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2017-10-16, 10:05 AM
In the morning the Goblin and his 10 guards set off with you in tow. (10 in total.) You left Alrin in Serexxs direction. But you went slighting north on the road to Berian. The slaves were huddling together. There were a few less today then yesterday. The Red haired one still looking furious. The man who signed up right before you was walking really close to the slave cart.

(About 2 days travel before Berian. What do you do?)

2017-10-16, 04:07 PM
The man who clenched his fists in the market... is he here? (The youth with the greatsword)
Spot Check: [roll0] or should I not roll?

How are we lined up?

Spot check on the horizon; are there any witnesses?

How many guards?

(Sorry for all this inquisition, just want to formulate a plan)

2017-10-16, 04:12 PM
oops forgot spot check to horizon.

Is it hot/cold?

2017-10-16, 05:02 PM
Its late summer so still a little warm.

There are 9 guards 10 including you.

Yes the greatsword wielding man is there he is the closest to the red haired slave.

Nobody is on the road ahead of yourself. It’s about 10 am.

Everyone is surrounding the cart not all too organized. You can pick where you stand.

The goblin is in the cart right ahead of the slave cart. With his two personal guards. Still 10 guards total including you.

Lastly post inside a spoiler with rolls or questions or in the ooc thread. :) helps with immersion. Also any information I say in the thread is given knowledge excluding anything that i specifically say otherwise :)

2017-10-16, 07:55 PM
I am close to the youth how roll-heavy do you want me to be?
bluff him to see that when I say "buying" I actually mean "freeing" and "weapons" instead of "coin" [roll0]
EDIT: Oops, my bluff is +3, not +4, so that roll is actually 21...

I whisper to him
So why are you here? Interested in buying the girl?
saying buying with a lil emphasis and a lil wink wink nod nod ;)
because if you do, I got a little bit of coin that could help you there.

2017-10-16, 08:27 PM
He looks at you understanding what you mean clearly. Yes I wouldn’t refuse the coin. But tonight would be better. But my goal is to buy everyone here. But she is more valuable. He says. She is a precious coin to me that can help. My name is Geoffrey yours? he follows the words you used to inform you what his intentions were.

Not too heavy. Just once in awhile. Idm you rolling whenever you feel but try to keep it in a spoiler helps. :) I’ll respond to all info lol.

2017-10-16, 08:58 PM
Sounds like a solid deal, because they say that the prices go down at night and it's easy picking then, like you could get everything you would ever want and more.
Do you think that the vendors should take a break or keep walkin?

Line #1: Agreeing that we should do it at night Line #2: Asking him whether or not we should kill the rest of them

2017-10-16, 09:55 PM
I don’t mind making them walk if they don’t stop me from buying. If not then a break sounds lovely. Geoffrey says with a shrug. For being so big he sure is bright. The guards around you don’t seem to be focusing on your chat as they scan around. Seeing nothing though they keep on walking.

Its about 4pm at this time when everyone decided to make camp in a nice clearing by the road. Your halfway to Berian.

2017-10-17, 06:15 PM
All right, I'll be sure to see you leave the market before I go home, where would you store goods though, if at all?

2017-10-17, 06:23 PM
I plan to take them home He said simply. It starts to get darker as nightfall is soon approaching. Geoffrey pulls a dagger from hit belt and slipped it inside the bars before anyone noticed. The red head warrior grab it and look at Geoffrey. Her look was obvious that she knew him.

He stepped back equally fast and shouted ahead. Shall we make camp at the next clearing?! Ragnart looks back then at the sky. Yes Yes. My tent is in the back of my wagon when we stop grab it and set it up for me.

2017-10-17, 06:32 PM
Alright, now I'll wait till night (coz I dunno what else to do)

2017-10-17, 06:46 PM
A few hours pass. Tents are set up. Foods been eaten and bedrolls laid. Geoffrey was up for watch. He did a small kick you to wake you. With a finger on his mouth. As he walks over to the slaves cages. As he gets closer he pulls out a key ring he ‘found’ while grabbing Ragnarts tent. Vivian everyone ready? He says to the red haired girl. Yes. Everyone’s all set. Hurry before anyone wakes.

He quickly opens the door. Follow us. Passing a sword he lifted off another guard to Vivian he heads into the forest. Follow by a dozen slaves and Vivian.

2017-10-17, 07:11 PM
Filef nods and starts to follow him, wary of followers, he turns back and looks for pursuers.


2017-10-17, 07:21 PM
You don’t see anyone follow you. But it’s dark so you cant be to sure, You continue running in the woods putting a large distance in between you and Ragnart. Two hours pass as you come across an abandoned building. We should rest here for the night. Geoffrey passes a bag of food to the now freedslaves and they start grabbing food from it. Eat slowly otherwise you can get sick. Slowly they eat the food as they head towards the building.

Inside looks clear. Nobody have been their in awhile. Tables were on there side and it was a mess. But clear.

2017-10-17, 07:34 PM
Filef sets down his pack, and searches the building

How many floors does the building have?
Any windows?
Lastly, is there any flour to bake with? :smallwink:

Now would be a good time to pray for spells...
He heals the prisoners and starts to pray for spells.

2017-10-17, 07:40 PM
2 floors. Yes there is some flour in the kitchen but no wood left, maybe use a chair?2 windows on the front and backside of the house second floors windows are reserved so there facing the opposite direction. So bottom floors windows are north, south. 2nd floor is west, east.

The slaves thank you as they group up for warmth. Vivian and Geoffrey and talking in a corner. He keeps doing bows whenever he addresses her.

2017-10-17, 07:56 PM
That's fine, but I'm praying for spells right now, so I won't do anything else for the next 8(?) hour.

I'm also going to use my (blank) spellbook to meditate with.

2017-10-17, 08:28 PM
Geoffrey woke you early in the morning with a hand over your mouth. He pointed outside. Six of the guards you were traveling with Were walking to your building. He pointed at the slaves and the back door. He drew his greatsword. Vivian was gently waking up the ex-slaves.

Geoffrey alone by the front door. Prepared for a fight.

2017-10-17, 08:46 PM
Filef gets up and silently walks to the nearest window, and casts Summon Monster I to summon a Celestial Giant Fire Beetle. Then he whispers to Geoffrey

On my mark, open the door.

Going to have the bug go around the first guard and have him flank

2017-10-17, 09:04 PM
You Don’t have to fight filef. You can run. But I don’t mind the help. He waits for your signal. Then opens the door. After the bug moves to flank he runs to the opposite side turning and swung his sword down at the nearest guard.


Nice Geoffrey!

With one massive swing Geoffrey cleanly cuts off the mans head with deadly accuracy.

Filefs Move then init rolls!

2017-10-17, 09:20 PM
Filef jumps out of the window and faces the men, and he takes his sights and fires at the one farthest away.


