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2017-10-15, 06:09 PM
Can you resurrect animals with True Resurrection?

2017-10-15, 06:14 PM
I see no reason why you couldn't, assuming the animal didn't die of old age and was willing to return to life.

2017-10-15, 07:56 PM
I believe it's assumed that all creature types can be brought back from the dead with this chain of spells unless their type rules or creature rules say otherwise. Thus, a simple raise dead will probably work to bring back an animal.

The only concern would be either that a) animals do not have souls, which as creatures not intelligent enough to have an alignment could be true in standard D&D, or b) that animals are not intelligent enough to 'consent' to resurrection. If it's under the circumstances of, say, raising an animal companion, I don't think this is an issue, as the companion is implicitly bound to the character who's raising it (Animal cleric with Raise Dead or Resurrection or Druid with Reincarnate).

2017-10-16, 12:12 AM
If the animal in question is an animal companion or familiar (those are magical beasts of course), you can explicitly use Raise Dead and all subsequent spells on them.

2017-10-16, 12:18 AM
Yeah, raise dead/resurrection/true resurrection can definitely work on animals.

The main issue here is whether or not the animal would choose to come back to life. For a random, ordinary animal, it's highly questionable. For something like an Animal Companion, I would definitely give it to the player since it's supposed to be loyal to it's master.

2017-10-16, 12:23 AM
Yeah, raise dead/resurrection/true resurrection can definitely work on animals.

The main issue here is whether or not the animal would choose to come back to life. For a random, ordinary animal, it's highly questionable. For something like an Animal Companion, I would definitely give it to the player since it's supposed to be loyal to it's master.

In Pathfinder, there are more specific rules/guidelines around this:

Reviving a Dead Companion

A lost animal companion, cohort, familiar, or follower can be raised or resurrected with spells such as raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection. For a cohort or follower with character levels, these kinds of spells give the character one or more negative levels—a price worth paying if the alternative is death. Creatures with no character levels (such as animal companions and familiars) count as 1st level for the purpose of these spells, and therefore they take Constitution drain instead of negative levels. A non-sentient companion is assumed to be willing to return to life unless you were cruel to it or directly responsible for its death.

In most cases, the companion probably remembers its last moments alive and understands that you’re the reason why it is alive again. For a lower-level cohort or a non-adventuring follower, the gift of a second chance at life is something very treasured and earns you great respect and devotion. You can gain the reputation of “fairness and generosity” for the purposes of the Leadership feat.

Using reincarnate is an alternative option, but has a similar effect on a companion’s loyalty and affection. Few humans would choose to be reincarnated as a bugbear or kobold, but if the choice is that or death, a new life in a new body is generally preferred. For an animal companion, the GM should create a random table of creatures similar to its original form—for example, a lion might be reincarnated as a leopard, cheetah, or tiger.

2017-10-16, 12:33 AM
In Pathfinder, there are more specific rules/guidelines around this:

I sort of feel like that's not something that needed to be spelled out explicitly. It feels like common sense, and goes along with what I was saying. I guess it's nice to have my opinions backed up by some legit game devs, though.

2017-10-16, 12:38 AM
I sort of feel like that's not something that needed to be spelled out explicitly. It feels like common sense, and goes along with what I was saying. I guess it's nice to have my opinions backed up by some legit game devs, though.

You'd think so, but on these boards, I'll take common sense being spelled out any day :smalltongue:

Hiro Quester
2017-10-16, 10:50 AM
I do recall it being spelled out explicitly. E.g in the Reincarnate spell text:

For a humanoid creature, the new incarnation is determined using the following table. For nonhumanoid creatures, a similar table of creatures of the same type should be created.

A creature that has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect can’t be returned to life by this spell. Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can’t be reincarnated. The spell cannot bring back a creature who has died of old age.

So use the table of other animal companions available and roll dice to determine which animal your Ac is reincarnated as.

Similar considerations should, logically (yes, I know, logic and D&D rules fight daily battles) also apply to resurrection.