help us I don't know how much longer Oleg can take it." She looks pleadingly at you all with hope in her eyes.

Almost before she finishes Valtyra says "It would be our honor to help you."

Svetlana thanks you all with tears in her eyes "We don't know much about them but they started showing up about 3 months ago. They told Oleg that if he didn't pay they would burn down the post and take me. He looked so broken as he unlocked the store room. Since then they have come back every month within an hour of dawn on the first day of the month each time with fewer men. With how eager they are to get back to camp I think that it couldn't be much farther then a days ride from here. We will help you if we can though I don't know how much help with actual fighting we would be. I'll go get my husband and he can tell you everything that we have at the post that you could use to help us." With that she quickly walks away calling for her husband. After a couple of seconds Oleg comes back in "Sorry about earlier I let me temper get away from me. Here is a list of everythin we have at the post at current that you can use. When they come they head straight to the store room to take what they want. I would greatly like it if every last one of them where dead. Anything that you use to fight them off is fine but we ask that you let us have back what doesn't get used up."

2 hand axes
5 javelins
1 longbow
24 arrows
1 scythe
2 spears
2 potions of cure light
70 ft hemp rope

2017-11-01, 08:16 PM
What if I recruit them as followers? Make them join me, and give them my CHA bonus to everything as per my Suzerain ability? I really want that ability back right now......

"Well, my companions are certainly persuaded easily for the good cause. However, we're also here on a mission to secure land. So I propose a deal? We'll help with the bandits, if you help lure them all out into a trap we'll happily be swift and take them all out. Or if you prefer, I can attempt to settle this diplomatically and perhaps garner your town some protection from other dangers such as wild beasts and the unpersuaded bandits. Just point me to the direction of the bandits, and I'll be happy to have a quick dialogue with them." Scarlett awaits an answer patiently while lightly brushing her hair to the side, a smile on her face.


2017-11-02, 12:14 PM
Oleg “Well we don’t know exactly where they be camping. As for protection how do we know that they just won’t kill us in our sleep the second that your gone?”

Valtyra “The punishment for banditry is always death by blade or rope. That’s the law and it shall be enforced!”

Kyra “Everyone deserves a chance to turn over a new leaf. Only very few are beyond redemption.”

Seltyiel “How exactly is this even a debate right now?”

While this is going on Milah quietly raises her hand “If we kill them can I eat them?”

This immediately stops everyone in their tracks and they look at Milah in horror.

“What? One I’m a cat so it’s not like it’s canablism second there isn’t much point arguing about it till after we incounter the bandits. If Oleg doesn’t know where they are then the bandits are the only ones that know the location of their camp that also makes Oleg useless in setting an ambush or meeting with them. That means we kinda need to deal with the few coming here first.” She looks at Scarlet “I say we try it your way and see what happens. I say trust but verify. They are bandits after all. That kinda work doesn’t exactly attract the trustworthy sort.
Also I don’t actually want to eat them I just didn’t want to talk over all of you and it was the fastest way to shut you all up.”

2017-11-03, 08:13 AM
"Well then, it's settled. Valtyra, the punishment doesn't always fit the crime. For a lot of those folks they were born into banditry, or forced into it due to poverty. It's not like they're living a glamorous life, they're just trying to live albeit at the cost of others. On the other hand, there are many beyond redemption. So just keep that in mind, later on and don't put your life on the line for the sake of someone else who could be redeemed, Kyra." Scarlett nods and gestures towards Oleg. "First, if they got jobs that kept them fed by protecting the town, why live in the dangers of the wilds? I'm not saying trust them, but honestly they can't be dismissed so easily. When you have to meet with them, we'll be there with you, and hopefully I can talk some sense into the meeting party and get us all an amicable situation. Sound good to everyone? Yes? No? Either way, I want some Hot Chocolate, Rum, a few hot biscuits and butter. Please and thank you."


2017-11-03, 04:37 PM
Oleg “Alright I suppose I can give them a chance. As I said before they should be here about dawn so you can talk to the ones that show up. We don’t have any hot chocolate but I’ll go get you some rum wile my wife gets you all some biscuits and butter.”

Svetlana “It will just take a moment to get them up.”

Valtyra “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to talk to them first.”

Seltyiel “Though a few of us should be hidden just incase they aren’t in a talking mood. That way we can still have an element of surprise if they get stabby.”

2017-11-03, 08:01 PM
After enjoying the meal Scarlett starts to dictate the plan to the group, "I agree with keeping people hidden just in case something happens. So lets go about this the simplest way, I'll do the talking with Oleg and you three surround them. Should diplomacy fail, let intimidation change their minds and failing that, let their heads roll."

She asks to see the map and lays it out on the table. "So, Valtyra should be directly behind them. Kyra I want you between Valtyra and the town, to the right. Just so we can also keep the trading post safe if they're planning anything nefarious. Seltyiel I want you to remain hidden and casting long range spells so they get confident you're not very tough up close and then overpower them should they get close. So move constantly and use long range spells, even if they aren't the most effective. It's all about deceiving them."

2017-11-04, 06:47 PM
They all agree to your plan. You all wait the night and in the morning before dawn you all get into position. Seltyiel hides near the broken catapults. Wile the others sit around the corner so that when the bandits arrive they can get behind them while you wait in front of the gate with the gate closed.

When the bandits show up its about 30 minutes after dawn and there are a total of 6 of them all on horse back. The one in front says "well boys it looks like Oleg decided to give us a little present! Lets say they we go collect." From the look he gives you know exactly what he means by present.

He and his men move forward with obvious hostile intent.

When the others come out from around the building Kyra move next to you and Valtyra on her horse moves behind them.

Even though they now have people on all sides of them the bandits just laugh. The one who spoke before says "Looks like they gave us a whole harem. We are going to have fun tonight!"

Kyra: [roll0]
Seltyiel: been holding action
Milah: been holding action also unknown location
Valtyra: [roll1]
bandits main group [roll2]
bandit leader [roll3]

The party will hold until attacked or you say so.

2017-11-04, 07:17 PM
(Remember the diplomatic aura, they aren't innately hostile as far as I can tell so they're considered one step above usual: Will to negate DC = 24)

((I need to know if we know anything about the bandits, like the leader of bandits' name, or even this one's name if Oleg has seen him before. Would he have mentioned if it's always been the same group collecting or did it vary each time?))

2017-11-04, 08:10 PM
Oleg said that he first time they came they where led by a woman with hatchets she never gave her name. The man every time after that was the man that was second in charge the first time. Though again he never gave his name though has taunted Oleg with raping his wife several times if he ever trys anything.

The woman also stole Oleg’s wife’s wedding ring.

Also no they wouldn’t resist your ability making them unfriendly but just because they are not hostile doesn’t mean that they are not going to try to rape you. Or try and go through you to get the loot that they are going after.

The normal actions that they would do is draw weapons and attack and then if you didn’t surrender or die first they would rape, and torture you. So them just moving up with hostile intent without weapons drawn is a large step up.
Normal you wouldn’t even get a chance to talk unless it was in active combat now you could potentially do so.

Also they have orders one step from hostile to unfriendly isn’t going to change their minds and not do as they where told.
Trust that I know what I’m doing.

2017-11-04, 08:40 PM
"Now, now there's no need to get violent. We could do a simple prayer in private, for each of you of course. Then we could discuss the situation we're in and see if we can't find a way to better all of our positions without ruining, or ending, lives?" Scarlett lifts her skirt on the side of her hip to reveal a tattoo of the Holy Symbol of Calistria. "I work with the church and I'm sure it's much more satisfying to come.... to a peaceful conclusion, rather than the violent alternative."

She points towards the sleeping area ((A2)), and awaits their responses.


Calistria is known as a vindictive and deceitful Goddess, but the lesser races such as Humans and half-breeds only know of her usually from her Calistrian prostitutes that use the aspect of Lust, which most don't know is a tactic to gain information and deceive. But I figure if you want to roll for them and see if they know anything about Calistria you could. She's mostly famous with Elves.

2017-11-04, 10:18 PM
The leader just looks at you confused in fact most of them look confused. Only two seem to have any clue as to what your talking about. One of these two pipes up and says “hay boss I’ve heard of them Calistria priests. The think sex is worship. I think Oleg really did get us whores. Must have had a bad month and thought that gettin is whores would make us go easy on emm.”

The others seem very interested.

The leader says “Well be that as it may we still need to bring back something for the boss of she will cut all our ***** off. But in the mean time I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to sample the wares.”

They all seem to let their guard down and start learning even more at the others.

You other party members don’t seem to know quite what to say and just look at you confused.

2017-11-04, 11:47 PM
"Oleg is a simple trader, and well.... Sometimes trade doesn't go well, you could accept me as his gift to your camp and I can attempt to sway your boss in your favor and even stay as a bridge between your men and the trading post." She gestures to the others to just back off and go along with it. "These companions of mine, well they're just here to make sure I wasn't just killed on the spot. Rumors of your ranks spread and as you know a rumor can vary from a band of ravenous barbarians to just a couple kobolds in disguise. I just wanted to make sure that you were a reputable group that wouldn't just bash my head in and defile my corpse.... Sadly they won't accompany further if I go with you, as that was part of their deal, you know how Good Samaritans are, good up until they get stuck doing something they don't want to. Naturally, if you would like I could pay them to gather supplies from the area such as wood, furs, and meat. We recently killed a couple boars and I am quite sure there's more out there."

Scarlett steps forward and bows, her arms showing the bandits towards the door. "Besides, returning with me isn't entirely returning empty handed and killing or punishing Oleg is definitely not going to get you supplies he doesn't have, hell it may even make him unable to ever get supplies. Especially if he's dead, and if anything ever happened to his wife, why he'd be so depressed that this trading post would be nothing in a matter of days. I also doubt anyone else would risk setting up here, after hearing about what happened to him."

"So, do we have a deal?"


2017-11-04, 11:50 PM
Fixing broken roll

2017-11-05, 12:20 AM
They all follow you through the gates. Then the leader tells the men to stay outside and wait their turn. They dismount and wait near their mounts. Kyra waits near the gate and Valtyra near the door to the main building to protect Oleg and his wife.

Then you lead the leader into the guest house.

(Roll perception)

2017-11-05, 12:26 AM
"If you want, you can do as you need or I can go through the basic tenants of Calistria. Later on we could move on to the more advanced sessions, but even the most hardy barely last a few seconds so it's not as fun."


2017-11-05, 12:36 AM
“Never had no Calistria tenants. Sounds fun. Let’s see what your god has taught you about pleasuring a man.” As he says this he pulls down his pants.