Filef stares blankly at the poor soul, whose face is indistinguishable, and he bleeds profusely.

OMG crits all around!
Also beetle goes poof now right?
2 men left

2017-10-17, 09:49 PM
10 total damage, crit multiplier is x3

I need 10 characters, sorry I got too excited on that crit.

2017-10-18, 06:11 PM
oh wait lol initiative [roll0]

2017-10-18, 09:05 PM
Didn't see the OoC post
Bluff to convince that he's a barbarian [roll0]
bluff to sound cool [roll1]

Filef saw his shot fly true and whispered a prayer to boccob, for allowing his shot to fly true.
I'd recommend you go away now, before you fall victim to the barbarian, nodding towards Geoffrey
I don't think you would stand a chance if I actually tried

2017-10-18, 09:15 PM
the fire beetle moves to the next guy in line and smites him!


2017-10-19, 09:31 AM
Two guards fell quickly! One from Geoffrey’s sword the other by 2 arrows that slammed into his skull. One was severely injured from the beetle before it disappeared. Hearing your words they look at each other. ’aight we’ll stand down. Have a good ol’ day. the man closest to you says and proceeds to walk off casually in the direction he just came from the others quickly join suit.

2017-10-19, 12:16 PM
Filef walks back around to Geoffrey

So we should probably go before they undoubtedly come back with more, where are you headed? I'm not going anywhere in particular.

2017-10-19, 01:03 PM
Aviry to the south that’s where I am my people belong. he waves his hand were the freed Aviry slaves were. If you want to come I’ll welcome you. Your pretty good with that bow hahaha. As you said chances are they will be back with a lot more men. Geoffrey moves to meet up with Vivian.

2017-10-19, 02:21 PM
Filef goes inside and sees everybody

Yea, I'll go with you, do you have any food left? I don't want any, but I could certainly purify it.

How many slaves are with us?
He's going south, so what kind of an area is that?
How late in the day is it?

2017-10-19, 03:18 PM
There are 15 slaves including Vivian. It’s kinda deserty barren and has a lot of harsh weather. High winds Thunderstorms and rain. Crops don’t really grow well there. Except a few. It’s about 8am just started.

Yes I have a lot of rations left. Should be enough to hold us up for a week. We will need to replenish our water supplies later today. If your willing to purify it then that would be great. I know mages only have some many spells they can cast. Geoffrey says. A little ignorant that your not a Mage but he doesn’t know better.

A few hours later they stop and replenish there water supply. (If you purify it nice!) You continue to travel until it grows late into the night putting as much distance as possible in between you and Ragnarts men. As it reaches late. Everyone settles down in the widest patch of forest you seen in hours. Everyone eats and rests while Vivian and Geoffrey discuss what routes they should take.

Anything you would like to do in this part? :) Next part will be in 4 days :)

2017-10-19, 05:22 PM
So if we're headed south... do you have a tribe to join up with? How do you expect the rest to survive such a climate, as it's not exactly a paradise.

I suggest we, or at least a couple of us, go into a city before going ahead to collect supplies and gear for the journey, where the existing populace would be more supportive of our stay. Unless wherever we're going is closer of course.

I keep forgetting color darn it!

2017-10-19, 06:07 PM
Were used to the climate there. Vivian is in charge of here own. Our village Alticard is the closest to the boarder. Geoffrey says not all too concerned with the problems Going through the forest like this we should arrive in a few days. It’s safer then trying to go in a city.

2017-10-19, 07:05 PM
Fair enough, I'll go anywhere you take me then.

Uh, go ahead in the future then, unless you want a final word.

2017-10-20, 09:52 AM
A few days pass drawing you into colder lands. Trees become less and less. The sky stays cloudy. Almost There at this rate we will arrive by tonight. Geoffrey says looking at the sky. It’s about midday now we should stop and rest. Geoffrey passes he bag of food around once more. The Aviry people now look stronger and fuller. Not skin and bones anymore.

2017-10-20, 01:53 PM
Filef speaks to Vivian

So who are you? \

Spot check the horizon, any smoke or anything?

2017-10-20, 02:08 PM
Vivan Evlits daughter of Jeol Evlits. Ruler of the Aviry clan Jaigrite. Those filthy goblins ambushed me and some of my people when we were in a trade route. When we reach my lands they can’t bother us anymore. Her eyes fierce and strong. Her willpower clearly great.

Aviry people are lead by female rulers not males ones as bonus info!

The horizon ahead is clear no smoke. But you see a faint line that’s different from the ground. Maybe a wall or gate?

2017-10-20, 04:25 PM
That's nice, I suppose this Jeol guy should be fun to meet.

2017-10-20, 06:04 PM
Jeol was my mother. She is no longer with us. Sorry to disappoint you. He eyes glared a bit with the insult?

Filef The Aviry people have female leaders instead of males. Vivian is the current head of our clan. Her mother passed due to unforeseen circumstances. He says hesitantantly as he did a quick glance to Vivian.

2017-10-20, 06:29 PM
Uhm, now is the time for me to start preparing spells...

And with that, Filef goes over to the side, sits down, and starts to read his (empty) spellbook.

2017-10-20, 06:32 PM
You sure? Lol because it’s only mid day not night time yet lol they were just resting before heading to the final stretch. During the jump I thought you would have prepared them every morning or at night.

2017-10-20, 06:43 PM
You sure? Lol because it’s only mid day not night time yet lol they were just resting before heading to the final stretch. During the jump I thought you would have prepared them every morning or at night.

What do they know? I'm a wizard I'll roll bluff if they're not convinced I'm a wizard, or you could RP their disbelief.
Awww yeah, totally a wizard by now.

2017-10-20, 07:04 PM
lol they believe you but I was just letting you know that they were only stopping for an hour. I don’t think you have enough time to prepare xD

2017-10-20, 07:15 PM
lol they believe you but I was just letting you know that they were only stopping for an hour. I don’t think you have enough time to prepare xD

Ok, but what do a bunch of tribesmenwomen know about wizardry?

2017-10-20, 07:23 PM
Ok, but what do a bunch of tribesmenwomen know about wizardry?

idk lol. Aviry people only have healers not mages xD. Just was saying idk why you would meditate if you got to go in a hour xD I’m just confused.

2017-10-20, 07:37 PM
idk lol. Aviry people only have healers not mages xD. Just was saying idk why you would meditate if you got to go in a hour xD I’m just confused.

If only an hour, then I'm faking it to get out of the awkward moment where I think joel is a guy...

2017-10-20, 08:14 PM
If only an hour, then I'm faking it to get out of the awkward moment where I think joel is a guy...

ah xD that can work lol.

The hour passes. Everyone gets up and sets off once more to the final stretch. You reach a road. A few hundred feet up there is a cart nocked over. There are small hills next to it.

(Wha5 do you do?)

