View Full Version : Crowley's Kids [IC]

2017-10-14, 09:26 PM
You grabbed what you could and ran. You heard your father fighting them, but soon, there were too many doors and walls between you and him. Soon enough, you were on the streets.

What are you going to do?

2017-10-15, 09:01 PM
Hannah shivers and pulls the hood up on her cloak. He'll be fine, he's always been fine, what danger could he really be in? Surely he just wanted us away so he didn't have to worry about us getting burned, right? Turning her head from any passersby, she quickly changes her hair brunette and removes some of her freckles. It wouldn't do have her go-to identity associated with her siblings just now.

Maybe we should head to an inn? Not one too close by in case daddy's attackers stumble in, but somewhere we can figure things out. Just until we get word that things are safe.

2017-10-15, 10:24 PM
Yeah, and we should send word to those we trust asap. Sources that don't know what to look for, aren't useful at all. Abigail replied.

2017-10-16, 07:35 AM
Gasping for breath, Valrei finally slows down to a stop. The sudden burst of running wasn't what was winding him, it was the suprise that perhaps Father wasn't as powerful as the tiefling had previously thought. He doubles over to sort his thoughts, quell the boiling anger that made him want to charge right back to the house. To grab the biggest weapon he could find and crack it over the skulls of the intruders.

Maybe we should head to an inn? Not one too close by in case daddy's attackers stumble in, but somewhere we can figure things out. Just until we get word that things are safe.

"We should find something to protect ourselves with first. If Father's murderers are intent on destroying him,
they might not be satisfied leaving us alive. I'd feel much better walking into an inn knowing I can fend off any would-be assassins."

2017-10-16, 09:55 AM
There is a bustling marketplace some five minutes away. While you won't be able to find EVERYTHING you need there, it will be a simple matter to get the basic equipment you need.

Note that any armor you pick up will be poorly fitted to start. You can adjust it over three short rests or one long rest, but until then, you'll have -2 to most physical checks. (-1 after two short rests.)

2017-10-16, 11:23 AM

"Where's Rachael?"

2017-10-16, 03:41 PM
Rachael shows up rather suddenly, wearing a cloak with a deep hood and accompanied by one of the servants that worked in father's house. She spots the lot of you and makes her way over, careful to keep her face hidden when she can, and joins you. "Sorry for the delay,
was looking into some things. I think it's best if we lay low for a bit, probably an inn or tavern or something. It'll be a roof over our heads and food to eat, and whatever rumors get spread about the results of the battle are sure to sweep through those kinds of places first, so we'll be sure to hear them."

2017-10-16, 03:58 PM
"Oh, thank Asmodeus." sighs Celsus. "I thought you'd been lost or worse, like..."

2017-10-16, 04:00 PM
There's a large explosion from inside your manor. Part of the wall and ceiling bursts open, sending shrapnel flying high into the sky. People duck and cover, as do you, finding a quick spot of shelter to avoid it.

When it's over, no one appears injured, and no one from your family is injured for sure.

2017-10-16, 04:13 PM
I suggest we flee now, given that this is quite the believable moment to run. Hannah starts jogging towards the marketplace, hoping to grab an instrument or other equipment in the chaos.

2017-10-16, 04:18 PM
The market is some five minutes away, and likely away from the chaos. Snatching an instrument would be possible, but no easier than it would normally be.

As the debris settles, people begin looking around. "What was that?" "What happened?" "Is everyone okay?" people ask, to no one in particular.

You see a few of the guards-two, to be exact-looking at the mess. One of them cusses. The other says "Well, we gotta go investigate. You lot," he adds, gesturing towards your group to no one in particular. "Can one of you contact the guard barracks? Earl and I are going to investigate, but something like that... We might need backup."

2017-10-16, 04:20 PM
I'll see if I can. Abigail replies trying to adopt a state of panic.


Abigail is fuming at the merchant stall.

This leather is squishing my boobs. She says gesturing to her chest. And I'm pretty sure the tailor spent half her time groping instead of measuring. She comments now decked out in leather, with a rapier on her hip, and bow strapped on her back.

2017-10-16, 04:25 PM
The market is some five minutes away, and likely away from the chaos. Snatching an instrument would be possible, but no easier than it would normally be.

As the debris settles, people begin looking around. "What was that?" "What happened?" "Is everyone okay?" people ask, to no one in particular.

You see a few of the guards-two, to be exact-looking at the mess. One of them cusses. The other says "Well, we gotta go investigate. You lot," he adds, gesturing towards your group to no one in particular. "Can one of you contact the guard barracks? Earl and I are going to investigate, but something like that... We might need backup."