2017-11-05, 12:59 AM
"Well, lets see now. Basics and then finish, or do you want a full course? I warn you that this could take an hour or so, and you will be exhausted at the end. So please, when you decide you should probably give word to your men before we start so they don't grow suspicious."

Scarlett removes her armor and ceremonial silk robes, standing naked before him.

"Do decide quickly, I am not only the best of the temples in this realm, but I also enjoy it more than any other."

Probably can just skip past this with a CHA and DEX check, with a performance check as well. Don't know what GitP's stance on detailed scenarios is.

2017-11-05, 01:25 AM
“Don’t you worrie about them they know better then to disturb us.”

we should skip it idk their exact policy on that kind of thing is and it would suck to get our tread taken down.

Just roll a cha and dex check along with the proformance check.

I’m also rolling a con check for him to see how long he lasts.

Do you have an idea of a dc for this kind of thing or should I just kinda make it up.


2017-11-05, 01:41 AM

At first glance, it may seem that a character can have sex for
quite a long time. This is true for player characters. They have
superior attributes and thus can perform better (that's why they're
great adventurers). However, an average character would have attributes
between 9-12. Using the below rules, an average character (10 or 11 in
all attributes) could go a minimum of 10 or 11 minutes (rounds) and
might be able to go an additional 10 or 11 minutes if very, very luck
(dice deities willing, but don't bet on it).
Some GMs may feel that certain races should be more adept at sex
than others. Many arguments can be made for every race. The one race
that most people feel should have modifiers is the dwarf race. However,
since theses rules are based on constitution and since initial
character generation gives bonus or penalties to Constitution (dwarves
get +1), it is not necessary to give additional modifiers to race.

The following is the steps to go through to see if a character can
continue having sex:

1) A character can initially last a minimum of rounds equal to his/her
Constitution with certain modifiers. Table 1 lists modifiers to
Constitution by dexterity (remember: it's how you use it). Table 2
lists modifiers to Constitution by strength (gotta be able to keep up).
Table 3 lists modifiers to Constitution by the partner's Charisma
(charismatic partners really enhance sex, even if their Attractiveness
isn't high). If he/she wishes to continue, then he/she must make
Constitution checks (Step 2).

2) After the initial rounds pass, the character must make a
Constitution check for each round he/she wishes to continue. Modifiers
to this check are from Table 1 and Table 2 And Table 3, plus cumulative
modifier of -1. The character also needs to make a time to climax (TTC)
check. A 1 on a 1d6 for males and a 1 on a 1d10 for women indicates
such an occurrence. An additional TTC roll is made and a result of 1
indicates multiple orgasms (keep rolling while 1s come up). Of course,
males could have trouble continuing after this, but the player can make
such decisions.

3) A failed check means the character lost interest for whatever

NOTE: In most cases it take two to tango, so remember to keep track of
all participants.

Table 1: Dexterity Modifier

A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4 <-- not much fun
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4 <-- someone could get hurt

Table 2: Strength Modifier

A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4 <-- wears out easily
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4 <-- nasty

Table 3: Partner's Charisma Modifier

A. Score Modifier
03-05 -4
06-08 -2
09-12 0
13-15 +2
16-18 +4

So at this I can go for about 30 rounds, or 3 minutes and need to make a check every round later.
This is 30 rounds base, with + or - 4 rounds depending on the Partner's Charisma as shown above. So anywhere between 26 and 34 rounds, then CON check @ the same bonuses with a cumulative -1 each round.

Also, I'll be rolling 1d10 for myself, and you roll 1d6 for him. As shown, a 1 = climax and roll again, each 1 results in another climax (until a 1 isn't rolled) they can attempt to continue, but if they fail their CON check they just can't get it up anymore.

2017-11-05, 02:20 AM
First round of sexual combat!


2017-11-05, 02:29 AM
*Post roll count doesn't match blablablah*
Scarlett focuses on making it the most pleasurable and painful experience that this bandit has ever experienced. She leans back, bends down and picks up a ceremonial dagger nearly identical to the three daggers on her hip tattoo. "Don't worry, this is just to make you last longer."

I'd like to make a Reflex save each time he rolls a 1 on that 1d6 to deal non-lethal Dagger damage to keep him going, at least until I don't catch him in time or until he passes out from non-lethal damage.

2017-11-05, 03:44 AM
He seems to be enjoying him self.

2017-11-05, 04:13 PM
"Oh, no you don't. Not yet... you won't even get through the first tenant."

[roll2] Non lethal damage, and a reroll on 1d6 to keep him from climax

"Well, I guess the tenants are too much for a newcomer. Don't worry, time will allow for another release." Scarlett continues the tenants, while trying to keep him able to perform.
((He needs to start making another 1d6 check until he doesn't roll a 1, and I'd have him making CON checks at this point, but the good news is he gets to keep my +18 to his rolls for those ;) ))

2017-11-05, 04:27 PM
“Dear god!”


Con check [roll1]

2017-11-05, 04:28 PM
(Have to put more then just roll)


2017-11-05, 04:31 PM
And again


2017-11-05, 04:45 PM
((EVEN IF I WANTED TO KEEP HIM FROM CLIMAX, I don't think I could make 3 successful reflex saves in a row.....))

Scarlett just stares in bewilderment at this poor man, basically a quivering mess before her. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Besides I'll bet you've lasted longer than the rest of your men already."

She grabs him firmly and begins the second tenant. "We'll see if you're able to continue." A sharp pain can be felt by the bandit leader as the blade of the dagger runs along his back. "This is just stimulus, it'll help."


2017-11-05, 04:58 PM
You hardly even get started before he pops again. But he seems able to keep going.

Though how much longer he will be able to keep going physically is unknown.

if he didn’t have your bonus he would have almost failed that roll. From his bonus he would have got an 11 with the minus 1 that’s 10 lol

2017-11-05, 05:14 PM
"Well, we're going to continue until you pass out. Then we're going to finish the tenant, I'm going to wake you up present you to your men and perhaps, later tonight at your camp we can go again if you're up for it." Scarlett bites him on the neck and runs the dagger across his back again.


2017-11-05, 05:21 PM
He seems to catch his second wind and rally him self for more.

he rolled a nat 20 on his con check also didn’t roll a one this time lol

2017-11-05, 05:25 PM
"See, a little pain always keeps you going!" Scarlett presses the hilt's metal tip into his back and begins the final act of the second tenant, forcing him inside herself.

2017-11-05, 05:38 PM
And with that his eyes roll back in his head with a moan and he goes limp. Obviously out cold.

Looks like he just couldn’t keep going.
he was like 5 points from unconscious from non lethal damage with the 8 you have him he was done. LOL

2017-11-05, 05:42 PM
Scarlett quickly finishes and rolls him onto his chest, taking the dagger and casting brand. She brands his skin with a mark of Calistria, then traces the mark permanently into his skin with the dagger. Afterward she searches his clothes for anything of importance such as orders, a journal etc.


2017-11-05, 06:03 PM
The only thing of any real value that you are able to find is 35 gold pieces and a silver amulet. The amulet is a silver disk with the skull of a stag on it.

Other then that there isn’t much of anything in his possessions.

2017-11-05, 06:41 PM
Scarlett leaves everything as it was and begins to massage the bandit's back, legs, shoulders and neck.
After about 5 minutes on each, Scarlett gently shakes him awake and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "I hope you feel well, though you slipped out of consciousness your body kept going. I must say, when you're not able to think about what's going on you do put up quite an astonishing bout of prowess in bed."
Scarlett redresses, and holds her hand out towards him. "So, shall we confirm this deal? I figure to save time I'll see to the others at your camp, so you're not late to your boss."

2017-11-05, 07:16 PM
As he wakes up he seems very groggy. But as you talk to him about his prowes he seems to become somewhat proud of himself.

He takes a min to collect himself then hobbles out of the door after getting dressed.

He says “well boys I’m sure you would all love a turn with that beauty but if we want to get back to camp today we best get going or we will get an ear full from the boss. Mount up she’s coming with us. Thank you all for your hospitality.”

He offers you a hand up onto his mount.

2017-11-05, 07:31 PM
Scarlett nods towards Valtyra and Oleg. "Take care, I'll let you know how everything goes with the boss later."

She turns towards the bandit and holds up her hand, "One second, just going to grab some things before we go." A few moments later she returns with her backpack, blanket and Scythe.
"Don't mind the weapon, it's an heirloom of mine... and well, it does make a good tool for tenant eight." Scarlett mounts up side saddle and wraps one arm around the bandit. "Shall we?"

2017-11-05, 08:19 PM
“We shall.”

It is mostly uneventful on the way to their camp.

Once you are at camp a human female comes to greet you all.

She goes to the leader and says “what the **** is this! I sent you out to collect tax from Oleg and you come back with some trollop!”

“Easy she was a gift from Oleg since he couldn’t pay this month”

With that she back hands him “are you kidding me! If he couldn’t pay you should have taken what he had killed him and taken his wife and his gift. Maybe next time you will think with what’s up here” she pokes him in the head “and not with what’s down here!” With that she kicks him in the balls.

“Now what are we going to do. The stag lord will not stand for this. So in the morning we are going back to Oleg’s and taking everything he has! Or the stag lord will have all our heads!

Now what am I going to do with you whore? Particularly since you seem to have ****ed my toy without permission.” When she says toy she pokes the groaning bandit on the ground with her foot.

2017-11-05, 09:04 PM
"Well, you could call me 'yours'. Or if you need, as you seem upset about the Staglord, you may offer me to him." Scarlett bows and sets down her weapon and gear.

"I'm Scarlett, a priestess of Calistria and emissary to pleasures of the divines. Oleg could not afford his offering, and I offered to give myself in his stead. As you may or may not know, sex is worship and as a priestess I do have my daily tributes towards Calistria. The city was boring and repetitive, but I figured a new land meant new opportunities! When I saw Oleg he told me of his troubles and I offered to help. I may be a vessel of desire, but I'm also quite good with my tongue. He can't pay now, but he will be able to later. I'm here to fulfill my duties as a priestess and keep the people of this camp at ease while also being able to help around the camp with menial tasks. So, it really is a win-win for me and Oleg, and as your toy can attest to.... perhaps a win even to you?"

She reaches her hand out and gently cups the female bandit's hand. "Besides all of that, you may do what you must but the mercenaries I hired to keep me protected in the woods are still at Oleg's, and they'll remain there until a deal is met and everyone is happy. So, I figure if you think about it. Is it really worth it to risk your men and never get paid by Oleg again, lose a valuable asset to your camp and still piss off the Staglord?"