2017-10-20, 08:36 PM
Filef cautiously looks to the left and right of the road, and says

Hey Geoffrey, this could be an ambush, and we're not quite in your country yet, so do you see anything in the hills?

Is the cart parallel with the road?
spot check both sides of the road
[roll0] Crit!

2017-10-21, 09:04 AM
So many crits! XD

I don’t see anything but I’m not getting a good vibe from it. Geoffrey says. As you look forward your eyes seeing almost the impossible. Someone look at you from behind the cart and hills. Even some hiding in small upturned dirt piles. Clearly it was an ambush.

2017-10-21, 02:37 PM
Geoffrey... The others, are they capable fighters?
I suggest we move back and then both of us go around the road and check...

Geoffrey plz
Diplomacy [roll0] For every crit there is an anticrit

2017-10-21, 02:47 PM
lol if you only get crits or 1s be interesting game xD

Vivan can fight better then me but the rest are common folk not warriors. Whats with your concern? Do your eyes see something mine don’t? Either way lead the way Geoffrey says and readied his sword.

2017-10-22, 11:42 AM
Filef turns around to vivian and tells her: You and the commoners should go back up the trail, me and Geoffrey will take it from here.

He then shouts

Now you've made me mad, WAAAGH!

while feigning one of the big people, he thought... If I was a REAL wizard I wouldn't have to fake this. (Thinking here, not saying)
Ok, I was stumped for a while, so sorry for the delay. I mean, I could take Vivian, but that would leave the commoners helpless.
(Commoners? Did they take their 1st level flaws? :smallwink:)
I use alter self to turn into a Raging Orc Barbarian with one eye missing.(Accidental Metagaming)
And instead of trying to intimidate the guys, I instead cast Doom on the closest one to me (DC 13 Will)

2017-10-25, 10:40 AM
Lol this will be so embarrassing xD

[roll0] dc

As your charged and scream Geoffrey drew his sword and charged with you. About five people stepped out behind the wagon three women with bows and two men with shields and spears. On both hills were two more archers and shieldman. The dirt piles turned up to reveal another two shield warriors! Clearly outnumbered.

so that’s 7 archers and 8 guys with shield and spears. What ya do? :0

2017-10-25, 07:10 PM
Lol this will be so embarrassing xD

I now thank my previous self for making bluff a class skill
Are any of them male? if not then I point at the closest female one ;)

WAAAit... Jim? Is that really you? (Pointing towards the closest male enemy) Jim it's been so long! (The now-orc Filef goes to hug "Jim")

Bluff that his name is Jim and he knows me ;)
[roll0] NOOOO
Grapple Check (not really wrestling, but like in a tight hug)(Does alter self affect STR? STR was not taken into account of this roll because)

2017-10-25, 08:53 PM
lol this is really embarrassing xD

All of them are male except the three female archers behind the cart :smallamused:

He steps back as you approach and readies his spear towards your neck. The archers raise their bows. Geoffrey walks up with his sword still drawn. Please let my friend go. He meant no harm we are simple travelers. Geoffrey says with a small bow towards the women.You are entering Jaigrite territory. None are allowed to enter. Turn back now.

Geoffrey face suddenly brightens I am Geoffrey. I am escorting Vivian Evlits and a small group of Aviry people back into our lands. I request permission to get Vivian back safely inside her borders.

They look back towards one another and points to the crazed Orc filef. if he goes and brings her we will let you live if not. the answer was clearly as the well armed troops have you outnumbered almost 7 to one. Three archers and four spearman grouped around filef. Prepared to kill him if he resisted. One shoved him to get him moving.

2017-10-25, 11:24 PM
Alright alright I'm walking here (https://youtu.be/7u0mKh_m0Rc?t=1m7s) and dismisses Alter Self ,and I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you young kids (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXUqwuzcGeU)...

So uhm, how much longer are we going to be here, Geoffrey?

2017-10-26, 08:13 PM
Geoffrey is currently under guard lol. Your being escorted back to Vivian lol.

Geoffrey tries to answer but the woman with the bow says Ill put an arrow into both of you if you turn out to be lying.. Clearly she meant it. The men around you shoved you once more and asked you to get Vivan .

What do you do lol. Kinda dangerous situation your in :smalleek:

2017-10-26, 10:40 PM
Bah, It'll all be bad until I get potions of glibness. Until then I'll (not) keep my mouth shut. Keep that in mind until you "remember" that the guys just-so-happen to have a gag :smallwink:

(Looking towards the "leader")

Would you happen to have flour on you? I've been dying to bake a pastry.

2017-10-27, 08:53 PM
lol if you want to play that card :smallcool:

She points at one of the men guarding her. He walks behind the cart and comes back a dirty garment. Forcing it into your mouth. It was revolting. Making you want to vomit. It tasted like week old sweat that was stuck inside a spittoon bucket. You have never tasted something so unimaginably filthy in your entire life. The guard that put it inside your mouth puked just from being that close to it.

The leader covered her nose and stepped back from the horrid smell.

You are now gagged with your hands tied so you cannot remove it.

Bonus effects.

You gain a breath Attack that deals 2d4 con damage until you scrub your mouth out with soap.
-4 to Diplomacy, and gather information.
-2 to hide.
+4 to intimidate.

Lol idk what else to do xD

2017-10-27, 11:03 PM
[SPOILER=Ooc]You are now gagged with your hands tied so you cannot remove it.

Bonus effects.

You gain a breath Attack that deals 2d4 con damage until you scrub your mouth out with soap.
-4 to Diplomacy, and gather information.
-2 to hide.
+4 to intimidate.

Lol idk what else to do xD

I don't know what else to say either, are we there yet? Uhm...
Oh yea, am I still branded?

Filef thinks to himself about such revolting humanoids whom could procure such an object.
Lore check: [roll0]

He then thinks to himself "It's probably going to get darker soon, so I should probably get some light going
(Casting Light on my nose, it's touch range, so I'll slap myself in the nose :smalltongue:)

2017-10-28, 12:39 AM
Yep the branded part happened a year ago. It will give more info later in the story lol no concern for it atm.

The smell clouds your mind making it fuzzy. You weren’t sure what could have made the revolting smell. But clearly it was a powerful beast in a way...

You light up your noise. As the guards and you go into the forest. You hear a shuffling sound to the right. It was one of the Aviry people. Quickly the remaining dozen slaves your freed and surround the part Vivian in the lead. With her sword drawn. Let my men go!

The men who held you captive cut the rope on your hands but leave you gagged. They kneel in front of Vivan and put a fist to their chest. Showing their loyalty. My lady! Josephine is waiting with a main called Geoffrey. Please let us escort you home.

Very well. She says shealthing her sword as see walks back to wher Geoffrey was. As she and the Aviry people walk passes you they cover their nose. Some even gag at the stench.

Shortly after a talk with Josephine. Geoffrey was released and you were back on your way to Alticard.