"We'll do our duty, sirs," Rachael assures them, not specifying what she considers her duty. :smalltongue:

2017-10-16, 04:28 PM
I'll see if I can. Abigail replies trying to adopt a state of panic.


Abigail is fuming at the merchant stall.

This leather is squishing my boobs. She says gesturing to her chest. And I'm pretty sure the tailor spent half her time groping instead of measuring. She comments now decked out in leather, with a rapier on her hip, and bow strapped on her back.

"Look, you wanted toughened leather, it's what I have. Most of my customers aren't so... Chesty, as you are," the merchant says. "Look-if your promise to come back again, I'll give you a discount. Say... 10%?"

"We'll do our duty, sirs," Rachael assures them, not specifying what she considers her duty. :smalltongue:

"Great-come on, Earl," the guardsman says, heading towards the manor.

2017-10-16, 04:34 PM
Abigail warms up at the promise.

Thank you, that's very sweet of you. I promise to come back. She says turning up the charm.

2017-10-16, 05:28 PM
There's a large explosion from inside your manor. Part of the wall and ceiling bursts open, sending shrapnel flying high into the sky. People duck and cover, as do you, finding a quick spot of shelter to avoid it.

When it's over, no one appears injured, and no one from your family is injured for sure.

Valrei turns back when the explosion rings and rocks the streets. "Father..." he mumbles, amazed that the house he had grown up in, the impenetrable fortress he believed it to be, was destroyed so quickly. He sighs and moves towards the marketplace, seeking out a blacksmith with some sturdy blades and bludgeons. He looks for something he wouldn't be questioned too seriously about carrying on his person, and settles for a sturdy looking maul and some smaller knives, paying for and pocketing them quickly in order to keep up with his siblings.

He casts a wary eye as the guardsmen run off towards their house, not sure they will take the exact measures against the intruders that he was personally planning. Though knowing Rachael, she surely had a plan for what exactly to report to the barracks.

Grabbing a Maul and 3 throwing knives (daggers)

2017-10-16, 09:00 PM
Knowing that her siblings are not as likely to go alerting the guard, Hannah rushes to go tell the guards at the barracks the message. She takes care to alter her appearance under her cloak to that of a random servant, and hailed the guards at the outpost. A guard named Earl and his partner are requesting aid in investigating the quake!
They went on ahead, but require backup.

2017-10-16, 09:01 PM
"Quake?" a guard playing cards asks. "Is anyone hurt?"

A few more questions are asked, but soon enough, the guards are mobilized. A runner is sent to the main barracks, and the remainder head for the site of the incident.

2017-10-16, 09:04 PM
We should get an contact with daddy's employees. Abigail starts in a whisper.

They might be the first to hear of anything. We shouldn't stay in the area, we might be targets for the adventurers.

2017-10-16, 09:56 PM
Hannah takes on the appearance of Earl's partner and tests the door when the guards depart. There may be some official missives that she could forge for later, or some useful items to grab.

2017-10-16, 09:58 PM
Inside, the room is empty, save for a few swords propped against the wall, the furniture, and a deck of cards abandoned in the name of justice. There are a few doors leading back,likely to offices.

2017-10-16, 11:52 PM
Inside, the room is empty, save for a few swords propped against the wall, the furniture, and a deck of cards abandoned in the name of justice. There are a few doors leading back,likely to offices.

Hannah heads to the offices in the back, hoping for some useful intel. Or at least some seals and signatures...

2017-10-17, 11:22 AM
Celsus follows Hannah, hoping for something that he can apply his area of expertise to.

2017-10-17, 11:36 AM
Inside the office are several stacks of paper. A brief examination reveals nothing too important-routine matters, nothing of note.

However, a deeper inspection may yield some good results.

Investigate check, please. You may take 10 if you wish, or take 20-do note that if you take 20, it's going to take around 40 minutes. (2 minutes per check.)

Nothing of note was found.

There's a few orders to be on the watch out for a group of four armed people coming into the city-heroes, or so they're called, but dangerous people.

They apparently are armed with powerful magical items, though the exact nature is unknown.

In addition, you find a few useful badges and seals-could be good for impersonating a guard.

You spot an incomplete requisition form, that you can fill in to divert a shipment to one of your dad's employees. Get him some more wealth, get him to owe you a little.

You find complete files on the various adventurers. Will write them up if you roll this high.


2017-10-17, 12:06 PM
Not eager to be waiting for his siblings to be captured inside a guardhouse, Valrei finds a spot on a wall to lean on opposite the entrance to the guardhouse. He turns his head occasionally, nonchalantly watching in case other guardsmen decide to come back. Hannah's disguises always creeped him out a little, but he didn't want them to be caught snooping. Especially not when the law might actually be on their side for at least a little while.