2017-11-05, 09:46 PM
She places her hand on your cheek “I’ve never had a woman before. Maybe fun. As for giving you to the Stag Lord he is a sadist who doesn’t know his own strength and it would be a shame to mess up that pretty face.

We can leave Oleg alone for now. We do have some herbal liquor that should keep him satacfied for a few weeks wile he plows through it.

Now why don’t you lot piss off before I change my mind and make an example.” She says this last part wile stroking one of her hand axes.

“You come with me. I’m going to take you for a spin.” She walks toward a tent on the edge of the clearing kicking her toy in the ribs on her way past.

2017-11-05, 10:02 PM
Scarlett follows intently, after passing the bandit leader's toy she whispers to her. "The poor bastard, didn't last more than thirty seconds. Sputtered himself all over the place, 4 times.... then passed out. Now getting kicked that hard down there? He's probably down for the night, ya know."

After entering the tent she waits for her instructions. "I presume you're in charge in this, unlike how your comrade was, and I'll be here to follow your lead. However, I can if you want sit us through Calistria's tenants of worshiping the female body."

2017-11-05, 10:13 PM
She laughs “Honestly he never was the best in bed but I don’t really have many options.”

When you get to the tent she just smiles and sits on the edge of the cot and leans back. “Take it off.”

2017-11-05, 10:44 PM
Scarlett starts a striptease, with a few grandiose movements ending in a standing bow she stands before her naked. "I apologize, I tend to do a show when I'm nervous."


"Anything that I may do or show for you?"

2017-11-05, 11:01 PM
As you strip she strips though much faster then you do. Once you do your bow she just grabs your hair and pulls you down onto the cot on top of her cutting your last remark off.

She maneuvers you till she is on top holding your arms over your head.

from here I think we should move to dice rolls to prevent any forum rule violations

TTC round 1[roll0]

2017-11-05, 11:08 PM
Scarlett is quite startled by the maneuver but proceeds.


2017-11-05, 11:14 PM
She starts playing with you and biting you surprisingly gentility.

TTC round 2 [roll0]

2017-11-05, 11:23 PM
With each bite Scarlett's arms caress her back, "What's your name? I'll need something to call out at this rate!"


2017-11-05, 11:29 PM
“Names Kressle. Now let’s see how the rest of you tastes.” She says and her bites start working their way down.

TTC round 3 [roll0]

2017-11-05, 11:36 PM
"Kressle, sounds tough like a leader's name. Mind if I make a change? Kresselia, for my own secret and personal use."


2017-11-05, 11:37 PM
Multiple climax check


2017-11-05, 11:43 PM
She smiles up at you and giggles a little. “My turn.” She slides up you making it easier for you to please her and allowing her to still play with your breast.

TTC [roll0]

2017-11-05, 11:48 PM
Scarlett turns a bright shade of red at the realization that she's just lost at her own battle, but vying to not be the one that's quivering on the floor she proceeds as tenderly and forcefully as she can.


2017-11-05, 11:59 PM
She seems to be injouong her self very much.

TTC [roll0]

2017-11-06, 12:07 AM
Scarlett looks up and starts using her fingers instead, "So.... is it a yes or no, on Kresselia?"

[roll0] (forgot -1 because of your text and +2 because con is a thing) So 22*

2017-11-06, 12:15 AM
“Depends on two things.” She breaths heavily “one how well you please me. And two on if you will shut up and injoy your self.” When she says shut up her hand wraps around your throat and squeezes gentaly as a warning of what she will do if you continue to talk.

TTC round 6 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 12:20 AM
Scarlett smiles and closes her eyes, nods and goes down on Kressle.


2017-11-06, 12:23 AM
She pulls your hair a little as you work.

TTC round 7 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 12:26 AM
Scarlett moans each time Kressle pulls on her hair, and each time goes faster and harder.


2017-11-06, 12:34 AM
She starts to moan.

[roll0] dc 10

she bends backward allowing her to both keep herself in position for you and use her fingers on you at the same time.

she bends backward you feel her get off balance then come back forward “damn well that didn’t work” she laughs.

TTC round 8 [roll1]

2017-11-06, 12:46 AM
Scarlett, quite entertained by this acrobatic feat makes it easier for Kressle with her own acrobatics and spreading herself for her.

[roll0] Acrobatics


2017-11-06, 12:49 AM
She flips her self over to 69 and goes to town.

TTC round 9 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 12:57 AM
Scarlett is struggling to keep up at this point, she knows that any minute she'll basically be an exhausted mess.... but perhaps that may help her situation? If she's perceived as a great lay, and easy to overpower, no this won't do. Her plan was to end up leading these bandits... not getting ****ed by them, well yes getting ****ed by them but not PRIMARILY being only used a toy.


2017-11-06, 01:00 AM
She just keeps going oblivious to your internal struggle.

TTC round 10 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 01:25 AM
Scarlett tries too hard to make a funny title for this post.


2017-11-06, 01:26 AM
Scarlett now realizes the error of her ways of making puns in titles as her legs quiver around Kressle.

2017-11-06, 01:32 AM
Kressle seems to relishes the knowledge that she is getting you really going.

TTC round 11 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 01:49 AM
Scarlett's attempts seem to physically weaken, but she still persists.


2017-11-06, 01:55 AM
Kressle just keeps going strong

TTC round 12 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 01:56 AM
Scarlett's attempts switch from tongue to fingers and she seems determined to best Kressle.


2017-11-06, 01:58 AM
Kressle just kinda leans back and enjoys the ride.

TTC round 13 [roll0]

2017-11-06, 02:00 AM
Scarlett is obviously dedicated to her tenets.


2017-11-06, 02:03 AM
Scarlett collapses, her arms in agony and her legs too tired from the twitching contractions. "I-I suppose, i-it's not t-too obvious I've o-only had men..." She manages to stutter before practically passing out.

2017-11-06, 02:14 AM
She slides down you and kisses you gentaly.

TTC last chance [roll0]

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Honestly your better then any man I’ve had. We should do this again. I’ll tell the boys your off limits. Trust me they wouldn’t treat you kindly. I’ve seen what they do.”

2017-11-06, 02:20 AM
"I'd call what you gave me... well, anything but gentle. I'm sorry, but I must ask... Where do I sleep? I need to rest..." She closes her eyes and proceeds to lay her head on her hands.

2017-11-06, 02:27 AM
“You can sleep here for now. I wouldn’t mind a bed warmer.” She starts to get dressed. “Now if you will excuse me I have to talk to my men.” She gives you a kiss. “I’ll come wake you when food is ready unless you want to eat something from your pack.”

With that she leaves. You can hear her yelling at her bandits after a short pause. After a little yelling she quiets down to a murmur.

(Roll a perception check if you want to hear what they are saying)

2017-11-06, 02:31 AM

As Kressle starts to yell at her bandits Scarlett quickly glances around for anything of note, such as a backpack, book, scroll.... even a piece of paper.

She dare not risk getting caught immediately doing something suspicious but she wants to know what to look for later if she gets a good chance, even if that chance is right now and she's sure that Kressle won't be back before she gets back into the bed and wraps herself up as not to arouse suspicion.

2017-11-06, 02:43 AM
She is just talking about ambushing some merchants that are due to arrive in a couple of weeks. She also talks about making a raid into Brevoy.

You spot a backpack in the corner of the tent with the top closed but not tied.

you open the backpack and see several different supplies for being in the wild. Rope, trail rations things like that. There is also a scroll case.
the scroll case contains a map with several lines market on it that you assume are paths that merchants travel.

There is also a couple of locations marked on it. Three river crossings. One in the same hex that thorn river is printed labeled rickety bridge one in the hex that has the two rivers coming together labeled river crossing and lastly the hex that has the river from shrike river printed labeled nettle’s crossing there is an x marked through this location.

You finish your looking around and back in bed long before Kressle comes back and gives you a little shake awake.

“Foods ready. If you want some.” She leaves after waking you going to sit and eat her soup.

2017-11-06, 02:51 AM
Scarlett, making sure she's dressed first as not to incite a sex-crazed riot among the men, comes out and sits right next to Kressle. "So, what's it like to be the bandit leader? Adventurous? Or basically like yelling at a bunch of idiots all day?" She sips the soup to test its flavor. "Honestly, anything beats Brevoy right now... Too much trouble in the city."

Her eyes wander about the camp to see all that's there. "Do you move often? If all goes well, seeing as I'll be staying with you, we could start making a defensible location... I don't mean to get ahead of myself, I just like making things..... Comfortable, for people."

2017-11-06, 03:14 AM
Right off your able to tell the soup one isn’t that great good cooks they are not also it contains meat.

“Honestly they are idiots. Happs is about the smartest of this bunch but that doesn’t mean much.” She gestures at the second in command that you had sex with earlier.
“It does have its advantages. One I have the protection of the stag lord but being out here I don’t have to deal with him personally or his lieutenants. I have a better life then most. This is our camp it is somewhat purminant but being bandits we don’t like to put down too deep of roots just in case we have to leave the area quickly. And there isn’t really much comfort out here.”

One of the men sits down next to you and puts his hand on your thigh. Before you can do much other then look at him she pulls out an axe and sinks it into his upper arm.

“What have I told you paws off our I’ll take them off!”

You can tell she didn’t give it her all so as to not permanently hurt him just teach him a lesson.

After he runs off she sighs “Being a woman leader is hard. I became a leader by almost getting raped. A group of them jumped me and after I cut a couple hands off they ran. Right to the stag lord. That a woman could take 4 of his guys impressed him so he killed the ones that tried to rape me gave me some men and set me on my way. I’m sure most of these men would love a chance at something other then their hands or each others asss. So every couple of days I have to make an example like that when they forget to do as I say.

Sorry for getting blood on you.”

2017-11-06, 03:28 AM
Scarlett's eyes light up and her lips curl into a sinister smile as the blood hits her. Her face alone could probably scare anyone seeing it in an alley. As Kressle apologizes about the blood, she shakes her head and wipes it away. "Oh, it's no problem, I understand."

She leans close to Kressle's ear and whispers, "Though I do have a daily amount of tributes to Calistria. So, lets maybe not shut all their hopes down? You could make me a prize to earn for their work that day."

"So, you have the Staglord as a boss. Should I be worried? Or can I assume safety with you?"

2017-11-06, 03:48 AM
“The stag lord is a drunk idiot. A dangerous drunk idiot but a drunk idiot either way. As long as he doesn’t see you your safe from him. Even if one of my men told him or one of his lieutenants about you he wouldn’t care as long as he keeps getting his liqueur he will be happy and more then likely passed out. So you should be safe from him.

