View Full Version : The New World [Game Thread]

Spirit Turtle
2017-10-14, 03:53 AM

The journey across the Dragonfall Ocean was a long and harrowing one. The four ships left the port of Whitestone as the last storms of winter began to subside, but that did not mean the weather was calm during the three month journey to the islands of the new world. The ships were hit by storms of heavy rain and sleet that, at times, threatened to overturn them or simply sink them under the weight of gathered ice. High winds tore sails and rigging, forcing the ships to share supplies to keep them all moving forward toward the horizon.

It was early on the third day of Hennae’s Blessing, the first month of the new year and the month of the spring equinox, that the shores of the new world were first sighted. A cheer rose up from the crews and colonists on board the four ships, and after another day of sailing, they made anchor off the beaches of the unexplored island in a narrow mouthed bay of ivory sand and protective rocks.

Already anchored in the calm waters of the bay sits the Eagle’s Flight, the scouting ship that had been sent ahead six months before to establish a base settlements and scout out local resources before the main body of colonist arrived. Already, as the long boats are loaded and lowered into the water, you can see men gathering on the beach, waving their arms in greeting. Behind them, a short ways inland, you can make out the roofs of three small cabins built in a rough circle.

As your longboat grinds against the sands of the new world and you are finally able to disembark and set foot on solid ground again, a tall, swarthy man with greying hair and an overgrown goatee strides toward you accompanied by a male elf with long black hair and a scar running down the left side of his face. You recognize both these men immediately. The human is Sir Donovan D’vollier, the commander of the scouting expedition, and the elf is Velledius Stormarrow, a decorated military ranger.

Sir D’vollier removes his gloves as he approaches and offers a cordial, shallow bow, ”My lords and ladies. Welcome to Eagle’s Landing. I am pleased to see you all well. I hope the crossing wasn’t too difficult,” he greets each of you with a firm handshake. Behind Sir D’vollier, Velledius gives a short nod of greeting but remains stoically silent.

2017-10-14, 07:23 AM
Khrysa raises her hand to salute, remembers she doesn't need to need to any more part way through, fortunately she can redirect it to a handshake without too much difficulty. "Nothing too bad sir, just a little stormy." she surveys the area.

2017-10-14, 08:59 AM
Durga habitually follows Khryssa's salute with her own, wincing slightly as she sees the woman in front of her shift it into a handshake. She gives a soft snort of frustration, but holds the salute for a few moments. She was proud of her service to the army, but she had come here mostly as a way to get away from it. Once the tiefling was finished with her introduction, she moved to introduce herself as well. "The settlers were unruly at moments, worried that we would not make landfall in time. Fortunately they were wrong." She gives a curt, firm handshake to D'Vollier, her eyes implacable and determined. After the shaking of hands has concluded, Durga shifts to one knee, running one hand through the soft sand. She was glad to finally be on land again, the months on the ship had been trying indeed.

2017-10-14, 12:38 PM
Zanzibar Dweomerkey (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356283)

Tripping as he brings his large legs out of the longboat, the portly bard takes two hops trying to steady himself with windmill arms before tumbling backwards into the sand, the fine particles settling into every crevice and several finding their way into his hair and beard. With a snort and a shake he stands and brushes himself off and makes his way toward their welcoming party. Taking the commander's hand he shakes it with gusto introducing himself, "A pleasure, my lord. Lord Zanzibar Dweomerkey, drummer of the third regiment vanguard, at your service." A few stray particles of sand fly from his beard as he speaks. Putting his hands on his hips and looks past the pair. "Fine looking island ye've got here. Sure it's big enough?" he says with a chuckle, as it was plainly an enormous plot of land and more than ample space for the few colony ships among their fleet. "Can't wait to hear more about what you and your men have found these last few months over celebratory beverages this evening."