Perception just to watch out for any guards that might intrude on our rifling of papers. [roll0]

2017-10-17, 12:10 PM
Celsus! There is some information on daddy's attackers! Just four of them traveling as a group,
well known to be dangerous and armed with magical items. There are also a few more items that could be useful in the future. We could requisition some supplies for one of our allies with this form, and Abigail and I can use these badges and seals for disguises and forgery. Abigail might be able to find something more, she was always better at this than I was. Hannah grabs the badges and seals and is ready to head out to market with Celsus if he doesn't want to keep searching. She fills out the requisition form to divert the shipment to Ganz, hoping that he could be of great help to them in the coming days. She also grabs a sword of the guard as well as any other identifying garb of the watch. The disguise may not be complete yet, but it can be finished at a later point. And it may not be the worst thing to have a sword handy...

Does the requisition form need to be filled out now, or can we fill it out when we are with everyone else?
If it has to be filled out now, does Hannah or Celsus know offhand a good candidate for the aid? Is the requisition form something that could be forged for later use?

2017-10-17, 02:50 PM
Abigail will give Rachael a kiss on the cheek. Come with me. She requests, before heading to the nearest inn.

Once there, she orders a non alcoholic drink and starts to schmooze, eager for info on the 4 people that invaded her home.

[Not sure what to roll here. Persuasion, A charisma investigation?]

2017-10-17, 03:50 PM
Charisma Investigation makes sense. Go ahead and roll that.

Abigail gets her drink, and begins performing a metaphorical call for attention. Many of the men in the inn perk up and answer it, coming her way and offering things, from a polite "Would you care for another drink?" to less polite and more crass offers.

2017-10-17, 04:08 PM
Abigail takes the drinks offered poiletly, and sips at some of them. At the more crass option she just smiles and bats her eyelids flirtatiously.

Investigation [roll0]

2017-10-17, 04:09 PM
While Abigail's allure is sufficient to get plenty of free drinks and male attention, she's unable to get any useful information. A few people mention seeing them and staying away from them, but nothing that's actually going to help you.

2017-10-17, 04:14 PM
Rachael does her best to help out Abigail with getting information on her father.


2017-10-17, 04:15 PM
Rachel, meanwhile, manages to get better information. Nothing immediately handy, but they arrived some two days ago. Apparently, the halfling grew up here, and the elf trained here.

2017-10-17, 04:32 PM
Think either of them have a spouse here? Abigail whisper asked Rachael.

2017-10-17, 09:06 PM
"Hey, good job, Hannah! I think you've found all we can get from here. Should I try filling it out now,
or do you want to? Celsus asks.

2017-10-17, 10:29 PM
It would be great if you could grab it, as I want to see about grabbing a few items. Now what do I need for the time... A nice viol, some bells, ink and pen, a small knife, paper and parchment, maybe some perfume and an outfit for performances. Maybe some ribbons for dancing? I probably should get some armor like Abigail, but maybe something cuter. Can they make an armored dress? I'll have to ask around... Hannah prattles on to herself absentmindedly.

2017-10-23, 06:26 PM
Soon enough, you're all in the Cracked Tankard, a well-to-do inn on Clay Close, near a tree-lined canal. Nearby is a small traveler's shrine (funded by your father, with a few... Peculiar "holy" symbols). The inn is a two-story stone-walled building, with a tiled mosaic floor. It was once a manor house, and has a collection of artwork. Accommodations consist of several small rooms with beds and woolen mattresses.

The innkeep, a tall elvish woman by the name of Ainnoch, greets as you come in. "Afternoon! How's your father doing? He hasn't been in for a while-not since you guys had your house renovated, and you had to stay here."

Steamed Shark with Garlic and Dried Date, Glass of Wine (1 sp)
Braised Goose and Onion, Glass of Cider (3 sp)
Boiled Pork and Curd Cheese, Tankard of Mead (10 cp)
Dried Catfish and Carrot, Tankard of Bitter (9 cp)
Dried Shark and Rye Bread, Tankard of Beer (11 cp)

Note that, despite including prices, I don't honestly expect you to track minor expenses.

There are a few people about in the Tankard at this time-notably, Witheue, a human woman and a skilled fighter. Her armor is still on (she's a touch paranoid) but her warhammer and shield are on the ground, and she's currently singing, something she's surprisingly talented at, on the small stage in the center of the Cracked Tankard. Her voice is a clear alto, and she's singing a sad song, bittersweet, full of lost friends and longing memories.

As you find your seats, a man-a stout dwarf-sits at your table. "Evenin', lovelies," he says.