As for the men unless I started cutting their balls off for touching you they won’t stop. I may give you as reward every now and then but I don’t want them to start expecting payment for every damn thing.
But enough of that it’s time you got to bed I may want some more fun later tonight.” She says wile running a finger down your cheek.

Once you get back to her tent you notice a note on her cot.

Found you! She did some work on you.
If you need help just yell cat and some bandits will get some extra wood in their face.
Ps. What you did with both of them looks fun maybe I could try sometime.

2017-11-06, 02:20 PM
Scarlett looks around to make sure it's clear, with the note in her hand she flips it over and starts to write with her ink pen: Leader of bandits is a drunk, Kressle and her group deliver liquor to his main camp. Find it and poison it, with him gone I'll have Kressle leading these bandits and I'll be leading Kressle. There's a map in the backpack in the tent, copy it's markers!
She walks out of the tent, making an excuse of needing to answer nature's call if anyone asks anything, before entering the woods and whispering, "Milah, this is for you." Scarlett takes the note and places a rock over it, then places another rock and some leaves making what looks sort of pitifully like a cat face.
Afterwards she returns to the tent and curls up into the bed.


2017-11-06, 03:20 PM
After a few minutes Kressle come back and gets into bed with you.

The night passes quietly.

Once dawn breaks you are awaken by the smell of bacon. Kressle groans and stretches then gets dressed and heads out to get breakfast. She doesn't acknowledge your presence. You can see 6 bandits in total in camp at current. One is in each of the watch towers while the others are all huddled around the fire eating food.

(roll sense motive)

2017-11-06, 04:11 PM

Scarlett follows Kressle's lead, walking at her side silently with her scythe on her back just in case someone gets grabby she wants to prove that she shouldn't be taken too lightly around the camp. Her future leadership depends on making strong stances, not being disrespected for her whorish intents.

2017-11-06, 04:20 PM
You can tell that she is not a morning person by any means. It would be best not to actually talk to her till after she eats something. Due to the fact that her men know not to bother her in the morning they leave you and her alone.

One of the bandits hands you and her a slab of ham and some bacon.

You hear two of the bandits talking.

“When is that group going to show up again?”

“They are going to be here next week to take the tribute back to the keep.”

There is more talk but none of it seems very important just talk about the weather or talk of what has been seen in the area. That kind of thing.

Though one of them does mention a problem with mites stealing loot.

2017-11-06, 04:25 PM
Scarlett politely waits until Kressle starts eating before taking a bite, etiquette should still exist in her new bandit life.

Assuming everything tastes at least edible she'll eat the entirety of the breakfast she's given quietly, while waiting for Kressle's mood to improve.

2017-11-06, 04:32 PM
After eatin her mood improves rapidly.

The bandits start going about their tasks for the day.

This continues for several days. She takes you to bed several times during this time.

Then a small group of 3 bandits you haven’t seen before show up. They greet the others and settle down. 3 others from your camp start packing the small wagon with their I’ll gotten gains. This doesn’t take long and once they have it loaded up all 6 of them start to head out for the keep of the stag lord.

2017-11-06, 04:57 PM
Scarlett takes Kressle aside to talk, "So, hypothetical.... Do you want to be in charge of the whole Bandit force? Perhaps, make it more than bandits?"

2017-11-06, 06:36 PM
“I’m not sure if I would want to deal with that. I suppose it would have its perks though. What would you suggest for more then bandits?”

2017-11-06, 08:12 PM
"I'll be honest, Kressle, I've been given a huge opportunity here and I want to make you a part of it...." Scarlett wraps her arms around Kressle and stares into her eyes.

"You're going to be the face of my future kingdom, we're going to rule together and I'm being very upfront about this because I trust in you."
[roll0] :: Diplomacy

Scarlett takes her hand and puts a finger to Kressle's lips, "Besides the first part of starting that, is getting into power here. Consider the Staglord out of commission, and any that would prevent you from taking his spot will meet a fate that's gruesome and quick. You and I need to go with them when they deliver the goods, since you'll need to take up the leadership position when he dies.... Which if I've read the situation you've told me, will be within the day."

2017-11-06, 08:19 PM
“What about his lieutenants? One of them would take up the position of leader if you really want to control the bandits you will have to kill at least some of them before they know the Stag Lord is dead. At least Dorvan should be killed. He was the second in command we will have to kill Auchs as well. Akiros may be convinced to see reason. Dorvan would agree to anything then cut our throats in our sleep.”

2017-11-06, 08:32 PM
"Like I said, quick and gruesome to those that oppose. Now, we go with, wait for the Staglord to drop dead, kill Auchs in a show of force. Don't you worry I'll handle that, and then the others... I guarantee, will see reason and bow to your command." Scarlett steps back and pulls out her Scythe. "Also, I lied before, this weapon isn't just an heirloom. It's what I use to enact revenge, and I'm quite proficient." She bows gestures towards the other bandits with the goods, "Let's go secure the makings of a throne."

2017-11-06, 08:39 PM
“Sounds like some fun.”

She walks over to the wagon and gets into the back reaching down a hand to pull you up.

When one of the bandits looks at her she says “I want to talk to the boss.”

The bandit just shrugs and starts moving off to the keep of the stag lord.

2017-11-06, 08:46 PM
Scarlett accepts her hand and climbs up. "Lets go toward a new kingdom."

2017-11-06, 08:59 PM
On the way there she tells you to not step off the path leading up to the keep.

At the gate they ask who is there she replied “by the bloody bones of sr. Gilmorg who wants to know.”
This is obviously some kind of pass phrase for the gate opens up to let you all in.

The stag lord shows up to personally take his liquor. He is a massive man over 6ft tall and almost 4ft wide of pure mussel. With his strange bone helm in the shape of a stag.

He says “aww booze” as he picked up a bottle pokes the stopper into the bottle with a finder and takes a couple of swigs. “Don’t disturb me!” He picks up the case and walks away drinking out of the open bottle on his way to his room.

Kressle “well we won’t be seeing him for the rest of the day wile he drinks himself into a drunken stupor.”

2017-11-06, 09:10 PM
"Kressle, lets go pay Auchs a visit. I say we challenge him to a duel, display of strength and we may keep him as muscle should he survive me. Then we could get him to take care of Dovan." Scarlett awaits Kressle's response.

2017-11-06, 09:24 PM
“Ya that’s not going to work. He is dumb as a box of rocks and will protect Dovan with his life. Evidently Dovan saves him at some point and now he is indepted to him.”

2017-11-06, 09:30 PM
"Then Dovran first, and the show of force is taking down the brute and then talking the others to bow down."

2017-11-06, 09:42 PM
“That’s fair. Auchs would be a good kill as a show of force but Dovan will need to go one way or another.”

2017-11-06, 10:33 PM
"Then lets find Dovan, I'm certain I can talk him into an aggressive persuasion and make it so we're not entirely at fault. Auchs being as dumb as he is will be the real fight but will likely join in." Scarlett brings out her scythe and leans it against her shoulder in a taunting pose. "Lets make that idiot wish he was never born."

That same smile, the cold eyes, as before with the blood. You could almost feel a pure evil aura radiate from her body. Certainly if one was detecting evil at this point, and could of course bypass her undetectable aura, she'd radiate the strongest among all nearby.

"Kressle, just point me in the direction of the opposition."

2017-11-07, 12:43 AM
“This is going to be fun.” She slaps your ass “come right this way.” She leads you to the central room (z5) and paints to a man in the corner with a short beard and long black hair with several tattoos.

There are also 4 other bandits in the room playing some kind of card game.

“The one with the black hair over by himself is Davon. I’m not sure where Auchs is but he shouldn’t be far from her since he isn’t ever far from Davon.”
She walks up to Davon “hay Davon got a present for you.”

2017-11-07, 02:24 AM
"Hey, Dovan, whoa.... What is up with your hair? Did a blood demon **** on you, or was your mom's cycle just really heavy the last time you went down on her ass?" Scarlett says in the most sarcastic voice she has then doubles over laughing.

2017-11-07, 03:36 AM
This stops the other bandits in the room and dead silence falls over the room. Dovan looks at you for a min the laughs. His laugh is deep and rich “hahahaha your funny. Maybe I’ll use some of your blood later. Hay Auchs come down here!”

You hear a bellow from above in a deep but childish voice (think rick but dummer) “I come dav!”

Down the stairs comes barreling the largest human you have ever seen. He is easily 7ft tall but his hunch back makes him closer to 6.5ft his arms are bigger around then you are and his hands look big enough to crush a watermelon.
“I here dav!”

“Aww Auchs this is your new toy” he points at you “have fun with the pretty lady.” He smiles in a very malevolent way.

“Aww you best dav. Come here pretty lady we have fun now!” He reaches for you and you can’t help but to feel a little panic you know that if he grabs you two things are going to happen one he will not be gentle since he doesn’t have the intelligence for it and second it would be easer to get out of a bear trap then to get him to let go.

I would advise using your ability and dominating Auchs and using him.

Grapple attempt from Auchs:[roll0]

2017-11-07, 04:08 AM
"Auchs! I'm not your toy, dear, I'm your Queen. Now bow before me and do everything I tell you."
Scarlett's face turns to a grin rivaling Dovan's as she raises her scythe and points it towards Dovan.

2017-11-07, 04:37 PM
“Uhh ok pretty lady!” He let’s you go and you have for jump back to prevent from getting hit as he bows. “What you want do pretty lady?”

Dovan “Auchs what’s going on?”

Auchs just stares blankly back at him zero recognition in his eyes you know he is fully under your control.

2017-11-07, 04:48 PM
"Auchs, poor Auchs.... Dovan stole you from your Queen. Why don't you go hold him down so your Queen can deliver her punishment to him."

Scarlett looks around the room at the silent bandits. "Auchs knows who his Queen is, do you? If you do, keep Dovan from escaping...... If you don't..." She brings the blade of her scythe to her face and licks it from end to end smiling. "Well, I don't mind re-educating the rest using the ignorant as examples."

[roll0] : Intimidate

2017-11-07, 06:14 PM
The other bandits stay where they are for a moment then move to bar the way out.

Auchs “ok pretty lady.” He reaches out to grab Dovan in response Dovan draws his weapon and stabs at Auchs.


damage [roll1]
Auchs pauses looks at his wound and bellows “Dav hurt Auchs! AUCHS HURT DAV!!” Then grabs the table the bandits was sitting on and uses it to smash Dovan over the head.
Damage [roll3]

Auchs grapple [roll4]

When Auchs hits Dovan the table breaks in half and Dovan drops like a rock. Not dead but out cold. Then Auchs just picks him up in one meaty hand and holds him at arms length.