Anything you wanna do before you continue? Lol your mouth is very stinky xD

2017-10-28, 10:21 AM
Lol let's try to find some soap ;)
Gather Information! >:D [roll0]
Dangit! If only I rolled a 1!
Other than that I'll grab my stuff and then go to the end of the line.

Filef rips the gag out of his mouth and breathes heavily.

(I wonder what this is) he thought, and put it into his pack, aware it could see use in the future, and then walks to the back of the group, aware that none would want his presence.

2017-10-28, 07:58 PM
Geoffrey walks up to you with his hand over his face and hands you a bar of soap and a waterskin. I don’t want to say anything but you might want this.

lol I can’t believe your keeping it xD

A few hours later you arrive towards a small city with low walls. Clearly not all to wealthy. There are some crops outside but they don’t seem to be growing all to well. The guards manning the wall quickly open it to let Vivian inside. Geoffrey chases after her while the guards lead you and the rest of the people away. Shortly after they returned to their houses and families rejoicing.

(To filef) ”I’ve been told to give you a room for the night tomorrow morning your expected to go to Vivian’s hall and receive your reward. one of the guards said as he opened a door to your room.

Please post your actions until the next morning please :)

2017-10-28, 10:06 PM
I kept it because I don't know how good it is (2d4 is thru the roof though, a disease can only hope to do 1d6), and I can always get rid of it whenever I want... On the other hand I should probably get rid of it sometime soon coz that's technically metagaming... Unless my character knows my breath can hurt others......... Knowledge (Nature) [roll0]

Lets pray for spells, and switch out...
Divine Favor for Deathwatch
Doom for Sanctuary
Inflict Minor Wounds for Read Magic

Let's gather information about vivian's hall [roll1]

2017-10-29, 01:34 PM
lol that 0 is nice. Did you clean your mouth with the soap? Or keeping it nasty smelling xD
Also you can keep it lol idm but filef does realize at least if he is very close to someone his breath can make someone really sick.

Early the next morning you arrived in Vivian’s hall. It wasn’t all to grand like a lords would be just like a large open room with some side doors. She was sitting in a large chair with armor on her sword leaning against it. Looking regal in front of her was three chests.

Geoffrey tells me your name is Filef and you helped me with my escape. You are permitted to take one of these three treasures that Geoffrey picked out for you. Afterwards if you have a request you should speak it quickly. My people do not like outsiders so having you stay in our city can bring a lot of unwanted trouble. She said making it clear that you cannot stay for long.

First one is a Ring of storing with a parchment describing how to use it. (Doesn’t need to be worn to work.)

Second is a document containing a strange magic spell that you haven’t seen before. (If you pick this one I’ll tell you info about it lol but I think I invented a nice spell :smallsmile:)

Third was a chest filled with gold and a gem necklace. (300g and a gem necklace that you can pawn for 200g or keep.

2017-10-29, 08:38 PM
I'll take this off your hands, seeing as you'll have trouble using it anyways. Filef then picks up the scroll, casts read magic, and reads the parchment carefully.

So how did you obtain this? Seems odd to have such an item without spellcasters around.

2017-10-29, 11:58 PM
As your read the spell your heads starts to ache. It’s a magic you have never seen or even heard about. we receive it as part of a favor with a man who pasted through we couldn’t read it but he said one day someone might be able to and it can help us. Vivian said not knowing much about it. He said it was a spell that grew within the user. What ever that means she waved her hand like it didn’t matter.

Your head suddenly fills with knowledge of an unknown type of magic your head pounds. You start slowly understanding how to control it. Your breathing is rapid and when you refocus you realized you fell to the ground during your headache. Vivian and two guards looked at you with concern.

Dm custom spell :) hope you like it lol.
It uses wisdom. So casts per day is wis+ 1/2 character level :)

School is still unknown at this time
Spell name unknown (you can make one up if you like)

Spells info
Channeling your inner power you can manifest this spell to either do one of these three affects that grow as your grow stronger.

Summon a Divine flame wisp with 1d8hp and a 1 point fire bolt that has a range of 30 feet. Summoning takes a full round action. As you grow it grows. Every level you gain increase increases its power. Gaining an additional 1d8hd and growing it’s damage increases by this factors 2nd lvl its 1d2, then 1d3, 1d4,1d6, 2d6,3d6,4d6 and so on increasing by a d6 forever after. The range of the bolt increases by 5 ft per level. So at lvl 20 the bolt can hit up to 130 ft away. Dc 10+1 per level. Concentration check. To keep control of it. If you fail the check it disappears

The flames ac is 10 increasing by 1 per level. It has a movement speed of 10 increasing by 10 feet every additional 2 levels so at level 20 it will be 100 feet. You can only have max of one flame a day. They disappear after 1 minute this time increases by 1d4 rounds per level. Or if they die.
Cooldown is 2d6 rounds

Number two!

You shoot a bright fall from your palms that deals 2d4+wis mod that affects a 15 feet area.(3widex3 length-square every level the dmg increases by 1d4 and feet by 5 (3x4)(3x5) and so on. Max dmg at level 20 being 21d4+wis area is (3x23squares which is a 115feet long.) cool down is 2d6 rounds.

You shroud yourself in a cloak of flames. Dealing 1d2 dmg to Anything and I mean anything even things you can’t hit with weapons. Increases by increasing by 1d2 per level lasting 2d6 round. It’s distance increases by 5 ft every 5 levels. Dmg die increases at level 10(d3) 15(d4) 20(d6) At level 10 projectiles like arrows burn up. At level 20 spells that deal less then 20 dmg burn up also :) max dmg is 20d6. Cooldown is after 3d6 rounds cannot stack. Dc 10+1per Level concentration check if you fail it disappears.

Hope you like it? It’s channeling the flame. You can only have one of the affects active at once. So if you have a divine flame wisp up but switch to the flame burst the wisps disappears same with the cloak. Also the flame can only work if your awake so if your affected by anything that makes you lose concentration it disappears same with cloak. Lastly when you level up you must meditate for one day before new power comes to be. To understand more about the flame growing inside of you.

What are your thoughts? :) Also you might want to copy it down on your sheet. It’s a bit powerful I think but I thought it was nice. Also if your confused at all lemme know I’ll try explaining better.

2017-10-30, 08:47 AM
I think it's pretty noice. I just linked the post in my sheet :smallwink:
Name: Divine Arcana!
because that's what it is I guess :P
Command Word: MANIFESTO DIVINE ARCANA! (coz I guess this is how wizards do wizardry :P)
So #2 is a cone, and #3 affects people who touch me, and widens to people within 5 ft of me at level 5, right?

I like it, and the last two feel warlocky but idc.

So what happens to me, can I just get up, bow down, and walk away?