2017-10-14, 01:19 PM
The longboat carrying the massive, gold dragonborn tipped heavily to one side as the paladin stepped out of it, then rode noticeably higher in the water as he hopped out into the surf. Knee-high in the ocean, Sir Vorroth of Clan Taarnarovok trudged up onto land. His broad frame, heavy armor, and giant war maul slung over his shoulder weighed him down into the soft sand but he didn't so much as twitch in complaint.

The knight went to one knee when he finally reached harder packed sand and propped up his war maul head-down with his clawed hands resting on the pommel, head bowed in reverence. His prayer to Korr was not for anyone's ears but the god, and it took only moments, but he did not so much as acknowledge anyone else's presence until the devotion was complete.

Finally, Sir Vorroth regained his feet and swung his weapon back over his shoulder. His wide maw split into a razor-toothed grin and he approached the man and elf that had been waiting for them on the beach. "D'vollier!" he boomed, "The voyage was perilous, but I never had a doubt! By Korr, it's good to see the both of you, and to finally see LAND!" he gestured wide with his free hand at the island around them. "Surely, you've left some for us to explore!"


Sir Vorroth of Clan Taarnarovok (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356570)
Gold Dragonborn Oath of Devotion Paladin 4 LG

AC 16 HP 52 Speed 30ft

Str 16 (3) Dex 8 (-1) Con 16 (3) Wis 10 (0) Int 10 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Maul +5 2d6+3 B
Longsword +5 1d8+3 S
5 x Javelin +5 1d6+3 P
Dagger +5 1d4+3 P

Draconic Ancestry (2d6 Fire, 15 ft. Cone, DC13 Dex Save)
Damage Resistance (Fire)
Background Feature: Military Rank
Paladin Armor (All armor, shields)
Paladin Weapons (Simple, martial)
Divine Sense (60 ft. 4/rest)
Lay on Hands (20HP)
Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting)
Divine Smite
Divine Health (Immune to disease)
Sacred Oath (Devotion)
--Spells: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
--Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy
ASI (+1 INT and +1 CON)

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-14, 06:59 PM
The lithe elf priestess hopped gracefully off of the longboat, joining her companions of the last several months in greeting Sir D'vollier and Velledius Stormarrow. She tries to make eye contact with the elven ranger, so as to acknowledge him with a bow of the head before addressing Sir D'vollier. Unfortunately, she ends up staring for just a bit too long while the human commander waits expectantly. "Oh, umm... It's good to meet you, sir," she begins. "The Face of Seinna smiles upon our mission."

She looks awkwardly at her compatriots. "Is everyone ready to get this historic endeavor started?"

Spirit Turtle
2017-10-15, 12:30 AM
At Durga's words, Sir D'Vollier frowns, "Unruly you say? That is troubling. We can't have ne'er-do-wells and upstarts causing problems in Her Majesty's new colonies. What would you like done with them? We have yet to construct a proper gallows, but I'm sure we can have one built in short order," the older knight is darkly serious. Disobedience to the crown or those who govern in the name of the empress is not taken lightly by the imperial military.

Sir D'vollier nods at Vorroth, "Still plenty left to explore my lord I assure you. This island is expansive. I honestly hesitate to even call it an island, despite what we were told about it. We may very well have stumbled upon a new continent, but I can't be sure without a much more extensive exploration of the interior," the older knight explains. At Zanzibar's statement, Sir D'Vollier chuckles, "A fine land you have here my lord. After all, I'm just the commander of the scouting expedition. The fiefdom is yours to govern, and I am at your service. We will be more than happy to share all that we have discovered of the immediate areas surrounding Eagle's Landing," he directs this to the entire assembled group.

The aging knight then turns his attention to Elennua, "Of course my lady. My men have built a few small cabins to serve as lodgings for you and your companions until a more permanent settlement can be constructed, and they have begun gathering what supplies they can from the surrounding land. I believe we have even found suitable fields for the first crops, and the ground should be thawed enough to begin planting once your ships are unloaded," Sir D'Vollier looks to his elven companion.