2017-11-07, 06:43 PM
Scarlett takes the scythe and runs the blade against Dovan's throat gently, a small trail of blood forming on the blade before attempting to decapitate him in Auchs' hands.

[roll0] x4 coup de grace
[roll1] shocking grasp cast before attempt

"There, don't you feel better Auchs?" Scarlett rubs his wound gently and makes a heal check to treat it.


2017-11-07, 08:19 PM
You cut his head completely off.
Auchs picks up the skull and holds it in one hand. “Auchs likes blood. Dav look funny. Huhu.”

The other bandits looks at you in horror. Wile both Kressle and Auchs just smile at you. Though Kressle’s smile is very much predatory where Auchs smile is just dumb.

2017-11-07, 09:47 PM
"Now everyone here, you've got a choice. You listen to Kressle, and by extension myself or you get to play with Auchs. Should you manage the feat of defeating my bodyguard there, then you get to deal with me personally." Scarlett stomps the shaft of her scythe on the floor causing the blood to fall off. Turns to Kressle and takes a bow. "I'll be leading this ragtag group into a fine military force, our headquarters are here and Oleg's will be one of our suppliers. He's not to be threatened as I'm fond of his wife and besides, when business thrives so too do we. If it doesn't, we take care of him and Svetlana so that we may thrive later."

She points her scythe at the other bandits, "Now lets go take my throne. I doubt anyone is going to stop us, as it will be empty." Scarlett laughs, takes Dovan's head and haphazardly sticks it to the point of her scythe holding it up high. "Auchs, follow." She leaves the room and as Auchs does she stops him, bends him over and climbs onto his shoulders. "Now, lets walk to the central area.... Don't forget to look happy everyone, it's a parade! You too Dead-van..." She spends a moment to try and make his face contort into a smile.

[roll0] Intimidate
[roll1] Diplomacy

2017-11-08, 12:16 AM
As you march through the area several bandits see you draw their weapons then see Auchs and see it’s Dovan’s head on your scyth and put their weapons away and start following.

At one point one of them your not sure who starts up the chant “long live the queen” once you get to the court yard most of the bandits are around you. Including the last lieutenant of the stag lord.
You see a large man though not at large as Auchs stumble through a door with a large stag skill helm on his head. It looks like your march has attracted the attention of the stag lord though you can tell that he is almost dead from the poison. He staggers a few more feet then falls on his face and his breathing quickly stops.
The last lieutenant pulls his sword gets down on his knee and pledges his loyalty to you quickly fallowed by the rest of the bandits.

Now you have most of the bandits around you that have just pledged their loyalty to you with the head of one of the bandits on your scyth and the stag lord dead at your feet.

2017-11-08, 02:27 AM
Scarlett tosses Dovan's head back to Auchs, "Have fun, big boy." Stands atop the Stag Lord's body pressing the shaft of her scythe into his back.

"Kressle, dearest, why don't you address our new citizens of the Scarlett Empire to their new home of Kresselia City and to yourself, the second in command and if you'll have me, second Queen of the Scarlett Empire and Commander of its forces."

She bows and extends her hand to Kressle.

2017-11-08, 04:05 AM
She takes your hand. “Long live the queen!”

Bandits “Long live the queen!”

“Today we will rise above ourselves to become better then before. We will create a place that will be what we want. Many of us left society due to its judgments or laws now we will make our own!”

One of the bandits “let’s get drunk to celebrate!”
Another “Lets drink the good stuff! The private reserve of the late stag lord!”

2017-11-08, 04:51 AM
Scarlett slams her scythe into the body, "Wait!" She composes herself and steps down leaving the scythe sticking out like a flag. "You may not want to drink everything, it could quite be your last. Besides we are going to start cleaning this place up. By the time you're done I'll have a party ready for my new comrades."

2017-11-08, 03:06 PM
They look at the stag lord and realize what you mean.

“Ok where do you want us to start? We don’t really have the recourses to really fix anything. So not sure what you want us to do.”

Kressle takes charge and gives them direction since she knows what they have available.

(You don’t have the writ to found a kingdom nor the recourses since you have done zero exploration. Aka your broke.)

2017-11-08, 03:21 PM
"Well, now that this is finished. I'll be heading to Oleg's, to talk about arranging a deal with a small Kingdom rather than bandits."
Scarlett takes the Stag Lord's helm and her scythe, then requisitions a horse for the trip back.
She strides by Auchs, "Auchs, listen to whatever Kressle tells you until I come back."

2017-11-08, 03:44 PM
gain 1500 xp well done...

When you pry the helm off the stag lord you see his face for the first time. It is covered in old burn scars. You also feel magic pulsing through the helm.

Before you leave a fat bandit asks "What about the stag lords monster? he keeps it in the basement." The others start to murmur. You hear things like "ya I heard that the stag lord was just its puppet." and "Without the stag lord to keep it in check are we safe from it?"

2017-11-08, 03:53 PM
Scarlett visibly sighs and slides off the horse.
"Come with me then." Her scythe at the ready she holds the helm in her offhand as she heads to the basement.
"So, there's a 'monster' in here?"

2017-11-08, 05:18 PM
Kressle and Auchs are the only ones to venture down into the bacement with you.

This room feels miserably damp, and greasy swaths of mold cake the carved stone walls and door. The ceiling ten feet overhead is thick with cobwebs. Three archways in the walls open into other rooms, all of which are lined with mounds of crates, furs, sacks, weapons, and other obviously stolen loot.

You hear skuttling from the ceiling right when you look up a giant ant drops from the ceiling to attack.

(Roll initative)

Auchs [roll0]

Kressle [roll1]

Creature [roll2]

Ant attacks you [roll3]
Ant damage [roll4]
Ant grab if attack hits [roll5]
Second attack [roll6]
Ant damage [roll7]
(Roll a fort save)

2017-11-08, 06:11 PM
[roll0] : Initiative (+4 if you count this as an ability check ;D)

2017-11-08, 07:17 PM
Current HP : 13

Fort save : [roll0]

Opposed Grapple : [roll1]

Scarlett breaks free from the ant's hold and five foot steps back. "What a 'monster' that is...." She says sarcastically, "Auchs, smash this husk of chitin."

Scarlett sits pinned in the creature's mandible. "Auchs.... can you do something about this please?"

2017-11-08, 07:29 PM
Auchs swings his club at the ant
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Kressle attacks the ant with her two hand axes
attack [roll2]
attack 2 [roll3]
damage [roll4]
damage 2 [roll5]

Kressle holds action till something happens

You hear the sound of casting coming from the ceiling above you. You see a badger partially formed into the ceiling casting a spell. it will finish its spell on the start of its next turn.

2017-11-08, 07:36 PM
"I'm tired of this weird ****.... Auchs brace yourself." Scarlett takes a move action to go back ten feet and then run and jump onto Auchs and use spellcombat swinging at this spellcasting badger in the ceiling with a power attack.


2017-11-08, 09:30 PM
You jump up and your swing is a good foot short. You hit the ground with a roll and pop back up to your feet.

Without anything to attack Auchs and Kressle both hold action.

Then a swarm of spiders drops from the ceiling covering both Auchs and Kressle.

The badger moves down the wall and attacks Kressle as it comes down the wall Kressle gets out of the area of the spiders. But Auchs just tryes to kill the spiders.

Swarm damage [roll0]

Badger attack [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

Due to the swarm bother Kressle or Auchs can do anything this turn.

The harder misses the attack on Kressle.

2017-11-08, 10:31 PM
Scarlett five foot steps (I assume I'm close enough) and Spell Combat the badger.



2017-11-09, 12:54 AM
Kressle now not effected by the swarm moves in to attack the badger.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage 2 [roll3]

This causes the badger to fall. Still breathing but bleeding out.

The swarm is till there since he badger is not dead yet.
The badger also morphs into the shape of a very old deformed nude man.

Auchs is still preoccupied by the swarm trying to get the spiders of him self

Swarm damage [roll4]

Badger still attacking you attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

2017-11-09, 02:12 AM
Scarlett steps over him, drops to her knees on his chest and puts her hands around his throat attempting to cut off air and blood flow.

[roll0] : STR check

2017-11-09, 03:59 AM
You feel the satisfying crunch of his wind pipe giving way. You quickly feel his breathing and pulse slow and then stop.
The spiders then disapate and Auchs stands there covered in spider bites but otherwise fine.

You go back up to the rest of the bandits and Kressle proclaims that the one that lives in the cellar and protects the treasure is now dead and will pose no threat to any of them any more.

2017-11-09, 04:04 AM
Scarlett whistles, "Ordis, Milah, come on out and meet my new people." She hand combs her hair and pats down her armor/clothes dusting it off before standing regally awaiting her minions.

2017-11-09, 04:14 AM
You hear Milah say “Hello bandi new friends!” You look up and there she is on the roof of one of the buildings. She climbs down quickly and saunters over to you.

Ordis on the other hand takes longer to get to you. You hear “Inbound” whisper on the wind. It takes about 30 sec till you notice the sound of combat outside the walls.

Kressle laughs “Sounds like someone settled off the path and found our little guardians.”

The other bandits laugh as well. The sounds quickly die down and all of them spot a dark figure come I’ve the wall. You recognize it as Ordis.

Kressle “**** they are coming over the gate! Get ready to fight them off! Why is this happining this has never happened they only attack when your off the path.”

The bandits all draw weapons though several look ready to run.

Auchs “Is that new friend?”

2017-11-09, 04:18 AM
Scarlett whistles sharply to get everyone's attention. "That, is my Avatar of destruction, my undying harbinger, my Ordis." She outstretches her hand offering it to Ordis.

2017-11-09, 04:37 AM
Using one of his shadow tentacles he lowers himself down to almost the ground then drops the rest of the way using the other to absorbe most of the impact.
When he walks to you the bandits dive him a very wide birth understandable since there is a sword sticking out of his chest and he doesn’t seem to care before he gets to you he pulls the sword out and drops it on the ground. The wound gives a short spurt of blood then closes quickly.

Ordis in this form looks to be a creature made of shadows and madness. Where his eyes should be are only portals into the howling void of madness his face is pail and moves as if things where under his skin he is also surrounded by an small aura of andulating darkness that form his tentacles. He looks to be a creature of madness and death. There is a pliable aura of death neer him.

All of the bandits even Kressle and Auchs seem afraid of him.
Most of the fur on Milah is standing on end and she keeps giving out short hisses before catching herself and stopping.

Ordis bows his head and starts praying. You know from watching him that he is dismissing his power.