2017-10-30, 10:05 AM
I think it's pretty noice. I just linked the post in my sheet :smallwink:
Name: Divine Arcana!
because that's what it is I guess :P
Command Word: MANIFESTO DIVINE ARCANA! (coz I guess this is how wizards do wizardry :P)
So #2 is a cone, and #3 affects people who touch me, and widens to people within 5 ft of me at level 5, right?

I like it, and the last two feel warlocky but idc.

So what happens to me, can I just get up, bow down, and walk away?

lol yep seconds a cone right now it’s a 3 by 3 squares next level is 3 by 4. As for number 3 yep kinda like a cloak of fire if you will. Also I’m sorry if it felt warlocks xD.

You can get up lol. You just ended up on the floor after your mind was swarmed with the new spell and magic force that entered your body.

Edit you should be able to use it 3 times right now 2 wis+1 character level. Minimum of 1. So at level 3 should be 4 uses.

2017-10-30, 05:22 PM
Filef gets up, turns around, and then drops the scroll back into the chest

I think you might want to keep this he coughs hoarsely. He then proceeds out the door and to the city gates.

Metagame prediction: I leave the Aziry people with the mysterious document, and later in time I come back and now they're a tribe of Psions and such.

Can you give me a quick rundown of where I can go now?

2017-10-30, 06:33 PM
well three main roads leading out Serexxs is about 50 miles southeast of you. Alrin is about 15 miles to your east. TO your West is a port city Warimore. About 30 miles. Some minor towns in between Serexxs and warimore. If you go far south west about 200 miles there’s Ratasca. North west about 70 is Valerians turf. Straight south is a barren land nothing much there more Aviry towns and such. Your close to the bottom of the continent. You can go any direction you please though :)

They looked at you concerned but don’t stop you from leaving the city. You feel a deep and strange warmth in your chest but you realize it’s the unknown magic you just absorbed

2017-10-30, 07:41 PM
well three main roads leading out Serexxs is about 50 miles southeast of you. Alrin is about 15 miles to your east. TO your West is a port city Warimore. About 30 miles. Some minor towns in between Serexxs and warimore. If you go far south west about 200 miles there’s Ratasca. North west about 70 is Valerians turf. Straight south is a barren land nothing much there more Aviry towns and such. Your close to the bottom of the continent. You can go any direction you please though :)

They looked at you concerned but don’t stop you from leaving the city. You feel a deep and strange warmth in your chest but you realize it’s the unknown magic you just absorbed

Let's go towards Warimore. I'll assume I start walking, which will be a pain :(

Filef goes down to the side of the road, sets down his pack and prays to Boccob
What was that scroll about? Please inform me about my current situation, I am in need of your help to manifest this to serve you.

2017-10-31, 02:43 PM
Boccob was silent as you felt the deep warmth of new flame inside your body you walk. As night started to settle in you made your way a little over half way to Warimore. The sun is quickly setting and darkness is arriving slowly.

(What do you do)

20 miles in for today you left early so had good time gj! Only 10 miles left :)

2017-10-31, 04:50 PM
Filef sets down his pack and looks around his current position, wary of others nearby, and a place to settle down.
Spot: [roll0]

2017-10-31, 07:52 PM
its pretty deserted you don’t notice anything :)

What do you do? :)

2017-10-31, 09:07 PM
Filef notes the lack of brush and decides that it would be best not to attract beasts of the night, so he begins to dig a hole, large enough to fit both him and his luggage.

(Dunno what kind of check it is, but I don't have a tool so -2...)

2017-10-31, 09:08 PM
Whups I forgot to say that I'm also making a hide check

2017-10-31, 09:45 PM
You dig a pathetically small hole and squat in it. But surprisingly you almost completely make your self invinsible in the small hole. I’m personally impressed.

lol what do you do?

2017-11-01, 06:24 PM
Whew that was a lot of work, now to sleep

Filef takes one last look around him check for others
(Spot check OoC)

2017-11-01, 07:52 PM
Your eyes are very blurry because you just woke up. Making everything distorted. You continue down your way towards Warimore. As you were a few miles away you saw it on the horizon the ocean. Wide and vast with a small port city of Warimore. Between you and the city was a cart fitting in a new wheel.

(What do you do? )

2017-11-01, 08:16 PM
Filef sees the man and instantly casts Disguise Self to change his persona to that of a strong human

Hello ser(f lol) may I assist you in your endeavor?

2017-11-04, 03:09 PM
The old man looks up as he tried fastening the wheel he said Push up on the cart so I can slip it on. He motioned. As he screwed it on he gave it a quick look over and nodded. Heading to Warimore? I can give you a lift the last few miles if you like. then as and after thought if your new to these parts you might want to stay away from the taverns around the port at night not too safe.

2017-11-04, 05:21 PM
Certainly, Filef says
STR: [roll0]

2017-11-04, 05:23 PM
lol wimpy strong looking human xD

You were barely able to help him raise the cart.

2017-11-04, 06:59 PM
See? That wasn't so hard Filef remarks, barely noticing his very apparent failure.
Now, about going to the city, yes?

2017-11-05, 05:54 PM
With a nod he sets his horses back towards the city. You entered just as it was starting to get dark. There were some cheap rooms close by Shambling oak, Rivers Crossing. We’re the closest inns. But there were some closer to the docks. Marron Oars, Deep Water, Betty and Gales.

(What do you do?)

2017-11-06, 09:42 AM
Let's go to River's Crossing, Filef thought. Best if I can get in before anything bad happens

2017-11-06, 01:56 PM
It was a quite but well kept inn. The rooms only cost a gold but they included a nice warm meal and a mug of ale.

anything before tomorrow or any prep work? Also what might you be looking for in Warimore? Lol. So I know what to post for ic tomorrow time :)

2017-11-06, 05:54 PM
Let's switch out read magic for detect magic (man did I wish I could detect the jewlery earlier)
Purify Food & Drink for Mending (I dunno, but I haven't used it too much)
Summon Monster for Obscuring Mist (Let's not make combat take longer than it needs to be...)

Also let's pray to Boccob again because I feel like it.

2017-11-06, 11:33 PM
Your night uneventful ends as daybreak begins. The crisp smell of the ocean fills your senses. As you walk to the dock you notice a group of men loading up a ship with pirate markings on it. There a bit short handed so there recruiting men to help on the boat. Join ‘ere and share our riches. We be plundering ships from here to Nazgul! All me men be getting a share of te treasure. We be leaving shortly for those seeking riches. Said Captin’ Dreadbane. He wasn’t my very tall or looked experienced but he was clearly trying.

His men seemed to care for him and had a very study ship. The best in the harbor. Rest of the boats were plan ole’ fisherman. Up in the sky small clouds were on the horizon. All the fisherman said away from Dreadbane and his crew. Not scared at all. Not even intimated really.

(What do you do?

2017-11-07, 12:20 AM
Where is Nazgul?
[roll0] Geography if needed.