Velledius nods, stepping forward a bit to address the group, "The fields should be suitable for planting in the next day or two," he confirms, "However, we have had some difficulty securing a supply of fresh water. There are numerous small brooks which exit the forest near our camp, but none sufficient to supply the entire colony now that the bulk of the settlers have arrived. I've managed to trace the streams to their source a few hours north of our location, but the spring is not unoccupied. There seem to be a number of native creatures nested in the area that have been making it difficult for us to port water from the spring back to camp," the ranger explains.

Sir D'vollier nods, "Yes. We've lost three good men to these native beasts so far, and I'm loath to risk any more lives. However, now that you have arrived, I believe we can assemble a proper fighting force to wipe them out," at his words Velledius scowls darkly but remains silent.

2017-10-15, 12:50 AM
"Excellent, we will secure the water source immediately. Do you suppose these native beasts are good eating, D'vollier?" the imposing dragonborn grinned savagely, already thinking of the prospect of a hot, cooked meal on their first night. After long weeks eating nothing but salted meat and hard tack he could eat a hill giant. He also wanted an opportunity to stretch his limbs and maybe swing his war maul around.

He didn't immediately broach the topic of raising a colonial guard, or at the very least a militia, from amongst the able-bodied settlers but it did weigh heavily on Vorr's mind. They had brought a few men and women-at-arms along for protection, but if they met a well-armed native populace there was no guarantee that these people would be friendly. The settlement had to be able to defend itself. He planned to bring up his ideas as soon as they got the lay of the land and cleared the nearest water source for further growth. After all, "first thing's first," as the humans were wont to say.


Sir Vorroth of Clan Taarnarovok (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356570)
Gold Dragonborn Oath of Devotion Paladin 4 LG

AC 16 HP 52 Speed 30ft

Str 16 (3) Dex 8 (-1) Con 16 (3) Wis 10 (0) Int 10 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Maul +5 2d6+3 B
Longsword +5 1d8+3 S
5 x Javelin +5 1d6+3 P
Dagger +5 1d4+3 P

Draconic Ancestry (2d6 Fire, 15 ft. Cone, DC13 Dex Save)
Damage Resistance (Fire)
Background Feature: Military Rank
Paladin Armor (All armor, shields)
Paladin Weapons (Simple, martial)
Divine Sense (60 ft. 4/rest)
Lay on Hands (20HP)
Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting)
Divine Smite
Divine Health (Immune to disease)
Sacred Oath (Devotion)
--Spells: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
--Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy
ASI (+1 INT and +1 CON)

2017-10-15, 09:46 AM
Zanzibar Dweomerkey (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356283)

Zanzi raises an eyebrow at D'vollier's comments. "Natives, you say? And ye're sure they aren't folks from one of the neighboring kingdoms in the Old World that got here first?" He claps his hands and rubs them together with excitement. "This'll be one for the history books indeed, boys!"

"Sir D'vollier, how large of a perimeter is secured around this beach? Have you had the means to clear some of the trees to prevent any of the beasties from approaching unseen? Wouldn't want things sabotaged before we even gain a foothold. What are the natives like? Aggressive? Curious?" Zanzi draws a quill, licks the tip, and starts making some scattered notes on a piece of paper. Anyone looking on notes some rhyme pairs (native / creative / plate of...) and miscellaneous other musical and narrative structure scriblings.

2017-10-15, 10:37 AM
At Durga's words, Sir D'Vollier frowns, "Unruly you say? That is troubling. We can't have ne'er-do-wells and upstarts causing problems in Her Majesty's new colonies. What would you like done with them? We have yet to construct a proper gallows, but I'm sure we can have one built in short order," the older knight is darkly serious. Disobedience to the crown or those who govern in the name of the empress is not taken lightly by the imperial military.

"That won't be necessary. Perhaps merely reminding the settlers that the hardships of the voyage are over, but that we can only survive this together will quell any discontent. Months at sea will test even a soldier's mettle, and these people aren't soldiers." Internally, Durga was slightly shocked to see rigid military discipline exercized on the settlers before they had even landed. She'd make sure to choose her words more carefully moving forward.