The dwarf is Bardi, a small-time thief. You know he's got something in his head about recovering "Accursed Vindicator", supposedly an ancient maul, from Slate Hills. He's done good work for your family in the past,

2017-10-23, 06:49 PM
Abigail starts tearing up at the inn, still having presence of mind to curtsy for the dwarf.

Before remembering something.

Bardi. You ever get that Vindicator? She asks sitting down next to him.

2017-10-23, 06:50 PM
"Nah yet, Abi. Been looking for the right crew to get it," he says. "Surprised you remember-don't think we talked much."

2017-10-24, 11:28 AM
The innkeep, a tall elvish woman by the name of Ainnoch, greets as you come in. "Afternoon! How's your father doing? He hasn't been in for a while-not since you guys had your house renovated, and you had to stay here."

Valrei stays a moment to speak with Ainnoch a little longer. "He's ... been rather busy lately." He clears his throat before asking, "Don't suppose anyone has been asking about him lately? There's been a few unexpected calls to the house."

Insight to whatever answer she gives. [roll0]

2017-10-24, 02:01 PM
"Nah yet, Abi. Been looking for the right crew to get it," he says. "Surprised you remember-don't think we talked much."

My brain's a steel trap, and you tend to ramble when you've had too much to drink. Abby teases with a grin.

2017-10-24, 02:34 PM
Enchanted by the song of Witheue, Hannah begins to lightly play an accompanying tune on her uke.

2017-10-24, 04:56 PM
Valrei stays a moment to speak with Ainnoch a little longer. "He's ... been rather busy lately." He clears his throat before asking, "Don't suppose anyone has been asking about him lately? There's been a few unexpected calls to the house."

Insight to whatever answer she gives. [roll0]

"There was someone. A halfling, named Jordan. Seemed a nice man-armed for a bear, though," Ainnoch replies.

My brain's a steel trap, and you tend to ramble when you've had too much to drink. Abby teases with a grin.

"Heh," Bardi replies. "Fair enough! Though speaking of drink-lass!" he says to a passing bargirl. "Get us all a round! And don't worry-my friend will cover it."

The bargirl nods, but looks to Abigail, making sure she's paying.

Enchanted by the song of Witheue, Hannah begins to lightly play an accompanying tune on her uke.

Witheue pauses a moment to drink, and says "Thank you," before she stars her song again.

2017-10-24, 04:59 PM
Abigail chuckles. You're lucky I like you. Abigail comments pulling out the gold and silver for a round.

2017-10-25, 07:44 AM
"There was someone. A halfling, named Jordan. Seemed a nice man-armed for a bear, though," Ainnoch replies.

"Do you remember what he asked? Anything specific?"

2017-10-25, 09:20 AM
"Just where Crowley lived. He said he had some business, and your father is always seeing people, so I told him He seemed a nice man-said something about owing Crowley something, so I guess he was paying back a debt."

2017-10-26, 06:36 AM
Celsus sits down and finds he's actually rather hungry. "Some of the braised goose, please."

2017-10-26, 11:14 AM
One of the servers hears Celsus and nods, saying "I'll get right on that!" before heading for the kitchens.

As the server goes, a tired-looking guard staggers in. "Dammit..." he mutters, and collapses into a chair.

2017-10-26, 01:57 PM
Abigail swiftly goes over.

Sitting next to the guard, and bending over much more then she had to, to let the guard's eyes drift down her chest. She smiles warmly at him.

What seems to be the problem?

2017-10-26, 08:48 PM
The guard looks at Abigail, and smiles wanly. His eyes are slightly out of focus, though he seems appreciative of the display before him. "Some... Well, some people might call them adventurers. Troublemakers more like. I was part of the group that was trying to deal with them, but they got away. They were dragging a statue with them, for some reason. Just... Gods above, how does anyone get that strong?"

2017-10-28, 06:45 AM
Celsus jerks his head up sharply and stares at the guard. "Where were they going?"

2017-10-28, 11:12 AM
The guard seems too tired to notice the extreme reaction. He only says "I don't know. Gods, if I knew, I'd have them send the army after them."

2017-10-28, 03:06 PM
****ing thieves. Abigail swore exhausted.

2017-10-28, 05:47 PM
"Just where Crowley lived. He said he had some business, and your father is always seeing people, so I told him He seemed a nice man-said something about owing Crowley something, so I guess he was paying back a debt."

Valrei's lips purse slightly. She couldn't have known, but it did sting slightly that such a simple remark might have helped lead to ... whatever this was. He forced his mouth to turn upwards to smile at least a little before thanking her, turning to join his siblings at the table. He lets himself fall into one of the chairs, giving Bardi a manly nod of recognition. "Bardi. It's been a while."

2017-10-28, 08:02 PM
"Afternoon, Val," Bardi replies, nodding back.