You've found the right man Captain Dreadbane. I should expect to obtain many treasures with you Filef said, noting not to breath towards him.

2017-11-07, 02:43 AM
South west of the continent of Alterian which your currently on. Wealthy people live there but hard to reach normally.

Captain Dreadbane looks you over and smiles. He has a full set of teeth except for one being silver. Welcome aboard then. You can start helping us finish loading ‘er up then we be off. He says walking back onto the ship to look at some charts. It seems like the pirate ship is the only one setting off today all the other ones are tied firmly to shore.

The rest of the pirates and you finish loading up your supplies rather quickly. There was about a handle of men maybe a little more then half a dozen. The captain at helm he looks over his crew once more and turns his ship starboard leaving the dock of Warimore a little before noon. A nice wind helped carry the ship to see. No need for rowing.

The men gabbed and talked in the corner waiting for any orders from the captain as he steered the ship. Around noon the continent of Alterian completely disappeared leaving you surrounded by the vast ocean.

(Anything you would like to do?)

2017-11-07, 06:02 PM
Lets go behind the captain, sit down, and start focusing on our spellbook, without saying a word.

2017-11-08, 02:04 PM
A few hours passed mid day you understood clearly why no other boats were leaving the port... above you the sky was dark and cloudy. The waves getting larger and more fierce as your boat rocked dangerously left and right. Dreadbane was turning his boat to the largest waves trying to prevent his ship from capsizing. But the way grew harder and taller. As your ship was taking on more and more water....

(What do you do?)

2017-11-08, 07:13 PM
Filef gets up, walks down to the deck (where the water is) and shouts


As the words leave his mouth a cloak of blue flame arouses around his clothing, and filef walks around the ship burning off water without a singed hair to worry.

Sorry if I sound overly confident that what I'm doing will work. The actual outcome is up to the DM or the Dice, what's it gonna be?

2017-11-11, 03:13 PM
Try as you might your flames weren’t strong enough to put out ocean full of water. The ship was being flooded and the mast was cracking...wave after wave hit the ship turning it almost over the sea was fierce.

Ref flex save to avoid falling off the ship dc 15

Anything you want to do also?

2017-11-11, 07:30 PM
Filef stumbles about, trying to keep level with the ship

...and he goes over to the mast and casts Mending
Concentration Check needed or no?

2017-11-12, 08:49 AM
Try as you might the mast is to heavily damaged to be repaired in one session. The ship creaks and groans as it starts turning side ways...waves rolling over the ship sweeping men over board you and the captain were the last two on deck before the ship was submerged into water...water filling your mouth as massive waves swung you wildly...

(What do you do?)

2017-11-12, 01:25 PM
Filef notices his sudden failure and his mind quickly races for a solution. Then, suddenly, he realizes that he has to do what must be done!
Filef casts Light on an arrow and shoots it high into the sky!

Ok so I cast light on my arrow and I shoot it straight up (obviously I'm trying to attract anything to my location, the Tarrasque would suffice)
So I make an attack roll
Damage roll (I dunno, do I hit a bird lol)
Swim check (so I can like, not drown n stuff)

2017-11-13, 11:43 AM
The arrow soars high and is whisked away from the wind. The ship starts tipping over plunging deep into the waters deeps as waves. Your in the ocean now as the ship sinks to the bottom massive waves still appear above...

(Dc15 to hold your breathe.)

2017-11-13, 06:09 PM
Fort Save? [roll0]
I want to swim out so I don't get pushed down by the boat Swim: [roll1]
Let's go a lil farther out coz y not. Swim: [roll2]

2017-11-13, 07:17 PM
Try as you might you couldn’t seem to get up as you flailed widely. Yours eyes closing breath drawing to an end. You feel a dull fire in your body burst to life right before you lost consciousness...

You awoke feeling ragged and Hungry. Your body exhausted. You were lying face down in a beach sand caked onto your face and hair. Looking around on the island it was small. Maybe 15 miles all around.

(What do you do?)

2017-11-13, 09:34 PM
All OoC, coz what am I going to talk to? The air elemental?
Let's search for my items, do I still have everything? [roll0]
What time is it? Can I re-prepare spells?

2017-11-13, 09:45 PM
All OoC, coz what am I going to talk to? The air elemental?
Let's search for my items, do I still have everything? [roll0]
What time is it? Can I re-prepare spells?

lol there is nobody around so just actions. Also wasn’t air elemental there was a big storm and that normally comes with high winds :) you have everything that’s was on you nothing that was in any contain that was held on to your body. It’s about 10am and go for spell prep I don’t mind lol

2017-11-13, 10:02 PM
Cool, then let's pray for spells and...
Switch out Deathwatch for Endure Elements
Detect Magic for Create Water

Then it'll be 4PM, so let's figure out what to look for i.e do I know of the existence of coconuts? Know. Nature [roll0]
Then (depending on that check) we'll search for food items [roll1] (If this doesn't succeed, let's hunt fish)

Uh, let's spot for fish...
[roll2] If we see fish, lets try to shoot one.

Fish it is! Did I hit?

Uh what time is it now?

2017-11-15, 12:21 PM
The strange brown objects at the top of the trees confuse you. No luck finding food in the forest you catch a large fish! Big enough to satisfy you with the coming darkness of night. The newfound island a little eerie in the darkness...

(What do you do?)

2017-11-15, 06:53 PM
Only the most proven of survival tactics!

Filef notes the lack of brush and decides that it would be best not to attract beasts of the night, so he begins to dig a hole, large enough to fit both him and his luggage.

Lets dig a hole!
[roll0] Dig Without Tools (On the ground, not in the sand)
[roll1] Hide ;)

2017-11-16, 11:24 AM
lol xD

You construct a very poor hole like before barely able to get down to your knees in but you hide into the pathetic hole with surprising skill.

Morning comes without any dangers. It’s time to explore the island or make a rescue fire.

(Or something lol what do you do?)

2017-11-18, 08:36 PM
Let's search the island perimeter
[roll0] (Search)

then lets hunker down (again)
Hole: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]

Dang, apparently Filef does nothing but hide I guess.

2017-11-22, 10:14 AM
Worried About filef Lol

Walking around the island you don’t notice Anything, in the center rises a small mountain though. Another day passes with ease.

(Next morning.)

What do you do?

2017-11-25, 10:20 PM
Filef is struck with an odd sense of being watched, and accordingly makes a shelter without regard to anything that might spot him

Going to take 20 on making that hole, and constructing a trapdoor to put over it.
No Hide check tonight, but a spot

2017-11-26, 09:30 AM
As night comes around you hear a loud sniffing sound above you. It’s a large beast above you. It casually walks to and from where you are. Giving a grunt two more of the same creature run out. But smaller. Maybe it’s children. It doesn’t seem interested in you though as it walks over to the trees and gives it a shake dropping some brown objects you have no clue of. They eat them after opening it.