Velledius nods, stepping forward a bit to address the group, "The fields should be suitable for planting in the next day or two," he confirms, "However, we have had some difficulty securing a supply of fresh water. There are numerous small brooks which exit the forest near our camp, but none sufficient to supply the entire colony now that the bulk of the settlers have arrived. I've managed to trace the streams to their source a few hours north of our location, but the spring is not unoccupied. There seem to be a number of native creatures nested in the area that have been making it difficult for us to port water from the spring back to camp," the ranger explains.

Sir D'vollier nods, "Yes. We've lost three good men to these native beasts so far, and I'm loath to risk any more lives. However, now that you have arrived, I believe we can assemble a proper fighting force to wipe them out," at his words Velledius scowls darkly but remains silent.

At this, Durga grins and cracks her knuckles. Tracking beasts was a task she was eager to perform, feeling naturally suited to the task. "What do we know about the beasts? How did the three others fall?"

2017-10-15, 02:17 PM
"Perhaps once we're settled you would be good enough to us the lay of the land". Khrysa directs her query towards Velledius. "Then we can look to how we divide duties. The Empress directed us to take charge of this settlement, but in her wisdom did not put one of us above the rest."

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-16, 09:11 AM
"Tell us anything you know about these creatures before we make a plan for how to deal with this situation," says Elennua. "I would also like to oversee the construction of a small church to revere the Face of Seinna. The larger temples can come later. Sir Vorroth will probably oversee another church for the Face of Korr."

She pauses for a moment, contemplating the situation facing the colonists. We will obviously need to secure a supply of potable water, but what of these creatures? And is it just me, or did Velledius seem to disagree with Sir D'vollier's plans? Is there another way to find water? She speaks up, " I don't suppose the ground here will support the digging of a well?"

Spirit Turtle
2017-10-16, 11:17 PM
Sir D'Vollier chuckles at Vorroth's words, "I can't say for sure my lord but we can certainly put it to the test once they've been taken care of," he gives the paladin a hearty slap on the shoulder in amusement while behind him Velledius continues to scowl. The aging knight then turns to Zanzibar, "These aren't people my lord. They are beasts. Monstrous creatures covered in scales and horns," he explains, "So far we have not encountered any signs of civilization on the island, but our explorations have been limited to the region immediately surrounding Eagle's Landing. We have secured a sizable area around the camp, as well as the fields we hope to use for planting. Rest assured my lord we have a firm a foothold here and it would take a great deal more than a few beasts to dislodge us," he smiles.

At Durga's question Sir D'Vollier looks to his companion for an answer and Velledius explains in a clipped, flat manner, "There are two separate threats between the camp and the spring. The first and more immediate danger, and the one responsible for the deaths of our men is a nocturnal predator whose hunting trails cross our path to the spring. I've only been able to catch a few glimpses of it, but it appears reptilian in nature and seems to rely on stealth to ambush it's prey," he then looks to Sir D'Vollier with a sour expression before continuing, "The second....threat," and he spits the word, obviously disliking the description, "Is a herd of native creatures nesting around the spring. They appear to herbivores and are extremely territorial, but so far it hasn't proven difficult to simply keep our distance from the herd."

"Nonsense!" Sir D'Vollier pipes in, "Those beasts are just as dangerous. Stamping and growling whenever anyone gets too close. They need t be removed immediately," he insists, bringing another dark scowl from the elven ranger. He then turns to Elennua to answer her question, "It is certainly possible to dig a well, but the ground here is soft and the well will need to be reinforced with stone to prevent a collapse. It will take weeks to gather and cut the stone and dig the well, and in that time our meager water reserves will run dry. I believe it a much more practical course of action to secure the spring first to ensure a steady supply of water while the work is completed."

2017-10-17, 12:23 AM
"Careful, D'vollier. Some of the best people I know are covered in scales." Sir Vorr growled, but by the twinkle in his yellow eye he obviously hadn't taken too much offense. He was just taking the older veteran to task for his poor choice of words. "Regardless, this predator needs to be dealt with. The herbivores I care less about, beyond seeing if they're better rare or medium rare." he shrugged his huge shoulders nonchalantly.