After a short time of silence there is a sound heard more in your head then with your ears of the howling void and the shadows around Ordis retreat into his mouth there is a almost pliable relief ever for you as the final bit flow into his maw.
The sun even feels brighter and warmer for its absence.

Ordis “Greetings I am Ordis, cross Scarlet and you cross me.” He looks directly at one of the bandits in particular when he says this. He also makes a couple of motions that you know you would have missed if he didn’t draw your attention to them. “That one has a secret. One that may be dangerous to you. May I find it?”

2017-11-09, 05:39 AM
"Oh, yes yes go ahead." She turns to everyone else, "I should be honest with you all, Ordis here can read your mind. Detect thoughts poisonous to our new reign."

Brandishing her scythe she closes her eyes and recalls the feeling of her hands around that old man's throat, she opens them again to find herself embracing her own throat.

"The void empowers us, so lets embrace it. Our people will grow, our ranks will fill, our nation expand and enemy nations shall fall. I welcome you all to this glorious occasion and hope you all wish to be a part of it." Gesturing towards Ordis, "Watch my Avatar, for he shall show you what happens to dissenters of my Kingdom."

She pulls Kressle close and whispers in her ear, "Aren't you glad you accepted this little 'toy' into your life?" Then turns to Milah, "Go and fetch the others and bring Oleg and Svetlana, I want them to join us but don't tell them what has happened here. Just let them know a deal has been made in their favor. I want to see their faces when they find out the truth of the matter so I may judge their reactions and test their loyalties myself."

2017-11-09, 11:05 AM
Ordis walks over to the bandit in question and whispers something into his ear. The bandit slowly loses color. Then yells “I like to torture and kill people my preference is blondes!”

Ordis “There isn’t that better. Now where you thinking of killing our leader Scarlet?”

Meekly “Yes...”

“Do you wish an example to be made of this one?” Ordis asks you.

2017-11-09, 03:36 PM
"He likes to torture and kill blondes, I don't think that's going to mesh well with having a stable kingdom." Scarlett thinks for a moment.

"He's all yours Ordis, make it a show."

2017-11-09, 06:21 PM
Ordis starts praying in preparations for changing back.
The bandit in question starts begging the other to help him.

Ordis finishes his prayer pulls his dagger and cuts of his tongue. The tongue turns into darkness from his wound darkness spreads. The darkness quickly spreads over him with a sigh of release from the void.
Just as Ordis is about change the bandit pulls his blade and jumps forward and stabs Ordis where his heart should have been. The darkness forms it’s tenticles and grabs the bandit the darkness slashes him rendering him unconscious.

Ordis quickly removes the bandits clothing and the tenticles wrap around the bandits wrists and ankles and lift him spread eagle. Then Ordis sets to work with his dagger.

Ordis uses magic to wake the bandit up then keeps using magic and skill to keep him awake through the entire procedure.
Ordis starts by removing his skin leaving the face untouched due to the fact that within seconds he shreds his vocal cords leaving him only able to do horse cries but the face allows the pain to still be shown. The tenticles make sure the thrashing of the bandit remain futile.

Ordis then removes most of the bandits bones leaving the spin, skull, and jaw intact. Flaying open the chest to allow the display of his organs.

Then sets to work removing all the flesh except that from his face leaving him only a spine, skull and internal organs. He somehow makes the spine riged and inbeds it into the ground like some strange staff his head back screaming. Ordis uses his tenticles to move his intestines into strange patterns on the ground. The language of madness. As the last is put into place the intestines burts into dark fire of pure entropy. He makes a small cut in the bandits gut and inserts a small metal ball then closes up the cut.

Ordis then stands back to inspect his work.

Then starts praying to change back into his normal self.

2017-11-09, 06:33 PM
About halfway through the show Scarlett takes her hand and playfully covers her eyes making, "Oh, ew ew ew" noises and hiding behind Kressle occasionally.

When it's finished she applauds Ordis' display and with a quick motion coup-de-grace's him, cleaving his head from his body.

[roll0] x4 :: 64 Slashing Damage

"Whoops, gotta be careful with the ol' killing stick." She bends down and picks up Ordis' head holding it in her hand. Using it like a little puppet she goes, "I apologize for my earlier rudeness, just kidding I don't care." Tossing it back onto Ordis' body she blows a kiss and says, "Now clean yourself up and do be quick about it."

2017-11-09, 07:07 PM
Ordis stops praying and looks at you. Tapping his foot wile you play with his head. When you toss it back he stands there for a moment head in hand tosses it up in the air a couple of times then puts it back on his shoulders backwards the shadows manipulate it a couple of times till it’s back where it should be wile Ordis prays.

Once he turns back into his normal self he looks at you and says “Really with the head thing again. Do you have any idea how disorenting that is? Probably not but still.”

Milah leaves before the screaming starts to go and get the others.

The bandits look with even more horror at both you and Ordis even Auchs seems taken aback.

2017-11-09, 11:18 PM
"My comrades, do not worry. First examples are always the worst.... Until too many are still eager to cause trouble, then they get worse. Kressle, lets retire to our private little room while the men contemplate their choices." She turns toward the lieutenant that swore allegiance, not Auchs, and blows a kiss.

"Oh Ordis, you may go where you please until I call upon you again, feel free to kill anything dumb enough to attack you....." She whispers, "Though you probably already did."

2017-11-10, 12:11 AM
Ordis says “I would advise not touching the void fire.” Pointing to the burning intestines. “Results could be... unpleasant.”

You and Kressle go up to what used to be the stag lords room.

After a couple of hours the others of the group show up and Ordis knocks on your door and informs you that the others have arrived.

The bandits seem very much cowed and under your will.

Ordis and Milah make sure to keep the group away from Ordis’s handiwork.

2017-11-10, 02:13 AM
Scarlett struts out, Kressle's hand held tight. "Welcome to my new home, and its adorable family that came with it."

She steps down and greets Oleg and Svetlana with a hug, "Here's hoping you would like to become part of my home. We provide protection against unsavory folk and beast, along with wares to sell and you get to take part of the profit."

She turns to her old adventuring party, "Selty, Kyra, Milah..... even Valtyra! You're most welcome to join me and help start my new Empire. What do you say?"

2017-11-10, 04:03 AM
Oleg “Still how do we know they are actually on our side?”

Ordis “Trust me the last thing on their minds is betraying us.”

Svetlana “Did you by chance find my ring?”

Kressle “It was stolen by some mites or I would give it back to you. Scarlet has shown us a different path.”

Seltyiel “This is actually very impressive concidering it’s only been a little over a week.”

Valtyra “There are several things that we do need to talk about. There is a bounty for one of the bandits here. Also a cleric wants help finding a temple we also have to explore this region like we where charged with.”

2017-11-10, 04:14 AM
Scarlett sighs, "Fine, first things first, the bandit with a bounty, dead or alive? I won't kill someone local to me, so if he does die I'll come for you personally. Then if course Svetlana's ring. Then maybe we search for the temple, though I'll probably claim its treasures as ours and well maybe even the land."

2017-11-10, 04:28 AM
Seltyiel “The reward was higher if he was delivered alive. The charge is theft so the punishment should only be some jail time.”

Kyra “The plan sounds good to me. So where is the mite nest?”

Kressle “We think it’s west north west of the river crossing where the two rivers meet under an old sycamore tree. No idea about any temple in this area though.”

(Aka the hex to up and to the right of the river crossing)

2017-11-10, 06:23 AM
Scarlett contemplates for a few minutes, "Who has the bounty? Also, I'll want to work out him being locked up in my dungeon, where anyone may come and see that he is in fact miserable and in chains. However, he'll be a prisoner in his newly found homeland."

"Lets get that dealt with fast, Valtyra I trust you'll be fair and I can trust you to take our friend to have his sentenced determined and receive the reward bringing it back. Also I trust-" She coughs, turns and says the next part in a booming voice, "-I trust that the person here with the bounty will willingly serve their sentence here at the keep, or if non-negotiable, return home when their time is over? Though you can have as much fun in the city as you want before you come back, just don't die."

She turns to Oleg and Svetlana, "Milah and myself shall find this ring, Ordis always follows anyways. Selty, help protect the people here and Kira make sure no one is sick or injured. That'd just be annoying right now."

2017-11-10, 03:32 PM
Kyra “The one we are looking for is named Falgrim Sneeg.”

Kressle “I can show you who he is. He will go quietly I can assure you of that.”

Kressle and Valtyra leave to go collect Falgrim. After Valtyra leaves to go and collect the bounty.

The rest settle in and do what you told them to do.
Ordis leaves quickly you almost hear his voice say “I have to go clean up the mess from earlier before they find it. That could cause problems”

Then Milah gets ready to go out to collect the ring from the mites. Ordis quickly behind.

2017-11-10, 07:08 PM
"Everyone, Kressle is in charge while I'm away, have fun!"

Scarlett hustles over to Milah and asks, "So you know where we're going, yes? Or are we doomed to wander around looking for tiny evil fey for a few days?"

2017-11-10, 07:59 PM
Milah “Yes I do it at least I know the area that Kressle was talking about. Not sure the exact location but it should be easy enough to find. First we need to get to the river crossing.”

(It’s going to take 6 hours to get to the tree.)

After a time you get to the area that the tree is in. You see the large tree sitting in the middle of the field.

2017-11-10, 08:04 PM
Scarlett looks around, "Hmmm, if I know fey, and believe me I know fey, I'd say that tree is where we begin our search."

[roll0] : Perception
[roll1] : Survival for tracks

2017-11-10, 08:35 PM
You quickly find the area that serves as the entrance there is a short drop down to a small tunnel. Though the tunnel is small enough that you are all forced to stoop. (-2 to attack rolls)

The tunnel travels forward 40ft in total darkness (you will need to use torches if you don’t have dark vision)

The tunnel splits in two one to the left and the other to the right.

2017-11-10, 10:05 PM
Scarlett stops and pauses in the darkness, sighing she makes a few swift motions and casts Dancing Lights. "There, now we can see a bit better."

[roll0] : Perception

2017-11-11, 12:29 AM
The tunnel splits in to paths one to the right one to the left.

(Area R1 or R2)

You can hear something down both hallways but can’t tell what it is.

(Side note if your going to roll random checks when I didn’t ask for them you have to give me some idea what the check is for. In this case I could just say yes you see the tunnel split into two paths.)

2017-11-11, 01:32 AM
She looks to the left, "I'll go left you go right, if we come across something stay hidden and return here, if you don't encounter anything return here in five minutes."

Stealth to keep hidden [roll0]

2017-11-11, 03:56 AM
Milah stealths down the hall wile Ordis just stays where he is waiting.

