View Full Version : Which Edition Of The Original 1982 Bladerunner Should I watch ?

2017-10-15, 11:19 PM
I just watched Bladerunner 2049 in the cinema and I'm curious to know more about that universe. It was suggested that I watch the original to further appreciate it. However I am aware that there are multiple version of that movie with some cut purportedly having contrasting impact on the movie and some (the original theatrical release) even derided.

So which version should watch ,then?

2017-10-15, 11:38 PM
"Final Cut", it was re-released in 2007 (I think).

It is considered the director's ultimate version of what he wanted (meaning the "Director's Cut" was not the vision he wanted it to be!)

2017-10-16, 07:37 AM
You'll understand what's going on better with viewing any of them

However, the original theatrical cut has a noir-style narration throughout, and a test-audience-approved ending. The Director's cut was the one that achieved cult status by the removal of both. I had heard about the Final Cut, but was not aware of any difference between that and the director's cut.

2017-10-16, 07:41 AM
You'll understand what's going on better with viewing any of them

However, the original theatrical cut has a noir-style narration throughout, and a test-audience-approved ending. The Director's cut was the one that achieved cult status by the removal of both. I had heard about the Final Cut, but was not aware of any difference between that and the director's cut.

Mostly enhanced visuals, i think.

2017-10-16, 04:04 PM
Either the Final Cut or the Director's Cut.

Avoid the original theatrical cut if possible. There are a couple of important removed/altered scenes and a totally unnecessary voiceover by a clearly bored Harrison Ford which adds nothing. As alluded to above, the film probably wouldn't be considered a classic if that were the only version available.

2017-10-16, 04:52 PM
Either the Final Cut or the Director's Cut.

Avoid the original theatrical cut if possible. There are a couple of important removed/altered scenes and a totally unnecessary voiceover by a clearly bored Harrison Ford which adds nothing. As alluded to above, the film probably wouldn't be considered a classic if that were the only version available.

Apparently Harrison Ford HATED the idea of the voice over and tried to do it as poorly as possible in the hope it would never be used.

( I actually like the voice over. Ford's monotone delivery perfectly matchs Deckards burnt out character and it adds to the whole future Noir feel of the movie)

2017-10-16, 05:41 PM
Let's not go crazy here...it was already a cult classic by the time the first director's cut came out.

As for the narration, it was in the original script, but they went back and forth on if they wanted to have it. By the time they tested it and the studio said put it back in, Scott had gone off it completely, and yeah, Ford being intentionally dry. But I think it actually works, and as comicshorse said, adds to the neonoir. If you look at it as a straight up sci-fi film, then yeah, it is unnecessary. But if you look at it as neonoir, it adds to the atmosphere. My 2 cents anyway.

So I'd say, first time, watch the Final Cut. But if you like it, and get a chance to, watching the theatrical version isn't a terrible idea and it's not as awful as some people would have you believe. Again, that's the film so many of us had fallen in love with before Scott decided to start rehashing it. And his improvements actually were, unlike his director's cut of Legend.

2017-10-17, 07:36 PM
So ,Final Cut it is then.

Thanks , guys.