Islands pretty safe fliggi lol. Until later that is lol. You don’t need to hide for the night around this area ;)

2017-11-26, 10:29 PM
Figgli Filef gets up (the next morning) and notes the presence of other humanoids. Thinking to himself, he determines that contact with them would harmful (hurting your friends is not a good way to be friends for long) and figures that, while he couldn't create a sufficient escape craft, he could very well thrive on his own.

Let's go towards the mountain in the center, and start to tunnel in it. Taking 20 for the day

2017-11-27, 12:47 PM
As you approached the mountains you noticed a little cave before you can tunnel in. The area is barren. Some animal bones lying around. Some of the looked like the beasts from the night before. Their is a fant smell of death around this area.

(What do you do?)

2017-11-27, 04:01 PM
Filef notes the existence of a killer here, and he decides that whatever live here is off and must surely come back, but he would like this home for himself.

Stealthily, Filef digs a hole and hides, lying in wait for an intruder.
[roll0] Hole Roll
[roll1] Hide Roll.

2017-11-29, 12:52 PM
You see a beast come back to the cave with a small deer carcass in its more running into the cave. Another follows behind with a pair of rabbits.


What do you do?

Also as a side note if you looked into the cave you see it goes down pretty deep.

2017-12-01, 11:16 PM
Filef peers over the rock, and fires at the first one twice
How far away are they?


2017-12-02, 07:15 AM
Both arrows embedded into his scaly hide blood pouring down. He roars and looks towards the rock .

Listen [roll1]
Other felldrake
[roll2] spot
[roll]1d20=5 listen

Checking these rolls :3

2017-12-02, 07:18 AM
Dm error lol

The wounded drake and his companion runs to the rock were he heard you from as he comes over your hiding place remains undiscovered from the beast towering over you.

(What do you do?):smallbiggrin:

2017-12-04, 07:43 PM
Filef starts to sweat. Carefully, he looks up at the monstrosities and wishes that he could be hidden.

Let's cast obscuring mist, and make a hide check just in case.
Hide [roll0]

2017-12-07, 06:59 PM
Eyes filled with rage is roars and runs back to pick up his prey and runs back into the cave. Leaving you hiding behind the rock.

(What do you do?)

Both of the beasts ran back into the cave.

2017-12-11, 05:06 PM
Filef, now calmed, pick up his bow and wanders deep into the cave.

2017-12-12, 09:24 AM
Soon after you follow the drakes into the cave you hear some growling and faint roars. Peering around the corner you see another 5 drakes four of them different from the ones you encountered the last one looks to be the biggest and there leader. The cave is lined with animal bones. What do you do?

Also if you want to get off the island you can climb the mountain and look around. Hint hint

2017-12-12, 03:21 PM
Filef, properly frightened heads back to the entrance of the cave, and lies in wait for them to come out...
I want the xp though... going to try to pick them off as they come back out

2017-12-12, 04:20 PM
Remember I reward exp for a lot of different things :) Also you have some spells that could help ya out there for combat ;)

Night falls as one of the new drakes emerged bigger then the one before. But alone. What do you do?


2017-12-13, 07:29 PM
Filef summons the wisp away from himself and has it fire at the drake
((Hopefully this will distract it well enough)) he thinks

I don't think it has an attack bonus, but
HP: [roll0]
Atk: [roll1]
Dmg: 1
Concentration: [roll2] (DC 11)

2017-12-14, 11:16 AM
it gains +1 ac and +1 to hit every level. Forgot to mention that sorry. :smallredface:

The fire bolt misses its target. Seeing the fire wisp the drake spits acid to it!


The acid hits true. Killing the fire wisp quickly.

(What do you?)

2017-12-14, 10:00 PM
Filef, cursed by his luck, swiftly decides to conjure another one ((Maybe this time he can't attack again)
HP: [roll0]
Atk: [roll1]
Concentration DC 11: [roll2]
Dmg: 1

2017-12-14, 10:46 PM
The drake jumps dodging the bolt and closes in on the wisp and bites at it with its large jaws.


The wisp takes a hard hit but holds on! (Wisp 1hp)

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 12:58 PM
Filef notes to take care of the drake's apparent weakness and moves the wisp upwards (30 ft iirc) upon which he has the flame fire. He then breaths at the drake and attempts to go unseen.

The wisp has its own actions, right? In which case...
-Move: move out of drake melee range
-Standard: Fire [roll0] 1pt dmg
-Standard: Breath atk vs drake DC 10 fort
-Free: Bluff (if he noticed me attacking) [roll1]
-Free: Hide [roll2] EDIT: I forgot a -20 penalty for sniping

2017-12-15, 02:31 PM
[roll0] fort save

2017-12-15, 02:33 PM
The drake is unaffected by both breath and fire! Seeing the wisp fly up he spits acid to it!


The acid connects with the wisp killing it.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 08:55 PM
Filef quickly takes advantage of the diversion! He lifts his bow and fires!
Atk: [roll0]
Atk2: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]
Dmg2: [roll3]

Hide (-20 for snipe) [roll4]

2017-12-15, 09:06 PM
Your second arrow pricked his hide. Not doing any lasting damage. He turns his gaze to you and moves.

(He took a 30 foot move. Still out of melee range from you.)

(What do you do?)

2017-12-15, 09:43 PM
In a cunning attempt to hinder his opponent, Filef then wets the ground with a create water spell
((This way, the monster might slip on the wet dirt!)) he thought, and then took a step back
I think I can't directly beat him, so I'm going to try and do a bunch of tricks to not get into melee. This time I'm creating mud (maybe? dunno what the ground looks like) so he can't charge me and might slip in it. Might. Filef isn't exactly the brightest.

EDIT: Also moving back 20 ft.

2017-12-15, 10:00 PM
It was the mountain in the center of the island some trees but mainly stone. Just be careful. :)

It pauses looking at the water and smelling it. Then looks up at you as you retreated back a little. Not interested he wonders into the forest not impressed by you.

(What do you do?)

2017-12-16, 02:14 PM
Filef looks at the fleeting creature and gives a silent prayer to boccob, carefully, as to not disturb any other creatures, he climbs a nearby tree and begins to rest.
Oof that was close. Going to regain my spells/abilities, and I'm going to prepare
Create Water x3 (Metagaming aside, it's some kind of drake repellent)
Summon Monster I x2
Inflict Light Wound x1
Disguise Self x1 (It's literally the only useful one here, outside of Detect Secret Doors and Magic Aura

2017-12-16, 03:08 PM
You awake early in the morning to see a bright light at the top of the mountain then it vanished. You see footprints of creatures that walked passed you during the night.

(What do you do this fine morning?)

2017-12-16, 03:48 PM
My magic shall not be judged by a mere beast! Filef said resoloutley. Such a thing deserves death! Maybe then I could rise it as an undead spawn.