You peek around the corner and see a group of 6 creatures you assume are mites torturing a kobald tied to the wall. There are several more obviously dead kobalds also tied to the wall.

The mites seem to be getting a lot of enjoyment from their torture as evade your from one in a corner masterbating.

You think that the only way that they haven’t noticed you from the light you have following you is due to the entertainment though you notice one sniffing the air as if it smells something.

2017-11-11, 08:59 AM
Scarlett sits there watching in curiosity, when one starts to sniff around she takes that as her cue to announce herself.

Stepping forward she stares at them intensely, saying in a booming loud voice, "Where. Is. My. Ring!"
She'll take this opportunity of surprise to attack the closest one with a power attack.
[roll0] : Attack, -2 from stooping down applied, no +4 since I don't think Ordis or Milah are watching.


Assuming I need to roll Initiative : [roll2]

2017-11-11, 03:37 PM
You miss. The mites all turn to you give a screech and attach.

Mite 1 [roll0]
Mite 2 [roll1]
Mite 3 [roll2]
Mite 4 [roll3]
Mite 5 [roll4]
Mite 6 [roll5]


Only the top 3 mites in the round can attack you in melee the others throw darts at you.





One of the mites hits you in melee for 2 damage
Now it’s your turn.

First attack was a surprise round.

2017-11-11, 11:34 PM
Scarlett whistles, "Milah, engaged with tiny little bastards."

Using spell combat she strikes at the two nearest her.

[roll0] (-4 from spell combat and awkward standing)

[roll3] PAtk

2017-11-11, 11:44 PM
Your first strike misses the second cuts the mite almost in half.

Most of the mites miss but one does manage to hit you from range for 2 damage.

The mites seeing as they are all missing with their weapons resort to a different method. They all rush you in an attempt to pin you under their combined weight.

You get one more turn before they pile on you.

Mite grapple [roll0]

2017-11-11, 11:49 PM
A second flurry of attacks with spellcombat.



2017-11-11, 11:52 PM
You take down two more mites before they try to pile on you. Unfortunately for them there are no longer enough of them to do anything.

At this time Ordis gets there.

Initative [roll0]

2017-11-12, 12:08 AM
Scarlett just sits there bewildered at the attempts of these tiny little fey. Speaking in Sylvan, "If you surrender my ring to me, you shall live."

[roll0] Bluff

2017-11-12, 12:28 AM
While you talk the mites rally for another attempt to grapple you.

Mite grapple (1d20+8)[28]

Ordis screeches at the mites.

The mites fort saves

Mite will saves

Most of the mites get weakened by Ordis. The others let you go and cower back from him.

Enough that you are no longer grappled.

The mites then throw darts at Ordis.

2017-11-12, 12:43 AM
Scarlett reaches out to grab one of the little bastards and hold him by the neck with both hands.

[roll0] : Grapple

"You wanna get grabby? Lets get grabby!" She snarls in Sylvan at its face.

2017-11-12, 01:06 AM
You grab the mite. The other mites throw darts at Ordis.



Ordis attack


Mite fort save [roll13]
Dex damage [roll14]

2017-11-12, 01:28 AM
[roll0] :+5 to maintain grapple
[roll1] : Dealing direct damage with an unarmed strike to the grappled creature
*If this damage kills the target I want it to be as if I snapped his neck, not just a simple punch but a visible neck snapping embrace.*

2017-11-12, 01:36 AM
The mite thrashes attempting to break free.

Ordis attacks more mites



This kills the rest of the mites except for the last one that your strangling since Ordis didn’t want to hurt you.

At this time Milah comes in chased by several mites and a couple of big centipedes

2017-11-12, 01:45 AM
Seeing the incoming attack, Scarlett thinks of something that may prove entertaining.

She grips the mite tight and throws it as hard as she can at one of the centipedes.
[roll0] STR check to throw
[roll1] Attack roll (ranged) to hit centipede (+10 to hit, -2 for stooped, -4 proficiency/improvised, -4 into melee technically?)

Then she picks her scythe up and readies herself for the incoming battle.

2017-11-12, 02:25 AM
Your throw doesn't even hit your target. It does on the other hand hit the far wall crushing the mites skull.

initiative of the newcomers




2017-11-12, 02:30 AM
Scarlett grips her scythe tight and swings into the fray casting brand instead of shocking grasp 'cause at this rate she'll burn through her allotment of grasps.

[roll1] (1 Damage is from Brand)

[roll2] PAtk
[roll3] (+1 if this hits and the first attack misses)

2017-11-12, 02:31 AM
[roll0] (confirmation roll for the 2nd PWRAtk Crit)

2017-11-12, 03:17 AM
You chop the first ones head clean off. The second one you severely hurt.

The mites seem to fly into a rage as one of their centipedes fall. They attack you they also have the remaining centipedes attack you.

Only the centipedes attack you in melee the rest throw darts at you.

Unfortunately for them this also provokes and attack from Ordis.

centipedes attack


If they hit they have poison so roll a fort save



Milah runs to the other side of the room and fires a shot at one of the mites

Ordis attacks the mite (aoo)

Ordis then attacks the centipedes

2017-11-12, 03:30 AM
[roll0] FORT

"Time to finish this..." Scarlett casts brand and strikes the last centipede, then one of the remaining mites.



+1 damage to whichever is the first to hit.

2017-11-12, 03:39 AM
The last centipede drops as well as the mite that you hit.

The last few mites try to run but Ordis attacks them


Milah also takes a shot at them as they run


The last two mites fall.

2017-11-12, 03:42 AM
"Is that all of them?" She looks around, and notices the tortured Kobold again and in draconic says, "You still alive, lizard?"

2017-11-12, 03:51 AM
Kobold "Sill live. You strong you all strong. Maybe you can help get back sharp scale god statue... Maybe even remove curse on sootscale clan."

2017-11-12, 03:56 AM
"That's funny, usually I'm the one placing a curse upon someone. What do I get out of helping your clan? Honor? Respect? Treasure? Because I have no need of Honor, and those that don't Respect me already, die. Though, if treasure is too costly for your kind.... I accept loyalty, to me of course." Scarlett stands there in a dismissive pose while looking around at the dead creatures in the room.

[roll0] : Intimidating the lizard into submission, because if I am going to help it, it better be subservient.

2017-11-12, 04:06 AM
Kobold "I can't promise much but chief can promise much. Save clan, clan maybe have new god? Since shaman and god curse clan. Kill god become god maybe?"

2017-11-12, 04:13 AM
"Well, I'm already a Queen, but I guess I'm due for a promotion already. Just wait until the bandits here I'm a Goddess to little Dragons."
Scarlett takes his hand and pulls him up, "Take anything you need from these mites to defend yourself, then lead us to your old soon to be dead god."

2017-11-12, 04:21 AM
The kobold grabs up several daggers and some of the darts. There isn't much else for a kobold to use here.

Kobold "Not sure where god statue but we do know that the mites took it. So it should be here somewhere."

Milah "Well if we are going to get anything from your clan we should probably keep you alive so stay behind us and try not to get hurt. Wouldn't due to have you die since we have no idea where you nest even is."

2017-11-12, 04:52 PM
"Follow behind me, then." She sighs and keeps heading down the tunnels kicking mite and centipede bodies out of her way as she goes.

2017-11-12, 06:11 PM
You walk into a chamber to see a strange sight. There are two mites that seem to be using a small catapult to launch caltrops at each other.

They shriek when they see you and one lunges at you with a dagger wile the other loads the caltrop.

Mite initative




2017-11-12, 07:44 PM
[roll0] : Initiative

"Tell us where the Kobold statue is, and you may yet still live you pathetic little creatures." Scarlett shakes her scythe, letting the blood drop from it to the floor.

2017-11-13, 12:01 AM
Ordis just rolls his eyes and attacks one of the mites



The mite is smashed into a smear on the floor.
Ordis then motions to you ‘They have no idea what your saying. They keep speaking undercommon and not reacting to you so its not likely they understand.’

Milah “Should I attack or should I just sit here?”

Mite “Incomprehensible screeching.”

(Your turn mite has lower dex.)

2017-11-13, 10:33 AM
Scarlett thinks for a second, lets out a huge audible sigh and holds her head in her hand. ".....Yes, Milah.... You can attack, I just assumed fellow fey would speak Sylvan....."

She dismissively waves her hand towards the mites and spends the rest of the round sulking at her inability to recognize that they weren't stupidly attacking, they just didn't understand her and were stupidly attacking.

2017-11-13, 03:04 PM
The other mite launches the little catapult at you


Milah attacks the mite

Ordis also attacks the mite


The mite hits you for 1 damage then between Milah and Ordis it’s knocked unconscious.

2017-11-13, 04:37 PM
Scarlett continues down the path ready to strike the next thing she sees that moves, now knowing that she can't even communicate with them she's just going to end them.

2017-11-13, 05:01 PM
A deep and ominous chasm splits the passage. The chasm is a few yards wide, and twice as deep, but thick ropes of tangled roots fill the entire area. The passage continues on the far side of the chasm, and between the two ledges, numerous loops have been tied into the roots to serve as hand and footholds.

2017-11-13, 05:11 PM
"Alright, little lizard, your turn to go first. Since you're the smallest." Scarlett ushers him towards the loops.

2017-11-13, 05:29 PM
The kobold hesitates and examins the knots then hurries across the chasm.

You hear a hissing sound from below followed by scuttling.

2017-11-13, 06:07 PM
"Alright, Milah, your turn." Scarlett waits patiently, knowing now that a small creature can cross just fine, if the loops can hold Milah then she can likely cross. If they can't, Milah is agile enough to jump to safety.

2017-11-13, 06:13 PM
Milah easily climbs over using the hand holds.

2017-11-13, 06:27 PM
Scarlett sighs, tosses her scythe to the other side and starts to climb across.


2017-11-13, 06:36 PM
About half way across a massive centipede lunges out of the chasm and attacks you.


[roll1]+poison dc17

2017-11-14, 07:25 AM
Current HP :: 12/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 18, Touch 15, F-Foot 13 (I have Spell Shield Arcana now, so I'll keep track of that for you since I can increase it 14 times a day)

[roll0] :: Fort Save vs Poison

Scarlett screams out in pain but maintains her grip on the hand holds, she quickly attempts to scramble the rest of the way to the other side.

[roll1] :: Climb check

2017-11-14, 04:27 PM



2017-11-14, 04:34 PM
Milah attacks the centipede

Attack [roll0]

Ordis attack the centipede as well


Fort for centipede[roll7]
Dc 18
[roll8] dex
[roll9] fall prone and dazed

The centipede hisses and falls back down into the pit.