"Now, who will lead us to this spring? I am eager to get started right away. No time to waste!" Vorr snapped his jaws in the air and shrugged his pack a little higher on his shoulders. There would be time for well digging and crop planting later. Now was the time for exploration! Hunting! To assert themselves over this wild, new land!


Sir Vorroth of Clan Taarnarovok (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356570)
Gold Dragonborn Oath of Devotion Paladin 4 LG

AC 16 HP 52 Speed 30ft

Str 16 (3) Dex 8 (-1) Con 16 (3) Wis 10 (0) Int 10 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Maul +5 2d6+3 B
Longsword +5 1d8+3 S
5 x Javelin +5 1d6+3 P
Dagger +5 1d4+3 P

Draconic Ancestry (2d6 Fire, 15 ft. Cone, DC13 Dex Save)
Damage Resistance (Fire)
Background Feature: Military Rank
Paladin Armor (All armor, shields)
Paladin Weapons (Simple, martial)
Divine Sense (60 ft. 4/rest)
Lay on Hands (20HP)
Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting)
Divine Smite
Divine Health (Immune to disease)
Sacred Oath (Devotion)
--Spells: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
--Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy
ASI (+1 INT and +1 CON)

2017-10-17, 02:27 AM
"I don't pretend to be knowledgable on such things, but a native plant-eating herbivore - perhaps they could be domesticated? It is better to leave options open." D'vollier annoyed her, he seemed too self-important and too willing to kill things before exploring other options. They were not at war here, they should work with the local environment not against it... Perhaps her views would change once she had experience of these creatures.
"Lord Vorr is correct, we should see these things for ourselves. If Valledius will consent to be our guide? Sir D'Vollier you are familiar with the defences here, if you can keep things running and ensure it is all still standing when we return." Krysa smiles warmly at the knight, while hoping he will leave them alone with the ranger.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-17, 09:23 AM
"I agree with Lady Khrysa that we should tread lightly," adds Elennua. "We can take some time to determine how dangerous the creatures are, and then determine a course of action. But let's be off as soon as we can! It's time to put our legs to use!"

Elennua is a little unsettled that there are already such strong disagreements, just among the leaders. It will be a challenge to govern this land and maintain the people's trust.

2017-10-17, 01:59 PM
Zanzibar Dweomerkey (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356283)

Zanzibar frowns a bit beneath his thick red beard at the prospect of setting out immediately. They just got to land, can't they take a minute to lose their sea legs? They were nobility now after all... there should be someone else to do all of this traipsing about for them. Still... this was but the first chapter of the story, and he dared not miss even the slightest detail. "We're taming the rest of this land, why not its beasts as well? If it's but a few hours walk we'll be back in time for supper, yes? It's been far too long since we've had a fresh cooked meal..." His magical prowess had at least given the flavor of seasoned lamb, but you couldn't change the sloppy mouth feel of gruel and hardtack aboard the vessel.

2017-10-17, 02:35 PM
Durga speaks up. "Though killing the beasts may be unfortunate, if we do not have weeks to dig a well, I doubt the time stands to tame the creatures. Such bonds between man and beast aren't formed very quickly. Though we have too little information anyways. We should set out and learn what we can."

2017-10-20, 10:06 AM
Zanzibar Dweomerkey (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356283)

The slog up the sandy slope is tough, and Zanzi's pauses to slow his heavy breathing once reaching the top. As they begin their trek through the jungle, he pulls his simple drum around to his stomach. Finding the two sticks in his bag he gets a twinkle in his eye and whips up one of the old marching beats from the war. Something everyone should recognize. It's been years since the war, but the familiar rhythms fall effortlessly upon the stretched hide as he calls out in a familiar tune, "We are but a tool of the Coast of Jewel and Whitestone's wheeeeeere our duty lies / For country and queen we levy the sting of her mighty aaaaaaarmy's vic'try cries."

