View Full Version : Player Help Creating a fake god

2017-10-15, 07:32 AM
About to begin a run with a LE paladin of Asmodeus, but for obvious reasons there will be times I'd rather keep this under wraps, especially since at least one member of the party is going to be NG or LG.

The DM has advised that I create a fake god to 'follow' so that I can say that to anyone who asks where my powers are coming from, etc.

As someone who's never really strayed into the more religious classes I've not got a lot to go on for this, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Cap'm Bubbles
2017-10-15, 08:13 AM
I've seen two approaches in my limited experience, though there is a third.

Option 1: Pretend to be a follower of a different deity, preferably one that has been killed by Asmodeus or another being, while this fact is not known to the general public. A deity with magic as their focus (what would be an arcana domain, but not necessarily for paladin) tends to work out a little better when you've got spells normally on a bard or wizard list. In this case, Mystra, Boccob, Wee Jas, Lunitari, or Nuitari could work, depending on whether you want your reputation to be more neutral or evil. If your character has a domain or personal ideals they prefer over the arcane, you can of course impersonate another deity's follower that is more suited for the character.

Option 2: Invent a deity to worship by intentionally forming a fake cult and proselytizing. You're effectively making a character that will never take any actions by writing up this one, but you have a blank slate to say whatever you want when you spread the reputation of yourself and your new deity. Picking a very obscure deity or a forgotten one also works.

Option 3, and probably most in line with Asmodeus' goals, and most likely to cause issues with allies following other deities:
From wiki:
"According to the Guide to Hell, though he has worshipers and does on occasion grant them clerical powers, his true identity as Ahriman makes him loath to expand his cult. This is because his true motivation is to spread atheism through the multiverse and make all believe that "gods" are not divine at all, but beings who have achieved great power. In his plan, when belief fails, the outer planes will cease to exist. As Ahriman the evil lawmaker of the whole of the cosmos and unfettered by belief himself, he can then remold the multiverse perfectly according to his desires, and this time not having to share in its creation with Jazirian: the good creator of the multiverse's orderly structure. There will be no remnant of chaos as a result, or any missing rules in this future outer ring of planes, which will be the exclusive domain of Asmodeus."
Call yourself superhuman, totally bluffing whenever someone asks where your power comes from and claim it as your own (i.e. sorceror/paladin combo, "I'm just that good", etc).

2017-10-15, 08:22 AM
Or just don't proclaim to follow a god. The PHB says that a paladin's power comes as much from its commitment to justice as is does from gods. If anyone actually asks you from where you derive your power, just say it is from the strength of your oath. No one needs to be told that your brand of justice happens to be primarily self-serving.

2017-10-15, 08:28 AM
Actually the PHB says that the Paladin's powers don't come from gods. So saying "it comes from my Oath" is perfectly accurate.

Following Asmodeus is not how you get your powers, it's just some cause you've decided to work for.

Anyway, OP, if you want to say you're powered by a god you can just claim to be the follower of a minor deity no one would really know about, or just invent one completely.

Option 3, and probably most in line with Asmodeus' goals, and most likely to cause issues with allies following other deities:
From wiki:
"According to the Guide to Hell, though he has worshipers and does on occasion grant them clerical powers, his true identity as Ahriman makes him loath to expand his cult. This is because his true motivation is to spread atheism through the multiverse and make all believe that "gods" are not divine at all, but beings who have achieved great power. In his plan, when belief fails, the outer planes will cease to exist. As Ahriman the evil lawmaker of the whole of the cosmos and unfettered by belief himself, he can then remold the multiverse perfectly according to his desires, and this time not having to share in its creation with Jazirian: the good creator of the multiverse's orderly structure. There will be no remnant of chaos as a result, or any missing rules in this future outer ring of planes, which will be the exclusive domain of Asmodeus."

That lore is several editions out of date, I think. Nowadays Asmodeus, aside from being the absolute master of the Nine Hells, is a minor deity who very much like religious people following him.

2017-10-15, 08:28 AM
About to begin a run with a LE paladin of Asmodeus, but for obvious reasons there will be times I'd rather keep this under wraps, especially since at least one member of the party is going to be NG or LG.

The DM has advised that I create a fake god to 'follow' so that I can say that to anyone who asks where my powers are coming from, etc.

As someone who's never really strayed into the more religious classes I've not got a lot to go on for this, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Why not just lie and say you are following a LG God? That is what an evil person would do.

2017-10-15, 08:31 AM
What setting? Forgotten Realms? The question is very different in different settings... in FR nearly everyone has a patron God, not having one would be weird (for anyone, not just a Paladin)... other settings, it may not be a big deal

Also, as a note, that whole 'Asmodeus is Ahriman, the serpent of law' is an in-game *theory*, not fact... someone on the wiki is running with fanon in those edits

2017-10-15, 12:24 PM
You could always say you're a follow of Pelor and spread "the burning hate" ideology were you can.

This does a few things...

1: At first notice people will think you follow Pelor.
2: You're weakening Pelor's church.
3: You're spreading Evil/anti-deity sentiment wherever you can.
4: You can always say that the others deities know the truth but are lying to their followers and Pelor is coming to take his rightful place.

Sariel Vailo
2017-10-15, 12:43 PM
Banjo follow banjo

**** asmodeus https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/oots/images/2/2b/Banjo.png/revision/latest?cb=20090702063406