2017-11-14, 09:29 PM
Current HP :: 12/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 18, Touch 15, F-Foot 13

Scarlett looks down into the chasm after re-casting dancing lights leading them into it. "Are they all gone?"

[roll0] : Perception if needed

2017-11-14, 11:49 PM
You see the centipede at the bottom thrashing around at the bottom alive but seemingly in pain. It quickly recovers and starts climbing back up slowly. It will be back to the top soon.

You can also tell that even though it is very long it is very thin meaning it will be able to chase you through the tunnels.

2017-11-15, 05:40 AM
Current HP :: 12/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 22 , Touch 19, F-Foot 17 (+4 AC from Morale bonus)

[roll0] : Initiative

Scarlett holds her turn until the creature is within range, ready to spellstrike + spell combat the bastard with infinite legs into oblivion.

2017-11-15, 02:58 PM
The centipede gets to the top quickly.
(Double move out of actions)

Your turn.

2017-11-15, 04:42 PM
Current HP :: 12/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 22 , Touch 19, F-Foot 17 (+4 AC from Morale bonus)


+1 from Brand to whichever hits

2017-11-15, 04:52 PM
You strike the centipede. It shrieks and falls back into the chasm. This time it’s still at the bottom

2017-11-15, 04:55 PM
"L-lets move on.... and, well.... If there's more bugs I don't know how much I can take before I'm just going to start slicing at everything I see..."

Scarlett shudders and presses forward.

2017-11-15, 05:08 PM
Before you go too far Ordis grabs you.

“Wait” He motions.

Then casts cure mod on you.

Heal [roll0]

He also casts another spell on you that your not sure what it does.

2017-11-15, 05:58 PM
Current HP :: 27/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 23 , Touch 20, F-Foot 18 (+4 AC from Morale bonus) +1 Deflection, +1 to all saves

[roll0] : Spellcraft check to identify the spell being cast DC = 15 + spell level

"Thank you, sometimes you just don't realize how badly you're hurt until it is too late, or until you are relieved of the pain." Scarlett smiles at Ordis and continues down the way, keeping the Kobold behind her.

2017-11-15, 07:22 PM
Both Milah and Ordis stealth before entering the room.



Rows of wooden pegs line the earthen walls, some hung with tiny, filthy cloaks. In the center of the room stands a rickety red checkered tablecloth and heaped with mounds of dirt and twigs and gravel, apparently arranged to form some sort of map. Sitting at the edge of the map, weighing down a scrap of paper, is a bloodstained ivory statuette of what looks like a crouching reptilian devil. A bulging burlap sack sits under the table.

When you enter the room you also see a giant tick with a particularly ugly mite on its back and 4 other mites.


mite on tick





2017-11-15, 07:32 PM
[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Stealth

Scarlett sneaks closer to the group until she's within range to attack.

2017-11-15, 09:24 PM
When you enter the room most of the mites look right at you.

The one on the tick points and gibbers at you all but two of the mites rush you the other two just look confused.

Once you relize that you where not stealthy at all you are able to react before they get to you.

(You lose the surprise round due to failing the stealth check)

Ordis attacks the tick from stealth

Milah shoots the leader
Attack [roll5]

Initiative order

Ordis attacks the tick



After Ordis attacks the tick the first time it looks very hurt then his second attack destroys it. The tick is almost dead even before the spear thrist but Ordis seems to want to make sure it’s dead.

The leader staggers from the arrow but is still alive once the tick is dead he falls off the tick and onto the ground in front of Ordis.

Your turn.

2017-11-15, 11:13 PM
Current HP :: 27/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 23 , Touch 20, F-Foot 18 (+4 AC from Morale bonus) +1 Deflection, +1 to all saves

Scarlett walks over to the tick riding mite and brands it with her scythe.

[roll0] :: Technically add +4 since melee and above him, and if possible +2 if I'm flanking with Ordis? :O Might get him with a 15 to hit in that case
+1 if it hits

2017-11-16, 01:54 AM
(First you are bad at calculating your bonus to attack. It’s 3bab+4str+4from your ability+2 from flank -2 from stooping. Meaning that with your roll you get a 13 not 15. Second...)

You hit the mite crushing it’s skull.

Milah attacks a different mite

The mites split their attacks between you and Ordis

Attacks you

Damage you
You take half damage Ordis takes the other round up on your damage
Attack Ordis

Damage Ordis

2017-11-16, 02:14 AM
Current HP :: 24/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 23 , Touch 20, F-Foot 18 (+4 AC from Morale bonus) +1 Deflection, +1 to all saves

I forgot my +4, and I applied the spell combat -2 when I wasn't doing it. That's what happened.

Scarlett attacks the mite that hit her, then the one that tried.



+1 damage to the first attack that hits

To hit bonuses do not include flanking because I don't know if I am

2017-11-16, 02:26 AM
Milah attacks one of the standing mites


The mites attack you only the first of Milah kills the other



Ordis attacks the mites first one at the first of still alive and last 2 for the last one


One of the mites is still up.
You take no damage.

2017-11-17, 06:33 AM
Current HP :: 24/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 23 , Touch 20, F-Foot 18 (+4 AC from Morale bonus) +1 Deflection, +1 to all saves

Scarlett attacks the last mite with a power attack


2017-11-17, 06:39 AM
You cut the head off the last mite killing it.

2017-11-17, 08:29 PM
Current HP :: 24/39 | Current Arcane Pool Points :: 14/14 | Current # of Spells :: 0lvl ∞/∞ : 1st lvl 5/7
Current AC :: AC 23 , Touch 20, F-Foot 18 (+4 AC from Morale bonus) +1 Deflection, +1 to all saves

Scarlett points to the statue, "There's you clan's treasure, little lizard. As promised."

She walks over and studies the map, to see if there are any markings of note, then remembered that Svetlana's ring is missing and that's why we came here in the first place.
"Anyone see Svetlana's ring?"

2017-11-17, 09:03 PM
The kobold hurries over to the statue and picks it up.

Ordis pulls the bag that’s under the table out with a tentacle and drops it next to you gesturing “Probably in here.”

2017-11-17, 11:47 PM
"Ah, well good, hopefully it's in there." Scarlett dumps the bags contents onto the table.

2017-11-18, 12:32 AM
Out falls out 12 small Spears
193 copper
120 silver
32 gold

Ordis looks at the paper pulls a piece of charcole and writes out a translation of the paper on the back

It’s two lists one labeled us the other them
The us colom has statue, lots of spears, lots of shiny coins
Them lists magic dust, lots of shiny coins, shiny human ring.

2017-11-18, 02:05 AM
Scarlett scratches her head a little. "Who's 'them'?"
Clearly the ring is for Svetlana, but the dust and coins go to whom. She turns to the kobold, "Is your clan fighting with the mites? They seem to be keeping a score sheet of what they've taken from you, but did you take these from them? If so that explains their note." Then she pauses, but if that were the case wouldn't the ring be an 'us' column item? Since they had the ring.

2017-11-18, 03:05 AM
“Sootscales and mites have been fighting for many moons. God demands it. As he says god he holds up the statue. “We have taken from them and they take from us.”

2017-11-18, 06:10 AM
"So, how many more mites are there? If we were to destroy them all would the sootscale tribe protect my kingdom?"

Scarlett puts Svetlana's ring on, and admires its simplicity.

2017-11-18, 06:12 PM
“Not sure how many mites. Think 20 maybe. Chief would know. And if you where new god then we would have to do what you say. Save sootscales from curse be sootscale god. Since we clear out mite hive maybe they no more threat? Or maybe if no get all them maybe bigger threat.”

2017-11-19, 10:29 AM
"Then, lets destroy the tree. Perhaps we can even collapse these tunnels so their home is gone, driving them out to the slaughter."

Scarlett puts everything back into the sack and slings it over her shoulder. "Lets go, little lizard, to see your Chief and secure our deal. I'm the new Goddess."

2017-11-19, 03:34 PM
You leave the mite hive setting fire to the tree on your way out.
The kobold takes you to his tribe. You travel about 3 hours to get there but you make it to the kobold den around midnight.

You are greated by a very nervous looking kobold who stays hidden poorly until he spots the other kobold he pops out yelling “Mikmek it’s you! Thought you where dead! You here with big ones. Why?”

In response Mikmek shows he statue “They get back sharptooth. They want see chief. Nakmik disarm the traps ok.”

Nakmik go behind a small alcove and does something out of site “All done safe now. You want me show chief or you want show chief?”

“I will show chief. Sorry entrance small.”

You are forced to squeeze through a very small area that looks like it was a bigger passage way but has since collapsed. You are lead through several different areas all without any light except for the light you bring with you.

Roll perception
You spot several shiny things along the walls that you quickly realize is silver looks like this use to be an old silver mine. One that could be still profitable.

You finally enter third area.
The air in this large cave feels warm and close, thick with a reptilian stink mixed with smoke and burnt meat. Numerous beds of furs lie scattered throughout the room amid smoldering cook res, while to the south, a ten-foot-wide alcove contains a large mound of furs framed by dozens of sticks on which are mounted the skulls of many birds and small animals, all smeared with ash.

Several kobolds are in the room along with one that is obviously the chief as he has a head dress that seems somewhat elaborate. He jumps to his feet when he sees you.

Mikmek says “These big ones help. They kill mites destroy tree.”

Chief Sootscale “Mites dead? Did you get sharptooth god statue?”

2017-11-19, 04:03 PM
"We have the statue of your ex-god, now you may bow before your new Goddess." Scarlett smiles at the chief. "Besides, you wouldn't want to worship some petty statue when you've got my glorious beauty to behold. Now come down here, bow before me, pledge your allegiance to my kingdom and then you'll be granted a great deal of land surrounding my stronghold that you'll be tasked with protecting."

[roll0] : Bluffplomicy - Using the Dominate Person 1/day ability

"You'll be allowed to grow, prosper and take anything from the unwanted that you kill. Also, you'll be well trained in combat and tactics and will be feared and renowned across the nations. As fierce as Dragons they'll say."

2017-11-19, 06:33 PM
The chief looks only slightly confused as he bows to you and gives his loyalty of both himself and his tribe. He then requests to held the statue of his former god.

2017-11-19, 06:35 PM
"No, you don't need it anymore. In fact I want you to destroy it, right now in front of everyone. Destroy the statue and prove that it is nothing compared to your new Goddess."
Scarlett knocks the statue to the ground, out of 'little Lizard's' (Mikmek) clawed little hands.

2017-11-19, 06:39 PM
“That is what I was planning. I was also going to kill the shaman by caving in his skull with the statue of that is acceptable to your greatness.”