Spirit Turtle
2017-10-22, 01:47 AM
Velledius nods, "I can lead you tot he spring, but it is unlikely we will encounter the predator during the day. It is a nocturnal beast and is likely laired somewhere to sleep for the day. I've searched along it's hunting trails but I haven't been able to locate it's nest," the ranger admits before moving off to lead the group into the forest north of Eagle's Landing.

Sir D'Vollier follows the group up the beach but remains at the camp as they pass through it, giving you all a salute as you continue on, "Good hunting!" he grins.

The forest is dense and wild as the group pushes in through the foliage, and the interior is cast in shadows from the heavy leaf cover above. The air smells of damp earth and new leaves, and it is clear the spring growth is already in full bloom. Velledius walks for several minutes until Zanzibar begins to play and sing. The elf comes to an abrupt stop and frowns, "My lord. It is extremely unwise to make so much noise. We know little of the creatures of this land and there is no telling what your...music...might bring down upon us," he tries to be as respectful as he can while struggling to hide his obvious annoyance at the foolish bard.

2017-10-23, 07:59 AM
"Relax Velledius, I am more a soldier than a noblewoman, and the others are here on their own merits. We will trust to your advice and experience of this place and you may speak freely."[ she looks over at Zanzibar "There will be time for songs later, friend and memories too..." sparing the bard a warm smile.

2017-10-23, 08:27 AM
Zanzibar Dweomerkey (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356283)

Zanzi looks abashed at the reprimand and tucks his instrument away, though he continues to whistle quietly to himself as they continue on.

Vegan Squirrel
2017-10-23, 08:46 AM
"Can you tell us anything more about this predator?" asks Elennua. "Has it attacked groups of explorers, or only individuals, so far? Either way, we probably should stick close together." She fidgets with her pouch of dragon bones, silently seeking guidance from the Face of Seinna.

2017-10-23, 12:36 PM
"Nonsense! Play on, I say! Yes, play on, friend!" Sir Vorr barked. "If anything wishes to test our mettle, let them come! If we aim to tame this land, then we must show the smaller predators what it means to stand against us, and to fear us!" he boasted, smacking his maul against his shoulder pauldron for emphasis as he walked and blustered. It wasn't like the massive dragonborn was being stealthy to begin with. The shifting of his armor, his loud, rumbling voice, and frequent bouts of booming laughter might have even been louder than the bard's singing. He marched on with a soldier's determination, unafraid (perhaps foolishly) of anything they might face.


Sir Vorroth of Clan Taarnarovok (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1356570)
Gold Dragonborn Oath of Devotion Paladin 4 LG

AC 16 HP 52 Speed 30ft

Str 16 (3) Dex 8 (-1) Con 16 (3) Wis 10 (0) Int 10 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Maul +5 2d6+3 B
Longsword +5 1d8+3 S
5 x Javelin +5 1d6+3 P
Dagger +5 1d4+3 P

Draconic Ancestry (2d6 Fire, 15 ft. Cone, DC13 Dex Save)
Damage Resistance (Fire)
Background Feature: Military Rank
Paladin Armor (All armor, shields)
Paladin Weapons (Simple, martial)
Divine Sense (60 ft. 4/rest)
Lay on Hands (20HP)
Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting)
Divine Smite
Divine Health (Immune to disease)
Sacred Oath (Devotion)
--Spells: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
--Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy
ASI (+1 INT and +1 CON)

2017-10-26, 03:29 PM
"Ugh, maybe we should have left you behind to rally the troops as well, Sir Vorr?" Khrysa grimaces, "I'm just a soldier, not a hero. I don't like attracting too much attention."

2017-10-28, 05:59 PM
Durga isn't quite sure who to side with here. On the one hand, attracting any animal attention to themselves when they hardly knew what was out there seemed foolish. On the other hand, she did kind of want to see what was out there. She leaves the others to decide what's better, admiring the scenery around them. Everything was new and needed to at least be appreciated by her own two eyes.