View Full Version : How half-demons are born in my setting

2017-10-14, 09:35 AM
Magic is a form of ritualized sorcery that involves using the unlimited mana of the world around you (Gaia) and bending it to your will. Magic is essentially passive and formulaic, with the individual "borrowing" the world's mana, feeling it flow through them and guiding it along to produce a spell. This flow of magical energy is controlled by the use of a ritual circle, normally followed by some type of incantation to get the proper results.

Chaos magic is a dark and powerful form of ritualized magic that involves taking magical energy from a demonic realm called the abyss, where malevolent spirits reside. Although stronger than the traditional form of magic, it is highly dangerous and unstable. It can cause damage to internal organs, physical scarring, insanity, and psychopathy or reduction in moral inhibitions. Nevertheless, the power that comes with it is tempting to mortals.

To create a demon hybrid, a mother-to-be must periodically absorb demonic energy into her body through a dark ritualized spell order to mutate a developing fetus. A ritual circle must be used, which acts as a gateway between hell and the mortal plane. The female sits in the middle and acts as a living conduit between both realms that this dark energy flows through. This ritual must be repeated multiple times during the gestation process.

The magic user who is trying to create a demon-human hybrid should use both forms of ritual magic in conjunction with each other. A user channelling mana could create a spell to either fortify or strengthen her body prior to her receiving the demonic energy to protect her from harm or death and a healing spell could be administered after she has absorbed the demonic energy.

Demon energy takes the form of visible chakra or chi which enters a human body through the circle. The process will corrupt the child and mutate it with the magical energy from the demonic realm over the course of months, causing changes in its genes at random intervals. The method comes with risk, and can damage or kill the woman in the process. Success results in a tiefling, a loyal half human/half demon hybrid, and has abilities far outstripping a normal human.

2017-10-14, 12:31 PM
What would these abilities be, exactly?

2017-10-15, 09:28 AM
What would these abilities be, exactly?

well, darkness 1/day obviously! :smalltongue: Along with a LA +1 adjustment [snicker]

2017-10-18, 01:42 PM
Requests for clarification:
A ritual circle must be used, which acts as a gateway between hell...Did you mean the abyss, or is there another realm called hell involved?
The magic user who is trying to create a demon-human hybrid...Is it only possible with humans, or could the mortal be a humanoid or demihuman. How about a half demon half lab rat?
Success results in a tiefling, a loyal half human/half demon hybrid...Loyal to whom? Also, since this is rather time intensive, tieflings are going to be quite rare; is that your intent?

Finally, is the woman the caster (which would rule out lab rats)? If not, does she have to be willing? Does she get a saving throw?

2017-10-18, 02:57 PM
Requests for clarification:Did you mean the abyss, or is there another realm called hell involved?Is it only possible with humans, or could the mortal be a humanoid or demihuman. How about a half demon half lab rat?Loyal to whom? Also, since this is rather time intensive, tieflings are going to be quite rare; is that your intent?

Finally, is the woman the caster (which would rule out lab rats)? If not, does she have to be willing? Does she get a saving throw?

i meant for this realm to actually be hell. the female is the caster and tieflings are meant to be rare.

2017-10-18, 07:16 PM
Requests for clarification:

Did you mean the abyss, or is there another realm called hell involved?
Is it only possible with humans, or could the mortal be a humanoid or demihuman. How about a half demon half lab rat?
Loyal to whom?
Also, since this is rather time intensive, tieflings are going to be quite rare; is that your intent?
Finally, is the woman the caster (which would rule out lab rats)? If not, does she have to be willing? Does she get a saving throw?

i meant for this realm to actually be hell. the female is the caster and tieflings are meant to be rare.
So, "hell" and "the abyss" are synonyms? OK.
Use of a vessel who is not the caster, voluntary or not, might be an interesting alternative.

Those questions answered are crossed off the list. Two still are not.

2017-10-18, 11:31 PM
This sounds similar to the unholy scion in origin.

It also sounds pretty weird and problematic since it essentially forces an additional penalty of spellcasters with wombs? So I would advise against including it in general.

2017-10-19, 10:51 AM
It also sounds pretty weird and problematic since it essentially forces an additional penalty of spellcasters with wombs?
To me it sounds like the sort of nifty background that many DMs and world creators love (myself, for example) but that players never encounter and are rarely interested in.

But how does it force a penalty on female casters? He never said anyone has to engage in this process. It gives casters with wombs an option that those without don't have. An arduous and dangerous option that most sane ones wouldn't take, but as long as it's her choice then it's not forcing anything on her.

2017-10-19, 08:48 PM
This sounds similar to the unholy scion in origin.

It also sounds pretty weird and problematic since it essentially forces an additional penalty of spellcasters with wombs? So I would advise against including it in general.
What is unholy scion in origin? Never heard of it.