Filef gets down from his perch and proceeds (yet again!) into the cave.
Getting very persistent here lol. I'm not leaving until I kill it!

2017-12-18, 11:29 AM
Yea I see that lol.

Entering the cave once more you see a green drake one like the two you encounter earlier. Sleeping. A dozen feet away is another.

(What do you do)

2017-12-19, 02:58 PM
Filef moves towards the beast and strikes it with his finger, wracking it with pain! (Casting Inflict Light Wounds)

Atk: [roll0] (touch attack)
Dmg: [roll1]

2017-12-19, 05:26 PM
It jerks awake with the pain and looks for its attacker!

(What do you do?)

why didn’t you summon a wisp before you attacked xD

2017-12-20, 10:11 AM
Filef channels his magic, determined not to cower amongst the weak, and fires!
It failed him before! Filef is smarter than to let it fail him again!
I shoot him twice, and take a 5' step back (thus denying full attack)

2017-12-20, 11:16 AM
The arrow pricked him not leaving lasting dmg. He attacks you!


Listen check from sleeping one


The second one opens its eyes and looks at you attacking his brethren.

(Your up.)

2017-12-20, 12:10 PM
Filef, not taking himself for a fool, dashes for cover and summons a beast to decoy the defenders
Summoning a Celestial Giant Fire Beetle, and I'm going to go hide :smallsmile:
Hide: [roll0]

2017-12-20, 01:12 PM

One finds your position and goes after you. The other moving to engage the beetle.

2017-12-20, 01:15 PM
Injured one attacking the beetle

None injured one attacks you.

2017-12-21, 08:00 PM
Filef continues the attack, shouting to his summon to "beat face" or what his best translation to celestial had him say.
Taking a 5' step back and full-attacking (again)
Atk: [roll0]
Atk2: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]
Dmg2: [roll3]

Having the summon attack as well & smite (it winks out next round). That is, if my translation to celestial works out ok :smallsmile:
Atk: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

2017-12-23, 12:03 PM
You attacks hit. The injured one badly hurt as the one attacking you takes an arrow into its hide.

They attack again!

To you
To bug

Your turn

2017-12-28, 11:03 PM
The bug dissipates, leaving behind but a small wisp of air (no effect). Filef steps back again and fires!

taking a 5ft step back.
Atk: [roll0]
Atk2: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2] (i've been forgetting PBS applies
Dmg2: [roll3]

2017-12-29, 09:49 AM
As the wisp vanishes the injured drake moves in to flank you as the one your engaged with fights back!


Injured one has 4 hp left one your Fighting has 13 hp left

Your turn :)

2017-12-29, 09:34 PM
Filef, desperate for survival, erupts in a tower of flame as he attempts to buy time
Using the cloak flame part. Making concentration DC 11

2017-12-29, 09:52 PM
[roll0] cloak time

2017-12-29, 09:54 PM
The drake in front of you shrieks as the flame burns him and backs up. Both beasts wait outside the fires range waiting for an opening to attack you.


7 turns left on your cloak.

Your up

2017-12-31, 03:02 PM
Whoah! This is great! Watch out buddies!
Filef then moves closer to the injured drake, intent on ending it.

5ft step towards injured drake
Atk1: [roll0]
Atk2: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]
Dmg2: [roll3]

2018-01-01, 11:01 AM

Killing the injured drake the second Attacks!

[roll4] dmg from cloak.

(Your turn)

2018-01-02, 02:06 PM
Muahaha! I choose you! Go forth, my servant!

(Casting Summon Monster I for Giant Fire Beetle)

2018-01-02, 03:03 PM
The drake feeling out numbered and overwhelmed shrieks and runs away from you.

(Provoked an AoO use wisely)

2018-01-02, 07:06 PM
No! Die errant fool! You shall pay!
Atk1: [roll0]
Atk2: [roll1]
Dmg1: [roll2]
Dmg2: [roll3]

Buggie: Smite
[roll5] (if evil, 2d4 if not)

2018-01-03, 07:20 AM
Your attacks missed the drake leaving you alone with the dead one.

(What do you do?)

2018-01-08, 01:55 PM
Your attacks missed the drake leaving you alone with the dead one.

(What do you do?)

Hey get back here! I will sta- phew I need to rest.

going to rest and prepare spells. Switching out Summon Monster (x2) for ILW (x2)

2018-01-08, 02:17 PM
going to keep hunting drakes?

The night passes by with minor noises. Not able to find you during the night you awaken safely the next morning.

2018-01-13, 11:44 PM
Filef butchers the beast up to his medium load (~40 pounds) and climbs the mountain, eager to find a use for the food

Sorry for being so slow... I don't think I'll commit drake-genocide... for now :smalltongue:

2018-01-31, 02:22 PM
Hey mr. Goatysburg! Take a look at the OOC

2018-03-16, 12:46 AM
Heading farther up the mountain the sun begins to set as you arrive towards the top. You see the summit approaching as you feel a sense of danger. At the peak of the mountain is a small crater in the center is a baby red dragon. Trying to breath fire at the sky. But sadly only manages a few spurts of Fire.

He seems to not be able to unleash his full powers. His body is the size of a horse. But he is still clearly young for being a dragon species.

(What do you?)

2018-03-18, 03:57 PM
Filef, knowing the imminent danger of such a beast, approaches the dragon carefully, making sure not to appear as dinner, especially as he heaved the (dragon) meat. Trying to evade harmful interaction, he offers the meat, in an attempt for kinship.

2018-03-18, 03:58 PM
(OOPS!) Handle Animal: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1] (bad breath)

2018-03-18, 04:10 PM
The baby dragon looks at you it’s eyes hinting slight sadness of not being able to breath out fire yet. The baby dragon walks up to you his large body taller then yourself. He stops a little bit away and looks at what you offer him. But it doesn’t interest him.

He walks away while trying to breath fire once again. It’s clear he isn’t hostile to you.

2018-03-18, 04:47 PM
Filef was determined to befriend the dragon, after all, killing it would be too immoral. Dropping the meat, filef spoke to it in halfling: Can you hear me? he asked, waiting for a response.

2018-03-18, 04:57 PM
The red wyrmling looks at you and tilts it’s head sideways. Speaking in a draconic language not understanding you. As it goes back trying to breath out fire once’s more only getting very faint embers.

2018-03-20, 10:40 PM
Filef shrugs and gets down to sleep. Maybe he'd understand the dragon by morning he thought.

Filef doesn't attempt a hide check since he trusts his safety with the dragon

((Changing Spells! Is now...
-Disguise Self
-Comprehend Languages
-Endure Elements
-Create Water
-Detect Magic))

2018-04-10, 11:33 PM
Divine Maginfiecent Cargo? :slydmgrin: (divine fires.)

You awake feeling refreshed and safe.

(What do you do for today?)